#spectrum rayna
rivkaotailor · 7 months
Two pretty best friends.
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womenofnoise · 4 months
Can you recommend me some rhythmic noise/techno?
I think so!
The styles will vary on the noise< - > techno spectrum, but I hope some of these will fit your taste!
Yuko Araki - IV
VTSS (yes, from that famous HOR bit...)
Aseptic Sir
Tot Onyx
Moor Mother - Fetish Bones
Mala Herba (nb, but wanted to be featured by us before)
Gavilán Rayna Russom
Basically there's plenty of artists mixing styles, I didn't want to mention the obvious intersection of noise/power electronics/ebm/darkwave/techno, but if you're not familiar with them - go in this direction first! These are just a few that came to my mind. You can always check out our Instagram that works as an artist archive - we feature a certain artist and write a short note on them.
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crossdreamers · 1 year
Married Somerset couple to renew vows as two women
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BBC tells the story about a British-American couple where Rayna came out as transgender to her wife Jae shortly after they married.
Harriet Robinson writes:
Once they reached their honeymoon destination, a Center Parcs in the UK, the newly-married couple together made the decision that Rayna would try presenting as a woman.
"I was like, well this is the perfect opportunity because we're not going to know anybody there," said Jae....
Jae said she had always been attracted to both men and women and just wanted to support her partner.
"In Ray's coming out, I've realised that it doesn't matter where you fall on the spectrum, it's the person that I fall in love with."
The couple explained that since Rayna came out, their relationship had changed for the better.
"We just don't have this weird, sort of grey divide between us any more," said Rayna.
Jae added: "We can talk about anything with each other (now)."
Jae and Rayna now plan to renew their vows as two brides in front of friends and family.
Read the interview here.
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rizz-penguin · 11 months
intro bc one of my mutuals unintentionally reminded me to do this
-they/mightbegiants (/j it's actually they/them lmao)
-asexual spectrum
-aromantic spectrum
-autism and ADHD
Please use tone tags for possibly offensive jokes!
-if you like one of my art posts (usually tagged with art and if remember, my art tag) please reblog!! :)
Music: They Might be Giants, AJJ, AJR, cavetown, Hank Williams, Ramones
Games: Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Minecraft
Books: Prosper Redding, Warriors, Blood on the River, Wild Rescuers, The Graveyard Book, Touching Spirit Bear
Movies: 9, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Apollo 13, The Secret of NIMH, Where the Red Fern Grows
Animes: Attack on Titan, Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
Cartoons: Amphibia, The Owl House, Steven Universe
Drawing, writing, the occasional animation
DNI if:
You are homo/transphobic
You are abelist or racist
You ship real people (who aren't comfortable with being shipped)
You're a pedo/zoo/incestual
You're a proshipper
You are an "art fixer"
You are an AI bro
You are anti-men, anti-man, etc
You are pro-life
You are a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist)
You're an NSFW blog please I'm sorrym no offense but I'm a minor
#ryebread rambles - text / paragraph post tag
#arty art arts - art posts, I forget
I have 8 cats, 3 dogs, and idek how many spiders I have
I make stupid jokes and laugh at them
Ricky Montgomery has such a pretty voice
I like penguins. They're cute
Self shippers are okay, y'all are cool :3
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terristarstrike · 8 months
Desperate To Belong
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"Look, it’s just that, I’ve been having these thoughts lately, and.. I’m starting to believe that I should be somewhere else in this world. It’s like I want to be a part of something I just don’t understand. But… I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me." - Terrina
Terrina was the most widely beloved princess of Eve El Doe, often regarded as the most diplomatic, most beautiful and kindest of all. Unfortunately for her, she also faced a difficult teenhood trying to fit in with the other giants, because she was born a Humazon - a Jotuzon hybrid with mixed human blood. Terrina was unable to feel a sense of belonging amongst Jotuzons, and was more interested in learning about humans. Her fellow giants would bully her over her unusual obsessions, causing her to hide her secret humanity from the rest of Eve El Doe.
Rayna, Terri's twin, was also born as a Humazon, but she was more on the Jotuzon side of the spectrum, with very little regard for the humans. She had no time to think about these beings, and was more focused on being a warrior for her people. While Terrina was the popular twin of the duo, she sheltered herself from the world and preferred to live in her own studies of humanity with her only friend, Meg. Whenever Rayna wasn't there to protect her twin, Meg was the only one who understood Terri and accepted her interests. After turning 17, Terrina develops a teenage existential crisis and contemplates on whether she should give up her royal responsibilities to find her true purpose. She desperately fled to the human world.
When she first came to Earth, she was finally old enough to visit the human world all by herself. She was desperate to find a place where she can finally feel a sense of joy and belonging, and since she was half-human, it didn't matter if she was a giant compared to there, she would feel much safer and happier here. But poor Terri, the humans are also terrified of the unknown, the same way Jotuzons are intolerant towards humans. Luckily, one human, Bailey Wilson, was one human who was deeply curious to learn about Terri. Nearly a year later, Bailey and Terrina became an inseparable couple, and Terrina herself became the beloved superstar of the town of Westshore.
Everyone has their eyes on Terri, she's the pride and joy of the town. But the world where she came from is still a disaster, she's hiding her half-human heritage, hoping that everyone would forget, but after learning that Bailey Wilson was also secretly a Jotuzon who was hiding in human form, and Meg was also a half-human hybrid developing her hybrid powers, Terrina came to the realization that she is not the only Humazon in the universe, and she's beginning to take more pride in her hybrid nature to give voice to the other Humazons on Eve El Doe who are hiding.
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saniya054 · 3 months
Explore the Emirates: Your Ultimate Guide to Travel Agency Services in UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a captivating blend of modernity, tradition, and luxury, offering travelers a plethora of experiences to cherish. From the shimmering skyscrapers of Dubai to the cultural richness of Abu Dhabi, the UAE is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Navigating this enchanting land can be made effortless with the assistance of trusted travel agencies that cater to diverse interests and preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of travel agency services in the UAE, helping you plan your dream getaway with ease and confidence.
Understanding the UAE
Before embarking on your journey, it's essential to grasp the diverse tapestry of the UAE. Comprising seven distinct emirates, each with its own unique charm, the country offers a spectrum of experiences for travelers. From the bustling streets of Dubai to the serene landscapes of Fujairah, the UAE encapsulates a fascinating blend of ancient traditions and modern extravagance.
The Role of Travel Agencies
Travel agencies serve as invaluable partners in crafting memorable experiences for travelers. They offer a wide array of services, ranging from itinerary planning and accommodation bookings to transportation arrangements and guided tours. In the UAE, where the possibilities are endless, partnering with a reputable travel agency can enhance your journey by providing insider insights, personalized recommendations, and seamless logistics.
Choosing the Right Travel Agency
With a myriad of options available, selecting the right travel agency can seem daunting. However, by considering a few key factors, you can narrow down your choices and find the perfect match for your travel needs. Look for agencies with a proven track record of excellence, transparent pricing policies, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Additionally, consider the range of services offered, including specialized tours, cultural experiences, and adventure activities tailored to your preferences.
Top Travel Agencies in the UAE
Emirates Holidays: Renowned for its impeccable service and tailor-made itineraries, Emirates Holidays offers travelers a seamless experience, from luxury accommodations to exclusive excursions.
Arabian Adventures: With a deep understanding of the UAE's cultural heritage and natural wonders, Arabian Adventures curates immersive journeys that showcase the essence of the Emirates.
DNATA Travel: As one of the region's leading travel agencies, DNATA Travel combines innovation with tradition, offering travelers a comprehensive range of services, including flights, accommodations, and guided tours.
Rayna Tours: Specializing in adventure tourism and family-friendly activities, Rayna Tours caters to the diverse interests of travelers, ensuring memorable experiences for all ages.
SNTTA Emirates: With a legacy spanning over four decades, SNTTA Emirates is synonymous with reliability and excellence, offering travelers unparalleled access to the UAE's most iconic landmarks and hidden gems.
Planning Your UAE Adventure
Once you've chosen your preferred travel agency in UAE, it's time to delve into the exciting process of planning your UAE adventure. Begin by outlining your must-visit destinations, whether it's the towering Burj Khalifa in Dubai or the majestic Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Consider your interests, whether you're drawn to the adrenaline rush of desert safaris or the tranquility of beach retreats along the UAE's picturesque coastline.
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thecolorfullest · 4 years
A Compilation of 100 Favorite Songs By Rayna Hugo
These songs are either hits for a reason, or they hit for a reason:
As a compilation of Rayna’s top 100, the music within this playlist are pieces of art that accomplish different successes amongst 
complex lyricism/ poetry
harmonic and supporting vocals
danceable drama
Add theatrics (landing on the spectrum of making a place more beautiful or transporting you somewhere that actually is) 
Each piece has re-listenability, meaning over the time spent after my discovery of them, I have watched myself share these experiences with those that have inspired me to my core. Because of this fact, many songs will appear familiar in relation to how long I have known you, how much time I spent with you, and the consideration that some tunes might not even exist in this playlist if it weren’t for our paths crossing. On the other end, some songs are uniquely mine and CLAIMED. My criteria for a song’s inclusion answered “no” to the questions: 1.) Does anybody love this song more than me? (no)
2.) Will the people I share this with disagree of its greatness even if someone argues yes for question one? (no)
Thus, constructed this idea of 100. Often the top 100 implies a quantitative popularity, but this is not the case here. If these were the only songs I were limited to experience for the rest of my life, there are many versions and subdivisions of this collection that could establish a common thread of construction, genre, and themes, while maintaining individual integrity. In other words, I could learn from them infinitely. The process of this was quite difficult! It required me to strip down sonic aesthetics to origin stories- maybe I like this song because I loved this song. Which is better? A new age development or a song before that mastered it better? Truthfully, the underrepresentation of more contemporary influences contribute to a legacy i haven’t made my mind up on yet. My music taste isn’t limited to this playlist of course. You will notice that in other playlists I have made. If I had considered the people who might view this playlist, maybe It would be different, but i believe this playlist performs objectively as “very Rayna”. It was important for me to have songs that did not just sound good, but were great. The songs needed to be life-changing rather than just enjoyable or easy to listen to.
Why this song after that song? :
The order of these songs is INTENTIONAL. I will elaborate on this in a separate note that will suggest trivia, notable moments, honorable mentions, and reason for inclusion for EACH song as an extra resource if any of the songs puzzle or intrigue you.
A note for my friends and family:
I want to thank you for being a part of my life. Be it a speedy car ride no matter the weather, a slow one cruising through neighborhoods with smoke slipping through the cracks of a window, a park bench and a small iPhone speaker, one ear phone shared intimately in a public space, a steamy kitchen with someone’s mom whipping up something good, a dorm room jam session, an epic live concert, a birthday party, an airplane flight, an all-nighter work flow, a night’s sleep, or the sound echoing out of my bathroom shower, music is for all of us. I believe it is the most profound social experience we can have. It unites strangers, teaches us things, and puts our emotions into existence in order for us to move forward. Music accomplishes the same things you accomplish for me. By keeping me moving. Maybe some songs sound skippable to you, but I encourage you to give them a chance. They are there for a reason!
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sometownie · 5 years
Top 5 favourite born in game sims
Since my earlier top5 list already included some of my favorite in-game born sims from hoods that I miss, here I will only list sims in my current hood, Whitewave!
1. Donna Limestone
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Donna is the middle child of the three daughters of Limestone 2nd generation. She’s already an elder, but I wanted to post an older pic! I had trouble finding a suitable spouse for her, and once she eventually did marry it ended up in divorce real soon. But to be honest, I always had trouble imagining Donna in a relationship altogether, and recently I have come to the conclusion that she is asexual. I grew to love Donna a lot because of this - because she seemed to grow a character of her own without me interfering much, and I always interfere with my sims’ lives. It almost felt like it wasn’t my place to tell her that she should marry someone!
2. Rayna Limestone
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Rayna is my favorite Limestone 3rd gen sim, but I have to admit it is mostly because of her looks! She is so pretty! Back when she was born I had completely forgotten that I had taken out the multi-PT mod (for reasons I can’t remember), and it took me a some 20 times of quitting-to-neighborhood-without-saving in order to not get the maxis alien huge eyes and noselesness. Which means she looks exactly like her mother, Bea. But it also means that her kids will also be subject to inheriting the maxis genes, and tbh I’m not really looking forward to it. 
3. Lemon Farwood
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Lemon grew on me! I usually have sims’ career tracks and possible future spouses decided by the time sims start college, but I had some serious trouble coming up with any plans for Lemon. So, I decided to go with that - I let her be undecided. She was all about having fun, hanging with friends and with no goals in her mind. Now let me say, that this is very unusual for me; Every sim I have always has a plan laid out before them. At first I didn’t really care for Lemon, but once I gave her permission to be worry-free (or gave myself permission to not stress about not having a plan for her), she quickly became my favorite! 
4. Johnny Mills
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So y’all know how much I loved Greta and... It would have felt very wrong to make this list without adding a child of hers on this list. Johnny still has his life ahead of him (as I have no proper plans for him yet and he’s already in college) but I really grew to like him. I love the dynamics that is the Abandoned Factory commune, and Johnny along with his best friend Milo are a very big part of that. 
5. Koral Rogan
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Like Rayna, Koral is also Limestone 3rd gen! They actually represent the far ends of the age spectrum; Rayna is the oldest of the generation, while Koral is the youngest. All the 2nd gen girls inherited their father’s looks, and like Rayna, Koral also looks remarkably like her grandfather. It’s the eyes! I have high expectations for Koral and I can’t wait for her to grow up! 
Thank you sm for asking! ♥ 
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thehiddenlawyer · 6 years
First Sentence Writing Game
Ooooooh thanks for the tag @mel-loves-all and @sobeautifullyobsessed
The Rules: write the first sentence of the last ten stories you’ve written and look for patterns. Then tag some friends.
Oh Christ.
His Little Miracles ( Unnamed Lovers Series)-- The entire walk to the Grotto felt like torture, a betrayal to his less than Christian beliefs, and every step he walked, passing by shops and stores bearing souvenirs of the miracle that was attributed to the sleepy little French village, his stomach felt as if it would bottom out.
Carelessly Close (Original novel, heading for publication)-- 
Today had been a long day.  Yesterday had been a long day. That day after that had been a long day.
Stranger Than Kindness (Sherlolly)-  She took him in her body and moaned his name, her legs wrapped his waist as he surged inside her, her fingers tangling in his black curls as he buried his face in his throat. “Molly,” he moaned her name, as he pushed himself harder and harder inside her, his breath desperate as if he would die without her.
Give Me Your Scars (Sherlolly)-  Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper stood next to each other, hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder though neither noticed how close they stood, neither noticed the way their bodies were canted towards each other, neither noticed their very breaths and heartbeats were synchronized.
Queen Ink (Random, Unpublished)-  His smile on stage was brilliant, laughing his absolute joy as the song ended in a fusion of loud guitar, bass, and an explosive drum solo that ended when Benedict pumped his fist down in the universal gesture to end the song.  
[Untitled] Izzy and Patrick were nestled together on her velvet, burgundy sofa under the blue throw. The TV was on, humming and talking to itself, casting it’s shifting light spectrum and UV rays across the room at the couple as they dozed. 
Awakenings (Unnamed Lovers Series) She woke up before him.She always did, on her stomach and facing away from him, their legs entangled together, her entire soul still quivering from the night before, her core shivering as if it remembered him. 
Couldn’t Hide From the Thunder-  Vicki watched her friend light up another cigarette as they sat by side behind the theater, enjoying the rare San Francisco sun as Evie blew plumes of gray smoke into the other.
So Far From Me (Sherlolly WII AU)- She couldn’t not follow him. She couldn’t leave him be. She couldn’t let herself exist in a world where he was lying dead in a ditch somewhere and her heart continued to beat.
Spells and Wild Abandoned Stars (Doctor Strange)  When the lecture was over, Dr. Rayna Malick smiled at her colleagues, nodding her thanks at their applause as she gathered her notes from the lectern, her eyes easily finding him.
Pattern-- I don’t see one? Do you guys?
Tagging anyone who wants to participate xx 
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Twin Seal Bag Market Research Report 2021 – Major Players Operating: Aropak, Sonoco, Rayna Enterprises, Emerald Packaging, Qingdao Wenwugang Rubber & Plastics
The recently Published Report titled Twin Seal Bag Market Research Report 2021 – Major Players Operating: Aropak, Sonoco, Rayna Enterprises, Emerald Packaging, Qingdao Wenwugang Rubber & Plastics by Axel Reports offers a comprehensive picture of the market from the global view point as well as a descriptive analysis with detailed segmentation, complete research and development history, latest news, offering a forecast and statistic in terms of revenue during the forecast period from 2021-2027. The report covers a comprehensive analysis of key segments, recent trends, competitive landscape, and key factors playing a substantial role in the market are detailed in the report. The report helps vendors and manufacturers to understand the change in the market dynamics over the years.
Get Sample Copy of this Report with the Latest Market Trend and COVID-19 Impact: https://axelreports.com/request-sample/168622
Global Market Segmentation by Top Key-Players: Aropak Sonoco Rayna Enterprises Emerald Packaging Qingdao Wenwugang Rubber & Plastics Safepak J. Drasner Wuxi Benno Plastic Spectrum Plastics Group
NOTE: Consumer behaviour has changed within all sectors of the society amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Industries on the other hand will have to restructure their strategies in order to adjust with the changing market requirements. This report offers you an analysis of the COVID-19 impact on the Twin Seal Bag market and will help you in strategising your business as per the new industry norms.
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Market segments by Types of, the report covers- Polyethylene Terephthalate Twin Seal Bag Polypropylene Twin Seal Bag Polyethylene Twin Seal Bag Others Industry Overlook by Applications of, the report covers- Meat Nuts Others
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North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
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Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
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rivkaotailor · 1 year
Fighting fatigue to finish this group piece. After this, I’m doing the character sheets. REAL character sheets.
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6-v-6 · 7 years
1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational 
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo 
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering 
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography 
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento 
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
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csrgood · 5 years
Xylem and Manchester City Football Group Partner in “Cityzens Giving” For Second Annual Safe Water Project
Xylem Inc. (NYSE: XYL), a leading global water technology company dedicated to solving the world’s most challenging water issues, is partnering with the Cityzens Giving annual charitable campaign launched today, a Manchester City Football Club global community initiative, which helps young leaders around the world change lives through the power of football.
Now in its’ sixth year, Cityzens Giving sees City Football Group and its partners once again donating £400,000 to six community football projects run by young leaders in cities around the world.
Over the course of the six-week campaign, fans will hear first-hand from the young leaders in each of the six projects and will be asked to vote for the one that resonates most with them. The more votes a project gets, the greater the funding it will receive.
Last year, the safe water project in Bangalore, supported by Xylem, received the most votes, and received the largest grant of the £400,000 in funding.
As a partner of Manchester City, Xylem is proud to be supporting a new safe water project in Cape Coast, Ghana, as one of the six initiatives in the campaign. The project, “Kicking for Change,” will combine football, safe water education and equipment to provide clean water access to schools and communities to help prevent waterborne illnesses and keep children in school.
While Ghana has made large strides in reducing poverty through economic growth, more than 60% of the population still lacks access to safe drinking water, leaving them vulnerable to water-related illness and disease. Children in Ghana, girls especially, often have to walk extremely long distances to collect water, making them late for school, or absent altogether due to illness from waterborne diseases.
This project will use football to teach children about life-saving water and sanitation education, keeping them healthy and in school, and will be combined with a new clean water source in the community. This project is delivered in partnership with Play Soccer Ghana, and is generously supported by Xylem.
“Xylem is committed to raising awareness of global water challenges and our partnership with Cityzens Giving for this project will provide a powerful opportunity to share in a community commitment to solving water” said Joseph Vesey, Xylem Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. “We look forward to watching the votes and to moving forward on a great initiative for the youth of Cape Coast, Ghana, to help advance education for young girls, water security and work towards a more sustainable future.”
Ferran Soriano, Chief Executive of City Football Group, said:
“At City Football Group we are incredibly proud of Cityzens Giving. Over the past five years the campaign has gone from strength to strength and we are passionate about letting our fans choose from projects around the world and empowering our Young Leaders to inspire their local communities.
“The sixth year of the Cityzens Giving campaign sees more young people than ever before connecting with their communities and using football to find solutions to the social issues they are facing. More than 10,000 young people around the world are now engaged each year through our Cityzens Giving projects. Our Cityzens decide where the effort and the money go, making a positive difference in the world through the power of football.”
Starting today, fans from across the City Football Group network can vote for their preferred cause at: mancity.com/cityzensgiving.
About Xylem
Xylem (XYL) is a leading global water technology company committed to developing innovative technology solutions to the world’s water challenges. The Company’s products and services move, treat, analyze, monitor and return water to the environment in public utility, industrial, residential and commercial building services settings. Xylem also provides a leading portfolio of smart metering, network technologies and advanced infrastructure analytics solutions for water, electric and gas utilities. The Company’s approximately 17,000 employees bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on identifying comprehensive, sustainable solutions. Headquartered in Rye Brook, New York, with 2018 revenue of $5.2 billion, Xylem does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands.
The name Xylem is derived from classical Greek and is the tissue that transports water in plants, highlighting the engineering efficiency of our water-centric business by linking it with the best water transportation of all – that which occurs in nature. For more information, please visit us at www.xylem.com.
About Xylem Watermark
Xylem Watermark is Xylem’s corporate citizenship and social investment program. Xylem Watermark’s mission is to provide and protect safe water resources for communities and to educate people about water issues. By working with best-in-class non-profit partners and leveraging the expertise, time and passion of Xylem’s employees and stakeholders, Xylem Watermark is able to address the full spectrum of global water challenges. For over 10 years, Xylem Watermark has been generating social impact by delivering clean water to communities in need, responding to water-related disasters with humanitarian assistance, and empowering communities through education about water, sanitation and hygiene and the value of water.
About Cityzens Giving
Since the launch of Cityzens Giving more than five years ago, over 1000 Young Leaders have been trained with over 10,000 young people across 20 cities now engaged each year through the projects. Each year, fans are given the opportunity to choose how funds, donated by City Football Group and its partners, are split between six different projects.
In addition to funding, every season young leaders are invited to Manchester City’s Young Leaders Summit held at City Football Academy to share learning about how they are using the power of football to address social issues in their local communities.
In October 2016, Cityzens Giving won Corporate Citizenship Campaign of the Year at the annual Beyond Sport Awards, designed to support and reward the best projects across the globe that are using sport for positive social change.
For more information, please visit www.mancity.com/cityzensgiving.
Houston Spencer
+1 (914) 240-3046
Rayna Sidhu
+44 161438717
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43103-Xylem-and-Manchester-City-Football-Group-Partner-in-Cityzens-Giving-For-Second-Annual-Safe-Water-Project?tracking_source=rss
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bookvacation-org · 5 years
Rayna Tours
In full operation since 2006, Rayna Tours and Travels - an ISO certified company - has developed a long standing recognition as one of the best tour operators in the UAE. We’re committed to provide bespoke travel management services, making both leisure and business travelers from across the globe feel welcome. The proud winner of TripAdvisor Excellence Award, we’ve earned our reputation for fineness through years of unmatched industry knowledge, professionalism, and transparent business dealings with advantageous prices. Headquartered in Dubai, Rayna Tours has branches in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Singapore, Malaysia, and Pune (India), besides operating over 70 travel outlets across Dubai’s major four-star and five-star hotels. Our leadership represents in-depth experience across a wide spectrum of tour categories, but is entrenched in one fundamental principle: to structure travel programs and services exactly according to our clients’ unique travel needs. With a proven excellence in arranging personalized tours, our travel specialists can organize your dream holiday creatively and effectively. Featuring a vast inventory of products and services including hassle-free visa services, guided excursions, holiday packages, and hotel reservation with access to over 200,000 hotels across the globe, Rayna Tours’ easy to use, state-of-the-art online booking system makes your vacation planning process as smooth as possible. Using customized filter options, you can further compare tours, view photos, read guest reviews, and finally, book best value tours.
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       Many stories exist about soulmates. A string of fate that ties two people together, a sudden spark when your eyes meet, or even a stone found by chance that glows when it meets its match. They all talk about people destined to be together since the beginning of time, a perfect romance. We are all supposed to have a soulmate, one that we all know we’ve met when something in us changes. None of us know what will change. The change is different for each couple. Most of the time it’s a tattoo that appears, or even a sudden change in hair or eye color.
       I never truly knew what color was. At least, not until the day I met the one I would love for the rest of my life. We met in my favorite coffee shop. I bought coffee there almost every week, often enough that even the staff got to know me. When I stood up to get, yet another refill, a stranger bumped into me. I looked up to apologize, only to meet his eyes. I only ever saw things in shades of gray, but when I looked at him I could only focus on the pretty hazel of his eyes. Those eyes widened when they finally saw the blue of mine. We both smiled and I spoke, “I’m Rayna.”
      “Asher,” he replied. We both took another comfortable moment to look each other over.               “Can I interest you in another coffee?”
    “Only if you agree to dinner at my place this Friday,” I teased.
       Within that first date, I could already see why he was my match. He was funnier than I ever was, but still laughed at the stupid jokes I made. He said I read faster and more than he ever dreamed, but still favored almost the exact same genres and series that I did. We both were absolute geeks with an unhealthy book, game, and movie obsession. I hated bugs, he hated snakes. We enjoyed the idea of pets with only a slight preference for cats. We had so much in common. By the end of the date I had a crush on Asher. An exchange of phone numbers, addresses, and the gentle press of his lips on the back of my hand, with promises of being on time on Friday, guaranteed our second date.
      He was late for dinner. I had planned for a half an hour delay so dinner had just finished by the time he showed. We felt the need to talk and find out more about each other. He hated to cook for himself, claiming he could burn water, but could make it look as if his flat came right out of a home magazine. I hated cleaning, never being able to bring myself to do the necessary deep cleaning my apartment probably needed, yet I could cook like a master chef. I was handy with tools and he had a scary green thumb. I planned for everything and had contingency plans for several factors after that. He flew by the seat of his pants. We both had a bit of a klutzy streak. Our habits complimented each other. By the end of the second date, I was falling hard.
      We talked fairly frequently through our phones for the next few weeks. On the Saturday of the third week, he showed up at my house with a basket and a blanket. We had a picnic in the park for our third date. We sat under an Oak and jested about getting hit with an acorn by an unfriendly squirrel.
        “I thought a ‘Chicken Little’ the ‘sky is falling’ vibe would help keep the mood intact for us,” Asher joked. “It has nothing to do with your appreciation for the color of oak leaves in early Autumn.” He grinned like an idiot,          “On the more romantic side I did actually bring lunch to eat and a movie soundtrack to play for mood music.”
        “I hope you didn’t make the lunch,” I snickered lightly, “I don’t feel like drinking burnt water.”
        “I feel no need to kill my soulmate only a few weeks after meeting her,” he states with a half smirk, “I’m saving that for my future mother-in-law, in case she is as demonic as the jokes imply. The food we shall partake of today is from the finest Grocer’s, premade deli section. This included a bag of chips and processed air, as well as water bottles I stole from your fridge while you weren’t looking.”
         I laughed lightly at his humor and dug through the basket. He brought around 8 different sandwich types to make sure I had one I liked. We ate, we laughed, we talked, and we kissed under that tree in the park. He remembered how much I liked cliché ideas. We carved our initials in the tree, and painted all of the colors we allowed the other to see in the heart around them. By that third date, I was in love with him.
        Dates four and five in the following months solidified our relationship. On the sixth date, he asked me to marry him. We were soulmates, and we absolutely adored that fact. Not every pair had a happy ending. Not everyone finds their soulmate early in life, if ever. I’m glad we got the chance to be together.
         We got married the next fall, a small wedding, inviting only family and close friends. Red and black set us apart from the garden we got married in. the reception was a grand affair, in a nearby hall. We catered way too much food. The cake was a big, yellow cake, colored orange with leaves all over it. We danced and laughed the night away. Around midnight Asher tapped me on the shoulder and flicked his eyes with a tilt of his head towards the door. We slipped off on our own to enjoy our first night as husband and wife.
              We spent a week in Jamaica. Swimming, drinking, playing badminton, reading, touring, and, well, generally enjoying the married life. It passed way too quickly for both our tastes. We eventually had to go home. We had to do our jobs, and get back to my, now our, temporary apartment.
We only lived there less than a year before we found a house to put a down payment on. Repainting it was the most fun, especially the baby’s room. Three of the walls were a dusky orange-yellow. Asher painted a mural of our Oak tree on the fourth wall. Little acorns decorated the borders of the room, and an occasional leaf swirled across a wall. The rest of the rooms were each a different color, all on the paler side of the spectrum. Our house was by no means large, but it was ours, and it was breathtaking.
         Seven months later, I found myself in excruciating pain and yelling at Asher. “You absolute Jerk! This is your fault!”
“That’s it Honey, just take it all out on me,” he coached calmly, “Just don’t forget to breathe.”
“As soon as I get her out of me, I’m going to castrate you!”
“No more kids. Gotcha.”
        After nearly three hours of me screaming, and nearly breaking my husband’s hand, our little girl was born. The bleeding didn’t stop like it should have, I continued to bleed, and the sounds of the world grew dimmer. The last clear thing I saw, was a terrified Asher being shoved out of the room, lips shouting what I assumed was my name. I blacked out. When I next surfaced, the room was spinning, the sounds of my doctor and nurses flying in a frantic blur of activity. I felt unconsciousness reaching towards me for the second time.
“We’re losing her,” spoke the dim voice of the doctor. I found it increasingly difficult to keep my eyes open.
“Asher,” I whispered weakly. One, two. One, two. There were shouts and a loud whining noise.
               I paced frantically outside her room. “Come on Ray.” The hallway was almost silent in comparison to the room she was in. I leaned against one of the walls and stared at the colorful hospital posters. The happy family on the picture in the middle quickly became my favorite. The man’s proud eyes, the loving look of the woman, and the happy baby reaching to her parents in the middle. That would be our family soon.
            I looked at the face of the mother, “That’ll be my Ray.” As I stared, suddenly the picture started to almost melt away, as if it was a crayon set in front of a heater. My eyes widened in alarm, my heart skipped a beat in fear. Everything was turning gray. The same shade everything was before I met…
            “No,” I spoke in a hushed tone. The colors Rayna had showed me were disappearing again. That’s when it hit me, and my heart started to ache. I moved back to the door of her room. As soon as I stood in front of it, the door began to open. I didn’t hesitate to rush in, shoving the nurse out of the way.
            “Rayna!” I shouted. She looked almost exactly like she did when I was forced out of the room, only, so much paler. “No,” I choked out. I felt tears stinging my eyes, as I came near her.
            “We couldn’t save her,” spoke the doctor from behind me, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
            I ran a hand through her hair; I caressed her cheek. She was getting cold. A few tears escaped my eyes as I pressed my forehead to hers. I barely noticed most of the staff leave. I wasn’t sobbing, but my throat felt clogged, and my chest felt ready to explode with all of the emotion it contained.
            “Sir, take some time to grieve,” said the remaining Nurse, “It can be difficult to lose someone this suddenly. We’ll take her down to the morgue when you’re done. Remember, you have a daughter that will need her father now more than ever.” I stroked my wife’s face once more and pressed a gentle, and final, goodbye kiss to her forehead. Leaving her there was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
            I took my daughter home two days later. A few days after that was Rayna’s funeral. It passed by in a blur of black, condolences, flowers, tears, and finally dirt. She was gone, dead and buried. The second hardest decision I ever had to make came after that.
            My daughter had no mother, I would have to raise her on my own. I debated giving her up. She lay in her crib, whining softly. I had fed her earlier, I tried changing her, and still the whining didn’t stop.
            “What do you need?” I asked the infant uselessly. The whining turned quickly to near wailing.
            “I’m not any good at this, what do you want?” My voice escalated in volume. The wailing continued with extra tears.
            “She’s not here, I’m useless, she can’t take care of you, she’s gone you stupid kid! She’s dead and she’s never coming back!” I screamed, “It’s all because of you!” I collapsed and started crying with her. My grief had finally caught up with me. “She’s gone.” After a long while, I finally calmed down enough to process what I had done. Standing up, I reached down to stroke my daughter’s cheek. Her wailing quieted back to whimpers.
            “What am I doing Ray?” I asked of my missing half. “What’s wrong witj me? I’m yelling at and blaming our daughter for your death. God, I wish you were here. You were so much better with kids than me.” As if in answer, our daughter opened her tearful eyes. I froze in shock, jaw falling slack. Even if I couldn’t see anything else, I could see our daughter had her mother’s eyes, and I could see their beautiful blue hue.
            “Ray,” I whispered. I was an idiot. It just took a miracle to make me see that. I quickly reached down and picked our daughter up into my arms.
            “I’m so sorry sweetheart,” I apologized as I pressed my lips to her little head. “I may not be the best father, but I am yours. It’s not your fault your mother died. She gave me you, you’re my responsibility, and I will take care of you. I loved your mother, and I will continue to love you. She may not be here, but I am, and I plan on staying as long as you need me.” I threw the adoption pamphlet away, and slept on the couch with our daughter in my arms.
            The years were tough without Rayna, but I managed. The most difficult part was answering our daughter’s questions. I answered most, as they came.
            “Daddy, where’s Mommy?”
Although, some. . .
            “Daddy, why do you cry the week after my birthday?”
            “Daddy, why can’t you see colors?”
            I just couldn't. I missed Rayna every year, the pain never really went away. I raised our little girl as best I could. I watched her grow up. She looked a lot like me, but was practically a mini version of her mother. I stuck with her through thick and thin, until she didn’t need me anymore. She’s grown, she found her soulmate, and she has her own kids. I am old, I am tired, and I miss my other half.
            One night, nearly 50 years after her death, I said goodbye and slept. I laid peacefully at rest, and the next time I opened my eyes, I could see her smiling face and beautiful blue eyes.
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rivkaotailor · 1 year
Rayna Rouge is the main character for my story “Spectrum,” a universe where seven teenagers are mutated by an “abandoned” experiment and turned into… superheroes? They must battle monsters, villains, mean girls, and bigotry in order to unite their city state against the oligarchy that rules it.
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The “show” will so far have three “seasons,” each one having the team unlock new abilities and face off new-ish foes. Hopefully I’ll start the project this summer, but life drives itself.
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Rayna, my favorite OC right now, is the leader of Spectrum, and she often serves as the cheerleader for the group, often to exorbitant amounts. After joining Prism Academy from a lottery, she was intent on making friends with other colors, no matter how difficult it will be. Being attack by a modified alien crystal wasn’t in the schedule, but look at all the friends she has now, not including the nanobots that are now in her bloodstream.
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