#texture handmade paper
kalpanapapers · 3 months
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Exploring the Artistry of Handmade Paper: A Journey through Textures, Eco-Friendliness, and Craftsmanship
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olivexing · 4 months
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Benjamina and Noor 🤖
An excerpt from a my graphic novel style sketchbook; her friend becomes a giant robot!
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hoarderscorners · 2 months
This one is HUGE, could barely fit into a photo
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There's also sun in process to match hehe
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paperzest · 6 months
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Miscellaneous in progress origami today. 
Collapsed base for the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (the crease pattern was lying around and I wanted to refold it). Needs a good bit of shaping before it looks like the spiky dragon with teeth it's supposed to look like.
Temple Dragon which needs more shaping also. 
Since I am learning a little more about origami design, I reworked my Giorno to have an actual packing that can be converted into a crease pattern this time. Shown is a test fold of Giorno. There was extra space so I decided to make an arrow with the additional flaps. But yeah, now he can be recreated on a 40 grid! Would like to improve the likeness of the face shaping in the future, but I think it’s a start. 
Plus a sheet of paper before collapse because I just liked how it looked. Boice is posting a phoenix tutorial so I want to fold that once I get some current projects out of the way!!
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studiozuela · 1 year
Woven handmade paper! I love the textures
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momentsatmydesk · 1 year
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~ I made coffee for myself this morning and it tasted perfect-- bitter, nutty. slightly sweet. It was filled with a thick cover of bubbles and was piping hot. 
Today I finally begin a passion project here --- sharing my Zen moments with paper. 
Thank you for being with me. I hope you have a lovely day ahead. 🌼
Illustration: https://www.instagram.com/wiwadd/?hl=en 
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starboardbowsbows · 1 year
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perilouspage · 2 months
I received an absolutely beautiful hand-bound note/sketchbook as a gift, what should I put in it
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kalpanapapers · 3 months
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magadhishilpi · 10 months
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thesupermarketslut · 11 months
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"Ambitious Aggression"
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tomorrcwz · 7 days
. ⋆⠀⁺ BURN YOUR FINGERTIPS / library
jenson button x reader
when jenson sends you letter after letter, you give him attention and a part of your heart but does he handle it carefully or are you one of the girls?
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jenson button holds the reputation of being a notorious flirt because of his natural charm, the smooth contact of finger gazing on the other person's arm or back, and the effortless comfort of fitting in any situation, wherever he knows the people or not. he's a winner in that sense, can never stops himself to talk to whoever is available.
the brit could charm his way out of an interview, literally anything, if we're being honest.
you, on the other hand, are simpler, much more introverted and less likely to be interested in chatting with absolte strangers. this isn't your kind of thing, though it doesn't mean you'll sit quietly in a group sitting. it's depending on the people you surround yourself with, the current mood and how low your social battery is.
so the letter attached to a small box does surprise you but you don't think too much about it as you have to rush out of your door to get your bus. the gifts rest in your right hand and the other closes the door. you can't be arsed to wait for the next bus, which will leave in about an hour — you just want to buy a few groceries and maybe browse through the local bookshop.
on the way to the bus station, you stuff the box in your bag and open the letter. the first thing you notice is the texture of the paper — it doesn't feel as light as the conventional paper used for everything and it's more grainy and slightly yellowish, remainding you of handmade paper your sibling and you did with your grandparents summers ago. you unfold it. your name is written down with a dearest in front of it, making you heart tumble in your chest, eyes fleeting downwards, where the writer's name stands. jenson b.
his words are sweet and the invite is welcoming you like a warm embrace. he gives fantastic hugs.
but there's a big fat why swirling in your head.
sure, you both work in the same field, enjoying racing, especially formula one racing, however that's the only comment ground. and mark. but that's all.
you've never been alone with him, never talked without anyone else there, never exchanged personal information and desires.
he must be enchanted by you, but why? and how?
the whole thing is seems like a crush type of situation, you've experienced at the age of fourteen to sixteen on several classmates and other students.
at home you open the small box carefully, tracing the beads made out of porcelain. a beautiful piece which fits right into your collection. you snap a picture of it, dangling from your wrist, to send it to the gifter, who's number you don't have. instagram will have to do the trick.
the following day, you come home to another small box sitting on your doormat, a letter underneath it. this time the beads aren't the usual white but multicoloured, glowing in the dim light the lamp spends.
like the first letter, jenson has used the same textured paper and asks for a date, number attached. you're quick to agree, shooting him a message to which he responds in the next few minutes.
in only a few days, he's standing outside of your flat, your favourite flowers in one hand, wearing a lose button down and dress pants. jenson looks good, and if he wasn't your coworker you'd totally invite him in after the dinner date.
as you've already expected, jenson is the ideal date, table booked at a cute restaurant with a nice view and you have your fun sharing lots of different appetisers. you feel great and comfortable, laughing at his silly jokes though you can move on more serious topics without hindering the flow. and the end of the night, the brit drives you home and you find another letter in your handbag, doodles on the side.
maybe this is how it's supposed to be.
when you run into jense at work, quite literally like shoulders slamming against each other, you feel his hand brush yours and the weight of a paper note between your fingers.
"hey jense", you mumble, happiness floating your body at the sight of the man. there's a bright smile on his thin lips and his hair looks fluffy as if he woke up just minutes ago. "you look good."
"but not as good as you, sweets", he cooes, "can't compete with a beauty like you. did you get my letter?"
you nod. "couse I did. you should think about writing a booklet about love poems, they're phenomenal."
"then they wouldn't be from the depth of my heart." He winks before continuing his walk down the paddock, fingers brushing his hair away to the side. his tall figure weaves effortlessly though the throng of mechanics, media personal and other workers, and you start to miss him again.
the note in your hand reads "you have a place in my heart no one else ever could have" and you immediately know its by fitzgerald, a topic discussed on the phone nights ago.
you receive another letter but don't see the man himself for two weeks. only three weeks after you get a glimpse of him across the garages, chatting up a woman your age from a different team. she's blushing, eyes fluttering every few seconds and giggles leave her mouth as jenson touches her elbow, before handing her a letter.
its the same tone of paper, probably the exact material.
at the sight your heart shatters and you feel used, a part of his game, weaving girl after girl 'round his finger.
sure, you know and have already known beforehand of his reputation though he has a way to make someone feel special, treats them lovingly, which let's you forget about it. you thought you were different, close to his heart, but he moves on, giving every willing woman a place in his heart another woman had already filled before her. its a cycle and you are a part of it.
what happens next is your decision — move on or confront him?
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studiozuela · 1 year
🌿 Botanical Paper 🌿
I just wish you could smell these! Both are made with recycled shredded paper, the first is made with Dandelion and the second with Lilac.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
out of all of the clouds in the sky, you are my favorite.
summary. imagine muichiro being the former tsuguko of the cloud hashira, [name].
trigger & content warnings. none applicable.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. muichiro tokito & hashira mentor!reader. 0.8k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. muichiro the beloved <3333 hes my favorite ever fr, he deserves so much happiness.
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he adores his mentor so so much!! admittedly, he does show it in odd ways, but he really appreciates them in ways words cannot adequately describe.
when muichiro's on solo missions, he sends them little letters detailing the shapes he saw in the clouds. sometimes he even sends them shiny or textured rocks because he thought they would like them! it becomes very cute once one learns to understand his love language. he also gives them origami figures every now and then.
^ additionally, before their solo missions, he gives them origami cranes as a sort of good luck charm.
they have a history of becoming livid when the fragile things get crumpled by demons during missions. how dare they? that was a gift from their tsuguko, you know? they know the little paper cranes are easily replaced, and yet... it just makes them so sad to see them crushed.
the gifts he gives them are, for the most part, either handmade or non-traditional (rocks, a pretty shaped leaf, etc). sometimes he'll see something like a hairpin that he thinks they'd like, and so he buys it for them. any and every gift he gives them is appreciated, because just knowing that he remembers them better than almost anyone else and even thinks about them voluntarily is so heart-warming <3
he still calls them '[name]-sama,' even after he himself becomes a hashira. it's an improvement from '[surname]-sama,' sure, but they still insist he doesn't need to call them any such honorific anymore.
"[Name]-sama... that cloud, what's it called again?"
"I'm not your mentor anymore, Mui-kun," they commented with a little smile, hand raking gently through his silky hair. "You don't have to refer to me like that. It's okay to just call me [Name]. We're equals now, you know."
"No," he muttered his opposition, "you'll always be [Name]-sama to me."
"I only trained you for a brief... hmm, two months, was it? I'm not sure, but the point is that I trained you for a very short time."
"Doesn't matter."
"Hehe, I see. ...That's a cumulus cloud, by the way."
sometimes the two will cloud gaze together and just end up napping peacefully. both of them are light sleepers as a result of their job, but light doesn't necessarily mean restless.
mui associates them with the clouds—cloud breathing is their breath style, after all—and has often wondered about them when he cloud-gazes alone. are they okay? is their mission going well? is an annoying junior bothering them? he'll gladly tell them off if [name]-sama is too nice to.
he misses them a whole lot when they aren't around.
the mist hashira respects and trusts his mentor very deeply. he totally goes to them for like... everything.
cooking together is a very common thing for the duo; they love teaching him how to cook and bake and he loves learning. it reminds him of something he can't quite remember; simpler times, perhaps? they think it's very sweet that he's so willing to learn as long as they're the one teaching him.
they tend to his (minor) wounds, send him off on missions with snacks, braid his hair nicely so it stays out of his face... it's like he's been given a second chance at having a family. not that he remembers his first one, but still.
he sticks close to their side more often than not because of this.
muichiro is a little posessive of their attention, especially if they're doting on other junior demon slayers that are closer to his age (e.g., tanjiro, zenitsu, and inosuke). he gets a little jealous but takes great pride in being introduced as their former tsuguko. he's just worried they'll forget about him is all.
"silly mui-kun," they had once teased when they realized what was going on, "i'd never forget you. you don't need to be jealous; you're my favorite junior. ♡"
the other hashira find the attached behavior very endearing—he clings to them constantly, following them around like a lost puppy. it's moments like those in which the others are reminded that he's only a child that had his youth stolen from him far too early, so he subconsciously clings to the one person that really makes him feel safe and loved as every child should feel.
he accepts every gift from [name] with grace and humility. every single thing they give him is kept in pristine condition, even if it's a silly little trinket they picked up on one of their missions because "it's the same color as the ends of your hair, mui-kun." ridiculous!! ...what? he doesn't have to take it if he doesn't want it? no, back off, he's keeping it forever.
he especially loves all those silly gifts. knowing that someone he loves thought of him while they were away makes him all fuzzy and warm inside <33
[name] would be so protective of him. they know how many tsugukos shinobu has lost. to experience that... the thought alone makes them tremble with fear.
they're terrified that one day they might feel that pain too.
no-one will take their student from them, not when he's so young and has his entire life ahead of him. they will not allow it, even if it should cost them theirs.
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AITA for wanting my art, which I am giving to someone as a gift, to look decent, presentable, and handmade?
So I (16f) am decorating notebooks for people as Christmas gifts. I asked my parents (47f and 56f) for ideas for what to put on certain family members’ notebooks. For my aunt, whose favorite color is orange, they suggested I glue bits of orange paper, fabric, and foil to the cover of the notebook. My mother gave me a plastic baggie with a bunch of scraps of orange paper and ribbon and such, and told me to use that on the notebook. I began at the top of the cover and started gluing. About halfway down, I realized that these supplies had run out, so I asked my mother for more. I might add that I am independent to a fault and have thus had problems with asking for help in the past, so I thought she would be thrilled that I was advocating for myself and communicating my needs. I told her that I had run out of the things she had given me and that I could probably find other things but that I wanted it to look consistent all the way down. She told me that she didn’t have any more of those specific shades and textures of paper, but that there was other orange paper around, and if I wanted it to look consistent I could mix it through the entire notebook cover. Unfortunately, this wasn’t feasible, since I was already completely out, and the things were already glued on. She also suggested simply having the new papers on the bottom, like two separate sections of the notebook, which I didn’t like because I wanted it to be consistent so that it would look nice, since it was a gift. I told her that her “solutions” didn’t really solve the problem. She said that she didn’t have any more of those specific items, since they were left over from a rainbow collage art project I had done when I was four, and that if I didn’t have enough it was a planning issue on my part. I told her that I hadn’t known I would need to plan, because it had looked like a lot when she gave it to me. I ended up using other orange papers for the bottom, and while it didn’t exactly look like shit, it certainly wasn’t of the quality that it would have been if I’d had the proper amount of materials, and the way the pattern wasn’t continued made it look AI-generated. So, Tumblr, am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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