#well at least i am i can't speak for anyone else
prettyboykatsuki · 23 hours
if its not too tmi, the guide to making your girl cum might still be useful 😭 my gf and i are both in our first relationship and any help would be welcome
i have so many asks fdjslk?? abt this. like no bullshit at all maybe fifteen. but sure 👍🏾 note i am no sex expert or really anyone u should listen to but you know. i get okay reviews
first things first - the most important thing is learning to communicate with your partner. ik u have heard that many times but every body is different and if you can take instructions well, making someone cum is much easier. like. people say it all the time for good reason but just focus on listening more than anything else
also im using woman / she + her but this advice applies to any afab people who are not currently talking T👍🏾 testosterone changes some stuff so i'd give diff advice on some parts abt touching n stuff
learning how to take an apply what ur told is truly like 99% of the game
for women in particularly - u should probably carve out a chunk of time. most women need at least 15 minutes if it's with a partner (often more) and if it's your first time tg it's good to take each other apart and get comfortable
also somewhat obvious but you absolutely cannot forgo foreplay. truly cannot be overstated but u can't. lol
if share the same parts, u are already at somewhat of an advantage as you have some ideas on where to touch etc. neck and chest are always safe bets, and so is inner thigh etc. deep kissing is always also a safe bet. don't overthink it too much, just do your best to communicate both appreciation and attraction
foreplay also starts before getting naked being genuine. undressing someone or showing sensual affection is your friend. ik this sounds corny but its very genuine advice lol
a lot of foreplay is both to build arousal but also getting someone out of their head. a lot of women in particular tend to get really hung up on various aspects of the process. if you can effectively get them out of that mindspace, you're already on your own way
sometimes dirty talk is good and dirty talk does not need to be crass - making sensual small talk can go a long way. praising how she looks or feels, showing your enthusiasm by telling you're looking forward to making her feel good.
thank you is also always safe in that process. thank you for letting me touch you, thank you for trusting me to make you feel good etc. and if you're not feeling confident - it does the same job as something more dirty lol
here is some more specific stuff 👍🏾
a lot of getting 2 know someone sexually is figuring out various sensitivities and pressure. generally speaking, women tend to lean one way or the other when it comes to pressure on different areas of the body for foreplay.
(usually of course, there is some mix of both - but at least in my experience there is more general lean one way vs another)
some people prefer softer touches and caressing and some people prefer more deep pressure and groping. always start on on the soft end and move towards the other slowly.
some parts of a womans body are too sensitive to be touched directly, and they may highly prefer indirect contact as their choice of pleasure. if a womans clit is too sensitive, you might want to stimulate the area just around or underneath instead of directly touching their clit. use their clitoral hood as a buffer essentially.
the clit itself firms up but it's an entire area inside of your body. and what's exposed is just one nerve. its why touching or rubbing the sides can still make effective foreplay because internally the clit has a whole body etc
the hardest part about clitoral stimulation is reading reactions. but the clit will respond to pleasure physically most of the time. try things deliberately, and time your tongue or fingers in a way that lets you gauge their reaction
if someone is feeling good - you'll usually get a very faint throb. you have to look for it to notice it sometimes, but the intensity of that throbbing is what will tell you. clits are similar to dicks in that way
same thing goes for nipples usually. plenty of people like it being touched or sucked directly (again it is all abt sensitivity and pressure) - but it's common for the area to be too sensitive.
touching around, through / over the fabric of their top (this works better with non-silky materials / stuff with no slip), and underneath can also do the job. if the nipples are sensitive to the point of being unpleasurable - the swell underneath the boobs is often a good place to show affection. u can try running your fingers underneath to cup and squeeze instead. or just
the no slip thing is because rougher fabric give nice friction. being touched through cotton feels different from silk. its more hit or miss in my experience
im going to break down the advice about actual fucking into three parts so bear with me .
the most important thing for ALL of this is fucking consistency. listen to me im being so serious. when you hit a rhythm do not stop. ESPECIALLY if she tells you not too.
oral: this one is tricky because there's truly not a universally good way of eating pussy. it's like... four of the above skills wrapped in one skill. so even if i wanted to school you in i don't think i could lol
my best advice is to remember the above about pressure and sensitive and start slow. stimulate the surrounding areas with your tongue, do a lot of teasing. if she's too embarrassed to tell you things verbally, this will usually push her to showing you at least. if she bucks up against you that's a good sign to give a little more pressure.
building pressure is important here. she will feel pretty much every part of your tongue, so make sure you are careful and listen to what she says or does. when you find the rhythm to lick, it's normally safe to suck on her clit (from light pressure to deeper pressure like before)
you will know when you're hitting the right everything because it will start to pulse in your mouth and she will squirm more. when you're there, stay there and don't move unless you're going to die. learn to breathe through your nose lol
FOR PENETRATION THERE IS TWO THINGS. and most time you will still want to pair with clit stimulation but rmb 2 ask.
fingering: the vagina is one of those things that is very hit or miss. with fingering in particular. for most women, it feels better to have another person do it. and it's best combined with clitoral stimulation so it can often be a two-handed affair or used as a sidepiece to oral.
the most pleasure will be felt around the actual opening and against the gspot. the opening has a lot more sensitive which is why the thrusting motion feels good. the g-spot can also feel good, but keep in mind that a gspot orgasm is internal and can feel especially intense. so just be prepared for what reaction you might get and maybe getting pee-d on. or squirted on. or both.
finding the g-spot isn't complicated, it will feel a little textured and have a little more give. with enough arousal it will also be swollen and easier to find.. you will hear a lot about the come hither motion, but what you're actually doing is rubbing along the upper walls.
again, everyone is different but honestly - i've had good luck combining a thrusting motion with the rubbing motion. use your wrist to move so you don't get tired. you can pick what fingers to use but middle and pointer is go to, so you can angle your palm against their clit (in the instance you are just using your hands).
dildos: if i tried to explain how the strap works we would simply be here all day, so i will be talking about the dildo as a separate appendage used with your hands and not as part of a strap-on. strap sex is too much of a science lmao
almost all of the time - using a dildo is trying to create the same stimulation as above with gspot pressure, but that's not the only way. there are several angles and those angles hit different things, so it's worth experimenting with this. but for internal orgasm and using dildos - you want to understand comfort and friction.
lube is your friend, but too much slip can make it feel like nothing so build up the lube slowly. some resistance can feel pleasurable and is often ideal. with dildo, you also want to keep in mind the rigidity and maybe buy a toy together. a dildo can be too hard or too soft depending on what it's made with
internal orgasms rely a lot on muscle tension and angling, as well as pace. everyone is different and there is once again no universal way but your best bet is a rhythmic, pushing up motion. if you're using a dildo on your partner, i recommend put a pillow underneath their spine for easier angling.
you need to build tension to release it and keep tension to cum. the need for steadiness and rhythm comes from that. if you're wanting to make someone orgasm, some physical tension can really help - so asking your partner to grab your hair and hold onto your wrist can be helpful. giving their muscles something to flex and hold can redirect focus and help with intimacy so let her pull your hair or dig her nails in your back or grab your wrist. it will actually get u closer to the orgasm
remember most of all though to have fun and feel good together. sex isn't a performance, it's a mutual act of pleasure. too much pressure will kill your boner. good luck 🫡
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eff-plays · 26 days
"Umm why are you soooo mad that people are making yassified Astarion mods but are fine with ab-removal mods? Hypocrite much? 🙄"
Weeee I also love false equivalence wooo!!!
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ozlices · 6 months
gave our body a hand cramp last night by writing a multi-page letter to my mom (since she refuses to listen to me verbally) pouring my heart out abt how much it hurts for her to prioritize my abuser over me.
no idea what happens next. she took the note & is talking to my dad rn.
i mean it when i say i poured my heart out on those pages & still tried to be at least civil. even though tbh at this point, id have every right to lash out.
but i did make sure to emphasize im always compassionate & understanding w her & it sucks that my longest running trauma that i was damned to dive head first back into during the worst year of my life gets disregarded by her. & i get demonized for even harboring it.
so. y e a h. literally no idea what her actual response will be my only hope is if her first reaction was some bullshit, my dad talks it outta her.
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
Make You Wish Chapter Two -- Where Is She
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: really super mild versions of cannon violence.
Word count: 2,072
Previous Part: Make You Wish Chapter One -- Seven Years
Master list link:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Make You Wish Master List
A/N I accidentally posted this before I was ready tooo ahhhh!!! it's fine. Everything was already written I just had to format it properly and stuff.
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Alastor had been at the Hazbin Hotel for only a few days and was already enjoying his time there greatly. It was an entertaining place, to say the least, and now that he had his feet under him, he was intent on making it even more so.
Charlie was pacing around the sitting room, stressed beyond belief. She had gone to speak to Adam the previous day to try and get his support for her plan, only to wind up with the news that the next extermination was coming in six moths, rather than the usual twelve. Alastor watched her duress in amusement as he sauntered into the hotel lobby, side stepping Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie to take a seat at the bar.
"It's nothing we can't handle," Charlie was explaining, trying to convince herself as much as anyone else in the room, "just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right? And next time, when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!"
Vaggie got to her feet, grabbing her girlfriend by the shoulders and stopping her from her relentless pacing.
"Yes, we will." she confirmed.
"Oh please," Angel cut in from the couch, his eyes fixed on his phone, "ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now...? Ain' no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is." Charlie turned to him, "We just have to look a little harder for it."
"Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts."
Angel turned his phone to Charlie, showing all the news headlines of terror he'd pulled up.
"People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
He scrolled down to a video of a burning town just as a text notification popped up.
"Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" Charlie asked in confusion, having read the text.
"Ah, heh, nothing." Angel pulled the phone from her line of sigh, trying to come up with a quick lie, "My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah, that is true." Vaggie hummed thoughtfully, a hand to her chin, "Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape extermination?"
"Speaking of sinners," Alastor said, drawing the attention in the room to him as he turned towards Husk who was busying cleaning glasses, "I think it's time I look up my old partner in crime."
"And what do I have to do with that?" the cat demon gruffly replied, not sparing Alastor a glance.
"Your partner in crime?" Charlie asked, taking a step towards the bar, "I always thought you... you know, worked alone?"
Alastor's grin widened.
"Oh never you mind, dear." he replied, throwing her a glance over his shoulder, "Just a lost soul I'm acquainted with is all."
"Yeah. You've been trying to get her to sell you that soul for what, the past seventy years is it now?" Husk scoffed.
Alastor's eye twitched slightly at the implication of his failure.
"If I wanted it, I would have it." he hummed threateningly, and Husk backed down.
"That's great!" Charlie exclaimed, "So she's a friend of yours? Do you think she'd help with the hotel? Oh! Or maybe that she'd want to be a guest?!"
"Charlie-" Vaggie began but Alastor quickly cut her off.
"I don't see a harm in asking." he cheerily replied.
"And you know her, Husk?" Charlie asked.
He looked up as he placed a clean glass on the shelf, shooting Alastor a glance before nodding.
"Do you think she'd be a good fit?"
He sighed, crossing his arms as Husk turned to face Charlie fully.
"She's a sweetheart, I think you'd get along well." he admitted, "But she's trouble, just like him."
Husk gestured towards Alastor and Charlie's smile widened.
"Well, with all Alastor has done for us so far, I think we could probably use more trouble like him."
"Oh you flatter me." Alastor waved her off, looking away in a false show of humility.
"No really." Charlie insisted, "You-"
"Show yourself, Alastor!" a dramatic call cut Charlie off mid thought.
"Um. Alastor?" Charlie hesitantly began, peeking out from behind his shoulder as she watched the havoc he was wreaking on the snake shaped sinner, "I think he's had enough."
Alastor cackled joyfully, not even watching as his shadows destroyed the air ship.
"Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im." Angle disagreed, enjoying the show immensly.
The shadows tilted the ship forward, dropping Sir Pentious out through the broken windshield. He hit the ground with a thud, right before Alastor's feet. Stopping in his fit of laughter, he looked down at the man, spinning his microphone like a baton.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." he teased as one of the egg creatures fell from the ship, splattering on the ground beside Charlie who took a step away.
"Thank... you..." Sir Pentious began, his voice pained as he raised his head slowly, "for letting your guard down!"
Almost before Alastor could register what was happening, the snake had grabbed onto his coat with his tail and torn a piece from its hem. Alastor took a menacing step forward, his eyes narrowed.
"Oh shit." Pentious' triumphant laughter died out.
Slowly, Alastor sprouted a pair of shadowy horns. With a snap of his finger, the ground under the snake detonated, throwing him up into the air and far away from the hotel with a scream. He watched as Pentious flew away, retracting his horns and standing with a hand behind his back. Once the snake was out of sight, he at last turned to Charlie and Angel, as well as Husk and Vaggie who had come out to join them.
"Well, it looks as thought I need a visit to the tailor." he hummed, "Husk?"
"Yeah?" Husk grunted.
"Where did you say she was again?"
"I didn't."
Husk crossed his arms defensively and Alastor took a step towards him, his smile a little smaller than normal. There was an odd air between the two of them, a tension every one present could feel biting into their skins.
"Whats that?" Alastor asked lowly, his head cocked slightly to the side.
Husk sighed.
"Last I heard she was working for some imp in Pentagram City." Husk reluctantly admitted, looking away, "As an assassin or something, I don't know the details."
"An imp, you say." Alastor thoughtfully replied, his expression unreadable.
"Look, Alastor." Husk turned back to his master, "Don't fuck this up for her. She seemed pretty happy last time I saw her. You disappearing like that wrecked the poor girl."
"Just means she'll be all the more happy to see me."
Alastor turned, beginning to walk away. At the sound of Husk speaking again, he paused, keeping his back to the quartet.
"Alastor, ju-"
Alastor turned his head, shooting Husk a critical look over his shoulder. It shut the cat demon up almost immedeatly.
"Best of luck, chums!"
"Wait, you're leaving?" Vaggie exclaimed, taking a step forward.
Irritation prickling beneath his skin, Alastor turned back to them once again. It had been seven years, he didn't know how much longer he could wait. Sure, he'd had time in Hell on his own, nearly twenty years of it. He didn't need her per-say, she just made things more interesting, more enjoyable. It just felt odd for them to be parted.
Sure, when they had first met, he had thought she was just an easy steal of a soul. Young, naive, frankly undeserving in his opinion of eternal damnation. But smart, smarter than she looked. Y/n had refused any and all deals with the man and so, he had taken it as a challenge. What had begun as a game: Alastor trying to gain ownership of Y/n's soul ended up as an after-life long friendship.
Alastor would never admit it to anyone but, in his absence, he had even missed Y/n the smallest bit. She kept things interesting, he told himself, that was all. Always causing discreet mischief, always quick with a joke. A true pleasure to have on the show, as he always used to say.
"Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." Vaggie continued.
"We need a wall." Angel finished for her, gesturing to the portion of the hotel Sir Pentious had destroyed in his attack.
"Of course." Alastor replied, keeping an irritated remark at bay, "Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?"
With a snap of his fingers, minions made of shadows pulled themselves from the ground at his feet. So as not to give anyone another chance to stall him further, he quickly turned on his heel and walked off.
Alastor was a man of image, he kept his pace slow and firm. Couldn't have any of them getting any ideas in their heads about the nature of his relationship with Y/n. That had always been trouble in the old days. The minute people saw the pair together, they started assuming things. He had already decided he was going to be more careful about that this time around and this was the first step.
There was a slight bounce in his step as he headed into the city's center, an odd anticipation fluttering in his chest. Alastor pushed it to the side. It was simply the thrill of being back in his old stomping ground that was to blame. It didn't matter he'd already been back a few days and it should have worn off by now, he should just feel lucky to still be so entertained by this place he'd known longer than he'd even been alive. Right?
Y/n was sitting at Blitzo's desk, reading through paperwork he had neglected to fill out or file correctly. It wasn't like any one in Hell really payed their taxes, but the mess still stressed her out. She let out a sigh, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her eyes in irritation. She had never had to do this type of work before, not since she'd been alive anyways. How the times had changed.
Noise of Blitzo and Moxxie fighting filtered in through the closed door. It wasn't anything special, anything new. The pair were always at one another's throats, she wasn't worried. What would be worrying, was if things were quiet. This was just the way life sounded now: inelegant and brazen. Nothing like it used to.
The buzzing of her phone on the desk beside her pulled Y/n from her reveries and she picked it up. The collar lay heavy around her neck as she read the message. Y/n had made some bad choices along the way, figuring out how to be on her own. She wasn't pleased with them, but it was what she had had to do. Back then, she hadn't had the need to fight for herself in over sixty years. It was the only thing she could think to do.
She double tapped the text, marking it with a thumbs up before shutting her phone off and leaning her head down on the table. There was no point in wishing for things to be different than they were but, it was just that time of year and the text had pushed her over the edge. A few stray tears trickled out of her eyes.
"Goddamnit, Al." she sighed into the empty room, "Where the hell are you."
Silence pressed its hands against her ears, blurring her perception of the world around her. Y/n had a few seconds, a few nearly peaceful moments before, again, her thoughts were interrupted. This time, not by her phone but by Blitzo calling for her from the other room.
"Y/n!" he yelled and she lifted her head off the table.
"Yeah?" she called back through the closed door.
"Get your ass out here!"
"Why? A client? Can't you handle it?"
"Y/n!" he insisted again, a sense of urgency to his voice.
If this was anything less than an absolute emergency, he was never going to hear the end of it. She was not in the mood for his games today.
"Fine." she groaned and pulled herself from the chair, "I'm coming."
Next Part -> Chapter Three -- A Reunion
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blackbirdi · 2 months
One-Sided pt. II
If you haven't read the first part already, the link to part 1 is here
I'm so sorry this took so long, guys, I was struggling with ideas. Anyways, enjoy :)
Brief Description: Sirius begins to notice how suddenly you're around him a lot less than usual. What could he have done to make you want to avoid him at all costs? And why does your avoidance hurt him this much?
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 2181
Character: Sirius Black x Reader
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth Year
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since Sirius has talked to Y/n last, and it's driving him up the wall. The only other time where he doesn't talk to her for that long is during the summer, but at least they owl back and forth non-stop, and now suddenly he hasn't heard her sweet voice in two damn weeks.
And it's not as though he hasn't tried to talk to her. Hell, he's been going out of his way to run into her just to ask what was up with her, but every time she sees him, she runs away. And now she's changed the time of her daily activities (going to the library to read/study, walk in the courtyard, visit Hagrid, etc.) – not that he knew the times she was going by heart before she changed them – so now he can't even run into her then.
Two weeks. Two damn weeks. And he's not going any longer without her.
It was Saturday and the Marauders were all hanging out in their dormitory, and Sirius was itching to find Y/n and beg ask her to forgive him for whatever he must have done to have her ignore him like this.
"Remus," Sirius calls, breaking the silence.
"Hm?" Remus hums, not even bothering to look up from the book he was reading, which only caused Sirius to grow more frustrated.
He closes his eyes before he snaps at Remus, taking a deep breath to calm himself. The only thing that does is cause his eyes to well up with tears. 
Godric, what was up with him? Was Y/n really causing him to get this upset?
When he speaks next, his voice breaks, which causes all the other Marauders to lift their heads and look at Sirius with concern.
"Why won't Y/n talk to me?"
The other three Marauders share a few glances at one another before looking back at Sirius. The pity in their eyes as they look at him causes Sirius to grow frustrated once again.
His eyes, which were previously filled with tears, harden as he wipes them away. His lips pull back into a thin line as he glares down at his own hands.
"She keeps avoiding me! I haven't said anything to her in weeks!" he cries angrily. "And even when I do say something to her, she just ignores me and runs off! Did I do something to make her mad at me?"
"I'm sure you didn't do anything, Padfoot," James tries to comfort him. "Maybe Y/n just needs space for a while."
"Space from what?" Sirius snaps. "What did I do that would've wanted her to space herself from me? And only me! I haven't seen her ignoring you three, or anyone else for that matter! What did I do!?"
“Pads –” Remus starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“Why do you care so much anyway?” James asks. “It’s just Y/n.”
Sirius, Remus, and Peter all shoot James a glare, all three of them knowing that was not the right thing to ask.
“Yeah, Y/n, my friend,” Sirius sneers. “I care because Y/n is one of my closest friends and now suddenly she’s ignoring me! Do you have any idea how much that hurts? Because it does, a lot.”
“We know, Padfoot,” Peter replies, trying to make his voice sound comforting, although to Sirius it sounded more like pity. “I think James was trying to ask why you’re so … no quiet over dramatic about it … but more upset than you normally would be about something like this.”
“Yeah,” James agrees. “That’s exactly what I was trying to ask, thank you, Pete.”
Sirius glares at the both of them, his teeth gritting together as he tries to hold back from snapping at the two of them.
Why was he upset? Really? One of his best friends just straight up ditched him! Of course he was fucking upset!
“How do you twats not understand that I am upset my friend has fucking abandoned me!” Sirius snarls, his voice wavering as he tries to control his anger.
The others share another, worried glance, which drives Sirius even more insane.
Of course, Remus, James, and Peter quickly caught on that Y/n was avoiding Sirius, and were even quicker to catch on why. It wasn’t that hard to see that Y/n had finally had enough of her silly little crush on Sirius and was trying to stomp it out by avoiding him. And of course, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail knew that avoiding Sirius at all costs wasn’t going to get rid of Y/n’s feelings for Sirius. And of course, Lupin, Potter, and Pettigrew knew that Sirius’s own feelings towards Y/n were developing beyond friendship.
“I can talk to her if you want me to,” Remus offers.
The usual stormy grey of Sirius’s eyes had darkened considerably in anger, his eyes narrowing at Remus in a glare.
“You’ve done quite a lot of talking to her,” he hisses. “A lot more than I have in Merlin knows how long. Do you know how frustrating that is, Remus? To see that Y/n, who suddenly hates me, is still all buddy-buddy with the three of you? Do you know how shitty it makes me feel when I see her talking to you and then she immediately runs away whenever she sees me? Do you?”
“No,” Remus replies, his voice squeaky at the anger in Sirius’s tone.
"That's what I thought," Sirius snarls, standing up from his bed abruptly.
With quick strides Sirius finds himself at the dormitory door, the door opened an inch before Peter asks curiously, "Where are you going?"
"To fucking find her!" Sirius snaps, turning around and facing his friends. "I can't keep going like this, without her. I - I need her, okay? I need her because ... because I love her. I love her. Holy shit, I love Y/n. I'll be back guys, but I need to find Y/n, even if that means searching every nook and cranny of this godforsaken castle."
He's out the door in another split second, the door slamming closed behind him.
Silence settles over the other three as they share glances, confused evident on each of their faces.
"Well," Remus finally mutters, breaking the silence. "He handled that a lot better than Y/n did when she realized she was in love with Sirius."
To Sirius's surprise it didn't take him that long to find her. She was sitting in the courtyard, leaning against the truck of a tree with a book on her lap.
Sirius was careful to approach her quietly, not wanting her to spot him and jump up and run away (like she had been doing for two weeks straight).
When Y/n finally looked up from her book, the first thing she saw was Sirius looming in front of her. Her eyes widened as they made eye contact, scrambling to pick up her book and getting to her feet.
"Y/n, wait," Sirius snaps, grabbing onto her wrist with a vice-like grip before she could run away. "Please, don't run again, please."
Y/n sighs, trying to tug her wrist out of Sirius’s grip before she turns and faces him for the first time since the Quidditch game. Her struggling ceases as she sees the pain behind Sirius’s eyes, the pain that she would’ve caused every single time she ignored him or ran away.
“Please, Y/n/n,” he begs in a whisper, pulling her closer to him. “Please, don’t leave me again. I miss you so much. And I am so, so sorry if I did something to hurt you, or did something that made you want to avoid me. I never meant to, I don’t think I have done anything, but if I did just say the word and I will hold myself responsible for it and I will do anything I can to get back in your good graces because I miss you. So, so much. I hate that I haven’t seen you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t talked to you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t heard your voice in two weeks, and I hate that you’ve been avoiding me. I’m not blaming you because obviously it must have been something I did, but please Y/n, please, please, please stop avoiding me. I miss you.”
A wave of guilt washes over Y/n as she listens to Sirius, watching tears well in his eyes as it gets increasingly harder for him to talk without choking on his words. However, she can't help the little flutter her heart gives at his words.
Sirius takes a breath, trying to collect himself as he finally says everything he was feeling.
"And-and I hate how much it hurts that you've been doing this. I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't, but I do. I care so goddamn much, Y/n. It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks! I shouldn't be this effected, but I am. I've missed you more in two weeks more than I've missed anything else in my life, more than I miss the Marauders during the holidays, more than I miss Hogwarts during the summer, more than I miss the heat of the summer during the winter, more than I miss the sun in a rainstorm. I missed you, Y/n, and it's only been two weeks. So please, please, please, please, tell me what I did wrong so I can right it and we can go back to how we were before whatever I did."
A pause, a heartbeat before Sirius adds in a trembling voice, "Please."
Y/n takes a shaky breath, trying to stop the heat from rising in her cheeks and giving her away.
"Sirius," she says slowly.
"Please," he interrupts her, his voice breaking. "Please, Y/n. I don't know what I did, but whatever it must have been, I am so sorry. Please, please, please forgive me."
"Sirius," Y/n repeats, "you didn't do anything. I just... I realized something and I shut myself away from you. If anything, I should be saying sorry to you. I never meant to hurt you like this."
Sirius stares at her, confusion bubbling up within him as he listens to her explain.
"I-I don't understand," he admits in a quiet voice. Her stares up at her helplessly. "Why would you avoid me like you have if I didn't do anything? You haven't avoided the others, just me."
Y/n sighs, her heart thudding in her chest as she looks away from Sirius and finally admits in a small voice, "I'm in love with you."
The world stops, for the both of them.
Y/n can't breathe, why would she admit that!? Everything, everything, has been ruined. She ruined their friendship! Why would she do that!?
Sirius can't breathe, did she mean it!? Everything, everything, is going to change, for the better. She felt the same! But why did she avoid him if she loved him?
After what felt like hours of silence, Sirius responds, "I love you, too."
Sirius's heart pounds against his ribcage. Even though she said it first, it's still so hard to admit it.
Y/n's heart pounds against her ribcage. There is no way in hell that he actually feels the same.
"I – w-what?” she stutters, mouth dry.
“I love you too,” Sirius repeats, dropping her wrist. His hands come up to cup her jaw, holding her face in his hands as he smiles down at her. “I-I was thinking about how much I missed you, everything about you – not just your presence – and I guess that led me to realize that I would never feel this way about someone I thought of as my friend. Y/n/n, I realized that I’m in love with you.”
Y/n mirrors Sirius’s smile, relief flooding through her body as her cheeks flush with pink.
“I-I’m glad,” she whispers. “I was scared that you didn’t feel the same; that’s why I started avoiding you. I thought that if I was around you less my feelings would go away, which obviously didn’t work. But I was scared to say something in case I made things awkward between us.”
Sirius chuckles, pressing his forehead against hers, asking in a soft voice, “How could I not be in love with you? You, Y/n L/n, are the most kind, thoughtful, caring, smart, funny, beautiful woman in the whole world; I don’t know how I didn’t realize my feelings for you sooner. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sirius,” Y/n murmurs back. She closes her eyes, relishing in the feeling of Sirius being this close to her.
A comfortable silence fell over the two as they soak in each other’s presence, two hearts beating as one.
Two minutes. It has been two minutes since Sirius has admitted his feelings for Y/n, and it’s making him feel like he’s on top of the world.
Taglist: @littleshadow17 (who asked for a part 2 a month ago. I hope it was up to your standards lol). And @rosieandthethorns (who didn't asked to be tagged but I figured I should let you know so you can stop foaming at the mouth and writhing on the floor lmao)
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
Meet Me At the Atlar Part 2
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AN: The time has finally come!
Synopsis: You have to deal with the aftermath of learning that your fiancé has cheated on you with your older sister and has apparently gotten her pregnant
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Read Part 1 first
Joe Burrow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You felt as if you were in the Twilight Zone with what you had just heard Marlene say when there was a collective gasp that filled the room.
All you did was turn around to look at her to see her staring right back at you and not backing down. Both of your parents looked at the two of you in confusion.
"You are literally nothing but a two faced bitch and I hope that nothing good comes to you for the rest of your life." You softly said while shaking your head in disbelief.
"Well it's not my fault he wanted me!" She shrugged and you could tell that she didn't really care about your feelings. She got what she wanted and that was to your surprise your fiancé and a baby.
"You're an adult and you are just as responsible for your actions as he is. So do me a favor, never speak to me again in your life. And as for you…" You started to say as you turned around to face Joe and simply shook your head in disbelief as all of the guests had their eyes on the two of you but not for the reason that you wanted.
You slipped off your engagement ring and played with it in your hands.
"I'm just going to pawn this seeing as there will be absolutely no reason for me to wear it again. Consider this over."
"Y/N, wait a minute! I can explain!" Joe exclaimed while trying to grab your hand, but you quickly snatched it away from him.
All you did was shake your head as you picked up your dress to make a run for it back down the aisle as Camille, Alex, and Raina ran behind you leaving everyone else standing there.
You could hear Joe yelling for you as well as both of your parents, but you just couldn't bring yourself to speak to any of them.
Once you were outside, you were trying to catch your breath in between the tears that began to roll down your face. Camille along with Alex and Raina stood there comforting you as all three of them brought you into a hug.
"I know, let it out." Alex said as she soothingly rubbed your back as you let out a hiccup.
"But come on, I don't want anyone to see you like this." Raina suggested as she already knew that Joe was more than likely making his way outside to find you.
All three of them led you to the limo that was supposed to take you and Joe to the reception and simply told the driver to take all of you back to the hotel. Camille crawled in behind you but before she did, she threw your bouquet on the ground seeing as you didn't need it anymore.
All of you simply rode around in silence before anyone said anything.
"What do you need us to do? What are you thinking right now?" Raina asked as she played with the hem of her dress.
"That I need to get the fuck out of here." You answered as you started to massage your temples.
"Well where do you want to go?"
"A place where I can lay low for the rest of my pregnancy because I want nothing to do with him and nothing to do with her either."
"Oh, I have an idea. My parents vacation house in Denver. No one will look for you there." Camille piped up and said.
"Will they be okay with me staying there?"
"Girl, considering the circumstances without a doubt. They love you and will probably want to kill him when they find out about this because you already know people can't keep their mouths shut."
"I need to go to the hotel and get out of this dress and grab clothes."
"And then we're going to the airport."
"We need to at least make sure you get there safely. We'll stay with you for a few weeks and then come back home. There is no way in hell we are letting you out of our sight in the emotional state that you're in. When we get there we'll find an OB/GYN that takes your insurance and get you set up with everything that you need. Your kid is going to be just fine because they have you for a mother. And I will make sure he doesn't find you, so we'll start by getting you a new phone when we get there. And I'm blocking him because I know for a fact he's going to ask me where you are."
"I just… Marlene. I looked up to her and wanted to be just like her all for her to go behind my back when I get a little bit of happiness. I always supported her through every single break up, when she dropped out of college, totaling our father's car, and that's not even half of it. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a sister anymore."
"Yes you do have a sister. You have us. And we're going to support you through this. You don't need him and truth be told you never did. You've always been amazing in your own right."
Once back at the hotel, you got up to your room and slipped off your dress with the tears still cascading down your face. The clothes that you packed were not appropriate for Denver's weather, but all that could be resolved once you got there and you simply slipped on a Bengals hoodie with one of your black shirts underneath along with some sweatpants before sliding on your shoes.
When you were finished packing up all of your things, your wedding dress was still laid out on the bed and you simply stared at it.
The two of you were supposed to be having your first dance as a married couple at the reception right now, but instead you were about to disappear and pray and hope that he didn't find you.
You took one last look at it before deciding to leave it there on the bed.
You walked to Camille's room and knocked on the door and she answered it having all of her bags in tow too.
"You ready? Where's your dress?"
"I'm ready and I left it on the bed. I want nothing to do with him and besides he's the one who paid for it."
Camille stifled a laugh as she reached over to take your hand and tightly squeezed it.
"Come on, let's go. Hopefully there's a direct flight and we won't have to worry about layovers."
Luck was on your side because as soon as you got to the airport, there were a few direct flights to Denver that would be taking off in two hours or less.
Once settled with your tickets and going through TSA, all of you decided to find a Starbucks since you had been craving a caramel ribbon crunch with extra caramel. This entire time your phone had been going off and not once did you look at it knowing that it was probably Joe along with your parents and the rest of your family. You doubted that Marlene was one of them and you were praying and hoping that she wasn't.
When all of you got to your gate and were waiting to board, you pulled out your phone to find a string of messages and calls and most of them being from Joe which you weren't surprised by. However, there was one from Marlene and you quickly opened it.
Mar- I would tell you that I'm sorry, but the bottom line is that I'm not. He should be with me and not you. So go run along and cry in a corner like you always do when you don't get your way. That's all it seems like you're good for anyway. Can't wait to start my family with Joe and I'll send you pictures of the baby.
"That stupid ass bitch has some absolute nerve." You muttered and Camille quickly took your phone to see what you had been talking about.
"No the fuck she didn't." She said as she grabbed your phone and also showed Raina and Alex.
"Karma is a bitch and I can't wait until it comes for her. How dare she hurt her little sister like that? And you would do absolutely anything for her. I don't know how many times you've bent over backwards for her." Alex piped up and said while sipping on her chai latte.
"I'm just so happy and thankful that I have you three. I just…. I really thought he was the one."
"Well he didn't give you any reason not to think that he was! We were rooting for him! Insert Tyra Banks meme. Like you two are or were perfect for each other. Ever since he kept making eye contact with you at the game we all went to, I knew it was a done deal. We all knew it was just a matter of time before the two of you walked down the aisle. I'm so sorry that he didn't realize what he had in front of him."
"And he's never going to be able to get me back. I don't care what he does, my answer is always going to be no." You quietly said while trying not to cry. You were still so in shock about what just happened, and you did cry earlier but you had a feeling that tonight would be ten times worse and it would hit you like a ton of bricks.
After you had taken off back down the aisle with your bridesmaids following you, all eyes were then on Joe and Marlene.
Both of Joe's older brothers looked at him confused, but your mom was the first to speak.
"I…. Marlene…. How? How in the world did you think that this was okay? And Joseph, don't even get me started on you."
Your father was giving Joe the death glare and had to be held back by your uncles as he was heading straight towards Joe.
"You broke my youngest daughter's heart by going for my oldest? You asked for my permission to marry her and go and pull this shit? And Marlene, why am I not surprised? You can't see anyone be happy except for yourself."
"I…." Joe started to say but was immediately cut off by your dad.
"No explanation is about to save you because there is literally no excuse for this."
"I'm not apologizing because he wanted me instead. It was only a matter of time before he left her for me anyway."
"I was NEVER going to leave her for you and I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. Besides, I don't even know if that kid is mine! I know that Y/N's is!" Joe piped up while running a hand through his hair.
"I mean does it even matter at this point?" Jamie asked while looking at his younger brother.
"I mean on the plus side Marlene is pregnant." Your Aunt Diandra said and your mother immediately rolled her eyes.
"You cannot be serious."
"I'm happy for her in that regard!"
"Do me a favor." Your father said as he approached Joe who could admit to himself how intimidated he was at the moment since your father was an ex-NFL player himself.
"Stay away from Y/N and you better consider yourself lucky if I even let you near my grandchild that she's carrying. And as for you Marlene, I taught you better and since you decided to break up what would have been a happy marriage, you can get out of my house until you can learn to show respect to your sister."
You had been in Denver for about three weeks and was settling in as best as you could. It didn't take long for you to find your own place, but it wouldn't be ready until the end of the month so you were still staying at Camille's parents house.
Your daughter was growing at a normal rate and you couldn't have been more excited for her to get here. However, there was one major problem.
Her father.
Headlines broke the next day about what happened between you and Joe and you had gone ghost. You had gotten a new phone and you only had a few numbers. Since you changed your number also, the only people that had your number were your parents, Camille, Alex, Raina, and both of Joe's brothers. You figured that you would at least give them updates to let them know that you were okay, but Joe didn't deserve that.
You were at the point where you didn't want him in the delivery room and quite frankly you didn't want him near you for the rest of your pregnancy. The last thing you needed was for her to sense that something was wrong with her mother and be under stress. You wanted for him to stay far away from you and her for that matter. However, you wanted your daughter to have a good relationship with him, despite what he had done to you.
She deserved to know him and have him in her life even if you didn't want him in yours. When it got closer to your due date, you had to make a decision if you actually wanted him there with you. If course one side of you is saying fuck him, while the other still has a soft spot and want to share that important moment with him.
Camille had just gotten back to Ohio the day before after making sure that you were okay even though she knew you weren't. Her heart broke every time the two of you talked and she could see it in your eyes how much of a struggle this was for you and for good reason.
She had been waiting for her Chinese take out order when she suddenly heard her doorbell ring. She quickly got up to answer it and immediately rolled her eyes when she saw who it was.
"You aren't my Chinese take out." She said while staring blankly at Joe.
"I…. Camille. I need to talk to her."
"Hmm, talk to who? Your fiancé that you betrayed? Do I have that right? What makes you think that you deserve to be anywhere near her?"
"Come on Camille, I know you know where she is."
"What makes you think that Burrow?"
"Because you're one of her best friends! Just… I need to talk to her! She's pregnant!"
"What you need to do is leave her the fuck alone. You weren’t concerned that she was pregnant when you were going around sticking your dick in places that it doesn't belong. You and Marlene can go fuck yourselves. I know exactly where she is and I'm not fucking telling you so get the hell off my doorstep."
"Just… is she safe?"
"What is it to you? She's good. That's all you need to know and as of right now you aren't allowed in the delivery room. Have a good night." Camille finished speaking as she slammed her front door in his face.
Once the door was closed, she immediately sent you a text.
Cami- Your baby daddy is looking for you
You- 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
Cami- Lmaoooo he showed up on my doorstep and I promptly told him to fuck off
You- And that's why we're best friends. I love you for this so thank you.
Cami- You absolutely never have to thank me for protecting you. I got you for life, you know this 💕
You- Look at Baby Burrow's Godmother coming through!
Cami- Are you still giving her his last name? 👀
You- I'm on the fence about it to be honest
Cami- Well whatever you decide I'll support you 100%
You- 🥹
After another month and a half and a whole lot of delays, you were finally settled into your condo and currently folding up clothes in the nursery. Just the week before, your parents along with your best friends threw you a baby shower and loaded you up with anything and everything that you might need for her first year of life.
However, you also felt some type of way when you looked on instagram to see that your extended family threw Marlene a baby shower as well despite what she did to you. From the time that you could remember, you were always in her shadow and you never quite felt that you were good enough. They put Marlene on a pedestal no matter how many times that she might mess up while they acted as if you didn't exist. But Marlene used to never let that slide until she decided to be a backstabbing bitch.
But you knew that she was going to get hers in due time, and you couldn’t wait to see it unfold right before your eyes. If you had done your math right, you knew that her due date was coming up soon and wanted nothing to do with her or the baby.
Almost a week later, Marlene was trying to do anything and everything to get into contact with you as tears were streaming down her face as her newborn son cried hysterically in the background.
She messed up and she messed up big time.
She hurt the one person in the world that she knew would have her back through anything and had a feeling that you would never forgive her for the rest of both of your lives and for good reason.
She kept calling your new number that she had gotten from your mother's phone and it was steadily going to voice-mail.
It was the sixth time when she decided to finally leave you a message hoping that you would answer her.
"Y/N, baby girl. I am so so sorry. Please call me back so we can talk. I know I hurt you and I feel terrible about it. I hurt the one person that has always been there for me. I… I'm calling because I got the DNA results. Joe wouldn't take no for an answer to getting them and….. I get it as to why. Um, I said all that to say that the baby isn't his."
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jakescaravel · 6 months
Spill It
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word count: 4,128
Warnings: MDNI!! 18+, Oral (f) receiving, rough sex, impact play, anal play, dirty talking, mentions of alcohol, overstimulation, dom Jake, teasing, I think that’s everything, this is pretty dirty so it won’t be for everyone…
After a few drinks you and Jake sit criss crossed on the bed. It’s a saturday night and you guys had agreed to have a chill weekend so here you are, just the two of you hanging out. The night had started out just talking about normal things, but add a little alcohol to the equation… of course things had turned south.
Jake's hand mindlessly fidgets on your skin, tapping away at some unknown rhythm. He looks up and asks, a sly smile playing at his lips, “What’s your favorite sex position?”
“Hmm.” You think back to the countless times the two of you had found yourself tangled up in bed together, trying to recall which time could possibly be your favorite.
“I like doggy but I think missionary feels the best. And I like the idea of cowgirl but it’s so much work and never feels as good as you hope. What about you?”
“Well.” He says, his tone indicating he’s had his answer from the start. “I like missionary because then I get to watch you cum.” You nod your head in agreement, watching him is always a special treat. “I like watching you fall apart, it’s fun.” He pokes your thigh, teasing you.
“That’s a good answer. I like watching you too. By the end you’re all sweaty and out of breath, it’s hot.”
He chuckles. “Okay okay I’ve got a question, what’s your favorite thing I do in bed?”
You smile to yourself knowing exactly what your answer is.
“I like when you talk to me. No one has ever done that before, at least not the way you do. Some have tried but it’s never worked for me before.”
“Yeahh.” He stretches his hands above his head faking a yawn. “I’m kind of a sex god what can I say?”
“Oh so you’re a sex god now?” You roll your eyes. “What’s your favorite thing I do in bed?”
He thinks for a moment, closing his eyes and furrowing his brow, willing to extract a memory of some kind. When he finds it, his face softens and he smirks, opening his eyes to look at you.
“Oh I know… when you’re about to cum, like when you’re right there and you start to fuck yourself back onto me, to go even harder. It’s fucking hot… so desperate.” He whispers the last word, sending a chill down your spine.
“Oh yeah I know what you mean.” You chuckle, trying to regain your composure. “Sometimes I don’t even realize I'm doing it, it just happens.”
“Well never stop.” He winks shooting his fake finger guns at you.
Jake thinks of another question for a moment, taking a sip from his drink.
“Am I the best you’ve ever had?” He smirks and you roll your eyes. He knows the answer, he just wants to hear you say it. Arrogant fuck.
“Yes Jake. You’re the best I've ever had. Don’t be so smug.” He laughs and you can’t help but smile.
“Am I the best you’ve ever had?” You ask with hesitation, knowing that his answer might hurt you but he quips back almost instantaneously.
“Yes, of course you are.”
“Really? Why?”
“Are you kidding!? Well first of all, I've never met anyone who I've cared about as much as you. It means more with you than anyone else. Plus I don’t know if you’ve noticed… but you’re pretty hot y/n.” He leans close whispering in your ear. “And you fuck dirty. I like that.”
He smirks, watching the evidence of his words take effect just as he intended. Your thighs clench together in search of any type of friction as your heart thumps wildly in your chest. Jake scoots closer to you and rests his chin on his hands until his face is inches from yours. When he speaks you can feel his warm breath tickling your skin.
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to try?”
Feeling brave, you lean forward and confidently speak back. “I’ve thought about you tying me up before.”
His eyes drop to your lips and his bottom lip parts ever so slightly. “Fuck.” He breathes.
“I can't say I haven't thought about that too. How good you would look on display for me. I could make you cum over and over again and you wouldn’t even be able to move… yeah I wouldn’t mind that. Can I make a confession now?”
“Please do.”
“I’ve thought about fucking you in public before. Taking you to the bathroom of some restaurant and just doing you right there. Then we both walk out like nothing ever happened. Just our little secret.”
His hand grazes the inside of your thigh and your breath catches, feeling the ache between your legs grow significantly.
“I’ve thought about that too. Or in the backseat of a parking lot.”
“Yeah...” His voice trails off, eyes still glued to your lips.
“There's another thing actually…” You whisper instantly regretting your words, the alcohol in your system betraying you.
You stare at him, unable to say the words.
He notices your hesitation and sits up a little cocking his head. “What is it?”
You blush and look down, the heat of his stare making butterflies flutter around in your stomach.
“Ooo it’s bad isn't it?” He smirks, sitting fully upright now determined to coax this out of you. “You can tell me, I won’t judge you.”
You shake your head, eyes still glued to your lap. He takes your chin in his hands, raising your head until your eyes meet. He dips down, planting a quick kiss to your lips. Your blush deepens and you let out a giggle.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ve thought about it too, it can’t be that bad.” He reasons with you.
You could tell him. You know that he would never judge you. In fact, you could probably tell him you have a kink for bald people and he would go get the razor right then and there. It’s just hard to say the words, but of course he knows that.
“Do you not wanna say it?”
You nod slowly.
“Do you want me to name a bunch of things and you tell me which one it is?” He giggles.
“Oh… well I was sort of kidding, but if that’s what it takes!”
He thinks for a moment.
“Ummmm you want me to spit in your mouth?” He grins showing off his perfect teeth, stealing your heart for the millionth time.
You laugh. “I mean hell yeah, but… no it’s not that.”
“You want me to dress up as a dog and bark for you?”
“Jake! Ew stop!” You’re both full on laughing now, your heads hitting each other when you both double over, causing you to laugh even harder. When you finally calm down he takes your head in his hands. “What is it goddamn it!” He chants, shaking you back and forth eliciting another laugh from you.
He let’s go of you and just stares for a moment, thinking hard about your shameful secret. “You want me to fuck you in the ass?”
Your cheeks glow red and you draw your lip between your teeth, nodding slowly almost hoping he doesn’t notice. He smirks, chuckling to himself as he draws his face closer to yours.
“Well well well… that’s what it is huh? Looks like we’ve got ourselves a little whore, wants my cock in her ass. Is that right?”
Fuck the way he says it so casually. The way he’s willing to comply with whatever your deepest heart desires. And the way he wants it too, you can tell…
“That’s dirty, that's bad. But I like bad.” He sits up on his knees, crawling towards you like a predator stalking its prey. You can’t help but feel small as his face hovers over you, looking down with a devilish smile as he gets closer and closer. You lean back, his presence feeling almost too good, like you should just disappear and not have to deal with the burning lust and desire he’s created within you.
“Any last things love? Before I make you feel reeeal good?” The way he draws out the word with his sinfully raspy voice… it makes your cunt ache. His voice alone and the words he’s speaking are enough to make you feel halfway there and you wish he would just take you right now.
“Maybe one more thing.” You whisper, looking up at him with innocent eyes as his hand comes up to your knee, pushing it to the side to expose your soaked panties.
“What is it baby? I can see I’ve gotten you all worked up, don’t make me play the guessing game again, just tell me so we can get started.”
“Well… you could be… rougher with me, if you wanted. Take control a little more.” You meet his eyes, a shy smile creeping up on your lips. His eyes darken and he stills for a moment, the gears in his head turning.
In a split second, before you can even think about what’s happening, his hands are finding your shoulders, pushing you to fall back onto the bed. He moves his hands to your wrists, pinning them on either side of your head as he hovers over you.
“Like this?” He asks, smirking as his necklace dangles over your face, grazing the tip of your nose.
You stare at him, trying to answer before blubbering out a stuttering mess and shutting up. You clench your thighs together desperate for some type of friction to relieve you of the growing ach that’s building but Jake pushes your legs apart with his knee before pushing into you. You groan at the feeling, letting your head fall back as his knee grinds into your soaked core.
“Yeah.. like that.” You whisper, your voice coming out weaker than before.
“You like that baby? You like when I'm in control like this?” You slowly nod your head, unable to look away from his mesmerizing eyes.
“Can you move at all?” You try to move your arms but his strength pushes them deep into the mattress. You give a slow shake of your head.
“Do you like that?” You can't help but smile as you nod yes. He smirks and brings his lips to yours, kissing you slow and deep. You close your eyes as he moves to your neck, sucking at the skin and nipping below your ear. Your breathing picks up as he travels so your chest before breaking away to whisper in your ear.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes please.” You whimper and he kisses your neck once more.
“Do you want it rough?”
“How rough?”
He smirks. “How rough?”
“Jake.” You warn.
“Okay. Red if you want me to stop and yellow if you want me to slow down, okay?”
“Yes, just fucking do it.”
“Okay you asked for it.”
He releases your wrists and pulls you up to a sitting position so he can pull your tank top off, revealing your chest. His hands wrap your back, pulling you to him as he attaches his mouth to one of your nipples, sucking it and letting go with a little ‘pop’.
You arch your back into his kiss, begging for his lips back on you with a drawn out moan. “You’re my little fuck toy right?” You nod in agreement, reaching for his clothed cock as he swats your hand away.
“Then I’m gonna play with you a little first. Turn around. Now.”
He drops you from his grasp and you turn quickly. “Get on your hands and knees.”
You take in a shaky breath, planting your hands into the soft mattress. You part your legs exposing you to him. His hands find the sides of your panties, pulling them down with impatient aggression. Jake wastes no time in crashing his lips against your skin, sucking little purple spots into you, marking his territory. The power of his kiss pushes your hands deeper into the mattress forcing you to brace yourself.
He kisses a trail leading up to your soaked entrance, the anticipation of feeling his mouth on you making your head spin. Finally it comes. The wet hot lap of his tongue, his strong hands holding your legs in place, his gravely hums sending vibrations through your body. You groan loudly burying your head into the pillows, squeezing your hands into the sheets.
“Fuck me, you look so pretty right now, legs spread for me, pink cunt dripping.” And with that he catches you off guard, landing a swift smack to your ass. The sweet sting of the impact mixed with another lap of his silk tongue feels like smelling a perfect rose and feeling the prick of its thorns. So good but laced with something so bad.
“You shouldn’t like that. It’s so dirty, but you do.” He hits you again, the twinge of pain turning to wicked pleasure as your muffled voice cries out into the pillows.
He licks over your clit for the splitest second before robbing you of what you so need by moving his lips to your other thigh. He leaves so skin untouched, licking and sucking at a prompt speed, his movements growing desperate, showing you his true need for you.
His own desperate moans fill the room now, his willpower faltering with his growing need to fuck you into the matress, to hit you deep with every thrust, over and over again until you can’t take it anymore and lose control, and submit to him. But that’s later, he has other plans for you now.
Jake takes in a deep breath before burying his face in your cunt. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking it in with no mercy. With every draw of his tongue, he rocks his face into you pushing your whole body forward rocking you like a boat. You fall into a rhythm, rocking your hips back to meet his heated kiss, thinking back to when he mentioned that exact move.
His calloused fingertips tap up your leg tickling you until they meet your entrance, plunging in hitting you deep and hard. A choked out fuck leaves your lips as your body shakes, betraying your attempt at keeping your composure. It’s no use with the way he works you, he way he knows your body better than you do, the way he could probably make your pussy cum from just telling her to.
He pulls back and adds another digit, stretching your already aching walls. He picks up a pattern, sucking on your clit and then fucking his fingers into you, curling up with every thrust. Suck, thrust, curl.
In mere seconds he’s got you on the edge, slowing his movements just for the sake of keeping you there, making you wait for what you want. He could stop all together if he wanted to, and he has before, but maybe he doesn’t want to wait to long to fuck you…
Finally he takes mercy on you with a perfect touch of his tongue, the spit from his mouth coating you as his fingers jolt forward hitting your g spot with precision. At this point, you lose control, pulling your body away from him from the overwhelming pleasure. But he just drags his face along with you, licking you through your orgasm until you're shaking and cursing and spewing words you aren’t even aware you’re saying.
It becomes too much when his mouth feels like a searing white hot rod to your swollen clit. Finally, he pauses his movements, coming up for a choked breath of air as you cry out, letting yourself fall forward into the bed completely collapsed and out of breath. He gives you a second before pulling your hips back up so you’re back on all fours waiting for what he chooses to do with you.
You can hear him panting behind you when he chuckles. “You’re dripping down your leg sweetheart. Can you feel that?” He touches you where your slick runs, halfway down your thigh. You can feel the wetness on his fingers as they press into the spot.
“Don’t worry, I’ll clean that up for you.” Before you can think about what he could mean, you feel his tongue, running a wet stripe up the length of your thigh, cleaning up the mess he’s made. He moves slowly, wishing to savor your taste and make you feel every second of the contact. You shudder when his mouth reaches your entrance, his tongue dipping in and circling around.
You arch your back, forcing yourself to stay still instead of cowering away again. And right when the feeling becomes too much, he does something you don’t expect. The hard firm end of his rough fingertip, nudging into your ass, wet and slick from your pussy.
You can’t help the fucked out moan that ripples through your body at the unexpected contact. It feels different. Like you shouldn’t like it, but you do. You want so badly for him to rip his finger out and put his cock there instead, no matter how much it would hurt.
“Jakee.” You cry out, eyes rolling back in your head when he presses in a little further, stretching you with a slight sting.
“I know baby. Just take it, just fucking take it. Good girl.” He praises, pushing his finger in halfway, curling up ever so slightly.
His tongue comes again, licking over your clit while his finger works away at you, touching you where no one ever has, making you feel things you didn’t know were possible to feel.
“Moree.” You whine, unable to care anymore about your pitiful pleas.
“Does it feel good?” He muses, his smirk evident in his tone.
“Yes… fuck, it feels so good…”
“Yeah?” He asks, pushing in even further eliciting a hiss and whine from your begging mouth.
“You’re so tight princess. So pretty in all your places, even if it doesn’t make sense. You’re perfect.” He kisses the swell of your ass with care, his lips so soft on the sore skin.
“Fuck me… please.” You beg, desperate to feel him stretching you out properly.
“Yeah? My girl wants me to fuck her? What was it you were saying? Hmmm…” He pretends to remember your words. “Oh right I remember… you wanted it rough is that right love? You still want that?”
“Yes… fuck, pleasepleaseplease.” You whine, arching your back when his finger twists inside you.
“It seems like you want my cock in your ass princess, is that right?”
“Yeahh.” You sign imagining how good it would feel for him to press the silky head of his perfect cock against you. How good it would feel for him to stretch you out a different way.
“Maybe another time love, first I have to fulfill your request. My girl wants a rough fucking.” He smacks your ass again. “And I give my girl what she wants.”
You sense him shift on the bed, moving to kneel in front of your crouched frame. You hear the click of a belt buckle and his strained noise of aggravation when he struggles to take off his pants with his finger still in your ass.
You assume he’s removed them when he moves forward grinding his hard cock against you. The soft head of his cock nudges you, moving down to gather your slick before coming back up to rub against your clit.
Just as you think to yourself just fucking do it already he crashes into you with one hard thrust hitting you all the way back, robbing the air from your lungs. You fall forward on the bed from the sheer force of his body against yours, buried as far in as he can go. His own groan flutters out of him along with your shriek of pleasure. His finger falls out of your ass as when you fall and he instead braces his hands by either side of your head to pin you down as he drives into you.
“Ohhh… FUCK.” He shouts, moaning a curse as his hips snap into you. With every jut of his hips his cock hits you deep down in that perfect spot. His body hovers over you, holding you down so you have no choice but to lay there and take it.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuc-kk.” He sounds lost, like he can’t even believe how good you feel, but you’re too gone to even speak, letting the delicious, stretched out, deep vibrating feeling of his cock take you over. Every time he snaps into you, driving deeper with every thrust, you sink deeper into the mattress.
By some miracle you manage to choke out the single word. “Harder…”
“Jesus fuck…” He pants, completely out of breath. “You want it harder?” He pulls out and you mourn the loss of him, whimpering and pouting even though he can’t see your face. He pulls your hips up to be back on all fours and he repositions himself. His strong hands wrap around your hips holding you in place, still not letting you move. He pulls his hips back and shoots his cock into you, hitting an even deeper angle.
The sounds you're making can’t be helped at this point as you scream out his name. With every pound of his cock into your suspended hips, he pulls you back to meet him. You do your best to fuck back onto him but his own power dominates yours so you let him control your body, pulling you exactly how he wants.
The head of his cock nudges your cervix and the sounds emitting from the gliding wet motions are sinful. The wet sounds fill the room and you can feel yourself dripping down your leg once more. It's hard to feel anything besides his hard length shooting into you. In this moment you feel grateful for existing as a hole for him to abuse however he should want.
His hand snakes up your body to grab your hair fastening it into a makeshift ponytail. He grabs hold of it pulling your head back as he fucks you.
“I wish you could see yourself right now… so fucking sexy.”
His other hand leaves your hip to land a harsh smack to your ass then a squeeze. He slows his movements, pulling out to snap back in hitting you hard and deep. He stills his body buried deep in you nudging slightly to hit you even deeper.
“Fuck fuck fuck do that again…” You groan.
He complies, driving his cock to the back of your walls nudging in as far as it’ll go.
You’re close. The way he’s fucking you won’t let you hold on much longer.
“Come on baby, give it up.” He grunts out showing you how close he is too. His finger comes back to slowly push into your ass.
“Fuck fuckkkk.”
He deepens his voice, grunting out a single demand. “Cum.”
Before you can control it, you’re cumming, hard. The world around you dissipates and all you can do is feel. Feel every inch of him, everywhere. Like a buzzing warm force taking over your body. You can hardly hear your own voice as it screams out, your hands twisting into the sheets as you shake and writh. It feels like if pleasure could be inflicted by the click of a button, he would be standing on it with all his weight.
You can feel him shooting into you, the slight sensation rippling through your body like a second wave, causing you to start all over again. You can hear his voice in the distance, moaning and panting your name over and over again.
Finally like the calm after a storm, you sink into the mattress as he stills behind you. It feels like even if you tried, you wouldn’t be able to sit up, or move in any way.
It’s a while before either of you speaks, but Jake breaks the silence.
“We’ll fuck me. That was the best sex we’ve ever had.”
“Yeah.” Is all you can manage to say. There’s no question, it definitely was.
His finger squirms still inside you causing you to tighten around it, still feeling tingly and jumpy. You whine at the sensation as he pushes it in again.
“What it feels that good?” He teases.
He pulls his finger out making you feel slightly emptier than before. Then he pulls his cock out of you making you feel significantly more empty.
“So did I do it right?” He asks.
“Did I fuck you just right? Did I give my girl what she wanted?”
Spill it 2
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bloggingboutburgers · 3 months
Hey, allo anon with an ace partner here. I wanted to say thank you so much for the well wishes! I figured I would send this in here again, so anyone else who is curious about what this experience looks like from the other side can see it.
My girlfriend came out to me a little over 2 years into our relationship. At the time it surprised me a lot, because she'd never given me any signs that she wasn't enjoying what we were doing. After we talked more I understood that she wasn't repulsed by sex and she didn't hate it, but she didn't really love it either and wanted to stop doing it for a while (so a sex-neutral ace).
Honestly, at the time, I did get anxious about it. Not just because of social conventions, but because I had viewed sex as an important bonding part of our relationship. I don't do well with change, and I was super worried about how a lack of sex would change our dynamic. I also had some insecurities about my own body, and my girlfriend admitting that she didn't see me as sexy was upsetting. But after speaking to my therapist, I realized that I was projecting my own issues on to the relationship. So I spoke with her again, and she reassured me that she wanted to be with me, and that she was confiding these feelings because she trusted me. She likes how I look, she just doesn't have the same sexual impulses I do.
So, I realized this was pretty much like cuddling. I love physical touch a lot, and I want to cuddle for a much longer time than she does. I like it when someone lies on top of me. She doesn't want me on top of her chest during cuddling. She still cuddles with me, but she tells me when she's satisfied, and we stop.
A few months went by, and I noticed that she wasn't spending any less time with me; she was actually spending more. We would still call every evening when we didn't meet up in person, we would still joke around, and she still told me she loved me and did everything she could to show it to me. We also began trying out new stuff together, and playing games and watching stuff more often. We also still had plenty of physical intimacy with things like cuddling and kissing, which made me really happy.
I realized that I didn't feel like anything was missing from the relationship. I just needed her to show and tell me she loved me in the ways she normally did. Sure, I am still attracted to her that way, but it wasn't something that would make or break the relationship.
It's been years since she came out, and at this point, I never expect anything sexual. It happens rarely, and I always check in with her multiple times before and during. We stop at any point she tells me. There are quite a few hard boundaries about what is and isn't off limits, and I always keep them in mind. I would rather satisfy myself forever than make her uncomfortable, and she knows it.
It's been over 5 years and we are still going strong. I am hoping to ask her to marry me in the next few years, because honestly, I can't picture wanting anyone else by my side. She is kind, funny, beautiful, intelligent, and treats me well. I could never ask for anything more from a partner.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I myself definitely lack knowledge of what it feels like from an allo's perspective, so this was very educational for me, but beyond that... You have no idea how much hope this gives me.
From you being aware of how much sex meant to you in the context of your relationship and still being fine without it, to just... Heck, even your therapist for not blaming her for the situation. Therapy is still very much, in my country at least, an area where the absence or lower levels of sexual attraction will be hastily labelled as something wrong physically or mentally, so... Yeah, the amount of relief I felt reading that, you have no idea. And I can only imagine how much your partner appreciates it too.
Honestly I teared up a bit reading this - I sincerely wish you guys all the best and I hope you have a bright future ahead! (Also fun fact, seems you guys have been together as long as my partner and I have, it's nice to be able to relate to that too hehe^^)
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pep-rambles · 3 months
Lucifer is a Swiftie headcanons because I kin this man so much I am projecting my other hyperfixations on him
But also I mean c'mon,
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Look at him
yes there is RadioApple in this
-It probably started from Charlie. When she was in high school (post emo phase obviously) she may have enjoyed Taylor Swift (maybe Fearless got her through her senior year because I can't stop projecting) Lucifer started listening to try and have something to bond with his daughter about. But about the time Charlie kind of lost interest is about the time Lucifer doubled down on his obsession.
-He has been to basically almost every Eras concert, usually in really good seats because many a swiftie has offered to sell their soul for tickets. He said keep your soul just let him tag along.
-He is definitely an Evermore stan mostly because of relating too hard to the divorce narrative of it.
-Speaking of, Charlie has threatened to lock him out of his Spotify after catching him on the floor crying to “Champaign Problems” on repeat too many times. She never would but most definitely tried to ban him from listening to it for a month.
-She then caught him crying to “You’re Loosing Me”
-Angel Dust is most definitely  Beyhive (killer bee probably) and though initially joking that they are rivals the two men bond over their love for the two queens of pop, recommending songs and videos to each other.
-Angel is a Reputation Stan though 
-After one of Lucifer’s many tiffs with Alastor,  Charlie is expressing her frustration asking her dad why can’t they just get along and Lucifer explains that he doesn’t trust Alastor because “I think his ever-present grin is a little troubling” and is a little upset when she doesn’t get it 
-One day, Luci is sitting in the Lobby doing his work while listening to Taylor on shuffle. He’s casually minding his own business jamming out to one of her poppier love songs and Alastor wanders in commenting on the “Obnoxious trite little diddy” Lucifer doesn't even hesitate to take the bait
L: HOW DARE YOU! SHE IS A TALENTED GODDESS!! A DOWNRIGHT MUSICAL CHAMELEON! You are such a snob Alastor! Good music didn't stop getting made after your tiny little lifetime.
A: I never said it did but it's certainly not this frivolous noise!
L: Oh, you uninformed uncultured cur! She is a fucking poet!
He then proceeds to play examples for Alastor of her most creative and heart wrenching lyrics (he absolutely makes Al sit through all 10 minutes and 13 seconds of ATW) 
After all that though Lucifer will never get Alastor to admit that he finds T.S. musically talented (or that Lucifer did in fact catch Al tapping his foot a couple times)
        -Alastor does come to Lucifer, after a bit of research, admitting that though he does not find her music enjoyable, he respects her business cunning. Luci figures that's good enough. For now. 
-because I bet my non-existent Eras tour tickets that Lilith was a hater. I’ll leave it at that.
-OP works at Barnes & Noble and let me tell you there are about 80 different Taylor Swift magazines that even my swiftie ass thinks is excessive but Lucifer has every single one
-including the Taylor Swift paper dolls magazine (yes this is a real thing). He probably gets a few because he convinces Charlie to use them as a team building activity.
-He has at least 3 copies of each of the covers for the 2023 TIME Person of the Year magazine. 
-Also all cardigans. On a casual day he definitely lounges in them and has a set rotation of when to wear each one (and I am totally not gonna draw that nope)
-Well, it seems Lucifer is no longer crying to the depressing break-up songs on repeat but now he seems to be angrily listening to “Gorgeous” on repeat. Charlie asks him about it and he goes full denial mode “No no Charlie I'm not thinking of anyone specific, I've just been really into this song lately.” Everyone else in the hotel, besides Alastor, has already figured out what's going on
Alastor: If I have to hear that obnoxious noise one more time I will reduce that tiny maniac’s room to rubble as well as the abode of whatever sad sack is making him play it.
Angel: *knowing smirk* I'm gonna hold ya to that one, Antlers. 
-Al may very well hear it one more time if Lucifer uses it as his confession song (I don't fully commit to this headcanon, I just think it's funny) 
-Anyway boy’s probably in his Reputation stan Era b/c LWYMMD is like his long overdue big F-YOU to Heaven song 
btw this is NOT gonna end at these headcanons I am running with this idea like scissors.
@nose-nippin-fun (I know you're not a swiftie but we talked about this so idk if you care I can un-tag you if you want)
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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(name) was bleary as he was brought to a place that seemed like an endless castle, set on a soft bed as Muzan crouched beside him "you will live here now, you're my omega and I have expectations of you"
(Name) let the Alpha change his clothes into more elegant sleep clothes, his hands colder than the lake water "you're human so what you experienced would be rather traumatic on your body, sleep" Muzan said bluntly, never leaving room for discussion "we will discuss this when you wake"
(Name) was too exhausted to argue, body betraying him as it relaxed into the bed, the blankets and sheets soft on his skin.
Muzan knew it would be inevitable for them both to grow attached to one another, the bond of being soulmates would make it impossible otherwise, he just had to be patient.
(Name) slept for nearly three days, monitored by Muzan as he slept through his body recovering, now that he was near his alpha his body was becoming healthier.
He was pleased his mate was a sibling of a pillar, having something against them would be helpful indeed.
(Name) subconsciously moved closer to the scent of spices and bourbon, a strong hand caressing his face "I know you're awake, I can hear your heartbeat" Muzan said as (name) cracked his eyelids open "hello Omega"
"...are you going to kill me?" (Name) asked softly as he was lifted into a sitting position, Muzan surprisingly gentle with the Omega "it would be counter productive to kill you" Muzan said simply as he cleaned any sweat from the omegas face "you're my soulmate, if you die then I die and if either of us die, its said to feel worse than death for both parties"
"Where am I?"
"The infinity castle, my domain" Muzan had no right having such a smooth voice, eyes burning into him "don't leave the areas permitted, you will fall to your death if you do so"
"I-I see"
"I suppose we should talk about expectations" Muzan said formally, eyes unblinking as he stared down his Omega.
(Name) can't believe it got to this point, he was mates with the man responsible for killing those he cared for dearly... But his Omega preened under the attention from the Alpha, happy to have his eyes on him.
"Don't interrupt me while I work" Muzan started "stay out of the way"
"And I will kill whomever it is if you commit adultery before your eyes"
"I have some demands as well" (name) said pushing up that Shinobi strength, if he was going to be trapped here... Might as well lay down what he wants as well. Muzan raised an eyebrow but didn't speak "I want nesting materials, my omega likes your scent..." (Name)s voice was barely above a whisper as Muzan kept quiet "a-and I enjoy (hobby) and reading... If you want me out of your way, could I at least have something to do?"
"And I want to be the only Omega"
"Those things can be arrainged, the bond doesn't allow me to hold interest in anyone else"
"And... Would I ever be able to see my brother again?"
"Absolutely not"
(Name)s heart sunk at this, the realization that he would never see his loved ones again "could... I at least... Could I have a photograph of him?"
Muzans face was cold but his instincts made it hard to resist such a simple request "I can have one of my minions retrieve one" standing up he immediately went to leave, halting at the chirp that escaped (name)s lips, the Omega covering his mouth as soon as it came out.
Muzan pretended like his alpha didn't lose it over that sound and left.
(Name) awoke to the room filled with supplies for his hobbies and piles of books and nesting materials of the highest quality one could seak.
"This must have cost a fortune..." (Name) said softly, taking notice of expensive looking clothing boxes "I won't allow my mate to dress like garbage" Muzan said bluntly as he watched (name) open the top box, revealing an expensive looking yukata.
Muzan was definitely using items to remove any thoughts of defying him, wanting the Omega to be devoted and obedient to him as an obedient Omega is a less annoying Omega.
(Name) was already looking healthier, Muzan having made Daki get food for the Omega, something that made the woman bloodthirsty with rage.
She was doing tasks for a human!
This was far beneath her!
Though she would never ever do or say anything, he respect for her lord was far to high.
Currently her and her brother have managed to get a photo of a demon Slayer, the sibling of Lord Kibutsuji's Omega.
None of the moons have seen this Omega yet, their lord having kept him locked away from prying eyes and Doma as a concept.
Which fair.
She wouldn't want her mate near him either.
(Name) craved to see outside, missing the warmth of the sun under his skin.
(Name) was just thankful Muzan remembered that humans have needs like food and the restroom.
Muzan hadn't touched (name) since they got here, speaking to him when he woke and when he was going to bed.
The conversations weren't much, (name) mainly asking questions and getting short and simple answers.
He missed his family and the slayer's, before his soulmate he hoped he would possibly be soulmates with Rengoku....
(Name) crushed those thoughts, accepting his fate of being locked away in this maze of a castle with a mate who wouldn't touch him or look at him long....
Tengen was a mess.
His baby brother ripped from him "god knows what fate he's enduring..." (Name) was strong, he also came from the upbringing the white haired man had but he was no slayer....
"Muzan won't hurt him" Shinobi said simply as she stared at the distressed alpha "if he hurt him, he would receive the same pain"
That surprisingly did help him, knowing his brother couldn't be harmed.
"I need to get him back"
(Name) hummed softly as he worked on his hobby, distracting himself as the lights of the candles casted a warm glow on him.
Muzan didn't bother changing to his original form, wandering to his mates room in his female appearance and staring at the omega who looked so focused on what he was doing.
"Hello?" (Name) looked confused at him, a woman who reeked of his alpha and Muzan could smell... Jealousy? Interesting.
"What are you doing?" Muzan asked in his usual tone and watched his Omega calm down and assess what was before him "you're a pretty woman alpha" he commented, not even joking... Just an observation.
Muzan kept a neutral expression and stepped towards his mate, the Omega initiating contact by taking the demons clawed hand and having him sit beside him "I'm almost done..." (Name) said softly, showing him the project and explaining the process.
Muzan knew all of this already, having lived so long he's seen it all but he let the Omega explain his passion and the demon Lord found he enjoyed seeing his mate so dedicated to something.
"I will be working late" was all Muzan said before standing, the Omega grabbing onto the sleeve to the alphas yukata with a whine, clearly touch starved.
Muzan knew omegas were needy creatures and sighed.
(Name) yelped as he was lifted by his alpha, still in female form but none the less a force to fear.
(Name) hesitantly rested his head on the others chest, finding it to be soft and comfortable as the demon walked down the endless halls till they reached a room, a floor desk and many books scattered around "this is a part of my lab, you aren't to go into the other rooms, it's dangerous for a human like you" and if (name) gets hurt, that could be bad for Muzan.
Muzan set (name) in his lap and began working, the Omega subconsciously purring as he got to be close to his mate, his Omega forcing him to crave the touch and attention of the demon and (name) slowly gave up resisting.
Muzan let (name) play with a lock of hair around his face, focused on his work.
Then he felt warm lips against his cheek, eyes widening as he glanced at (name) who snuggled into him, body slowly slumping and Muzan adjusted him so his head rested on the others thighs and listened as the others breathing and heartbeat slowed down, the Omega falling asleep.
Muzan continued his work as his fingers gently raked at the nape of (name)s neck, close to his scent gland.
After that Muzan was more willing with contact, the two spending time reading with (name) in his lap or close to one another and though Muzan was still as chatty as usual it didn't matter as like his brother, (name) could converse for hours.
Muzan usually would have killed anyone who spoke this much but the Alpha found himself enjoying the sound of the omegas voice, their heartbeat... Muzan realized he was in love with the human.
His mate.
His soulmate.
Past Muzan would have been appalled at what he was doing, the demon gripping (name)s neck and jaw and pulling him into a demanding kiss, the Omega squeaking slightly and clinging to his suit but reciprocating the kiss.
(Name)s lips were sweet and warm, unlike Muzan having a firm grip the Omega gently cupped his jaw with his hands, thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks as he turned to straddle his lap and move the kiss into a slower pace.
Muzan was surprised he let the Omega do that.
He wouldn't ever admit it but he would let the Omega get away with a fair bit.
"My heats... It's soon" (name) said softly as they parted, (name)s head foggy from the kiss as Muzan gently pecked at his lips "will... Will you join me?"
"Of course, I am your alpha am I not?"
(Name) smiled and let the Alpha steal his lips once more.
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hanihazeljade · 2 months
Forced Playdate
Timothy is good at keeping good boy image in his appearances in public vicinity but somehow this girl that he was forced to get along with, frustrates every single neuron he has and things go awry.
Part 3 of Disgustingly Green , Skill Issue
(CW: mean, mean, mean Timothy)
Timothy was called one day and he was forced to be nice with this girl, her named is probably Maya or Gia? He didn't remember, she was named in his head as a rambunctious brat.
Well apparently, the brat's father and the weird man that throw him are friends, probably the father is also a weird and idiot person, because birds and their feathers.
Lunch with the kid is a disaster. She use her hands to eat her food like a baby and the food sometimes fly around his plate, making his appetite finally left him. Thank goodness he was not put in a high chair or else he will just drop himself and hope he will die.
If such a kid don't have manners, and the father's friend don't have manners, then by analytical and statistical basis, the father is also a rambunctious brat that doesn't have any manners, and Timothy will do his best to avoid those people.
But of course, the Waynes are twats that doesn't make his life any easier.
Tim doesn't know why he was being forced to be buddy buddy with this uncivilised monkey. At first he can tolerate it as maybe she is just really got a lenient parent, a single father even, but as time goes by Timothy starts to get irritated by passing second.
The little girl, Sophia(?), he still can't remember and he rather stays that way, kept asking him so many questions and kept telling him that they should play. Rolling his eyes internally, he rather jump to Gotham Bay instead of playing with this monkey.
"Didn't your parents taught you manners?" Timothy suddenly asked, losing his cool altogether. The girl just tilt her head. She is already six and yet can't articulate her words better, His mother wouldn't be proud if he was this late bloomer.
"Manners?" she finally replied, titled her head in a manner that some people will say it's adorable, still kind of dumb answer but at least she kinda shut up for now.
"You are a lady, you need to act like one. Not an uncivilised homosapiens." Tim rolled his eyes. The little girl definitely didn't understand what he said, but her father did and boy, was he pissed.
"She's six!" Roy growled, obviously not fancying the idea his daughter is not allowed to be a little kid and be a stuck up spoiled little brat.
Tim just scoffed, like how her mother would whenever his father said something dumb, "And when I'm six, I know how to behave like a decent human being, not some animal who acts on it's instinct." Timothy said as he glared sharply to Roy. The kid was cute but those eyes are not. Roy never thought that he can see the Tim's eyes like that. It was always light and some life in them but now, Tim is like those pretentious rich people he met during Ollie's parties.
"You spoil her too much, but what should I expect to someone who befriend a failure like that man." Timothy rolled his eyes, "You people disgust me."
Tim sighed, he didn't give anyone a chance to speak as he announced, "I will be in my room. I am exhausted dealing with people like you." Timothy said with disgust as he left in silence.
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ghouljams · 11 months
I feel like faekonig is getting to a point of comfort with Liebling where he could mock them.
Like he's moving all their favourite things (like tea ect) to the top shelves and they gets all steely and point at him "stop it" and he just turns to them like "sToP iT" and keeps going.
He's doing it again. You stare up at the top shelf in the back room where you can just make out your favorite mug. Do you have other mugs? Yes, and they're well within reach, but this is a matter of principle.
You reach up, standing on your toes to try and be tall enough but you can't reach over the edge where König's pushed it back. You look around for your step stool. Gone. Typical, you don't even know why you looked. What is it? Have you not let him do enough around the shop recently? Now he has to find other ways to make you rely on him?
Is it not enough letting him carry all the heavy stuff and put all your daily necessities on the high shelf? Now he's gotta put your nice mug up too? You make a frustrated noise and hop to try and smack your hand closer to your mug. It only pushes it back further from the edge.
"Do you need help, Liebling?" König asks behind you, you grunt jumping again.
"No, I'm perfectly capable of getting-" König reaches up past you and easily snags your cup, your teeth itch with the urge to bite him for the trouble. His arm is close enough you could...
Whether he's conscious of your more feral whims or not he holds the ceramic mug out to you. You snatch it like he might try to take it away again.
"Thank you König," you tell him, even though you hate him.
"You are very testy this morning," he responds, you glare at him as you set the kettle to boil. He doesn't look the least bit sorry.
"And you are very annoying," you snap at him, you hate when he's right. You bare your teeth at him when he reaches for you, clicking them in a mock bite.
König returns the favor, obscura falling just enough for you to see his wicked teeth snap at you, mocking your feeble bite. You are not proud of the whimper they draw from you, nor are you proud of the heat they pool between your legs. You can't take your eyes off the neat sharp tips of them even as he speaks.
"I am not scared of your bite, kaninchen," He lets you watch his tongue slide over his teeth before his hood falls again. You glance at his eyes, gaze too hot and heavy to hold. His fingers are insistent where they press against you jaw, tipping you head for himself as he lean close, "Do you need a reminder of that?"
You shake your head, eyes squeezing shut to wait for the pain that doesn't come. When you open your eyes he's standing watching you like you're the weird one.
"Stop doing that." You frown at him, more annoyed that you fell for his trap than anything else.
"Stop doing that," he mocks, turning to leave the back room. You gasp in affront and he moves more quickly to get back to the shop.
"See if I let you in the house tonight, asshole!" You call after him, watching fae part for him like they might catch your wrath if they stand too close. Testy your ass, if anyone is testy its him.
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Closer Than Flesh - Run
After a few hours it becomes clear to the friends that it's no use. Jake isn't even close to reproducing the things Skyler did yesterday (and those weren't great either). The sigil stone shows a faint red glow when Jake concentrates really hard, but that's about it.
"Okay, this is not working. I can't get it to work, Sky!" Jake says.
"Maybe we should try something else." Skyler suggests. "Like maybe... I don't know. Maybe we could take a break."
"Well, I mean, I was thinking we could go out for a walk or something."
"Right... do I need to remind you that you are, well... a dick? How would you go out for a walk?"
If Skyler still had facial expressions, he would grimace. "You know what I mean. You do the walking. It's better than nothing."
"Yeah, right. Not the worst idea, I guess. I'm getting a headache trying to reverse that whole mess. Plus, I get to grab something to eat on the way."
"Great. That's settled then. Ehm, one more thing." Skyler pauses for a moment. "Would you be okay with wearing something comfortable? Like sweatpants or something like that. I think I'm a bit bigger than your, I mean, previous equipment and I don't exactly fancy the thought of being crushed by your tight jeans."
"No problem." Jake answers quickly. "I'll find some sweats in my room."
As Jake changes into the pair of gray sweatpants, Skyler’s world goes dark again. Even though the sweatpants are not quite as tight as he imagines the jeans would be, Skyler is still being pressed back against Jake's body. Once he gets over feeling anxious about the cramped space, Skyler realizes it's actually quite comfortable: It's warm, safe and comfy, and, most of all, it smells like Jake.
Skyler is still not sure how he can see or smell, but his senses seem to be confined to his actual cock-form. If Jake is wearing pants like this, he can't see anything. He isn't actually sure how it works, either. As a dick, he obviously doesn't have any eyes, nose or tastebuds. Still, he can clearly see, smell and (as he remembers) taste everything around him. Especially his sight is interesting. While he clearly experiences the world from the perspective of his friends crotch, his vision is kind of all around his shaft-body, not directed like he used to see as a human.
Which brings Skyler to another question he needs answered.
"Jake?" he asks.
Jake twitches as the voice of his friend tears him out of his own thoughts. As he pulled on the pants, it felt... weird. Sure, he had pulled on pants, and even this pair of sweatpants on like a thousand times. Each time, he had stuffed his then smaller dick into his underwear unceremoniously, without spending much of a thought on it. Just as he did a few seconds ago. But this time, it's different. It's not merely a part of his body he is handling, it's actually his friend Skyler who is still attached to his groin. This just feels so weird.
"Yes?" he replies with a bit of a delay.
"How are you hearing me?"
"What do you mean? I can understand you perfectly well." Jake was confused by the question.
"No, that's not what I meant. I mean... I don't have a mouth. Or lungs. Am I speaking to you normally? "
"Oh! No, I don't think so." Jake thinks for a moment. "I think you're talking... directly to me."
He pauses and then says: "Oh! Does that mean...?"
He gets out his cell phone and starts a recording. "Say something again!"
"Uhm... Hello? Why, what are you doing? I can't see anything from inside your pants!"
Jake stops the recording and taps the play button. After a few seconds, he exclaims: "Crazy! I think you're talking to me telepathically! There is nothing on the recording."
"That's good at least." Skyler says with a cheer in his voice. "That means I can talk to you while we're out without anyone asking you were your pants have learned to speak."
"Great. Oh! I have another idea!" With that, Jake puts in headphones. "I put in my buds, so when I answer, it looks like I'm on my phone."
"Okay." Skyler replies. "Let's go!"
It feels weird when Jake walks, Skyler discovers. It's not exactly unpleasant, but there is considerably more movement down there than he expected. After the first few steps, Skyler slips into Jake's left pants leg, where he kind of settles in a stable position. Still, every step Jake takes leads to some shifting and tugging around of him.
At first, Skyler is uneasy by the sensations, but as more time passes, he slowly starts to relax, getting used to the new experiences.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"I just left the apartment and I'm going to the park. I think there's a hot dog stand today and I'm getting hungry."
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"Ha. One good thing about the whole thing is that I'm not hungry one bit. Would be difficult to eat like this, too."
"I'm glad you're enjoying your day." Jake says sarcastically. "I still want to end having a talking dick, preferably before I have to pee again. Do you have any new ideas?"
"Okay, okay. Sorry. We could search the web, perhaps if we put in the symbol again, we find out something I didn't before. Perhaps there is some kind of manual?"
"We could try that. Beats not doing anything useful with the stone itself. But first..."
Skyler feels a bigger shift in his surroundings, as Jake sits down. At the same time, he hears Jake continue: "I have finally gotten myself a hot dog."
While Jake is eating, there is not much movement for Skyler. As he doesn't want to interrupt Jake, he decides just to hang around a bit and relax. Quite literally, really.
After a few minutes, however, Skyler suddenly feels weird. Like, *really* weird. An entirely unpleasant sensation washes over him, almost like a physical pressure suddenly building all around him. "Jake..." he groans.
"What is it?" Jake sounds unconcerned.
"Something is wrong... What is going on?"
"What do you mean what's going on? I'm eating my hot dog, and everything is fine."
"No... it's not fine." Skyler groans again. His mind feels like he is drowning. Whatever this is, it's getting worse quickly.
"Wait, no, there is something." Jake looks around uneasily. It's barely noticeable, but it has gotten a bit darker. He looks up to the sky and notices dark clouds that have appeared. Wasn't it bright sunshine just a minute ago? A cold breeze has picked up.
"The weather has changed." he comments.
"No, it's more than that. Something is wrong, like seriously. I feel weird. Bad weird." Skyler’s voice sounds distressed, and Jake feels queasy all of a sudden. He doesn't feel anything out of the ordinary, but Skyler sounds really bad. Also, the sudden change in weather doesn't really seem right. He looks up again: The clouds are even darker than before, making it considerably darker now.
"Jake! Do you have the stone?"
"No, I left it at home. Why?"
"I don't think it's safe. I can't really say why, but... we should go home. Now!"
"Why? What's happening?"
"I don't know! I just... feel it!" Skyler groans again, feeling an overwhelming sense of dread. "We need to get back!"
That is enough to convince Jake. He puts down the rest of his hot dog and starts walking back, quickly falling into a jog. He is not very fit, so he quickly becomes quite exhausted. However, there are more and more unsettling sights, which provide enough motivation to keep moving. The sky is now really dark, like just before a big thunderstorm. The rest of the daylight gives it a reddish shine that reminds him of a sunset just before the sun disappears. Additionally, very dark, almost black with a hint of red, fog has started to appear between the trees and buildings. It seems to encroach toward him with every fast heartbeat of his.
"Shit. There is this weird fog, and it's gotten really dark." he reports the situation for Skyler but receives no answer than a pained groan. Jake is really worried now and so distracted that he trips and almost falls, only barely catching himself. One of his earbuds rolls away on the ground. His first impulse is to go after it, but the raising panic tells him to don't stop running.
"Shit! Skyler are you okay?" he asks out of breath. There is his apartment building. He quickly unlocks the door and gets inside, up the stairs and into his flat.
"Something really bad is going on, Jake..." Skyler says, his voice sounding like he is gritting his teeth.
Jake doesn't answer right away. What he sees in his apartment makes him temporarily speechless. The stone, the "sigil stone" as Skyler had dubbed it, is floating in mid-air, surrounded by an eerie red glow. The sigil on it is pulsing slowly, like the heartbeat of a giant.
"What. The. Fuck". Jake exclaims. "The stone is... "
He is interrupted by a sudden, loud noise. It sounds like an elephant stomping the ground with all its might, down on the ground floor. Then, a sudden loud cracking noise from below. Jake imagines some unearthly force breaking the building door, perhaps rending it in two or...
Footsteps. Heavy, angry footsteps on the stairs. Someone is coming!
"Sky!" Jake says in short breath. "What is happening?"
The steps come closer quickly, before stopping, probably right in front of his apartment door. He can see a red shine from outside and dark fog coming through the cracks. Jake is shaking now, paralyzed by primal fear, existential dread. "Sky..."
Then, with a loud blast, his apartment door is wiped away like a twig, blasting wooden splinters in all directions. At the same time, Jake hears Skyler in his head, his voice full of panic: "The stone!"
Almost automatically, Jake finally grabs the floating stone which vibrates in his hand with power and anticipation. As he turns around to the door, his heart skips a beat. Stepping slowly through the door frame is a nightmare come to life: A large, muscular man, almost naked bare for a short leathery pair of pants. His entire skin is blood red, as well as his wild unkempt hair, which only has a slightly darker shade of red. The face is obscured by deep shadows, but Jake can clearly see a pair of bright red glowing eyes. A large pair of black horns has breached the creatures skull, ending in red sharp tips like they are glowing red hot. All around the nightmare creature is dark red smoke or fog, surrounding him like tortured souls. Especially around his shoulders the flowing smoke gives him the appearance of forming wings that extend endlessly into the fog around him.
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His mouth twists into an evil grin, revealing sharp teeth as a cold and cruel voice pierces the air, ringing in Jake's ears and resonating in his skull:
Jake feels weak and unable to move at all. Helplessly he stares at the demonic creature in front of him, which steps closer without much haste.
He needs to get away, he needs to flee somehow. That thing is no doubt going to kill him in a few seconds. But there is no escape: The demon blocks the door and any idea of a desperate jump out of one of the windows seems too foolish to even try. There is nowhere to hide, he is helpless!
All of a sudden, the stone in his hand begins to glow brightly red, brimming with power. For some reason, the demon looks surprised, angered even. He lunges himself at Jake now, as his terrible voice shouts: "What? Impossible! With my..."
The demon doesn't get to finish his sentence, as all around him, the world unravels itself, including the demon. Jake watches in horror as reality dissolves. His apartment, the demon, the outside world, everything dissolves like fabric triturating. He looks down on himself and at first, he thought that his body is experiencing the same fate. But quickly, he finds out that while his clothes disappear alongside the rest of the world, his body stays solid.
Solid, but not necessarily unchanged. Waves of change wash over him, pulsing from the stone in his hand. His skin feels weird and itchy, as little hairs pop into existence. First a few single chest hairs, then a whole patch of coarse hair, then a whole pelt. They stretch down over his stomach, forming a dense trail towards his crotch. As the hairs spread over his chest and connect to his armpits, his whole skin darkens and becomes a more tanned version of itself. Not dark like that of a Black man, but definitely something he wouldn't expect on a Caucasian man, much less on his gamer body. His nipples darken to a browner shade as well.
The itching spreads to his arms and legs as hair grows in there as well. At the same time, his body becomes slightly more muscular, gaining some definition. Not like an athlete or body builder, but like someone who visits the gym regularly at least. Jake can feel his face shift and change and his chin and upper lip itch, as a short, stubbly beard grows in and his whole facial structure reforms into one clearly showing middle eastern heritage. Finally, the last big pulse from the stone materializes surroundings around Jake again. He finds himself standing in a small yet stylish apartment, held in black and white colors.
No trace remains from his old place, the destruction or the demonic creature that was there some heartbeats ago. But there is also no trace of Jake as he knew himself. In his place, there stands an entirely different man looking shocked at himself: A hairy, slightly muscular Arab man with dark hair and eyes. The only similarity to Jake's old body is the fact that he sports a really large cock between his legs.
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So, the story get's going! What is going on? Who is the red guy? And why is that Jake bloke talking to his cock? Well, at least the last question can be answered by reading the previous episode! Click here to read on to the next episode.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Unknown Episode 5
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Oh, Yuan. Your yearning is palpable through the screen, other people in the story are starting to notice, and I can feel the pain coming.
This show is building spectacularly. I feel like I'm with Yuan as his feelings become more and more uncontrollable, with Qian feeding them unknowingly at every turn. One thing the novel did so well, and that the show is pulling off too, is showing us that Qian also feels differently about Yuan than he does about other people, even if it's mostly on a subconscious level and he would deny it if you asked. He listens to him and worries about him in a way he doesn't anyone else, and he is attuned to his feelings even if he can't always articulate why. And everyone around him can see it. Lili has long accepted that this is just the way her brothers are with each other. The office ladies (fujoshis all, as it turns out) have clicked into their dynamic.
And San Pang is actively worried and starting to interfere in their relationship, because he can see two things clearly: 1) Yuan definitely likes Qian; 2) Qian seems to feel something for him in return even if he is not aware of it. I don't think San Pang would bother to interfere if he thought Yuan's feelings were truly hopeless. It's because he can see the way Qian unconsciously relies on and returns Yuan's affections that he's worried.
I like the way the show adapted this plot line from the book. Like many things in the story, they have softened the tone of it (San Pang was a lot more homophobic about it in the novel), and San Pang in general is pretty different here. In the book he's unattractive and loud and brash, while here he's so dreamy that Lili has a crush. But it's understandable that he would be uncomfortable with the idea of Qian and Yuan's relationship becoming romantic; he has grown up with them as brothers, too, and it's an idea he just can't reconcile with how he thinks of them. Attempting to redirect Qian's attention to a "more appropriate" love interest is a logical move, and one I can forgive him for, even though it's bound to fail. I'll be curious to see what exactly he says to Yuan next week.
As for Yuan, I just feel so much for him. His feelings are leaking out at every turn; he has entirely lost his ability to mask it. I was glad he got to come out to Qian, be accepted (after some token resistance), and at least clear this one hurdle in their relationship, but you can feel his frustration at still being too young to approach Qian in the way he wants (reminder that despite what the subs claim, he is still calling him ge, not using his name when they speak). Yuan is still in school and has other obligations and important life milestones to meet before he can come to Qian as an adult partner. Having to leave for things like training camp makes him unhappy when he just wants to be around to take care of Qian. I found the office workers filling in for him on Qian caretaker duty quite sweet, and I do think Qian loves the way Yuan dotes on him even as he pretends not to need it.
I am anticipating and dreading the inevitable implosion when Qian is no longer able to ignore Yuan's feelings and consequently has to confront his own. Next week is going to be painful for both of them.
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dnalt-d2 · 3 months
(Please note: I am only going to speak about things that are verifiable, either by Lea, who we know for a fact at this point was an admin, or by our own observations, like hearing what's happening on certain streams, or other verifiable announcements. I don't want to talk too much on things outside of that because it could technically be speculation, and I don't want to mislead anyone. I will do my best to state what is and isn't speculation in order to keep confusion to a minimum. I'm also going to remain as impartial as possible, and only provide facts as they've been presented to us. This is basically just meant to be to organize some of the things going on into one post so that people who aren't on Twitter can get a good idea of what's going on instead of just hearing it from people who keep vaguely doom-posting)
So as has been the case for the last couple weeks, the Admin Situation continues to unfold. In a manner of speaking, at least
Since Quackity made his initial statements, we haven't gotten any sort of concrete news from him, or even an acknowledgement that things are still developing. Like I've said in my previous post, I haven't been expecting any concrete updates, since that sort of thing would most likely be sensitive information that he legally can't share. However, I do find it disheartening that he has continued moving forward without so much as acknowledging the situation
I do understand that a lot of current plans have been in the works for a while now, and couldn't be pushed back that far without detrimentally affecting other people, including the new streamers who likely carved out large chunks of their schedule out specifically for QSMP. So keeping the server closed for too long could have easily had negative effects on many people, including the Admins. But I want to say that I just don't know everything going on behind the scenes, and this isn't fact. It's just what I understand to be happening
And while we still haven't gotten any official statements regarding the Admins since Quackity's statement, things have still been happening, most of which we are probably never going to hear about. Some of which though, we are hearing, and it's not sounding that great, unfortunately
Do keep in mind however, that the following is just what we're hearing about, and because of the NDAs in place, we likely CAN'T hear about anything else, including any potential positive changes that might be taking place. We still aren't going to hear about any changes until they're concrete. This has only been taking place for a couple of weeks, and none of the changes can be made immediately. With that in mind, here's some of the verifiable information that has been making the rounds recently
As I've stated before, the French Union has gotten involved, and by this point, has stated that the Admins CAN potentially pursue legal action if they so choose. However, I want to emphasize that this doesn't mean legal action is guaranteed. This just means they have the OPTION to do so. Which by the sounds of things, it doesn't seem like anyone wants to do that as of right now. This is essentially just one more thing to give leverage to the Admins, letting them and Quackity know that they have that right. But if things can improve, they don't need to take them
(Link to their English post here)
As of now, one of the higher-ups in Quackity Studios, Jose, has been tweeting out that he is speaking with other Admins/Ex-Admins about everything going on, and gathering testimony in a document to present to Quackity. Last we heard, he was still gathering testimony and speaking to lawyers to ensure that everything he was doing was legal. And that as of now, organizing a meeting with Quackity himself has been a little difficult, I believe for scheduling reasons, as well as the fact that he's still gathering information (I was actually hoping to wait until this document was out to make another post about all this, but people keep acting like things are only going downhill, and I wanted to go ahead and give my two cents)
(Links to his posts can be found here and here)
We have also heard about 2 Admins quitting in the last couple days. Pancks, who was the roleplayer behind Agent 18 and Xaninho the Capybara, as well as other Portuguese-speaking NPCs. He has not given a clear reason for quitting aside from the fact that he feels he is done with this chapter of his career and wants to do other things. He has also asked us not to speculate his reason for leaving, which I am going to respect
(Link to his post here)
The other Admin who quit is a writer named Ana, who put out a statement saying that she was removed from most of her roles without being given a clear reason, while other writers still retain theirs. She states that her main reason for leaving is the lack of communication since things have gone down, which is not a great sign
(Link to her post here and her document here)
Lastly, we know that merch is currently being announced. So far we have 4 standees of the Eggs, Dapper, Trump, Leo(?), and Pomme, and will probably get more in the next few days. I want to point out that it's incredibly unlikely for this to have ONLY been started for the current situation. I'm personally assuming it was originally meant to be for the 1-Year Anniversary of QSMP starting, but has been pushed forward slightly to help raise funds for everything going on. Organizing merch production usually takes a while, which is the only reason I'm assuming that this isn't just coming out of nowhere
To wrap up, things haven't resolved yet. And that makes sense
Reorganizing an entire business takes time, even for people who are experienced in that sort of thing. But from what I understand, Quackity is not, and that's likely what led to this situation in the first place. Anyone trying something this big is bound to mess up, and unfortunately, this just happens to be a VERY big mess-up. Not too big to fix, but big enough to be difficult. And while we are hearing about some negative things happening, I want to remind everyone ONCE AGAIN, that we will not know anything until it's concrete, good or bad. The people speaking up don't seem to be doing so with any ill will, and many of them still seem to see QSMP as a positive experience overall. Just one that needs to be improved upon for the better of everyone involved. Right now, I'd say the main problem is, once again, communication. It's unfortunate that people keep bringing up how they haven't heard about anything going on, and that is very understandable. It's hard being kept in the dark on something like this, especially for people who were actually personally involved prior to this
The Admins/Ex-Admins have every right to be impatient on this because they're the ones being impacted the most. Because they've likely been patient for far longer than we have, and know a lot more about what's happening. That's why Lea has been doing her best to be vocal and support the current Admins and pressure Quackity Studios, even with the harassment she's apparently getting for doing so
But for us, who are simply viewers, just doom-posting and assuming the worst won't help. (AND NEITHER WILL HARASSING PEOPLE) Yes, we should be vocal in our support for the people affected, but there will be a point where shouting into the void is gonna be more detrimental than helpful. I believe that by now, we've gotten our point across. That Quackity and Quackity Studios know that we don't want to support a project that has to take advantage of people to keep it running. I'm not saying to let everything go completely. I would personally advise that people who want to should stay as educated as possible, and help educate anyone who wants to know what's going on
But if this is still affecting your mental and emotional well-being, stepping back and waiting to see what happens is probably the best move you can make. Spreading outright negativity won't help you, and it won't help the other people involved. I know that sometimes not knowing things can cause a lot of anxiety. Heck, that's why I make these posts, so I can help other people know what's going on. But other times, it can be entirely counterproductive. It's why I try not to doom-scroll through most social media in general, because I know that sometimes knowing more just means having more to worry about. It's up to you guys to find the balance that helps you, and I hope you all take care of yourselves in spite of everything going on
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growling · 19 days
*average self-proclaimed safe space tumblr blog voice* I soooooo support people with schizophrenia that must be so hard to you anyway I just saw some weird looking woman talking to herself right outside my house im fearing for my life should I call the cops. Yeah dude I support all the adhd havers in the chat just try to pay attention when I talk to you it's not that hard it's like the least you could do to show some regard for the other human being in front of you. Like it's fine to have memory problems but why did you forget this one thing in particular that was important to me do you like not care or anything you should try harder. I am one of the only real mental health advocates to still exist in this world I hear your struggles that being said I hope I never get to meet one of those irl sociopaths or people with aspd whatever they call them now they're so freaky and they can blend into society so well you might never know if you're actually face to face with an actual socio i mean person with aspd in the store absolutely one of my biggest fears what if they torture me in their basement. I absolutely empathize with all the people in here suffering from delusions as long as they like, don't actually show it or have one concerning me that'd be highkey uncomfy leave me out of this dude im not talking to you until you get help, anyway my fav character from my anime just presumably died but i still think they actually survived im sooo delulu lol. We should push for more wheelchair accessibility in our cities I agree but like it's so difficult to tell how many people are actually disabled and who are actually faking it, like, ummm why did that "wheelchair" "user" guy stand up just now cover blown lmaoo…. Yeah I support people with facial differences but I still have a right to be disgusted you can't control my emotions anyway can you tag your selfies as #body horror this deeply triggering to me. Speaking of triggering can you also pleaseee hide your scars or at least warn us beforehand jesus do you know how many people genuinely do not want to see it. Here is my extremely fast strobing lights and flashing gifset #epilepsy. Yeah I loveee girls with bpd beautiful princess disorder am i right they're so interesting the stigma sucksssss i'd love to get to be one's favourite person as long as they don't actually have any of those weird or violent symptoms or don't go into any of their "episodes" near me like that's a bit dramatic….. I deeply feel for those who had underwent narcissistic abuse from the hands of an npd I think my shitty ex boyfriend was a narcissist too tbh #surviving narcissism here are 10 signs you are dealing with a narcissist and here's a tutorial on how to trigger a narc crash to epically own them anyway does anyone else think we should start enforcing mandatory castration of all the newly diagnosed narcs like you know what happens when they reproduce right. But I am willing to support them as long as they go to therapy to get that fixed it's just you know. Anyway sometimes hospitalisation is fine if they're genuinely a danger to themselves like what do you want them to go live on the streets or actually get help?? I support all the people dealing with being a professionally diagnosed disordered system and I think it's sooooo terrible how literally 99% of the youth population nowadays is purposefully faking it for attention I did my research (1 minute google search, 2 minute r/fakedisordercringe scrolling session and consulting a single system that agrees with me). It's just not believable to me that there's really that many people with it isn't it supposed to be rare… Also are we really sure all those alleged people in their heads are really real or just their imagination maybe all of them are actually faking it huh food for thought. I am very uncomfortable with nonverbal high support needs ppl actually having sex like consent is supposed to be explicitly verbal only and, are we really sure they can even consent arent they like basically children. You can't call me ableist I'm literally autistic
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