#you improved the quality so much
verflares · 1 month
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just how long is forever? // not long enough, with you
pssst. check this out on inprnt :]
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saturnaous · 3 months
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I think. Alphonse has a lot of dealings with disassociation and being in a body without nerves.
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slymanner · 4 months
2024 really be another year of sonic bangers like sonic x shadow generations looks absolutely fire, the knuckles series looks fun and exciting and is actually funny too??? AND SONIC MOVIE 3 THIS YEAR TOO???
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snakes-on-skates · 4 months
i fucking love the walten files so much
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izzyspussy · 1 month
honestly my real opinion on ai is not even from an ethical standpoint. my opinion on ai is that because it isn't actually artificial intelligence that is a misnomer it's not intelligent and it doesn't think it is therefore just plain not good at most of what we're currently using it for outside of like hyperspecific applications that i know nothing about and never will. it simply can't do the job man.
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moregraceful · 3 months
you know what's cool, there was a vote by mail ballot drop box right out the sap center last time i went by there. like drop off your ballot, go to a sharks game, come out of the game to the worst results of your life. ideal
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bri-wolfer · 10 months
have you FELT how hot it is outside lately? literally nothing could be worse than going outside in these conditions. aside from the eggxectueidhdns I don't remember how to spell the dumbfuck's name
yes i go on walks daily for an hour lol i usually go when the sun is setting so i can enjoy the sunshine and that's when it starts cooling off as well or you can do morning walks before it gets hotter optimize your time
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tealchameleon · 8 months
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menstits · 1 month
this is a 100% slash gen question but how do you stay motivated to keep playing genshin after this long? i first got it back when it was still pretty new, around the second ever banner, and played it for a good year but the more things they kept adding the more overwhelmed it started to make me. i do miss it tho, so i wonder how you manage to still play it so consistantly
In all honesty for most of my time playing genshin i've been obsessed with a handful of early game characters (kaeya and his ugly brother and childe mostly, and they're still my faves) and largely didn't give a shit about everyone else, so up until like halfway through sumeru i was playing like. Waiting for kaeya/abyss and khaenri'ah related lores to drop mostly. Like in all honesty especially during inazuma it was dire i didn't give a shit about 90% of the cast and the environment was unpleasant to explore too 🧍‍♂️ but after getting past the samsara part of the sumeru archon quest i started getting genuinely more invested in the storyline. When i got to fontaine i expected it to be a bit of a filler region honestly but the writing quality has been steadily increasing after inazuma imo and the conflicts have become more engaging too... Like i think the main issue for me in inazuma was that they kept trying to get me to give a shit about some npc whereas several of the playable characters felt underutilized and their presence kinda pointless. From sumeru onwards they've started writing the playable cast as more fleshed out and interconnected to one another which is something that i was really missing from early game, and this is even more apparent in fontaine's writing too where everyone has some kind of beef going on with everyone else (it was really fun imo how everyone in mondstadt knows each other because it's a small town and i wasn't really hoping to see that degree of characters being all up in each other's business again in later regions so fontaine was a nice surprise in that regard).
As for your question honestly i think that. In order for genshin to be enjoyable at some point you have to allow yourself to not give a shit about whatever doesn't compel you and instead try to focus on what you do like, for example i kinda hate doing spiral abyss so I don't really touch it unless I'm pressed for primos and instead run around and explore a lot. For story quests i prioritize ones for characters I'm already invested in and leave others for whenever I don't have anything better to do. I'm an insane completionist about this game but it's genuinely fine to focus on the parts you personally find more engaging. I guess sumeru was annoying because long as fuck world quests gate the exploration of certain areas, but fontaine is MUCH better in that regard and the world quests feel much more manageable.
Also tbh i think the increasing relevance that khaenri'ah/abyss and celestia-related stuff has both in the world quests and in the main story along with more harbingers making on screen appearances also contributed to keeping my interest active because that's what I'm mostly invested in other than kaeya-centric stuff 👍
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fakeasmr · 3 months
trying to redo the clumsy necromancer series for the millionth time listening to the originals like "damn bitch you really thought these were acceptable to post???"
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seravphs · 10 months
I’m scared to post knight Gojo thank you for being so nice to me about it bffs 💛
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
it's okay.. take my hand.. remember that they'll be in each other's hearts forever....
jokes aside thank you for reading!!! <33
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Congrats on the 2 years in hormones my dude! Fuck yeah!
Question: What has your personal timeline for changes in T been like?
I'm 2 months away from starting it myself, so I like hearing what/when other people experienced changes. (I know it's different for every person)
It's times like these where I wish I'd have been much more attentive and documented changes much closer. For anybody about to go on hormones: take pictures, write about all the changes you notice and when. It's actually something I regret not having done, even if it would have been really hard.
I'm going to break down the changes into sections in the order of when I noticed them start, since I personally think that's easier! I'll try to remember all the changes I can, but I might miss some.
Within the first month or so, I was already starting to feel shifts in my mental health. It would be a while before those changes settled, but it felt like I went from being exposed to a construction zone for twenty hours a day to being in a silent room.
As the months went on, I've started being able to actually feel normal, and while I still have other mental health issues beside dysphoria, I'm not clouded by the dysphoria. I'm able to feel a much fuller range of emotions - before, I pretty much exclusively felt sad, bitter, depressed, numb, morose, and like I was always in danger. Now, I'm able to feel happiness, contentment, even sadness and anger. The difference is that now, I'm not trapped in the sadness and anger. I'm so much less a danger to myself. The stereotype that testosterone turns you into a rage monster is false in most cases, and it severely underestimates and misrepresents how feelings are changed on testosterone.
I noticed around a few months in that my body was developing much differently, and of course, that bottom growth was starting. I was nervous that it would be as painful as some others have described, but I have never once felt pain because of this. The closest I would say is that it was uncomfortable when I noticed it, such as if fabric brushed against my body too closely. It's also a stereotype that bottom growth is "gross," and this is also uncharitable to say about other peoples' bodies. It's simply the changes that some people experience as they transition, and for me, it affirms my maleness.
I also started to finally realize and accept I'm aroace because I'm on testosterone. A lot of my denial came from this idea that my dysphoria and transness were things I must atone for and that I was worthless as a person because my manhood was through a trans lense. Now, I don't give a fuck, and I am a bit bitter that I even thought that my transness was a sin I must atone for with things I didn't need or want.
A lot of my vocal changes happened pretty suddenly. Within the first month, I think I started noticing vocal cracks. It was painful sometimes, and honestly, it could be embarrassing when I was around other people or when I was at work. That dissipated once my voice settled, and I'm confident that I will unlikely see more drops in my voice.
This is what my pitch has done throughout my documenting of it:
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On a somewhat related note, everybody has what is called the "Adam's apple." It is a feature of the human neck, and while some people have prominent ones, others don't - regardless of sex, regardless of gender. As my vocal chords had thickened, my larynx became more prominent, and my Adam's apple was also more visible than it was before. It feels very weird if I accidentally whack it with my hand (something that's happened far too many times).
My veins started being more prominent than before - especially in the hands. My arms are only slightly noticeable with regards to veins. Of course, I notice it most strongly when my blood is flowing, like at work, or at the gym. My veins are something technicians have complimented me about when I am doing lab work, though, and whether that is directly because of testosterone is something I'm not sure of. Regardless, changes in my veins have been very much a blessing for me.
I found that around the year mark, I was gaining much more muscle than before. I noticed it mostly in my arms due to the fact that I do a lot of lifting at my job. It's a lot easier for me to gain muscle, but I do still have to train them. Since I have been going to the gym much more frequently, I've been noticing that my calves and thighs have been gaining a lot in terms of muscle. It's kind of weird to feel how hard my muscles have gotten at times.
I've always had a bit of body hair, so it only became more prominent on testosterone. I've noticed that I've just recently been growing more stomach and chest hair, though.
With regards to my facial hair, it is mostly collected in the middle of my chin, and I find I have to shave it either weekly or biweekly because I personally don't want it there. My mustache is still very fine in colour in many places, though there are dark spots of hair forming.
Body Fat Redistribution:
I've noticed that my body fat has only recently moved a bit. It's gathered toward my stomach and only slightly moved away from my hips, so now, my hip bones and structure are more visible. However, I don't think I will see my body shape change drastically as I am already built like the other men in my family. We all have thicker thighs and hips and broad shoulders, and these are quite literally all things I had pre-medical transition.
Throughout my transition, my testosterone levels have been steady after the first six months. It sits at roughly 600NG/dL nowadays, though I am well overdue for labs again. I am well within the healthy range for a male my age and weight, and I have never felt more at peace with this.
Your journey will be uniquely and unequivocally yours, and it is painted with the colours of not only you but your familial history. That's a beautiful thing, and I hope you are blessed with all the changes you could ever want.
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i want it known and i say this in full sincerity
u could make the best point about something rise-related in the world in a post. u could say something very interesting and funny and cool.
but if at any point u try to draw a line from a thing to the conclusion “raph is/was not fit to be leader” im gonna disregard everything else about that post, bc there is a base level fundamental misunderstanding there
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
Day 2 of tmaynt, here's 1987 April! well, sorta XD
She's such a queen! Daredevil feminist career woman lesbian. What's not to love? My favorite thing is when she's caught somewhere she isn't supposed to be, either by bad guys or law enforcement, and defends herself with "I am a member of the press!" She's just utterly fearless.
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look she wears boots and a belt AND a watch? She got pockets she got the time, she probably got a camera, she can literally go anywhere and do anything.
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hippo-pot · 2 months
C through G got smudged and didn't photograph well (I really have to draw stuff darker if I don't want it to lose all clarity when it smudges, or buy better pencils I guess), and there's only so much I wanted to mess with photo settings tonight, but having never really tried to draw hands before, here's how it's going. I've been drawing these over the past week or so, I guess 11 in total since that's how many letters there are from A to P
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she can be taught
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