#the astronomer and the mage
aaravos-answers · 8 months
So I heard that ur this extremely powerful, wise and hot (?) elf, so I seek ur wisdom
any tips on asking a girl out?
Tips? I even have a five step plan, starling.
Step 1: summon her with mysterious messages
Step 2: tell her that you have wanted her since the moment you first made contact, and that now that you have her before you, you crave her all the more. (This is best done in your deepest, most seductive voice)
Step 3: offer to teach her magic
Step 4: trap her in your prison with you
Step 5: enjoy the extended time the two of you have together, alone from the rest of the world
Best of luck, starling. As for additional tips, burning cities for her and slaughtering anyone who would do her harm should also help.
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The Astronomer and the Mage teasers/update
I've gotten more than one person asking when I will update The Astronomer and the Mage
I'm hoping during Thanksgiving break
Because here's the thing, it's all in my head. All of it. I know what the next plot scene will look like, I know what The Astronomer will learn next. I know what the endgame result looks like. I know in distinct detail what the next sex scene looks like (and may or may not be testing out logistics on my partner)
The problem is having a good time to sit down and write. Hence needing the prolonged break from school to do so. My part time job and my work study are associated with the school too, so it will be a true break from everything.
To keep y'all intrigued though, here's a few teasers for the upcoming chapters:
- The Astronomer being my Autistic Self Insert
- New character! With some comical misunderstandings!
- chase scene, and using the new info we got from Stella re: the star primal
- More smexy dreams
- "When will you understand they do not deserve this mercy?" "When will you understand it's not about what they do or do not deserve?"
- *Indiana Jones theme plays in the background*
- Legend of Korra reference
- the author being constantly sidetracked by the idea of "but where are they gonna get the money for this? Where are they gonna sleep? How does this work logistically? Fantasy adventuring is very impractical. Can you get paid to do math for a business in a fantasy realm like I'm training to do?"
- definitely using that One Scene with the mirror in Zubeia's cave as inspiration
- a reminder that this fic still takes place years after our current canon... But yes Sir Sparklepuff is gonna be a thing now
- idk how to end this list but you know what helps me write? Feedback! Tell me what you anticipate, what you're excited for, what cameos you'd most like to see, etc.
(also, a question, can I still call TAATM an Aaravos x reader story? I still haven't really described the astronomer beyond gender and parts, but I cannot at this point in the plot leave her as much of a blank slate as a reader character would be. Should I just call her an oc at this point?)
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the heaven iowa sit down thing is so emotionally devastating to ME what do you mean it started out as pete just sitting alone and watching from a distance and then on halloween suddenly andy decided to sit next to him for a few second so he wouldn't be alone. and then the next show when he didn't pete still pretended he was there and then the show after that it WORKED and andy sat down next to him again at the start. and THEN joe joined in for the second to last show. and then the final show the three of them sat together and even had little flutes to pour sparkling juice in. fuck all the way off. when men are friends!!!!!!!
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art by myles pinkney
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
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Faction: The University of Taloncliff
"Enter with open eyes and behold the truths of the world unending" -Inscription beneath the fountain of the pensive sage, in the gatehouse courtyard.
Founded by dedicates of Ioun who wished to study where the land met the sea and sky, the institution that eventually became the University was founded three centuries ago when the sages of Taloncliff found themselves inundated with eager pupils who had travelled far and wide seeking their wisdom.
Growing quickly along with the coastal village that supported it, the university is today one of the most famed and foremost centres of learning on the continent entertaining scholars of what seems like every discipline imaginable. If the party needs to know something, Taloncliff is the place to go.
Adventure Hooks
Gaining access to the halls of knowledge is not as easy the heroes may hope, as only those who have joined the university are allowed to peruse it's near endless archives and deep vaults of lore. That said there are other options: they might find a sympathetic ear at one of the tea-houses wherein students and faculty partake in the boisterous debate discouraged in the august lecture halls, or persuade a smuggler of forbidden literature to clue them in on the tunnels beneath the university's walls.
The easiest way to gain entry by far however, is to simply join as a student, bypassing the yearly enrolment process by earning an invitation as a renowned seeker of knowledge... or by having the party's noble patron purchase your way in.
Alternatively, you could start your campaign with students already enrolled as students of the University, engaging in a few apprentice level adventures before flashing forward to when they've graduated to doing fieldwork.
Also, I'd be remiss if I made a whole faction dedicated to learning and didn't mention my advice/system for how you should let your players research in campaigns, which you should check out before exploring the University's inner workings below the cut.
Though it appears stately and unified from outside, behind its alabaster walls Taloncliff is in fact a contradictory mess of overlapping "Curricula" like a dozen different organizations of varying sizes dressed up in a wizard's robe trying to look important. Each Curricula is named after one of the original Sages and follows generally in their footsteps, here are some of the most relevant:
Curricula Endaris: The prestigious institute of learning to which the noble families of nearby realms send their learning minded scions. Endaris gave council to kings, and her followers teach statecraft, diplomacy, history, as well as the good governance of the land itself. One of the largest factions and the one most likely to receive outside donations, Endaris maintains a strong influence over the rest of the university as holding onto its coin purse.
Curricula Jadek: Adherants of the knowing mistress who maintain the campus as part of their devotion and studies into more mystical forms of knowledge. They tend to be inward focused and act to balance out the other voices, giving them a respect that superscedes rivalry.
Curricula Gazerette: a wizarding school that functions like a music conservatory, looking to instill a basic level of competence in all students while hunting for talent that could be refined into something prodigious. Gazerette wanted only the best from his apprentices, and the cutthroat rivalries between Gazerette wizards are the stuff of legend, going back nearly as far as the university's founding.
Curricula Oddolgyn: Still headed by the ancient eleven astronomer of the same name, last of the original sages. This group operates out of the university's observatory studying the ephemeral patterns of the firmament and the multiverse beyond. Currently small and thought of mostly as dabblers It's been more than a century since they were superseded by Gazerette as the foremost of Taloncliff's mages.
Curricula Narthex: Adventurous and daring, the explorers of the Narthex always seem to be recounting their last great expedition or planning their next, even maintaining their own airship docks to make it easier to seek out new horizons.
Shortly after one of the party have really proven themselves to be a true asset ( or liability) to the school, they'll receive a note that says "seek to Know the secret of the waters, at the place where Torthane met her Mistress". This requires catching up on some very old University gossip, as well as tracking down some otherwise unnoticeable histories that are always misfiled in the library. Doing so reveals Torthane to be one of sage Jadek's first pupils, one who frequently clashed with her austere teacher about his insistence that dedication to Ioun and true knowledge meant abstaining from the physical world and the "earthly knowledge" that came with it. Torthane loved Ioun, but she also loved the ladies, and was said to meet with her lovers right under Jadek's nose in a particular garden that the campus grounds have since grown to encompass.
These clues further lead the party to the statue of the fountain of the pensive sage, which boasts a statue of Jadek poking his staff into a basin of ever rippling water. One who looked closely might notice a glow distorted by the ripples of the fountain, and that if the primary spout is plugged or diverted that the glow originates from where Jadek's staff disturbs the unearthly white sand that rests at the basin's bottom. (Leave a comment if you can figure out what the party will need to draw in the sand to progress)
With the passphrase entered, a secret stair opens in the cobbles surrounding the statue, inviting the party down into a dungeon crawl that takes them to the university's flooded foundations. After battling past arcane traps, more puzzles, and creatures of the tide, they stumble into a room wreathed in cascading water, in which the images of a dozen or more cloaked figures manifest and pass judgment upon them. The question that the figures are to argue: Are these trespassers cringe?
Some of the figures will argue that the party are indeed cringe, a never-before seen collection of narcs, fuckboys, killjoys, and karens. It will be up to the party to plead their case. If they manage to win over a majority of the crowd then the waters will part and they'll be invited into the secret headquarters/speakeasy of Curricula Torthane, the resident secret society of Taloncliff made up of all those who are willing to bend the rules and collaborate in the pursuit of knowledge and those little pleasures that are so often neglected in scholastic dourness. You haven't lived till you've had wizard moonshine, so cheers and bottoms up troublemakers.
Further adventures
I'll be adding more Taloncliff adventures in the future, so feel free to check out my blog.
While the party is sure to meet no end of red tape as they explore the campus, they'll make an easy ally in Oroteia, a rising star in the Gazerette and Narthex Curricula who seeks to overturn every expectation placed on her by her by others after discovering her lowborn country origins. Blazing a trail through the University's establishment, she'll see the party as useful allies against whatever campaign level threats the rest of the institution is too set in their ways to even contemplate dealing with.
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drizztdohurtin · 2 months
I've always said that babies + toddlers are just living, breathing suicide attempts. It seems like they're try to end their lives at every opportunity. Also, it's a common phenomenon that second-born children are crazier than the first. So, I can see Rolan's firstborn son being a little angel. Sweet, docile, never getting into any danger or trouble, always wanting to be near his parents. His very nature is what convinced Rolan that a second child would be a grand idea.
But that second-born daughter? Rolan is convinced she exists to humble him. Absolute menace to society, even at a very early age. I feel like Rolan has half a head of gray hair by the time his second child is two years old.
Rolan looked away for five seconds? The girl is wobbling on unsteady, chubby little legs on top of the dining room table.
Rolan and his wife stopped to say a quick "hello" (literally all they get out is "hello") to someone in the market? The adorable little terror is haphazardly sprinting toward some horses & already fifteen feet away. (Rolan questions how the hells that's even possible, because at a walking pace, the girl is wobbly, yet if she's running, she's fast as can be.)
Rolan is busy making dinner while the tot wanders around the kitchen? When he turns around, his little princess is standing on the handle of a drawer to reach higher, aaalmost wrapping a fat little fist around a gigantic knife atop the counter.
The amount of times Rolan has had to use mage hand to catch his darling daughter from falling, doing something dangerous, or running into danger is positively astronomical before she's even three.
But she's also SO FUCKING CUTE. Chubby cheeks, big eyes, light brown hair in little pigtails, and executes all her chaos in big, frilly, pastel dresses. She has Rolan wrapped around her finger without even trying. (As does his firstborn, of course.)
As a secondborn child, yes!
(you unknowingly just ordered a large yappuccino)
Summary: baby #1 is what makes Rolan realize how badly he wants more kids and baby #2 is what makes him consider getting a vasectomy. if there is a baby #3, they either came about on accident or after you succeeded a DC 25 persuasion check
Baby number one, a beautiful boy whose appearance mirrors his father's, is just an angel. He never cries except when he's hungry or uncomfortable, he always wants to be held by his dad, and he never gets into trouble - even in his terrible twos. He always wants to be close to his dad, and is very interested in everything he watches Rolan do. Once he gets a little older and can understand language, he always asks Rolan to read to him, tell him stories, or teach him about anything that comes to mind.
As his son gets older, despite how he very much still clings to his father when he's being put to bed for the night or how he asks him to hold him while he cooks dinner for the family, Rolan still misses the times when his son was tiny. The times when he got to hold his infant on his chest and feel him cuddle against him, his tiny tail wrapping around his wrist. So he asks his wife for a second child.
Then baby number two arrives, and I could absolutely see this one being either a boy or a girl (I think my brain normally leans toward a boy). Another beautiful red baby with features from both their mother and father - and boy are they a lot of work. They give Rolan a run for his money, but he would never dream about having it any other way.
They're a colicky baby, spending much of their first year alive crying for hours in the night as their father does everything in his power to comfort them. He often becomes discouraged when nothing works, feeling horrible when they're only able to sleep because they exhausted themselves by crying for so long.
Once they're old enough to move around on their own, Rolan becomes quite dejected when he realizes they don't want to be held and cuddled like his first did. It would take him time to get used to how independent they were, wanting to explore without him and not paying much attention when he spoke to them.
Baby number 2 makes up for baby number one's lack of terrible two's - and it's exactly how you described. They're quite happy during the day, just running around, exploring, and always getting into trouble. I think Rolan would learn pretty fast how to keep them safe, but they still always had him on his toes. He'd allow them to explore near him, keeping the end of his tail wrapped around their waist in case he needed to keep them from falling or sprinting off.
Eventually, he learns how to do all of these things with them in a way that doesn't discourage them from being independent, that way he can still keep them safe as they play and explore their surroundings. I think they'd remind him a lot of Lia when she was little, and it would be incredibly endearing to him, despite how often they give him a heart attack.
Other imagery with baby number two:
rolan always having to fish gross crap out of their mouth bc this baby's favorite thing to do is put things in their mouth
which includes their tail, his tail, their older brother's tail, and absolutely anything they find on the floor
literally always climbing on shit
baby is a hilarious sleeper - always in goofy positions or with their mouth hanging wide open, drool going everywhere (Rolan doesn't even care if they drool all over him if that's the price he has to pay to be able to hold them)
they were a colicky baby but once they get a bit older, they rarely cry - even when they're in pain, which is a little worrying to Rolan
they think literally everything is funny, and is extremely ticklish
they're one of those babies that's always in just their diaper and a shirt because they get dirty so often or they are so hard to change that you just kinda have to let it happen
Literally is the messiest eater on the planet and while it's kind of adorable it still nearly sends Rolan into orbit
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shinobi-illuminator · 5 months
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Asha's dad bugged me so much-- his design SUCKED! We don't even get a name! So here's my take after getting inspiration from Mustafa from The Prophet. So meet Tomas the Astronomer.
Magnifico's previous kingdom was run by his parents who were gifted mages who helped grant wishes. But after a few spells backfired this caught the attention of the Spanish Inquisition who put Magnifico's parents to death as heretics and burned the city down. Magnifico escaped with the few followers he had, one of them being Asha's dad Tomas.
Tomas was a gifted philosopher and astronomer and he worked with Magnifico as a messenger. Soon the island was established with the new kingdom of Rosas. Still, both Magnifico and Tomas knew many of their people remained scattered and were living in fear under the inquisition. So Tomas went on a pilgrimage for the king to try and help guide their people to their new home as a sanctuary.
Sadly Tomas was caught by the Spanish inquisition and was tortured, demanding for the location of Rosas. But Tomas didn't say a word, he couldn't betray his people. As a result he was executed as a heretic. Sakina was heartbroken, she raised her daughter alone afterwards. She saw a lot of her husband's spirit in Asha and tried to stifle it out of fear she could lose her too for having too many "good ideas".
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androgynousblackbox · 1 month
The Ancient Necromancer's Groom AU
Lucifer (20 years old)
Since he was a young kid, he could see and hear things that no one else would, making him an outcast among the other kids. His own family end up abandoning him because he was "too creepy" and has lived on his own in the streets until someone picks him up for an auction. Lucifer is so tired of living alone that accept to participate as something to be sold if at least it will give him a purpose. His magic has affinity with all other kinds, making him extremely desirable for other mages and creatures that want to feed off him.
Alastor Abaddon (???)
A necromancer mage that lives on the swamps outside of New Orleans who bought Lucifer with a bunch of money that he stole. His magic affinity is shadows and the dead. He was born crawling out of the body of his dead mother, a teenager that was killed by his father, and found by Rosie when she was a young mage. His first killing waas his own father. Regularly eats human flesh when he can and in general doesn't have the best opinion of humans for the way they treated mages/other magical creatures. He plans to marry Lucifer to control his training on all forms of magic and have children with him to control the next generation of mages. Because of his upbringing, Alastor has no clue what normal couples do nor how families are supposed to be like, to great frustration of Lucifer.
Charlie (4 years old)
An orphan child with the gift of sight that Lucifer takes a especial liking to so Alastor, without asking Lucifer, decides to adopt her (using a bunch of money he also stole to make the church shut up) to ensure that Lucifer won't ever have a reason to leave. Charlie them both papa or dad, but she is closer to Lucifer and usually follows him around as he is learning on the field. Stolas (???) The familiar of Lucifer that normally takes the form of an owl, but can also disguise himself as a human to follow Lucifer around. He was believed to be a bad omen that only brought on misfortunes and tragedies wherever he went, but he was merely there as a warning that other people never got to experience. The only exception was an old astronomer that Stolas became friends with and taught him a lot about the sky. Stolas takes his familiar role very seriously. He has a crush on the unreliable priest that is "in charge" of keeping watch over Alastor. Father Blitz (35 years old) The priest of the church nearest the swamp that was tasked to keep watch over Alastor to make sure he didn't cause any disasters, but mostly just goes to deliver letters and eat whatever Alastor has edible that isn't raw meat. Alastor already knows he can get almost anything out of him as long he can pay for it, including the adoption of a little girl with very little preparation. Despite his lack of faith and more than loose morals, Blitz is generally not a bad man who prefers to spend his day being lazy and enjoying life however he sees fit. He enjoys learning things about the stars from Stolas. Niffty (???) A house fairy that already lived on the place Alastor came to claim as his own. She cooks, cleans and keeps the place decent, but can't get out the property. She was waiting on the dark covered in dust until Alastor appeared, like a doll without an use. Rosie (???) Another old necromancer whose affinity includes jinxes/curses, the dead and plants (especially poisonus). She practically raised Alastor until he was old enough to live on his own. She becomes the first official teacher of Lucifer and sometimes babysitter of Charlie.
Millie/Titania and Moxxie/Oberon The queen and king of all fairies. They both have known Alastor for many years and are interested to see what does he do with his "little groom."
Carmilla Carmine She makes magical items and instruments to sell. She has known Alastor for a very long time, so naturally she is protective of Lucifer and doesn't want to see him "corrupted" by the asshole that is the necromancer since she can see he has a gentle heart.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 month
Negator (Monster)
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(Phyrexian Negator by John Zeleznik)
CR16 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian)
(The negator is another iconic creature, although one whose card is simply not up to snuff nowadays- the balance of power has tipped so that its astronomical drawback is not worth the creature you get. Still, the obliterator is clearly a riff on it- and got its own, incredibly aesthetically boring riff later- and even then it's simply too fabulous a design not to use. Can you say "xenomorph"?
Lorewise, these explicitly saw most usage in the leadup to full invasion- perhaps, in a hypothetical Phyrexia campaign, this could be the final boss of the second act, before the REAL invasion force finally arrives.)
Negators are perfected assassins of Phyrexia, designed to eliminate key targets with compleat efficiency. They are singleminded in this pursuit- one infamous document stated simply "It exists to cease." Indeed, a negator's heart is terribly stilled- they are not known to experience any emotion but the satisfaction of a job well done and the desire to achieve so.
Negators, being stealth operatives and assassins, are rarely used once a full-scale invasion begins, although they are often deployed just in the leadup to it. Each negator is given all Phyrexia knows of its target, and is simply placed as close as Phyrexia can get it without garnering attention and sent to kill. Negators are surprisingly skilled at stealth and disguise, able to walk as a hunched figure through whatever streets it may need to to reach its target, and are surprisingly eloquent and skilled actors when they need to lie. Once it makes its kill, however, a negator rarely makes time for stealth. Such negators will begin a return to Phyrexia (such that they might possibly be reset, reprogrammed, and reused), but generally lack the precautions of one who has yet to make a kill. These assassinations are its purpose; it seems some higher part of it shuts off once it is done.
This wicked creature stands humanoid, with razor sharp claws and a smooth nubby head lined with tiny triangular teeth. Its body is dotted with glasslike hemispheres and wires arcing between body parts.
Misc- CR16 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian) HD24 Init:+11 Senses: Blindsight 120ft Perception: +26, Detect Magic, Detect Good Stats- Str:27(+8) Dex:33(+11) Con:20(+5) Int:30(+10) Wis:8(-1) Cha:24(+6) BAB:+18/+13/+8/+3 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:228(24d8+120) AC:30(+11 Dex, +4 Armor, +5 Natural) Fort:+14 Ref:+19 Will:+15 (+4 Racial bonus vs Emotion) CMD:47 Resist: Cold 20, Fire 20, Electricity 20 Immunity: Acid, Fear, Curse, Polymorph, Petrification, Death effects, Disease, Poison Weakness: Special Defenses: Evasion, Negative Energy Affinity, DR10/Adamantine, SR27, Uncanny Dodge, Mycosynth Flesh Offense- Bite +24(1d6+8), 2 Claw +25(2d6+8/19-20x2) or Negation +29(90ft ranged, 10d8 plus Negation) CMB:+26 Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Coronous Ambush, Sneak Attack +5d6 Feats- Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack (-5/+10), Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Improved Iron Will, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Bestow Curse), Weapon Focus (Claw) Skills- Acrobatics +38, Bluff +31, Climb +29, Disable Device +35, Disguise +31, Escape Artist +38, Knowledge (Arcana, Planes, Religion) +34, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* +37, Linguistics +15, Perception +26, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +38, Survival +26, Swim +29, Use Magic Device +31 Spell-like Abilities-  Detect Magic, Detect Good, Mage Armor, Deathwatch /constant Bestow Curse (DC19), Fog Cloud, Silence (DC18) /at-will Quickened Bestow Curse (DC19) 3/day Special Qualities- Compression Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Necril, Draconic, Elven, Aklo, Abyssal, Infernal Organization- Solitary Treasure- Incidental Special Abilities- Coronous Ambush (Ex)- A negator’s erratic, jerky movements and mastery of anatomy give it the opening to strike at its enemies weakest points. A negator may make a sneak attack against any creature vulnerable to precision damage as long as it has moved at least 10ft since the end of its last turn. Negation (Su)- As a standard action, a negator can fire a beam of oblivion energy. This is a 90ft ranged attack that deals 10d8 untyped damage. Additionally, a negator may immediately make a dispel check as with the spell Greater Dispel Magic at +18 against all magical effects the target is under.
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So. Uh. Haven't checked in on this in a LONG time. Can I get a really basic summary of the lore? And I mean basic, for your sake lol. (unless you want to explain things more lol, I'll listen to huge rants too)
Ok. Let's start with everyone's past and current roles/jobs. Not SUPER important to the story, but important enough. Btw a lot of these titles say 'lead' or 'head' but a good deal of these people are the only ones in their roles so yeah, these'll be like. Their titles
Slynn: King
Icia: Head Guardess
Samuel: Royal Dragonmaster
Dunite: (formerly) Head Baker/ Royal Astronomer (you could also say she was the kingdom mage)
Odette/Odysseus: Grand Maestro
Aklatan: Royal Librarian
Mocha & Latte: Head Chefs
Vaga & Nova: Danseur Nobles
Achilles: Kingdom Hero
Mirobelle: Head Maid
Alexander: Royal Tailor
Ramona: Kingdom Mechanic
Switch: Spymaster
Yume: Minstrel
Ok, Got those out of the way.
Now to the actual lore.
Currently there are 2 "eras" to the Kingdom, or the two "reigns". There's Ramiro's reign, and Hexe's reign.
Ramiro's reign was the 'golden age' of the kingdom. He was a kings advisor, and despite often being confused (and kinda going crazy) he was very loving and caring towards everyone in the kingdom. He taught everyone how to play their parts to make the entire kingdom prosper and watched over as everyone literally ran a kingdom together. Sure Slynn was the king, but really the kingdom wouldn't survive without anyone. Slynn surveyed over everyone, Icia led a whole army to fight off typical kingdom enemies (a challenge Ramiro deemed necessary) and much more.
That was unfortunately the shortest reign.
There isn't a said explanation as to where Ramiro went, but one day everyone woke up to a witch being in his place. Hexe was and is everything that Ramiro is not; sadistic, cruel, manipulative, selfish, and never questioned ANYTHING. She basically wanted everything to run for her, rather than the sake of the kingdom.
Obviously, pretty much everyone was against this. Except Slyn. It's not stated why or how, but he fell for Hexe HARD and let himself become a puppet that she could use to her own means. Especially because now, every single NPC was entirely under their control. Which was a lot.
While most people rebelled, some unwillingly sided with Slynn and Hexe in order to avoid conflict. The leaders of the rebellion were Icia and Achilles, who teamed up to try and kill Hexe. After a long, heavy battle however Hexe won due to abusing her own powers as, essentially, a god.
At this point, Hexe decided to curse every resident in the kingdom. Their curses varied based on how much they rebelled, so while Slyn only lost some control of his snakes, Achilles was given severe ridicule and shame while Icia was given endless anxiety and had her ice control reduced to only her emotions.
The next years of Hexe's control had a heavy, heavy impact on everyone. They were constantly walking on eggshells, having each and every thing they did or word they said heard by Hexe. She would punish those who defied her rules or who she felt needed it, and went so far as to use mind control so they would listen to her and she could force them to do things they'd never otherwise do. She enjoyed having control over everyone, going so far as to forbid and force relationships that she disapproved of or desited to see. Slynn obeyed every word of hers and the two actually (somehow) got married which officially gave Hexe the title of "Queen". It was also during this period that an extremely significant event happened between Icia and Achilles which prompted Icia to want to escape, and made Hexe give Achilles another curse: Immortality.
Icia leaving the kingdom was the most defiance someone had ever shown Hexe, so her mere mention was forbidden throughout the kingdom.
After Icia left, Hexe got bored of mind control, but would still use the curses she inflicted on everyone to make life much harder than it had to be. Slynn assisted her with this in every way he could, blinded by infatuation though she only saw him as a tool and plaything.
That's the basis of the lore for before I started the kingdom blog.
The biggest events happening after were Dunite's execution (a long planned event after Dunite repeatedly snuck Icia into the kingdom (and eventually Aoki) through spells and magic) and Ramona's execution (a spur of the moment death).
Ramonas execution has been the most significant throughout all of this, because she was the very first one to not give a fuck in any way, shape, or form. No matter how much Hexe tried to torture her, Ramona wouldn't break and would rather taunt her instead. The final straw came when, after learning about Icia (against Hexe's will), Ramona vandalized the throne room and decorated with Icias past belongings. That act, along with further taunts (that were actually a good point) were Hexe's breaking point and she killed Ramona.
Okay... I think that's the basic summary of lore. At least, the important stuff.
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lore! lore! lore! (but first, some class updates)
Quay has at least 3 warlock levels, and at least 2 eldritch invocations. They took the Pact of the Talisman pact.
Laerryn is an abjuration wizard. In order for her to have a DC 20 spell save at this level, her all-purpose tool (usually reserved for artificers) has to be +2.
Zerxus has the Inspiring Leader feat.
Nydas has at least 9 bard levels.
Patia is an Order of Scribes wizard. (edit after the wrap-up: she's actually an enchantment wizard! but she does have access to effectively the entire wizard spell list.)
Laerryn wasn't trying to move Avalir to another plane permanently, she was trying to allow its arcane engines to transport it to another plane (and back) at will. This is fucking crazy, because leylines — which Avalir uses as roads, essentially — are the lifeblood of the universe, the veins of Exandria itself, the tides and streams of magic as it moves across the world. To take those paths and extend them into other planes is an astronomical feat that could only be achieved during an apogee solstice, which is fast approaching. She's essentially attempting to upgrade Avalir's hyperdrive.
There's a series of batteries in the city that stores 25% of its total arcane power. This is the energy used for the replenishment, as part of a deal made between the druidic founders of the unified city and the mages who wanted to split it in half and raise Avalir into the sky — they could raise the city, as long as they reserved 25% of their power and used it to replenish the land every 7 years. It's essentially their lighting bill. But the engine absorbed 8% of the city's total energy when Laerryn planeshited a small object to another plane. And when she did that, a surge of power cascaded across the city that felt like what happens when Avalir crosses over a convergence of leylines.
Apparently, planeshift wasn't really a thing at this time, I guess? Maybe the Calamity weakened the barriers between planes so much that it allowed that spell to be created, or maybe Laerryn's device is the reason that the barriers are weak enough to cast planeshift.
Today, one engine — the arboreal calyx — is taking over 50% of the city's reserves (about 13% of the city's total energy) and syphoning it somewhere. It was built almost immediately after the Raven Queen's ascension, when the druidic founders of the city amended the original agreement.
Avalir holds the "tree of names." This is a "central artifact of Avalir, something that the Eyes of Avalir must eternally guard... the tree of names doesn't get talked about as much anymore, because it was protected 120 years ago by the arboreal calyx." The engine surrounds and protects the tree, drawing power for something — and in Zerxus' dream, Evandrin walked towards a tree in Asmodeus' palm, so Zerxus believes that Evandrin was killed by the calyx in some way (he got sick, began to cough up incorporeal matter, and slowly faded away into nothingness over time). Evandrin had a file inside this box of records dealing with Chloras and the tree, and the file was empty.
(I think that the Tree of Names bears the true name of the Raven Queen, the previous god of death, and possibly the Luxon as well. There's got to be a reason why Luis' name was underneath the Luxon pendant in the intro, and Evandrin's death sounds very much like the cases of mages who attempted to move through time using the beacons.)
Whatever Vespin Chloras' ritual was 2 weeks ago, it succeeded at something. When the Betrayers were banished in the Founding, they were so far removed from the Prime Material Plane that they couldn't even grant spells to their followers — but whatever Chloras did, it allowed Asmodeus to create a puppet of a cleric with spellcasting capabilities. The Infernal word for puppet had not been spoken in Exandria since the founding, because it denoted someone who was driven to eldritch madness by a Betrayer, because when you have no need for your worshipers to survive, what limit is there to the amount of power you imbue within them?
"It against the greatest virtue of this age to believe that which is achievable by one is not achievable by all." It was Elaina Tuveras' belief that a future ritual would not dethrone a Prime Deity as the Raven Queen's did, but would instead dethrone a Betrayer God in order to remove a malevolent presence in the world. So maybe, just maybe, Vespin Chloras didn't have bad intentions, just hubris. Maybe he wasn't trying to release or become one, but to replace one with something "better." What better way would there be to drive home the theme of EXU:C, that hubris and complacency have devastating consequences?
"What's the biggest, dumbest statue in here? It's mine now. I cast Summon Construct." I fuckin' love Laerryn. Also, first initiative of the series!
They found a bunch of historical documents pertaining to the druidic founders of the city, who established the Tree of Names in Avalir. After the ascension of the Raven Queen, the druids came aboard the city and built the arboreal calyx around the tree to protect it; a letter sent by the druids to the magister essentially said that they could not trust the wizards of Avalir with the secrets of the tree's true nature, because they would see all that they could do with it, and not what they could do for it.
The head of the Hall of Prophecy broke her arcane focus, ended her ability to use arcane magic, and "renounced magic altogether" because she experienced visions of the Calamity. On the day that Vespin Chloras completed his ritual, oracles started going mad.
The devil that Zerxus saw in his dream was, in fact, Asmodeus. There is a lot here, and it's something that I can only call a confession. But if anything is to be trusted, if there is any shard of truth, I think it lies in this idea: the Betrayers gave gifts of lies, deceit, betrayal, and hunger, but when they did, they did believe that they were gifts. They are objectively evil creatures who have done objectively evil things, but their subjective intentions may have always been in line with those of the Prime Deities: to better their creations, in any way they knew how. That's another recurring theme in EXU:C that I'm seeing: the disconnect between intentions, consequences, and actions, and how they are obscured by confidence to the point of hubris.
The oracles' first prophecy of the Calamity, deemed false: The stars are leaving us. Our hands cannot reach. The limbs of the tree can no longer scribe the name of our deliverance. We will soon be as broken as our promises. Soon, Avalir shall fall, all shall fall, and from our folly the hands that forged the world will banish themselves from the broken things that they have made.
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aaravos-answers · 9 months
Aaravos i think i have a crush on a guy what do i do i'm so lost 😭😭😭
Hm... I'm often lost on the occasions I've felt romantic attraction as well, given how rare it is for me... Perhaps you could use your unique arcane bond to bring him into a magical prison with you? Then you'd have plenty of time alone together. Or perhaps spend months in agonizing pining and growing affection until he shapeshifts into your former lover and you vent all your feelings at him?
That's what has generally worked for me.
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Question for readers of The Astronomer and the Mage
As mentioned in a previous post, I'm having some thoughts about what tone I want to carry into part 2 since this project has evolved so far past what it was originally intended to be. Trying to make everything work to perfection is hindering my progress. With that said:
Thanks in advance for the feedback everyone ^_^
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ditipatri · 1 year
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Stolas is a Great Prince of the Underworld and a powerful daemon mentioned in Ars Goetia and Pseudomonarchia Daemonium. According to these grimoires, Stolas appears to the magician as an owl and teaches the arcane art of astronomy, the knowledge of herbs, and the value of precious stones. He is a mighty companion to a mage that wants to learn more of the craft and art of demon work. 
Stolas is a daemon I am personally close to, and owe a lot to for helping me in my path. I’d like to speak on some offerings that one can make for Him as well as a simple ritual to invoke Him were you to want it. 
Note: All suggestions are based on just my experience. Don’t take it as a guide.
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These are some non-poisonous plants and herbs I can suggest for Prince Stolas: 
⋆ Asafoetida ✩ Basil ⋆ Bergamot ✩ Black pepper ⋆ Cassia ✩ Clove ⋆ Fennel ✩ Verbena ⋆ Licorice ✩ Star anise ⋆ Sage ✩ Agave ⋆ Jasmine ✩ Barrenwort ⋆ Blackberry ✩ Dark opal basil ⋆ Dusty miller ✩ Fern ⋆ Lady's mantle
Stolas is a daemon governing poisonous plants, which is why I will enlist some. Do NOT eat those and avoid touching them without first learning whether or not it’s safe. Do NOT let your pets eat these.
✩ Aconitum Napellus ⋆ Pyracantha ✩ Amaryllis hippeastrum ⋆ Gypsophila ✩ Morning Glory ☾ purple/pink ☽ ⋆ Wisteria ✩ Delphinium ⋆ Sweet Pea ✩ Horsetails ⋆ Golden Star ✩ Moonwort ⋆ Star Grass ✩ Hostas ⋆ Coleus
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Precious stones are said to be Stolas’ field, which is why I find them very important in invoking Him as well as routinely approaching Him:  
🜃 Papagoite quartz 🜁 Star rutilated quartz 🜃 Kunzite 🜁 Dioptase 🜃 Space peridot 🜁 Meteorite pieces 🜃 Crystals shaped to resemble the 7 Planets 🜁 Crystals for each of the 7 Planets:
☿ Clear quartz ✦ Volcanic rock quartz 『 Mercury 』 ♀ Brown jasper ✦ Serpeggiante 『Venus』 ☉ Lapis lazuli ✦ Sodalite / Blue calcite 『 Earth』 ♂ Spessartine garnet ✦ Hematite coated quartz 『Mars』 ♃ Tiger’s eye 『Jupiter』 ♆ Cat’s eye ✦ Tanzanite 『Neptune』 ♄ Red jasper ✦ Citrine 『Saturn』 ⛢ Angelite ✦ Larimar ✦ Aquamarine 『Uranus』 ♇ Black onyx ✦ Hematite 『Pluto』
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Many of the objects I’d like to suggest are related to the art of astronomy. You do not need to get expensive telescopes or other tools, you can get very cheap ones as well:
🜙 Spyglass 🝐 Telescopes 🜙 Astronomical clocks 🝐 Armillary spheres 🜙 Celestial sphere 🝐 Alembic 🜙 Astrolabe 🝐 Quill 🜙 Lenses & oculars 🝐 Small alchemy bottles 🜙 Alchemical scales 🝐 Richly textured fabrics 🜙 Feather crafts 🝐 Coins 🜙 Jewelry with precious stones 🝐 Metalcraft 🜙 Metal dice 🝐 Pendulums
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I have to make it clear that all of these objects are to be acquired ethically. Body parts of roadkill, those you found on the ground or in a forest, or perhaps ones you already own will do.  Do consider the laws of the place you live in before picking up roadkill.
🜥 Bones of owl prey: mice, rodent-like mammals, rabbits, birds, squirrels 🜛 Skin of snakes and lizards 🜥 Eyes and body parts of frogs 🜛 Tails of lizards 🜥 Owl pellets 🜛 Owl claws, skulls, and feathers
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While Prince Stolas can be a great companion and ally in the field of academics, you can do simple, daily things with and/or for Him, too. Here are some of my ideas: 
✧ Having your own garden of poisonous plants is a great idea to honor Him. Do not have it out in the open unless you can secure access to your property so no animal or human can accidentally hurt themselves by interacting with your plants.
༓ Feeding birds whenever you have a chance to might appease Him, as He is represented as a great owl. 
✧ Jewelry making might be a good idea. You can make jewelry for or with Him, offer it up after, wear it, charm it, or devote it to Him. 
༓ Stone polishing is one of the high-skill tasks I’d like to offer. While you do need special equipment and skill to do it, if you can safely learn this craft or already know how to do it, it is a good way to interact with Stolas. 
✧ Investing into arcane arts and practicing alchemy in a safe way is a great way to bond with Stolas, as He’s said to be a Scientist and Alchemist. 
༓ You could buy a very cheap telescope, if your funds allow you to, and watch the night sky to try and memorize the stars as well as generally learn more about astronomy.
✧ In addition to stargazing, you can create a star map journal, pages on astrology or astronomy for your book of shadows if you have one, or a magical side journal to keep track of Lunar phases, planetary movement, and properties of the celestial bodies. 
༓ You can create a list of personal correspondences of planets and their properties to deepen your understanding of Arcane magic.
✧ Learning how to tell time or location by the stars. 
༓ While this might take some time to master, you can communicate with Stolas through stargazing. Twinkling of the stars and celestial movements could be tracked and recorded to further identify them with certain responses you and Him agree on. 
✧ Having a journal on herbalism or precious stones could further your communication with the daemon. You can invest into learning more of your region’s native plants and stones to localize your craft, too. 
༓ Creating devotional objects with bones or ethnically acquired animal body parts or investing into bird taxidermy, if you can afford it. 
✧ You can craft more objects, too, including pendulums or other magical tools you’d like to use in your demon work. 
༓ Numerology is sacred to a lot of daemons, so creating personal number sigils, mandalas, numerical codes, and otherwise number-based magic tools would not be out of realm of possible devotional activities for Stolas. 
✧ Drawing Him personal portraits, sculpting busts, or otherwise depicting His image is a good way to honor Him. 
༓ And lastly, you can do simple offerings for Him where you place the objects you want to give Him in a bowl, which can include fruits, nuts, and otherwise foods that He prefers. 
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Everyone’s approach with demon work is going to be different. This ritual isn’t mean to be universal, but I believe it’s a relatively simple beginner level rite that everyone can do as all the materials involved in it are easily accessible. Be aware of fire safety rules. 
For this ritual, you’ll need something to write with, a piece of paper, a bowl (preferably tin), herbs of choice, and a pendulum (optional). It’s preferable you start doing this ritual after sunset. 
On the paper, draw Stolas’ sigil, whether it’s one you personally made for Him or one from Ars Goetia. I will not be linking it here, as I am not to invoke Him, but you can access the grimoire in the list of my sources.  After the sigil is drawn, wrap your chosen herbs you’ve picked to represent Stolas in this piece of paper. You can activate the sigil in any way you’d like prior: by looking at it, smearing your saliva or other fluids over it - this is up to you. You can chant during this process, call out for Him, or simply think of Him.
After that is done, place the wrapped sigil in the bowl and leave it, preferably under moonlight, or underneath the stars if outside, for the night. Before sunrise, discard the sigil by burning it in the bowl or, if you can’t burn it, tearing it apart and placing it in the bowl. This specific ritual is designed for burning or tearing of the sign, but if you can incorporate your personal means of sigil work here, feel free to. 
While the sigil is burning, or while it’s in the bowl, you can optionally use pendulum for spirit communication with Stolas or simply call onto Him. Either way, if you feel that the ritual has been accepted by the Prince, you’ll feel His presence soon. 
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Sources in my pinned. 
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guess what more headcanons but this time lacrimas and i dont think its long enough for a read more
lacrima are used for everything.
hearing aid lacrimas.
phone lacrimas.
internet lacrimas.
inhaler lacrimas.
music lacrimas.
sound-proof lacrimas.
your wheelchair has fuckin lacrimas in it.
as mentioned before most lacrimas do have electricity in em so yes if your hearing is good/if your brain doesnt tone it out you will hear them buzzing
again. internet lacrimas. theres youtube and twitch and twitter and tumblr (bc it is so difficult trying to explain how someone knows of a meme when there isnt). theyre not called tumblr etc but theyre somethin similar
laxus is Big on tumblr. he makes sure no one fucking knows it with few exceptions.
will quote “it fukin wimdy” and cana constantly chokes on her drink. she knows he knows where thats from. she fucking follows him. she KNOWS its him. she does this shit right back and he continues it.
will mutter “and now: the weather” whenever he hears music a moment before any normal mage would. this gets mirajane and she is Terrified about how he knows that. she never asks
the few times he was at the guild hall early in the day were for the tumblrsexyman polls on twitter then on tumblr. was one of the top blogs that did #cecilsweep, which made cana ask him what the fuck that was. she was quickly educated. mira did not hear but now cana also quotes wtnv and mira is, again, Terrified
most of the lamia scale/sabertooth/blue pegasus/fairy tail/etc guilds have a big twitter and most of the members have their own separate ones
non-mages treat the guild twitters like brands. it annoys most of the non-mages to no end and the mages themselves Will Block the dumbasses
teen laxus once took over the fairy tail twitter. makarov found out quickly and the damage was minimal.
teen mira then took over the fairy tail twitter and makarov Didnt find out quickly. the damages were astronomical.
the guild twitters follow all of the member twitters and sometimes retweets the more “consumer friendly” tweets. except for fairy tail. what the fuck are they gonna retweet like “just watched my friend’s exfriend kill their mutual friend who i just met on a giant lacrima that the magic council JUST shot etherion at.he wasnt very obdurate lemme tell ya” like NO
you could get lacrima implants. like a phone lacrima implanted behind your ear so long as you dont mind a big ass lump. its just a phone and like a music player unless you implant a screen lacrima between your eyes. barely anyone does this because it sounds like a scam and Why would  you do that are you really That addicted
after lucy joined fairy tail but after eisenwald she started a youtube series called “a day in the life of a new mage”. its how jude knew she joined fairy tail. she uploaded the entirety of the phantom bullshit and not only did it help soften (by maybe 20% at MOST) the magic council interrogations of fairy tail but it made jude’s business start going downhill.
people would randomly stream and upload fights natsu and gajeel were in. its how sting and rogue became their fans.
the raijinshu have their own twitch and sometimes start streaming whenever laxus starts talking about something weird. like the random noise only he hears and hes losing his mind. or when he gets really into talking music. or when he starts talking in chinese and doesnt realize it to bickslow who’s slowly turning more and more pale and starts sweating because What Is He Saying
all of the thunder legion have started streams when laxus was speaking not english to another member. currently evergreen’s started stream 14 times more than the others and freed’s been streamed 9 times more than the others. their followers keep count. freed gets so embarrassed when its mentioned again.
there was a time where someone (coughbickslowcough) accidentally started streaming and just left it on. for like four hours. it was in makarov’s living room where they were all hanging out for a bit. when the legion left laxus turned on his own music and started cleaning. chat was Shocked that there was actually barely any R&R on his playlist. he deleted the vod when he realized it was on.
laxus’s entire playlist has actually been leaked this way. chat does not know how to handle laxus listening to natewantstobattle and fucking luhan.
laxus got back at the legion for that. many times. like when he “accidentally” starts talking in another language and sees someone inching towards the shared lacrima.
all of natsu’s social media (twitter insta and twitch) are unnecessarily popular. he barely posts on the first two and has never even talked in anyones chat on twitch. he doesnt even know how people found it but whenever he tunes into cana’s drinking tournament streams he gets gifted a sub by a different person every damn time. hes a bit concerned.
gray’s is also popular but it does make sense this time because he posts a Lot. whenever he posts a picture/uploads/streams he always realizes After it uploaded/started up that oh hes shirtless when the FUCK did that happen. juvia now makes sure his shirt is on at All Times. sometimes they forget he strips his pants. thankfully no ass has been shown yet (sadly for his followers (juvia is a follower))
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I was wondering if I could request a diety? If so may I request a goddess that is for the Gith what Moradin is for the Dwarves?
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Deity: Urania, The One Who Names The Stars
Hear me, brothers, sisters, my fellow orphans of the vast,
We are lost, but we are not forgotten,
The Bright Maiden has set a Star Burning for us,
And she calls us Home
The wild unknown and the simple laws that govern the universe, the cold embrace of space and the warmth of distant stars, the mystery of the infinite horizon and the knowledge of your course through it: The goddess Urania is a being of contrasts. Patron to astronomers, navigators, and any who find themselves alone with only the stars for guidance, the bright maiden is called upon by many who sail the astral sea to bless their journeys into the vast cosmos and to guide them back home again. 
Legend says it was It was the Gith who found her, aboard a lost and aimless refugee ship too full of desperate souls who’d just escaped from the tyranny of the ilithid. They saw a stranger cast adrift in the void, and though they did not have enough to go around they cast out a line and pulled her from the void because the thought of leaving anyone behind without hope of rescue was too terrible to bear. In rescuing her they rescued themselves, for when the captain gave up his ration of water the goddess awoke with her eyes full of grateful tears, whispering to him of a course towards sanctuary just as a new star flared on the horizon.
Since then it has been tradition among the Gith ( and those who have learned the art of astral navigation from them) to keep a star shaped lantern burning in the goddess’s honour, and to rescue any they find adrift, no matter who they might be.
 Adventure Hooks:
Knowledge of the stars is sacred to those who follow Urania, whether it be in charting new courses through the astral sea or divining the movement and influence of celestial bodies. An acolyte of such an order believes she’s had a star-granted vision of a previously unexplored reach of the astral sea but her superiors won’t let her mount an expedition as much of the nearby territory has a reputation for being dangerous, or downright hostile. To this end she hires the party to help her go delving a long abandoned archive-moon in the hopes of discovering ancient records that her research hints might just contain a means of traversal through this hostile stretch of space.
Much ink has been spilled over the potential connections between the bright maiden and Nyx, matronly goddess of primordial darkness, with most scholars agreeing to disagree as to whether the goddess are enemies, aspects of the same being, or somehow related.  This debate comes to a head when a night-shrouded acolyte of Nyx steals the star lamp from the vessel of a famous spelljammer captain on the eve of an important voyage, darkening the lamp with occult magics to use in some mysterious ritual. Both men are, as the party discovers after being hired to recover the lamp, brothers, and as their pursuit goes on it becomes wildly clear that the two goddess are having some kind of a wager over the outcome of the theft, subtly influencing events in their own favour
Along their travels, the party discover a reinforced capsule containing an ember of celestial fire, a nascent star that some enterprising mage plucked from the sky in an attempt to tap its power. The item is tremendously useful, (acting as a pearl of power that refreshes after short rests), but in moments of channelling the star’s energy the attuned creature is more and more filled with feelings of loneliness and need to return to a home they’ve never seen before. The ember is alive, if not sentient, and longs to be returned to the patch of sky from which it was stolen. Doing so can be quite an undertaking, but will reward the party with the Bright Maiden’s favour in the process. 
Titles: The Bright Maiden, Lady of Far Horizons, The Infinite,
Signs: The appearance of new stars, astronomical lines and diagrams appearing in the sky, a sudden awareness of a heading leading either home or into the unknown
Symbols: A star and sextant or other tool of navigation, lantern with star iconography or burning with celestial fire. 
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