#tried to clean this old piece up 💚
mogwaei ¡ 14 days
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Dragon Age Dreadwolf summer but I've never stopped being insufferable about him
579 notes ¡ View notes
writingcold ¡ 7 months
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Hello! I'm so glad you decided to return for Chapters 3 and 4 of BLP.
A/N: So, you can see why this is not an easy story to read.  If you continue, please just keep repeating that there is a happy ending.  There is a point to all the angst and tragedy - these characters really do experience glimmers of happiness and good things.  Just not all the time.
This is a complete fiction - totally made up.  I do not, nor will I ever know Jake or any member of GVF.  That said, this story is mine.  Please respect that.
Once again - I’m sending all my heartfelt thanks out to @takenbythemadness for being my reader on this.  I know it was hard.  💚Love you, my friend.
Content warnings: Angst.  Pregnancy.  Loss of Child.  Poor coping skills.  Alcohol.  
Word count: approx. 7100
Chapter 3: July, 1982: Amanda POV
     July found my mopey ass being invited to all sorts of Independence Day parties.  Imagine my surprise to be standing in the park, red cup in between my fingers, with a smile.  The anticipation of fireworks hummed across my skin while old friends caught me up on them.  I found as the evening flowed on, there were absences that were felt but went unmentioned.  None of the Kiszka family were around.  The 4th of July was huge for them and not one of them was in attendance.  I couldn’t shake the odd feeling that creeped into the back of my skull.
      Of course my brain pointed out the time.  Of course my heart knew it was probably because Jake had become a father without me.  The notion dimmed the excited twinkle of the glittery sparklers that were being waved around with wild abandon by those young and old.  Jenni drew me out, refreshing my beer and getting me all tangled up with her friends.
     It was like a collective hangover that was draped across town as I parked the bus in the employee parking spaces at the grocery store.  The day was terribly slow.  Since I had everything cleaned over twice in the kitchen, I set out to wipe down the displays.  Betty and Jan were of like mind as they had racks taken apart to clean next door in the produce department.  I smiled at them before getting to the task at hand.
     I was totally not paying attention to the ladies when I overheard the name Kiszka drift in my direction.  For a moment, I was dazed.  Betty was a busybody, needing to be in everyone else’s business at all times.  She certainly made the rounds of town to gather all her bullshit knowledge.  Most of it was harmless, but when Jake’s name was uttered, every hair on the back of my neck stood up.  I tried to close my ears.  I tried to shut it down but…
     “That’s awful,”  Jan breathed, stopping completely to look at Betty.  “What’s Karen doing about this?  Is there anything we can do to help the family?”
     “Karen’s just beside herself,”  Betty remarked as she wiped her hands across her apron.  “I mean - she was nowhere near being ready for a grandbaby, but this…” 
     My heart froze painfully as the ladies bent over the bins they were cleaning.  Was there something wrong with Jake’s baby?  I did not need to hear but every nerve ending begged for more information.  Was Jake hurt?  Did something happen to them -
     “I thought all the Kiszka kids were in college and doing well,”  Jan prodded.
     The scoff that erupted from Betty made my stomach clench with anger.  “Sure, three of the four are doing just fine.  I guess when I think about it, it would be Jake that would go and knock a girl up and drop out of school.  He was the most trouble out of all of them.  Karen was destroyed when he showed up with that terrible girl.”
     I tripped and fell against the case with a loud crack.  My heart sobbed as I felt my face redden.  The two ladies merely looked up at me, asking if I was okay.  I waved at them before acting like I was fine.
     “How long did the baby live?”  Jan asked, her voice hushed in a manner that sounded like she was conspiring, not consoling.  
     I drew in a ragged breath as the pieces started falling into place.
     “Hours, from what I understand,”  Betty answered plainly.
     I could not keep the sound of heartbreak from leaving my mouth.  I fumbled back into the kitchen area, sure the two ladies found my reaction an interesting thread to weave into the shitty tapestry they were spinning.  I imagined that their vapid tongues were wagging but I didn’t care.  Jake’s baby had not survived.  The pain he must have been in flooded my system.  I wanted to reach for the phone and call.  I wanted to extend some kind of comfort.  My hand came down on the receiver - but stopped.  Jake was not mine.  He was not even a friend.  His family had moved on.  I was a name in the past for all of them.
      The realization hit me like a hammer.  The contents of my stomach sloshed and I bent at the waist to keep from throwing up.  I had no one I could reach out to just to see if Jake was okay.
     Somehow, I finished out the shift.  My heart demanded that I at least call the Kiszka’s house to offer condolences, but with each reach of the phone, I reminded myself that these were not your family - not your people.  I found myself rummaging around the kitchen, yanking out the ingredients for oatmeal butterscotch cookies.  Jenni bumped through the backdoor, her face flushed from working at the pool all day.
     “I see you’ve heard,”  she said quietly.  “You always make those when it’s bad.”
     “No, I only eat all of them when it’s bad,”  I remarked sourly.  “So it’s a double batch.”
     She nodded as she kicked out of her flip flops and waved towards the bathroom.  By the time she was out of the shower and returned to me, I had the dough made and two pans already in the oven, perfuming the air with sweetness.
     “How’d you hear?”  she asked over a glass of iced tea.
     “Stupid Betty Wilmark was all over it,”  I sighed, taking my sister’s glass for a sip.  “How’d you hear?”
      “Ronnie hasn’t been to work for a few days,”  she answered as she took to the cabinets to retrieve another glass with a glare when it was obvious that I was not giving back her tea.  “Julie told me why.  So is that why you’re baking for the sixth army?  Looks like you already whipped through the house, too, with all the stupid clean sparkles on everything.”
      It was true.  Cleaning, cooking and baking were my busy tells when something was wrong.  I flashed a grin as I was reaching for the hot pads.
      “Careful there - I’ve got some nice pork chops resting in the fridge for supper.”
     She pulled up a chair from the kitchen table and parked at the corner of the counter.  “All right, Mands, let me have it.”
     “Have what?”  I asked coyly, pulling hot cookie sheets out to land on the stove.
     She glared at me with a wave of her hands.  It’d look comical if it didn’t feel like my guts were liquifying.
      “I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now.”  I whispered the tender words so that there was a chance no one would really hear them.
     She nodded.  “Yeah….”
     “I want to call the house to see if they need anything, but…”  I paused as a bubble of grief swelled.  “They’re not mine to call are they?”
     My sister shook her head slowly with an empathetic smile.  Thankfully, she stayed with me, quietly reading Firestarter out loud as I shifted gears into cooking a forty course dinner for four people.  Mom had gotten home and just stared at the situation.  
     “It’s all good,”  Jenni assured, knee deep in some vague while not vague description of gore.  
     “Looks like leftovers for the next two weeks,”  she replied before blowing out a long breath.
     Dinner was subdued.  I managed three bites before I had to excuse myself to escape outside for a smoke.  This time, Jenni stayed away, allowing the silence to permeate me.  As I crushed the cigarette, the most selfish thought stabbed at my brain - if there was no baby, would Jake stay married?
      The sting of pain and taste of blood struck my tongue.  Disappointment in myself for even allowing the notion hit me hard.  The self loathing started lapping at my fringes.  I was not that person.  I was not the selfish bitch who could be so small as to wish Jake to leave the woman who just lost their baby could I…?  The deepest recesses of my darkest corners sighed a repugnant ‘goddamn’.
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Jake POV
     I honestly do not understand how I had come to find myself piss drunk in the parking lot of the park.  I woke up behind the wheel of Sam’s piece of shit car that I had somehow made off with sometime during the funeral reception.  I couldn’t take it anymore - the crying, the sadness, the fucked up feeling in my body that everyone else seemed to be able to see, but I was completely blind to.  Dad was hovering.  Mom was flying around the house trying to ensure everyone was comfortable.  Georgia just sat on the couch absolutely lambasted over the situation.  Her body was so still at times that I had to reach out to touch her to see if she was still residing in her frame.  She would flinch from the contact and the crying would start all over again.
     I was not handling this as I should.  I knew I was being a coward, sitting in that parking lot, drinking like it would help anything.  I heard the crunch of tires on the asphalt before I could clear my eyes to see my mom’s Suburban parking in the next spot over.  Josh’s hands were gripping my arm, tugging me like a limp rag from behind the wheel.  I could barely stand the grief.  It was so crushing.  I knew I was unconsolable as my father wrapped his arm around my waist to move me.  I caught Josh’s concerned gaze as Dad helped me into the backseat of the car, laying me out like a sick child, even pulling the blanket from the back and tossing it across my shivering legs.
     “Josh, head home,”  he ordered, glancing at me before shutting the door against my feet.  “Tell your mother we’ll be along.”
      In my drunken haze, I knew it was not going to be good.  I closed my eyes and turned my face into the sour smelling upholstery.  I’m unsure how long we drove, or how long I slept, or if we made any stops.  When I woke, we were at the boat landing at Murphy Lake that we used to go fishing from when we were little.  Dad was leaning against the front of the Suburban, his face trained to the lapping waves of the shore.  He glanced back when I started pawing at the door.  In my rush to the grass to piss, I didn’t realize my stomach decided it had had enough of the cheap whiskey as well.
     If I didn’t feel stupid before, I certainly felt it now as I spit the nasty shit taste from my lips.  Partially collected and almost human, I moved to my father’s side.  He handed me a thermos cup and filled it with a blank expression.  Dad was very good at letting his expression convey happiness and anger.  But this void of emotion was new to me.  I could make the man smile over a lick on the strings and infuriate him like nobody’s business with stupid juvenile bullshit.  This stance he held - I simply could not decipher.  I sipped at the coffee, welcoming the warmth to my innards despite the sticky, thick warmth of the outside.
      We stood in silence for nearly thirty minutes, in which I sucked down two cups of coffee.  Dad just stood, eyes on the water, arms crossed against his wide chest.  I know he was processing his words.  I was like that too; not wanting to say something without really thinking it through most times.  The only one I was not like that with was Josh…  But that wasn’t true.  Mandy.  My eyes closed as her face danced through my thoughts.  I could say anything to her and she would be able to understand as if the words were shared by our two minds without actual vocalization.  My heart sank.  Even during the funeral she invaded my thoughts.  She was the one I wanted to turn to for comfort.  She was the one I knew I would be safe with to unload my burden.
       “You cannot do this again, son,”  Dad said, his tone was not of a father pointing out a wrong, though.  His words were not meant to scold.  I looked to him and he just continued to watch the water.  “I know you are hurting.  We all are.  You married that girl to do the right thing.  Turns out the right thing is to hold her through this part.”
      I swallowed as the words filtered through.  
     “This is a pain I don’t know, Jacob,”  he said after another long pause.  “I cannot imagine my life without any of you.  Your little Liam touched my heart and I loved him instantly.  What a beautiful boy.”
      I yanked in a splintered breath that choked my throat and filled my lungs with venom.  As if my heart wasn’t broken enough, the feel of his little feet against my palms, the warmth of his skin flooded my brain with love that I never imagined possible.  And it was fleeting.  It was gone.  I couldn’t stop the absolute fractured sound that erupted from my face, filling the air around me with such damage that I was sure the world would never be the same.  Dad’s hand pressed into my back as I folded forward against the grief that washed out of me.
      “This is not Georgia’s fault,”  he whispered.  “This is not your fault.  You two did nothing wrong and you need to remember that, Jake.  There is no blame to be found here.  You will need to be strong for her.  You will need to hold her up for a while.  I hope I can trust that she will do the same for you, but it’s up to you to ensure that your wife is sheltered through this.  Do you hear me?”
      “She’s so mad, Dad,”  I managed through my sobs.  “She’s so mad that we’re here.  That if we were in Chicago, the care would’ve been different - better.  Better able to care for his heart.  She’s already thinking it’s because I chose to be here…”
      My dad nodded.  “It’s going to have some ugly, son.  That you cannot avoid.  I’m sorry.  But it’s just the moment and it will pass.  Give it time.”
      “I don’t even fucking know her,”  I gasped as I felt like the coffee was going to fly up from my stomach.  “I don’t know her so how the hell am I supposed to -”
      He wrapped his arms around me, holding me up as my arms went limp at my sides.  “Just cry now, Jacob.  Just cry.”
       I felt like when I was ten and had flipped over a bad jump on the water skis and face planted so hard that I thought I had shattered my face.  I was limp in my father’s grip and he wanted me to allow him to shoulder the burden of my pain.  Liam was a beautiful boy.  He was everything in the spaces of those few breaths that he was here.  His dark hair plastered to his perfectly round head.  His little ribbon of a mouth was so red before it wasn’t.  My heart raced like it was going to explode.  Why was it that my heart was strong and his wasn’t?  Why was my heart beating and his wasn’t?  
       It took a while, but I finally got my feet under me.  Dad and I walked towards the water, sitting down on some fallen trees, just watching the breeze play across the surface of the lake.  I found myself settled.  Like the sucker punch to my chest was finally beginning to clear.  Dad just sat with me and let me grieve in the safe little pocket that he provided.  I was going to have to provide this for Georgia.  I had my example of what I needed to do for her.  Being present was that first step.  My axis had shifted.  It was time to grow up and leave things behind that I thought were permanent.  
      “Thanks, Dad,”  I said quietly.  
      His smile was small and tight.  “You’ve gotten yourself into quite the situation with her, haven’t you?”
      I nodded.  “I didn’t really know her before…”
      Dad’s dark blue eyes glinted as he looked at me.  I almost didn’t carry on, but he seemed to calm as he realized I was finally going to be honest about what had happened.
      “I still don’t know her,”  I admitted, struggling over the words.  “I was so focused on doing what was right instead of looking at what I should be doing.  I was more concerned with what that right was.  And now…  I know I don’t have options here-”
      “Bull shit,”  he blurted, his face stoic.  “You’ve married her.  You better damn well do your best to respect that, Jacob.  You try for as long as you can.”
      “She’s going to need a lot,”  I said with a blown out breath.
      “Yup.  Now maybe you can stop killing yourself and ditch the shit job at the mill.  Just concentrate on Martin’s.”
       I licked at my lips and nodded.  “Henry and Ada have been amazing through all this.  I won’t let them down.”
      “I know,”  Dad said, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.  
  ��  “Mom’s gonna kill us, isn’t she?”  
     “Nah.  She’s all bluster.  I’m the heavy.”
     I laughed.  I couldn’t help it.  I laughed like my life depended on it and couldn’t stop.  Dad joined in knowing his words were bull shit.  I watched as he fished the keys from his pocket and reached out for my hand.
     “I love you, Jacob.  I won’t let you down.  When you need this, I will be here,”  he said, cupping my palm into his own.  “You stay strong for Georgia, I’ll be here for you.  Deal?”
     I felt lighter as we walked back towards the car.  Sitting at his side, I felt different.  I had been a father - was a father.  I was a father.  I was married.  I had a long way to go, but Dad looked at me like a curtain had been peeled back.  I wasn’t the child.  I wasn’t the student any more.  I was an adult.  I had to wake up and walk forward and support my wife and live my life like a man.  
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Chapter 4: July, 1983: Amanda POV
     Sophomore year of college was DONE.  I blew the doors off both terms.  I wanted to stay in Dearborne and cram a few more classes during the summer semester, but after a conversation with Mom, I discovered that my grandma was in poor health.  It was decided that I would stay in her house with her during the summer break to make sure she was not alone at night.  The arrangement would be long enough for the family to decide if she needed to move in with one of the other families, or perhaps a place that had care.  We weren’t allowed to call it what it was.  Those places are awful according to grandma and so we don’t talk about it.
      I was able to procure my job once again in the bakery.  I was able to work five days a week, the morning shift even, so I would be off by two in the afternoon.  I picked up hours at the library, aiding the youth librarian in his summer program with the afternoon offerings four days a week.  I was busy enough to keep money flowing into my bank account for the next year of school - especially since I had plans on sharing an apartment with two other classmates I had met in the dorms.  Mom and Dad’s funds, along with the few little scholarships I had were only taking me so far - so housing off campus was all on me.
      The year found me in tough spirits until after Christmas.  That’s when I fell in with Lizbit.  She was the loudest person I had ever met and I loved her immediately.  We were inseparable.  She introduced me to all sorts of people, sent my ass on a few dates, and always included me in the group outings to bars and clubs.  In other words, she dragged me from the pit of my shell and introduced me to the great, wide world.  
      Summer had been unremarkable, thank goodness.  I worked.  I played cards with grandma every night and listened to her talk about everything.  She would laugh and ask me about boys.  When I said there was no time for that kind of thing, she cackled and said she didn’t believe me.  
     The night of the 4th of July found me once again in the park for the city festivities.  This year, all the Kiszka’s were in attendance, including Jake and his wife.  She sat with Ronnie and Karen.  I had to admit that she appeared to be a nice addition to their family.  Jake looked…  I couldn’t place it, but he had taken more than a few steps away from the boy I had known.  My heart felt cold in my chest as he moved around, his face not quite catching the light as he used to.  He was as handsome as ever, though.  Jenni saved me from my ruminations with a handful of sparklers.
      I ran around with the little cousins all over the place, hamming it up with them and just being free.  Everyone started to congregate back to their respective spots as the first of the fireworks were set off.  I was corralling a few from the far corner and the swings when Jake crossed my path, alone.  He was quick to smile, his head tilted as looked me over.
     “Mandy,”  he said, a faint smile appearing on his mouth.  
     “Jake,”  I managed, as the kids I was just chasing ran around us in a twist.  “Guys, come on - get over to Grandma - the show’s about to start!”
       They laughed and giggled and finally did as I asked when the first bang of the display was launched.  I couldn’t help that my eyes traced to his the moment we were alone.  The punch to my gut was not as strong, but it was there.  I could feel the tendrils of our gravity begin to reach out for each other, longing to once again entwine.  
      “You’re looking good.  How’s school going?”  he asked, raking a hand through his hair.
      “It’s good.  Things are going well.  I hear you’re in partnership with Mr. Henry like you wanted,”  I said with a grin.
      “Yeah, yeah,”  he answered with a nod.  “Our arrangement looks a little different, but things are falling into place.  Yeah.”
      The crackle and bangs of the show began falling into a rhythm that seemed to match my heartbeat as he continued to shuffle his feet and smile before me.  The shimmer in his eyes warmed as he seemed to want to talk more.
      My eyes broke from his spell to find Josh walking down the sidewalk towards us.  My gut sank despite the widening of my grin.
      “Hello there, Josh,”  I called out with a wave of my hand.
      His brows pinched with a look to his twin before turning his million watt smile back on.  “Mandy.  Wow.  You’re looking fantastic.”
      “Thank you,”  I said, giving him a playful little curtsy before waving at his outfit.  “You’re looking mighty dapper yourself tonight.”
      He laughed loudly as he pawed at Jake’s arm.  He was topped with a floppy patriotic hat, with knee high socks that mimicked the flag.  He gave a little pose that made it all the funnier and I couldn’t help but join in his lightness.  Behind him, I could see Jenni waving at me.
      “I better get going,”  I replied, turning my attention back to the pair.  “It was good seeing you, Jake.  Josh.”
      Jake started to reach out, but Josh seemed to shift to block him.  I walked straight to my family’s group and hid myself amongst the kids and aunts and uncles, all laughing and enjoying the show.  I took a moment to realize that I was still breathing.  I was still able to smile.  My heart was still beating just fine.
      I watched as the twins returned to their family.  Jake sat down and Georgia immediately leaned against him, their hands threading together.  Yeah.  It hurt like a missile had just been shot dead in the center of my body, but I continued to breathe.  I continued to be present.  
      The following weeks returned to what had been - work and grandma and hanging out with friends if they were around.  Mid-August arrived and I was getting my things ready to head back to Dearborne and another year of hell schedules that would bring me closer to my ultimate goal.  I had gotten a call from friends to meet them at the bar on Main street.  They wanted to commiserate the start of the fall term and say farewell for now.  I dressed in my best Crissie Hynde outfit, tight jeans and cropped and torn t-shirt.  I wish I had had the guts to chop the hair, but I wore it in a loose braid that fell to the middle of my back.  I even did the heavy eyeliner and looked damn fine that way.  I slid my feet into a pair of boots and kissed my grandma a goodnight.  
      “I hope you are not here in the morning, sweetheart,”  she cackled with a wink.  “Have fun!”
      The Last Miller was smack dab in the middle of the row on Main Street.  I parked and strolled into the bar to the waiting group that was huddled around the pool table.  Marni and Terry were ready with pitchers and cold mugs, while Robbie was already at the jukebox with John Cougar pouring out the speakers.  It was instant comfort as we settled into the groove, playing round after round of pool and just being rowdy. It felt normal.  It felt like the past few years were there but the heartbreak was absent.  I danced with Robbie and Bret when he arrived to ELO’s “Hold On Tight”, laughing when Marni knocked her way through the two boys and latched on to me to finish out the song.  It was just stupid fun.  It was what was needed.
      We were hunched across the high top by the pool table when I watched Jake walk in alone.  He sat at the far end, looking like a man trying to forge his own space in the midst of loud kids.  I watched as the bartender didn’t ask what he wanted and just fixed a glass of whiskey neat and set it before him like it was routine.  They spoke a few words before Jake was left to his privacy.  
       “We should go finish down at the river,”  Terry cooed.  “This place is getting quiet anyway.  Whatcha think, Mandy?”
       I felt my back straighten and my quiet wrap around me.  “Why don’t you guys go.  I better head for home.  Grandma is gonna need me early anyway.”
       The friends stopped to look at me.  It may be rare that I went out, but to cut the night early was also rare.  I said my goodbyes with a stressed ‘please be careful’.  I waited for them to head towards the door before I pointed to the ladies room and waved goodbye.  Jake was completely ignoring the group that just buffaloed out past him.  I knew I shouldn’t, but I knew I could not leave without at least saying hello.  
       “Hi, Jake,”  I said, standing next to the empty stool next to him.
      His eyes rolled up on me, bleary and full of hurt that I was not ready to see.  I swallowed and waited for a response that I was not certain that I would receive.  His face was hard as he drew his bottom lip in between his teeth.
      “You okay?”  I asked, refusing to just walk away.
      “What would you do if I said no, Amanda?”  
      I felt my mouth bunch up and my nose twitch.  Licking at my lip, I shrugged.  “Then I would ask if you would like to come sit with me at that table over there to talk.  Like a friend.” 
     To my surprise, he stood, his body so close to mine that I could feel the unhappiness roiling off his skin.  For a moment he just stood there looking into my face as if he might touch my cheek the way he did at one time.  He nodded back at the bartender and ordered two mugs of beer as he tossed a couple dollars on the bartop.  I swallowed as I realized that he was wanting this - just to sit and talk.  I followed his drifting tread to a booth close to the window.  There was a faint buzz to the light above.  It matched the wound that was oozing in my chest as he waited for me to sit and get situated.  
      I hid for a moment behind a sip of bitter amber.  It cooled my insides as he tapped against the heavy grit on the table between us.  When it became apparent that he was waiting for me to break through the chill, I took another swig of courage.
      “So,”  I started but fell quiet.  His dark eyes moved to mine and stuck like two shattered orbs.  I hated that I decided this was a good idea.  Instead, I went another direction - distraction.  “How is Mr. Henry?”
      His shoulders relaxed visibly as the corners of his mouth pinched together.  “Henry and Ada are good.  Feisty.  But good.  He, uh, is warming up to my ideas of updating the spaces into something more modern.”
      “Yeah,”  he leaned forward, his excitement moving to the fore.  “I broached the subject of not just a single learning space, but practice rooms, perhaps a large space with room enough for a band.  I was thinking about a production area in that space upstairs.  Using more of the floor area for selling albums, maybe even an exchange for albums?  Not sure about that.”
      He seemed happy to divert his words into his passion.  He laughed as he talked about how Ada was not just encouraging retirement, but was literally shoving Henry towards the finish line.  
      “I’ve been picking up gig work again in Detroit.  I’ve done a lot of studio work lately, too,”  he continued.  “It’s been…  good to have a few days here and there for distance.”
      My teeth pinched the inside of my lip hard.  That moment had come.  “I’m so sorry, Jake.  I heard about your baby.  It broke my heart to hear about what happened.”
      The corner of his mouth stretched with a nod.  “Liam was beautiful.  I wish he could have stayed.”
      We descended into a silence that was foreign.  Jake’s grief was palpable as he sipped at his beer.  The wound that was oozing within me began to bleed for him.  I fought the urge to reach out and touch him, comfort him.
      He cleared his throat and shifted around suddenly.  “I’ve been remiss.  You must be getting ready to head back to Dearborne?”
      And just like that, the moment was gone.  The door had been closed to his private life that I had no right to be a part of.  And it was okay.  We chatted about classes and friends.  He talked about running into different people from school that we shared as friends.  It was safe talk.  And it meant everything to me just to hear him.  His voice and laugh.  We parted as friends with a smile.  It was enough that I could sit with him and just be a fraction of the people we once had been.
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Jake POV 
     It was not uncommon for the ugliness of the moment to chase me from the apartment, and Georgia knew it.  Sometimes, I wondered if she allowed herself to get to that point of absolute madness to drive me away just to see if I would come slithering back.  Of course I always would return.  It was like a never ending cycle of what I knew I needed to do to keep in step with what supposedly was ‘right’.  However, the line of what was right was blurred beyond my recognition at times.
      I had seen Mandy with her friends in Miller’s.  Her presence did not stop me from my ritual.  I needed that burn in my belly to feel like I was real.  I pretended like I was not aware of how her gravity was forcibly yanking my spirit to look at her, to be by her.  After all the life that had passed by, she still commanded my attention like I belonged to her.  So when she appeared before me, her friends out the door, I had to mask my amazement that this creature was once again within my reality.
      My keys hit the dish at the door with an ugly strike and I didn’t care.  Georgia was hunched over on the couch, her frame still with sleep.  I walked through the kitchen to fetch a glass of water before making my way to the bathroom.  I stared at myself for a long while.  I could hardly imagine who this man was before me.  I could feel the layers of anger and anguish crinkle and moan with each breath of my body.  The weight of it hunched me over like an old man.  I couldn’t stand the sight of it.  Through a shower, I didn’t bother looking in on her and managed to get into bed, thankful that I could grab six hours before I had to be up and to the shop once more.
      Routine was my grace.  If I could manage my routine, I could survive.  Georgia and I had fallen into a quiet step of tolerating each other.  I could honestly say that I cared about her.  We were growing together.  It was just… hard.  She had gotten into the local doctor’s office as a receptionist and was finally making some friends of her own.  We were planning on finally moving out of the shitty apartment into a tiny little place a few blocks off Main Street.  It even had a small yard. It could be someplace where my family could come and visit.  Where friends for both of us could come together.  Ronnie had gone out of her way to extend time towards Georgia in an attempt of making her feel a part of the family.  But then the moods started to get harder to bear and my sister found herself at a distance that she needed to keep from being pulled too deeply into my own bull shit.  
      I woke to find her gone.  She left a note on the counter about dinner to talk.  The day was filled with lessons, repairs, sales, and me working in the production space upstairs.  With Henry’s ties to Detroit, he had set up with a few producer friends our plans for the space and already had some interest in having a place away from the city to work.  Late in the afternoon, I had taken a call that I was not expecting.  Henry was proud of the news, but I was unsure of how Georgia was going to handle the situation.  
      By the time I got home, it was closer to seven in the evening.  The apartment smelt like dinner gone awry as I pushed myself inside to find her standing at the kitchen sink, crying.  My heart sank.  I set my keys in the dish quietly and slipped out of my shoes before padding towards her.  The mess on the counter and stove top looked to be a meatloaf dinner gone horribly wrong.  
      “I don’t know how I can burn this and still have it be fucking raw in the middle,”  she sobbed, crashing the pan into the sink.  “Why do I fucking bother?  I know better.”
      She started to leave in a huff, but I stopped her, my eyes on the molten looking concoction before me.  “Thank you,”  I said, pressing my fingers gently into her arm.  
      Georgia stopped and actually looked at me in the face.  Her dark eyes were shiny with her upset.  Before I could think twice, I leaned in and kissed her mouth.  Just a soft peck that lingered for a moment.  It was a start to calm her.
      “I totally wasted it this time, Jake,”  she said, her body collapsing against the edge of the stove.  “I just wanted to try something nice…”
      What looked to be half cooked potatoes stood in a pan, a ton of water swam beneath around the burner. I glanced at her imagining that the pot had boiled over and she panicked and just turned off the element.  There was another pot with over cooked vegetables that didn’t look quite right either.  My brows pinched as I grimaced at her.
      “I just wanted to try, Jake!”  she said defensively, arms instantly moving to their protective place across her chest.  
      I stifled a laugh.  “I so appreciate it, too.  Really, Georgia.”
     “Are you laughing at me?”  she huffed, eyes flaring.
     “Maybe.  But this is really the sweetest thing you’ve done,”  I said softly as another chuckle escaped me before I could stop it.  “Sorry.”
      “You’re not making fun of me?”  
      I smiled as I touched her cheek and shook my head.  I paused as I once again tried to see if there was anything we could salvage, but thought it best to just start from scratch.  I fixed her an ice water and had her sit at the counter while I went to work.  She quietly watched as I cleaned up then grabbed the eggs and settled in to making a scramble for us.  
      “I have some news,”  I said as I diced onions and bell peppers.  
      “Hopefully good,”  she said, a ghost of a smile on her lips.
     I reached for the package of mushrooms and cheese before allowing myself to relax into the moment.  “I got a call from the manager of a band today.  Their rhythm guitarist was in an accident and broke his hand and asked if I could fill in for the last bit of their tour.”
     Her brows pinched as the news soaked in.  “How long?”
     “It sounds way longer than it actually is,”  I say as I start to whip the eggs.  “They have four shows in Chicago and the last two here in Detroit, so I’d only be gone for a little more than a week.  Twelve days, maybe?”
     “Oh,”  she whispered.
     “But that’s not the best part.  I’m getting like twelve hundred bucks to do this,”  I point out with a nod, smiling as the onions begin to sizzle in the pan.  “It’ll be enough for the down payment for the house.”
      Her chin dipped as a real smile tugged at her mouth.  She was pretty in moments like this.  It was easy to forget some of the hurt and a lot of the anger that made up her exterior.  Georgia had a tough start to everything it seemed like.  I had learned after the first few months that ‘fight’ was her go to method of handling everything.  
     “That’s a lot for six shows,”  she remarked before hiding before a sip of her water.
     “Well, it means I have to learn their set list in two days and it’s a lot.  And I’d have to leave tomorrow afternoon.”
     The amount of work that I was going to have to tackle was huge.  Luckily this was a band that I knew that you had played with during my sophomore and junior years.  I had some semblance of their works.  It would be a challenge, but a fun one.  
     “I know that wasn’t what you wanted to talk about tonight,”  I said as I grabbed our two plates from the shelf to dish us up.  “I just knew that a little good news would go a long way.”
      She was quiet, her fingers drifting back and forth across the counter with thought. 
     I stirred around the eggs before turning back to her after my prod and she still didn’t say anything.
     “I know it’s been hard with me, Jake,”  she said quietly.  “Everything just happened so fast and then Liam and I just…”
     My gut twisted at the sound of his name.  “I know.  For me, too.  I get it.”
     “I think it would help if maybe we try to, I don’t know,”  she let out an apprehensive laugh.  “Maybe date?  Shit.  Just.  Everything is so backwards for us and I’m not saying this right.”
      I returned to the stove, not wanting another supper to burn, but also to retreat a bit from the conversation.  She was trying.  Really trying.  I did not let her see how I was chewing my bottom lip in search of an answer that didn’t sound like I was a dick.  She was right - we were backwards in everything.  
      “I’d like that,”  I said.  I could hear her relief.  “How about when I get back from this stint, we go have dinner at Capri?”
      She was nodding as I plated up the eggs.  “It’s not stupid?”
      “No,”  I said as I scooted her plate in front of her.  “I like that you’re thinking of us.”
      If I would have uttered those words months before, they would have been a lie.  I knew it in the deepest recesses of me, that it would have been a lie.  But.  Something had changed.  Perhaps it was shared grief.  Perhaps it was that abbreviated shared love in its purest of forms that made me look to her for what she really was - a woman in need of shelter that I could provide. 
      The blaze of a blush danced across her cheeks that made me smile as I sat down next to her.  She was pretty that night.  She was soft and expressed a laugh that I had not heard since that Thanksgiving night.  It was nice.  I put on a record, one of my favorites, something that I had not done for some time.  She seemed to understand that lapse of sound in our space.  It was something that I could not do when all we did was argue over everything.  She knew what it meant when I was able to put music that highlighted the mood.  My skin reacted to her touch that night and it felt as if maybe, possibly, things were turning a better corner.
I’ll see you next Wednesday.  💚  
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holdmytesseract ¡ 2 years
Daddy Takeover 》 Baby Fever AU
"Daddy Loki idea twoooo
Y/N is having a well deserved night out with the girls so dad loki is in charge for the first time." - Requested by @lokisgoodgirl ! 😁
Summary: Natasha and Wanda take you on your first girl's night out since ages. That means Loki is on dad duty this evening - and he's been never alone with Ella before...
Warnings: fluff! Hopefully not too many typos... I edited this very late yesterday... 😅 Also, sorry Winnie the Pooh! I actually love it, I swear! 😭
Word Count: 3k
a/n: Thank you for that wonderful request! I had so much fun writing this! Ella and Loki are SO freaking cute together... 🥰💚
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon and I think @michelleleewise could like this one, too! 😉
If you want to be added to my Loki Taglist, please let me know! 😁
Link to the Baby Fever AU Masterlist
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It was quite early in the morning, when Y/N slumped into the big communal kitchen of the Avengers compound like a zombie, yawning. Her feet led her straight to the coffee machine. Nooo, she and Loki didn't forget to buy new coffee pads when they were out, grocery shopping last week... Totally not… Y/N was only halfway awake, when her fingers pressed the buttons of the coffee machine, in hopes she pressed the right ones. What the young woman didn't notice, was Natasha, watching her from where she leaned against the kitchen counter. "Hey Y/N/N, are you alright?" "Huh?" She turned around, on search for the origin of the voice, urging to her ears. "Oh, hey Nat." Y/N smiled tiredly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, y'know... How life is with a baby..." She said with a yawn, then reached for the cup of coffee - but didn't grab the mug by the handle, what caused her to burn her hand and dropping the mug. The porcelain clattered to the floor, shattering into a million pieces; the coffee spilled on the tiles. "Oh damn it..." The Y/H/C haired woman mumbled and bend down to clean the mess. Natasha was quickly at her side, helping her. "Girl... You desperately need a break... And a decent night of sleep." "I know," Y/N huffed, picking up carefully the shards. "What do you say, if we make a girl's night out? Just you, me and Wanda - like in the old days." "I'd love that, Nat, but... Let me first talk to Lokes. Someone needs to look after Ella and I want to make sure that he's okay with being alone with her." "Wasn't he alone with her before?" The red-haired beauty asked. Y/N shook her head. "No, not directly." "Then talk to him and let me know. I'll ask Wanda." The women smiled at each other. "Thanks, Nat." "That's what friends are here for, sweetie."
"Lokes?" Y/N stepped back inside their apartment, closing the door quietly behind her. When she got no answer, she called out for him again and walked inside the living room, where she had left him. "Babe?" He wasn't there, but rounded mere seconds later the corner. "Shh, darling. Ella's asleep. I just put her down. Apologies, that I didn't answer you sooner, but I didn't want to risk her waking up again. It's been a rough night after all..." The God said with a small smile, running a hand through his messy curls. Yeah... It had been a rough night, indeed. Ella just didn't want to sleep, was fussy and whiny almost the whole night. They had tried everything, but nothing had helped. Ella just didn't budge, refused to calm down and sleep. Y/N blinked. "She's asleep? As in sleeping peacefully in her crib?" A low chuckle left Loki's lips at the unbelieving words of his lover. "Yes, as in sleeping peacefully in her crib." He whispered, quoting her and stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist to pull her close against his strong body. "Time for us to get some rest, too, darling." Y/N smiled, relieved that their daughter had finally decided to take a trip to dreamland. "You're the best dad, do you know that?" Loki nodded, confidently. "Well, yes. I am very aware of that." His words caused the Y/H/C haired woman to roll her eyes with a smile. "I love you and your godly ego." Another amused chuckle left the God's lips. "I love you, too. Now off to bed with you, my queen." Loki stated and swept his wife off her feet, carrying her bridal style to their bedroom, causing her to giggle. "Usually, you mean with that sentence something entirely different than just a nap." A smug smile spread over the prince's face. "Darling, you know very well, that I'd love to do something entirely different with you, than taking just a nap, but there's a very sweet baby princess sleeping just down the hall and I do not intend to wake her - not after the past night..." He set Y/N gently down on the bed. "No... Me neither. We need to relish the hours of sleep we get, before Ella wakes up again." Loki joined Y/N in bed, yawning and cuddled close to her, face buried in her chest, using her as a pillow. "Definitely. Good night, my love. Sleep well." The Y/H/C haired woman witnessed how her God's eyes closed shut already, on the verge of sleeping in.
"Uhh, Lokes?" "Mhm?" "I wanted to ask you something." "Is it important? Can't it wait until later?" He huffed out in playful annoyance. She giggled, shaking her head. "No, because I am afraid my sleep deprived brain is going to let me forget it." "Fair enough." Loki turned, oceanic eyes looking straight at her. "What is it, my love?" "I saw Nat earlier in the communal kitchen... She said I am in desperate need of a break and a girl's night out like in the old days. Just me, her and Wanda. I thought about this and came to the conclusion that she might be right... I think I could really use a break. Not that I don't enjoy being a mama, gods no! I love it, but..." "You need to see something else than baby bottles, nappies and puke-stained onesies... I understand, love - and you definitely deserve a break. You worked so hard in the last few months, bringing our princess into this world, nurturing her, being the best mama possible..." The sweet words of her husband almost made the woman cry right then and there. Her hormones were still a bit on a rollercoaster ride. "R-Really?" Loki nodded, giving her a loving smile. "B-But... Is that okay for you? I-I mean you've never been alone with Ella before and-" Loki interrupted her immediately. He sat up in the bed and took both her hands in his. "I'm more than positive. I have absolutely no problem with taking care of our sweet girl one evening alone." The God said, pausing for a moment. "Especially if it means I am going to miss one of our Captain's utterly annoying and unnecessary eight o'clock team meetings." "Lokes!" Y/N exclaimed, but giggled. "What?" The prince shrugged his shoulders. "It's the truth..." The woman shook her head and smiled. "So... It would be honestly okay for you to watch Ella alone for one evening?" "Of course, darling."
Two days later, Y/N stood in front of the mirror in their bathroom, applying some makeup. It was the first (girl's) night out for her since... Yeah, since a few months into pregnancy? Of course, weren't the girl's night out's very wild back then. No alcohol, no partying. They mostly consisted of late shopping trips and cinema visits. The last wild girl's night out was quite a few weeks before the pregnancy with Ella. So, it was the very first time in ages for Y/N to step inside a bar - and she was looking forward to it.
The young woman was so in thoughts, that she didn't hear the bathroom door opening cautiously. Only when two big hands landed on her hips, did she notice that someone had entered the bathroom. "You look ravishing, darling." Loki purred in her ear, pulling her closer against his chest. "Yeah? I don't know if I still look good in it..." He shook his head immediately. "No, don't even start. You're the most attractive woman I have ever laid my eyes upon. In that dress as well as out of that dress. Always." Y/N's heart skipped a beat at his words. Oh, how much she loved him. "Thanks, babe." She said, blushing. Y/N wore a beautiful blue, strapless dress. Nothing too sexy, rather casual, but nevertheless fitting for a night out. The God placed a soft, delicate kiss on her neck, before letting go of her again - in order to prevent any... issues to happen. "Wanda and Natasha are here." Y/N nodded. "Tell them I'll be around in a few minutes." "Very well, darling." He left the room again, letting his wife get entirely ready.
A few minutes later, she stepped out of the bathroom, down the hall and into the living room, where Nat and Wanda waited for her along Loki, who held a drowsy Ella in his arms. "Ready to go, girl?" Natasha asked with a big smile on her lips, while Y/N hugged her two best friends. "More than ready!" "Then let's go!" Wanda smiled as well. The Y/H/C haired woman nodded, "Let me just say goodbye to my baby." and turned around again towards Loki and Ella, hugging them both. "Bye bye, baby girl." She said and kissed the little girl's chubby cheeks, causing Ella to smile tiredly, eyes already halfway closed shut. "Mommy loves you. Keep daddy a bit on his toes, yeah?" Then Y/N looked up to her husband, kissing him goodbye - and not just once. "See you later, darling. Have fun and enjoy your girl's night." She nodded, but bit her lip. "Are you really sure you got this? Is it really okay when I-" Loki interrupted her by pressing another kiss on her lips. "Yes, of course. Don't worry. Now go." Y/N smiled at Loki. "Love you, Lokes." "I love you, too, darling." With those words, the three women left the apartment and compound together, leaving Loki and Ella alone.
"Alright, Ella... What are we two going to do, now that mommy is on her night out?" Loki asked the small baby girl, before noticing that she was asleep in his arms; the tiredness overcame her. "A nap. Wonderful idea, princess." He went to her nursery and laid her gently down in her crib, taking the baby monitor with him, before he closed the door quietly behind himself. The God pondered on what to do, decided then to try to get some sleep as well - what didn't quite work out, so he went to the compound library. With the baby monitor firmly attached to his grey sweatpants, he searched through the shelves for something to read. Of course, had Loki enchanted the small, very helpful device, so he could hear Ella crying, even if he was miles away. Once he found a book, he flopped down on one of the sofas.
Time was passing by quick - especially when a book makes it to capture your imagination. Loki was so lost in the story, that he didn't hear the door of the library opening and closing again, followed by footsteps. Peter Parker had sauntered inside the room, backpack slung over his shoulders. The young man's gaze landed immediately on Loki's. Of course, would the God be here... "Oh, hey Mr. Loki!" That caught the raven-haired man's attention. His eyes shot up from the book, meeting the face of the teenager, smiling quite a bit awkwardly. "Peter." Loki gave the young Avenger a nod, before returning his gaze back to the pages of the book in his hands. Peter wanted to walk past him, as he noticed the baby monitor, which was still attached to Loki's sweatpants. Peter adored Ella and fell in love with the tiny girl the first moment he saw her. Okay, but... Who didn't? A smile spread over the brown-haired boy's face. "Are you on dad duty tonight, Mr. Loki?" Peter said, referring of course towards the little device. A silent sigh left the God's mouth. Sometimes that boy was too chatty for his liking. He just wanted to read that book in peace. His oceanic eyes travelled up to meet the brown ones of Peter once again. "That I am, yes." "Awesome! I was-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence, was interrupted by the sudden crying noises, coming from the baby monitor, signalling Loki that his daughter must be wide awake again. "Well... I have to go. Duty calls." The God stated, his seidr letting the book in his hands magically disappear. "So, if you would excuse me... My daughter needs me." Before Peter could even answer something, Loki had vanished into thin air.
Within seconds was the God in Ella's nursery, immediately taking her into his arms. "Hey, hey, princess, it's okay. I'm here. That wasn't the longest nap, was it, baby girl?" Loki tried to calm her down, rocked her softly - but it didn't quite help. The tiny girl's face was red from crying; angry tears streaming down her face. A quick look on the watch told Loki that she might be hungry. "Are you hungry?" He asked Ella, still gently bouncing her up and down in his arms. "Or do you need a fresh nappy?" She didn't answer, of course, but rubbed her face against the fabric of his t-shirt, rather angrily. "Both?" Loki stepped over to the changing table and laid her down, quickly discarding her old nappy and changing her into a fresh one. RĂŠsumĂŠ... She indeed needed a change. Ella calmed down a bit, but not entirely, was still whining and whimpering, while her tiny mouth latched on Loki's shoulder on the search of something to eat, signalling him that she was hungry as well. So, he went into the kitchen with her and sat her down in the high chair; bib loosely wrapped around her neck. Y/N and Loki had just started to accustom her slowly to baby food. He grabbed the jar of applesauce, Y/N had prepared this morning. Without the sugar, of course. He sat at the table, took the plastic spoon and tried to feed Ella the delicacy. "Here you go, princess. Let's see if you like this more than mashed bananas." Loki had tasted the applesauce, of course, since it was a Midgardian thing - and loved it. Unlike Ella. As soon as the first spoonful was in her mouth and the applesauce came into contact with her tastebuds, her face contorted - not in delight. "No?" Loki asked, chuckling amused. Her face was priceless. A small whimper in discomfort left her lips, before she opened her mouth, causing the applesauce to drip down her chin and onto the bib. "Well..." Loki sighed. That didn't go as planned. He scooped up again a spoonful and tried to offer it Ella the second time, but as soon as she saw the spoon nearing her face, she turned her head away. "Princess... Come on... It's really delicious. Look, daddy likes it, too." He ate the spoonful himself, showing Ella that it was eatable. The next spoonful he had given to Ella, came straight back. She spit it out, causing the applesauce to land all over his t-shirt. She didn't like it and certainly didn't want to eat it; was now full on crying again. "Alright, alright... I give up." The God sighed in defeat, packed the delicacy away again and grabbed one of the bottles Y/N had prepared as well - just in case. He heated it up a bit and took the baby back into his arms, giving her the bottle. She started to latch on the rubber tip immediately, like a starved girl, causing Loki to chuckle once more and shake his head. "Mama's milk is better than applesauce, got it." While he walked out of the kitchen with his eating daughter still in his arms, the God's his gaze fell on the Midgardian books Y/N had prepared for him as well. Baby books to occupy Ella a bit. He didn't think of them, forget that his wife left them there, but decided to give them a try.
After Ella was done devouring her dinner, he got rid of his dirty t-shirt and the bib and sat down with the small girl on the sofa, taking the books with him. Now, she sat on his lap, one of the books in her hands. It was one with a lot of different colours and made crinkly and squeaky sounds. Ella wasn't that intrigued. For a short moment, yes, but then she lost interest. Just like with the two other books. "Why is there a speaking bear, who eats honey and is best friends with a piglet?" Loki frowned at the book, while Ella's little hands tried to grasp the pages. She gave a whine and huff in return. "Yes, you're right, Ella. Those books are rubbish. The Asgardian ones are way better. Come on." He put the books aside again and went with her to the bedroom, dimmed the lights and laid down on the bed, Ella on top of his bare chest. "I'm going to tell you an Asgardian story now. They are way better, believe me." Loki grabbed the blanket and covered Ella and his torso, making sure that she was warm enough. "Once upon a time, in a realm not far from this one, lived a young prince with his oafish older brother..."
About two hours later, it was already almost midnight, opened Y/N quietly the main door of her and Loki's rooms. She noticed, that the lights were out, except the one in their bedroom. Taking off her black heels, she tiptoed down the hall, towards the room and opened the ajar door silently. "Lokes?" Y/N peeked inside. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of her. Ella was still on Loki's chest, blanket wrapped around her, just like the hands of her father, keeping her from falling off his upper body. Both of them were fast asleep. A smile spread on the woman's face. Love ran through her veins, engulfed her completely. As much as she loved the girl's night out's with Nat and Wanda... There was nothing more wonderful than spending time with the two most important people in her life, laying right there on the bed in front of her. She wouldn't trade what she had for anything in this life.
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all-about-niki ¡ 9 months
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Our little secret🧚🏻💚
Summary } whatever you do never enter the forest by the river, if you do find yourself inside of there Run,Run and don’t look back
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
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Spring what a great season it was, it was very calming and the fresh air calmed every living creature alive well all except for one person and that was Lisa, Lisa never really liked spring she doesn’t know why maybe…it was because of how she’d always feel nauseous and start vomiting or because of how the hot summer always made her nose bleep one time she vomited in front of her crush who maybe didn’t like her back as she thought he laughed at her making her feel small and she ran to the girls bathroom and cried, she didn’t get out until the day was over…in conclusion She just hated spring because of how unlucky she was during that season. “Snowflakes! Snowflakes where are you!?” Lisa shouted looking for her pet rabbit “Really snowflakes okay I promise I’ll make you some carrot cake…wait…do rabbits even eat cake?” She asked herself as she entered her back yard “listen here my cute fur ball if you don’t come out I’ll feed you to the rats living in Mrs jones house okay.for some reason they’re fat and they can eat you alive…now come out please!” She begged looking through the bushes,while searching through the bushes she heard a moving sound coming from behind the slide “Got you!” She said running to the swing to look behind it “aww my baby don’t run away like that again” she said once she found her rabbit and picked her up “let’s go now to the Vet” she said walking towards the house but then snowflakes got out of her arms and ran inside the house escaping from her “Ya! you are gonna go there whether you like it or not!” She shouted running inside the house
“Lisa wake up! Wake up it’s time to go now” hyein Lisa’s best friend tried to wake her up “we’ve got to go, that place closes at 11:30pm so let’s go!” She begged packing Lisa’s books inside her bag “okay okay I’m awake” Lisa said running her eyes before standing up and throwing her bag on her shoulder “maybe if we run we’ll make it so let’s go!” Hyein said holding Lisa’s hand and started running out of the school’s premises… “And how old are you kids huh?” The security guard asked both Lisa and Hyein smirked before taking out they’re fake ID’s “here you go Mr.” Lisa said handing him they’re ID’s , the security guard looked at them and then they’re ID’s “fine get in…but don’t cause any trouble or else I’ll throw you out” he said giving them they’re ID’s back “THANK YOU SIR!!” They both shouted with a big grin and entered the building “So where should we start first?” Lisa asked hyein “we’ll I’m hungry so lets eat first she said going to order some food for them both..Meanwhile Lisa when to go sit at a table at the back “okay I’m back with some pizza!!” Hyein said placing the pizza on the table “yay!! Let’s eat!” Lisa said grabbing a piece of pizza…soon later they finished eating “don’t you have a tissue?” Hyein asked Lisa.. “ no but should I go ask for one?” Lisa asked her standing up “yes please!” Hyein said cleaning up the table…Lisa made her way to the counter “umm hello” she tried getting the boys attention “Hello waiter can I please get some tissues” she asked, the boy turned around looking at her in the eyes now “I don’t work here sorry” he said “oh umm well do you know where the tissues are then?” She asked him before the guy squinted his eyes think “oh yeah” he said before walking to a table full of boys “Aren’t you gonna follow me?” He asked, Lisa walked behind him till they reached the table “umm Sunno do you have any tissues with you?” He asked his friend “oh yeah I do” his friend Sunno said giving him some tissues with a cute smile on his face “well here you go sweetheart” the boy said handing her some tissues “thank you now bye!” She said smiling at them all while waving at her “ Lisa hurry!” Hyein shouted from their table “yah I’m coming!” She shouted back before giving them a small grin and leaving them “what took you so long?” Hyein asked her as she sat down “umm okay so like I met this boy who I thought was waiter okay so like I asked him for some tissues but then he said he wasn’t a waiter the embarrassment I got from that so he was like okay follow me so I followed him but then we reached a group of boys okay so like he asked his cute friend-” “Cute friend!? Where is he I need to see him now” hyein said standing up “ya! Don’t please don’t” Lisa tried asking her but then hyein was already walking away from the table
Lisa stood up and followed her “what are you doing?” Lisa asked her “don’t worry I’m not gonna go there I’m just gonna see that cute guy of yours” she said going to the counter “ so which group is it?” Hyein asked her grabbing a bottle of ketchup “that one sitting next to the TV” Lisa said making sure she doesn’t point at them “okay whatever you do don’t help me out okay” hyein said making Lisa look at her confused..hyein walked to another table to sit she then looked at Lisa and mouthed DON’T HELP ME OUT before standing up and as soon as she made it to the middle of the room where the whole group could see she fell on the floor , Lisa’s eyes widened she was about to go help her up but then a boy from the group stood up and went to go help her up “are you okay?” The boy asked helping her up “yeah I think so” hyein said looking at the boy “You should be careful next time okay ” the boy said “yeah I’ll make sure of it…” she said smiling at him “okay then bye”the boy let her go but before he could leave held his arm “umm I forgot to ask your name” she said smiling at him “My name’s Jungwon Yang Jungwon” Jungwon said smiling at her “and yours is?” He asked “My names Hyein , we’ll jungwon I hope I can’t see you again then” she said before letting go of his arm leaving him behind and walking over to Lisa who looked at her crazily “you are Crazyy!” Lisa said before taking the bottle of ketchup out of her hands “That guy is hella cute he’s beautiful, majestic,breath taking oh my days I think I’m gonna die” hyein said smiling holding her heart “Wow you my child fall in love very easily” Lisa said laughing “okay let’s go now” Lisa said going to grab their things “but we still have a lot of time” Hyein said pouting at her “yah I know so let’s go somewhere else” she said giving hyein her bag “fine” hyein said ,they both walked to the door but as as they went outside they saw that it was raining “It’s raining shoot I forgot to check the weather” hyein said holding her hip “let’s just wait here until it stops” Lisa said sitting down on the bench… but then the same group of boys made their way out holding umbrella’s both Lisa and hyein looked at each other before they stood up “oh my word I’m getting soaked up!” Lisa cried “me too my books are getting wet!” Hyein also said “wait you two are school kids?!” The security guard asked making them both widen their eyes “shoot!” Lisa said heart beating fast “I’m taking both of you to the police!” He said walking up to them but then someone held Lisa’s hand “if you don’t want to get in trouble follow us” the same guy said before they started running Jungwon held Hyein’s hand as they all ran away
The rain was hitting their skin , the guard was still chasing behind them that made them all run faster to their luck they outran him they all stopped running realizing that.. “ahh I’m so tired” Lisa said falling on the ground she looked to her sides and saw that they were by the river “come on let’s go” the boy said “where?” Lisa asked him “To my house of course we can’t leave you guys here it’s raining and it’s dark so follow me” he said picking her up “Hyein is that good with you?” Lisa asked hyein who seemed to be dying because of her holding Jungwon’s hand “yeah yeah let’s go” she said smiling at her “okay shall we go then?” The guy asked her Lisa nodded her head before holding his hand he looked at her “what you have to lead the way right” she said smiling at him he turned around trying to hide the smile he walked to a bridge that was leading to a forest “wait why are you going there?” Lisa asked him he turned around and said “we all live there” he said pointing to the woods “but-but we’re not supposed to go there” she said looking at hyein “says who?” He asked “that’s the rule of our town. To never enter the woods” she said letting go of his hand “well you already broke a rule right now by entering a club while being underage so why don’t you break another rule?” He said trying to convince her “I don’t know.” She said “come on Lisa I’ve always wanted to know what’s in there” hyein said looking suspiciously happy “okay fine but if I see some weird shit in there I’m running okay leaving you all” she said pointing to all 8 of them “come on stop goofing around” the guy held her hand again and made his way to the bridge “are you sure this is steady?” Lisa asked holding his hand harder he looked back at her and pulled her closer “ofc I always walk here so I know what I’m doing” he said walking faster now
“Here’s some extra clothes you can change into this” the guy said giving her some shorts and a hoodie “thank you” Lisa said smiling at him, he gave a her a smile and was about to walk out the room but then suddenly Lisa held his wrist “oh umm I forgot to umm ask your name” Lisa said standing up making eye contact with him “My-my name? Umm my names Riki Nishimura Riki but my friends call me Niki” he said blush creeping up his cheeks from her deep stares “well than Niki I hope we can get to know each other through the time we spend here” she said letting go of his wrist and walking over to the side of the bed, niki just looked at her movements not realizing he’s been staring for too long “umm aren’t you gonna get out?” Lisa asked smirking at him “oh oh yeah sorry I forgot” he said before rushing out of his room, CUTE Lisa thought to herself before changing into his clothes , she then made her way downstairs where all of the others were sitting watching a movie “ yah Lisa hurry up before the popcorn finishes” Hyein said her head was rested on Jungwon’s chest Lisa just smiled at the view this was the first guy Hyein was ever interested in she didn’t like dating or having crushes so this made Lisa happy very happy for her, she made her way over the sofa sitting next to Niki who looked at her smilingly as she sat “that hoodie looks great on you” Niki whispers into her ear making her blush at his words “thank you” she said trying to hide her smile and turned to the Tv as they all focused on the movie
Hours later Lisa woke up due to how thirsty she was when she got up she realized Niki was no where to be seen she paid no attention to it cause maybe he went back to his room to sleep there so she made her way to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water , after she was done drinking she decided to go back to the living room but then she saw Niki sitting outside the house looking at the moon Lisa decided to go and sit with him she made her way over to him and sat down next to him ,Niki just looked at her then back at the moon “the moons so pretty isn’t it?” He asked admiring it Lisa looked at him “yes it’s very beautiful” she said still looking at him “btw-” niki was about yo speak but then he saw that she was looking at him which made him blush “uhh what’s wrong do I have something on my face?” Niki asked worriedly “ no…it’s just that…you’re so beautiful” she said admiring his features, she didn’t know what she just said made him turn hella pink not even the dark sky can hide how pink his cheeks are “Y-you think so?” He asked her his heart beating fast “of course I do I mean look at you” she said leaning closer to him , Niki swallowed his saliva and licked his lips before holding her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss, her lips felt so soft against his the kiss lasted longer than they thought before they both broke the kiss to catch their breaths He looked at her smiling widely before he stood up “ can I show you something?” Niki asked excitedly “please do” Lisa said looking at his eyes as they sparkled under the star filled sky “okay here goes nothing” Niki said before he breathed in, he held out his hand and his other hand went over it when he lifted up his hand water formed on his hand, niki was the one controlling the flow of the water, Lisa looked at him eyes wide “wait wait t-that’s you doing that?” She asked standing up “yeah I’m- I’m actually a fairy well a water fairy” he said looking at her she looked at him and burst out laughing “ya you expect me to believe that ain’t no way” she said laughing “okay since you don’t believe me then how about umm-” niki thought of a way to convince her but then got an idea “okay watch closely” he said before clapping his hands and some green wings appeared on his back at that moment Lisa knew she was hallucinating cause ain’t no way this is happening “oh-okay I-I believe you” she said still looking at his wings
“Really!?” He asked her looking at her while she just smiled laughing at herself “wait I really have to take a picture of this, I need to show this to my mo-” she was interrupted when niki took her phone out of her hand “ ya what’s that for?” She asked confused “you can’t tell anyone about this not anyone not even your friend Hyein this is just OUR LITTLE SECRET okay” Niki said “oh okay I won’t” she said taking out her pinky “what’s this for?” Niki asked her looking at her pinky “it’s a pinky promise” she said holding out his pinky and intertwining his with hers “it’s to make sure that the promise doesn’t get broken okay” she smiled at him “ oh well thank you” he said smiling at her “okay let’s go inside now” Lisa said heading inside the house followed by Niki “let’s go sleep in my room I don’t think the couch is comfortable” Niki said advising her , she just nodded and made her way to his room, Niki entered his room and closed the door before making his way over to the bed “okay then goodnight Niki” Lisa said getting in the bed “ good night Lisa have sweet dreams” he said entering the covers also, Niki just stared at her until she fell asleep, he made sure she was asleep before he caressed her hair “I know you won’t tell anyone…cause I won’t ever let you leave here…I want you to be with me forever” he said before kissing her on her forehead “Goodnight my queen” he said falling into a deep slumber…
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major-trouble ¡ 2 years
fic title: the voice beyond oblivion
Hello and thank-you for your patience I hope you like your fic 💚💚💚
The Voice Beyond Oblivion
It was Friday, and someone was singing.
That was all Jaskier could piece together from the jumble of memories scattered like playing cards in his head. It was Friday, simply by virtue of the fact that he wasn't at home and he wasn't in his office.
Oh - he supposed that was one more thing. The sheets underneath and wrapped around him weren't his own. Far too clean, and smelling faintly of bleach, they were tucked so tightly he could barely move. And the bed that he was laying on was supporting him in odd ways, like he was half reclined and partially sitting up.
There was also something stuck to his face. But when he tried to move his hand to see what it was, it didn't respond. In fact, none of his limbs were responding. It was as if they were stuck in a kind of thick soup. He could feel them, but lifting them, even twitching a finger or toe, felt like a monumental effort.
The singing was getting louder.
Jaskier's brain moved slowly, rebuilding his playing-card thoughts and trying to remember why none of this felt familiar. Finally he managed to blink open his eyes, unaware he'd even had them closed.
A god stared down at him, face creased with concern. Short-cropped black hair framed a heart-shaped face with a strong widow's peak, brows drawn together over deep brown eyes. There was a frown tugging at full lips that quirked to one side when he saw Jaskier staring up at him.
"You back with me now, Florence?"
Jaskier blinked in confusion. "Wha - " he started.
"Well I'm going to assume you're not The Machine, so that'd make you Florence, right?" The man gestured to Jaskier’s t-shirt, which was, to be fair, an old band shirt he'd dug out of his cupboard that evening to go out to the bar with his friends.
Ah, his memories were slowly sorting themselves out.
Suddenly he was jostled around, the bed moving as something hit it. Or it hit something, he still wasn't sure what was happening.
"Eskel!" the god yelled over his shoulder. "Stop hitting fucking potholes when there's a patient with a concussion in the back!" He turned back to Jaskier, righting a few things that had fallen over and kicking the gurney were it had popped out of place. "For fuck’s sake," he muttered under his breath before looking back up at a bewildered Jaskier. "Can't get good help these days."
Suddenly, Jaskier realized the god-man in front of him was wearing the tell-tale outfit of a paramedic and he wasn't a god at all, but rather an angel of mercy.
His name tag said Lambert.
"Am I dead?" Jaskier blurted out.
"Not yet," Lambert deadpanned, glancing at the heart and oxygen monitor over his head. "But you did try really hard for a little bit there."
Jaskier let that sink in for a moment. He still couldn't exactly put together what had happened, and his head felt like it was two sizes too big, so he must be on some kind of painkillers.
He frowned. "Who's singing?" he asked nonsensically.
Lambert stared at him for a moment before breaking out into the most shit-eating grin Jaskier had ever seen.
"That's the siren, Florence."
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lokisprettygirl ¡ 2 years
Hey! I have a request. How about reader giving loki treats all the time like marshmallows or rice krispies, etc so loki is really nice towards them because of it and every avenger is confused about the whole scene. 🤗🤗❤
Ahaha loki definitely would have a sweet tooth 🥺💚
Sweet Tooth
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When Loki came to live at the avengers compound he was like a ferocious kitten, ready to pounce and scratch anyone who would even dare to look at him for longer than a few seconds. People only looked at him if they had a death wish.
Tony tried to involve him in his science projects which Loki gladly accepted because he loves science, it's the same as magic but as soon as tony tried to befriend him and chat up to him like an old pal, Loki took the robot they built together and broke it in half then locked him in his lab for a few hours.
Steve asked him to spar with him in order to get close to him but when he asked if he wanted to go out with other avengers for a round of drink, Loki quickly froze him into a capsicle again and then forgot for a few hours.
Bruce and Natasha never even tried to get close to him after that incident and Thor knew it was all futile for them to try to befriend his aloof brother.
So Imagine their surprise when They all found him giggling and laughing like a schoolgirl cheerleading. He was sitting with you on the couch in the living room while you two watched a movie together. You fed him a piece of pop tart from your hand, which he accepted like a little child.
"Is he drunk?" Tony questioned as they all spied from a distance so Steve shook his head.
"No I think he's high" Natasha said and Bruce nodded in agreement.
But Thor could tell that something else was developing here. As soon as Loki sensed their prying eyes, the scowl on his face returned, he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. Then he pouted a little, looking like a grumpy cat. When you noticed the change in his demeanor, you smiled, then you saw the other avengers approaching you two. Loki actually looked like the Gru from despicable me and that made you want to squeeze his cheeks. He got up from the couch, smiled as he looked at you and then left for his room.
"Wait, how did you get him to smile like that? " Tony asked you, so you just shrugged but Thor kept looking at you intently.
The other day they watched you two sharing rice krispies while he helped you cook in the kitchen. Again he was squealing like he has never done before as he munched on the crispy treat. They could never understand what you were doing for him to be so friendly with you. They were baffled by his willingness to spend time with you.
"You want a reese's my sweet boy?" You asked him as you both cleaned and redecorated his room a little, he never allowed anyone to enter his precious chamber as he called it. Only you were allowed to get in there.
"Yes please and thank you" he skipped on his steps to get to you and then you fed a piece of resse's. You watched him hum as the succulent treat melted in his mouth and it made you so happy. He's the most adorable being you have ever known in your life
When you met him the first time, he gave you the same treatment he gave everyone else, he glared at you and tried to make you get out of his way but then his eyes glanced at the wrapper of flavoured marshmallows you held in your hand and he couldn't stop looking at it. He looked up at you as you popped one in your mouth then looked at the wrapper again.
"You want to try this?" You asked him as you offered him one and he shook his head then he got visibly upset.
"You mere mortal, How dare you offer me this deficient, rubbish, scrapy -" Before he could finish his sentence you shoved a piece inside his mouth with a little force, he glared at you as you dared to commit such insolence but as soon as he felt the marshmallow melting in his mouth his eyes softened, his expressions changed and he hummed in glee.
And that's when you knew you had discovered the Kryptonite that brought the aloof god of mischief to his knees. Not literally but you know. He slowly started to warm up to you, you always treated him with something new and something delicious, he had a sweet tooth and you made full use of that knowledge. The more time he spent with you, the more open and comfortable he got with you. The more you fed him those scrumptious little treats, the more he decided that he actually liked this mortal. Really really liked this little mortal.
One day when you went to the dining area for breakfast, you noticed Steve, Tony, Bruce and Natasha were there with a variety of sweet treats, indulging and enjoying while Loki just sat there glaring at them. He huffed and fumed once in a while. You sat down next to him and held his hand underneath the table and his eyes softened instantly. He must really want those treats but he was never going to ask.
"Nat, can you pass me the cake please?" You asked Natasha and she passed you the cake so you cut two big sized pieces off it and put them on your plate
"I'm gonna enjoy this in my room" you got up and loki looked at you, pleading with his puppy eyes to take him with you
"Loki? I have that book you ordered, come I'll give it to you" you told him and he understood your signal.
Then you walked out and Loki stood up and cleared his throat then he proceeded to follow you, but then he turned around and looked at all of them.
"I appreciate you all trying to lure me into befriending you all with delicious treats"
Everyone smiled as they looked at him, thinking that they finally must have figured out a way to talk to him.
"But it's not just the sweets that makes me want to be her friend and be around her"
He glared at them as he said that, but his cheeks flushed cherry pink as he confessed. Then he turned around and left, leaving them to contemplate over this new piece of information.
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grogusmum ¡ 3 years
The Sharpie
As Told By Grogu Djarin
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A/N: Maia @honestly-shite and I had milestone celebrations around the same time so when they posted this wonderful piece (link to original post) for a request I made. It was so sweet and so sassy Grogu getting up to shenanigans, I felt a little story coming on! So I decided to use it as a prompt for a little drabble as told by Grogu. I have done some clean up and editing from the original reblog comment.
Warnings: quick mention of food other than that just Grogu sass and shenanigans.
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Okay so everyone knows I love the food on Earth. But another thing I like about Earth is crayons...and... and paper...paints... and markers! We make lots of fun things and you let me use all kinds of art stuff EXCEPT the sharpies, I do not know why they are called that, Dad doesn't either...
They are not sharp at all. But they are markers- permanent markers! But not really permanent, only mostly permanent... only when I used then to decorate the wall with pictures of me and Dad and the Razor Crest and stuff... plus also when I tried to fill in the blank spots on Tabitha so she was an all-black kitty for Halloween, you told me they are permanent enough and I lost my sharpie privilege, which means you put them way high where "I can not reach" I used the quote marks cuz I was told it is sarcasm, cuz I can reach everything. You did not know this yet, but Dad does. I think he was hoping I would forget about them. But I will not forget! They are bright and smelly and work on everything, not mostly everything...
E V E R Y T H I N G !
Like walls and cats, which I now understand is a mistake. (I am very sorry, again, Tabitha. Thank for not being mad at me.)
Anyways, Dad needed to fix a thing on the Razor Crest cuz it is old and always needs something fixed. And you had chores on top of the cottage! On top!!
So after some baseless insinuations about me needing "constant supervision", (see the quote marks) you asked Dad to take me with him. So he did, which I do not mind because even though I love Jupiter Cottage, I miss that place! It is the place where me and Dad became family.
Anyways, Dad opens a small panel and starts to fix some wiring (I do not do electrical work anymore!) and he was telling me about what he was doing... psst and about you, he likes you a lot! But I don't know what all he said cuz it was time for my game of being Dad in the Razor Crest, and being a Mandadalorian. So I took the sharpie out... and oops some goldfishes fell out of the snack holes of my robe, so I just ate them up quick, and then I drawed a Mando visor on my face, cuz I do not have my own helmet, obviously.
I do not know if Dad heard the cap come off? Or could smell the smelly marker? But he turned around speedy quick and was all, No! Not the pen!! And thinking about which shenanigans I am into!
Uh oh!! He got all still. Oooo, is he mad, I thought to just myself, cuz he looked mad. But he did not feel mad. Then his shoulders did some shakes, then he laughed and just sat with me. Then he shaked his head and sighed a what am I gonna do with my very best boy! sigh. It one of my favorites.
Then he brought me up to the cockpit and put me on his lap in his chair and let me press all the buttons and pull the all levers and everything!!!
He told me, good flying, Mandalorian!
The End.
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Thanks for reading 💚
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@beskarboobs @firstofficerwiggles @pascalpanic @gingib @melody13522 @what-iwish-you-knew
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