#toh’s thoughts
chaoticnebu · 17 days
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thanks Dana for the new TREMENDOUS information
edit: basically during Momocon Dana confirmed that Hunter was created as a toddler, which implies he's been witnessing the horrors since he was something like 3
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twiyke · 1 year
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they get matching t-shirts
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astrolavas · 1 year
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your worst nightmares
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there's something about eda going from despising school to running a school that hits deep. something about rebuilding instead of destroying. something about turning anger into positive change. something about recognizing that you have the power to be better than those who hurt you. you get what i'm saying
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witchesbutter · 1 year
Okay this is for tumblr only but-
Im probably going to reblog some pagan things, because damn tumblr truly has the resources
I like doing tarot and ive done it for years, but lately ive been tapping into greek gods and its been really cool?? tbh?? Like hey apollo, whats up
I know not everyone is comfortable with different kinds of religion so i’ll tag any posts so you can block it if you like:
#toh’s pagan shenanigans
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phoenixgreen · 1 year
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if we finally get to hear him talk next episode and he has hunters voice I‘m going to collapse
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sevenlersiniz · 1 year
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You turn on the light.
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cafecxonmilk · 1 year
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Spider-Light AU 💙🕷⭐️
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mosovi-vian · 1 year
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And I will stay alive for my future self, so they can one day learn to be kind to who I was as a child. And I will teach them to honor who we used to be, so they can remember the comfort of what once was our untempered flesh and gentle soul. Me and myself are each a fresh wound and a rough scab, bearing respectively the gift of green faith and honed will.
This has been in my draft for a while because I was determined to post this only after I knew what I should write underneath it. I’ve read a lot on the concept of healing the wounded inner child since even before my c-ptsd diagnosis. However, I’ve sought as much comfort in my little self as they had in me. Looking back, I was an impressively emotionally-intuitive kid. I remember well how I used to think, the things I would write to my future self; they were wiser and gentler than I could ever hope to be as an adult. Needless to say, the little poem above is inspired by the aforementioned experience. Sure, big me is armed with a more developed pre-frontal cortex and access to invaluable resources (coping mechanisms, therapy, on and offline communities) , but I struggle to rediscover/reinvent my identity. Little me was the biggest vestige of my lost personhood. So yeah, this might be just a huge self-indulgent projection with my favorite character, but thinking that post-S3 Hunter would also be in my shoes is not completely baseless. 16yrs old Hunter is the fresh wound (a lot of things happened before his teen years, but I’m going to interpret the events of Hollow Mind - which happened when Hunter was 16 - as the ultimate boiling point in his trauma timeline, hence the ‘fresh wound') and 20yrs old Hunter is the rough scab. Each version of Hunter could be dealing with a different set of trauma-induced symptoms. I think his loyalty to Belos kept him going as a child. Being doubtless was important to Hunter back then; it held his sense of self together. And maybe when he survived and was rewarded the time and space to grow into his own person and live for himself, there was this lasting emptiness. I feel this sort of emptiness even today. My only reference of what ‘wholeness’ felt like was when I was obedient to my family. I equated self-abandonment as the righteous norm. The symptoms I deal with today are definitely different from when I was Hunter’s age pre-time-skip. Now that Hunter is in a safe space and an adult post-time skip, he might also need to seek that strength from his younger self. Reminding himself of how far he’s come and the parts of him that he'd like to keep from his past. The parts that he knows in his bones are purely his - not instilled by Belos, not inherited from Caleb.
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justarandomart · 2 months
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i miss them :(
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astearisms · 7 months
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Huntress’s Moon 🌕
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killlerfang1 · 1 year
After all these years the original Owl House trailer and test footage with audio has been found!!!
(idk who found this or how they did it btw, I'm just reposting this from twitter)
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jess-the-vampire · 3 months
philip wittebane is simultaneously the smartest and dumbest character in the owl house , he can build interdimensional portals, extend his lifespan, revive the dead, build apparently an artificial type of magic, do a number of things a man from the 1600s would not be expected to know how to do.
but he also is the same guy who despite having plans to destroy all witches, left out basically all the children from being included, decides to posses raine of all people while admitting raine has strong enough willpower to remove him, and also apparently thinks all the witches on this planet live on this one island (which EOTW proves for sure is not true) and so on and so forth.
how he gets as far as he does is anyone's guess, he has high intelligence and charisma but low wisdom.
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this is the boiling isles’ form of homophobia. terra wants to be a homophobe so badly but homophobia doesn’t exist in the isles so she had to settle for the closest thing they have: making fun of band kids
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witchesbutter · 2 years
Oh man i can feel a marvellous light brainrot kicking back in
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smallpapers · 7 months
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Commission I did a few months back for @gracefulsouffle ‘s Hunter-centric time loop fic, Again and Again, (Chapter 17!) Go check it out!!
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