#that is the moceit of all moceit videos
loganslowdown4 · 1 month
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ax3-e0ns · 1 year
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All the Moceit shippers ate like royalty when the Into The Unknown music video came out.
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endearingfascination · 5 months
ik we all are loving the new video but who im missing in the fandom reaction rn is moceit nation!!! is anyone else wondering what the inside of that card said?? plus janus knowing the box gag being exactly something patton would really appreciate and have fun with and he did!!
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
"Into the Unknown" and into my dashboard too
So, let me get this straight:
I was here, writing my analysis for Can Lying Be Good, all happy and naive like a little chicken, thinking it was almost time to go to sleep, when people started talking about moceit and Roman in a field and I was like... wait, is there a Sanders Sides video?!
And guess what, there is.
No, of course I didn’t scream when Janus appeared with that coat. You good sir, you are too stylish. I hate you and I love you. But mostly love you.
Even more important, MY HEADCANON IS RIGHT. The headcanon I keep talking about since last year. My headcanon about Janus and Patton meeting to talk about Thomas and morals and changes in his life. That headcanon is now canon. Janus clearly talked about multiple meetings. They met more than once. They MET and that means I was right and my headcanon is canon.
Okay, maybe Janus and Patton were not in a wheatfield, but it’s just a matter of time. It’s just because Mr. Sanders didn’t have a wheatfield available. I believe that, once he will find it, I will have my wheatfield. For now, we have the huge tall trees I also mentioned. It’s just a matter of TIME.
And their conversation! They said just a couple lines, but that was EXACTLY how I imagined their meetings: Janus exposing his ideas, Patton listening, maybe understanding, maybe not agreeing. This is all I wanted. I want more of it. The setting isn’t the same, but I don’t care: these two interacted and it was beautiful.
And yes, my shipping heart is pleased too, because the perfection of this moceit moment is everything. What did I say about moceit being more than just “cute couple being cute”? That’s what I meant.
Again with the setting because it just blew my mind: the Sides are not all around Thomas. They are in other places. Does that mean MY IDEA OF THE ROOMS IS CANON TOO?! Are those their rooms?
After all, Virgil is on the couch of his house, Roman is in a field that he could’ve just created. And Remus is on the railway tracks because he’s the best Side in the world and I love him. Okay, we’re missing Logan’s lighthouse, but just because Mr. Sanders didn’t have the sea available. I believe this is also a matter of time. Once he will find a good location near the sea, I will have my lighthouse headcanon confirmed. It’s a matter of TIME.
Last but not least, we have Janus singing and all the lyrics perfectly match the Sides that appear. Mentions of reveals for Virgil, pretending for Roman, a bit of unknown (”where will we end”) for Remus, burdens for Logan.
But, most importantly, the mention of golden memories dancing in a swirl associated with Patton. And if any of you read my analysis of Janus’ playlist and this song in particular, you will remember that I had a very specific image of this song, as something associated with the end of Thomas’ life and Janus and Patton cooperating until the end by mixing lies with memories as it always happen for old people.
So... was that a hint? A confirmation? Another headcanon?
Moral of the story: I am unstoppable. I am god. I am canon. I feel the power. I am amazed and shocked.
What a great way to end my day, Mr. Sanders.
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Happy Birthday Patton!
A nice little Moceit one shot I speed wrote for Patton’s birthday! :D
Inspired a little by Law and Order SVU, no warnings just a little hurt/comfort :)
I'm starting from scratch with a writing taglist, if you would like to be added, let me know!
Happy Birthday Patton.
Word count: 1,031
Platonic/Pre-romantic/Romantic Moceit- whatever you would like to see it as :)
Janus sat on the sofa staring at the floor, deep in thought about how much of a rollercoaster life had become recently. He had made himself well and truly known to the others, the drama wasn’t usually his forte, but he wanted to make sure his entrance was spectacular. He had torn everything apart, he had pieced one tiny section back together, it was a tiring existence for him recently. Despite the turmoil he had caused, there was one constant light in his life.
As much as it sca- pained him to admit it, Janus and Patton had been growing closer recently, despite Janus’ adamant sarcasm in the latest video calling Patton ‘his bestie’. He actually found himself becoming fond on Patton’s company. He found himself baking cookies with Patton, reading classic novels to him when neither of them could sleep, watching Disney movie after movie with no complaints; just acceptance. Even the quiet moments were acceptable, just sitting in a comfortable silence without the chill in the air coming from the others. Janus noticed that his sarcasm was beginning to rub off on Patton ever so slightly. He smiled fondly as he remembered an exchange from the other day.
“What will you be doing when we’re 85?”
“Squabbling with you.”
“Now wouldn’t that be nice?”
They were both lonely, craving the company of someone who didn’t look at them with indifference or anger, so it was only natural that they would grow closer. That wasn’t such a bad thing after all, at least not in Janus’ mind.
“Hey, you!” Janus jumped when the cheery voice appeared out of nowhere, followed by someone collapsing onto the sofa next to him. It took all of two seconds for him to recognise that cat hoodie he lov- despised so much.  
“If you’re trying to give me a heart attack, you’re going the right way about it!” He retorted, his tone dripping with sarcasm as Patton giggled, playfully hitting his shoulder.
“Oh c’mon, you know you love me!” Patton teased making Janus roll his eyes. If only he knew…
The comfortable silence filled the space until Janus glanced over and noticed Patton looking at him with nothing but worry in his eyes. Could he really make the choice to step back? Step back from Patton?
“Hey. What’s going on in that mind of yours?” He heard Patton try to mask the concern in his voice as he felt as hand rest on his arm. Janus sighed and rested his gloved hand on top of Patton’s.
“Oh you know, just thinking about how I could ruin the next thing we have to face.” Janus bitterly answered, the realisation hit Patton like a freight train and he forced Janus’ chin up to look him in the eyes.
“Talk to me. Please?” Patton pleaded quietly, the tone of voice that Janus just couldn’t say no to. He sighed and began to open up to the one person he knew wouldn’t judge him… because they needed each other.
How could he broach this in a way that wouldn’t hurt Patton? He had already done that before, and it was something he swore he would never do again. The one time he caused Patton to spiral was the worst experience of his life, and one he was still regretting to this day.
"You know, when we started spending more time together, what five months a-"
"Six, actually." Patton interrupted with a smirk. Janus let out a chuckle as he removed the gloves from his hands. His mask being removed and letting the vulnerability show.
"Always have to have the final say, don’t you?” Patton shrugged and Janus bit the bullet, continuing like he was saying. “Before we met... The world was an old movie, it was all black and white. Then you, you started to meddle your way into my world and the black and white became different shades of grey. Before I knew it... There were blues... and greens and yellows and reds...”
He couldn’t help but smile when he listed the colours, as he watched the concern from Patton’s face melt away into fondness and happiness, especially when blue was mentioned first. Despite his reputation of lying, every word was true. He had been caught in a monochrome world until Patton showed him colours, how the world isn’t set in its ways. He could be happy with Patton, even when the rest of them told him he was just shifty and untrustworthy.
“You... opened my heart, Patton... And I thank you for it..." Janus felt tears sting the corners of his eyes as he saw the concern flood Patton’s face again.
"I- I have to step back, before anyone else gets hurt." He heard Patton gasp and turned his face away.
“No. No! Don’t you dare!” Patton’s voice echoed off the walls. Janus raised an eyebrow in confusion, why was it such a big deal?
“You can’t… you can’t step back. I absolutely won’t let you! I need you, Jan. And I have to go LilyPadton mode to make you understand that, then so help me-” Janus smiled fondly at the nickname and gently put a finger in Patton’s lips to stop him from talking, then rubbed his cheek softly with his thumb.
“Alright. I’ll stay, but only for you.”
The comfortable silence fell between them once again and then the clock beeped indicating midnight. Janus suddenly realised what day it was.
“Oh! Before anything else…” He quickly got off the sofa and ran to his room, grabbing a small blue bag with a gold bow around it. Janus came back to see Patton looking confused, so he handed over the bag.
“Wow, you’re early! Thank you, Jan!” Patton gasped excitedly as he took the gift and peeked inside. Janus chuckled as he loaded up ‘Tangled’ on the DVD player, he knew that neither of them would getting sleep anytime soon. He sat down next to Patton again and let him cuddle up while the opening credits rolled.
“I just wanted to be first… Happy Birthday Patton.”
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nerdy-emo-royal-dad · 4 months
Are you still around on tumblr? I read one of your fics on ao3, “nothing more than a man” with moceit and frog patton and i loved it
I hope youre ok!
Hi!! Glad you liked it, aww. Admittedly I don't go on Tumblr much anymore. Whenever a Sanders Sides main series video comes out though I always like to check Tumblr to see the chaos ensuing. And I definitely still get the notifications!! It makes me happy seeing people still remember to drop by and leave messages from time to time.
Oh and yes, I'm doing very okay!! Life's been cool so far and I hope you're okay too!! All the looovveee 💙🖤
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transfemlogan · 4 months
is it too late to ask about your problems with canon moceit. im really curious cuz i like their canon dynamic
okay so okay. okay. okay.
i will say i do not like patton ships in general, minus royality, so some of my moceit dislike stems from that. like again im very neutral on ships, but i tend to stray away from patton ships. hes 1 of my least fave characters so i just dont like imagining him in dynamics.
BUT! a lot of my moceit hate stems fron how they're written. i don't like how janus'& patton's relationship in canon is written. i know we havent gotten a lot of in canon interactions bcuz its been almost 4 years but it feels very, very fast past & like... not how a relationship should span.
i know people get so pissy when you say this but it is inherently pattons fault that the dark sides exist— it's all of the light sides fault, dont get me wrong, but it is especially patton's fault metaphorically. i am not trying to demonise him or hate on him or like say he's the villain or whatever dumb shit, but patton represents thomas' morality. the dark sides exist because thomas views them as inherently evil & thomas' views and opinions are morality. that is the definition of morality.
metaphorically speaking, thomas' morality is the reasons the dark sides exist and patton represents his morality.
janus is a dark side. he was casted aside because thomas views lying as an inherently a bad thing because he is catholic. patton casted janus side because patton thought lying was an inherently bad thing.
so when i see like... janus & patton interact in the into the unknown video or in the 5 years video it's so strange to me to see there be 0 awkwardness. no grudges held against each other. no mishaps or underlying opinions. theyre just ... friends?
like, if you are pushed and demonised by this person, you are not going to just casually talk to them after getting accepted. i cant even remember if patton apologised to janus at all in POF. & like janus knows how pattom treats roman & c!tjomas & i know janus isnt going to demonise patton back (well. glances at how he treated roman. maybe he would.) BUT THERE SHOULD BE SOME SORT OF LIKE. "HEY U STILL DID THIS SHITTY THING TO ME."
like it's not a one time thing, for like 30+ years thomas did not know he had a deceitful side or a dark creativity or whatever the hell orange is. this is 30 years that the dark sides were demonised and treated like this. this is years of their life. that shit fucks with you. it's like getting bullies for years and now all of a sudden your bullies are like "ok ur fine now" except way fucking worse.
& especially for patton to not be hesitant to trust janus still or slip up and say something that implies that he still doesnt agree w/ lying or something or like. saying something that he knows is bad now but has thought for years so it's just a habit.
the fact that there's no hesitation on either of their ends to me is sooo EUGHH. like it'd be way more interesting to see them stumble over their friendship & struggle but they just DONT. DO THAT. & ITS TERRIBLE I HATE IT.
& i hate the idea of them ever being in a romantic relationship with each other. like... patton, you demonised this guy for fucking years. you treated him like shit but now you're nice and attracted to him. like it feels like one of those awfully written enemies 2 lovers. like thats.. very weird to me.
outside of canon, i think their dynamic is kind of fun. like . not exactky polar oppisites like how remus & patton are or virgil & patton are but not exactly different sides of the same coin like how janus & logan are. but like. i dont even know how 2 describe their dynamic. reaching for the same goal with the same methods but very very very different opinions.
IDK LIKE. YEAH i understand the reason 4 why people ship them, but they have the same issues as prinxiety 4 me i think. like acting as if their past can just disappear like that. 30 years is a lot of time of your life to be treated like that, and a simple "i trust you" or whatever will never erase that. & im not saying they cant try or that they shouldnt (they definitely should!). just that there needs to be more push back. more struggles within their relationship for it to feel realistic. (& a romantic relationship just icks me out. janus you should not get into a relationship with that man.)
(if any moceit shippers want 2 talk abt moceit on this post, feel free !!!) (also the opposite is true, if u hate moceit like me feel free 2 express that also.)
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They Call Me Wicked (That Makes Me Glad) (pt 5/?)
Word Count: 2604
Rating: Teen
Pairings: none in this part (future Moceit, Analogical, Rosleep)
Warnings: perceived transphobia (? I guess), B&E, magic
Logan was absolutely fuming.  
Where does that dwarf get off? He thought balefully.  
During their tour of Auradon Prep, Remy had taken him aside while the others were distracted by the useless electives offered by the school. He’d asked Logan if he felt safe and comfortable sharing a dorm room with one of the others.  
Safe and comfortable!  
Logan wondered if the Prince and princess also thought so little of him; he may not be as obviously strong as Remus, or as intimidating looking as Patton, but he was hardly incapable of defending himself. He’d come out on top of the few fights he’d been in on the Isle using either his superior wit or agility.  
Safe and comfortable, bah! 
What he wouldn’t give to see Remy spend a day on the Isle of the Lost. The poor sap wouldn’t even last an hour.  
In fact, Logan had yet to see a single person in Auradon who’d last more than a day on the Isle.  
Safe and comfortable indeed.  
Logan ended up sharing a room with Remus — not his first choice, but a significantly better option than his twin, at least this one had a brain (it was significantly lacking compared to Logan’s, but still miles ahead of Roman’s).  
The dorm room ended up being bigger than Logan’s whole house on the Isle. The beds were soft and covered with more pillows and blankets than any one person could possibly need. There was a large bookcase already full of — completely undamaged — books, two large and well-stocked desks, a seating area complete with a leather sofa and two armchairs, and the absolute largest television screen sitting above the fireplace. They’d even each been given computers — an item that never made it to the Isle.  
It was large, it was opulent, and it was only a dorm room. No wonder Auradonians were so soft.  
As soon as the Prince and company took their leave, Remus overturned his satchel, and dumped a pile of stolen items onto his bed.  
“I see you waste no time,” Logan observed, glancing distastefully at the pile. “Is that the princess’s ring?” 
“Yeah, you want it?” Remus cackled, holding the black band out to Logan, who simply rolled his eyes.  
“No, I think not.” 
“Your loss,” Remus shrugged, tossing the ring over his shoulder. It made a plink when it hit the bare wood flooring, but neither boy paid it any attention.  
Logan surveyed Remus’s bounty for a moment before selecting a bookmark with a blue tassel and a gilded tree on it.  
“I am taking this,” he informed his roommate. He didn’t particularly have need for this specific token, but Remus hardly had any use for it.  
“Sure,” Remus replied dismissively, too busy trying on the different accessories he’d pilfered.  
Patton and Roman didn’t join them until after sunset, in which time Remus had become bored of his treasures and had discovered some sort of interactive game on the television, and Logan had set upon himself to figure out how the computer worked.  
“You’re going to get us caught!” Patton hissed, taking in Remus’s pile. “If they send us back to the Isle before we find that wand because you can’t help but steal anything that so much as sparkles–!” 
“Chill, boss man,” Remus sighed, pausing his video game. “These rich kids probably misplace things all the time; I doubt they’ll even waste the time searching for these; they’ll just buy new ones.” 
“You don’t even need these things! What’s even the point of taking them?” 
“Uh, fun?” Remus laughed. “Because I can? Since when do I need a reason?” 
“SINCE YOU'RE PUTTING THE ENTIRE PLAN IN JEOPARDY!” Patton yelled before forcefully reeling himself in. “This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents; our one chance to prove that we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel!” He seethed through his teeth. “You can take anything you want after we take over Auradon.” 
“Spoilsport,” Remus muttered. “We don’t even know where the wand is. Fairy Godmother certainly isn’t just carrying it around with her.” 
“That’s what mom gave me this for,” Roman said, waving the little mirror around before taking a seat at the table. “Mirror mirror, on the table; show us Fairy Godmother’s wand– er, if you’re able?” 
“‘If you’re able’?” Patton mocked, coming up behind him to look at the mirror.  
“It had to rhyme!” 
“Did it though?” Logan asked, taking a seat across from Roman at the table.  
“Yes! I–” 
Remus snatched the mirror from his brother while he was distracted and held it aloft. “’Sup Mirror, where did my dumbass brother hide his diary?” 
“HEY!” Roman jumped to his feet, trying to take the mirror back before Remus found what he was looking for, resulting in a tussle between the two.  
“If you break the mirror before we find the wand, I will make both of you regret it,” Patton hissed. “Do you understand me?” 
“Aww, what’re you gonna do?” Remus teased, allowing Roman to take the mirror back from him (though Logan had no doubt that he’d gotten what he was looking for first). “You gonna spank us, daddy? Spank our bottoms like the bad little boys we are?” 
Patton’s face turned from green to red. He tried valiantly to make it look like the change came from anger, but Logan could tell that it was more from embarrassment than anything else.  
“Magic Mirror, where is Fairy Godmother’s wand?” Roman asked in an attempt to move on from this subject completely.  
The mirror displayed an image of the wand that Maleficent had shown them earlier. It was on a golden stand, but other than that, the image was too close to display any indications of where it was.  
“Is that the best it can do?” Patton asked.  
“Magic Mirror, not so close,” Roman tried again. 
The image zoomed out until it showed a large building with a sign above the door that read “Museum of Cultural History”.  
“Where’s that?” 
Logan typed “Museum of Cultural History” into the search bar of the computer and clicked on the “Map” option.  
“It is less than three miles from here. The building is closed for the night.” 
“Great, then no one will notice us stealing it,” Roman reasoned.  
“We have to get in first,” Logan pointed out. How were four teenagers — who were vastly unfamiliar with the technology of Auradon — supposed to break into a museum and steal the wand, surely there would be complex security systems in place.  
“That’s what I have this for,” Patton said, holding up his mother’s spell book.  
Logan wasn’t particularly convinced — seeing as how Patton had just gotten the spell book and had absolutely no experience performing magic and all — but he was outvoted and ignored as the four VKs made their way quickly and discreetly out of their dorm building, across Auradon Prep’s campus, and through Auradon’s capital city of Beladam to the Museum.  
The museum thankfully was surrounded by a wooded area that, according to a plaque on site, was “dedicated to an interactive history experience.” Regardless of whatever that meant, the remote location of the museum gave them room to move without too many chances for witnesses.  
“Check the mirror,” Patton ordered as they approached the building, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.  
“Why?” Roman asked. “Is my mascara smudged?” 
“The wand, Roman!” 
“Oh, yeah. This way.” 
Roman led them around the side towards a back entrance labeled “EMPLOYEES ONLY”. Through the windows of the doors, they could see a security guard sitting with his back to them in front of a bank of monitors.  
“Now what?” Remus asked. “We’ll never get in without him noticing.” 
“Hold on a sec.” Patton pulled out his mother’s spell book, flipping through it quickly. “Okay here. Prick the finger, prick it deep; hurry now, it’s off to sleep.” 
On the word “sleep” he drew a “Z” in the air with his pointer finger. Almost instantly, the security guard’s hand drifted over to a pencil, his finger pressing slightly over the sharpened point; a moment later his head was lulling to the side, and a loud snoring started up.  
“Wow,” Remus commented, impressed.  
Truthfully, Logan was rather impressed himself. Growing up on an island without magic, he’d never seen anyone actually cast a spell before; he wasn’t aware that they could work so quickly, and with such little experience from the spellcaster.  
“Now we just need one to open the door,” Roman pointed out, pushing uselessly at the door to emphasize his point.  
“Leave that to me,” Remus cackled, taking a few steps back in order to charge the door.  
“Door that’s closed, undo the lock; open up without a knock,” Patton recited quickly as Remus began his charge. The door flew open right as Remus was about to make contact, causing Logan’s roommate to fall, unceremoniously, onto the floor of the museum.  
“I could’ve done it,” Remus complained, picking himself off the floor.  
“Yeah, sure you could’ve,” Roman rolled his eyes, giving his twin a shove, which dissolved into a shoving match between the two.  
“Roman!” Patton hissed, growing impatient.  
“Right, right, the wand. Y’know, he started it.” 
“Did not!” 
“Did so!” At Patton’s glare, Roman got back to the matter at hand. “This way!” 
The fourth of them took off, running through the tile halls of the museum at the direction of a tiny hand mirror. Down the hall, up the stairs, down a different hall and finally through a room displaying… 
The statutes were larger than life. The intimidating poses and artistic interpretation casting them as the malicious powerhouses they had once been.  
The Hall of Villains.  
Maleficent was in the center of the room, cloak black as night, dragon wings spread out behind her, acting as arches over the walkways of the display room; her scepter in one hand, faintly glowing and raised to strike. Above her, suspended from the ceiling, her trusty crow, Blight; as big as an eagle, and with his talons ready to grip and tear anyone who got in the way of his mistress.  
Next to the door stood Evil Queen, young and beautiful, and dressed in only the finest robes made with the most expensive pigments. She held a box in her hand — the box that the huntsman had given her, claiming it held Snow White’s heart — and faced away from a large, ornate mirror-frame that hung from the ceiling. on the other side of the frame, an old hag was hunched over, with her back to the frame and holding out a bright, delicious looking red apple to the audience in front of her.  
On the other side of the door, Jafar was coming out of a lamp; his legs were but a tail of smoke ascending from the spout, but his torso and above were extremely human. A giant cobra had its tail curled around the entire display, its head coming up from behind Jafar, its eyes perfect rubies. The parrot, Iago, sat perched on the lamp’s lid, watching the scene before unfold with malicious glee.  
In the back of the room, visible past Maleficent's right wing, Gaston stood, his left leg on the ground, his right on the carcass of a bear. His gun was drawn, and it was aimed directly at the door. Even though he was only a statue (and likely created by someone who had never directly met Logan’s father) the look of pure loathing in his eyes was so painfully familiar, Logan couldn’t look away.  
Peripherally, he was aware that the others were having similar reactions to the statues of their parents. There had to be at least a dozen statues in The Hall of Villains, but none were as terrifying as their own parents.  
“We should,” Logan said eventually, never breaking eye contact with his father. “We should go. We must be nearing the wand by now.” 
“Right,” Roman agreed slowly, still staring at his mother. “Right. It’s, uh, it’s right through here.” 
He pointed hesitantly towards the back of the display room, where Logan was certain a door must be located, hidden from view by Maleficent’s form.  
Logan followed Roman slowly through the room, never taking his eyes off of Gaston as the less logical part of his brain whispered that he might be real. He might not be just a statue.  
He breathed a sigh of relief once they were finally out of that room, away from those terrifyingly life-like statues.  
The twins continued on, but Logan noticed that Patton had failed to make it through The Hall of Villains.  
“Patton!” He called into the display room as loudly as he dared.  
No response.  
“For the love of all things evil,” Logan muttered under his breath as he steeled himself to go back into that room.  
He avoided even so much as glancing in Gaston's direction this time as he walked back through, rounding Maleficent’s statue to where he had last seen the woman’s son. Patton had drifted into the hall, but had stopped directly in front of his mother’s statue, staring at it with the same level of awe and fear that Logan was sure he had sent his father.  
“Patton,” he tried again, placing his hand on the other boy’s shoulder.  
Patton’s wing shot out to defend him, but luckily it just missed hitting Logan.  
Slowly, Patton came back to himself, eventually turning to look at Logan.  
“If we fail,” he said quietly, almost as if he were afraid of Maleficent hearing him. “The punishments will never end.” 
“We will not fail,” Logan assured him. “Auradon has grown complacent in our parents’ absence; they will never see us coming.” 
“Because we’re rotten,” Patton recited, still somewhat in a daze.  
“To the core,” Logan finished.  
“Right,” Patton said, his resolve visibly strengthening. “We’ll get this wand, and then we’ll show Auradon exactly why they should fear us.” 
He brushed past the statue without further ado, leaving Logan to trail after him.  
By the time they caught up to Roman and Remus, the twins had already located the wand.  
The wand was in the center of a room that had other, lesser, magical artifacts lining the walls. It was resting on top of its golden stand which stood on a pedestal with a glass bell over it. Surrounding the whole pedestal was a barrier that was reminiscent of the one around the Isle of the Lost.  
There was some serious security to deal with before they could access the wand.  
Patton, to his credit, immediately began flipping through his spell book. Remus on the other hand… 
“Stand back,” he grinned, walking right up to the barrier and raising his fist. “I’ve got this.” 
“Remus don’t–!” 
But neither Roman, nor Logan’s words could stop him before his fist connected with the barrier.  
The force of Remus’s punch was redirected back at him by the barrier tenfold, sending him flying back through the door towards The Hall of Villains. At the same time, a piercing alarm rang out through the museum to alert security to the breech.  
They ran.  
Roman asked the Mirror how to avoid the security guard, who’d been awoken by the cacophony, so at least they were able to make it out without being caught. Logan even shut off the alarm using the codes that the guard had conveniently left by his station before someone higher up the chain was alerted to the break-in.  
“Nice going, Remus,” Patton groaned as they ran back through the streets towards Auradon Prep. “Now we actually have to go to school tomorrow.” 
I love Remus so much and I kinda want to tell you guys why I love him (in this fic) but I also kinda wanna just let it play out
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling
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Has anyone thought about how kinda sad it is that logicality isn’t as popular of a ship anymore? I used to love Logicality. Most of the fanfics I read were either prinxiety or logicality, and I watched almost every “logicality moments” compilation videos on yt. But nowadays I hardly see anything about them.
It used to be a MAJOR ship in the SS fandom. You either shipped Prinxiety, Logicality, or both. And the argument could be made that this was before the other dark sides were introduced which, sure, if you have very few people to ship a character with you might end up pairing them with someone that wasn’t your first choice for them. But prinxiety has stayed one of if not the MOST popular ship for both Roman and Virgil even after Janus and Remus were introduced, so what’s so different about Logan and Patton? Why are they no longer paired up together?
They just, don’t fit together anymore, for some reason. At least to me. I used to love Logicality, but I don’t really ship it anymore. Logan and Patton used to do a LOT together. They were the heart and the brain. They had a solid duality thing going on while also seeming to genuinely care about the other and they had great chemistry as well. But they just don’t anymore, at least from my perspective. I recently rewatched the series all the way through and it seems that at some point they just,,, stopped interacting as much. They lost that chemistry, and their stories stoped being so intertwined. They’re not as close anymore.
Idk, as much as I love moceit and loceit, AND Intrulogical is my favorite ship in the whole series (with prinxiety fighting the good fight to try and steal my number one spot again), I just kinda miss logicality sometimes. I miss their dynamic and overall friendship in the series. Maybe I’m just on he wrong side of the internet and that’s why I’m not seeing as much content for it anymore.
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Moceit and their game kids
(As usual, click for better quality because Tumblr sucks)
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moceit · 3 years
We actually got Moceit content in the newest video! Wow, can't believe it's canon again.
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desnoot · 4 years
Regarding the last sanders sides videos (aka SPOILER ALERT) we know that c!Thomas views Roman and Remus as the good and the evil versions of creativity. When telling Thomas not to trust Janus, Roman's exact words are "he's asking us to go back on things we've know for years. Rights and wrongs, shoulds and shouldn'ts".
My point is. If Thomas' views of what's wrong and what's right changes like Janus is suggesting (even if to a smaller degree), will it affect Roman and Remus? Would they become more similar or fuse as many in the fandom have been speculating?
I think Roman is just scared to loose himself in Thomas' development.
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
I am pissed.
Let me rephrase that: I am euphorically pissed.
I had my pretty little plan: I wanted to write the analysis for CLBG and I actually started. I was so happy to write about my favourite episode! I still want to do it, because there are a lot of interesting things to talk about, like the details, the body language, the words, the plot and so on.
And after that, I would’ve started the next analysis. And the one after that. I am closer and closer to the end of this mini-series and, like every time I get close to the conclusion of a project, I also get a lot more energies.
Also because this mini series will end (for now, at least) with a big post about season three and I need some time to plan that. So I wanted to close the analyses of the past episodes to focus on that too.
After that, I have other projects outside Sanders Sides I want to talk about. I have something written already, but I am also leaving something new on the side to properly talk about it.
Oh and let's not forget the fanfiction I am planning. This one required A LOT of research and by “a lot” I mean it. It is very challenging, more challenging than anything else I’ve tried until now. And I have to be extra careful about what I write and how I write it, in order to sound realistic.
But it is also fun, because there will be Janus and Remus, my beloved chaotic besties. I want to write Remus being a creepy idiot, I want to show Janus’ affection towards Thomas, I want to write Thomas dealing with them and vice versa. There is a lot I want to write, but I need an outline first and I still haven’t written it because, you know, analyses first.
So I had my plans and my ideas and the will to do everything.
But then Mr. Sanders looked at all my careful planning and said "Mmmh, you know what? That sounds like the perfect moment to drop a new video with so much moceit and so much aesthetic to fill a continent".
I always said that, one day, I was going to write a moceit. I just need a good idea, I said. I just need something that helps me organize everything and, most importantly, to keep it short. This couple has too much to offer and I can't write an endless story. I need a plan, before writing.
Then this video came out and a simple image popped in my mind. Not a story, not a plot, just an image.
Very nice, I thought, just enjoying it. Very nice, my brain thought, while working and building stuff around it.
Moral of the story: I got my idea. And I wrote 11 pages in three days. Of the story? No, silly, of the outline. I wrote 11 GODDAMN PAGES just about the outline. And they would’ve been even more, if I wrote the entire dialogues I summarized.
Just to give you an idea: there’s a part I summarized as “they talk about Anxiety leaving the dark sides”. Not exactly a theme you can solve in a couple lines of dialogue (in fact, it will take an entire scene).
It’s going to be long. And by “long” I mean that there are going to be three parts and each part will probably have at least two chapters. I need them not only because of how long this thing is going to be, but also because I want to use both Janus’ and Patton’s pov and alternating them between chapters seems like the best solution.
Also, there are some scenes I specifically imagined with one of their povs, so I really need them to alternate.
And I am absolutely, completely captivated by this. I want to write this and lose my mind, trying to make every word sound perfect. I want to show exactly what I see and to give them the romantic development they deserve. I want to explore their relationship and to make it sound realistic. I want to talk about trust and love and passion and trust again.
So if you were hoping for other fanfictions, blame Mr. Sanders. If you were hoping for more analyses, still blame Mr. Sanders. Now I have to write my moceit and I will do it, because this idea is eating my brain and I have to put it down on (virtual) paper.
I apologize in advance for the future lacks of updates. However, if you want, I can still give you completely out of context details about this, just for the sake of you asking yourself wtf am I even writing.
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clearlynotjanus · 3 years
Where Janus Will Stand
Not to like, look too deep at what was clearly a joke video (or point out the obvious if people were already talking about this & i missed the posts), but if in the corner is where Janus does end up standing when all are present, I would be perfectly okay with that, for two reasons (that have nothing to do with moceit surprisingly). 
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First, the background fits him very well I think - I really like how the “split effect” of the normal wall to his left & the blinds to his right is reminiscent of his own split face, which has always been just a physical manifestation of his innate duality as Self-Preservation & Deceit of course. It just continues to drive home that our Janus is based on the Roman two faced god of beginnings & endings. That isn’t all the Roman god represented though; high up on that list is the concept of transitions, as in transitioning through doors or gates, from life to death, youth to adulthood, etc. This also ties into his background, since visually, he’s serving as the middle piece between the two wall types. 
Second, he’s standing in a corner, much like Virgil - well, not much like Virgil, exactly like Virgil. Both Janus & Virgil serve as innate bodily functions primarily; Fight or Flight & Self Preservation. From my understanding of how the room is shaped, I think Janus is almost directly across from Virgil, though I could be wrong about that part. Regardless, it has the obvious effect of making people see Janus as “cornered,” which is the state that Self Preservation & Deceit usually kicks in. When you’re up against a wall & have no options left - you resort to these defense mechanisms automatically. 
So yeah, if this is where Janus stands usually, I’m okay with that! I quite like it.
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Taglist: @sanderssidesangsttrash @catalinaacosta @whatishappeningrightnow @anxiousbean4404 @vexelore @ranboo-but-booran @serpentinesomebody @poptartsaysurloved @robertdownerjr @dangitsbrightinhere @iamuncomffy @sanderdarksides @dragonfander @virgilstarantula @a-rudethude @indubitably-emo @gay-artist-626 @edupunkn00b @wouldntyou-liketoknow @awesomerandomgirl1 @cosplayhanna @rizzyluke @sevencrashing @all-panic-nodisco​ @remy-the-lemon-berry​ @their-royal-fiensishness​ @xravynsflamex​ @imma-potatoo​ @obsxdiannn​
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Day Three- Game Night/Conflict
Can’t believe we’re already at day three of Moceit Week! I had a lot of fun with this one shot, this week is really helping me get back into writing.
So, @the-duke-of-nuts and I have been writing an AU based on the game ‘Prop Hunt’ and I was technically going to be doing this for tomorrow... since it was a Game Night prompt, I couldn’t resist doing it today!
I hope I’ve done it justice, Vin, and surprise! ☺️💚🖤💚
Writing taglist: @lost-in-thought-20 @red-imeanblue @jwillowwolf @psychedelicships @writerwithtoomanyships @the-duke-of-nuts @lily-janus
Warnings: Weapon mention, kind of violence in game
Get Over Here and Play a Video Game
Patton was excited for game night with the rest of the guys. When they all found common ground with playing video games, it brought them all closer together as housemates. They had even recently started recording themselves doing lets plays to put them onto YouTube. It was strange to watch the view count shoot up every day, people seemed to be enjoying them… but they are a chaotic bunch, especially because Remus is involved. The games were fun to record, even if Patton had to have the controls explained to him multiple times by a very patient Janus. He was grateful that Janus would support him throughout the whole recording, it made him feel safe while the cameras were rolling, and it made the whole thing much more fun.
He took out his phone and re-watched the latest video of ‘Golf With Your Friends’ that they recorded last week. He had to admit that giving Remus and Logan editing rights was the best decision possible. Patton found himself laughing at Roman who was getting angrier by the second when he couldn’t reach the hole on a water level, he laughed even more when a Snickers bar flew across the screen, pretending to hit Roman in the face. The next part was something he didn’t expect, in the recording session, Patton was having a hard time while his golf ball was shaped like a cube. Janus came over without a word to see what was going on, when his hand rested on Patton’s to show he what to do, Patton blushed again as he saw cartoon hearts fly around the two of them.
They had only started dating a few months ago, but it had felt like so much longer. He smiled as he watched the flirting take place between the two of them, and the editing seemed to just spur it on. Hearts, love heart arrows, all that usual stuff. It was cute, which made Patton all too aware that he was falling hard and fast, faster than he ever had before. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a text notification at the top of his screen from Logan.
‘Greetings everyone. Hope you are all ready for game night tonight. I’ve been reading the comments of the latest video, and Prop Hunt seems to be the latest request. So shall we attempt it?’
Patton looked at his phone in confusion. Prop Hunt? What the heck is that? It already sounds so confusing, but everyone else apparently knows it and has played it before according to the replies coming through. He couldn’t be the odd one out, thankfully him and Janus had the day off from work, so he headed over to Janus’ room. He could hear the soft, classical music seeping into the hallway and he knocked on the door tentatively when he saw Janus lying on the bed.
“This had better be important-” Janus sighed as he pushed himself up, but stopped himself when he saw it was Patton, then smiled warmly. “Ah, sorry darling. I thought it was Remus bothering me again.” He remarked jokingly before patting the space next to him on the bed. Patton before sitting next to him, and yelped as Janus wrapped his arms around him before pulling him into a tight hug. He giggled and Janus chuckled in response.
���What can I do for you, darling? You looked a bit worried at my door.” Janus’ voice had hints of concern weaved through it.
“It’s nothing big… It’s just Logan has said we’re gonna play a new game tonight… and I have no idea how to play…” Patton trailed off, unsure whether he could really ask for help. He didn’t want Janus to judge him or anything. Janus just squeezed his hand in reassurance, something that made Patton’s heart skip a beat each time.
“I’ll go get our laptops set up. You-“ Janus booped his nose causing Patton to giggle again. “Wait right here. I’ll be back in a minute.” Patton nodded and looked around Janus’ room, one thing caught his eye. There were new photos of the two of them on the walls, and the card Patton made for him to ask him out was sitting pride of place on the table next to the bed. He felt his laptop be placed gently on his lap, and he rested his head on Janus’ shoulder while the game was set up for him.
“Okay. So you’re going to be the hunter to start with. I’m going to be hidden as an object in the map. You have to wait for a couple of minutes.” Patton tried to sneak a look at Janus’ screen, but he felt a gloved hand gently cover his eyes.
“Nooo, darling. That would be cheating.” Patton faked a pout before giggling and waited for Janus’ hand to stop covering his eyes. He felt a light kiss on his forehead before the light flooded back onto his face. He looked down at his laptop, confused as to what to do now. He tried to move, but nothing was working. Janus placed his hand over Patton’s, guiding his hand to the right place.
“Arrow keys, my dear. You move with the arrow keys. So now you have to try and find me! Look for something that doesn’t belong. I know you can do it.” He kissed Patton’s cheek and he tried to ignore the blush that was threatening to spread across his cheeks. He tried to concentrate on the map, but someone was proving to be a very significant distraction, especially when that someone interlocked his free hand with Patton’s free hand. He eventually managed to focus and almost spun around in circles trying to find his way around the huge map, until he came across a large box that stood very out of place. Janus smirked as he saw Patton carefully move towards the box.
“You need to shoot the box, darling. Left click.” Janus leant over and whispered in Patton’s ear. He tried to ignore the shiver he felt, and hesitated at this part of the game.
“B-but I don’t wanna hurt you, sweetie.” His finger hovered over the left click, and he then clicked it once, looking away from the screen. Janus smiled and squeezed Patton’s hand.
“You did it, darling! You don’t hurt me, it’s only the game. Can you see your health points? Did your health go down when you shot the box?” Patton hesitantly looked at the screen, and shook his head as he noticed that the health points remained at 100. Janus took Patton’s hand and lifted it to his lips quickly.
“Go on then, my dear. Win the round.” Patton blushed yet again, and then clicked countless times until the box disappeared, and a little message came up reading ‘Hunters Win!’ Patton stared at it, then smiled when he finally realised what it meant. He clapped his hands together excitedly, and Janus chuckled as he watched Patton enjoy the game.
“Sooo… Do I now hide as a prop or something?” Patton asked curiously. He had forgotten what he was so nervous about in the first place, he was having so much fun learning the game from Janus. Janus nodded and covered his own eyes which made Patton giggle.
“Indeed you do, so like before… you use the arrow keys and wander around the map until you find an object. Press E when you’re next to object, and then you turn into it.” Patton hummed in affirmation, and started to move around the map. He found a paint can and laughed when his character turned into the object. His mind came up with a perfect pun, but he was going to save that kind of thing for when they were playing as the group tonight. He tapped Janus on the shoulder to show that he was ready.
Janus turned back round and looked at Patton warmly.
“I’ve found you.” He smiled as Patton looked confused by the statement.
“But… I’ve only just hidden, how could you have found me already?” Patton looked at his screen before he felt Janus softly place his fingers under Patton’s chin, gently encouraging him to look up. He gazed into Janus’ eyes and matched the soft smile on his lips.
“Oh I’m sorry, darling. I wasn’t talking about the prop anymore. I was talking about the person that I’m pretty sure is the love of my life.” He kissed Patton softly which was happily reciprocated before he was pulled into Janus’ arms once again. Only one thought remained on his mind.
This was the best start to game night ever.
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hair braiding for moceit ?
(same anon as before <3)
k, so it's not hair braiding exactly, but its a thing i wrote, so i hope you like it <3
(also hi!!!!!)
It was actually Virgil’s idea to have family bonding nights. Granted, he whispered it to Patton so Patton could excitedly yell out the idea, but still.
So, they started having family bonding nights. They would watch a movie, or play a game, or even cook or bake something together. That one commonly ended with the smoke alarm going off.
In the event of a movie night, all the Sides would pile on the couch, squished together so they could watch the movie.
It didn’t start out like that. It started with the Light sides taking the couch and Virgil, Remus, and Janus would sit on the floor in front of them, but slowly they all moved to the couch.
All of them were touch starved anyways, it didn’t bother them that the couch was really only meant for four people at most.
“So, what’re we watching?” Logan asks. “I’m assuming Roman tempered with the votes again?”
Roman gasps, before immediately counting the votes. “I won! By a landslide! All votes for Moana!”
“I’m shocked.” Janus says. Patton elbows him and he frowns. “What?”
“Moana’s good!”
“I know. I’ve heard Roman singing How Far I’ll Go at two in the morning too many times to not be surprised about this.”
Virgil laughs and leans his head on Roman’s shoulder. “You do that a lot.”
“Hey! This is family bonding time, not family ‘gang up on Roman’ time!”
“Can we just start the movie already!” Remus complains, wiggling in his seat.
“Stop moving! Clearly we need a bigger couch!” Virgil says.
Janus smiles and nods. He likes being squished with everyone. It’s kind of stupid, but it’s his way of solidifying that all the Sides trust him. Even Virgil.
“Okay, okay, shush!” Roman says, pressing play on the movie. Janus leans back and watches as Gramma Tala tells the story of the island.
As the movie goes on and Roman’s commentary gets fewer and farther between as he focuses on the movie. (The real reason is that he didn’t want to disturb Virgil, who’s asleep on Roman’s shoulder.)
Janus slouches a bit and pulls his hands into the sleeves of his sweater.
Roman made them all Christmas sweaters and even though Janus hated the sweater itself, it was one of the only comfy clothes he owned.
Patton had offered on multiple occasions to make him a onesie, so he could match the rest of them, but Janus had refused.
(Really it was a lot of mental hoops to jump through for Janus to just admit he likes hanging out with them and he liked the sweater that Roman made.)
The credits roll and Janus yawns.
“Another?” Roman asks. Logan pushes himself up.
“I’m going to retire. I think we all should, to maintain a good sleep schedule, but that is up to you.” Logan pushes his glasses up on his nose and walks out.
“Goodnight, Logan!” Patton says.
“I’m going to sleep soon. Whatever Logan has planned, I wanna fuck it up.” Remus says and follows Logan, telling him something about butts.
Roman gently stands up and picks Virgil up, carrying him bridal style.
“We’re leaving too. I’d rather not deal with cranky Virgil.”
“Alright. Goodnight, Ro!” Patton says, before turning to Janus. “We got the couch to ourselves? Wanna watch this new YouTuber Thomas told me.”
Janus has never been good with refusing puppy dog eyes, whether it was from Virgil or even Remus.
“Alright.” Patton squeals (quietly, of course, he doesn’t want to wake Virgil.) and stands up to grab the remote. Janus assumed that he would sit on the other side of the couch, considering there was no one else there, but Patton sits right back down in his spot and gets the video booted up.
It’s a baking video, to the surprise of literally no one. But it’s funny, and so they watch the next one, and the next one, and the one after that. Janus’s head slowly drops onto Patton’s shoulder. He feels Patton stop moving, as if trying to keep Janus from shifting, but he’s too tired and comfortable to do anything about it.
Patton moves his hand so it’s wrapped around Janus’s shoulder and starts running his hand through Janus’s hair. Janus smiles softly and moves ever so slightly closer to Patton.
He hears the volume on low and his eyes droop until they close.
He never used to do this. Fall asleep in front of the others. Janus didn’t have a good reason, he just was distrustful.
But, here, with Patton’s hand moving through his hair and the baking show playing on low, Janus has never felt safer.
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