#the way omega looked so serious after hunter said it
missunsympathetic · 1 month
Omega: But I want to join your search for Fennec too!
Hunter: It's too dangerous. Besides, I have a much harder and more complicated mission for you
Hunter: Try to get Crosshair to take care of himself
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theladyfulcrum · 1 year
Come here children. Come here. Sit down. Take my hands. Listen.
Here’s what we are not going to do. We are not going to let them unravel us and leave us in a heap of bawling bodies. They want us to sob until our eyes fall out and we rupture our abdominal organs because they’re heartless and sadistic and part of STAR WARS—shhh, steady—but we are going to remain CALM. Call it denial, call it call it bargaining, call it what you will, but he’s not gone.
Deep breaths, all together now. Crying is cathartic and necessary for coping with the emotional abuse we endure at the hands of Filoni et al., but don’t cry from lost hope. I’m serious. Was it among the worst things we could have possibly been forced to watch? Has a good majority of the fandom been mulling where the hell we are supposed to find the will to go on after that? Of course. But they’ll be back. And Tech will be, too.
Hush, child. Listen to me.
There was a reason he fell into cloud-cover. He could have been falling into anything. Water can be lethal from that height, yes, but let’s all just remember what Hunter pulled in War-Mantle with falling OUT OF A SHIP and down a LITERAL MOUNTAIN and surviving that with JUST HIS KNIFE. HIS KNIFE, KIDS. Tech accepted what he was doing, and he was okay with dying if that was what this meant, but he’s Tech. Once he fell from view he did whatever he could to increase his odds of getting out of it alive. Trust.
Speaking of falling from view— we know the Clone Wars rules. No body, no confirmed death. Forget that— we know the STAR WARS rules. Even if someone gets SLICED IN HALF before your VERY EYES and FALLS AN INDETERMINABLE-BUT-DEFINITELY-NOT-SURVIVABLE DISTANCE, they STILL aren’t dead. Further still, if you had put the two scenes in front of me with no context, I would have said Echo’s death in an EXPLOSION of FIRE seemed more final and certain that Tech falling away from us. And no, I don’t care about the argument that it’s a kId’S ShOW so they wouldn’t show us the body. Go watch Colt’s death and get back to me. Or you know, pretty much any Clone Wars episode.
BUT THE GOGGLES, you wail. I know, dear heart, I know. I see the cracks in them every time I close my eyes. But Hemlock getting his hands on those isn’t confirmation of anything other than what we already know— no matter where he wound up, Tech is having a Very Bad Time™️. Whether he lost them on the extremely unpleasant way down or whether he’s being experimented on in critical condition is hardly a nicer thing to know, but we’ll take just about anything right now if it means we’ll see our boy again, won’t we?
Shhh, I’m not through. We also have that scene with Phee. If it had been a true goodbye, if Tech had shown an ounce of the development he had with Omega about differences in emotional processing and communication, you’d have seen my soul depart through the atmosphere. But no. That scene’s entire purpose was to be unresolved. Was it just to make us incurably sad in retrospect? Maybe. But my gut says no— there’s more he needs to say to her.
On that note, the same goes for Tech and Crosshair. I refuse to believe we’ll never see them together again. I don’t have anything stronger than my refusal, but my feelings on this are rock solid. There’s also the important issue of THE Bad Batch theme— you know how they’ve established a precedent of not using it unless the whole Batch is together? Collectively, we’re going to refuse to believe they’re going to break that now. And there’s too much love for that theme to never hear it again.
Finally, beloveds, we come to our old favorite: story analysis. You know I’m insufferable about this, but listen. If we look at screenwriting, if we look at story structure, if we look at BEATS, this is the old “DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL” for the Batch (and us obviously). It’s the ALL IS LOST. The EVERYTHING IS AWFUL AND THE HEROES ARE AT THEIR LOWEST LOW. It’s the classic “oh my god this second installment is EMOTIONAL TORTURE HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME” that we can point to in novels, shows, and film series again and again. It’s the ESB ending, it’s the Catching Fire ending, it’s the Rebels S2 AHSOKA IS D E A D AND ANAKIN KILLED HER ending. S3 will open as they enter Act III, where they use what they’ve learned to move upwards toward the finale of this particular story arc. Doesn’t that sound like something nice to cling to?
There now. If I’m wrong, I’ll give you all the choice of k!lling me first or tossing me alive out of a plane with no *hard swallow* parachute, jet pack, or functional grappling gun. But I truly believe you won’t have to.
In the year or two we have to wait, cry for his absence, cry for the Batch being more fractured and farther apart than they ever have been, cry for Hunter feeling like he’s failed everyone he loves, cry for all of it, but not because you’ve lost hope that all might not be lost.
Tech will be back.
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fanfoolishness · 8 days
Patching Up
After the events of The Return, Crosshair realizes Batcher's in need of patching up. It turns out she's not the only one.
Spoilers for 3x05 The Return and 2x12 The Outpost, Crosshair, Batcher, and Hunter, angst and family feels. <3 2770 words.
It was well before sunrise when the Remora arrived back to Pabu.  Crosshair shook off the nap he’d settled into and got to his feet for landing, tucking his helmet beneath his arm.  On the bunk across the way, Omega and Batcher lay snoring, curled up together.  He smiled faintly at the sight.  
“Come on, kid,” Wrecker said softly, scooping Omega into his arms.  She yawned, wrapping her arms around his neck, but still kept her eyes firmly squeezed shut.  “Let’s get you to bed.”  
Crosshair watched them go.  He had the sense that this was something that had happened many times before; Omega small and sleepy, Wrecker there to carry her to bed.  It had looked like such a familiar action for them both.  Something in him panged at the thought.
There was a small boof noise beside him.  He glanced down in time to see Batcher nudge his hand with her muzzle, wagging her tiny tail as she eased into a vast stretch.  He patted her nose obligingly.  It was the least he could do.
He passed Hunter and Echo, deep in conversation still in the cockpit, and made his way back out into the predawn air beneath the glinting stars and swinging moon.  He took a deep breath of the fresh ocean breeze.  He was still getting used to it, the taste and smell of the clean sea air so different from Tantiss’ stale recycled scent.  His hand flinched, and he jammed his hand against his leg, willing it to still.
He clicked under his tongue for Batcher, but she didn’t attend.  He turned around.  She was sitting on the ground several feet away in an awkward pose, chewing aggressively at one of her front paws.  He clicked his tongue again, and she came this time, clearly limping.  
“What have you gotten into?” Crosshair asked, concerned.  She sat down beside him, then immediately turned to lick at her other front paw.  “Uh-uh,” he said firmly, and she stopped to give him a guilty look.
He sighed under his breath, then made up his mind.  “Stay here.”  He headed back into the ship, interrupting Echo and Hunter and their poring over the data retrieved from the datapad.  “I need a medpac.  I think the hound is wounded.  Nothing serious, but I can check her over.”
Echo nodded.  “Of course.  Back near the bunks, third crate.”
“AZI might be able to take a look at her, too,” said Hunter.  “You could ask him --”
“The medpac will do,” said Crosshair shortly.  I’m sure AZI could look at your hand for you…  No.  He didn’t need the droid for this.  
Crosshair followed Echo’s instructions, collecting a kit with basic supplies.  He left out the diagnostic scanner -- he doubted it had been calibrated to lurca hounds -- but took the bandage materials, hyposprays and splints, wondering if he would need to make a human wrist splint work for the hound’s blocky leg.  
He headed back outside… and the damn hound was gone.
Of course.  Try to help the creature, and it had taken off.  He scanned the mesa for movement beneath the stars and the solar lamps, eyes flicking across the landscape, but came up short; only a few moon-yos scampered across the ground, their dark shadows clear in the dim light.  He put his helmet on, toggling on thermal vision.  Ah.  A chunky heat signature was nudging open the gate at the little house they’d been taking meals at.  She was nothing if not predictable.  
He caught up with her in a few minutes, closing the gate quietly behind him.  Batcher was laying down, curled up defensively, chewing at her feet again with an appalling licking sound.  He set down his helmet on the table and slowly approached.
“Stop that,” said Crosshair evenly.  “You’ll only make it worse.”  He knelt beside her with the medical supplies and she hunkered into herself, giving him a wary expression.  He gave her a skeptical look, then averted his gaze until she relaxed again.  “Don’t bite me.”
She licked his face instead, and he scrubbed off the saliva vigorously with his gloved hand.  “No.”  She sat there panting, looking perfectly pleased with herself.  He reached for the closest paw, tugging it out from beneath her.  She tensed, but let him turn her paw over.  
Even in the starlight and lamplight, it was easy to see the issue; while her paws didn’t seem to be swollen and nothing felt broken, her pads were scraped raw, swollen and dotted with specks of beading blood.  Carefully he checked them all.  The front left was the worst, with a thick slice of skin hanging torn from the edge of the pad, but all were affected in some way.  The sight pained him.
“The ice,” he murmured.  “You weren’t made for it.”  She whined, laying down and pulling her paw away from him.  Of course a beast meant to survive the jungles around Tantiss wouldn’t have the protection against the cold needed for Barton IV.
He and Mayday hadn’t, either.
The bitter wind shearing his exposed face, fingers locked and frozen around the Firepuncher, desperately dragging Mayday closer to keep him warm --
Crosshair shook the memory off and took a packet of numbing gel out of the medpac, rubbing it cautiously on the paw with the lacerated pad.  She tolerated it surprisingly well.  He wasn’t sure how she’d take the next step, though.
He pulled out the sterilization spray canister and affixed it to the hypospray, but hesitated before using it.  He knew from experience in the field that it stung like a wyyyschokk’s bite, even if it was effective.  He had reluctantly accepted that Batcher liked him -- he couldn’t fathom why -- but he was skeptical of her ability to not bite him while using it.
He sighed.  Omega talked to the hound constantly, and she did seem to understand much of what Omega said to her.  Perhaps it was worth a try.  Might distract the beast, anyway.
“Hold still.  This’ll sting, but it helps.”  Batcher let him take her paw in his hands, but jerked it away as the mist settled onto the torn surface of the pad.  Crosshair rolled his eyes.  “What did I just say?  The wounds need cleaning.  I know it stings, but it’s temporary.”  He tried to take her paw again, and she let him do it, though her beady eyes stared warily at him.  
“There,” he said, spraying the paw.  This time she let him hold it under the full duration of the spray, though she anxiously licked his face several times.  He blinked, but kept going until he had treated all four paws, the saliva drying sticky on his face.  “Good.”  She wagged her tail.
He reached for the bandages, but frowned.  They were all pre-cut, in shapes that wouldn’t fit the irregularities of Batcher’s huge paws.  He rummaged around in the medpac, coming out with a sealant spray instead.
“We should have checked your feet after the mission,” Crosshair muttered to the hound, taking up one of her back paws and applying a thin layer of sealant.  She trembled but let him do it.  
He thought of the time Hunter had hidden a poisonous bite on some backwater world in the midst of one of their first field missions, and had nearly passed out in a field of battle droids before Tech had been able to render emergency first aid.  They’d yelled at him for ten minutes solid after the battle, furious and scared both.  His mouth quirked to one side at the memory, the squabbling, the relief.  
“Feeling better?”
She looked up at him, whimpering.  
“Not yet?  Hm.”  He reached for her next paw, shaking his head.  “That ice…  It’s brutal.”
She woofed softly, almost in agreement, as he worked on her foot.  “At least it wasn’t a blizzard,” he said.  He went very still except for his hand, which trembled against her paw.  “Mayday never had a chance.”
Batcher rumbled, rolling away from him onto her back, scratching herself on the patio floor.  She rolled back up to her side and sniffed the air, looking alert and attentive, before nudging his arm with the great crest on her head.  
“He saved my life, you know.”  He finished with the second back paw, moving to the less severely affected front paw.  The words dripped out of him, slow and difficult to speak but just as difficult to stop, now that he’d started.  “I stepped on a pressure mine.  I’d have been killed.  He could have gone on without me.”  He paused.  It was suddenly hard to breathe, despite the clean ocean air surrounding them.  He scanned the sky above him, making out the lightening of the coming dawn. 
What unit were you with?  A simple question.  One he’d heard regs ask each other a thousand times.  It was the first time one had ever asked him.
It doesn’t matter.  (Except it did.  It always had.)
Humor me.  I could use the distraction.  
Clone Force 99.  He’d been frozen, not with the cold, not even with the threat of certain death.  Answering the question had been somehow more difficult than standing perfectly still.
What happened to them?  
They’re… gone.  It had felt like a lie even as he said it.  Were they gone?
Was he?
Crosshair shivered, coming back to himself.  “It never occurred to him to leave a man behind.  Even though I told him I’d leave him in a heartbeat.”  He reached out, scratching Batcher on the spot on her neck she liked.  She leaned into it, tail wagging furiously.  Short spiky blue-gray hair clung to his glove, poking uncomfortably in spots through the fabric, but he only scratched harder.  
He finished the third paw.  “Almost done.  Worst for last.”  She wiggled away, panting, but he fixed her with a sharp look.  “Give it.”  He took the last paw, the one with the deep tear, and hoped the numbing gel had done its work.  He pulled out a vial of tissue glue.  Batcher sniffed it and growled.  “It’s this or a bandage.  Trust me, you’ll prefer this.”  
He carefully daubed the glue at the edges of the torn pad, hoping it would take.  She’d be less irritated if the torn pad could cover the wound, and there was a chance it could reattach and heal more quickly that way.  He wished they’d found it earlier; the edges of the pad were extra dry, and he wasn’t sure if they were still vital or not.  
Well, he’d have to keep checking it.  This would do for now.
Batcher sat quietly, only fidgeting a little.  Around them, the sky continued lightening, hints of color -- gold and orange -- starting up on the horizon.  Birds began to stir.  Focused on the wound, Crosshair found himself talking again.
“We were trapped in an avalanche,” he murmured.  “Mayday shoved me out of the way… saved me again.  I tried to save him.”  
He’d tried.  Oh, how he’d tried.  For a moment the gentle cool air of Pabu was a raging blizzard, the gold-edged sky a flare of blue-white mist.  The chill sank into his bones, and he shivered again, trying to hold her paw steady.  Even now he could only half-remember the terrible journey back to the outpost, the day and night of vicious, unending cold, Mayday heavy and wounded against him.  His breath came too fast, his chest searing.
“I couldn’t,” he whispered.  “I didn’t.”  He hung his head, dropping the hound’s patched-up paw, and rested his hand on her shoulder.
His neck prickled.  It’s about knowing when you’ve got eyes on you.  His shoulders slumped, and without turning around, he raised his voice.  “How long have you been there?”
Hunter’s voice, expected, familiar.  Of course.  “... a few minutes.”
“Still spying on me?” Crosshair asked, but without any real venom.  He didn’t have it in him, not after the fight with the ice wyrm, not after their talk earlier.  He heard the gate open behind him, and Hunter’s quiet footsteps approached closer until his brother sat down beside him.
“Not intentionally,” said Hunter, shrugging.  “Echo will be heading out soon.  Figured I’d come back here to get some sleep.”  He nodded to the hound, stretching out his hand.  “Everything all right?”  Batcher sniffed his hand, then licked it enthusiastically.  Hunter scratched her chin.
“The hound should be fine,” Crosshair said.  “Hurt her paws on the ice.”
“Omega will be glad you fixed her up,” Hunter said.  “You and Tech were always handiest with the medpacs.”
Crosshair sniffed.  “Except Tech actually knew what he was doing.”  They both fell quiet.  Tech always knew what he was doing.  Until --
He only knew the barest details of what happened.  He still wasn’t sure he would ever be able to ask for more, not when every mention of his brother still made his gut clench.  The birdsong swelled around them as the sky blushed gold, and he and Hunter sat with the silence, with the missing space.  
The quiet stretched, weighing on both of them.  Crosshair knew he could say nothing.  Could pretend Hunter hadn’t snuck up on him, could assume he hadn’t heard a thing about what he’d muttered to the hound, could get up and go inside and grab some sleep.  But he had to know.  
“What did you hear?” Crosshair asked quietly, looking down at his hands, at the tremor starting.  He slid his right hand behind him, where Hunter couldn’t see.
Hunter looked away.  He hadn’t seen.  Had he?  “Back at the outpost, I saw you with those helmets.  I wondered.  This Mayday… was he one of them?”
“Commander Mayday,” Crosshair said automatically.  It was important to say it.
“You lost him.”  It wasn’t a question.  Crosshair braced for it, the look of judgment, the disapproval.  But Hunter turned his gaze back to him, his dark eyes merely thoughtful. 
“It didn’t have to be that way.”  It was too painful to explain the cruelty of it all to Hunter, the guarded crates, the men’s patched armor, their loyalty discarded like another broken piece of equipment, the hiss of “clone.”  He didn’t try.  He just reached out and petted Batcher again, his hand shaking against her fur.  He hoped Hunter wouldn’t notice.  “He was a good soldier.  I tried to --”  He let out a long breath, ducking his head.  “I did everything I could.  The lieutenant could have helped him.  But he wasn’t worth the resources.”  Hatred burned the back of his throat with the word.
Hunter nodded, reaching up to clasp his shoulder.  Crosshair closed his eyes, the weight of his brother’s hand on his shoulder both utterly alien, and yet as natural as breathing.  He leaned into it, and Hunter’s hand was steady, solid, trusting.
For a moment, it felt like the old days.
He looked back at Hunter, and his brother’s face softened, a flicker of sadness shifting through his eyes like a passing shadow.  “I know this isn’t easy.  Talking’s not --”
“My strong suit?” Crosshair cracked, managing a short huff of a laugh.  “Mhm.”  It had come easier than he’d thought it would, though.  Something in his chest seemed to have loosened, like he could breathe more freely.
Hunter chuckled.  “Right.  Not always mine, either.  But hey.  We managed not to kill each other out there.”  
He dropped his hand from Crosshair’s shoulder, reaching out and petting Batcher, who had curled up and falling asleep.  She kicked her foot contentedly as he scratched.  His voice was rough.  “I wish things had been different.  For Commander Mayday.  For all of us.”
Crosshair nodded slowly.  There were too many things to count -- Tantiss, Tech, Barton IV.  Further back, Desix, Kamino, Bracca, Kaller.  He could take none of it back.  
The only path remaining was forward.  
Crosshair clambered to his feet, reaching down and giving Hunter a hand.  Hunter took it without a beat, letting himself be helped up.  
“Come on,” Crosshair said, squinting into the dawn.  “It’s late.”
Hunter laughed.  “All right then.  Coming?” he asked the hound.  Batcher rolled up to her feet, frisking around them, no sign now of a limp.  “Looks like you did good work.”
Crosshair watched her prance, painless and happy.  “Just doing my part,” he said.  She nuzzled his hand, then bounded toward the building, sitting patiently by the door.  He crossed the yard to join her, passing Hunter.
“It’s good to have you back.”
“Uh-huh,” he said, but more warmly than usual.  The door opened for him, and Crosshair stepped inside, a half-smile tugging at his face.  
It was good to be back.
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ghostofskywalker · 4 months
hellooo! i'm really excited about your winter ficlets and wanted to request something!
what about “I don’t think either of us are qualified for this, but sure, go for it” with tech? i'm really wondering what he wouldn't be qualified for. 🤭 and i don't mind about the reader's pronouns, you can write what you're up to!
hello! this was such an interesting and fun prompt for him, i hope you enjoy my interpretation!
words: 840
summary: omega's in a bad mood, and neither you nor your boyfriend know what to do about it.
note: the mechanics of this fic rely on the idea that when they're on Ord Mantell, the batch rent an apartment so that they're not on the ship all the time.
Not Qualified
clone troopers masterlist || request a winter ficlet
The sound of Omega’s door slamming shut echoed throughout the tiny apartment, and you could have sworn you heard some of the plates in the cabinet rattle. Not sure what to do, you looked at Tech. “Any idea what that’s about?”
Looking as confused as you felt, he shook his head. “I understand that Omega may be worried that Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo haven’t returned by now, but this behavior is far from normal for her.”
“Do you want to check on her and make sure everything is okay?”
He looked at you like you had just suggested that he wrestle a gundark with his bare hands. “What?”
“Someone should check on Omega,” you said, a confused look on your face. “She clearly needs to talk to someone right now.”
“What about you?”
Your eyes widened. “I don’t know how qualified I am for something like this. Usually bounty hunters can just kill their problems, and that’s definitely not what needs to happen here. Besides, you’re her brother.”
“Look, I don’t think either of us are qualified for this,” Tech said. “But we should still go for it.”
As you looked at his face, you could see a glimpse of something in his eyes that you didn’t quite recognize at first, until it came to you. Tech was nervous. It made sense of course, because Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo had embraced their newfound role of “big brother” a little easier than he did, because he had always been a little bit less social than the rest of the crew. Hells, it had taken you what felt like forever to finally get him to realize that you liked him, and the relationship you had with him was still just barely out of the friend zone. You knew it had to be nerve-wracking right now, to be the only one of his brothers here and having a issue that can’t necessarily be solved with cold hard facts, and you reached out to take his hand. “Come on, let’s go together.”
A gruff “come in” sounded through the door moments after you knocked, and the door opened to reveal Omega laying face down on her bed, with the plush Aiwha you had gotten for her at a market laying haphazardly on the floor (which was likely launched into the air from the momentum of her throwing herself on the bed).
You were definitely not prepared for this, but it would be much worse to just turn around and leave, so you took a few steps into the room. “I can tell that something is bothering you honey,” you said gently. “Do you want to talk about it? It may make you feel better.”
She pulled her body upwards off the bed, and you could see the way her eyes shined with tears. “When is everyone else going to come back?” she asked, and your heart broke.
Growing up where she did and being watched over exclusively by Kaminoans clearly affected her, and now that she had found something of a family it had to be hard to watch some of them leave. Even if it was simply for a mission, part of the team leaving meant that she still had to spend more time without the people she cared so deeply about. “I don’t know,” you admitted softly. “But they won’t be gone forever, I know that.”
Tech looked like he was going to open his mouth to say something, but you shot him a quick glare. Yes, you knew that every mission meant the chance of serious injury or death, and Omega probably knew that too, but technicalities were not what she needed to hear right now.
Thankfully, he seemed to get the message. “Yes, Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker will be back as soon as they can,” Tech said, and you watched as Omega ran over to him. He definitely looked a little shocked as his sister threw her arms around him, and you could see the way he looked to you for help. You mimed wrapping your arms around something to give him a little hint of what to do in this moment, and he nodded quickly.
You watched as Tech followed your hint, and you could see Omega’s tears start to stop. You knew that her heartbreak wasn’t something that could be fixed right away (or maybe at all), but with some time (and maybe a little bit of ice cream), you might be able to help make this a little less difficult for her.
It was impossible to ignore the smile that crept over your face at the sight of Omega clutching onto Tech like he was going to disappear, simply because he looked really surprised when it first happened. You had a feeling though, that he would be settling into his newfound role as big brother a little easier from now on.
And maybe, later you would get to gleefully inform him that he was wrong about neither of you being qualified to help in this particular situation.
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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antares-ct-9905 · 1 year
Hunter's first time | The Bad Batch oneshot
Hunter x Female reader // Hunter x You
Tumblr media
Word count: 4105.
Warnings: Spoilers from The Bad Batch S2E13, NSFW, Smut, Explicit, Fluff, Unprotected Sex (use protection IRL).
Note: I was inspired by the Episode 13 in Season 2 but without the tremor nor the tsunami.
Ao3: [link]
Wattpad: [link]
You are a bounty hunter who joined the group temporarily after altruistically saving Omega. You needed to escape from a planet and they offered their help in exchange. Since you had nothing left and nowhere to go, and Omega got well along with you, she convinced her brothers to let you be part of their team temporarily. Of course, you put yourself at their service to collaborate and not be a nuisance.
At first, they didn't trust you, especially Hunter, the most protective of them all. But over time, they discovered that behind the appearance of a cold-blooded assassin, there was a kind hearted person and you won their affection.
--------- 🔞ONLY +18 ----------
The team and you have settled in Pabu, and you have been there for a few days. They were given a house, and you got a smaller one. Wrecker and Omega went out for the day, Tech and Phee went out on what seemed like a date. Hunter stayed alone and went for a walk in the afternoon, the sunset views were a gift to remember.
You were leaning on the balcony in front of your house, enjoying the orange and purple colors that were painted in the sky. Pabu was a tropical island, the sea surrounded you to the infinity, and the houses on the entire island were starting to light up.
Hunter's aimless walk led him to pass right in front of your lodging, casually. A warm smile appeared on his face when he saw you, he approached you and leaned on the railing next to you.
"Enjoying the view?" he said after clearing his throat.
The landscape had you so absorbed that a startle brought you out of your trance. Although you maintained a calm composure, your heart was pounding.
"Oh! Hi Hunter, what are you doing here? And the others?" You looked over his shoulder hoping to see them coming after him, but no one else appeared.
Hunter told you about everyone's plans and that he spent the day relaxing, but he was a little tired of doing nothing and decided to go for a walk.
You told him that you were also a little bored of being alone and invited him to stay and chat for a bit. He accepted delightedly, his eyes shining.
The hours passed and you talked about a little bit of everything. You shared about your tough childhood on the streets and how you were trained to be an assassin, about growing up as a special clone on Kamino, and about how sweet Omega was. Meanwhile, you went to a nearby stall for dinner. There were few people there, and the atmosphere felt private. As you began to speculate about what plans Tech and Phee had for the 'date', you asked Hunter between laughs.
"His first date? You make it sound like it's the first one in his whole life."
Hunter, looking serious and not knowing where to look, responded.
"Our purpose has been to fight, we haven't had any chance to have any kind of relationship," he muttered.
When you heard his words, you felt empathy for them, as you too were forced to train from a young age with the purpose of being an assassin. Luckily, you were able to find your way out of that world years ago, which is how you later became a bounty hunter. Even so, despite not being able to afford to fall in love and have a partner, you had had your occasional encounters. So, since the subject came up, you decided to satisfy your curiosity.
Hunter was an attractive man to you. His long hair and tattoed face were very sexy, perhaps too aggressive for most people, but that only made him more attractive to you. Nothing like a tough guy appearance. And when you got to know him and saw his protective side with Omega, it got you extremely hot to see that duality of tough-guy-good-guy in him. On more than one occasion, your hands slid under your underwear to give yourself pleasure while thinking about him. You bit your lower lip and asked him.
"So... you haven't been with any women before?"
You leaned in closer, interested in his answer. Imagining someone like him being inexperienced was quite arousing to you.
Hunter tried to clear his throat, it was obvious that this wasn't a topic he was used to discussing and he looked uncomfortable. His fingers were restless.
"Um... no," he stammered as he scratched his neck, his face completely red.
You leaned in a bit more, tempted to tease him fondly. He looked cute to you, all embarrassed like that.
"Nothing at all? Not even a casual encounter?" you insisted.
"We haven't had time for anything other than war or survival," he said bluntly.
Your expression went from mischievous to sad. You furrowed your brow, and your lips turned down. "Poor things, they haven't enjoyed life," you thought.
You pressed your lips together for a moment to think about what to say, but before your mind could catch up, the words were already coming out of your mouth.
"Well, if you're interested in knowing what it's like to bed a woman... Well... I'm willing to help you. You and I have nothing to do tonight."
You couldn't believe what you had just said, your heart was racing. But you said it already and you had to keep your composure. So you offered him your best smile as you touched your hair.
Hunter's face went pale, he was breathless and as stiff as a protocol droid. As soon as he regained his speech, he thanked you hastily for the offer and quickly excused himself to go back home.
You had no choice but to accept that you fucked up and endure the embarrassment, knowing that it would haunt you from that day on, each time you see him.
It was already late at night, you stayed drinking alone to try to forget the shame you had just experienced. You were already in your pajamas - if being in panties and a tank top could be considered that - and decided it was time to go to sleep.
You heard a noise at the entrance, someone knocked on the door with their knuckles. Although there was no crime in that city, your survival instincts automatically kicked in. You approached with a hidden knife in your hand and, cautiously, asked who it was. You didn't expect to hear his deep voice.
"It's me, Hunter. Hope I didn't startle you."
You quickly drop the weapon and crack the door open to peek out, since you're not decent for him to see.
"Not at all. Has something happened? What are you doing here?" you ask, looking down and blushing.
He seems uneasy, he cleared his throat. He's dressed in a short-sleeved green shirt, with a short kimono of the same color that was crossed in front and a belt at the waist. Below that, loose pants that end inside his high leather boots. He was dressed exactly as before, "didn't he went home after all?" you ask yourself.
"I've been thinking... about what you said earlier," he said in a hoarse voice.
He paused briefly, which felt like two full rotations, but you didn't interrupt him because you could tell he still had something else to say.
"I would like... to be with you... if your offer still stands." He couldn't say it all out loud or maintain eye contact with you for more than a second.
As soon as he finished, all your worries dissipated at hyperdrive speed. In their place, a pulse in your intimate areas sent a shiver down your spine.
"It will be my pleasure, Hunter. Please come in," you looked him up and down.
You relaxed your expression and smiled. You opened the door wider for him to come in, staying behind it and then closing it. When he entered and turned to see you, barely dressed, you noticed how his whole body became rigid. He shifted his weight, as if trying to adjust his leg due to some discomfort in his pants. You could tell he was struggling to keep his gaze on your eyes and not look where he shouldn't.
"I'm glad I didn't scare you off earlier, I didn't know how I was going to face you", you said with relief.
"Uh, yeah. I certainly didn't expect it. But I've been thinking about it and..." he spoke cautiously and shyly.
With a suppressed giggle, you brought your right hand to his face to stroke the fringe that fell over the bandana, playing with his hair. It was softer than you expected. Your other hand rested on his arm, feeling strong to the touch.
"Get ready, you're going to lose your virginity tonight, Hunter. Do not worry, I'll be gentle”, You smiled with complicity, noticing that it was difficult for him to swallow.
Your hand left his hair and began to trace the line of his prominent eyebrow on his tattooed side. Your fingers followed the path from his temple to his sunken cheeks, ending at his chin. He had shaved a couple of days ago and his skin felt rough to the touch. Your heart was racing as he stood so close.
He was still, completely lost and at your mercy. He just twitched his hands restlessly on either side of his body, as if he didn't know what to do with them. You rested your palms on his pectorals, making circles on his kimono. His breath was heavily. You closed the distance between the two of you stepping forward. The house was almost in darkness, just an ambient light that you left on.
You wet your lips and brought your face closer to his, slowly, until your lips rubbed together superficially, without exerting pressure, as if you wanted to tickle him. You could feel his hot breath on your mouth, with a ragged breathing. At the same time, your hands slid up his clavicle, past his neck, and ending at his back.
After you admired him for a few moments, you gave him a soft kiss, slow and simple, just on the lips. Hunter let out a moan as he closed his eyes, resting his hands on your waist. He sighed to try to calm himself down. You gave him a couple more timid kisses, this time shorter, but with the same care.
"Are you sure you want to do this?", you said softly and looked into his eyes.
He couldn't find the words, so he nodded his head. You responded with a smile to try to calm his -obvious- nerves.
"Come, let's get more comfortable."
You took him by the hand and led him to your room. He was behind you and you could feel his gaze scanning every inch of your body. His trembling hand was slightly sweaty. You turned on the bedside light so as not to be in absolute darkness, you wanted an intimate setting but also to be able to see him in all his splendor, and for him to see you too. You were still holding hands, you didn't want to lose tact with his skin.
"Let yourself go. Do what your body wants, don't be afraid. You won't break me," you whispered with a playful chuckle, releasing the grip and turning towards him to cup his face with both hands.
He frowned with uncertainty and concern, it was a completely new and unexpected experience for him.
"Understood," he finally said with a shaky smile, as if it were a mission and you were his superior.
Your bodies leaned into a kiss with more intensity than the first one that you gave him in the living room. Your hands snaked up the nape of his neck, gently balling into fists to better feel the strands of hair between your fingers. Hunter, on the other hand, traced the outline of your body, up and down, along your sides. The kisses were only broken to get some air.
You were being flooded by Hunter's essences. A blend of damp earth, metal, and leather. They were the scents of war, of his armor, of a soldier. The smell of a man who knows what he's doing and how to survive. It got you very horny.
Your lips parted slightly to stick out your tongue. You traced his lower lip until he took the hint that he should repeat your play as well. Suddenly, your tongues met in a wet dance inside your mouths. Hunter wrapped his arms around your waist tightly, you couldn't suppress a moan, you were overcome by the need for him to be inside you.
You managed to detach yourself from his mouth and you looked at him with the hunger of a beast that hadn't eaten for days, wanting to tear his clothes off. Between gasps, you started to remove his belt, he quickly assisted you and in less than a second it was out. His kimono opened automatically and you ran across his chest over the shirt. You reached under it, and as he removed his kimono, you lifted his shirt until his bare torso was facing you. You liked his olive skin so much!
"You don't know how I've been longing for this, Hunter", you let out between sighs as you ate him with your eyes.
“I'm all yours,” he gasped.
Like a moth to the light, you stuck to him to kiss him on the neck. Hunter no longer held back, his moans were louder and more frequent. He tipped his head back to give you some more space. He could feel your breasts oppressed against him, his hands were gaining confidence and you noticed how he caressed your bust on the sides. You pulled away for a moment to give him a chance to touch them better, and he did.
His large and calloused hands cupped your breasts gently, afraid not to squeeze too hard. His thumbs rubbed your erect nipples across your shirt, you didn't have a bra on, that thin layer of fabric was the only thing separating him from your skin. You mischievously pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed, you could feel his erection through his pants. You placed your knees on the bed as well, on each side of Hunter, you were on top of him with your hips elevated, you still didn't want your private areas to rub together. You looked at each other with lust and he groped your firm rear, taking advantage of the space.
After a couple more kisses bathed in both of your saliva, you stuck out your chest for him to massage them again. You put your hands on his to show him how to bring your breasts together so that he could feel how far he could compress them without hurting you. You began to notice how Hunter tilted his hip with a swinging movement. As soon as you let him explore freely, he wasted no time in lifting your tank top, you finished pulling it off over your head. Your breasts were exposed.
Hunter didn't know you had a large snake tattoo that ran across your chest and down your side. When he saw it, he pushed you down himself and lifted his hips until you felt great pressure below, huffing and puffing. Your panties were wet for a while ago and the arousal with the touch of his erection made it worse.
"I didn't know you had tattoos too," he exclaimed excitedly.
"Would you have liked to find out earlier?" you teased him.
"Better late than never," he replied.
Hunter put a hand on your back for support, you leaned back and with the other hand he slid his index and middle fingers from your navel to the neckline, grabbing one breast and then the other. You returned to your position from before, sitting on him with your back straight, and Hunter took the opportunity to run his tongue over your nipples.
"Ahh.. Hunter!" you let out.
Your heart was about to burst out of your chest, your iner parts was so swollen that it ached, and if you kept going like that, you were going to stain his pants. So you got up and started taking off his boots, luckily they were easy to slip off. You took one off and he did the other.
You introduced your fingers through the waist of his pants and his underwear, lowering them at once. His manhood was so hard that it bounced in front of your face when you undressed him. You heard how Hunter let all the air out of his lungs, seeing himself completely exposed in front of you.
You got on your knees and caressed his hairy legs with your fingers, leaving a trail of kisses behind them, from his knees to his inner thighs, ending at his crotch. Avoiding touching his erection to torment him some more. Hunter called your name, frowning, when you made the move to lick him but dodged it by aiming to the opposite leg. His organ had an involuntary contraction and a droplet of precum appeared.
When you had teased him enough, you used both hands to caress his cock, it was wide and veined, slightly curved downwards. You used the entire length of it to pleasure him, Hunter's head was thrown back and he rolled his eyes. His hands dropped to your head, as he brushed his fingers through your mane, then you opened your mouth and took it inside you. You tasted the liquid and that made you groan with your mouth full. You played with your tongue while you gave him fellatio, turning it around the glans. From time to time you would firmly grab his member and, with your gaze fixed on his face, completely blushed, you would lick it from the base to the tip, to end up introducing it again at once. Hunter's legs wouldn't stop shaking.
"Oh fuck!" Hunter said, rapidly inhaling and exhaling.
You gave him a kiss on the tip with your swollen lips. You got up and took him to the bed, to lie on his back. You took off your underwear, curving your body sensually. His gaze was fixed intensely on your shaved area, French bikini style. You were both completely naked at last, your battle scars standing out in the light from the bedside table.
You crawled across the bed to end up on top of him. Hunter welcomed you with open arms, groping your entire body. His dick was rock hard, throbbing. You leaned in to kiss his neck, he took the opportunity to kiss your clavicle and your shoulder.
Hunter bent his knees to support the soles of his feet, he was seething with excitement, his hips rose and fell pushing you with all his power. You also moved your hips but with the movement inverted, to put more pressure when your sensitive areas pressed against each other.
"I think it is going to explode", he begged indirectly for you to relieve him.
With your tongue, you licked from the base of his neck, where you were kissing him, to behind his earlobe. Right after you bit  it carefully. Hunter arched his back in pleasure and dug his fingers into your thighs.
"We'll need to fix that", you whispered in his ear.
You sat on him, grabbed his member in front of you, and brought yourself up on your knees, aiming his member just below your entrance. Hunter was expectant, stroking your thighs on the outside and inside, in circular motions.
You were descending with your body towards his cock, you were so wet that it had no resistance. You decided to go down little by little, for him to feel your warmth and get used to the pressure of your vagina. His arms stretched out the width of the bed, he closed his eyes and moaned, trusting you completely. Once it was completely inside you, you let it rest for a few moments. It felt so good.
“It's all inside me”, you gasped and he looked at the area with wide eyes.
Your hands were resting on his -well-trained- abs, his hairs tickled your fingers. You started to rotate the waist, squeezing down even more, you wanted it inside as much as possible. Your breasts protruded tightly in your arms, Hunter grabbed them with his hands and fondled them as you taught him before. Then your body began to go up and down, each time with more rhythm.
Your arousal increased with Hunter's, your breasts bouncing to the beat of your movements. Hunter couldn't take his eyes off you, you never imagined seeing him like this. He was biting his lips in excitement.
“You're doing it so good… I like you a lot. You are beautiful”, he stammered.
You've done it with one-night stands before. But with Hunter you felt…a connection. His words generated a stream in your body that you took advantage of to go faster. At that moment, one of his calloused hands touched your most sensitive spot, inserting his thumb between your lower lips and rubbing. He was exploring your parts, enjoying you. But as soon as you made a noise of pleasure that you couldn't suppress, he repeated that gesture. And soon you had a series of contractions that got bigger.
There you were that night, with Hunter between your legs. Enjoying pleasure, flooded in spasms as you moved up and down on top of him. You arched your back and threw your head back.
"Ahh! Hunter!”, you blurted with the last downloads of energy.
Hunter felt your orgasm, the spasms around his erection, and an increased amount of lubrication. After that, he could not contain himself and he took you by the arms to put you with your back on the bed and him on top of you. He made sure that your pelvises were glued together at all times so that his dick wouldn't come off.
"Give it all to me, fill me up", you said with all the blood on your cheeks and a big smile after the orgasm.
His tongue searched yours as he thrust his hip into you, his dark mane falling over your face. You surrounded his waist with your legs so that the penetration was deeper. His breathing became more and more labored, his arms began to shake.
"I think… I think I'm cuming" he said between thrusts.
Soon you were listening to his gasps as he went faster and faster until he reached climax. You noticed how he was unloading inside you, you helped him with your hip movements.
Gradually, he reduced the frequency of his movements, pressing with your insides to release every last drop.
He didn't got off to be able to enjoy you, after his first orgasm. He had her elbows on the bed, on either side of you. He gave you a series of kisses on the lips, on the cheeks, on the forehead, on the eyebrow, below the jaw. Until his body finally asked him to relax completely. He pulled his pelvis back, arching his back slowly, until his penis was out of you.
"That was amazing" he sighed.
He turned to the side of the bed and lay next to you. You were full of his, you could feel it dripping. You'll change the sheets tomorrow.
Both of you stayed cuddled up in bed. Hunter lying on his back and you on your side, with your head on his chest. Both of your breathing clear and serene. You closed your eyes to listen to his heartbeat, it was relaxing.
"What's your impression?" you asked curiously.
“It has been the best experience of my life. Thank you”, you didn't see his face but you could feel that he was smiling.
You began to caress his chest without a certain pattern, sometimes a caress deviated more than necessary, towards the south of his body.
"We can do it again if you want. There's still so much more for you to explore," you said, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks.
Hunter gave you a kiss on the head.
“I hope we can do it again soon”, a new erection was beginning to appear.
"There's no need to wait for another day", you wanted to tease him.
Hours passed, Hunter and you continued to enjoy each other as he regained his vigor. Thanks to you, he had the best night of his life... and there were many more to come.
Additional note: I reposted this here because I first uploaded in my main blog ( @antaresgalaeth )but it was about Hogwarts Legacy, so I wanted something only for SW/TBB.
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evanesdust · 1 year
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feelings are the worst kind of f-word
written as part of the @sterek-exchange Prompt Challenge: Fix It Fics for the Teen Wolf Movie (2023)
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: POV Derek Hale, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Werewolf Derek Hale, Omega Derek Hale, Human Alpha Stiles Stilinski, Pining Derek Hale, but it's mutual, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, Porn with Feelings
Derek might have been an alpha werewolf, but he was an omega in biology. Thanks to the emotional shit show of his life—and the ever-present dangers of Beacon Hills—he hadn't had a heat in years. But he was finally in a better place, so of course, that was when it hit. So he turned to the only alpha he trusted to help him through it. The one he secretly desired. Stiles.
Even though Derek hadn't gone through a heat in years, he knew the signs. The tightness of his skin, the way it felt like there was an itch he couldn't quite scratch. Waking up too warm in the middle of the night, body overheated.
Seriously, those night sweats were the absolute worst.
But again, Derek hadn't had to deal with a heat in years, so it was a little unexpected. After the death of his family and going on the run, it was as if his body shut down. Not that he cared since he didn't exactly have the time to deal with biological drives while being chased by hunters.
Things didn't exactly get better after he returned to Beacon Hills. In fact, Derek thought after killing Peter and becoming an alpha, if anything, he'd have to deal with ruts instead. But that hadn't happened either.
Derek figured it was his penance for getting his family killed, and he'd come to terms with that even as his life looked like it was turning around. But as he glanced at himself in the mirror, taking in the sheen of sweat on his skin and the slight flush on his face, neck, and chest, he knew he was wrong. He might have been an alpha werewolf, but he was apparently still an omega in biology.
He didn't have much time to figure out what the fuck he wanted to do. The answer should have been simple: hide out somewhere. He could lock himself away and spend the week curled up in a ball of pain as he wished for an alpha to make it better, or—
His mind immediately drifted to the one person he trusted. An alpha who made his heart skip a beat, turning Derek into a hormonal teenager with a crush. One he'd had very particular dreams about, though he dug those dreams into a hole and covered them up as best he could.
Derek hadn't ever imagined that out of everyone, Stiles would be the person he wanted to turn to in a situation like this. But he couldn't deny the fact that Stiles had been the one constant in his life since he came back to Beacon Hills. The one person who never left his side, no matter how much danger he was in.
So Derek made a decision.
He grabbed his phone and shot off a text.
Derek: Hey.
A second passed before he sent another message.
Derek: Can you come over? I need to talk to you about something.
Stiles's responses came in quick succession, making Derek's phone buzz buzz buzz.
Stiles: What's going on?
Stiles: Another big bad?
Stiles: Should I round up the Scooby gang?
Derek's lips twitched. Stiles could be a bit ridiculous at times, but it was one of the things Derek liked about him.
Derek: Nothing quite that serious. I just need to talk to you about something.
Stiles: Be there in five
Derek shivered, his skin breaking out in goosebumps. Stiles was on his way, and Derek couldn't stop wondering what it would be like to have Stiles inside him, holding him down, pressing his face into the pillow, and fucking him into the mattress.
Calm down, he urged himself because Stiles hadn't even said yes yet.
Hell, he might even say no, though Derek didn't think he would. And it wasn't because Derek was conceited or anything. He was asking Stiles to sleep with him, after all, and he knew Stiles at least found him physically attractive. It wasn't as if he was deluding himself into thinking it would be anything more than sex.
Which was the only reason Derek hesitated at all. Because he had feelings, even if he never intended on acting on them. And it was one thing to pine from afar and a whole 'nother to have had Stiles so intimately and then have to let him go.
"He hasn't even agreed," Derek reminded himself through clenched teeth. As he debated with himself, he started pacing. He looked around the loft, hating how desolate it still was. But he didn't really care for material things. Plus, if he needed to leave, it wasn't like he'd be able to take the time to pack up.
But still, the loft looked better than before. Derek had fixed the walls and bought a new bed which he put upstairs, utilizing the loft as an actual bedroom. There was one downstairs, but it still sat empty until he figured out what to do with it. Maybe a second bedroom so Stiles didn't have to sleep on the couch when he stayed over.
The kitchen got a bit of an upgrade. Nothing fancy, but he had appliances now, like a stove that actually worked and a refrigerator with a freezer drawer so he could buy more than just dry goods. It was nice being able to cook a proper meal again. Snacks, TV dinners, and takeout got tiring after a while.
Derek liked fresh fruit and vegetables, dammit.
Which reminded him that it was a good thing he'd just gone grocery shopping because he wasn't going anywhere for at least the next week. And if Stiles refused to help him, then it could be longer. Heats were always worse when spent alone.
With a heavy sigh, Derek sat down on the couch. His new couch that replaced the worn-down one he'd found on the side of the road. He debated watching TV—yeah, he had one of those now too—to pass the time, but it wouldn't do any good.
All he could think about was the fact that Stiles was on his way. Would be there any minute. And Derek still had no idea how he was going to broach the topic of Stiles helping him through his heat. He couldn't just blurt it out. Right?
He didn't have a chance to really think about it because when Stiles said five minutes, he hadn't been exaggerating. All too soon, Derek recognized the familiar rumble of Stiles's Jeep pulling into the parking lot. Stiles must have already been out and dropped whatever he was doing when Derek texted. Derek obviously didn't know that for sure, but the idea that Stiles would do that without question made his heart trip over itself. Again.
Derek listened as Stiles cut the engine and pushed open the driver's side door—the hinge squeaking as it always did. He smiled as he thought of Stiles hopping out of the Jeep with one hand on the door handle, launching himself out legs first. Then came the slam of the door and Stiles's too-quick heartbeat came closer closer closer as he entered the building. It was drowned out a little by the mechanical grind of gears when he called the elevator. Another thing Derek had fixed since Stiles complained about all the stairs to get to the loft.
He chuckled at the memory of a red-faced Stiles practically dragging himself into the loft the last time the elevator had been out of service. Sweat dripped down Stiles's temples and he could hardly breathe. It was so ridiculously endearing though. So Stiles.
Derek's heart tripled its pace as that familiar thump-thump thump-thump thump-thump came closer. It was down the hall. It was outside the door. It sped up when Stiles slid the loft door open, pulling so hard that the wheels slammed against the track stoppers—almost causing the doors to close from the rebound.
Stiles's eyes were mildly panicked as he looked around the room for danger. Always danger even though it'd been quiet since the deadpool.
Derek was honestly surprised Stiles wasn't carrying his bat.
"Okay, what's going on?" Stiles asked, striding in, not bothering to finish closing the door, so Derek walked over and did it for him.
"I…" Shit. Derek still hadn't figured out what to say. It was hard to think with Stiles so close, so he went with the simplest thing. "I need your help."
"O…kay…?" As if sensing there was no actual danger, Stiles relaxed a little. His shoulders were still a little tense, though. Probably because he was waiting to see what Derek needed help with.
Derek took a deep breath. Just spit it out. If he didn't, then he'd never ask. "I'm…going through a heat."
"But—" Stiles did a great impersonation of a fish gasping for air with the way his mouth opened and closed. "You're an alpha…?"
Derek sucked in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. One of the downfalls of being a werewolf was people not understanding the distinction between werewolf status in a pack and their biological presentation. Though to be fair, until now, Derek also thought becoming an alpha werewolf meant he was no longer an omega.
"I'm an alpha werewolf because I killed Peter." Derek glanced at where Stiles was standing, leaning against the column closest to the kitchen. But Derek couldn't hold the intensity of his gaze, so he looked away. "But I can assure you, I've been an omega since I presented during puberty."
Stiles pushed away from the column, nearly tripping over himself as he started pacing, drawing Derek's attention back to him. God, even stumbling around, he was so hot. It was ridiculous.
Derek watched that furrow between Stiles's brows get deeper as he seemed to absorb Derek's words.
"Okay, so…" Stiles stopped and turned to him, chewing on his bottom lip as he gathered his thoughts. "Your…heat…is coming up. Because you're an omega. And you're telling me this because…?"
Derek cleared his throat. "I—"
Oh, look, now Derek was the fish gasping for air as his breath caught in his throat and his stupid heart rate picked up even more.
But he didn't have to say the words because Stiles finished his thought. "You want me to help you through it."
"Yes." The word hung in the air. Derek should probably say more, but he honestly still couldn't believe he asked. Well, in a roundabout sort of way since he never actually voiced the question. And now that it was out there, he wanted to take it back because it was already awkward as he waited for Stiles's response which seemed to take forever despite it being all of two seconds since he'd answered.
Derek knew he should be patient, but he was already going out of his mind wondering what exactly Stiles was thinking.
But then Stiles groaned. It was low and pleasure-filled, the sound sending a shiver down Derek's spine. Derek’s breathing became ragged and uneven. His whole body burned, vibrating with need.
For Stiles.
God, Derek couldn't ever remember being this crazed or desperate during heat before. He thought he had another day or two, but maybe it was being so close to Stiles because he wanted, and he wanted now. So much so that he couldn't stop a whine from escaping him. It was high and reedy—a call for his alpha.
And just like that, Stiles lunged for him, hands in Derek's hair as he slammed their lips together. Stiles tugged on his hair, deepening the kiss and pulling Derek into him.
All Derek could do was growl into his mouth as Stiles ran his tongue over the seam of his lips. He'd never gotten so hard so fast. His hole clenched, and slick dripped down his legs as Stiles's hands traveled and explored the planes of his chest.
The next thing Derek knew, Stiles was pulling at him, walking him back until they got to the couch where Stiles pushed him down and straddled him—the hard length of him grinding against Derek's stomach.
Derek grabbed his ass right as Stiles slid his tongue into his mouth and, God, he almost came from that alone. Though it was also everything. From the way Stiles smelled impossibly good, woodsy and fresh and like his damn Jeep. To the way he tasted. Like hazelnut from whatever coffee he must have drank earlier. It was intoxicating.
And Derek needed more.
Stiles moved his lips along Derek's jaw, tracing the hard edges with the tip of his warm tongue. He sucked on Derek's neck and pressed into him. "You're going to take all of me so well. I just know it."
Derek's whole body erupted in goosebumps at the jolt of desire that coursed through him at Stiles's words. God, he wanted Stiles. Needed him so badly.
"Stiles," he gasped. His voice was gravelly and thick with undeniable lust. He slid his hands up Stiles's back, underneath his shirt. The skin-to-skin contact electrified him.
Stiles looked down at him and licked his lips, pure seduction and hunger swirling in his eyes.
Derek's cock twitched in response. His hole clenched again.
"Stiles," he said again, shivering as Stiles nipped at his shoulder. "Need you."
Desperation and desire warred inside Derek as he arched his back, silently begging for more. Stiles seemed to understand, except instead of giving Derek what he needed, he pulled away.
Derek wanted to whine. In fact, Derek did whine because his entire body was on fire, warm and tingly, aching with the need to be filled.
But then Stiles was there again, urging him to his feet. There was a slight tremble to his hands that only made him more appealing. He wore nerves so fucking well.
"Not here," Stiles said quietly before leading him to the spiral staircase.
Stiles was probably just thinking about how much more comfortable a bed would be, but Derek fell a little harder for him right then. Because Stiles could have taken Derek right there on the couch, and Derek wouldn't have complained in the slightest. He just wanted Stiles.
The climb was awkward because they couldn't keep their hands off each other. At the top, Stiles pushed him against the wall, kissing him again. He tugged at Derek's shirt, silently demanding that he take it off. Derek complied eagerly, his fingers fumbling as he tried to get the fabric off, his eyes never leaving Stiles's face.
Finally, when he was finally shirtless, Stiles leaned down and pressed his lips to Derek's hot skin, placing open-mouthed kisses all over his chest. Derek moaned and tangled his fingers in Stiles's hair, his body aflame with need.
Then Stiles was pulling him back back back until they fell onto the bed. At first, Stiles was under him, arms and legs wrapped around Derek as they kissed. But then everything spun when Stiles flipped them.
He straddled Derek's waist and stripped off his shirt, tossing it to the side. It hit the lamp on Derek's nightstand, almost knocking it over—not that Derek would have cared at all. Not when he had a shirtless Stiles in front of him.
Derek stared and his breath caught in his throat. Stiles was slim but not skinny. He had long, lean muscles and skin so smooth Derek wanted to lick him. He didn't get a chance though. Not when Stiles slid down his body slowly, inch by inch, biting Derek on his chest, his stomach, and on the tender dips of his waist until Derek whimpered. It was torture—sweet, wonderful torture, and Derek wanted nothing more than for Stiles to mark him all over. To claim him.
But all thoughts disappeared when Stiles pushed Derek’s sweats down. Derek hadn't been wearing any underwear so his cock sprung free, slapping against his stomach.
"Is this okay?" Stiles looked up at him, his gaze questioning but heated. His mouth was so close to Derek's cock that his breath ghosted along the tip, making Derek shiver.
All he could do was nod, biting his bottom lip as he clenched in anticipation. "Yes."
Fuck yes.
He was so hard. So wet from the ridiculous amount of slick he was producing. He'd be embarrassed by it if it weren't for the fact that it just meant he was more than ready for Stiles to fuck him now.
Except Stiles used his mouth on Derek first—kissing along his inner thighs until his mouth was on Derek's cock, sucking him down. All while Stiles's fingers dipped into the crease of Derek's ass, lazily rubbing his rim.
Derek needed more. God, Derek needed Stiles to take him. To own him.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he bucked up into Stiles's mouth with a shout. All that tight, wet heat and the way Stiles worked his tongue were incredible. Derek fisted the sheets on either side of him, holding on for dear life as Stiles sent him closer and closer to the edge.
"Oh, God. Don't stop. Fuck!" Derek's shout echoed throughout the loft.
Stiles bobbed his head as he fucked Derek with two then three very skillful fingers that left him a mewling, quivering mess. Especially when they brushed over his prostate, making him see stars.
Derek wanted to come so badly, but he also wanted this to last forever.
"Please. Pleasepleaseplease," he begged. He pleaded.
Stiles moaned around him, sounding just as desperate, just as wrecked. But then he let go with an obscene pop and tears sprang to Derek's eyes.
Derek opened his mouth to yell, but then Stiles bent his legs back, exposing his ass and everything was forgotten as a warm breath ghosted over his hole followed by strong, slow sweeps of Stiles's equally talented tongue.
"Fuck, you taste so good," Stiles murmured against him as if he were unwilling to pull away for even a second. "Wanted to do this for so long."
Derek threw his head back and groaned, fabric ripping beneath his claws because there was no way he could control himself right now. Not when Stiles knew exactly what he was doing working him open with his fingers and tongue. A feeling of euphoria buzzed through him.
So good. Don't stop.
But his orgasm was dangerously close, and he wanted to come on Stiles's knot, so he reached down, tugging at Stiles's hair. "Stiles. Please."
Stiles must have understood because he nodded eagerly and fumbled with his pants until he was gloriously and deliciously naked. His cock was hard and leaking, and Derek wanted to appreciate the sight, but he also needed Stiles inside him. He needed Stiles to fill him—wholly and completely.
The bed dipped when Stiles knelt between his legs. The warmth coming off him was enough to make Derek's already overheated blood catch fire.
Derek trembled as Stiles's hands trailed down his sides to his hips and thighs, urging Derek to wrap his legs around him.
Stiles gathered Derek's slick on his fingers, running them over his cock, getting it wet before lining himself up. He glanced down at Derek, his expression soft, almost loving before leaning down.
The kiss itself wasn't unexpected. It was the gentleness of it. The way Stiles gazed into his eyes first. The soft stroke of Stiles's thumb as it brushed over Derek's cheek as he cupped his face. "I never thought—"
Stiles looked away, his throat bobbing as he swallowed down whatever else he was going to say.
It felt like more. Like maybe Stiles had those damn feelings too. But Derek didn't have a chance to think about it because Stiles kissed him again. It was more demanding this time. But even as it became hot and heavy, almost possessive, it was generous. Filled with so much want and need and promise and protection that Derek was sure his heart would explode.
Then Stiles did this thing where he bit Derek's bottom lip, but in a gentle, erotic sort of way, tugging it between his teeth before grazing it with his tongue. It was hypnotizing. It put Derek in a trance, unable to do anything but open for him.
And that was when Stiles pushed into him.
Derek moaned, but Stiles swallowed it down, easing into him with deliciously slow, measured strokes. The stretch and burn gave way to how perfectly filled he felt once Stiles was buried to the hilt.
"God, you're so tight," Stiles murmured against his lips. "Does that feel good?"
Yes. It was so fucking good, and all Derek could do was let out a strangled cry that Stiles swallowed down again.
Stiles pulled back, and Derek wanted to groan at the look on his face. It was pure bliss, as if this were heaven to him and nothing had ever felt so good. Derek inhaled deeply, drunk on the scent of him. Of his skin and the weight of Stiles's hips between his thighs.
It was everything he ever wanted. Everything he thought he'd never have.
But maybe…
Just maybe…
It could be more.
Derek slid his hands down Stiles's back. He dug his heels into Stiles's ass and urged him to move.
"I've got you," Stiles promised. He pulled out, and Derek wanted to cry, but then Stiles filled him again with slow, deep strokes. So unbearably slow that Derek did cry. He couldn't stop the tears that spilled at how fucking good everything felt as tremors of pleasure coursed through his veins.
At one point, Derek was sure he was floating except he knew he wasn't because Stiles was anchoring him—as he always did. His touch was reverent, his hands touching anywhere and everywhere as if he were trying to memorize Derek's body.
Derek lost all sense of time as Stiles fucked him, slow and deep. Every thrust pushed him closer closer closer to the edge. Every touch made him feel so alive. It was like nothing Derek had ever experienced before, and that was because it was Stiles. The one person he had always wanted to be with.
Stiles whispered sweet nothings in his ear as he kissed his way down to his neck. Marking him as his own. Claiming him.
Derek was close. So damn close. His whole body was on the precipice of euphoria, but he wanted to come undone with Stiles. To feel Stiles buried deep inside him when it happened. He reached up then, cupping Stiles's cheek.
Stiles turned his head and kissed Derek's palm, nuzzled into it.
"Mine," Stiles said as he rolled his hips, making Derek cry out. His hands gripped Derek's hips so hard that Derek knew he'd have bruises if he didn't heal so fast. But God, watching Stiles lose control was the sexiest thing Derek had ever witnessed. His eyes fluttered sporadically, his moans and groans were deep, and his face was splotchy from exertion. "You're mine. Tell me you're mine."
"Yours." Derek's moan vibrated off the walls. "I'm yours."
"Fuck. Derek." Stiles said his name like a prayer. Like he was worshipping him. "I'm not—I'm not gonna last."
Stiles's eyes were bright and pleasure-dazed as his thrusts picked up. The bed creaked as they rocked in unison, and Derek was reduced to moans, groans, and whimpers that would be embarrassing if he had any thought to care.
"Stiles." Derek could hardly recognize his own voice. It was so needy and wanton as Stiles's knot began to swell. "Yes. Fuck."
Still, he needed more, and somehow Stiles knew.
Stiles reached between them, stroking Derek's cock in time with his thrusts, and that was all it took before Derek's world filled with nothing but intense, pulsing pleasure.
His back arched high off the mattress as he came hard. His muscles tensed to the point of aching until he was completely spent, and then his entire body uncoiled as he sank into the mattress, twitching in the aftershocks of his orgasm. He clenched around Stiles’s knot, moaning at how perfectly full he felt. It was so good, so perfect. Derek’s entire body tingled with pleasure as he lay there, panting hard and completely out of breath.
Stiles all but collapsed on his chest, knot still pulsing through his release, marking Derek from the inside. His chest heaved, and his heart beat so rapidly that Derek worried there was something wrong.
But then Stiles pushed up on one elbow and smiled down at him.
With the way Stiles looked at him, Derek couldn't breathe. He couldn't think or see. He couldn't do anything but yearn.
Kiss me.
And Stiles did. He leaned down, nipping along Derek's jawline until their lips met in a kiss that was so soft, so tender that Derek's heart skipped a beat. There was so much love and adoration in it that Derek didn't have a chance to second-guess anything. Not when Stiles cupped his jaw in soft strokes or when he pulled back and kissed the tip of Derek's nose.
"Was that okay?" Stiles whispered. "I'd never forgive myself if I hurt you."
Derek's heart skipped another beat as he wrapped his arms around Stiles, holding him close. "It was perfect."
Stiles nuzzled into Derek's neck, his face buried in the crook of his shoulder.
"I love you," Stiles whispered, his heart steady as Derek's beat wildly against his ribcage.
There was no way he heard that right. Not those words. Not from Stiles.
Derek pulled back and looked into Stiles's eyes, searching for any sign of doubt, but found none.
"I love you, too," he said, voice barely above a whisper.
Stiles smiled then, and it was like the sun had come out after a long, dark winter. "I know."
Derek frowned because there was no way Stiles could have known that. Hell, he hadn't even admitted it to himself yet. He'd been too scared to. "No, you didn't. How?"
"You wouldn't have asked me to help you through your heat if you didn't." Stiles trailed his fingers over Derek's chest. "If you didn't love me, you probably would have just let me know what was going on. Maybe you would have asked me to check on you."
He shrugged and placed a kiss over Derek's heart. "But I think you would have spent your heat alone rather than spend it with someone you didn't care about."
Derek nodded because that was true. He wouldn't have risked being so vulnerable with someone he didn't love or trust. It was then that Derek realized that Stiles knew him better than anyone else ever had. A warmth spread throughout his body at the realization that Stiles understood him in ways he never thought possible.
After a few moments, Stiles spoke up again. "As soon as my knot goes down, I'm gonna get us cleaned up and then I'm going to make sure we're stocked up with groceries and whatever else we'll need while you're in heat."
Derek couldn't help but smile. The future might have been unknown, but for the first time in a long time, he felt like everything would work out. He had everything he ever wanted; love, trust, and passion. Everything he thought he would never have. But with Stiles, he did.
He knew deep down that he was never going to let Stiles go. Not now, not ever. Because when Stiles smiled and leaned in for another kiss, Derek felt like he was home.
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S2 Ep14 of TBB Thoughts!!
oh frick, oh darn, oh heck
I need to stop eating breakfast while I watch these eps, eventually im gonna gasp so hard I'll choke on some food (this is based on me almost choking on my food when HOWZER showed up)
So I knew Echo'd be in this one, but I was actually also a 100% Rex would be there too, so I was a little bummed about that? like why would they release Rex's poster now if he isn't gonna be in the ep? and like ik this is a show about the batch, so they wanna show off Echo and I love that for him bc I love Echo but like,,, Rex🥺 yanno?
that being said, Echo and his team infiltrating that ship, fcking GREGOR?? amazing, loving that shit, eating it up
another suicide? this is getting intense. like this season has given us deeply seeded political issues about clone rights, depictions of blood, brainwashing and two suicides?? like??? things are heating up, the writers are getting more real and I actually kinda,,, love that even though its intense
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clone sipping coffee :)
ye :)
me @ howzer:
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he knows someone, eh? THAT'LL BE MY MANS TECH :DDDD
ofc he snatched the gun, you rlly coulda seen that one coming dipstick
it struck me as really odd that Crosshair didn't shoot the female doctor. like the rest of the batch and most of the clones use stun guns ALL THE TIME whereas Crosshair has always shot to kill. again, "severe and unyielding", meaning he takes intense action, committing all the way all the while being so stubborn he hardly ever backs down. honestly, him sparing her is some serious character development. he recognised she was being kind to him and he decided that that was enough reason not to hurt her. either that, or he wanted to abuse her kindness later on
he never wanted to get out, he just wanted to warn his brothers, which is AGAIN SO DIFFERENT from the Cross we've gotten to know in these last two seasons. I actually don't think that's growth anymore. that's Crosshair standing by a choice that he knew was bad for far too long (SEVERE. AND. UNYIELDING.) and now finally admitting he was wrong and going back to what he always wanted and always knew to be right.
partially rebuilt Pabu :)))
Hunter being questioned abt being more than just a soldier lol
like sir, the answer is "I am dad, actually."
"Up. Up! Up, Omega, pull up!" <- im sorry but Tech's always been just,,, so cool in stressful situations, like almost dying, no biggie. falling out of the sky in a storage box and having a heavy object crush your leg, naaahh we got this. fcking staring a Zillo Beast dead in the eye as it growls at you, easy as pie. omega's flying? panic
"The Tech-Turn? really?" "Now that is not what it is called, but I rather like it. I suggest you proceed before I come to my sen-- AAAAAHHHH."
did Echo only race Omega to torture Tech? yes, why do you ask?
okay listen I love him, but without his kama Echo looks half naked
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hmmm the summit huh??? interesting
Tech sounded so worried when he called Hunter over??? waaaaaahhh
Hemlock? more like Hemcock (yes I've been waiting a while to make that joke leave me alone)
Crosshair being offered his freedom and just stubbornly staring back? Severe and unyielding hero edition. I love him, Hunter go get him pls he needs you.
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help why did this one feel so short
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xoxopredilection · 2 years
Love Languages: The Bad Batch and Sad Omega
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Summary: Omega is sad and the guys try to show her some love, in their own unique ways.
Note: slightly AU.
"If the Kaminoans say I'm special, they'll always send someone after me. This won't ever stop." Omega wrapped her arms tightly around her knees and hunched over, as if trying to shrink into herself.
Echo frowned deeply, brow knitted with concern. He knelt down beside her and looked her straight in the eyes.
"You are special, Omega. Be proud of that." He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Don't worry about anything else. We'll take care of the rest."
Acts of Service
"Omega?" Tech walked over to where the girl sat. What a dejected sight she was, alone in the shadows.
Omega looked up miserably.
Tech cleared his throat and handed her a comm device.
"I made this for you. With this, you will always have a way to contact us." Tech refrained from mentioning the close call she had with the bounty hunter on Pantora. The trauma was still too fresh.
Omega's face brightened and she took the comm device. "Thank you, Tech," she whispered as she regarded the commlink with utmost reverence.
Physical Touch
"What's the matter, 'mega?" Asked Wrecker. She sat huddled on the floor, knees drawn up to her chest, a forlorn look on her face.
"I'm just afraid they will never stop coming after me. After us." She looked up at him, worry creasing her features.
Wrecker squatted down in front of her, face serious. "Don't you worry about them," he said in a low, reassuring voice. "No one comes near you when we're around. Yeah!" He slammed his fist into his open palm. "We'll make sure of that!" He reached out a huge hand and ruffled Omega's hair boisterously, making the girl giggle and try to swat his hand away.
Giving Gifts
"Hey, Omega?" Hunter sat down beside her. She looked so helpless and lonely sitting in a dim corner on the Marauder's floor.
"Hi." She replied softly, eyes downcast. She had her arms so tight around her knees, it looked like she was trying to disappear into herself.
Seeing her like this tugged at his heart. He sighed, then remembered his purpose in coming. He took a deep breath and smiled.
"Close you eyes. I have a surprise for you."
She finally lifted her gaze. Sad brown eyes met his, and his smile nearly faltered. Hunter tried to convey as much warmth as he could with his expression.
Omega closed her eyes.
"Hold out you hand," he instructed. She did as told. Hunter gently placed a small wooden item in her hand. He watched as her mouth quirked up, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now."
She opened her eyes and her smile turned into a grin as she held up the small wooden tooka carving to her eyes. She picked it up and turned it over in her fingers slowly, mouth dropping open as she remarked at how perfectly carved and smooth and beautiful it was.
"Look at its little nose!" She squealed in delight. "Thank you so much Hunter!" She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.
Hunter exhaled softly and hugged her back.
Quality Time
Crosshair observed the small figure sitting in a dark corner of the ship. His sharp eyes noted the gloomy look on her face and the occasional quivering of her lips. He looked away with the intent of ignoring her, but yet another shuddering breath drew his gaze back to her.
Annoyed, he spat out his toothpick and crossed the distance between them in three quick strides and scowled down at Omega.
"Alright. Spit it out. That's thrice already. What's wrong with you?"
Omega looked up, her eyes widening in fear when she saw his face. She quickly looked down and buried her face in her knees.
"Nothing," she mumbled. "I-I'm sorry," she added in a whisper.
He glowered down at her, hands crossed over his chest. She seemed to grow even smaller as she hugged her knees tightly, hunching over, face pressed tightly to her knees as if she was trying to sink into the floor.
Crosshair blew out his breath and shook his head, and quietly sank to the the floor; close enough to hear her, but not too close to intimidate her further. He hadn't missed her frightened expression earlier.
They sat in silence for some time; he chewing on his toothpick and she sighing to herself. At one point he thought she'd fallen asleep when the sighs stopped. He turned to check, and saw her staring at him with wide-eyed awe.
"What?" He snapped, raising an eyebrow.
She blinked. "Uhm..have you been sitting here long?" She ventured timidly.
"Long enough to know there's a problem." He shifted on the floor, stretching a leg out in front of him, and stared fixedly ahead.
From the corner of his eye he saw her mouth clamp shut, then open, then close again. With a final heaving sigh she turned and settled against the wall, leg sprawled out in a similar manner as his. She also rested her hands on her folded knee, just like he did. He snorted softly in amusement and gave her a sidelong look.
"Thanks for sitting with me," she finally said. "It was getting kinda lonely here."
They continued to sit in silence, companions in solitude.
**************Reblogs appreciated ^_^*************
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questforgalas · 9 months
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E16 "Kamino Lost"
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No those aren't tears on my keyboard, it's its weekly salt bath
Here we are, the end of Season 1. You thought "Return to Kamino" was an angsty sibling machine? Buckle in kids
So so so many protect Omega moments just in the first 2 minutes
Crosshair waking up to them in a wrecked Kamino City has to be on similar energies as Obi-Wan waking up on the back of Anakin hanging from a chord in an elevator shaft with an elevator barreling down at them
Crosshair's "the audacity" face when Omega starts shooting the debris 😂
Crosshair gets a Wrecker shoulder shove 🥰
"Aha our old room! Wai-what happened to it?" "At least the smell's gone" Echo's the neat freak sibling who won't stop shaming everyone
"All those missions together, and you threw it away" Crosshair, babe, you are literally trapped in a city underwater, now is NOT the time to hold a grudge
A+ "check your attitude" shoulder shove by Hunter to Crosshair
"You done complaining?" Wrecker squaring off against the hangry sibling
"All that time, you didn't even try to come back. We still would have taken ya" and the camera pan to the rest of the group sharing looks with each other 😭
Crosshair's face when Tech is explaining his nature to Wrecker is so soft (for Crosshair) and hopeful that someone is finally getting him but also so shocked that someone is actually giving him somewhat of a defense (even though Tech clarifies after with one of the best lines written by Star Wars)
Ep 14-16 are just Hunter's no good very bad day when you think about it
AZI is the best part of this episode I swear
Until they show me the head scan there is nothing that will convince me Crosshair had his chip removed this episode makes me believe that tenfold
Hunter and Crosshair's get along pod 😂😂
"I barely fit in this thing." "Quit complaining! At least you're not doubled up" Echo is so done with everyone
Hunter frantically looking for Omega 0.5 seconds after their pod surfaces
The AZI part makes me ugly sob every time
The firepuncher didn't have the suction cup attachments already in place before they got in the pods which means Crosshair realized Omega wasn't going to make it, went into action to put on the attachment, and then saved her
"You coming with us?" said with so much hope and Echo's face is cautious but curious
It's such a serious moment but Crosshair answering Hunter's final offer by just looking to the side, arms crossed and hips cocked is peak grumpy sibling who knows they're wrong but don't want to admit it and are scared of going back to either option so they go with what they're most recently familiar with but can't look anyone in the eye while he realizes
Me? Overanalyzing Crosshair? Shocking
"You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too" followed by Crosshair's dejected sigh as he hears the Maruader power up and watches it fly away someone shove me off a cliff honestly it would hurt less
Well babes, this was a fun run. Going to take a little break and then pick this up again with Season 2 mid-August! Hope you all enjoyed the reminiscing and taking in all the sibling moments - I know I certainly did
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jedipoodoo · 1 year
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Okay so what about one where Wrecker wakes up from a nightmare and Omega is there to comfort him? Or maybe a female reader? It's up to you. I BOW TO YOUR FABULOUS WRITING SKILLS!
RIP twinky's bloggo, you will be missed. 😭😭😭😭
Notes: Nightmares, brother and sister bonding, order 66 and chips
Little Warrior (Wrecker and Omega)
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Wrecker sighed, cracking his back as he stared up at the ceiling. Hunter hated it when he did that, but Hunter was asleep right now so who cared what he thought?
He carefully made his way to the kitchenette. Ninety-Nine always snuck them hot chocolate when they had a bad training day on Kamino, and he could use a pick-me up. Much to his surprise, someone was already there.
"Omega?" He rubbed his eyes as he yawned, convinced that he was still sleeping. Omega was standing on her tiptoes to reach the dial on the stove, stretching around a pot of milk that was already poured.
"Hi Wrecker!" She whispered loudly, grinning nervously at him.
Wrecker finished his yawn, "What're you doing up, ad'ika?" He asked, sleep painting his voice to sound sterner than he meant.
Omega hid her face behind her arm, "I wanted some hot chocolate."
Wrecker was pleasantly surprised that they were both after the same thing. "Is there enough for me?" He asked. Omega grinned up at him.
"There should be!"
Wrecker reached over Omega, turning the heat on low so that the milk wouldn't burn. He took the plastic spoon, stirring slowly to let the milk heat evenly. The chocolate powder was too high for Omega to reach without standing on top of Gonky, so Wrecker got it down for her. As he carefully stirred, Omega poured the powder into the pot, letting it mix smoothly into liquid gold.
"I never understand why Cid doesn't sell hot chocolate at the parlor. It's so much better than all that other stuff."
"Yeah, it is," Wrecker agreed. then he paused.
"How do you know what the drinks at the parlor taste like?" He asked suspiciously. They would've caught her drinking any alcohol, wouldn't they? Hunter would have smelled it, Tech would've noticed her symptoms, and Echo would have been on her like a hawk-bat if Omega so much read the label on the bottle.
Admittedly, Wrecker kicked himself mentally, maybe he hadn't been paying enough attention that she may have snuck something while he wasn't looking.
Omega squinted up at Wrecker, asking him if he were serious.
"All of you complain about how bad her drinks are all the time. Plus, if I can't have any of it, how good can it be?"
Wrecker laughed to cover his sigh of relief. Disaster averted.
Once the milk was hot enough, Wrecker poured the hot chocolate into a couple of tin mugs and turned off the heat.
Omega cupped the mug in her hands and inhaled deeply. They made their way into the cockpit to sit and drink their treat in peace.
Wrecker took a long sip, letting the heat sink into his sore muscles, and leaning back in his chair with a creak.
"Alright, out with it. What're you really doing up, kid?" He asked.
Omega looked down at her hot chocolate as if she were looking for her reflection.
"I heard you having a nightmare." She spoke so quietly, Wrecker's hearing wouldn't have picked it up if he weren't trying to be quiet himself.
"I-I made you some hot chocolate because you always want hot chocolate when you have a nightmare and I wanted you to feel better."
"Oh," He said softly, setting his mug aside, "I'm sorry I woke you up, kid. I'm okay now, aren't I?" He held out his arms, letting Omega see that he was injury-free.
Omega looked up at him, and her bottom lip trembled. She hardly had a chance to put down the mug before she threw herself into Wrecker's arms.
"Oh, hey! What's this?" Wrecker chuckled softly, "Who had the nightmare here, you or me?"
Omega wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Wrecker could feel the jolt of cold where her button of a nose pressed against the tendons of his neck. Despite his surprise, he held her tightly.
"I-I don't want you to-to have nightmares," Omega said, voice trembling.
"Hey," Wrecker crooned, gently taking her face in his hands. He used his fingers to brush away her tears, "I'm alright, kid, promise. I don't even remember what I dreamed about."
He settled Omega on his knee, grabbing her cup to let her finish off her drink.
The hot chocolate seemed to sooth her trembling shoulders, and Wrecker took a sip of his own drink.
"I'm sorry, ad'ika. I didn't mean to scare ya-"
"You were dreaming about the chips again."
Wrecker felt more than heard the deafening beat of his heart in the painful silence that ensued.
"What...what do you mean again?" He asked.
Omega nodded, her head moving against his chest. Wrecker wondered why she didn't just shove him away or cower in fear. His brief stint under the influence of the inhibitor chip was the worst of his memories, but it was just as traumatizing for Omega as it had been for him.
"You've had it three times, by my count. I don't know if the others know. You'll talk in your sleep, telling yourself to follow orders, and then you'll try and stop yourself, but it doesn't work and...and then you wake up."
So now Wrecker had a name to put to the faceless dread that hung over him every time he woke up in the middle of the night unable to remember what he'd dreamed. What if this became more than a dream? What if he started sleepwalking? Started hurting his brothers, or force forbid, Omega? The chip was out now, Wrecker had complete control over his body, but that didn't mean being stripped of his autonomy wasn't something he feared.
But he knew better than to worry about that happening, particularly while his little sister was trembling in his arms.
"Hey Omega, it's okay. It's just a dream. We're alright now. No chips, no Empire to boss us around."
Omega looked up at Wrecker. Her brown eyes, twin to his one good one, were big and round, looking up at him with all the admiration and trust the galaxy could hold.
"Besides, how could I let a nightmare get the best of me when I've got you around?" He tapped her nose, earning a giggle in respones.
"Me? what do I do?" Omega laughed nervously.
"Well, you protect me from my nightmares, of course! Just look at what you did for me tonight!" Wrecker clinked his cup against Omega's, drinking in toast to her.
Omega shyly hid behind her mug, "I'm glad I could help, Wrecker."
Wrecker kissed the top of her head. Her hot chocolate was almost gone, and her head was getting heavier against his chest.
"Yeah, you were a big help tonight, verd'ika. But you've got to get some sleep too, okay?" He ruffled her hair.
Omega tried and failed to hide a yawn, her arms stretching of their own volition.
"Can I sleep in your bunk tonight? just to make sure you don't have any more nightmares?"
Echo would say no. But Echo wasn't there right now. So Wrecker rinsed out both their mugs and the pot and left them in the sink to clean with breakfast, and carried Omega to his bunk, but not before grabbing Lula from the gunner's nest. He waited until Omega was settled with her back to the wall before climbing in after her, careful not to trap any of her skinny limbs. He pulled up the blanket, making sure Omega got plenty of fabric.
"Thanks for helping me with my dreams, 'Mega," Wrecker said. She was almost asleep, but Omega nodded in her sleep, letting herself curl into Wrecker's arms.
With her help, he didn't have any nightmares for the rest of the night.
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citrus-blade · 8 months
Could u talk a bit about other stories you have planned or AUs?
Oof, i can do that sure! Important: ALL this are works I didn't write anything for yet except notes that are all in ONE document. I haven't started writing any of them yet! (Except infeasible)
Also, all of them are Dreamnoblade as main ship!
Infeasible Prince!Dream and Knight!Techno. Basically Dream was sent to the kindgom where Techno is a knight in order to marry the prince there. However, the prince is a horrible person and Dream knows this, but is ready to go through with the marriage to help his own kingdom. Techno is his personal knight. The two get closer and fall in love but... There will Not be a happy ending in this one!
Arranged Marriage with a Twist-AU Techno is the king of the arctic empire but his people get worried cause he doesn't have a lover. In order to remain peace with another kingdom he get to marry the princess. However, on the wedding night (after the ceromony) it gets revealed that not the princess of the kingdom was sent but the prince, Dream. In order to not embarrass himself they keep that secret. Oh yeah, also there's a twist! Not sure if this will be a happy ending or not!
A/B/O Dragon-Edition Techno works as a scientist in laboratory that expertices in dragonoids. Dragons that can turn human. When they get one of the rare male Omega dragons he get assigned to look after him. However, the dragon is aggressive and stronger than people thought. Soon it's revealed that Techno is also a Dragonoid and they try to find a way to safe the dragon, Dream. Most likely a happy ending and a shorter story!
Hybrids-AU Dream was an Enderdragon Hybrid, one of the rarest out there. Techno was a piglin Hybrid, rather common but great for illegal fightings. Both lived happily in Philza's village after being separated from their mothers. One day hunters came to pillage it and Techno lost his best friend. Years later he finds him again and has to hope that Dream remembers him Happy Ending planned!
Cat Café – AU Dream owns his own cat cafe at the corner of a small street. One day Techno finds his way in and falls for the cute owner. What Dream doesn't know it that Techno is the boss of a rather known and brutal gang and Techno didn't plan on telling him. Happy Ending or Bittersweet Ending planned!
Cardverse-AU Every few years new people were chosen to become the King, Queen and Jack of four different kingdoms. They are born with certain marks on their skin and would live in the castle to learn their duties. Each country – Spade, Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds – followed said rule and each King, Queen and Jack had their own powers. Techno was the king of Spade and grew up learning how to rule, his Queen wasn't found though. Until one day they brought him a blonde man who looked like a peasant. Not sure about the ending yet!
Dragon-Rider-AU Techno was a pure-born, both parents were Dragon Riders and obviously so was he. His grades in the academy proved that. Then there was Dream, a boy with a scholarship who had been picked up from the street, a dirtblood and – when you can trust rumors – a queer. He could never be a Rider and no dragon would choose him at the end of the first year. Or so Techno's friends said and he believed them but were proofen wrong. Meanwhile the evil kept rising to more power, wanting to get rid of non-purebloods Bittersweet Ending planned!
Futuristic-AU A serious of murders were happening in L'manberg and Techno was ordered to find out what happened. Sadly he met a certain Sexbot who seemed to have been programmed in a weird way, like he had actual characters and feelings. But he was a machine, but to Techno's misfortune he was needed to solve the case. Not Sure about the ending yet!
Dystopian Apocalypse Techno is undercover in one of the three Cities behind walls. They were built when the apocalypse started and monsters swarmed over the earth, infecting people and making them sick and turn into monsters of their own. Techno belongs to a rebellion that wants to make the walls fall so that not only rich snobs are safe. One day he gets ordered for protection to transport a possible cure that will only be used within the walls. His rebellion group attacks the escort and steal the cargo, but to their surprise there wasn't any medicine, but a human being (Dream). Now they have to figure out what to do with him. Not sure about the ending yet!
Hiraeth - Part 2 Can't say anything here due to spoiler, sorry! Except that it will be in Dream's POV! Happy Ending planned!
College-AU Techno is on Love with Dream, but Dream is on love with someone else. In order to forget him, Dream is willing to sleep with Techno and he accept it. With time more feelings happen and hearts get broken. Not sure about the ending yet, but lean towards happy ending! :]
Superhero-AU Dream works for the city, always. He really needs a break but due to being the most successful hero he rarely get one. His main enemy is Blood God who works witht he Syndicate in the hope of making the city fall. One day something happens that they need to work together, because hybrids kept vanishing and when one of Blood God's as well as Dream's friend vanish, they see no other option. (Dream eventually gets curropted here) Not sure about the ending yet!
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 37 – Blowing Off Steam
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Crosshair x Female!Reader (FF)
Everyone is tense, you are not out of the woods yet _____________
Warnings: Violence / Fight /Hurt / Angst
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
Part 13 - A Helping Hand
Part 14 - The Justifier
Part 15 - The Bounty
Part 16 - Trapped
Part 17 - I Love You Too
Part 18 - When The Past Catches Up With Us
Part 19 - I’ve Never Been Good At Goodbyes
Part 20 - Unexpected
Part 21 - The Question
Part 22 - Sleepless Nights
Part 23 - Sleepyheads And Making Up
Part 24 - Crosshair’s Conclusion
Part 25 - Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Part 26 - I’m Sorry Kitten
Part 27 - Bracca
Part 28 -Rampart
Part 29 - It’s All Tactics
Part 30 - CT 6116
Part 31 - Of Wolves And Sheep
Part 32 - Dying Hope
Part 33 - Hero Of The Day
Part 34 - When The Wolf Eats The Sheep
Part 35 - The Shepherd
Part 36 - The Toll It Takes
Part 37 - Blowing Off Steam
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You showered longer than usual for a good while, trying to catch your breath and get the tension out of your muscles. You felt awful, not only tired, but exhausted. You hurt all over, mostly because of Wolffe, but you knew it wasn't his fault. You weren't mad at him, not at all, but the pain was there and somehow the shock of the whole situation was still deep in your bones.
You had to keep reminding yourself that you had all escaped together. Everyone except Kix and at that thought tears began to flow again. You had to breathe deeply several times, wash your face again after the shower and cool it down to fight the redness, then you started to get dressed.
However, you suddenly heard commotion outside the refresher. That sounded like a real fight. Suspecting the worst, you burst out of the refresher in your underwear and saw that Wolffe and Crosshair had gotten into each other. They hit each other, repeatedly ramming into objects or the hull of the ship. The rest got out of the way. Hunter stood to one side, looking serious and tired, keeping an eye on things but not interfering.
You quickly scurried back into the bathroom to put on the rest, at least a pair of pants and a shirt, and came out again.
"That's enough!" you raised your voice.
Of course, the two didn't really listen, they were too busy attacking each other.
Wolffe let go of him, or rather pushed him away and growled: "Your wife called for you"
Crosshair stared at him indecisively for a moment, then finally turned to you. You knew he was hot, still full of adrenaline and angry, but you didn't care about that now.
"What was that about?"
He looked at you and said, "I think you know that"
you sighed
"Cross, it wasn't his fault, that was the chip"
Tech reported from the background: "Which we should remove as soon as possible, by the way, we don't know if it's really inactive. It could also be equipped with a tracker like Crosshair's was"
Crosshair growled: "That's why they found us on Bracca, we have to change course immediately"
Hunter woke up from his paralysis.
"Otherwise we might take them straight to Omega," he stated, startled.
"Correct," Tech said.
"So we need to get rid of the chip first," Wrecker said.
Crosshair snorted, "Or Wolffe"
You nudged him in the side: "Stop it. He came here to help save you and he went through hell with us for that, maybe you should show a little gratitude."
Crosshair stared at you, anger burning behind his eyes, but of course he knew you weren't entirely wrong, yet he couldn't put aside what had happened to you, Chip or not.
Echo murmured, "Get a grip, we're clearly not out of the woods yet."
"We need to interrupt the hyperspace jump and program a new one to lead the trail away from Omega," Hunter said.
Tech nodded, "I'll take care of it."
You looked at Wolffe who looked at least as upset as you. You felt sorry for both men because of all they had been through, but now you had other things to worry about, as Echo said, it was far from over.
You felt Crosshair's hands on your shoulders, then he turned you around to face him and looked at you urgently, but also gently.
"Seeing what happened to you, the way he beat you up, that was just too much. I know how much control the chip has, I experienced it first hand.... but I had to blow off steam. It was probably unfair that Wolffe took the hit."
You caressed his face and said softly, "Don't tell me, tell Wolffe. He's blaming himself for what happened anyway."
Crosshair shrugged his shoulders uncertainly and said, "I don't know if he wants to listen to me right now."
"Maybe you should at least try"
Crosshair nodded with a sigh and walked up to Wolffe, who had just sat down next to Echo on his bunk, holding his ribs. He looked up with a sharp glare and even Echo tensed to possibly intervene.
"Hey Echo, will you give us a moment".
"If you promise me you won't go after him again," Echo grumbled.
"I won't, I promise."
Echo nodded to Wolffe, „It's okay, we can talk later“
You came at Echo's side while Wolffe and Crosshair retreated to the back of the ship.
"Do you know what your future husband is up to?", Echo asked you.
You smiled and said, "I think he wants to do the right thing."
Echo said with a grin, "That would be something new."
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Wolffe sighed softly and asked growling, "What now?"
Crosshair said after a moment's hesitation, "It wasn't your fault. I overreacted. Rampart made me watch you beat her up on a monitor and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt like an IED, I wanted to explode and take everything with me, that was a horrible feeling to watch. I didn't really think about whether it was your fault or not, I.... I'm sorry. That must have been awful for you too."
Wolffe looked at him in surprise, but then nodded and said, "Yes, indeed. I promised her I'd help free you and the others, promised to protect her. This feeling I have now... it's indescribably sickening, almost like the time Rex removed my first chip and I realized I was ready to kill the Jedi, that Master Koon had fallen."
Crosshair nodded slowly, "I have heard other clones say similar things. I was not even aware of this extreme effect until recently. My first chip never worked properly, most of the time I didn't know what was my decision and what was the chip's, but just before I ended up in Rampart's hands I had a new chip... the part that was controlled by the chip was ready to kill them, all of them and the rest was desperately but pointlessly fighting back"
Wolffe murmured, "Look, we'll just forget about the fight between the two of us. We both needed to blow off steam, that's all it was, okay?"
Crosshair nodded.
"Sounds good, I can live with that".
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@ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt
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