#vent thingy i think
mu5a · 1 month
i was debating adding different options but people tend to use more than one social media platform lol
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theshalesky · 2 months
I'm the one next to the shy girl. You know the story - Tale as old as time: "I don't want friends." "I don't need friends." You can't escape fate, darling, This story is about you. She sits there, brooding, In the middle of the frame. Alone, but her world doesn't feel the lack Like mine does. I'm sorry, i'm not supposed to talk about myself. No vast empty space Like a pit in your stomach Or if it's there, it will soon Be filled. In this story, every Jack has a Jill. They come up to her laughing, talking, smiling. "You're new, right?" "Wanna come sit with us during lunch?" Or maybe "We're in this group project together, right?" They're interested In her. She's interesting. What has she done to be interesting? She is just sitting there!! And yet "We live in the same street, right?" "Did you do that math homework?" "Are you coming on the field trip?" So many questions! They're asking Questions. They want to get to know her although SHE IS JUST SITTING THERE. I'm sitting there too. Right next to her, actually. But no one notices because The camera will never focus on me. This girl found her family and will be happy - Oh, it's so nice that the shy girl found friends. Everyone nods: That's how the world works. And i wonder: Are you all living in stories? Because there's one thing i can say for sure. I am not in a story. I'm the one watching it. And although i'm close So close to the shy girl that you might think i'm like her I will never Be seen by any camera. I have to claw my way to a place half as comfortable as hers. Because the fate in my world Doesn't hand out friends Like an author does.
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jmrothwell · 2 months
. . .
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dysonbradleyreblogs · 3 months
I think I just lost 2 good friends
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thethingything · 3 months
I would love to know why we keep feeling so sick and getting really bad abdominal cramps within like an hour or so of eating even if we have stuff that's normally a safe food for us
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borkb · 4 months
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so fucking pissed rn
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fgooooooo · 2 years
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A healthy Norton must have his axolotl stub or else he will overheat!!
A Norton may have gelled (jelled????) Or styled hair as a treat™ for several hours BUT must not go beyond 24 hours.
Having no stub means that he will overheat!!
The winter is getting colder now, remember to fluff up your Norton's and keep them warm!! Earmuffs! Gloves! Big fluffy jackets! Cute fuzzy socks!!!
[this is a joke, please don't take it seriously (。・ω・。)ノ♡]
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inkydoc · 9 months
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what am i supposed to do with all this now that it cannot be contained?
kind of a pair to an older drawing, a bottle of emotions
even though the bottle got bigger it still wasn't enough it seems... but also maybe that's a good thing? it is a bit brighter now that things are a little more free than before.
here is a version without the dark shards, i only put in those to mimic the original drawing... it really shows how much brighter the new one is, doesn't it?
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could probably put back the lid, minimise the damage and bottle whatever can be bottled, and to a certain extent i am doing that... but maybe i shouldn't. honestly don't know...
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autistic-katara · 9 months
u ever get mad at urself for getting overly upset abt smthn but then realise actually this is a pretty normal reaction to that information and ur just kinda desensitised to that kinda stuff
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theuwuafterhours · 1 year
I tried to go out by myself w/o my fam to the mall and I feel like some people are avoiding me like the plague lol, is it how I look or only bc I speak English..? Is it my hair? I mean tbf I look like a even a traffic cone or even walking orange lmao 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊 🍊
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kitsuna21 · 8 months
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I was birthed today
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jankwritten · 1 year
tw: vent post
tonight is one of those nights where every single thing feels negative and i don't know why. like everything feels like it's wrong and bad. i feel like i'm failing somehow when i'm literally not even doing anything. i love christmas so much but holy fucking shit does it destroy me mentally every fucking year.
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condomatsu · 1 year
VENT ABOUT HS ACT 6 (a little epilogues and HS2 too)
there's a lot of hate in this post, characters and ships aren't safe, you have been warned.
Everytime i think about what act 6 did to all the characters (ESPECIALLY dave and vriska), i get so much angry i seriously wanna scream.
I dont hate everything about act 6, but it was so GARBAGE. And also seeing that "davekat" moment in the near-end of the comic (after egbert changes the timeline with that juju), it makes me go PURE RAGE! Not just because i fucking hate that ship which really has NO REASON to be canon, but because kk, when hes with dave, acts SO DIFFERENT IN A BAD WAY AND I HATE IT I ABSOLUTELLY HATE IT!
And dont get me start with dave. Its like they wanted to develop his character, but they got lost half way through it. I despise whatever fucking cry-baby dave is in act 6.
Vriska was absolutelly ruined by the end. Her character was going so well!! And then BOOM! Sorry guys, you wanted a redeemed but coherent vriska? Lmao, get fucked. Instead we have this all-problem-solving-friendly vriska, who can solve everything! Even stuff she shouldnt be involved with, like, idk, rose drinking problems???
And no one talks about sollux and aradia, but really: sol finally escapes his responabilities with the game, he doesnt want to have NOTHING to do with it, at all. And of course everyone knows it. But aradia? No, she has to take him to vriska and get him involved again. And he basically cant escape, since he depends on her because hes blind and has to wait feferi and nepeta to get him the fuck out of there. Theres no way aa didnt know sol would have hate being there, but it is implied they havent talked about it until sollux decide to go away. Arent they, idk, fucking moirails?
And beta kids. Ive read again act 1 recently, and they are friends and so lovable with each other. It all get lost during act 6. Its not like they arent friends anymore or they hate each other or stuff like that, but DAMN they sure have changed and still not solved anything!!
And fucking kanaya? Even in the fandom, now she and rose are basically no one if not "the lesbians". Yes, i do ship them, i do love their relationship, but in act 6 they lost their character traits and where reduce just to "sappho lesbian" and "alcoholic lesbian" and thats it.
And the fuckin alpha trolls??? I hate every single one of them, i love only the version of them that i have IN MY MIND and the potential they had and it was compleatelly waste. I 100000% hate kankri and i hate mituna even more, beacuse i remember being intrigued by him: everyone was talking about his sacrifice and how a good person he is and all i saw was this stupid shitty ableist "representation".
And the alpha kids and their stupid fucking disney channel teenagers love problems that go fucking nowhere. Literally only roxy has a character development and a decent arc, the rest SUCK AS HELL.
And lord fucking english. Hes boring af, caliborn is annoying af, but still hes the "main villain"??? And also another -10000 point to dave: he was supposed to beat the shit out of lord english, cuz theyre both time-something, and it was a good way to make dave not a fucking pussy anymore but NOPE! Now hes even lower than he was before!!
And my friends ask me why i dont wanna read the epilogues or homestuck2??? Im fucking terrified here. What the fuck do you want me to read when i know some stuff that happends (because of non voluntary spoilers i found around in the fandom) and all of i know its disgusting??? My n.1 notp becomes canon, nonsense drama happens, rose cheating kanaya!? Jane and jake are together and jane is a cunt!?? Do you really want me to read some bullshit like this???
Fuck everything. Act 6 never happend, the epilogues and hs2 dont exist. Fuck evrything again.
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star-scrambled · 1 year
blaugghhhh i need better Tumblr tags and i need to figure out my themeeeeee
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purring-tiefling · 1 year
not vent but vent. like. i think i would attribute anything negative to venting. anyways it's in the tags
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