#their lore is so tragic tbh
caluupin · 2 months
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Father!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
#caluuart#genshin impact#genshin#art#arlecchino#god she's just so. cool. pretty. ethereal. badass.#also I LOVE HER STORY QUEST SO MUCH!! I think it's definitely one of the best story quests in the game tbh.#wait uh arlecchino story quest spoilers below:#for one; the quest really gives even more depth to arlecchino's character. like yeah the whole thing is well. messed up.#it's an orphanage that raises orphans to be child soldiers after all. But it's also like. It's more.... humane? nicer? for the fatui anyway#which does bring me to the next thing. you know how arlecchino's like “if you're gonna leave the HotH you need to fight for it with ur life#I genuinely think that she's gonna just. straight up kill them. although it's not unlikely at all it turns out that (most of the time?) she#-just gives them a one trip to memory loss and set them free. which i do know it's kinda like death in genshin's lore but still.#I just find that pretty interesting.#also the cutscene where clervie says goodbye n stuff. It makes me cry EVERY TIME. ARGHHHH TRAGIC CHILDHOOD DOOMED YURI MY BELOVED :(((#clervie makes me so sad man. the fact that she just. accepts death. she really just let peruere kill her huh. crucabena when I fucking get#the hopelessness getting to her at that point. all attempts of freedom failed until that day..... GOD. and clervie finally getting closure-#-in the story quest as a spirit... I just..... man.........#on a lighter note :)#I got obsessed with a bloodborne OST LMAO. the uhh the lugwig boss theme. esp the sec phase one. it's SO GOOD. I first heard abt it in a-#-vid analyzing the ost musically. At the time i was like. woah. cool. what a cool sounding track. fast foward to like. a day before 4.6#I'm watching a genshin theory video and I heard the music in the bg. I recognized it but I couldn't remember where I heard it from#UNTIL I REMEMBERED. and looked it up. And I have not known peace since. good music.#anw I've been rambling too much so yeah. gn my dear fellows!!
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catnotfound · 3 months
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tfw you’ve been coasting through life not giving a single shit but then your closest friend tells you that he might not survive the month 😎
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leonstamatis · 9 months
really not sure why i felt the need to redact information from that ask. most of you know by now. i talk about the hell that was that fandom often and many of the fics were still on my ao3 up till like two years ago. but listen it's the illusion of having secrets. of having a past.
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daminini · 10 months
ts4 vampires vs ts3 vampires
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kadextra · 4 months
Genuinely curious as someone who hasn't fully been keeping up with qsmp, how do we know qbad's gonna die?
We’ve been expecting it to happen for around 6 months :’) here’s a recap of it all for you
From the first week of September q!Bad has been suffering with a soul infection. back when all the egg kids went missing, he was grieving and lost the will to live. he let himself wither away, getting attacked repeatedly by monsters called “soul vultures” which tore pieces out of his soul. it gave him symptoms like colorblindness, hallucinations, and turned his eye blue
skip forward to the end of purgatory when the nuke exploded. he shielded Dapper with his body, and was the only person who got hit directly by the blast and lived (rip q!Maxo)
but the soul infection absorbed the radiation and accelerated. especially the nasty head wound hidden under his hood- look at his skin and you could see it start growing
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it affected his mind- since early December he’s had lapses of memory where he forgot people, places, and his own kids over and over.
but now this long and tragic slowburn is finally reaching the climax. the past two weeks since the island reset, he’s been coughing more, forgetting more, getting weaker. his kids Pomme and Dapper made him medicine which he’s been taking to keep going just a little longer. the infection has gotten 10x worse and is consuming him completely, as you can see below
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the eggs are all in despair
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but his body just can’t fight this illness anymore <\3 he admitted as much to Richarlyson in last night’s stream, after their deep discussion about death with Dapper and Empanada.
This is it, he’s dying tonight or tomorrow.
q!Bad has implied multiple times that because he’s a high-rank demon creature, when he dies it won’t be a permanent thing. it’ll be something like a factory reset- which is just as painful tbh because it’ll be the death of who he once was. he’ll be wiped blank. but there is a chance he can recover, it’ll just take a lot of time. so he’s not leaving the server, it’s gonna start a new chapter of lore for this character
That’s where we’re at now :’D
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hellcheckers · 7 months
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tier list of all the hours in cultsim based on how horny I think they are
S Tier: The Grail - Self explanatory
The-Mare-In-The-Tree and The Malachite are canonically rumored to fuck nasty in the woods despite it technically being illegal to fuck if you’re immortal
A Tier: Mother of Ants - im biased because I think she’s hot. the fact that jesus is one of her names won’t deter me from trying to hit that.
The Forge of Days - Quite literally caused a millennial calamity via killing the Sun-In-Splendor because she was afraid that they would get too horny, would put in S tier but she did kill her lover so.
The Moth - Listen having one of the ways to ascend as the carapace cross is to be a stripper and lapdance in several occult locations. The moth may not fuck be they sure as hell don’t mind that.
The Sister and Witch + The Witch and Sister - these lesbians are literally intertwined with two different versions corresponding to different aspects. Which one is the witch and which one is the sister? I don’t fucking know and neither do you. One drowned after the other and if that doesn’t scream tragic sapphic sex idk what does. also they probably sent the recipe to the sex in the beach cocktail to some random bartender as a prank good for them.
B Tier: The Flowermaker - While I don’t know much about them, I do know that those flowers a definitely drugs. Not horny enough to bone but horny enough to make Acid 100000.
The Thunderskin - Bro got flayed because The Grail and him fucked to the point that he was the sacrifice bc they just really boned that much.
The Beachcomber - While this avian hour does not have any lore behind its sexual preferences, it is said to “collect the secret liaisons of the hours and gloat”. Fucking voyeur.
C Tier: The Elegiast- He is not the kindest hour, but he does not forget. This may or may not extend to the liaisons of mortals. Best not to ask him about it.
The Colonel and The Lionsmith - Gonna be honest these two are too caught up with trying to one up each other via eternal strife to actually think about committing the crime of the sky. Shoutout to the theory/headcanon that The Colonel and The Mother of Ants are secret lovers though.
The Vagabond - Has probably fucked in her lifetime, but is definitely too salty over being banned from the Mansus to think about sex.
The Velvet - She’s too busy digging in the dirt and hiding juicy gossip and world ending secrets. Understands consent as she did say No to the Glory.
D Tier: The Sun-In-Rags - I don’t think any of the technical children of The Sun are too happy about being born via failed and lethal sex. Definitely don’t think the Sun-In-Rags is happy about visiting what’s essentially his mom when it’s the spitting but depressed image of his dad.
The Door in The Eye - I don’t think medieval LASIK is hot tbh but that might just be me. Other than the fact that Teresa is within its vicinity, there are no horny vibes here unless you count blood.
The Meniscate - Child of The Sun, see above. However, bonus points to how she’ll take in the dancer if they are too symmetrical to be sorted under heart or moth.
The Madrugad - Probably the least traumatized of The Sun’s children. Also probably has the level head to not get involved with anything that has to do with The Crime of The Sky.
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shaylogic · 4 days
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 3
another anthropomorphized animal love interest or two for Edwin
deep Cat King lore and maybe even a whole Case on him. are there other cat kings in other towns? when he loses his last life, does another random cat become king and know how to shapeshift suddenly?
both Tragic Mick and Cat King are directly involved in helping Niko get back
Cat King's next crush is Niko but he takes a softer, sweeter approach to it. He learned from Edwin's conversation with him at the end of season 1, and Niko's recovering from being dead(?). Maybe he guides her through whatever shared supernatural experience he and she may have
Halloween episode
I know they wanna do a winter holiday special, which I'm sure could be very fluffy. But in the comics, at least, the winter holidays is also exactly when Charles died, so we could have some angsty hurt/comfort about how different this year with friends is
Child actors hired to portray younger flashbacks for our core four (Niko, Crystal, Charles, Edwin) in their living childhoods with their families of the past
More on Tragic Mick's involvement with supernatural goings-on... where do all the items in his shop come from? Is he a trans-dimensional being, and how? (He is in the comics). What's his deal with neutrally providing items to the heroes and villains alike?
Full blown Kashi episode/case
Another love interest for Crystal as other relationships are shifting around?
Adaptation of Crystal's comic story of losing a friend (Rosa) to a spirit in the Neitherlands (probably proxies onto Niko in the show)
Live Girl Detectives on their own case without the boys (like we got a bit of in s1e8)
Animal companion/pet for the office. The actors said in an interview they'd love that (could just be Monty tbh)
Dream sequences for our protags that have nods to The Dreaming and may even have a glimpse of Morpheus in it backround
Jenny is swayed by a cute and badass Londener to give dating another shot
While traveling through a mirror, it shatters/cracks, and one of our ghosts gets stuck!! (Also a comic event)
The gang is able to interrogate more information about how the afterlife works from the Night Nurse
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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ganondoodle · 7 months
you know what i just saw some more of that weird ass reward for getting all shrines in totk, and tbh im still so
what is that?? there are no dog like sentient species in this version of hyrule?? the most is the sonau themselves but they got no tails??? i dont think anything in this hyrule has a tail like that? and sonau legs are pretty normalish human too areant they? they dont even have proper claws, just veguely longer fingernails- i guess there are the statues in the underground that kinda look like it (they dont got tails either tho do they??) but like ,,, theres nothing you can learn about them right? its never mentioned or even hinted at despite there being so goddamm much of the sonau still just up and functioning- their lil "material deposits" in the depths arent even withered beyond some plants growing on them, all their 'tech' (isnt it just .. magic tho? where the mechanism actually? its usually just some stone animated by green swirlies ... but ill mention that in another post) just runs perfectly like it was made yesterday
where does that thing come from?? and its supposed to the the HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? huh????? and its decked out in sonau clothing head to toe with clear gerudo refs too?? that so weird bc youd feel like there would have been some mention of this, especially considering that that thing is on the tapestry and impa(was it her? or purah?) RECOGNIZES ITS THE HERO FROM THE TAPESTRY???? like, CASUALLY even?? like a well known fact ?? did i miss some big lore part somewhere that talked about that dog gerudo sonau thing?? and if its on the tapestry that means it wasnt that long ago really (i mean ... all the sonau shit is still pretty much fully intact so arguing that they came and went in the time between totks past and botws past isnt that plausible either imo ..??) o how come you never see anything from that and yet its somehow completely known for them, and you cannot tell me she saw the abstract version of the hero and then looked at that armor and went thats the same bc two colors veguely matched or what?!! also given that its fully clothed in sonau stuff .. like the arms are literally raurus bracelets .. thingies, but then the sonau where supposedly a complete and unknown mystery until it suddendly came all raining from the sky and revealing its been there and EVERYWHERE the whole time apparently? with the most we knew was some flimsyly made stereotypical barbaric armor set in faron in botw? which i guess is also fully undone by totk since it shares absolutely zero in desing to the 'actual' sonau stuff we got in totk
and if it where some sort of descendant from the mix of kids rauru and sonai kinda .. must have had (unless they did away with zeldas bloodline stuff too .. which .. why even call it zelda anymore at this point lol) then again, where did those features come from (like the tail and red hair, the strange googly eyes? is there a mix of goron in there too??) and how was it then not documented or seen anywhere else?? youd imagine the mutant kids of the first tragically dead king and queen of this hyrule would be known in some way .. that is assuming it was that, but given the weird features no other species has still is ... it just doesnt add up
(i had the awful thoguht for a second that it might supposed to mean the gerudo came from that but .. the gerudo are already there LITERALLY the 1:1 same as in the present, just like all the other species ... which is also disappointing as hell, like seriously? not even different feather colors for the rito? literally the same clothing for the gerudo as in botw but white with golden stuff instead?? some vaguely different zora features? idk ? anything? also the hero would never be gerudo, we know only evil comes from that *explodes*)
if its supposed to be a mystery then they absolutely failed in making it any interesting or intriguing but still something that feels like its part of the world, like botw was very good at giving you mysteries you wanted to talk and theorize about that still felt organic, harmonic with the world, but in totk its all either boring answers or just ... completely out of nowhere and just kinda stumps you (in a bad way)
*sighs* yet antoher ramble rant, this game could have had it all, it was right there on the plate in front of them all they needed to do is grasp at it, why wouldnt you ..
totk will never not frustrate me huh ಠ_ಠ
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hidedino · 6 months
(//metagaming or analysing some mentions of behind-the-scenes information we got from the ccs)
i've been thinking, pac had most likely been notified about his character's kidnapping in advance which also means that the whole date thing was planned to purposefully fall through. i mean, etoiles and bagi were allowed to do the rebellion mission before getting kidnapped so why couldn't pac? also the admins definitely wouldn't want to meddle with fit and pac's own "lore" plans and they always could've kidnapped Q!Pac after their date was over (which might have been even more tragic tbh).
the point is, i find it really funny that not only was the reason why Q!Pac had immediately realised that Q!Fit was inviting him on a date because it was planned in advance, but also these two had to have a serious conversation about how exactly they were gong to keep writing the fanfiction of their cubitos.
and well, something to consider here is that fit and pac had this conversation around the same time fit had declared that "big things" were happening by the end of december...
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evil-xisapril · 1 year
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Transcript below
Welcome to Evil Xisapril! (Evil Xisuma April) Greetings Evil Xisuma enjoyers! With HC Season 8 ending over a year ago and the tragic lack of Evil Xisuma appearances since, there seems to have been a devastating decline in the EX economy! As a long-time avid evilxisumer myself, I can say, professionally, this sucks bad man. And thus, my devious scheme and comic sans free canva graphic, made in a despicable attempt to cure this draught! It is time for: One whole month of Evil Xisuma! Rules? Very few of them! There is one prompt for each day of april, and these prompts are intended to be used however your heart tells you. Make art, fic, memes, essays, music, lore analysis, or literally anything else Fluff, silly, angst, whump, ship* [all with green check mark ✅ emojis] *all shipping will be tagged with #hermitshipping on this blog, if you would rather avoid it. Make something beautiful and true. Make something hideous and decietful. Who care. You do not need to fill every prompt. Skip prompts, fill prompts late, fill prompts after the month has ended! It's all good! If you make something for Evil Xisapril: @ this blog (@evil-xisapril) & tag your works as #evil xisapril so I can reblog it! (Please don't tag this blog in any NSFW posts) Image descriptions on posts are not required, but greatly appreciated. I will myself add descriptions to as many undescribed evil xisapril image posts as I can, but I'd love to not need to do all of them !! Got questions? Ask them! Major contributors to the prompts list are the members of the evil x fanclub discord (looking at you especially, @lindentree 💕) Who's running this thing?? Moony @autistic-evil-xisuma. Credentials: Evil. Prompt List 1. Birthday • 2. [tbh/autism creature] • 3.Sidekick 4. Lightning • 5. Golf • 6. April Showers 7. TNT • 8. Gender • 9. Derp 10. Swindling • 11. Music • 12. Evil School 13. Minions • 14. Pink • 15. DOOM 16. Diamonds • 17. Mistake • 18. Striders & Axoltols 19. Prison • 20. Flowers • 21. Stay Awake! 22. Nightmare • 23. Dream • 24. Quiet 25. Knitting • 26. Hermitcraft Recap • 27. Prank 28. Mirror • 29. Void • 30. Don't Give Up! *If you hate these prompts, please feel free to send me hate mail about it, as I am fully open to peer review! For organization's sake, do direct all contemptuous feedback to this blog, not my personal ones.
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t0ast-ghost · 20 days
S3 EP20 (The Way To Eden) Space hippies? I love an episode where someone slightly annoying is on board
Yippee kyack or whatever:
- What. The costume designs here are. I’m not even sure
- Purple hair? I bet they have pronouns too
- Time to ask: What the fuck is happening (edit: record time)
- Where did Spock even come from? Kirk was talking to the group and he just walks over to Spock like Spock is just always there. When did he appear???
- Spock picking up on their behaviour and copying it in a way that will get them to respond positively
- The writers created a myth about a planet. And named the planet Eden. C’mon.
- when they just start chanting Herbet it’s like Kirk becomes instantly uncool. I think if a bunch of middle schoolers just started chanting a random name at me I’d cry
- “One of those… was in the academy?” What the fuck Kirk
- I can’t tell if this episode is going to be very against the group (like Kirk is right now) or if their side of the argument will be validated to some extent (I have a feeling they might be validated cause Spock understands them and also stated that they were academic) (edit: it was a secret third option)
- idk I like this photo
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- The singing sounds so off from the images, it was most likely added in post production
- “Gonna crack my knuckles and jump for joy, I got a clean bill of health from Dr. McCoy.” Goes kinda hard tbh
- That redshirt who looks at Chekov in the hallway is such a bitch for that look
- Kirk’s tits McCoy cracking the case. Good job👍
- Oh hi Sulu! Don’t join a cult !
- *sits down in chair and crosses leg over knee*
- Spock is so pretty ☺️☺️☺️
- Spock keeping his promise and finding Eden for the others even if the leader is a selfish prick
- We get to see Spock’s room again, I love Spock’s room, like why is there a stone statue water fountain in there? What is that?
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- Chekov don’t tell her how the ship works. Do not divulge important information
- This is like the Star Trek tos musical episode, isn’t it?
- SPOCK Yes! Please play please please please please llssezz
- I like when it switches to the redshirts on the bridge just straight up jamming
- C’mon man. LOOK AT HIM
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- I need McCoy and Kirk to witness this
- Spock is done at the function. He leaves.
- “Adam, you know I reach you. I believe in what you seek. But there is a tragic difference between what you want and what he wants.” Spock really connects with them and it’s upsetting to see him have to witness them being misled
- At this point that guy is gonna blow up the ship
- Kirk doesn’t fuck around. If the door is locked Scotty’s gonna phaser through that fucker
- I can’t with Kirk’s faces rn
- I love the singing playing through the ship with everyone passed out, it’s such a perfect amount of eerie
- Kirk checking on Bones 🥹🥹🥹
- hiii McCoy hiiii
- I never noticed that the scanner could be uncapped and used as a healing device?
- Adam ate a pear lol
- I did NOT want to see that foot shot
- I like that Spock has such a soft side for the younger people in the show. Like he always has a sense of pride towards Chekov and cared so much about everyone in the group this episode
Thoughts are: Spock is good with kids, Kirk is terrible with kids, and McCoy is just himself always so there’s a reason he’s not a paediatrician but he’s still good with kids
Teleplay by Arthur Heinemann
Story by Michael Richards & Arthur Heinemann
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aha-chuu · 10 months
My thoughts on the Fontaine characters rn (pre 4.0)
I saw someone making a post about their thoughts and they were tragically wrong and I disagreed. So here I am, being opinionated.
I'm not gonna discuss leaks, I'm just talking about the character designs and what lore we know from the trailer and teaser :))
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So, Lyney is great. I love that he's kind of sussy, and his teaser that recently came out is almost... Sinister. And yet, he also checks the boxes of being really fun and extroverted! Venti vibes tbh.
Design wise? His animations are the best in the game, hands down. They suit the performance aspect of his character perfectly and are almost enough to make me pull for him.
Tragically, his character design isn't really for me. I think the simplicity works with the bombastic animations, and I'm glad to see he's wearing a reasonable outfit for the job he does (a rarity in Genshin). And yet, I'm a bit too much of a lesbian to be uber interested in the twinky direction his design leans.
Not pulling.
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So she's super cute. We have got a lot of cat girls already (I think Lyney should have also been a cat-person tbh) but I love that Lyney isn't actually doing cat things. Like, she's this subdued introvert, no meowing during her attacks or curling up in boxes like Kirara. She's just a person.... Who's also a cat.
I like her character design better than Lyney's; the blue just stands out a lot more than his red does, and the big bow is a better centerpiece to her design than Lyney's hat is to his. Plus, her animations are also nice.
We're getting her for free so I likely won't pull, but I am already preparing artifacts to build her on my account.
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Have I said how much I like sibling dynamics? These three actually seem pretty close and like they will gasp interact with each other! In comparison to the likes of the Kamisatos, this is miraculous.
I know several people who love this guy, and I do think he looks good. I saw some complaints about his hair cut (I think it's adorable), and the chunky boots & coat really serve to emphasise his awkwardness without sacrificing aesthetics.
Unfortunately, he's a physical claymore character, so it's a big skip from me.
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Well she's a brat huh. I worry after Raiden that they'll destroy Furina's character arc in order to make her more palatable, but I want her to go full Marie Antoinette. All the lore with the Oceanids disliking her and the general stuff about using the court for entertainment make me very interested in her.
As a design, I just dislike the twin tails. I love the blazer and the huge gem and the hat that's actually a crown!! Like, Furina is extravagant and over the top, obviously self obsessed - she looks perfect in that regard.
Since she's the archon and she's Hydro, she'll probably be broken meta wise. I'll likely pull, but mostly to make cool teams with her, not because she's a fave of mine specifically.
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... Father?
FR though, I understand why several people are crazy about this man. I do wish he looked a bit older since that's sort of where his characterisation is - he's done with Furina's shit and he's doing all the actual work of running Fontaine. With the elf ears, I expect him to be some sort of long-life species - he has no visible Vision and his hair kind of looks oceanid-like, so I figure he's not actually human. That along with the slits in his eyes. I hope he turns out to be older than Furina, and that he has a kind of reluctant dad & spoiled daughter relationship with her; we do see him tell her off in the teaser.
Neuvilette is the most feminine tall man character and the hair is a great aspect of the design. The colour palette is good and I do like the robes since he's a Judge, however I think it might get a bit boring to look at when you're playing as him - which is probably why the hair is so dramatic, in order to bring interest to the design.
He'll probably be Hydro and he'll probably be a catalyst based on that outfit (it's not exactly maneuverable enough for anything else ':))). I am interested in pulling almost a 100%.
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Another man???
I don't understand people talking about the lack of husbandoes in Fontaine, like look at these fine gentlemen.
We don't have much official info on Wriothesley so I'm gonna dip a little into leaks here, skip if you don't wanna know. He is some sort of prison warden which I bop with - it's an expected expansion on the justice landscape of Fontaine. He's on the rough side of the Fontaine infrastructure, in comparison to most of the other characters. That interests me since it feeds more into the duality themes of Fontaine, though currently we're unevenly biased rn to the more santized characters.
Design wise he's one of my favourites. White/black/red looks so good, as does his kind of punk esque chains. The tie puts me off somewhat, like he looks sort of smart and put together, but then the rest of the design undercuts that.
Leaks say Wriothesley is a physical standard banner five star. This fills me with fear. I also don't know what his actual personality will be, so let's say I'm undecided on pulling him.
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I liked her personality and en VA in that one TCG event, unfortunately much like that event, Charlotte looks boring. She's cute, whatever, but she doesn't seem particularly story relevant and her design hasn't captured me.
I'm just not that interested.
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Okay, she's cuter than Charlotte she's a sea slug person so immediately more interesting. She was also hanging out with Wriothesley, which is so adorable considering how different they seem.
We're dipping back into leaks here, but it seems like she might be another Hydro healer. I've seen people annoyed by this, but I'm perfectly fine with it - I don't have Kokomi and I like Nilou bloom as much as the next person.
If Sigewinne is a four star, I hope she's on a banner for a cool five star.
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I know a lot of people like this woman. Taylor Swift etc (I am not overly into Taylor Swift), but I think Navia could be cool.
I find her design overcrowded. I do think this suits the fact that we're playing with French Revolution ideas and she's part of the bourgeoisie, so ofc she's overdecorated and elaborate in her fashion. Even though it makes sense, I still don't like the arsthetic of it.
On the other hand, I do like the yellow - it's not a colour we see in too many Genshin designs. I don't really like how it fits with the blue jewellery though.
Personality wise, I worry a bit that she's gonna be our waifu bait, but they did Dehya's characterisation really well without falling into that trap. Navia could be very fun and I think there's a lot of promise in the idea that she might be a class traitor, teaming up with us against the Fontaine government (wow Genshin loves a corrupt government huh).
Will I pull? She's a geo claymore user and my triple crowned Itto is already collecting dust. That's a no from me.
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Everyone say hello to my wife:
(I'm waiting)
I've seen so many people mad at Clorinde when I think she looks great. Her outfit is simpler than is typical for Genshin, but that's cos she's a no-nonsense fighter type! Like how we saw with Lyney, more muted designs often mean more dramatic animations, and we already saw Clorinde doing some dynamic fight stuff in the trailer.
She really interests me in that she's a champion duellist, strong enough that even Childe wants to fight her. We see Clorinde works directly beside Neuvilette in the trailer, so she must be high up in position. A gun and a sword? She's trying to kill Navia, but the Devs describe their relationship as "complicated"??
Clorinde is an Electro woman and these are always queer fyi.
I hope she's pretty straight laced, but not quite in the Sara way. She's boring tbh, mostly because she is always answering to someone else, and she gets so little screen time. For Clorinde to work, I think she needs to have independence and apt presence in the story to be explored - not just a prop/obstacle.
Her personality makes me fearful, but rn I'm pulling 100%.
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creativesplat · 5 days
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊?
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊
💘 MIPHLINK!!! Do I have to say it? Absolutely 110% Miphlink. Honestly they are a pairing that I love more than all the other ships I have ever shipped, and I come back to them whenever other hyper fixations fizzle out or I want something comforting. I love them both so much. AoC is one of my favourite zelda games for that reason. (BoTW too, but the tragic lovers vibe is so sad)
Skyward Sword Zelink, a little bit, I wasn’t head over heals for them, but SS Zelda reminded me a fair bit of Mipha (if Mipha had been brought up in a less dangerous time and with less royal duties they would have probably been more similar), so that was that! 
I really wish I shipped Revali with someone, because I love the birb because he is stupid and fun to draw, initially I was a pining Miphvali shipper, but like, I wasn’t a massive fan of that, so maybe ZelVali? Some people ship that, and I’ve got to say the Revali and Zelda talking scene is one of my favourite cutscenes in BoTW, not to mention Zelda’s dialogue to Revali; If not romantic, definitely platonic. 
Teba and Saki are the adorable birb parents so I quite like their couple dynamic? Im not really the biggest shipper outside of Miphlink tbh.  
I honestly have no idea? Probably a Hylian (boring answer sorry!), but maybe a Rito. I love the decoration styles, and bright colours, and also they live in a cool climate and I do not like hot weather. So maybe a rito. 
I think my favourite dungeon would have to be the Ancient Cystern in SS, I just love how beautiful the whole thing is, with all the lotus-y patterns and the pinks and turquoises and the flowers and stuff. ITs just so dang beautiful!! I also really loved the Sandship Dungeon. I think in terms of play through that was my favourite from start to finish. Location is SO much harder. Aesthetically Satori Mountain, and Rito village, story-wise and where I spend my most time in BoTW Zora’s domain, I also Love the Zora’s domain and Rito Village music. Also sweet cozy little skyloft is so nice and permanent and homely. The great plateau is so nostalgic and I love that too… AAA I don’t think I can pick! In AoC it has to be Scero’s Supplies, I know you can’t really go there, but the merging of Zora and Hateno architecture is just so beautiful and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! 
Ohhh… Unpopular Zelda opinions… I have quite a few of those. Ok. Here we go. 
ToTK is AWUFUL. Hot dang it is the worst thing ever. It wasn’t even the story that made me stop playing. It was one line from an NPC in Rito Village. Molli wants to make elemental arrows, and has an idea for arrow inventions, that can freeze enemies! No way that’s so cool, except… that is literally one of the main things in the last game. You can buy elemental arrows from the shops. Like what the heck? At least explain to me why a very common commodity that EVERYONE but Particularly the people who’s job it is to look after Bows (Harth and Moli) know about and have access to is somethign they want to invent now. I hate is. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I ha- anyway. I despise whatever Lazy idiot decided that was the way to go. Who cares about lore? Not us apparently. I also have a massive problem with the imperialist mass-destruction weapon wearing zonai as well. And as a historian I just love BoTW so much better than ToTK. It treats its history with respect, and nuance, and good golly thats not how ruins from 10,000 years ago would work and o my word stop suspending my disbelief!?! 
Anyway. I could rant for far longer about far more things, but I’ll leave it at that. 
Way more unpopular, and Zelink shippers please ignore this: I think BoTW Zelink is creepy. The power dynamic is insanely bad (princess and her servant who literally cannot disobey her father), and the age gap is also awful (16 turned 17 for one day and “20 something” from the BoTW art book). 
Also, the women deserve better from that fandom. But that’s not news.
Thank you so much for the ask Stars!
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punishing-eden · 9 months
Hello. I'm sorry if this is sudden but I was wondering if you took story requests and if you do, could you make a platonic Dan heng IL story with the reader being the child of his previous incarnation and with the reader still being quite young and Jing Yuan is the one to tell Dan Heng about them even though he's only met them a couple and doesn't know them personally, but Jing Yuan felt like Dan Heng had the right to know about the reader especially after the reader had an encounter with Blade. (If this is too much or if you don't do requests that's completely understandable and I wish you a good day/afternoon and or night😊)
Author's Notes:
Hi, I haven't done the latest Trailblazer mission yet. But my stupid ass, low-key, accidentally spoiled myself with the whole thing about Blade :') . So, I guess I can give this a go.
Tbh, I am not a lore person when it comes to Hoyoverse. For me, it's too confusing and convoluted. I just pay attention to the details in the story and reread character lines over and over again to get their speech patterns.😅😅😅
I hope for the best.
Also…is this Dad!Dan Heng, or Creator!Dan Heng?
-Punishing Eden
His Legacy…
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Dan Heng x Child!Reader (Ft. Jing Yuan & Bailu)
Before Dan Heng leaves, he learns of your existence; his next of kin from his previous incarnate. Despite not harbouring much memories or parental familiarity, Dan Heng wants to see you one last time.
Tags: Lore (that I only know 10% about), platonic, parental relationship, request, one-shot, potential spoilers, possible ooc, canon divergent, request
It was a risk.
With every decision made, there’s always a risk. And, Jing Yuan knows that, by releasing the Stellaron Hunter; by the name of, “Blade”, was definitely a risk.
“General… are you sure we should do this?” Yanqing had expressed his concern, yet, for the General, Jing Yuan continued to execute his plan. Knowing, if everything is under control, the fruition will worth the risk.
Jing Yuan had given precaution to each step along the way. However, he never anticipated that the Stellaron Hunter would have other plans of his own.
“Who are you?”, you asked, looking at a man with a nonchalant, yet, troubled look.
Blade looked at you. The colours of his irises swirled. He didn't answer, as his dark presense towers over you.
Troubled, as if he was baring all the burden on his shoulders. Troubled, as if he held onto the anguish and hatred of the past. Troubled, as if he holding on to a thin line between ‘monster’ and ‘man’; of what is left of his sanity.
The guilt weighed on Jing Yuan when he had heard of your encounter with Blade. Were the precautions not enough? We're his predictions not good enough?
The General recalled, how the Master Diviner had given him a warning, prior, to the operation.
“Was it worth, to put so much risk to simply catch the Stellaron Hunter, Kafka?” Fu Xuan asked, she made her disapproval as clear as day.
"Nothing can escape destiny and fate..." Fu Xuan's voice rang in Jing Yuan's ears.
Maybe, despite all the precaution that were made, your encounter with Blade was inevitable. And, maybe it was also fate that brought Dan Heng back to Luofu.
“Dan Feng…” Jing Yuan began, “I see that you have finally returned to Luofu.”
“Dan Feng?” Dan Heng questioned, amused by how Jing Yuan called him by his previous name, “I don’t go by that name anymore… everything is in the past, I see no need to look back.”
Hearing what Dan Heng had said, brought a frown on Jing Yuan’s face. However, the General nodded. He accepted the fact; what had happen centuries ago was of a tragic demise. Done, out of the succumb of “immortality”.
“You’re hurt…” you said, trying to grab the man’s bandaged hand, “Lady Bailu can help you.” You offered.
Before you could wrap your tiny fingers around Blade’s hand, he immediately pushed you away. His eyes stared with intensity, seemingly glowing at the sight of his target. His chest heaved, as he felt his throat tensed up at the bubbling emotions of anger emerging.
Looking at the small child getting up from the ground, Blade fixated his gaze on you, as if he was planning to strike his next move. His grip held onto his sword tightly.
“Indeed, the past is the past, but…” Jing Yuan said, “ the legacy of your former self, will continue over the centuries to come, Dan Heng.”
He hinted something to Dan Heng.
“Whether you, like it or not…” Jing Yuan added.
Dan Heng’s foot step paused. There was a small weight in his heart. Was it something he did, when he was still Dan Feng? He turned around to look at Jing Yuan, the memories swirled in Dan Heng’s mind, trying to comprehend the muddled and missing pieces of the image of you. An sleeping child, hibernating until it was time for you to be awaken from your birth.
“… [Y/N]…?” He spoke of your name.
He lifted his arm up, the cracks on his sword glowed, as he looked down at you with an intense gaze. At that moment, Blade had felt he had snapped. He wasn’t a “man”, but a “monster” blinded my his emotions.
The animalistic growl grumbled from his throat, the anticipation of spilling crimson right before his eyes when he brings his arm down. Yet, his arm remain frozen. Your cries began to alert the guards of Bailu’s estate.
Blade struggled against his mind. Your childish cries was giving him a headache. “…Just…a…small…child…” He mumbled to himself.
“Who’s there?” The guards came running to your direction, “It’s him! The Stellaron Hunter! Quick, alert Lady Bailu!”
“Tsk..”Blade clicked his tongue. Without a word, he fled.
“[Y/N].” Dan Heng said.
You looked up at him. Your creator, that you never knew.
Without saying anything, you handed him a cup of tea, before returning to Bailu’s side. Warm light illuminated the living room of Bailu’s house.
“Do you know how tiring it is to look after this child, General?” she complained, “how long will you be keeping this child with me?”
Jing Yuan chuckled, “I understand, Lady Bailu. You have ‘just’ been through a rebirth, and I am certain that having a child under your care while still being…quite young…is tiresome.” The general took a sip of the tea, avoiding certain words, “But, please bare with this arrangement for a little longer. Until the time is right, you will be free of such services.”
Bailu was a little surprised, “W-wait!? What does that mean?!”
“Why do you sound like I want to get rid of this child?” Bailu accused.
”Oh?” Jing Yuan held a surprised look, “Was that not what you ask for?”
“I mean…yes, it will be less of a burden to have this child under my care... But, I have taught a few things about medicine to this child…” the dragon girl said, thinking of a excuse, “…so it will be a loss of my effort if the child leaves so soon. How are you going to compensate that?! ” She crossed her arms.
Dan Heng continued to look at you. You were at a corner playing by yourself. The way you look, the expression and features, were a reflection of him. Dan Feng, your creator, your father.
He let out a heavy sigh. There was a part of him, that wants to engage with you. There were so many things he wanted to say, to do, and to ask of you. Yet, the lack of familiarity and parental feelings for you, made him hesitate.
“…well, it will be quite some time before further arrangements can be made on the child’s welfare…” Jing Yuan grabbed his chin, a mock gesture to convince Bailu to fall through his plan.
“As I thought, General,” Bailu scoffed, “Now, if you are not asking for prescriptions or diagnosis, leave.”
“Yes, of course. Are you alright with that?” Jing Yuan looked at Dan Heng, who’s eyes were fixed on you.
He snapped out of it and replied, “…Yes, I am ready to go. The Astral Express will be leaving soon.”
“We’ll see you both out… [Y/N], the guest are leaving.” Bailu hopped off her chair. She gently took your hand and walked Jing Yuan and Dan Heng to the door.
Both men looked back as they walked out. Dan Heng gave you one last look. You were waving goodbye at him. With Bailu, the Elder High of the Vidyadhara, as your guardian. He knew you are in good hands.
The front gates closed. The image of you disappeared behind the structure with along with Bailu.
That was the last time, Dan Heng saw of you.
(C) Punishing Eden
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nono-uwu · 4 months
First oc post i am shaking crying throwing up for multiple reasons and also anxious as hell- anyways, meet the man, the failure disaster gay, the forever doomed ginger(derogatory/lh)
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I forgot to add his birthday omg, it's march 13th
Lore utc (i wrote a lot lmao), the uh post ch 134 stuff will be elaborated on later (or if asked. Actually, ask me anything about him. And my other oc's once they're posted. Please. I will answer in great detail. I also need a distraction. Pls.)
So basically, among the first few vampires (a 4th progenitor to be percise) turned by Shikama was a woman who showed great potential for spells and magic. She had a loving husband and child which she tragically lost in an accident. Upon turning into a vampire, her family was still the only thing on her mind. She accepted to help Shikama in his endeavors to revive Mikaela since she hoped she could revive her own family in the proccess. Unfortunately it didn't work. Disillusioned, she abandoned vampire kind and started searching for the possible reincarnation of her beloved husband, whom she may be able to have a child with and have family again.
Fast forward a a lot, and I mean a lot, of years and she arrived in 60s japan. None of the people she had hope for turned out to be the reincarnation of her late husband until that fateful day. She encountered a (rather pathetic may I add) man in his late 20s and it was like a miracle. The woman cornered the man in disbelief and from this awkward first meeting blossomed true love. Then everything went to shit lmaooo
The first problem was that the mans family didn't approve of the woman. Tough this didn't stop their love. Next was the issue of bearing a child, something that a vampire simply can't do. Well, an ordinary one but this woman was anything but ordinary. By some impossible miracle she bore a child. A biological child. (GIRL HOW?? We will never know and frankly, i don't want to think about it💀)
The child was, as expected tbh, kind of a disaster. Already born with pointy ears and sharp fangs. The child needed both human food and blood to properly sustain themselves. Drinking blood outside of their family would permanently stop their aging. Despite this, the couple was overjoyed. (And then named their child "mistake" bc that would help /s.) They named him "Machigai". Why tho?? I dunno man something along the lines of "a mistake but the best mistake of their life" bruh
So after Machigai was old enough to walk, but not old enough to remember, the mother diappeared, leaving father and child behind. The father did his best to raise such an... extraordinary child but it was understandably kind of impossible. Machigai grew up alone and isolated from his peers. He was always wearing a hood of some kind and rarley opened his mouth to talk. In high school, he met a girl who he became good friends with but she is another oc I'll post about sometime adlf,wpl.
Anyways! Come Machigai's high school graduation and 18th birthday, his father... disappeared. All he left was a note saying, that Machigai now owned the apartment and that there is enough blood in the fridge to sustain Machigai's thrist while he could grow and mature. To an already depressed and disillusioned Machigai this obviously didn't help. Throughout the next years he became a shut in, who only left the house if absolutely necessary. All he did all day was play video games, watch tv and later be on the internet. Once he ran out of his fathers blood was when things changed. He had to go out and actually find a new source of blood. Welp, sorry to unlucky bastards who went into dark alleyways at night bc these types of people became Machigai's source of blood. (That's when he stopped aging)
On one of these nightly escapades, Machigai was greeted by a large man in a neat black suit who called himself "Saito". Saito claimed to have known Machigai's mother and offered a deal: Machigai would offer up his unique constitution to the Hyakuya sect's research and in turn get a well paying job and a guaranteed source of blood. He agreed. "Welcome to the Hyakuya sect. I look forward to your performance"
Machigai was practically a lab rat for the development of cursed gear. Thanks to his half-n-half physiology he could tank wounds from cursed gear/magic n shit while still providing useful data to how effective it is. During this time Machigai aquired knowledge of vampire culture(?), became familiar with magic and it's quirks and learned how to perform simple spells and whatnot.
Around 2011, when the internet was already fairly well used, Machigai came across a forum dedicated to paranormal sightings. Various users claimed that a secluded spot in Kyoto was home to vampires. (Ferid was the one spreading these rumors btw) Most would have dissmissed this as someone wanting attention, yet Machigai was intrigued. He was well aware that vampires existed across the world but he mever knew how to actually contact them. Perhaps out of morbid curiosity, perhaps out of a genuine want for connection with people like him, he went to check out the spot. There, he met none other than the eccentric Ferid Bathory who specifically manufactured the rumor to meet Machigai (extra much?). He was well aware of Machigai's work for Rígr "Saito" Stafford and was trying to one up his father by stealing his most prized lab-rat. Machigai declined, not trusting a single thing out of that vampires mouth. Ferid left, already proclaiming that one day Machigai would be working for him.
Machigai stuck around that area as it was already well into the night and public transport wouldn't start up until the early morning. There he met another vampire: Crowley Eusford. Their meeting wasn't planned or meticulously calculated, it was actually rather awkward. Their chat was meaningless and short but in the end leagues above whatever Ferid likes to plan. Crolwey has already unwillingly heard about this curious being from Ferid and seeing Machigai himself left him wanting to learn more about him. Machigai was left a little hopeful, that perhaps it's not too late for him to look for connections.
So the apocalypse rolls around-
Machigai makes a deal with Saito that in exchange for his freedom (*eagle screech*) he would keep his mouth shut about anything the Hyakuya sect discovered while Machigai was there.
Machigai seeks out the Demon Army where he successfully keeps his half vampire identity a secert until someone on his squad gets blackmailed into revealing it. Before that, he gets a cursed weapon, a pair of daggers. And lo and behold, the demon possessing the daggers is his own mother. Unfortunately since the now demonic mother didn't witness Machigai growing up, she falsey believes to be able to still shape Machiagi to her will. After getting locked up by the army, Machigai completley gives up, only wishing for his miserable existence to end (spoiler: It won't! Ever. :) ). He ultimately loses any and all trust he has in humanity or just anything in general.
After about half a year of grueling torture and some experimentation, Machigai gets freed (kidnapped) by Ferid and promptly brought to Kyoto Sangiuem. Krul Tepes, finding Machigai to be useful in her fake-ish war against humanity and whatever she's planning with Yuu and Mika, lets him be part of the japanese vampires under Ferids faction. Ferid found himself unwilling to deal with the often uncooperative and irritated new "recruit" so he did what he does best and made it Crowley's problem.
After a rather agressive and disrespectful first impression, Machigai was officially a... coworker? of Crowley and thus also Chess and Horn in Nagoya. The three got the additional task by Ferid to somehow domesticate this feral and angry stray animal and get him to open up. At least that's how Ferids orders were phrased. Shenanigans, Drama and FeelingsTM ensue.
(How did I write so much??)
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lovely-lauren-arts · 1 year
Garten of Banban 2 is...confusing.
Nabnab looked creepy whilst stalking the player but up close he just looks goofy. He has pretty much same gimmick as Opila Bird.
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I'm pretty sure one of the creators voiced Banban and it just doesn't work imo. His voice is so bland and has no character. Giving him a more raspy voice (like what I suggested in my video about the game) could've made him sound more creepy. Or he could've had a muffled, crazy voice. Or a clown voice. But he just sounds like a regular guy. If he truly is a good tragic character then his voice would've been better if it sounded sad and tired.
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Banbaleena's voice has a bit more personality to it but I think it doesn't sound deranged enough. And I don't see the point of her eyes going red only when she jumpscares. It just looks like a last minute attempt to make her more creepy. Making her eyes glassy and bloodshot would've really improved her design.
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I get their voices are supposed to appeal to children but they're monsters who are trapped in a "kindergarten" facility thing so you'd think they'd sound a bit more frantic.
The giant dark face looks really good. It would've been more effective if they hadn't shown it in the trailer but even tho it isn't explained, it's still the creepiest monster.
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The environment is too clean imo. You'd think it'd look more run down or messed up by the monsters. And the places look random and something out of a fever dream. Be really nice if that was explained in the game.
Literally nothing about the lore was revealed. The notes scattered around the game didn't really give any explanation to why these monsters exist and why the place is so big. It just seems like the creators are making it up as they go along.
Overall thoughts
I'd be more forgiving to the creators if this was their first game but it's not. They have experience making games.
The gameplay is fine from what I've seen. I'm not really into complex gameplay as long as the game has a good, interesting story but Garten of Banban doesn't have that. The gameplay looks boring tbh.
I'm gonna make a prediction: the player's kid will be revealed to be a monster at the end of the game.
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