#which means the quarry and the mines
lunarflare64 · 11 months
Today, unfortunately, I am not one of us who likes Stardew Valley. But the others are sort of around and they demanded that I play it for them, and I don't know how they can put 12+ hours into this game every day, the mines are mildly entertaining, I could get hooked on that if I was allowed to JUST do that, but the others would kill me if I let the farm fall apart, and there's chickens that get pissed at us if we stay up late, which is an annoying mechanic that I don't understand. Can we kill the chickens? We have a naming scheme thats just different ways chicken can be cooked, it would be very fitting I think
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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After dinner, I want you to pick out your toys for the yard sale. Two boxes' worth.
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light-lanterne · 11 months
what the heck have i just read,,,
guys, there are a lot of similarities between all the members of the party. they all are outcasts of some kind, they all share some general traits (hence why they became friends in the first place), and they're all going through similar experiences as a result of their involvement with the upside down and all that.
but they're all unique individuals who all have their own struggles and character arcs and none of them exist purely to give depth to the other -_- parallels exist to add layers to certain aspects of the character's stories and the overall narrative, not to reduce an entire character's journey to those similarities and then proceed to ignore everything else about them. that is such a shallow way to consume the source material we all enjoy :|
it's okei to like certain characters more, and it's okei to point out all the little hints the duffs have left woven throughout the entire show to hint towards what's going to happen next with certain individuals and plot lines,,,
just don't reduce the entirety of one main character's existence to some very specific moments and traits in order to justify or enrich someone else's arc >:\
#✒️#💡#🧸#this is about some random post claiming max “was created” to add onto will's arc btw. which is... yeah...#while somewhat similar in the way they both got targetted by vecna. they each have their own experiences in that regard :\#(the same applies w mike btw. there are some strong madwheeler parallels in s4 but that doesn't mean mike is getting a copy of her arc e.e)#(also. pet peeve of mine (tw // suicide): the post claimed max's s4 arc is confirmation that will is suicidal... /but he isn't/ :|#just like mike isn't suicidal just because he chose to jump off the quarry that one time to save dustin. will telling everyone to close the#gate in s2 was not him being suicidal per se. it was him trying to save his family and friends even if it came at the expense of his life.#yes this ties in to his low self-worth. yes by definition mike and will were technically killing themselves in both these incidents.#and yes both mike and will show signs of them being depressed in different levels and ways. but self-sacrificial tendencies don't#immediately translate to an active pursuit of death. particularly when they only did their thing in moments /when their loved ones were in#peril/ x.x) alas. i digress. just please stop throwing words around and fanfic-icating everything. and please stop taking max's arc#and making it everyone's but hers :\ it was a great representation of survivor's guilt and the conflicting relationship an abusee has with#their abuser and that 3-season-long plot line only works with her -_-#anyway. just be careful of your wording when discussing parallels :\
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triysn · 29 days
Remembering that rex is a manipulative little shit and here to remind myself of that fact again. He did very much
goad Biowulf for an entire episode the second he caught onto the fact there was blood in the water, pinpointing his sore spots to the extent that within a couple of hours, Biowulf—VK’s most loyal right-hand man—was willing to betray his ‘master’, go against their mission and help Rex and Circe escape all because Rex made him doubt his position in the pack
Do that bait and switch with No-face for the data stick, plus another bluff with gatlocke re: the bomb
That alliance episode again where he was outright guilt-tripping circe during the fight with no face. That little bastard was perfectly fine but he was swooning like a trained victorian lady. Don’t forget this incident is literally a direct contributing factor to Circe finally leaving the pack so it actually worked
That one episode with Annie and Claire where rex was doing all sorts of over-engineering to get Noah some. Like it’s not a real genius idea perse. But it’s definitely manipulative.
When he fear-mongered breach into giving circe back without a fight and getting rid of quarry in one fell swoop. Like he didn’t just make the trade, this guy planned for this. He built up to it. He had the recording on hand, he was all like “uh oh, VK’s hard on failure right uwu”. Wanna save your skin? Better cut a deal with me. And he didn’t even give up the recording in the end, which means he still had blackmail on breach after the trade
Making the deal with nightshade aka jungle cat. half of it is because he’s a good person probably and didn’t actually want to have to kill an EVO without looking for an alternative, but also he pressed the exact right buttons. He wasn’t like “it’s for the good of humanity and revenge is bad”. It was literally just “here’s something we can do for you and here’s something you can do for us. Kill Van Kleiss? Bitch, what do you think I’ve been trying to do”
Mentioning Alliance again bc Rex was just a scheming little gremlin bastard for that ENTIRE EPISODE.
Enemies mine when he tricked his entire rogues gallery into trapping themselves. he knew they had a tracker on him and immediately was like. Ya know what.
HK rex gets an honorary mention for being a bigger red flag gremlin off screen than our rex could ever be
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
Marriage of State AU Character Designs: The Mad King of Mezalea
Joel actually has three major looks through the course of the AU; Prince of Mezalea, Trophy Husband, and King Joel, with the subcategories of "armor" for each.
They all have the same base design of "human", differing by (apparent) age and general sense of style.
Some Joel Skins to start us off and provide the base we're working off of, and also the Mezalean banner because color pallet
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And also, because it is actually relevant, (bear with me here) some samples of Mezalean architecture.
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The Matral Palace and the Villager area.
Based off of Joel's final skin, the vibe is kind of "Victorian military dress uniform" however there is something very, very important to take into consideration from a worldbuilding perspective.
The Mesa is a warm weather biome. Its a colorful desert. Which means high temperatures during the day and cold at night. So tight-fitting, thick fabrics in a Victorian style would be incredibly impractical.
So we turn to the second possible source for fashion inspiration: The architecture, which gives mostly Byzantine vibes.
So what would Byzantine clothing look like, especially for nobility?
First off, taking into account that the Byzantine Empire lasted for approximately a thousand years and, naturally, underwent some dramatic changes in clothing style during that time, we'll pick a specific vibe out of the options. I settled on a bit of a mix between Early Byzantine (think the Theodora Mosaic shown below) and Middle Byzantine (see the mosaic of Emperor Constantine IX below)
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And here are just some screenshots from my pintrest board for Mezalea and Mezalean!Joel, because if I put all these on here separately I'll hit the image limit too soon.
(General disclaimer: yes, Pintrest has an art theft problem, yes Pintrest is much harder to effectively use now due to the pervasiveness of ads on everything, no I don't use it for like, formal things. It remains one of the best ways to collect visual references and figuring out The Vibes)
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(Yes, we get to go full Material Gworl vibes for the Mezalean King, as is only right and proper.)
General characteristics I'm adopting here for Mezalean clothing:
Brocade (and bejeweled) kaftan/kaftan-esque outer layer. This is a formal wear thing, and is absolutely a "showing off the wealth" power move.
Lots of Big Chunky Colorful Jewelry
I don't know what it's actual name is, but that general style of having jeweled tassel-like things hanging from the front sides of the crown/headdress.
Light-weight and loose fitting under-layers.
And of course, bright colors.
Prince Joel: Before he became part of the main cast in an epic fantasy adventure spanning several hundreds of years and an entire continent (and the adjacent ocean) Joel was the youngest of three princes with two older brothers who were both married and had kids.
Which is to say, it did not look like he would ever be the king.
His role in the kingdom was very much that of an ambassador to and direct connection to their people. He spent a lot of time working on fishing boats and in the mines and quarries. While he did receive a standard royal education on things like diplomacy and combat, international interactions were not his focus at all, much more involved in the day to day operations of his own home. (And yes, that is a very vital aspect of the idea of "royalty" in general, supposedly, and that being a particular point of Joel's upbringing will make more sense when I get around to writing and posting the post about how royalty functions in the Empires. tldr; its related to the whole thing where Pixlriffs accidentally redefined "war")
Basically, Prince Joel = the first skin, the simple green one. He's wearing more lightweight, practical clothes that allow him to engage in physically demanding dirty work without costing a fortune every day. He still dresses up for formal events, but he doesn't even attend all of those and he is far from a daily sight in court.
Trophy Husband: For a couple hundred years, Joel didn't live in Mezalea. Instead, he was one half of the chronological first arranged marriage in the "au in which all the marriages are arranged" situation. And this one was the one that most resembles the set-up of a generic "period" bodice-ripper novel (though that is not how it played out ultimately, for the parties involved, despite the romance that does happen.)
Basically, this is his War Prize Era. In which Lizzie won a husband in combat and then didn't really know what to do with him.
During this time period, Joel mostly wore ocean styled clothing, though during formal occasions he would wear a notable amount of Mezalean accessories, that were part and parcel of the treaty with him. (I'm trying so hard not to derail this into just a breakdown of the events of the Joel & Lizzie arc of the au im trying so hard)
He did tend to mix Oceanic and Mezalean clothing, due in part to Oceanic clothing being primarily designed for underwater wear, while he lived above the surface, finding the balance of practicality and appearances demanded by the political nature of his existence at the time. (Also a personal comfort thing as Mezalean clothing tended to afford more skin coverage and also had shoes) Once he and Lizzie were more comfortable both in the world and with each other he had more opportunities for personalization and tended towards Mezalean styles in oceanic colors. He did develop a significant appreciation for the Oceanic idea of skin-tight under-layers for water travel.
King Joel: He did end up back in Mezalea as king, which is when we hit the style closest to the second skin, which mostly for this is really an indicator of color scheme. Formally, he is now wearing the full Kaftan and Jewelry look, day to day its more of "colorful, simple, and lightweight" because he still is very active in the day to day commerce of his empire. He does usually wear significantly more jewelry than he did as a prince, he grew a taste for it during his trophy husband era XD. The details of his day-to-day wear are also fancier. finer fabrics, more embroidery, brocade hems, etc.
Most of his earrings are gifts from Lizzie, some in Oceanic colors, some in Mezalean, but all with little chips of prismarine to remind him of her even when she can't be there.
Armor: Joel's armor preferences are simple netherite plate. He also does have a ceremonial trident, as a member of the Oceanic royal family. His is gold-plated.
Lizzie || Jimmy ||
AU Masterpost
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love-kurdt · 3 months
Swooping, Sloping, Cursive Letters: 11
word count: 1,194
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July 28, 1988
Dear Will,
Tonight was… well, it was something else. Not how I expected it to go. I had gone to bed super early, since all our late night walkie conversations have been catching up to me. But you obviously had other plans. I woke up to the sound of light tapping on my bedroom window. I was so thrown off, since I’m usually the one sneaking out in the middle of the night, but there you were at 1am, hunched over my window sill, wearing a The Cure tee shirt and a pair of gym shorts. I still don’t know how you’re able to just walk around at night in such light clothing; I’d bundled up in preparation to sleep tonight because summer nights always get super cold out of nowhere, and I turn into an icicle otherwise. “What are you doing here?” I’d asked stupidly as I let you in. You grinned up at me and asked, “Wanna go somewhere?” You had that mischievous gleam in your eyes that never fails to make me simultaneously nervous and excited. When I’d asked what place you had in mind, you simply shook your head, insisting upon the location being a surprise.
I asked you if you wanted a sweatshirt or something before we headed out, you shook your head, insisted that you were fine… and then you shivered. I smirked down at you with a look that said, I told you so, before rifling through my closet to pull out a hoodie and toss it in your direction. As I watched you put my sweatshirt on, I got the feeling I always get whenever you wear (or steal) my clothes— the closest word I can use to describe it is possessiveness. The good kind, I promise. It gives me purpose– purpose for you, specifically– which is kind of my kryptonite, if I’m being honest. So, with that said, please feel free to take my whole wardrobe. Cool? Cool.
We stealthily made it out of my window and down onto the ground without dying, and then we grabbed our bikes before making our great escape. We biked out into the night, wind whipping through our hair, and I just felt so free. And for a second, just a split second, I imagined what it would be like if we were together, and we were sneaking off to make out in the woods or something. That would be so romantic. Or scary. I don’t know, but a guy can dream, right? Okay, I’m getting off topic.
We ended up sitting at the top of the cliff at the quarry, a place familiar to the both of us, but more haunting to me, if anything. I still haven’t told you the full backstory about what happened that day with Troy, James, Dustin, and El. I don’t think I ever will, to be honest. You’d just blame yourself for what I did. And that’s the last thing I want. Anyway, we sat there for 3 hours and talked about anything and everything. At one point, I asked you if you thought falling in love was in the cards for us. 
“What?” you said, turning to me with wide eyes. I realized then that it sounded like I had asked if you thought we would fall in love. Honestly, I probably would have come out to you right then if it weren’t for the look of horror painted on your face. So I backtracked.
“I mean… for either of us? Like, do you think you’ll ever fall in love?”
“I mean, speaking for myself…” you replied, swinging your legs back and forth over the edge of the cliff, just like you had on the swings the first day we met, “No, I don’t think so.” I asked why, and you said, “I don’t think I’m, like, lovable. I’m too damaged.” Which is so not true, because… well, Exhibit A: Michael James Wheeler, presenting with a severe case of Down Bad.
“Same here,” I said, looking up at the stars. “God, I thought I was the only one.”
“No, Mike, you’re far from unlovable,” you told me. You turned towards me then, lifting one leg back onto the ground below us and crossing it in front of you, and reached your hand out to touch the back of mine. If you saw me blushing… no you didn’t. “First of all,” you continued, “you’re not damaged; you’re perfect, just the way you are. Secondly, how could anyone not fall in love with you?”
“Very easily, apparently,” I said automatically, and I watched your eyebrows furrow.
“…You’re talking about El,” you frowned, and I’d instantly regretted opening my mouth at all. I was actually talking about both El and you. Because El and I never truly loved each other romantically, and you… you won’t ever love me in the way I love you.
“Yeah, but—“ I made an attempt to change the subject, to distance our conversation from the topic of my love life. But I failed miserably, because you cut me off with your typical, constant reassurance and encouragement.
“Just you wait, one day you’re gonna look back on this conversation and laugh. Any person would be incredibly lucky to be with you.”
Person. Person, Will. You’re my person. That’s what I wanted to say. But instead, my dumb ass said, “You really think so?”
“Yeah,” you told me, tears forming in your eyes, and I felt like I was in the van all over again. I was fucking this up, like, majorly.
“Well, that goes for you, too, Will. Seriously,” I said. “You’re incredible, and anyone who can’t see that is… a fucking idiot.” I, out of all people, would know. I was blind to my feelings for you for years.
You glanced down at our hands, brushing your thumb over my wrist before scoffing out a sarcastic, “Eloquent, Wheeler.” And don’t think I didn’t notice those beautiful eyes of yours light up when I turned my palm upwards, linking our fingers together. I swear, it’s like our hands were meant to hold each other. 
“I’ll take the compliment, Byers,” I said, and then you changed the topic to something along the lines of how you wanted to paint the scene in front of us in the style of Van Gogh. I think you should go for it. You could totally pull it off.
We left the quarry around 4:45am, and you biked all the way back to my house with me, even though your house is in the complete opposite direction. You wrapped your arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug, and I held onto you right back, basking in the affection for as long as I could before it could get weird. I went right to my desk to write this as soon as you left, and now the exhaustion has crept up on me. So I’m gonna end the letter here. It’s more of a novel, actually.
I love you. I always will, Will. I know, the pun is getting really old. But the opportunity was right there.
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doiefy · 4 months
mad city // nct series
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GENRE: sci fi, biopunk, dystopian, thriller PAIRINGS: features both x reader and mxm fics MEMBERS: johnny, doyoung, jaehyun, jungwoo, mark, possibly more to come!
note: if this series looks somewhat familiar, it's because it is! this is a massive rework of my old 'fight or flight' fic for doyoung, which I posted almost two years ago (pls don't read it, like 69% of it isn't canon anymore and I kinda hate it anyways). it's been a real struggle turning it into something I actually want to write for again (which involved changing the original plotline from x reader to dojae, for which I am VERY unapologetic, don't fucking touch me), but after a year or so of on-and-off planning, here it is. I can't guarantee that I’ll get these fics out super speedily, as I also want them to be very visual and will be spending a shit ton of time on graphics; but if you're interested in a tag list for any of these fics, let me know!
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WHAT PEOPLE HAVE REFERRED TO AS THE SPLIT: the fracturing of life as it once was, the steady decline of the natural world, all perpetuating political tensions and rampant crime in two rival cities. 
To the north lies Iameh, an urban paradise of impressive art and culture, resulting from centuries of mining and exploitation—a pristine exterior built upon the hardship of their southern neighbours. In one of their forgotten limestone quarries lies Siacia: Iameh’s shadow, their forsaken history, but a thriving metropolis nonetheless. 
Siacia is all the blinding colours and deafening sound that Iameh is not, boasting citizens with supernatural powers and the most sinister advancements in biotech. From their empty mineshafts and grotesque lifeforms in the quarry lake arises Burner: the Siacians’ fuel, their weaponry, and their only chance against the genetic mutations that plagued them for generations.
But like all things that come out of the ground, Burner is exploited. It is quickly monopolized, used as a drug, turned into a bargaining chip by the Assembly, a loose organization of businessmen and mutants claiming to be Siacia’s ruling government. Those on the streets of the Quarry and its four cardinal faces know very well: what the Assembly demands from them must be given, lest they face their wrath. 
So the fissure spreads and opens wider between the two cities, between all people—only a matter of time before one finds themselves dangling off the edge. 
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pairing: doyoung x jaehyun dark comedy with a side of angst, gay shenanigans and way too many dirty jokes.
KIM DOYOUNG HAS SPENT THE LAST THREE YEARS surviving the Quarry streets alone: hunting bounties for the Coffee Cow (a ruthless contract killing agency despite their name), making poor decisions at drinking establishments, and searching for his missing brother. 
It’s on one trip to the bar that he runs into Jay: a charming, well-mannered businessman from the East Lanes, with a dimpled smile and particular taste for aged whiskey. One occasion turns into two into multiple—the two seeing each other more frequently with slowly-changing intentions, until the truth comes out. Jay, Jung Jaehyun to his close colleagues, is one of the Assembly’s founding members. Which, unfortunately, means he might have something to do with Doyoung’s missing brother, and makes him one hell of an enticing target.
The resultant cat-and-mouse chase across the city is as frustrating as it is exhilarating. But in a shocking turn of events, it reveals a destructive force beyond the both of them, one that needs their immediate attention and collaboration—regardless of who they are to each other. 
anticipated release: summer/fall 2024
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pairing: kim jungwoo x f!reader, johnny seo x reader angst wrapped in drama, tumultuous relationships, a slow but sure descent into madness.
In the aftermath of Johnny Seo’s return, the city of Siacia is not as it once was. Tensions with Iameh are on a steady incline, Assembly politics remain a treacherous game, all while a new strain of Burner spreads through the streets like wildfire. You and Kim Jungwoo are most apathetic to the recent chaos—the two of you like two sides of the same coin, both endlessly spiteful, now embroiled in a feud of your own. For as long as you could remember, your relationship with Jungwoo was one purely of grudge and petty revenge. 
But when Johnny begins his reign of terror, perhaps the two of you are in no position to be idle bystanders. Tragedy strikes Jungwoo’s family, and he has a reluctant change of heart. On the other hand, you remain by Johnny’s side, simply watching his flames burn hotter and rise higher. Merely overnight, your long-standing rivalry with Jungwoo has turned into a struggle for the future of the undercity. The inevitable resurfacing of your past, your forgotten history with Jungwoo, and Johnny’s inexplicable grip on you—it won’t be long before it all reaches a boiling point in the crucible. 
And certainly not long before you’re forced to face the repercussions. 
anticipated release: summer 2025
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pairing: mark lee x gn!reader from meet-cute to heated romance. ride or die. madly in love to the bittersweet end.
Breakfast tea with magazines and tabloids. Clay-stained aprons and paint-smeared jeans. Afternoon tea with so-and-so, then back to the kiln and canvases. Dinner party with your fellow curators, handling flawless plates and dainty dessert spoons and immaculate champagne glasses—rinse and repeat, again and again, the routine of an Iamehan artist and socialite. 
Quickly growing tired of all the glitter and glamour of topside, you take a trip back to your roots: the north faces of Siacia, where you can shed all the silk and cashmere in exchange for the nightlife you grew up with. Dancing wildly to rediscover yourself and inspire your art, that’s when you find your muse: Mark Lee, a VIP at the Obelisk Nightclub, blue-haired and bright-eyed, immersed in the stories you tell him. 
You could stay with him forever, seeking thrills and adventure until you reach the ends of the earth. And yet, there is still much more awaiting: the unpleasant and the unideal, and the thwarting of your course by the stars above. 
anticipated release: TBD
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pairing: johnny seo x gn!reader psychological horror turned body horror. toxic romance and a tragic end. (!!) mature content, including manipulative, toxic relationships and darker themes some readers may find disturbing.
Johnny Seo is a reasonable man. A patient man, certainly, never reckless, never cruel. Johnny is loving, the perfect lover. Devoted, and devoted wholeheartedly to you. 
In the days and months after the Assembly’s establishment, he keeps you with him at every turn of the road: arm around your waist, head in the crook of your neck, always whispering and promising you better days. A sovereign Siacia is coming, he says. She will be free from the clutches of your northern neighbours, free to do as she pleases. You believe him—until one night, when he comes home bloody and beat-up, furious and unrecognizable. 
Johnny Seo is a meticulous man. A calculated mastermind, certainly, never reckless until he’s perfectly sure, never cruel unless he has to be. Johnny is cunning, the perfect trickster. Obsessive, and obsessed with keeping your memory alive. Obsessed with keeping you with him, an eternal part of him.
anticipated release: TBD
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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r is a little mean not really but yk, dom!r/sub!j, calling self dumb/stupid, racist/sexist talk?, face riding, babying r and j, praising/downgrading kink, marking kink, claiming kink kinda?, j is insecure, a whole lotta jealousy, different positions, bubbly!r (BIMBO BEHAVIOR) ma'am/mama kink,, r is a little bit bipolar and hot-headed, r is in control for the most part, little bit of yandere Jonathan, pleasing and pleasure, pet names such as; good boy, sweet boy, baby, my love and mines.
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YOU WERE IN THE HALLWAY OF HAWKINS HIGH, TALKING TO A FRIEND, Barbara Holland; you guys were talking about the last grades you've gotten in Mr. Rollins History class.
"Honestly, I might just go jump off of Bellwood Quarry.." you mumbled looking in your locket,
"Y/N don't say stuff like that." Barbara called out which made you feel even more dumb, you rolled your eyes.
"Right, sorry." You whispered with a attitude a bit, "I just hate his class, I'm starting to think he just pick on me.., what if he is a racist?" you started going on, "He probably can't stand seeing a black women be successful, you know-he could be a racist and a sexist!"
"I don't know about all of that, but maybe?"
Just as you closed your locket, and turned around you were met with a couple of popular boys,
"Hey Y/N?" the one named Riley started, as he friends followed behind him.
You rolled your eyes before looking at him and giving off a bubbly smile, "What do you want, Riley.."
He smirked your way before reaching a hand out to touch the fat exiting from your fishnets, you squirmed away from his touch before Barbara slapped his hands away.
"Don't you dare touch a girl without her permission."
He looked at her with angry eyes before he spat at her, "Who do you think your talking to, who even are you-leave."
You could tell by his voice he wasn't playing, he was dead serious.. you hoped and prayed that Barbara would stay and she did.
"Bara.. just go."
Just as you seen the fire in his eyes and his mouth about to open again you quickly pushed Barbara away telling her you’d met her in the cafeteria, which she disliked but did it anyways.
“Thank you, Y/N, I just wanted to ask you to help me with the essay.. right like you said you will.” He said soft but seriously, you sighed and nodded as he winked at you and kissed your cheek.
And then started to walk ahead.
Just as you let out a breath you turned to see Jonathan looking at you, sorrow eyes but filled with anger and disgust.
Just as you called out his name he turned and looked at you for another second before moving along and rushing into a empty classroom.
You head went empty as dropped your book into your locker slam the mini-door and ran towards the classroom, "Jonathan?"
As you got walked further into the classroom where were a breath on your back causes all of the hairs on your body to raise.
"Jesus.. J you scared me!"
Just as you were turning around you felt him grab ahold of your hand, tightly twisting you around as you were met by his forehead press against yours.
"Hi, Jon." you said calm and sweetly, he pulled you closer wrapping his arms around you.
Laying his head on your shoulder as you giggle at the open mouth kisses he was laying onto your neck.
"Can you stop playing and let me know what's wrong?" you giggle to him as he is nose brushed off of your skin.
"Why does he always come and talk to you.. like sitting by you in class-aka my seat and kissing you cheek and winking at you??"
The questions sinked into your for a while, you started to realize his voice was breaking as he was till trying to stay calm but was getting angry and flustered at the thought of him with you.
"I don't know J.. I don't think it's that serious."
"No, no.. he can't-he's just trying to take you away from him." he said while looking down on the floor disgusted by you not noticing the little things..
"J?" you reached for his hand as he moved his away from yours.
You carried your hand towards his face cupping his cheeks as you forced him to look into your eyes.
"Jonathan.., baby?" his eyes were place all around the room as you were trying your best to get his attention, "Baby.. there is no need to be jealous sweet boy."
"No.. I want you to stay.. your mines?"
"I'm always yours, never still stop being yours." you said as he patted his cheek twice.
Just as the words came out your mouth you can see the more lovable and lust full up his eyes, he blinked once before pressing his forehead against yours once more.
His breathing increase as you wrapped your arm around his waist.
You always knew he loved to be babied and you were the only one to do that for me.
You breathed slowly watching him very closely almost forgetting how to breath as you caught a deep breath as his lips were finally touching yours.
You immediately respond to the kiss, pulling at his hair was he eyes shot back open just as his mouth did looking into your devil eyes.
Your fingers all attached to his scalp, as his hands gripped onto your shirt so closely wanting more of you and need it desperately.
Chuckling into the kiss even more as you gripped his shoulders and jump, lashing your legs around his waist as he quickly wrapped the arm around your hips holding you still.
Just as he was losing his balance to busy worked about you can craving more, he pushed desks together as you both fell on top of it, he stop caught his breath and crashed his lips against yours for the 2nd time, over and over on repeat,
Feeling him touch all upon your body you intended to giggle and laugh craving him just as much as he is craving you.
His kissed went from your lips to all over your neck, and on your collarbone, he pulled at your button-up shirt before looking up at you with his buried lips and a small smile.
You smiled and pulled him up to you kissing him lustfully on his lips before nodding, "Yes baby,, show me how much you want me to only be yours!"
He unbuttoned your shirt and gave you kiss on your chess and the middle of your breast before he asked you to lift up a little,
Just as you did what you were asked you felt his hands crawling on your body as he got your shirt fully off and unclipped your bra slowly before gripping onto your skirt and the liner of your fishnets.
You nodded once more before he kissed your belly button and your waistline dragging your skirt down your legs, making your squirm around at the exposer of your unclothed clit rubbing against the fishnets so closely which was most definitely leaving marks.
He backed away just as he admired your body for a minute or more, before taking off his shirt, and hovering over you as his belt was dropped to the floor.
Just as he gotten closer to you and kissed your stomach, you wrapped your legs around his shoulders.
"Mm..not that, you have to tell me what you want baby, okay?" you told him.
Jonathan just started to whine, as he tried to kiss the bottom half of your stomach once more but you trapped his hand.
All he could whimper and whine, he wanted to tell you so bad but no words were forming nor coming at.
"Jonathan." you called out to him just as his name but he just couldn't respond at all.
"Maybe, if I shove my pussy in your face you'll start speaking?" You questioned him just as he nodded a little, "Ain't that are J-baby?"
"You just a little pussy-drunk, sweet boy"
As the word came out of your mouth, you loosen up a bit, pushing Jonathan onto his knees and sliding your body to the edge to the table just as your legs were onto your shoulders.
His arms wrapped around my hips while licking your slit, looking up at you with pleasing eyes.
You moaned to him as you smiled and nodded as he sucked your clit, rocking your hips back and force on his face grinding that nub against his nose to add yourself more pleasure.
Back arching as his tongue entered you caused you both to moan as you pushed back against him.
Feeling yourself get closer and closer to your orgasm, your hands reach for his hair as you got him closer, pulling at his hair and all.
You were going to cum, and he knew you were as well.
"Im gonna cum.. honey oh goodness-where do you want it?" you asked in a whining whisper,
He moaned against your private before licking and sucking more wanting you to cum so badly.
“J-jonathan !” gripping onto his hair as you yelp, pulling him away.
“Stop being so naughty as answer me, okay..” you said harsh a bit as you seen him
He pouted looking up at you, as you slapped his face a little wanting him back to reality.
'Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." he whimpered looking up at you as you smiled and move your hand from his red cheek to the top of his head.
He moaned at the patting of his head and the feeling of you messing and pulling at his hair, just for a moment staring at his glossy lips that were filled with you juices you had a idea.
"I'm gonna cum all over you face, okay baby?" you added as he nodded, "Maybe I'll even make you walk out this classroom with my juices upon your face, huh?"
He just moaned loudly at your words, trying to push himself back between you legs to hind his face, but you didn't let him at all.
"Please.. mama-sorry!" you smiled at his mistake and chuckle, before pulling him by his hair to face you.
"Say it again.." you whispered in his ear.
"No you know what I'm talking about, say it again or you won't cum." you demanded to him as he whimpered at the gripping of his hair.
"Im sorry mama.. Im sorry!"
You were in awe for a second, empty minded and do hungry for him now, "Get me to cum on your face right now, and then ill let you fuck me.. and maybe I'll cum in that mouth of your again after."
He slimed before kissing your shoulder and gripping you lower waist before pushing his darken dick against your unclothed cunt.
"Better get to work but you have blue balls."
Just as that was said you pushed him back down to his knees as he gripped your legs and thighs with one hand and the other he was palming himself, secretly but you didn't care.
You wanted to be mean and embarrass him with all of your cum on his face as he leaves out the room.
But then the other half of you wanted him to know he was yours and that you were only his and you loved him more then anything.
You mind could go empty and the only person that would still be in there is Jonathan he was your top idea, top accomplishment, he was your success, he was what you needed and what you want.
Your head fell back as you felt him rolling the fishnets around your clit as he sucked onto both, making you melt onto the desks.
"Close.. close!" You were closed to cumming and close to him bring the emptied minded bimbo out of you,
you just knew, and you could feel that this was going to be a mega orgasm.. you can tell by how he was eating you like a starving man.. you were going cum hard,, and mean it.
Just after your mind started going blink as you felt him slide two fingers inside of you curling them up repeatedly bring you closer to the climax.
"Please-Ahh! oh-oh Jonathan baby-oh my godddd! Aaaaghh~-" you grip his hair as you started to shake and grind onto his head, brushing his nose near your entrance and rolling off of the nub as he suck harsh and quickly onto your clit,
"Out.. Im gonna cum.. let me cum in on your face,, out-aaaaAh~~ please!" you moaned as your eyes gotten burry and you couldn't see nothing be Jonathan between your legs and the sounds of him lapping you up and down, quicker, faster and more and more.
He pulled his fingers out just as you told him, just as you came straight onto his face with a loud cry, with a mixture of a whimper and moan, so much pleasure just in a little amount of time.
You body fell back unto the table of the desk just as you groan from the pain, but moan at the pleasure as Jonathan was still lapping up all of your juice not leaving a single leak.
Just as you whined for him to give you a break you were in a different positive, 'mixed missionary',
As he kissed your neck, and upon your shoulder to your cheek, and then you lips you just wanted more and more.
"Please hurry.." and when that was said from you he pushed in cock into your warm wet and sloppy cunt.
Both of you feeling each others pulse, and moaning at the pleasure, one of your legs wrapped around his back, pushing him further inside of you,
While the other is wrapped up on his legs holding on tight as you hands are on his shoulders pulling him closer as they met once you get them around his upper chess.
Pressing his thin-harden nipped against your larger breast, adding more pleasure.
You kissed him as he quickly reposed by entering his tongue into your mouth, "Please.. mama-can I-ah~ mama please!"
He moaned into your mouth as you tap his tongue with yours, letting them both collide causes you both to moan and cling to each other more and more.
Jonathans placed his hand on the back of your head and make you tilt your head to the side a little, as you guys were full on French kissing, making out moaning back and forth into each others mouths.. pulling away closely as he held your head against his forehead,
needing to feel you breath, and see the pleasure in your eyes.
There were a few more peck here and there as he pull out, making you cling to nothing but a enough hole, just as he slams back into you making that moan come out very loudly as he laughed as your mouths brush against each other before doing it again.
You mind was going empty, you could think about anything, it was just the sound of skin slapping and the sight of Jonathan above you, pleasing you, and you letting him know you were all of his.
He didn't even bother going at a slow pace in the beginning he hit hard and fast thrusts, looking deeply into your eyes as he pressed another kiss upon your lips to make sure you were comfortable.
"God-Jonathan.., stop worrying about me-be a good boy and cum for your on good,, love ahh~!" you spoke soft to him as you kissed him once more, as he whimpered to you.
One last kiss before he place you head into his left hand and moved his right to add pleasure to your clit, you moaned and whined at the movement from under, and tried to push and run away.
"Please-ahh~ I don't think I can hold it... again.. again~ Aaaah~!" You babbled
You were going anything, your body started to twitch just as you called out for Jonathan he pushed back away from you just as you squirted onto your lower stomach and his dick and lower chess.
He moaned in surprise as he left you squeeze him inside of you pushing him deeper as the juices form you pussy leak and rushed onto him just as he thrusted more and you squirted more and more until you came onto his dick.
Jonathan head fell back as he pulled away, while pulling out and cumming onto your wet sweaty fishnets and belly.
"Did I do good mama?" he asked with sparkles in his eyes as you panted and nodded your head.
He sat your up, onto the edge of the desk once again as he gotten back onto his knees and kissed your thighs and biting wanting to mark you, and to hear you voice.
"I love you sweet boy.. okay?" you stated looking down at him, "Im yours and your mines,,"
He nodded his head as he opened his mouth waiting for you to do something, which you did.
You placed your fingers into your dripping hole, and took a scoop on before placing it into his place, letting him suck them clean.
"Open, my love.. open your pretty mouth for me." you said to him as he obeys, just as his mouth was fully open you spat into it smiling down at him as he melted into you thighs,
Just as you spat down your belly telling it travel to your wet cunt and placed two of your finger down to mix it in as you and Jonathan stared at each other the whole time.
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theworsthistorynerd · 4 months
"In the late 6th century, a new monotheistic religion called Islam was founded by its prophet Muhammad, whose followers became known as Muslims. Muhammad united the tribes of Arabia into a religious polity, a caliphate, whose domains he and his successors extended into a vast empire through holy war (jihad).[296][ci] They conquered Palestine in 636 to 640.[247][cii][ciii]
Society in the caliphate formed a pyramid with five layers.[297] Arabs were at the top, followed by converts to Islam (mawali) (this distinction disappeared after the Abbasids seized power).[297] Below them stood dhimmis, followed by non-Muslim free men and slaves at the bottom.[297] The dhimmi (meaning "protected person") were Christians, Jews, and Samaritans, who the Muslims designated as "peoples of the Book" (ahl al-kitab), meaning that they, like the Muslims, based their worship on a book God had given to them, which, in its essence, was identical to the Koran.[298] Unlike the previous rulers, the Muslims allowed them to practice their religions in peace. However, non-Muslim men had to pay a special tax (jizya) and they had to be submissive to Muslims.[298][civ] Dress regulations were imposed on non-Muslims, but it is uncertain whether they were ever enforced in Palestine.[299][cv] Muslim men were permitted to marry non-Muslim women even if the latter choose to remain in their faith. Muslim women, however, could not marry non-Muslim men, unless they first converted to Islam.[300][cvi] The Muslims also lifted the Romans' centuries-long ban on Jews in Jerusalem.[301]
The Muslims organized the territory of the Byzantine Dioceses Orientes (Syria) into five military districts, or provinces (jund, pl. ajnad).[302][cvii][cviii] The territory of Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Tertia became Jund Filastin and stretched from Aqaba in the south to the lower Galilee in the north and from Arish in the west to Jericho in the east.[303][cix] The Tulunids later expanded the borders of the province eastwards and southwards to include regions in modern-day southern Jordan and north-western Saudi Arabia.[304][cx] The newly founded city Ramla became Jund Filastin's administrative capital and most important city.[305] Jund al-Urdunn corresponded with Palaestina Secunda, covering most of the Galilee, the western part of Peraea in Transjordan, and the coastal cities Acre and Sur (Tyre).[306] Tabariyyah (Tiberias) replaced Scythopolis as the province's capital.[307]
Throughout the period, Palestine was a sort of gold mine for the caliphate and among its most prosperous and fertile provinces.[308] Palestine's wealth derived from its strategic location as a hub for international trade, the influx of pilgrims, its excellent agricultural produce, and from a number of local crafts.[309] Products manufactured or traded in Palestine included building materials from marble and white-stone quarries, spices, soaps, olive oil, sugar, indigo, Dead Sea salts, and silk.[310] Palestinian Jews were expert glassmakers whose wares became known as "Jewish glass" in Europe.[311] Palestine was also known for its book production and scribal work.[312]
The Muslims invested much effort in developing a fleet and in restoring seaports, creating shipyards, fortifying coastal cities, and in establishing naval bases in Palestine.[313] Acre became their chief naval base from which a fleet set out to conquer Cyprus in 647.[314] Jaffa came to replace Caesarea as Palestine's main port due to its proximity with Ramla.[315]
Though Palestine was now under Muslim control, the Christian world's affection for the Holy Land continued to grow. Christian kings made generous donations to Jerusalem's holy sites,[cxi] and helped facilitate the ever increasing pilgrimage traffic.[317][cxii] Pilgrims ventured for the adventure, but also to expiate sin.[319][cxiii] Many pilgrims were attacked by highwaymen which would later be cited by the Crusaders as a reason to "liberate" Jerusalem from the Muslims.[320]"
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weirdowithaquill · 10 months
So How Many Engines Does the NWR Actually Have?
Eighty, according to the Reverend Wilbert Awdry - but this includes British Rail and Industrial engines. It also seems excessive for an island the size of Sodor which has, according to TheUnluckyTug, an 87.7 odd mile mainline and another 30 odd miles of branchline, especially when compared with several other railways of similar size. I am going to warn everyone here, this post is long.
The neighbouring Furness Railway built roughly 247 engines during its lifetime, of which a good fifty-five were 'Sharpies' - however that railway had 190 miles of railway and served some of the largest steelworks and dockyards in all of England. In contrast, the Northern Counties Committee Railway in Northern Island had a maximum route mileage of around 282 miles and only 73 engines. This same NCC ran nearly half of all trains in Northern Island at the time, sharing a duopoly with the GNRI. After amalgamating together into the Northern Ireland Railways and shrinking the full network of Northern Irish railway down to 225 miles, they today run 47 locomotives.
The railway network that serves the entirety of Northern Island is bigger than Sodor in length and requires less engines. It also calls at 54 stations, in comparison to Sodor's 27 stations that the NWR serves. So, let's do some maths and logic puzzles to try and figure out how many engines the NWR actually needs to serve the Island of Sodor.
Firstly, let's look at how many the books name: eleven NWR steam locomotives, six diesel engines, one track maintenance vehicle, as well as three industrial engines and an unknown number of electric engines. This means that the Peel Godred line could have any number of engines, however we can make a reasonable estimate at two multiple units for the four stops, and two or three goods engines to look after the aluminium traffic and other goods work. That makes five engines needed for the branchline.
The Ffarquhar branchline similarly does not require that many engines. Its primary industry is the Anopha Quarry, with a number of farms making up the rest of the freight traffic the line would have. In the books, the line is run by Thomas, Percy, Toby, Daisy and Mavis - the private industrial engine who manages the quarry. This means that there is one dedicated railcar, one autotank-fitted tank engine, a tram engine, a dedicated quarry diesel and Percy to run the line. The only addition possibly required would be an engine to run dedicated stone trains from Ffarquhar to the junction or the harbour, a task that seems to already be covered by Toby, Percy and Mavis. That adds another five engines to our list of standard-gauge engines on Sodor.
Another branchline that does not need any extra engines would be the Little Western, which was only refurbished by Sir Charles Hatt to access the ballast from the old MSR mines. With Duck and Oliver running passengers, Duck managing most of the limited freight traffic that isn't ballast and Donald and Douglas covering most ballast trains, there is no need for any extra engines, and adds another four engines to our list.
After that, Edward's branchline is where we may see some additions. The branchline may be quite short, having only three stations on its route, but it also has Brendam Harbour, which is a major port for the island, as well as the China Clay Pits, which are served by Bill and Ben - the other two industrial engines mentioned in the books. They are known to shunt Brendam Harbour on occasion, while Edward and BoCo run the branchline itself, with Donald and Douglas helping. This line would need more engines as freight traffic through Brendam Docks increased, as well as a dedicated shunting engine for the harbour. That adds up to seven engines to our list to run this section of the line - being Bill, Ben, Edward, BoCo and three new helpers.
Potential candidates from the TVS for filling these roles could be: Salty, Neville, Molly or perhaps Whiff - all of whom are either shunting engines or medium-sized engines who would be able to compliment Edward and BoCo well.
After Edward's branchline, we have to talk about the Kirk Ronan and Norramby branches. The Kirk Ronan branchline has three stations, and was once part of the Sodor and Mainland Railway. We know passenger traffic is poor, and the freight traffic was solely dedicated to mineral traffic from the Skarloey Railway heading to the port. It's highly likely that this line is either kept operational for a token service, or has one engine running it. Either way, we can add one engine to the list, of whom I would suggest Arthur.
The Norramby branchline is currently served by the Other Railway, according to Awdry - this would mean multiple units running passenger trains from Barrow and potentially a freight service, though that would have likely been discontinued in the 1960's during the Beeching cuts. Currently, 26 trains operate out of Barrow up the Cumbrian Coast Line per day, while the Furness line sees roughly 24 trains per day, according to the Northern Rail Timetable. Most likely, one of these two lines would have their services extend to Norramby, meaning up to 24 trains per day for the line. However, it is highly unlikely that each train to arrive on this service is a new engine, with it being more likely to be four or five engines. This adds five engines to our list, for a current total of twenty-seven.
To this figure, we can add the Works Diesel, Bloomer, and the austerity engine referenced in 'Wilbert the Forest Engine', making thirty.
This leaves the mainline as needing 50 whole engines to reach Awdry's figure of 80 - and of this potential number, we know Henry, Gordon, James, Bear, Pip and Emma. To understand how many engines are needed, we need to understand what jobs these engines would do - of which, there is passenger trains, the express, freight trains and shunting.
If the mainline has eleven stations, 87.7 miles of track and they wanted to have a train arrive every hour to meet their Northern partners... well, they'd need more engines. It takes one hour for a train between Lancaster and Barrow - a distance of 28.6 miles, so we can safely assume that tripling the distance would triple the time - for a trip time of around three hours. Now, this time would most likely be shortened by the chance for the engines to achieve higher speeds between stations, as the number of stations on both lines is roughly equal - 10 on the Furness line to 11 on the NWR mainline - but even still, it would require the railway running six separate stopping trains per day. Considering that only four of the six engines above could even run commuter trains, I would say that there is need for more engines.
There are currently two express trains that run on the Island of Sodor: The Limited and the WildNorWester, however it is not certain that the Limited is still running, as it only appeared for 'Enterprising Engines'. In any case, Pip and Emma are enough to handle fast trains on Sodor.
Freight is an interesting variable - we know that Sodor produces aluminium near Peel Godred, and that the alumina needs to be transported up there, and the finished product moved to the mainland, as well as general goods trains, farm produce trains, and freight trains bound for the harbours or from the quarry or China Clay pits. Based on these key requirements, it is safe to say Sodor needs a few more engines.
So, for the mainline we have Pip, Emma, Gordon, Henry, James, Bear and at least eight other engines of various sizes. Two of these engines would be built to run passenger trains alongside Henry, James, Gordon and Bear, while the other six would handle goods traffic, in particular bulk traffic or local goods. Fourteen engines, with potential help from Donald, Douglas and BoCo seems more reasonable as a number of engines on the mainline of a primarily agricultural island.
Suggestions for these engines include Murdoch, Derek, Emily and Rebecca - which is a shorter list than it should be due to the lack of large, mainline engines in the Thomas series who could feasibly run in the UK.
Finally, two shunting engines - one for Tidmouth and one for Barrow-in-Furness - can be added to the list, as since Duck gained his branchline, we have not been introduced to the new station pilot at Tidmouth and since the rise of the multiple-unit, Barrow station would require an engine to act as station pilot there too. Options for here include Diesel, Charlie, Dennis, Rosie and Paxton.
All of these numbers added together equals: 46. Twenty-three branchline engines, three industrial engines, two maintenance engines, one austerity engine, one preserved engine, fourteen mainline engines and two station pilots. Considering at the beginning I said that Northern Ireland Railways runs 47 engines currently and has a network of over double the size of Sodor but doesn't run freight, I would say that this is a pretty respectable estimate.
In direct contrast to this estimate, my ERS has 34 engines who cover the entire NWR and the neighbouring Furness Line. My reasoning: Donald and Douglas are magic, and scarily efficient. Having the two of them around means Edward and BoCo need no help on their branchline, and also Sodor would not need a commuter train every hour - it's a rural, agricultural island with three major population centres at Peel Godred, Vicarstown and Tidmouth. And also cause I have enough characters to balance already, Awdry had the right idea keeping the cast relatively small.
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Reasons why I fit - or don’t fit into each district of panem. No bc this is something I ask my friends ALL THE TIME & I always come up with amazing reasons for each and everyone BUT NOT MYSELf… sooo..
District 1 (luxury)
- Spending 2$ is like sticking a spear through my heart.. uh yeah
- Not really into that expensive stuff ASIDE FROM DRESSES. I WANNA GO TO THE METGALA..
- Jewlery is lovely..
District 2 (mansory)
- There’s no possibility I fit into this one by any means. Would cry. I hate stone quarries and that job is not flattering to me. NEXT
- Would get executed for flirting with a peacekeeper.
District 3 (technology)
- I asked my friend recently how I make an at sign (@) bc I have no clue. By now I’ve forgotten. I suck at technology and question which control CTRL is. NEXT
District 4 (fishing)
- I hate eating fish and anything from the sea
- Wouldn’t let my dad kill the fish he caught because I felt bad for it.
-Considers it murderer. NEXT LMAO.
District 5 (Power)
- I’m scared of electricity.. we did an experiment in class once and HELL I WAS AFRAUD OF GETTING A SHOCK. NEXT
District 6 (Transportation)
- I can’t drive. Only bike and walk. NEXT
District 7 (Lumber)
- I have a summer cottage by the woods..
District 8 (Textiles)
- I enjoy sewing until I mess up 5 minutes into it.
- Kinda like experimenting with fashion and colors.
District 9 (Grain)
- I like corn? I like oats sometimes. Oat milk is great actually.
District 10 (livestock)
- OH NO. I would grow a bond to the animals and cry when they get slaughtered. I also don’t know how to ride horses or take care of cows, or pigs or whatever.
District 11 (agriculture)
- I killed my cactus
- Managed to grow a zucchini plant
District 12 (mining)
- Wanted to become an archaeologist as a child
- I used to collect rocks LMAO
WHAT AM I EVEN…… 🤭 honestly I’d probably be a covey nomad lmao
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rpgsandbox · 3 months
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Our Brilliant Ruin is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the Dramark, a place where the last fragile remains of society live in the shadow of a dying world. The Ruin, a preternatural force befouling everything it touches, has ravaged geography and culture alike, wreaking destructive havoc and loosing monstrous creatures into a previously bucolic region. With the world plunged into rust and ruin, how will you spend the time you have left?
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Our Brilliant Ruin explores human drama and personal intrigue in an elitist, class-based society unraveling after catastrophe. With aesthetics and technology inspired by England’s Edwardian Era and France’s Belle Époque, the Dramark is a fictional world that draws from the Art Nouveau and Art Deco movements.    
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This land of Ruin has no government, no sense of national identity, and no conventional law. Society coasts toward an irreversible demise, guided by the customs of communities whose residents felt betrayed by what law came to represent. They have since broken into three broad factions – the aristocrats, the truefolk, and the unbonded. 
Aristocrats lay claim to the evolving legacy of an obsolete society. Truefolk make the world go ‘round, doing the myriad tasks that keep the Dramark functioning. And unbonded seek to tear down the social order forming communities based on personal beliefs and agendas. 
A character can be from any of these factions, each with their own advantages to leverage during gameplay. 
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Within each of these diverse social factions also exist families and guilds that further give players more ways to realize their characters. From the wealthy Galdeparks and industrious Daras to the academics of Crown Hall College and hospitality experts in the League of Glove and Key, a character can belong to any of these ten different sub-factions, offering opportunities for rivalries, alliances, and romances. 
Meanwhile, the Ruin alters the very physiology of things, causing flora to sprout into mutated deathtraps, animals to grow hideous appendages, and humans to transform into monstrosities. The Ruin also clings to metal, corroding and destroying it, leaving the people all the more vulnerable to the creatures it spawns. The Ruin’s ultimate contamination of the entire Dramark isn’t a question of if, but when. 
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The Ruin is part of the world, a preternatural force the Dramark must cope with, and one that will eventually blight everything. Some inhabitants face the Ruin head on, trying to hold it back with fire or alcohol (the only known means of destruction), but many realize efforts to eliminate it are a zero-sum game. Instead, they devote themselves to their passions, relationships, and social obligations rather than futile opposition against an inevitable end. 
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The final puzzle piece of the world is the syllokinetics, machines built by the previous Royal families whose secrets are lost to time. The massive, syllokinetic engines once held the promise of an automated future in which workers would no longer have to mine, quarry, or farm. But with the erosion of time and Ruin, these syllokinetics now operate without anyone guiding them. While some may still perform their intended purpose, others have malfunctioned, collapsed, or gone completely out of control.
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Our Brilliant Ruin uses an original system of dice pools driven by a character’s emotions and motivations. The gamemaster guides the narrative as in most roleplaying games, but only the players roll dice. When making a test, a player chooses a personality attribute and a skill attribute to create a ‘pool’ of d6 equal to the combined value. On a dice-roll test, each 6 is a “brill” and each 1 is a “gloom.”  
If the test has more brills than glooms, the attempt succeeds. If a test has no brills or glooms, the attempt is unsuccessful. If glooms exceed the brills, a catastrophe occurs. 
Players can use any personality and skill combination in a situation if it makes sense in the narrative. An attack motivated by jealousy could be Obsession + Fight or discovering your best friend is hiding a dangerous secret might be Benevolence + Intuit. 
Player characters can also call upon their Portfolios, extrinsic features like money they possess, favors they’re owed, guest lists they’re on, or a patron intervening on their behalf. Portfolio always works; you don’t have to test it. But someone else can always outspend you if it is that important to them... 
To gain an edge on a test, a player can invoke a Passion – a limited resource that adds two dice to their test lowers the threshold of success to 5 and 6. This can tilt a situation in the player’s favor. However, drawing upon one’s Passion can lead to a crisis down the road. Eventually, the costs of invoking Passion come due: When Passion reaches its tipping point, it’ll complicate the dice pool for tests, adding a number of dice that have only glooms. 
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The game focuses on the relationships and drama of class-based society and the balance between the “haves” and “have-nots.” Passion drives everyone’s choices during this time of upheaval and Ruin. Secret trysts, hidden agendas, political backstabbing, social intrigue, and class conflict are major pillars of the setting. Violence is also part of Our Brilliant Ruin, as well as opportunities for more intense delves into the Dramark’s vanishing history.  
We have a One-Page Overview you can download by clicking below. This PDF features a condensed version of the rules along with five pre-made characters to play with. Please remember this is preview material and the final layout design is not reflected here.  
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Players also work together to develop their own estate as a base of operations for the group. They can make gradual improvements to their property, adding rooms, features, and defenses, to fully customize their experience with Our Brilliant Ruin. 
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Investigate an abandoned mansion fallen into disrepair, attend a high-society ball while keeping your wits about you, or confront a deadly chimera that bears an unsettling resemblance to your missing lover. The world is an open book of possibilities… until it ends.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, March 28 2024 3:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Studio Hermitage] [facebook] [twitter]
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theartofdreaming1 · 2 months
Fanfic Tagging Game
I got tagged by the lovely @wurzelbertzwerg - thank you! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? - 30
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
111,591 words (at the moment)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm writing for The Quarry and the Batfam fandom (primarily DickBabs and BatCat)... I have posted fics for The Flash TV series and Brooklyn 99 on AO3 in the past... plus, some other stuff that is only on my old fanfiction.net account (although I've been considering updating my old Young Justice fics, so I may post them on AO3 some day)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Um, Rush Hour, Partners, Knight in Shining Armor, Loveable Nerds and Superheroes and Thank You, Becky Cooper - except for Partners, these are all Flash fics, which is wild, because aside from Rush Hour and Loveable Nerds and Superheroes, both of which I'm still quite proud of, I don't necessarily think that my Flash fics are my best works, but okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes? I often don't know what to say in response 😅- but I appreciate every single one of them sooo much! 💕
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Okay... so this question prompted me to do some re-reading of my older fics... and honestly? Nothing on my AO3 account had an angsty ending to begin with ^^; So I had to go waaaay back, to my old ff.net account - and I think my Young Justice fic "Pain" had the angstiest ending (and even then, it's pretty moderate... even 17-year-old me was fairly mellow ;)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmh... Maybe my Flash fic "Coming Home"? It certainly has a very warm and fuzzy ending ☺️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I can recall, no...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope; smut is not for me
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I don't really write crossovers (only multiple fandoms that already share a universe, i.e. Batfam-comic fandom)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope - since I'm a very slow writer, I wouldn't want to punish any potential co-writer of mine with that curse either...
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
To write? Hmmh... BatCat and DickBabs for sure! (Plus, LauraMax are getting there, too... I just need to give them some time to cement their position ;)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh boy, there are plenty of fics I'm worried I'll never finish... but I choose to stay optimistic enough to think that I will, someday, finish all the WIPs that I want to finish... (please, writing Gods, please help me accomplish this task!!!!)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Umm... I like to think that my writing is quite, um, pleasant? What I mean is, that it's pretty accessible (not too convoluted or complex, but also not boring) and while I sometimes write angsty/tense/sad moments, my stories generally have happy endings... And even though my writing isn't exactly groundbreaking, I still stand by all the ideas/concepts behind every story I've written so far, so... yeah...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The process of writing itself (I have to fight for every single word I commit onto the page... I swear, me and writing are engaged in the most tedious wrestling match nobody ever wants to see... ever). I get excited for a particular story, start to jot down some basic ideas, maybe even put in some research for a few points that need to get tackled beforehand - and then psyche myself out of being able to write down that dang story 😩 (Doesn't help that I have a hard time making decisions and get super intimidated when faced with all the possible directions a story could go)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the context - if we're talking about two foreigners (e.g. Germans) that are talking to each other in their native tongue and maybe don't want to be understood by the people around them (who, for the sake of this argument, are all English speakers) - then, maybe I would give it a whirl, because it would fit the idea behind the conversation (especially if it's a short exchange that people, who would be interested in learning what the Germans said, could look up via Google translate) - but, imo, this only works in very specific circumstances and for short exchanges - otherwise it can get tedious real quick... and personally, I don't like writing in German and don't feel confident enough in my Spanish skills to attempt it for that language, so writing English all the way is it for me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Um... a quick look at my old, old fanfiction.net account tells me that my first posted fanfic was for the "Sonny With A Chance" fandom when I was 14 years old - the writing is a little... rough, for sure 😅 (although, to be fair, this was written at a point when I had only had, like, 3-4 years of proper English class... all things considered, it's not that bad)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Don't make me choose, I can't pick just one!
I very, very much love my BatCat fic "The Chase" - it just feels like pure Selina, the pacing of it is great and I think it portrays Bruce/Selina's relationship dynamic so very well (plus, it has some of my favorite sentences I've ever written in there!)
I also love Partners for being the longest, most ambitious story I've written so far (yes, despite the fact that I still need to add that epiogue!) and On the Reciprocal Attraction of Heavenly Bodies has the potential to become my best fic of them all, with the Austen-esque writing style and all the historical and literary research I plan on putting into it... I'm certainly very fond of the two chapters that already exist.
And This Is Not Over, But Just the Beginning is so fun and challenging in a different way; being a Quarry fic, with the whole werewolf element, it's darker and more angsty than anything I've written in a long time - but that's what makes it so fascinating for me to write (and read)
I'll tag @queenofbaws @thychesters @rosegardeninwinter @icequeen-07 @clearbluewaters and @mollywog - only if they want to, of course! :)
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lorata · 12 days
How did Devon’s family feel whe. He volunteered? Were they expecting it - I’m guessing like Brutus they had him in for the stipend and didn’t want him going that far but I’m assuming they were pretty loyalist. On that front, what did they do during the war?
i think they're ......... dead ............... in canon, probably
when devon was a kid the mine closed and they opened up a munitions factory instead, saved the town from going under. everyone still calls the area "the quarries" for cover because D2 doesn't officially make weapons but yeah all his brothers actually work in the weapons factories
which means that when D13 invades those munitions factories are the first places to get hit in order to cripple the capitol infrastructure. obviously in canon divergence the resistance evacuates the towns but in canon nobody cares about that so ....... yeah, probably the folks mount a defence and get shot / strafed
i never actually thought about the canon version bc devon was also dead but, ah. well. there you have it. womp, womp
re: the first question they wanted him home! he was their baby! but since he made it through they were proud of him, if sad to lose him. they were THRILLED when brutus called asking if they'd want to see him again post-games, albeit with strict secrecy
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: It's getting real. Nancy and Diana are putting the pieces together.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2037
The drive back home from school was quiet and the tension in the car was uncomfortable to sit in for fifteen minutes. I know Mom is not happy to be called in to my school especially coming from the salon and to speak to police officers. All to find out, I have been lying about not only my whereabouts, but how I got home too. I cower behind Mom, walking inside the house after her. We take off our jacket and shoes in silence and part of me is glad Dad isn’t home because he can sense tension from a mile away and I don’t want him to know about what has been happening other than, Barb is missing and Will’s body was found in the Quarry. Last night saved me from having to talk about what really happened on Tuesday at the Wheelers. Dad was so freaked out by mine and Lucas’s breakdown; he didn’t have time to question Mom about our whereabouts. 
“When I asked you how you got home yesterday morning,” Mom walks to the living room. I shudder behind her knowing what’s about to happen. Mom turns around to face me propping her arm on the back of the couch to lean against it. She puts her other hand on her hip; a stance meaning you’re not getting out of this one. “You told me you walked—” 
“I did walk home.” I mutter. 
“—From Nancy’s house.” she finishes, eyes widening slightly in warning at my interruption. I cross my arms above my chest, looking at the centre table. “At Mrs. Wheeler’s house you told me you walked home from Steve’s house.” I wince at her emphasis on certain words. The lies. “Now, you just told those officers you got driven home.” 
What makes this all worse is that Mom isn’t yelling at me, not like she’s ever had to. I’ve heard her yell and scold Erica and Lucas plenty of times. The yelling isn’t scary, it’s when she’s calm and collected as she is now. That’s scary. 
“I know.” 
“Which is it, Diana? What is the truth?” 
I bite my lip staring at the pillows feeling like crap for lying to Mom, not once, but three times. I’ve never lied to Mom before or even Dad. I had a very healthy and close relationship with them and believed I wouldn’t jeopardize it for anything…and then Steve Harrington came along. I found myself getting caught up in the whirlwind of popularity and it’s done nothing but left me stranded across town and a best friend missing. I sigh running my fingers through my hair. 
“I did start walking home from Steve’s but then Eddie drove me the rest of the way home.” 
Mom looks at me and I feel naked and exposed under her stare. Her look alone tells me she doesn’t fully believe me and that breaks my heart to know I caused that because of my lying. 
“I swear to you, mom.” I plead, eyes burning with tears. “I’m not lying. I left because I didn’t want to be there anymore.” 
“And this Eddie boy.” Mom pressed. 
I’m taken off guard by the question. “What about Eddie?” 
“Do I need to know anything?” 
I understand she’s asking because of the comments Officer Powell and Callahan made about him. Mom defended me in the moment, but deep down I figured she’d ask me about him eventually. Still for her to insinuate anything more than just a kind gesture surprises me. 
“No,” I shake my head. “No. Eddie is wonderful and kind.” I explain. “Nothing happened. He just drove me home.” 
“Diana.” Mom sighs deeply walking to the kitchen. She still thinks I’m lying. Tears fall down my eyes as I scurry behind her. Desperation etched its way into every crevice of my body. 
“I promise nothing happened!” I shout. Mom turns around, eyes wide in shock. I squeeze my eyes shut wincing at my slip up. “God!” I exclaim in frustration, balling my hands into fists in front of my face. Everything is falling apart and I don’t know how to or what to feel. I open my eyes wiping my tears away and take a deep breath. “I didn’t know leaving would cause all of this. I didn’t know it would be the last time—” I can’t finish the sentence. I swallow thickly. “I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m so sorry, mom. I shouldn’t have done it, but I wanted to be a supportive friend to Nancy and now Barb…” Is gone. I hold my head in my hands, sobbing. 
I feel Mom hold me in her arms. I press my body into hers, crying into her shoulder. “It’s okay, sweetheart.” She soothes, rubbing my back. “I’m just worried about you, about your brother. Even Erica. There is so much happening and I need you to be honest with me, okay?” I sniff, nodding my head. Mom pulls back removing my hands from my face. She gently wipes my tears from my face and fixes my hair. “I want you to be able to tell me what’s going on.” 
“Okay.” I whimper, sniffing again. 
Mom kisses my forehead. “Go upstairs. I’ll make you some tea.” 
I nod my head feeling exhausted. I’ve only been through half of the day and I am already over it. 
“Mom?” I turn around, halfway up the stairs. Mom already has my favourite tea cup in her hands. The one with my name on it with a princess crown over the “D” and little black girl ballerinas dancing around the cup. 
I bite my lip. “Are you going to tell, Dad?” 
Mom looks at me for a moment, deep in thought. She sighs shaking her head. “No,” she says and I feel a little bit of weight ease off my shoulders. If Dad found out about anything that has happened over the last few days he would freak out and that would cause more trouble that no one in the house needed right now. I think I’ve suffered enough. “I don’t want him to blow this out of proportion.” 
I nod my head again, gracious yet surprised that Mom isn’t going to tell Dad about what happened. At least not yet. She will have to tell him eventually, maybe after everything with Will dies down. 
“Diana?” Mom calls. 
“Yes, mom.” 
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” 
Beneath her calm exterior I know Mom is still worried about me. A lot of information has been thrown on top of her and so suddenly. Will’s body being found, talking to the police about Barb’s disappearance. I know I can tell Mom anything, she’s never made me feel like I couldn’t, neither has Dad but he’s hard to talk to sometimes. I feel bad for hiding everything from her, but I didn’t know how to say anything because I was still trying to figure everything out myself. I still am. 
I smile, albeit a small one. “I know.”  
“Oh,” Mom says, placing the kettle on the burner. “Since they found Will,” she winces at the revelation. “Classes resume. I know it’s been hard for you these past few days, so I told Madame Petrovna you won’t be at rehearsal for the rest of the week. Will’s funeral is tomorrow and I believe it’s better if we stick together, for Lucas.” 
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The peppermint tea is long forgotten on my night table. I stare at the ceiling thinking about what’s transpired over the past few days trying to make sense of it all. I can’t stop thinking about Barb and the animal Nancy and I saw at Steve’s house yesterday. Officer Powell and Callahan said they didn’t find anything. I find that strange because Nancy and I saw something. It was huge and unlike any animal I’ve ever seen. It didn’t have a face. A person will never forget witnessing something without a face, no matter how traumatized. Nancy and I are not crazy. When Officer Powell and Callahan said they didn’t see Barb’s car…that was the most bizarre. I didn’t like the way they were looking at me, especially Callahan, like I was lying or making everything up. Why would I lie about finding my best friend’s car? And to insinuate she would ever leave town? Barb wasn’t like that. She liked living in Hawkins and she wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. But you did say goodbye to Barb. I shake my head. No. Barb is alive. She has to be. 
Then there was Eddie. The judgement behind their eyes when I mentioned him…it reminded me of the way Principal Higgins looked at Eddie in the hallway on Tuesday. I don’t like it and frankly, it is all unwarranted. Eddie was gentle and kind. Regardless of who is father and what he has done, to judge Eddie based on him is horrible and completely unfair. Spasms of irritation go through my body. No one deserves to be treated like that. My ears perk up as I hear my room door open, I quickly sit up feeling woozy with a headrush. I steady myself, running my fingers through my hair, frowning. 
“Diana, are you okay?” 
Nancy closes my room door carefully before rushing to my bedside. I blink, shaking my head. 
“Nancy? What are you doing here?” 
“Your mom let me in.” she responds, sitting on my bed. “I need to show you something.” She urges, reaching inside her bag. Not sure what was going on, I blinked rapidly but cross my legs nonetheless, tucking a curl behind my ear. 
“What is it?” 
“This.” Nancy answers, showing me a photo. It was one of Jonathan’s from yesterday, though not ripped into tiny pieces. It must have been the pieces she gathered on the ground. It was taped back together, jagged edges making the photo look like a montage of time. I take the photo out of her hands eyes darting at all ends of the photo. It was Barb sitting on the edge of the diving board looking down at the water. “What do you see?” 
I graze my finger over her, feeling sad. “Barb.”
“Yes,” Nancy confirms, shuffling closer to me. “But what else?”
I narrow my eyes looking at the photo closer. Then I see it. There’s a shadowy figure behind Barb, but it’s too blurry for me to see. 
“Something’s behind her.” 
“Exactly!” Nancy says eagerly. I bring the photo up to my face. 
“Wait. Is that—” 
“The thing we saw in Steve’s backyard.” Nancy finishes. 
I drop my arms, twisting my lips. “Do you think…” 
“It took Barb? Yes.” 
“What is it?” 
“I don’t know.” Nancy answers, taking the photo from me to look at. 
A knot of uncertainty tightened in my chest, constricting my breath and making it hard to think clearly. “This is freaking me out.” I protest, pushing myself off my bed. “I spoke to the cops this morning and they said they didn’t find anything at Steve’s house.” 
“They told me the same too,” Nancy said, watching me carefully. “Did they tell you about Barb’s car?” 
“Yes, and that doesn’t make any sense because we just saw the car yesterday.” I share, pacing back and forth in my room. I stop and look at Nancy. “You don’t think this…thing took her car too, do you?”
“No, it doesn’t make sense.” Nancy shakes her head, frowning. 
“So where did Barb’s car go?” I ask. “It doesn’t make sense for anyone to steal it.” 
“I don’t know Di. All I know is that thing took her.” 
I huff, plopping myself down on my bed. “Has Steve said anything?” 
Nancy rolls her eyes. “He’s too busy worrying about getting in trouble by his parents.” 
“Wow.” Just when I thought he was getting better. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
I nod my head in understanding and take the photo from her to inspect. “This picture is too blurry to make out what it is. We need to blow this picture up to see this thing clearly.” I look at her feeling determined to get to the bottom of this. “We need to find Jonathan.” 
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kassiekole22 · 10 months
Supermassive Questions Game!!!
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Hi, guys! So I decided to make this game because I always really love hearing other people's thoughts and opinions on these games. If you want, be sure to tag your friends to keep this going! 😃
I'll go first, but I'll place a blank one under mine for the people who play after me. Have fun! 🖤 (Also, explanations to answers are optional.)
Games You've Played (In Order): House Of Ashes, The Quarry, The Devil In Me, Until Dawn.
Favorite Game: Until Dawn (Great writing, amazing twists, loveable characters is what did it for me.)
Least Favorite Game: The Quarry (The fact that relationship decisions don't actually amount to anything, any little bearing we got was pointless and we got fuck all of an ending just makes me feel like the whole thing is pointless.)
Favorite Character From Each Game: Josh, Jason, Abi, Erin.
Least Favorite Character From Each Game: Emily, Rachel, Emma, Charlie.
Favorite Character Overall: Josh (Possibly just me being biased. 😂 But I do love his character and story a lot though — especially his humor. And I'm a sucker for a tragic story as well. 😂)
Least Favorite Character Overall: Charlie (Just an overall dick, in my opinion. And he annoyed the absolute hell out of me.)
Favorite Ships:
Chris and Ashley (Just fucking adorable! 💖)
Mike and Sam (They had great chemistry and I really enjoyed seeing them together in the last chapter.)
Matt and Jess (There is something about these two together that just... Works for me, y'know?)
Rachel and Clarice (Clarice just seemed to bring out the good in Rachel. That scene with just the two was the only time I actually liked Rachel in the game.)
Erin and Jamie (There was something about those two that was just so cute. And the part where they kiss for the first time melted my damn heart! The whole soft cinnamon roll/tough bitch dynamic gets me a lot too. 😂)
Least Favorite Ships:
Chris and Josh (Chris was head over heels for Ashley and Josh was CLEARLY very into girls so I don't really get it that much.)
Josh and Sam (Yeaaaaaaaah... They are just like water and oil, ok? I don't think they would actually mix well as a couple. 😂 And Sam belongs with Mike anyway. 💖)
Emily and Jess (Just not a fan. I don't know why.)
Jason and Salim (Another one I don't get that much. I used to ship them a long time ago because it was so popular, but then I realized that it just didn't make much sense to me so I stopped. I mean, one of the chapters about them is literally called "Brothers" so that just makes me think that that's the relationship the devs were aiming for with those two.)
Rachel and Eric/Rachel and Nick (If you played the game, you know my reasons. 😂)
Any characters with Du'met (Just not a really big fan of it at all. Doesn't make much sense to me neither.)
(I've only played Until Dawn, House Of Ashes, The Quarry and The Devil In Me. So that's why the list is without other ships from other games. But I'm not adding any of The Quarry ships to this list because it seemed like nothing came out of the relationship decisions and I didn't enjoy the characters as much so I tend to ignore ships from that game.Also, no hate towards the people who ship the ones I listed as least favorite. To each their own.)
Dr. Hill Or The Curator Or Eliza: Hmmmmmm... Probably Dr. Hill. (He was more creatively written than the others, in my opinion.)
Wolfie Or Connie: Fuck, I should have thought this through before writing it down. 🤣 Although I LOVE Connie with all my heart, Wolfie did get more screentime which led me to have a bit more of an attachment to him. So I'll have to go with Wolfie.
And most importantly—
Favorite Version Of O'Death: The Dark Pictures Anthology theme for sure!
Least Favorite Version Of O'Death: Though I didn't play the games, I heard the ones for Man Of Medan and Little Hope and I just wasn't a fan.
So those are my answers! I hope you guys have as much fun as I did doing this. And also, no hate towards the people who like the games/characters/ships that I don't. To each their own. 💖
So anyway, the blank one is down below. ⬇️
Games You've Played:
Favorite Game:
Least Favorite Game:
Favorite Character From Each Game:
Least Favorite Character From Each Game:
Favorite Character Overall:
Least Favorite Character Overall:
Favorite Ships:
Least Favorite Ships:
Dr. Hill Or The Curator Or Eliza:
Wolfie Or Connie:
And most importantly—
Favorite Version Of O'Death:
Least Favorite Version Of O'Death:
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