#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]
ijustwantaspnnamepls · 7 months
I need to I need to rant about this friggen spn finale. And not because of the finale-- but because of the fandom. Ya’ll are killing me.
Why does everyone seem so surprised that this show ended with Sam and Dean? This show has always been about the two of them-- It started with them, it makes sense that it would end with them-- and the whole friggen middle was about them, too. Were Cas and Jack a huge part? Yes. Obviously. But everyone in the show acknowledged that if push came to shove the brothers would always choose each other over the world. The whole ordeal with Chuck only proved that-- they only sacrificed each other after the had sacrificed the world-- they had nothing left to give up but their relationship. Thats the only reason they offered it.
Also-- no offence, this show has always, always prioritized platonic love over romantic? If Destiel became canon, Castiel would have died within the next episode or so because that's what happens to all the love interests ever. And this is also my problem with wincest-- it would have never been romantic. The main emotions of this show have never been romantic. The only time they ever were was with Jess and she literally died in the first episode.
Also also, their endings were very fitting? Deans happy ending was to live his life with Sam, and he did. Sam’s happy ending was to live a normal life. He did. And in the end, they both were together in Heaven. (not as soul mates, because jack ripped down the walls and stuff buts thats a diff discussion) This is the only way they would have both managed to get their happy ending, and be together in the end.
Obviously, the finale had its problems. But yall are acting like this finale was the worst thing in the world. Like they completely uprooted the whole point of the show. Chill. Thats not the problem with it. Its like, the opposite-- Cass is with Jack, Dean is with Sam, everybody’s happy. I love vanilla but this is like, the classic metaphoric vanilla ending.
The whole relationship between the brothers is Sam learning to Prioritize Dean’s form of love-- his co-dependency and over protectiveness, while Dean learns to respect Sam’s form of love, a little more independent and based on trust. Instead they both get their form of love, instead of giving it up to show that they love each other more than they love their... love. I hope that made sense.
Thus, they both get what they want and don’t have to give up a part of themselves for each other. Its too much cake.
Regardless, it was still a fairy tale level of happy endings.
Edit: this whole last part I added like two seconds after I posted sorry
There was literally no other way to end the show, and adding a secondary relationship, like cas and/or jack would have taken away from the fact that the show has always been about them. The only time they came close to introducing a secondary relationship was when they showed Bobby, but even then he was just there to explain the perfectness of haven. He was a good character choice for that role because he was important to Dean, but that role wasn’t created because of his importance to Dean.
I keep reading posts about how the theme was found family-- also lies. This show was never about Found family or real family-- It’s A Terrible Life (Dean Smith and Sam Wesson ep) shows us that its not about how they’re related by blood-- it’s just because they’re Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean choose each other over their parents too. Blood has nothing to do with it. Cass and Jack show that it’s not about found Family. because they choose each other over that too. and Adam shows us it’s not about brotherly love.
So in the end, obviously it was going to end with Sam and Dean. Other than Bobby and like, child dean, no one else is in the episode. Because it’s not about romance, and its not about family, it’s about Sam and Dean. It’s always been about Sam and Dean. When did people lose sight of this?
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sunrayretriever · 8 months
ok so im gonna put this one under a read more since its just my thoughts and not actually like. safety information that everyone should know (again nobody is obligated to read especially this because its fucking long and just a heads up im gonna get kinda gruesome so :\ but if u read all the way thru then u are a real one and i wanna kiss u sloppy style
meyah okay so. follower, come here im gonna tell u something. im not a professional. im not a meteorologist. all of my research and information is found online and by myself. but i have seen the damage that the earth inflicts on us. it is not an act of god, and i really dont care for when people say 'mother nature is pissed'. this is real. this is real life. the damage done to people is real. lives are torn apart. entire families are wiped away with the debris of their poorly constructed homes. if you survive, theres a million different ways you could be injured, and not just physically. the trauma, the grief, the emotional pain of losing not only lives but your home, your business, your car, your pets, your livestock, your city's infrastructure, your community... to lose it all is something that makes me choke up just thinking about..
ive seen videos of people huddled in shelters above ground screaming and crying and praying and the sound of wind and glass crashing and debris flying and sirens going off is pure horror.
something even more terrifying is videos of people STANDING NEAR WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS AND EVEN OUTSIDE during tornadoes. glass nails 2x4s bricks furniture cars. they become bullets in those winds. wood can get embedded in telephone poles. do you know how incredible that is? its hard for even me to believe!!! and here in the united states IT HAPPENS PRETTY OFTEN!!
cw im about to show u destroyed houses!! click away now if u dont wanna see but i really wanna show anyone who DOES wanna know abt the damage these fuckers cause!!!
so i want you to imagine here. this is your neighborhood. let's say we have an EF5, the most intense a tornado can get. now, a tornado can be rated an EF5, but that doesn't mean it does EF5 level damage THE WHOLE WAY. shall we take a look at how your neighbors houses fared?
mmkay so here we have EF0 level damage. about 35-40% of the tornadoes in the united states are rated this level.
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not too bad! shingles are replaceable!
as we go on we pass by a house with EF1 level damage.
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whoa! 35% of tornadoes in the US are this level!! but it's JUST the framing of the roof, right? thank goodness the house stayed mainly intact! hopefully everyone followed their safety plan and got to shelter right away!
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looks like the house a couple miles down got hit with EF2 level damage.. their entire roof was blown right off, exposing the whole house and everything in it to rain, hail, wind and debris from the tornado... but its just the roof, right? i mean, only between 15-19% of tornadoes get this strong...
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EF3 level damage. 6% of tornadoes are this level. everything but some walls and the roof were destroyed. where will that family live now? who's going to help them clean up?
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EF4 level damage. almost all above-ground structures are vulnerable to a tornado of this strength. this was a well-built, permanent home. look at how the tree snapped. these winds can uproot the entire thing. thats a 4ft+ tall projectile. thank god only about 1.1% of tornadoes in the US are this strong... but what could be stronger than that?
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EF5 level damage. 0.1% tornadoes are this strength. the last one on record was in 2013, moore oklahoma. it destroys virtually everything in its path, and can rip people out of their basements if their door isnt reinforced. the memories from that home are gone. completely gone. there are appliances and vehicles that were never found from tornadoes this intense.
and these are well anchored, permanent houses. mobile homes were destroyed and twisted back in the EF2 level. anything above that turns them into smithereens. lost to the mercy of the winds.
"so james," you say my lovely follower, "what's the whole takeaway from this? what's the point?"
and i grab your hand very gently. and i look you in the eyes. autism be damned, we are locking eyes. and i ask you this:
what if it was you? would you know what to do? are you weather aware? do you have a plan on where to go when your towns tornado sirens go off? does your own even HAVE tornado sirens? what about your pets? the people you love? do they know?
for a while i felt bad for.. trying to spread this around. i felt like i was being a downer. i dont know why but it felt taboo to talk about... i dont know if it makes people uncomfortable or scared but.. it needs to be talked about. we cannot stop the weather from doing this but we can make sure we're safe. we can keep ourselves safe.
i don't want you to be afraid of these storms. i know plenty of people who have a fear of severe weather. fuck, for the first 23 years of my life i was one of them! when the tornado sirens would go off, even for a routine test, my stomach would turn and i would panic. after the 2022 december tornado outbreak, i was watching the news and i heard about the damage caused. i thought 'what in the world could do something so devastating?' and i think it changed my life forever. i went from fearing them to ACTIVELY WANTING TO SEEK THEM OUT. and not only is everything about weather fucking awesome, i know how to keep myself and everyone i care about safe. i can tell my dad when to get ready to go to the shelter before the sirens go off. i can check the radar and tell my friends in other states how big the hail is gonna be before it even gets there.
and it.. really wasn't hard. even a basic sense of weather safety can help. knowing myths from facts helps EVEN MORE!
the earth is so beautiful, my friend. a tornado swirling around in a desolated field in kansas is something that even in video takes my breath away. when it rains, i run outside to see the rainbow that usually forms afterward.
but with this beauty comes a price.
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if you had to introduce yourself through four books, what books would be they be? tagged by @metamatar thank u so much and i am v sorry for taking so long with responding to this <3
i am paralized by choices fr, but i think what rhu said in their post was also true that books you read when you're a teenager stick the longest. unfortunately for me one of the major ones was harry potter from which i have relentlessly disassociated over time so now that feels like no way to introduce myself. anyway
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. look i know it's not even my favourite (yeah, shockingly, my favourite is Mansfield Park) one amongst all of the books she wrote, but this was the first one i read, the first one i thought of when i thought ✨romance✨. i shudder to call it enemies to lovers also because the dynamic is so unique and the subject of every author's envy since miss austen dropped this beat in 1813. also you guys have no idea how much of my personality is inspired by this one, i have simply invented myself through the yearning and love that austen put in me. i wrote my master's thesis on emma.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik. this book saved my life during my master's. i had just gone through three years of undergraduate, and anyone who has studied literature will tell you that studying literature kind of sucks the life out of it. to discover it again takes something, and naomi novik entered my life, looked me in the eye, and said, "you're gonna fuckin love this. enemies to lovers, beauty and the beast, language based magic system, everything you love." and i fuckin fell for it, i was changed dramatically, i read all of the new age fantasy fiction of the fantasy renaissance. as u can see im just a romance gal.
Milk Teeth by Amrita Mahale. i hesitate to put this because i only read it this year, but since it's been living rent free in my mind since, i suppose we will just have say it's one of Those Ones. im not even sure if this one is as well written as it could have been but there were so many moments that made me feel like the author was crawling into my own skin, so, you know. the protagonist of the story was so interesting, the premise was so interesting, the dilemma and the political decision was so well framed,,,,, it is simply living in my mind since then.
The House that BJ Built by Anuja Chauhan. its basic and i know everyone's favourite is Those Pricey Thakur Girls but this one also happened to me and it just ushered in new kinds of reading for me. i know this is an unpopular opinion but loving delhi is such a central part of me that it just feels good to read about someone who falls in love in this city. also the protagonist is my absolute favourite, Bonu has my whole heart. i know she has like problems, i remember @whatdoesthefuturebehold and i had like a chat about it, but i can't help it, it's just my jam,,,,
The Truth by Terry Pratchett. sorry for cheating a little but i love this one so much. it's just got the best of pratchett in it, everything i love. meditations on the social contract, a printing press, fun romps with newspapers and the state of our reading public. plus that standard terry pratchett flair of just. militant decency. i know it makes sense as a standalone, but, holy shit, i'd have loved a sequel. i also struggled so much between putting this or tiffany aching, but i think i covered loving witches in Uprooted so you know, figured i'd throw in my love for print cultures.
shoutout to the Book of Indian Folk Tales of which i cannot remember the author. it's lying in my home in lucknow somewhere, i may post about it later. anyway thats me <3. let me tag @readingthenight @half-past-late @infantisimo and @khlur
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prof-peach · 3 years
Apparently I may have accidentally put this on my own stuff, sorry if this is a double submission but -
I’ve got a question - how did you know it was grass-types you cared so much about? I’ve been trying to find my own niche as a trainer and all I’ve been getting is Things That Act Like Dragons But Aren’t! (Feraligatr has dragon blood in him, you can’t change my mind)
It's not a double, is cool.
I guess there were options, I grew up on a fire type farm, in an area rampant with fire types themselves, so like, I was suppose to go down that route in theory? At least thats what my family thought I'd do.
But I got seriously stressed out as a teenager. A lot of responsibility on my shoulders, of which I did not want. My stress took over, I was spending every day on a knifes edge, more so as I joined in with the Rangers, it was all consuming, I was so angry all the time, constantly picking fights, doing stuff that was reckless and dumb.
And then one day I got the chance to do something slower. Grow a grass type from seed, not conventionally hatch them from an egg. The process was slow, and tedious at first, requiring a lot of patience, caring for the seed as it grew forced me to slow down and just try to focus on the now, and set up positive things for the close future, thinking ahead in a way that wasn't all doom and gloom, or a mountain of seemingly unobtainable tasks.
That seed eventually grew to a big Chikorita, uprooted and became a partner to me, and still lives on this island right now after all the years, aiding with care and company of others. I bought her seed from a garden centre, they'd lost the tag of what her variant was, giving me a really nice surprise, and my first true look into the adaptability of grass pokemon.
I must admit, they're not the group I love to work with the most, but they're the group that suits my lifestyle a lot, and gives me great peace. Tending them, handling dirt, having sweat and physical labour fill my time, it keeps me mentally focused on tasks, that are engaging but not stressful to do. I however don't actually have any grass pokemon on my core team as fighters anymore, they all have been retired or released.
I try to think of it like a cook in a burger place. They probably like burgers sure, and they can cook 'em real well too! but they don't just cook those and only those y'know? You're allowed to study one thing, and be good at your job, then go and enjoy other stuff. I work with grass types, I handle them all day and specialise in them sure! but it doesn't mean my team, or my free time is crammed with them too. You're allowed to do many things in your life, and picking one aspect doesn't mean you have to miss out on other stuff.
Whatever you choose, make sure it suits your preferred method of learning, and covers an area you enjoy. This doesn't mean you're stuck in that field forever, you can change your work focus, and it also doesn't mean your whole life has to wrap up around it entirely. Work-life balance is important, maybe you love those dragon-blooded non-dragon types, but like, spend your free time doing other stuff if thats what floats your boat.
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Out Of Time ~ 128
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,500ish
Summary: Tony works to save Dr. Strange and Y/N. The fugitive Avengers find their way to the compound. (gifs aren’t mine)
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As the alien started guiding the piece of pavement towards the giant circular ship, the cloak that was around Strange tore itself free and flew the piece of pavement away.
“No!” The alien yelled, following after it.
Iron Man and Spider-Man were both fighting off the large alien in the nearby park Tony had crashed into, when the pavement piece flew passed. All Tony could see was the cloak and the alien following, so he knew it was Strange and that he was in trouble.
“Kid, that’s wizard,” Tony told Peter, blocking an attack. “Get on it.”
“On it!” Peter replied, quickly swinging in that direction.
Spider-Man chased after the skinny alien, who was floating speedily and upright on a small platform of burbling debris. Swinging in between the pavement and the alien, Peter tried to tie up the alien. The alien attacked back, throwing a billboard at Spider-Man.
“Not cool!” Peter responded.
The alien bent all the utility poles in the path of the feeing clock, finally snagging the garment and ripping it loose of the pavement. Spider-Man re-arrived on the scene, finally noticing something.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? We have a problem,” Peter’s nervous voice rang over the comms.
“What is is kid?” Tony replied, still fighting off the larger alien. “I’m kinda in the middle—“
“Both the wizard and Miss Rogers are unconscious on the floating piece of road.”
“What?! I’ll be right there!”
Peter swung down to the pavement and stood on it, careful to not step on Strange or Y/N. Bending down, he went to break Y/N free when a cone of blue light began to pull the group upwards. Spider-Man jumped off, grabbing onto the nearest light post while using his webbing to try and keep the piece of pavement in place. The alien quickly uprooted the light post, sending Dr. Strange, the cloak, Y/N, and Peter on their way to the circular ship.
“Uhhh, Mr. Stark?” Peter called again. “I’m being beamed up!”
“Hang on, kid!” Tony responded.
Before Tony could fly over there, the giant alien he was fighting pinned Tony to the ground by his hammer that doubled as a claw. As the giant jumped towards Iron Man, blades ready to end the fight, he was sent through a portal instead. The alien turned and leaped  to return back through the portal, but Wong rapidly closed it and only the giant’s severed hand made its way back to the park. Bruce kicked the hand way with a noise of disgust. Iron Man then shook himself free of the weapon.
“Wong, you’re invited to my future wedding!” Tony exclaimed before beginning to fly towards the large ship. “Give me a little juice, FRIDAY.”
Iron Man’s foot thrusters suddenly morphed together into a single larger thruster, increasing his speed considerably. 
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Peter, not being able to keep hold of the pavement piece, was hanging onto the ship as it flew up into space. The alien and the piece of pavement with Strange and Y/N on it, had disappeared into the ship. Tony knew that Peter wasn’t going to be able to hold on or breathe for much longer.
“Unlock 17-A,” Tony ordered FRIDAY. “Pete, you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.”
“But you said save the wizard!” Peter responded. Gasping from lack of oxygen, Peter ripped off his mask. “I can’t breathe!”
“You’re too high up. You’re running out of air.”
“Yeah! That makes sense.”
Quickly, Peter passed out, free-falling, but not before the pod Tony had set out reached him. It attached itself to him, becoming a new suit. Now being able to breathe, Spider-Man landed on the bottom part of the ship.
“Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!” Peter commented.
“Happy trails, kid,” Tony replied. “FRIDAY, send him home.”
“Yep,” FRIDAY answered.
A large parachute extended from the new Spider-Man suit, spending him back towards earth.
“Oh, come on!” Peter shouted.
Iron Man latched onto the hull and cut a hole to board the ship, looking for wherever Strange and Y/N were taken.
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“Boss, I have lifeforms detected in the ship,” FRIDAY informed. “One of them is most likely Agent Rogers.”
“Can you tell me if she’s breathing?”
A pause. “It appears she is.”
“Okay… I need you to—“
“I’m sorry, Boss, but we seem to be losing connection. We’re too far away from—“ Then FRIDAY”s line cut.
“Still no word from Vision?” The holographic image of Secretary Ross asked Rhodey. Rhodey was at the compound, dealing with the red tape.
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh,” Rhodey replied.
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals.”
“You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?”
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.”
“If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here.”
“I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel.”
“That's right. And I'm pretty sure I've paid for that.”
“You have second thoughts?”
“Not anymore.”
Suddenly, the fugitive Avengers (Sam, Wanda, Nat, and Steve) entered the room. Vision was being supported by Sam.
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“Mr. Secretary,” Steve greeted, firmly.
“You got some nerve,” Ross said, hologram walking up to the Captain. “I’ll give you that.”
“You could use some of that right now,” Natasha replied.
“The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?”
“I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission,” Steve stated. “Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight.” He took a step towards the hologram. “And if you wanna stand in our way… we’ll fight you too.” 
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Ross turned to Rhodes. “Arrest them.”
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“All over it,” Rhodey responded before swiping off the hologram. “That’s a court-martial. It’s great to see you, Cap.”
The two men hugged. “You too, Rhodey,” Steve responded before Natasha went to hug Rhodey.
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“Well. You guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years.”
“Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star,” Sam commented.
“Uh, I think you look great,” Bruce nervously walked in from the opposite end of the room. “Uh… heh… Yeah. I’m back.”
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“Hi, Bruce,” Nat greeted softly.
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“This is awkward,” Sam whispered.
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Steve looked around. “Has anyone heard from Y/N?” He asked. “She’d want to know—“
“She’s missing too, Steve,” Bruce interrupted. “When I found Tony to get his help, Y/N was with him.”
“She was… she was with him? But Y/N’s a fugitive as well. How—“
“Mr. Stark and Miss Rogers have been sneaking around,” Vision cut Steve off.
“What?!” Steve and Rhodey exclaimed.
“It’s been happening for about a year now.”
“Miss Rogers has been seeing Boss and Sergeant Barnes,” FRIDAY clarified. “Trying to work through her feelings.”
“Thats… and she never…” Steve was at a loss for words.
“You didn’t try to reach out to her either, Cap,” Sam said. “You even knew she was staying in Wakanda. T’Challa told you. And you refused to reach out.”
“What happened?” Steve asked, looking at Bruce.
“She got captured,” Bruce explained. “Tony went after the ship to protect her and the Time Stone.”
“Why don’t we take this into the other room?” Rhodey suggested. “Perhaps get you guys something to drink.”
They went into the next room over, each standing or sitting around the room. Bruce explained more of what happened and the other group explained what happened to them.
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“So we gotta assume they’re coming back, right?” Rhodey questioned.
“And they can clearly find us,” Wanda added.
“We need all hands on deck,” Bruce stated. “Where’s Clint?”
“After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal,” Nat answered. “It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest.”
“Who’s Scott?”
“Ant-Man,” Steve replied.
“There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look… Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. And he is not gonna stop until he... he gets... Vision's Stone.”
“Well then, we have to protect it,” Nat stated.
“No, we have to destroy it,” Vision said. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps… its molecular integrity could fail.”
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“And you, with it,” Wanda said. “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it.”
“That’s too high a price.”
Vision took Wanda’s face gently with both hands. “With Y/N off world, only you have the power to pay it.” Wanda walked away, distressed. “Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.”
“But it should,” Steve said, looking at Vision. “We don’t trade lives, Vision.”
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?”
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“Because you might have a choice,” Bruce suggested. “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another.”
“You’re saying Vision isn’t just the Stone?” Wanda asked.
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“I'm saying that if we take out the Stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts.”
“Can we do that?” Nat wondered.
“Not me. Not here.”
“You better find someone, and somewhere fast,” Rhodey said. “Ross isn't exactly just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back.”
“I know somewhere,” Steve stated. “Wakanda. But someone first has to explain how Y/N has anything to do with the Stone.”
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“70 years ago, the Tesseract chose her to be the protector of the Stones,” Vision explained, knowing the story due to housing the Mind Stone in his head. “That’s how she survived the fall. The Tesseract holds the Space Stone. Her powers come for each of the Stones, so she has the power to destroy the Stones, by channeling them. Y/N is able to wield and control the all the Stones.”
“What I showed her…” Wanda said quietly. “It was the Stone… Y/N’s the key to stopping Thanos.”
T’Challa already knew Y/N was missing before Steve had contacted him. With Okoye and two other guards, he made his way to Bucky’s place. Bucky was throwing bags onto a partly-filled car, being watched by two village children.
“You’ll have the Kingsgaurd, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted,” Okoye told T’Challa as they made their way towards Bucky’s small hut. 
“And the Border Tribe?” T’Challa wondered.
“Those that are left.”
“Send word to the Jabari as well. M’Baku likes a good fight.”
“And what of this one?” Okoye looked at Bucky, just down the hill.
“This one may be tired of war. But the White Wolf has rested long enough.”
They made their way to Bucky. The guards set an elaborate and high-tech looking case down on the cart. They opened the lid to reveal the black and gold vibranium arm that Bucky had worn on Valentine’s Day.
Bucky sighed. “Where’s the fight?” He asked.
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“On its way,” T’Challa answered. “And, Barnes…” The King glanced over at Okoye. “There’s something else. It’s about Y/N.”
Bucky was immediately alert. “What is it?”
“She’s missing.”
Dr. Strange was floating horizontally, face down, surrounded by dozens of long, glassy needles, as the alien interrogated him. Y/N was still unconscious, tied to the pavement off to the side.
“In all the time I’ve served Thanos, I’ve never failed him,” the alien told Dr. Strange. “If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be... judgement.” The needles began to contact Dr. Strange’s face, causing pain. “Give me… the Stone.”
Tony was watching, hiding from above. After receiving a tap on the arm, Tony turned around, hand up and ready to shoot. Tony stood stand after seeing that it was the cloak.
“Wow, you’re a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren’t you?” Tony commented.
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“Yeah, un speaking of loyalty…”
Tony and the cloak turn, completely shocked, to see Peter dropping down from above.
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“What the—“
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“I know what you’re gonna say,” Peter interrupted, holding his hands out.
“You should not be here,” Tony stated.
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“I was gonna go home—“
“I don’t wanna hear it.”
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“But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you and Y/N on the way—”
“And now I gotta hear it.”
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“—and I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it’s kinda your fault that I’m here.”
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Both the cloak and Tony looked shocked, again. “What did you just say?”
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“I take that back. And now I’m here in space.”
“Yeah.” Tony went to stand right in front of Peter. “Right where I don’t want you to be. This isn’t Coney Island. This isn't a field trip. It's a one-way ticket. You hear me? Don't pretend like you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through.”
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"No. I did think this through.”
“You could not have possibly thought this through.”
“It's just .. you can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood.” Peter waited to get something from Tony, but nothing. “Okay. That didn't really make any sense, but you know what I'm trying to say.”
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Tony let out a shaky breath. “Come on. We got a situation.” 
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Tony led Peter over to where they could see Dr. Strange, Y/N, and the alien. Peter crouched down to study the situation and the cloak leaned over his shoulder.
“See him down there?” Tony pointed to Dr. Strange. “He’s in trouble. And Y/N laying over there as well. What’s your plan? Go.”
“Um. Okay, okay… uh…” Peter stuttered, trying to think. He and the cloak popped back upright. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
Meanwhile, the Stones were talking to an unconscious Y/N.
“You can’t stop what’s coming… it will come, no matter what. You are being saved for the final battle… we will stop you from doing anything to prevent what needs to happen. What’s supposed to happen… someday, you will understand. There are things meant to be learned, things meant to happen, that we will not let you stop… use your powers wisely.”
She gasped quietly, waking up. Y/N quickly studied her surroundings. She could feel the Time Stone close before she noticed the predicament Dr. Strange was in. The glass spikes were pressing into Strange’s skin, causing him to let out a groan.
“Painful, aren’t they?” The alien taunted. Ebony Maw, the name was, Y/N finally getting inside his head. “They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them—“
There was a thump behind Maw, he turned to see Iron Man standing there. Tony’s hand repulsers were ready to fire. Y/N closed her eyes and focused on getting out of the utility ropes without making a big scene.
“—could end your friend’s life in an instant,” Maw continued.
“I gotta tell you, he’s not really my friend,” Tony responded. “Saving his life is more a professional courtesy.”
“Ah, yes. It’s the girl you’re really after.” Maw walked slowly towards Iron Man, beckoning very large metal objects to float behind him. “Too bad you’ve saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.”
“Yeah, but the kid’s seen more movies.”
Iron Man fired a rocket from his shoulder which pierces the side of the ship to Maw’s right and began to suck everything out with depressurization, including Y/N. She quickly portaled herself to behind Tony, relieving herself from the binds. Maw was sucked out into space quickly. Dr. Strange was pulled loose of his bindings and the needles, also heading for the hole. The cloak quickly wrapped around Dr. Strange, trying to keep him inside. Strange and the cloak lost their grip, but Spider-Man shot a web strand, holding him in place. Or trying to. 
The web broke, sending both Strange and Peter towards space. Suddenly, Peter’s suit releases metal spider-like arms, keeping him from being sucked out. Y/N quickly portaled Strange behind her.
“Yes!” Peter shouted, looking at the metal arms. “Wait, what are those?!”
Using the metal arms, Peter leaped to get to a safer place. Tony quickly sprayed nano-particles onto the hole to plug it. Spider-Man landed on his new legs, quickly retracted them. He found the cloak hovering next to him. 
“Hey, we haven’t officially met,” Peter said, offering the cloak his hand. It ignored it, going straight to Strange. “Cool.”
Tony’s suit quickly disappeared back into the arc reactor as he rushed to Y/N. He grabbed onto her arms, examining her body for any injuries.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” He asked. Tony’s hands found a place on her cheeks. “Tell me you’re—“
“I’m fine, Tony,” she responded. “I’m fine.”
He gave her a kiss before pulling her in for a hug. “I was so worried.”
“I’m fine.” She hugged him back, breathing him in. “I’m fine.”
“We’ve gotta turn this ship around,” Strange stated.
“Yeah. Now he wants to run,” Tony replied. “Great plan.”
“No, I want to protect the Stone.”
Tony walked towards the front window, showing that they were speeding. “And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“For what? Nearly blasting me into space?”
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.”
“Technically it was me,” Y/N added.
“I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet,” Strange scoffed.
“Admit it. You should have ducked out when I told you to,” Tony continued. “I tried to bench you. You refused.”
“I tried to bench your girlfriend, yet she refused as well. And, unlike everyone else in your life, I don’t work for you.”
“And due to that fact, we’re now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.”
“I’m backup,” Peter said, raising his hand.
“No. You’re a stowaway.” Tony pointed his finger between himself and Strange. “The adults are talking.”
“I’m sorry, I’m confused as to the relationship here,” Strange said. “Wh—what is he, your ward?”
“No,” Peter responded. “I’m Peter, by the way.”
“Dr. Strange.”
“Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um... I'm Spider-Man, then."
“Peter,” Y/N muttered, rolling her eyes.
“This ship is self-correcting its course,” Tony stated. “Thing’s on autopilot.”
“Can we control it?” Strange asked, walking closer to Tony. “Fly us home.”
Tony, looking out in space, was lost in bad memories. Of going through the portal, of what Wanda showed him. 
“Tony?” Y/N called softly, stepping towards him. She was concerned. 
“Yeah?” He responded. He met her gaze briefly, quickly looking away cause it was not the time for him to be freaking out or for her to be reading him.
“Can you get us home?” Strange asked.
“Yeah. I heard you. I’m thinking… I’m not so sure we should.”
“What?” Y/N questioned. “Why?”
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos,” Strange stated. “I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here.”
Tony talked over to Strange. “No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back! And I don't know what to do. Because I am not sacrificing Y/N for the sake of the universe, for whatever the Stones have told her is her destiny. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?”
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Strange was silent for a moment. “Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it.”
“Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight.” Tony stepped over to Peter, formally tapping each of Peter’s shoulders. “Alright kid. You’re an Avenger now.”
“You skipped me,” Y/N said, walking up to Strange.
“Excuse me?” He questioned.
“You said that if it came between saving Tony, Peter, or the Time Stone, that you’d choose the Time Stone… but what about me?”
“You and I both know, Y/N, that the Stones will not let you die until you have completed what they need you for. No matter what that may be.”
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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ruluxe · 3 years
hi! idk if you’ve touched on this topic yet or not,, but i rly like reading your thoughts about kagami and his life and family and what not,, so im curious what you think kagami’s dad is like? what kind of person & parent he is? 👀👀
personally, (if i may share), i reckon hes a very ‘traditional’ man... like, he thinks men should work, and women stay in the kitchen, sort of thing. i think he would not be a very nice person, & also quite right wing. i think that, hes very pressed about money and business, and he lives and breathes to work. i reckon he would want kagami to carry in his footsteps w his job,, so i also think hes not very supportive of kagami’s basketball dreams, sadly :( i also think hes a god awful father lol.. he only provides for kagami financially, and thats it. i have so so many thoughts i could go on forever im so sorry SHDH 😭😭 it do be kagami brain rot hours 🥴🥴
Hey thank you so much for this ask! I'm so excited because WOW do I ever love Kagami so much (never thought I would because I didn't the first time around) and he honestly deserves so much better than what he was dealt. I'm glad that he found people that love and care about him and appreciate him for more than just basketball, but also appreciate his basketball too — because that's very important to him.
Kagami's dad is definitely a man who puts work before his child, and it's always been that way. It's easy to speculate about what happened with Kagami's mom — because we don't get any information on her, there are endless things to assume. With Kagami's dad, we see that he was supposed to move in with Kagami when they returned to Japan, but he decided to go back to America, leaving his young son to fend for himself. Even if someone wants to argue that Kagami's dad must feel like he trusts Kagami enough to do that, that he's responsible enough to be left alone — to put that much pressure on a teenager and to leave him to just. Fend for himself is... I don't care how responsible you think your kid is at that age, they still need support and discipline and wisdom and guidance. Something you can't give them if you're not. fucking. there.
We see Kagami alone and without any friends as a child in America too, and no sign of his dad. There's a lot of responsibility and expectation of him, having to grow up and learn how to do things on his own at a very young age. But what about when he needs that support, what about when he looks to the stands and his dad isn't there to see the biggest moments of his life? To congratulate him these milestones, these amazing feats that he's worked so hard to achieve? Sure, we don't see the others' parents but we can assume that they're there — Kagami's father isn't even in the same country.
And don't get me started on how uprooting a child as much as Kagami has had to. Let's take his apartment for example. The barest minimal decor, because why bother making it home when you've never really felt like you had one — when you know you're probably going to have to move again in a year or two. When you've learned not to get attached to anything or anyone because you'll always have to leave them behind. Let's look at his clothes. Simple and plain. Even his shoes he runs into the ground. He doesn't care about money, it's not important to him the way it is to his father. He knows and appreciates how hard his father works, because that's just Kagami, but he also knows what it does to a person and he doesn't want that to be him. His relationships? The very first thing we hear from him is that he's not there to make friends. It's not because of competition or because he's arrogant, it's because he really isn't. The last friend he made hurt him a lot, and he never got to resolve that. In Kagami's mind, the people that hes loved are always choosing things over him — Himuro and basketball, his father and money. That's why he doesn't let anyone in, not truly. Not even Kuroko. And the independence? Aomine's saying may be "the only one who can beat me is me" but Kagami (before learning the power of Friendship in DDZ) might as well be saying "the only one who can do this is me" because the whole time he thinks, even when he's saying that they're a team, that it's him who has to do it. He has to win, he has to bring them to victory, it's him that has to be strong and protect them from loss. These don't make him a bad person at all, but we keep forgetting that he's only 16 and god that's so much shit to put on a teenager and just expect them to figure shit out on their own.
He has to get used to a new city each time, alone, learning/relearning the languages, meeting new people and saying goodbye to old friends and support systems — roots he's had to establish each time on. his. own. That's why I hate the end of Last Game. I'm glad he gets to live his dream, but more than anything I hate to see him having to leave the people he's come to care about so much, the first people we see that truly treat Kagami as a person first, as a friend first before anything else. And it's not even his dad that makes this decision, it's Alex.
I've never really thought much about the type of person Kagami's father would be because he's unimportant and absent in my mind like he is in Kagami's life. I don't think he supports Kagami's dream because he isn't there to see how amazing Kagami is. But even still, I feel as if he'd simply look at it from a monetary perspective. I personally don't think he puts much thought into Kagami's life at all, whether it be his friends or his love life. I do think he'd be traditional in that sense for sure — expect Kagami to find a good looking woman who made her own money but not more than what he'd make, make her sign a prenup if they were to ever get married. He's a superficial man, so when it came to Kagami he'd only care about superficial things, like if he had a high paying, respectable job (basketball is fine as long as he's making bank, and if Kagami wasn't that then he'd better be doing something that doesn't embarrass his father) and a pretty looking wife (doesn't matter what she does as long as it doesn't make him look bad).
Kagami is just. The furthest thing from his dad's mind, all the time. He's cold and neglectful and yeah, a god awful parent because he's just not there for Kagami at all. How many birthdays and other holidays he's missed, how many plays or important moments he's missed. How many times has Kagami really needed someone, like after his fight with Himuro, and had no one there he could talk to, no one to help him mend a broken heart. Where are his hugs when he's hurt, where are the pat on the backs and the "you did great" and "im proud of you son" etc.
Kagami's had to grow up on his own but that's what makes him strong, and I am so proud of him for what he's accomplished and the person he's become. He's amazing, and so warm-hearted and kind, hardworking and driven, despite not having any support to back him up. He could have turned out much differently and he didn't, and I'm so glad for that.
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The Other Lodge | Lodge!reader
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Summary: Your from the Southside and Hiram is your father, you and Veronica don't get along and Hermione has had enough.
It was bad enough you had to live with them, but now Hiram wanted to show you around along side him, Veronica and Hermione.
He was trying to control everything in your life. He moved you into the penbrook with his family, made you transfer schools and he even had people dress your tonight.
Needless to say you were far from happy and Veronica's present wasn't making it any easier.
The only good part about tonight was that your friends from the Southside. were here. 
"How about you put a smile on your face Y/N?" Veronica asked. "It would be a nice change, don't you think."
"How about you bite me Satan?" You asked sarcastically with a bright smile on your face. 
"Oh I'll do a lot more that's that." She glared stepping towards you.
"Girls that enough." Hiram interjected. "Veronica be nice to your sister, and Y/N it wouldn't hurt you to smile here and there would it?" 
"Hurt no, but kill maybe." You replied before walking off to nowhere in particular.
The night went on and you stuck with Toni.
"Hey, How you holding up?" She asked.
"As good as I can be after having my whole life uprooted and forced to live and go to school with people I hate." You replied not seeing Veronica standing not far behind you, close enough to hear everything you were saying along with Betty, Archie, and Jughead. "It would be a lot easier if I didn't have to sleep under the same roof as the The Seed Of Satan.
"Um, excuse me?" Veronica asked walking up to you. "You know no one is forcing to to live with us you welcome to leave at anytime." Sh said.
"Well thats where your wrong Mobb Boss Barbie, you father is the one that forced me to come here." You shot back. "I was perfectly happy living with Toni on the southside."
By now everyone at the party including Hiram and Hermione had noticed the commotion and had stopped to watch.
"All because your mother couldn't keep your father on a short enough leash." You snarled.
"My father maybe if your mother could keep her legs closed and not sleep with a married man.You would have been able to live out your life with your southside scum."
"Scum? Wow we may not have the money you snobs have here on the Northside but at least we know what the word loyalty means, why don't you tell your friends here what the Lodges are really planning for Riverdale."
"All Daddy is trying to do is turn Riverdale in to a safer place maybe if it was safer your mother wouldn't be 6ft under right now, but if you don't want to be apart of that your welcome to join her."
You flinch at the mention of your mothers death it was only a few months ago and you hated when people brought it up even more so when they were trying to be disrespectful. Your eyes were glued t the floor
You started tp lift you hand ready to deal out the hardest slap to Veronicas face, but a loud crack echoed around the room. You snapped your head up in order to see what had caused the loud noise when another crack was sounded followed by a shooting pain to the side of your face. 
You turned your head back and see Hermione standing in between you and Veronica a look of diappointment in her face.
"That is enough from both of you." She spat. "It's time you both knew the truth."
"Hermione," Hiram shared but was cut off by his wife.
Everyone was standing around mouths slightly open and eyes wide as to not miss any of the action. Alice Cooper had pulled out a camera and began to film.
"No Hiram its time for this to stop they need to know." She said to her husband. 
"Mom, what do we need to know." Veronica asked.
"The only thing I need to know is why the hell you just slapped me." You said glaring at her.
"I did it because your mother would be ashamed of you." She said. "And everything that just came from your mouth that is not how you were raised."
"You don't know anything about me or my mother just because you husband couldn't keep it in his pants doesn't mean you suddenly know anything about us." You yelled. "You probably hated my mother, you probably glad she died-!"
"I LOVED YOUR MOTHER!"  Hermione yelled back. "More than your will ever know." She said as her eyes start to water.
"We loved your mother, and you." She continued.
"What?" You asked.
"We loved you both." Hiram answered. "After Hermione and I got married and moved to New York we met your mother." He started.
"We fell in love with her, to say the least." Hermione said. "When we first told she thought we were crazy but eventually she admitted that she loved us too. And that's how it started."
"So you both were in a relationship with Y/N's mother." Veronica asked.
"I believe the word is polygamy." Hiram explained.
"Excuse me for asking." Toni interrupted. "But if you guys were so in love how did Y/N end up on the Southside and you guys still in New York?" 
"When Hermione became pregnant with Veronica we were all happy." Hiram started. "Then not long after we found out that we were going to have Y/N as well."
"And we were overjoyed, Y/M/N and I did everything together from shopping to the baby shower, and Y/N and Veronica came after that only a month apart. Everything was great we raised you together." She said before looking over to you. "You called me mommy and you loved when I would bake sweets for your father when he got home from work."
"But that still doesn't explain what happened." Veronica pointed out.
"Well mija like they say 'all good things must come to an end.' One of your fathers...business associates wanted him to sell half of Lodge industries to him and your father refused. In response he had you both kidnapped and threatens to.....harm you if his demands weren't met."
"Luckily." Hiram added. "It didn't get that far and we got you both back unharmed." He explained.
"But Y/N you were never that same after that." She said resting her hand on your should causing you to flinch. "No one could touch you without you flinching, you were more quiet, didn't smile as much as you used to. We tried everything to get you back the way you were but nothing helped. And in this business as expected the threats kept coming and then one day..."
"One day we woke up and Y/M/N was gone and she had taken you with her." He finished. "She left a note saying that this life was too dangerous and that she didn't want you hurt or worst."
"Veronica you cried for so long after your mother and sister left, eventually you stopped and had convinced yourself that your sister was just an imaginary friend."
"Of course we knew where they were the whole time but we respected Y/M/N wishes and kept our distance and helped whenever we could." Hiram said. "Survived from the pictures we were sent and returned the favor with photos of Veronica. We were devastated to find of that she had parishes and we wanted nothing more than to make sure that you were okay but we knew you would no longer recognize us as your family because you already had one."
"But now we are your family weather you like it or not and you two are sister and I think until you learn how to act like it you both grounded."Hermione stated. "Starting now you go to school and you come straight home nowhere else, no visitors. So you girls should say goodbye to your friends and Andre will drive you home."
"In fact I think that's enough excitement for one night we will join you, let's go girls." Hiram said gesturing for you to follow him of to the door.
• 2 Weeks Later •
It was the middle of the night and Veronica was awoken form her sleep by a scream.
Without thinking she jump from her bed and ran to the source of the sound. Flinging the door open she was greeted with the sigh of her half sister thrashing around in her bed.
"Y/N wake up." She called gently shacking her arm. "Y/N it's okay." She said shacking with a bit more force.
Veronica jumped back as Y/N finally jolted awake. "What are you doing in here?" She asked still trying to catch her breath.
"You must have been having a nightmare, I heard you scream." She answered.
"Oh....well thanks for waking me." She replied awkwardly.
"Your welcome." Veronica said backing away from the bed and towards that door.
You both called at the same time.
"Maybe if you want....I could stay with you."
"I mean if you want I wouldn't mind." She answered.
Veronica let a small smile slip into her lips as she walked back towards the bed and Y/N slid over as her sister climbed in.
"You know I had nightmares a lot as a kid and sometimes it still do." She tried to comfort.
"Thanks Veronica." Y/N muttered.
"You know you can call me Ronnie or V, my friends do." Veronica suggested.
"Maybe. But probably not." Y/N replied.
They slipped into a comfortable silence not noticing the two figures that stood outside the door also having been woken up by the screen of the youngest Lodge.
"Y/M/N would have loved to see this." Hermione whispered still not looking away from the teenage girls.
"I'm sure she's watching." Hiram replies. "Now let's go back to bed." He said building her away.
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bi-writes · 4 years
Medieval fantasy AU with prince Tom plsssss 😍😍😍
ooooooh here we go down this rabbit hole lmao
The corset of your dress was so tight, you could barely breathe properly. You refused to wear them in your own home. They made you uncomfortable, and you weren’t able to mount your horse properly. They made you stiff and proper, and you hated being stiff and proper. But your mother had begged you, and you gave in. 
You were happy to do it for her until she forced a new dress on you and put you in her best jewels. Emeralds on your neck, rubies in your ears, and diamonds littering your tiara and making it sparkle unimaginably. She was powdering you up for the party, and you hated feeling like a trophy to be passed around. But how could you protest when...you weren’t allowed to even have an opinion?
You were on your mother’s arm when you entered the large hall. The ceilings were high, tens of feet tall, and the chandeliers were glowing with lit candles, casting a gorgeous light on the party below. There was music and tables full of food, trays of wine never going empty. You saw chocolate and sweets, and then you saw everyone staring. Of course they were staring. You were a princess, unwed, polished like a golden trophy for all of them to gawk at. Lords staring at you to see if you were fit for their sons, and men staring at you to see if you were fit for their households. It was insulting, but your mother tugged you along anyways.
You grabbed a handful of sweets, popping them into your mouth before your mother could see. She let you go to get a few glasses of wine, and that was your cue. You ripped your tiara off and hid beside a server as you followed them into the kitchen. You greeted the staff warmly before going out the back, into the stables. You were going for your horse, that beautiful black horse that stood at the back of the stables. You hurried, picking up your skirt and running, and thats when you bumped chest first into someone else, both of you falling backwards onto the floor. 
“Oh, Christ!” The other person swore, sitting up, rubbing their chest. “Oh! Oh, my lady—”
You let out a breath as you were picked up off the floor quickly, put onto your feet. You were dizzy for a moment having hit the ground so fast and so forcefully.
“N-No, it’s...it’s all my fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” you said after a minute, putting a hand on your head. You blinked, trying to focus, and you swallowed hard when you noticed the man in front of you. He was wear a simple dress shirt and trousers, tucked into his riding boots. 
“Getting away from the party so quickly? I hear it’s grand,” he tried to lighten the mood, and you sighed, rolling your eyes a bit. 
“Grand for who?”
“The princess, of course, is this party not for her? The invitation said all eligible noblemen were to attend this evening,” he chuckled, and you picked up your crown, hiding it as you went to the back, towards your horse, towards Eve. You tossed your crown into the hay, putting both hands on her and petting her warmly. 
“Of course it did,” you muttered. “The queen is adamant on her daughter finding a husband. But...it doesn’t even matter. I don’t know why she pushes so much. Don’t you think a woman should be allowed a few years to herself before she even begins thinking about uprooting her life and starting a family?”
He laughed behind you, shrugging, “I...I suppose a woman should be entitled to that. But...they aren’t.”
“No, I suppose not,” you replied with a hard tone. “But they should be. You can’t even be pardoned of that burden as royalty. It’s as if all a woman is good for is marriage. They teach us to dance and to sing and to paint and to curtsy and to...to sew. And for what? No one will want to watch us do any of those things. They don’t care.”
You laid your cheek against Eve, sighing deeply. 
“In our lifetime, I suppose that is all a woman can do. But perhaps they can find men that make them feel otherwise.”
You turned your head to look at him, and he was blushing all over. His cheeks were red, his ears were red, and he was adorable, looking so flushed. 
“You’re funny,” you said finally, laughing. “To think such things are possible.”
He came towards you, offering his hand. “I’m Thomas.”
“Shall we...get away from this party? Go for a ride?”
You nodded slowly. 
“I’d...I’d like that very much.”
He helped you onto your horse, his hand in yours as he lifted you up over Eve. You got comfortable on her back before clicking your tongue a bit, patting her to walk. Tom reached for his horse and followed you close behind. You took him on a small tour of the grounds, following the paths you walked everyday with Eve. You went through the gardens, around the lake, through the trees.
You didn’t ride in silence. Tom was quick to pick up conversation with you, and you were laughing, always. You bantered back and forth about who was the better rider, who could eat more chocolate tarts in two minutes, and the first time you both got drunk on old cellar wine. You were starting to get tired as he helped you off of Eve. You both sat on a bench near the edge of the lake, which was lit by torches all around. Your horses were tied behind both of you, relaxing.
“Do you think the princess is having fun then?” Tom asked after awhile, looking over at the castle in the near distance. “Surely. This whole...thing was for her.”
You looked in the same direction as him, watching the figures in the windows dance and eat and move around. You sighed.
“I don’t think the princess cares for parties all that much.”
“No?” Tom looked back at you. “What does she like then?”
You frowned, “why are you so interested?”
He bit his lip, “my father instructed me to come down here. He said I was to come, meet the princess, and give her my best. He talks too much. Of course I’d never catch the attention of the princess.”
“Oh? And why not?” You asked, sitting up, curious now.
“They say the princess is...the most beautiful woman in this country,” he murmured, turning back to look at you. You smiled a bit at him, and he smiled back, staring at you, intrigued. You looked lovely bathed in moonlight. “They say she has a sweet tooth, that she wears dresses made of silk always, and that she has a voice like a siren.”
You snorted a bit, “she sounds terrible!” 
“What?!” Tom blushed, so embarrassed. “Is it so bad to secretly admire someone I’ve never met? To think that...in some alternate universe...a princess described such as that could ever be mine?”
You stared at him longingly, nudging his shoulder.
“Are you a nobleman? Looking to...rise in station by marrying a princess?”
Tom shrugged, “it isn’t like that,” he muttered. “It’s just...I’ve met many princesses. And I’ve been to a lot of countries, love. And they...they all have stories written of them such as that, but then when you meet them...” He closed his eyes. “I am disappointed when I meet them. Because they are not always sirens that sing and...and they are not always as sweet as others might tell you. Sometimes they mock others beneath them and rule with wicked hands. Sometimes they...sometimes they are cruel.”
“Women can be cruel,” you said softly. “They ought not to be, but sometimes they are. And it’s not always their fault.”
“No, it’s not always their fault,” he murmured. “Women with history...women with pasts...sometimes they are damaged here,” he touched where his heart is, “but sometimes it makes them better. They feel deeply. They love stronger. They speak wiser. My mother was like that.” He smiled a bit to himself. “That is the kind of woman I’d like to have. I suppose I’m just chasing stories until I find the right one.”
“What if you never do?”
“Then I suppose I will never marry.”
You looked out at the water, tucking your hands under your knees.
“Me neither,” you said softly. “I wish...I wish I could be the woman you dreamt of, Tom. I wish...perhaps tonight would have been that night for you.”
He nudged you a bit with his shoulder. “Aye, I wish that, too. Do you think I still have a chance with this princess then?”
You took a deep breath, shrugging. “I don’t know. Perhaps you should go find her inside.” 
Tom stood up, nodding to himself. He picked up your hand and kissed it gently, and your stomach fluttered a bit. 
“You deserve someone very special, Thomas,” you said sheepishly, smiling at him. “You’re...too kind for this world.”
“As are you, sweet y/n.” He leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek next. You watched him mount his horse and ride back to the stables. You stayed a little longer outside, looking out at the water. Thomas seemed lovely, lovelier than any prince your mother could throw your way. You refrained from kissing him, from pulling him close. If he was anyone else...if he was a lord or a nobleman...your mother wouldn’t approve.
But what did it matter? You were never traditional, anyway. What would it matter who you found yourself with? Didn’t you owe it to yourself to try?
You got onto Eve, pulling on the reigns so she could hurry back to the castle. You slipped off of her quickly, brushing your dress off as you looked for the crown that you threw in the hay. You started to panic when you couldn’t find it. Your mother gave it to you to borrow for the night, and you had thrown it like some cheap child’s toy into the hay. 
“Looking for this, love?”
You turned abruptly, and Tom stood there, holding the glittering tiara in his hands. You blushed.
“Tom...I...I wanted to tell you, I just—”
“Didn’t want me to know you were a princess?” He asked, raising a brow. “The princess? The princess of all the stories I’ve been hearing?”
You looked down, “What do you want me to say? I don’t...I don’t sing much. I’m not...I’m not the most beautiful woman in the country, and...and I don’t wear dresses made of silk. I’m just me, Thomas. And you’re...you’re you. Why would you want someone like me? I have no idea how to be the princess you said I was.”
He chuckled a bit, “you know, I did come all the way from England to meet you, Your Highness.”
“Please don’t call me that,” you sighed, coming closer to him. “Please call me y/n.”
He smiled down at you, “then don’t call me it either. We’ll have a truce.”
“What does that mean?”
“Formally, you should call me your highness, but I suppose I’ll let it slide for you, love,” he teased, and you pushed him a bit.
“Y-You’re...you’re the prince? The prince of England?”
“Aye, love, I am, but let’s not talk in detail, yeah?” He reached up to touch the side of your face with his knuckles, and you laughed.
“And you said nothing?”
“I didn’t want you to get a crude impression of me. I thought you were...”
“More humble?” You asked, touching the collar of his shirt. He nodded a bit, and you put your head on his chest.
“I like to be. I don’t care for theatrics, Thomas. I like the simple things,” you said, looking up at him. “Don’t you?”
“Oh, love...” he smiled wider. “I’ve been chasing after a story all my life. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Just a woman on my arm as sweet as the stories they told about her...”
He leaned in, nuzzling his nose against yours.
“Tell me, darling...how long would I have to kiss you to find out?”
You broke into a giggle, “forever, I suppose.”
“Then I suppose that’s what I’ll do.”
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ftpthemovement · 4 years
Comfort or calling? Stop stalling it’s time to ride.
God doesn’t place a calling in your heart and not give you the ability to see it through. Are you choosing comfort or your calling?
Last week I was seeking God to inquire him about a word he gave me a few months ago revolving around FTP. Most people don’t know, but we are closing in on the last few months of our lease here in Kennesaw, and the word he gave me was in reference to what the furture would hold for us. When I asked, I wasnt given a direct answer, so I expressed a lack of assurance to close friends and members of FTP. Since the inception of FTP, God has always given a clear vision of what was to come, and this was the first time where there wasn’t a direct clear cut direction or instruction on what we were supposed to be doing. So I went walking in solitude spending time with God and he began to speak to me.
Often times when God talks to me the most, Its during these times where I’m walking with him in a remote location free from distractions and any input, or out side interference. On this particular day, God placed it on my heart that it was time to uproot myself from Kennesaw Georgia, and move to Las Vegas Nevada to do his will. Cause you know, that’s super normal and all 😂
At first I felt very worried because it’s moving across the nation to a place I don’t know, surrounded by people I also don’t know, to places I’ve never been before in my life. Automatically, my first inclination is to worry. Yet God choose to remind me of a word he sent me around a year ago, when he said, “I’m bringing a raging river to dry sands.” I quickly remembered that I used to walk around a repeat it daily, often times I still do; but I never really understood it until recently. On September 6th, I saw the post come up on Facebook, Circa Sept 6, 2019. Exactly a year later, God was reaffirming his word from exackty year ago, and it lined up perfectly with the message he had just given me! Guess you would have to be there to know the full gravity of the situation, but let’s just say it was all the confirmation I would ever need.
But, in the process of such a massive transition, you obviously have to iron out a few wrinkles with such an undertaking. So, I immediately reached out to Alex and Jordan, who are very close brothers and members of FTP to ask them what they thought. Amazingly enough, they not only supported it, but they felt lead to deployed there as well! Talk about faith in action! I really don’t think you could ask for more than that. God says go, thier answer figuratively speaking was, “Say when.” It’s literally the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Obviously all of our intentions are there, but this is when the opposition likes to creep in. See, technically we are still here until the lease is up. We have to manage to somehow raise funding, continue expanding discipleship, and elect overseers to continue our work here in Georgia, while we expand to the west as God has instructed. In the middle we could come up with a number of excuses, fears, doubt, insecurities, distractions, and opposing opportunities in the process. Hence why the topic up top is, “Are you choosing your comfort, or your calling?”
Up until yesterday when I would think about the transition I would start asking questions that I think any sane, logical, rational person would ask. Stuff like, “Where are we going to stay?” “Are we shutting down the businesses we run?” “How do we all manage to uproot multiple families and make it work?” “Where will we work, etc.“ “Where will the resources come from to help make the transition happen?”
Now, everything isn’t complete, but the Lord has already answered about 90% of these questions, and in the coming months we are going to reveal the plan God has placed in motion, and we hope that you share in the vision and take the opportunity in helping be apart of Gods work! But, for now this is where God calls his followers to have faith, and to be prepared to put that faith in action by trusting that he will create the way to see it to completion!
Sounds tough, and it is! Yet, he specifically reminded me of one answer he gave that changed the complete trajectory of all of my thoughts. A question so imperative, that it shifted everything Ive ever known when it comes to following God. What’s that question you might ask?
The question was, “If I choose to stay and not go, would you be mad at me?”
Even reading the question as I’m writing it, it sounds loaded. But in the loving grace that only my Heavenly Father could answer in, I got a peaceful “No.” So, God is calling me to go do his will, but if I don’t go, he won’t be mad at me? Hmm..... I felt a prompting in my spirit to ask God another question. “If I don’t go, can I be just as successful here doing your will as I would be there?” He gracefully and calmly replied, “No.”
“So, if I go I’ll be more successful than if I stay, why wouldn’t I go?” I had a lot of answers to that question. It’s probably one the easiest list I could ever come up with. Because of job security, comfort, and fear. Because of being rooted in what I’ve grown accustom to on a daily basis. All of the things I take for granted that would simply disappear if i choose to be obedient. If you really think about it for awhile there’s sooo much stuff that I could list, and go on and on about. As I sat there and thought about every excuse in the book, God blessed me with a wave of insight that came crashing down on me, saturating me with love, insight, revelation and understanding. If you made it this far, stick around because I’m about to share it with you.
God showed that I can be saved, be doing good works, and still be far outside of his intended will for my life....
Listen.... It’s the times that God asks for obedience, yet we choose to shrink back from it. You might understand examples like, “God telling you to say something to someone, but your scared to do it so you shrink back. Or, you know you should have done something in a particular situation but looking back would have handled it a million different ways, but froze up. All those are good examples, but imagine that times 100 million, it’s that deep of a revelation.
What God revealed is that often time we will ask Him questions, and he will answer them in accordance to the condition of our hearts. Re read that slow 5 times and meditate on it.
Jesus often times does similar in scripture, by answering people’s questions with a question first, to reveal the motive of there hearts. What God was showing me was that when we ask him questions, we often times ask out of good intentions, but it’s filtered through our intended desires. We ask with intentions on receiving what we want the response to be. Let’s slow it down cause it’s really heavy. It means we aren’t really seeking his will, but instead, we are seeking what we want his will to align with it.
This means when asking God, we can have all the best intentions in the world of serving God, but when we ask him for something, we are asking it for self, and he graciously and lovingly gives us the desires of our hearts. But if your hearts will, even though being good, isn’t what’s God wants for your life, is it a life worth living? It may appear to be good, you claim it’s for his kingdom, but if it’s not the mission he’s called you to....?
Walk with me bro...
How many of you have seen visions in your head from God, or felt a prompting in your heart to expand in ways you can’t even fathom, but then you quickly rationalize every excuse of why it can’t happen for you, and you write it off as a day dream How many times have you asked God for something but if it doesn’t happen how you wanted it to, or expected it to, you start questioning if you have unresolved sin, or if you did something not pleasing to God. How many of you reading this are weighed down by your past decisions in life, and they hauntingly become the excuses of your future?
God literally loves you enough, to bless you, save you, bring you into heaven, and you still not have lived the life he had intended for you. Most people I’ve met say, “Well everything happens for a reason, and God allowed x______ to happen to learn from it, so I don’t consider it a mistake. Yet they refuse to take ownership of truthfully considering if they were choosing their will or his!
God meets you where you are, when you turn to him, then He gives you beauty for your ashes. Things happen because you choose his way or your way, second by second day by day. When you’re on track and fully submitted to his will, you will live how he wants you to live. When you choose your will, and realize what you’re doing is wrong, he meets you where you are at. When you turn from your way, (aka repentance) Thats when he puts you back on the right path.
When you take ownership you realize, you can’t be focused on fear and faith at the same time. You’re going to choose one or the other daily. Several times God gives orders in scripture, man choose his own way, and he meets them where they are at. It’s literally the whole entire book. Man chooses flesh, God sets them straight, repeat. God tells Isreal do this, they don’t do it, they repent, he blesses them. You think he wanted them to mess up? No! He wants to bless them, but just as we do, we pursue our own ways, and then ask God to bless them.
Long segway, but I hope it was useful. Point is, how many times have you been given a vision, or felt the feeling and didn’t act? In my experience, JUST MY PERSONAL experience, everything God calls me to do, is wildly uncomfortable, and he always places me in a positions that my faith is required to go further than my flesh has ever been capable of. Meaning, God gives me visions that I cannot complete on my own, that I have to overcome fear, walk in faith, and be wildly dependent on him to complete the mission. Period.
So, what calling has you placed on your heart that you haven’t been listening to? Are you so far past having them that you don’t even ask God anymore? Are you just focused on, watch over my family, help me make it through this work day, get a decent spot at the mall, next promotion, and don’t let me get stuck in traffic?
Or is it, God you know what I’m going through, if you would just give me a sign, I’ll do whatever you tell me? But, then you don’t read the Bible enough to realize, he’s already given you the sign, your mission, purpose and calling, and you would just rather wait on magic to drop from the sky, settling for comfort and complacent over sacrifice and obedience?
Come on bro!! Excuses are void in the kingdom of heaven, act like you knew! Don’t be the guy who gets so far off path that you say you believe, but don’t seek Gods will daily, so you walk around professing God, but living nothing like what he’s called you to live. You’re better than that.
So, what’s the answer to this ridiculously long blog?
Fully submit yourself to Gods will daily, no matter how crazy it may seem to others. Use me as an example if you need to. If you know me, I’m not the trophy boy for exceptional Christian. I’m what most churches would call a heretic, a false profit, or lost in sin. Yet, all I eat sleep and breathe is doing Gods will daily. My point is, people will always have an opinion, even the people who thought they were closest to God, killed his son, and the prophets who came before him! Christ rebelled against their man made religion, called them a brood of vipers, prob some more stuff, and then went on to reveal love, care, generosity, forgiveness, and compassion! A little different example than what they had set. He goes on to show mercy trumps sacrifice, and forgiveness and love conquers all. He literally displayed the example of what it means to be his disciple for all to see, when he picked up his cross, took on the sin of judging hypocrites, and said “Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”
Yet in this world, being a true disciple is a stumbling block for most religious people. It’s the very ones who claim to know him the most, that continuously persecute his elect. So, if you don’t look like mans religious church, and you don’t look like the world, you might just find that your walking on the narrow path with Jesus, that he himself said very few will find.
So don’t choose the ways of the world and they will hate you. Don’t seek to align yourself with mans religious customs and narrow viewpoint, they will hate you too.
For they fear what they don’t know, and kill what they can’t understand. Blind guides, full of judgment, an outward display of selfish insecurity, masquerading itself as righteousness. They’ve been judging themselves their whole life, because it is all they’ve known to do. Some past judgment on the world, others understand the word enough that they don’t pass judgment on the world, but comprehend the word enough to pass judgment on the church. Yet when they do so its a perversion, because they do not know love, so they lack the truth. They themselves can’t even look in the mirror and love themselves, so they cannot rightly ever loves others! When they look in the mirror they see sin and not their savior. So they outwardly reflect their shortcomings onto others. Claiming to be free, yet they tie a burdensome yoke onto others that they themself cannot carry, because they have skeletons they cannot bury. Depraved bunch in high positions, appearing to be Shepard’s, but they are like chaff in the wind, being thrown to and fro, judgment to judgment. If the words I speak aren’t from God himself, then let this day be held in account for all to see, so that the motives of my heart be displayed for all to bear witness.
Take the time to seek his will, and you to will find yourself on a similar path. But in this walk of righteousness remember, God won’t place a calling in your heart and not give you the ability to see it through. You just have to have the courage to bring it to fruition.
So in closing, are you choosing comfort or your calling? Search your heart man of GOD, the end has yet to come. Will you have the courage to follow his will? Fear is for the fire lake, be bold and courageous, you’ve been called to go and spread the good news of the gospel, baptize in the name of The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit! You have been commissioned!
Stop looking for the approval of man, and rest assure in your approval and right standing in God through Christ, who sacrificed everything for you to be set free! Let God himself be the only judge you consider in your pursuit of his calling. Go to where the pastors don’t preach, and where the teachers won’t teach. Go be a light in dark in the dark, a city on a hill for all to see. Stop settling for tradition, and go complete Gods mission! May his spirit rage inside of you, calling you to relentless actions of faith, being bold as to laugh in the face of fear, and courageously walk out your destiny. God be with you always even until the end of this age. Don’t do, be. because you already are.
From the front lines, -ES
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thewaitinggamesblog · 4 years
Lets talk about 365DNI
So, I will preface by saying this a rant and a semi review, mostly a rant.
Also if you haven't watched it !SPOILERS!
Also, if you’re under the age of 18, or are uncomfortable with taking about sexual things, this is your opportunity to bump off, and don’t watch the movie. 
Also an extra warning because i'll be talking about lack of consent in this movie and yeah!
This is my warning.
 So, Let’s Talk about the main characters. We have Laura Biel, who is the movies protagonist. She is a victim of kidnapping and the “source” of Massimo Torricelli’s, the love interest and movies antagonist, affection. Laura, at the beginning of the movie, is made to seem like she has a loveless relationship and a job she absolutely hates, and in my opinion, sets up the frame that getting kidnapped by handsome mob man is a blessing, which some might argue in her case it was.Laura is immediately put in a terrible situation, she is uprooted from her friends, and taken to a place where 1)she knows absolutely no one and has to fend for herself and 2) she’s manipulated, from before she even gets kidnapped to time she “surrenders”. She’s fed this idea that she could leave the life she has behind to be on trial basis with a man who she doesn’t know, so that he can live out his fantasy of being in a relationship with her, which she does not fall for. 
The movie spends so much time trying to put Laura in a box and make her conform to these rules and lifestyle that she didn’t agree to. Often times, when she is trying to liberate herself from these rules, and shit hits the fan, she is blamed for “acting out.” Thats victim blaming, and Its not her fault, she’s been kidnapped and thrown into situations that she didn’t ask for. And while yes, it's made clear in the movie that there are worse people who could have kidnapped her, it's still not an ideal situation for her. 
Despite all of the turmoil she’s put through, ill say that Laura is not a weak character, She’s not silent, she stands up to Massimo to the best of her ability, but he controls all the pieces on the board, and she has no control over anything in her life other than ability to say no to him and that doesn’t even necessarily work sometimes. 
An example of Massimo's extreme power control: At one point in the movie she attempts to run away from Massimo but she cant even get out of the city that they’re in because Massimo and his family have the city on their payroll, and everyone is so scared of him,  running away for her becomes futile, because it will never work. She has to become complacent to survive. 
Massimo Torricelli is our main antagonist and a major asshole, and not an asshole with a soft heart for Laura, he’s just a pure asshole. Its a common theme throughout the movie. The movie makes attempts to soften Massimo’s personality by trying to make him this guy with good morals, but despite having good morals and a traumatic backstory, you cant avoid the facts the he 1) drugged and kidnapped her and 2) he treated her poorly, up until she finally gave into him.
Now if you’ve seen the movie you may or may not agree with my any statements that I have said and thats fine, but we cant avoid the fact that Massimo is a smart person, he understands how to play the long game in this situation. By allowing her to have access to the things that she asked for (only after she begged for them) he is manipulating and finding ways to gain her trust. He’s not dumb he knows what he’s doing. Its like I said earlier, he controls all the pieces on the board, he knows what to do in order to win the game and he, in my opinion, would hold out for as long as it took to make her fall in “love” with him. 
Lets talk about the plot. Laura is kidnapped on her birthday while she’s on vacation with her boyfriend and friends, by Mafia Boss Massimo, who has had an obsession with her for over five years and has on a whim, after one coincidental citing, devised a plan to make her and make her fall in love with him. The plan is is that he is giving her 365 days to fall for him and if she hasn’t fell for him by her next birthday, then he will let her go. Thats the plot. 
Now you might ask, why am i I reiterating this again and again and again? Why are we talking about this? Why is this important?Well, the definition of Stockholm Syndrome as defined by Merriam Webster is: the psychological tendency of a hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her captor.
I have a very hard time believing as an audience member that Laura,  without this certain set circumstances, would fall in love with Massimo, mostly because, he’s an asshole. Not because of his profession. Massimo in addition to being an asshole also disregards and disrespects Laura’s boundaries and often engages in sexual acts with her without her consent. 
I as an audience member also have a hard time in believing that Massimo actually loves Laura. Throughout the movie its clear and stated the Massimo is a man who gets what he wants, he doesn’t chase after anything or anyone, Laura being the five year infatuation has peaked his interest, and the idea of finding her and being with her has floated around in his head for too long. I as an audience member, question would he still have interest in her if she caved in and gave into him from the very start. This would turn out to be a completely different movie.
 This whole movie, is forwarded by the chase of her resisting him and he having to “compromise” his sense of self and security to be with her. (FYI:it's not a true compromise if one person still controls most of the pieces on the board by the end of the movie.) Yes, Laura turned his life upside down in some ways, but he also knew the potential risk he took when decided to go forward with his plan. 
In my opinion, I think Massimo might care for her, but it's in a way that a child cares for a toy, or someone might care for a gun, a very much, you cant touch that, thats my property attitude. One of the biggest examples of this is Massimo’s  “Babygirl.” This was a pet-name picked for Laura by Massimo before he even got to know her as a person. Every instance we see him interacting with her “Are you lost Babygirl?” is an example of him claiming some kind of ownership over her, prelude to what he can and eventually does, take her to be his own. 
In the movie, Massimo, in my opinion, makes little to no attempts to get to know her as a person, they have no genuine interaction other than one scene that isn’t overtly sexual. Everything else in the movie relies on unhealthy sexual chemistry created to tell you that Massimo's plan is “working.” 
Up until the time she give into him there are so many nonconsensual acts of sex, as an audience member, it was concerning. Often these acts would come after he said he was not going to push her boundaries. (FYI: cuffing someone to a bed and making them watch another woman give you a blowjob, without consent  is crossing a boundary) and that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
 So, let's briefly talk about Laura’s situation. She is trapped, and she has no one to trust. Massimo's men are loyal to him and not her. She cant tell them anything for fear of one of them telling Massimo, everything that she thinks, and feels she has to keep hidden, because its not safe for her, therefore she has to make nice with her captor or else, prompting some of the compromises on Lauras part in the movie. This is why I say their relationship is not a true compromise, Laura ends up compromising so much of herself by the end of the movie and Massimo in my opinion continues to live the same life that he’s used to living. point blank. 
Lets talk about the turning point in the movie. AKA, when Laura first accepts Massimo. The acceptance happens when Massimo saves her from drowning after she goes overboard on his boat when they were arguing. Now how did we get to this point? For me, its understanding how the odds were stacked up immeasurably against her throughout the movie.
Here’s a few that stuck out to me:
1) Laura still had a considerable amount of time to be left in Massimo’s presence, I believe in the movie she had only been with him for two months. 
 2) Massimo killed a member of another mafia family, making everyones lives more complicated, and she finally comes to the realization that despite her rebellion, Massimo isn’t letting go of her anytime soon.
3) Massimo's right hand man/ Uncle was telling Massimo to cut his losses with Laura, so where does that leave her? Now that she’s been involved with all of this (against her will), will she still be a target? 
4) Laura becomes a target to hurt Massimo, literally just by being with him as later shown by Massimo's jealous ex Anna, Laura will need his protection, whether she wants or not. 
5) Laura was blamed, by Massimo and others,  for the repercussions of what had happened the night before, which is why they were arguing, she cant defend herself when everyone is pointing the finger at her.
6) Massimo made himself the “Savior” by both risking and saving her life twice in less than 24 hours. 
 You might ask how did he risk her life the first time? Well, he took her to a club with questionable people and asked her to behave by rules that she did not agree to and when she was in trouble, because she has absolutely no idea who she’s dealing with,  he comes in and saves her from said questionable people that she did not want to be around in the first place. 
When Massimo saves her the second time, the movie, in my opinion, makes it out for Laura to be grateful that she is alive. Massimo could have just let her drown but he didn't, he was a good human being in that instant, and I guess that plus everything else she’s been through makes accepting him easier, because he saved her life, he must really love her right?right?  This my attempt at rationalizing and digesting what had happened leading up to her affections for him. To me,  she goes from absolutely hating him to showing him affection overnight, and there was no romantic build up of tension that would have prompted her to have sex with him. From my perspective, the tension went away when she went overboard on the boat. 
Finally, when she consents to him they have lots of sex. Like lots and thats a prelude to her getting pregnant. (you know how I knew instantly that she was getting pregnant, because not a single thought of a rubber or birth control was given throughout the entire script.) be safe. use protection people! 
Anyways, towards the end of the movie, Massimo sends her off to Poland, to be safe, while he does some really sketchy mafia things to whom we can assume is either his ex, who threatened to Kill Laura or the mafia family he has drama with now. She’s supposed to wait in Poland for him to finish whatever sketchy thing he’s doing, and yes, we know its sketchy because before her flight, Laura’s henchman that has been with her for the whole movie has to leave and strictly instructs her to wait in Poland, and thats what she does. Massimo sets her up with an apartment and expenses and she’s supposed to wait for him to i guess meet up with her. While in Poland, Laura visits her friend, Olga, who we can only assume she has had no contact with over the past couple of weeks. 
What makes this movie so unrealistic, in my opinion,  is the lack of realistic reactions to situations which should be taken more seriously. Lauras friend is pissed for all of five seconds, and she’s confused when Laura tells her what really happened to her, and her solution to all of it was lets go out and and get make overs and go clubbing and get your mind off of everything, which yes, is helpful to some, but also….. If I showed up randomly on my friends doorstep with the same tea Laura had to spill, my friends would do alot more than go out for makeovers and go clubbing, they’d probably call the cops, or my parents, or both, regardless of Massimo’s influence.
So, they end up going out and she runs into her ex at the club, which is already questionable as to how he even knew she was there? Like did the best friend call him? Anyways he’s determined to plead his case to her and literally follows her all night long even all the way to her apartment where Massimo is waiting for her to get home. Once her ex sees Massimo, he stands down, and skip to the next important part because it’s all just sex. 
So Laura tells Massimo that she loves him and the next morning he asks her to marry him. Which prompts me to ask what would he have done if she said no?? Like honestly, would he have just let her say no or would he force her to say yes?
So……there’s a fashion montage to show that they’re like happy and in love and then they’re at a wedding with her family, who I think is her cousin and Massimo meets her family and he parents are just chill with the fact that after being gone for months that she all of a sudden has a new man in her life.....I’m just going to assume that she’s been in constant contact with her parents because some of that doesn’t make sense to me. I know that she called her mother when Massimo gave her her phone back, but thats the only time in the movie that I can remember her contacting her family. 
So finally, let’s talk about the ending, and im not going to spoil it because, i don’t want to. So, the ending was the ending and that’s all I’m going to say about that. Im not going to spoil the ending because if you end up watching the film or take any context clues from what I've written, you will know that they don’t end up getting married! (oops… never said why they didn’t). I will say, the ending felt very rushed. It was all happening very fast. I believe from time that he proposed to her till the ending of the movie, they packed in weeks worth of story telling in fifteen to twenty minutes, and there were plenty of gaps, that I feel like, if they were filled, they would have made the ending of the movie make more sense.
So, on a lighter not, I want to talk about a very brief similarity in another movie that could technically be considered of the same plot. That movie is Beauty and the Beast. When I was watching this movie, Beauty and the Beast, was always in the back of my head, when i finished watching 365DNI, I compared the two movies.  The stories are similar in the generalized sense,  both men are beast who rely on women to humanize them, but are doing it under personalized circumstances in a certain amount of time. Just like the Beast, Massimo had a deadline he had to meet, Also Belle was a prisoner, her entire experience at the castle and in the Beast company was to make her fall in love with him. 
In conclusion, Id give this movie a solid 5/10, because even though I don’t agree with the basis of the story, its fiction, and in my opinion, its okay to enjoy fantasized fiction, just as long as you’re not taking your fantasy out into the real world. I know its just a movie and I probably shouldn’t have gone this hard on it, but I just had thoughts. (These are my own thoughts and opinions on the movie, I'm not a professional critic, by any means,  I just wanted to talk about it. If you have opinions on the movie, or if you’ve got any advice on how to write a personal review, let's talk! cause I definitely want to do more of these!)
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roxannepolice · 5 years
But yah rey as a character is just so frustrating you know? Cause like, yeah sure she could be complex with a powerful arc where shes forced to come to terms with the fact she wasted years of her life on self-imposed delusions in a cathartic way, or she could be a flat piece of marketing cardboard which Disney is banking on vagina+superpowers=profit without having to go through that persnicty character flaw overcoming or the like. Because like you said, hearing shes a nobody (which ngl, her assuming she was a somebody wasn’t really ever supported in tfa, just that her family was coming back and she desperately wanted them to) is apparently the worst thing but it changes absolutely nothing, not her approach, not her demeanor , if vaguely sad is the absolute worse a character is gonna experience in a goddamn space opera then yeah, full offense ill take the l on Mary sue discourse but her character will definitely be a boring ass wash. We all make fun of whiny new hope Luke but him being a kinda nuisance to both the audience and those around him is what made is transformation into full blown Jedi knight so powerful. With Rey so far what weve got is badass perfect cinnamon roll finally get her due as such, which is clearly working for some people, but I fail to see how that isn’t spectacularly tone deaf to make a protag in this genre such. Operas about drama, not patting you on the back. Rey (assuming she remains as is) would’ve been fine as a protag s the only piece of Star Wars media we ever got was a new hope. But rn she a chosen one architype (and I know that bunch of ppl are gonna go but the series ‘but shes not the chosen one, Anakin still is, the new series isn’t trying to make her one!’ but lets not beat around the burning bush, if u got a character that walks on water and the reason why is because god said so, ur dealing with a chosen one trope and if a character is star wars is made ultrapowerful in lore breaking ways because force said so? Yeah were dealing with a chosen one.) when we had both the deconstruction and the reconstruction done. Shes a straight hero when the success of the ot rest on hitting the formula near perfect the first time. What exactly is Rey, the individual character, bringing to the table? What makes her story supposedly so important the a perfectly good ending had to be made invalid to tell it? A bunch of ppl will say heroines’ journey! But if that’s the case I gotta say, wheres all the feminine shit? Im serious, if the heroines journey is reintegrating the feminine and realizing ‘oh shit mom had a point’ there where is both the feminine skills/coping mechanism and the mom? I mean I saw some ppl arguing for leia in a ‘reys Persephone!’ meta (she isn’t, you can make a much better case for ben himself as Persephone to be quite frank, yall are focusing so much on the trees ((girl gets abducted by guy)) that u forgot the forest existed, the actually story ((girl winds up queen on the underworld, well gee whiz which character just took control of that after leaving the world of living and a grieving divine mother behind, it’s a mystery apparently) behind, it’s a mystery apparently) ((but seriously though even if we hope for dark rey does anyone assume its gonna be taking control of a dark/dead coded org at least partially at this point, do you, do you really??). but given the fact she had what, one line of screen dialogue that’s breaking ur arm with that stretch. As far as skills go I guess you could make an argument for scavenging, but if that’s the case dlf did a shit job of conveying that as female-coded. Everything about rey in tfa seems deliberately androgynous, and yeah, she had her hair let down/mascara moment, but that’s tied to her ‘failure’ on the supremacy thus something nw.SPEAKIGN OF FAILURES ON THE SUPERAMCY AND LACK THERE OF. I find it kind funny that bunch of reylo bnfs (you know who they are) are all ‘hur dur fanboys/antis are dumb and don’t get story structure.’ And then going, ‘why are yall asking how/assuming rey fucked up in throne room/climax of her story in the second portion/darkest point of her character arc? Why do you hate women/ur own ovaries so much?’ because it like walking into a prefurnished house and being told by the relator ‘HERES THE LIVING ROOM’ and having no damn couch. It’s a living room, I expect a couch here. And in a movie where it’s the low point of a character arc and they drag puppet yoda out to tell me the movie is about failure, I expect a damn failure in whats clearly the climax of the characters arc for this movie. As it stands now there are three possibilities imo. 1st, rey had no failure, she is the pure badass maid o light ppl want and every inch the boring cardboard she is accused of by fanbros, remains static, and is relegated to an also ran to benlo taking the most compelling character trophy this trilogy in 10 yrs2nd possibility and the one im hoping for, failure speech wasn’t just thematic explanation but also foreshadowing, rey fucks up big and dramatic in a way that makes her manage to stand out as unique with both her contemporaries and her predecessors(last part, if its ever to much lemme know pls im sorry i just gotta get it out) 3rd and most likely possibility, rey isn’t the main character, benlo is and that’s why his failure both moral in the throne room and logistic on criat take center stage for the last third or so of the movie. Rey is merely a pov character to tell the dramatic villain protag story they wanted and have their very marketable unproblematic Disney heroine cake too.
Ok, so this discourse kinda died down by now, but thanks to that it’s possible to maybe have a calmer look at it I’m totally not trying to justify my late response.
Anyway, the good result is that quite recently my brother, who’s not overly taken with Rey - or the sequels in general, for that matter - said something which really stuck with me as a possible crux of the problem: 
She’s neither comical nor tragical. Just bland. 
This neither comical nor tragical really struck me. And the more I though about it, the more it was appearing to me that this qualm really applies to the sequels as a whole. The thing is that DLF are essentially telling a straightforward story that they’re trying to make captivatingly convoluted. And not just make, but keep this appearance over four years. And this is... a narrative teeth crasher. Like, when you’re honest about the endgame (in the context of the most structural meanings of comedy and tragedy), you can maintain a decorum, though you can also play with it, of course, whereas when you don’t want to be honest about the endgame, you end up mixing the styles somewhat messily. You can’t break or discuss with the rules without acknowledging them, so to speak. Because the originals were honest about the happy/hopeful endgame (the first episode is title A New Hope ffs), they could allow themselves deeply tragic moments like Larses’ deaths, Han getting frozen, destruction of Alderaan, etc. Because the prequels were open about being a tragedy, they could allow themselves lighthearted comic relief for the sake of lighthearted comic relief. 
The sequels... badly want us to consider the possibility of FO winning and Ben dying unredeemed while simultaneously insisting we root for those things not happening, while appearing conscious we’re definitely not buying the former and the latter only somewhat. And it’s tiresome. Dishonest. And indeed, bland. If the story is a tragedy it will be a bloodcurdlingly real one, if it’s a comedy it will be a borderline grotesque one. 
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But yeah, returning to Rey, I guess as the main character she’s a lens which focuses the above problems. A very bitter tragedy of what her parents did t her prevents her from being comfortably comical whereas whoohooos I like thats and prancing like a husky on red bull over idols and visions because it’s for children so it must be hopeful prevents her from being intriguingly tragical. So I guess the intentioned effect was tragicomism but, from pov of an engaged casual fan that is my bro, it’s neither. 
As far as Rey’s heroine’s journey lacking some of the usual elements, I blame it on Disney being... a bit too ambitious, maybe. I think they tried to make a heroine’s journey that isn’t ostentaciously seeped in traditional feminine/masculine traits, maintains the structure without what could be called accidentals. On the one hand, I would point out that hero’s journey has pretty much desexualised itself over time, we are rather accustomed to “shero’s” journeys, but on the other... maybe Disney set out on a too novel a territory and may crack their teeth on it, alongside trying to out-Vader Vader at redemption. To elucidate, “toxic femininity” in which a heroine is supposed to find herself in the beginning of her journey, in Rey’s case is uprooted from any of our usual concepts of feminine-masculine social roles (it’s space, duh). My interpretation is that Rey’s version of toxic femininity kind of exists in contrast with Kylo Ben’s version of toxic masculinity - and since the apparent focus of the story is the attitude towards the past/parent figures, toxic femininity would mean her clutching onto the past. Which is why I predict that some act of IX will find Rey inebriated with apparent success in masculine world, meaning she’ll be the one rejecting the old gods this time - and I would point out that panel in Poe comic where she shows herself more sceptical towards idolisation of past don’t mind me, I’m just expressingmy trash dreams for a proper sith lady Rey.
Then again, Rian Johnson said she already found perfect balance between Luke’s clinginess and Kylo’s rejection of the past, so... idk, maybe I’m giving DLF too much credit again.
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As for the Persephone thing, I guess the rub is that this reylo reading focuses less on the traditional reading of the myth (where Demeter is the actual main character and Kore is a Princess Peach MacGuffin) and more of an interpretation of it as one of the eldest (at least in Europe) versions of story depicting a transition of a girl into a woman, making Persephone more of a protagonist. 
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Like, y’know, this Persephone (D. G. Rosetti, source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proserpine_(Rossetti_painting))
I’m no expert, but myths can lose their original meanings because of power relations (anyone still remember about Dionysus, the god associated with excessive drinking, going through a very Christ-like death and resurrection?) and I think it’s possible that this is the case with the story of Persephone becoming a pre-scientific explanation of seasons changing over the year. So teah, that’s how I always understood the Persephone theme regarding Rey.
But yes, I must agree that I’m confused about Disney’s handling of the mother figure, which... Look, SW became a legend of a modern myth because of how epically Lucas handled the hero dealing with his very explicit father. So yes, I don’t understand what exactly is their game with Rey Nobody from Nowhere in this regard. It’s one thing that they had a cool idea with giving her no lineage, another that parent figures are an essential element of archetypal journeys and from symbolic viewpoint the case of a female character the biological relationship is even more crucial than in male’s. And I swear to all the ewoks and porgs in the galaxy, I do hope Disney’s idea of Rey healing the mother/daughter divide isn’t through her healing the divide between Leia and Ben. Again, this isn’t the idealistic sphere. Just... no. 
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Anyway, I still maintain hope (this whole meta blog is built on hope) that Rey will indeed turn out to have a proper personal mistake which will make her stand out in the saga. I do have to admit, though, that I find your last theory very likely. I mean, even when I read all the reylo metas going oh, Rey is going to have such an exciting arc in IX, she has so much to deal with though of course it’s not going to compromise her morally, it will be sooo exciting, I just... f*ck’s sake, what you’re describing isn’t a dramatic character only a dramatised role model. It’s great if that’s your thing, but don’t claim it is space opera-worthy, in operas people drown themselves because of cursed sailors, kill over a break up, decapitate over a bad dream and get dragged to hell over a dinner, not persuade their fallen lovers to change their ways, let alone patienly wait for them the understand the error of their ways (and if they do it’s doomed to end in someone dying).
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Hi! Can I have a soulmate au with Mattsun and SO where they have matching tattoos, but SO finds out years before Mattsun (they went to the same Middle School) but has been hiding it because Mattsun had a girlfriend? Maybe Makki finds out a little after and agrees not to tell Mattsun, but is worried because SO is so sad and cries a lot? Can it have a fluffy ending too? Thank you soooo much 💙💙💙💙💙
My goodness there are SO many Soulmate AUs out there! I think if you hadn’t provided one… I would have chosen the ‘write on yourself to talk to them AU’ lol that’s a good one… Anyway! Angst almost NEVER has a happy ending lovely… so have this cliffhanger instead! Thanks for requesting, love! - Admin Satori
Matsukawa Issei:
The idea of love always seemed to bring out the oddest or expected answers from each person asked. Everyone had their own idea of love, of affection, of finding their soul mate. Whether the soulmate be with one or many, everyone had a equal and opposite piece, or pieces, of their heart floating about in the large, vast world before them.
You were riveted with the idea of love. The idea of someone being your other half. Of a higher being taking the time out of their busy schedule to create your other half just for you, and you just for them. That’s why you took every chance you could to search your body for any new markings. Soulmates, upon meeting, would be greeted with matching tattoos.
Only, they wouldn’t be in the most conventional places 10% of the time.
Your mother and father shared tattoos, only they were on the back of their necks. Your mother hand’t known about her tattoo for the majority of the time after she’d met your father. Your father had been clueless, as well. Soulmate markings turned out trickier than imagined, and you were equally excited, and nauseous at the idea of coming across your soulmate without realizing it.
Year after year, you’d grow more and more downtrodden as your body remained unmarked. Clean of any dark ink, any ink at all, just nothing at all showing your awaited future. Why hadn’t you met him yet? Had they been avoiding you? Were you unwanted? Were they even in your same country? In the same part of the world?
“I don’t think it’s too much to worry about, ______.” Your close friend, Matsukawa had muttered one day on the way home from middle school. “If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, then oh well.”
“We’re too young to think about it now, let’s wait until we’re older!” Hanamaki had piped in before stuffing his face with a cream puff you’d bought him after a lost bet. You couldn’t remember making a bet with him, but he did, and thats really all it took for you to treat him to a cream puff of his choosing.
It took you far longer than you were willing to admit. An embarrassingly amount of time. Almost 2 and a half whole years after that interaction was when you’d come across an oddly placed marking - just out of sight on your waist. Just above where your waist curved into your bottom. A colorful tree. Uprooted, each root having their own individual color that blended into the next. The leaves of the tree seeming to look as if the wind was blowing, some individual leaves flitting to your hip… which had been what had caught your eye.
You’d thought it was a spec of dirt you’d missed while showering, or maybe a newfound beauty mark? Perhaps it was ever something to worry about and talk to your doctor about it’s appearance…. But once you’d gone to inspect it, twisting a little more to be able to see the actual marking, using mirrors for better angles..… you felt your heart jump into your throat.
How long had it been there? How long ago did it appear and how were you just noticing it now? It was about the width of three fingers, only the length of your forefinger… but the placement… it was awkward. Out of sight. Almost out of mind. But the leaves….
The leaves of change were blowing around your body quite literally, and you felt a jolt of electricity shoot through your spine as a sudden realization came over you.
You’d see this tattoo before.
Touched it. Complimented it.
Though it hadn’t been yours to touch, to compliment, at the time…. It’d been Matsukawa’s. Much to his embarrassment, you’d noticed his tattoo and had felt happy that he’d found his soulmate in his girlfriend.
That was almost a year ago.
You did the only thing you could think of…
“______, it’s almost midnight…”
“I know… I know… Could you please come over? Please? I need to show you something.”
“And it can’t wait until morning?”
A deep sigh before the telltale signs of rustling sheets, clothing being put on, “Okay, I’m on the way then.”
Less than an hour later, you opened your front door to the very tired eyes of Hanamaki, who didn’t looked very pleased to see you. But you barely gave him any time before pulling him in from the cold air and lifting the back of your shirt to show him the tattoo. “I don’t know when I got it…..” Hanamaki’s shoulders relaxed, and he felt a genuine happiness fill his heart at the idea of you and his best friend being soulmates. Together and happy…. But his own brief moment of joy was dashed before his very eyes when he remembered… Matsukawa was a taken man. “I.. I don’t know what to do, Takahiro…. Do… Do I tell him? I don’t want everything to explode in my face and not have him want me… and I just.. I just want him to be happy.”
You were rambling. This was clear. Hanamaki pulled you into a tight hug, resting his head on yours and closing his eyes as your panic slowly passed. He didn’t mind how tight you held him, how you gripped his shirt as if your life depended on it, or even knowing your tears were currently soaking through his shirt. He didn’t mind. You were his friend, and he knew you needed him.
“I’ll tell him.”
“NO!” You almost yelled, pulling back from his embrace to stare up at him intensely. He almost felt dwarfed in your gaze, actually taking a step backward in surprise. “Do not tell him….” Again, your tears welled in your eyes, your right hand going to your tattoo and resting on it, as if you were protecting it from the elements around you. As if it were going to be rubbed off at any moment. “Don’t tell him…”
Hanamaki frowned, confused now why you wouldn’t want to. What was the big deal? “He needs to know, _______. He’s over there wasting his time with Kihoko when he could be with you. Happy and with the right person.” A sudden flash of anger, “Don’t you want him? Don’t you want him to be happy?”
Now it was your turn to take a step back, feeling as if Hanamaki had just shot his words through your heart. You were speechless for a moment.
But he wasn’t done. “All you’ve gone on about is being happy with the one you love… Now you’re given the opportunity. He’s right there in front of you, and all you have to do is show him…. That’s really it. Why are you hesitating now? After all this time?”
“Why are you so angry with me?”
“Because I wanted you!”
The room stilled for a moment, the heaviness of his words seeping into your very muscles, making you feel glued to the floor, but your fight or flight sense pushing you to get out of there as soon as you could.
“All these years…. You’ve talked about soulmates. How great they are. How beautiful it must feel to have one. To know you’re loved unconditionally… You tricked me… Tricked me into loving you…. And try as I might, I can’t get you out of my head… I wanted you to be my soulmate, _______… And every day…. Every single day after meeting you… I’ve looked all over my body for markings. Tattoos. New moles… Anything….” Hanamaki looked away with a dark look in his eye, “But now I know…. You were never mine. There was no chance of that. You’d been marked for Matsukawa as soon as I’d introduced you to him…” A humorless laugh, “And now you’re hesitating.”
The need to comfort, to explain yourself, stilled on your being. Grew stale in your mouth. There was nothing you could do to help his heart heal. Nothing you could say to lessen the bite of reality. You lowered your head in shame, feeling as if you somehow had let him down. As if it had been your choice to fall in love with his best friend. To find your soulmate in the one person he was truly close to. “I’m…. I’m so sorry, Hiro…. I… I didn’t mean to hurt you…” You reached up and wiped at your tears, feeling them almost immediately soaking through the collar of your shirt and instead just using your hands to wipe away the tears.
Warmth enveloped your body, your head being pressed against a solid, reliable, familiar chest. “I… I just want you to be happy, _____…. Whether if it’s with me or not… I want you to find happiness… and love….” But his shoulders fell the more he realized that you truly didn’t belong to him. And you knew his words ripped at his heart. Shredded yours. It fell silent as he held you in his arms, wishing the fates to change, to create a world where the two of you would be together, happy and together… where he had the right to call you his, the blessing to wake up to you beside him, perhaps even hear the pitter patter of the shared life between the two of you.
But not in this life would he experience this.
And if he knew anything about soulmates… it was unlikely his dream would happen in another life.
Suddenly the shrill ring of his cell phone shattered the intense air around the two of you. His grieving, your comforting. You felt his groan of irritation more than saw his furrowed eyebrows, but it was only for a second before he was answering his phone, “What?” You kept your head against his chest, closing your eyes as you felt an emotional exhaustion weigh on your eyes. “I’m at ________’s….. Yeah… Sure.” A tap, then his hand was back on you, his chin resting on your head. “Your soulmate is on the way over.”
Despite his bitter tone, you pulled back in surprise, “W-what? No! Hiro, he can’t kno-“
“His girlfriend found her soulmate earlier today… Dumped his ass in a split second….” The news silenced you, your heart reaching through the darkness, through the distance, to his…. “He needs you right now…” Hanamaki sniffled, and it was that moment that you realized he’d been crying, too. He quickly wiped away his tears before stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. “So…. Don’t let me down… Don’t hesitate another second….” He cleared his throat, feeing it constrict with feeling before he was backing out of your home, “Or I’ll never forgive you! Make him happy, _____…. Be happy… For me.”
You reached out to him, “Takahiro! You don’t have to leave! Come back in! You’re going to get sick!” But he only shook his head before turning on his heel and walking away from you, his shoulders hunched to not only try to shoulder off the cold but the fresh emotion threatening to break him down right then and there. “Hiro…..”
“_______?” A deeper voice called curiously, seeing you on your doorstep in no attire for the cold weather, “You’re going to get sick.” Matsukawa shook his head disapprovingly, but his red puffy eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you. He’d been crying. Everyone was crying. There was no avoidance of pain. Hanamaki getting the worst end of it, it seemed.
“Issei….” You breathed as he shuffled you inside your house, closing the door behind him, not knowing that his best friend had just past through that doorway in tears. If he had known, you wondered… would he still be here in front of you? Or would he have gone after Hanamaki? “Issei.. Are you okay?”
Matsukawa sniffled, reaching up and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand before shrugging, “I’m okay…” He sniffled again, and your heart shook at the sound, “Uh… Kihoko… She uh… she found her soulmate today…” Clearing his throat, he gave you a wide smile, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, “Maybe next time, huh?”
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I lied about the cliffhanger since this isn’t one of them lol just kind of prodding for a part 2 if it is requested :) Don’t hate me, love, this one was getting LONG lol (especially for a singular character)
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the-weeping-fox · 4 years
It sucks so much not to be able to talk to her anymore.
I think about her so much.
I feel like no one else cares. Like I'm too much for everyone else. As adults we.. can only really deal with our own issues. No one else is interested in taking on any extra load. But is that what it is? Is that what I am? Just an extra load to everyone else? Was I an extra load to her?
I found out on our ghost anniversary (Sep 20) that she lost her job. For standing up for herself. I wish I could've consoled her. That must have been really hard and it was the right thing to do and I'm so sorry that what happened.. happened.
A part of me is still so damaged and hurt. I broke myself and paired myself down to try and fit her. My friend who knew us both said she observed that i was conditioned in a manner. Trained, if you will. Hearing that.. from someone else.. it was like I went deaf for a second.
I feel so crazy in my head about all this. Did it all happen? Was I just exaggerating? Was it me the whole time? I'm so shook from this life I lived with my person that i.. I have a hard time grasping reality anymore. Its really hard to care. I feel like I live in nightmares.
She wanted to be happy. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be okay. We did this back and forth dance where we pointed fingers at each other and claimed they couldn't communicate.
I talked with my friend more and they said, "You've been more timid and trying to over communicate so you're not misunderstood. Also seeking validation for your feelings. That's a trauma response that you were conditioned into by misdirection/ lack of communication, and a disregard for/gaslighting of your feelings." and its.. haunting. I feel like a shadow of myself. I feel like half a person.
I was hurt.. after I was cheated on. I wanted to know why I wasn't worthy of love. I gave her a place to stay when she was homeless and she cheated on me for it. and I still loved her after that. I could've made my home more welcoming.. but I thought it was temporary. I didn't know we'd be there for a year together. almost a year.
I'll spend the rest of my life wondering why she didnt communicate with me. Why it was so hard for her. I didn't scream at her.. I didn't call her stupid or say her feelings were wrong. I wanted to understand her. I loved her. I loved her so stupid much. It makes me feel so stupid I opened my whole life to her.
This whole world now is.. awful. I hate how resentful I still feel about it all. I was loyal. I was the most loyal. God.. we had talked about how she had cheated on her 5 year Ex and.. she did the same thing to me. Ive thought about reaching out to him.. but that seems kind of crazy. What would I even get out of that? I just want to know how to get past this. How to get past her.
Im looking more into therapists and psychologists. i.. think thats the right way. I dont know. Im scared im going to get fired. my boss caught me coming into work late (with my job going back to just storage and during covid.. im lucky if I get two people in a day. and not even for storage.) and its just.. hectic. its hard and makes me anxious. I shouldve gotten another job years ago.. but the idea of proving im not a waste of time to new people seems so hard during all this sadness. I feel like a waste of time.
Its really hard not to communicate with her. It was 6 months until I had first directly communicated with her. On our anniversary. She said one sentence, "I'm on Orcas. I lost my job." Why did I still want to reach out? Why did I want to make sure she was okay? I wanted to help her. Why... shouldn't I be mad? shouldn't I be upset? I am, in some ways. I was a good person. I really cared about her and tried my best. I dont think she realized how much damage being cheated on did to me. It.. changed me. it changed how I cared for her. it changed how comfortable I felt.
One of the many things that went over in my head was if I sexually satisfying. She wanted me to experiment with being rougher.. more dominant. But I didn't feel.. okay. I didn't feel safe with her. and I didn't know how to say that.
I dont.. know what she could've done to fix it. I would have guesses, but I didn't know what would fix it. I was so hurt and I.. loved her. I found out later that I think I really wanted to.. start a life and family together. All I needed was a little reassurance to move in with her and I wouldve done it. She would tell me sometimes that all she would need was an, "I love you, its going to be okay" and thats what I needed.. in order to uproot my whole existence after what had happened between us.
Im always one step away from contacting her. I miss talking to her. I felt like she cared to talk to me. She wanted to see me and wanted me. I can't imagine she feels that way anymore.. I miss it, is all. I miss someone caring.
maybe im not worth caring for.
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kpopdreality · 6 years
06: [ARA]
Two months with BTS went by really quickly and right before I had to head back to work my grandmother called an emergency family meeting before new years eve. I wrapped the blanket around me tighter as I stood on the deck of my grandmother's house facing the flat land that lead to a cliff that opened up to the ocean.
"Ara, Grandma is calling us in to talk."
I turn my attention to my sister's voice. April, my oldest sister was standing there rocking my 3 year old niece Jasmine to sleep. She was 25, with a loving husband and beautiful daughter and a job at Vogue in New York. I follow her in to see the family gathered around the living room. My mom and dad spoke softly to each other probably trying to figure out what my grandmother had in store. My little brother, Anj, who was a year younger than Jungkook typing away on his phone to who knows who. Then my brother-in-law, Cam, who took sleeping Jasmine away from her mother's arms, allowing my sisters muscles to rest. We were a fully fledged Korean family but our names confused so many people, I was the one with the most common one, I still don't know how I should take that. And by the fireplace was my grandmother, she was a quiet women with eyes that were always smiling and she was always making something never letting her hands stay still. My grandfather used to tell me that he saw a lot of the spark she has in her in me, that's probably why we both were as stubborn as an Ox.
"So children I have something important to tell you. I'm getting older and who knows how much time I have left. But before I passed I wanted to provide some answers to questions you don't yet have. I first thought about just leaving it as one final surprise and be really cool but I realized I wanted to see your faces so..."
Anj and I look at each other in confusion.
"I'm a millionaire, possibly a billionaire the zeros are a give and take."
Anj sighed beside me and focused his attention back to his phone, grandma was up to her old jokes again. The room was silent and you can see my mom roll her eyes at her own mothers words.
"Ok, that was expected but hear me out before I pull out the accounting books. Yes, none of you knew about it especially your mother that's because we never told her. See when I was growing up my father had our lives mapped out. I was going to be a good housewife and my brother was going to take over the family business, which at that time was just a small sweet shop in the town. But my brother liked to draw and paint and had no interest in business. Once we became of age my father handed the shop down to my brother and the hunt for a suitable groom started. What my father didn't know was that I actually ran the shop, my brother was a mere front man. With me running the shop he was able to paint and slowly start to sell his painting as well. When I met your grandfather I had told him about what I was doing and he supported it. After your grandfather passed the company was transfered into my name legally. I didnt tell your mother this because I didn't want her to grow up thinking she had it all, she should make it out on her own and create a name for herself. Just as April has with her position in Vogue, and Ara at Seoul Hospital, and Adj as the top business student in his high school. I wanted to wait until Adj turned 18 for this to be reviled. So as of now all Ara and April's student loans will be paid off and Adj's education will be paid for. All three of you will be getting some of your inheritance now but before you do you have to answer the following questions and fulfill my last wishes."
We all sat there is shock no one moving a muscle except for Jasmine who was oblivious to the whole thing.
"Mom are you ok?"
My grandma gave her daughter a small smile.
"Im fine dear but I am old, I want to see this done before I move on to the after life. So let's begin April. For your inherentince you will get several properties and an amount but inorder for you to do so you must move back to Korea and stay here until Jasmine is 7."
I glance over to the sleeping child who has to spend the next 4 years in this country.
"Its to ensure she learns korean and the korean cultures to some extent, in addition ¼ of your inheritance will have to be set aside for Jasmine when she turns 18"
Cam and April exchanged worried looks, they would have to uproot their lives to fulfil my grandmother's last wishes.
"Next Anj, you will be inheriting the company but to do so you must be accepted into an Ivy League in America for Business. When you graduate from the university you will officially take over the company. If I am to die before you do so you Mother will take over as CEO until you are fit to take over as CEO, if you fail to gain admission to an Ivy then you will take over as either COO or CFO with your mother as CEO."
Anj just sat there shocked.
"Now Are, you will be inheriting money and some properties as well as Seoul Hospital. I bought it last year as an anonymous buyer and if you fulfill my last wish it will be publicly known that it was us and that you are the new owner and head of the board. My wish for you is simple marry the boy of my choosing within a year."
Marriage, hospital. Last year the hospital was about to go bankrupt and a lot of people were going to lose their jobs until an anonymous buyer stepped in and saved everyone.
"If you fail to fulfil my wish the hospital will be sold as well as the other property."
If she sells the hospital people would definitely lose their jobs, new management aren't always as nice as she was.
"Now I get that you have to think this through so I'm going to go on a walk around the pond and when I get back I expect an answer."
She grabbed her cane and made her way out. Everyone sat there in silence as they thought about the proposals, my mother made my way over to me and rubbed my back.
"An arranged marriage isn't a bad thing Ara, your grandparents were arranged and they bother turned out well."
My dad spoke up from his seat across the room,
"Shes 20, 21 this year thats too young."
"April married at 22 and you didn't say anything then."
"She did it out of her choice" my mom sighed and turned to April and Cam
"What did you decide."
They both looked at each other and nodded, "We are going to move back in a couple months once we get jobs here."
Cam spoke up, April nodded looking down at Jasmine. "What about you son."
"Grandma just dropped millions of dollars on us" Everyone turns to Adj who still is in shock.
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airoasis · 5 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Eleven O' Clock | The CW
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/crazy-ex-girlfriend-eleven-o-clock-the-cw-2/
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Eleven O' Clock | The CW
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What do I do? Well… What I think that you sh… (tune playing faintly) Rebecca? Woo-hoo, hi there? Shh. What are you doing? Provide me one sec, one 2nd. (music continues enjoying) Oh, I get it. Youre doing that factor that you simply do. All proper. Good, unwell simply wait. Its eleven oclock, eleven oclock And the time limit is every time in these days but I wont know by eleven oclock tonight just like I didnt comprehend At eleven oclock the day before today… Oh, just right, an abstract theatrical house. Now i can clearly consider. (sighs) Its eleven oclock And by means of eleven oclock Shouldnt i have earned a frickin ever after? Ive achieved the workbooks, taken the capsules What more might I do? How do I still no longer be aware of myself after all that Ive been by means of? I was once Working difficult at a ny job makin dough but it surely made me blue sooner or later I was once crying quite a bit, and so I determined to move to West Covina, California, brand new buddies and new profession I admitted thats where Josh lived And thats what introduced me right here, motive I was just a girl in love Didnt wish to be held accountable for my moves I had many underlying problems to handle and that i did and didnt wish to be crazy No, wait, I didnt did wish to be loopy To clarify, I bought a prognosis A diagnosis and i named the darkness And although I knew identity have problems again… I know I received to move on to a new tune, but I want to hold discoing. (groans) I desired to be a good character, yes, its true Be a just right character, but higher than who? This medley simply got super severe reason life doesnt particularly make narrative experience Its eleven oclock eleven oclock I have to finish this song however I dont know the way 11 oclock, nonetheless 11 oclock well, Rebecca, youve accomplished it now You ruined everything You silly bitch Uprooted the whole thing And said youd made a swap however youre nonetheless a poopy little slut Who lives in a dream And doesnt understand the right way to love This entire journeys been a crock if you cant tell time Its still 11 oclock. Rebecca? Howdy? Hello! What? .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Eleven O' Clock | The CW
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/crazy-ex-girlfriend-eleven-o-clock-the-cw-2/
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Eleven O' Clock | The CW
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What do I do? Well… What I think that you sh… (tune playing faintly) Rebecca? Woo-hoo, hi there? Shh. What are you doing? Provide me one sec, one 2nd. (music continues enjoying) Oh, I get it. Youre doing that factor that you simply do. All proper. Good, unwell simply wait. Its eleven oclock, eleven oclock And the time limit is every time in these days but I wont know by eleven oclock tonight just like I didnt comprehend At eleven oclock the day before today… Oh, just right, an abstract theatrical house. Now i can clearly consider. (sighs) Its eleven oclock And by means of eleven oclock Shouldnt i have earned a frickin ever after? Ive achieved the workbooks, taken the capsules What more might I do? How do I still no longer be aware of myself after all that Ive been by means of? I was once Working difficult at a ny job makin dough but it surely made me blue sooner or later I was once crying quite a bit, and so I determined to move to West Covina, California, brand new buddies and new profession I admitted thats where Josh lived And thats what introduced me right here, motive I was just a girl in love Didnt wish to be held accountable for my moves I had many underlying problems to handle and that i did and didnt wish to be crazy No, wait, I didnt did wish to be loopy To clarify, I bought a prognosis A diagnosis and i named the darkness And although I knew identity have problems again… I know I received to move on to a new tune, but I want to hold discoing. (groans) I desired to be a good character, yes, its true Be a just right character, but higher than who? This medley simply got super severe reason life doesnt particularly make narrative experience Its eleven oclock eleven oclock I have to finish this song however I dont know the way 11 oclock, nonetheless 11 oclock well, Rebecca, youve accomplished it now You ruined everything You silly bitch Uprooted the whole thing And said youd made a swap however youre nonetheless a poopy little slut Who lives in a dream And doesnt understand the right way to love This entire journeys been a crock if you cant tell time Its still 11 oclock. Rebecca? Howdy? Hello! What? .
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