#suddenly july
housecow · 4 months
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a graph of the gain so far!! i want to get to 300, and then a total of 100lbs gained!! i’ve received a lot of asks abt goal weights. i mostly wanna feel it out but here’s what i definitely want to happen 🫣
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royalarchivist · 6 months
["Otherside" plays on repeat while Fit and Ramon are working on the gym]
Fit: [Ejects the disc] Sorry Ramon, I- I like your music, but- [stammers] I just- I got sensitive ears. No, that's a lie. The truth is I can barely hear at all from so many TNT explosions over the last like, 10 years, you understand. Actually, 13 years technically, but...
Ramon: [Places a sign]
Fit: Oh no, oh no, is he gonna roast my ass? What's gonna happen? [Reading chat] Tinnitus? Yeah, no no no. No, there's no white noise here, so no escape from the tinnitus.
Ramon: [Places down two signs that say "understandable _sad noises_ you just take music form a child"]
Fit: [Briefly puts his head in his hand] Uh, well... Here, you know- you still have the music, see? You still have it. It's just, uh, I just briefly turned it off, that's all.
Ramon: [Stares hard at Fit then shakes his head in disappointment.]
Fit: You want me to put it back on, don't you? Do you want me to put it back on, Ramon?
Ramon: [Throws him a Dorime disc]
Fit: What the- Oh?
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missjoolee · 5 months
Had a dream that they decided to put deleted scenes back into Julie and the phantoms so that we could have more even though we can't have More.
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solibrie · 6 months
julie and the phantoms is such an unserious show. more shows should make one question how many skeletons a character Might have
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blush-and-books · 1 year
julie and the phantoms lives on. they win grammys. julie and luke's private but obvious will they/won't they moments are viral on tiktok after every concert, every interview, every concert. the music video for perfect harmony fuels rumors. julie, on a podcast, refers to the joy she has to work with her boyfriend - the internet goes wild. reggie and alex post a cryptic tiktok about third and fourth wheeling when two of your bandmates are dating. their next album single is the luke-penned wicked beauty, which describes julie to a t. before anybody knows it, they've gotten married before the start of their next tour. months after the tour wraps, a video of a pregnant julie recording new music in the studio is posted from jatp social media accounts. so many funny videos follow over the next couple of years of the band members trying to teach julie and luke's kids to play instruments. the four of them have bets on which instrument the two children are going to choose. in their teens, the siblings discreetly release an ep under a pen name that their parents don't know about, and one of the songs lands on the president's annual playlist. they blow up. nobody knows it's the children of julie molina and luke patterson until two years later, after they've released an album, and they appear at the grammys because they've been nominated for best new artist. they perform at their parents induction to the rock and roll hall of fame.
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daintyduck99 · 9 days
Rulie + freckes for the five sentence prompts please and thank you
“What are you doing?”
He doesn't mean to blurt it out like that—but Julie's been glancing between him and her notebook as she scribbles for long enough that it's obvious she's doing something that involves him, and he's too curious to keep ignoring it while he plucks at his bass.
She turns her notebook around to reveal a mostly finished drawing of him that's somehow rather flattering and detailed—down to the faint freckles on his nose—and he finds himself flushing.
“I didn't think you knew I had freckles,” is what falls out of his mouth, and he wants to die—but her laugh is warm and kind.
“I like them. They're really cute.”
Oh, well—he can definitely work with that.
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victoryrifle · 11 months
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For some reason at that moment, in that half finished foxhole, all I could think about was the 4th of July when I was a kid. I loved to make my own firecrackers, cherry bombs, lady fingers. I loved to blow up dirt cloths and pop bottles and the like. Looked forward to it all year long. What I saw that day was the most awesome and terrifying display of firepower I’d ever seen in my life. Of course, I wouldn’t have been laughing if I’d known what happened to Joe Toye.
BAND OF BROTHERS | The Breaking Point
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jangmi-latte · 11 months
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dear lilia whores,
i pray for your sanity tomorrow, june 26, 2023.
yours truly,
a rook whore
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meidui · 2 months
another fill for @steverogersbingo 🥰
Tony likes these damn kids even though they're a handful. Not his handful as much as they're Steve’s, mind you, but still. He offers his help where Steve comes up short and he really is getting on great with the kids, but for some reason, Steve seems to tense up whenever he gets too close.
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6k
Ship(s): Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Major tags: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional tags: Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Attempted Retirement, Training the New Avengers, Pseudo Co-Parenting, Father Figures, Pre-Slash, Domestic Chaos, Talking It Out
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happy74827 · 6 months
can I just say "work jitters" was mwah, 10/10 literally one of the best fics I've read is God knows how long. I hope you write more about my mean dumbass of a husband <33
This is too kind and sweet omg! 🥹🥹 I’m so honored and grateful that you enjoyed it given the chaotic mess of it all haha.
Don’t you worry about a thing about future fics because I am totally all aboard the G-Man train.
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burningthetree · 3 months
If I could travel back in time I would go to Ancient Greece and give Oedipus a hug to apologise on behalf of everyone for what Freud did to him
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
Yeah one hole I've noticed with the argument against Crowley being an Archangel is that Crowley doesn't seem to be an average demon, even from the start? We know that AZIRAPHALE was sent to Earth as a punishment and he's low on the hierarchy. That's something that gets repeated. But they never indicate its the same for Crowley. He scored Hell's first and arguably most important victory. He constantly gets commendations. He's chosen for the "starring role" of delivering and raising the Antichrist, which Dukes of Hell are openly envious of and gets him direct praise from Satan, albeit with warning that not even Crowley will be exempt from punishment if something goes wrong. Shax refers to his place on Earth as a huge promotion she had to work hard for and he was just handed. They never actually say what Crowley's position is.
hi anon!!!✨
please would you mind referencing where aziraphale is described as being sent to earth as a punishment? i genuinely can't remember this detail from the show or book.
and also, in terms of hierarchy, my understanding from what neil has told us is that aziraphale is middling in rank (i will find the ask im remembering and link it, or correct if im wrong); that it goes:
god > metatron > gabriel > high archangels (eg michael and uriel) > lower archangels (eg sandalphon) > principality > angels lower ranked than principality (eg muriel).
i would imagine that the number of angels that form the lower ranks are the majority of the 10 million that gabriel mentions, and so would hazard that whilst not high ranking, aziraphale is by no means low ranking either.
but otherwise yes, completely agree with you!✨✨ but to anyone reading that still doubts, this is my logic (and by extension i imagine is anon's too!):
crowley re: his power, his recognition, and that he ensured original sin, this all indicates that he is in fact a ranked demon. so why would it not stand to reason that he is indeed a lord rank? hastur would rank above him as duke, which explains why he's the one to keep tabs on crowley, and then beelzebub as prince which would put them on the same ranking as gabriel, essentially ruling over their respective dominions (not a ref to the angel class, i mean hell and heaven respectively).
so by that same logic, wouldn't crowley indeed be a lord? a rank higher than whatever aziraphale's equivalent in heaven would be (ie a lower archangel)? and again, this would all fit with what shax is intimating; that if crowley was a lower archangel, he'd naturally fit for a lord of hell and his station on earth, whereas if she was lower-ranking she would have had to work to be promoted for it.
as for the scene i snipped, i can't imagine that hastur wouldn't call out crowley for saying he was a lord if he wasn't. yes, crowley was bluffing the situation to stall hastur (ie the legions of the damned), but it seems strange that he wouldn't immediately call out crowley for placing himself in that rank if he wasn't... does that make sense?✨
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missjoolee · 5 months
Happy New Year!
I wrote a little somethin' somethin' for the ladies in my group chat. Thanks for always encouraging my tangents ^_^
Do You Smell Something Burning?
Read on AO3
Snippet Below
Her professor has given them a rare in-class period to work on their final projects when Julie feels her phone start buzzing with incoming notifications, derailing her train of thought. It won't hurt to check it for just a second. Tapping the screen to wake it up, she sees it's the building group chat again.
The Building 🏠
Bernadette (neighbor) 5:23pm Does it smell like something is burning?
Luke, Pizza Killer 🍕🔪 5:24pm f 5:24pm it's our pizza
Julie chokes down a laugh, trying not to draw the attention of her classmates.
5:24pm again?! 🤣🤣🤣
(310) 555-1442 5:24pm 😭
Luke, Pizza Killer 🍕🔪 5:25pm i'm sorry reggie -_-
Julie's professor clears their throat from the desk they are sitting at. It's a polite reminder that she should be working right now, not on her phone. She throws a grin in their direction as she locks her phone and slips it back into her pocket. Then she picks her pen back up and gets back to working on her project.
When class is over, she quickly checks back into the chat.
(323) 555-9673 5:29pm 5:29pm dude
Flynnigan and again and again 5:30pm
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Bernadette (neighbor) 5:33pm How did you do that, Flynn? Will you show me?
Flynnigan and again and again 5:33pm lol 5:33pm sure B
And when Julie arrives home, all of the windows in the bottom right apartment are open yet again, airing the place out.
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legolasghosty · 1 month
Okay but consider: Cat Café AU
Anddd you never said no magic involved and I'm frigging sick and tired of the real world right now, so...
Julie is the proud owner of a small cat cafe in Los Feliz. Lots of great drinks, super sweet cats, plenty of comfy places to sit. To the outside viewer, it seems like a pretty standard setup, if surprisingly well funded. What is less common knowledge is that shapeshifters are also a thing and Dahlia's Sip and Purr also acts as a sort of safe house for many.
Reggie and Alex are the main two other front employees, with Flynn working there too on the business side of things. They take turns working the front counter and taking care of the cats, Julie hopping in with either job when she can. Everything on the menu has silly cat pun names, most of them courtesy of either Reggie or Carlos, Julie's little brother. (She regularly gets texts from him with no context, just a cat pun drink name. They've gotten more frequent since he moved out for college.)
About half the cats that come through the cafe are shelter cats, who are healthy and mostly adoptable but don't have proper homes. They have a board on the wall of which cats people can adopt. Julie has a great relationship with the folks at the nearby animal shelters, cause she takes great care of the kitties and often finds them good homes after a bit!
A couple of the cats are a bit older and have just been with the gang for long enough that they've gotten attached and Julie or Reggie and Alex (they live together) have officially adopted them. Julie lives in a studio over the shop, so she just kinda takes her babies up with her at the end of the day.
And then the last handful of cats... aren't full-time cats. Shapeshifters aren't super common, but they tend to find each other. Most of them have 3-5 forms, depending roughly on age. The first two forms (human and some animal) usually are based on genetics or whatever, and the shifter has no control over what the animal form is. But when they get a grip on their first nonhuman form and start learning a second one, a lot of folks will go for some kind of domestic animal. Both because they're generally small and easy to get away from bad people, but also cause no one is gonna ask weird questions about seeing a housecat in their backyard. At least not like they would if it was like a wolf or something. So most shifters have some kind of house pet form by the time they're teens/young adults.
Given both the high percentage of shifters who have a small cat form, plus the high population density of LA, plus the fact that being a shifter isn't always genetic and often comes out of nowhere... there's a fair amount of unhoused/exhausted cat shifters around Dahlia's. So when Julie and Flynn were daydreaming about running their own cafe in high school, Julie was like, "Okay but if we do the cat thing, we gotta have a way we can help out shifters somehow."
Julie learned about all this as a kid, cause her dad is a shifter (first form was a black bear, which caused some chaos... now his most commonly used ones are a big grey cat and a raven), and Carlos inherited those genes as well (first form was a badger, these days he spends his animal time mostly as an orange and white tomcat). So while Julie and her mom didn't actually change shape themselves, it's just kinda a part of life.
Alex and Reggie are both shifters and met Julie and Flynn in college. Julie sorta found out by accident when she came into their dorm room and saw zero human boys and two cats curled up together in a sunbeam. But now they're her employees/coworkers, having a good time working and also having a safe space to cat in. (Alex's first form was actually a cat, a jet black shorthair. Reggie's first was a hampster, but he much prefers being a dapper tux tomcat). They also know all the signals and stuff to let other shifters know that it's a safe space, which Julie really appreciates.
So yeah, some of the cats in the cafe are humans some of the time. These include :
Luke, who is also best friends with the main gang but absolutely hates customer service so he splits time between the cafe and writing music for a couple of indie bands in the area. Or sometimes both at the same time.
Willie, Alex's boyfriend (yes his first form was a raccoon) and another bestie of the gang. He teaches art classes for adults, but those are mostly in the evenings when people are off work, so he'll hang out as a cat and play with silly humans in the daytime (also skate around getting into trouble but that's fineee).
Bobby, who happened in one day in their first couple weeks of business and lowkey never left. He's a security guard officially for a museum or something nearby, but he mostly works the night shift, and well... the sunbeams are nicer at Julie's cafe than his tiny apartment. So he hangs out a lot and has gotten adopted into the gang. He and Alex are great nap buddies and customers like cooing over their lil yin and yang cuddle pile.
Coming along with Bobby, we have his twin sister Carrie, who is not a shifter but was kind of freaking out about her brother disappearing so much (she knew about the shifter thing) and ended up following him to the cafe about six months after he started going. Cue drama and chaos, but eventually things settled and it all got straightened out. Flynn and Carrie are dating now, so she's around a decent bit.
She also introduced Kayla, one of her dancers who was also a shifter, to the cafe. Kayla had gone for a dog form when she was younger, but started working on a cat after hanging at the cafe a bit cause it's just so cozy.
And well... the shifter community may be quiet, but it's got its rich people too. After finding out about the whole thing, Willie's adopted dad started subtly pushing business Julie's way, along with sponsorship deals and stuff. And well, when Caleb absolutely cannot get ahold of his kid, he usually knows where to go. Even if he's not actually there, Julie or Alex have usually seen him recently and can pass along a message. (Caleb is absolutely a shifter btw.)
And well frick this got WAY too long, I'm sorry!!! I shall shush now and leave you in peace!
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jfleamont · 4 months
If I had nickel for every time I was in a fandom where all the main characters, except for one, die very young and tragically and the one that survives has to cope with the immense loss and guilt that comes with such a devastating event I'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice
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lulu2992 · 1 year
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Hearing your own eulogy is a rare privilege. That said, maybe “privilege” isn’t the word John Seed would have used…
Another scene from “that fic I’ll never write”. John’s plane has crashed and burned, and everybody believes he’s dead. Little do they know, he’s actually survived thanks to a certain Junior Deputy who, tired of using violence to try to solve everyone’s problems, impulsively took the unconscious Baptist to the bunker in which she has taken up residence. She’s only been stuck in this situation for less than two days, but it’s already becoming more complicated by the minute, and Taylor still has no idea how to get out of it.
(I know it looks like they’re already very close since she’s wearing his shirt, but they’re not. Not yet.)
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