#transit workers
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"TRAFFIC MANAGER RUNNING TROLLEY DURING STRIKE," Winnipeg Tribune. May 10, 1913. Page 1 & 12. --- Employees of Port Arthur and Fort William Street Car Line Are Out ---- ONLY TWO CARS BEING OPERATED ---- Manager of System and Man Who Did Not Respond to Strike Call Took First One Over Line Men Want More Pay and Better Conditions ---- Fort William, Ont., May 10 - Eighty-five conductors and motormen, comprising nearly the entire staff of conductors and motormen manning the Port Arthur and Fort William street cars are out on strike today. The strike was staged at five o'clock this morning, when the ultimatum went out from headquarters of the local street railwaymen's union that the cars were not to be manned. Though It came with considerable suddenness, the strike has not had the serious results that may have bean anticipated, nor does the general public seem inclined to take it seriously.
Didn't Tie Up System The calling of the strike did not result in completely tying up the railway. Two cars, one of them with trailer attached, were running all morning over the entire system. The early car taken out was manned by Manager M. Robinson, and one of the men who refused to respond to the strike call. Traffic Manager Morton took charge of the crank on another car which was put on the run about nine o'clock. The road officials seemed to take the strike more in the light of a joke.
Still Running "Everything is running smoothly enough considering what has happened," lightly replied Traffic Manager Morton between twists of the crank of the car he was operating. "Of course we cannot expect to handle all the traffic between the two cities, but there has at least been no let up in the service we are still running"
Thinks Men Unreasonable. "I don't think the men's demands are reasonable," he added. "If they were reasonable, I wouldn't feel ike doing what I am." That was all Mr. Morton cared to say on the subject. The officials, however, all express confidence that the road will be running as well as ever next week with a new staff of conductors and motormen in charge.
Strikers Behaving The striking conductors and motormen behaved in very orderly fashion this morning. There were no attempts to impede traffic and beyond yelling a few unseemly epithets at the men who took out the early cars, they made no attempt at demonstration of any sort. The officials of the road are authority for the statement that the strikers at tempted and did persuade some of the non-union employees not to go to work this morning, but as to whether any threats were made or not, is not definitely known.
Port Arthur inconvenienced Port Arthur, May 10 - Practically every street car in the two cities stopped running at five o'clock this morning, owing to a declaration of the men at midnight last night to strike for a raise in wages of from four to six cents an hour and new working conditions. There have, so far, been no disorders, but the inconveniences of a suspended car service is already being felt to large extent.
Commissioner's Statement I. L. Matthews, of Port Arthur, the chairman of the board of commissioners, has issued a statement that the company intend to stand pat and will have the cars in full operation on Monday with an entire new staff of conductors and motormen.
The employees of the street railway system of the Twin Cities presented to the meeting a proposed new agreement which included a schedule of increased wages as follows:
For the first six months that 21 cents an hour be increased to 24 cents an hour. Second six months from 24 cents to 26 cents. Third six months from 26 cents to 18 cents and the fourth six months from 28 to 30 cents an hour. The men also ask that Morris Enright and Stephen Muldoon be given back their situations as the board's judgment of the cases was not right, but that they are willing to further consider the case of Muldoon if the board are able to substantiate the grievances against him.
Want Others Dismissed The agreement also contained a clause to the effect that any non-union men employed by the board should be dismissed, stipulating further that there must be given non-union men time to join the union and if not joined within that period they be dismissed, and that nine and a half hours a day be given them, the hours to run consecutively and that overtime be paid for every fraction of an hour worked after nine and a half hours. They also request that wages be paid every fortnight and that wages for nine and a half hours be given in the case where they were unable to put in full time.
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chrissy-kaos · 3 months
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Will you come play with me? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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sleevebuscemii · 1 year
the transition of pedro pascal from dilf to super dilf in the last of us time skip….to me that was cinema
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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calware · 10 months
dirkjake is like sometimes i feel like you're the only one who knows me. i think you know me better than i want to know myself. i can't bear to be around you. i would die for you because there is no living without you. i want to perform an autopsy on you and dissect you from the inside out. i don't want you to ever look at me again. the world is too terrifying to bear unless i'm with you. the thought of loving you is the scariest thing i've ever known. i hope you kill me. i love you. my battery is low and it's getting dark. there is no sign of land. i hope you die i hope we both die
jakehal is like i have no idea how these two got together but it nuked the entire friend group in the process. 8 dead 24 injured. and it's objectively the funniest pairing out there
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victoriagixx · 3 months
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Home alone 🫶
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A union representing workers at Montreal's public transit authority (STM) claims the company is cutting 255 positions to help overcome its deficit. In a press release, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) local 2850 said the STM (Société du Transport de Montréal) informed staff of the slashes on Wednesday. "We are deeply concerned over this announcement, especially since the detailed plan has not been forthcoming. Our main objective is to minimize the impact of these changes on our members and on the services to the community," reads a quote from CUPE 2850 president Stéphane Lamont. The union, which represents administrative, technical and support staff, argues its members will be most affected by the cuts "as the STM has promised not to reduce services to transit riders."
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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chrisssy-kaos · 10 months
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New post up on my OF of myself and this gorgeous girl. You don't want to miss the pics and vids from this one!
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Lest anyone be confused, there are two very closely connected reasons why these politicians are so committed to pushing the idea that environmentalism and good jobs are mutually exclusive: one, they work for business interests that make money by harming the environment; and two, they fear the power of organized labor if it is focused in the correct direction. The farcical but somehow ongoing project of the Republican Party to pose as some sort of Party of the Working Class is a pathetic attempt to see if culture wars are powerful enough to trick working people into voting for a set of political goals that will keep them poor and make them die early. The ideal for these Republican politicians would be: no unions, more fossil fuels, and white workers lured by racism and xenophobia and scientific lies to vote against any sort of working class unity. The opposite ideal—the one that UAW is in the process of manifesting—is: strong unions, workers united, higher wages, and a Just Transition into a future of cleaner, greener jobs that will reduce pollution and inequality in one fell swoop. None of this, by the way, is an advertisement for the Democratic Party, which has a long history of being pathetic in its own ways. It is an advertisement for unions. Saving working people from poverty and saving working people from pollution and rising seas and cancer are all part of the job of saving working people. That is what unions do.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"T.T.C. CASH, TICKETS AND GRAY BUS TAKEN," Toronto Star. September 3, 1943. Page 2. ---- Two Men Jailed in Theft Counts - Bus Borrower Is Remanded --- TWO BLAME LIQUOR ---- "A" Police Court, at City Hall, Magistrate Browne. Employed since Dec. 17 last by the T.T.C. at times as a street car operator and at other times as a Gray Coach driver, Lawrence Patterson, charged with theft of tickets to the value of $107 from the Gray Coach Co. and $60 in tickets and money from the T.T.C, was convicted by Magistrate Browne and sentenced to two months.
Faced with a charge of taking a bus owned by Gray Coach Co, without consent, Charles Pender, a T.T.C. employee pleaded guilty and wa remanded until Sept. 9. for sentence.
"Accused was employed at Eglin ton barns. On Aug. 27 he took a bus and drove north. It was found near Camp Borden," said Inspector W. Evans.
"I had a few drinks. I took the bus," related Pender.
Convicted of stealing $60 from the T.T.C., with whom he was employed, Edward Martindale was sentenced to one month.
Inspector Evans, T.T.C., said accused was given the money to look after his run and did not turn it in on demand. "Restitution has been made. He has been on a drunk," witness said.
Martindale admitted that he was on a drunk and spent the money.
Earl Howard, charged with breaking into the home of H. Kerr, Chester Ave., elected trial by a jury and was committed.
Inspector P. McMahon, in charge of city hall courts, who resides on Chester Ave., stated that at 9.30 p.m. Aug. 30, a neighbor told him about a man entering the Kerr home. "I went to the rear and found a window open. I entered and upstairs found accused. There was a tussle," said the inspector.
John Aldom, the neighbor, who accompanied the inspector, was commended.
SOLDIERS TOOK AUTO ---- "B" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Guilen. Testifying in the case of Pte. Jos. Marcel Forest and Pte. Clarence Joseph Bowen, charged with auto theft, R. D. Johnston stated his car had been stolen from University Ave., Aug. 20, Constable McNaughton testified that on Aug. 27 he stopped accused driving the stolen car on Massey St. Both insisted they had taken the car from Exhibition Park only half an hour before. Both said in the witness box today that this was the truth and stated they had no been in trouble before.
"There is no evidence that they stole the car on Aug. 20," said Magistrate Gullen. "They will be convicted of taking the car without the consent of the owner and will be remanded a week for sentence and further investigation."
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chrissy-kaos · 1 month
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If you’re not part of my OF you’re really missing out! 1000+ pics/vids, NO paywalls. One price gets you everything!
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milkyhoneybee · 10 days
We have new people starting at my job and my boss asked me to help with the workplace induction and damn I wish I lived in the reality where that meant helping make sure they're spraying enough milk by the time they're finished with training 😞
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newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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Non-striking driver Dan Sheridan watches some 4,000 Transport Workers Union members demonstrating at City Hall, January 6, 1953. Transit strikes were common up to around the 1980s.
Photo: Paul Rice for the NY Journal-American via the Harry Ransom Center, U. of Texas
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rubyliquor · 2 months
Bus Drivers Refuse NYPD
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2011: Bus Drivers Should Not Have to Transport Arrested Occupy Wall Street Protesters, Says TWU
2015: NYC bus drivers’ de Blasio protest brings traffic to a crawl
2020: Bus driver union says it won’t help NYPD transport arrested protesters
Minneapolis and New York Bus Drivers Stand Up To Cops, Refuse to Transport George Floyd Protesters to Jail
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solar-sunnyside-up · 1 year
Dont get me wrong, I love unions and the rise of unions and all the work going into them! And maybe this is just me being raised on Discworld books and fantasy too much but like??? When can we get on guilds??
Guilds dont organize with a business, but as a profession. Providing a wider network of support as well as setting a standard of work and professionalism Here's some examples -- Game dev and coding guilds Artists guilds- these could cover multiple mediums at once to start you out and specialize or change mediums afterwards. Musician's guilds - to help small artists get star Bakers guilds!! Farming guilds!! Post office guilds!! And thats just the 'normal' jobs guys with a little imagination,, god the fun you could have. Sex workers guilds!!!!!! Weed guilds!!!!! Gamblers guilds! Homemakers guilds!!! Idk if you'd want to do it but the very idea of a thief/assassins guild!!
They also focus more on having experience trees as ill call them 'apprenticeships', 'journey men' and 'masters' , etc.. so theres mentorship provided instead of just general workplace protections. Because your apart of the same field!!
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woolandcoffee · 5 months
It's so wild to me how ag industry folks will admit in one breath that U.S. agriculture would collapse without foreign workers, and then in the next breath complain about how high wages are for H-2A workers. Like, I accept that y'all aren't hearing yourselves, but shit.
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