#tim stops trying to hide the fact that he's not very sensible the minute he's out of gotham
plutoslvr · 4 months
batman: oh tim's been working really hard in gotham lately like he's finished off a bunch of cases and given me detailed reports on each of them and has managed to keep on leading a double life he's wonderful, one of the best I'd say. such a sensible guy.
batman the next day: the FUCK do you mean young justice blew up mount rushmore????
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
Tales from the Future - Batflash Week Day 1: Wards & Didn’t Know They Were Dating
After a tough mission in the future with the Titans, Damian and Wally discovered something very shocking. They couldn't keep this information to themselves, though, and decided to tell their families - save the very people the information is about.
Will the group of Robins and Speedsters stay focused enough to come up with a plan or realize that the future isn't as bad as they're fearing?
Damian watches Jason casually stroll in through the window, one leg swinging in after the other with practiced aloofness. “Tch,” he scoffs, “nice of you to show up.”
“Buzz off, Bat Brat,” Jason says, squeezing in between Dick and Tim on the couch. “I was busy .”
“Who was busy?” Dick asks.
“Me, I just said -”
“No, who was busy,” he clarifies, leering at Jason. Groans erupt from across the room, Damian hiding his face in his hand. Duke huffs from the armchair, mirroring him.
A smack echoes, Dick cursing. Tim glares from the other side of the couch, frowning. “None of us want to hear about Jason’s sex life.”
“I don’t know,” Dick says, rubbing his head, “I could use a good laugh or two.”
Sighing, Wally steps behind Damian. He turns to face his friend. Wally looks unimpressed, a similar expression to the other speedster guests who joined them this afternoon. The older Wally sits on the other armchair across from Duke, closer to Dick. Bart vibrates around the room, not really staying in one place for too long. “Is this how every meeting starts?”
“No,” Damian admits, “sometimes we do more than slap the other.”
Wally’s eyebrow climbs further up his forehead.
“Okay, everyone, settle down,” Damian calls. His brothers quiet immediately, giving him their attention. “We didn’t assemble to tease Jason.”
“But it’s such a fun team building activity.”
“Fuck you, Bubble Butt.”
“How dare you -”
Another clap silences them again. “Do I have to separate you two?” Damian asks, glancing between the older Robins. They dart their gazes towards one another for a brief second before relenting, a white flag waving from their stations. “Good,” he continues, running his hands across his chest. Smooths invisible wrinkles on his charcoal black button-down. “Now we’ve gathered you all for a reason.”
“A very important reason,” Wally preempts Bart, the latter’s jaw hanging. Offhand comment still cocked in his chamber, pulled from the trigger. “That has to deal with Barry and Bruce.”
Their family sobers immediately at the mention of their respective elders. “Really?” Dick asks, “What is it?”
Damian and Wally glance between themselves, silently discussing who would start. Taking too long, Jason breaks their debate. “Someone just freakin ’ start already!”
Taking point, Damian clears his throat. “We’d finished a mission with Jon, saying our goodbyes to him and his team in the future…”
A mission to the future seemed too early for Damian’s ragtag team of Titans. He could barely get them to stop fighting each other to handle villains of this century, there was no telling how they’d fare against criminals with advanced and alien tech. Yet Jon came for him at an inopportune time. Bubble bursting in during a team meeting, popping out with his friend , Saturn Girl.
“Damian,” he panted, ash smudged across his face, “I need you.”
That was all the convincing needed. Except the moment he set a foot into the time bubble a gust of wind sped past and snatched his wrist.
Wally wouldn’t let Damian leave them, the others gathering round demanding to be brought along. Damian scowled, trying to figure out a quick enough argument to shut the idea down without offending them. Because he promised them he’d be kinder . Kindness cost him dearly, since Saturn Girl gave them a free pass by saying, “Of course you can come along.”
Carried into the time bubble by the incoming stampede, they squished together to travel to the 31st century. He squirmed between Crush and Roundhouse, annoying Wally given the timed puffs of air he breathed through his nose.
“You were tickling my chin,” Wally scoffs, “And it was taking too slow.”
“We were advancing 1000 years in a blink of an eye!” Damian cries, “There’s nothing slow about it -”
“Guys, focus!” Wally says, “What does this have to do with Barry and Bruce?”
“Well, when we got there it turns out this villain had taken control of their head quarters,” Wally says, ignoring his cousin.
A green, floating eyeball paraded around the Legion of Superheroes’ Clubhouse. Members with glowing, verdant gazes stalked the halls like zombies. Unfortunately they proved much more resourceful and smarter than their appearance.
An accidental sneeze from Roundhouse alerted their presence, and heroes descended upon them. Damian found himself holding off a wolf-man with his staff caught in his sharp jaws. When he flipped the beast off him, Damian saw the rest of his team separated and battling in their own small groups. And the eye, watching them. Waiting.
“Its owner entered with fanfare,” Damian tells them, “using this boy who shoots lightning for special effects.”
Tim yawns, “Why does this matter?”
“It does! Now, she entered…”
The Emerald Empress immediately captured Roundhouse with her Eye, trapping him in her spell like all the others. Saturn Girl shouted for them to retreat, falling back towards a secret tunnel. Except on their way Djinn snagged her ankle on a waiting hand, phased through the floor.
“Go!” she says, “I’ll be fine!”
Damian froze, only Wally’s fast reflexes pulling him out from falling debris dropped by a gravity manipulator. They left Djinn and Crush - the latter shoving past Emiko to help the other girl. Behind the shut door of the secret entrance Damian saw emerald light flash and his heart sank.
“This is why you should have stayed in the past,” Damian growled once they snuck far enough away, “Not even five minutes and we’ve already lost half the team!”
“We’ll save them, Damian,” Wally said, a steady calm to the raging storm brewing inside the smaller boy, “We always will.”
“Don’t see how,” Emiko added, the first few words since travelling to the future. “Her Eye looks kitted to the max. Coupled with the heroes she already has under her thrall and the ones we gave her… I don’t think we have much of a chance.”
Damian huffed, “Especially once she combines her Eye with Djinn’s magic -”
“Djinn?” Bart asks, “Who’s Djinn? You keep mentioning her.”
Flushing, Damian glances at the grandfather clock ticking ceaselessly in the lounge. “She’s a team member of ours… very powerful magic, one of our strongest assets, and -”
“Damian’s got a total crush on her.”
He whips his head to glare at Wally, the other boy standing nonplussed. Instead of a smirk, a harsh line cuts across his face. As if his words were more of a tiresome fact than rope to hang him with.
His brothers gladly string him up. Dick coos, “Aw, you’ve got a crush Damian?”
“Thank God,” Jason says, “Maybe you’ll finally get that stick out of your ass.”
“Does this mean we have to chaperone you?” Tim asks, “Because I don’t want to double date…”
Duke leans forward in his seat. “Are we going to ever meet her?”
Damian waves their comments away. “This isn’t about me. And for the record I don’t have a crush.”
Jason scoffs, “Sounds like what someone with a crush would say.”
“I don’t!”
“Jason knows what’s he’s talking ‘bout,” Dick nods, clapping Jason’s shoulder, “Guy’s king of unrequited crushes.”
He brushes Dick’s hand off him. “Fuck you, at least half of them were requited.”
“Sure, and I made it to fifth base with Harley Quinn…”
Bart zips over to Tim, whispering. “What’s fifth base?”
Tim shakes his head. “You don’t want to know.”
Wally pinches his brow, reclining into his armchair. “Can we please get back to the story?”
“I would be glad to,” Damian says, “if people would let me.” Given the floor once more, Damian carries on where he left off.
They regrouped. Jon led them in a motivational speech, every word and gesture oozing small town sensibility. His father would be proud. After he rallied the troops, Saturn Girl presented schematics of the Legion headquarters. Damian and Emiko poured over the holograms, planning their assault. Satisfied with a course of action, the group returned.
Although their plans strayed early on from the course they laid. A few heroes that Saturn Girl thought were off-planet appeared and forced them to separate. Damian and Jon fled down one hallway, followed by a barrage of shrapnel. Cosmic Boy, as Jon told him, barreled their way with a Lantern and an orange lizard-creature at his side.
Jon handled the flankers, Damian keeping Cosmic Boy occupied. With power over metal most of his arsenal was useless, and he dropped it so he wouldn’t be controlled. Instead Damian relied on his training, utilizing the environment to his advantage. Waiting for Leading Cosmic Boy into a narrow hallway, snaking around the metal he pulled. Pushing his reflexes to the limit, Damian dodged each swipe until Cosmic Boy trapped himself in a cage of wires and panels.
Unable to move, Damian rabbit punched him.
Jon dumped his attackers to the floor when Damian returned, and together they advanced to the main room. Regrouping with the others, they stormed where Emerald Empress hid.
More heroes awaited them, guarding their queen while she mixed the emerald energy from her eye with Djinn’s unique purple magic. This timeline’s Doctor Fate underneath like a scale, helping to balance the power.
Knocking away a ball boy into identical triplets, Damian noticed the colors mixing together hideously. Terribly foreboding, a chill shot through his spine. “We need to stop this!” he yelled, tumbling underneath lightning.
Wally wrapped up a talking raccoon and hurled him towards a green-skinned boy. Being the only one who heard Damian, he tracked his gaze to the makeshift throne. “Okay,” he said, “let’s stop this.”
“So?” Bart asks, “How’d you stop it?”
Damian pouts, crossing his arms. “He threw me.”
“He threw men,” he repeats, “at the Emerald Empress.”
Wally nods, smiling. “While I dealt with Doctor Fate.”
With those two erased from the equation, it was only Djinn and the Emerald Eye. Their auras swirled in battle for dominance. When it looked like the green would overtake Djinn’s purple, her eyes flashed brilliantly violet and swept over the encroaching light like a tidal wave. Purple energy coursed through the Emerald Eye until it short-circuited and turned grey. It fell to the floor, powerless.
Spell broken, the others woke from their trances. Some moaned with pain while others blinked in confusion. Their friends, Crush and Roundhouse, staggered away from Saturn Girl and Jon while returning to their senses.
“You beat the villain, big whoop,” Jason says, “still don’t see what this has to do with Bats and Flash.”
Wally rolls his eyes. “After the fight, when we were saying our goodbyes to the team…”
Roundhouse bounced between Jon, Saturn Girl, Wally and him, drawing the Legionnaires attention towards him. Asked questions with blazing speed that surpassed their speedster. Jon led him away from the group, Saturn Girl at his side while explaining a few of the concepts to sate his curiosity.
Leaving Wally and Damian open for an ambush.
“Excuse me?” someone cleared their throat behind them, “I… I can’t believe you’re actually here…”
Startled, Damian brandished a bat-a-rang immediately and spun on his heel to attack. Before he could launch his weapon, though, Wally gripped his wrist in an iron vice. “Damian, no ,” he scolded, nodding towards the frightened teenager in front of them, “ friend .”
He glared at the speedster, unrelenting in his combat stance. Wally didn’t back down either.
The newcomer looked between them, nerves dying as each second ticked on by. “Uh… is he gonna put that down?”
“Yes.” “ No .”
Wally sighed, lowering Damian’s hand. “Sorry, we’re a little on edge…”
“Yeah, yeah,” the teen said, “Emerald Empress took a lot out of all of us… your team did a great job.”
Nodding, Damian used his silence to study the newcomer. Recognizes him from their previous battle as the one with lightning powers. If he hadn’t witnessed his powers in action the costume would telegraph immediately what he can do. Lightning bolts mean two things - and he didn’t rush away like any other speedster would when presented with danger. So that meant the only other option was electricity manipulation. “Who are you?”
“Oh, right, uh -” the teen chuckles awkwardly, scratching his head, “the name’s Garth - or, uh Lightning Lad.”
“Cool. I’m Wally, Kid Flash. And my trigger happy friend is Damian -”
“ Robin .”
“...I was getting to that.”
Garth beamed, “I know, I know! I… kinda know a lot about you, actually…”
A chill raced down Damian’s spine at the giddiness crackling across Garth’s face. Being trapped with a fanboy is not what he needed. Wally tensed as well, darting his gaze over in silent communication. However a different emotion flickered behind his eyes, telling Damian to suck up whatever outburst bubbled up inside him. He snapped his jaw shut. Agreeing to play nice only because he felt too tired to cause a scene.
“Hey,” Wally started, “it’s always great to meet a fan -”
“A huge fan,” Garth cut him off, “Like, you’re such an inspiration. I remember growing up, whenever a dust storm tore through our settlement and we’d be locked inside for days , my brother, sister and I would read up on all your classic adventures.” He turns to Damian, “Both of yours.”
“I’m surprised you had time to even read about his ,” Damian smirked, “ my adventures - that have passed and are yet to come - should have been enough entertainment.”
“...Actually you’re featured in a lot of Flash’s stories.”
Damian bristled again, not caring for how Wally’s chest puffed up. Only to deflate slightly, with a sigh. “Looks like I’ll never get rid of you,” he mumbled.
Scoffing, he rolls his eyes. “You’re lucky I still hang around you after all these years…”
Garth chuckled. “Oh, man… the banter is just like they said it’d be.” He bounced where he stood, sparks jumping off his shoulders. “I really can’t believe… you two. Some of the best teen heroes. You are part of the reason I am who I am today. I’ve met Superman and Jon already… all I’ll need for my life to be complete is to meet the originals and I’ll be set!”
“Originals?” Damian asked, “What are you talking about?”
“You know, your mentors. Batman and Flash ,” Garth continued, eyes glowing blue, “Those guys, I mean… Growing up where I’m from there were some pretty strict rules on how to live your life. If you didn’t fit the mold you’d be ignored and cast aside. My brother Mekt… being born without a twin… Anyway, Batman and Flash were in your face with who they were. When they came out they didn’t bat an eye -”
Damian and Wally leaned forward with vested interest. “What?” Wally said again, “What do you mean, ‘came out’?”
“When they publicly announced they were dating?” Garth answered, “Well… it’s not like they had a choice, what with that picture in the Gotham Gazette but - hey, they didn’t deny it! That’s…” He stilled, finally noticing the expressions of the others. “You didn’t know? But aren’t you from… wait, what year are you from?”
Garth paled, stepping away from them. “Oh… oh frack . I - I shouldn’t have said that, should I?”
It didn’t matter. The future dropped upon them like a bombshell. Damian’s vision whited briefly until he blinked into awareness once more. Wally’s grip on his wrist tightened, reminding him that throughout the conversation he latched on like a vice. Wrenching free, the bat-a-rang fell with a clatter.
“Please,” Garth whispered urgently, “forget I said anything. Brainy’s all about not interfering with the timeline. If he finds out I outed them he’ll kill me… and that’d really hurt my chances with the guy.” He looked between them. “You don’t have any questions, do you?”
There were a million. Except Jon returned, telling them how it was time the Titans returned to the present. Herded into the time bubble, Wally and Damian didn’t say another word about what they learned. Waiting for the perfect moment to discuss it.
With others who deserved to know.
They watch their family process the information, breath held, waiting for a response.
Bart reacts first. He snorts, drawing all focus to him. A single laugh blossoms into a full-body heave until he tips over the couch, sprawling across Damian’s brothers’ laps. “That’s really funny guys,” he wheezes, “Seriously… amazing.”
Damian scowls. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because it’s not true?”
“We were in the future, Bart,” Wally says, “How can it not be true?”
“Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’m from the future?” he says, “Because I’m Barry and Iris’s grandson . If they somehow didn’t end up together d’you think I’d still be here?”
“Then again,” Tim interrupts, “you are from a timeline that doesn’t exist anymore.”
Bart’s good mood shatters into a million pieces. Pouting, he glares at his friend. “Thanks for reminding me.”
Jason shifts under his heavy weight, rolling Bart off. “So,” he says after the heavy thud , “What are we gonna do?”
“Who says we have to do anything?” Duke says, “It sounds like them getting together is a good thing - hey !” He whacks the pillow thrown at him from its target, his face. Jason, the guilty culprit, looks remorseless. “What was that?”
“You were speaking crazy,” Jason tells him, “How can Bruce dating Barry be any good .”
Dick smirks, folding his arms across his chest. “Wow, Jason. Didn’t know you were a homophobe .”
“Fuck you, it’s not like that.”
“Then what is it?”
Jason sinks into the couch, mirroring his brother. “If Bruce really is gay, bi or… queer than… it’ll be another thing we have in common,” he whines, “The more that happens the sadder I get.”
“Wow,” Dick says, voice thick with emotion. He reaches across to squeeze Jason’s shoulder. “I can’t believe… you actually followed through whenever I told you to suck a dick. I’m proud of you.”
Slapping Dick off him, Jason bares his teeth in a growl. “Keep talking and I’ll show you how I beat Dick .”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Wally zooms from his seat and breaks the two apart, hands firm against their chests. “Knock it off you two, we’re getting distracted from the bigger picture… how to make sure this doesn’t happen.”
“You mean you don’t want to be brothers, Wall?”
He rolls his eyes at Dick’s artificially sweet expression. “Batman’s creepy enough without imagining him all domestic with Barry.”
“Or all sex-like ,” Jason adds, making every wrinkle in the room crease with agony.
Damian shakes the image from his mind, switching back onto the topic at hand. “Now we’ll have to be very careful so they won’t find out we’re on to them -”
“Which’ll be hard,” Tim adds, “they’re two of the best detectives in the world.”
“But they’re only two people,” Wally says, stepping closer to Damian, “we’re a team . Trade shifts - always knowing where they are. Making sure they’re not alone together.”
Wally raises a brow at his cousin. “I bet you want to tell Superman or Wonder Woman, too… have an inside operative during Justice League meetings.”
“...That could work.”
Duke stands with a shout, interrupting the planning. “This is crazy! If Bruce and Barry want to be together than why should we get in the way? It seems like the future’s pretty good when they’re a couple. Are we really gonna get in the way of that?”
His outburst brings an unexpected bout of clarity to Damian’s plans, parting the cloudy skies for sunshine to burst through. Reminded of Garth’s casual openness about himself and his reverence to Damian’s father, he winces.
Like dominoes everyone else sobers into quiet reflection. The energy fueling the crazy planning in the room deflates, letting everyone return to their senses. Damian feels the tightness of his bones over hearing the shocking news finally settle, as if coming to terms with the future.
Dick clears his throat, the first to break the silence. “But if they do get together,” he starts, waiting until he’s found every eye in the room before continuing, “... then Jason won’t be special anymore.”
“That’s it !”
Bruce adjusts himself on the Batcave’s examination table, eyes fluttering shut as Barry runs careful fingers across his temple. When they stumble over the cut he hisses, a hand darting over to squeeze his.
“Sorry ‘bout that, babe,” Barry says, “that’s one well hidden wound.”
“It’s okay,” he says, “It’s my fault for letting Kite Man get the drop on me.” The mediocre villain swooped in and sliced open his cowl with the tail of his giant kite, catching the Dark Knight in a moment of weakness. If Barry hadn’t been at his side, he would have walked away with much worse.
“I’m surprised he got a few good swings in,” Barry says, dabbing at the cut with some peroxide, “You feeling okay?”
“I’ve… got a lot on my mind.”
Barry pauses, pulling away. Bruce cracks one eye open, frowning at the seriousness weighing on his lover’s shoulders.
“Nothing bad,” he continues, snaking his arms across Barry’s waist to bring him closer. Spreads his legs open so he can fit between them. He nuzzles at his chest, enjoying the frantic heartbeat that is normal for Barry Allen. “I… I’ve been thinking about us and… the future .”
“...Wanna elaborate on that so my mind won’t fill in the blanks?”
Bruce takes a steadying breath, the words rushing from his mouth afterwards. “I want to tell the boys about us.”
An eternity passes in a second, Bruce clinging tight to Barry’s body. Afraid the other man will vibrate free and out of his life. That never happens. Instead the opposite, Barry settles further into the moment. Tips Bruce’s head so he can see the beaming smile on his face.
“What brought this on?”
“I… I just think that we've been really good,” Bruce explains, hating how his nerves easily expose themselves in the tremble of his voice. “And I understood why you wanted to take this slow, in case things don’t work out. It wouldn’t be the first for either of us, to have a relationship fall apart. But everyday you stay by my side and I… I feel different. Better. Happier . And I think the same is true for you. We’re making each other better people. I love you and I love the person you inspire me to be… And I want my family to know.”
Barry offers a wet chuckle, hiding in Bruce’s hair. He kisses the cut he grazed earlier, a few tears trickling into it. Composing himself, Barry straightens in Bruce’s embrace. “I love you, too,” he says, “And if you want to tell your boys then… I want to tell the Flash family, too.”
“We should do it together, actually,” he continues, skin vibrating in excitement, “have some sort of family dinner!”
“They’ll immediately sense something’s up if we do that,” Bruce laughs, “You sure we can’t just call a meeting down here and… rip the band-aid off? In costume?”
Barry rolls his eyes. “Come on, it won’t be so bad. I mean what’s the worst that can happen?”
Bruce readies a response, only the clacking of Alfred’s heels interrupts him. His butler speeds over with anxious haste. “Master Bruce? Barry?”
“Yes Alfred?”
“It’s the boys.”
A headache tickles his head, adding to the pain already camping there. “Which boys.”
“All the boys,” he says, turning to Barry, “even your boys.”
“What?” Barry asks, “What are they doing here?”
“I don’t know, but a fight’s broken out!”
Barry tenses against Bruce. “A fight?”
Bruce, disappointed, sighs while sliding off the table. “What happened?”
“I’m not sure. One moment I was in the kitchen readying dinner and the next I knew there were crashing sounds coming from the parlor. When I got there Duke had a speedster in a headlock, Dick and Wally were fighting, and Jason hung Damian off the chandelier… again .”
Frowning, Bruce fixes his cowl. He looks to Barry, “Looks like family dinner will have to wait.”
Barry shrugs, mirroring him. “I can hope. Besides… that wouldn’t have been very us , would it?” He slips his hand into Bruce’s waiting one, squeezing.
“No it wouldn’t,” Bruce agrees. “Now come on, we have a fight to break up.”
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the-fahc-golden-boy · 5 years
“You’re Shorter Than I Imagined”
First chapter of a new fic I’m working on! That’s right folks, I’m rising from my grave to start writing again!
Pairing(s): Jeremy/Gavin Michael/Ryan Geoff/Jack
Read it on AO3 if you’d like: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20008159
“You’re shorter than I imagined”
Jeremy knew at age 9 what exactly a soulmate was. 
At age 12 he was already planning his wedding proposal with the help of some of his friends. 
At age 15, when he was much shorter than his classmates and deemed a “late bloomer” he knew he was going to punch his soulmate the first time he saw them. 
At age 18 he had given up hope of growing past 5’4” and had come to terms with the fact that his soulmate was either going to get punched, or get a very sarcastic response (he was really hoping to punch them).
At age 24 he found himself in a different city, a different state; across the entire country. He somehow managed this by joining an underground boxing ring, stealing a monster truck, and faking his ID in order to get a plane ticket as fast as possible.
Los Santos was gritty, bloody, dark, and everything Jeremy needed to hide out for a while. What he wasn’t expecting was to end up planting roots permanently in the city.
The first root was Axial.
He met Axial while working as his “bodyguard” for a crew that was newly pieced together and still struggling with power balances. Jeremy was hired on to be extra muscle, and was immediately used to guard the hired hacker. Jeremy never said a word to Axial, and Axial never said a word to him.
Jeremy’s job was to keep watch over Axial to make sure nothing happened to him; so Jeremy just stood nearby idly on his phone. Axial just typed away on his laptop, occasionally talking in code over the radio.
“Hey eye-sore, c’mere for a moment,” Jeremy was startled slight by the slightly gruff voice coming from behind him. He quickly whipped around to see Axial rubbing at his eyes, the bags under them much more noticeable when he was looking away from his computer screen.
Jeremy pointed at himself questioningly, unsure if he was indeed the “eye-sore” Axial meant. Axial just nodded yes and sighed as he looked back at his laptop screen.
“Please tell me you know how to code. Even basics would be fine.”
“I uh, know some basic coding, yes. Enough to get by on my own.” Jeremy stood in front of the desk, unsure what Axial wanted him to do.
“I need you to look over this and see if you can find any coding bugs. If you can’t then go get me a rubber duck.” 
A quick five minute glance soon turned into an hour long search through the mess of letters and numbers, which ended up in Jeremy making a run to the nearest corner store for a rubber duck. Jeremy picked up the first one he saw; a little yellow duck wearing a green frog hat. Axial laughed when it was presented to him, but graciously took the gift.
Two hours later saw him tiredly fixing the small bugs he found as he relayed the whole code to the little duck, which had been named “Duckington” by the two of them.
That little duck was the first piece of a long friendship.
The second root he planted was when he permanently joined the crew that had originally hired him to keep watch over Axial (or Matt seeing as how they were on a first name basis).
The crew was more of a rag-tag team of people, no one that really fit in anywhere else but with other misfits. It was actually rather nice.
Everyone felt more like a family, all on even ground with each other. No inner-crew hierarchies to climb, no chain of command to follow, it was very much a team effort which you never really saw with crews in Los Santos.
The crew was his family, better than the one he grew up with in Boston.
The third root was hard to appreciate at first.
The “B-Team” as they called themselves had decided to merge with one of the other similar crews. The “Fake AH Crew” as they called themselves, or really just the Fakes if you wanted to avoid the mouthful.
Jeremy had been skeptical at first, but everyone else seemed to enjoy (or at least entertain) the idea of coming together with the other crew.
The Fakes were smaller than them, but yet held more influence over the city by having picked up a couple heavy names over the years. 
Jeremy got along with Kingpin, aka Geoff, the “leader” of the crew. He quickly learned that Geoff wasn’t the greatest at leading them, just good at keeping appearances up and helping direct people into the best jobs. Geoff was actually rather lazy and spent his free time reading and just overall being a dad to the crew. (Yeah Jeremy had accidentally called him dad a couple times, but so had everyone else at some point)
Then there was the Pilot. Fierce and stiff and just about as scary as the jets she flew. Only in reality, she was the closest thing to a human teddy bear. Jack was Geoff’s soulmate, she had shown the phrase on her arm to everyone in the crew as a warming-up story, the phrase “Dear GOD please don’t hit me” was written across her forearm, everyone laughing at the idea of Geoff “Touch my books and I’ll gut you” Ramsey had thought Jack was going to jump him the first chance she got, when in reality she was keeping him away from a drunk driver.
The story was warm and kind of sickenly sweet for a pair of crime bosses, but it didn��t make Jeremy feel any better about the five words scrawled across his own right arm. “You’re shorter than I imagined” Yeah whoever his soulmate was, was going to get a swift beating, supernatural connection or not.
The next person Jeremy got acquainted with was the Vagabond. Before meeting him, he was Jeremy’s idol and worst nightmare at the same time. The Vagabond was like everyone in Los Santos’ boogeyman; slinking in the shadows and taking lives like it was what he was born to do. But Jeremy quickly learned that the Vagabond was just a kind of a title, passed along to Ryan Haywood. A quiet former model turned mechanic that was roped into the life by a former friend and ended up with the black skull mask (the only constant) by sheer dumb luck.
Ryan and Jeremy worked well together, and hell even the Vagabond and Rimmy Tim did too.
Rimmy Tim was Jeremy’s new “alter-ego”. The purple and orange eye sore that had befriended Matt, that same art student’s nightmare that introduced himself to the Fakes on the first combined heist. Rimmy Tim was what Jeremy used to be; crazy, rambunctious, and just dumb enough to try to make a get away in a monster truck. Rimmy Tim was Jeremy minus the fear of his past.
Mogar at first was the last person Jeremy wanted to meet. Word on the street said that Mogar was a savage, some kid Kingpin picked up in the middle of the woods and handed a gun to, telling him one thing and one thing only, “Shoot first and ask questions never”. Some even said Mogar was the Jersey Devil himself. Jeremy knew all this to be a lie as soon as he saw Mogar for one night. Mogar was just Michael, a kid from his high school that had an obsession with lighting bags of dog shit on fire and throwing them into rich people’s yards while laughing his ass off about it for the next week.
Michael wasn’t scary.
But if he wanted scary? The one who locked himself up in the computer room with Matt all day was scary.
That was Geoff’s “Golden Boy” and from what Matt spoke of him? The dude was like anyone’s true worst nightmare. Fast fingers and an even faster mind. Sharp as hell and cold as ice.
The Golden Boy had access to just about any document that had ever touched the internet, and from there it didn’t take him much to connect the dots.
But from what Ryan spoke about him? He was just as young as Jeremy, and with enough ego to fill up two whole other people. Ryan said that he’d never stop asking dumb quesitons, and only ever left his “nest” when Jack forced him to eat with everyone else on occasion.
Jeremy was conflicted.
Matt spoke like he was a brilliant mastermind. (Annoying as hell to deal with, but an incredibly smart hacker). Ryan spoke like he was Geoff’s kid that Geoff was just trying to put to use somewhere he wouldn’t break anything.
In all fairness though, Jeremy didn’t believe either of them. Not until he had met this “Golden Boy” for himself at least.
So when he wasn’t busy he’d wait outside the computer room. Matt would slip out first and assume Jeremy was waiting for him. And well, Jeremy was just too polite to admit to his friend that he was actually waiting to try and meet the other guy. Never once did Matt leave after Golden Boy, never once did Jeremy get to meet him.
It went on for a month.
One whole month of Jeremy mulling over if it was really worth it to spend this much time trying to meet this “mysterious” crew member.
Eventually he was nearing the end of his patience, so he did what any sensible person would. He brought it up to Jack.
“I just don’t understand! I’ve met everyone except him, and no matter what I can’t seem to be in the same place as him at the same time!” Jeremy was gesturing wildly, his cowboy hat threatening to fall off as his hands flapped above his head.
“This is just how he is Jeremy, there’s no need to take it so,” She snickered slightly as attempted to mirror his flailing arms, “so to heart I guess.”
Jeremy just groaned, sliding down the kitchen counter. Jack just smiled and started to hum as she went back to cooking her lunch.
“I’d watch where you sit if I were you, this pot of boiling water seems dangerously close to your head.”
Jeremy didn’t need to be told twice. Vaguely hidden threats were how Jack worked at getting you out of her way. Vague threats that she’s actually followed through on more than one occasion. (He’d witnessed Michael trying to bug her for the keys to her car and she threatened to lock him in the walk in freezer. Michael didn’t believe her and about an hour later Jeremy and Ryan were breaking him out of said freezer like a human popsicle heist.)
A week later and he still hadn’t even caught a glimpse of the Golden Boy. In fact, it was to the point Jeremy was starting to think everyone was collectively pretending that he was real when instead this “Golden Boy” never existed in the first place.
Jeremy was sitting outside one of their warehouses with Ryan, keeping guard because according to Geoff, “Golden Boy” had picked up little tid-bits here and there that a rival crew might be making an attempt to break into their warehouse on the coast.
Jeremy let out a bored sigh and fell against Ryan. (It was a thing he did, leaning on Ryan like a child. Ryan didn’t mind, in fact he rather enjoyed it.)
“You’re thinking too hard again, I can hear the wheels groaning.” Ryan kept his gaze forward, eyes watching the bushes in the distance.
“It’s nothing” At this Ryan moved his shoulder, effectively moving Jeremy back into a standing position.
“I’ve spent enough time with you to know that isn’t how your brain works.”
“Ughhh, fine” Jeremy focussed on the same bushes as Ryan, noticing an odd shake to them. “It’s just, does the Golden Boy actually exist?”
Ryan laughed at this, his hand reaching for the gun at his hip. “Yeah unfortunately he does.” He drew the gun slowly out of its holster. “Why, still haven’t seen him yet?”
“No, I feel like you’re all just pulling some elaborate prank on me.” Jeremy pulled out his own gun as well, bringing it up slowly with Ryan’s.
“I think I have some pictures on my phone of him if you want me to-” Ryan quickly popped off two silence shots into the bushes while Jeremy did the same. “-show you.”
The two of them watched as two bodies fell out of the bush they shot at. A third body went sprinting off into the distance. Jeremy smirked, that one guy would tell his crew that the Fakes had found out their plans and had killed the other two guys who were staking out the place.
“Yeah, sure why not. My curiosity is killing me.” Jeremy clicked the safety back on his gun and slid it back into the holster on his thigh, Ryan mirrored him, sliding his back into the holster at his hip.
Ryan pulled his phone out of his back pocket and tapped on it, navigating to his gallery where Jeremy caught a glimpse of several candid shots of Michael. He decided that whatever was going on between those two, he definitely didn’t need to know.
“Here’s the smug prick decked out before he went off to a negotiation with Geoff,” Ryan turned his phone so Jeremy could see.
The Golden Boy was tall and slim, but he pulled it off. The way he was stretched out over the heist table highlighted the leanness in his figure. Jeremy realized now why he was called “Golden Boy”, everything about him just oozed money and ego. His hair was bleach blonde, the gold shades sparkled, the jewelry was a little much, but the nail polish was Jeremy’s favorite piece. In the picture he had his nails painted with gold and black, each nail alternating in color, reminding Jeremy of the woman from the movie Holes that painted her nails with rattlesnake venom.
Something about him just captivated Jeremy, just pulled him in and he couldn’t stop staring.
Ryan had noticed, and when Jeremy finally got ahold of himself, he swiftly gave Ryan a kick to his shins to wipe the shit-eating smirk off his face.
“He looks like rich asshole.” Jeremy lied.
“He kind of is, but in that annoying sibling way that makes you wish daddy stopped giving him an allowance each week.” Ryan turned his phone off and slipped it back into his pocket, giving Jeremy a chance to end the conversation.
“So… Guess we can head back to the penthouse?” He didn’t quite know what to do with his hands, so he settled on just putting them in his pockets.
“Yeah, let Geoff know the good news. Maybe celebrate a little bit.”
Jeremy nodded. Getting absolutely shit-faced sounded like the best option right now.
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lizzykeendsm · 3 years
#TheTruthInTheLies #BlacklistRP
Co written by @TomKeenDSM & @LizzyKeenDSM
Tom - ”I never dreamt I’d fall for her or be willing to truly die for her either, but then my life has been full of the unexpected.” -Sitting at his computer grading science project papers he keeps watching her. Lizzy was important not just to Reddington but to /him/ and as each day went by the connection grew stronger. She is the light in a very dark tunnel of lies and deceit. Mulling over different scenarios of how to get her to disappear with him was what was on his mind but how would be do it and keepher trust, when he’d already lied so much to her...-
Lizzy - Woke up by the sound of the neighbours next door. Moving her hand along the mattress to find his place empty. When her eyes spruce open to wonder where Tom would be. Her mind goes wondering if Tom has made it to bed before she fell asleep last night. When she picked up her cellphone to check the time. 05.37 am was being shown on the clock. When Lizzy pulled the bed sheet off her body to get out of bed to go and see if Tim was around the apartment. She exited the bedroom to walking straight into the living room calling out Tom name. Are you here Tom? Checking each room in the apartment with no answer. When she walked back into the kitchen diner. Tom and I were taking things slowly but somehow I gave him a key to my apartment without thinking. Maybe with the long shift, I work. Lizzy Switched on the coffee maker to make some fresh coffee. Her mind was thinking where Tom could be when she noticed on the calendar n the wall that Tom was away on a teaching training course tonight. She slapped herself on the head ”Liz you are idiot forgetting about Tom being away, she was glad she hadn't sent sent out a text to him.
He was in Denver doing a presentation on his latest findings. Maybe it was the stress of the case she has been working on in work when she was just missing Tom. She stood up to walk over to the coffee maker to fill her coffee cup with caffeine that she desperately needed. When she sat her coffee in the breakfast table to get her bag to fill out the file case of ”Raymond Redding” making her way on to the bar tool drinking her coffee reading everything they had on this man. She spends the next hour or studying the man the man Raymond Reddington who has been running from the FBI for the last two decades. This wasn't going to be a case solved overnight when she was due back in the office. In the next half hour.
When she left the file on the breakfast table to jump in the shower quickly to fresh up and do her bathroom business. Coming out the restroom to walk into walking in the closet to put on her black trouser suits with a smart top and sensible shoes. Tieing her hair up in a pong tail. To walk straight back into the kitchen diner. Putting her file back together with her notes, she had made earlier. She held her file sliding back into her bag. Sometimes she wished she could talk to Tom about her work life but she couldn't without breaking protocol. When she picking up her empty coffee cup placing it the sink before leaving Her apartment. When she typed up a text to Tom. ”Good morning, sorry I missed you last night. I hope to see you soon. Have a safe trip home, miss you. Liz.
Tom: -He had indeed graded homework but now he was disappearing into a crowd of people with a target not far away. Her text came in and he smiled, he shouldn't be carrying his regular phone but being separated from her messed with his head to bad so he kept it close, making sure to turn it to mute though. Today he looked nothing like a geeky teacher with glasses, dressed in leather he slipped into the BDSM club following his prey. This should be quick and painless for both of them, bodies moved with lust, and his mindset changed slipping into his role so easily. Standing at the bar he took his overcoat off sure to be in his prey's line of sight. Hubert had a certain type and he'd done all possible to meet that. Hair dyed dark black, blue contact's in he met the man's eyes temporarily then looked away putting on a blush which wasn't easy but years of deep op covers had its perks. Sipping his drink he looked up at the accountant who walked over to him and boldly ran his hand down Tom's chest, leaning in he whispered. "Come with me, I'll make all your dreams come true."
Lizzy - When Reaching the office after stopping by the nearest Starbucks to collect the coffees that everyone likes including her own latte. while carrying a tray of selected coffees for Ressler, Aram, and Cooper. She checked her phone to see if Tom had replied, with a smile on her face just thinking about, before she took a few minutes to switch her mind from him to her job. When she straight into #FBI mood. When he went into the Cooper office to find and catch up with the team to see what she had messed so far in this morning. With the large frame of Cooper, sitting in his desk with his hands across his hands wanting an update on the blacklist and where we were with the Raymond Redmond. Liz passes the coffees around the room as she begins to talk bout Redmond on his adventures of when he was in France. When her cellphone rang she stopped to put her coffee down on Cooper desk to pick up her cellphone with the interruption of a pizza place calling as the caller I.D. She excused herself for a second to take the call.
Tom - -Hubert had been taken out the service entry and put into the awaiting van. Tom had a secure location he’d sat up to do his interrogation and having successfully getting his mark there he cuffed him to the chain link fencing that would be his temporary home.- We can do this the
easy way or the hard way it’s in your hands. I need the back door instructions you added to the Prometheus software program you wrote. -Hubert glared and Tom decided to give him a little taste of what was to come. Flipping the switch on the generator he picked up the batteries cables giving him a little jolt.-
Lizzy - Lizzy had stepped back into the office from taking the phone call from the pizza man. Who's wasn't the actual the piazza man but no other than Raymond Redmond, she couldn't come out to her team that she was in direct contact with him just yet. Since we just starting to work on the cast of the Blacklist and Raymond Reymond. Which will become to have him on handle leash when needing information but not being at his backing call either when he wanted to know where certain drug busts were about to happen. Picking up her coffee and drinking it. Trying to grasp the facts of what she has messed since the call. Listening to the facts around the case of how exactly Reddington was going to be using on this one. When Lizzy had finished her coffee and caught up. When she started to going to get the facts about the blacklist. Ilya Koslov is a former KGB intelligence officer and a childhood friend/lover of
Katarina Rostova
. Also, Ilya is one of Raymond Reddington´s oldest and dearest friends and they seem to know each other since they were children. After Katarina Rostova staged her suicide in Cape May, Ilya helped her disappear. Ilya devised the plan to impersonate Raymond Reddington in order to gain access to the money the Cabal placed in his name to frame him for treason, so they could fund Katarina´s new life. A year later, Ilya was called by Katarina Rostova´s father
Dominic Wilkinson
to a meeting at a cafe in Belgrade. Dom told Ilya that his plan with Katarina didn´t work and informed him that Katarina´s enemies joined forces and formed the Townsend Directive to hunt and kill her. Afraid that the Townsend Directive could harm his granddaughter
, Dom enlisted Ilya to help him kill Katarina to calm down the Directive and keep Masha safe. Still in Belgrade, Ilya, following Dom´s plan, lured Katarina to an ambush where he and Dom tried to kill Katarina with a car bomb in front of the whole Directive, but they failed and ended up killing her new husband instead. After that, Ilya went into hiding. He started a family and left the life of espionage and crime behind him, though he still kept in touch with Raymond Reddington.
Cooper threading his finger through his hands before standing up. “ Go and get her and bring her in Ressler and Keen”
Within a few minutes, Ressler and keen were heading out of his office and on our way out of the office. To break up the conversation from work. Gessler talked about other things outside of work since their days were long. When Ressler asked, “how was Tom doing?” she simple replied “He's good, I'm just glad he has a boring (Not tell him I said that) and safe Job and is not in the front line with us. “
Tom - -He'd effectively extracted information from his new friend and gave him a dose of medication that would wipe out his short term memory. Leaving him in an alley it would look liked he'd over indulged in his extra curricular activities and none would be the wiser. Paying his information off he got his things packed and ready. His mind on Elizabeth now, this was all necessary to keep her safe.
Lizzy - Arriving at the apartment of ex KGB intelligence office. Lizzy and Ressel knocked on the door and waited with their badge ready for a reply. Since they were here to bring in Katrina Rostona. When their we're voices coming from the apartment but no one was going to answer. Knocking on the door a second time. When Ressel and keen separated. Russell moves away from keen to go and find the fire exit and keen listened through the door. Knowing whoever was in the apartment were making a fast getaway through the outdoor fire exit. When Lizzy stop and pulled out her gun opened the apartment door. “This is the FB” when she entered the apartment checking each room.
Tom - -Boarding a plane he sat back, his mission complete for now he could get back to what he was really meant to be doing "protect Elizabeth".
Lizzy - Lizzy started searching each room of the apartment that seemed to be abandon. When she reached for her weapon sweeping the apartment. When a masked person came at her knocking her down from behind jumping from one the bedroom she hadn't reached. When Lizzy gun fell free from her hand and the attacker and she fought for the gun.
Tom- -Landing at the airport he took his car home and found an empty house. Pretty normal thing considering Lizzy's work, he got cleaned up and started to make some dinner so when she did get home she's have something good to eat.-
Lizzy - Lizzy wrestled with the intruders tacking him when she got to the gun. Using her weapon to hit him across the head and rolled him onto his front with his hands across the back handcuffing him up with her cuffs. You will are coming with me to answer some questions after you have received some medical care for the blood coming from the top of his head. Lizzy had secured his hands with her handcuffs before getting herself as him onto their feet to exit the room to way their way outside to the local police taking him away to the hospital to be examined. When she stopped to phone her partner Gessler. With him on his away back. She had some time while waiting for Gessler she typed up a text to Tom. “Hi babe, I hope you are doing okay. Hope to see you very soon L x”
Tom - -Texting her back.- I’ve made spinach manicotti for dinner a Spanish flan. Beware I may eat it all if you don’t get here soon.
Lizzy - Liz smiled reading his text. When she instantly reply*
Mr keen that's sound like some kind of threat. You know threatening FBI agent could come with consequences even for you Tom. I'll be home to see you very soon. Dinner sound amazing should be there in 30 minutes babe. *Lizzy puts her phone away and wait for zessler to come back to head back to the office to finish up for today.
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