#the monster gave me a headache also i think :( i don't like that
moinsbienquekaworu · 4 months
Everyone tell me how cool I am and how good of a job I did please and thank you I want to wake up to nice messages. I'm so so brave I feel like I just had an insane day and I need external validation
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tired-pigeon789 · 1 month
A Deeper Understanding
(Astarion X Anemic GNreader)
Notes: this whole fic is based on MY OWN experience with anemia which happened with extreme blood loss and just general low iron. and is VERY self indulgent. I also don't think about Astarion romantically but if you read this fic that way go ahead. I don't blame ya lol. Tav is also gender neutral and not named, there no description of what Tav looks like aside from them at least having shoulder length hair. (I also didn't really re-read this lol so sorry for any mistakes)
word count: 1983
general warnings: lots of mentions of blood and blood loss.
It was rough, the last encounter took a lot out of all of us and I’m feeling weak even after Shadowheart’s healing and the health potion. Even worse was the blood loss. Dreadful goblin gave me a deep slash and even though it’s patched I’m dizzy and lightheaded. A feeling I’ve grown used to but this is a new extreme. Personally I don’t feel the need to disclose my low iron. Just how often does one need to bring up such a thing? Well, one needs to bring it up when they are being healed I suppose. “If you knew you had this condition, why throw yourself at the main line of fire?” Shadowheart asks while taking my pulse. “I overestimated my abilities, yes, but at least they got me and not Astarion, he gave the final blow to the mage goblin.” I point out while I drink a hot tea while lean against one of support poles in shadowheart’s tent. She simply sighs as I feel her opinion change of me. “You’d be as good as dead if you don’t watch yourself. We already have enough going on.” I simply say ‘I know’ as I thank shadowheart for her help and rest up a bit before I go off and help the others set up camp for the night. We had found a cast iron pot and pan to cook with so at least I’ll be getting what I’m lacking from that. The stew Gale had made for everyone was wonderful and tasteful, and even though I had little to no appetite it helped and I started to feel more alert but sleep is still needed. 
It was dark and late, the moon shines overhead and keeps my eyes closed. I feel weak after everything I’ve been through today but I’m just happy to have a bedroll to lay in. I just can’t sleep. In, out, in, out melt away stress. Breathe in, breathe out. I think this to myself as I try to sleep. I feel as relaxed as I can be but I just can’t slip away into the blissful void of sleep. First the blood loss and now the loss of sleep. There’s simply no winning today it seems. Sighing I open my eyes and gasp as I see Astarion hover over me, Fangs bare, a vampire. Quickly I prop myself up and try to steady myself despite the lightheadness and the massive headache. 
“Shit.” He says as he backs away while I prop myself up on my elbows while I glare at the man “No No- It’s not what it looks like I swear.” “What the hell Astarion!” Glaring at the pale elf I see him look down at me. “I wasn’t going to hurt you I swear, I just needed some blood.” Getting at better at him I see now for what he is. “A vampire, honestly I'm kicking myself for not seeing it sooner.” I say as I try to keep my distance from him. “I’m not some monster,” he says in a desperate voice as he try to find the words to defend himself. “I only drink from animals, Boars, dear... Kobolds, whatever I can get, it’s just, after everything I’m too slow to go out and hunt.” “And you thought the best way to deal with that was to get a drink from me?” Astarion looks taken a back but sighs. “I just need a little blood, so that I may think clearer, and fight better. Just a taste, please.” The way he said please made me hold my breath for a moment. Probably because I know that feeling well. That lightheadedness, the faint lights that plagued my eyes when I walk the need to hold on to anything. It’s helpless feeling, one that I didn’t expect to share with a vampire. 
“So if you drink my blood, you’ll be stronger?” I ask as I try to calm down and think more pragmatically about this offer. “It would benefit us all, but if not I could just hunt a bear or boar out in the woods.” Astaron says plainly. If I do this he’ll be better in combat, but I’m already weak as it is if I don’t sleep or eat something bloody myself. I know what he says is true, it’s basic logic when it comes to vampires. And deep down inside me I feel that understanding, maybe it’s one sided trust but I know if I had a way to rid of this feeling this hunger myself I would. At the end of it I sigh and nod. “Ok, I’ll let you do this, but you have to promise to stop when you have your fill and, you have to keep an eye on me.” Astaron smirks as he kneels in front of me with a look in his eye saying ‘I can’t believe I’m getting away with this.’ And frankly I can’t believe it either. "I promise you have my word. You can trust me” He says. 
Laying back down Astarion hovers over me as he pushes my hair to the side, pulls down the collar of my shirt in a less obvious place to hide whatever mark would come of this, and takes a bite at my shoulder. Hissing in pain I take a deep breath and my hand holds onto his bicep as he drinks from me. The pain melts after a minute but the lightheadedness that I’m used to now feels even more nauseating and I start to push on Astarions shoulder to get him to stop. He stops thankfully but his face doesn’t leave the crook of my neck just yet. I’m shaking and running colder than usual, my breath is faint and I lay my head firmly on the thin pillow underneath. “Your blood, it’s faint. Are you anemic?” I nod as I try to control my breathing. “I know it isn’t a lot, but I don’t think anyone else in our party would’ve let you drink from them.” I say softly as I close my eyes as tiredness finally creeps up on me. “And I’d rather it had been me you drank from than some poor stranger.” “You’re going to be in a long sleep after this, you have nothing to gain from what you just did.” He says as he finally pulls away and looks down on me. “I couldn’t sleep anyway. And you got stronger right? At least a little bit? Surely it’s enough to cover for me tomorrow.” I jest a bit as I continue to shake a bit and cover myself with a blanket. 
“I won’t drink from you again, your blood is very watery.” “Thank you?” I say weakly as I hear Astarion sit himself down next to me. “It’s not a compliment. You need to do something about that.” “Believe me I know. However last I checked I’m not in my cozy apartment in Baldur's Gate, where all my medicine is. I hate feeling like this.” opening my eyes I look over at Astarion as he just simply looks into the fire in front of us keeping us warm. “Be honest, with me” Astarion starts while he keeps his gaze on the fire, “If you knew you had this condition, why did you let me drink from you?” I think again for a moment before I speak.  “Because I know what it feels to be weak from blood, It’s a weird craving and I know it horrible, maybe not in the same way as you but I can make a good guess. I’ll be fine, I’ve like this before.” I can’t move much, my whole body aches and my breathe is shallow as I feel the need to stay awake, it’s not really a fear of death from the Astarion bite but just unease and general paranoia. “Did my blood even do anything for you?” I ask. “Some what, I just didn’t expect the weak taste.” I just let out a small chuckle. “Talking about my blood like one would talk about wine, funny.” “how long had you know about your condtion?” my breath evens out but I still shiver under the blanket as I think about the question. “About a few years now, I figured it wasn’t normal to feel faint everyday.” Astarion hums in understanding as he sits next to me. “I’m surprised you’re still next to me if I can be frank.” I say softly as I look up at Astarion. “Can’t let the others think I killed you in your sleep now can I.” he pauses for a moment before he continues, “I also feel like we’re kindred spirits now in way” “you’re very funny.”
After a moment of silence between us, Astarion speaks up “you ought to sleep, there will be plenty to do when day comes.” I just hum softly while I cover my eyes with my arm “I doubt I’ll be of much use. You guys are going to need to do whatever is needed in my place.” “how long do think you’ll be out?” He asks with some surface level concern. I know he only cares enough about me to make sure I get the tadpoles removed, to how I just became the leader of this strange group I do not know but can understand why Astarion would ask that. I would too if I was him. Sluggishly I pull my arm away from eyes and see Astarion look down at me with slight concern but the arch and furrow brow of his gives away that he really doesn’t want to be next to me. Maybe it’s out of pity or guilt, or perhaps he just want’s to go hunt to get his fill. “I don’t know, but I know I can’t do much of anything tomorrow, I’ll be fine in case you were worried.” I say softly as the sweet void of sleep came creeping up on me, however I felt just as scared as I did when I first woke up in the Nautiloid. I know I won’t die in my sleep. I know I won’t. But the paranoia doesn’t leave me. I need to stay awake. 
Struggling to keep my eyes open Astarion brings his hand over my eyes to close them “Sleep. like I said, I don’t want the rest of the camp thinking I killed you.” “How kind, but you would have though, Had I not woken up.” I say absent mildly. Astarion doesn’t say anything for a minute, not a ‘I would never!’ or a ‘yes I would.’ which in a way is enough of answer to me. I didn’t like that I was right. I feel the fire dies down a bit and I hear him shift the logs and the warmth comes back. “You’re not dead though, so lets not dwell on that.” he says. Almost like a child saying ‘you should be happy that worse case scenario didn’t just happen so you can’t be mad’ the idea almost makes me laugh. “You can still drink from me, only when I’m well of course and you can’t find anything else. I want you at your best.” “Even with your condition and finding out my secret you’d still let me drink from you? You must really not care about your life.” Sleep feels closer as I drift off while trying to the words to say something in response. “I’ll take my chances, I’d rather die bloodless than become a squid. But I’ve also grown to trust you a bit, Despite everything.” “Questionable logic at best my dear.” he chuckles which in turn makes me smile a bit. “Well I’m not in the best state of mind. But I don’t think it will change.” I sigh. “Sleep, I won’t leave-” before Astarion could finish his sentence my mind fades and I do in fact, finally sleep. 
@half-poison-and-half-hope Just for you
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Halloween prompts no. 16
Phantom rubbed his temples in a vain attempt to make his growing headache disappear, "So you're challenging me?"
The new ghost- a vigilante- who was fully convinced he was an evil tyrant and wouldn't listen to anything he said confirmed, so Phantom got up from his throne intending not to hurt the guy too badly and send him home. Unfortunately, Phantom made the same mistake that all his own enemies made in the past.
He underestimated his opponent.
This was how he found him self laying on his back staring up at 'Robin' in a daze with a slave collar around his neck. Robin explained the collar was the only way he could activate the "Right of Conquest" without killing Phantom and remove his power at the same time. This would prevent his allies from being too mad with him and essentially turn Phantom into a battery for the new king to feed on. The former king really wasn't sure if the guy was being smug explaining things to him that he should already know or if he knew that Danny definitely didn't know this because he never had the time to learn every little detail about the world he lived (resided?) in. Either way he was semi greatful for the explanation as to why he was suddenly powerless.
After that Phantom was more or less forced to follow Robin around the castle and keep as a sort of "show of victory" or whatever. Danny made sure to stand tall and dignified despite it all. He wasn't sure what the birdie was thinking, but the people gasping, whispering and glaring at him instead of the supposed evil king behind him may have tipped him off that something wasn't quite right.
Phantom couldn't really bring himself to blame the guy, the people that manipulated him where warlords, cult leaders and conquers who were known for tricking people into doing thier dirty work and making themselves look like saints while doing it.
The coronation was scheduled surprisingly quickly. It was no surprise that the Observants and other rotten politicians liked this new king, but not for the reasons the kingling would have thought. Robins temper would be a justifiable reason to lock him away in his own sarcophagus Pariah Dark style if he acts too violently so he would need to reign in his rage if he wanted to survive the political storm coming his way.
Danny curled up in the corner of his (now former) bedroom as Robin began inspecting the room for traps. The former king pointed out what few traps he had willingly and told the bird how to disable them. After Robin was satisfied he seemed to be preparing to change and go to bed, "You are dismissed."
Danny didn't move, fully intending to sleep right there on the floor.
"Tt. I said you are dismissed."
"Theres no where for me to go. I destroyed the slave quarters early on in my reign. I never planned on using it. I only have three servants quarters and all of them are occupied. They also don't have the the protections that the slaves quarters or the royal chambers would have."
"Why would you need protection? You are my property now. No one is allowed to touch you."
"That won't stop them. These people are monsters and I took away thier victims and punching bags. I took away thier control over the masses and thier ability to torture the other souls here. They'd do anything to get thier hands on me in this state." Danny shuddered at the thought.
Robin gave him a look, as if he knew exactly the types of things these sickos would do to Phantom if they found him alone and unable to protect himself. "Whats stopping you from attacking me in my sleep?"
"The collar for one. I can't harm you thanks to its precautionary features. I wouldn't want to anyway. Deafeating someone in ritual single combat is not the same as outright murder. I wouldn't get the crown back. I wouldn't want to kill you anyway. As I've stated before, those people are angry with me and would do anything to get thier claws on me. If im caught without you to protect me...let's just say I'm better off not being undead anymore.
Robin grimace, weather it be from the reality of the situation or the wordplay was anyone's guess but in the end the new king allowed him to stay. He even threw Danny a pillow which was way more than he expected. He thanked the other teen and they went to sleep.
Danny awoke the next morning to his king brushing his teeth (an unnecessary task for the dead) in the ensuite bathroom. Danny had kept a whole bunch of spare hygiene products in there for his friends and his living form if he chose to stay in it long enough for it to be needed. Robin seemed to have no problem using them as he came out smelling like mint and Dannys strawberry shampoo.
Sitting up he realized he was drapped in one of the spare quilts he kept in the closet. Did...did Robin go looking for a blanket to cover him up? That was kind of him. It was in this moment he decided he officially liked this guy. Danny took his turn to shower and brush his teeth. It was to clear his thoughts and had nothing to do with the glare his king sent him after Danny had put the blanket away. Had he done something to offend him? All he did was thank him for the blanket.
Later in the day Robin met with a few of Phantoms old allies and Phantom set the record straight about the vicious rumors going around about thier new king. Phantom told them in front of Robin that he was trustworthy and he was lied to and that was the reason Robin ever fought him in the first place. Danny asked them to help Robin as he was in danger of being set up to look like a new tyrant and not to tell anyone anything about Robin until after he's officially crowned king as that might scare the Observants and the others into delaying the coronation or trying to come up with a new scheme to stop Robin from taking the throne.
Once they succeeded and Robin was officially King birdy summoned all the people Phantom had told him about, the tyrants. The Observants, the evil lesser kings, and once he had them all in the same room he slaughtered them. All of them. Without mercy.
Damian grinned, fangs sharp and blade outstretched. Thanks to Phantom and his collar he now had the power to destroy entire worlds with one hand tied behind his back and he knew it
Somewhere in his home dimension, Bruce got a chill down his spine, Tim felt the overwhelming urge to hide, and Thalia was filled with a sudden pride for her dear son.
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skzinka · 1 year
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# ASK INKA : what's in my bag?
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inka : hello guys ! i'm inka from stray kids and i will do the what's in my bag challenge. i always have it with me because i tend to always leave my stuff lying around.. so as soon as i find something that belongs to me, i put it in to store it later. handy, right? my bag is like mary poppins'.
inka : okay so.. let's start !
airpods, charger & phone.
inka : most important things, if you ask me. i really can't live without my phone, as i tend to write a lot in my notes. i must have like over 300 notes in there.. bits of songs, moments of my life that i don't want to forget, feelings.. that sort of thing. and my charger obviously, essential given the rate at which my phone loses its battery.
inka : i also have my airpods, with my super cool box with the effigy of this monster & cie's character, bob razowski. i wanted boo's version, but i was afraid it would be too big.. so i chose this one which i also love.
👤 : what is your song of the moment?
inka : my song of the moment? mhh.. lemme think about it.. i think it's i'm good by bebe rexha and david guetta.
perfume and makeup.
inka : another thing i can't live without, my perfume. i'm completely obsessed with this one. i am used to putting some very often, which makes my bottles empty quickly, but it's nothing because i love the smell of these.
inka took the opportunity to apply two strokes of perfume on her neck, feeling the good smell of the latter invade the room.
inka : ahhh, i really like it.
inka : i know that we have our makeup artists who always do an impeccable job without imperfections, but i like to have minimal makeup with me, just on principle. you never know.. maybe one day something will happen that will make me have to do my makeup alone, i have to be prepared for this situation !
songs notebook.
inka : ah yea. my private notebook. in fact, i have had this notebook for years, it's a bit like my secret diary you know. the pages are filled with song lyrics, song ideas, or little doodles. they sometimes help me to find inspiration and not to forget any of my ideas. speaking of ideas, as they often appear at any time and without warning, i try as much as possible to always have my notebook handy to write them down, otherwise i tend to forget them and regret it later.
wallet and card holder.
inka : my wallet is cute, right? it's kuromi. jeongin gave it to me on my birthday, since then, it hasn't left my bag. it is quite wide, so very practical. plus, i don't like going out without coins and all, so i put the cash in.
inka : and of course my card holder, because one day i lost my credit card by putting it in the pocket of my jeans, so i decided to pay more attention to it and always put it in my bag so i don't lose it again. a very tiring experience.
hand cream and hand sanitizer.
inka : if there must be one thing in all the bags in the world, it's hand sanitizer who never goes out without it's hand cream. with the hard time we've had, and the virus that is still running around, it's important to be careful and disinfect your hands regularly. but the disinfectant often dehydrates your skin much faster, especially with the cold weather, so it is very important to hydrate your skin regularly to avoid any damaged skin. that's what i do, anyway. i hate having sore hands.
inka took the opportunity to do a little booster shot, showing to the camera how to properly apply the cream on the hands.
medications, bandages & pack of tissues.
inka : i'm the type of person who regularly has migraines, and therefore unbearable headaches. it takes me often and it is extremely unpleasant, that's why i always have pills with me to help me feel better. i also have vitamins that i take daily, that help me to keep myself fit and energetic. and finally, regular pills to be able to cure my insomnia, i must not forget to take them, they are extremely important.
inka : bandages are very important, because sometimes when we get hurt outside the dorm, we don't necessarily have what it takes to heal yourselves, so i make sure to always have bandages to treat wounds that do not require medical treatment.
inka : i often blow my nose, really. i feel like i have a cold every day of the year. so i always have a pack of tissues with me, it has become essential.
itzy's ryujin polaroid.
inka : ahh.. one of my most precious treasures. this polaroid of ryujin is very important to me, because she personally wrote me a message on the back. a message of encouragement to be more precise, she gave it to me during a rather complicated period of my life, and i must admit that i consider it a bit like a lucky charm.
👤 : do you want to say a little word to ryujin?
inka : ryujin if you see this video, thank you for all your support, thank you for being such a precious friend ! you're the best.
a small stuffed cat.
inka : oh it's my little meow's turn ! it's a gift from ateez's lua. as many know, lua is my best friend, and she gave me this stuffed cat shortly after my debut in stray kids. i literally take him everywhere, i take great care of him, oh and funny fact, he has the particularity of smelling like vanilla. so my bag is always scented with a vanilla smell.
inka approached the little stuffed cat to her cheek, pretending to cuddle it tenderly for a few seconds.
👤 : do you want to say a little word to lua?
inka : bestie ! how are you? i can't wait to see you again soon, i hope we will have many more good times together. i miss you.. take care, okay? i send you all my support for your future projects. and don't forget, i will always be your biggest fan. *🫶🏻*
kitkat and other snacks.
inka : kitkat are my favorite snacks, it's nothing new, honestly. i buy these regularly and always have a few in my bag, just in case my stomach gets a little peckish.. you know, to avoid awkward gurgling in the middle of an interview.
obviously, she takes the opportunity to unwrap one and quickly eat it in front of everyone, triggering the laughter of some members of the staff.
inka : but ! i also have other snacks for the kids. those who ask me most often are obviously changbin and jisung. once, i caught them rummaging through my bag to find some, unbelievable.
yellow nintendo switch lite.
inka : my precious. she is always here for me. i really love video games, i often spend all my free time playing. i love playing animal crossing, fire emblem, trials of mana.. i have a large collection of video games at home. i often play with felix by the way. but i am more often playing genshin impact on my playstation..
👤 : which characters are in your genshin impact's main team?
inka : i change quite often honestly, because i love playing with lots of different characters. but right actually, my mains are mona – the only character who never leaves my team, scaramouche, tighnari and fischl.
a few words to end this interview.
inka : what i remember is that i should definitely organize my bag better, but i still think i have most of what i need inside. unfortunately, there will always be little extra things that will be added from time to time.. next time i'll take a backpack !
inka : thank you so much for this interview, it was fun to film and share all this with you, and above all, to show you a little of my life in this bag.
inka : aaand.. cut !
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✧⠁taglist : @writerblock-sucks
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wandererbf · 4 months
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How genshin characters would react if you were stronger than they think
Characters: Xiao, Wanderer and Jean
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You and Xiao were just hanging out on the Milinlith mountains, the moon was already in the sky and the monsters were becoming more aggressive at this time, even though Xiao insisted on waiting until the next morning for the walk, he was corrupted by your insistence
The walk was peaceful with just the sound of crickets, it would have remained that way if it hadn't been for a Guardian of the Ruins nearby
Xiao: Y/N please stay back I'll finish this quickly
At the time he was talking, it was enough for you to take down the robot, having electro vision, your speed was never impressive for him, but at this point? Well I think Adeptus can be surprised sometimes
Y/N: Hu? What you said Xiao?
The man's eyes widened when he saw his significant other standing next to the robot smashed on the floor
Xiao: wait.. what you.? Did you get hurt? You could have let me kill the robot it wouldn’t be a big deal
Y/N: Sometimes I think you forget that I also know how to fight... Xiao, you don't need to fight every time, I know I'm not at the same level as you but I can take care of myself
He looked at you and then whispered wanting to give something, but in the end he puts it aside and comes to you, hugging you, something not expected from someone like him and in a whisper he says
Xiao: at least promise me that you’ll won’t start a fight that you can’t win
You smiled at his words, you think the way he treats you it’s kinda cute
Y/N: I promise..
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You and Wanderer were looking for some flowers for a search on the Academy Of Sumeru, one of the flowers were behind some slimes, well it wasn’t a problem for Wanderer if the slimes weren’t ameno slimes
Wanderer: oh god it really had to be anemic slimes? I will use a life to kill this little peace’s of shit..
He said with a hand on his temple, probably starting to have a headache even without starting, but you said something first
Y/N: Hum.. Kuni you can let me handle with this is not a big deal after all
You said picking up your sword, 2 days before you two went here you got your pyro vision because of that Wanderer didn’t though you already know how to use a vision, well he was wrong
In a thing of seconds you ended the life of the slimes, it surprised him but he gave a smirk at least he know that you can handle yourself if he wasn’t around
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Today was a day like any other to the knights of favounius, well even if you were one of them Jean thought you had the force of any other knight, well this was what she thought
You and her were going to a mission together, the numbers of the monsters were starting to be to high just for the others knights so she had been trying to help in some way
When you two founded a village of hilichurs she takes the initiative of the attack, but while she fight with some normal attack hilichurls she hadn’t see one archer aiming her
Just a second before he shoot you used your spear hitting perfectly the target, when she saw what you’ve done she screamed a thank you and continued to fight
In while you ended with the other’s monsters she got surprised of what you’ve done in such a small time, she laughed
Jean: Babe you should’ve said to me that you’re stronger than you look
Y/N: Miss why do you think I was the best on my class of knights? - you said guarding your weapon
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wolframpant · 9 months
Now that I have finally had time to process episodes 2x07 and 2x08 these are my impressions:
So I think episode 7 was kind of weaker of the two and it was all because of that chase in the woods. There was so much happening at the wedding - and there are so many characters the show has to explore - that watching Livia run around the woods half the time felt like a waste of time and it didn't further her story in any way.
The only thing I liked was Tycho finally asserting himself a little, and saying the Republic sucked. I wish, in the end, when Livia says "You are wrong about the Republic" they elaborated on it more. Why does she believe it, beyond the promise that she made her father, that the Republic has to be restored? I wish in general that we have seen the characters like Drusus, Piso, and Livia discussing what was good about the Republic, why they want it back, what they would potentially change, etc. Because so far they're endlessly repeating "Restore the Republic" falls a bit flat for me, like it has no meaning.
I still don't get the point of the character of Ursa. What is her role supposed to be?
I loved the gambling idiot Drusus and his pissed wife Antonia.
I also loved both Antonias and the sisterly relationship they have this whole season.
And poor Julia.
I think Octavia gave Augustus a reason why to kill Drusus. We don't see much of his inner thoughts or struggles as opposed to Livia, but I wonder if he tells himself I am not killing Drusus because he is threatening me but because it was my sisters dying wish.
Episode 8 was so intense I got a genuine headache watching it.
I loved the little moment they gave Drusus with his children. I would have liked to see little Claudius but well, the guy has whole miniseries all to himself, and we got to see little Drusus, yay.
Ofc the whole thing with Drusus dying was terrible but he went out like a champ.
I liked that Tycho's and Antigone's daughter finally got some role and something to do.
Iullus and Julia finally aligned together and I am curious where they take their relationship and how they portray their downfall - if we get season 3. My guess next season there will be two factions whose aim will be to make Augustus miserable.
But I felt sorry for Marcella a bit. The writers made her an absolute bitch this season but on the face of it - was she doing anything else than Julia is doing. Well, I guess Julia wasn't that nasty to everyone around her, but still.
Their take on the death of Tiberullus was interesting but I am not sure I like this "Bad Tiberius" storyline. I think it is cheap to blame something on mental illness. Watching how a decent man turns into a monster would be much more interesting and I think I, Claudius did it much better.
I am also not sure I like this "Gallus is a dick to Vipsania" storyline. It just doesn't ring true to me?
I also like that the main characters finally have some other motivation than "the Republic" and that Livia is finally told or admits? that she likes the power she has under Augustus and she would automatically lose that if he went down.
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sol-consort · 2 months
Greetings Shepard Commander or would it be Pathfinder Ryder?
How are you doing and/or how has this week been going? What ever you feel comfortable sharing?
I've claimed a paracetamol pill as my personal desk pet because I got too attached to throw it out. I pet it on occasion.
It's the end of the day, one hour away from my bedtime and fuck I am so tired and exhausted and sleepy. You really just wake up tired one day as an adult, and stay this way for the rest of your life, huh?
I've written a bit today, working on the salarian hug post and polished the Thane fic a bit more. By "writting" I mean debated for half an hour if I should make it a female salarian since I made the krogan a male to balance things out.
Which led to a looking up info about salarians and finding out their population is 90% males, leading to females having only the most important jobs. Also that Andromeda throws a bowling ball at the delicate champagne glasses tower that is the mass effect word building by making a single salarian woman work in a warehouse.
How their population stay alive, you ask? Their females birth clutches of eggs.
I decided to make it a guy in the end, might make the turian a woman then. Drell def guy bc I don't know what female drell are. Or maybe make it all guys? I want there to be a balance but I don't want to force it when I really wanted to write a guy so ehh.
I try not to talk about my writing process too much, it muddies up the final product. It's like magicians refusing to give up the secrets to their tricks. It's a very messy and clumsy process here back at the writing kitchens and I rather you think the finished piece was definitely well-thought out and made by a sane person.
Anyway so back to my pet pill.
I was cleaning my desk and apparently a pill fell out of a paracetamol sheet that I didn't notice until the next day. It's been open too long so it's contaminated by now and shouldn't be consumed. I was about to throw it away but I stopped and stared.
It's so...adorable?
The endearing oval shape, the lovely white colour. Flawless like a sheet of paper or a white daisy in a field. How much these little pills helped me through headaches. The cute cut in the middle of the pill to help you split it.
I have a vivid memory of the first time I have ever took paracetamol. I was young, around 7 years old and I had this migrane that wouldn't go away thanks to my dad passing me the genes.
My brother who was studying in med school at the time, gave me half a pill. I didn't know how to swallow pills yet, I choked on the first one and spit it out, only by the second time did I manage to get it down with so much water.
Look at me now, so used to meds I easily swallow 3 at a time with a small sip of juice through a straw. Sometimes down them with monster energy.
Anyway, so I took the half pill, which must have been like what? 250mg? If not less, because he might have just given me one quarter of a pill. 20 minutes later I'm fully out, slept through the entire day.
My blood was so pure back then, and resistance low. It was a fond memory, I got many headaches as a kid but I always suffered through them with a brave face and that was the first time I realised something as small as a couple grains of rice can bring so much relief.
I still suffer through the headaches, I try not to depend on pain killers too much since I don't want to build up an immunity and have to move on to stronger ones. I keep a balance yk? But today was unbearable and I gave in.
So that memory flashed through me when I saw that stray pill on the desk. I'll keep it there just to look at it, it feels like a friend.
I've been reading about the medicine and its history. Apparently, it targets different pain receivers than Ibuprofen, so the two of them could be used together for better pain relief. Also,
But it was very different at first and even toxic! It literally choked your body tissue cells by preventing the hemoglobin from binding oxygen and causing cyanosis. It was known as Antifebrin.
So, in 1877, it was officially synthesised as paracetamol, but it was only during 1887 that it was used on humans by Joseph von Mering.
funfact, to prevent your cells from choking out, all your body cells must be at least within 100 micrometers of a blood vessel for their oxygen to be delivered in time.
Funfact. This info is qouted directly from my memory and I'm currently factchecking it to try and find If it's actually accurate but no relevant results so far.
Funfact. Okay, I found this research paper that actually goes in depth about this and supports my funfact.
Also your red blood cells do not require oxygen! The only body cells that don't need oxygen are the same ones delivering it. HA.
Cells are the same size right? So an ant and a human have the same size cells, just different amounts. Correct so far.
So the thing with cancer is, it happens by probability. All of us get cancer multiple times a day and our immune systems take care of it. It's only dangerous when it slips by long enough to become a tumor.
Now, based on the laws of probability, the more cells the higher risk of an error in cell division aka the higher the cancer risk? Right?
For some fucking reason, bigger animals than us with so many more cells, have very very veryyyy low cancer rates when they shouldn't. Take elephants or whales for example. Something in their genes either overcame the cell division error prone OR made their immune system much better at detecting stray cells that refuse to self destruct.
Analysing elephant genomes like TP53 gene showed that elephants developed a suppresser to stop damaged cells from dividing and ending the hydra before it could grow another head. As side effects, it lead to elephants having more cell deaths and low DNA repair mechanisms.
Elcors come to mind. Is the fact they still communicate by phormones rather than sounds related to some bargaining chip they had to cash in order to accommodate for their big sizes? Like we humans, paid a shit tone of gene money and got in gene debt for our brains that took so many years to pay off. That's why only the homosapians are left.
Where did the elcor genomes cash in all the saved up unused evolution points? And how did they exactly evolve to be self aware when most animals with their line of evolution end up as herd animals with survival and procreation as their only goal? Was it a mutation that lucked out or did natural evolution actually saw it benfical for them to develop self awareness in order to survive?
Are elcor just immune to all diseases, maybe? Do they have an especially naturally high success birth rate without the need for surgery or medical intervention? Are their stomach biomes simply superior, and they never get stomaches?
And why do Krogans have tails?
Okay, I'm going off topic.
What was the main topic?
Ah yes me.
I really appreciate you btw, and the way you refer to me as "commander Shepard" in these asks.
The first time it happened, I was caught off guard and I loved it so much I didn't want to answer the ask because it meant I won't be able to see it in my inbox anymore. I wanted to keep a copy and frame it just to save my happiness, I was literally this picture.
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It's just so?????? Validating? Like YES I AM COMMANDWR SHEPAPRD YES THANKS JDQKJD <333
Then it happened a second time and I was oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!♡!!♡♡♡♡♡
It's been a while since you dropped by so It completely left my mind. I opened my asks yesterday and I saw this and AAAAAA i love you so much.
Like for I moment I was like twirling my hair and giggling. Especially the addition of Ryder at the end. dude I am saving this ask. I've been opening my inbox just to look at it and feel happy. Like you noticed that I'm playing andromeda now? Kdjqojdakndos <33
Oh and I've been playing helldivers 2 lately! It's so much better than I expected. I never imagined a day would come where I'd willingly touch a coop fps, nor the day where I don't suck at fps. Dude all i knew before mass effect was far cry 4 and even then I used a bow! Dude I am not built for fps bc honestly mass effect is not the training you think it is. I played with a controller.
And yet...I'm actually good. It's like legit good! I am useful and my aim is good and I've helped people so many times. Plus, I have more to show up for than just aim like attention to details plus support capabilities, so I'm great in teams. At this rate, I might get deep rock galatic and join the public servers without fear of having shit aim while playing with strangers.
It feels...nice. Weird but nice. Almost like I'm invading someone else's community, even in mass effect I feel like I'm an outisder and it shows yk? Something in me just seems off in comparison to the rest of the community...but I want to stay and I want to keep writing for it. I want to keep trying even if no one is there because I genuinely love it. The mass effect universe and I'm starting to love shooter games.
I played moba like league a lot, I have experience with toxic coop so nothing fps games throw at me could compare.
I will carve myself a place in this fandom if I have to.
For every vent post I share, 10 go to drafts and 50 end up unwritten. There is so much emotions and I care more about reception to my writing than I let on. I read every reblog and post, I notice everything. I compare the numbers always.
I wish I cared less. I wish I cared like you guys cared. You all seem so happy, so unaffected. Do you just not show it, or is this your reality?
I'm better now anon. I was worse before I wrote this, and now I'm much better. Thank you for this chance. I can't repay your kindness, I just hope life gives it back to you in some way soon.
My mom's birthday is soon, I'm preparing for it. I'm a little sad because I bought her handmade knitted flowers, a full bouquet of them in her favourite colour. And she loves knitting but can't anymore. I thought she'd love them but she didn't, my plan was to buy her a bouquet every major celebration until the house is full of them. I don't know how to knit but, it stings less that it's not me who made them at least.
And the page had very cute knitted dolls! I might order one for myself. They make it by hand and sent me pictures of the wool before they made it, their prices is too good too! Like knitting is super hard and time consuming, yet they sell it as the same price as regular flowers? They should charge more for it, I was prepared to pay much more, double their asking price even because I understand the luxury of handmade stuff.
I refunded a steam game recently because fanatical added it in a bundle and it's cheaper there. It's the third game I refunded this week yet steam were very understanding! It's a nice surprise.
I want to write more but I don't have the time or energy. I'm afraid I'll lose my readers attention. I also feel guilty whenever I see my regulars reblogging and liking older posts because it meant they came to my blog looking for updates and found nothing so they reread past stuff instead.
Oh and I wanted to name my ship in helldivers 2 after destiny ascension :( they didn't let me :(
It was either dream of destiny or song of peace so I went with song of peace.
I got stuck under the map once, good times, good times.
It took me 2 hours to write this. Most of the time was spent factchecking the information I claimed above but still.
I'll go sleep, listen to some music. Fkhwkfns look at my title as commander shepard in you ask again and listen to some music while imagining fake scenarios where I am commander Shepard and I WIN!
I hope you sleep well anon! Take care of your.
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eric-the-bmo · 11 months
eep I'm bad at thinking of questions, any fun facts about your characters??? ooh or actually I've just been discussing music, what kinda music do your characters listen to?
[this might be rambe-y im so sorry lmao]
oooh!!! yes i like this one, Music Time
John listens to folk punk and whatever genre Lore Huron and Hozier are. (also a bit of vocaloid, solely because of Shelby)
Theodore listen to like. Cool electronic music. Haven't determined the exact genre but its very Computer
Once again I don't know the genre but I think Leo doesn't quite have a favorite genre? Since his memories got blasted he's not quite sure anymore, but in my brain I associate him with Matt Maeson a lot since I was listening to his songs a bunch when creating him.
Annabelle's setting has a 1920s kind of vibe (at least the kingdom she lives in does), and so she enjoys that kind of old-timey jams!
Ven and John actually have like, really similar music tastes, sans the vocaloid bc it doesnt exist in Ven's universe. Folk Punk is Ven's guilty pleasure
I... I don't think Apollo listens to music. Like I dont think the City has any save for idk, Latin choirs or whatever.
....has Rhidian even heard music since he became a Nothic. bro does he know what that is /hj
Murmur listens to like. So much vocaloid/pop/electronic music. They love it sm they blast it near 24/7 into their earbuds
hmm Fun Facts (a mix of Character and Developmental):
Theodore admitted during the White House Heist (have I even told yall about that) that he's been thrown out of a window before
Theodore's got a roommate named Steve and like. He was only around for the first session and I miss him sm, that guy was great
Theo please stop skipping your fucking classes
Ven likes peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is also known to help with headaches, which he gets a lot!
Shelby was 22 when she met John (aka hit him with her car)
Shelby was also intended to be a self-insert when I first made her; she was the Mundane for MoTW, but then I got to wondering "what if she and John were friends" and the rest was history
She's also a twitch streamer solely bc i realized she needed a job and that was the funniest option to me
John's limbs are very long in proportion to the rest of his body! His arms are like, Super Long
Rhidian dislikes touch; not only because it's been a Very Long Time since anyone's touched him, but also because he wants the first person he touches to be his girlfriend- once she gets a physical body, of course (they are going to hold hands and kiss <3)
Annabelle is So Adamant in the fact she's not part of Warrick's family; she's his secretary, and not his daughter, thank you very much- but she always participates during Family Game Night
She also would like collecting vinyls :-)
Leo's heterochromia happened because I couldn't determine which eye color he should have, and so I gave him Both
His eyes have become my Favorite Thing about them, and there's like. So much symbolism in them dude. I'd ramble more but my fellow VtM players follow me here.
On the subject of Leo, he was originally created in 2020 as an entity that lived in TV static and would try to drag people in, as he was desperate for company- as you can see, he's changed A Lot from his original concept
Leo's original concept has since been recycled for a potential Rapture Heights monster that I've taken to calling Hijack.
Apollo and Leo both have a habit of holding their hands together when they miss their partner/exes- and it's actually a habit I myself have picked up.
John's whole NotDeer thing started because I had told a librarian about him, and admitted I didn't know what kind of monster he was yet- and she asked if he was a deer monster due to his last name. Thank you Ms Librarian u changed his entire trajectory thank u <3
Did you know there's a visual novel about a character also John Doe? He's eerily similar to mine in terms of visual, I think
Valentine was created after/ while I was reading the DIE comic series- the main character's scene in prison was the main inspiration for him.
Due to enchantment magic having the potential to be used for Awful Things, I explicitly made Valentine to be a sex-repulsed asexual, and intended for him to be aromantic as well.
Valetine killed Velma (yeah, from Scooby Doo) during his one-shot
Oh, and fun fact about me: in my dnd server, I'm the reason there's a rule stating that one-shot characters need to be able to breathe <3
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yeyinde · 1 year
just rewatched the ritual for like the umpteenth time and all I can think about is how a call of duty au would play out :3
I gave myself a headache over how hard my little brain thought about this.
I love this concept, though!! Is it all 141 versus Moder? Or are we thinking that the mythological godlike being is (like most monster AU's) Ghost? 👀
I took it as 141 versus Moder.
It got kinda long, so 😅 sorry!!
The beginning would be hard to encapsulate because I can't see any of them following that line of thinking, so the fracture of their relationship would probably need to be something else. I think a series of bad calls would probably fracture their relationship, and it would begin as a team building exercise before they went after someone else. Or a much needed holiday. Can't see any of these guys sipping martini's on the Amalfi Coast, but a weekend in some desolate forest? Sure.
SAS are some of the most trained survivalists in any military fraction, so I'd imagine they'd pretty quickly adapt. (No one taking them by surprise.)
As things kinda spiralled, I don't think any of them would lose their cool.
They'd all make logical deductions for what was happening, despite the shadow lurking in the distance (trick the light) or the creepy sounds at night (have you heard a fox screaming?) until Moder just burst out like, are you serious?! You've litro made eye contact with me.
I think the most logical would probably be Gaz. He just seems to never lose his cool in any situation - even upside down on a helicopter - so I think he'd probably put the pieces together pretty quickly but actually convincing yourself that way you're seeing is true is another thing entirely. He would remain on the "this is what's happening and it defies science" fence, but he'd hold out until he could see the proof with his own eyes. He'd still prepare, though. I can't see him being shocked by the actual outcome. I think, in the privacy of his own head, he probably suspects this is the case, but! Who can just admit yeah, it's an ancient monster? He'd be the most collected amongst the group.
Soap would believe it the quickest and try to come up with ways to fight it. Once he past the hurdle of "nothing makes sense in earthly terms," he'd move over to "yep, monster." This isn't to say a part of him doesn't question his own eyes, but he would probably be the first to vocalise his thoughts on what's happening.
Price needs a Drink™. He ignores it to the end, but isn't entirely surprised by what he finds. He, like Gaz, puts the pieces together. They share Knowing™ looks, and immediately start categorising what type of animal they could be dealing with but if you look beneath their nonchalant surface, you can see them start to amass a weapons cache of everything - most notably: fire. Kindling. Leaves. Sticks. They save all the igniters they have, and quickly pool flammable resources.
Ghost would be pretty tricky. I don't think he'd let himself believe it because then that opens a whole different psychological beast (assuming what happened with Roba is canon, I can only imagine the mental turmoil this man would go through seeing something like that and being forced to believe in the supernatural. Oof. And also, my heart.) I think Ghost refuses to even partake in the discussion. He can't. I think this experience would probably break him the most, and leaving him with the most psychological damage as he grapples with his own experiences (believing he's been dead since Roba) and what he saw.
Godddd. This is so long 😅
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adventuringalchemy · 7 months
Heya! P:
I read through some of your asks answers during work and it gave me an idea. [Your blog gets more questions/is more active than other MC ask blogs I follow atm, so I stalk ya a lil' bit hhhh don't mind me]
I am not the anon who sent the AU ask, I am not knowledgable enough of MCSM to ask big questions, -wheeze- but some ungodly possession gave me an image in my mind and is now bothering me. I gotta write it down somewhere, so my first choice is to pester you with it. /hj
For some reason when it got mentioned that Jesse would spawn a monster, or some other threat, that then blew out of proportion [haphazardly so], I just saw an image in my head of them drawing a summonig circle/building a shrine Herobrine style. Crudely, but alas. A terribly bad idea but also "This ain't ever gonna work,"-like so it wouldn't hurt, surely!
What if they mistakenly summoned Crona, glitchy admin lad, with that. Pulling them from their own broken, shifting server over to theirs. The spiky beasty is so nonchalant, floating about, chill and unbothered but the MCSM world isn't acustomed to a glitchy mess like Crona, so things around them just break, glitch, shift, affected by weird effects, physics break in a radius and spread. Posing as practically a bug in the system.
Ah- It doesn't fit timeline-wise since none of the main cast actually ever met an admin at that time probably in the AU [I don't know how tightly woven the MCSM timeline is, I just know the admin shenanigans come after the witherstorm, after the portals, when Jesse is already aknowledged as a hero, and Beacontown got built? Romeo wouldn't really have his eyes on Jesse if none of that ever happened, I guess?], therefore they wouldn't have reference or concections what a big deal this is and big confrontations later interactions could pose are practically nullified in that case, but the image won't leave my brain. -wheeze-
Soooo! Maybe that idea doesn't really fit into the mentioned AU [and the timeline shifts give me a headache, since I have poor understanding of the characters/timeline in the first place. My diligent mind wouldn't give me a rest unless I study MCSM history if I were to attempt to play a part in that AU /hj]
-But I feel the idea itself is worth savekeeping since you expressed interest in RPing with me and that character. I think I'd absolutely attempt to trial run through. Just wanted to share. Thinking what big of a deal it would actually be- and the idea of basically summoning Herobrine is such a nostalgia trip for myself! -wheeze-
[I actually considered whether to DM you rather, but I gotta stop lingering in the shades, so here goes this gköwkflfük]
[I enjoy how you answer asks in detail and share your thoughts, bet other people like to read though those too, so let me indulge. P:]
@sollyraptor sent an ask .
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no but i adore the idea of them trying to summon herobrine. i can TOTALLY see the vibes fitting into mcsm! a lot of the story has little, niche topics that bring back the nostalgia of minecraft itself. going to defeat the ender dragon being a huge part of it.
i don't necessarily see jesse making the mistake personally because i feel like they would have a little more brains than axel. they would do the research to summon herobrine. they would make sure that everything made perfect sense and fit together to ensure that that would be the outcome. jesse isn't impulsive ( unless you hurt their friends / they're angry ) , but axel most certainly is. i can totally see axel just wanting to get it done and over with and messing up the structure that summons herobrine. he'd put the wrong block, put the wrong flowers, do something. and in comes crona, who is probably much, much more destructive and would cause much more havoc.
i love the idea of crona bringing in glitching to their world. just because they haven't met admins yet doesn't mean they can't meet one sooner. it's an au so anything goes. and the lore of mcsm is a little different than minecraft lore to begin with so mixing in some of our touches wouldn't hurt at all.
i imagine that if this were to happen, ivor would want to use to command block to get rid of crona. something with powers that the command block has, they could very much use the command block to get rid of it. that would be his biggest idea at least, very much like how he thought of the way to truly get rid of the witherstorm; destroying the very thing that made it.
but he would have no idea how to get rid of the glitches. he would try magic, he would try enchantments, but i imagine nothing would really work. glitches don't just go away. they are made because there is flaw. and crona is flawed. meaning that nothing can really save it. ivor would spend years trying to figure out how to get rid of it, only to never find the answer. poor man would work himself to death.
honestly this sounds like it could turn into a fully plotted epic, which are my absolute things to write. i adore long threads that have a huge story from start to finish. i stay the most in character with them, i get the most excited for, and keep the most in my brain. i think about it. i want art for it. i make headcanons for it.
please do this with me.
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justcallmecappy · 2 years
Thank you for wonderful insight about your DA2 experience. I think it's unavoidable to see spoilers for older video games. I actually didn't pay much attention to Anders in the beginning even during Awakening and only bring him along because he was the only healer in the game. The same happened to 2. I, too also romanced Fenris in my first run because I saw many nice fanarts about him and people said that he has a nice voice (they're not wrong). Fast forward I romanced Anders in a second run and I ended up romancing him most of the time, and he ended up as my main Hawke's romance. I still love my broody boy but something about Handers gave me more brainrot than any DA pair. Not only because Anders has a large narrative role in Act 3 but it's the "me and you against the world" vibes, the parallels between their relationship and Hawke's parents, Justice being able to experience love similar to Aura and Kristoff, and the angst of a mage falling in love. I keep seeing posts that they're unhealthy and Hawke is acting more like a caregiver more than his lover (the worst interpretation because it implies that mentally ill people are a burden to their loved ones), but I don't share those views at all. I actually do like the idea of both Hawke and Anders willing to give up their personal comfort and happiness just so other mages can be free. In a world like Thedas, there's no assurance that Hawke's wealth and status is enough to protect their loved ones (or even themselves as a mage) forever, even Anders ask this in question to Hawke in Act 2, and Merideth felt like she was waiting for Hawke to slip in Act 3. Even if they would never have a normal life, Hawke is used to be on the run because of their family's circumstances, and I felt like being in Kirkwall placed their family in more danger. Well at least that's how I feel after Leandra dying. I also enjoy there are differences between a mage and non-mage Anders romance, I just usually go for mage pairs because I like giving the chantry a headache. I still do wish the in game romance was written better and actually involve Justice (my poor spirit is just a plot device) though I blame the rush development. Also why can I not give him a cat instead of that amulet? Also why can I give Fenris, Isabella and Merril two gifts and he only gets one? And why does the friendmance ending get no kiss at the Gallows but the templar ending gets one? I'll just pretend the mod that brings it to the friendship one is canon.
Hi anon, yes to everything you said! You are absolutely knocking it out of the park with these galaxy brain A++ takes! 💯😆
People can play these games however they want — I can understand the draw of an angst-ridden tragedy, and if people want to headcanon their Andersmance as a "doomed romance" or whatever, that's their business, but to me, the Andersmance has always been far more compelling as a story about hope.
The love story where Hawke and Anders work hand-in-hand to overturn a centuries-old oppressive status quo, spark a revolution, and fight for freedom is infinitely more powerful and hopeful than any interpretation of the Andersmance where Hawke undermines, downplays, or invalidates Anders’ cause or struggles.
I prefer stories about kindness and bravery, about overcoming insurmountable odds, about being a light in the darkness. That's story that Anders' character and the Andersmance offered me. Anders suffered his whole life — being torn away from his loving home as a child, constantly being told he was a monster while growing up in the Circle, watching helplessly as his his lover Karl was cruelly taken away from him, watching his people being beaten, abused and mistreated — and to me, it is a story of hope and healing when you play the game as a Hawke who stands by his side, gladly fights alongside him, regards mages as people, listens to him with compassion, and sees his cause as important and just and necessary.
And the overarching theme of "hope" extends even beyond the scope of their relationship: When Anders says, “Ten years, a hundred years from now, someone like me will love someone like you, and there would be no templars to tear them apart,” I wish more people realized how significant those words were. Anders was not fighting for just himself and Hawke's happiness; he was fighting to make the world safe for every other mage, and there's something very deeply noble and relentlessly compassionate in that. I wish more people appreciated that about him. It seems strange and tragic to me that such a big aspect of his character and his motivations is so often overlooked.
And you pointed out something very important, about the significance of Justice in Anders’ life. I admit, I used to believe that Justice was a corrupting influence on Anders at first, but after some time replaying DA Awakening and reading meta on the characters, I have come to completely change my mind: I like the story of Justice being Anders’ strongest ally, who backs him up and validates him, and gives him strength and conviction. I love exploring the positive aspects and potential of their partnership — because again, it becomes a narrative of hope.
You’re also absolutely right in the Andersmance sorely lacking content! 😓 I installed the Anders Dialogue Overhaul mod for the Anders Gallows kiss on the friendship path. And even though I can’t actually give him a cat, there’s the Sleeping Cat for Anders mod that adds a cat to his clinic, and we can just headcanon that Hawke got it for him, haha! 😂❤️
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me anon, and again sorry that I replied a bit late! 😅
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anarkhebringer · 2 years
Idk if you’ve looked more into it but I think the monster high girls look significantly better in doll/animated form. Like that picture of clawdeen is unjustifiably whitewashed, she looks washed out/ashy/grey but the actual doll and cartoon character don’t look like that, I’m almost positive she’s around the same shade as before. I don’t love how light her hair is but it is dyed like most of the characters and hopefully she’ll have more prominent dark hair in other dolls/looks. Cleo looks much better, like she’s actually inarguably a WOC now and not just a white girl with a tan and bandages. Draculaura and Frankie have really minor differences overall like I don’t think that matters much. But lagoona was the least popular of the og dolls and and they clearly gave her a big redesign to hopefully change that? I’m sure she’s pink because ghoulia/Frankie/deuce are all blue/green to set her apart. And she went from a white (blue n blonde) Australian to a Latina like I think that’s a relative improvement? I wish her hair was still curly but I love her new facial features
I’m not even trying to play devils advocate I think the new dolls are much better than the og ones in terms of racial representation, realistic body shapes, and even outfits. Like these characters look a lot more like actual high school girls and not like. Lingerie models in heavy technicolor makeup
Okay, but hear me out, I looked into this stuff and a lot of the changes are WORSE. They basically retconned EVERYTHING in already decently-diverse-for-the-time lore. Just give the new body types to the old stuff that used to be, it would've been fine. Not to mention they're MONSTERS, they don't NEED to be set apart and fit into a humanoid bubble with their makeup, skin/fur color, and all that other stuff if they weren't human-like monsters like Cleo de Nile and such. The entire POINT is that they AREN'T humans. Also sure the outfits could use more variety, but that DOESN'T mean completely ruin and get rid of the styles they had established. Also, don't get me started on the lore issues.
They made Clawdeen straight after the creator said she was lesbian after some initial thought on it and liking the idea for her, but Mattel wouldn't let him roll with it and he told fans to run with it and celebrate it. They literally Thanos snapped her siblings from existence, siblings of which were large impacts on who she is. A majority of the other characters are just Gone. There are already people saying shit about how Draculaura would fit the gothic lolita style, which she was literally styled around in the past but that was taken from her. Oh and why the fuck would they whitewash Lagoona if they wanted to be "racially diverse" with her? She went from "white" to Actually White despite supposedly being Latina. She is a white girl. She's not a light-skinned WOC, she is WHITE.
This isn't just about the damn dolls, this reboot is the epitome of "corporate diverse", AKA "shoving every diversity brownie point they can think of onto characters to make people happy" that they do with EVERY decent series that lasts too long and gets modern reboots, because they know people will eat it up. Not to mention the live-action movie is gonna be directed by Todd Holland, notable racist. I'm not even gonna go into every issue because even just reading this ask gave me a headache. Just know I refuse to budge.
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realhankmccoy · 2 months
so let's picture that um, camille had lost
and we instead had an ANTI-PORN AMERICA
uh, would i even notice the difference?
not very fucking much i'll tell ya that much i don't watch a lot of visual porn. I'd imagine some of it would have still been probably accessible in the underground too
which might have made it more exciting even isn't this bitch always arguing something these days about how too much FLESH IS BEING EXPOSED EVERYWHERE IT HAS TAKEN THE SIZZEL OUT OF SEX
well camille,
one way to put the sizzle back into sex would be if the anti-porn feminists had had their way a bit more and naked felsh and porn and onlyfans eveywhere on social media hadn't been normalised
isn't that so american tho?
followed by, 20 years later
jesus fucking christ did Goldilocks Paglia in that 20 year interim between shifting modes of discontent ever get the bowl of porridge exactly what she wanted?
of course not
she's likely what is known as a MALCONTENT
i have also been told i'm a malcontent by my friend Susan and quite possibly that's the case
i mean look at me in 20 years
20 years ago i was miserable because life wasn't all mohawks and gothic otherwoldliness and video game fantasy always wanting to be in other worlds
now i'm miserable because nobody cares enough about human beings while still always wanting to be in other worlds
although to be fair, i'm actually synergistic and want life to be all mohawks (wearing big ones gave me a headache tho) and gothic fantasy and all sorts of fantasy PLUS caring about human beings and wanting to be in other worlds simultaneously and they're not mutually exclusive
whereas i guess you could say camille wants, what would she want -- sounds way more mutually exclusive aka stupid to me -- nobody ever bitching about porn but also everyone on social media covering up and putting on a bunch of clothes?
i guess camille wasn't ready for so much of america to get their inner porn star on, as they did
anyhow the point of this post is
i just think she was often most passionately fighting the wrong battles perhaps, the wrong targets, if she really wanted to
in the world rather than try to be the loudest most dominating feminist (which she never probably accomplished, right, nobody cares about this crazy lesbian compared to all sorts of other feminist icons)
i dunno, i mean just think of the good she could have done to stop Fox News in its infancy
rather than vying for an opportunity to show up on it once it was in duncecap Tucker Carlson mode
but Camille, never having fought in a war, stupidly just thinking 'well freedom everywhere' this bitch would have no clue what to do if she suddenly found herself in the midst of Germany after Hitler's Elected
in which case screaming at your softspoken local hippie feminist setting up an activism booth on the weekend
isn't really gonna be the most effective means of uh
solving what are known as things like Nazis things like
jesse is right, america doesn't need to toughen up it needs to toughen down some assholes just aren't capable of realising that and camille is one of em
is the united states so precious to her that it must be prevented from 'falling'
it's not that precious to me
a faggoty socialist deep state running the joint and evening out the wealth and replacing materialism with environmentalism and wacky new ideas sound like a great change of pace frankly
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onlin3angel · 4 months
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Submitted by JM on Lon Strickler’s blog, Phantoms and Monsters, Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 16:09.
I live near Pevely, Missouri, not far from the Mississippi River. This incident took place on June 30, 2018 about 1 AM my time. I was having trouble sleeping since it was very warm and I was restless. I went outside onto the back porch to smoke and saw a small yellow light in the sky in front of me. I didn't think much of it but it was getting closer. I moved a bit to my left in order to get a better look and it suddenly stopped. I stood still and continued watching it. About a minute later, I noticed two more lights approaching from the same direction. There was now a large dim yellow light and two smaller bright lights, one was white and the other was orange. The orange light then flashed brightly and then there was a loud 'bang' a second later. The white light disappeared, but the orange light started to come towards me while the dim yellow light seemed to observe what was going on from a distance.
I was becoming more curious and attempted to signal it to come closer, but it stopped and started to back away until it disappeared. I was mesmerized by this activity and continued to observe. The orange light then reappeared, accompanied by the white light. The lights were dancing around the sky, going in all different directions.
I stood there, lit another cigarette and watched the lights for about 15 minutes. Then I heard a distinct 'growling' sound coming from the woods behind the house. I could literally hear this thing walking through the brush, cracking limbs as it moved closer. It was growling and snarling. As it moved closer to me, I could see white orbs of various sizes flying throughout the woods. Then the growling and footfalls stopped. After a few seconds, I heard what sounded like someone was calling my name from a distance. There was another call coming another direction as well. I was beginning to get scared, but I wanted to know what this was. Then suddenly a load roar emanated from the edge of the woods. It was so terrifying that also lost the use of my legs. I quickly gathered myself and ran into the house and locked the door. I peeked out the kitchen window and attempted to take photos of the orbs, but the phone went dead. I had just charged the damn thing! I didn't hear anymore roars or sounds, and the orbs soon disappeared.
The next day, July 1st, I called my neighbor who lives down the road on a small farm. I asked her if she had heard or seen anything the previous night. She replied by telling me that something got into her barn and killed 2 turkeys, but she never heard or saw anything. I asked her if I could come over and look around, and she agreed. As I looked around the barn I didn't see anything unusual, but her livestock was very skittish. Her dogs and cat never came outside and were hunkered down in the barn.
I don't know what killed the turkeys, but I have no doubt it was the same thing in the woods behind my house. I later walked through the woods and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but there was what I would call an electric or static charge that affected me has I walked around. It actually gave me a bad headache.
I decided to contact you in regards to this experience because I haven't felt well since then. I'm very weak and have trouble keeping my food down. If it gets worse, I may need to go to the doctor. Have you heard or read any similar situations like this? My brother believes that this was a Bigfoot, but it still doesn't explain the lights, the orbs, the voices and how I feel. Thanks for reading. JM
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cryptofadventure · 10 months
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
Ok so I'm a persona fan yeah?
I got into the series when 5 came out so naturally I played that first right????
How come I felt so fucking cheated when I played through Persona 4?
P4 has a better story, better humor execution, better relationships, better suspense, just better everything save for aesthetics (bc the concept of mysterious thieves and the use of symbolism got me in a chokehold). Dude I'm sorry but as much as I love the Phantom thieves their friendships weren't nearly as close as the Investigation Team and there were times where they were downright malicious to each other (and by that I usually mean Atlus trying to be """funny"" and shit on Ryuji in an uncalled for manner while Morgana is allowed to be a fucking massive creep).
Morgana is fucking disgusting and completely unlikeable and you cannot change my mind, Shido was a hallow villian that pales in comparison to Adachi, they fucked up how cool Akechi's character COULD HAVE BEEN for making him snitch on himself so fucking fast, Okumura's palace was complete dog shit, and Haru was completely robbed of a character from Mona having his little piss fit that literally added nothing to the story but a headache.
Teddie was so fucking loveable and silly I literally cannot understand why people hated him. Dude his ''''weird behavior''' he learned from Yosuke and Yukiko specifically and several of the first dungeons were promiscuous and this mfer has NEVER talked to another person before you expect him NOT to pick up on what he sees his friends doing??? And he never soley went after the girls he did this to EVERYBODY no one was safe from his weird flirting and that's what made it funny vs Mona who literally sexually harrasses a sexual harassment victim at any given moment that's supposed to be his friend and acts like a incel constantly. Him being the 'being of hope' and being this fucking disgusting and selfish is fucking laughable. Fuck that cat.
But moving on since I can literally complain about Mona's character for hours; Shido is weak as fuck. Bro Adachi had LAYERS like an onion bro. He was just a everyday guy and that's what made it fucked up; ANYONE could have fallen down that road. A perfect example is Yosuke; a kid down on his luck, treated like shit no matter how hard he tries, and is consumed by boredom. Had Yosuke's parents not loved him and had ne not met his friends he could have became an Adachi himself. Adachi does a good job at making you feel bad...to a degree. Like bro it sucks your parents didn't give a shit about you, it sucks you made a tiny mistake and got shipped out to the middle of nowhere, and it sucks your love life is non-existent but you ain't had to kill anybody lmao. Also you like him once he pulls the chad move of 'oh man is THAT what i used to sound like??? You're cringe, kill yourself.' to a actual god WHILE it's beating his ass.
In addition I'm so ass mad they removed the cut scenes that gave the Will Seeds has so much more story purpose. I think it's extremely important to see how the villians get to the way they are bc no one is just born fucking evil. They were all just normal people at some point that started tumbling down the wrong road. One I can easily talk about is Kaneshiro. Where I live, gang activity is rampant; you don't just choose that lifestyle. It's a lifestyle your pressured into, or you feel you have no choice, or you are influenced by your media/friends/family. It's hardly ever something you want to do (instagram mfers with guns and drugs that say they're about that life aren't. it's a front to look cool they'd die here in seconds). He was pushed around in a low income neighborhood presumably by other gangsters and he had no choice but to fall inline and when you see YOUR opportunity to be the big dog you take it because it's a dog eat dog world..but that still don't make you a sad beanie baby. You're still a monster for ruining other people's lives by repeating history.
Showing that would have made every villain so much stronger than what they are.
Having Akechi snitch on himself so fast and even without the pancake thing it was blaringly obvious he was a antagonist. How he hated them so passionately, even for his image, didn't make much for a surprise. Also going on about characters; Makoto's hate isn't deserved full stop. 'oH BuT She WantS To Be A pOlIce OffIcer She'S meAn TO TThe GrouP SHe'S a BoOtLiCkEr' shut the fuck up Stacey you on;t hate the police bc you think it's cool but if you were robbed you'd call for 911 before anyone else. Makoto's character was so painful; imagine you lose the parent you were so close to and never met the other and on top of that you have to watch your only sibling turn into a abusive, selfish monster that treats you like shit. And it doesn't stop there, because you're pressured to be the embodiment of the nerd emoji other students hate you and adults take advantage of you. Bro the principal literally went 'I'll destroy your college future if you don't figure out a case the police can't solve'. Bro WHAT.
Also Ryuji was done dirty, Kamoshida was also his villian not just Ann's. I don't care he was still assulted too; homie teased this kid about his drunk dad beating him in front of EVERYONE and broke his leg knowing FULL WELL he's not academically capable and can't go to college any other way that sports now he has to be uncertain about his future.
eh, where was I? I forgot. In short: Persona 4 handled everything better than 5 ever could and it makes me so sad bc 5 has such a good premise and aesthetic. It honestly makes me wanna re-write a good chunk of it and apply it to my P5 blog to satisfy the dweeb in me.
Oh bonus:
If you think Maruki is morally worse than Shido soley bc you're an Akechi simp I think your brain is smoother than a jar of fucking peanut butter and that you've the intelligence of a rock.
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fluencca · 11 months
3, 5 and 15 please!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I've just answered this on another ask, so this time I'll add the caveats: While "Art of Losing" is special to me, emotionally, "favorite" is a pretty vague term and different fics can check that box in different ways. Some handle the largest cast in a way I like best, some have better characterization than others, etc. It really depends on my mood when you ask me. Since it's you, I don't feel bad bragging a little about TOWTISW, which is favorite in some very concrete ways: it's independently both the longest and the most cohesive story I've ever (co)written. It's themes are stretched beyond the usual irondad stuff I write (which is great and I love it, but if I'm being honest it's not super diverse). It gave us a chance to write female characters, and if I dare say so to write them well, and to explore several relationships that haven't been really explored in depth (or at all, if we're looking at Shuri & Tony) neither in canon nor in fanon. So while my answer was Art of Losing, yeah, there are caveats :)
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
(Recycling this one, because I don't have that many unwritten ideas...you get a freebie for another ask, if you want 😆)
Hmmmm. That's a good question. I had a fic idea for a sort of Endgame AU, or at least it has become AU since Endgame came out. I prefer to write canon compliant fics (or st least canonically plausible), and anyway I don't think the fic has much merit as a narrative besides 1-2 interesting scenes. So it'll probably never be written as I imagined it, but parts of it may get repurposed into a different fic one day. Cause those 1-2 scenes really were kinds interesting 😆
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Chapter titles are super easy for me—they tend to be "Chapter One" and "Chapter Two"... It's too much for me to invest energy in chapter titles. The farthest I've departed from that convention is naming the chapter after the POV character it follows. Super imaginative, I know.
Story titles are harder. I don't name stories until I upload the fic (both because I can postpone the chore to the very last minute, and because when I know I can't procrastinate any longer I have to just pick something and post already). Once I'm looking at that mockingly empty title box ("you have to put something here!"), I try to think of the most distinct themes ("You Always Start from Scratch," about Tony learning how to fold Peter into his family post Endgame), or a favorite line from the fic ("Insane Mistakes Everybody Makes"). Thinking back to my fics, apparently I also sometimes take a relevant line from the source material ("Monster Headache" from White Collar, or "Cheap Tricks" from Iron Man 3).
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