#this has no literate standing other than i thought their interactions were funny.
kreachvera · 1 month
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tainbocuailnge · 8 months
Realizing I haven't seen an exceptionally fantastic character analysis from you on my dashboard for a while, so I'd like to ask: what are your thoughts on Elizabeth Bathory?
liz is in a bit of a weird position here in the west because you could try to connect the dots and read between the lines of her localised appearances to figure out the hidden depths behind the funny seasonal girl, or you could read a fantranslation of CCC and have her deal laid out for you very clearly and i mean very very clearly there's really not much digging you have to do to understand elizabeth from reading CCC
elizabeth in CCC is a young girl who does not understand why the people around her came to hate her, and is terrified of it happening again. her obsession with youth is because she could tell that as she grew older the patience of those around her was wearing thinner, but she didn't understand what it was about her that caused this and in her desperation to cling to the youthful innocence that made them stay their hand in punishing her crimes she just committed more crimes. her desire to be an idol is a direct continuation of this: she is trying to attract a love and adoration that will instantly turn to hatred should she ever fail to adhere to a strict yet arbitrary standard of youthful purity and innocence.
elizabeth is excruciatingly lonely. she was raised to be extremely aware of her noble heritage and the inherent superiority it gives her. she calls people piglets and squirrels because she was literally not taught to see the common people as people rather than livestock. she has some natural violent inclinations that went completely unchecked and combined with her emotional frustrations into a habit of brutally torturing both people she hates and people she likes. she craves emotional connection between equals but has no idea, no example, no internal model of what such a relationship would actually look like, because the only interactions she had in her life were between the countess and her subjects that were completely at her mercy until they weren't.
this is barely even analysis, I'm just repeating things CCC directly tells you here. you can infer pretty much all of this from her secret garden flavour text alone.
her first SG is that she falls in love easily because she only experienced love in storybooks. "What seems to make her heart skip a beat is the strength of heart to firmly look back at her, even while shaking in pain, never giving in no matter how much she strikes or stabs." -> elizabeth craves a relationship of equals, her romantic ideal is someone who will stand up to her.
her second SG is that she enjoys cooking for/taking care of others, but absolutely sucks at actually making food. "She “bestows meals” to her husband as a noble. It’s no different from feeding... raising an animal. It contains none of the “romance” she longs for. The overlord disposition ingrained into her by heredity devours even her modest dreams." -> the way elizabeth was raised to view herself and others leaves her incapable of actually having such a relationship of equals, because her only models for human interaction don't respect the humanity of the other party.
her third SG is purity. "We would like to leave just what constitutes “purity” to the reader’s imagination. Servants are revived in the form that represents golden age of their lives. So Elizabeth appears as an unwed daughter of house Báthory, a young girl in love with love… presumably. An idol must be pure like snow. Romance might be fine, but the moment she comes to know love, her radiance is lost." -> elizabeth deep down is terrified of actually obtaining a relationship of equals, because her arbitrary purity (a purity the text doesn't even try to define! it's completely subjective!) is the only thing standing between her and a hatred of her for which she doesn't understand the cause. once she comes to view other people as people she can no longer claim not to understand the crimes that made those people hate her, and she will lose the purity that protects her from their wrath.
CCC has a lot to say about arbitrary standards of maturity and purity. BB splits off her own "improper" feelings into various oversexed and unstable versions of herself that she can punish for not living up to the impossible standards she imposes on herself. kiara uses her outward appearance of maturity to cover up a complete lack of emotional maturity while hans looks like a child after a lifetime of being seen as immature for writing children's stories (respecting the humanity of children). elizabeth wasn't taught to respect the humanity of others, but where is the line on when she is "old enough to know better"? what could she have done different? what should she have done different?
naturally, CCC for elizabeth is a long and gruelling process of learning that other people are people, and that even if she was simply doing as taught it was still her own actions that made her subjects hate her. this is such a thorough shattering of her worldview that she's briefly a berserker with both mad enhancement and a unique to her mental disorder skill that makes her numb to the pain or mood of others, just to keep herself vaguely functional. when defeated she screams that she prefers death to being locked up again, because what she fears even more than retaliation is having to reflect on the reason for that retaliation.
you will note that elizabeth in all her subsequent appearances is a very earnest and hardworking girl, who puts a lot of effort into maintaining her friendships. she knows what she did wrong now and is determined not to repeat that mistake, determined enough that in extella link karl's oraclisation brainwashing program that instantly got top tier servants like arjuna and scathach was unable to get elizabeth, and karl decides to let her go out of respect for that determination. one of the earliest cross-installment relationships FGO established is that vlad is very protective of elizabeth because he wants to make sure she does in fact get the chance to become a better person than the circumstances of her life allowed her, and even though carmilla has complex feelings about liz because liz's existence as the young and innocent one means carmilla exists as the one who is beyond saving, she can still be dragged into helping liz with her efforts because the redemption liz works for is one they both want.
elizabeth is a very dutiful person. she's desperate to be liked for fear of what will happen to her otherwise, but also has an actual strong sense of responsibility as countess, and her efforts to become someone likeable and dependable are fuelled by both of those aspects. in every halloween event liz is loud and annoying and self-important, and every halloween event she makes honest and difficult efforts to forge and maintain relationships and make up for past and current transgressions. her singing is beautiful when it's for someone else's sake.
elizabeth is actually one of a very small handful of characters from older works who I feel didn't get flanderised in some way by FGO, her characterisation as funny seasonal girl follows naturally from how her arc concluded in CCC and shallow fandom misunderstanding of the funny seasonal girl is more a result of early FGO assuming most players would be fate veterans who would already know her deal from CCC so they could just build on that uninterrupted without needing to give context first. and I also don't think it's wrong for people to base their understanding of liz on the funny seasonal girl because that's still liz, unlike how for example FGO nero is just not representative of nero most of the time. i haven't actually paid much attention to fgo since lb6 by the way and haven't opened NA in months so i don't actually know what happens in cindereli event other than guda turns into a goat monster (based)
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 7 thoughts
let me tell you, i have been anticipating the funeral drama in this episode for WEEKS and it absolutely did not let me down.
as always i am happy that we got to see some of the dragons but i would have loved even more. where is syrax! i want to see her all grown up!
i’m glad we got the velaryons mourning laena, but it really did make me wish that we’d gotten to see more of her alive. laenor is clearly grieving his sister, but i honestly don’t think they ever had any significant scenes together.
corlys and rhaenys with their grandchildren was really sweet, i especially loved seeing rhaenys comfort rhaena and baela at the funeral.
helaena targaryen continues to be a weird little girl and i support her!
i love the idea of making aemond care more about helaena than aegon does, it’s a good characterization bit and also incredibly evil (cannot wait to see Certain Events that happen as a direct result of aemond’s actions utterly ruin their relationship).
why was this episode so dark. i could see everything but it was really gray :(
however i did like the part where everyone was standing around awkwardly after the funeral, the interpersonal drama was delicious.
matt smith and emma d’aracy have great chemistry, all the staring they did at the funeral made me SO impatient for them to actually interact, and their conversation on the beach was fantastic. 
loved getting to see them confront all their thoughts and feelings about each other that have built up over ten years. i’ve always found their relationship compelling to watch even though it’s obviously. you know. incestuous. it’s just fun to watch! and i feel less “step away from the underage girl” now that rhaenyra is older.
i know harwin strong is dead and never coming back but i’m still glad that we got to see jace mourning him and rhaenyra talking about their relationship.
a brothel …. a shack on the beach … daemon i am literally begging you to bring rhaenyra somewhere actually nice on your next date.
the scene of aemond claiming vhagar was both funny and awesome, the visual of this tiny little kid riding a huge old dragon and screaming his head off was hilarious but the moonlight dragon ride was very cool.
truly family solidarity as exemplified by the targaryen-velaryon kids is when your cousin that you just met for the first time that day wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you your uncle stole her dead mom’s dragon so you go beat him up together!
i like the added detail that rhaena was planning to claim vhagar, it adds even more betrayal to aemond taking her instead.
is house of the dragon actually an extended psa about the dangers of giving young children knives? maybe so!
mom rhaenyra looking after her kids and making sure they’re okay is very important to me :)
honestly, i felt pretty bad for aemond in the big confrontation scene, he was kind of a jerk to the other kids but it can’t be fun to get yelled at by your dad when you’ve just lost an eye.
i absolutely LOVED the tension in that scene and the way that it built and built until alicent just went for it and tried to stab rhaenyra. characters going completely feral and unhinged in the BEST and alicent dropping her mask of cordiality and screaming at rhaenyra was so, so good.
viserys your parental favoritism is reeeally showing…
the scene between rhaenyra and laenor was wonderful, i’m so glad the show made it clear that even though they have their differences and have been basically forced into a marriage together they still care about each other and their kids a lot.
loved that larys was like “hey alicent want me to stab a kid’s eye out for you? :)” and alicent was like “no dude i’ll actually TELL you when i want you to kill someone.” she’s learning!
there were 3 dragons when the boat was sailing away, does that mean helaena has already claimed dreamfyre?
when rhaenyra and daemon started talking about getting married i was SO worried that i was going to see them engage in some not chill behavior together and kill laenor so i’m glad that didn’t happen.
i do have to respect this show for avoiding another bury your gays by having laenor fake his death but. uh. is anyone ever going to tell corlys and rhaenys that their son isn’t dead?
the valyrian wedding between daemon and rhaenyra was really cool but tbh i was kind of laughing at them passionately making out with tongue in front of their kids.
i say this every week but i am VERY excited for next week, looks like we’re in for even more family drama.
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luimagines · 9 months
The idea of a Siren-like Reader going apeshit has plagued my thoughts for weeks and I need to tell someone about it before I lose what few marbles God granted me at the day of my birth.
And if you ignore this for literally any reason, I wouldn’t ever hold it against you. Your blog, you get the final say over what you do and don’t interact with.
This does get a little violent with mentions of blood, loss of limbs, and life threatening injuries to one of the boys.
This got super long so, subsequently, I am SUPER sorry.
——— ——— ———
The Chain had always been rowdy, loud, and rough with each other, it’s honestly a norm at this point when they aren’t exhausted from traveling and fighting.
However, their newest member was always quiet. Not in the sense that they didn’t speak much, but that they never spoke at all. The chain has heard them grunt in battle when dealing out heavy hits, but that is as far as it has ever gone.
At first, it put a majority off the group in a sense of suspicion. Their newest member isn’t a hero, won’t speak, and give no name to call them by? They assumed the new member, whom they’ve taken to refer to as Hush, must’ve been up to something.
Their suspicions changed once the chain noticed a pattern their companion frequently takes: protecting the Sailor above all else. Ever since Wind warmed up to them and started to tell them stories of his travels and his crew, they’ve been saving his butt left and right. From having his back in a fight to standing between him and Time when the kid got into trouble, Hush was there to protect him.
It was sweet, as if they viewed him as a younger brother.
It wasn’t long until they blended into the group. They’d smile at jokes and insults they’d find funny made by Legend, they’d help Wild with gathering any natural ingredients, and they’d roll their eyes at Warrior’s dramatics over his nightly routines.
They we apart of the family.
The chain would be lying if some of them weren’t disappointed that their newest companion still wouldn’t speak. Wind especially hoped he of any of them at least would get a word from them, but not a peep was spoken.
Nonetheless, they refused to press Hush any further than they had. The most of an answer they’ve given was a short sentence written in the dirt. It read, “I chose not to speak for the safety of myself and others.” Any asks for clarification were dismissed by them with a mere shake of their head. The chain only then understood that any further information about Hush would mostly likely never be answered.
Then, during their travels, Wind was struck by Yiga clan member.
It was supposed to be a short walk to the nearest stable in Wild’s Hyrule, passing by Lake Hylia. They relaxed for merely a heartbeat before the Yiga had snuck up and slit the Sailor’s torso with his sickle. He was the one of the smaller members, they probably thought he’d go down quicker.
The chain was instantly surrounded and they circled up, Wind in the center being slowly healed by Hyrule with Epona nervously standing in the middle beside them.
Hush didn’t move a muscle, stood next to Hyrule and staring down at the pained boy’s face, until they took a slow, shaky breath.
And spoke.
“Cover your ears.”
Time didn’t even turn from his place in the protective circle they’ve taken around Wind, “What?” Whether he was asking for clarification or was just shocked by Hush’s voice, he’ll keep to himself.
Hush’s grip on their three pronged spear, a weapon they’ve faithfully used ever since they stumbled into the group from their portal, turns white and as they walk out of the circle.
“I will only repeat myself once, protect your ears unless you wish for the last thing you hear to be the sound of death.”
The sound of their voice stuns the whole group for a moment, a few briefly turning to Time.
Time wants to order them to return to the formation, but takes a deep breath and nods. “Boys, do as Hush says. Now.”
It takes only a moment of hesitation from the group before they tightly press their hands against their ears. Wind has to bury one side of his head into Hyrule’s body so he can keep one arm over his injured body.
Hush takes another breath, hauntingly calm and collected. Their next breath is deep, so deep they pull their shoulders back before letting out a scream— a shriek so loud the dirt below them shakes. The force alone from the first scream causes many Yiga members to fall backwards, like a physical force shoving them onto the ground.
Scales bleed up from their hands from under their gloves and up their arms, but no one could get a good look before Hush leaps to the nearest Yiga and plunges their spear into his chest.
From Yoga clan member to the next, pure rage surges them forward. Blood soaks through cloth over the ears of any Yiga who stood too close to Hush, many now covering their ears in agony as Hush’s vocal attacks leave their eardrums shattered.
It wasn’t long until there was only one clan member left, crawling to the water as if it’d carry him to safety, away from the monster that tore his entire team to shreds like mere fabric.
Time can barely breathe at the sight of the carnage before him, limbs torn harshly from shoulders and blood pooling under Hush’s feet, causing ripples as they step towards the final Yiga clan member.
Many of the chain would look back at this moment afterwards and wonder if Hush had intended to leave that member for last, the one who nearly killed Wind. Many are too terrified to even ask.
When Hush finally reached the Yiga, they grab him by the top of his skull, digging their fingers in tightly to his scalp. They turn to the chain with blood splattered across their face and dripping down their forehead. Their shoulders freeze at the look of horror across their party’s faces, but turn back and walk knee deep into the lake. Hush then forces the man’s head under the water and holds him there. The Yiga man struggles, but his injuries left him weak and out of energy.
Only when he stops moving does Hush let go of him and let the waves carry him off into the lake, sinking into the darkness.
Most of the chain drop their hands from the shock. The silence that lays over the land in this moment is a terrifying contrast to the loud screams and cries they barely heard under their hands on their ears.
“Holy shit.”
The sound of Wind’s voice make everyone turn to the young boy, his face stunned and, dare one say, in awe of Hush’s massacre.
“You’re a Siren! I knew it— ow, goddess that hurts, still hurts, ow ow ow.”
Hyrule snaps back to the present gets back to work healing most of the injury before wrapping Wind’s torso in bandages.
Time’s eyes, however, never leave Hush’s body as they wash the blood off of their hands and face. A siren, Wind mention? From fairy tales? Impossible! Even staring at the scales on their skin, some even revealing themselves as the water splashes against their body, he can’t believe it.
Hush stands back up and returns to the group, giving a small, nervous smile, and they bend to a gentle bow in greeting with one scaled hand over their heart. The few of the chain close enough could see small scales dotted across their cheeks that they are 100% sure weren’t there before.
“Not how I wanted to tell you all, but I suppose the goddesses were impatient. My name is (Y/n), and I am a descendent of a minor subspecies race of the Zora. You most likely are familiar with us as, yes, Sirens.”
The group is silent, save for Wind’s gloating. Wild sits down, absorbing the information presented to them, and a few others join him.
Time, however, stands tall and places a hand on Hush’s shoulder. Once they look up at him, they see his firm, stern expression. “Don’t you ever pull something as stupid as rushing into a hoard of armed enemies again, you understand me? You did something reckless today, something that could’ve gotten you killed. I expected better from you.”
Hush tenses up, but stands grounded under his gaze. What no one could have expected was for Time to move his hand on their shoulder to their head, and teasingly ruffle their hair.
“Nice to officially meet you, (Y/n), now let’s recuperate and get moving again before we lose any more daylight.”
The chain all groan, but follow the Old Man’s orders. Twilight picks up Wind and helps him up onto Epona so he won’t reopen his wounds before they reach the stable. (Y/n) quickly rushes over to them to check on the Sailor, a worried look deep across their face.
Are some of the questions the chain had now answered? Yes.
Are there now even more? Oh goddesses, it’ll be a long night when Hush— (Y/n) answers them. Why did they choose to not speak? Are there other Sirens where (Y/n) is from? Is it technically cannibalism if they eat fish?!
But, they all save their questions for when that night comes, for now, they still have to reach their destination.
——— ——— ———
Tada ! \(•v•)/
Oh snap- this was awesome! o.o
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Poor Wind though- but then again, if anyone was going to get Hush to speak up it would have been if someone hurt the boy. It's cute that the siren sticks close to the sailor. Very fitting. XD
But now I wanna know more about how sirens fit in with Zora society or if there was reason they have to be hidden compared to everyone else and *hiding* the scales?!? How'd they do that?!
I wanna know more about this universe!
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prpfs · 10 days
Hellooooooo! I’m looking for an 18+ [obviously] sci-fi alien rp! 🛸
A recent rediscovery of an old planet has caused a curious alien to come down to Earth. Many thought that the planet was nothing more than a giant green orb covered in strange creatures and large scaly lizards, but in the blink of an eye it became covered in the [what is by alien standards at least] small beginnings of industrialization and technological advancements. Instead of those big bipedal Permian era creatures, new life has been created. A species called.. humans?
Sent to observe and learn about these new creatures, an alien is sent to explore and discover the culture and dynamics between humans and their planet. Aliens think that humans are exceptionally ugly and terrifying to look at so no one wants to go down and look, but it is necessary to go down and document this new and intelligent life. Not to mention that humans and Earth could potentially contain chemicals or materials unique from other planets.
Humans come in all sorts of strange shapes and colors and have second skins on their bodies that make the layer underneath turn a funny color when you rip it off. Hell, they can’t even visit 70% of their own planet without suffocating or stand in sand before burning to death! Everything about them is so interesting and different that it’d almost be a shame to disturb them.
I’d like a MxM roleplay preferably, but honestly I am sort of curious about a potential FxM. I always play male characters and due to the nature of aliens it’d be nice if you were open to switching but a lot of the time I play dominant roles. I’m looking for a partner who is very literate and preferably very active and enthusiastic about world building and species creation. I take inspiration from the typical sci-fi classics and would enjoy something that has the potential to get very dark. Interesting characters and unique backstories are appreciated with a desire to explore the human psyche and figure out all the ways you can make a human laugh, cry, scream, or die.
If I play the human I have an idea for a comic shop owner who is deeply into sci-fi and is mostly unlucky in love. One day he meets a beautiful person who is finally interested only to realize.. surprise! It’s a creature from outer space! Having to introduce his new lover [or deal with a stalker if you want to get spicy] to his fellow humans and teaching the alien earth traditions, potentially being horrified at their true goal with him and his fleshy human form..
If I play the alien I have an idea for a curious alien creature who takes on the appearance of a human to save their fragile human psyche from unimaginable horrors! They learn all about human cultures and traditions and find out about the delicious and irresistible substance known as human sweat, becoming painfully addicted to the flavor and discovering just how incredible all the different fluids a human has feels. Perhaps he can even taste things like emotions, simply playing around with the creatures to see what else they can provide.
Initially thinking of humans as simple extraction bags for material, he eventually learns how beautiful the Earth is and demands that his people either leave the humans alone or learn to co-exist with them peacefully. Or, depending on interactions, perhaps he could see humans as pets or lower lifeforms of some kind and accidentally break his new toy..
This will contain things like body horror, dead dove, bestiality, potential racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.. and just generally unsettling things. Obviously the plot can be tweaked to add more lore and whatnot and we can brainstorm about the species of aliens. I’d like for us to have multiple secondary characters to fill the world and maybe even play around with different dynamics to see what is best. I am fine with 🍪 characters and plots though I don’t really know how they’d work outside of the aforementioned darker moments of rp, but we can discuss that later.
The kinks I’d love to play with are impregnation, breeding, aphrodisiacs, pegging, non-con/dub-con, unfair power dynamics, slave/master, and more! I have no limits and would enjoy it if we could be friends! I’ll be using IRL faceclaims and Discord. 👽
give a like and anon will get back to you
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
Twisted but Tender - 1: A Warm Embrace
>Yan! Childe x Fem! Reader
a/n: I wrote this back in January so uh excuse the awkward writing. This half-arsed series stands at a glorious 20 chapters in my Google docs. Not every chapter will have bad things (the name literally says it all)
Also, this series started out as a one-shot so some things might not make sense. Please bear with me, the good stuff comes later. One last thing, this is female reader.
Series Masterlist
You were firm in your refusal but he was relentless in his pursuit. He shamelessly chases after you despite your clear refusals like it amuses him. You admit it would be a cute sight had you not been, in a way, forcefully taken away from the life you were living just to be with him.
It baffles you just how easily he enacted his plan and got his way. Promises of safety and happiness, sweet words and the guarantee to write frequently. Those are the things he used to woo your reluctant but nonetheless compliant parents. Funny.
"It's been a month. I only have so much patience you know." The dead eyed smile was still there. It never failed to send chills down your spine. In response, you protectively wrap your arms around your torso, "I don't want to."
He tuts at your mumbling, "I'm only asking for a hug. You can't give your husband even one? You never even hold my hand, let alone look at me for longer than 2 seconds."
He's right, and that's the worst part. When he first came to your small town, you didn't know who he was. You interacted casually with him upon frequently seeing him in the library. He introduced himself as a traveler, one you found having the ability to accelerate your heartbeat. It was a little crush you knew would go away but he had other plans. Surprise was just one of the plethora of emotions you felt seeing him in your house with that unsettling red mask resting on his head as he introduced himself as a harbinger.
"I-I'm not good with physical affection."
"You have to start somewhere sweetheart."
You purse your lips and he takes a step forward, arms hanging at his sides. With your gaze fixed on the ground, you consider dropping onto the couch behind you. It's better than being glared down at.
A sigh, "I thought you liked me from before we got married."
"That was a puppy crush Childe. Had I known who you are I-"
"So you're using occupation as a basis to decide on being physically affectionate with your husband."
"I never completely agreed to this marriage," you looked up, voice slightly louder this time. A mistake on your part because he hated being 'reminded' of that. The glare he gave you sufficed to make you take a step back and fall onto the couch. You honestly think he gets a kick out of doing all this.
"Careful with your words. I wouldn't want to punish you, so be a little more... understanding."
You look down again in apology and he takes a seat beside you, thighs brushing. It gives you goosebumps, and he notices. Despite being well aware of your past issues that lead to you not wanting anything physical at all, he still attempts at touching. You're aware that you'll have to give in eventually but the chills that run down your spine each time he gets too close make you put it off to later. He's a jerk for what he did but you just want to be happy.
You know it's been only a month but you're already exhausted. You want to give in but you don't know how. Since you knew him before the entire ordeal happened, you were comfortable enough to sit down and have a detailed chat with him in the first week. Yes, there was the fear and hesitance but you pulled through.
The most surprising thing was how understanding he was. He silently listened to everything you had to say about your problems regarding physical intimacy and other issues. He even went to the length to say that he only wants the best for you so he'll be considerate. But then again, everyone has their patience and like he said, he's running out of his.
So as return for being understanding - all the while being scary enough to make you 'behave' - you lean your head sideways onto his shoulder. He stiffens, for this is quite literally the first time you've touched him. The both you even slept on separate sides of the bed, much to his chagrin.
Goosebumps rise on the back of your neck and your heartbeat quickens but you keep yourself like that. A confused expression is on his face as he closes his mouth upon failing to find words. Instead, he uses action and turns to wrap his arms around you.
Borderline hyperventilating, you try to ground yourself by grabbing something, anything, till he grabs your wrists. His hands guide yours to wrap around his neck and shoulders all the while rubbing your back gently.
"This is nice," you think, no, mumble out to which he smiles. "And there you were keeping me waiting. See what you missed out on."
"Not my fault."
He chuckles and after a moment of silence you speak up again. "Childe? C-could you not look at me like that again."
You feel the vibrations in the side of your neck when he speaks, "Like what?"
"Like you did earlier. It scares me."
He hums and traces your spine with a single finger, taking his time to go over the bumps like he's memorising them. "Do you not remember what I said? My actions towards you heavily depend on your behaviour."
You melt into him further, tired, "I'm just confused. It's exhausting Childe-"
"That's my real name. Call me my real name when we're alone."
"Okay," you turn your head to bury it in his hair. "It's exhausting, Ajax, because I can't understand you. You're scary, very scary, but you also love me. I don't get what goes on in your mind when you look at me like that."
He hums again, a sign that he's listening.
"I never wanted this. Not so quickly at least. Yes I did like you back then, I still do but circumstances are different. You're not who you introduced yourself as back then. The dummy who couldn't find the hard cover books and then proceeded to almost slip off his chair. You're not him."
"Maybe I am him. You're just in denial."
"Denial of what though? This is exactly why I call you exhausting. I don't get you and you don't let me scratch the surface. It's like you've put a floatie on me to keep me afloat. Ajax, I'ld rather drown and see the horrifying wonders of the depths than stay afloat and oblivious forever."
He didn't say anything to that. The conversation took a turn and you said a lot more than you intended to say but he didn't seem to mind. If he did, he wouldn't waste a second to put you in line. Maybe it was the exhaustion in your voice that softened him.
Still, you don't miss the way his hold on you tightens. It doesn't feel right, it feels possessive and suffocating. Like there's an urge, a desire to claim. A selfish one at that.
"Ah, you're too trusting you know."
You're confused further, "What do you mean by that?"
"Did you ever consider that there is no ocean and just shallow water?"
Great now he's speaking in metaphors. You sigh, "I can tell that it's an ocean, an unexplored one at that."
"Hm, is it intuition?"
The both of you stay silent for a few moments. He's likely processing what you just said earlier. It's not like you lied, you were being honest. The facade he keeps up, the word and mind games, it all tired you out mentally. You yearn for the day you can look at him with contentment and adoration instead of fear and hesitance.
But you still trust him. With your mind, body and soul. Why? You can't tell. Maybe it's the lack of communication taking a toll on you or your brain simply refusing to acknowledge his actions. All you know is that he may scare you or punish you but he would never break your heart.
He's too soft to do that, despite all that blood on his hands.
The fact that whenever you fall asleep somewhere else, you wake up tucked in bed is proof. He may be obsessed with you to the point of scaring the living daylights out of you but he still loves you.
And honestly, it's better to make do with what you have when you can't change it. The tears and scars on your arms are proof to that.
"Something on your mind? You've been quiet."
You perk up a little, "You're... warm. It's nice."
"Am I?" He chuckles, "You're soft, makes me want to squish you."
"Please don't."
The laugh he lets out at that, you can feel his vibrating and moving chest against your own. It's a foreign feeling but a nice one. You think it can't hurt to indulge yourself, even with all he's done.
It's okay, he promised to take care of you if you behaved. Maybe, just maybe, if you be compliant for a while, you can come around to love him like you did before. The tenderness and warmth will be a common occurrence then, right?
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Can I request Scaramouche x Singer!Reader?
Like Scaramouche finds their songs online and really likes them, and ends up somehow getting backstage tickets for a concert?
Tags: Fan!Scaramouche x Singer!Reader, Heacanons, Fem!Reader, Modern AU, Mean x Mean LMAO
Warnings: None
As an idol singer, you are used to seeing stadiums filled to the brim just to see you perform. You relish in the fame, but don't care much for your fans as you are used to the attention. That is, until one of them catches your eye backstage.
* ˚ ✦ Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [03/01/23] ❞
Scaramouche has never been a big fan on music.
People would usually take one look at him and think, yeah, that guy totally listens to my chemical romance.
He doesn’t, contrary to popular belief. Who do you think he is, Xiao?
That’s why, when he discovered K-pop, it became his biggest secret of all time.
Could you imagine Scaramouche, the mean shorty with a stick up his ass 24/7, jamming it out to Twice?
His love for girl groups grew when he came across a dance practice video of yours on YouTube.
Not only were you insanely pretty, but you had the vocals, dancing skills, and stage presence to turn you into an absolute machine.
He would rather die before the day he openly admits you as his bias.
One day, as he’s aimlessly surfing the internet, he comes across an extremely sketchy website.
A website, which was selling tickets to one of your concerts.
Now, Scaramouche should know better than to buy tickets for a concert on a website filled with ads about promiscuous women 5km away from him, but the tickets were cheap.
And who is he to say no to cheap tickets to one of his favorite girl groups?
He should count his lucky stars because the tickets were actually real.
Fast-forward to a few months later, Scaramouche was standing backstage to one of your concerts.
He supposed he only had himself to blame for this. He didn’t actually bother reading what the tickets were for, just that he thought it’d be funny if he got shitty tickets to a concert that ended up being real.
And they were very, very real.
Scaramouche supposed he didn’t care though, because he was going to meet his bias backstage. It almost felt surreal!
When you and your group wrapped up the song and said goodnight to your adoring fans, you were watchful of your attitude when waving to them.
Fans always liked when you’d act cute; never mind the fact that you were a literal adult, but that’s what this industry called for nowadays.
When you finally walked out of sight from the seats in the stadium, you dropped your smile.
Wiping away your sweat, you finally let your true demeanor shine around your coworkers.
You weren’t necessarily a raging Diva, but it was safe to say that most of your fans would be offended at your crude language and carefree attitude.
The other girls in your group always joked about how you lived a double life.
As you continued to walk further backstage, you didn’t realize there was someone aside from your group with you.
Another fan.
Scaramouche was frozen. You were way prettier up close. Those cameras did not do you justice.
You tried to maintain your fake smile again, but it was very difficult when you were tired and just wanted to crash in your bed. Did you guys even do backstage passes?
Scaramouche greeted you, and you tried to be polite, but that other side of you was definitely starting to peek through in your interactions.
He picked up on it too.
Even though you’re his bias, that doesn’t stop Scaramouche from being disrespectful to just about anyone. 
“What’s with your ugly attitude?”
The rest of the group’s jaw dropped. So did your smile.
“Haha, you’re talking with that bowl cut?”
Now you started to bicker. Your coworkers were too tired to stay back and watch, so they left, leaving you and Scaramouche alone.
“Wow, your company does an amazing job at hiding how much of a bitch you really are!”
“You don’t even try! What, did you get backstage passes like a weirdo to harass me?”
You had never experienced this kind of treatment from a so called fan before. Honestly, you were more intrigued than offended.
This was absolutely not how Scaramouche expected his meeting with you to go. Security started to notice the commotion, and told Scaramouche they would have to escort him out.
Before they could, Scaramouche pulled on his lower eyelid, sticking his tongue out at you.
Now you were truly interested.
You told the security to lay off, scrawled your number on a napkin, and roughly thrust it against his chest.
Scaramouche looked at the napkin, bewildered, as he noticed what the numbers were when it fell into his palm.
He looked up at you, speechless.
“You’re a funny dude. Call me!”
And with that, you proceeded to give him the bird as you sauntered away.
Scaramouche thought that maybe he paid to see a bootleg version of you.
He was never buying tickets off sketchy websites again.
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
give us those Thomas hcs please! he is high school era me fr
YEAHHHH OKAY Alexa cue Hey Stephen
Some of these are just Funny and Cute things that I want to have happened while others have canon basis
Thomas followed Alastair all over the school. A LOT. To the point that Matthew was calling him a little marble that rolls wherever Alastair is. He's standing in the corner of the room talking at Alastair after Clive dies, and they're the only two people there. It seems to me that Alastair did notice Thomas, and per Cassie, Thomas was one of the four people Alastair liked pre-ChoG (along with Cordelia, Sona, and the redhead). But "I didn't see you" and "you were just some boy" make me think that Alastair was like "okay this runt is following me around again but he's kinda sweet and a little earnest and is nice to me so. I like him" and just rolled with that. But Thomas was gone. Totally smitten with Cupid's arrow. And cue all sorts of opportunities for funny interactions.
Thomas keeping his journal about his daily activities and referring to Alastair only as "A". You know, to protect his privacy in case the metaphorical pink glittery lock is broken.
The journal also includes some bad early childhood poems about Alastair.
Thomas's internal monologue was basically the same now and then, though back then it was more innocent and just lacked the horniness. It was just the wholesome bits (that are still copious).
Thomas constantly tries to converse with Alastair and sometimes succeeds. When they talk, it's the highlight of both of their day even if they're not friends.
Thomas has dreams about kissing Alastair regularly. If you want more of this you can check out @vwritesaus fic what's in a kiss. Literally my comfort fic i read it like every week.
Thomas doodles "Mr. Thomas Lightwood" in his journal while thinking about Alastair. Alastair finds it and is largely confused why he's doodling his own name, but hey, alright.
He's also definitely doodled their wedding invitation.
Thomas does things like trip over his own feet and fall up the stairs when Alastair appears. Alastair doesn't get why but finds it endearing.
Not really a headcanon, but Thomas liked Alastair's teasing because he thought it was bold and daring. Matthew notes this in CLS, but I think it's why Thomas loves him so much. He respects it.
After a while, Alastair picking on Thomas becomes something of a joke between them. "Pipsqueak" is a good natured nickname.
Thomas and Alastair get paired up for a project once. They divide the questions in half and copy each other's answers because Alastair "isnt going to talk to the likes of him." But they sit together in a companionable silence the entire time and it's very comfortable, 0% awkward, and neither of them understand why they're so at peace. (I might write this fic sooner rather than later.)
Alastair primarily targets Thomas because he's friends with James, but he also does so to protect him from worse bullying/abuse at the hands of his vile friends of yesteryear. This may or may not be subconscious.
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booksandfairytales · 1 month
CHARACTER ASK!!!! Okay! Let’s do Hiccup!!!
Ooo thank you!!
Send me a character!
First impression: "Aw, he's so awkward" and "cool! He draws like I do!" (I was 13 and recovering from getting some teeth pulled so I could get braces the first time I saw the movie, I didn't think about things too deeply)
Impression now: This man has been through so much and he may be fictional but I have a lot of respect for him. Hiccup is a great character and feels more...real than most other animated characters, if that makes sense? His mannerisms definitely have a lot to do with it. Most recently I watched Race to the Edge and it kinda helped me see Hiccup in a new light
Favorite moment: There's so many. I like a lot of his comedic moments, but also when he's determined and stands up for what he believes in. And basically all of his cute interactions with Astrid throughout Race to the Edge and the second and third movies. Literally love seeing them interact all couple-y. I also thought this was a great moment too:
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Idea for a story: I'm not sure to be honest, maybe him telling Zephyr and Nuffink about his and Astrids' adventures? I feel like they'd have funny reactions! Storytime with the Chief of Berk with a bunch of Berks newest generation. Man would be accidentally creating his own legends haha I will say though im currently reading this amazing fanfiction that takes place a year after the third movie, called Pain in Solitude. And oh my gosh. It's so good, and the characters are so on point, I'm accepting it as canon
Unpopular opinion: ...I liked The Hidden World. The movie trilogy to me as a whole was so beautifully done. I mean, at that point , Hiccup and Astrid were engaged for a while, I feel like it was totally plausible for Toothless to want a dragon to love too. But then again, I am a sucker for love stories....
I also really don't want a live action (that part may not be unpopular, but I'm just really tired of all the remakes/reboots)
Favorite relationship: romantically, him and Astrid, they're so cute together. I also like how close he is with his parents, and his friendship with Toothless too of course!
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Like dang. That was smooth.
Favorite headcanon: There's a lot of good ones floating around, but I don't think I have any of my own just yet. This is where it would be handy if I actually tagged any of my reblogs in an organized manner lol
Hmmm....he's a good cook, and designs a new axe for Astrid that becomes her new favorite. If I think of anything else I'll let you know!
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b4adb4tcher · 1 year
Reddie Fic Recs
Okay so these are the ones I go back to and reread constantly!! All listed have multiple chapters, impeccable grammar/structure, and RIDICULOUSLY good characterization/dialogue. Theyre also all located on AO3. My obsession is too late for peak fandom interactions so these are what keep my hyper fixation alive.
1. In The Heat Of The Summer (You’re So Different From The Rest) by Kaboomslang
There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
It is so so so so fucking good I can’t stand it. It’s an Eddie Lives AU that is 15 Chapters and 109,525 words of pining and comfort and beauty. Eddie comes to stay with Richie in LA after the events of It Chapter 2. Literally my only complaint is that Stan stays dead however the characterization of everyone and the way the writer handles their grief more than made up for it.
2. A Strange Sense of Familiarity by Katranga
“So Eddie, what brings you to the bar tonight?" Richie asked. "Gonna rebound from the divorce? Pick up a hot young twenty-something to feel young again?”
“Fuck you,” Eddie said, jutting his chin forward. “What a terrible way to ruin the mood.”
“I’m sorry, all my moods are poorly cultivated. What mood were you looking for?”
A nervous lump grew in Eddie's throat. He threw back his drink to get rid of it.
Hand wrapped around the glass he’d just slammed back onto the bar, he said, “The mood that gets me leaving with a schlubby forty-something.”
Pre-chapter two, Eddie and Richie meet and don't remember each other, but have an instant connection anyway...
This may be my favorite fic of all time. This is a Canon Divergence AU where Richie and Eddie meet at a bar prior to the events of It Chapter 2 and start sleeping together. Eddie is divorced so there’s no infidelity storyline (which I appreciate) HOWEVER Richie is still famous and in the closet so there’s still the secret love affair storyline (that I love). The characterization is literally perfect, it has amazing dialogue, and my boy Stan is alive and involved. The OCs are so so good too and I’m beyond obsessed with all the thought the author obviously put into it.
3. Sweeter By The Hour by Katranga
rich. 25. i can be your angle 😇... or yuor devil 😈
Edward. 38. Please don’t call me daddy.
Richie’s a struggling standup comedian slash bartender with a side hustle of sexting rich guys for cash. Eddie is recently divorced, recently out, and reluctant to dive into either the dating or hookup scene. He decides to give Sugr, a 'dating app with no commitment', a shot.
Katranga NEVER MISSES. Even though the losers club is in a completely different universe, the characterization and dialogue is so them that it scratches every itch in my brain. This is such a funny and adorable AU I would recommend to anyone that needs a break from the high stress and extremely high stakes of the traditional It Universe.
4. Here In Your Arms by kaspbrak_kid
Richie had no idea what to expect when Stan and Patty asked him to be their daughter's godfather, but it definitely wasn't becoming the part-time dad to a newborn.
This fic makes me cry like a bitch in the best way possible. This is a several years later fic in a Eddie and Stan Lives AU where Richie becomes godfather to Stan and Patty’s firstborn. This is so so special to me because it perfectly preserves The Loser’s Club dynamics in a safe environment and gives me all the found family warm fuzzies I so desperately need. As usual the characterization is phenomenal and Richie and Eddie’s relationship throughout this fic is so so special to me.
5. Richie Tozier’s Five-Step Mission in Getting Over His Childhood Sweetheart by MissDinahDarling
Alternatively: five times Richie tries to get over Eddie and the one time he gets under him instead.
This fic is so so fucking funny I love everything about it. Its also a Stan and Eddie Live AU and thehe dialogue and losers club dynamics are so so funny. I love seeing little snippets of how the losers lives are moving on and especially appreciate that Bev and Ben didn’t move as quickly as some fics do. Richies denial and stupidity are so relatable and its an extremely comforting read.
6. River by Unicornpoe
The thing—the thing is that Eddie hasn’t seen Richie in nearly five years.
They’ve gotten good at avoiding each other. They alternate holidays and get-togethers, only showing up when they’re sure the other won’t be present. They’re still in the same fucking city but Eddie makes sure to shop on the other side of town from their old place where Richie still lives, makes sure not to go to any of Richie’s favorite restaurants or bars or cafes or goddamn park benches. Eddie doesn’t join in on the Losers’s group FaceTime sessions when he knows Richie’ll be joining, and Richie does the same for him.
They couldn’t make their relationship work, but they’re fucking experts at being exes.
Eddie goes to spend the holidays at Bill and Mike's cabin in Vermont, and is surprised when Richie is already there. Things get worse when they're snowed in alone. Things get even more worse when Eddie remembers that he's still in love with him.
This fic gives me the most acute sense of profound longing I’ve ever had in my life. The EXTREMELY angsty hurt/comfort au I’ve ever read in my life. Not extremely inclusive of the rest of The Losers Club, but it hits hard.
7. This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by camerasparring
Just as the last car is passing them, Prince Charming makes a snuffling noise and Eddie freezes, still pressed on top of him. He’s suddenly aware of every single place they’re touching, and Eddie thanks the brutal Chicago cold - there’s no way he could pop a boner when it’s this freezing. God, he hates himself.
The man opens his eyes for a moment and looks directly into Eddie’s eyes. Eddie’s mouth hangs open. He tries to smile, but he doesn’t think he achieves it. Instead, he swallows and says:
“Merry Christmas.”
The guy passes back out without a word.
or, the While You Were Sleeping AU no one asked for. Set Christmas 1995 and the gang is late 20's/early 30's
I read this before ever even hearing of the movie While You Were Sleeping. While the movie is now one of my favorites, it is absolutely nothing compared to the hilarious romcom of this fic. Found family! Secrets! Drama! Stan the mother fucking man! It is so so good and gives me all the good feelings the holidays provide whenever I read it.
8. Scratch On The Moon by Vulcanodon
Eddie Kraspbak has put aside his old life for good. He drives a stagecoach now and keeps to himself- his days of running with the Denbrough gang are long gone. But when two old friends show up and tell him they have unfinished business back in Derry, Eddie can’t resist the chance to put a final nail in the coffin of the past…and maybe find out why Richie broke his promise all those years ago.
“I’ll take left if you take right,” Eddie calls out but when he looks over Richie isn’t even firing his gun; he’s looking at Eddie with a strange, unreadable expression on his face.
“What is it?” Eddie asks, panicking. “Are you hit?”
“No,” Richie says, “I just. I just wanted you know. That I…that I feel the same way.”
“What?” Eddie asks, totally lost. A bullet whistles past his ear.
“I mean I...” Richie says, as if he’s struggling to get it out. “I feel the same way about you. I mean. That I always did.”
“Could we maybe postpone this conversation?” Eddie says, having to yell over the gunfire. “To a time when we aren’t getting shot at?”
Are you gay? Is longing and the tragedy of wasted time your guilty pleasure? Did you read River by Unicornpoe and want more? Do you like westerns? READ THIS FIC AND COME TALK TO ME IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
9. You Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog (And They Call It Puppy Love) by Fluffifullness
Okay, Richie, so you’ve just been Shaggy Dog’d, you’re either kicking it in the weirdest of all possible afterlives or you never died and the sewer clown is punking you. What next?
(or: Eddie makes it out of Derry, gets a divorce, and adopts a dog.)
Richie gets “Shaggy Dog’d” after he sacrifices himself for Eddie during the events of It Chapter 2. Grief, pining, and Richie’s internal monologue being fucking hilarious. And STAN LIVES!!!!!!
10. Thanks For Pudding Up With Me by Mooeydooey
Eddie Kaspbrak was once one of the most influential professional chefs in New York. After an unfortunate incident in his kitchen, he loses his job and most of his earnings. Down on his luck, with no where else to go, he accepts a job offer with the ragtag 'Prospect Test Kitchen' in Boston.
What starts as a small passion project, making cooking tutorials online, becomes a lot more complicated and bigger than they could ever imagine when Bill brings in a new addition to their team. A comedian with a shocking background and surprise talent for culinary arts: Richie Tozier.
Eddie's the only one who doesn't like the new recruit, but Bill bribes Eddie into giving Richie a chance. At the end of six months, Richie's contract will expire. Eddie will get to decide whether they offer him a contract renewal, or refuse to re-hire him.
Things are heating up in the Prospect street Test Kitchen! Will Eddie stick to his guns, and keep his dignity? Or will he get lost in the sauce?
SO FUCKING FUNNY!!! An absolutely genius buzzfeed-esque au that is exactly what I need when I want a laugh. My favorite parts are when they go into like a third person screenplay mode for describing the events in the videos. I cannot get enough of this enemies(?) to friends to lovers au and I’m so so glad it exists.
11. A Fistful of Coal Dust by Jay Auris (nighthawkms)
Eddie Kaspbrak usually works alone. For a bounty hunting mage, this is unheard of; dangerous, foolhardy. But for Eddie - stricken with a dangerous abnormality to his magic - it's the safest way to survive.
When a new bounty takes him to the backwater town of Derry, he's not expecting anything more than a hard job done right for good money. But Eddie's past is about to catch up with him, and Derry could face the consequences. He'll have to team up with a rag-tag bunch of misfits - a sheriff with too much on his shoulders, a tavern owner haunted by loss, and four other hunters with their own secrets and motivations - if he wants to survive.
And maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get an answer to the one question that's been bugging him since he got to Derry: Who is Richie Tozier, and what does he want from Eddie?
A super fun Steampunk-Western-Magic-Bounty Hunter AU that has the perfect ratio of action, drama, and intrigue. I have no idea how the author came up with such an amazing idea and how they were able to do so much incredible world building but I absolutely LOVE IT.
If anyone reads any of these fics I would love to talk about them and hear what you think! They’re all so so so special to me and stay on my fic rotation, so if y’all have any suggestions for me too I’m happy to check them out!
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I feel like we don't talk about the fact that Hinata literally beat up Takemichi when he broke up with her... I think that Wakui wrote that scene with the intention of some humour because of how Takemichi looks afterwards but it's not funny just because a girl is beating up a boy. It's worth examining why she beats him up and what that says about her character.
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I wouldn't go so far as to say this scene was out of character for her, but it really stands out. It isn't totally out of character because of how much she has been shown to care/think about Takemichi (even 12 years later, when she wears the necklace) and the lengths she has been willing to go to for him (ie, slapping Mikey). With these two points in mind, this breakup scene really stands out to me because instead of sticking up for Takemichi she's lashing out at him due to her strong feelings for him.
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I always thought it was a little odd that she had worn the clover necklace for twelve years after the Meobius Arc, considering Takemichi was just her middle school boyfriend, and also her childhood and grown-up selves had always seemed more well-adjusted than the lonely Takemichi (ie, she has a career as a teacher, and we see her on the pedestal that Takemichi puts her on since the story is from his POV). But if you really think about it, she's been devoted to one person since middle school who she hadn't interacted with after all that time, even though she easily could have. And when we actually see her being rejected by that person, her response is violence. I can't help but recall a really unnerving parallel.
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The story fails to address the fact that Kisaki and Hinata actually have some really interesting similarities. Kisaki's response to being rejected by the person he idolizes is exponentially more violent than Hinata's, and his obsession has a much more tangible/real impact on his future since he becomes a top gangster for Hinata, but I think it's worth mentioning that Kisaki and Hinata do in fact have similarities, that they really heavily fixate on someone they admire. (I'm not even going to get into the fact that Kisaki's obsession is also directed on Takemichi, that's a whole other discussion)
There are actually parallels between all three characters in the Takemichi, Hinata, and Kisaki "love triangle" that I wish were further explored/discussed because these characters all mirror each other at least slightly. They somehow manage to be quite similar but also quite different. A lot of these differences stem from circumstance, I believe, but intrinsically there are similarities that tie them so closely together it's no wonder the series can be traced back to the day these three met.
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spookberry · 2 years
thoughts on that Wednesday Addams show
-the writing is incredibly juvenile in a way only an adult man who is not actually nor ever has been an "outcast" could accomplish
-that being said all the actors were really amazing! Especially Jenna Ortega!!!
-One thing I liked but felt was more by accident than by design was the way that this school of "outcasts" were like, really normal?? Like theyre just teenagers who happen to not be human. Which makes the fact that Wednesday is a human who's Not Normal kind of compelling. Wish this was an intentional idea though, it could've been played with a whole lot more.... also i just kinda wish they'd picked a word other than "outcasts" to call them. like oh my god i could absolutely see some line during the climax where theres all this petty teen drama where someones like "i might not be human, but at least im not a Monster like you Wednesday" woulda been AWESOME
-Wednesday's love triangle was lame and if she had to get with a guy I'd've preferred Eugene. I love his sibling relationship with wednesday sooo much. One of my favorite dynamics. However if she HAD to get with a guy. Id pick him. He reminds me of Joel from Addams Family Values.
-the fact that two guys fell wildly in love with Wednesday without her doing absolutely anything and also very clearly not returning the sentiment whatsoever and instead just using them whenever she needs them was really funny and on brand, wished the show had been self aware about it
-I really wish the other female characters played bigger roles? Like Enid was Great and I loved the glimpses of her friendship with Wednesday and Thing and their HUG omg,,, I wish the romance plots had been axed in favor of giving Wednesday's friendships more time to shine.
-I also wish Enid and Wednesday had danced together at the Rave'N. Enid goes and dances with all her friends but she never goes over to have fun with Wednesday :( it just felt wrong like, narratively, we saw how excited Enid was about Wednesday going to the dance and then the camera seems to cut to show Enid get excited from watching Wednesday dance and then they dont even Talk?? I hated that.
-also, Bianca. I really loved the way she was basically friends with Wednesday by the end of the show. Wish the show had done a better job at the Enemies to Friendly Rivals to Friends dynamic. Bianca in general is a REALLY cool character that I want more time with.
-Both Enid and Bianca would've made better love interests than the guys imo
-I did like the mysteries, though I'm not sure how well it actually works with the Addams. Because they wound up adding this plot line, no spoilers, about Gomez being accused of murder and Morticia gets super touchy about it. But like?? theyre the ADDAMS why would they be behaving like this about a death???? Makes no sense to me. Needed to be reworked, cuz there definitely are Ways to have made it work imo.
-I really loved all of the costuming for Wednesday though the color correction done on the uniforms makes me kinda sad. i think it would've been fun if the school had been more vibrant and full of life to better contrast who Wednesday is and how she stands out.
-Wednesday's relationship with Morticia is really weird, but in general I get the feeling that certain people involved didn't actually know what Morticia's character was like... at all? And a lot of the problems with the family dynamics stems from this mischaracterization of Morticia in particular. I know some people didn't like Wednesday going through a rebellious phase, but I actually think that fit her character just fine, it's how her parents react to this rebellion that feels out of character to me.
-the fact that they had a romance arc about a werewolf who struggled to be a werewolf and an awkward gorgon..... Very Monster High 2022 to me ngl
-Wednesday is Autistic and you can't convince me otherwise. Everything from the way all of her social interactions are written to the way she literally diverts eye contact whenever theres a closeup shot while she talks to people. shes just like me fr.
overall i give it a 6 out of 10. I wouldn't go around recommending it to people, it's kinda bad, but I got some enjoyment out of it,, so not fully the worst.
But Also if you haven't seen it I WOULD recommend you go watch the fanmade Adult Wednesday Addams series on youtube. It's a classic!
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almostloosingit · 1 year
Cry Baby
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In this case I just choose a song:
(English isn’t my first language so please tell me if you see any grammar errors 😗✌️)
A/n: I listened to to many songs for this one so. So sorry Sanzu lovers. I promise I will make a better one next time<3
Told you
Tw:Angst, unwanted touching,blood? some fluff at the end
‘Hate at first sight’ was what they called it.
You don’t know what it was. Maybe that stupid smirk and the up and down looks he would give you each time you two would look at each other. Or the fact thats he’s really fucking cocky each time he speaks to you. Maybe that’s the reason why you absolutely hate Sanzu.
Most of your classmates have a crush on him. He is pretty after all. If you didn’t see through his act you would probably have a crush on him too. He’s ‘nice’ and always gives them that fake smile of his. All though the way he interacts with his friends seems genuine.
Now how do you know that? You hate each other yet, you guys have the same friend group. To be more specific is that kind of relationship group that seems like they aren’t in one group literally because they have two different talking circles. Listen, high school can be taught and you don’t want to be a loner so you take whatever you can take. As big as the group was, if you had two people you could always depend on it was Touma and Rindou. Was Rindou also friends with Sanzu? Yes, but that didn’t change that he would always pull on Sanzu’s hair whenever he went too far with his little jokes. Touma on the other hand was your childhood best friend. He wouldn’t stand up to Sanzu because of the strength and size difference, but he would always check up on you. Touma was on the smaller side and he was well aware of it. On top of that you don’t want your best friend to get in trouble with Sanzu. Because at the end of the day it is Sanzu. And from what you heard he did and still does some wild ass shit.
You arrive at school 30 minutes before the first lesson starts. You started to walk in the direction of the place where you and your group normally hangout at. As you were walking you saw Souta laughing with his friends. He saw you. And when he did he gave you a cocky smirk. You made a disgusted face and kept walking.
Ew. you thought
Souta, he’s probably the only person on this earth that Sanzu hates more than you. Can't blame him. Souta was a dick and, unlike Sanzu, he didn't hide it. There was no one that was free from his bullying.
You arrived at the spot where you saw Touma waving at you. Surprisingly there was only him, the brothers and Sanzu.
God, Touma is an angel.
He was the nicest person you met in your life.
You came up to him and you two gave each other a hug.
“So Y/N.” Sanzu started. “How is being a low life going?” He said with that smirk of his.
“I don’t know, Sanzu. I haven’t reached your level yet.” You said without looking up from your phone. You could hear the brothers snicker.
“Aren’t you a funny one?” He said, walking up to you. He makes sure to look at you without moving his head down. To make sure you know he’s looking down on you.
He always does that.
“Someone has to be.” You said looking at him. “And you're clearly not the man for the job.”
“Oh really? So-”
“Sanzu.” Rindou looks at him with a slight glare. He can already see that Sanzu is about to say something that might end bad. Sanzu looks back at Rindou, annoyed.
“Whatever.” He says with a scoff. “I’m going-”
“Aww leaving already? I thought you would spend some time with me.” You turn around to see a tall man walking in the direction of your group. Souta.
“The fuck do you want?” Sanzu looked at him with hooded eyes.
And you thought you could piss off Sanzu with just your existence. Yet here is Souta, whole another level.
“Aww what’s wrong? I thought we were friends?”
“You’re delusional. Any sane person would stay away from someone like you.”
“You’re not though.”
“Neither am I delusional.” He said while turning away. “I’m going to the shop.” He said while looking at the brothers. “You two coming?”
And with that they left. So there you were standing with your best friend pretending that the problem person does not exist.
“So your boyfriend left, huh?” Souta scoffed. Who was he talking to? “Are you deaf or something?” He said annoyed. “Oi!” He said while poking, pretty harshly, on the side of your head.
“Excuse me, don’t touch me.” You said, trying to stay polite. You don’t need any trouble with him.
“So you’re not deaf!” He said with excitement.
“No, I’m not. And he’s not my boyfriend.” You said annoyed. “What on earth made you think that?”
“Oh so you're not? Why is he always defending you then?”
“What are you-?”
“So since you're not with him.” He said while getting closer. “Wanna get with me instead?” He said while pulling you by the waist.
Too close. You can feel your breathing quickening.and no.. not in a good way.
You felt terrified. Who wouldn’t? Who in the world would like to be pulled in by the waist by someone like him?
“I will pass.” You try to stay calm.
“Oh don’t be that way! Or I may think you acutely like the pinky.” He said smiling.
“I-” You suddenly felt a strong pull. Touma? He pulled you away from that big bitch.
“They said that they will pass.” He said firmly. “Are you deaf?” That’s the most pissed off Touma you ever saw.
“If I were you I would keep my mouth shut.” Souta said and you could see the vein on the forehead.
“Oh please you're just a big bully who-” you put your hand on his mouth. You love Touma you truly do. That’s why you don’t want him to get killed.
“Oh look at the time.” You said nervously. “We should go to the class.”
While you were about to walk past Souta to head to the building you felt a slap. A slap on your ass.
There is no way
“Talk to you later then. I ain’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.” He said while smirking at you through his shoulder.
You froze.
You felt your whole body run cold.
There is no way in hell that that just happened.
“Y/N..?” You hear Touma ask clearly worried. “Are you..?”
“Yeah, let’s just.. go to the class.”
And you did. You sat at your seat and the lesson started. You felt like a shadow of yourself.. if not less. You don’t even know what’s going on in class. You feel disoriented. Lost. Confused. Why did that happen? How did that happen? Are you overreacting? It was just a slap. But was it though? If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be feeling so down right now. You did nothing to deserve someone like that. To be treated that way. No one does.
I’m too deep in my mind.
Are you though?
He said he’s not taking no for an answer. Just thinking about it makes your skin crawl. Makes your heart stop for a second.
Touma looked worried and you bet Sanzu noticed that.
“Hey Y/N?” Touma started. You looked at him. His heart stops. Your eyes.. looked so dull. No life, no light, nothing. “What he did was not right. And it sure wasn’t your fault you know that, right? We can report that.”
Report? Sanzu thinks to himself. Just what in hell happened when he left?
“It was just a slap.”
“It wasn’t! He slapped your ass!What he did was se-”
That’s it
“Who?” Was all Sanzu asked.
“What?” You looked at him confused.
“Who slapped you?” His eyes were hudded, pissed off, he looked like he was ready to kill.
“Why do you care?”
“Y/N I asked who did it.” He said in a still tone in his voice.
“Souta.” Touma answered. “He tried hitting on Y/N after you guys left. He also said that he won’t take a ‘no’ for an answer.”
Sanzu suddenly shot up from his seat.
He saw red.
“I’m going to kill that bastard.” And with that he walked out of the class.
You never saw Sanzu so pissed off.
What if he actually kills him?
You quickly stood up.
“Find Ran and Rin.” You told Touma then ran after Sanzu.
You can’t let him do something dumb because of you!
You will feel guilty.
“What in the hell are you doing?!” You asked while following him. He was walking so fast you almost had to run.
“I’m going to put that fucker in a grave.” You froze for a second. It scared you. You never heard that much anger in his voice.
“Don’t be fucking stupid! Why do you care about it anyway?!” You yelled. Suddenly he stopped, turned around and grabbed your face with one hand and slightly squeezed your cheeks.
“That son of a bitch put his hands on you. On YOU. That’s fucking not allowed.”
“Wtf do you mean?”
“That means.” He steps closer to you but not close enough to make you uncomfortable. “Bullying you is my job. Anything to do with you has to do with me.”
“Oh you’re so clueless.” He let you go and stormed into a classroom. Few seconds later he dragged Souta out by his hair while he was on the floor.
You don’t know what to do. You just stood there
You stood there while Sanzu got on top of Souta and started to throw punches at him. One after another. There was blood and you swear he broke his nose.
You didn’t know what to do. You were scared to move.
“S-Sanzu..” You whispered. Your voice was trembling, your hands were too. Your legs felt weak.
“Y/N!” Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. Touma. Rin and Ran as well. They were pulling Sanzu off of Souta and trying to calm him down.
“Dude chill!” Rin was holding him down with his whole body. While Ran was kneeling in front of him trying to bring him back to his senses, ignoring Souta.
“You're scaring Y/N.” Ran started. “We get it! Okay, you make your point. You almost killed the guy. He deserves it, but you could have done this with no one around.” He scratched the back of his head while explaining. “You just made so much mess.. problem wise and cleaning wise.”
Slowly but surely Sanzu calmed down. The teachers arrived. Everyone told their story. And with that you and the rest went home. And when you did your body felt like a rock. When you laid down on your bed you could not get up. You laid there for hours. To the point the sun was no longer sitting in the sky.
You didn’t know how to feel with anything right now, so many things happened and the worst part was you felt guilty. You knew you shouldn’t.
Knock knock
You stand up from your bed with the little energy you had left and look outside of your window.
“What in the fuck are you doing here?” You whispered.
“Visiting.” Sanzu answered. “Move aside and let me in, it's freezing out here.” He said. You moved aside to let him in. “Much better.”
“Why are you here?”
“Too see how you're doing. A lot has happened.” He said sitting down on the floor.
“I’m fine.”
“Bullshit. That motherfucker assaulted you. He deserves to be more then beaten up”
“You can’t do that to people just because.”
“Why not?”
“You- I swear.”
“See! Nothing is stopping you!” He said laughing. “Don’t blame yourself for anything that happened today. You did nothing wrong.” He said stand up. He came closer to you and ruffled your hair. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Why did you get so mad for me?” You asked, looking down.
“Isn’t that obvious?” He said, chuckling. “I think it was obvious. I like you.”
“So I guess it wasn’t?”
“Why were you always so mean then?”
“To annoy you. You have a pretty face and it looks even cuter when it’s annoyed.” He said and took your hand in his and kissed the top of it. “I will be going then.” He said while getting ready to leave. “Sleep well!” And with that he left.
And you just stood there confused.
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raz0rvampire · 4 months
Deimos Ramble
This is all my personal viewing of Deimos, most obviously this is 99% fanon, but I just personally want to talk about my view of the character Deimos from Madness Combat! :3
TW: Abuse/Abusive relationships, toxicity
A/N>>>The beginning is mainly about 2bmos because i wrote most of this to my best friend to ramble, but it'll eventually go into deimos's stuff. <<<
Doc and Deimos are those two that hooks up regularly without any commitment because they think they're "too busy to actually commit" while they're focused on fighting against AAHW. There really isn't a purpose to it in the beginning, as it's just a form of pleasure/ways to distract themselves from constant violence. but slowly 2bdamned starts actually wanting to do more things and it kind of jump scares Deimos because Deimos doesn't wants Doc to ACTUALLY having to deal with his genuine self rather than the casual fuck and go. All he's seen so far is a hook up partner, and the hacker out in the field. So, doc is just hanging out around him consistently on the average with no sexual undertones and Deimos is getting mixed signals and eventually he kind of explodes on doc eventually.
I do believe Deimos was abusive towards 2b in the beginning of their relationship. not physically but very mentally and emotionally. This is not an excuse for Deimos treating Doc like shit, it is just very real because in context that his only relationships were- Wasted/Exploited Clone to his brother and then turned into simply being co-workers (mercenaries and assassins). With that, there has never been a proper, emotionally connected relationship in his entire existence.
also yes I do head canon that Deimos is very manipulative and CAN become abusive, he is incredibly flawed from the other characters if you think about it (Other than Hank J Wimbleton.) I mean, he worked as an agent in the AAHW where he was treated a scientific experiment under his brother's power so because of that he expresses the same thing as Phobos. He's used to that power hungry enviroment, that the only way to survive is through expressing control over any situation given. I think slowly throughout time of the series, he becomes that "Goofy" guy but I think in the beginning, it was actually more sadistic than humorous
His only exposure in existence EVER was violence, abuse of power/emotions/and even substances. LIKE, EVER EVER. QUITE LITERALLY. Hank, Doc, and Sanford ALL had exposures to "normal" things. Even though Hank fucked it all up (and is kind of fucked up in general), but he still had those normal experiences because he was already an adult when everything went down in the MC universe. Doc also had that same sort of thing, he's also (although not licensed, but maybe in the past?) very intelligent emotionally and intellectually, he gave in to the thought of dissenting by his own choice, knowing he had one. ANNNDD Sanford had a mother as well (Funny enough in a universe where 'women dont exist/hj') and is seen to express care/connections to all of the rest of the characters through multiple interactions. (Probably a trait from being raised by a loving mother.)
I LOVE the found family that the main four have turned into, I absolutely adore it, but I personally do not believe that is how they STARTED out. I feel like the tension, especially when Deimos came into the picture, was very very intense.
He's not exactly repressed to his feelings of anger, and in fact, I think he's very used to EXPRESSING those violent and abusive tendencies to his fellow agents I mean, although he was abused, neglected, and exploited he had a higher sort of standing because of being related to Phobos, so he's also experienced in having a controlling role over others. I also think Sanford and Deimos would also have a really hard time (platonically, since this in terms of 2bmos) Deimos would be very controlling of their missions and rushes a lot, and would end up twisting a lot of the things on the way he feels about what happened, rather than actually focusing on it's entirety of what happened. He's so used to expressing his side and controlling the narrative for his benefits.
I feel like we miss this whole chance of Deimos being a very flawed character from his past environment. The chances of writing this character learning through a whole development arc by people who can show him genuine care and the idea of selflessness and ability to develop past who he was is so good. There's no possible way that Deimos was just "so lucky to be a good person amongst all the bad!" NOO!! MAKE HIM FLAWED!! MAKE HIM A BAD PERSON WHO DEVELOPS THE FORM AND LESSON OF SELFLESSNESS IN A SAFE ENVIROMENT!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my idea for Deimos! If anyone has anything to add, that'll be great!
VV my deimos playlist
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
(This is the separate ask I would genuinely love to hear your thoughts on how other stream sub groups operate differently it's just so fascinating to me)
YEAH!!! Also it's so very cute to me how supportive and patient he was with Kristen when she was first considering streaming <333
At first she just kinda popped into chat and on stream rarely and he never forced her to stay if she didn't. Over time she just got used to and wanted to interact with chat more! Until she started streaming herself and he's been 100% supportive the entire time. Literal A+ husband material you can tell how much he loves her and its so sweet,,,,
YEAH ok so about the kristin thing at first so recently i've been watching all of phil's s4 videos and i'm getting to the end of 2019 aka they're preparing for their wedding and phil's in the process of getting a visa and it's so :))
i currently have two kristin stream vods in my watch later (bc i've been busy) and im so excited to get to themm it's been awesome to see kristin get more confident in streaming bc she is so funny!! i really love tuning into her streams they are such nice spaces :) also i miss parents sdv i hope they play again
ANYWAYS ok so my ramblings about phil's community is just. hold on i need to put this under cut because the more i write out the more it feels like inane bullshit but whatever we're here now
i feel like out of all of the streamers who have grown their communities in the boom of 2020/dsmp era phil's has been the most interesting to me. obviously biased here bc this is my community but ok. I'm not going to say that phil's fanbase is "the best" because that's obviously a subjective take but i think part of what makes it stand out to me is that it skews significantly older than any of the other streamers fanbases. routinely, we've heard from donos that there are teachers or people with full jobs who are donating to phil's streams. now, obviously we've heard plenty from high school age and younger, but for the most part those people tend to be sbi fans, or crimeboys fans who also enjoy phil - totally valid, etc, but they're not who i'm talking about.
the people who main phil tend to be older, which shapes a pretty different community that has a much less active presence on places like twitter. Those who are on twitter tend to not have nearly as much of a drive for clout as other subtwts - obviously there are exceptions, there always are, im trying not to speak as a total generalization - but i can't think of too many c!phil mains with thousands upon thousands of followers compared to other subtwts. And i think that again mostly comes down to like . it's just an older fanbase so they don't care abt that stuff as much.
oh and also! early gang as a central hub for most people who main phil i think helps a lot because, similar to tumblr, no character limit directly correlates to like. more critical thinking being used and less automatic aggression towards other people in the way twitter pushes to the forefront of every interaction. so as a whole the community comes across as far more chill than other subtwts/etc bc they aren't using twitter as their primary hub of communication
but i also think phil has had a direct impact on how his fans act on twitter regardless of age. the example that immediately comes to mind is when uh. ok. so idk if u were on twitter at all circa late 2020-early 2021, but subtwt selfie days were Alllll the rage back then, there was basically one or multiple every single day of the month for various ccs and duos/groups/etc. and i remember when it started popping off, phil got asked about it on stream and he very seriously talked about how he wasn't comfortable having a selfie day tagged after him, because he didn't like the fact that so many people, many who were high school age/teenagers, were putting their face on the internet for literally anyone to look at. i think he was the only cc who really spoke out about the ramifications of having your face online like that, and i know for me it was the first time i took a step back and went "yeah wait this is kind of fucking weird". it obviously didn't stop the selfie days for any other ccs, or the sbi selfie day, but his fans listened, and there was no phil selfie day ever again, and i think it's that kind of communication between phil and his audience that sort of helped develop his community in that direction, being mindful of internet bullshit and all that jazz. it's that kind of way he looks out for fans and the like that makes me really appreciate him and his community all the more. i just really like telling that bit of his history bc it was important to me in that time
again i don't know if this makes . too much sense. i sort of just started rambling and didn't stop to think if i was making any real points. this is all just to say that i love early gang, love philza, loveposting hours are so real i love this old man
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joysmercer · 1 year
misc six observations:
the pantages is the most gorgeous theater i’ve ever been in (not that i’ve been in many but u know)
it’s also along the walk of fame and kirsten chenoweth’s star is right by the door (lena horne's is just across the street)
they didn’t advertise my show as accessible but it was open-captioned and asl-interpreted (but it looks like both things were only viewable to ppl seated on the left side)
an old couple next to me were trying to figure out which “chopin composition” the pre-show music was? (they’re all piano covers of pop songs) v confused
the “queen bios” in the playbill list aragon’s interests as “religion, sewing, dancing, and a bit more religion”, boleyn’s says she’s remembered for “headlessness”. parr’s talks about her friendship w mary and that her mom was LIW to some previous wives, but makes no mention of the fact that aragon was her godmother(/namesake) or that she married seymour’s brother
the minute greensleeves started playing, people started cheering. it was so fun
khaila was born to play aragon that's all im saying. literally nonstop applause until the dluh intro
storm's boleyn tiptoed that line between "idk what's going on" and "smart and cunning" so so well
cleves did the ponytail-pull instead of seymour? idk if this is a recent change but it has Interesting implications characterization-wise lmao also it was just funny because olivia had to significantly reach up to get to courtney's hair
speaking of which, both nat and cmack's new wigs look a lot fancier than their old ones somehow
im pretty sure nmp actually started crying during hos (which, even though i've heard her sing it a million times, was every bit as beautiful as i thought it would be)
hoh live is an Experience in the best way, they just looked like they were having the best time bouncing around the stage
the audience member picked for get down was so good/confident olivia cheered for her the entire time instead of doing the "this is my song" bit after shfghjkl
get down is already such a lively song but olivia's version amps it up even more like i was in stitches during the intro and the entire audience was fired up by the end
the k-howard roast didnt get as many laughs as it should've :// i felt so bad for courtney because she delivered those lines flawlessly
and then loud and immediate applause after aywd??? L audience tbh
(also interesting note – the asl interpreter didn’t sign for applause after the song like she did for all the others)
natalie's "I DIED" was every bit as amazing as all the audios. also she basically chased khaila offstage while saying that line sdkf
i think gabriela is my new favorite parr im so obsessed w her take on idnyl and her acting (even in the background) is impeccable
there were some obvious mic issues – both cmack and storm were a bit quieter than everyone else and khaila was way louder; all three of them left the stage at various points for unknown reasons (but there wasn't a show stop and i dont think most people noticed someone missing)
this cast's chemistry was i n s a n e like the little interactions and they way they reacted to each other plus the harmonies…10/10 no notes
speaking of which. there was a really sweet moment toward the end of idnyl ("why should i tell that story?") where aragon puts her hand on howard's knee comfortingly
standing ovation after six!!! idk if this is a regular occurrence but they bowed an extra time because of all the clapping lol
except then people started leaving, so courtney had to start the megasix early and you could barely hear her over the audience
but it was ok cuz people stayed on their feet throughout the megasix too and again the girls took a really long time leaving the stage after bc the cheers kept getting louder!!!
tldr i had the BEST time and if the tickets weren’t so expensive id go again and again <3
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