#tmi meta
carelessflower · 6 months
how much power is in the ring magnus give alec?
first, a little revisit to trsom
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it's shown from scenes like this in the books that despite having the power to bring forward incapable feats or destruction, magnus doesn't want to use it, like at all. we get brief instances in the past where he used it and how much it affected him (killing his stepfather, creating earthquakes when he was upset). the status quo is set, magnus lightwood-bane and his immensely frightening, possibly corruptive magic will never accept each other's friend request again.
but then, there's this scene
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the kind of power comes from the very heart of hell. we know warlocks are offsprings of demons, so it's safe to assume their heritage will somewhat show its influence in their magic. but this isn't your garden variety charm. from what the seelie girl trying to convey here, the ring literally reeks of magic from the deepest, most unpredictable and intimidating part of existence.
does alec know he's carrying a piece of magnus too-dangerous-to-not-be-unsealed-magic around him every day? and that there's no end magnus wouldn't go to, even if it's the part of himself he's terrified of, to keep alec safe?
@magnus-the-maqnificent @dustandducks @pocketoffeels
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Other theories I have about the conclusion to the Meursault arc, in no particular order and in varying degrees of conviction and likelihood:
Dazai believes he is not going to make it out of the prison and in fact thinks he is going to die. He says that he will make sure Sigma gets out but doesn't mention himself. Says his goal isn't to escape but to kill Dostoevsky. He's also being weirdly open about his emotions. Mind you, I think it would be odd if he were to actually die in this arc given that it doesn't make a lot of sense to me character-wise but. Idk.
Dostoevsky is not going to die this arc. Look, we still know nothing about him! I feel he's a much bigger threat than Fukuchi and that we're just barely scratching the surface with him. We know nothing about his ability, nothing about the V connection, nothing about what he's been setting up for apparently longer than most of the younger cast have been active. It can't end like this for him. In fact, he's the only one I'm adamant won't be killed in this arc.
Gogol is the true wildcard and may end up as a spanner in the works - he says he wants Dostoevsky dead but when Dazai or Chuuya or both gain the upper hand, he sways events to give Fyodor an advantage while brushing it off with "it's more interesting and entertaining like this". The real reason is that he doesn't actually want him dead at all. At the same time, I wonder if he might find Sigma and try to work with him to get the info he wanted. I seem to recall he wanted information on what Fyodor's ability was. Gogol is on no one's side. Let him be chaotic.
Sigma will manage to extract the information from Fyodor - as he cannot kill ability users with his own ability. Based on that one theory that Crime and Punishment only works on non-ability users, hence why Fyodor tricked Ace into killing himself and shot Catgirl with a gun. I wonder if Sigma, spurred on by a new burst of confidence, will take some initiative, figure it out (he's quite intelligent, actually, so I wouldn't put it past him), and get the information he needs.
Chuuya deflected the bullet shot at Catgirl so that it drew blood but did not kill her. Or Catgirl froze time long enough to make a plan with Chuuya. (*sob* i just don't want her to be dead)
They are able to use the info Sigma got to send it back to the Agency, thus wrapping up the DoA arc. However, Dostoevsky has gotten away, which means the four of them - Dazai, Sigma, Chuuya and Catgirl - need to go on a chaotic manhunt/road trip to find him. Chuuya is driving. He is livid at Dazai and is giving him the silent treatment while turning on the radio in the car with music he knows will annoy him. Dazai is shoved in the backseat between Sigma and Catgirl, pouting. Catgirl is revealed to be a kleptomaniac who keeps stealing stuff from them and all the places they stop at. She's not even supposed to be there she just enjoys the drama and the vibes. And poor Sigma does not want this at all but he has some moments where he and Chuuya get to talk and that's somewhat civil. Maybe they end up recruiting Adam for assistance. This makes no sense. :)
Gogol saves Dostoevsky because he doesn't really want him dead. This sends him into a crisis where he becomes more and more volatile and unpredictable. Terrible road-trip #2 electric boogaloo. Gogol keeps trying to kill him and becomes erratic, poisoning his drink, brandishing a knife, holding him at gunpoint. He tries to strangle him but cannot follow through. Fyodor does not care because for as long as Gogol's attachment exists, Fyodor is in control. Gogol knows that for as long as his attachment exists, he can never be free. I am aware this sounds like a screwed up fanfic premise. I want angst. :)
Dostoevsky put something in place for Chuuya on the off-chance that he managed to escape the brainwashing. There's no real evidence for this other than I think it makes some sense that Fyodor would have an emergency measure in place. Perhaps access to misleading information that might make him question things? Idk. Fyodor plays the long game. I want some real effects on the cast.
Got anything to add? :D
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adanseydivorce · 3 months
I had been trying to figure out where some of my issues with Emma's characterization post LM came from you are absolutely right, it definitely feels like CC stopped focusing in Emma's gray morality to focus on Julian's
In theory I think the idea of their arc being Emma starting off the more ruthless and revenge driven character then easing up on that mindset as things unfold with Malcolm (I really like that little moment where she tells Julian about how her conceptions have changed since killing Malcolm didn’t give her closure, but we should have seen more of her introspection on this after it happened before bringing it back up in QoAAD) vs Julian being more of a wolf in sheep’s clothing whose manipulation and ruthlessness becomes more apparent over time, until eventually Emma is willing to do something morally gray (break the parabatai bonds) that in this set of circumstances Julian will not do, is compelling to me but the execution on Emma’s side falls short after LM because there’s not consistent enough exploration of her changing attitudes towards glorified vengeance and violence, more of an occasional check in. Part of this has to do with pacing/structure and although I love TDA and find the ensemble probably the most compelling overall of tsc series it is overstuffed with how many povs their are as much as tlh is. But also Julian clearly took priority to her at some point and his arc is more the focal point of books 2 & 3 despite all the povs, maybe if that was only the case for LoS it could work because then LM is more Emma focused LoS is more Jules focused but even though QoAAD is pretty all over the place Julian’s emotionless + grieving arc feels like it’s at the heart of the book, and I like that arc I mentioned I related to quite a few of the grief manifests as repressed/controlled emotion aspects so subjectively that clicks for me, but it does put Emma in the role of having to be more of a tether morally for most of the book and then there’s not enough of a transition between that and the moment where she goes to break the bonds. So yeah it’s partially cc prioritizing exploration of the male mc’s gray morality as the series goes on and being less interested in the female leads corresponding gray morality (and I know I would be far meaner about this if I didn’t like Julian as much as I clearly do) partly just other pacing and point of view distribution issues towards the back half of TDA that lead to this. Is how I see it. I do also think there’s something to critique about how while I adore blackstairs and enjoy that they flip some gender roles typical of cc’s earlier books couples, if when gender inverting the bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold x good-girl-going-bad trope the male version of the good girl with a dark heart thing gets to have a more centralized arc that is allowed to go further gray morality wise than female chars you’ve written in that vein (I would say that both Clary and Lucie count as this, Lucie in particular has a lot of parallels to Jules imo which is fun family tree wise ) and have the more centralized arc whereas while I do think Emma is a much better written character than Jace who she was clearly originally conceived as the female version of, she doesn’t have the centralized status Jace does narratively.
I do think both modern TSC arcs end up prioritizing Jace / Julian over Clary / Emma in terms of who’s character and dynamics the series eventually revolves around most (although again TDA being so ensemble changes this a little). I’m meaner about it with tmi because I don’t like Jace and Clace doesn’t work for me as a ship, and more just passively critical about it with tda because I do love Julian and Blackstairs really works for me as a ship, so I’m definitely a bit of a hypocrite there but I’ll still critique what’s relevant. I think both historical arcs do better with this I’ve spoken before about how Tessa is my Favorite tsc char as well as protag, and I think her arc and narrative is really really good and that she is central, maybe tied with Will towards the end but definitely her narrative isn’t given less importance than the guys and I’ve disagreed with takes on that to the contrary. Cordelia is an interesting case because again, the overstuffed nature of the cast means she often does not feel like the protagonist in her own story and I found that aspect worse in tlh than for Emma in tda. However I actually really don’t agree with takes that Cordelia’s story went badly because she was turned into ‘just a love interest/got lost in her romance plot’ because imo James is way less of a character in his own right than she is even in the last book where he has more agency than he did with the gracelet. Her emotions and struggles drive the plot of their romance much more than his do, and outside of it she does get to be a more proactive character in the Lilith paladin plot, dealing with her familial relationships etc. So while I did often feel like I would rather tlh focus on Cordelia herself more that really had nothing to do with James who I think was just not a priority for cc a lot of the time. Perhaps there is something to the cursed plots Will / James start out with and that device creating a need for cc to lean on the female protagonist’s characterization more (but also I’ve only read TLH once so maybe my opinion would change if I revisited I do want to say I don’t think I am a TLH or TMI expert).
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twig-tea · 6 months
Bake Me Please finale
I was already so done with Bake Me Please by last week, that the only thing I wanted out of the finale was Oab and Atom getting some kind of closure around the tension with their mom.
Instead I got a reconciliation I didn't want via overdramatic tension from Shin lying in the bed of his own making and a bad apology, and a hint at a consolation couple that could have been cute if they'd had anything hinted prior to the last episode.
And no closure with the only interesting dynamic in the show. The brothers are still just working at the bakery even though Atom knows it's not what he wants to do, Oab said nothing to his mom for being cool with Shin dying as long as the bakery survives so he's still stuck in the same situation with her too...there's no resolution for the initial problem that set up the entire show.
Also are we supposed to be happy that Guy has now abandoned his other bakery?? I'm truly confused about how this ending is actually happy other than from a romance perspective.
I will say even after all that, Ohm and Guide still built tension between them as Shin and Peach in that reconciliation scene which is impressive considering how annoyed with both of their characters I was by the time we got there; and similarly I believed the spark between Guy and Oab even though it was unearned by the plot lol so kudos to the actors on this show for doing their best with what they were given.
This is going to be a really weird comparison, but: this is how I felt at the end of the robot boxing movie Reel Steel, where they win a fight and the movie ends on a triumphant note but actually none of their problems are solved.
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ladsofsorrow24 · 4 months
watching the first VoTE fight and listening to naruto threatening to break sasuke's bones just so he can bring him home is... heartbreaking. this kid really don't understand that you can't force someone to prioritize the same thing as you do. it really shows how naive yet stubborn naruto is as a kid, i just feel bad for him and sasuke at this point these kids truly only know violence...
which, somehow reminds me of the final VoTE fight, how naruto, who now have understood that rather than brute forcing someone to stand with him, he needs to discuss and shows empathy towards his opponent, he's able to finally take in sasuke's hate and anger to understand him better rather than forcing his own feelings on sasuke... he lost an arm but at least he gain his loved one back.
also because i am a petty motherfucker, i remember those people who say that in the end sasuke IS forced to stay in konoha because they thought that naruto... idk "brainwash him with the talk no jutsu" thing? but the thing is, sasuke and naruto's fight is more personal than his fight with pain or... obito etc
this is not a fight for what's right or what's wrong, its a fight for love and... acceptance. its about naruto showing to sasuke that he will accept everything sasuke gave him, but he too will respond back by giving sasuke ways out of the dark path. its sasuke showing he will not just wag his tail easily for naruto, he will fight for his own belief even if that means killing himself.
they're both broken people in their own ways, but because they're able to take the initiative, to try to understand each other and embrace each other's pain... that's what make their relationship very special to them, and to the audience too.
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purplebass · 10 months
The Last Hours may divide the TSC fandom a lot, but I still think that it manages to come full circle at the end. The closing scenes of CoT happen at Hyde Park, where everyone is gathered for a picnic. This is nothing new, since the TLH gang also has a picnic in Regent's Park in chapter 4 of Chain of Gold. The main difference is that in the CoG, the park is the place where the equilibrium is broken by the demons' attack while in CoT the equilibrium is restored and the characters who survived are moving on with their life. It isn't unusual for an author to end the story where it began. TLH has a tie-back ending, which means that the plot is brought back to where it started and the reader often has a sense of déjà-vu because some events often repeat themselves in a different way (Barbara being attacked at the party in chapter 3 of CoG and Alex being kidnapped at the Christmas party in chapter 20 of CoT are also examples of this kind of tie-back storytelling). The ending of CoT is set in the summer of 1904. Summer is the season of maturity, and it's the moment when flowers and trees are at their peak. And it is also set in a park, which is the symbol of renewal and new beginnings. This ending is a nod to the beginning of the series too, because Cordelia and Alastair arrive in London at the end of summer in 1903 (for them, that was also a new beginning). You may either love or loathe TLH, but I don't think the plot is completely all over the place in terms of structure
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darcyolsson · 1 year
clary fairchild neurodivergence summary pls
i said that kind of jokingly without too much thought behind it but honestly. i think clary is neurodivergent coded in the way that virtually all 2000s/2010s female YA protagonists are neurodivergent coded, that is to say, because she's written to appeal to and represent bookish teenage girls, she ended up accidentally ND coded because guess what! people who obsessively read tend to not be completely neurotypical lmfao
that being said, clary has a few symptoms of both adhd and autism:
emotional dysregulation: do i even need to explain this one lmfaooo. one thing about clary she is always angry (as she should be!!!). for most of the mortal instruments, we watch clary go through traumatic events, which she processes by getting very upset at minor things/the wrong people. especially when it comes to her anger, she pretty much isn't capable of controlling it AT ALL
rejection sensitive dysphoria: clary continuously gets very upset when she experiences something she interprets as social rejection (even though most of the time, she's not outright being rejected). this is mostly aimed at simon. even though he invites her along, because she feels so threatened by his relationship to isabelle, she feels rejected regardless:
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lack of social skills: it's mentioned several times that clary felt like she did not fit in at her high school. she also has trouble picking up on implications/hidden meanings when people talk to her. though jace and simon both hint heavily at simon's crush on her, she doesn't pick up on it until simon very explicitly states it:
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(side note, clary for some reason always assumes people are gay and it's really funny to me)
hyperfixations/special interests: to be fair, we don't exactly know how much clary's interests play a role in her life, but we know she's at least very passionate about art, anime, manga and fanfiction (yes really)
poor impulse control: one thing about clary fray is that she will run headfirst into dangerand interrupt people while they're talking lol
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(my ebook search function couldn't handle the actual amount of interruptions, so this is just the first 8 chapters of CoB lol)
it's also worth mentioning that clary's story can be read as a very elaborate metaphor for neurodivergency. clary is fundamentally different from everyone else, but she mostly managed to get away with it until her teenage years when all of a sudden it became impossible to ignore. she finds out she perceives the world differently than most other people. initially, she thinks of this as something negative, but by connecting with other people who feel the same she realises that it's not necessarily something bad, and she connects with them in a way she can't connect with most people.
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i've only read about 3/4 of cob so far, so i'm sure there's a lot more in the rest of the series, but these are the few things i noticed while reading so far :)
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belle-keys · 1 year
Reading chot kinda reminded me just how weirdly lucky tlh gang are like the end was sooo sweet and kind allnd all that while everyone else was literally so sad at the end of their series (especially tmi and tid) and not to mention that tmi are Cassie's favorite punching bags because they STILL continue to suffer (Janus we're waiting). Like imagine James meeting Jace and them telling each other about their possessions and jace being like "oh ye I died, was possessed through nightmares, actually killed people during possesion and after, got stabbed in the heart multiple times, once by my girlfriend been to hell a couple of times and now a psycho me is trying to kill me!"
Yeah, so I've been having a lot of conversations about this with mutuals in the DMs, and while the TLH gang are my babies and always will be, the narrative exists just to coddle them and to protect them. When in conflict, the TLH gang is not a realistic portrayal of, yunno, conflict; there are no stakes whatsoever in the story. Not to mention that this generation of Shadowhunters is very... wealthy and sheltered. The reminder that these are indeed medieval aristocratic families was something that became unignorable by the time ChoI ended. Every time, while reading, when I said I wanted to violently shake both James and Cordelia? this is something that was in part influenced by the fact that James and Cordelia 1. not only spent the whole series having no agency whatsoever but 2. got literally everything they wanted by the end and with no caveats whatsoever. This is a big problem for me, and I have a lot of thought as to how Grace (the one person in the gang who did not get a good ending and who happens to be a villain and outside of Shadowhunter society) factors into this. I am not satisfied in the least by how her story ended.
Cassie will continue to put the TMI gang into the wringer, that's for sure, and it's not a problem for me exactly. But the fact that James and company (except for Matthew, Grace, and Alastair) never had to really account for any of their own choices or feelings or even face long-term consequences by virtue of their existence pisses me off, honestly. James and Cordelia are my babies, they're sweet and good. But they're a little too sweet, too good, too noble, and too brave for anything about them to be believable. Where is the complexity? They spent three books getting tricked and bamboozled and hurt by forces of hell, and in a post-Julian Blackthorn world where I've seen Cassie have characters who had to make real sacrifices and difficult unethical choices because of their circumstances, this idyllic upper-class thing the TLH gang have had going on didn't quite satisfy me.
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unboundpower · 1 month
As there was talk of muse inspos on dash, I'm gonna expand on Triclops & Amita things 👀 -
I know I've talked about this before, but for the Triclops (including their ancestors) as a whole, I take a lot of inspiration from Hinduism since there's obviously intended references there regarding how the Triclops, only represented through Tien in canon, have literal third eyes and can grow multiple arms (including how some kind of official side material has stated Tien would've had a myriad of divine powers had he not been "corrupted" as a child by Crane). I also take some beats from Buddhism, and a small few from Taoism and Shinto. I don't lean much into these in depiction in the hopes of not being disrespectful or appropriative.
When it comes to Amita herself, I hope it's obvious that she's supposed to be Black-coded (from her father) and mixed with having Triclops blood (from her mother). The Triclops, though having non-Earthly roots first and foremost in the narrative, can be interpreted as a VERY LOOSE blend of South Asian-coded and East Asian-coded. (So, Amita can be specifically seen as Blasian-coded.)
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Amita, having been raised in a highly religious society, does still unconsciously practice some prescribed values and philosophy of her people; though she's in general rejected it all. One big element that's intended to be future story progression for her is she discovering that her people's religion used to be more complex & nuanced than black and white viewpoints or basic, human perceptions of "good vs evil" that it's turned into in modern times. Basically, their culture got "Earth-washed" through generations. (Somewhat inevitable, as their pure-blooded ancestors entered a terminal decline from their homeworld's destruction and started slowly mingling with Earthlings - particularly humans due to genetic compatibility.)
Another big aspect comes from my own experiences, both from directly within my life and living in the USA. Christianity is everywhere in the country, and I've had very bad times throughout my life because of how close to being a Christian zealot my maternal grandmother was. I can say I...probably have religious trauma, but I've projected onto Amita who absolutely does. Her mother and some other relatives weaponized their clan's religion against her in many ways during her youth, and she's a CSA survivor of the head priest (referencing the rampant pedophilia problem with Christians in particular; though I'd be naive to think religious followers from different cultures are completely free of it; and also because I myself am a CSA survivor of a religious older relative) in their village.
She carries around a lot of bitterness and anger towards her clan and how she feels everything and everyone in it failed her. She rebelled against them symbolically and literally, after she ran away and as soon as she got the opportunities to spit in the face of their practices (e.g. the Triclops collectively follow vegetarian diets due to their belief in non-violence & compassion towards all living beings; but you bet she started eating meat out of spite, and still does occasionally eat meat).
Lastly, uhh Amita did experience a lot of culture shock when she left Dagi Village and slowly integrated into widespread modern society. Namely, she got to learn about and suffer from the reign of economic and political systems like capitalism, which she also hates and feels it goes so against the conducts she and her kin were taught (something like IRL Hindu dharma) since birth that it makes her head hurt if she thinks about it for too long.
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cutemeat · 10 months
I will never discredit s15 she was my baby first and I will make sure she gets her flowers!!!!!
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carelessflower · 9 months
early fleeting moments of alec already show his potential as leader and protector that moment when he fakes agreeing to imogen and maryse to lure them into lowering their guard with him to bust jace out in coa or how he does behind the scene maneuvering so the gang can go on mission smoothly. he grows up in shadowhunter society he knows its rules and which corners to bend and which to press, the problem with it is his naivety and too much trust in the system sometimes. he need to improve on combines with his alliance-making skills less talk more actions method and bam we have a powerhouse on our side
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mousieta · 2 years
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The thing about both Mangkorn and Yai is they have each successfully managed to completely compartmentalize sex from romance so much so that they don’t really know how to process the two together. This is where most of the conflict (especially within Yai) stems from.
Sex for them is really easy. And I love the show showing us that, but also showing how inept they are - outside just having sex, at relating to one another.
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Yai has never actually fallen for anyone, and the thought that someone who he’s slept with is someone he actually wants romantically feels so foreign he doesn’t even know he wants it. He literally spends a whole episode processing it and winds up running from a kiss that is romantic instead of sexual.
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And Mangkorn - who does actually know his feelings for Yai - doesn’t have the relational skills to not be awkward af about what he wants (completely aside from the arranged marriage looming over him). But he, also, has so compartmentalized sex, especially with women, that it doesn’t really even register as something he should really say no to when actively pursuing Yai romantically. He isn’t forceful at all in shutting down Cherry until Yai is literally in front of him. (which - as someone who seems to be bisexual but strictly homoromantic - makes me think he is almost always a passive sexual partner with women, they approach him, come on to him, and lead his encounters)
They know how to have good sex, are excellent at fucking and are obviously fantastic together that way, but outside of that they are completely inept. I find it completely refreshing and key to both of these characters and, just, not a conflict you really get much, if any, of.
I also love that that when they try to actually talk about everything the most they can settle on is that they don’t know. They don’t know what they want, they dont know the answers, they dont know how to fix their problems because this is completely new ground for each of them, made harder by how much each of them cares.
Which is why the shyness, the sweetness and the romance of Episode 7 are so important. They are both treading completely new ground.
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walkawaytall · 9 months
Look, I’m trying to be happy for all the prequel-era girlies in all of their excitement, but I also like…loathe Anakin Skywalker as a character and find so much of what he says and does triggering in a way that is totally a Me and My Parental Baggage problem…but is also, I imagine, similar to what people with narcissistic moms experience every time they hear “Mother Knows Best” from Tangled. I didn’t think I would have to block tags since I don’t actually follow prequel-era blogs or majorly mainstream blogs, but holy cow, my dash is like 90% Anakin Skywalker from Ahsoka and one of the things everyone thinks is Very Amusing and So Hilariously Anakin is breaking my brain.
I mean, I’m just gonna block tags. It’s fine. I’ll survive. I just wasn’t expecting to have to do it. Ha…
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City of Bones, Chapter 4: Ravener
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darcyolsson · 7 months
actually how do you feel about the queer rep in tsc in general, b/c i feel like it's so good but also sometimes. Bad. like Anna was so messy imo, both as a nonbinary character and her relationship to Ari. but at the same time she writes so much queer rep for such a big and mainstream series.
i think the short answer is "overall very good, but not perfect, as can be expected from a cishet woman in her 40s"
long answer is yeah, it's a bit of a mixed bag sometimes, but generally good. i think she treats her queer and her cishet characters equally, without putting too much thought into certain sterotypes she wants to avoid, which does lead to a few questionable moments. (though she does avoid killing her queer characters like the plague, which, so true. keep that up)
i think a good example of this is how both magnus and matthew, two of the most prominent bisexual characters, are both known for being very flirtatious people, which is a negative sterotype i think most authors as dedicated to writing rep as cc would want to avoid. at the same time, there's also slutty characters who aren't bi (jace, isabelle, anna) and bi characters who aren't slutty (mark, kieran, helen). would it be better if she had avoided this stereotype altogether? i don't know!
same goes for the way cetain characters talk about magnus' femininity. though it's generally respected and generally admired, it's absolutely used as the butt of a joke like... all the time. would it be better if no one made fun of it, even though magnus' femininity is also explicity admired in-text by just as many people? i don't know, you tell me.
anna is......... a lot to unpack, isn't she. i can't really say how i feel about her gender identity since i'm not nonbinary myself, but i do think that if cc set out to write a genderqueer character she could have made that more explicit. i get that tlh being set in the 1900s leads to some complications, but i think a sensitivity reader may have helped her a bit here.
i do think her and ari's romance lacked a certain depth that other couples were given (and same goes for helen and aline, though they are obviously not main characters). i think this is mostly due to the way cc writes her male and female characters, or rather, their romances. it's a little hard to put into words but i feel like, in the end, her female characters are the ones who are regular people while the male characters often step into the sexy love interest role, ready to admire the Main Girl any opportunity he gets. that's not to say that most characters don't carry elements of both these roles sometimes, but it kind of leaves us with, like, Lesbian Sheep? does anyone get what the fuck i'm trying to say?
basically, when your romances depend on men being sexy dreamboats waiting for a girl to slowly fall in love with him, it's hard to write one without a man in there. the reason why ari and anna don't read as romantic is because they're both rational, three-dimensional people, whose main purpose in life is not getting the attention of some girl, when cc's romances almost always depend on the core dynamic being Regular Girl x Universally Admired Guy Who Would Kill Himself For Her If She Asked. (sizzy is a very notable exception to this, with izzy being the universally admired guy, while simon is the regular girl.)
basically, think her desire to write all her women as relatable, rational people for whom romance is not the single most important thing in their lives is preventing her from doing it. i'm very curious to see if twp will give us a better take on a lesbian romance but i don't count on it unfortunately!
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adanseydivorce · 8 months
what tsc character(s) are most likely to punch a hole in the wall?
(i have some ideas for each series but i wanna know ur thoughts)
I think the obvious answer for tmi would be Jace, less obvious/slightly more interesting to me would be Isabelle since she’s hot-blooded but not as obviously impulsive as Jace and Clary so finding a moment for her to do this would be more challenging maybe after Max? Or in COLS when they can’t find answers for how to save Jace. 
TID again Will seems like the obvious answer especially if it happened in CP2 when he’s most stressed about Jem making risky choices/getting closer to dying, but also there is a scene in CP where Charlotte kicks a brick wall in frustration (right after Benedict challenges her for Institute head) so I’ll put her as a candidate too. 
TDA I think Emma is def most likely goes along with the stuff of her using violence and pushing herself extremely hard/to dangerous degrees as an outlet, and she canonically has moments like holding Cortana till it hurts when her parents died or training while walking on glass that show masochistic tendencies combined with how she’s obviously very strong and skilled as a shadowhunter and could do a lot of damage to a wall lol. And then runner up maybe Kit I feel like it’s a psuedo-herondale trait even though he’s not as trained but he could have a moment of not knowing his own strength and he’s constantly frustrated in LoS and Qoaad.
TLH I’m less confident but I could see Anna she’s one of the more impulsive characters and has more extensive training than some of the other merry thieves if I’m remembering that correctly. 
Tl;dr Jace for TMI Will for TID Emma for TDA. hesitantly Anna for TLH.
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