#still working on getting one in Palworld
wolfspiders-web · 4 months
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(wip) Bushi but I stole Gleam/Sheen's pose because there ain't no way that isn't where they got the idea from and I am HERE for it
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ender-girl-13 · 5 months
Thoughts on Palworld
Leave it to the internet to miss the entire point of people disliking Palworld. It's not because they are taking money from Pokémon. It not because they think Pokémon but with guns is stupid. IT'S ABOUT ARTISTIC INTEGRITY AND ORIGINALITY! Some of the Pals are just blatant rip-off's/fusions of existing Pokémon. If people try to steal Pokémon's designs and actually sell that as a commercial product that may give the impression that it's ok to steal others art and encourage it! If all of the Pals they made were original I would love to play it!
Apparently the accusations of them ripping Pokémon models was false. (Sorry about that) But they did basically do the 3D modeling version of tracing which is still bad. Also I've watched more videos on this game and it is very POSSIBLE they have stolen fan Fakemon designs and changed them up a little which is still shitty of them.
Again I will reiterate I would love this game and it's success if it wasn't so creatively bankrupt and plagiarized.
Here are some alternative Pokémon-esce games to play!
Cassette Beasts - Try to find you way out of this land and transform into and fuse Beasts!
TemTem - Very cute art style and can play online with other people! Also has a Nuzlocke/Randomlocke Mode.
Ooblets - Have card dance battles with other Ooblets and have them help you on your farm. You can also run your own shop!
Coromon - You're a newly minted Battle Researcher and your job gets attacked on your first day of work! Track down the invaders and discover the rising threat around Velua! Has different difficultly modes and customization.
Monster Sanctuary - A Monster Taming Metroidvania Sidescroller
Here are some Pokémon fan games to try!
Reborn - Has decent difficulty/One of the most difficult fan games I've come across. Has new Pokémon Forms
Uranium - Original Region and Pokémon
Insurgence - Has an option for a slightly darker twist on the traditional Pokémon story. Has new Pokémon/Forms
Xenoverse - Haven't play or watched it but looks very promising. Originally in Spanish but has a English translation as well.
Phoenix Rising - Still in development and only has one episode. Has new Pokémon Forms and amazing art and visuals
Red Adventures - From what I've seen it seems to be a game version of The Pokémon Adventures Manga
Castaway - Your plane crashes and you are left to discover the secrets of a mysterious island.
Mewyou - A game where you play as Mew!
Axis - You are teleported from our world to the Pokémon world/You're still human
Ethereal Gates - Still only a Demo at the moment/Unsure if they are still making it
I will add more to this list if asked!
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lllllllllllines · 5 months
(I urge that you read this to the end, as I know some of you will take pieces of what is said here and use it as ammunition for more drama. I can't really do tl;dr because i feel like it would ruin a lot of my points)
I don't usually like to deal with drama or discourse in general leaves a bad but I feel like this needs to be said.
This discourse is stupid, a lot of different points on either side due to several reasons at least in my opinion.
Ive seen many people who were against palworld use claims for stolen designs, mentions of AI art as well as lots of people either acting in defense of game freak/TPC/Nintendo as well as some acting in defense of artistic integrity.
I've seen the people who were for the game act in one singular way while just trying to have fun with it(which i cannot deny, it looks fun as fuck).
This being them claiming that they are just kissing the boots of Nintendo, though i don't think its quite fair to put them in the same category.
Just have fun with the game, no need to engage with the hate if you don't want to(even though i know it's difficult, especially when it's staring you in the face).
For those who are for, I only have a couple things to say.
Companies are not faceless entities, I know that this sounds like basic knowledge but I've noticed that's not something people usually mention.
Not everyone who attacks this game, cares for pokemon. Im gonna go in more depth when i get to them, but i feel like this needs be said.
While there are many good things on the internet, the internet as a whole, especially nowadays, is chaos and pain.
So many different opinions, leading to low self-esteem and rage.
You just want to have fun, you probably don't like pokemon, or if you do, you probably don't like what they've been doing with it.
You've seen the early trailers and had a laugh, found out this year that it came out, sought it out be cause hey, could be a bit of a meme.
But soon you start to actually have fun with it and hope it succeeds, despite some of the designs not being totally original, and you don't care.
But soon, like usual, you find that there are people who dislike the game.
In the real world, it doesn't matter to you, it rolls off you like nothing, because you don't know them, maybe you get into a heated argument with a friend.
But as soon as you hit the internet, you feel as though people are personally attacking something you like, (emotions are hard to convey through text) so you defend.
Not really caring about how it sounds to those you desperately fight against.
But in the end that's just adding fuel to the flame.
(though I can say that this discourse is great publicity for the game, good or bad it still lets people know that it exists.)
So just have fun with it.
(Unless dealing with discourse like this is fun for you idk)
For those who are against,
I am first going to speak to those who seem to want to defend Game Freak/TPC/Nintendo and those who speak for artistic integrity.
Why do any of your thoughts matter when it comes to a company.
as I had stated earlier, people usually associate companies and conglomerates as faceless entities.
They don't see them like systems, heavily broken systems, like if a beehive were born from an unloving tyrannical queen.
The ones at the top exist to fill their pockets while those at the bottom suffer for it.
I bet around half of the people speaking of artistic integrity don't really know the names of the designers of each pokemon(and to those who do, I'm glad, cause then I know you know what you're talking about.)
I feel as though speaking of artistic integrity only works when you're talking about an individual.
Which means, by extension, that a company like Nintendo, or the other two companies that own or work on the ip, those that see only the product and the work.
To them, artistic integrity is dead.
Why else would the shoot down fan works so heavily?
To keep their product close to the chest.
But what about the claims that they stole from fakemon artists?
To my knowledge, (please let me know if im wrong) there has only been one claim of such a thing, and it was soon taken back as they soon found out that the palworld model was older than their's.
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Which im pretty sure proves that claim false.
And to the people who are against AI art, don't get me wrong, I hate the idea as much as you do.
But AI image generation like many things is a tool.
And if used properly, tools can be useful.
like say for example, you have an idea you want to draw, but you can't fully figure it out in your head.
There are no pictures that fully convey what ur thinking in the depth you want for a reference, you could use an image generator for reference.
Add to an image in your own way, while removing the parts that were taken by the algorithm.
Be creative.
When tools are used properly, they can do a lot of good things.
The reason people hate AI art, is because people are being stupid and lazy with it.
Hell, i think pocketpair realized their mistake a long time ago as not only has that game been absolutely shat on in the steam reviews, but you cant even find it on their website, or at least i haven't.
Lastly, I'm gonna show you a trailer for a game pocketpair is also making, it should be coming put Q1 this year.
A game I have not heard mentioned this whole discourse.
As an honest question, what part of this looks AI generated to you?
Its a 2D sidescrolling platformer, said to be a mix of a metroidvania and a roguelite, also with base building elements since that seems to be a commonality for them.
The only things i could see that were taken or inspired by are the backgrounds, which feel very hollow knight, and the main mechanic being a possession mechanic which loosely reminded me of super mario Odyssey.
I've seen AI 2D animation, and it's usually pretty jarring due to how quickly everything warps and changes as things move.
I don't see that in this.
Nor do i recognize any of the monster or character designs.
I could be wrong and both palworld and never grave could be scams, seeing as both are in early access.
And if or when i am, then that's egg on my face.
Those that were all happy to play a new and exciting game, will seeth and mald.
And you can live happily, i guess.
But it at least shows they know some integrity.
I mean, as long as they make any of the new pals that come out more original than the 111 that they have now, we should be fine.
The only time we should be outraged, is if there is sort of harm coming to the workers, and I don't think I've heard any news on that.
If it bothers you that much, make your own game.
Actively do something about it rather than complain on the internet.
Like, I can't even imagine how difficult that is.
Especially for a smaller company.
Pokemon has it easy, It doesn't need defense.
Defend it from itself before defending it from others.
Stop paying for shit that doesn't work out the gate.
Do something to force the people making the bad game to do better.
And stop trying to shit on the little guy for your own ideals.
Criticism is fine, yelling over a game on the internet is not.
Not by a long shot.
But hey I don't think anyone is gonna read this.
Much less to the end.
Because I've scrolled passed shorter posts for less.
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clowngames · 4 months
Do you feel like talking about game development?
I can't speak on Palworld as a game because I haven't played it, watched any footage of gameplay, or seen any trailers, but I can aggregate some commentary by gamedevs I've talked to along with some research I've done to confirm we're not all just making shit up.
Palworld is Pocket Pair Inc.'s second major release, and it's an Early Access game while their first game is still, also, in Early Access.
The banner from their other Early Access game, Craftopia, is this:
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This doesn't bode well for Palworld's future. Note that it is February at time of the screenshot taken, and more distressingly a "bugfixing update" is worth celebrating 4 years into Craftopia's development.
They have two previous releases which are an AI-art-based social deduction game and a gacha card game. There's no nice way to say this, but the types of games in their portfolio bring to mind an amount of startup capital that makes the Early Access model unnecessary. In particular, there's no circumstance in which a game dev company simultaneously needs the early return of the EA model and also has the resources to split their studio off to make a second one. The reason they're using this model is as a metric of gauging interest to figure out how to divide their resources according to demand and to show to their investors that they're doing well.
Finally, they're working on another game at the same time as Palworld and Craftopia: Never Grave - a metroidvania roguelike with visuals similar to Hollow Knight and the capture mechanic of Super Mario Odyssey (complete with throwing your hat at enemies to possess them).
All of this paints a pretty clear, if cynical, picture of their business strategy. Pocket Pair is simply making other people's video games, but faster.
To be clear, I'm not accusing them of plagiarizing. I think Palworld is pretty distinct from Pokemon in fairly obvious ways, in the same way that Craftopia is distinct from Breath of the Wild. In addition, both games are borrowing game mechanics and ideas from more than one game each.
But at the same time, the vibe I get is less "taking inspiration from multiple sources" and more "seeing what is successful about multiple sources and combining them with the goal of making something appealing." Gamers like farming, so we added crops. Gamers like third person shooters, so we added that to Pokemon. There's no consideration for thematic cohesion or vision. I think the reason there was a controversy involving the suspected use of AI in Palworld is because there's an evident absence of artistic intent which mirrors the way AI generates images or text.
Pocket Pair Inc. is the cover band of game developers. And with Palworld they happen to have learned the crowd pleasers.
That's not to say there's no artistic value to Palworld, or even that the game isn't worth playing, or fun, or "good," whatever that means. Objectively speaking, making a game that appeals to so many people it breaks records is an accomplishment worth paying attention to, and quite frankly if that were me I'd be pretty proud of myself. But I can't help but think about that post about AAA games all being the same because studios are afraid to take risks without risking capital and then think, Palworld is a manifestation of the same problem.
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g0lis0p0d · 4 months
Speaking of Palworld I think it'd be really cool and epic if they implemented a level-based friendship system for Pals that increases their stats with each level, so that you can be further rewarded for taking good care of your Pals by making them stronger and harder working
I think Pals in your party should level up faster than Pals working in your base, but being present in the base boosts the friendship growth by maybe 50% or something
The friendship growth for working Pals would decrease as their sanity does; I think to keep it fair it should start to drop at 70 sanity by a small percentage at first, but slowly drop faster as the sanity does
Of course this means that the server bug with Pals forgetting how to take care of themselves would need to be fixed before anything like this could be implemented because otherwise server players would never be able to benefit from this to the fullest (unless the Pals are in their party)
I think it would have 5 maximum levels maybe; the first one could give the Pal +15% work speed, the second would give +10% ATK and DEF as well as +5% SPD, the third would give another +10% work speed and -10% hunger depletion, the fourth would give +15% HP and -15% SAN drop, and the fifth would give +1 to every work skill the Pal has (maybe this could make it possible for a work skill to go beyond level 5, or not but still stack with max condensation)
Perhaps you could get access to a key collectible like the Lifmunk Effigy that can only be used on a Pal with maximum friendship; this would either be used to level a valid Pal's partner skill up by one (and probably stack with max condensation level doing the same thing so it can reach a level beyond 5 as well; maybe stylize both of them as a star for fun
But if going beyond level 5 isn't something Pocketpair would wanna do then this item could do something else, I'm not sure what though; maybe give the Pal a random beneficial passive
If the Pal already has four passives then the weakest one would be replaced, prioritizing any negative passives
I'm not sure if people would like that so much though since they could get a passive they still don't want on that Pal
It would make it less of a hassle to breed for four strong passives though, I think
Also I think they should definitely be given more options for relaxation
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kanto-jhoto · 5 months
It's no less depressing, but it really shouldn't be surprising that the general internet consensus is that asset theft and plagiarism are cool because it's happening to pokemon. Just 3 years ago, the consensus was that fake rape accusations were cool because the one having them thrown at him worked on pokemon.
I've definitely noticed a lot of hostility toward Game Freak and Nintendo, and their fans, from the people who support the game. Where was all this support for the many, many other pokemon competitors? I feel like people are only doubling down on this because some people are addicted to controversey and feel really cool when they have an "enemy" to stick it to.
I am definitely not a fan of the way Pokemon is being handled. I personally don't have much love for the gamefreak staff. But even so, you can't just treat this like it's going to stop at pokemon. If they can get away with ripping pokemon assets, then they could probably do it to anyone. Big companies. Small indies. Fan creations.
Like I'd love for Pokemon to actually get it's shit together and have a reason to fear the competition, but this aint the right way for it to happen. ( Also, Palworld is doing okay but is still small potatoes next to pokemon so I don't think they "fear" Palworld so much as they're pissed about the theft, assuming they've even noticed. )
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fireproofphoenix · 4 months
So I've been playing Palworld and it's scratched that itch I had back when Ark was also new and wonky as all hell. I love finding wonky shit that will be patched soon enough that I otherwise would never had seen if it was a polished game already. That's not the point. The point is the day I reached 365 in-game days on my character, I was taken to Hell and God spoke to me.
This is a somewhat long tale because I can't seem to tell a story without lots of details but ehh.
Now I know it wasn't intended as such but I know what I know man. See I'm all about breaking games. I enjoy speed running and clipping objects, and let me tell you about unintended files stored as magic boxes behind a fireplace in Skyrim! Naturally then, I have used some less than authentic things in the year.
Have I maybe held a conversation about the pros and cons between two Chikipi in the inventory of a Black Marketeer while my Quivern roasted him alive in the background so I could loot his corpse of 35k gold? Perhaps.
Have I ever intentionally instigated a riot in one of the only civilized parts of this island of nightmares? Have I led that bloodthirsty mob then against the leaders of the cults and/or organizations that control the island with the intent of forcing their leaders and their partner creature into a sphere thanks to an exploit allowing me to catch them? It's possible.
But no, instead me and Immortal the Shadowbeak decided to visit his home realm. See I was doing the now-known trick of butchering a pal and then riding them to prevent them from dying. Didn't realize how it worked, really, i just knew to try riding him during the second loop of the animation. I'd discovered this from dropping the controller in a panic as my cat made a mad dash and knocked over my coffee.
I figured out the rhythm of it. I was killing and harvesting this beast endlessly! It refused to stay dead under my guiding hand. Sure it was eternally blurred out with that pixil-y cloud, but that's because we should not gaze directly upon the divine, as this death transcendent hippogriff clearly was. I explain this in a sleep deprived mania to my roommate. They suggest a nap. I disagree. Another coffee means I can continue the immortal butchering.
Then we Fell the first time. I'm no stranger to being out of bounds in a game mind you. Hell my favorite mining route meant clipping through a mountain in another game. This is Fine™ so I land in the water under the map. Recall people saying online that the dungeons and whatnot are just hidden pockets under the world. Maybe that's where I was? Didn't care. Immortal Shadowbeak was there with me still. I continued the butchering unimpeded. Must get technology books for unlocking more shelves.
Over time I have repeatedly entered the Undersea. Sometimes its from exploring, but no, I have a Rushoar and he is called Sæhrímnir and he will take me to the Undersea every time. No matter what. Every other Immortal has regenerated every reload of the save and lost their pixel cloud, but remains censored to this day. But a man needs bacon for his eggs so I butcher him like his namesake to feed the people.
Now, like every good casserole recipe, the backstory is finally set, so onto the tale. On the day of my character's 365th day I rolled out of my bed and walked out of my keep. I did a full tour, remembering my tiny three walls and a roof to how far I'd come with my Pals. It'd been a long year, but I decided a feast! We must celebrate! Not just me and my party, but all of us shall enjoy Sæhrímnir! No salads for breaks today!
So me and Sæhrímnir get into position on the Bloodstone. I'd read having one stone foundation away from everything helped with not falling through the ground and while it worked for everyone else, Sæhrímnir is more Divine and thus immune to that so once again I'm riding his not-a-corpse down to the Undersea. I figure I need more meat to fill everyone, what with food level 7s everywhere, so i continue meat making.
Sæhrímnir decided I'd been flaunting his immortality I guess because later at the party he suddenly burst from his palsphere and I was like "Weird, but okay" and decided I'd try "petting him and calming him down" before tossing him back into the sphere. I was still holding the butcher knife I guess and started disembowling him on the table in the center of the picnic area in front of everyone. Only the Immortals knew what they were, having been killed at the Bloodstone far from the eyes of the rest, and now they knew.
But I wasn't gonna let Sæhrímnir die, so I went through the rituals the same as always and down to the Undersea we went. I prepare to go back to base via the keep inventory option in conjunction with the die and respawn button in the menu. It's routine at this point.
"Come" I hear an older man and younger woman say at the same time. I just happened to be looking at Sæhrímnir, about to return him to his sphere. His pixilation ended at that one word and then we started falling through the Undersea. In that short fall, I wondered if we'd fallen somehow into one of those dungeon pockets. As we landed I knew this was truly not somewhere I was supposed to be.
See, the grass was much more gray than green, but there was grass and ground under my feet in every direction I could see. The issue was, I could not see that far, only about five to ten feet through the thick white mist that was static and yet animated. No wait, that part just moved, but the smoke texture wasn't animated. I cautiously begin moving through the mist, careful that the ground may end yet again. Try finding Sæhrímnir, but he's gone. My palspheres aren't working, my character not even trying to throw an empty hand.
On the side of the screen, I see my character has eaten another plate of bacon an eggs. I'm still alive and eating, so that's a bonus. Means this isn't unsalvagable, but curiosity has me. I check and I have all my weapons. The firearms shoot into the White Void and my ammo count went down, so they work. I reload and set off further and faster into the mist.
Even fully sprinting there's nothing but knee high gray grass and flowers and the mist that is everywhere. I opened the map and it says I haven't left my base. I know I've been running in the mist for easily five minutes. I encounter a tree. It's texture is on inside out and is more or less just a mass of spiky vectors in a dead tree shape. I continue. Minutes pass, more trees appearing in the fog. I saw a pal fragment node but it vanished as I approached.
eventually as I get bored, I notice the day is about to end and I consider respawning and going back. The Sun turns into a Moon in the dial and I hear a crashing sound like a felled tree. Everything flashes and the grass is suddenly green, but the mist is turning black like ink. Horror movie vibes as hell. I'm rooted in place watching this glitch and needing to know how it ends.
The double-voice says something again, but they're no longer saying the same thing. Too brief to comprehend what it was. Haywire audio files, no big thing. Happens a lot. Sæhrímnir then appears, or perhaps another boar like him. It squeals and does its death animation as the fog finishes becoming black. Night must've finished falling in the Overworld---
Lights start coming to life around me, brightening and dimming slowly. Lifmunk Statue green and data log/fast travel blue lights started pulsing in the void. I made the mistake of trying to run to one. The camera spins as I start running. Moving is controlling the camera now and the camera is moving the character now. No problem, lemme just unlearn decades of gaming muscle memory real quick.
"COME" the Twin Voices cried suddenly, static accompanying the word. Feel backdoor room vibes and get goosebumps. My nerves are suddenly both taught and shot at the same time. My character has fallen into the distortion world ffs. Time to abort. I select Respawn in the menu. My character doesn't die. Try several more times to no avail. Try double jumping and my Galeclaw still refuses to answer my summons. Palspheres are still not working.
As I get the idea to just hard-close out the game, the sun begins to rise. Like a disney movie, rays of gold and orange shoot through the black and dispel it....why are the rays of light twisting? They start bending around and twisting around invisible objects my character doesn't collide with. Wait, that thing over there kind of looks like part of the assembly machine---
The entire screen suddenly turns white and I hear a sound like a dozen digital demons as the game crashes. I reboot the game and I'm standing in the middle of the party, still in full swing around 4 in the afternoon on the 365th day. Nevermind my night going through the Shadowrealms like I'm mfing Ra crossing the Duat. Nevermind that I saw beyond the veil as many Islanders wish for and I found only horrors.
I prepare to log out when I check my party. Sæhrímnir is gone. He never returned with me.
The Immortal Pal Experiments have been halted at this time.
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ideahat-universe · 4 months
About that Roadmap...
So I think now is a good time to talk about what the future of Palworld should be. Yes, I'm aware of all the negatives that people have said about Palworld but I REALLY like the monster catcher genre, so I just want Palworld to be a better game rather than a game that has to be cancelled because it supposedly used AI or is an genuine example of plagiarism (which from the definition of the word is a semantic argument outside of literal theft).
I can't chastise people who are being short with Palworld too much because I was literally that kid that said Digimon was a knockoff of Pokemon.
I refused to watch it and argued with anyone about it. Once I actually watched the show I realized that it had nothing in common with Pokemon (no monster collection, real stakes, character development, and villains that are a real threat) and when years later Pokemon just so happen to discover the idea of Mega Evolution I was like "This is what we've come to huh? Will Pikachu be wearing jeans next?" but I really like Mega Evolution in Pokemon and play Romhacks specifically because they have Mega Evolutions in them so it's like, I don't really care who had the idea first, I care about how the idea is implemented.
So on that note, if the Palworld devs want to improve the game (after patching things up of course) the best course of action is to be more like Rimworld. Specifically Raids.
Raids are a really powerful narrative device in Rimworld. Sure Vanilla rimworld is dominated by the killbox strat but even with that, enemy raids can still erupt from the ground and drop from the sky and that's what Palworld needs.
Pathing is always going to be a bug bear and I imagine pathing patches and pathing mods will have to work together to make it really work but a good work around for raids that take place at hard to traverse areas would be drop ships.
Imagine the Syndicate driving their legally distinct LAAT, and in order to end the raid you have to destroy the ship but while the ship is there it's spawning enemy pals and humans with guns basically every 15 seconds and initially drops like a dozen of them on top of you.
What if a subterranean vehicle just bursts from the ground, destroying everything in its way and it has a big door and just a bunch of humans and pals (that can fit in the ship so small ones) just piled out and start attacking?
Raid Bosses are supposed to be a thing and I don't know how they will manifest that gameplay mechanic but it's important that raids can fuck your shit up. Might even be spicier if your pals could be killed or kidnapped in a raid that goes really bad.
Now the Palworld devs said they want to make PVP work and not have it fall apart like Rust and previous imitators have. I looked into Rust PVP, I reflected on the many years I've spent playing PVP games.
And I just have no idea. The only thing I can think of is "Make it like EVE online." Because EVE online has this limitless skill ceiling and is basically untouchable for new players but by the same token there are tools to enable newcomers to start playing the game without much issues and the community molded itself into safe and unsafe zones and raids are these really extensive affairs that involve dozens of people fighting for weeks on end. Form alliances, breaking them up, etc.
I don't know how to put that into Palworld other than make every place outside of the safe zone territory an area where you can build a base, but you can only personally build 4 bases. Other players have to build bases and you have to take those over but when you raid a lower level person's base your level is made equal to them.
And maybe, I dunno, once you start taking bases from other players the risk of your own base being raided by AI multiplies (in terms of frequency and power), and if any player claims your base afterwards in your absence (or as a result of your defeat) then they get the pals that were stationed for that base. So new players can get high level Pals by just waiting for AI raids to attack unattended or poorly defended bases.
And there's no fast travel so once you get really far away from your base you better learn some tech to help you get to a base fast if you want to actively defend it (There's like maybe a period of 30 seconds where the base is being converted where if you show up the conversion is paused in a battlefront sort of way).
The idea is that much with the main game, you are going to slip up. The AI is going to get lucky and someone is going to steal your progress and you can either sign a truce with them or you can get revenge. And that sort of repeats over and over again until everyone gets bored or one player somehow rules the entire map.
That's my idea. That's what I do here. If anyone makes use of this idea for anything, I don't need credit, I don't need money, Just send me a slice of Pepperoni Pizza and we'll be good.
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the-npc · 5 months
I fucking hate Palworld so much. Even more I hate the CEO of the company who made the damn game that peddles bitcoin and is fine with using AI images in their shit. He literally made a bitcoin wallet and a game where you literally just create AI images to guess which images have a different prompt as if you couldn't, I don't know, pay some fucking humans to make the art. Hell, it would be a better investment because you can regularly update the game with dlc patches that add more images to the library and support the people being plagiarized by image generators using LAION and other copyrighted art lists. But no we have to remove humans from art because it saves money and time that we can use to make more asset flipping slop.
We can't be sure if AI concept art was used for Palworld unless they release that information (which I bet they will) but even without that, the use of default unity assets in the game, the fact you can capture humans and enslave anything you've captured. I bet the game doesn't functionally reprimand you for enslaving little creatures and putting them to work. I bet it rewards you by letting you catch more able slaves and money for more factories, and nothing in the game prevents you from any of it. Nothing is preventing you capturing humans besides the fact they're useless in battle and the description of doing so being 'frowned upon' as if a description people can easily skip over and miss is something people will take seriously in a 'pokemon with guns'.
Other creature capture games make it a point that these creatures are your friends, you're journeying alongside them, the creatures you've had join your party love you just as much as you love them, which is why I also hate games and other media like this where people will take only the most surface level shit from a game and engage with it in bad faith. creature capture games like this that go 'haha isn't this funny? You're taking animals against their will and making them beat eachother up till they're unconscious, what if they got bloody and died, wouldn't that be crazy?' is on par with taking the fact Mario uses mushrooms to power up and going 'dude isn't it so funny how he takes shrooms? What if he got high when he did that lol'. It's one of the easiest interpretations of a game because people who engage with media like that don't actually engage with the core of what the game actually is.
Pokemon for an example is fundamentally a game about the environment monsters and humans live in, humans' relationship with them, growing up alongside friends and growing bonds with them, and even further than that, misplaced beliefs that can lead to catastrophic concequences, the need for control that can overtake people's lives, and above all of that, that the environment and the creatures that live in it need to be protected and cared for.
Palworld doesn't have a story. It has some characters, and it has some things you might need to fight against. A Pal liberation movement, a gang, police. It's an open world game, but I can't find for the life of me any quests or missions you're given, or any characters that exist besides the leaders. You can be put in jail for assaulting humans or pals, apparently? If the game's goal is to make people upset over it, or to be an edgy game about pokemon with guns, just a cynical look into the dev's mind, with nothing else to say, then it's doing it's job very well. It might even be fun to play if you're there for the gameplay and don't look too hard at it. Still fucking makes my blood boil. It isn't meant to have any kind of meaning to it, just an uncritical game about the enslavement of animals with nothing to say about it. They're tools for you to get stronger, nothing else. It makes my stomach turn.
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solaceinabandonment · 2 months
other than tcoaal, what other games do you play? could be vns, video games, board games, etc~
Recently, I've picked up breath of the wild and a nap so I can quit running in circles getting distracted. It's fun grabbing up heaps of stuff but I need some direction to the more important things.
I like factorio, but I've never beaten it. It consumes me whenever I play it and I don't have the time right now.
Rune Factory and stardew valley are nice, chill game without much stress.
Dark Souls and all their kin are... Something. I've probably got over 500 hours between all of them but I suck at them still lol.
Undertale and Deltarune need no introduction and I still gotta play chapter 2.
Visual novels are intriguing, I played a lot of them in the DS back when it was still relevant. I liked 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors specifically. I played Saya no Uta earlier this year at coffinsisters recommendation, and im working on subahibi too. Fucking 8 hours and I only got to the opening cutscene I'm gonna die
I was maybe 4 when the snes came out so anything worth playing between that and PS2 era games I've probably played it lol.
Wishlist, idk I kinda wanna play helldiver's 2 or palworld. Oh and that one weird game that's modeled after Kings Field. Lunacid? I'd look but I don't want my draft to disappear.
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thehomebodydiaries · 1 month
homebody diaries .002.
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the amount of reading that i’ve been doing lately makes me think of when i first discovered booktube: i learned about all these popular books and i was broke for like a consistent year because i wouldn’t stop buying books, but i only made like $9/hr. even now, with a full-time job that pays me almost twice that much, i still don’t know why that worked out for me. it definitely should not have.
anyway, yesterday was “free comic book day” and a local comic store gave me a bag of like sixteen free comics, and then i turned around and spent $80 on more comics. it also reminded me that i had two comics in my favorite series that i haven’t read yet. so i’ve got volumes 10 and 11 of “saga,” and yesterday i purchased the first volumes of “deadly class” and “something is killing the children,” as well as junji ito’s manga interpretation of mary shelley’s “frankenstein,” and then “old man logan,” which is about an elderly wolverine (whose healing capabilities are faltering) who gets picked up by an old hawkeye. it’s what inspired the movie logan, which is objectively speaking the only good x-men movie (do not come for me, i watched those movies for the first time in release date order like last month ago, and i am lowkey way more into the x-men than i am the rest of the marvel heroes, save for like agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.). i also received a package in the mail containing the fifth book in one of my favorite series: the witchlands series by susan dennard. oh my god, and i started the wayward children series by seanan mcguire and it’s so good. and i’m waiting on two more books in the mail, both for my bookclub.
i am so content with it too. i am doing it because i love reading and it brings me joy. plus, who doesn’t love some easy escapism? same reason i love video games.
speaking of which, i gotta start a farm with some friends. there have been so many updates and i haven’t played the pc version of it in so long. maybe i’ll convince a few of them to let me stream it. that, and palworld. i’m just not sure when i should start streaming; it feels like i have so much left to do, but it also feels like i’m not doing anything at all. so i might have to try streaming for 3-4 hours on my days off, with or without friends. my problem when it comes to streaming is that i’m my own boss, so not following through with a schedule doesn’t really have any consequences. but i really gotta get that started, otherwise i feel like i’ll never get around to it. it certainly would be nice to eventually make some extra money off of it. thought i wanted to be a val streamer, but i shockingly haven’t even really touched the game since i moved into my new place.
izzy and i watched four movies in a day on friday: mr. and mrs. smith, bullet train, baby driver, and everything everywhere all at once. all of them were so good, although everything everywhere all at once was… interesting. like the whole overall message of it is great and everything, like we love old traditional parents learning how to accept the things they can’t control about their child, but like… the buttplugs. wow. what a scene. (and that is all i’ll say on that; if you know, you know.)
i’m working on a linktr.ee with all my currently active and soon-to-be active accounts, which includes tumblr, discord, snapchat, and twitch. i was thinking about making a patreon, but i feel like i should gather an audience before i attempt managing another account. i already hate social media as it is which is why i only have what i have… we’ll see where it goes.
anyway, it was a solid weekend. i’m still tired, but i did drink quite a bit at a party last night and now i’ve got five days of work ahead of me, and my coworkers alone make that exhausting. but i’ve got lots of reading and writing to do to keep myself relaxed in between moments of masking (totally gonna be the name of my autobiography), especially once the new bookclub pick arrives. i’ll try not to be too miserable by tuesday.
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dandy-bones · 2 months
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
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⭐️Sure I'll do this! I don't get asks often.
List of 5 things that make me happy.
1.) My boyfriends.
Bein' around them, whether just in servers or in our lil chat, always makes my day better. They're so cute and funny. I love playin' Minecraft with @gb-diesellok and I used ta play Palworld with @golden-spike. I still wanna find more games ta play with them. They're very understandin' about what I've been through and try ta be supportive. We listen to each other and talk through any problems we might have goin' on. And, when we don't wanna talk about it, we're still there for each other. Eventually we talk it through, but bein' patient and not pryin' is important. I feel safe with them and when life is really bad I know I can be with them and feel better.
2.) Food.
I love food and I always have. I can't eat a lot of things in this life because of Tay's food texture issue, but I still get ta sweet talk her into lettin' me try different stuff if I think we can both handle it. I also just like lookin' at food. I dunno what it is about it. I know you all have seen the food I reblog.
3.) Travel.
I used ta travel all the time in my past life. In this one, Tay's work doesn't really let us travel but her determination does. I've been to both coasts of this country thanks to her! I still want ta go to a sandy beach at some point. I've only been to a rock east coast one. We're suppose ta go ta Florida this year so that'll be a new place! I can't wait! We're also tryin' ta save up ta see Kerkopes and their system again. It's always a goal we have because we love hangin' out with them! Hopefully our health will be good enough so we can keep up with them when we walk around town.
4.) Streaming.
At the heart of who I am: I'm an entertainer. In my past life I was chasin' money when I shoulda tried ta just become an entertainer. I did band stuff and I loved that. Now with Tay, I found a passion for doin' the streamin' stuff. I look forward to it every time we have one, I even enjoy her art ones because I get ta sing. It's nice! Here's the gaming channel. This is the art one that is strictly 18+.
5.) Going for walks.
Tay tries ta let me go outside at least three times a week, which is a lot for us. Now that it's gettin' warmer out, I would like ta be outside at least once a day. We take walks to the gas station down the road, just ta get some exercise and some drinks for the week. Then, when Tay has Ko-Fi orders, we go to the post office and to the lil sandwich stop nearby. It's pretty nice! Our health has gotten a lot better too since we've started bein' more active!
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⭐️Thanks for sendin' me this! I might send this to a couple other people. Not sure yet. I guess it depends on who like this ask.
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drkineildwicks · 4 months
Palworld 2/4/2024 – Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate)
So finally got around to playing Palworld
Hopefully I don’t get hit with the save file glitch
And yes Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate) is my world name XD
I can totally get why people get sucked into this game it’s got a great gameplay loop
Played six hours today and could totally play more but for the fact that I could feel my eyes burning
Pals are cute
I love that they help out around the base I’ve been working very hard to make sure my little dudes have all the amenities
Also I need to figure out stairs because this dip keeps getting up there on my roof and going hungry
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Also the one platypus Pal’s name XD
No Fuacks were given
My main goal is to get a birb horde and as such my first capture was chikin
And then first night in I get my first Lucky, which is a Lamball:
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Named the girl Baalalala XD
My second Lucky was also a Lamball, so now I have two massive sheep wandering around
Love my girl Baalalala she protects me
Don’t even have to use Fluffy Shield just duck behind her
Tempted to boost her defense so she’s even tankier
Also the monkey is a menace
Specifically my monkey is a menace boi starts fights and ends them too and I don’t think I trust it with a gun
Also I say “boi” but in reality most of my captures have ended up being female
Apparently my base has accidentally become a girls only club
But the feedback loop is nice because you want to build stuff and craft stuff so you have to go out and get items and then you have to go back to the base when you find the fast-travel points because of the encumbrance mechanic and in wandering you also have new Pals to catch (or hunt, aced a lot of Teaphants(?) for pal fluid because dangit my purple deer needed a hot tub)
And also there’s stuff to see in the distance that makes you go I want to get over there what is that
Also there’s a level cap where if you somehow manage to catch stronger Pals—or, more likely, level up the ones you have past your current level—the levels sync down to your current level
Which is nice because it gives further incentive to level up beyond unlocking new crafting recipes
Plus you level up by gathering and crafting in addition to battle so you can just wander around and level up you and your team just picking up rocks it’s like a more advanced form of Legends Arceus
Your Pals also level up when they're doing stuff around base so you're kind of encouraged to rotate your guys so they level up evenly
Also you do want to level up
There’s these mammoths roaming around, one walked clean through my base and I let it because it’s level 35 and my level when I quit for the night was 12
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And as it turns out if a Pal is 5 or so levels above you it can and will hand your head to you
Still haven’t caught the llama, the Nitewing and the flower dinosaur and a bush goat all took two tries because they were level 11-17 and went oh no you don’t
Me: oh yes I do
You’re actually encouraged to keep from fainting your Pals because of the recovery system, my fire fox is currently on ice in the box and had a cooldown timer of about five minutes when I looked
So if you let them faint then you don’t have them for a while and that’s a penalty on you
Got attacked by syndicate guys
Dudes were coming for my pals and I might be hesitating on killing Pals or catching too many but you come shooting and I’ll headshot you back
As for the designs…when you’re in the thick of the game you really don’t care
Yeah sure some I saw and went “oh that’s the bootleg Raichu” or something like that but for the most part the energy has been new Pal let’s get it
Although everyone’s bawling about Cremis being the Eevee knockoff and I’ve heard no one talk about this guy:
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Saw him the first night, tried to catch and failed, haven’t seen one since
Also this one forever amuses me and makes me squint because I designed a fakemon for Renegades and same vibes:
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Although there’s probably a limit on what you can do with the design concept of “ice ferret”
So I’m definitely playing this some more but not tonight, it’s one of those I gotta block out a few hours for but it’s fun
“But Kineil—” Cease.  Whining about Hogwarts Legacy didn’t stop people and neither will whining about this game, it’s fun, which is what a game should be, the accusations were debunked, if you want to tell me what to do then go to my Patreon and dump a big fat paycheck on me per month
Until then, I gotta plan for when I can go pet my Pals some more
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softichill · 13 days
hello! It is my sister's birthday! I gave her a computer. I actually bought the computer for me but I hated it so much I have it to her. It's actually a high end gaming PC but I never really used it for anything but palworld and my old pc still works so... I mean she can't afford a new one so why leave my own new compy to rot. Thing damn near cost 1k so why waste it. ( Pcs are expensive if you want a good one.) She hugged me and for her being VERY touch adverse I'd think I did a good thing. Maybe she'll stop asking me to use mine now. Lol. Did a good thing and solved a problem too! And everyone ever is happy. Hope you enjoy your PC when you get it. You deserve nice things. Keasby Nights from Streetlight Manifesto if I haven't given it to you already.
Ah :0 good to know it's going to someone who appreciates it!! Also tell her I said happy birthday!!
Every Day by Bo En! I am genuinely running out of songs
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tristancumbria2024 · 18 days
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Palworld blog review 
For those of you who know about Palworld we all know about how some of the moral undertones in the game can be questionable, but for those of you who don’t allow me to explain them to you. Firstly the game has always been compared as a Pokemon rip off and if the game would even be realised without Nintendo filing a lawsuit against the game's developers Pocketpair with the “pals” looking very similar to Pokemon creatures. There’s also the fact that the pals are treated like slaves in the game along with using human characters as slaves.
However with those dark undertones aside if you still want to play the game it is still an enjoyable survival open world game. Like with all survival games, you basically start with nothing and have to grind your way up in levels and skills. The game can be quite hard and you should expect to get killed a lot at the start but once you get a few Pal creatures and some resources along with blueprints its pretty easy to keep progressing. I would definitely say this game is better with friends and as there’s no pvp or base raiding yet it’s probably to just host a private server as the public servers aren’t the best. Base building wise you are limited to two bases but you can level up your base’s building allowing you plenty of building space as your Pals won’t leave this area. As for combat, It’s really smooth and easy to learn, Combat in Palworld mostly comes down to you fighting with a ranged weapon alongside one of your Pal creature friends and if your Pal creature friends gets hurt don’t worry you can just throw another Pal out to help you out. So in short if you can look past the slavery undertones it is a game worth giving a chance and with it only being in early access there’s still plenty of new futures and Pals to get added on their road map.
In summary, it’s been one of the best games that have come out this year and if all the work the developers say they’ve put in to the game and planned content I think this game has the potential to be a true gem. 
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smolamountsofsleep · 22 days
I havent complete scarlet/violet but i know the general story end for arven, 1 of the dlcs, and the cute black and green pokemon that switches colors based on the mask they have
i just want a life sim game where you choose which region your from as in mainline and spin off game regions (rangers is the only spin off ive played)
and just live make friends with he npcs no need to go out and get 6 or 7 gym badges (memory for gyms is bad)
and just play the game as if your living in the world im just kinda tired of the mainline games being 'oh hey you finally getting your first pokemon, now go do those gyms and become the champion of this region!'
like id love for that to still be a option in this game but eh, i just wanna live in the city on one save file with my pokemon, live int he contury on another, be a ranger, or just travel around the diffrent regions and do shit; im just tired of the some progression with diffrent ways to do it
like sure each way the pokemon mainline games do it i just want something else, and despite how much i dislike palworld compared to when i first found it when there was only like one trailer for it just give me a game like that (minus the guns and salve labor of course)
i really just want a life sim game that i can acuatlly play that i wont instantly dislike just cause 'oh this is what i was looking for but at the same time i could be playing this game so it can be closer to what i want' ugh i hate how my brain works
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