#twst leech twins
twst-quotes · 28 days
Floyd: if I'm losing a fight I'm biting you. Can't beat em eat em.
Jamil: oh my god, someone send him back to the sea
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skyyletai · 1 year
the author has not yet reached chapter 5, but I'm already on the sixth. 😎🥸🤓
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foxglovepng · 2 months
Mafia Eel Theory🌼🥀
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Requested: Nope
CW: Mafia, Murder Mentions, Fish Racism(?), Kidnapping Mentions, Black Market Mentions, Selling body parts Mentions, Violence.
Characters: Floyd & Jade slight mention of Azul.
Some parts of this may get a little dark and deep however these are just my opinions and interpretations from other theories I have read.
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
Not proofread
I personally LOVE this theory once I read a post about it I was in love and now it has me gripped by the neck.
The Leech and Ashengrotto family are DEFINITELY business partners. I will die on that hill
When it comes to the TWST universe I believe there is a black market (just like IRL) and well the black market is shady because you can quite literally SELL BODY PARTS. So I think you can do that with the non-human people in TWST.
I feel Mer-folk people are highly targeted victims of this especially since you can eat fish as well.
There is a mention that Floyd doesn't like shackles and I think that when he was younger he was kidnapped by hunters trying to sell him.
They obviously lost because it has been mentioned that their parents have a lot of connections, so they definitely did not get far.
Don't quote me on this, but I believe it was mentioned somewhere that when the twins were younger they started self defense classes I feel like their parents would be afraid if they were to go on land they would probably get jumped by some of their families enemies and also of course so they can protect themselves from harm.
Their dad most likely is the head of their buisness/mafia/mob whatever you wanna call it and their mom probably helps with deals and whatnot.
After NRC they most likely will help with their parents with the Mafia business and if Azul and his parents are involved they could probably dominate the whole world /hj
I feel like also because of their Mafia scheme they were probably exposed to murder and violence at such a young age which is kind of sad.
Like imagine 5-year-old Jade and Floyd wanting a goodnight kiss and going to their parents to see their dad beating in the face in of someone. Kinda traumatizing.
They probably also represent their parents a bit. Like for example Floyd might be more like his dad and Jade more like his mom.
Their mom definitely has a garden full of poisonous plants for their enemies and talks with Jade a lot about plants and mushrooms.
Their dad definitely roughhouses with them a lot maybe with Floyd a bit more. Like Floyd could be minding his own business staring at the wall thinking about what he wants to eat and his dad will just tackle him to the ground.
They tend to 'drop' people if they find them boring and won't hesitate to do so. This probably came from the fact that clients or potential business partners try to do business but their tactics are boring so they get dropped easily.
In theory Mafia Leech family is cannon in my heart <3
If you liked feel free to reblog and like. If you want to request something feel free to go to my requests page or if you just want to share your thoughts go ahead.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hello! Hope you are taking care of yourself.
If it is okay, and hasn’t been done before, may I ask you a twisted wonderland scenario. I would like to read one involving the Octotrio (separately) and a half merperson s/o. I was thinking the s/o is fully human without a merform,but is perfectly fine breathing underwater without a potion.
Sorry if this has been done before.
Hi, thank you for the ask! This is really interesting, hope you like it!
Azul, Jade, Floyd x half-merperson!reader
He wouldn't have guessed you could breathe underwater without magic until you showed him one day. You also suggested visiting his home during the break, which he would've wholeheartedly supported had it not been for his self-esteem issues
He thinks he looks hideous in his merform, but that insecurity was something you could relate to. Whenever you visited your mother, who was a mermaid, you could feel the stares of other merfolk and the whispers about your identity from your classmates. You didn't feel like you belonged on land nor under the sea. That was why when you met Azul, you understood his position and if anything helped him heal from his old scars. He also made a promise to help you in your journey of self-healing as well
The two of you probably don't go underwater often because of schoolwork but also because you two don't really like going back home. However, it is a bit fun to race from time to time (though he always loses)
I feel like he would be really chill with your status as a half merperson. He thinks it's something you should be proud of and not ashamed of at all. If anything, he loves you for who you are. Besides, you're the best of both worlds!
He thought you were completely human because of your vast knowledge in above-the-sea nature. However, you surprised him when you chased him underwater when trying to get Ace and Deuce's contracts removed haha
He doesn't have any issues with you being half-human, he's just a very curious person and will ask a lot of questions. How is it like being able to breathe underwater but not having the form of a merperson? How did your parents meet? Things like that. Let him know if the questions are awkward though since he doesn't want to seem insincere
The two of you probably spend more time above water because he likes the land more than the sea. He'll often take you on walks and you two probably go mushroom hunting together. It's a lot of just calm fun. However, if you ever decide to visit him back in your hometown he'll gladly accept
Similar to Azul he loves you for who you are. Whoever tries to hurt you for your identity will end up getting scared off by Jade (or worse they could get beat up). He's a bit protective of you, so expect an arm around your waist during most walks
Pushed you into a lake for fun but realized you weren't coming out of the water after a long time. He started to get worried but when he dived in he saw you just sitting in there and like waiting to scare him back. "YOU CAN BREATHE?!" he probably shouts and you laugh while nodding
He thinks it's really cool that you can be both human and merperson at the same time, though he would've thought it would be cool to see you in a merform. However he still loves you for who you are, and if you can breathe underwater that means you two can race in the sea as well
Floyd is more of a water person than his brother, so you two might have swim dates a lot. The school isn't that far from a seashore so you two might hang out around there a lot. He likes to take you on fast swims or just sit in the water with you while talking. It's a nice calm feeling. However, the two of you might also enjoy playing basketball together, which he always gets competitive about and you two usually bet buying each other dinner haha
Similar to Jade he's a bit protective. Anyone who tries to make fun of you for being half merperson will likely get squeezed :/. Just know that he truly loves you for who you are and thinks you're amazing. Who knows, he'll probably invite you over to his place over the break!
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elysia-nsimp · 5 months
TWST Headcanons!
Hi everyone! This is the second post in the series where I share with y’all my headcanons for the twst characters.
On todays chopping block, the loves of my life, the fuckers that haunt my every waking moment, the Leech twins!
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Alright, let’s get started! There’s a lot to cover, so let’s just touch on physical changes right now.
Both of them look less human, YIPPEE
Their ear fins from their eel forms show even in their more human form. (Floyd’s are broader and face outward, while Jade’s are thinner and face upwards)
Their yellow eye is brighter and constantly gives off a dim light (which gets brighter the darker it is around them)
Their lips and eyelids have a soft teal tint to them
The purple under their eyes is just a lighter variant of their dorm uniform makeup.
Both of them carried over the spots from their eel form in the form of teal freckles across their faces.
Floyd paints his nails! Sometimes Jade does as well.
We don’t really know if it’s canon or not, but the twins have pharyngeal jaws in the back of their throats like real life moray eels.
Great! So what does that all mean?
These changes are actually pretty straight-forward.
The twins revel in freaking people out. Floyd especially doesn’t particularly care how human he looks, so the both of them kind of alter how much of their Be Human medication they take to appear more or less human (they are absolutely not supposed to do this but there’s no major repercussions). All of the physical changes are just bits and pieces of their true forms shining through. They can appear more like they do in canon the higher dosage of their Be Human meds they take.
Any new abilities?
Yes, as a matter of fact! Let’s talk about them!
The twins are sirens, not normal merfolk like Azul. When they sing (genuinely), anyone in earshot will feel compelled to move towards them. They both use this just to mess with people.
Both of them can purr as well, as well as a lot of other more animalistic sounds (ex: tongue clicks either when pleased or in Hunting Mode, they’re very different clicks, a deep growl from the backs of their throats, soft chips when content, even a sound kind of like barking etc etc). These are all things they can do no matter what form they take. Also in Hunting Mode (TM), their pupils get thinner.
The twins are hermaphroditic, like regular eels, meaning they can change their sex.
Other things about merfolk culture that should be noted!
They don’t celebrate the same holidays we do. It’s more seasonal than specific days… except birthdays!
Gift giving is seen as a romantic courting ritual. Be careful when giving the twins gifts, because they might immediately assume it’s romantic unless you state otherwise… Floyd especially.
Biting is TYPICALLY an affectionate show from eelmers, especially if they make an effort to not break any skin. Cheek, hair, and hand biting are more platonic, while shoulder and ear biting are more romantic. Biting can also be a playful gesture (Floyd randomly bites Jade's arm when he's bored, for example)
They speak a whole ass other language in the Coral Sea, so the twins are multilingual.
…I’m not gonna say cannibalism is normalized… but……
Elvers (all children really) often huddle together like otters do to avoid floating away from one another. Most of the time, they have to hide in small holes between rocks if they don't have a structurally sound home to stay in.
Wait, this wasn’t in my Jamil post! And correct you are, viewer whom I am 100% projecting onto! Jamil’s backstory didn’t change much, but we don’t really… know much about the twins’ backstory. Because of this… let’s just say I did a lot.
To be fair most of it is in relation to Floyd, rather than Jade, as I worked more on Floyd. A friend of mine does way more with Jade than I do, so assume my comments about Jade are references to that friend.
So I’m not gonna say the twins’ family is running a mafia… but….
Anyway, let’s meet their parents, Hitori and Mirai Leech. Hitori sure wants to be a good father, but he’s… not doing well. Mirai is also trying her best, but she’s doing better. The twins do not appreciate their father, but they love their Momma very much. :)
Eels can have clutches of maybe 10,000 eggs, so… imagine how many siblings they had! Many didn’t even hatch, some died after hatching… some may or may not have been eaten, but then, there were the ones that made it to childhood. There were several, really. More than just the twins.
The Leech family had to move often due to NOT mafia reasons, so they were nearly always on the move from one place to another. During their travels, some elvers would wander off and never return, some were hunted by bigger predators, some even gave themselves up so the rest of the family could eat. Everyone was always sad when they lost another, but it became so normal that the twins grew… mostly numb to it.
Once the family was solidified in one place, and… nearly all of the twins siblings were already gone, the elvers could actually start going to school. While Jade was rather solitary, Floyd was… Floyd, really. Always up and moving, clearly undiagnosed auDHD, unable to fully control his emotions, the whole ordeal. His parents got a LOT of notes from teachers and other staff that he was a PROBLEM at school.
This turned into evening arguments, groundings, lectures, all sorts of things. Floyd hated hearing “why can’t you be calm like your brother?” time and time again. He was trying, but it hurt so bad. It got to the point where Floyd tried to run away, like several siblings before him, on SEVERAL occasions. He was always either found days later, or dejectedly came home, hungry and wanting dinner… Jade worried one day Floyd would leave and never come home, but he always came home somehow.
Of course, the twins met Azul in elementary school and forcibly became friends with him then, but really, he was their only friend.
At one point, late elementary, Floyd had enough of all the nagging because of his behaviour. One day, Floyd just went dead silent. No one could get him to talk. Not his parents, not Jade, not Azul. This lasted YEARS. No one could truly figure out why he did this, as he wouldn’t… yknow. Tell them. Now, only notes of concern for Floyd came in from teachers. With each passing week of no noise from Floyd, everyone grew more and more concerned.
In late middle school, maybe a half a year before the NRC acceptance letter came in, Jade was talking to Floyd, hoping he’d get his brother to snap out of his silence, when Floyd suddenly spoke again. All he said was “Jade, I hate myself.”
It turned into a conversation about Floyd’s mistreatment—how he was jealous that Jade was so seemingly perfect, while he couldn’t do anything right, and how their parents had always wished he was more like Jade… Jade expressed similar feelings of inadequacy, which… turned into both of them crying while hugging the other.
Jade asked Floyd to make him a promise. A promise to never hide who he was, even if others didn’t want to accept it. It hurt more to see him force down every part of himself than anything else… Floyd agreed, saying he’d try.
That brings us to their acceptance at NRC, alongside Azul. Floyd needed a few months in their first year to fully recover from his habits, but without familial pressure to hold him back, he opened back up. That brings us to the Floyd we know and love today. Jade is incredibly proud of Floyd’s progress, actually, but he’s still scared that Floyd may disappear one day and he’ll lose it all.
Haha. Abandonment issues from both of them frfr.
Anyway, that’s the basics of the backstory… mostly from Floyd’s perspective (and off the top of my head). I may add more about Jade’s perspective if I REMEMBER more
Other headcanons
Assorted other stuff, as usual~
While both of the twins go by he/him, neither are cis. Floyd is genderfluid, Jade is agender. Floyd is also pan, while Jade is ace. They joke about how Floyd took all the gender and sexuality in the eggs.
These fuckers EXTREMELY AUTISTIC. Both of them. They’re so autistic it’s unbelievable. Actually they’re both ADHD/ADD as well. And depression
Floyd has BPD.
Concept from twistedblunderhand here on Tumblr, but Floyd especially is understimulated on land due to the lack of water pressure! The pressure gives the feeling of a weighted blanket, so it’s easier to reign in focus when underwater.
Their strand of black hair is actually a hair extension made from their mother’s hair. It’s tradition in her family to give a part of yourself, literally, to loved ones so you can always be with them, even when apart.
Floyd swaps sexes during his afab peers’ time of the month “so they don’t have to feel alone” in the all-boys college. Jade also swaps sexes from time to time for a range of reasons. Both of them hate it when the other does that because their scent changes drastically.
Jade keeps a journal of all his siblings who were lost over the years. Every single entry has their name, the age they were lost, and everything he knows or remembers about them, including any happy memories. The journal is one of his most prized possessions.
Floyd absolutely does not take notes in classes. Instead, his notebooks are full of drawings and sketches. He took up drawing to pass time on land!
The twins are used to being showered in gifts from “family friends” they don’t really care about on their birthday.
Floyd's hugs CAN be deadly, but he has a pretty good sense of his own strength. When hugging people he DOESN'T want to crack the spine of, he's very good at not hugging too tight.
Jade collects shiny trinkets :)
Jade has a major case of golden child syndrome in the worst way possible (for him, that is)
Because of needing to huddle together as elvers, both twins are rather cuddly once they've deemed you trustworthy. It's not a shocker for Floyd, but not many people really think of Jade as a cuddly type.
Also, if the twins like you, they may randomly appear to protect you from the most minor things, as something as simple as a limp or a sore wrist could mean death in the Coral Sea. Just know, if they're overprotective of you, it's likely because they (Floyd especially) have trouble distinguishing what's a major threat verses a minor threat on land.
^ Going off of the above, yes they will back off if you ask them too, but it will make them VERY anxious. If you don't like the overprotectiveness, you may have to assure them you're NOT gonna die from tripping over a rock.
And there you go! May edit to add more if I think of more, but until then, enjoy my headcanons of the Leech twins! BTW, I'm absolutely not demeaning any of the morally grey aspects of either character. Those are absolutely still a part of them, but since that doesn't really change with my AU/headcanons, I don't have much to talk about in regards to that.
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emyluwinter · 5 months
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Floyd-Bro, check out how soft he is. Jade - Oh, those cheeks are clouding my mind. Utah - Is "personal space" a joke for you?!
Gemini is very fond of soft things (and people). No one will convince me of this. Do they need an anti-stress ball or something like that?
Boys, keep your distance. You don't have the genre to do such things.
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not-harukal524 · 1 year
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the leech brothers sketch on my dinky iphone…. my fingerrrrrr _φ(・_・
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kelolololol · 9 months
ror loki looks EXACTLY like the twisted wonderland twins long lost brother I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THEM
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
I just noticed smt and idk if anyone saw this but
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The twins are eating octopus based meals.
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You can't tell me they don't know what they're doing, this is so disturbing but hilarious at the same time.
Floyd is probably like : "And so that is-, I mean was your cousin before she was turned into food."
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twst-quotes · 30 days
Azul: dammit the power went out
Floyd: don't worry boss, I got this
[shaking rapidly and starts to illuminate]
Azul: what-
Floyd: I swallowed a flashlight
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skyyletai · 1 year
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— ◉⁠‿⁠◉
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beetea07 · 7 months
Floyd and Jade what are you doing in the anime boy Sanrio website?
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mister-mizu · 11 months
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floyd leech as drawn by my finger on the computer trackpad
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antoinettedoodles · 5 months
The Twins
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Characters: Jade Leech (Upper Left) and Floyd Leech (Upper right), Asami (Lower Left) and Aoi Yuuki (Lower right)
Asami belongs to @/Julianartsuu on Instagram!
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
hi hiii, can I request octa-trio catching their s/o pretending to be them with their clothes and hat?
Using cringe lines ,weird posing and high or low pitched voice?
+ saying their unique magic
"It's A Deal"
"Shock The Heart"
"Bind The Heart"
Hello, thank you for the ask! This was an interesting thing to write haha
Octavinelle Trio finds you acting their unique magic out
He was done with work that was required out in the lounge and headed back to his office where you said you would be staying for your studying
However, when he returned, he didn't see you buried in paper and rather saw you standing up, his fedora on your head, and making up some fake deal with an imaginary person
"Heheh, wise choice my guy, it's a deal!" you say while pushing up your imaginary glasses and pointing at the bookshelf as if there was someone there. He doesn't know if he should feel bad for seeing your poor acting skills or get completely flustered to see you in his hat, but he just chooses to find the whole situation really cute.
"What are you doing? Don't tell me this is how i look in public," Azul laughs, embarrassed but finding it adorable nonetheless that you attempted to act out his unique magic. "If you ever need a deal for your homework though, just know that I'm available my dear."
He was done with the busy work he was always in charge of for the lounge. Knowing that you would be back in Ramshackle, he decided to give you a visit with a free snack from the lounge because he knew you were probably studying and needed some energy boost
When he knocked on your door and you didn't respond, he just assumed you would be alright with him coming in and looking for you haha. However, he wasn't ready to see you repeating "Shock The Heart" over and over again in front of a mirror in different poses. You had taken his hat earlier that day, and now you were basically practicing his unique magic
He stood watching you, laughing lightly to himself. He now has a lot of things to tease you with for the week. With that, he makes his presence known by clapping slowly and walking over to you. It startles you, causing you to nearly fall over
"I didn't know you were such a big fan of my unique magic," he lifts your chin up to face him. "Might want to work on the voice a little though, I don't know if I sound so cute."
Similar to Jade except he snuck away from work because he was starting to get bored with whatever it was that Azul had assigned him with that day. He went looking for you in Ramshackle instead, running over and knocking on the door
You weren't responding, so he just climbed through the window :/. When he entered the dorm he heard your voice, specifically a laugh and then "Bind The Heart" with a loud voice. You were wearing his hat while practicing in front of a mirror and making some flashy sound effects.
He immediately took out his phone and recorded the whole thing. Then he immediately let his presence be known by running over and tackling you. "Shrimpy you sound so cute!"
"F-Floyd, how long were you here?!" You try to hide your face as he takes back his fedora and laughs. "Long enough to see you pretend to be me. Honestly you need to be more menacing than that to be like me." Be prepared for a week of teasing from this guy.
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