#to say NOTHING of the wiring Shenanigans. oh boy are they many.
marzipanandminutiae · 13 days
"most allegedly haunted houses turn out to have gas leaks!"
no they don't. you are merely skimming the surface of mundane shit that can be wrong with old houses with your one puny little explanation that only fits a very small number of cases. try harder
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2020 Creator Wrap
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
I was tagged by the oh so talented @irolltwenties!
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I’m not a particularly prolific writer (WIPs for days, but completed projects? Not so much). Somehow in this hell year though, I did manage to complete more fics than in any previous year for a total of seven new works (~49k words, all on ao3), plus a chunky chap of a long running WIP (~20k words) so I’m actually pretty damn proud of myself! I also made some new fandom friends in 2020 which has easily been one of the biggest delights of the year & has definitely helped my creative momentum, so ty all for that. <3
Counting down from 5, here are my favs:
5. Downtime
I have endless love for JayRoy and it felt so good to finally finish something for them for once this year! All of my past WIPs primarily focused on them ended up firmly in my graveyard folder, including the fic that this one shot was originally meant to be connected to. I liked the way this turned out well enough to clean it up and post it on its own though, so at least now I can say that I have something published for them at last.
(Also it got me back into the JayRoy headspace enough to outline a whole YJ/Earth16 JayRoy fic that I’m excited to start drafting in 2021, so we’ll see where that goes...)
2.3k NSFW; A mix of playful sweet and roughness, just like them.
4. Mirror Image
Bluepulse Week really saved me this year in terms of forcing me to just write, damn it! Did I finish all the prompts this year? Nope. Did it get me to complete a handful of fics that I ended up really loving? Yes. This was one of them.
This fic zoomed into existence entirely out of necessity as an alt idea to a prompt that I had a much longer idea for, but didn’t have time to complete. It then got a positive enough reception that I decided to turn it from a crack-adjacent, passable one-shot to a slightly more developed two-shot by request of one of my commenters. Really, it was writing that second chapter that ended up endearing the fic to me.
6.3k Humor, time travel shenanigans & accidental dating. This fic is the sweetness of teenage crushes, the confusing mess of discovering your sexuality, & laughter with your best friend.
3. Soft Wesper One Shots
Would you look at that, another nsfw piece. Could it be that I’m starting to get to the point where I can look back at completed nsfw fics without cringing terribly? Love that for me.
This fic took me by surprise, tbh. I wouldn’t consider myself a part of the grisaverse fandom (I’m utterly ambivalent toward the OG trilogy & have no plans to read them), but I did fall deeply in love with the whole Six of Crows gang earlier this year to the point of having quite the book hangover afterward, unable to pick up anything else except related fanfic for a couple weeks straight. These fluffy, nsfw scenes were born out of that, and I was pleasantly surprised to see such a positive response to them in the comments. The whole SoC gang has my heart, but the dynamic between Jesper and Wylan in particular got my writing fingers itching.
3.7k Domestic, post-canon fluff & tender sex with flirty Jesper & blushing Wylan abound.
2. Stick With Me
Ohh, I still get warm fuzzies thinking about this fic! If I’m only low-key proud of the first three on this list, this is one I’m legitimately very proud of. I had this idea on the docket already from a convo with @ivyxwrites early this year (or maybe last year? who knows, time means nothing anymore) but used Bluepulse Week as the excuse to finally get started, and I ended up adoring the process of writing it far more than I anticipated.
As much as I love planning out meticulously crafted, plotty stories, sometimes all you want to do is pick some well-loved tropes out of a hat instead and run with them (in this case: stuck in a cabin, only one bed, & heated argument leading to confession). It was freeing to just mess around and have fun with this fic, knowing pretty much right from the get-go how I wanted it to unfold and seeing it so vividly in my mind. It also probably helped that I was writing it for Ivy; it’s much easier for me to stay motivated when creating directly for my friends.
Finishing this was also such a serotonin-filled burst of pure victory for me since, as previously stated, I’m terrible at finishing projects--particularly multi-chap fics, particularly within a decent timeframe.
25.5k A showcase of the essence of what I love about the best friends-to-lovers dynamic. Part character study, part wires getting crossed & uncrossed, and whole idiots to lovers. This fic is the warmth in the pit of your stomach from a yearning made real & the sudden clarity of realizing what you were looking for had already been there all along.
1. The Rest Pt 1: Delicate (Remember Me Chap 4)
Oh, Remember Me. Of everything I’ve ever written, this story remains the one I’m most proud of and certainly the closest to my heart (not to mention the longest running, whoops). The first iteration of the beginning of this story was actually drafted back in 2017, but I walked away from it for a couple of years before deciding to dust it off and try again. It has spiraled into something far bigger in scope than I originally planned for, but I’ve come to love the path it’s led me down so far, and finishing this whopping 20k chunkster of a chapter was like breathing a huge (if temporary) sigh of relief.
This chap was particularly cathartic to write because it allowed for a number of convos between the boys that had really needed to happen, and was finally the ‘getting together’ moment the fic had been building toward for a while. It’s also so sappy I could die, but I will not be apologizing for that, lol. I was really hoping to get Chap 5 up this year as well, but y’know. Sometimes things just don’t work out like you plan for and that’s okay. 
Chap 5 does have 17k done already (with prob another 5-8k still to go) & I’m itching to share it, but no sense in rushing if the end result would suffer for it. Luckily, everyone in comments has been kind enough to beat me over the head with ‘take your time, we don’t mind/we’ll still be here!!!’ which I’m immensely grateful for. So, at least the pressure to hurry up and get it done is purely self-inflicted.
Of all my works, this fic has not only gotten the most passionate responses, but has also been the main gateway for me to interact with other bluepulse creators, which has been a real joy. Nothing brightens my day like the essays people leave me over there from time to time after discovering the fic. That kind of engagement is the highest praise, & responding is very self indulgent fun for me (bc, clearly, I could go on and on about this fic & YJ in general forever).
54.8k total so far (WIP). Bart & Jaime’s relationship journey from beginning to ‘current day’ (aka the moment the fic begins), using amnesia/memory restoration as a framing device. The high highs and low lows of first love, navigating a 3 yr age difference, and the long, winding road from best friends to lovers as the years roll on. Slow-burn-adjacent (in terms of both the boys’ relationship to each other and reader’s relationship to the fic bc of how long I take between goddamn updates).
Tagging @ivyxwrites, @incorrectbatfam, @paintingwithdarkness, @bluepulsebluepulse
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Genetics Prodigy
Also on AO3!
Quirks might be the coolest thing ever, but they aren't magic, they're genetic. So what's to stop one very stubborn quirkless prodigy from working out how to give himself some?
Ok so! Tech Genius!Izuku AUs are a thing, right? I love them to bits but my problem is I know nothing about tech so I can't write them, but what I do know is biology!
Biology/Genetics prodigy Izuku giving himself quirks!
Stays friends with Katsuki (They have a rough patch but they work through it), not sure if I want Izuku to fiddle with Katsuki's quirk or not - not sure if I'll make the quirk limit 1 or 2, but I've always headcanoned you can give more quirks to someone born quirkless, so Izuku will end up with a few
So, after the dawn of quirks, a lot of, if not all, genetic research stopped. Sure, tech marched onwards, but genetics became an even bigger taboo than it was before. Izuku is a little genius, and this his massive interest in quirks when he's told he’s quirkless? It's more of a “how do I change this” than a “can I change this”
Izuku has always been the smartest person Katsuki knows. They have a rough patch at the beginning where Katsuki is trying to claw this one thing he's better at Izuku than over his head, to make himself ‘better’ than izuku
People have always called the quirkless worthless. If he’s less than a quirkless kid, what does that make him? Izuku eventually manages to drag it out of him and tells him about all the things people did before the dawn of quirks. Katsuki changes his mind to instead believing that everyone else is stupid for thinking quirks are everything and is now very vocal about that. (He still loves his quirk though, as does Izuku.)
His first real trial is a bit of a silly one: he cures Katsuki’s lactose intolerance. They were both salty they couldn’t share their icecream.
Collection of quirks:
Fire Manipulation
I want Izuku to give himself a quirk aged like, 8, with bakugo there for the ride as a lab hand, and I want them to realise with mounting horror what they've managed to do
bakugo turning to izuku and whispering "how many quirks would it take to beat - be as strong as - all might?" and izuku just shrugs because he hadn't thought about that but what he's done could start a new breed of bioweapons
he knows enough about the brain to see that more than 2 quirks in a quirked persons body, or more than 4 in someone born quirkless would be seriously damaging, but he's really scared about what could happen if he did go over that limit.
he won't, but he's curious, and he feels a little sick because of it
Nezu catches wind of this baby bio genius, one of the red flags is the only recent research done into quirks was actually from the lab nezu was kept in, so when he sees someone digging into that research he's ready to rain hell down upon them
then he sees an 8-year old that gave himself a quirk and he's like "oh. son."
oh he also totally has a little collection of lab rats that he spoils to bits - he's careful not to give them any quirks that would hurt them / cause an ethical issue. mostly they just have colour changing and glowing quirks, one of them can photosynthesize
he's a very good boy and his little rat children love him
So, when one is as hopelessly heroic as Izuku, it tends to be hard to avoid ‘accidentally’ using your quirk in public. When you have a heal quirk? It’s basically impossible.
Healing quirks actually have a special provision under the vigilantism act, along with exemptions due to age, but when Izuku gets caught, the police don’t tell him that. They honestly just want to try and scare the kid straight because it was a ‘miracle’ (forcefield) that he didn’t get hit by the falling rubble.
So Naomasa is brought in, as usual for the Mustutafu area, and asks the basic questions: name, age, quirk. Izuku, being a genius but still like 8 and scared he's going to jail lies for the first two questions, and he doesn’t lie very well because the poor kid is chronically honest.
‘Um, my name is – Tsubasa! Yeah!.” “I’m 10!”
But the last question throws Naomasa for a loop. “What’s your quirk?” “I was born quirkless, I’ve got the x-ray to prove it.”
That wasn’t a lie. But he visibly used a quirk, they saw it happen. And Naomasa suddenly gets a terrible feeling, because there is only one person he knows that can take someone from quirkless to quirked.
“So you don’t have any quirk?” “No sir.” A lie. Fuck. He lets Izuku go because, despite the horror of a child caught in AFO’s clutches, he might be the most valuable lead they’ve ever had. So they keep an eye on him.
It doesn’t take long to see him using more than one quirk. The kid is creative and isn’t bad at disguising them as the same quirk, but using a forcefield to shield you and your friend from rain is visibly different from telekinetically doing the same, if you know what you’re looking for. And boy do Naomasa and All Might know what they’re looking for.
Their second heart attack comes from an absent “So have you been practising with flame manipulation?” “Of course, dipshit, I’m not lazy. We’ve gotta practise to become heroes, don’t we?” “I know, Kacchan! I’m just excited!”
They keep freaking out about it until they bring in Nezu. It takes him a week or so, but he quickly finds out whats going on. “So, I’m not sure if this is what you wanted to hear but: It’s not All for One,” general sighs of relief “But the child has worked out how to synthesize quirks.” PANICKED NOISES
I feel like izuku is def. the first to make a quirk suppressant chemical, which really interests overhaul. Unfortunately, so i assume he can counter than with something that could just speed up the metabolism to flush another chemical out and because aizawa's quirk binds to the quirk factor, he could just give himself a quirk that has a different biological mechanism - confusing the fuck out of everyone involved
Timeline of Izuku’s shenanigans
Katsuki: lactose intolerance cured, proof of concept – age 6
A very nice rat: Attraction of small objects, yes the rat used it and yes it was amazing because other rats counted as small objects – age 7
Izuku: Attraction of small objects – age 8 (Inko’s quirk)
Katsuki: Flame control, a portion of Hisashi’s quirk from Izuku’s genes – age 8
Izuku: Jump, from a detailed study about a quirked rabbit – age 8 (late)
Another very nice rat: given the ability to live to 10 years old. His name is Hermes – age 9
Izuku: Starts a medical degree – age 10
Izuku: Forcefield, partly from a study of a weak forcefield quirk from the beginning of quirks when genetic studies were less taboo, combined with some promoter sequences from Katsuki’s quirk – age 10
Izuku: Heal, something he’d been working on since the beginning, created without reference for a similar quirk, his masterpiece – age 13 (This quirk is not tied to the quirk factor and therefore can not be stopped by erasure or the quirk erasing bullets.)
Izuku: Finishes the medical degree – age 14
Katsuki tries to get him to write Dr. Midoriya on his application to UA but he refuses, sadly. Not that it matters, Nezu recognises the last name from some of the only quirk research since the lab he was kept in was shut down. He’s very interested about one of the boy’s earliest papers; a case study about a quirkless boy born to 2 4th generation quirked parents, and the conclusion he drew: it wasn’t possible. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the quirkless kid was Izuku himself.
Izuku and Katsuki walk to UA together, Uraraka still saves him from tripping, Katsuki was just laughing at his suffering. Izuku’s a little less awkward in this AU and actually manages to thank her. They all enter the hall together.
Izuku never exactly kicked him mumbling habit, Iida still tells him off. Katsuki is trying to fight the urge to fly down there and kick his ass. Not that they can see, but Uraraka is also glaring at Iida for being rude to the nice boy.
Iida tries to stop Izuku from saying hi to Uraraka but she blows straight past him, loudly thanking Izuku for stopping to say hi. She’s glaring at Iida, Izuku is blissfully ignorant of that. Iida feels like he's offended the wrong person.
The exam starts, Izuku jumps straight into the middle of the exam. His legs hurt but he's totally clear of the other test takers. He starts kicking butt. He yanks wires from ports, tears screws from joints, punches robots with forcefield protected fists, etc. He gets maybe 30 points like this.
All around him he can see people in danger, he throws up countless forcefields to protect his fellow test takers. The judges are impressed with the versatility of the quirk, All Might, even though he knows Izuku isn’t connected to AFO, is having a slight breakdown. Nezu is incredibly impressed. Izuku is flagging though, his forcefield quirk takes some serious energy when he doesn’t have much to spare.
The zero pointer is released. Uraraka is pinned, and, unlike canon, she isn’t unscathed. Her ankle is snapped under the rubble, her ribs are badly bruised. Izuku sees this happen and he just moves. He doesn’t trust his forcefield to hold enough weight, so he goes the other direction: brute force. Using his jump quirk, he rockets into the air, landing a solid, quirk enhanced kick to the face of the robot. As it teeters, he uses attraction of small objects on as many individual points as he can, flying over the back of the robots head. He lands with an impact that jars his teeth, just as the robot starts to tip backwards. He makes it to safety with seconds to spare.
He’s exhausted, so far into quirk exhaustion it isn’t funny, but he’s not done yet. He stumbles to Uraraka helps her lift the bolder off her broken ankle, and heals it. He collapses just as the test finishes, Uraraka catching him and keeping him safe from the last few bits of falling rubble. She’s so thrown by her healed ankle.
Recovery girl comes over, checking on Uraraka. She saw the injury on the cameras and felt bad for the poor girl, but when she gets over there’s nothing. Sure, there’s some blood, but under it all there isn’t even a single cut. Uraraka begs her to help the boy in her arms and she thinks she might know why. The boy looks half dead, likely quirk exhaustion. Still, she didn’t know anyone with a healing quirk was applying, normally Nezu would have told her.
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
How Remus Started Working For Patton: Part Three
Tw: eating? I mean it mentions fries/Remus being Remus/Swearing/Panic attack
After these nights out, Remus usually enjoyed the feeling of being in control of his body. But this time, all he felt was sore. He had forgot all the stuff he did before he decided to flirt with a gang member. Several of which left bruises.
"I knew I shouldn't have picked a fight with that seagull."
"Which one is it that you hate again?" Virgil piped up from his spot on the couch, one of his earbuds out to listen for Remus. Ree couldn't see much of his face from how his dark bangs covered his eyes, the roots beginning to return to their natural blonde.
"That one with the black markings on it's back. It has a personal vendetta against me, I can FEEL IT."
"Or maybe you just keep provoking it? I keep telling you to stop trying to steal it's french fries, it's unsanitary, and, the french fries are cold and those are gross."
"But cold french fries are my favoriteeeeee."
"Then get some that aren't from a deranged seagull?"
"Ugh. That's no challenge though!" He hopped over the back of the couch, collapsing over Virg's legs. "I need to feel the rush of running away from an angry flock! Natural instincts! We as humans were made to hunt!"
"Not in this day and age. Species develop over time, and as far as I can remember, you can get french fries at any fast food joint." It was clear Virgil was humoring him, prodding at his face. "Though, I suppose it's better than you chasing after people for their french fries. I remember you used to do that when we were younger."
"Ugh, I would, but I got away with so much more things when I was small. Nowadays it's less like 'oh a rambunctious boy!' and more like 'what are you doing??? Why are you wearing a toga covered in marmalade and trying to take my fries?'"
Snickering, Virgil merely tweaked Remus's nose, before turning serious. Ree had expected this coming, it wasn't like Virg to let things go that easily. "As much as I love discussing how much of a gremlin you are, I still wanna talk to you about last night."
"Ughhhh but we were having such a nice timeeeeee."
"Fine. Its not like we can change anything about it! It already happened! And I got this weird-ass earring from it which may have brought me into a cult or whatever. And now I have to wear a different earring in the new piercing and clean it because otherwise will get infected!"
"..." Virgil merely raised an eyebrow, not amused at Remus's usual shenanigans.
"Okay I know I'm not taking this seriously, but come on. You have piercings. You know how new piercings are."
"This is serious though! What if they're planning to kidnap you or something??? What do we do then??"
This whole matter was clearly bothering him, and when Virgil got too stressed, it didn't exactly do wonders for his mental health.
"Hey. Its gonna be alright. Let's just..." Remus wracked his brain for something that might soothe him, finally coming upon a phrase he remembered Logan using when he was stuck on one of his experiments. "Think things through logically?"
Surprisingly, it did not end in Remus's ass getting kicked, and instead on a quiet Virgil, who simply nodded as he messed with his earbuds, trying to keep calm.
"So. What do we know."
"We know that these are dangerous people who know where we live."
"Ok, and we also know one of them is an absolute candied vescular organ!"
"You don't know for a fact that they're a sweetheart Remus." He wasn't even thrown off by Ree calling it that, clearly more anxious than he originally thought.
"I do! He was very..." Remus tried to think back to some of the phrases Roman used, since he couldn't use his own and have it sound good. "Charming. If you will."
"Oh boy, this gang member must be something if he has you borrowing words."
"Hey! I can use words like charming! It's not borrowing!"
"Uh huh sure. Next you'll be saying-"
He was cut off by the buzzing of their apartment's old doorbell, an outdated thing that sounded like drunk and angry hornets. Virgil absolutely hated it, resorting to knocking if he ever got locked out, while Remus delighted in it, annoying the other with the horrid sound whenever he came home.
"Who the fuck could that be?" Curious, Virgil gently pushed Remus off of him, going up to the door and attempting to see through the peephole, even though the glass was cloudy and cracked.
Ree saw him begin to fuss with his headphone wires, mouth pursing as he began to overthink who was on the other side. This always happened when they weren't expecting someone, and even when they were, it wasn't much better unless Remus got up and checked whoever it was first.
"Don't worry Virgy! I'll get the door."
"Oh thank god."
Unlatching the lock, he made sure to have Virgil move out of the way, joking that 'if you're standing right behind it, I might make your body into a pancake!' He was expecting their landlord, or perhaps a neighbor, and maybe even Logan or his brother, though that was doubtful. What he most certainly didn't expect, was-
Pat was standing beside...someone? He wasn't exactly sure, but this guy was pretty tall, even considering Remus's own height. Tall, a little lanky, but there was something in Ree's instincts that told him that he'd lose to this guy in a fight, not even including that splotchy looking scar on his face.
But back to Patton, why was he here?
"Sorry for the sudden visit Remus, I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay after last night." Pat was fiddling with his hands as he spoke, delicate fingers picking at stray pieces of lint or something.
"Oh! Yeah, I had a bit of a hangover earlier, but otherwise I'm as right as a guy without his left hand!"
Oops. Tall dude was looking a little more sour at that. Maybe he should-
"Ha! Is it because he's got nothing left?" Patton giggled, cheeks flushing a little at his clever pun.
Ok, scratch that, whatever keeps Pat smiling was worth whatever that other guy was cooking up. To his surprise though, tall bro seemed pleased, glancing between them.
"Remus...." Virgil called from inside, voice shaking. That was a bad sign.
As much as he wanted to figure out the mystery man, and to talk with Pat, he knew that if he left Virgil alone right now, it wouldn't be good. Leaving the door open for the other two, he turned to see Virgil attempting to ground himself at the thought of these two strangers.
"Hey. Hey tarantula. Its all cool. Is touch good right now?"
A nod was the only response he got, which was better than nothing. Remus lifted Virgil up into his arms, letting him rest his head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.
"Can you try and match my breathing? 4-7-8 right?"
Another nod, and the clench of Virgil holding onto Remus's wrist.
It took a while, but eventually Virgil was calm enough to mumble to be let down from Remus's arms. Vee clearly wanted to rest after that, so he took him to his room, letting him lie down on the mattress before he went back to the other two, who he had forgotten to take care of beforehand.
"I had to take care of him." He wasn't about to apologise for watching after Vee, even if the big guy expected him to. "How about we talk outside? I wanna let him get some quiet after that."
Patton seemed stunned at this stark change, but nodded, and let Remus lock up the apartment before leading them down to the complex's garden. The other one didn't say anything, just wordlessly followed after.
When they were finally settled down in the outside seats, Patton burst out immediately. "I'm so sorry! We didn't mean to make your friend scared!"
"He'll be ok. He's never been especially good with new people. You're okay though Pat and...you are?"
Turning his head to glance over at the other guy, he was surprised to find that his eyes were different colors, one more of a dark brown, and the other yellow.
"Demetrius. But you know me as Dee."
"Ohhhhh you're that guy! That guy who lifted me!"
He seemed surprised that Remus remembered him, or maybe just that he wasn't pointing out the obvious here, that because of Dee and Pat, Remus was apperantly part of their gang.
"Yes, I am...that guy."
Patton stopped fussing with his overalls to look over at Dee, perking up at that answer. Did he even know how cute he was?? Sure, Virgil had said that he and this Dee guy were part of a gang, but he did not have the rights to be so impossibly pretty.
"You're probably wondering why you now have a tag in your ear, am I correct?" Dee cut into Remus's thoughts with his voice, stern.
"I assumed it wasn't just a kink thing." Winking at him, Ree leaned back against his chair, legs propped up on the table.
"No, it was not a 'kink thing.' It was to give you clearance into our home of sorts. Since Patton clearly-"
Remus couldn't tell exactly, but he though he saw Patton jabbed his arm into Dee's side? Or something?
"-wanted to talk to you more."
"Oh! Alright. I have no idea where you live."
"In hindsight, we should have told you about it. But first-" Dee pulled down the collar of his shirt, showing the beginning of a tattoo. An anaconda, wrapping around his neck and disappearing into his shirt. "-I assume you know who we are."
"Dee! That really isn't necessary!" Patton frowned, pinching at Dee's cheek like a mother would to a naughty child.
"We need to make sure he doesn't tell anyone!"
Rolling his eyes, Pat leaned over the small table, clasping Remus's hands in his. "We're not exactly on the police's good side you could say. We'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell them where we live?"
Was he making puppy eyes? And, were those sparkles on his cheeks or was Remus just seeing things??? He couldn't tell, the image of dissapointing Patton was too much for him either way. "Yeah, yeah sure."
The sight of his smile was dizzying, god it felt more intoxicating than the strongest drug. Was this that heaven Roman was always going off about?
Dee cleared his throat, throwing Ree off again. How many times was he gonna interrupt his inner monologues??? "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hurry this moment up. I have a meeting later, and watching you two stare into each other's eyes isn't the best use of my time."
"Not much of a voyager huh?" Remus wasted no time clearing the air, attempting to ignore the way his own face was beginning to turn red.
"Considering it's my brother, no."
While both him and Virgil had confirmed it, it was difficult for Remus to accept it. There was a couple similarities, sure, the way that their jaws sloped into soft lines, their hands, both worn with use, and their curly brown hair. But the glint in their eyes was different, not to mention the scars that seemed to line Dee more frequently than Pat, at least from what Remus could see.
"Can I grab my phone?"
"...grab your roommate too."
"So he knows where you are."
"I'll see if he's okay, but it's not a guarantee."
Surprisingly, Virgil was already calm enough to answer Remus. "What the fuck would they want with me???"
"The big guy, Dee, said it's so you know where I am. I guess they'll want to suck out our brains together!"
"...as if they'd get anything from you. Your head is empty."
It was surprising that Virgil didn't fight about it, by his reaction earlier, Ree was almost certain that he wouldn't come.
The four met back up downstairs, Patton already chatting up a storm with Remus, leaving Virgil and Dee walking beside each other.
"What do you want with Remus?" Hushed, Virgil watched his friend and...Patton, walking ahead, the two already gushing to each other about who knows what.
"Oh I want nothing with Remus. My brother on the other hand has taken a liking to him."
"And that's enough to straight up make him part of your gang???"
Virgil couldn't believe this guy. Who the fuck does that??? Shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket, he continued staring ahead, not wanting to have to look at him.
"Well, I'd like to see you try and resist him. He can be very...persuasive."
"Oh am I gonna have to worry about him threatening me too?"
Demetrius (he felt weird thinking of him with the informal title of 'Dee,' when he already hated this guy's guts) seemed to bristle at that, and from the corner of his eye Virgil could tell he was glaring at him.
"Patton would never threaten someone!"
"Listen, considering your guys' jobs, I wouldn't be surprised if he did."
"Well if you're such a smart-ass, then why did you come along?"
"To make sure my friend didn't turn up on the news by the end of the day, why else?"
Demetrius shrugged off his leather jacket as they all walked, probably due to the afternoon heat. Virgil snuck a look over at him, about to make fun of him before he noticed that Oh Lord He Was Fit. He looked so lanky before though??? Where did those arms come from???
Demetrius didn't seem to notice Virgil's stare, or if he did, he ignored it, tying the jacket around his waist. "I doubt he'd be dead. You on the other hand, would not fare well under the gang."
"Oh you think I'd be useless???"
"No, just your pretty-boy ass would get torn to shreds."
"Oh so now you're saying I'm pretty." It was mocking, but he couldn't help a twinge of curiosity. Demetrius was handsome after all, even if he was a gang leader. But that was no excuse for him to fantasize! He probably killed people!
"Wha- no!!!"
"Mmhm sure."
The two continued bickering behind Patton and Remus's backs, the odd group traversing the city until they reached...well...home.
It certainly was going to be interesting...
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Summer Vacation Pt.2
The moment they stepped into the amusement park, the family no longer consisted of two adults and one child. Adult Tony was left at the gate and the change was so fast, it almost gave Stephen whiplash. The sorcerer was also left at the gate, but in a physical sense, and he was halfway through a blink when he already lost track of Tony and Peter.
He was very glad he had the sense to at least put a tracking spell on Peter. Tony was on his own.
Thankfully the two didn't go very far, and it helped that Peter was raving about getting funnel cake as soon as they got in. He found them at the nearest cake vendor and they already had their hands full of sugary dough that was definitely going to get Peter wired. So Stephen takes Peter's second plate and stabs his fork into one of the many strawberries covering the fried dough, and pops it into his mouth.
The family walks around to the nearby rides and the teen suddenly thrusts his and Tony's unfinished cakes into Stephen's arms and drags the billionaire onto a spinning tea cup ride. He wasn't even offended that Peter didn't ask him if he wanted to go on. The mirror dimension was close enough and that took a while to get used to. Just watching the ride from where he stood was making him queasy.
The line was short so Tony and Peter were returning to his side about ten minutes later. Completely. Unfazed. The doctor actually stared at them when they took their funnel cake back and polished it off and tossed their garbage into a nearby bin. Peter wasn't too much of a surprise, kids had a weird resistance to rides like that, but Tony? Wasn't even green or pale. Maybe it was all that flying around in his Iron Man suit.
"I don't even know why I'm surprised at this point."
"Stephanie, you were supposed to leave the adult at the gate."
"If I did that then there would be no one to keep you out of trouble. I can still have fun." Stephen drawls.
A mischievous smile spreads across Tony's face. "Pete, kiddo. Time for Fun Cub Protocol."
More like Embarrass The Fuck Out Of Mama Bear Protocol.
The teen had said it so loudly that nearby women (mothers and non) were giggling as Peter was pulling at his bicep, and men were giving him a bewildered glance. They leave Tony bending over in hysterical laughter as Peter leads Stephen away with chants of all the ways he can say Mom, and the sorcerer attempts to ignore the variety of looks he's getting from other people. Thankfully though, they were all mostly amusement.
One couple actually gave him a once-over and that had Stephen's ears burning. It was Scott all over again.
Peter suddenly stops and the doctor nearly bumps into him. "This one!"
Stephen looks up at the daunting roller coaster and sighs in defeat. "As you wish cub."
Tony high-fives the teen when he catches up and takes Stephen's unfinished funnel cake. "I'll hold this for you...and by hold I mean finish. Have fun babe."
He really wished he didn't make that promise of no powers. They all made the agreement that there would be no powers and no suits while on vacation, only in the case of an emergency. Unfortunately, this did not fall under the category of emergency. Shame.
Of course the one ride Stephen goes on with Peter breaks down, and after being stuck for half an hour and suddenly thrown back into the rest of the ride, he needed a nap. The ride was only part of the cause, the other part being that Peter kept talking about suiting up to help fix the ride. He actually started wiggling in his seat so much that Stephen, by reflex, used his magic to bind Peter to his seat. Only the assurance that Tony would probably help get the ride up and running again got Peter to sit still enough for the sorcerer to break the bonds. The moment the ride returned to beginning and they got off, Stephen sat on the nearest bench and laid his head against the fence behind it. Again, Peter was completely unfazed and was in fact ready and raring to go on the next ride.
Tony grins in front of him as Peter bounces on his heels. "Done already?"
"Shut up. You probably drew out the wait as long as possible just to see me suffer."
"Guilty. Isn't Karma a bitch?"
"That was extreme for tackling you to the ground."
"You elbowed me in the ribs! Twice!"
Stephen groans. "Both times were accidents."
Peter rolls his eyes. "I'm going on another ride."
Peter walks away from the squabbling couple and Stephen finally relents after a few minutes.
"I'll try again after lunch."
"A few more rides, lunch, and Spider-Baby gets to drag you on another ride. Sound good kid?"
Both men look around when they get nothing in response and Stephen sighs as he activates his tracking spell. "He's nearby."
"If he weren't a mutant teenager and didn't have your tracking spell on him, this would be an entirely different story."
Stephen smirks as they walk over to the ride Peter chose. "You would be panicking."
"Hell yeah I would! He's my kid! Our kid." Tony quickly corrects himself before Stephen can.
The couple wait for a few minutes by the exit and Tony chuckles when Peter rushes out with a grin and jumps onto Stephen's back. The sorcerer grunts out in surprise but doesn't stumble as the teen wraps his arms and legs around the taller man. He didn't even need to hold the boy, he was keeping himself in place by himself, and from glance down at Peter's hands, he could tell he was using his spider grip.
Peter points forward. "Mush!" Stephen slightly turns his head to regard the boy coolly. "Or not mush. That's cool too."
Stephen looks back at Tony. "A couple of rides then lunch?"
"Lunch now! I'm starving!"
"The baby wants food." Tony says as he turns and leads the way.
"I'm not a baby!"
Stephen smiles. "Baby says what?"
"What?" Tony and Stephen burst into laughter and Peter sighs. "Oh damn...I walked into that one."
"FRIDAY, please tell me you got that."
The AI sounded smug with her response. "Of course boss."
Friday was only allowed to be interacted with during their vacation for the purpose of pictures and video recording of their trip, and Tony was very glad Peter and Stephen agreed to it. It actually didn't take much persuading since it was a good idea and they wouldn't have to worry about a camera. They could enjoy themselves.
"Cheeseburgers?" Tony suggests.
"The greasiest!" Peter confirms.
"Peter... I really hope you're not drooling on my shoulder." Strange frowns when the teen laughs.
"Nah. I just wiped my nose."
"That's disgusting!"
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"
Stephen grumbles as they approach a food vendor and then takes Tony's wallet after they order when the man starts pulling out another hundred dollar bill. He pulls out a twenty and hands it to the cashier with a pointed look directed at Tony, and shoves the wallet back into the genius's pocket with a smirk. Tony clears his throat awkwardly as he takes their food and Peter jumps off of Stephen when they find an empty table and sits down.
After just two bites of his burger, Stephen had to shove a napkin at Peter's face.
Strange kept to his promise of going on more rides after lunch, and thankfully none of them broke down so he actually enjoyed the rest if the day. Minus the whole part where both Peter and Tony very loudly called him Mom or Mama Bear. They said it so often that people eventually ignored their shenanigans or were used to it if they were in one area long enough.
Like a six-year-old instead of a sixteen-year-old, Peter glued himself to Stephen's back again when they left the park (and when they got back to the hotel), this time from exhaustion instead of to be annoying. So the elder man had to carry him up to the room, and after a few failed attempts to pry Peter off of his back, he resorted to just falling face first into the bed he shared with Tony.
"I can't tell if I'm exhausted because of the overall day or because of Peter being a literal spider for the last hour." Stephen mutters into his pillow.
"Probably both. Need help with him?" Tony asks quietly.
"He's using his grip. He's not going anywhere any time soon."
"Just wake him up. He'll unstick himself and go right back to sleep."
"You do it."
Tony raises an eyebrow but kneels on the bed and reaches over to gently shake the teen still latched onto the sorcerer. "Underoos...wake up kiddo."
"I bet. Come on. Mama Bear is already falling asleep and he hasn't even taken his shoes off yet."
Peter groans but unwinds himself from the doctor and climbs off to slowly change into his pajamas and climb into his own bed. He almost instantly conks back out once his head hits the pillow and Stephen sits up to change into his pajamas in the same pace Peter had. He had taken a shower that morning and he really needed another after the day they had, but he was way too tired. He might actually fall in the shower (or drown in the bathtub) if he tried. He lies back down and then rolls onto Tony's shoulder when the billionaire slips into bed with him, and scrunches his eyebrows when the tv turns on.
"Aren't you tired?"
"Not nearly as much as you and Peter. Go to sleep Doc."
He wasn't about to argue so he throws his arm over Tony's chest and falls asleep to the quiet murmurs of the television and his lover's heartbeat.
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chaos-burst · 5 years
In a modern AU how do you think the m9 would be like on a roadtrip?
Oh boy, I love roadtrip AUs but since I live in Germany roadtrips are like… 7 hours of driving and then you hit the border of the country next to you. And I have zero idea about how roadtrips actually work in the US, so I’ll just bullshit my way through this
None of them own a car because it’s too expensive. Fjord suggests to borrow one, but Beau misunderstands and simply steals them a car
She’s the only one who knows how to hot-wire cars
Since she’s the one who stole the fucking thing she insists on driving and the only other person she let’s behind the wheel is Jester bc she can’t say no to Jester
When Jester drives (way too fast and with way too many reckless maneuvers just bc it’s fun) Beau calls shotgun. Either way they pick the music together
Fjord tries to reason with them every two hours or so but they are Not Having It
They will listen to nothing else except for Beau’s old ass mixtapes with 80s hardrock or Jester’s bubblegum pop music
Molly, Jester, Beau and Nott sing along all the time while Fjord massages his temples and regrets his life choices
Yasha and Caduceus play “I spy with my little eye” while Caleb tries to read
There is no chance in hell he gets any reading done
When he does manage to read a few pages Beau has to stop the car at the side of the road and Caleb is puking his guts out bc apparently he gets nausea in the car when he looks down for too long
Molly insists on watching the stars while smoking weed on the hood of the car but they can’t all fit even though Beau stole a really big one
Caduceus comments on pretty much every tree they see on the side of the road
When they stop for the night to pull out their camping equipment Molly and Jester take turns on telling ghost stories. Nott and Fjord are scared shitless (though Fjord doesn’t want to admit it)
They start out in three small tents but eventually end up in one of them because some of them (Molly and Jester *cough*) keep chatting through the walls of the tents and keep everyone awake
Sometimes they pull their bedrolls out to sleep under the open sky. They make up star constellations (all of Jester’s are dick related)
Caleb gets talked into reading them from one of the books he has packed for the journey while Jester draws in her sketchbook and Beau and Molly share some weed
Towards the end of the journey all of them are able to sing along to Jester’s and Beau’s favorite songs
Caleb didn’t get any reading done
Fjord complains about having seen too many of them naked to ever sleep well again (”Don’t be such a baby, Fjord, we’re all super naked under our clothes, it’s normal!”)
Caduceus teaches Yasha about different kinds of flowers while Nott and Jester go on to investigate a made up murder mystery
Caduceus insisted to pack like… tons of groceries and instead of just eating protein bars (which was pretty much all Beau brought along) he makes them something nice every evening
When the car breaks down one evening Beau turns to fixing it and Jester insists on cheering her on with an endless list of compliments. In the end Beau is so flustered she almost ruins the engine
Jester and Nott make plans for what they should do when the police find them in the stolen car
They originally plan to drive for two weeks but simply keep going
Because this is awesome
Just… lots of adventurous shenanigans!!!
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maedarakat · 6 years
Ruffnut + 💀
Hiccup looked worriedly out toward the tree line that surrounded the Clubhouse, shielding his eyes from the setting sun. “Okay, this might be bad,” he muttered, and the burble from his dragon nearby echoed his concern. “She’s been gone far too long.”
He walked from the balcony back to the fire pit table, where the other riders were watching a Maces and Talons game, Astrid versus Dagur. Tuff wasn’t scanning the horizon worriedly at all, more interested in the game.
He made a sound of disappointed protest when Hiccup tugged him slightly away from it.
“Aren’t you wondering where your other half is, Tuff? Ruffnut been gone all day.”
“Don’t fret, H,” Tuff shrugged easily, glancing over distractedly as Astrid exclaimed in frustration.  “Ruffnut’s out on a soul searching errand, to find her inner nut. My poor sister has such a thick, hard shell, that could take days. If not weeks.”
Hiccup frowned. “That’s what I’m worried about. Remember what happened the last time you went searching for your ‘inner nut’? You came back bitten after a wolf attacked you.”
“Uh, no, it was a Lycanwing, remember?” Snotlout called over. He laughed and scooted closer to Dagur. “I totally convinced that knucklehead he was gonna turn into a were-dragon.”
“Really, Snotman? Then what happened?”
Snotlout opened his mouth and then shut it, remembering that tale hadn’t ended in his favor.  “He got better,” the dark-haired boy muttered, sulkily.
“Fear not, Ruff is definitely rough enough to handle anything she may encounter out there. If not, well, we’d all hear her scr—“ 
Tuff stopped mid sentence and suddenly turned white as a sheet.
Hiccup was about to ask him what was wrong, but then all the dragons snapped their focus in the direction of the woods, Toothless growling warily. Just barely, over the sudden silence, there was a thin terrible sound - like a dying rabbit.
Tuffnut ran for the stairs, nearly knocking Hiccup over. Toothless caught him from falling as he shouted and together they ran after Tuff, who was moving faster than Hiccup had ever seen him. Judging from the sound of the footsteps charging behind them, Hiccup figured everyone in the Clubhouse had come barreling after to see what was wrong.
They found Tuff embracing a shaking, babbling form. Ruff’s eyes were wild, hair all undone out of her braids, and there were twigs in it - making it look like she had antlers. She was half-shrieking something, as Tuff was trying to talk to her soothingly, not having much luck.
“We have to get off the island! We’re all gonna die!” She screamed, shaking her brother violently by the collar of his vest. He grabbed her in a hug that was part headlock.
“Calm down, sis! What in Loki’s name did you see out there?”
“Something awful! Something hideously terrifying! And it’s coming straight for us!” Ruff screamed in his ear. Tuff winced, and Hiccup decided to try and give him a hand.
“Ruffnut, whatever it is, you’re safe now. We can face this thing together.”
She angrily broke free, flipped her hapless brother to the ground and stepped over his body with a crunch to get in Hiccup’s face.
“Oh, oh, don’t you even think about patronizing me! You got us all into this mess in the first place - your adventuring, one-legged, tousle-haired shenanigans have finally doomed us all!”
Hiccup just blinked, completely at a loss.
Brushing himself off, Tuff flashed him an apologetic smile, but before he could try to diffuse her, Snotlout flew to Hiccup’s defense.
“Yeah right! I know an epic prank when I see one. You’re both totally faking this, and let me guess, somethings gonna come ‘charging’ out of these bushes to hit me in the face, but it’s gonna be attached to a wire, and it’s probably gonna be something lame like a stuffed bunny with deer horns on its head!
“And you’ll both laugh and say ‘Loki’d!’ and maybe one person will think it’s funny. There, I solved it, now can we all go back to the match already? This is all so predictable.”
Tuff and Ruff stared at him, then Tuff looked hopefully toward the bushes, grinning widely. When nothing jumped out to smack Snotlout in the face, he turned back to his sister and put his hands on his hips. “Well, now I’m disappointed.”*
“I’m serious, bro! This isn’t a joke! I saw our death itself reflected in that thing’s eyes, and it’s coming straight for us!”
“Neat!” commented Dagur, after a long tension-filled silence. Heather rolled her eyes and jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow.
At that point, something swept unseen across the leaves in the forest - the sound grabbing everyone’s attention - especially their dragons. Sleuther and Toothless took point as the others flanked their riders, baring their teeth and growling. The noise and small flurries of movement seemed like it was being gusted toward them until all at once it stopped.
A ball of white fluff with dove-like wings, rabbit-like ears and a tufted tail leapt out of the darkness, landing before them with large liquid black eyes glistening inquisitively. It tilted its head and the other dragons quieted but remained tense.
The fluffy dragon went rawr at them. It sounded more like a kitten sneezing than anything remotely threatening.
“Awww,” Heather and Fishlegs both cooed at once, but Ruffnut waved her hands in alarm.
“No, no, no, don’t fall for it like I nearly did! It’s a murderer! Every single one of them!” she yelled, half climbing onto her brother’s shoulders. “Murderers!” Ruff shrieked, clinging to Tuffnut’s face.
“Sis?” he whimpered. “Can’t breathe.”
“Ruff, it’s amazing! An entirely new class of dragons! I didn’t know they could grow feathers like birds! We’ve seen dragons with many different scale types, but never feathers!” Hiccup reached out his hand to the small dragon.
It trilled sweetly, sniffed his hand, then promptly launched itself at Hiccup’s face, mouth suddenly open too wide with far too many teeth. He shouted in alarm, falling back on his ass and Toothless jumped in to smack the thing away with his tail fin before it could bite Hiccup.
Suddenly the woods were full of ominous rustling, clicking, and angry chirps.
“Guys, I don’t say this very often, but - uh - RUN AWAY!” Dagur yelled and turned to follow his own advice, yanking both his sister and Fishlegs after him. The others followed suit, Tuff still carrying Ruff, as the forest seemed to explode.
An entire herd of angry murderous puffballs chased after the group as they took to their dragons and to the relative safety of the air and higher buildings. The little dragons couldn’t get very high with their cute cherub wings but they certainly made up for it by maliciously snapping at the air just beneath them.
“I told you so!” Ruff yelled, jumping from her brother’s back to Barf’s neck.
“Yeah, you did,” Hiccup sighed, while Toothless snarled and hissed at the frothing flock below. “So while we’re up here, who wants to name them?”
“Oh my gods, is he serious?” Snotlout asked flatly. Everyone’s expressions answered him in volumes.
“Ooh, I’ll start!” Tuff volunteered. He pointed below. “That one’s Monty, that’s Mr. Praline, we could name that one Python -“
“I vote for death-pigeons,” Astrid volunteered.
“Wensleydale, Mr. Badger, Arthur -“
Hiccup sighed, supposing he’d brought the resulting snark and discourse on himself. Well, at least they were all safe more or less, and hopefully the little dragons dispersed before too long.
“Ruff? Tuff? I hope you know neither of you are ever allowed to go searching for your inner nut again?”
The twins glanced at each other and sheepishly gave him two thumbs up.
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