#veronica mars fanfictions
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peakotp · 1 month
The moment I abbreviated “awkward reunions after years apart” to “bygones.”
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horsegirlhob · 24 days
Back in my day when you were obsessed with a piece of media you just googled that piece of media and clicked through every link google provided for hours on end until your parents told you it was time for bed.
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allthevmff · 1 month
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Chemical Reactions
by secrets_and_lie
Remember how Logan said he'd be there for her if she needed anything? Yeah, so does Veronica. Just because they've broken up, it doesn't mean they're over. Also contains an actual case.
The Veronica Mars LiveJournal Archive Project was inspired by the VM 20th Anniversary Celebration
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takadasaiko · 11 months
One Turn at a Time (a Veronica Mars oneshot)
Summary: Logan buys a safe for the apartment and Veronica has questions.
One Turn at a Time
She would have walked right past the box if she hadn't recognized the safemaker label plastered on the side of it. Instead Veronica found herself pausing, already halfway to the second step towards her apartment, but rather than continuing up, she backtracked to bend down and take a closer look at what would have looked like a discarded package to anybody else.
Oh. She knew this version. Fireproof, waterproof, dial combination, and small enough to be tucked away and easily overlooked. It also would fit nicely in an apartment like hers, but she couldn't imagine any of her neighbors having the wherewithal to bother with a safe. "Who do you belong to?" she muttered as she circled the package to look for the delivery label.
Logan Echolls.
Veronica blinked, re-reading her boyfriend's name. Logan had ordered a safe. Interesting. He had a small one that he stored his firearm in. That had come with him when he'd officially moved his things in following Dick selling his previous residence, but as far as she had seen he didn't keep anything else that warranted a locked safe. At least not by his standards. If they ever were robbed the thief could easily bypass her sparse jewelry for his watch and a few other odds and ends that he'd indulged in. The Navy had certainly taught him how to downsize to the essentials, but he was still Logan. The day he stopped enjoying all nice things was the day she started to worry about him.
This particular model was mid-range. As small safes went, it wasn't the most expensive he could have gone with, but it was on the list of safes that she would have recommended if he'd bothered to ask. Which he hadn't. Not that she was going to read into that. Nope. Not her. That didn't mean that she couldn't try to figure out why he'd ordered it, though.
It was compact, with multiple shelves and a warranty, if the worst ever happened and their apartment flooded - not likely as far off the water as they were or the fact that they were three levels up - or caught fire, whatever was hidden away would be safe.
"The neighbors order something awkward from Amazon again?"
Veronica popped up and out of her squat at the sound of Logan's voice behind her, whirling to find him with that lopsided smile of his. He was still dressed in his Navy uniform, cap perched on his head and hands stuffed in the pockets of his khaki slacks. She felt her breath leave her lungs at the sight that she wasn't sure she was ever going to quite get used to. Or wanted to, for that matter. "It's yours, actually," she said as she finally recovered.
He shot her a questioning look and leaned in. She watched his brows dance upward as he took in the name on the box. "Hey, I've been waiting for that."
"Got some high-priced merchandise you need to stash away?" she teased as he leaned down to inspect the weight and gauge his best way to get it upstairs.
"Just the usuals. There was a built-in safe at Dick's place, so I've been meaning to get one here. It should fit in the corner next to the desk. That good?"
"It's your place too," Veronica offered and saw that goofy smile he flashed her any time she referred to the apartment as theirs. It was official. It had been that or he was buying a place of his own. That would have led to your place or mine discussions every night that could easily end in separate sleeping arrangements and she hadn't had any interest in that. They'd spent enough time apart and sooner or later he would be back out in deployment. She wanted him close. Needed him close, and he seemed to feel the same. For two loners they did crave each other's presence. That had to be a good sign, right?
"Veronica?" His voice startled her out of her thoughts and she found him standing with the boxed safe balanced in his arms and a look like she'd been completely zoned out. "You mind grabbing the door?"
"Right," she huffed and dug for her keys. She found them and Logan carefully hauled the safe up the stairs and set it down inside. A few minutes later he was changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, seated on the floor with his long legs crossed and fiddling with the shiny new safe.
Veronica leaned back against the kitchen counter to watch him as he reset the code. "You afraid we're gonna burn the place down?" she teased.
His lips tugged outward a little into a tight smile as he unfolded himself from the floor and started down the hall. "More worried about the Air BnB'ers every spring break," he called out from their room, and when he returned he had a box in his hand that he had brought with him when he had moved in. He re-took his seat and pried the flaps in the box open to start looking through it.
She watched as he started to pull items out that she hadn't known were tucked away there. A photo in a half-melted frame of his mother at a red carpet event and an old, worn letter that had been laminated for protection. He held a lighter that she'd seen following his mother's death between his fingers, flicking the zippo lid up and down, soft brown gaze fixed on it and Veronica felt her lips tilt down. "The fire," she acknowledged softly, realizing why he was so intent on having a way to salvage a few things that he held dear to him and kicking herself for the flippant remarks. She should have realized it before. They didn't talk about it. They had never really talked about it. It wasn't like they'd been on the best of terms as his war with the PCHers had escalated to new and dangerous heights in their senior year of high school. In all the things that they'd discussed over the years, that simply wasn't one of them. She wondered if it should have been.
Logan offered her a small, sheepish smile. "Yeah, I learned my lesson."
Veronica pushed off of the cabinets and took a careful seat next to him. He didn't seem to have a problem with the way she peered into his box of carefully procured keepsakes, but even as she did she felt like she was pushing right up against a boundary. She just wasn't sure if he wasn't enforcing it because he was too focused on the items and memories or if he really was comfortable with her in the middle of it all. Slowly, carefully, Veronica let her finger trace lightly down his wrist and he didn't stop her when she picked up another old photo that showed signs of fire damage. It was the four of them: her, Duncan, Logan, and Lilly. They'd been sophomores that year - save Lilly, a year older than the rest of them - and falling over each other over some inside joke that she couldn't even remember. The camera - whoever had held it - had captured Logan and Veronica sharing a glance between them, amusement evident as their significant others tumbled over themselves. They'd been so young. So carefree. "I had no idea you still had this," she whispered at last.
"One of the few things that survived," he said quietly.
Veronica risked a glance at him, trying to gauge how open he was to talking about this. "Did the fire department let you go in to get what you could after?"
Logan's lips stretched into a thin and mirthless smile. "Let would probably be a stretch. They had the whole thing barricaded off and said it was structurally unsound once they got the fire out."
"So how did you get these?
"I just waited until they'd cleared out and went anyway. No one really cared."
The words struck an old nerve. Didn't care if he went in, didn't care if he got hurt alone in there, didn't care if the house fell on him and crushed him. She knew what he meant and Veronica balanced precariously on the thin line between sympathy and anger. She pulled in a steadying breath and forced the hardness in her tone to soften a bit at the edges, even if they left no room for argument. "People cared. Duncan, me…."
"I didn't exactly make it easy for anybody to want anything to do with me then," he huffed and she reached out, her fingers light on his bicep. He offered a sad, distant smile at the touch.
There was a long moment, then another while Veronica searched for something to say. Every response felt so hollow, as if the only purpose of it was to try to make him feel better - maybe to make her feel a little better too - but no matter how many ways she tried to mentally rearrange the words, they didn't line up with what had happened. At least Duncan had given him a place to live, but neither of them had really checked in to see how Logan was doing. They had been focused on their own lives - the bus crash, everything that had followed with Meg and, yes, a few bitter feelings on Veronica's side left over from hers and Logan's first attempt at a relationship - and Logan had always worn indifference like body armor. Easy to miss unless you knew what to look for.
And she had known. Or at least she should have.
Veronica leaned in, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"It was a long time ago." He loosed a breath, tilting his head so that it was leaned against the top of her own. "'A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.' Helen Keller."
She snorted a soft laugh. "We've had a lot of bends, haven't we?"
"A lot of hard lessons learned. One turn at a time, right?"
Without pulling away, Veronica found his hand. Her fingers closed around his and his around hers and she heard a soft, content sigh escape him. A smile tugged at her lips and she nestled in. "Just as long as we take the same turns."
He pulled her hand up, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "Always."
Notes: I went nosing around through some old folders and found a few unfinished LoVe fics for this series. Thought I'd see if the plot bunnies bit again on any of them.
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Your heart is house shaped, And some have knocked to enter, Some have broken in, But only a few have ever called it home
- Nikita Gill
Veronica feels homesick
New fanfic! I was encouraged by some lovely people over at the @vmficclub discord to post my WIP for the WIP-It-Good event. This has been sitting in my drafts for about a year so I polished it, asked someone to beta it, and here it is!
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vmficclub · 2 years
I hope you can help. I’m looking for a LoVe fic where Logan and Veronica are coworkers and never met in HS. Veronica gets invited to Pizs wedding and he goes as her “boyfriend”. I can’t remember where I read it and it’s bugging me for sure
Yes! It’s Love Me in a Lie by OliveKSmoked written for the FFFD. Great story! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/VMFC_FFFD_February_Fanfic_Fantasy_Draft_2022/works/37414267
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bebataylor84 · 1 year
Prossimamente, conto di finirla entro il Nano Camp di Luglio
Where You Want Me Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Daniel Harrow, Original Female character TW: Pregnancy, Angst, pstd, abusi su bambini appena accennati se ne parla e basta, ecco. Hurt/Comfort, Drama & Romance, Drama, Romance, post season 2
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Fault Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Olivia Benson Elliot Stabler Capitoli: 1 Words: 356
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Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Olivia Benson Elliot Stabler Capitoli: 1 Words: 486
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Backstreet Boys
Nick Carter/Original Female Character(s); Nick Carter; AJ McLean; Brian Littrell; Kevin Richardson; Howie Dorough; Romance; little angst; qua la gente è stupida Capitoli: 5/5 Words: 24757
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Veronica Mars
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Logan Echolls/Veronica Mars, Logan Echolls Veronica Mars, Missing Scene, Introspection Capitoli: 1 Words: 584
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betareaderwanted · 2 years
New betas
1) KissNTell
Language: English
Not available for originals
Fandoms: Veronica Mars, The 100
Category: M/F
Ratings: General Audiences, Teens and up
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/comfort
How to contact: [email protected]
2) Diane (she/her)
Languages: English, Turkish
Available for originals
Fandoms: Good Omens, What we do in the shadows, Sherlock, Venom, Our flag means death, The Witcher
Category: M/M
Rating: Teens and up, Mature, Explicit
Genres: Angst, AU, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/comfort, Smutt
How to contact: email: [email protected]
Check the live Excell document here to see if any new betas have applied.
Click here to apply to be listed as a beta.
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Hey, I wrote a blog post about how special fanfiction is. It’s on a blog where I use my real name so please respect and avoid abusing that knowledge. Thanks!
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wordofthewolf · 1 year
Zombie Beach Party - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer/ Veronica Mars/iZombie Story
Clive Babineaux was a little out of his element. It was not the supernatural elements surrounding him on a daily basis that was strange. It was the sun and surf of southern California that was alien to him. He had spent so much time in Seattle and then New Seattle. Neptune was an entirely different place but it seemed that they were experiencing similar problems to what he had seen up north.…
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princesssarcastia · 1 year
"Cobb’s paranoia holds out an extra five weeks, and Logan is already on deployment when he and Gia sneak into Carrie Bishop’s home and electrocute her in her bathtub."
A movie!canon au.
Part 1/4
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horsegirlhob · 24 days
I’ve started rewatching Veronica Mars and whilst I’ve only gotten about 3 episodes in my recollection that, even when they are not together, Veronica and Logan are fucking obsessed with each other seems to be correct. Very exciting, I love when people are obsessed with each other
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allthevmff · 1 month
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Resolution and Reconciliation
by Zaftig_darling
She has to know what happened in order to get past it.
The Veronica Mars LiveJournal Archive Project was inspired by the VM 20th Anniversary Celebration
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takadasaiko · 10 months
I really want to write a fic exploring Rooster, Phoenix, and Hangman meeting in flight school at Pensacola, but I need to work on A Flicker of Light, a Veronica Mars one shot that's probably about halfway done, and, oh yeah, my own stuff.
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sagesfandomspot · 2 years
You have my sympathies about VM. I've been there. I'm here if you need someone.
Thank you 😭 after it ended I just sat there and alternated between crying and staring into space for like 30 minutes. I just can't believe they did that ??? Ugh...
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