#villain sen au
rachiebird · 2 years
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theyre friends
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softandworm · 3 months
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random hockey binghe modern au doodles inspired by some winter-themed requested :3
SY is an ex-figure skater fyi, just for some extra flavour
(Text Transcript below courtesy of @princess-of-purple-prose!! Thanks for writing this out <3 !!)
[ID: Scum Villain fanart of a modern AU. Luo Binghe and Shen Yuan are ice skating, and Luo Binghe grins while half-falling onto Shen Yuan and saying bashfully, "Sorry... I just don't think I'm getting it." Shen Yuan laughs nervously and exclaims, "Ahha... it's OK. That's what I'm here for!" He thinks, "Holy shit, how is he so... solid?!"
The scene cuts to Ming Fan scowling and saying, "I should tell him that Luo Binghe used to play ice hockey with me." Ning Yingying grins, "I think A-Luo would actually kill you."
Next, a comic starts wih Shen Yuan pulling a blanket around Luo Binghe's shoulders and saying, "Like this." The two are both blushing, and their breath puffs out in the cold. Then Luo Binghe sweeps Shen Yuan into an embrace to also cover him with the blanket, making Sen Yuan shout, "That's not what I showed you!" Luo Binghe smirks, "It isn't?" End ID]
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Can you tell me the story of the relationship between saint-just and desmoulins? . ..
Because I couldn't understand it properly so yeah ...
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The first connection between Desmoulins and Saint-Just is from 2 January 1790, when the former publishes an annonce for the latter’s recently published Organt in number 6 of Révolutions de France et de Brabant:
Organt, poem in twenty verses, with this epigraph: Vous, jeune homme, au bon sens avez-vous dit adieu ? And this preface: J’ai vingt ans, j’ai mal fait, he pourrai faire mieux. 
A few months later, we find the following letter from Saint-Just to Desmoulins. It is undated, but can be traced to May 1790. The letter makes Desmoulins, alongside Robespierre, who he wrote a letter to the following year, the only revolutionaries Saint-Just is confirmed to have contacted prior to heading to Paris in 1792. Unlike in the case of Robespierre however, the letter to Desmoulins implies a correspondence was actually picked up between the two:
Monsieur, If you were not so busy I would tell you some more details about the Chauni assembly where one can find men of considerable calibre and quality. I was received in spite of my youth. Sieur Gelli, your compatriot from Vermandois had denounced me. He was thrown out bodily. We saw your compatriots, M. Saulce, M. Violette and others, by whom I was received with great courtesy. There is no point telling you (because you are not fond of foolish praise) that your region is proud of you. You will have known before I did that the department is fixed at Laon. Is that good or is that bad for one or other of the towns? It seems to me that it is no more than a point of honour between the two towns and points of honour are of little importance. I took the tribune; I worked with the intention of carrying the day on the question of the chief place but I did not follow on, I left, weighed down with compliments like a donkey burdened with relics, having, however, the assurance that at the next legislature I could be with you in the national assembly. You had promised to write to me, but I see clearly that you will not have the time. I am free as of now. Should I return to you or remain amongst the foolish aristocrats in this part of the world. At the time of my return from Chauni the peasants from my region came to look for me at Manicamp. The Comte de Lauraguais was greatly astonished by this rustic-patriotic ceremony. I led them all to his house for a visit. They said that he was out in the fields, however, like Tarquin, I had a rod with which I cut off the head of a nearby fern beneath the window of the castle and without a word we made a volte face. Farewell my dear Desmoulins. Write to me if you have need of me. Your latest issues are full of excellent things. Apollo and Minerva are still with you and are not displeased. If you have anything to say to your people in Guise I will be seeing them again in eight days’ time from Laon where I will be going on specific business. Goodbye again: glory, peace and patriotic rage. Saint-Just I will read you this evening since I have only spoken to you of your recent issues by saying yes.
Different feelings can however be found a year later, in a letter Saint-Just adressed to Villain Daubigny on July 20 1791 (it is dated 1792 in Oeuvres complètes de Saint-Just, but Saint-Just’s biographer Bernard Vinot points out that this is most likely an error, since all the events it makes allusions to took place the previous year):
…Go and see Desmoulins, embrace him for me, and tell him that he will never see me again, that I esteem his patriotism, but that I despise him, because I have penetrated his soul, and because he fears that I will betray him. Tell him to not abandon the good cause, and recommend it to him, because he does not yet possess the audacity of magnanimous virtue.
What exactly had happened between the two for Saint-Just to write this about Desmoulins is unknown. The same can be said about the question regarding where and when the meeting between them he alludes to here played out, since neither of them are confirmed to have left their respective cities in 1791.
Yet another year later, in September 1792, both Saint-Just and Desmoulins were elected deputies for the National Convention, meaning the former came to settle in Paris on Rue de Gaillon 7, around 2,5 km from the latter’s home on Rue du Théâtre 1 (today Rue de l’Odeon 28). Aside from the fact both were fervent montagnards, I have not been able to find any connection between them until the second half of the following year, with the release of Desmoulins’ Lettre de Camille Desmoulins, député de Paris à la Convention, August général Dillon en prison aux Madelonettes. In it, Saint-Just, who had accused Dillon of having been asked to lead an uprising to put the dauphin on the throne and declare Marie-Antoinette regent on June 2 1793, got described the following way in a footnote:
After Legendre, the member of the Convention who has the highest opinion of himself is Saint-Just. One can see by his gait and bearing that he looks upon his own head as the corner-stone of the Revolution, for he carries it upon his shoulders with as much respect and as if it was the Sacred Host. But what makes his vanity killing is, that some years ago he published an epic poem in twenty-four cantos entitled Argant [sic]. Rivarol and Champcenetz, from whose microscope, used in the interests of the Almanach des grands hommes, not a single verse, not a single hemistich in France has ever escaped, have in vain gone searching for this; they who have hunted up even the least little scrap of literature have not seen Saint-Just’s epic poem in twenty-four cantos. After such a misadventure, how can he show himself?
According to some sources, the ”he carries his head like the Sacret Host” comment was a reply to something Saint-Just had himself said about Desmoulins. Marcellin Matton published in 1834 an anecdote (which it is presumed he obtained from Desmoulins’ mother- or sister-in-law) in which Guillaume Brune has a meeting with the Desmoulins couple at the time of the numbers of the Vieux Cordelier being released. The following conversation would then have played out:
”…You [Brune said] are also read by Barère who recognizes himself; by Saint-Just, who promised to make you carry your head like Saint Denis.” ”That’s true,” [Desmoulins] replied, ”I remember it: it was a very bad joke, and my answer was much better. Have you seen my letter to Dillon? In the approach and posture of Saint-Just, we see that he regards his head as the cornerstone of the republic, and that he carries it on his shoulders with respect like a holy sacrament. Was I wrong, and do you think that for such a good joke he would want to kill me? I only ask him for one favor, and that is to wait until he has given a valid response.”
In 1851, the historian Nicolas Villiaume similarly claimed to have had the same story told to him multiple times by Desmoulins’ mother-in-law. Interestingly though, the ”I will make him carry his head like Saint Denis” comment already appeared in works dated 1816 and 1825 (in both cases without any source cited). There, it is instead portrayed as a response to Desmoulins having written ”Saint-Just carries his head like the Sacred Host” and not as the cause of it. In light of this, I think the idea of Saint-Just having actually said it is something that must be taken with a huge grain of salt.
The things more reliable sources can tell us about Saint-Just’s attitude towards Desmoulins at the time are less overwhelming. He was away from Paris during much of the period where Desmoulins released and got in trouble for the Vieux Cordelier (from October 17 to December 4, December 10 to December 30, and finally January 22 to February 13), and when he was there during said period, I cannot find him recorded to have spoken about Desmoulins or his journal a single time. Saint-Just also went unmentioned in all of the six numbers of the Vieux Cordelier that were released during the time they were both alive.
When the Committee of Public Safety decided to strike down Desmoulins and the other ”dantonists,” it was however Saint-Just who, like in the previous case with the hébertists, got tasked with writing a report against them. Here he obtained the help of Robespierre, who prepared around 65 notes for him to use as material against them. In said notes, Robespierre presented Desmoulins as less guilty than Danton and Fabre, having instead been more of their minion, a version of the story Saint-Just then stuck to when finishing his Rapport sur la conjuration ourdie pour obtenir un changement de dynastie; et contre Fabre d’Églantine, Danton, Philippeaux, Lacroix et Camille Desmoulins:
Bad citizen (speaking of Danton), you have conspired, you said, two days ago, bad things about Desmoulins, an instrument that you have lost, and you attributed to him shameful vices. […] For six months, a plan of palpitation and anxiety has been hatched within the government. Every day we were sent a report on Paris; we were flexibly insinuated, sometimes imprudent advice, sometimes misplaced fears; the tables were calculated on the feelings that it was important to arouse in us, so that the government would move in the direction that suited criminal plots; Danton was praised there, Hébert and Camille Desmoulins were accredited, and all their projects were assumed to be sanctioned by public opinion, to discourage us. […] What shall I say of those who claimed to be exclusively the old Cordeliers? They were precisely Danton, Fabre, Camille Desmoulins, and the ministry, author of the reports on Paris, where Danton, Fabre, Camille and Philippeanx are praised, where everything is directed in their direction and in the direction of Hébert. Danton had directed the last writings of Desmoulins and Philippeaux. […] Camille Desmoulins, who was initially duped and ended up being an accomplice, was, like Philippeaux, an instrument of Fabre and Danton. It was said, as proof of Fabre's good nature, that when he was at Desmoulins' house at the time when he read to someone a writing in which he requested a committee of clemency for the aristocracy and called the Convention the court of Tiberius, Fabre started to cry. The crocodile cries too. As Camille Desmoulins lacked character, his pride was used. As a rhetorician, he attacked the revolutionary government in all its forms; he spoke brazenly in favor of the enemies of the Revolution, proposed a committee of clemency for them; showed himself to be very inclement towards the popular party; attacked, like Hébert and Vincent, the representatives of the people in the armies; like Hébert, Vincent and Buzot, he himself treated them as proconsuls. He had been the defender of the infamous Dillon, with the same audacity that Dillon himself showed, when at Maubeuge he ordered his army to march on Paris, and take an oath of loyalty to the king. He fought the law against the English; he received thanks in England, in the newspapers of that time. Have you noticed that all those who were praised in England have betrayed their fatherland here?
According to an anecdote published in the pamphlet À Maximilien Robespierre aux enfers (1795), released a few months after thermidor by Taschereau de Fargues and Paul-Auguste-Jacques, Saint-Just and Robespierre had wanted to denounce Desmoulins and the other dantonists before arresting them, but been downvoted by their colleagues:
Why should I not say that [the dantonist purge] was a meditated assassination, prepared for a long time, when two days after this session where the crime was taking place, the representative Vadier told me that Saint-Just, through his stubbornness, had almost caused the downfall of the members of the two committees, because he had wanted that the accused to be present when he read the report at the National Convention; and such was his obstinacy that, seeing our formal opposition, he threw his hat into the fire in rage, and left us there. Robespierre was also of this opinion; he believed that by having these deputies arrested beforehand, this approach would sooner or later be reprehensible; but, as fear was an irresistible argument with him, I used this weapon to fight him: You can take the chance of being guillotined, if that is what you want; For my part, I want to avoid this danger by having them arrested immediately, because we must not have any illusions about the course we must take; everything is reduced to these bits: If we do not have them guillotined, we will be that ourselves. 
Regardless of whether this be true or not, on March 30, Saint-Just was one of eighteen men to sign the by Amar drafted arrest warrant for Danton, Delacroix, Philippeaux and Desmoulins, who were all arrested in the night. The next day at the Convention, Robespierre shut down Legendre when he suggested the accused be allowed to come and defend themselves before the Convention, after which Saint-Just entered the hall, mounted the rostrum and read out the act of accusation the two of them had worked out.
Receiving a copy of Saint-Just’s report in his cell at the Luxembourg prison, Desmoulins got around to preparing a defence. In it, he claimed the author of the report had personal reasons for wanting him dead. He also referred to him as ”Monsieur le Chevalier de Saint-Just,” a nicknamed previously used by the girondin Salle:
If I had gotten the chance to print in turn, if one hadn’t put me in isolation, if one had lifted the seals and if I had the paper neccesary to establish my defense, if one gave me only two days to make a number seven, imagine how I would confront M. the chevalier Saint-Just! Imagiene how I would convince him of the most atrocious slander ! But Saint-Just writes leisurely in his bath, in his bathtub, he plots my murder during fifteen days, while I have no place to put my writing desk and only a few hours to defend my life. What is this if not the the duel of the Emperor Commodus, who, armed with an excellent blade, forced his enemy to fight with a simple foil garnished with cork? […] I arrive at the part of the report which concerns me. In living memory, there is no example of such atrocious slander as this piece. And yet there is not a single person in the Convention that doesn’t know that Monsieur the former chevalier Saint-Just holds for me an implacable hatred for a slight joke that I allowed myself five months ago in one of my numbers. Bourdaloue said: Molière puts me in his comedy, I will put him in my sermon. I put Saint-Just in a giggly number, and he puts me in a guillotine report where there isn’t a single true word in my regard. When Saint-Just accuses me of being an accomplice of Orléans and Dumouriez, he shows well that he is a patriot of yesterday. Who denounced Dumouriez first of all, and before Marat and more vigorously than anyone else? Certainly one cannot deny that it was me? My Tribune des Patriotes exists, let Saint-Just read the portrait I there painted of Dumouriez six months before his treason in Belgium, he will see that I have never since added anything to this portrait. And Orléans who he makes me the accomplice of, who doesn’t know that I was the first to denounce him? That the only writings on this faction that the Jacobins have printed and distributed were written by me? Does Saint-Just no longer remember my Histoire des Brissotins? […] There are witnesses to the fact that the great republican Saint-Just, at the beginning of the Convention, said: Oh! They want a republic, she shall cost them dearly! There are witnesses to the fact the ambitious Saint-Just said: I know where I go. 
In an unfinished and unsent letter written to Robespierre around the same time, Lucile Desmoulins too held Saint-Just as the main culprit behind her husband’s fate, arguing that he had misled their friend:
…As far from the insensibility of your Saint-Just as from his base jealousies, [Camille] recoiled in front if the idea of accusing a college comrade, a companion in arms. […] Robespierre, can you really complete the fatal projects which the vile souls that surround you no doubt have inspired you to? […] Had I been Saint-Just’s wife I would tell him this: the sake of Camille is yours, it’s the sake of all the friends of Robespierre!  
A rumor claiming that Lucile had been sent money from the imprisoned Arthur Dillon conveniently arrived around the same time the trial against the indulgents started getting off the rails. In the afternoon of April 4, after the proceedings had been closed for the day, Saint-Just again mounted the rostrum at the Convention and revealed the discovery of this new conspiracy:
The public prosecutor of the revolutionary tribunal reported that the revolt of the guilty had caused the court proceedings to be suspended until the Convention had taken measures. You have escaped the greatest danger that ever threatened freedom: now all the accomplices are discovered, and the revolt of the criminals at the foot of justice itself. Intimidated by the law, the secret of their conscience; their despair, their fury, everything announces that the good nature they presented was the most hypocritical trap that had been set for the revolution. What innocent person has ever rebelled before the law? There is no need for any other proof of their attacks than their audacity. What! those whom we accused of having been the accomplices of Dumouriez and Orléans, those who only made a revolution in favor of a new dynasty, those who conspired for the misfortune and slavery of the people are at the height of their infamy! If there are men here who are truly friends of liberty, if the energy that suits those who have undertaken to liberate their country is in their hearts, you will see that there are no longer any conspirators on the front line, who, counting on the aristocracy with whom they have marched for several years, call upon the people the vengeance of the crime. No, liberty shall not recoil in front of her enemies; their coalition has been revealed. Dillon, who ordered his army to march upon Paris, has declared that the wife of Desmoulins had received money in order to promote a movement to assassinate the patriots and the Revolutionary Tribunal. We thank you for placing us in the position of honor; like you, we will cover the fatherland with our bodies. Dying is nothing, provided that the revolution triumphs; here is the day of glory; this is the day when the Roman senate fought against Catiline; This is the day to consolidate public liberty forever. Your committees respond to you with heroic surveillance. Who can refuse you his veneration in this terrible moment when you fight for the last time against the faction which was lenient towards your enemies, and which today finds fury to fight liberty?
After having heard Saint-Just’s report, the Convention used this new discovery to order ”that the Revolutionary Tribunal shall proceed with the instruction relating to the conspiracy of Lacroix, Danton, Chabot and others. The President shall make use of every means which the law permits to cause his authority and that of the Revolutionary Tribunal to be respected, and to repress every attempt on the part of the accused to trouble public tranquillity and to hinder the course of justice. It is decreed that all persons accused of conspiracy who shall resist or insult the national justice shall be outlawed and receive judgment on the spot.” This order became essential for getting the dantonists condemned to death the following day.
Saint-Just had however nothing to do with the actual arrest warrant for Lucile, signed the same day by Robespierre, Billaud-Varennes, C-A Prieur, Carnot, Couthon, Barère, Du Barran and Voulland, which would lead to her ending up on the scaffold as well nine days later.
I’m currently blanking when it comes to contemporaries who had anything to say regarding the relationship between Saint-Just and Desmoulins.
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son1c · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're doing okay. I love your Sol Sonic AU! Question:
1. How similar and different is Sol Sonic compared to Canon Sonic and Canon Blaze? Like, in habits, attitude, etc. Obviously he has his need for freedom, but how does he present himself to others? Does his royal upbringing have an impact on his conduct?
2. His fighting style. You made his outfit pants similar to the firefighters in the anime Fire Force. How does he fight, in a a way that differs from his Canon counterpart and Canon Blaze? Does he breakables a lot? Does he ever learned swordsmanship, because imagine Sonic wielding a sword made of fire.
3. Character conclusion. Sonic's need for freedom vs his duty to his kingdom. Does he pass the ruling to someone else at the end, or does he forsake his desire for freedom completely after his mission? Or does he find a compromise between the two?
4. You said that Sonic's sens of duty towards his kingdom is stronger than his desire to be free. What got him to finally act on that desire? What villain, or threat, motivated him enough to strike out without contacting anyone else for help to deal with the threat in his stead?
These are all I have for now. Take your time in answering them. Love your artstyle and your Sonic Prime AU of Shadows. Drink and eat regularly!
strap in. this response got REALLY long
sol sonic isn't a fusion between sonic and blaze's personalities! his personality is the same as it's always been, it's just now, he's been forced into a situation that's not suited for him. his royal status challenges his free spirit and makes it difficult for him to truly live the way he wants to. it's hard on him-- he represses a lot, and finds himself oftentimes feeling dissatisfied with his life.
as for how he presents himself to others… sonic, canonically, creates a mask for himself, a very specific image that he wants other people to see. it's the same with sol sonic. except now, there's an extra layer of "everyone is counting on me AND it's my job". so the pressure is up even more. he can't show his sadness or dissatisfaction, he can't let people know when he's frustrated, because he has to keep a level head and make the best decisions he can for everyone.
most people view him as incredibly intimidating, but that's just because he's got an iron grip on his emotions. he can't cry. not because of sega… but because he needs to be the person people can rely on to keep everything together, even when anyone else would be falling apart.
he doesn't have much fondness for other royals. he's friendly enough, and plenty cordial, but the only one he has any real connection with is the neighboring kingdom's princess, elise. they bond over being put in a position they didn't ask for. and he finds some comfort in knowing he's not alone in feeling the weight of a kingdom on his shoulders (although, he doesn't tell her that obviously).
as for his "royal upbringing"… i think he thinks it's silly. he's not one to "follow expectations" if he finds them boring and pedantic. he's very casual when it comes to the way he interacts with all that high society shit. but he knows-- it's just another part of the mask. and he should at least try to keep up appearances. so he'll entertain it. but he never takes it very seriously.
his fighting style isn't much like blaze's… that type of flashy wizard type shit. it's not really his style. i'd imagine he uses his fire powers in a much more melee type style. fire kicks/punches etc. i also think it'd be fun if he kind of like, incorporated break dancing into his fighting style? like his moves are very reminiscent of a street dancer-- cuz that's his REAL personality. the freedom he feels when he can let loose with his flames reflected perfectly in the style…
also, i'm gonna say hard yes on him using a fire sword. that's literally the coolest concept ever and i was already thinking about drawing something like that at some point so yeah. it goes hand in hand with his more hands on combat style too, since the "sword" is really just an extension of himself (as opposed to something that can be sent flying like a fireball).
"does he pass the ruling to someone else at the end"… sonic would never shirk responsibility to someone else just because he didn't want to do it. he doesn't want to-- but he will. "it's not about chivalry for me, i just gotta do what i've gotta do." he takes care of people, he protects them-- how could he simply stop doing that? just because it's difficult for him? absolutely not.
but he doesn't forsake his desire for freedom either. after his quest to save the world, he realizes he can kinda have a hannah montana moment. the best of both worlds. he can go out and interact with the world WITHOUT abandoning anyone. in fact, he can find new ways to help people through venturing out. he's still tethered to his duty, but he can stretch his legs. if only just a little bit.
so... the question has to do with the overall plot of this au. so i'll explain that now: basically, what if iblis is sealed in the sol dimension but like, not perfectly? there's cracks. fire comes through... and iblis minions rise up, tormenting civilians and endangering property and etc. so sonic takes it upon himself to manage that, even though he's not supposed to leave the castle. then one day, the sol emeralds mysteriously go missing, and silver appears. not a good sign. sonic takes the opportunity to get the hell out, reasoning that it won't take /too/ long to save the world.
canonically, blaze sealed iblis away and saved the future. but what if the god was able to escape death? what if it fled to an alternate timeline... where things are just a little bit different?
so, the person who stole the sol emeralds was actually mephiles. not au mephiles. THE mephiles. from canon. and he's got a horrible grudge against sonic... mephiles' plan is to lure sonic away from the castle so he can trick the prince into unsealing iblis. by a twist of fate, this time it's sonic, who, with the power of the sol emeralds, is the only person capable of such a feat.
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therapardalis · 4 months
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Multi-fandom OC. (Fandom based, but with original lore.)
1. Mun is severely over 21. Victoria, Australia (Australian EST). Not mutuals only, but semi-selective. 18+ only, please.
2. Rules are under the Readmore below. Last rules update 27th December 2023.
3. Muse Information on Carrd. For her main verse, please read at least the summary at the top. Several of her AU verses have different versions of the muse. Marvel, Dune and Tolkien verses are movie/TV based.
4. Policies on this blog. Not 'rules' but how I do things here.
5. Mains and Exclusives.
6. Please don’t reblog memes from me if you’re not going to send one. Reblog from the source instead. Memes - Ship Memes - NSFW Memes / NSFW HCs - Munday Memes - Open Starters
7. Muse Stats Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue-Grey Age: In AU verses, usually 30+ Place of Birth: In her main verse, Cornwall, England Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual
8. Rules under the cut.
Basics Original character and writing are mine and not for reproduction. (2012-2024). Likewise original graphics on the blog (icons, promos, background images) are made by me and are not for general use.
I do not consent for any of my writing or graphics made by me to be used with, for or as part of any form of AI generation.
Things I don't do:
RP with anyone under the age of 18 years. Selective with under 21. No age mentioned, no follow.
RP with anyone who does not have a rules page somewhere.
RP with personal (non-RP) blogs. I'll check to see if you have RP sideblogs.
Instant smut (see below).
Infidelity/cheating plots.
Non-con, dub-con (including A/B/O) or sexual assault.
Animal abuse.
Thread with abusive/manipulative characters. I’ve had abusive relationships OOC, and I do not want to be dealing with them in my RP as well. Villains are on a case by case basis, but muses who are by their canon nature or intended to be played as abusive are not.
Very, very selective with;
Pregnancy threads. Thera is not going to be pregnant, and I'm selective on threads where the other muse is.
‘Unrequited crush’ threads need to be talked about first, and boundaries set.
‘Fight’ threads where it’s Thera against someone else’s muse. Her vs random NPCs is fine.
Child muses (under 13). NPCs are OK, but not children who are the main muse. Any threads with older teens will be strictly platonic.
Shipping / Smutting. No instant smut. I will write smut, but only in the context of an established ship. And on that note …
Shipping needs to be talked about first. Thera is multiship, male-attracted, and we enjoy shipping. It's entirely possible it's crossed my mind already when we start writing. But it’s still not going to be an automatic-everybody thing. There’s got to be some sort of IC build up and OOC talk as well, to see how the muses get along and that we're on the same page. If we haven't talked about it OOC, it's not happening.
No means no. On both sides. If I say no to something I expect you to listen. Conversely, if you say no I’m going to take that as final, so if you change your mind later you need to tell me.
Also please do not say yes when you mean no. Just rip off the bandaid, OK?
Interaction Please communicate, please reciprocate. As it says at the top this is a hobby, but it’s a hobby we should both enjoy and it’s not enjoyable when something’s all one-sided. Busy happens, favourites happen, but if I’m doing all the sending and messaging and you don’t do any, especially if you’re active with others, then no hard feelings but I’m going to move along.
Discord I'm not going to engage 1x1 on Discord with people I haven't spoken with either here or in a group server there. I have no problem RPing on Discord, but I'm not going over there with someone until I've talked to them a while first. I know many (most) are genuinely just trying to find partners to write with, but I've seen and met too many who are looking to 'get someone alone' for unpleasant reasons.
Reblogging Memes Please don’t reblog memes or starter lists from me without sending me one. You don't have to send me something, but if you don’t please reblog them from the source instead.
Post length I’m good with any, as long as we’re on the same page. But if I’m doing paras and getting one line back, it makes me wonder if you really want to be doing it at all. If you’re stuck, I’m totally open to waiting, plotting or re-writing.
Starter Calls (mine) Starters take me time, effort and ideas, but a lot of them go unanswered. So, I have a 3-strike rule. If I write you starters you request three times and you don’t reply or let me know there’s a problem, I won’t write any more for you.
Triggers and Tags NSFW or strong violence will be tagged (smut is tagged ‘BadThings’ and 'NaughtyList'), potential triggers as '[thing] tw'. If you need anything specific tagged, let me know (if you have a tag already blacklisted, tell me and I’ll use it).
Likewise, if there’s something you’re not comfortable RPing (or thought you were but then realise you’re not) please say so - I only ask that you do the same for me if needed.
God-Modding and Meta-gaming
God-Modding. I write my muse, you write yours, and if in doubt, ask. Please don’t decide for me what she does, thinks or feels (or did before the events of the thread), that your muse has done something major to her, or put her in a certain situation, without running it past me first. Also, ignoring what I’ve just written and continuing as if Thera never said or did something counts as god-modding, too.
Verses are separate unless it's been discussed OOC beforehand. Please don't shoehorn Thera into your own existing group verse without talking about it with me first.
Meta-gaming is giving your muse OOC knowledge IC. There are muses out there powerful enough that they could know things, but please talk to me about it first. Your muse suddenly knowing all about Thera for no IC reason and without asking me is not going to work out.
On those last two points, I also reserve the right to say no.
Vague/Guilt-Posting Trying to pressure or guilt me into RPing with you is going to have the opposite effect to what you want. Asking if I saw a post or reminding me once or twice is fine, talking to me directly about a problem, likewise. Messages specifically intended to make me feel bad for not replying/RPing with you are not.
Thanks for reading through!
Last rules update 27th December 2023.
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iobartach · 6 months
have a quick(?) rambling / shallow(?) dive on the verses i got for this blog, bc boi i got some thinkings ;
soo i've got three 'core' canon..ish... verses so to say, which are;
comhrá an bhaile mhóir seo
pre-atsv miguel, covering young!miguel, alchemax!miguel, vigilante!miguel, etc. all earth-928 based. basically covers everything before he goes messing with multi-verse tech. probs will be slightly more quippy & approachable here? i just can't write quips to save my life. 🥴bourbon's human!lyla also plays a big role in this, they're quite close!! as for the inclusions of dana.... hah :') xina though, yes. he still despises both george & tyler with a passion, and relations with... conchata... and also even gabriel are, for this verse... rockyyy... to say the least.
trasnaigh an rubaicón
the main boi. and the default verse for crossovers especially. atsv based, with miguel being a leader and an absolutely changed and grieving man. i'm really enjoying putting him all over the place, especially in the present. take heed around him. main objective is stopping anomalies, and making sure more dimensions don't, uh,,, get destroyed,,, also gabriel's still alive... r-right, movie? you wouldn't kill him off too,,, would you, movie? :')))
fear as am
kind of one aimed mostly at 616 / comics things. might occasionally use this at random, but it's more for interactions with chars who are 616 based and not mcu / movie affiliated. my spin on this is it follows the premise of necessary evil , where stone basically fucks him over and strands him in the past, but with atsv!mig instead of comics!mig. still ironing out the details how this happened. (maybe the portal functionality of his dimensional gizmo got blocked or something?) idk, still needs work!
now for the au's!!!
an chéad chéim eile
prototype au. absolutely hit the ground running with this! tysm, sen! premise is miguel becomes an evolved -- replete with all the body horror such a transformation could possibly entail ( read - he gets spidery limbs 👀 ) i gotta yell at u, sen & abraxas (heyo 👋) more about this, but if more folks are also interested... hmu 👀
is fearr a fhios ag athair
a venture crafted w/ gabriella-trn1042's spider!gabri. alt take on atsv verse, whilst also amping up the 'miguel goes fucking around with genetics again' vibes. as close to villain!miguel as i might dare get, with the core premise of miguel turning a variant gabriella into a spider creature , with mig himself doing a good ol' heel-monster turn himself. loaded with angst and body horror. heavy on 'the fly' vibes, if you've seen that movie. been thinking of opening this up to other plots, if i can keep the core of this au intact... any takers? 🤔 gonna add a caveat tho that anything for this verse will likely need to be plotted.
laoch imithe dul ar strae
overwatch au. i... had a kernel of an idea for this verse... but i forgot to write it down. 🥴 may need to work shop this -- think i had the vague idea of saying it's scientist!miguel w/ gene implanting work existing in this au, but makes him a target of talon and the like?
lúb bheag i slabhra mór
kinddd of a corpo!miguel / cyberpunk 2077 au? might just split this out into separate verses eventually, but this is one that i'm currently trying to cook up ( inspiration is... mmm :') ) basic premise for this , if leaning into cyberpunk 2077 side, is miguel's an arasaka stooge, with links to the relic biochip. ik, ik.. i... need to work on it. 🥴
ocras buile
bleach au. basically zombie!miguel, turned by contact with sternritter gigi's / giselle's blood, when alive. that's... about the extent of what i have for now,,,, needa plot / use it more!
ag troid ar nós an
kengan ashura au. made simply bc i could and i just,,, loved the thought of having miguel brawl for alchemax ,,, sue me ,,, 👀 i could also go the whole nine yards and say that, pssst, maybe miguel's a corporate raider in this au, enhanced by his one gene imprinting tech ... trust me, give me an inch, i'll take a damn mile 😂so if anyone's interested...? 👀
anddd that's it for now!!! will there be more au's in future? probably! i just can't think of anything extra, aside from a wrestler au?
i'm always open to ideas and suggestions for aus tho? 👀 even if i don't know the fandom, i might still give it a try! you never know!!
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karin-miyoshi · 3 months
I recalled in one of the WaSuYu movie, there was a Sonoko's Dream part (after Sumi tried to brainwash the 1st grade kiddos) where Aki-sensei wear what seem to be a villainous version of the suits that Sumi and Sonoko perform their Dance in. She was punishing the trio by forbidding udon for a whole week and Sonoko gets so scared that she woke up.
Aki-sensei in that suit look like she could be in a normal (traditional?) Mahou Shojo show villains group! She look freaking awsome and intimidating!
And that give me the idea of a yuyuyu au with a more... Pretty Cure liked vibe (I guess)? There'll still be gods and stuff but instead of being apocalyptic, things are more like a secret war of the Heroes and vertexes in an Earth that's still okay. Also Gin survived, just cursed badly by the Heavenly Gods (and kidnapped by their followers)
In this Au, Aki-sensei would still be the trio teacher, but secretly is one of the villains. After seeing her students got hurt so badly though, her redemption arc start by protecting Gin from her former allies. There're still so much to work with before I can finish this au and write a fanfic. But I'm curious to see what others would do with this ideas.
How would you build an au with this concept?
(sorry im late with this, was busy drawing!)
hmm, its an interesting concept for sure, but with that many changes its gonna be a whole new series altogether. i can see where youre going with the precure comparisons, seeing how much more easygoing the stakes are. some more ideas under the cut :9
first off, aki-sen in that outfit rocks i agree, there definitely needs to be more fanart of that. the world isnt post apocalyptic, so would that mean the nowayus "won" their fight? or at least brought it to a stalemate? did they retire partway through, or did they simply pass the baton on and went about their lives? not to critique too much but yeah unless youre specifically zoning in on one arc only, theres a whole can of worms youll end up having to open and patch up.
looking past that though, im sure theres a lot of fun to be had (though admittedly i dont write that much, so im not sure i can offer much here). id personally see a divide between the heroes and aki-sen with their identities. the latter knowing what she had done in the past, guilt with atonement, with plans to take that secret to the grave. on the other hand, the heroes going as far as to "reveal" their secret identities to her when the relationship between them reaches a boiling point.
how riddled with anxciety does aki-sen feel seeing gin get cursed? is this simply something that makes her feel really sick, or would it put her into grave danger? even if its not too serious, what if its something that lasts her entire life? how would sumi and sonoko react when they find out their teacher was the one for gin getting cursed? these might guide you a little further in your fanfic i hope, but with all those circumstances things might go a little darker than you first imagined
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natedogx15 · 11 months
Izuku Midoriya, Quirk: Persona Manifestation
What if Izuku wasn’t Quirkless? What if his Quirk can only be activated when a certain type of damage is dealt to him, like losing a limb? What if said Quirk created clones with their own abilities to protect him?
So, this is a prompt I came up with for Izuku because I absolutely LOVE Demon Slayer and the multiverse the My Hero Academia fandom came up with. So, it made me come up with an idea where Izuku was born with a Quirk, but it has the same function as Hantengu’s Blood Demon Art from Demon Slayer.
However, instead of spawning younger versions of himself, this one creates duplicates based on alternate versions of himself.
Fear = The main body of Izuku that’s the weakness of the Quirk. They have a shrinking Quirk and mainly need to run away.
Anger = Villain Strategist Izuku with a string manipulation or mind control Quirk.
Sadness = Non-Hero au Izuku, where the clone doesn’t want to be heroic but still does his job with a water manipulation Quirk.
Joy = Support Course Izuku with a similar Quirk to Momo.
Pleasure = Singer Izuku with a voice amplification Quirk
Bravery = Fantasy Izuku with a blade manipulation Quirk.
Protectiveness: Female Izuku with a version of Inko’s Quirk.
Kindness = Older/Hero Izuku with the ability to use the Quirks of his previous manifestations.
Resentment = All For One Izuku but with his other manifestations’ Quirks instead of being able to steal Quirks.
Of course, this is an overpowered ability on its own. So, I doubt you’d want to give Izuku One For All. Maybe you can go for a character that doesn’t get much spotlight, like Jurota, Nirengeki, Kendo, Monoma, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Sen, Shoji, Sato, and so on.
It also has its own weaknesses. 
 Aizawa’s Erasure Quirk can stop the clones’ abilities and leave them as strong as ordinary teens.
Capturing and damaging the main body can affect the clones
Stain’s Quirk might be able to affect all the clones at once since they came from the same body.
The clones are well-coordinated but still inexperienced and can be out-classed by more experienced opponents such as Aizawa, top pro-heroes, Lady Nagant, and Stain.
The clones get overpowered by strong Quirks like Gigantification, Muscle Augmentation, Overhaul, Half Hot Half Cold, etc.
It’s just a fun ‘Izuku was born with a Quirk, but it needs special conditions to activate’ prompt that popped into my head.
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hadesgoddess · 2 years
You Promised You'd Come Back (part 1)
yeah yeah, I know, I never finish stories but I super wanted to show this fic because I'm having so much fun with it!! So this is the first part of an au with my Descendants s/i where she is a guidance counselor at Dragon Hall. Hades is his usual obnoxious self 🤭 and it features my best friend @galaxysships s/I as well!!
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Early mornings on the Isle were nothing like the kingdom of Rose's youth. In Corona, bells would swing from towers, bread would rise in ovens, children were woken by a smiling parent and proud sunshine or a gentle rainfall. On the Isle of the Lost, the noisy cacophony of the morning market replaced bells in towers, there were putrid pots of old coffee percolating instead of bread, and most children on the Isle didn't expect a loving wake up call, let alone sunshine. Rose had learned a while ago to not let that affect her as she thought about it on her way to Dragon Hall. 
Since coming to the Isle, part of the same social program that brought Yid Sen across the bridge, Rose had learned quite a bit. 
Don't walk alone in certain areas.
Keep your hands in your pockets and wrapped around anything valuable.
Eyes down, walk fast.
Get to work early, before anyone else is awake.
These were just simple survival tactics if you wanted to live on the Isle. And Rose knew it was fucking strange to want to live on the Isle. But she wasn't doing it for the beautiful ocean view or the charming locals. The second she'd heard of villains having kids, trying to create some kind of legacy, she'd left her kingdom to advocate for their education. Her first meeting with the High King Beast had been nerve wracking, but she'd found a surprising amount of support from the Magical Council. Yid Sen himself had stood with her. Now they were both educators on the Isle, 15 years later, trying to counter the harmful things their parents were trying to impart to them.
The smog was lifting incrementally when Rose arrived at the school. No one except some of the cleaning staff and Yen Sid showed up this early, so she had a set of keys to let herself in. Rose was surprised when they’d tossed the key ring at her, wondering why such an untrusting lot would allow her any sort of power. After a few months, she understood; no villain or their kids cared very much for rigorous education so what was the harm?
“Just another 9 hours, then back home,” She muttered to herself, stowing the keys back in her pocket as she let herself in. It was getting harder to pry herself out of bed every day and she found her work following her home more nights than not. 
Her office was stowed at the back of a dingy, disorganized maze of hallways in the administrative wing of the school. Most days, Rose considered it a miracle if she found it in less than 10 minutes. She knew there was no magic on the Isle, but surely these walls moved because there was no other explanation. Paperwork at Dragon Hall was messy and complicated and hardly ever dealt with so she’d stopped trying to fight to get the piles of it that littered her office. Her filing cabinets were organized by her own special system that nobody but herself could understand. 
The only thing she actively tried to care for were the multitude of plants she’d brought across the bridge with her. She didn’t have much of a green thumb before she came, but having some greenery around her kept her grounded on the tough days. So she made sure to water them each week and keep a rotating schedule of a few in the sun each day. At least she had a few windows all the way back here, even if the light was dingy and weak sometimes. 
Most of the day flew by, just another day of filling reports for nobody to read and seeing a student or two about their grades. Finally, her open office hour rolled around after lunch and she heard an exuberant knock at her door. 
“Come in!” A small warm smile crept across her face as she called out, already knowing who it was. 
The door burst inward, letting the group of mischievous teenagers spill into her tiny office. Mal and Star were at the front, arms linked as always. Evie breezed through after them, smiling fondly at her best friend and her not-so-secret crush. Bringing up the rear, Jay and Carlos were arguing good-naturedly. 
They threw down their book bags and took up any vacant seating Rose had around the room. Since Mal’s crew had started hanging around more often, Rose had traveled back to Auradon to bring a couch and some chairs for them. Some of her supervisors shook their head and thought it was a waste of money. 
Well, Rose thought, They don’t know the first thing about these kids. 
Like most days, they were packed into her office to escape the eyes of their keen-eyed teachers. Nobody expected them to be in a place like this, so it was perfect to hide away in. That and the fact that Rose didn’t try to police their words or behavior. It had taken a long time for them to trust her, but every minute was worth it when Rose saw the heavy weight in their eyes lift as they came through her door. 
“Carlos, how’s your latest invention coming along?” Rose asked and settled in to listen to the teen as he eagerly pulled a contraption out of his bag and began explaining its features to her. 
Over the course of the hour, she got around to speaking with each teen personally, making sure each one got to rant and let out any bottled feelings. She didn’t press and didn’t offer advice unless they asked her for help. Rose wanted them to just have a safe space to say what they wanted, even if she couldn’t fix much. If she could help even one of them, it made the past 2 years worth all the ridicule she’d gotten from her peers. 
Before the hour was over, she spoke with Star and her sister. They’d crashed on the couch, legs in each other’s laps. 
“-she just screams at us before giving us a chance to explain!” Star said, her mouth twisting into an uncomfortable frown. She wouldn’t admit it, but Rose could see the pain in her face. 
“Yeah, it’s like every week, she gets more and more disappointed with us,” Mal interjected. “But, what can we do? We’re stuck here too and there’s only so many evil tricks and plots we can come up with before it just gets boring.” 
Rose held her tongue. The nasty antics the Isle kids liked to pull weren’t good by any means, but Rose knew it wasn’t that simple. Pressure from their parents and their peers had created a self-sustaining hurricane of hurt and hostility. Star and Mal and their friends were victims of one horrible decision of a King who didn’t give a damn about them. So she never held the way they acted out against them. 
“I don’t know. Sometimes...” Mal sighed and looked away guiltily, worrying her lip between her teeth. “Sometimes, I wonder if it’s going to be like this forever and ever, and we’ll be stuck like this until-” 
She didn’t finish the sentence, but Rose and Star knew what she meant. No one wanted to say it, but until something changed, life on the Isle would be unbearable. They made happy moments between them, piecing together their own families and communities out of spite and hard-won loyalty. But there was only so much room on Isle; they couldn’t just run away if they had to. 
“Remember, Mal, that’s why I’m here,” Although she desperately wanted to, Rose didn’t lay a gentle hand on her student’s arm. She’d learned the rules a long time ago in this prison. “Yen-Sid and I are doing what we can, just be patient. This won’t be forever.”
Mal didn’t smile, but the haunted look in her eyes faded a bit as she nodded at the counselor. By then, the hour was up and the bell rang, spurring the kids into movement. Rose waved them out the door and turned back to her never-ending pile of paperwork. 
3 more hours, Rose thought with a sigh and got to work. 
One of the requirements of the job was that Rose had to stay to make sure all the students had gone home for the day or were accounted for in their after-school clubs. Fortunately, Isle school days were already short to begin with, and even after being here with Yen-Sid for 2 years, the options for extra curricular activities were abysmal. Rose knew she shouldn’t be relieved to go home early when she’d fought so hard to be here in the first place. But, unlike most of the Isle residents, she was only human. 
So it was with a sigh of relief that Rose pushed her way out the office’s side door to go home. It had been a busier day than usual, so busy that she was bringing home a satchel stuffed full of paperwork. Even adults had to suffer the pains of homework sometimes. Rose gave a mirthless snort, wishing her teachers had imparted that little nugget of information to her when she was young. 
    She was still muttering to herself when a dark shadow flashed in the corner of her eye just as she passed an empty alley. Rose froze, her jovial mood evaporating instantly. Her skin prickled as she stared intently down the dark, narrow street, every nerve on alert. But after a moment of stillness, Rose shook her head.
    This is still the Isle, she told herself. Even if there’s nothing there, it’s best not to linger and become a target. 
    Rose turned on her heel, ready to get home before any trouble found her, and ran face-first into a wall of black leather and heat. 
    “What the fuck!” Rose yelled, backpedaling as fast as she could. 
The six and a half foot tall god, whose chest her nose had just become acquainted with, crossed his arms and raised an impressed eyebrow. “Didn’t expect an Auradon agent to have such a mouth. Aren’t you guys all sugar, spice, and everything nice?” Hades mocked.
“Aren’t you all rudeness and sarcasm and-” She shot back, the words flying out of her mouth before she could really think it through. She froze, unable to think of anything to finish with and Hades’ smug persona dropped for a second, genuine amusement taking over.
“No, go on. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and makes sense, and I’ll stop acting like an asshole.” He gave an exaggerated gracious hand wave. Indignation and embarrassment flushed Rose’s cheeks. 
“What do you want?” She huffed, in no mood for games. It had been a long day, like always, and her bed was calling her name. 
They’d never met, but of course Rose knew Hades was bad news. The kids she helped on the Isle were innocent victims of the Auradon justice system; Hades was not. Coming face to face with one of the darkest villains banished here sent a thrill of adrenaline through her veins, but she forced any reaction other than utter disinterest down. Out here, he was just as powerless as she was. That was a hefty advantage. 
Hades smirked, undaunted by her defensive nature. “Heard that you’re one of the Auradon outcasts at Dragon Hall.”
It could have been a question, but he stated it like he already knew it was true, like he already knew everything about her. Nothing impressive there; Rose and Yen-Sid’s resettlement on the Isle had been a juicy piece of gossip when they first arrived. Still, Rose didn’t like the thought of being on a villain’s radar, especially Hades’. 
He advanced on her slowly, a grin as sharp and ruthless as a shark’s creeping across his face. Every step edged them further into the mouth of the alley. He didn’t get very far before Rose planted her feet. Like hell I’m going to let him cut off any chance of escape.
Hades paused, blinking in confusion when she let him come chest to chest with her. Wasn’t she going to even try to put some distance between them? He was the infamous Lord of the Underworld, she should have been cowering by now! Instead, she glared up at him, hands balled into fists on her hips. The sight was familiar; Maleficent had often given him the same reaction. 
But instead of a derisive sneer and a malicious response to whatever he’d been saying, the teacher only had a determined set to her mouth and a stern look in her green eyes. Hades felt his heart twist with a complicated tangle of regret and loathing, and forced himself to focus on why he was here. 
“Mal and Star seem to like you for some reason.” He continued. 
Rose’s eyes narrowed with no small amount of suspicion. “Why would you care about the daughters of Maleficent?” 
    Hades looked away from her briefly, hesitating long enough for Rose to put the pieces together. The girls never talked about their father, but that had never struck the guidance counselor as odd. Most of the kids she took care of came from single parent families.
    Rose couldn’t stop the incredulous laughter bursting out of her. “Really? You? And Maleficent?” 
At first, it made a sort of sense. Power and status were everything to the inmates of the Isle. Pairing up with someone on your level was obvious. But Rose tried to imagine that tiny, ridiculous, loud-mouthed dark faerie with this skulking, sleazy, grungy ex-god and found her imagination lacking. 
What must that relationship been like? She thought briefly before immediately rejecting the notion. Yikes. 
“Stay in your lane, little Miss Nosey!” Hades snapped, letting his intimidating frame tower over her. 
“I’m sorry, who cornered who in this alley?” Rose asked. “You’re kind of making it my business by stalking me!”
Hades scowled but couldn’t argue the point. “Look, forget that! I’m here to ask a... favor.” He spit the word out like it was a burning hot coal on his tongue. It wasn’t in his nature to ask for anything. When he was in charge of the Underworld, it was as simple as issuing a command, and Pain and Panic would scramble to follow it. But he had nothing on this woman from Auradon, so he was forced to beg, like a common mortal. 
“You. Need a favor. From me?” She repeated, disbelief coating every word. 
“Yes,” Hades hissed. “Ever since their mother and I- split, let’s say- it hasn’t been easy keeping an eye on them.” 
Rose crossed her arms, thoroughly fed up with this round-about way of talking he had. “You know using vague one-liners is not actual communication, right?” 
If they were in Auradon, Rose was sure she would see steam rolling off of his shoulders by now. Hades snarled, anger in his eyes. Mortals sassing him never went over well. For the mortal, at least. But there was nothing he could do about it as a prisoner on the Isle. 
“What is it with you mortals and the attitude?” He exclaimed, remembering a certain purple-eyed mortal he’d made the mistake of striking a deal with all those years ago. “Alright, look, I just want to know how they’re doing, what they’re like now that they’re grown up.”
“And you can’t just ask them yourself, because...?”
He scoffed, spreading his hands in exasperation. “Oh yeah, like their mother hasn’t filled their heads with a thousand little nasty rumors about me. They wouldn’t give me the time of day if I tried.”
“You don’t know that,” Rose said quietly, remembering her conversation with the girls just a few hours ago. “If you gave them a chance to-”
“A chance? What, a chance to throw me under a bus? Spit in my face and walk away?” Rose’s eyebrows shot up, surprised by the vulnerable look on Hades face. 
“They aren’t their mother and that’s a horrible thing to assume about them. Especially when, one) you don’t know them and, two) you’re asking me to spy on them for you.” She shook her head, regretting the words already. She tried not to respond so emotionally when someone needed her guidance; these were not her issues, they were Hades’. But she cared for Mal and Star and their friends, and she could never stand by when someone bad mouthed kids. 
“Listen, Hades,” Rose sighed. Maybe she should have been concerned by how far her guard had dropped so quickly around him, but she didn’t realize it. Something about this conversation was almost comfortable. She chalked it up to being in her element; someone was having trouble with a loved one and asking for her help. “I understand you’re... unsure about trying to reconnect with them, but this doesn’t seem like the healthiest way to do it.”
“Why are you making it such a big deal! Chaos, you Auradon saps and your morals!” Throwing up his hands in disgust, Hades paced away from her. “And another thing, I am not scared!”
Rose only raised a single skeptical eyebrow. 
“Shut up.”
“Fine! If you don’t want my help or my advice, I’m going home now.” She hoisted her heavy bag back up on her shoulder and moved to leave when Hades jumped into her path. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll admit I have some... doubts about succeeding by myself. Happy? Will you just do it?”
This was a bad idea, Rose told herself, an absolutely idiotic, ill-conceived, ridiculous idea. However, Rose wondered if she could really do this and maybe help this broken little family heal, just a bit. The soft, hidden romantic spot in her heart was weakening to the thought. 
“I will.” She said and couldn’t help smiling inwardly at the way Hades lit up with her answer. Before Hades could celebrate too much, she held up a finger. “But! You have to do something for me in return, especially since this is technically illegal and I could lose my job.”
“Hey, I know all about the give and take of a deal. What can the Lord of the Dead do for ya, sweetheart?” Hades smirked, seeming quite unbothered by her demand. He lost his grin, however, when she told him her conditions.
“You can be my bodyguard.” 
“Ex-cuse me?” Enjoying how shocked she’d made the oh-so-ferocious villain, Rose shrugged innocently. 
“If you want to know more about your daughters, it’s going to mean spending a substantial amount of my free time with you. None of the other villains will bother me anymore if they know I’m under your protection.”
“Do I look like a babysitter to you?” 
“No, you look like a racoon that just fell out of a dumpster.” She replied and smirked at his gobsmacked face. “That’s my only condition. Take it or leave it.” 
Hades stewed in his thoughts for a few seconds, huffing and grumbling to himself as he thought it over. But, finally he grudgingly held out a hand. “Alright, it’s a deal. Meet me at the entrance of my lair, same time tomorrow.”
Rose didn’t hesitate, shaking his hand firmly twice before adjusting her bag, “See you tomorrow, Hot Head!” She sauntered around him, out of the alley, feeling his eyes on her as she left him behind. 
Neither of them noticed a scrawny teen with certain white hair watching the entire exchange from a balcony nearby. Carlos was close enough to make out the identity of the two shadowy figures in the alley, but he couldn’t hear most of their conversation, the wind stealing away the majority of the words before they could reach him. Seeing the reclusive God of the Dead was enough to snag his attention no matter what. 
He liked the guidance counselor from the other side of the barrier, even if most of his classmates didn’t. They all thought she was trying to brainwash them and scorned anyone who went to see her. Carlos was already used to being the outcast of outcasts, so he didn’t mind it. 
He didn’t want to see her get hurt and this looked like trouble to him. Carlos waited until Hades slunk away, crawling back to his “hidden” lair once more, before leaving to find his crew and telling them everything.
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digitalta · 1 year
Hi ! I just wanted to drop by to say that I've just binge-read all the chapters of "To All You Scattered Bodies" after having it in my "Read it later" list for years, and I had an amazing time. Your fanfic fantastic, from they way you write the characters (I live for the interractions between Bakugou and Dabi) to the story in general, it's sooo good ! I've always wanted to read an AU with a Villain!Bakugou that actually made sens and with good characterization so I was totally served with yours, I hope that you'll find the time and inspiration to continue it in the future ! Have an amazing day ! ❤️
Oh no now I need to continue that story too
The worst part is I had such high hopes and aims with that one, just a lack of time and confusion over the manga held me back. I was going to get him hooked on drugs :(
Thank you so much. It truly means a lot :)
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narrettwist-art · 1 year
In a villain au my dumbass teacher of Denshou ends up as a handler for his trigger monster brother. They get hired by my friend's OC Sen to work for her criminal org. Denshou is high 90% of the time and an absolute manwhore
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kilfeur · 10 months
La relation entre Marinette et Chloé (The relationship between Marinette and Chloe)
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La relation entre Chloé et Marinette est particulière, faut pas oublier qu'à la base, Marinette était la victime de cette dernière. Dans l'épisode Origine, elle dit qu'elle sera encore dans la même classe qu'elle. Sa mère répond que ce serait la quatrième fois qu'elles seraient ensemble. Donc ouais clairement le fait qu'elle ne semblait pas avoir d'amis montre une certaine réticence. Dans ce cas pourquoi l'école les mettent ensemble ? Alors là je vais parler de mon expérience en travaillant dans le milieu scolaire. Déjà c'est le corps enseignant qui décide quel élève va dans tel ou tel classe. Ils prennent en compte le comportement des élèves par exemple si un élève est fauteur de trouble avec un autre élève, ils seront séparés dans différentes classes. Le truc c'est que dans l'épisode Lady Wifi, on apprend que le père de Chloé fait des dons à l'école et le directeur n'ose pas être contre Chloé. Car être contre elle, ce serait annuler les dons de plus vu comment André Bourgeois a viré Roger Raincomprix dans un épisode. Car il ne l'avait pas obéit donc ouais clairement le directeur a le cul entre deux chaises et choisit de laisser passer les caprices de Chloé au lieu du bien d'un élève. Ouais je sais c'est dégueulasse mais dans un sens c'est pas non plus irréaliste, vous aurez des profs qui se foutent de comment sont les élèves. Des directeurs qui veulent juste terminer leur boulot sans trop se casser la tête. Donc Chloé a tout ce petit monde qui lui obéit au doigt et à l'oeil, Alya est la première personne dans Origines qui lui tient tête. Et Marinette prend exemple sur elle en s'affirmant devant son harceleuse. Bon après ça n'empêche pas Chloé de continuer à s'en prendre à elle mais aussi au reste de la classe.
Seulement arrive l'épisode Doudou Villain expliquant pourquoi elle est comme ça. Et elle peut faire des efforts uniquement quand il y a quelque chose à gagner pour elle. Rare sont les fois où elle fait preuve d'un rare altruisme dans ces actions. Dans ce genre d'histoire, les ressentis des harceleurs sont prit en compte en détriment de leurs victimes. Comme pour dire "Je sais que ça n'a pas été facile pour toi mais ton harceleur souffre donc tu devrais comprendre". Et ouais je suis pas spécialement fan de ce genre d'histoire vu que j'ai été victime d'harcèlement au collège. Donc je m'identifiais plus à Marinette, en plus mon harceleuse était blonde comme Chloé donc ça n'aide pas pour apprécier le personnage. Elle admirait Ladybug au début je pensais qu'au fond elle aimerait être comme elle et aider les autres. Mais qu'à cause de son comportement, ça l'empêchait de le faire sauf que non ce qui l'intéresse c'est être le centre de l'attention. Dans l'épisode Zombizou, Caline, son professeur l'emmène à l'écart, pour lui dire qu'elle sera pas puni mais que Chloé a un coeur mais ne sait pas comment l'utiliser. Et qu'en tant que déléguée, elle doit montrer l'exemple (Je trouve ça marrant le fait que dans la série ML, les délégués ont plus d'importance alors qu'en vrai pas tant que ça).
Alors je comprends son raisonnement sauf que Marinette est la victime dans cette histoire. Car dans cette épisode, elle sabote le cadeau qu'elle compter donner au professeur. Et dans un sens, Caline peut pas faire grand chose non plus. Si elle l'a punit, Chloé n'a qu'à appeler son père pour mettre la pression sur le corps de l'enseignement. Elle pourrait perdre son job si l'ado le demande donc ouais c'est pas non plus évident pour elle. Je dis pas que ce qu'elle propose est la meilleure solution mais y en avait pas d'autres options vu la situation. De plus à la fin de l'épisode, Chloé s'excuse auprès de Caline mais pas auprès de Marinette et donnera discrètement un cadeau à son prof principal. Dans Animaestro, elles s'allient pour nuire à Kagami mais cet épisode s'appelle self insert du créateur. Bon après elle se rend compte qu'elle aurait pas dû s'allier à Chloé mais le fait qu'à la fin, elle a un ticket de film de la part du self insert créateur, j'avoue que ça a un peu de mal à passer. Bon après cet épisode n'est pas apprécié par les fans quand à moi, c'était juste "meh" y a que les parties où l'akumatisé se change en différents personnages que j'avais bien aimé. Dans l'épisode Queen Wasp, elle a déraillé un train juste pour se faire bien voir ! A quel moment tu te dis que cette fille est une bonne détentrice ? Elle était prête à accepter de se calmer niveau comportement mais pas à changer complètement. Elle faisait que le travail à moitié, dans le sens "Pourquoi je devrais changer alors qu'il suffit que je me montre gentille une fois pour avoir mon miraculous" comme si il lui appartenait. Elle criait sur tout les toits qu'elle était Queen Bee alors que le but d'une secrète identité c'est qu'elle soit secrète. Elle se fichait d'être une héroïne car selon elle ses besoins passaient avant le devoir d'être un héro. Et dans le final de la saison 3, Ladybug prend la bonne décision de lui reprendre le miraculous de l'abeille.
Je dois dire que c'est quand même bien plus agréable de voir une histoire qui est du côté des victimes que celui des harceleurs. Chloé a eu sa chance et l'a raté reste à savoir si elle va changer ou rester la personne qu'elle est désormais. 
The relationship between Chloé and Marinette is a special one, bearing in mind that Marinette was originally Chloé's victim. In the episode Origine, she says she'll be in the same class as her again. Her mother replies that it would be their fourth time together. So yeah, clearly the fact that she didn't seem to have any friends shows a certain reticence. So why did the school put them together ? Well, I'm going to talk about my experience working in a school environment. First of all, it's the teaching staff who decide which students go into which classes. For example, if a student is a troublemaker with another student, they'll be separated into different classes. The thing is, in the Lady Wifi episode, we learn that Chloe's father is donating to the school and the principal doesn't dare go against Chloe. And the headmaster doesn't dare go against Chloé, because to go against her would be to cancel the donations, given how André Bourgeois fired Roger Raincomprix in one episode. Because he hadn't obeyed her, so yeah, clearly the director has his ass between two chairs and chooses to let Chloé's whims pass instead of the good of a student.. Yeah I know it's disgusting but in a way it's not unrealistic either, you'll have teachers who don't give a damn about how the students are. Directors who just want to get the job done without too much headache. So Chloé has this whole little world at her beck and call, and Alya is the first person in Origins to stand up to her. And Marinette takes her cue from her by standing up to her bully. But that doesn't stop Chloé from continuing to pick on her and the rest of the class.
Only then does Doudou Villain explain why she is the way she is. And she can only make efforts when there's something in it for her. Rare are the times when she shows rare altruism in these actions. In this kind of story, the bully's feelings are taken into account to the detriment of their victims. As if to say "I know it hasn't been easy for you, but your bully is suffering, so you should understand". And yeah, I'm not a big fan of that kind of story since I was bullied in high school. So I identified more with Marinette, plus my bully was blonde like Chloé so that doesn't help me appreciate the character. She admired Ladybug at first, and I thought that deep down she'd like to be like her and help others. But her behavior prevented her from doing so, except that she's only interested in being the center of attention. In the Zombizou episode, her teacher Caline takes her aside, telling her that she won't be punished, but that Chloé has a heart but doesn't know how to use it. And that as a delegate, she must set an example (I find it funny that in the ML series, the delegates have more importance than in real life).
So I understand her reasoning, except that Marinette is the victim in this story. Because in this episode, she sabotaged the gift she was going to give the professor. And in a way, Caline can't do much about it either. If she's punished him, Chloé just needs to call her father to put pressure on the teaching profession. She could lose her job if the teenager asks, so yeah, it's not easy for her either. I'm not saying that what she's proposing is the best solution, but there was no other given the situation. What's more, at the end of the episode, Chloé apologizes to Caline but not to Marinette, and discreetly gives a present to her main teacher. In Animaestro, they join forces to harm Kagami, but this episode is called Creator's Self Insert. Afterwards, she realizes that she shouldn't have allied herself with Chloé, but the fact that at the end she gets a movie ticket from the creator's self insert, I admit, is a little hard to take. After all, this episode isn't appreciated by the fans, whereas for me, it was just "meh", and it was only the parts where the akumatized one changes into different characters that I really liked. In the Queen Wasp episode, she derailed a train just to make herself look good! At what point do you say to yourself that this girl is a good holder ? She was willing to take it easy, but not to change completely. She was only doing her job half-heartedly, in a "why should I change when all I have to do is be nice once to get my miraculous" way, as if she owned it. She shouted from the rooftops that she was Queen Bee when the whole point of a secret identity is that it's secret. She didn't care about being a hero, because she felt her needs came before the duty of being a hero. And in the season 3 finale, Ladybug makes the right decision to take the miraculous bee back from her.
I have to say, though, it's much nicer to see a story that's on the side of the victims rather than the bully for a change. Chloé had her chance and missed it, now it's just a question of whether she'll change or stay the person she is now.
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gedjub · 1 year
200123 Ne serait-ce que pour mes rêves, j'aime ma vie. En ce moment tout est tout. "Je risque" plutôt que "je vis".
310123 où est le risque? Dans l'inconscience entourée de conscience. Char sur la toile, prêt à s'envoler, les yeux sont ouverts pour laisser passer. C'est Manon qui a payé, offert, je me sers. On verra !
010223 il me fallait acheter des Ferrero Rochers chez Edeka pour ce soir. Elle ressemble à la grand-mère de Mélanie, beaucoup plus de dents que de lèvres dans le sourire. Elle se tourne vers moi et me dit : "Vous n'avez que le pain?" Je lui montre la bouteille de vin calée dans mon bras.
+ Dommage, je n'ai pas tenu une liste des surnoms qu'on m'a donnés au fil du temps et des relations amoureuses, et je les ai en grande partie oubliés.
+ Je sens la vague d'inspiration monter, toute ma vie je l'ai sentie monter et redescendre, c'est un des fils (un fil) de mon ciel de funambule.
020223 es geht um Gottes Villain
+ J'ai les yeux qui fatiguent sous ta lumière trop forte mais je les garde ouverts, j'ai besoin de tout voir, tout de toi, ce soir, et demain, au creux de ma main, tu me tiens et je ferai tout pour ne pas te perdre.
Pour ne pas te perdre, pour ne pas te perdre, je ne te lâche pas.
Pour ne pas me perdre, pour ne pas me perdre, je te laisse guider chacun de mes pas.
+ J'ai des ambiances comme des poux qu'on aime attraper sous les ongles au hasard des raies, enfant.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Okay so idk if Villain x Vigilante KaiBonnie is a full blown AU yet but it has been on my mind as of late. Basically, Sen is more or less a hitman who works for other villains. He's a free agent, and will rough anybody up for the right price. He also carries out his own plans should the need arise.
Bonnie "Was raised by heroes but has her eyes opened to the harsh reality of hero society at a young age since her mother died" Tucker on the other hand has moved to Japan on her own (they will be older than canon, think mid 20's), and trying to move forward with her life. What was initially accidentally stopping a robbery ended up turning into "fuck it we protect the peace under the cover of night".
The two of them meet when Bonnie thwarts one of his nights of kicking the shit out of people, and they continue to run into each other every other night. This continues until one day they meet a common enemy and must reluctantly team up. Oh, and they also trashed Kaibara's apartment.
I love it already
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rachiebird · 2 years
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Some self indulgent concepts for a semi villain-ish au taking place in a future where some students were killed during the training camp attack, UA shut down, and everyone was forced to find different career paths.
Maybe posting actual character profiles later on. 
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raidpirate52 · 3 years
Mustard: In the inevitable times when you strike someone with your drilling, do you lick the blood off your fingers?
Sen: Stop bothering me.
Mustard: That wasn't a 'no'.
Sen: (Ignores).
Mustard: You're not saying 'no'. (Beat.) You're not saying 'no'.
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