#the whole quest is a terrible idea
paimonial-rage · 2 months
The biggest recommendation I can give on writing dialogue that sounds in character for the character to say is, not to read the quests they are in, but to listen to the English dub whenever you get the chance. This may seem difficult especially if you are used to playing it in another language, but listening is key to getting the vibe of a character down. What you pay attention to is, not what they say, but the cadence in which they say it. Pay attention to the emotion in their voice, the speed at which they say things, the volume, etc. Once you get this down, it becomes easier to get an idea of what “sounds” right and what doesn’t. Cadence is an especially powerful thing. By training your ears to a character’s cadence, you can get a better idea of which words they would prefer to use, the lengths of their sentences, and things of the sort.
For example, reader asks Zhongli to dinner and he accepts. How would he respond? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so I accept. Thank you for the invitation.” But that doesn’t sound right, does it? Is Zhongli the type of person that uses many contractions? I don’t think so, so let’s fix it. “Hmm, I am not busy this evening, so I accept. Thank you for the invitation.” But would he say “I accept?” Perhaps, but it still doesn’t sound right. How has he accepted proposals in the past? A bit of research shows he has said “sure.” How can I mix that in? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so sure. Thank you for the invitation.” But hmm… the second sentence doesn’t sound right. What else could he say instead? “Hmm, I’m not busy this evening, so sure. It would be my pleasure.” That sounds a lot better.
Some people may ask why you can’t do these things while listening to another language. Personally, I don’t believe you can. If you are not fluent in those other languages, your ears are not properly trained enough to understand the nuance of the ways they speak. The correct emotion and tone will come through, yes, but you still won’t be able to intuitively know what sounds right and what does not. You only will get this sense by listening to it in the language you choose to write in.
The only downside to this is that your writing will become based upon the English translation of the game. As many people know, the portrayal of characters in English often does not completely match the portrayals in Chinese. This is especially so for characters like Zhongli, Xiao, and Kaeya. A lot is lost in the translation and dubbing process. Characters do not vibe the same. Thus, your portrayals will be more true to English, but not how it technically is “supposed” to be. Personally, I don’t necessarily believe this is a bad thing. However, it is something that can bother people. The only way I can imagine getting around it is by playing the game with the Chinese dub and by following accounts that speak Chinese and can give insight on the literal translations and what they mean and imply.
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mossflower · 11 months
finished homestuck!! and adding it to my ever growing list of ‘media near-universally labelled as cringe that actually kinda slaps’
#like i won’t lie parts of it? terrible. i can’t even begin to piece together half of the lord english plot#but i think a lot more of it was actually really really good. especially act 4 and act 5 they were my favourite hands down#act 6 not so much. like separately? i loved the alpha kids and the dancestors and the concept of the cherubs was really interesting#but somewhere the execution fell short. it’s gonna annoy me cause i can’t figure out why#i think it might be the retcon. which i didn’t hate as an idea!! but it occurred closer to the end than i thought it would#i feel like if they’d explored the impact of the retcon more it might have flowed better?? idk#idk. act six as a whole i’m split on. i either loved what it did or was massively confused and exasperated by what it did#it’s like half of the comic and i got through it in about a week when it took me like a month to do acts 1-5#and it doesn’t feel like that much happened it’s weird#but yknow. it is the act that sold me on vriska!! like i liked her before but i really liked her ghosting it up in this act#the bit where ghost vriska and ghost terezi found each other nearly had me in tears#vrisrezi as a whole. what a concept. easily one of the best dynamics in the entire thing#i really hope terezi finds vriska post-canon. however i’m not sure if i want to read the epilogues and homestuck 2 or not yet#ooh ooh also!! john fulfilling his quest slapped!! that’s probably one of my favourite bits in homestuck ngl#and omg. did not see davekat coming i won’t lie but i was v happy about it#k ill stop now bc i will end up listing half the characters and my favourite bits about them. and as fun as that would be#i really need to sleep haha#homestuck
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aenramsden · 3 months
The following is not my idea; it was the original brainchild of a friend of mine named Omicron, with help from various others including EarthScorpion, TenfoldShields, @havocfett and ShintheNinja:
So, you know what I want to do one day? Run (or play in) a D&D campaign in which the Big Bad Super Dragon that is fuckoff ancient and unfathomably powerful and whose actions have shaped history and bent the course of nations and had repercussions on the whole culture and society in the region where it's set; the Bonus Special Boss for some endgame optional quest after you defeat the direct BBEG and win the campaign...
... is a white dragon.
To explain this for people not deep into 5e monster lore; D&D dragons are sapient beings, and known for their instincts and tendencies, and whenever you meet an big evil dragon that's really old it's usually this ancient creature of terrible intellect Smaug-ing it up all over the place.
Except white dragons are fucking stupid. Like, they're still capable of speech and thought! They're just… feral, hungry morons. And you almost never see them portrayed as ancient wyrms for that reason; they lack majesty. Critical Role did it, yes, but even then, Vorugal is explicitly the most bestial member of the Chroma Conclave, and the others are the more intelligent planners and long-term threats. An ancient white as a nation-defining endboss, though; not a thug for a smarter master but as the strongest and biggest threat around is just not the sort of thing you tend to see.
Adventurers: "Oh wise Therunax the Munificent, gold dragon of Law and Good, what can you tell us adventurers of the evil dragons which rule this land?" Therunax the Munificent, 500-year old Gold Dragon: "Good adventurers, know this: this land is torn apart by the evil of Tiamat's spawn. The eastern marches are the dwelling of Furinar the Plague-Bringer, black dragoness whose hoard is a thousand sicknesses contained in the body of her tributes. The southern volcanic mountains are the roosting of Angrar the Wrathful, the fiery red dragon, who brings magmatic fury on all who do not worship him. And the northern peaks are home to Face-Biter Mike, the oldest and most powerful of all, of whom I dread to speak." Adventurers: "F-Face-Biter Mike???" Therunax: "Oh yes, verily indeed; two thousand years has Mike lived, and his eyes have seen the rise and fall of five empires, and a hundred and score champions have sought to slay him; and each and every one he bit their fucking face off."
Like... I want to see a campaign where Face-Biter Mike is genuinely the most powerful dragon in the region, if not the entire world. Where sometimes he descends on a city to grab himself some meatsicles and causes a localised ice age by the beat of his vast wings and the frigid wastes of his mighty breath and by the chill his mere presence brings to everything for miles around him, and everyone just has to deal with that for the next decade. An entire era of civilization comes to an end, an empire falls, tens of thousands starve in the winter, all because Mike wanted a snack. Where his hoard is an unfathomably vast mass of jewels and artefacts and precious stones frozen in an unmelting glacier, except he is a nouveau riche idiot with fuckall appraising skill, so half of his hoard is coloured glass or worthless knicknacks, and he doesn't give a shit.
"Your Draconic Majesty, this crown is… It's pyrite." "Yeah, well, it's brighter than this dusty old thing made out of real gold, it's my new best treasure. Throw the other one away." "…throw the Burnished Tiara of Bahamut, forged in the First Age of Man, your majesty???" "See? I can't even remember its fucking name." "But my lord-" "DO YOU WANT TO BE A MEATSICLE" "…I will fetch a trash bag, your majesty."
But at the same time, he's not stupid, he's just simple, and in some ways that makes him more dangerous than the usual kinds of scheming Big Bad you see in these things, while simultaneously justifying why Orcus remains on his throne (because he's lazy). Face-Biter Mike doesn't make convoluted plans or run labyrinthine schemes; he just has a talent for violence and a pragmatic, straightforward approach to turning any kind of problem he struggles with into a problem that can be resolved with violence. Face-Biter Mike has one talent and it's horrifying physical power, so his approach to any complicated problem is "how do I turn this into a situation where I can fly down and bite this dude's face off?" with absolutely no regard for the collateral damage or consequences of doing so, because those are also things he can turn into face-bitable problems.
"My lord, the dread necromancer Nikodemion is using his undead dragons to attempt a conquest of the eastern kingdom; his agents are everywhere, his plans are centuries in the making, what can we do against such a mastermind?" "I'm gonna fly over the capital and eat the eastern king." "M-my lord???" "The kingdom will collapse without leadership, Nikodemion will win his war, he'll take the capital and crown himself king." "And that helps us… how?" "Once he does I'll fly over to the capital and eat him." "…" "This is why you advisors all suck. You're all about convoluted plans when the only thing I need to win is know where my enemy is so I can fly down there and eat him. Stop overthinking things."
And, like, yeah, it's a simplistic plan, but when you're several hundred tons of nigh invincible magical death, you don't need brilliant strategy; the smartest way to win a war is, in this case, the simplest. He's not even all that clever at figuring out the consequences of face-biting, he's just memorised the common consequences of doing so.
(If you want to go all in on Mike being the major mover and shaker in the region; Nikodemion only even has a pet zombie dragon because Mike killed the last dragon to show up and contest his turf but wasn't going to eat a whole dragon by himself. Nikodemion got to stick around and amass that much power because Mike ate the Hero of the Realm while he was adventuring because he figured the Hero would come and try to slay him at some point. Nikodemion got started because Mike ate half the leadership of the Academy of High Magic who typically keep evil wizards and necromancers in check. And then eventually this product of Mike's casual, careless actions becomes a big enough problem to bother Mike personally, at which point Mike eats him too.)
He doesn't even really fail upwards, either! He is regularly reduced to nothing but the glacier he stores his hoard in, but he's Face-Biter Mike so nobody wants to commit to actually ending him forever lest they get their faces bitten the fuck off. And his hoard's in a huge-ass magical glacier so nobody can get to it without running into the Invading Russia problem; it's hard to wage war when everything is frozen over and you're both starving and freezing to death. Once he's been beaten back to his central lair and has lost all his holdings… I mean, he's still a problem, but he's a far away problem. So he loses his assets and spends a decade in a cave brooding it up while no one dares risk trying to actually kill him, and then a generation or two later he flies down to a kobold colony and gets himself some minions, or a dragon-worshipping mage comes to offer his service against a pittance from his hoard, or a particularly stupid cult starts thinking they can get in good with him and leech off his power, and then he's (hah) snowballing again.
He's also got a very… well, the kind of weird Charisma that Grineer bosses do. Like Sargas Ruk, who's a malformed idiot, but oddly charismatic. As he's a dragon, that makes him a natural sorcerer and thus Charisma is all he needs. He's pretty relaxed when he isn't in a face-biting mood, and he's kind of infectiously optimistic, because his life has taught him that he will succeed as long as he perseveres. So he just believes it.
And sometimes that's really refreshing to work for, as an evil minion of darkness! It's like, you're coming to your Evil Dragon Lord with terrible news; you've worked for evil overlords before, you know how it goes. You fall to your knees weeping and tell him that you've failed to seize the incredibly powerful magical artifact, you think your life is forfeit. And he's just like "Eh, it's okay, these things are all over the place. Better luck next time. You remember the guy who took it, right?" and you go "Y-yes, oh great lord!" and he's like "Sweet tell me his name later and I'll grab it" and then eats a frozen adventurer he kept around as a snack.
His followers tend to quickly realise that if they fail him, bringing some temple's silver or a sack of brightly coloured beads or a couple of dead cows means he's super forgiving because at least he's got something out of the day. "Oh boy, cows? It's been forever since I had those, ever since the Orc Steppe Nomads took over it's all about goats and onions. Today is a good day." He's a master of delegation by dragon standards, in that he just tells you "Just go get it done, I don't care how" rather than micromanaging you and constantly appearing as an image in smoke or taking over your campfire.
The key part of Face-Biter Mike as a threat to players (because he exists in the context of a D&D campaign) works well in that you can rely on several known quantities:
He will not pull sneaky shit that you don't see coming
He will not make convoluted plans that you must work to unravel
He will consistently attempt to come down and wreck you personally if he finds the opportunity and you are a threat to him
You cannot fight him head-on (at least not until the last leg of the campaign, and ideally as an optional boss rather than mandatory)
So as long as you are good at staying under the radar, thwarting his minions (whom he gives broad orders to with almost zero oversight) and not putting yourself in face-biting range, you can deal with him. If you succeed, it won't be the first time Mike has lost his assets and had to go brood in his glacier for a decade or two before rebuilding. It happens; he can deal with it. And that's a win for you within the context of a single campaign, so take the win.
And if you're not going to use him as an enemy, he works pretty well as a quest-giver, too! The costs for failure are obvious and straightforward, and "do whatever, just get me mine" means that players have a lot of freedom in accomplishing their goals. As far as evil overlords go he is actually one of the least dangerous to work for; his pride is relatively subdued by draconic standards, his goals are simple and typically achievable, and he is easily pleased.
(There's also a good chance he is the forefather of any draconic sorcerer in your party, because Face Biter Mike is a deadbeat dad.)
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inbarfink · 9 months
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Okay, so I already wrote a bunch of stuff about how that scene, although it is really sweet, is also kind of a Bad Sign for Simon - how he refuses to learn the Obvious Lesson from the Winterworld adventure (that being the Ice King again is probably a really really bad idea). But I want to talk about it also a little more about what it means for Fionna’s character as well. 
Because while sitting around and wallowing in self-loathing is probably bad for Fionna, especially after being told that she shouldn't be allowed to exist, and Simon is right to try and get her out of her funk. It's also still worthwhile for Fionna to have some introspection about the Consequences of Her Actions. Because she and Cake really did not consider them at all at first. They have a sense of morality and an instinct towards heroism, but they also tend to kinda forget the fantastical worlds they visit don’t exist entirely for their fantasy and have kind of a Protagonist-Centered-Morality fallacy. 
Most obviously you can see it in the market in Ooo. How Cake, in her excitement, damaged and hurt and even killed
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A bunch of innocent marketgoers without even noticing. And then Fionna immediately jumped to Cake’s defense against these ‘weirdos’, who were actually just normal kinda-righteously-angry Oooian citizens.
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It’s actually very similar to the whole Winterworld situation. Fionna’s assumption that she’s automatically the hero and protagonist of the story and black-and-white view of the situation and her tendency to kick ass first and ask questions later meant that she just recklessly injured a lot of innocent people.
(It might’ve been worse actually cause at least in Winterworld she was at least manipulated by an evil Wizard)
Fionna and Cake clearly have a great potential for heroism, but they do need to be a bit more considerate of the situation and people around them. And it does make sense considering that from their perspective - they’ve been living a very ordinary life up until now (and Cake was literally an animal. A very clever animal, but still not bound by the same standards of morality as the talking animals in Ooo). Action and adventure and fantasy stuff has been purely the realm of daydream and video games for them - and Fionna literally speaks about it in these terms.
(also, Fionna's Main Character Syndrome was undoubtedly validated when God literally told her that she was created to be the main character of her universe)
So yeah, it takes them some time to really process how to be heroes - they need to grapple with questions that Finn and Jake already kinda dealt with seventeen years ago. And actually a lot of those; how to resolve a situation without necessarily using violence, when does a 'villain' actually deserve sympathy and kindness, the importance of the larger context of any given conflict... their confrontations with Ice King all played a big part in that. It was never just him, but he was still a very major part.
And for Fionna and Cake right now, learning these lessons require some amount of personal introspection. So while it was a sweet attempt at comforting, I dunno if Simon’s little ‘the only problem with that universe is that this Alternative Me was terrible because he didn’t even acknowledge or remember Betty as the love of our life and the light of my entire universe’ thing is actually Good. 
I’m not quite sure Simon is the best person to teach Fionna and Cake heroism 101, because he is so focused on the Crown Quest as the thing that brings back Meaning to his life, and because his fatherly instincts just kinda go “Sad Young Person???? MUST GIVE COMFORT!” and also on account of the kidnapping.
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I’m sure Fionna is going to become the heroine she dreams about eventually, it’s just going to be a bumpy ride. The best we can hope for is that they accept Simon’s comfort, that she doesn't start believing that she is nothing but an Error for the entire universe like the Scarab claims, but don’t necessarily listen to all of Simon's his words either.
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rewatching the southern raiders and like. so much discourse about whether katara should've killed yon rha or whether aang was right or whether katara is a terrible person for that admittedly very mean "you didn't love her like i did" line and not enough discussion of how this whole fucking thing was zuko's idea. like he's not ride or die supporting his bestie on her murder quest he's straight up like "hey why don't you kill the guy who killed your mom i'll help you find him" and katara's just like "you make a great point" and aang and sokka are over here like what the FUCK
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railingsofsorrow · 2 months
you are in love (taylor's version)
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: moments in which you realise you love him, but he has no idea.
pairing: s.reid x gn!reader
w.c: 2.4K
warnings/content: friends to lovers trope; angst because spencer is an oblivious idiot; case related discussion; fluff I promise; a whole paragraph in italics means it's a flashback.
A/N: sorry for the delay to post this I've been busy. hope you like it, have a great day <3
[part of the “taylor swift anthology”]
taylor swift anthology
criminal minds masterlist
❝ morning, his place 
burnt toast, sunday
you keep his shirt 
he keeps his word. ❞
“I thought we agreed that you were not allowed in the kitchen.”
Your voice startles Spencer for a second. He flinches while trying to pull the slight burned toast out of the toaster. Your mouth is pulled into a grin as you notice his messy curls on the top of his head, his hands working fast on turning the tap on to diminish the burning sensation on his fingers.
“I am not that terrible.” Spencer hisses, pouting at his red fingertips. “I can make breakfast... I think.”
“Without setting yourself on fire? I seriously doubt that.” You tease him, approaching his hunched frame over the sink. With a soft touch on his shoulder, you take his hand on yours and lead it towards the water. You nudge him playfully. “Thank you for this, it smells great.”
Spencer lets out a huff in protest but the corner of his lips betray him. His heartbeat as fast as a racing car as if he had been running away from someone, all because of your touch on him.
Last night was a rough one for you.
You didn't feel particularly great after a case and you completely shut down anyone who tried to talk to you. That included Spencer, but you weren't able to delay your conversation as he invited you over for a movie night, a request you could tell he needed as much as you did, and you ended up sleeping over at his place as many other times before. However, this time, it was different.
Not because you slept in one of his shirts and his smell lingered near you on the bed during the night but because you sobbed into his chest and he held you into his arms, comforting your shaky frame as his hands traveled across your back and neck with the utmost care in the world.
Although physical touch wasn't his forte, Spencer didn't seem bothered to cling to you the whole night, and his touch was more than welcomed by you. You fell asleep in his bed, in his shirt and in his hold. It was the best night sleep you've had in months.
❝ and for once, you let go
of your fears and your ghosts
one step, not much
but it said enough ❞
“You think it could work out?” You asked him one day in the middle of your chess match on your way back home. Everybody else was dozing off while the two of you remained in your own little bubble. Tired but not enough to refuse a chess game.
Spencer moved one of his pawns forward, eyes traveling up to you questioningly. “What could work out?”
“You know,” you trailed off, biting your lower lip distractedly as you thought about your next move. You were going to lose anyway, might as well make the best of it to not be a total fool in front of Spencer. He'd get pretty smug after he won and though you can admit that you found it endearing, you hated losing. “Two members on the team in a committed relationship.”
“The fraternization policy—”
“Spence, c'mon.” You give him a short laugh. “Forget the stupid fraternization policy. I want to know if you think it could work out.”
He was silent for a moment, pondering over your request and you could tell he was probably gathering as many statistics as he could to provide you an answer. Truthfully, you don't know why you had asked that. Your previous conversation had initiated because you commented that you still had not found a dress to Derek and Savannah's wedding, you had no idea why it ended up on that question. You blamed exhaustion for your poorly choice of topic.
“It depends on who you're talking about.”
You shrugged, crossing your leg over the other. “No one in particular. I was just... thinking.”
“If they manage to be professional while at work then I don't see how it would be a problem.” Spencer concludes, the corners of his lips twitching as he notices your slip. He wins the match not long after. Not that you were surprised.
“Would you do it?” You were responsible for the disturbance of silence once again, but the question has been hanging over your head since your previous conversation. What if it was... us? Would it work out? Has it ever gone through your mind like it has with mine? “Actually, don't answer that. It's none of my business, I'm just sleepy and asking dumb questions.”
“Yes.” He answered after a beat, lifting his attention from the book to you. His gaze piercing into your curious one. “If it was worth it.”
❝ you can hear it in the silence ❞
“You don't have to apologize for rambling.” You said, throwing a pillow at him after he suddenly cut himself off, blushed bright red and apologized. “I like to hear you talk. All the time.”
“All the time?” Spencer raised a questioning brow as if he didn't trust your words. You can see why, given that most of the people you know rudely interrupt him in the middle of his speech about something he's passionate about.
You nodded, your mouth slowly stretching into a soft smile. “Yes. All the time. I mean it.”
His honey brown eyes scanned you for a long minute before he resumes his explanation about why Jung's ideas seemed to make more sense than Freud's. You listened to it, chipping in every now and then with a hum or a simple question. You'd do anything to keep him speaking, Spencer's voice was calming as observing the ocean on an empty beach. It's quiet and grounding. Peaceful.
❝ one night he wakes
strange look on his face
pauses, then says
you're my best friend
and you knew what it was
he is in love ❞
At some point, you drift off with your head leaning on his shoulder. His fingers carefully brushing stray strands away from your lashes. He was always so careful with you.
“You're my best friend.” You are able to hear. You don't move. You don't breathe. The following statement makes you glad you don't, because you wouldn't act with your head but with your heart and you didn't know if that was wise at that moment. “What if I love you a little more than that?”
❝ you can hear it in the silence ❞
There is a coffee cup waiting for you on your usual place at the roundtable one morning. The logo from your favorite coffee shop and you could practically taste the drink before it was even in your mouth.
He always knew your favorite order. And it seemed like he'd rather get you coffee from a place on the other side of town before work than actually exchange words with you.
A week after you slept over at Spencer's place, it all changed too quickly. He stopped answering your texts and proceeded to avoid you as much as he could during cases. You really tried to find the reason of why that could be happening. Did you do something? Did you overwhelm him in some way? But again, how was it fair to be treated so cold by your best friend if you didn't even know what you did?
So you don't apologize. You just treat him the same way. But you don't hold onto that coldness for long, because after the evening came around and you earned a busted lip and a concussion from an Unsub, Spencer finally seems to acknowledge your presence. He doesn't leave your side for the whole time the paramedic is examining you.
“Thanks for the coffee,” you say, clenching your jaw after the paramedic finished their job. “Seems like you care for my wellbeing even if you're avoiding me.”
“Don't walk too fast. You still have a concussion.” He follows you as you walk towards the car. You turn around, too quicky for you liking cause your vision spins for a second until it focuses again. Spencer's about to say something, reprehend you, more likely, when you interrupt him with fury in your tone.
“And why do you care?” You fire at him. “It's not like you've been ignoring my entire presence for a week, is it?”
Spencer's widened eyes tell you he doesn't expect you to lash out like that.
“I- I haven't been ignoring you.” Spencer stumbles with words. Excuses. You let out a scoff, turn around and walk off to the second car Hotch would be driving. Rossi and Emily are talking amongst themselves when you enter the backseat and shut it without a second word.
Emily eyes both your figure inside the car and Spencer helplessly weighing his options of going after you or letting you go.
He decides on the latter, she observes as he retreates back to the other car where JJ, Derek and Blake are already getting ready to leave.
Upon arriving back at Quantico, the first thing you did was say your goodbyes to everyone and immediately head to grab your stuff on your desk, observing the remaining twenty manila folders for a split of second until you harshly decided on going home and finish them tomorrow.
“I am not avoiding you- Not, not on purpose.” Spencer clenches the strap of his satchel, watching you freeze as you are about to open your car door. You hadn't give it much thought when he left at the same time you did since you always parked close and he would probably ignore you again. You're tired of playing games, if he wanted to withdraw from your life without a reasonable explanation, then so be it. Well, at least for tonight. You need at least one good night sleep without Spencer Reid controlling your mind. “I'm sorry.”
You turn around quickly, not realising how close he is until both of you took a step back as if you have been burned. With pink cheeks from either the cold or embarassement, you cross your arms trying to get a grip on yourself, focusing on his shoulder rather than his eyes.
“Why are you apologising?”
Silence envelopes the two of you and you actually think he had walked away and you had been left by yourself in the parking lot without an answer. However, when you lift your gaze, you're met with soft brown eyes studying you with awe.
He doesn't look away when he realise you caught him staring. Spencer is tired of avoiding you. Avoiding this.
“I was a coward.” Spencer let out a shaky breath. “I was scared and-and that made me a coward. I never wanted to cause a rift in our friendship-”
“It's too late for that, Reid.”
Spencer flinches as if he's been slapped. You hold back your wince. You don't mean to be cruel with your words but your lack of sleep and stress from the last case were making you feel sick of interacting with another human being. Even Spencer, who you would never get tired of. Maybe his childish behavior had contributed to that.
Don't call me that. You never call me that.
He takes one step closer and then one more towards you.
“I have feelings for you.” Spencer breathes out as if he's been holding it for a while — well, he had. “I didn't know how to— I didn't want to lose you and I was terrified to do something that—” his stuttering is enough for you to see how nervous he was. You have no idea where it all came from, but there wasn't an ounce of hesitation as he confessed and his eyes glint with a newfound determination. You suck in a deep breath as he says the next words. “I love you as more... as more than a best friend.”
“You're my best friend.”
“What if I love you a little more than that?”
“... so I avoided you because I didn't want to ruin us. I... I'd rather be your friend than lose you for good. Did I ruin that too?”
What if it was... us? Would it work out?
“For an IQ of 187 you sure can be dumb sometimes.” You utter in disbelief, all of the cold of the night giving place to the warmth of a familiar feeling bumping through your chest.
Spencer gives you a puzzled look, hurt flashing through his gaze. “What?”
“Spencer,” you let out in a whisper, seeking for his hand slowly. “do you remember when I asked you if two people in the team could work out in a committed relationship?”
A frown etches into his forehead.
“Yes,” he answers carefully.
You bite back a smile, fingers raising from his arms to his shoulders until you can reach the back of his neck. Spencer is focused on your eyes, completely hypnotized.
“You told me it could work out—
“... If it was worth it.”
“... if it was worth it.” Your lips quirk up as his hands lower to fit perfectly around your waist. Your noses barely touching. Personal space becoming a an unknown language between the two of you. “Well, I happen to think this is very much worth it and it wouldn't ruin anything.”
His eyes lower to your lips for a short moment. “It wouldn't?”
“No. Mostly because I haven't exactly been discreet about it and I have no idea how you didn't realise but... I love you too, Spencer.”
His eyes snap to yours, hands tightening instinctively around your waist which made you slightly weak in your knees. “You— what? How?”
Raising a brow in amusement, you smirk, “you're asking me how I love you?”
“I—no. I don't— I just didn't... expect that.” I can see that. “You feel the same? You have feelings for me?”
Your exhale, caressing his cheek fondly. “Yes, Spencer.”
Spencer. Not Reid.
His gaze once again falls to your parted lips. “Then I was an idiot.”
You chuckle, nodding in agreement. “Pretty much. Yeah.”
A large grin spreads across his mouth, so wide you'd think it might split his pretty face in two. God, you missed that. You missed him. Everything about him.
❝ you are in love. . .
“Can I kiss you?”
You scoff, pulling him closer by the tie, “Finally, I thought you'd never make a move.” Then your lips crash as if you are two people starved for weeks and the only thing keeping you alive is each other.
true love. ❞
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @whore-for-spencer-reid; @yeonalie
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riordanness · 7 months
wildest dreams - [p.jackson]
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1.3K wordcount
warnings: none
requested: yes!! (anonymous)
“In your wildest dreams, Jackson,” I scoff, staring down the boy fiercely. My sword in hand, my battle armour on, I was easy to beat this stupid son of Poseidon once and for all.
He grins at me, his smile slightly lopsided. “Okay, Red,” he teases. “Bring it on.”
I roll my eyes at the nickname. He’s been calling me it ever since he came to camp, two years ago. Ever since he found out I was the daughter of Ares, and I lived in a big ugly red cabin with a terrible paint job. I mean, I hate the cabin’s decor as much as the Aphrodite kids, but that doesn’t mean Percy Jackson gets to insult me.
I yell, and charge at him, our swords meeting in midair with a clang. I whirl, aiming for his unprotected side, but he blocks me, sidesteps, jabs at my stomach.
I stumble back, slashing at him, as anger flashes through me. I want to beat him. I have to beat him. This has been going on long enough, and I need to get my revenge.
Two years ago, Percy Jackson came to Camp Half-Blood. On his first proper day here, he tried to drown Clarisse, my older sister, and two of our other siblings. He made a fool out of Ares cabin. Then, later that summer on his stupid lightning bolt quest, he fought our father, the god of war himself, and somehow, he won. He ruined Ares’ reputation completely.
Ever since, I’ve wanted to turn Percy into a Poseidon pancake.
“Come on, y/n!” Adam, my favourite brother, cheers from the side of the arena. “Beat Jackon’s ass!”
“I’m trying!” I shout back, as Percy manages to catch the hilt of my sword in his. He’s stronger than me, and taller. He pushes down, fighting against my strength. Then, as he’s pushing his sword down, he suddenly twists, and I’m forced to let go. My weapon clatters to the ground.
There’s silence from the bleachers. Every camper there, who came to watch us duel, has no idea what to say.
I have a lump in my throat, and I don’t know how it got there. A sudden, overwhelming feeling of defeat grips me, and I send a tearful glare in Percy’s direction.
“I hate you.”
I shove past him, hoping my final words sting him as much as my loss to him stings me.
“You should let this go, you know?”
I glance up in surprise. Leah and I are on stable cleaning duty today, which is an absolutely awful job, in case you were wondering.
“Let what go?” I ask.
She waves her hand aimlessly in the air. “This whole… Percy Jackson thing.”
I raise my eyebrows, disbelieving. “You want me too, what? Forgive him?” I make a sound in my throat that’s almost a gag, almost a growl. “Hell no.”
“Come on!” Leah pleads. She’s the daughter of Athena, with pretty dark skin, dark braids, and warm dark brown eyes. She’s shorter than me, but way smarter and prettier. We arrived at camp almost the same time, three years ago. I’m still not sure why she likes being my friend, but I love Leah.
“Look,” she sighs, leaning against her broom. “I hate Poseidon as much as the next girl, and Jackson isn’t exactly my favourite person.” She grimaces, probably remembering the time Percy messed up and made her team lose at Capture the Flag. I’d won that day, so maybe I should thank Percy for his service.
“But,” Leah continues, “he’s not really a bad person. Like, yeah he’s a total dumbass and annoying and way too cute for his own good–”
“What?” I half groan, half laugh. “No he’s not.” I try to believe it myself.
Leah ignores me. “He’s not worth making your enemy.”
I sigh. “I guess you have a point…” Even saying that feels wrong. I want to hate Percy; I want to get my revenge and prove for once and for all that Ares isn’t lame, that we can be great.
But, Leah is right. There are bigger things to worry about now. There are rumours; Kronos is rising. Luke Castellan is making an army. Camp Half-Blood will be going into war.
I realise my grip on my pitchfork is so tight that my knuckles have turned white. I let go of the pitchfork, watching it fall into the straw on the stable floor and almost disappear.
“Go.” Leah gives me a little shove. “I saw him doing paperwork sorting for Chiron on the porch a little while ago.”
I give her a quick nod, brace myself, break into a sprint, running towards the Big House.
I spot Percy long before I reach the Big House porch. As I near, my footsteps slow to a walk, and I have to force myself to take a deep breath, striving for calm. My temper isn’t easy to control.
“Hey,” I call, taking the front steps two at a time.
Percy half-glances up, looks back down at his pile of letters and documents, then double takes at me. “Y/n?”
I try for a smile, waving at him with my fingers. “What’s kicking?”
“Uh–paperwork,” he replies, looking at me in slight confusion, probably wondering what I’m doing here. “For Chiron?” he adds quickly, then scrunches his nose in a way that almost makes me want to agree with Leah about Percy being cute. Almost.
I nod. “Sounds like torture to me.”
Percy grins wide. “Tell me about it.” He waves the stack of papers in the air as he gets to his feet. He’s only standing half a metre away from me now, closer than we’ve ever been without trying to beat each other up. “I never remember how much I hate being dyslexic until I try doing this.”
I bite the inside of my cheek, suddenly having no idea what to say. Percy seems to notice the awkward pause, and frowns uncertainly at me. “Why are you here, y/n? I doubt it was for just a chat.”
I let out my breath slowly. “Uh—yeah. I came to make out—I mean up! Make up.”
Percy tries to hide his smirk, and fails. I feel my jaw ache from clenching it. All my old hatred for this boy bubbles almost out of control, but I fight it, like I fight everything, and this time I win.
“Okay…” Percy muses. “Y/n, the daughter of Ares, god of war, wants peace.” He stresses the last word. “Not to mention I humiliated both her older sister and her father, when I was twelve.”
I grit my teeth and glare at him. “Do you want me to pulverise you, Jackson? Because I will.”
“Oh really?” Percy has an eyebrow raised. “But I thought you came to make up? Or was it out?”
“Why did I let her convince me to do this,” I mutter, already ready to just make a run for it. But no. Leah was right, albeit pretty frustrating and exasperating and extremely embarrassing. I did need to end this somewhat ridiculous rivalry with Percy. And I guess it was now or never, right?
“I’m sorry,” I blurt out before I can change my mind. “I’ve been stupid and selfish and I’m sorry.” I hold my hand out to him. “Friends?”
Percy stares at me, then my outstretched hand for a count of three. At first, I was almost certain he was going to leave me hanging. That would be so like him! But then, he grins, that adorable, dumbass smile I’ve known for so long now.
“I don’t want to be friends, Red,” he says, his words solemn and his tone teasing. “I’m in love with you.”
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I Keep Thinking About a Gale x Ace!Tav x Astarion AU
It makes no damn sense. Compels me though.
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Let me be clear, this would be an AU and not a continuation of the “canon” I’ve established with Ace!Tav. It’s just not how I picture their story playing out. All the same, I keep circling back to this in my brain. Call it a thought experiment.
I’m probably not going to write a full fic for it. So, if anybody wants to take this general idea and run with it, feel free. Just give me a shoutout. Or if you guys are curious about this AU drop me an ask and I’ll answer with some rambles.
Speaking of, shoutout to @leighsartworks216 for letting me ramble to them about it.
Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist (for reference)
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Cards on the table, none of these people are ready for a poly relationship
Gale is explicitly monogamous and ties sex and romantic love intimately together. Astarion is still dealing with the idea of being enough and just ✨the trauma✨ . Meanwhile Tav has their own abandonment issues and is just waiting for Astarion to get bored and leave. And yet! This disaster trio won’t leave me alone.
So this whole thing gets started when Astarion approaches Tav about wanting to experiment with sex again
He knows Tav isn't interested in sex and doesn't want to make them feel pressured into having it just to please him, so they talk about opening up in the relationship
Tav is hesitant about it, but also doesn't want this to be the reason Astarion leaves and so agrees
They convince themselves that if Astarion wants to have a one night stand, it’s fine; so long as he’s not seeking out his emotional needs with other people then there’s no risk of him wanting to end things; this is, of course, a terrible way to handle it
So, with that hanging over their heads they reconnect with Gale over some quest (maybe getting a magical item to allow Astarion to walk in the sun)
Gale has been teaching and while happy is admittedly still a bit lonely so is grateful to see his friends again
Gale and Tav always had a close relationship, but seeing them again does stir up some of those old feelings he'd let lie because, you know, the Absolute (headcanon here for further details)
Gale internally berates himself for this because he 1) knows Tav is ace and therefor not interested in a sexual relationship which is something he prioritizes when it comes to romance and 2) Tav is clearly still in a loving relationship with Astarion, so he's not going to be the asshole to get in the middle of all that
He tells himself it’s just the loneliness talking and pushes that shit down
So, he starts getting closer to Astarion who, while still a bit of a rogue, has mellowed a bit and worked on some of his more selfish instincts
Honestly, having the opportunity to see how much Astarion is devoted to Tav increases his opinion of the man
He and Astarion’s relationship is still antagonistic, but much more playful than before
This culminated in a moment when Astarion and Tav are checking in on each other after a trap goes off
Astarion pulls them close a moment kissing Tav on the temple once it’s clear they’re fine
Gale watches this interaction, his stomach twisting with familiar jealousy, but pauses as his mind screeches to a halt realizing “wait, am I jealous of Astarion or Tav?"
Meanwhile Astarion is a bit surprised at Gale being more friendly with him, but he can't say he's complaining. He knows Tav missed him, and while he had his own jealousies early in the relationship, he's since moved passed it. Gale was the one to help him ultimately get together with Tav after all.
He makes more of an effort to get to know the wizard one on one and finds himself looking more and more
There is something oddly endearing when he rambles
Gods he really is a powerful wizard (connotation: scared and horny)
Did his robes always show off his chest hair like that
He really does make Tav happy
Until one morning he's laying in bed and snaps up enraged with himself like, "GALE?! OF ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CAN FEEL COMPELLED TO FUCK. FUCKING GALE?!?!?!?!"
Full existential crisis
Yes, they said opening the relationship, but he knows how nervous Tav feels about it. They’ve told him about their past relationships and how so many of them fell apart when the topic of sex came up
But he also knows he can’t do a one night stand; he needs to trust the person he’s having sex with, he wants it to mean something
He knows Gale and he knows it would mean something with him
He also knows Gale’s opinion on monogamy; would he force him to choose between him and Tav? Would Gale even want to be with him? Astarion knows Gale used to feel deeply for Tav
And what if it ends badly? Gale is Tav’s friend, his friend. Fuck, this can’t be happening
Meanwhile Tav is reconnecting with Gale and is like, “Gods I did miss him…oh wait I like *missed* him, missed him”. But pushes that shit down because, again, in a very loving relationship with Astarion which they won’t risk for anything and 2) Gale has made it clear that sex is something he values in a relationship as a form of intimacy.
They knew they couldn’t give him that then and they can’t now
Tav is also starting to notice how Astarion is looking at Gale
They’re much more in tune with his emotions and can see he’s interested
Tav starts to feel jealous and then feels guilty for doing so because they said opening the relationship was fine
Gale is wonderful. They know he’d treat Astarion the way he deserves. They could hardly blame Astarion for ultimately choosing him
They knew deep down they were just a stepping stone on Astarion’s road to recovery. If he can be with someone who can give him so much love and sex, why would he need them?
It also doesn’t help that as they start noticing Astarion looking at Gale, they see Gale looking right back
They do feel deeply for Gale, but know his thoughts on monogamy
Besides, they turned him down before, they can’t expect Gale to have held onto those feelings
So they start to slowly distance themselves from both men, resolving that if Astarion approaches them about it, they’re not going to stand in his way.
This course of action causes all of them to start driving themselves crazy in their own heads
Astarion is scrambling because they can sense Tav pulling away and is desperate to figure out what’s wrong, but Tav won’t tell them anything
Gale can see it too and so is pushing down all of his emotions because “Tav I know you love Astarion and Astarion loves you, so what’s going on”
Tav can’t confide in him either so they just don’t say anything
This leaves Astarion and Gale to start confiding in each other more because what’s going on?
Finally Astarion spills everything to Gale, he and Tav opening their relationship, his fears about them leaving, and becuase he’s got a good idea why they’re pulling away
Gale is admittedly a bit obtuse about it which prompts Astarion to grab him by the front of the robes and start kissing him
Gale respond enthusiastically and the two of them start making out. But before it goes any further their brains catch up with them and they stop, both knowing that they need to talk to Tav
So they approach Tav and Tav’s like, “yeah, it’s fine, can’t say I’m surprised, neither of you are exactly subtle. It’s fine. I’ll take this as my queue to go then.”
Astarion then jumps in like, “wait, no, who said anything about leaving”.
Tav tries to convince him that it’s fine, that they’re happy for him, really. They can’t begrudge him for wanting more and he shouldn’t feel compelled to stay with them.
Astarion’s brain is reeling from this because are you actually kidding me? Please say you’re joking and don’t actually believe that.
He then takes their face in his hands and tells them he’s not going to stop loving them just because he wants to have sex again and if there is one lesson they’ve taught him is that he has more love in him that he ever thought possible. He’s got plenty to spare.
Gale meanwhile has been watching Astarion and Tav’s relationship for some time and has come to understand you can separate sex and romantic love
He then steps in saying, “yes, I am interested is pursuing something more with Astarion, but also with you. Honestly out of the two of you, I’ve loved you for much longer”.
Tav would still need time to accept the idea that they’re not the third wheel. Gale would need to work out how to put that sometimes obsessive love into two people and Astarion still has his trauma, but they’d all have each other to work it all out once they get everything out into the open.
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a-person-whos-alive · 6 months
Why TotK fails Zelda
Heads up, this is a long post. Ive cut this down like a motherfucker but it still reads very long. My thoughts are divided into four main categories;
1. Her relationship with her magic & tech
2. Her relationship with Hyrule
3. Her relationship with Link
4. Her relationship with the player
Also, these are my opinions, I'm certain there are people with far better analysis skills than me! I am just in love with this franchise and a little disappointed with the recent game. Zelda as a character holds a special place in my heart and its sad that her character was done dirty like this.
Theres a TLDR at the end and before I forget, SPOILERS!!!
1. Her relationship with her magic & tech
Zelda is not someone who magic came easily to, and I think BotW & AoC did a great job exploring that. They contrasted her natural interest with the sheikah technology and her lack of power and it was 😘👌
How did TotK do? With the Zonai tech being the main selling point, how would Zelda, a scholar at heart, interact with it? To my memory, the only interaction she has is to put Mineru's soul into a piece of Sheikah tech and hand it to a construct.
Well what about magic? Finding out she has light AND time powers was at first a great throwback to OoT with the Sage of Time. The fact that her Time magic awakened immediately unlike the Light magic in the last game was a nice contrast. But then, she immediately has a similar dilemma, she can't USE her magic to propel herself forward because she doesnt know how. Unlike BotW though, she has the "mother" she was lacking to teach her. This was a decent set-up. It was different enough to be its own thing but still was familiar enough. This is up to memory 4 - Mineru's Council
The issue the NEXT MEMORY, memory 5 - Gerudo Assualt shows her being even more proficient than Sonia. We don't see her train, or struggle, or even ask a question about how the stone works. She just does. It's not until memory 8 do we see her get any guidance about her powers? And even then we don't see her attempt recall at all. In the next memory she simply uses it perfectly and effortlessly.
The purpose of her strengthening Time Magic was to get back home. Yet, she gets back home by swallowing a sacred stone, that she already had the ability to do at any point. She turns into the LIGHT dragon, using her LIGHT magic to strengthen the Master Sword. Her whole arc about her magic was pointless because in the end she used the powers from the previous game for everything important.
2. Her relationship with Hyrule
Positives first! Its clear that Zelda loves her people, and during the 7? year gap she obviously took the time to connect with them and problem solve. Penn's quest really demonstrates this, and so does the Hateno school quest. (Even if the children don't believe in the Calamity). I found it very endearing that the people had such faith in her, that even with Ganondorf causing havoc with her face, people refused to believe it. The Great Fairies MUST have seen wrong because it was dark, Dorephan MUST have been mistaken, the Stable Trotters MUST have seen someone else - Zelda wouldn't do that.
I additionally liked that Zelda wasn't immediately trying to set up a monarchy again. In fact, she seemed to be doing the opposite. She wasn't living in Central Hyrule, at Looking Landing, she was living in Hateno. She was a teacher, and on some level a researcher (even if the Don Dons were scrapped ideas from the first trailer).
But the second she goes to the past, she is put back in her box. Her interests in tech are non-existant, she does not interact with anyone who isn't royalty, the King doesn't listen to her about Ganondorf and tells her to not to worry - after all she's just supposed to wear that white dress and hope her magic works soon. She's regressed back to before the Calamity, waiting for something terrible she knows is coming and is powerless to stop.
Crucially, she doesn't speak to Ganondorf once.
This is by far the most egregious waste of their characters in my opinion, and I've just deleted a 3 paragraph Ganondorf discussion - another time. But come on! This is legitimately the PERFECT scenario for Zelda to find about about WHY people opposed her royal family, WHY everyone she's ever loved died in Calamity caused by this guy, WHY she's had to go through all this. But no, if they did talk, it wasn't on screen.
Ive seen in translations of parts of one of the interviews with a developer saying she was able to see what a ruler should be like by going to the past, but until a see an official source I'm going to hope that's not true
3. Her relationship with Link
"Link is still entrusted with the role of protecting Princess Zelda." - Hidemaro Fujibayashi https://www.npr.org/2023/09/13/1199307678/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-dlc-video-game. Maybe I'll write a post about Link sometime, but I'm focusing on just him and Zelda.
Whether you ship the two or not, the pair would obviously have a unique bond from both fighting the Calamity and losing the Champions/everyone. So, how did the pair cope with the destruction of everything the love? How did Zelda come to terms with the ruins of Castle Town, the harsh reality of all those who were dead? Zelda doesn't have Link's amnesia to temporarily soften the inital blow.
TotK explores none of this.
Similarly, there is a level of formality on how Zelda speaks of Link. When she tells Rauru of Link she starts, "He is a royal knight. He had been originally appointed for my protection, but later he became a hero by saving both me and Hyrule from a great evil". Not "he and I became close" or even "he became my friend". Zelda is talking to the two people closest to her right now,
All their interactions are the bare minimum.
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Link has ALWAYS been a self insert for the player, but he's still a character, and more recently Nintendo has been acting like having emotions means a player can't project onto them. Zelda is Link's closest person, and when she returns he is piece of cardboard, at least help her up!
4. Her relationship with the player
First, as everyone who played BotW will know, many things were removed or changed in TotK to allow it to be standalone for new players. Sheikah tech was removed, important characters forgot Link, the majority of the last game was rarely if ever mentioned. Kass
However TotK does not properly establish Link and Zelda for new fans AND doesnt not elaborate for old fans. They interact twice until the end - the intro and memory 1. All of her characterisation is in that little history moment, the rest of it is 50% sacred power lore and 50% time power lore. Additionlly, anyone who is new to the game has no context for her light powers.
Actually, TotK literally retcons her light magic to be from Rauru and not Hylia. Which was the WHOLE POINT of BotW so great sequelling there guys.
TLDR: The Conclusion
Wow, you made it this far. Or you skipped to end, I would too. My main gripes with Zelda:
> She doesn't interact with Zonai Tech.
> Her arc is about learning time power to go home, only for her to not use said magic and instead use the light magic from the last game to fix the sword and be a light dragon.
> Having her worries about Ganondorf shot down by the King and not holding her ground/ insisting (did you learn nothing from Rhoam??)
> never interacting with Ganondorf him being in Hyrule as a diplomat
> nintendos approach to her and link, they dont once touch while both conscious. Not even a handshake or pat on the shoulder. See images above with prev. Zelda and Link.
> the instance on making it not complicated for accessibility to new players, but also not fleshing it out enough to be compelling on its own.
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nipuni · 3 months
Some various lighthearted life updates 🏃‍♀️
It's been a very busy last few months! in a good way mostly. We had a friend visiting us from overseas so we showed him around the city and took him to all our favourite places. We also met new people and were invited to a bunch of events so it's been very fun! We are all out of social battery tho so now we are slowing down a bit and getting back to work. Nicolas is on a short work trip to Berlin and I'm back to painting. We also started running! aaand we are also back to watching a bunch of shows and to me talking about it here to like five people 😌
Under the cut cause it's a lot as usual!
We finished watching S13 of Doctor Who! (we still have the specials to go but after that we are all caught up!) I haven't updated in ages so here are lot of opinions!
We really did not enjoy S11 😞 I was aware it wasn't very popular but we were hoping it was for all the wrong reasons, sadly we found many to be valid. Some of the episodes were baffling, Rosa? Kerblam?! the writing of the whole season in general felt like a rushed school assignment. The first part of Spyfall was a strong start for the next season but that ending in the second part was really not it. We did love Sacha Dhawan's Master tho!! and we really love Jodie too, 13th is adorable and reminded us of Ten at times! Jodie is such a fantastic actress that it makes the quality of the writing and everything else around her even more frustrating 😫 S12 was an improvement in general. In the last few episodes It felt like the writing team suddenly remembered the companions could have a personality and agency lmao. Highlights for us were Spyfall one, Fugitive of the Judoon and Haunting of villa Diodati, tho we did also enjoy most other episodes of the season despite their issues.
The timeless child plot reveal felt a bit underwhelming? The idea on itself has potential but it felt mishandled (and it had a bit of a Moffat flavour to it? and not in a good way). I think it was meant to add more depth to the Doctor's lore but in a way it ends up having the opposite effect. Then the flux was just a complete mess. It read like a Marvel sort of plot, very comic book like which is alright I suppose if that is something you enjoy but it felt out of place. But mostly it was just way too much, it got out of hand. Anyway we still have the specials to watch! and I think the Master is in them so we are looking forward to it 🥰
We also watched Broadchurch!! and we LOVED it. We ended up binging all three seasons. Chibnall's writing on this is surprisingly great and Jodie's acting is spectacular she really shines here. Olivia and David are always brilliant!! honestly everyone's acting was amazing. This series had us both tearing up every five scenes. The direction and the music are outstanding. I could watch Hardy and Miller solve crimes forever I really love their chemistry and dynamic. We went into it expecting the usual detective fiction but it ended up being a whole study on grief with such a focus on family and community and trauma and a ton of touching interconnected character arcs, just really really good!!
Then we also watched Taking over the Asylum!! MAN we were not expecting to have our hearts wrung out like laundry by this!! We thought it was a lighthearted show!! GOD we are still not over it, what the fuck!! It was so good we loved it!! but we were not prepared lmao what do you mean 'the end'?? we'll be thinking of this for months, I was expecting an extra scene after the credits or something. Excellent characters, refreshing depictions of mental illness and trauma and so crushingly realistic. Every character is so loveable I really wish this was longer 😭
And our quest to watch everything with David Tennant on it continues. We watched Decoy Bride on Valentines day too and it was terrible but such a hilarious fever dream kind of bad that it was fun, it has David on it and he never disappoints. I feel so lucky that Nicolas and I are both in love with him, get yourself a man who shares your celebrity crushes lmao it's so fun!! We feel like teens again chatting about him and drawing little hearts next to his pictures haha 🥰 We watched the BAFTAs just for him and speaking of the baftas!! I was not expecting that last drawing of his outfits to get that much attention oh my god 😭 thank you!! you are all insane and I appreciate it so much!! and thank you for all the support in general, about my art and photos and just everything. I feel very lucky and grateful 😭 anyway I'll end this before I get sappy, that is all for now! I hope this week is kind to you all, I'll be sharing some more art soon 😊
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hii I don't know if you write for Cipher from fast and furious but if you do could I request her with prompt 53 and/or 59 🫶 I absolutely adore your fics
Heyyy @ciphersonlywife !! I just saw faxt X for the second time, and I can’t tell you how much I loved Cipher in it 🔥 So your request comes at the perfect time! Thanks for the quests & Hope you enjoy! PSA: manipulation below. This is obviously not ok or healthy. Be advised.
Sirens in Your Head ~Cipher(Fast X) xFem College!Student!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#53. “Shit, right there Daddy, please!! … Uhh… I… I didn’t mean that…!”
#59. “You… find this attractive?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, fingering, age gap(all legal), pet names, chocking, trespassing, illegal activities, chocking kink, hand kink, Daddy kink, manipulation, etc.
Enjoy (;
How had you, a college freshman and relatively normal young adult, end up working with the world renown cyber terrorist known as ‘Cypher’…?
Well the short story of it is that she picked your broke ass up from MIT and offered you a job.
And the long story is… a little more complicated…
Cipher had been looking for a good crew ever since Toretto and her escape from her glass cage. And when she heard of a mass hack across all U.S. military equipment, she was intrigued. She was even more intrigued when she found out after some digging that it was done by a MIT freshman.
That’s how, when you entered your dorm coming back from your chem class, you found the woman who you would come to know you intimately well, leaning back against the opposing wall.
“I… I’m sorry, can I help you?” You asked.
The blonde lunged herself effortlessly off the wall, making her way towards you.
“Sit.” was her sultry reply, indicating towards your desk chair, while she invaded your proximity and locked the door behind you.
The strange woman then watched you sit down without question as she leaned back against your desk. Your breath hitched under her intense gaze. You had to look up to meet her eyes.
She didn’t know what she was expecting, but she certainly expecting you…
“I heard of someone who cyber attacked all of the U.S. military’s key tech… even the classified pieces…” the blonde stared you down as she cooly explained.
“Oh…?” You choked out, your face reddening at her choice of topic.
“Yes. Gotta hand it to the person… pretty clever.” She continued, “Especially when I found out it was a 19 year old kid who hasn’t had any priors… and hasn’t been caught for it…”
Her eyes glimmered mischievously and were drilling into your soul, your own flickering away and doing a terrible job at keeping her at bay. That’s when you noticed the woman’s hands. They were tightly gripping your desk.
And fuck how they were delicious… The idea of them touching you sent sparks through your body and to your core…
You shook your head. You were being found out for a federal crime for gods sake and you were fantasizing about this woman’s hands. But then one of them picks your chin up, directing your gaze back up to her eyes.
Cipher cocked her head amusingly, her eyes scanning you, attempting to solve you. She then removed her hand and a whimper which you desperately tried to stifle escaped you anyway. Your pupils were blown out of proportion, your cheeks ablaze with fusia.
“I want you to work for me…” The woman spoke.
But you didn’t register her. All you could think about was her close presence and her hands which were now rhythmically tapping on your desk. This time Cypher brought her hand to your throat, pushing your head back up to her gaze and squeezing your throat lightly at the same time.
“I don’t like to repeat myself…” she warned, slightly tightening her hold on you.
This time there was no mistaking the pathetic whimper that escaped your lips. And suddenly, the blonde’s eyes flushed with a whole new darkness.
“You… Ohhh, is that what it is…? find this attractive?” Cipher tauntingly purred.
Your breath hitched yet again. You didn’t know whether she was referring to her hand or her choking you or just her in general, but you desperately nodded. She then picked you up by the throat with ease, suddenly switching your positions and pinning you to your desk, eliciting a gasp from you.
“Up.” The blonde commanded.
You hopped up on your desk as fast as humanly possible. Your heart was racing and your breathing was erratic. You immediately looked back up to the blonde. With a wicked smirk, the blonde crept her hands up your thighs, making you shudder. Her hands spread your legs open and hiked your skirt up with ease. You were a flustered mess.
Ciphers eyes never wavered from staring down at you, partially looking for any signs of you not wanting this but mainly wanting to watch ever little reaction she could draw out of you.
“Is this what you want, baby…?” She taunted, her index finger tracing teasing circles over your clothed clit.
Your eyes widened and your hips jerked at the teasing pleasure and pet name. Your mouth formed into a silent O as she continued to lightly tease you. But then she stopped. Your eyes fluttered back up to the blonde, a whimper escaping your lips.
“Oh Baby… I told you, I don’t like to repeat myself…” she growled, her other hand coming back up to your throat and squeezing it deliciously tight.
“I’m… I’m sorry…!” You chocked out in a breathless moan.
At your words, the blonde removed her hand from your neck and that wicked smirk returned. Her hands crept back up your thighs, one staying there to keep your legs propt open, the other snaking it’s way back to your clothed clit.
“Let’s try this again…” she wickedly purred, “Tell me what you want, baby…”
Your eyes rolled back from her torturous pleasuring.
“Want… want you…” you breathlessly pant.
“Want what, baby…? Use your words…” she taunts, moving your panties aside with ease and running her index finger through your folds.
“OhHhHHhh—! Want your fingers inside of me…!!” You breathily cried out.
At this, two of her fingers slipped inside your aching heat, causing you to grab onto her form with a tight grip.
“Good girl… But you might want to keep it down, unless you want the whole campus to hear you…” she wickedly purred, pumping and curling her fingers skillfully inside your soaked cunt.
Your eyes went full white as you rutted against the blonde’s fingers.
“Please please please…!” You chanted.
She then added another finger, making you keel over in pleasure.
“Already so close…? Poor baby hasn’t been properly touched has she…?” She tautingly husked in your ear, using her other hand to choke you once more.
“I—Yes GOD please don’t stop!!” You chockingly cried out, grinding your hips against the blonde’s hand sloppily.
Her fingers then expertly curled against that spongey spot inside you, eliciting another string of pleasurable cries from your lips.
“Shit, right there Daddy, please!!” You screamed as you crashed into your orgasm, your walls deliciously clenching around the blonde’s fingers.
The second you phased out of your blissed out state, you realized what had come out of your mouth.
“Uhh… I… I didn’t mean that…!” You stuttered, beginning to choke up yet again and your gaze fluttering around the room to avoid the blonde’s.
Meanwhile, Cipher pulled her three fingers out of you and stuck them in your mouth, making you come back to reality.
“Work for me.”
You nodded with a mouthful of her fingers and your cum. At your words, Cipher chuckled, bringing her lips to your ear and nipping your earlobe.
“Call me Daddy…” she purred in the shell of your ear.
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demilypyro · 5 months
The muse of games comes to you, a very long list of crossed out ideas in her hands. "JRPG is a terrible name for the genera, especially with today's design aesthetics not having kuch difference, and both western and eastern video game RPGs taking inspiration from 80's TTRPGs (sometimes the same ones). So I give up."
You have to come up with the new genera name for JRPGs such that it can include anything already clearly a JRPG (Final Fantasy 1-13, Dragon Quest series) but also some of the newer stuff that really don't look much like the old stuff (Final Fantasy 15 and 16, Bauldaur's Gate 3, Undertale). Where turn-based stats-heavy combat and exploration take up the vast majority of time spent on the game, but the story is what most people remember of their time with it.
Can't be that hard...surely?
There's an error in this ask. Final Fantasy 15 and 16 are not turn-based games. Other than those few, you can easily categorize all of these as story-driven turn-based RPGs. Those remaining games are story-driven action-RPGs. This separates them from story-light action-RPGs like Monster Hunter and Dark Souls, which have real-time action gameplay based on buildcrafting but relegate their story to the background.
Regardless, I find the whole question rather trite, when the game industry can't even agree on the definition of an "adventure game", and people still argue about what's a roguelike and what's a roguelite.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 10 months
wow you’re the first person i’ve seen actually support the retcon, that’s cool
i’ve always been neutral on it but would you be down with explaining your opinions on the retcon?
so my number one feeling is that the way homestuck is most like a game is not in its framing or its many subsystems within itself, but in that homestuck is a challenge to the reader first and foremost. it challenges a lot of existing preconceptions about what stories are, what stories can be.
sometimes this is in some stupid ways, but a lot of the time, it's in very palateable ways. hussie describes stuff like the juxtaposition of the earthbound walksprite panels and hussnasty mode as a "creative power move", something that keeps readers on their toes, something which kind of prods at your expectations and why you have those expectations.
and it helps to ask, what challenge is homestuck presenting to me, the reader, by doing this. this is the repeated motion of homestuck, like. "oh, what, it's insane that there's a whole playable game", "oh, what, it's insane that the fallout and consequences of an entire session of the game is being given in just three walkarounds". rose's arc is a challenge to the idea of a "coming of age" story, how do you come of age into a world where the metrics for growth and maturity and adulthood are denied to you? what if "adulthood" and "maturity" were fake ideas all along? well, if nothing matters, maybe you should have a drink to rest your mind about it.
one of the most direct challenges is the challenge of what death means in a story - there are a lot of stories where death is a bad end for a character. an impactful enough character death can change culture around itself for as long as it remains relevant. but that's not what death is in homestuck. death in homestuck is the freedom from being in homestuck. this is most prevalent with its deployment of gnostic ideas - yaldabaoth's treasure being homestuck itself expresses this most directly. the creator has made a flawed world and encourages the suffering of its inhabitants.
death is freedom from this flawed world, and this is expressed in terezi: remem8er. characters who did terrible things, horrible things, unforgiveable things, can find peace in death.
and i think the retcon is far and away the headiest challenge, the final boss of storytelling in homestuck's terms, because it directly challenges the idea of continuity, which is, by the way, TOTALLY FAKE.
continuity isnt actually real, its a thing youre actively constructing as you read. the drawings, the words, the music, the animation, the gameplay - all these things can help shape the idea of art, but the art itself, that's produced by you, the reader. and i think this is a good time to switch over to talking about the never-ending story for a moment.
the never-ending story is a story about atreyu. he goes on a fantasy quest, one which involves the death of his beloved steed artax, the plight of the world of fantasia, and confrontations with the nothing, this devouring force which threatens to end it. and ultimately, he loses. the forces of the nothing are just too overwhelming for a fictional character to overcome. the stakes are too high, no ending could be satisfactory and not contrived.
but then he doesn't lose.
because the never-ending story, the movie, is about bastian, and the relationship and empathy he builds with atreyu as he follows him on his adventure, and bastian, as the reader, is capable of caring about atreyu and fantasia even as it's been reduced to nothing. and its bastian caring about it, and bringing his own context, his own experiences - the name of his dead mother - to the story, that allows it to be reborn as something that can be completed.
and then he rides on the big luck dragon falkor and barfs on the bullies from the start of the movie.
homestuck is doing the same thing, but filtered through the language of video games. if youre playing ff9 and lose to black waltz #3 or whatever, it's a video game, that's to be expected. just do better next time. you wiped on the trial, it's normal, regroup and pull again. youve got 90 minutes. and in that time, in that regression, you become the kind of person who could overcome that challenge.
and it's a powerful challenge! it's one most readers don't overcome, because they are still stuck in the terms of thinking about things in what they expect out of it, instead of what it is. and this is kind of the core idea of homestuck.
hussie put it the best themself:
Homestuck, as an examination of all forms of creative practice, whether cosmic or artistic, isolates the tension between perfect, celebrated idealization and specific, flawed instantiation. The purity of the ideal is what's initially sought, but the imperfection of the specific is what has true value. Conflict and suffering arise from the guilt and stress associated with overvaluing the former. Deliverance and humanity come from recognizing and embracing the latter.
and honestly, i like what the retcon does for basically all the characters it changes dramatically. people take issue with rose's alcoholism plotline being resolved with vriska_slap.png but i don't really, because rose's alcoholism isn't like, of itself if that makes sense. it's alcoholism as an extension of nihilism, in a way that doesn't reflect real alcoholism, but it doesn't have to. s'a story. things can mean things nonliterally.
and vriska regresses as a character, but i think this specific regression is the core of homestuck. you get the platonic ideal of vriska-ness, one who didn't see and feel the trauma she inflicted on tavros, one who has completely supplanted gamzee's role as the plot-mover guide in the alpha session. and one who only makes token gestures at reparations and atonement for her misdeeds. one who is still obsessed with being at the center. and between 2016 and 2019, i was so certain that she had died a heroic death in act 7 that it is an immovable core plot point of my own comic.
(homework: why would homestuck call act 7 the rapture?)
and like, those pre-retcon characters literally do still exist, they show up in remem8er. remem8er goes unbelievably hard on giving every single dead character in the comic the best catharsis available to them: deliverance from having to be in homestuck. and i mean that entirely sincerely! the best ending for a homestuck character is not being in homestuck. and that's a tough thing for people to get their minds around.
but again, it kind of comes naturally with taking homestuck as it is, and thinking intently about what it's doing, what conventions it's challenging and how it's challenging them. because sometimes it's deeply stupid (decade-plus of thought on the matter has not made the incest any more palateable or understandable)
but sometimes it's the best shit in the whole world
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inbarfink · 1 year
It’s truly hard to overstate just how much Spamton’s mere existence is a nightmare for himself. Like, arguably the life of everyone in the Deltarune universe, and especially the Darkners, is an existential nightmare. Spamton’s just on a whole other level. This is Advanced Existential Nightmare.
Cause yeah, on some level it’s always kinda depressing to think about the idea that all Darkners are bound to the fact that they are created from inanimate objects and the emotions Lightners associate with them. That this forms some sort of irrevocable inner essence and Purpose they can never change, even if they truly wanted to be something else. No one can choose who they are in this world and so on.
But like, at least most of the other Darkners we met can get some sort of contentment from following the role they have been given. Tasque Manager loves managing things (and Tasques), Lancer is a playing card who ultimately just wants to play around and have fun, Queen seems to truly love being a useful computer who can supply Lightners with endless hours of entertainment and knowledge in her own egoist way. Even King’s initial angst was based around no longer being able to fulfill his purpose.
But Spamton… as the living embodiment of Spam Mail, he was created with the desires of your typical spam-mail; advertising and/or scamming people. And he was created to be obsessed with the things that your typical Spam Mail talks about; success, fortune, status and [[BIG SHOT]]. But he was also created to be utterly terrible at accomplishing these things.
He’s Spam Mail, Spam Mail is weird, obviously scammy and generally gets ignored or thrown away. And no matter how much Spamton wants or how hard he tries, by the basic nature of his being, he can never actually be good at this. And he also can’t, like, understand that maybe salesmanship isn’t his thing and take up macramé or something. Because that obsession is also part of his basic nature. Spamton’s basic nature is to be forever frustrated, desperate and miserable.
And that’s exactly why he’s the first Darkner we’ve seen who’s truly set on cutting his puppet-strings. I think that a lot of the ‘Freedom’ he wants is freedom from that utterly miserable lot in life. To longer be bound by the rules of Being Spamton. On some level it’s probably about breaking the Rule of Nature that means he has to be a failure, that he can’t truly become a [[BIG SHOT]] on his own. He wants to overthrow God so he can get the financial success that feels he deserves.
(I know some people are angry at the Mysterious Voice on the Phone for abandoning Spamton, but I do wonder if it wasn’t basically inevitable. That the Mysterious Voice, regardless of what they wanted, could simply not subvert Spamton’s Failure-ness forever)
And that’s kinda tragic cause it’s shows that even when trying to break away, he’s still doing so through the lenses of the existential curse that’s causing him so much suffering. To be free is to get [[BIG]], and the only way to get [[BIG]] is by scamming and tricking and manipulating. Because as long as he’s Spamton, those are really the only things he can do.
But on some level, I think, he might also want to be free of that. Maybe it started as wanting to break away from the ‘script’ that means he’s bound to be a failure - but with time, I think he also grew to want to want different things. It’s clear Spamton is very distressed about losing the friendship of the Addisons and Swatch. He considers his own loneliness as one of the most defining traits of his own existence (he always start projecting on Kris on the basis of both of them being lonely). But he literally can’t put his obsessive quest for success aside and focus on his relationships. He literally can’t.
Outside of, I guess, the Pacifist ending to his NEO fight. That’s the one point where Spamton was able to put his ambitions aside for the sake of friendships.
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If only for a moment.
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But however brief it was, it still feel like it meant something to Spamton.
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fortheloveofarchons · 24 days
My opinions on Sunday from Honkai: Star Rail
C.W. Contains spoilers after the 2.2 Honkai: Star Rail Trailblazer Quest + theories and lore
I kinda agree with his philosophies and thinking... to some extent...
Okay hear me out!!!
We all know by now that Sunday's whole motive is to protect everyone and ensure that they won't have to suffer anymore (like when he states that he wants everyone to have seven rest days). I can empathise with his character so much, as someone who (as ridiculous and cowardly as it sounds) is afraid to face the harsh realities of life. I mean, even if he's set as a villain, he is as gentle and empathetic as his sister Robin, just that they both express it differently.
Seeing the cutscenes of him and Robin from their past to the present was just so immersive, because Sunday brings up some very demoralizing and harsh situations that he faced back then, and we, the audience, can understand and relate to struggling to cope with his disappointment, frustration, grief, and anger - all while often having little to no power to change things.
From the way Sunday is acting, he seems more like a traumatised parental figure (as we've seen the reason why Robin has to wear excessive neck accessories due to her being shot) who cannot let go and provide his care and safe environment for his loved ones.
Moreover, his ideologies felt surreal as I myself would take that path since I can relate to his trauma and ideals (and also as someone who has a sibling too)
His viewpoint is understandable, but...
Taking away the basic right of an individual's free will for safety is always a controversial issue.
As Himeko once called out Sunday, she states that he's just going to trap everyone in a bird cage through eternal slumber, which robs them their freedom and agency.
Plus, from what Robin said, if Sunday's plan worked, he's going to hurt himself too. Because Sunday will be in charge of everything and everyone, he won't even have time to rest, causing his body and mind to be exhausted to the bone (maybe possible cause his mind and body to corrode cause he needs to rest at one point)
Moreover, Firefly made a good point disapproving Sunday's point that he should not assume just because someone is weak doesn't mean that they should automatically escape to fantasy. It is up to you to be strong so you can fly into the sky, and that not everyone who is weak should be weak.
I remember someone commenting on Youtube stating that Sunday protects Robin so much, that Sunday doesn't even know how to protect himself for facing the outside world. It's kind of ironic considering that Sunday is supposed to be the protective, influential type of characters in Penacony, yet he barely knows how to fly. Robin, however, took the opportunity to spread her philosophies of Harmony and influence others in reality.
In conclusion, Sunday has the right idea, it's just that he has a terrible execution. But I know that there are some people who don't mind, I've been on Instagram to see a lot of people agreeing with his views... yes I'm talking about all those sunday stans cause I've seen a lot from them
(I ain't complaining plz we need more Sunday content!!!)
I mean-- in reality I wouldn't agree; but in this story, I would agree with him. (if we don't consider my simping and bias because that has the most influence)
Honestly, I'm hoping he gets a redemption arc because I really love him (I personally wouldn't mind if Sunday gets the Wanderer treatment from Genshin Impact if it means that Sunday will be playable), and hoping that he is really alive (as stated by the leakers that Sunday has a bunch of specific codes and emotion codes that's exclusive to playable characters).
That said, may we Sunday havers have more Sunday content and playable Sunday in the future!!! I'm gonna write a fic for Sunday so stay tuned!!
Let me know what you guys think of Sunday! Do you think he'll get redeemed? Playable? Alive?
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fatuifucker · 2 years
make a wish
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soft dom scaramouche x sub kitsune familiar! fem-bodied reader (they/them pronouns used but gendered-terms such as "vixen", "cumslut" are also used + mention of breasts)
SUMMARY = "then for my birthday wish, can we have sex over and over again until we tire out?”
WARNINGS = smut, penetration (reader receiving), use of the word “cunt”, spitting, collar, belly bulge, breeding (with no threat of pregnancy because mans a puppet), mating press, dacryphilia, sharing a strawberry through a kiss, rough scara who spoils you with praise so you can make happy fox noises, slight degradation (cumsleeve, cumslut, etc), spoilers for inazuma archon quest, scara calls reader "vixen" and other fox-related terms, reader calls scara "master"
W/C = 1.5K
A/N = aaah honestly, i’m not the most satisfied with this but i was on a time crunch and i struggled with getting the perfect idea
tags = @zen-daydreams, @edenialucas, @urcatbf, @nejibot, @midnxght-sweet-time, @honeyjetcoaster, @ventriloquistz
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Moonlight seeps through the curtains, casting a brilliant light onto the pair. Inseparable, they've always been. Lips connected, sucking on a little red fruit as teeth bite into its flesh, spurting out its sour-sweet nectar into your mouths.
Wet. Passionate. Divine.
Words that all describe the sensations and emotions that surge through your blood. It’s lewd. Terribly so. And it feels right. Scaramouche's hand cusps your breast, feeling your racing pulse as he kneads the mound, while his other hand toys with your pussy. He parts from you to allow you to breathe — catching the sight of your adorable expression with those half-lidded eyes and stuck out tongue dyed with red — before clashing his lips with your once again.
With the strawberry long gone — dissipated into shreds that were swallowed through the tussle, he sucks on your tongue instead, smiling into the kiss as you keen your hips against his fingers. It feels right for your tongues to be intertwined like this, to be able to feel this shared passion and bliss. It makes him wonder if the two of you have been joined by the red string of fate that binds soulmates as one in those Liyuen novels you describe (such a boring pastime, he thinks, but your love for mundane, human things despite being an immortal yourself is another thing he finds adorable about you).
He swallows the noise you make, parting away when he feels fluid wetting his whole hand. His hand grabs your jaw, squeezing it just slightly to tell you to keep your mouth open, before he gathers his saliva in his mouth and spits on your tongue, making your pussy throb. Scaramouche watches your throat bob as you swallow before his electrifying eyes returns to your solicitous, half-lidded gaze.
"That was the most delicious strawberry I have ever tasted."
"Only the freshest. Specially imported from Fontaine, just for the occasion," he says with a boastful tone. "You should be grateful."
You giggle, the sound a euphonious melody he could never tire of hearing. "My beloved Master spends hours tirelessly learning how to bake my favourite strawberry shortcake for my birthday, hosts a banquet with all my favourite foods and is spoiling me in bed. How could I not be grateful?" You trail your hand up to the collar around your neck, tapping on the bell attached to it. "And this. This collar makes me feel like I'm yours."
"You have always been mine, my little fox." Scaramouche flutters his eyelashes against your cheek, looking at you with fondness that is uncharacteristic of the 6th Fatui Harbinger. "I'll give you everything and more. Surely, you have a wish you want me to grant on your birthday, don't you?"
A wish?
You think for a moment before answering with the first thing that came to mind, “Then for my birthday wish, can we have sex over and over again until we tire out?"
Scaramouche blinks before erupting into a cackle. “Fucking seriously? Ha, should have expected it from a vixen like you." He grasps onto his shorts, pulling them down low enough to take out his hardened cock. "I'll do it how you like it. I'll be gentle with you…verbally. But I'm going to fuck this pretty pussy up. I'm going to screw you like you're my obedient cumslut whose only purpose is to be their harbinger's useless cocksleeve. But I'll tell you how much I love you, how perfect you are and how I adore everything about you like you're my spouse. I'll whisper sweet nothings and praises into your ear all while I fuck up this little hole. Because that's how you like it, right?"
Scaramouche rubs his tip against your entrance, not pushing it any more than that. He smiles at you — a deceptive, saccharine smile — as he awaits your response.
You swallow as you shift your gaze away from him. "Yes. I want it like that, Master."
"Good fox," the Balladeer purrs, shoving his entire cock inside you with one thrust.
You squeak as he starts pounding into you, not giving you time to adjust to his inhuman length. Then again, your cunt is so wet and sloppy that it doesn't matter. Not to mention you've done this for hundreds of times that you've gotten used to it. Still, you can't help but stare as Scaramouche moves inside you, an imprint of his cock forming on your belly every time he does so. He presses against that spot as he whispers into your ear. “Needy pathetic little slut. Are you so addicted to me that everyday, you can’t stop thinking about my cock even when you’re supposed to be working? Everyday asking me to have sex with you, even during my harbinger meetings. Have you no shame, little vixen?”
Then again, he isn’t any different. In the walls of your shared bedroom, he isn’t Scaramouche, the Balladeer, the 6th Fatui Harbinger who brings terror and fright to anyone, whether they are his enemies or his very own subodinates. When he’s alone with you, he’s just Kunikuzushi. The discarded doll who you swore your life, sword and soul to aeons ago— no, he’s more than that.
He’s Kunikuzushi, the dysfunctional puppet who was the only being to ever risk his life to save you when others watched you rot in that barren, empty dump for decades. He is the man who would bring calamity to Celestia if they ever dare to lay a hand on you. He is the man who orders you to bow before him on his throne, just so that he can run his fingers through your hair with the gentleness of a feather and whisper those three words that make you think ‘I don’t regret following you to the ends of Teyvat.’
“P-pet me, please…” you moan, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I want to be held."
"Mmm so honest," Scaramouche chuckles, pulling up your top and bra to spit in between the valley of your breasts. "You're so devoted to me that it's adorable. It's endearing, really. The way you're so stern and domineering in front of the other harbingers and everyone else. Yet, you allow yourself to melt in my arms and give in to depravity. It makes me want to spoil you more."
You feel Scaramouche caressing your cheek, his succulent lips nipping at your ears. You couldn't help but slip out a few mewls and pleased fox-like sounds as he continues his ministrations, all while he screws up your soaked cunt. He feels it tighten around him everytime he moves, enveloping with that heat that makes him feel delirious. He is addicted to you as much as you are addicted to him.
Every sound you make — whether it be your innocent laughter, your piercing cold demands directed at the recruits, every moan of his name, every smile, everything, just everything.
He takes pride in the way you scream whenever he enters you. He wants to stretch you to your limit whenever you mutter that he's too big. He wants to break you, only because you love it, and he would do anything you ask.
"Fuck, you…gh–" he pants, speeding up his thrusts. "You always feel so tight around me. So fucking wet and hot. Fuck, I…" I don't deserve you. "I'll give everything to you. I'll fill you up with my seed. You fucking want that, right?"
"Yes! Please, please, please—!"
You're sobbing as he grabs onto your plush thighs, pressing them to your chest. He feels you so intimately just as you feel him. He feels himself getting drunk at the sensation of your pussy swallowing his cock, and he knows by that smitten look in your eyes that you feel the same. Neither of you had any experience in carnal matters other than with each other. But he knows that nobody would be able to make him feel as good as you. Nobody would make him feel like he is anything but a discarded puppet. Nobody…
"Kuni! Kuni, I love you!"
would make him more loved than you.
"...I love you too." Scaramouche collides his lips with yours, taking advantage of your opened mouth to slip his tongue in. "Mm…love you so…fucking much."
He spills his warm seed inside, painting your insides white. Pleased, you mewl into his mouth before creaming all over his cock, squeezing his throbbing shaft and milking it for all it's worth. Scaramouche pulls out of you, letting you recover for a few seconds as he watches his cum drip out of your pussy. He gathers some of it and smears it all over your labia, marvelling at the obscene sight as you squirm.
"What? Don't tell me you're tired already." Scaramouche scoffs.
"No," you mumble, puffing out your cheeks. "That's insulting to a kitsune. You know we're creatures of charm and intellect. I have more than enough stamina to top you."
Scaramouche raises an eyebrow, a smirk on his face. "You think you can do it?"
"I'll ride you until you see stars, pretty boy," you giggle.
"Fine, get on top then."
Eagerly, you push Scaramouche to the bed, already stroking his cock as you leave marks all over his body.
"Hm?" You look up at the doll, pausing your motions momentarily.
"...Nothing just," He brings your chin up to his face, planting a soft kiss on your lips. "happy birthday."
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