#you want fell sans to kiss you? PLEASE
wyllaztopia · 2 months
Legalized nuclear bombs with elden ring sans!!!
some of you people in my ask box are unhinged
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roosterforme · 1 month
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 5 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: With each email written and received, you and Bradley are both aching for more details. While he's thinking about plans for a first date, you get apprehensive, knowing you're going to be devastated when he returns to wherever he calls home after a few days of leave. If the two of you had an opportunity to speak more intimately, there's a chance the details could fall into place.
Warnings: Fluff, language, Bradley being hot
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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After much consideration on the matter, you sat down at home that evening with your phone and started to type up a response to Bradley. He wanted to know in an overabundance of detail how you'd feel if he asked to cancel your dinner reservation and chill with takeout instead? You weren't quite sure what he was getting at, and it felt a little bit like he had given you another assignment to work on, but you were planning on being completely transparent with him. 
Once again, the ease with which you and he communicated, even through the written word alone, was something that made you a little dizzy. A little needy. Bradley had better communication skills and paid you more attention than half of the men you'd dated, and he wasn't even in the same time zone as you.
We got the package you sent. My kids went wild over their personalized notes, as per usual. You've reached full celebrity status in my classroom. We'll be working on sending some notes back to you in the next few days, so brace yourself.
Please remember that you asked me for an abundance of detail here... What would I do if you wanted to change plans? Wanted to spend a quiet evening hanging out at your place instead of going out? In an extreme effort to sound as cool as possible right now... just thinking about this is making me feel warm enough that I need to take a lap around my apartment. I guess first of all, I would tell you that as far as takeout is concerned, I love Thai food the most. I'm not very picky though, so even a generic pizza and some beer would more than suffice. 
If you said you were tired from work and still wanted to hang out, I wouldn't be too pressed about the details. I would be perhaps a little giddy that you missed me enough to want me around. I'd offer to pick up dinner on my way. I would let you choose the movie. I wouldn't even be upset if you fell asleep. In fact I'd probably just cover you with a blanket and let you doze. There is perhaps no worse feeling than forcing yourself to go out when you just really don't want to. And right now nothing sounds better to me than watching a movie with you on your couch. But I have to know... if you're 6'1", are you too tall to stretch out there comfortably? Where would I end up? Would we be touching? Please reply with an abundance of detail. 
I know this scenario is purely hypothetical, but it does sound pretty perfect. I'll be thinking about splitting some Thai curry with you on your couch for a long time. Maybe during those couple days of leave when you get back to San Diego, we could meet? I think I would like that, even if you just have one day before you have to get back to your regular routine. And now I need to take another lap around my apartment.
One last thing. The aviator who took my photo on the beach was a woman, but I appreciate your response. I can't guarantee I'll stay off the beach, but I can guarantee that I'll give a guy a chance. Also, what does a girl have to do around here to get a dreamy sunset photo of you? 
Once again, hitting send before I can change my mind.
You took another lap around your apartment, even going so far as to walk around the block before it got too dark outside. Thai food and Bradley Bradshaw and a movie on his couch. There was a loop playing in your mind where he leaned in and kissed you before calling you 'Gorgeous Girl' and reaching for your hand.
"Why are you torturing yourself like this?" you moaned out loud when you walked back inside all flushed with desire. You took a long bath. You made some sleepy time tea. You sat on your couch with your notebook and worked on lesson plans until it was pretty late, but you weren't tired at all.
Frustrated that you were letting this man take over so much of your brain, you went to your bedroom and plugged your phone in for the night. And that's when you heard the familiar ping, alerting you to the fact that you had a new email.
"No way," you gasped when you looked at the screen. You'd just send him a response two hours ago, and Bradley had already written back. You flopped down onto your bed, wrenching your phone back from the charger as you started to read.
Hey, Gorgeous,
Your answer was enlightening, thank you. Relieved to hear you wouldn't pout about missing the dinner reservation. I love Thai food, but I would absolutely insist on grabbing the takeout and having you pick the movie (nothing with scary spiders, please). 
I actually don't really fit on my couch too well at all. If I really stretch out, my feet dangle over the arm, and there wouldn't be much room left for you, too. Would we be touching? God, I hope so. Where would you end up? I'm blushing just thinking about the possibilities. 
You asked for details? Well, I'd ask for permission. If you gave me permission to touch you, we'd be holding hands. If you gave me permission for more than that, then you'd be covering both of us with a blanket, and I'd be holding you a lot closer. I don't think I should provide further details on that right now, actually. Gorgeous girl, you're messing with my head.
If you're feeling generous enough to give me a chance, then I'm feeling generous enough to send you a sunset photo. But frankly a girl like you isn't going to have to do much at all to get whatever she wants. Next decent sunset around here is all for you.
Your Truly,
Well, you may never sleep again. You read his email twice before pulling up the photo of him in front of his jet, and your mind started to wander as you looked at his face. No, you'd never sleep again.
Bradley felt pretty ridiculous. He'd never taken so many photos of himself before in his life. Snapping a few for your class while in his cockpit with all of his gear on was one thing, but trying to get a flattering one of his face with the sun setting in the middle of the ocean was something else entirely. He was alone in a deserted part of the deck, thankful nobody else could see him. 
"Maybe she won't notice if I'm not in it," he muttered as he snapped one of the setting sun. The sky was glowing a deep orange, and the clouds moving in made everything look even dreamier. He started thinking about you and the fact that you said you were going to give him a chance. The details weren't important. He'd work that part out. When he got back to San Diego, he was going to see if you and he were as compatible in person as you were right now. But the remainder of his deployment was the one thing that was preventing that from happening immediately, and you did ask him for a photo of himself. If you really wanted it, he'd make sure you had it.
He had never been so stressed out about his scars in his adult life before right now. The best photo he took of himself was one where they looked a little more prominent. He'd sleep on it tonight and consider if he wanted to send it or a different one. Usually he didn't care at all. He supposed that in person, women would either talk to him or not, depending upon if they were bothered by the way he looked or not. But you weren't with him in person, and the more detailed the photos were, the more likely you were to dwell on his face now. He really wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
After grabbing an inspired dinner alone in the mess hall, he thought about eating spicy Thai curry on his couch while you and he argued playfully about which movie to watch. Then he thought about you sitting on his lap and maybe even touching his scars which he hoped you wouldn't be bothered by. Then, as he changed to head to the gym, he imagined all the things he thought about but didn't tell you. Like pulling you onto his lap or stretching out on his couch with you lying mostly on top of him. His hand would find a nice resting spot on your back, or maybe even a little lower. His lips would eventually find yours, and the movie would become a distant memory in his mind.
"Shit." Now he was the one who needed to walk a lap before he could even go to the gym. He was already sweating by the time he got there, making it his continued mission to avoid the married woman while he listened to his playlist. He did a few extra reps, knowing you were on dry land in San Diego and wanting to make sure he looked as good as possible. Maybe he could make up for the close up photo of his face with his body.
Without sleeping on it, Bradley went back to the lounge and logged in. He sent you the best photo of the bunch along with two sentences.
Thinking of you, Gorgeous. Tell me about your week.
But he didn't hear back from you right away, and it wasn't for lack of checking his inbox. He hoped you and your students were working their way through the last batch of notes that he'd mailed. Or maybe you were busy and tired from taking them on a field trip. He was hoping there was a reason other than you not liking his bad selfie that meant he didn't get a response. 
Luckily he got busy over the weekend so he didn't have to think about it as much. Each time he climbed that ladder up to his cockpit and waited patiently for his jet to launch from the carrier deck, he took a few seconds to clear his mind and make sure he was focused on the right thing. He needed to survive this deployment so he could even potentially allow his thoughts to go further with you later.
When he made his way back to the lounge after dinner and a shower on Sunday night, he definitely got more in his inbox than he was hoping for. And not in a good way. There was a new message from you, but it was sitting right beneath a second, newer message. From Vanessa.
"What the fuck?" Bradley asked himself, loud enough that the guy next to him turned and glanced his way. It had been months since they'd spoken. Literally fucking months, and she was emailing him now? "No." Sudden panic started to boil to the surface as he quickly tried to click on it, now terrified about what she could be contacting him in regards to.
I'm only writing to you because I have a bit of an issue that I need your help dealing with. I can't find my favorite water bottle anywhere. I think it's in your kitchen cabinet, and I just started at a new gym, so I really need it. Let me know how I can get into your house to retrieve it. And please don't take forever to respond to this like you usually do. Like I said, I really need it.
It was a joke. It must be. Bradley double checked the email address to make sure he wasn't being pranked by Nat or somebody else, but no, it was really from Vanessa. 
"A fucking water bottle?" he muttered. He couldn't even picture what she was talking about. Unless it was that ugly, oversized pink thing she used to carry around with her everywhere? The one with the big handle that he joked could double as a weapon? That thing?
What the fuck. He wrote back to her before he even bothered to open the email from you.
Vanessa, it's a water bottle. And it's already been months. Can't this wait until I'm home?
He hit send, rolled his shoulders and took a few deep breaths. He could archive her message so he didn't have to see it again, and he'd just deal with her bullshit later. He would read what you had to say instead, and hopefully it would cheer him up. But after he stood and stretched for a minute and sat back down, there was already a new response from Vanessa waiting for him.
"What the actual hell?" he grunted. He didn't even know what time it was at home, and he didn't take the few seconds to do the math as he started to read.
No, Bradley. I can't wait. It's a $65 sustainable, dual temperature, leak proof water bottle in a limited edition color. And I would like it back. I tried to find a replacement online, but I do not want a potentially used water bottle. Please advise.
He sat there with his fists clenched and his jaw set tight. He literally could not believe her. Anyone else would just use a different water bottle like a normal person, but he knew she'd be on his ass nonstop about this now. The fact that he was going to have to explain this situation to Nat and beg her to go over there with his spare key was almost laughable. He'd probably owe her two steak dinners if he asked her to deal with his ex girlfriend, because she never could stomach Vanessa. 
He sent Nat a quick email anyway with Vanessa's phone number which he had to look up in his phone, begging her to take care of this for him. It would be worth the price of two dinners at this point. Then he settled back in his seat and tapped on your beautiful name, letting the monitor fill up with your words. When he started reading, he forgot he was supposed to feel nervous at what you sent back in response to the close up selfie.
Wow. I didn't think things could improve after the photo of you with your jet and the video where you're speaking. But I was wrong. So wrong. And I'm not upset about it. You're very handsome. The sunset looks okay, too. Now you're the one messing with my head.
I'm sorry I didn't write back immediately, but you should know that your hot photo has taken up residence in my mind. My week involved three of my students getting sick with the flu as well as a bunch of parent/teacher conferences, and tonight I'm really tired. The idea of snuggling, or more, with you on your couch has been playing on loop. I'm giving you permission to hold my hand if we ever meet in person. You have very nice looking hands. You have a very nice looking everything. Would you mind me asking how old you are?
Right, well, we mailed another box back to you on Friday afternoon. My kids asked me to project a photo of a Super Hornet onto the wall so they could have a drawing contest. I finally caved and let them, and they want you to be the judge. And once again, you'll have eighteen individual letters to read. Nineteen if you include the one I put in the box.
On that note, I'm going to take a bath and snuggle up in bed. And you can't blame a girl for looking at that photo again.
Yours Truly,
Your favorite pen pal 
Now this was the kind of thing he wanted in his inbox, not questions about missing water bottles. Bradley hit reply immediately, happy that you hadn't even mentioned his scars. You thought he was handsome in the close up picture? He always figured he was okay enough looking that his height and build made women say he was attractive. But you actually called him handsome. He started typing back to you, already feeling so much better.
After resting all weekend, you were definitely feeling better. You loved your students, but sometimes dealing with their parents was more than you bargained for. Adults were often worse than kids when it came to complaining and exercising patience. All of the conferences from last week were a thing of the past now, but you still felt a little bad for taking so long to write back to Bradley. Especially after he sent you that photo.
Maybe you felt like you had to reel it in a little bit. What was the most that was going to happen? He'd agree to meet you during his short leave in San Diego? Maybe you'd go out on a date? It would probably be the best date of your life. It might even turn out to be the best night of your life. And then he'd leave for another station with the Navy, or maybe he'd return back home, leaving you feeling even lonelier than you did before you inadvertently mailed him that first box.
It was a good thing you had your students to take your mind off things on Monday morning. 
"Are we going to talk about aviation now or after lunch?" Violet asked as she unpacked her pencil box.
You took a deep breath and said, "We're actually going to start a unit on Natural History today." Eighteen pairs of eyes stared at you like you'd completely lost your mind. "It'll be great!"
Oliver's hand rocketed into the air. "Does Lieutenant Bradley also know stuff about Natural History? Is that what we're going to write to him about now?"
Great. Your students were just as attached as you were. "Well since our aviation unit is going to be tapering off, we probably won't need to be writing to him as much now."
"What?" gasped Jayden. 
"No way," complained Nia. 
After that, you tried to move along with your lesson plans, but the entire class just sat there quietly, barely engaged with what you were saying. And perhaps part of it was your fault, because you didn't really feel like teaching this after all. By the time lunch and recess arrived, you felt defeated. You sat quietly at your desk in your empty classroom while your kids played outside, and you ate your lunch while you checked your phone. Bradley had written back an hour ago. Even if you wanted to wait until later to read it, you wouldn't have been able to.
Hey, Gorgeous,
That note from you made my day. I can't wait for the new letters from the kids to arrive so I can spend my evenings writing back instead of absolutely living in the gym right now. You want me to judge a drawing contest? Bring it on. I'm so ready.
I'll tell you how old I am. I wasn't expecting to be so nervous about it, though. I'm thirty-six. You definitely look younger than that. I know it's never appropriate to ask a woman how old she is, so maybe you'll offer that number up without me asking? And maybe you'll tell me that I'm still within the age range of men you let email you regularly? Please?
Not gonna lie, taking a hot bath sounds amazing right now. And snuggling up in something bigger than an extra long twin bed would be heavenly. And thinking about you doing either of those things is enough to get me through the week with a smile on my face. Maybe even through the rest of the month. Maybe even to the point where I'm in San Diego. You'd look adorable snuggled up in your bed. But then again, when aren't you completely Gorgeous?
I'll be waiting for more air mail and another email.
Yours Truly,
Bradley Bradshaw
"Damn it," you groaned, melting back into your desk chair and shoving a cracker into your mouth. Even if meeting him was going to be a one-off, you still wanted to do this. You still wanted to write back to him and flirt and listen to his voice in the video he sent for your class with Marty the mechanic. You wanted to think about him working out on the aircraft carrier. You still wanted him to call you Gorgeous. You'd write back tonight.
Bradley was taking another video and some more photos in the shop with Marty for your class when one of the admirals stopped by. He jumped to attention and addressed him. "Sir, what can I do for you?"
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, you haven't put in for a phone call. Would you like to?"
Bradley just blinked at him for a few seconds. "I don't really have anyone to call, Sir." But that wasn't completely true. He'd never actually asked you about it, but he wouldn't mind calling your number. Which he didn't even have.
The admiral nodded and said, "Just giving first dibs to my high rankers who haven't made a call home yet. Otherwise you're dismissed, Lieutenant."
As soon as he started to walk away, Bradley found himself following along. "Actually, Sir, I may have changed my mind."
If he was already thinking about Thai food and a picnic on the beach for a first date, he might as well just ask you for your number now. As long as you didn't tell him his age was an issue. As long as you seemed keen on the idea of him calling. So he put his name down on the list, and then he started to sweat. He finished up with Marty, and he headed for the lounge.
When he logged in, he braced himself for another note from Vanessa like he always did now, but the only new item he saw was from you. He decided right then that if the vibes still felt right, he'd ask for permission to call you. And yeah, the vibes were feeling pretty fucking good. 
As soon as he opened the email, the attached photo at the bottom pulled his gaze in like a beacon. You were in bed, mostly under the covers, and the thin straps of some sort of tank top were the only thing preventing him from having a completely unobstructed view of both of your shoulders. Your skin looked impossibly soft, too perfect for him to touch with his rough hands, and your expression was playful and maybe a little nervous. He could see the soft swell of your breasts before the blankets enveloped your body in the most comfortable looking cocoon. He wanted to join you there in the worst way, and keep you warm enough that you wouldn't even need that blanket.
His heart was pounding as he started to read your note.
You know, it's funny you should mention that, because my currently inactive dating app profile says I'm interested in men who are between 30 and 40 years old. So you sound kind of perfect to me. And not that you asked or anything, but I turned 30 earlier this year. I hope that's within the age range of women that you let email you regularly.
I'm writing this from my bed. I have attached a photo. I'm not wearing any makeup, and I'm all snuggled in for the night, and of course I'm thinking about you. Whether it's a good idea or not, I find myself frequently thinking about you.
Your favorite pen pal
He scrolled back to the photo and sighed. Oh, he knew it was a good idea. Maybe you just needed a little bit more convincing, but it was definitely a great idea. That first date was looking better and better in his mind. He wished he could give you an estimate on when he'd be home so the two of you could start planning it. Bradley's stomach was growling for dinner as he pried his eyes away from your photo long enough to type out a message.
Hey, Gorgeous,
You're the only woman I'm going to let email me regularly. And I was right. You do look adorable snuggled up in your bed. That photo is going to keep me up at night wondering how cute you'd look in mine...
It looks like I'll have the opportunity to make a phone call soon, and I'd love to hear your voice. If you want to talk. I can't guarantee I won't sound like an idiot, tripping over my words the whole time, but hey, a guy can dream. Will you let me have your phone number?
Yours Truly,
And now, once again, he would wait for you to respond, hoping his luck wasn't about to run out.
A phone call! She him your number immediately, Gorgeous! There are some things you need to hear him say in that raspy, sexy voice! Thank you @beyondthesefourwalls
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byuntrash101 · 10 months
incubus: coming of age
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fem!reader x incubus!san smut | mdni 11.3k being in love with your boss, doctor jeong yunho, is a nightmare. unlike this dream you're having right now of him gently kissing you in the middle of the night. but something feels off. doctor jeong doesn't quite sound like himself... nsfw tags under the cut
multiple smut scenes (2), demon!san (needs its own warning), the duality© of choi san he's cute and sweet then hot then even hotter, he's pouty and whiny and then a cocky little shit, monster cock!san (i mean he do be a demon tbh so don't expect realism), dirty talk (he's filthy), oral (f&m), eye contact>>>, breath play, overstim (f), multiple orgasms (he ain't no sex demon for nothing), slight dumbification, breeding kink, a sprinkle of spit play, explicitly asking for consent, pet names (kitten, baby, good girl), breath play, praising, begging™ (that's my brand baby), bulge kink, marking (in a quite literal sense), orgasm control, squirting, an ungodly amount of cum, cum play, lowkey wholesome ending <3 a/n: please enjoy this rework of an old fic of mine
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“Aaaah… Don’t stop” you huffed as you gripped on the bed sheets tightly “I’m cumming” you cry out through gritted teeth, furiously rubbing on your aching and throbbing nub. “F-fuck… Aaaah… Yunho…” You moaned, his name so naturally rolling off your tongue as you pushed yourself over the edge, finally grasping your orgasm and letting it wash over you in waves of heated bliss.
Once your sinful deeds accomplished, you sighed to yourself, lying wide awake in the dark bedroom, contemplating the blank ceiling as your bare chest heaved up and down. 
You did it again… You just couldn’t help yourself, you touched yourself to your handsome boss… Again!
You clicked your tongue, annoyed at your own lack of will.
Yunho was the head of the ophthalmology department at the KQ Medical Center where you worked. Doctor Jeong Yunho was everything a woman in her mid 20s, such as yourself, could desire. He was tall and well built, had strong broad shoulders that seemed like they could carry the weight of the entire world, he was unbelievably attractive with his big puppy eyes and a smile that could light up a room. And on top of that he was incredibly smart and a true gentleman, a wonderful listener, always considerate of his team and that smile! You thought again as you recalled how he looked fondly at you earlier today as you handed him yet another patient file.
As an ophthalmologist of said team, you worked directly under him. And God knew how much more you wanted to do under him…
You shook your head…You really had to stop dreaming about your married boss. Yes, he was married, happily married. And yes, your little thoughts and heart flutters were nothing more than that… dreams, just silly dreams.
You sighed and flipped to your side, tucking your head comfortably on the pillow to finally get some sleep. Not even taking the time to slip your panties back on. Simply buttoning your nightgown back up.
You have no idea how long you’ve slept for when you’re woken up by the sound of a pair of lips smacking and the feeling of the said lips attached to your bare shoulder. You blinked a few times, your blurry eyes adapting to the dark room solely illuminated by the rays of the full moon peeking through the blinds. Your eyes fell on the blonde tuft of hair occupied with gently nibbling on your collarbone.
“Hmmm… You finally woke up y/n?” The man lifted his head…
Dr Jeong?!?!
You flung yourself to the headboard, covering yourself with your blanket. Yunho was not at all startled by the sudden screech of terror you emitted and just casually joined you up the mattress. He leaned in and started to playfully lick around your ear. His tongue was surprisingly cool against your burning ear and the tickling sensation raised goosebumps on your skin.
“Aaah” A soft and unexpected moan seeped from your lips. You immediately clapped your hand over your traitorous mouth, refraining from moaning again. Your ears have always been your weak spot.
“Oh baby, you’re so sensitive” his deep voice resonated in your auditory, shivers running down your spine as you fought the urge to lean your head back to give him more access to your neck.
“Dr. Jeong,” you started, voice wavering before the tall blonde interrupted you. 
“Call me Yunho, darling” The pet name spoken in his soft sultry voice made arousal stir your guts around, the butterfly wings tickling your stomach as they took off by thousands.
“Y-Yunho, what are you doing?” You asked in a short breathed whisper, trying so hard not to whimper and, against all odds, succeeding. Yunho smirked, wet lips pressed against the thin skin of your neck.
“Come on baby… You know exactly what I’m doing” He marked a long pause to suck on your earlobe, compelling you to close your eyes. “I’m here to make your wildest dreams come true” Your eyes immediately shot open.
“How would you know about that?” You pushed him away to have a look at his face.
“I just do,” he shrugged nonchalantly before trying to go back to your neck, but you stopped him with a firm hand on his broad chest right between his pecs.
“There’s no way Doctor Jeong would know about that or even act like that at all… Who are you?” You asked, squinting as you grew suspicious. The man chuckled, incredulous.
“Y/n… It’s me Yunho your super sexy gynecologist boss”
Dread crept under your skin, you gasped loudly as you brought the covers further up your body… Doctor Jeong would never speak of himself as “super sexy” and above all else… He’s not a gynecologist!
“Who are you really?” you asked, tilting your head and frowning.
Soon the man dropped his shoulders and the fake reassuring smile, turning his face away from yours.
“Fine!” he spat, he got up from the bed and right there before your very eyes, red smoke started to form at the bottom of his feet, soon enveloping completely his big and tall figure. You rubbed your eyes, persuaded to still be in deep sleep, that was the only logical explanation.
When the smoke dissipated, Yunho was gone and there stood a boy. He had raven black locks of shiny hair perfectly sitting on top of his head, piercing and sharp dark brown orbs looking right into yours and pouty pink lips.
Well, a boy that is if you disregard the two obvious 10 cm (4in) tall horns that sprouted out of his forehead. And a just-as-obvious spade shaped black tail dangling behind him.
He was wearing an oversized black hoodie and a pair of denim shorts with thick white sneakers. He shoved his hands in his back pockets, looking annoyed.
“Who are you?” You asked again, this time more to yourself as you have trouble trusting your own eyes. The thing -for lack of a better word- runs his black stained fingertips through his hair.
“My name is San” he finally said.
“What are you?” you asked after clearing your throat trying not to squeal. San rolled his eyes and sighed deeply, his expression shifting from exasperated to defeated.
“I’m an incubus”
“A what?!” You nearly choked on your own saliva.
“A sex demon that-”
“I know what an incubus is!” you interrupted him, frustrated at the irrational scene taking place before your eyes.
“Well… At least I was supposed to become one” he looked down. You tilted your head in confusion. “Yeah… today is my exam… You’re my exam” You frowned your brows, the confusion thickening in your eyes.
“Your exam?” you echoed.
“Yeah, I was supposed to seduce you to pass…” Your heart jumped into your throat.
“Seduce me?!?” you said louder than intended, feeling yourself almost slipping into cardiac arrest.
“Are you going to repeat everything I say?” he snapped back with a biting tone. “Yeah… I kinda like… studied you and your preferences all semester just for today but it’s all for nothing… I’m going to fail anyway” he hung his head low, sulking cutely.
His words barely made any sense in your fuzzy mind. But then you took a closer look at him, he looked so sad, his cat-like eyes turned droopy, his lips forming an adorable pout as he nervously whipped his tail around. You immediately cursed your subconscious that decided to send you such a weird dream tonight. But the pouting incubus had you second guessing yourself.
“Well…I guess I can make an effort so you can pass your exam” His tail perked up and his eyes instantly lit up.
You hesitated again.
“Y…yes” you dragged on the word, as if you were trying to keep the right of changing your mind for as long as possible.
“Oh, thank you so much!!!” he chirped, his lips stretching in the most adorable smile, making his sharp eyes turn into two small crescents. And you didn’t really know why but his happiness spread to you, you found yourself mirroring the beaming smile of the heart warming demon.
But something didn't sit right with you.
“Wait, an exam… how old are you?” you asked, uncertain again. San’s smile faded away as he tilted his head to think.
“Hm… You mean in demonic blood moon years or human sun years?” he asked dead serious. When you didn’t reply anything and only looked at him with round and confused eyes, he started mumbling to himself. “Yeah, how would she know what a blood moon year is…” he started counting on his fingers “I’ll be… One… Two… Ten… 19 years old in July” He said proudly puffing his chest.
“Oh my God! You’re only 18!!!” you nearly screamed, almost losing balance and falling off the bed. “I can’t I’m sorry, you’re way too young” San jumped to your side and grabbed both your hands pressing them into his black stained ones.
“Please y/n” he said, piercing cat-like eyes harpooning into yours and begging for your sympathy . “If I fail… I’ll be expelled from school and my parents will disown me… and…” he looked down at his feet, his grip slightly tightening around your hand, his voice quivering. “I’ll be prohibited from breeding, which is an incubus’ sole purpose” He hung his tails in defeat.
You didn’t know why or how but seeing him like that made your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach. You couldn’t possibly say “no” to such a face. You sighed again, it was your turn to feel defeated. 
“Fine…” you couldn’t help but to smile softly when you saw him wag his tail back. “What do you need to pass?” He looked to the side, recalling the instructions.
“For me to have just the passing grade I need to” he nervously licked his lips before looking back into your eyes “I need to successfully give you… one orgasm”.
You blinked your eyes twice, unsure of the information perceived by your ears. You started to shake your head slowly as the realization started to come clearer into mind. “Wait please y/n! We don’t actually have to have intercourse”
“Please don’t say it like that” you asked in a prolonged sigh, removing your hands from his to massage your temples, with knitted brows.
“Wait y/n! I mean… I could maybe… just…” he hesitated “go down on you?”. Silence fell for a second, but you started to shake your head again. “Please” he pleaded, getting on his knees at your side on the mattress, attacking with the damn irresistible eyes and pouty lips.
Silence again.
“OK…” you finally breathed out, getting up and pacing around the room. Once again, his tail cutely perked up. “If it’s a dream then I guess it’s ok…” you whispered to yourself this time your gaze drifting to the floor as you still have trouble processing what is going on.
Just a dream. You repeated to yourself.
“Oh my! Thank you! I promise I will make you feel good” your eyes shot back to him. It was almost imperceptible but the last two words sounded different. Something was different.
San took a step in your direction and you wanted to step back but the back of your legs hit the edge of the bed. You froze in your steps. He leaned into your ear and if you didn’t have your eyes to back up your ears on this one you would have sworn it wasn’t San speaking to you anymore. He took this deep, sultry, and alluring voice that only a demon could have.
“I promise you won’t regret it. Because I was trained for this.” You felt the unusually hot glide of his tongue on your ear as swarms of butterflies collectively took off inside your guts. “I was trained to please you… Only you.” Goosebumps ran across your skin as electricity sparked up in your core.
He went back to lick and suck on your ear you’re surprised how much surface his tongue can cover but you don’t pay that much attention to it, you’re too busy being gently laid back in your bed by San as he licked down your neck, leaving sloppy kisses and playful bites in his wake. His sharp teeth easily sunk into your skin and the pleasurable sting dragged a throaty moan out of your mouth. San briefly pulled away to look at you. He smirked at your flushed rosy cheeks.
“Baby, are you already feeling me?” Just as he said that he pushed his hips into yours and you had to keep yourself from loudly gasping when you felt… it. You haven’t seen it yet, but you just know it… That thing… was huge.
You let out a whimper and he unveiled his pointy teeth, the white pearls glistening under the moonlight. While San buried his face back in the crook of your neck you noticed how the buttons of your nightgown started to faintly glow red and in total stupor you understood they were undoing themselves. The straps swiftly slipped off your skin and you were left absolutely naked before San’s eyes.
He pulled away drinking in your most natural form while you laid on your back, thighs tightly pressed together.
“Baby you look this good, and you want me to behave?” he said in that voice again. He licked his lips, his tongue was different. It’s long and pointy, unnaturally red and… hot too… you recalled from the neck kisses. Your heart pounded in your chest.
He leans back again, and his disproportionately long tongue fully wrapped around your nipple. You moaned and bit your bottom lip. He lightly flicked his tongue. You gasped as it was gradually more difficult to resist.
He dipped down again, hot tongue gliding across your skin from your chest to your stomach and dangerously approaching your center. When he noticed you were keeping your legs tightly shut, he looked back up at you. Your eyes grew wide when you noticed the soft dark brown of his eyes was replaced by a glowing and ominous burgundy red.
“Baby, don’t make this harder than it has to be” San said, not parting his lips from your pubic bone still showering you with a thousand breathy kisses. Then with a flick of the wrist, your legs flew open, the magical force prying your legs open as if it were nothing, coercing you into unveiling yourself to the ravenous gaze of the demon. Before you could even realize it San was eyeing the most private part of you. 
And just like that the demon was at heaven's doors.
“Baby, it didn’t even start yet and you’re already this wet for me” his teasing made you squirm and it’s only then that you realized in what state the incubus has put you.
You were absolutely drenched. You never were this wet… Ever! Even in your wildest dream with Doctor Jeong. Without even proper touching, you soaked the sheets all the way through the mattress. You couldn’t see it, but you felt long strings of your juices linking your sopping center to the bed and coating your inner thighs.
When San approached his face very slowly, eyes focused on his target, licking his lips hungrily, when he’s right there, just a couple of centimeters away from your soaked slit he looked up at you. Sharp eyes glowing red and harboring a smirk that could only be described as downright evil.
“Oh, and y/n, one last thing. This is not a dream… It’s real… I’m real”
You didn’t have time to process the information before his tongue made contact with you, directly aiming for the clit. You gasped loudly, gripping the sheets. The sensation was unlike anything you’ve felt before. His tongue was uncommonly hot and wet, slimy even, like lubricated? It was also kind of rough, rugged, like a cat’s tongue. But strangely it was the best part about it, the little asperities were stimulating you in a novel way. You simply couldn’t hold back anymore. Frankly, you didn’t want to, you were giving in.
Your delighted moans filled the room, and your meek voice had San smirking, lips still tightly pressed to your folds.
“That’s it, kitten, moan for me.”
The pet name made you moan louder, your hand instinctively finding his head, fingers intertwining with the thick black hair between his horns and gripping it. His abnormally long tongue swirling around your clit, driving you to the verge of sanity. The pleasure rose steadily, and you felt the familiar build up form in your stomach.
He wrapped his lips around your swollen and very sensitive clit to give it a gentle suck. Another throaty moan slipped out your mouth which made you bite your lip right after. His sharp teeth grazed against you and you felt a small bite on your already aching bud. The sting was divine and made you scream out a moan. San felt you twitch under his tongue as you unconsciously buck your hips up and down, grinding your needy little cunt against his tongue.
“Kitten, are you gonna cum?” he asked with a mouth full.
You looked down at his dark red glowing eyes, his satisfied smirk, his pitch-black hair stuck to his forehead, his face smeared with your overflowing juices… Fuck why did he have to look so good?
You nodded, biting on your bottom lip so hard you could have drawn blood, feeling your walls flutter, inching so close to the edge, your peak within reach but San slowed down…
No… Please… 
You wanted to beg but you didn't.
You let out a desperate whimper that made San’s smirk grow even wider.
“Then tell me, Kitten. Tell me how good I’m making you feel. Tell me what you want.” he whispered in that deep voice again.
Fuck… How did he know you so well, the weak spot around your ear, the pet name, the dirty talk, the teasing? He knew about all the little things you fantasized about in the dead of night, all the details that drove you mad but never dared speak of out loud. All these secrets you kept for yourself until now. He knew your mind and your body. He had all the cards in hand and you were losing, giving up. But giving up never felt so good.
The agonizing slow flicks of his tongue on your throbbing pussy were killing you and you just wanted more. You needed more.
“Please, please San…” you whined. “Please, please let me cum. I-I need it so bad. Please”. you begged, your mind fogged up with lust. He chuckled in victory.
“Good girl” he praised before shoving his whole tongue in your clenching pussy. You didn't have the will (or the strength as a matter of fact) to control your voice anymore. You let your moans cascade off your tongue and crash heavily on the bedroom floor. The sounds were music to the demon's ear, the irrefutable sign you gave yourself up to him.
“Fuck… yessss…” you brought your second hand between the demon's horn to grip his hair too. Not realizing how harshly you're pulling at it, sting made San grunt against your heat.
“Beg me for it, Kitten”
“Please Sannie… aaah… Don’t stop… Please” you were pleading, you were so fucking close.
His tongue worked wonders going in and out of you at an astonishing speed, every time hitting your g spot dead on. Somehow, he managed to tongue fuck you while still give attention to your clit. Expertedly alternating between your fluttering and gushing hole and your touched deprived little bundle of nerves. 
“M’c-cumming” you whispered in a strangled breath.
“Yes, cum for me Kitten. Cum all over my mouth” San’s deep voice resonated in your ear as your eyes were closed shut. Your legs tensed up and your back arched as the knot finally ruptured, making you unravel at San’s touch. Juices flowing out into San’s open mouth. He sent you into an earth-shattering orgasm. The overwhelming sensation took over your entire body, making you shake uncontrollably as you screamed out his name. Never have you felt something like this. A simple human being would have never been capable of doing the things he had done to you.
San slowed down allowing you to ride off your high without hurry. When he parted his mouth from your quivering core you heard him swallow thickly then hum in satisfaction.
“Mmmmh… Delicious baby” he said wiping his glistening mouth and chin with the back of his hand, the glow in his eyes slowly fading to the original dark brown.
Your chest was heaving up and down and you still couldn’t believe what just happened. The things you felt you can’t really understand or even name them. All you knew was that you didn’t want to let them go.
San had already climbed off the bed when you let your heart speak. Or maybe the voice was coming from further south? 
“San…” he turned around “I-… hum…” you didn’t really say anything but San smirked. He clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“Is Kitten becoming greedy?” With that a red halo of light started to surround him and his clothes just simultaneously dropped to the floor.
You looked at him with round eyes and a hanging jaw. Who would have known he was hiding all this behind his boyish face? He looked absolutely stunning. You would have never suspected such broad shoulders underneath that oversized hoodie. He was toned and in shape. But the most impressive thing was without a doubt his masculine attributes…
His huge dick stood proud and tall. It was quite literally the size of your forearm and you just kept staring at it as it lightly twitched, precum shining and pearling at his slit.
You licked your lips as the sight made your mouth water. San picked up on your piqued interest right away.
He slipped back in bed with you and whispered in your ear again, planting kisses around your ear. He grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks in a firm grip, his black stained thumb tugging at your lips before he slipped his long tongue inside your mouth. Instantly the taste of your own cum spreaded on your tongue, lust clouding your mind. San continued to push his tongue inside, past the back of your mouth and until it was down your throat. Making your lips finally meet. Your eyes instinctively rolled to the back of your head, your mind slipping into some kind of half consciousness as you could only think of San’s plump lips on yours, only think of his tongue down your throat and the heat and the mess it was creating, both your saliva mixing and dripping on your chin. Goosebumps woke on your skin in the nape of your neck as his heavy breathing fanned your warm cheeks.
When he pulled out and you gasped for air, light headed from the burning oxygen in your lungs.
“I know you want more,” he said as he let go of your face to forcefully grab your wrist, placing your hand on his fat huge cock. The thing was so hard and hot, twitching under your fingers, you bit your lip trying to repress an embarrassingly needy moan and barely succeeding. San enfolded your fingers around his cock, making your hand appear so tiny in comparison to the huge cock inside of your clenched fist. He harshly thrusted himself in your small hand wrapped around his two big ones. You whimpered as San growled in your ear.
“Tell me what you want, kitten” San’s low grunts made you shiver, heat pulling in your stomach once more. He gave another powerful thrust in your fist.
“Please… San” you started with your lips trembling. “Fuck me” you finally said in a breath, barely above a whisper.
That was all that San needed. He left your side and kneeled right in front of you. He harshly pulled on your parted thighs to bring you closer. You let a whimper out as his member rubbed against your still very responsive clit.
He wiggled himself even closer and linked his hips with yours, his fat cock resting on your stomach.
“Look kitten, this is how full I’m going to make you” he chuckled, an evil smirk playing at his lips, slightly swaying his hips to rub on your nub. You bit your lip and lifted your head to take a look. You whimpered when you saw the angry red and leaking tip reach all the way up to your midriff.
It’s never going to fit…
He seized his thick member and started to rub the tip against your slit, gathering your wetness and coating himself with it. You bucked your hips up, impatient to be filled. But San gently took your chin in his black stained fingers and lifted your head up. Your eyes shoot back to his, the red glow was back.
“Look at me while I fill you up with this huge fucking cock” he whispered detaching every syllable of the three last words, eyes diving deep into yours. The smirk was gone, he was done playing.
Slowly and steadily, he pushed himself inside you. His girthy tip delightfully stretching your tight little cunt. You felt him progress inside you, surprisingly you didn’t feel any discomfort at all. Something of this length, of this girth, it should have hurt. But it just didn’t. Instead every centimeter felt like pure heaven as his glowing eyes locked into yours as he frowned and grunted.
Eventually he reached the deepest part of you and your hips linked again. You squeezed your eyes shut and your toes curled up… Because as crazy as it may sound just with this one slow stroke, he made you cum. You couldn’t explain it, there’s no logical explanation but you, a woman of science, you didn’t have a single thought anymore for logic. You only wanted more. More of this unholy pleasure. More of this demon, more of him.
You pressed your lips into a thin line to not moan. But San wasn’t fooled, he couldn’t possibly when your tight cunt was so desperately fluttering around him. He hunched his warm body over yours and leaned into your ear to whisper with the deep voice that you were starting to know.
“Oh Kitten,” he clicked his tongue with a patronizing tone. “You came with that?” He cooed as he slowly pulled out of your still throbbing cunt. “But I have so much more in stock just for you”
Then he stood back straight and took a bruising grip on both of your thighs to smash himself back into your dripping heat.
“Fuck” you yelled. Your eyes shot open as you cursed out loud, unable to resist the feeling. Your previous orgasm still hadn’t completely worn off and he was already forcing another one into you. Your eyes rolled back as your jaw fell open, shaking every time he thrusted his huge cock inside you.
San smirked when he felt the signature clenching and throbbing of your on coming high. But that didn’t stop him. As another orgasm washed over you, your legs shook uncontrollably as you moaned out his name.
“Aaaah… Sannnnn”
“Awww, you’re cumming again… Kitten really has become greedy” he chuckled slowly, adapting his pace to allow you to breathe. Your high slowly wore off. Your eyes came back into focus and you caught San’s tail lazily waving behind him before they drift to his handsome (but evil) face.
“Oh Kitten, you’re back! I almost thought you were going to pass out with this one.” he chuckled again, still slowly pumping himself deep inside of you. “You’re not used to feeling this good, huh?” You couldn’t even reply anything, your brain couldn’t process just one useful coherent thought so you just laid there trying to process the feeling but San sped back up, going even faster. Right when you thought it couldn’t get better. Right when you thought he couldn’t possibly fuck you any better than this… he does exactly that.
Immediately you gripped the sheets again, arching your back. You were already back to screaming for him. He felt amazing inside you. The way each thrusted into you to deliciously spread your aching tiny little cunt, the way he rammed himself into you, rearranging your guts and shaping your hole to perfectly fit his fat cock… Frankly in this instant you couldn’t even remember your own name.
“Fuck… Aaaah…”
The sound of wet skin clashing reverberated against the walls of your room. Finally, you felt him dangerously twitch inside you. He was coming close to his release, and it showed in his dark red glowing eyes.
“I’m gonna cum inside you” he grunted lowly, tightening his grip on your thighs. This was definitely not a question. It was a statement.
You welcomed his demand as it meant salvation to you. You were exhausted, your pussy just couldn’t take another one of these intense orgasms. You felt like you were going to collapse as you laid there on your back while he furiously pounded into you, your eyes rolled back and your tongue hanging out of your mouth, flapping on your chin with every thrust.
“Yesh, pleash cum inshide me” you mumbled, not even bothering to slip your tongue back in.
“I’ll make you mine, kitten” he growled, making you shiver.
“Yesssshhhh” you huffed in a shaky breath.
Your own release was coming close, again. Your toes curled upward, and you arched your back, your tight pussy frantically throbbing and clenching around San as his cock pulsed and twitched inside you finally releasing his delicious piping hot cum.
“Fuckkkk” San breathed out through gritted teeth as you sunk your nails into his biceps.
Gallons of thick white sticky liquid gushed out inside you, adding on to the full feeling of San’s cock. You felt astronomical volumes of cum filling you to the brim until it had to flow out of you in a slimy river of gooey white spurts.
You both caught your breath for a good two minutes before you could even move. When San finally pulled out your mixed juices still linked him to you in long strings.
He was quicker to recover than you. Your chest was still heaving up and down when he magically popped his clothes back on.
He looked back at you and the change in attitude was blatant. The glow in his eyes was gone, his innocent boyish expression was back, the cat-like eyes had lost their sharpness and looked back at you with a kittenish expression, and his smile? just adorable. Even his tail was cutely wagging behind him. Suddenly there was nothing evil about him (once more, disregarding the demon horned of course).
“Thanks y/n! Imma have the best grade ever. I bet Hongjoong had to keep the illusion spell…” He smiled from ear to ear, the shiny brown irises completely disappearing to leave two cute crescents.
Completely drained out you barely managed to simply nod back at him and grinned from the corner of your mouth.
“Anyway, bye… Kitten” he said, a playful glint briefly passing his eyes while the red smoke engulfed him once more.
When the smoke cleared out you were almost - not almost - sad that he’s gone. You sighed deeply, cum still lazily dripping out of your broken-beyond-repair hole.
How  were you supposed to go back to a normal life after that?
Well in fact… you didn’t. It was over a year later and San never came back. Every night you were hoping that somehow, he would come visit you again. But every night you laid in your bed disappointed, actually, even worse: frustrated.
Because after that fateful night you never touched yourself to your handsome boss Doctor Jeong Yunho again. Actually, you completely lost interest in him. Sure, he was still very handsome and gentlemanly but you just… didn’t care anymore.
To be clear you didn’t touch yourself to Yunho, but you still did have intimate moments with yourself… Well, you tried at least. Because nothing, nothing came close to what you felt when San took care of you that night. Actually, you knew no human being, no simple mortal could possibly fuck you that way. It’s not something a being of flesh and blood can do… It’s something only an unholy creature could do, something only a demon could make you feel.
So every time you succumbed to the urge of relieving yourself by letting your fingers play with your folds it ended in either, a complete failure where you couldn’t even drive yourself to your peak or, a lukewarm, disappointing and frustrating orgasm.
A whole year…
A whole year spent fantasizing about a teenage demon that only used you to pass a stupid exam then vanished from your reality without failing to completely shatter your whole world.
So yeah… it sucked…
You sighed to yourself, staring at the same old ceiling of your room. It was one of those nights where the tension was just too much, but you didn’t feel like going through the hassle of actually pleasuring yourself knowing damn well it was going to be temporary and frankly dissatisfying.
You turned to your side, determined to chase off the frustration by getting some good sleep. Exhausted you drifted pretty quickly into a deep slumber.
But the sleep was anything but good… You found yourself covered in sweat, wrestling in your sheets, engrossed in a fever dream. Not much of it made sense but you felt hands were roaming your body, an usually warm embrace was enveloping your form, you felt rugged flesh lapping at your ear. You heard jerky breaths, lowly grunts, an unnaturally deep voice talking to you…
Missed me… Kitten?
“San?!” you shouted as you sat up in your bed, eyes snapping open.
You looked around in a slight panic, your night gown clamped to your sweaty skin and your chest heaving up and down.
“Fuck” you cursed yourself under your breath, disappointed when you realized your mind played tricks on you again. You were just here alone in your room, soaked in frustration… and arousal.
“God damn it” you cursed again as you slipped your nightgown over your head and kicked the covers off your heated skin. Leaving yourself naked on top of your bed. Immediately the cold air lifted goosebumps on your humid skin, hardening your nipples.
You let your fingers slip to the crux of the problem. You knew there was only one way to finally be able to chase away the memory of San, even if it was only for tonight.
The cold fingers on your drenched heat drew a sharp breath off your lips. You were so excited about this stupid fever dream, so excited about him that only a few rubs already had you with your toes curled up in pleasure, fisting the sheets tightly.
“Aaaah… San” you softly moaned his name. With eyes closed shut, you tried to recall the way he felt inside you, the way his eyes glowed red, the way his low voice sent shivers down your spine…
Awww Kittennn~…
It was like you could hear him… you gave no rest to your sensitive and throbbing nub.
“San, I’m gonna cum” you whispered to yourself. Pleasure slowly taking over your entire body. You slipped a finger inside your drenched heat to aid yourself to your peak a little quicker. Then another one. You aimed directly for your sensitive spot and you felt yourself tightly clenching around your fingers. You’re so close… so so close.
“Aren’t you going to wait for me?”
This time…There’s no doubt.
Your eyes snapped open again as you stopped what you were doing and you were met with San staring you down at the foot of the bed, licking his lips, eyes already wavering with a tint of red.
But for a second you doubted. Was it really him? You can’t help but to ask yourself. He looked so different. Sure, the spare shaped black tail still loosely dangled behind him but other than that his whole aura changed. The boyish features are completely gone. Instead, his eyes and jaw look sharper. He looks broader, more muscular. His plain black tee is tightly hugging his fit and toned body, making it easy for you to see abs peeking from underneath the constrictive fabric, abs you can’t recall from the previous visit. His arms muscles were thicker, and a lot more developed. Along with his pecs of which you could clearly see the outline of under the skin tight black tee. His matching jeans let you see through their rips his smooth silky skin and generous thighs.
But the most noticeable change is definitely his horns. The cute 10 cm (4in) tall skin-colored horns were replaced by huge 30cm (1ft) long ones. They were directly sprouting in a spiral from his forehead and stood proud on top of his head. Their base was black but as they went up it faded to a dark and deep blood red.
Overall, he looked much more mature.
He wasn’t a boy anymore… he was a man.
“San?” you started hesitantly as the demon already slipped beside you in bed. “Is that really you?” you couldn’t help but to ask.
“Yes, Kitten… It’s me” he whispered in the low voice you've missed so badly. Bringing his lips close to your ear and you felt his rough tongue lap at your sweet spot, the familiar sensation drew a shaky breath out of you. For a minute you didn't say anything, you were just there, under his spell as he played with you. In the midst of it all, you didn’t even notice you were stark naked, or maybe you just didn’t care. You didn’t want to protest quite frankly, you let him do, you let him gently nibble at your bare collarbones and plant gentle kisses on your neck. You let him because that’s what you’ve been waiting for… For a whole fucking year.
But then you shook your head, snapping out of it. You left his side and get off the bed taking the sheets to wrap around your naked body and get up, knowing that his soft kisses kept you from thinking rationally.
“San…” you turned your eyes back to him “you've… changed”. He chuckled and the red glow faded to slowly disappear as he got up.
“Yes… I know, a lot can change in 12 years…” he casually said while stepping closer to you.
Wait. What?
“What 12 years? No, it was just last year” you corrected him, and he took your hands in his slender black stained fingers.
“Maybe to you. But not to me” You suddenly recall the demonic blood moon years he had mentioned on his first visit. Maybe that’s what he meant. “I’ll be turning 30 this July.”
Your jaw dropped. How was that even possible? But then again, here you were questioning the passing of time for an incubus. So what's crazier really?
“You remember what I told you about breeding?” San’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Yes… that it is an incubus sole purpose, right?” you said absentmindedly, still having trouble wrapping your mind around the situation. But you were brought back to the present moment when San squeezed your hands tightly and dived in your gaze with his piercing dark brown orbs.
“Yes, I came back for that…” he leaned in and you instinctively leaned your head back giving him unconditional access to your neck. San’s voice went down an octave again, lips only millimeters away from your ear. “I came back for you…” he whispered before he licked around your sweet spot, making your heart loudly thump in your chest and your toes curl on the cold wooden floor of your bedroom. You bit your lip trying to restrain your voice.
“I’m going to breed you” his voice was hypnotizing, “You will bear my children and bring them into the world” You couldn’t even wrap your mind around what he was saying, “I chose you, y/n. I only want you” His voice was putting a spell on you. “I can fuck any women I want but…” his warm hand was now wrapped around your nape, and the other one gently pulled on the sheets wrapped around your nude body that you let fall to the ground without resistance.
“San what do you mean?” you asked in a jerky whisper, only focusing on his hot breath on your ear. He ignored your question.
“I need your approval to breed you, y/n” His blunt nails grazed against the naked skin of your lower back, you started to softly moan, you were wrapped around his fingers, completely bewitched by his cat-like eyes fixed into yours. 
“So, say yes, y/n… Say yes Kitten” he said before his large palms groped your ass and pulled you against him, closing in the last centimeters that were left between his clothed body and your naked one, sending radiating heat from your core to your entire body.
What were you supposed to reply? Were you supposed to say "no"? How could you do such a thing after waiting for him for a whole year, everyday growing a little more desperate, a little more frustrated… How could you possibly say no, when his hands were roaming your body like they have always known you. When he whispered with that voice in your ear. When minutes ago, you would have given anything to have another night with him…
You… just…
“Okay…” you whispered ever so quietly, barely audible even for your own ears.
You felt San’s cheek lift against yours as he smiled. When he pulled back, you can see his pointy teeth glistening under the full moon, like they did a year ago. He was wearing the same evil smirk that you knew so well, the same wicked and devious smirk that he burnt into your memory a year ago, making sure you could never forget about it.
Right there something snapped, something changed. When San looked back the red glow in his eyes was more intense than ever, his expression was wicked. Lust dancing in his dark orbs as he licked his lips with appetite.
You didn’t even notice the red glow around your naked form before you felt your feet being lifted from the ground. San smirked at the confusion plastered on your face. His magic made you levitate and harshly threw you on the bed, almost smashing your head on the headboard. You should have been stunned but the scene taking place right before your eyes kept you conscious and focused.
The red glow now circled San and in a fraction of second his clothes were gone. Not dropped to the floor, just gone. They completely vanished. And he stood right before you in all his glory. You couldn’t help but to let your eyes trail his body.
His intense gaze, his sharp jawline, long narrow neck, his collarbones. The large and sturdy muscular shoulders. The developed muscles of his pecs and arms moving and mesmerizing you. The dangling black tail. The toned abs, already lightly sparkling with sweat.
Then your eyes finally went below the waist line.
You do remember the enormous… thing – for lack of a better word – San fucked you with last time. How could you forget? You could never. That’s why you know for a fact that this thing right there in front of you, rock hard, lightly twitching and oozing precum at the slit, is actually bigger.
Your jaw dropped to the floor. The veiny and pulsing monstrous cock was as lengthy as your thigh and as thick as a soda can. When you looked more closely at it you realized it was beaded. Beads of different sizes were visible, forming bumps under his skin that progressed down the shaft. Your heart jumped in your chest. Because you knew that huge ass cock was made for pleasure. Tingles started to bubble in the pit of your stomach, and you unconsciously pressed your thighs together.
San couldn’t help but to smirk when he noticed fear and anticipation swim in your confused eyes.
He stepped closer to you.
“Oh Kitten” he started as he crawled in bed to you. The wicked smirk still dancing on his lips, red glowing eyes fixed on you. “We’re going to have so much fun~”
Then with the familiar flick of his wrist your legs flew open at his will. You gasped in surprise. And San’s smirk grew wider when he noticed how your folds glistened with your juices.
“Kitten look at you…” He said, gesturing his chin towards your most private part. “You’re always so wet for me” his low voice sent shivers down your spine as embarrassment rushed to your cheeks. But the spell maintained your legs nice and spread out for him.
San leaned in closer to your drenched heat, sharp teeth on display and tongue out.
You gasped loudly arching your back when you felt his rugged tongue aiming directly for your clit. Still very sensitive from almost cumming a few minutes ago.
“Mmmmh… Kitten you taste even better than last time” he purred, lips pressed to your core, the vibrations sending electricity in your body.
San took his sweet time gently lapping at and around your nub to tease you, while cascades of juices flowed out of your impatient center. You can’t endure the teasing anymore, not after all this time, not after a whole year. You unconsciously bucked your hips up, grinding your pussy on his tongue while a tiny pleading whimper escaped your lips.
San stopped in his tracks. You were taken aback when the glowing red pair of cat-like eyes looked back up at you as he shook his head fainting disappointment. But the smirk was quick to return.
“Baby” his warm breath fanned your delicate parts. “Don’t be so fucking greedy” he said before sinking his pointy white teeth in the sensitive little bud. The sting pulled a scream out of you while you gripped the sheets. Immediately after San’s tongue plunged inside your hungry little hole, reaching the deepest part right away. At an alluring speed, his long tongue came in and out of you, each time poking at your sweet spot. Your loud moans echoed through the empty night, the familiar knot, quick to tighten again after this much teasing.
“San don’t stop” you pleaded, feeling your release coming in. San’s red orbs still fixed in yours while his tail lazily dangled behind him.
The incessant stimulation of your g-spot got you clenching around his long and rugged tongue while you finally came, letting go of the knot. You screamed in absolute bliss.
That’s it… this feeling… The sensation you’ve been craving.
“Fuckkkk” You cried out.
San parted himself from your throbbing center for a moment, allowing you to ride out your high at your own pace. Your chest was heaving up and down, sweat was pearling between your breasts.
“Baby, don’t think it’s over just yet” he said, smirking again. “I have so much more in store for you…”
You didn't have time to fully recover yet but San dove down to your soaked folds again, this time his hot and wet tongue only focused on your swollen nub. You scream out in surprise and pleasure. Immediately your back arched again.
His tongue somehow felt like it vibrated, the feeling was intense and suffocating, and you knew you would soon be thrown into another strong orgasm again. Your hand instinctively flew to San’s hair, resting in between his two horns, fingers harshly pulling at his luscious raven black locks.
“Is Kitten cumming again?” he said with a mouthful.
You couldn’t even process an answer as the crushing orgasm washed over you again, excessive amounts of your arousal coating your tights and linking your center to the sheets. You moan out without restrain, not making any efforts whatsoever to keep your voice down.
When he was done San sat back up on the bed. You didn’t even notice how he stroked his huge monstrous pole in his fist.
“Kitten, I hope you’re not too tired yet…” you jumped when you felt the unnaturally hot tip glide against your folds. “Because it’s my turn now” he singsang.
He shimmied his way to your parted thighs. Like last time he rested his cock on your stomach to measure it up to you. Now there’s no doubt the thing is much much bigger than last time. A year ago, it reached to your midriff, now the red tip is comfortably placed between your breasts. In a sort of trance, you wrapped your hands around it, the both of them can barely circle the girth of his dick. It was huge… Abnormally long and terrifyingly thick… but you couldn’t wait to feel the thing inside you.
San smirked when he noticed you eyeing his member with burning desire. He pulled his hips back and aligned himself at your entrance. His tip teased you as you bit your lip, gathering your wetness for a smooth crossing.
“Look at me Kitten” your eyes shot back to San’s glowing orbs. “Look at me while I make you take my cock” You let a tiny whimper out when you feel him pushing himself inside you. The tip gently and slowly parting you. San grunted in your ear.
“Fuck Kitten, you’re so tight for me baby” he breathed out in his low voice.
With every centimeter it got better and better, you don’t feel any pain, only divine pleasure. You felt each one of the beads along his shaft, each one more pleasurable than the last. History repeats itself as with this one slow introductory stroke you found yourself coming undone for him again.
“I’m gonna cum” you whispered in a strangled breath, your eyes still locked with San’s. His smirk grew wider at your frowned brows and trembling lips. But he kept on steadily pushing his cock inside you, stretching you further and further.
“I know” he whispered before violently pushing the last few centimeters in. The unexpected and overwhelming pleasure washed over you as you sank your head back in the pillows, a long string of moans falling off your lips while your cunt twitched uncontrollably around San, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.
“Kitten” he said while pulling back slowly as you were still high from your climax. “I don’t think you’re ready for me” You peeled open one eye with difficulty to look at him and nodded to contradict him. San chuckled. “You think?” he asked, pulling his dick out of you while your walls desperately clenched around nothing.
“Y-yes” you whispered, squirming, craving for him to fill you up again. “Yes, I missed you so much” the words rolled so naturally off your tongue before you even realized they did. San lifted an eyebrow.
“Really Kitten? You missed me?” you nodded again. “Well… you only waited for a year” you gasped as his hot tip circled your aching little nub before going back to your entrance. “I waited for 12 years” he said in an unnaturally low grunt.
He slammed his hips into yours in one powerful and shattering thrust which set you right back to screaming again. His movements were fast and precise each time he sent his big cock smashing against your g-spot. The pleasurable feeling was unbearable.
“San… Aaaahh…” you moaned his name, as you got dangerously close to the edge again.
“Yes, moan for me Kitten” he said through gritted teeth. “Am I not a lot better than last time?” he panted.
You couldn’t believe it but it’s true. You didn’t think it was possible but yes. He got incredibly better at fucking you to the point that you were ready to pledge your pussy to him for eternity. For him only. You’d do anything to be fucked like this every day until your body eventually gave out from exhaustion.
“Yesss…. Aaaaah… fuck” You shouted closing your eyes under the pleasure. Your loud and unrestrained moans made San smirk.
“You’re mine” he growled continuously fucking you deep and hard. “Fucking look at me I told you” He planted his black nails at the side of your face, making you wince and also open your eyes. The red glow was brighter than ever. “Say that you’re mine” he commanded.
“I’m yours” you whined locking eyes with him as the clenching of your cunt warned San of how close you were.
“Kitten, are you gonna cum again?” he chuckled, eyes locked into yours, furiously pumping his abnormally large cock inside your now shapeless little hole.
“I’m gonna make you mine Kitten. I’m gonna pump you full of cum. Do you want that Kitten?”
“Yes please” You begged in a short breath, your release getting dangerously close.
“Good girl” He grunted getting close to your ear, his rugged tongue licking the shell of it. “Now cum. Cum around my big cock while I fill you up to the brink with hot cum.”
The low whispers were enough to rocket you over the edge. You screamed in absolute bliss, twitching around his huge cock as you felt the hot sticky liquid rushing into you and overflowing out. Just like last time the quantity was inhumane, testifying of San’s demonic nature.
When San finally slipped out of you, you felt your heat meekly clench around nothing, already missing the way San’s monstrous cock was making you feel so full.
You were left completely dazed, lying on the bed, eyes still rolled back in your head, focusing on the fading sensation of your peak.
You didn’t even notice when San stood by the bed and you also didn't notice how, contrary to last time, cumming had not calmed him down. The thing is still alive and lively. In other words, he’s far from done with you.
“Kitten, I’m gonna fuck your face now” he announced.
You didn’t have time to process the meaning of those words that you were being pulled by your arm. Your body was lying across the bed while your head was resting upside down on the edge of the mattress.
“Open wide Kitten” San’s hot and wet tip brushed against your lips. Almost out of instinct you opened your mouth.
San pressed himself inside your narrow mouth. The stretch was borderline unbearable, San’s cock was too big. Way too big for your tiny mouth and you barely managed to take the head of his dick inside your crowded wet hole. San grunted loudly, indulging in the feeling of stretching your lips to his convenience.
“Fuckkkk… y/n”
When he reached the back of your throat he started to slowly pull out, taking his cock completely out. You ceased the opportunity to take a deep breath. And that proved to be the right move, because seconds later San went back inside you but with much less tenderness. He placed both of his hands on your cheeks gripping your face tightly to aid himself with intruding your mouth.
He had no mercy for your poor sore throat, his powerful thrust silencing you except for the wet and sloppy sounds that your mouth emitted.
“How does your cum and mine taste like Kitten?”
His voice sent shivers across your skin, your eyes rolled back as your pained pried open jaw gradually went numb. You wanted to scream how good he tasted on your tongue but you couldn’t. You wanted more, more of this intoxicating taste taking over your mouth and clouding your mind.
“Fuckkkk… Kitten… You’re gonna make me cum” He whispered, his voice conveying the feeling of his incoming orgasm. “I’m gonna cum in your mouth baby. Want that Kitten?” You only produced a gargled moan and San knew how eager you truly were to taste more of him.
“Such a good girl for me”
Only instants after you felt the stream of his warm load shoot to the back of your throat, instantly filling your mouth. Squirts after squirts of cum crashed on the inside of your cheeks and on your tongue, some even slipped out of your mouth and lazily dripped down to your cheeks and forehead.. The bitter taste invades you and your entire body, making you dizzy, light headed.
When San pulled out you hurriedly swallowed a big mouthful of thick and hot cum before drawing a sharp -and much needed- breath.
San gently stroked your cum and spit covered cheeks.
“You’re such a good girl for me Kitten” he said before laying back on the bed, his back against the headboard. And your eyes went wide with stupor when you noticed that still. The monster has not calmed down. His cock is still hard, pumped full of burning blood, tip a shade of angry red and profusely leaking at the slit.
You felt exhausted and drained out by all the orgasms you failed to count. You couldn’t even lift a single muscle even if you tried.
But you didn’t have to because once again your body was enveloped by a red glowing light. With that you were lifted in the air. San’s magic spreading your legs into an impressive split, suspended in the air above him while he patiently waited for you to come down on him with his hands behind his head.
Beads of sweat formed on his chest and rolled down his toned abs. Sweat also stuck his bangs to his forehead and his horns. He was absolutely gorgeous, the kind of beauty that nobody would ever be able to turn down… and especially not you.
And unlike you, he looked everything but tired.
Slowly his magic lowered you down. You gasped when his hot tip brush against your drenched folds.
“I just need more of you, Kitten. Can you handle me?”
You wanted to respond but you were unable to think of anything coherent as, already, the steady descent had you stretched out around his girth and completely cock dumb. You only whimper meekly for a response. Slowly but surely San set you down on his cock, cunt perfectly angled with his huge dick. Each centimeter, each bead going inside you, making your body tense up with agonizing pleasure.
When you were halfway through the red light around your body went off and he dropped you to take the rest of him in one go. And it was just too much for you. The way his cock smashed into your sensitive sweet spot while San had his glowing red orbs fixed on the place your bodies met sent you into the abyss again. This time the pleasure was so intense that not only your needy cunt absolutely crushed San’s cock with a vice grip and uncontrollable spasms but also gushed out juices in powerful clear streams, drenching San’s muscular torso. San smirked as he clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“Kitten… You came again with the very first stroke” he said, fainting disappointment, taking pleasure in seeing you struggle above him, shaking uncontrollably, eyes rolled back, jaw hanging open and toes curled up.
Before you could even go back to your senses, you felt yourself getting lifted again and the red glow came back around your figure. You whimpered as you felt San slide out of you. But right before the tip popped out, he smashed you back onto him. You arched your back as a delighted long string of moans escaped your lips.
“Damn Kitten you’re so tight” San said through gritted teeth.
You couldn’t even say anything back as he’s already lifting you up with his magic. Each time he increased the pace until he had you jumping up and down his girth. The familiar knot tightened again.
“How good does my cock feel baby?” San asked his red eyes fixed on you as he made your breasts bounce on your chest with each back and forth.
“It’s the b-best…. San it’s the best thing ever. F-fuck! Wanna be fucked like this every day” you answered, struggling with your words, mushing them together. Visibly, it was what San wanted to hear as the evil twinkle in his eye intensified.
“Yeah Kitten? You want that, huh?” he grunted in the low voice you loved so much, sending swarms of butterflies flying in your stomach. He went faster again. The wet sounds of skin clashing bounced off the walls punctually interrupted by San’s and your moans.
“I’m gonna c-” You wanted to announce but San interrupted you.
“Not yet Kitten, this time you’ll cum with me and when I tell you to” He lifted you again, making you hover over his dick. Still, just above him. You squirmed only wanting to be filled again.
“Say what you want Kitten”
“Want your cock Sannie” he raised his eyebrow. “Pleasepleasepleaseplease” you begged, your pleas making him smirk again.
“Yeah baby? Is that what you want?” he said as he slipped the tip inside, the beaded shaft made you scream in bliss as San slowly lowered you on his cock, legs spread wide, offering him the best view on your cunt, your swollen clit hard and red and the shapeless entrance drooling and pulsing, aching to be filled again.
“Yessssss” you screamed while tears welled up in the corner of your eyes.
But then San’s spade shaped tail swiftly wrapped around your neck, the slick scales gliding on your skin send goosebumps in the nape of your neck. When the tail had made a full circle around your neck, San suddenly tightened the grip.
“Then fucking take it” he smashed you onto his huge cock.
You opened your mouth to scream but not a sound came out. You were completely silenced. Only the wet and lewd sounds of your pussy could be heard as San’s tip touched the deepest part of you, forming a visible bulge inside your stomach. Tears of pure joy rolled down your burning cheeks.
San then went back to this unforgiving rhythm. Every time angling you just right to smash your sensitive spot. Gradually your mind went blank as he fucked you furiously, your jaw hung open and your eyes rolled back into their orbit.
“Look at me” San whispered in his demonic low voice. Your eyes came back into focus and snapped to him. “I’m gonna cum inside you” he continued to whisper. You nodded vigorously, knowing it meant he’ll finally let you cum too. 
“With this one I’ll make you mine. I will pump you full of my seed and impregnate you. I’ll make your belly swell with my cum and have you bear my progeny” You nodded again, streams of tears wetting your heated cheeks. The restriction of blood to your brain fogged your vision with specks of white, making  you see stars as the pleasure rose again to an unbearable level.
“Now cum. Cum for me Kitten” San grunted.
You felt his cum flow into you, and that sent you over the edge into the most intense orgasm you ever felt, that’s including the ones San gave you in the past. This one was different. His big fat cock smashing into you, his glistening chest drenched with his sweat and your cum, the dirty talk, the pet name, the commanding tone, the low voice, the tail around your neck, the thick and hot cum filling you up. It was all too much.
Your spread out legs tensed up and shook uncontrollably as San led you to completion. Just as you were on the verge of losing consciousness due to the air restriction and the heavenly stimulation of your orgasm, San loosened his tail around your narrow neck. A strangled moan escaped free of your sore throat as you were finally able to vocally express the immense pleasure you felt.
“Yes, that’s it, baby” San purred. “Scream for me”. He kept you going up and down his length for a while longer.
You cried out a long moan as your head was thrown back and your tongue hung loose out of your mouth. San slowly decreased the pace until it came to a stop. He lifted you out one last time, as soon as his big member popped out of you, gallons of his cum flowed out of your tired and stretched out hole. San laid you down gently next to him. Before linking his lips with yours and shoving his long and rugged tongue inside your mouth while you didn’t notice the red glow marking you in the lower stomach region.
You laid there for you didn’t know how long, trying to gather your thoughts. You were completely drained, fucked beyond repair…
After a while San stood back up.
“In three weeks, the children will be born” you pelled open your eyes to look at him. “I’ll be back to take them… and you.”
“Wait… me? Also babies? Plural?” so many questions shot through your mind.
“Yes” San said as he wiped himself with a piece of cloth he found. “I marked you as mine” It’s only now that you noticed the small obscure and cryptic symbol San engraved on the skin of your pubic bone with his demonic magic. The character seemed to be a language you can’t comprehend.
“What is this?” you asked, pointing to the tattoo.
“It means you are to be my wife”. Your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.
“Yes, you know what a succubus is right, a female incubus? ” you noded, unable to speak one more word.
“Well, succubus aren’t born. Succubus are made. They are human women chosen by incubus to become their wife and bring their heirs to the underworld.”
You wanted to say something, but you only stuttered nonsense.
“Over the course of the next three weeks you will kiss your humanity goodbye. Horns will sprout out your forehead and you will grow a tail. Your magic energy will increase, and you will slowly be able to use different magic spells. In three weeks, I’ll bring you back to the underworld with me, where you will live with me. And serve me with your body…” San marked a silence “and heart.”
“But… you… I-” San sat next to you on the edge of the bed and cupped your cheeks to make your troubled eyes meet his.
“Isn’t that what you asked for?” He asked, there was nothing left of the deep voice, instead he spoke softly, his dark orbs fixed into your unsure gaze. He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip “Right, Kitten?”
“Yes…” you whispered, bewitched by his intense stare.
“Over the past year, your feelings for me bloomed, didn’t they?” You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as San’s gaze was unwavering, sharp cat-like eyes piercing right through you and touching your soul. 
You didn’t answer anything, but you didn’t have to. San knew exactly how to read you. His eyes started to glow again, along with the symbol marked on your skin. And you were enveloped in his light. You felt like your soul was being bound to this creature, almost morphing with him. The bond was pure and benevolent. And real. From now on you were his and he was yours.
He got back up and magically summoned more clothes from thin air. Red smoke started to appear at his feet, gradually growing around him.
“I’ll be back in three weeks. Wait for me, Kitten, okay?” He said with that adorable boyish smile you haven’t seen in a year, he winked at you before disappearing in the red smoke.
You rubbed over the tattoo and over your belly, where life had taken its domain. This time, you wouldn’t have to try to go back to your normal life.
It was impossible anyway… and frankly you didn’t want to.
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taglist: @gummygowon @ateezstanforever @m3tavita @rainisawriter @roodles17 @krystal-a @sanniesbunnie @berryfiavoured @thegirlofmanyfandoms88 @sanhwalvr @shironi @bangchansbackohmygod
ateez masterlist | navigation
a/n: so how was it? how was demon san? as a proud member of demon line i thought the concept suited him hehe. dont hesitate to tell me if you liked it. that would make me so happy <3
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pyramid-of-starrs · 27 days
I’ve been thinking about this Seonghwa a lot…
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This Seonghwa would absolutely text you after Coachella just saying “meet me in the room, be ready” you weren’t sure what your soft and sweet boyfriend meant. Maybe he had a cute dinner planned so you touched up your make up and put on a cute dress to go out for dinner. Little did you know when he walked through the hotel door he would rip you out that dress and drag you right back to the bed.
Leaving a wet trail of kisses down your neck, the adrenaline from the performance still flowing through him making him hot and eager. His soft lips started leaving kisses down your chest until he ripped the rest of the dress off you with ease. Those workout sessions with San being put to good use.
“That was new you know!” You would scold him.
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He said hungrily attacking your breast with his lips, drool spilling out the sides as his long tongue attacked your nipples. His other hand gripped and massaged your other boob while his thumb flicked your nipple. His body heat made your body feel like it was on fire. You were already pooling in your panties from the passionate performance your boyfriend gave for both shows but this made you flood the thin lace thong you had on.
“C-can I suck your dick?” You asked between your heavy breaths. “Please? I wanna make you feel good Hwa…” he paused to look up at you, thinking that he knew how good it made you feel to suck him off. Suddenly he removed his hand from your chest and slid his hand into your panties and between your wet folds. Rubbing circles on your throbbing clit, you hissed at his actions.
“Just wanna fuck you, wanna break this pussy tonight.” He grumbled. He stuffed two fingers inside your needy hole and began to pump them in and out. His lips latched back onto your nipples, you tried your best to control the moans leaving your lips and you even wanted to protest him denying you but you couldn’t even think straight anymore. He continued to fuck his fingers into you until he felt your walls starting to squeeze. He removed his fingers, causing you to throw a mini tantrum. He quickly removed your panties and turned you on your stomach. He undid his belt and pulled his pants and boxers off, his pipe hard dick stood proud as he wiped your slick along his length.
He lifted your hips in the air, your head rested on your folded arms on the bed as you patiently waited. He drug his tip along your folds teasing you for a moment, even getting small whispers from you.
“While I was performing all I could think about was how much I wanted to fuck this wet pussy, did you want me to come back and fuck your brains out baby?” He poked the very top of is dick into your entrance.
“…yes” you said softly, a hand leaving your hips and smacking your ass.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Ah~ yes, please- want you to fuck me so bad.” Your hole started to squeeze his tip. He cockily smiled and sank all the way into you. He stroked a few times so you could adjust to his length then all mercy left his body at the slight feeling of you loosening up. He started to pound into you like he hated you. Your hands gripped the sheets under you so you could try to stay sane but it was no use. You could feel him deep in your gut every time he slammed into you, hitting your spot effortlessly. You couldn’t control your mouth as loud and whiney moans and words ran carelessly from your lips.
“All those fans watching and wanting me and the only pussy I wanna fuck is yours. The only pussy that deserves this cock is yours baby.” His words making your walls contract around his dick. Your body couldn’t take much as you lost your leg strength to hold yourself up, it didn’t change much as you fell into collapsed doggy which made his able to fuck even deeper into you. Your mind was blanking as drool and started to come out your mouth, your eyes rolled all the way back. All you could do is babble his name, your slick covered his balls and pelvis as his continued his eager pace. All he wanted to do was fuck you dumb and he knew he was successful.
“You wanna cum for me baby? Wanna cover my dick in your cum?” You nodded like the cockslut he knew you were. Seonghwa gripped you ass hard and pounded deeper and faster into you, your moans getting louder and his tip fucking your ovaries.
A dragged out “fuck” signaled your orgasm, which caused Seonghwa to cum deep inside you. He fucked you through your orgasm as he finished his as well, you both breathed heavily before he finally pulled out and collapsed on top of you. You both just breathed, both drenched in sweat.
“We actually do need to get dressed for a team dinner…” he said as you both looked at your dress that was now in pieces on the floor. “…sorry”
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bro-atz · 8 months
hoodie season
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in which: san is playing video games and is getting a little cold, so he asks you for his hoodie— the hoodie that you just so happen to be wearing
pair: idol!san/afab!reader
word count: 2.5k
content: smut, chair sex, bedroom sex, unprotected sex (but you're long time partners, so it's consensual), creampies, cockwarming, completely consensual!
author's note: okay @k-hotchoisan wrote this hoodie season drabble that i fell in love with and needed to conceptualize immediately (i say as it took me a couple days to finish this) but anyway san and those grey hoodies...... mans needs to calm down before i absolutely lose it.
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here!
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“Baby?” San called out to you— he was sitting in his desk chair and playing video games with the boys, so he was calling out to you from the bedroom.
“Yes, Sannie?” You responded— you were in the living room watching a movie.
“Have you seen my grey hoodie?”
“Which one? The zip-up?”
“No, the other one.”
You kept quiet. The other hoodie San wanted was the one that you were wearing right at that moment. You sunk lower into the couch.
“Y/N? Baby?”
“My hoodie? Do you know where it is?”
“Can you grab it for me please, darling?”
You exhaled deeply. You didn’t want to give up his hoodie just yet. You were comfy and enjoying your movie. But, San didn’t know that. All he wanted was his hoodie.
“Why don’t you wear the zip-up? It’s hanging on your chair, isn’t it?” You deflected.
“I want the hoodie, babe... What’s going on?”
Sighing, you paused your movie and shuffled into his room. His eyes were glued to his computer screen, so he didn’t see you or your outfit.
“Oh, did you bring the hoodie?” San asked, still not looking at you.
You nodded, knowing that he didn’t get your response. It was only when you turned his chair slightly that San finally looked at you, his face turning pink and his eyes widening.
“AFK, boys,” San spoke into his headset before muting himself and holding his arms out for you.
You stood before him and embraced him, San’s face immediately pressing into your bosom. He let out a happy exhale as he realized that you were braless. “Mmm, baby…  Do you want to keep my hoodie on?”
“Yes, please.”
“Then come here,” San released you and patted his lap. “Keep me warm.”
San’s hands held yours as you moved to sit on his lap. Your legs hung off on either side of him as you pressed your ass onto his thighs. San’s fingers pressed into the small of your back as he held you in place to make sure you were stable on his lap before moving his chair towards his desk. He looked up at you with sparkling eyes and a soft smile that made you want to kiss his lips until they were red and sore. So, you cupped his face with sweater paws and kissed him gently, your lips enveloping his lower lip. With a hum, San wrapped his arms around you completely and reciprocated the kiss, his kisses way hungrier than yours.
The longer the two of you made out, the less of a grip on reality you had. San’s hands going up the hoodie and gripping your hips then waist made your toes tingle. You didn’t realize that you were rocking your hips while kissing him until he broke away and inhaled sharply while shivering. You were going to ask him what happened, but you didn’t have to when your mind cleared up and you felt his bulge pressing against your clothed cunt.
“Baby, I want my cock inside you,” San whispered.
“Okay, darling,” you said with a slight nod.
You held onto his shoulders and pushed yourself up as he worked quickly on releasing his tight bulge. He stroked his penis a couple times before rubbing the head along your panties. Then, he pushed your panties to the side and position himself so that you could sit down comfortably. You bit back a moan as you flung your head back, the feeling of his throbbing cock against your tight walls making your toes curl.
“God, baby… Your pussy was made for me,” San sighed happily as he pressed his head against your shoulder. “You feel so good… Keeping my cock nice and warm…”
He peppered kisses up your neck and along your jawline until you moved to kiss him on the lips. The two of you kept kissing as he held onto your waist. He was about to guide you to bounce on his lap, but he stopped when his friends called his name in his headset.
“San? San! Are you there?”
San broke off the kiss and turned his head to his computer. Holding a finger to his lips, San instructed you to stay quiet before unmuting himself.
“We have one raid left,” you heard one of his friends say. “Can you hurry up?”
“Just the one, right Yunho?”
“Yeah, just one, so hurry the fuck up,” another friend said.
“Geez, okay, Woo! Damn…”
San leaned forward to return to his game, his dick shifting slightly as he did so. A moan slipped from your mouth when San cupped your ass with his free hand, his other mouse clicking around on the screen as he prepared for his raid.
The sounds of mouse clicks and keyboard taps filled the room along with San’s instructions to the boys on where to go in the game, but you didn’t hear any of that. Instead, you heard the blood rushing to your ears. You weren’t moving at all on his lap, but you could feel his cock throb painfully hard against your walls. Any time he moved towards his computer screen, you felt him press into you a different way. Your breathing hitched when San adjusted himself slightly in his chair, causing you to press your head into his shoulder. You unintentionally clenched around his dick, making the man’s voice crack as he continued playing his video game.
“Did you even go through puberty, San?” you heard Wooyoung make fun of him.
“Shut the fuck up, Wooyoung,” San hissed.
You heard San slam one of the keys on his keyboard down hard before leaning his head against yours, his voice strained as he whispered, “Baby, just a couple more minutes…”
You whimpered and nodded. In response, San planted a light kiss on your neck and returned to his game.
“Wooyoung, I swear to fucking God, get it together!” San nagged the boy. “Yunho, can you heal that dumbass? We need to finish this raid fast.”
“Okay, okay!”
“Hey, man. I’m trying my best…”
“Try harder. We’re almost done.”
True to his word, it was only a couple of minutes. As soon as the raid ended, San exited the game and turned everything off quickly so that he could cup your ass tightly and stand up with you in his arms. You clung to him as he moved to the bed and laid you down gently, his dick still deep inside you. You whined when San pulled out, your pussy longing to be filled by him again.
“Sorry, baby,” San mumbled as he fumbled with his pants and shirt. “Just give me a second…”
You sat up, narrowed your eyes, and watched your boyfriend strip as quickly as he possibly could, prompting you to strip as well. You slipped your panties off, but just as you were about to remove the hoodie, San stopped you.
“Keep it on. You look so fucking sexy all hot and bothered in my hoodie,” he whispered before leaving a sweet kiss on your lips.
San laid down on the bed, his fully erect red and trembling cock sticking up and waiting for you. You moved so that you were straddling his waist, your hand reaching for his penis and moving the tip against your folds gently. San bit his lower lip, a groan rumbling in the back of his throat as you continued to tease him.
“Fuck, Y/N… Hurry…”
“Patience, Sannie,” you whispered with a smirk.
“I don’t have the energy for that,” he said as he grabbed your waist and pushed you down quickly, causing you to moan loudly.
San didn’t even give you time to think. His hands moved from your waist to your ass, the fabric from the hoodie stretching across as he spread your ass cheeks. More than moving you up and down, he thrust upwards with incredible aggression, the sound of his waist hitting yours echoing around the room. You could barely think straight as he fucked you hard from below. You had your hands on his shoulders, but as his thrusts only got stronger, the strength in your arms left you. You collapsed onto his chest and let out breathy moans and cries as he fucked you fast and hard.
Being pressed against his chest with his hoodie still encompassing your upper body surrounded you in his scent to the point where you thought you were going to overdose on it. Your sopping wet cunt seemed to agree.
“S-sannie!” you cried. “C-cumming!”
“Cum hard on me, baby,” San grunted through grit teeth.
It was when San ran his tongue along your neck and up to your ear that you hit your climax. You came loudly, fluid leaking out of you as you came with San’s dick still ramming deep into you. You finished entirely when San pulled out, your thighs and arms trembling and barely keeping you up.
“Look at you so fucking sexy when I fuck you outta your goddamn mind,” San said with a low, sultry voice. “You love my cock that much, huh?”
“Uh huh,” you murmured. “My pussy loves your fat cock so much, baby.”
“Let’s make your pussy happier, then.”
San flipped you so that you were on your back, giving your arms and legs a break. You were completely splayed out on the bed as you watched San stroke his penis a couple times, prepping himself and you before he re-entered. His knees trapped one of your legs while he hoisted the other so that it rested on his shoulder, and without a warning, he slammed into you again.
“How are you still so tight, doll?” San hissed as he felt your walls squeeze him. “So fucking good… You were seriously made just for me, baby.”
You couldn’t even respond. Your mind was swimming in hormones at that point. The only thing you could do was scream and cry about how fucking good you felt, your yeses and sighs on repeat. San wasn’t moving as fast as he was earlier, but this new angle made it so much easier for him to hit your cervix that you were losing your control rapidly.
At some point, your leg slipped from his shoulder and wrapped around his waist as he bent down. His lips encompassed yours in a frenzy of frantic kisses, the man trying to get more and more of you from every angle. His hands went under the hoodie and toyed with your breasts. Whenever his ring brushed past your nipple, your back arched, driving San absolutely insane.
“Fuck… Baby, you’re so fucking sexy,” San groaned against your lips. “So tight… So warm… So fucking good… I don’t need a hoodie when I have your pussy to keep me warm.”
San’s lips moved from yours to your collarbone, and he sucked painfully on your skin. When he dropped his head into the nook of your neck, his thrusts got exponentially faster, and you seriously could not hold yourself back any longer— neither could he apparently. You swore loudly as you orgasmed, and you heard San’s breathing hitch after your high wore down. He moved up and slammed his pelvis into yours before you felt his dick twitch within you, his cum filling you up. San’s groan was low and sonorous, and it turned you on all over again, which he was made well aware of when your throbbing cunt clenched as he pulled out.
“Sannie,” you breathed out. “More…”
“More?” San laughed as he caught his breath. “You’re that insatiable, baby?”
You nodded eagerly. Luckily, the sight of his cum oozing out of your raw pussy made his dick rock hard once again. He responded, “You’re lucky your cunt is so addicting. Come here, baby.”
San leaned down and wrapped his arms around you, willing you to wrap yours over his shoulders. Your lips connected as he sat you up, and you sat on his lap while his hands moved from around you to the bottom of the hoodie. He pushed the hem of the hoodie up to unveil your breasts and he massaged your breasts briefly before moving so that he could suck on your nipple. You gasped as you felt his teeth nibble quickly before swirling his tongue around then sucking on your nipple. You ran your finger through his hair and held onto him the more he sucked on your breast.
“B-baby,” you whimpered.
“Yes, my love?” San mumbled, his breast still in your mouth.
“F-feels so good… But, I want you in me.”
“Patience, baby,” San said with a smirk, just as you had mere moments ago.
You shook your head— your cunt thirsted for him. You rubbed your soaked pussy against his thigh, earning a sharp inhale from the man. He moved away from your breast and pressed his lips together as he tried to suppress his quickly approaching orgasm.
“You win, babydoll. Bend over,” he instructed, and you happily listened.
You felt a trail of his cum leak out of your pussy and go down your leg as you went on your hands and knees for him. Rubbing the tip of his penis along your folds briefly, San pushed into again; and he watched as your pussy swallowed him perfectly, the sight exciting him. He gripped your ass and spread your cheeks as he began to slide in and out of you, his waist hitting yours and moving you forwards slightly. You yelped when San would occasionally thrust way hard into you or slap your ass lightly.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” San groaned, his hold on your ass tightening.
“Fill me up,” you choked out.
San had every intention to do so. Slamming himself into you one last time, San released another load into you, his groan echoing in the room. He stayed inside for a moment or so before pulling out slowly to watch his cum spurt out of you. The way his cum ran down your leg was delicious, and it took everything in him to keep himself together because you, on the other hand, were wiped out. You had collapsed onto the bed, your arms and legs splayed out as you fought to catch your breath.
You remained lying on the bed while San laid on the bed next to you, his arm wrapping around you. You thought he was going to spoon you, but instead, he moved you gently onto your side, your back pressing against his chest. You felt his penis prod against the lips of your pussy before slipping inside, but he didn’t move. He just remained there.
“Are you cold, baby? Do you want your hoodie back?” you asked him when you felt his arms wrap around you and go under the hoodie.
“Why would I need that, now? You’re so warm, even more now that you’re filled with my seed,” San whispered teasingly into your ear, his breath tickling you. “I don’t need a hoodie. I only need you.”
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ja3hwa · 6 months
♡ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 '𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧?' ♡
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[Synopsis】 : Coming back from a house party, you and Woo couldn't seem to keep your hands off one another. Everything was happening so fast. You two didn't even make it to the bedroom.
『Word count』 :  1.18k
-> Genre: Smut Without Plot
Pairing: Boyfriend!Wooyoung x F.Reader
[Warnings] : Unprotected sex. PIV. Pet name. Oral. Dirty talk. Drunk sex. Mention of weed/smoking. Wooyoung his so pussy drunk and reader is very cock drunk. They are both crazy. I wrote this around 3 a.m., so it's honestly all over the place. But given this is drunk/high sex, i feel like it fits ahha.
Thank you, @8teez-woo , for this request. They requested a Woyoung fic inspired by 'Slow Down' by Chase Atlantic. I hope this is to your liking, my dear. ♡♡♡
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Maybe taking that last shot wasn't the best idea, and maybe playing some horny ass card game with your friends while smoking was also not your best move, but you could care at this moment. All you could care about was Wooyoung's lips kissing down your neck, suckling on your collarbone to create perfect purple marks over your perfect skin.
Wooyoung swears he could just come now in his pants, by the sheer noises you were making. The way your legs were wrapped around his waist as he ground his erect bulge against you while your fingers gripped the edge of the hallway table. Everything was so desperate and hot. Your minds were cloudy and your head, spinning. All you could taste on his lips was beer and hints of vodka and soju while he tasted the sweet Malibu and coke on your tongue. Your shirt was forgotten somewhere down the hall while he started to rip, not pull, tug, or shift, literally rip your shorts and panties off.
He promised himself he'd buy you new pairs, but all he needed right now was his head in between your legs, or better yet his cock. honestly, he didn't care at the moment. all he wanted was you. no matter what. "Fuck, you're so wet." Was the first words spoken since you and Wooyoung had gotten home from the house party San was throwing. Things got a little out of hand from there. You barely made it through the front door when you were both pushing yourself towards one another.
"Wet for you…" You moaned as his lips smashed back onto yours, picking you up he tumbled into the bedroom but he didn't make it to the bed, no, he fell with you tightly into his grasp onto the very soft floor rug you recently purchased.
Neither of you cared where you were, though, as his hips humped against yours, making a wet patch form from your slick on his jeans. Everything was so loud yet quiet, and that bottle of whiskey you both downed was starting to come into effect. Your body's senses were heightened. Your sense of smell, your hearing. Everything was making you dizzy in the best way possible.
"Woo, please, just…hnng..fuck." Your fingers tried to tug at your boyfriend's pants, but he suddenly sat up, leaning over towards the bed, reaching for something.
"Wait, baby, slow down." He chuckled at your eagerness, but you brushed off his words. Sitting up to unbuckle his pants, tugging them down his thighs enough so that you could get his cock free. You wrapped your hand around his shaft while he still tried to reach for god knows what on the bed. But his movements suddenly came to a screeching hault when he felt your mouth wrap around his angrily hard tip.
"Oh fuck…" his free hand lifted his shirt slightly so he could get a view of you sucking him off like your life depended on it. "You're gonna suck the life outta me doll."
You just giggled around his cock from his stupid remark, pumping him at a pace that got him so hot he felt like he was gonna nut within seconds. He couldn't handle it anymore, gripping your hair tightly, making you pull off him with a loud audible pop. "Please, Doll." His fingers tangled in your hair as he gave you a long drawn-out kiss, tasting himself on your tongue, before pulling away to say; "If you kept going, I would have came down that pretty throat of yours. And I'd rather fuck you first."
"Okay, Youngie." You gave him a big grin. The alcohol had made you become a gigging mess, laying down on the rug, waiting for him to give you another order. But he finally could grab the pillow he was trying to reach prior. He leans down, giving you another quick kiss while putting the pillow under your head before suddenly grabbing your hips, and rotating you in one swift motion.
"What, you wanna fuck me like I'm famous youngie?" You wiggled your ass in his view, letting him give it a loud sharp slap making your words catch in your horse throat.
"No…" he rubbed your red asscheek, "I'm gonna fuck you like it's my last day on earth."
You groaned into the pillow feeling the harsh burn of his cock sliding into you without prep. Your mind wonders why you never had drunk sex before. Wooyoung was talkative during sex normally, but this… this was different. There was no filter between you two. No hesitation. No second thoughts. Just raw emotion.
"FUCK WOOYOUNG!." His hips snapped into you, making you take all his length in one motion. Your screams were buried in the pillow. You were too loud for your apartment. And your neighbours would probably call the cops for a noise complaint any second now. "Fuck fuck fuck, woo, please, hnngg.. shhhiitt.."
His fingers dug into your hips, leaving crescent moon shapes from his nails. There would surely be bruises by the morning, along with bright red marks on your ass from how hard Wooyoung was slamming his pelvis against you. "Fuck baby, you are so tight. Squeezing me so well. Oh my god, I'm gonna come."
He sped up, losing himself from the feeling of your tight, gummy walls. Your throat was burning from your yelps and screams. Wooyoung's high-pitched moans harmonised with you, making a song only you and he could make. "W-w-woo-ooyoung!! What‐fuck…what happened to going s-sloww."
Wooyoung snaked one of his hands under you, pressing his fingers against your clit rubbing at the perfect pace to tip you over the edge. "I lied."
You squirted, coming around Wooyoung's hard cock, making a mess on the carpet and Youngie's thighs. He pulled out of you, needed to catch his breath for a moment. Edging himself. You sit up, pushing him down against the end of the bed, hooking your leg over his delicious thighs, before sinking down on his cock. You gasped at the sensitivity but inched deeper nonetheless. Wooyoung slammed his head back against the bed, feeling himself so close to nutting just from the feeling of your tight soaked cunt around him. "Fuck doll, I'm gonna come. Cream inside your cunt."
"Oh god." You wrap your arms around his neck, feeling yourself climax again. He planted his feet on the ground, fucking upwards into you, spilling ropes of come deep inside your abused pussy. You bit down on his shoulder, silencing yourself from screaming any louder while Wooyoung freely moaned with his head tilted towards the roof. You were definitely going to get a noise complaint from this.
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starryschoolgirl · 8 months
Family & Fame
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An attempt at a Elvis x Reader drabble
Summary -> In private Elvis was your loving husband and you were his doting wife, but in public Elvis was Elvis Presley, and you were just the wife. Unfortunately, sometimes that public dynamic would follow the two of you home, making way for arguments.
Warnings -> Jealousy, marital dissatisfaction, arguments, very cute and domestic 1st scene though, if you only want some pure fluff read that first scene it's adorable, denial of sex, yelling, swearing, flirty fans, circa 1956, Elvis' confusion leads to anger, Elvis is such a cutie I can't even be mad at him in this. Elvis is also a dad in this because I felt like it.
WC -> 3.5k
Request -> "i was wondering if you could write something with elvis x reader where there's a little marital dissatisfaction? just like a little drabble, doesn't even need to be over 100 words"
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"You look handsome, now stop fussing"
Elvis leaned into your hand that cupped his cheek which was smooth from being freshly shaved.
You reached down for the comb on the hotel suite's bathroom counter, holding it casually between two fingers. While you smiled up at him your thumb stroked his cheekbone gently as you asked,
"Would ya hold still so I can fix that mess of hair?"
Elvis laughed softly and turned his cheek slightly to press his lips on your palm, smirking sweetly as he murmured against the skin,
"Sure thing Mama…"
With a smile you stilled his head by keeping your hold on his cheek, tapping it lightly you signaled for him to get lower, which he complied with as he bent his knees slightly, lowering himself to a height that you could see the top of his hair better.
As you neatly combed the gelled mess back into place you mumbled fondly,
"See what happens when a man fusses over his appearance? Just makes it worse, you men, so reckless with your hands…"
He asked testily with a smirk,
"And when a woman fusses over her appearance?"
You simply responded with one last perfecting swoop of the comb,
"Women don't fuss."
He drawled out a sarcastic, "Mhm…"
To which he was answered with a pointed, "Mhm."
After feeling pleased with your work you placed the comb down and smiled up at him, "Perfect", you said just before kissing his cheek.
You then turned to the long bathroom mirror that covered the entire length of the long marble countertops, leaning over it ever so slightly to rub at the skin around your lipstick, making sure it wasn't off-kilter in any way.
He smoothly stepped behind you, the front of his body pressed against the back of yours as his spine bent with yours, leaning over you onto the bathroom counter as you eyed him through the mirror. His arms wrapped around your waist and his chin fell to your shoulder as he stared back at you through the mirror.
His voice was low and gruff as he suggested,
"We don't really gotta go to this little gatherin' tonight now do we? Couldn't we just enjoy the rest of our time in San Francisco? We got about 10 more hours."
Elvis punctuated each sentence with a kiss to your neck, right in that spot he knew you were ticklish. You laughed softly and gently batted him away with a few swipes of your hand which in turn made him laugh.
You spoke while trying (and failing) to keep a serious face,
"Elvis, t-the mayor-"
Your laughing made it hard to put together a proper sentence.
"He's holding this soirée tonight in honor of you coming to- Ack..!"
Elvis laughed and said sarcastically before biting your ear,
"Oh, a soirée? I'm sorry little Ms. French I didn't know it was such a big deal"
You tried your best to continue through the giggle-fest Elvis could pull from you.
"Don't you w-wanna show them all that Southern charm you used to get me to marry you?"
Elvis growled playfully as his hands wrapped around your waist tightened and he picked you up from behind, evoking a squeal of surprise from you as he mumbled into your ear,
"Ya make it sound as if I schemed on you with those charms"
You laughed loudly as he held you up and responded,
"You did scheme on me! Made me think I was marrying a John Wayne cowboy type, just to find out you're a Harpo Marx clownish type, but instead of playing a harp you play a guitar"
He growled into your ear "Oh you little-" before ravaging your neck with playful kisses.
A knock on the bathroom door interrupted your fun, the both of you turning to see it soon opening after Elvis', "Come in Roberta"
As the door opened you smiled to see Roberta, the sweet old lady who'd been working for you and Elvis since a month or two after he released his first RCA record which brought in the money needed to have a personal nanny for yours and Elvis' daughter, sweet little Charlotte, who she was holding as she stood in the doorway.
Roberta smiled as she saw her two employers as in love as ever in each other's arms, the both of you looking like a million bucks in your outfits for tonight.
"Well kids, I just wanted to let the two of ya know Charlotte is all dressed and ready to go, and that the bellboy said the car's out front and ready.
She was much older so even though you and Elvis were adults, she still referred to the both of you as kids, because the two of you in life experience were like kittens compared to a sweet old cat like her.
You smiled and quickly made your way to take your daughter out of her nanny's arms, cooing over how darling she looked in her little dress and coat before saying with a smile, "Thank you, Roberta."
You looked back at Elvis as you bounced Charlotte in your arms, asking with a soft smile,
"Could you grab my purse over by the sink Honey?"
Sometimes you forget how Elvis' emotions could flip like a switch.
One moment before walking into the big building as Elvis held Charlotte and nervously stared at the doors, you'd cup his cheeks gently and whisper reassuringly, "Hey, everybody here is here for you, to just be around you. You're the man of the evening, they're the ones who should be nervous right now, and I bet you they are"
And then the next, you're holding your sweet daughter in your arms while Elvis is holding some random girls (who you're sure are somebody's sweet daughters) in his arms as he's telling them what "overcomes" him to make him move on stage.
You could vomit, you really could, at the way they all put their hands mindlessly on his chest, and 'ooh' and 'ah' over him explaining what it was like for him to film his upcoming debut film "Love Me Tender"
You got along well with the mayor's wife and a few of San Francisco's socialites who were older women which meant they weren't here for Elvis they were here because their husbands who were close friends of the mayor were here. Due to their disinterest in Elvis, they were easy to make casual conversation with.
The younger women, however, were a different matter. Most of them clung to Elvis or waited their turn to do so. And as you watched from afar you were well aware you could go over there to claim what was yours, but you didn't feel the need to. The ring was on your finger, and his child was in your arms. Sure, he didn't often make eye contact with you through the night like he always used to, but that was just because he was surrounded by so many fans. Right?
Sometimes through the night, he'd shifted through the room to you, with a group of girls in his arms, only now it was a different set, and of course, the merry mayor following him closely, buttering up to America's icon. You shifted Charlotte to your hip as Elvis introduced you to the short, tubby man.
"This is my wife, and right there is our little girl, Charlotte."
The mayor tipped his head to baby Charlotte in your arms, "It's nice to meet you little miss, and," he then turned his head to you and held his hand out, "It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Presley"
You laughed softly at the title and politely urged him to just call you by your first name.
The night went on like that, now and then a new important man would shuffle his way into the circle of girls that surrounded Elvis and the two of you would do introductions, eventually, Elvis had offered to hold Charlotte for you, and as he picked her up he smiled at her saying, "There's my little girl", making those big fish eyes that often entertained the little girl.
The women that surrounded him would coo at how sweet of a father he seemed to be. You only watched with an unimpressed look as one of the girls chimed in,
"She's blonde? I thought you said under that mop of shoe polish dyed hair was a light brown color, or are you just trying to fool me, Mr. Presley?"
The girl giggled and obnoxiously leaned her head against Elvis' shoulder and made a playful face at your daughter as she did so, clearly infatuated by the adorable baby, but not as much as she was with the man who had fathered the baby.
Elvis laughed softly at her jest, and responded simply,
"Well Hon, it's true that I have light brown hair now, but when I was a baby I had blond hair, it just turned brown as I got older, happens with a lotta babies"
The girl giggled once more and took an almost mournful sigh as she stared up at Elvis through her batting eyelashes (you were surprised she didn't fly away with how fast those things were flapping), and crawled her hand that rested on his chest a little higher as she spoke,
"I think I'd have to see that to believe it…"
Oh, brother.
You sighed softly at the ridiculousness of these girls, and the added ridiculousness of Elvis actually laughing and smiling along. He would get a little bit of nagging later. Thankfully you didn't have to stomach the situation too much longer as Charlotte began to cry. As Elvis tried to hush her and bounce her in his arms you smiled politely at the girls and made your way closer to Elvis.
As you took Charlotte from his arms you spoke softly,
"I think she's just a bit tired Elvis, I'll calm her in the car for a bit"
Elvis mumbled a soft 'Alright Hon', and caressed Charlotte's cheek gently with his index finger before leaning your way to kiss you. But, feeling as annoyed as you felt now, at the last second you'd turned your head, his lips landing on your cheek rather than your lips, his original target.
But he couldn't say anything as you'd already begun to walk off.
As soon as you slid into the backseat of the car, the driver asked where Elvis was. You explained that you and the little one were just resting up for a bit and that you weren't sure when Elvis would be through. Charlotte had calmed down and quite quickly fell asleep in your arms, the closing of her pretty little eyelids had marked the end of the party for you. You wouldn't leave your baby to sleep in the car alone, and you wouldn't force her to be awake for the rest of the party.
You didn't mind though as you felt all partied out yourself. As much as you hated to admit it, you don't think you ever could get used to seeing Elvis surrounded by girls and entertaining girls the way he'd been since his launch to fame.
You didn't think it was unfair of you to feel this way. It wasn't as if this was something planned when the two of you got together a few years ago. It was only recently that you'd had to start enduring Elvis Presley, the rock and roll heartthrob, and not just Elvis, the dorky boy who drove a truck and had a hard time putting together a neighborhood team to play football with him.
You closed your eyes with a sigh, resting a gentle hand upon your daughter's hair. You leaned your head against the car window, it was cold as the nights were beginning to have a little chill to them. The seasons were changing, and with them, so was Elvis.
Oh well, such is life.
"…Just to the hotel Frank…"
You hummed softly at the familiar voice, pressing your head impossibly closer to the window as you tried to adjust to a more comfortable position. Just as you had settled comfortably back into the window a warm weight in the form of a hand pulled your head elsewhere. You were too tired to care, so you let it, your head soon resting comfortably on familiar broad shoulders.
That voice spoke again, but it seemed that in your half-asleep state, his voice kept coming in and out.
"…took me awhile, but… sorry… gotta entertain the fans…"
You felt annoyed by the voice interrupting your slumber, but you tried your best to ignore it after letting out a disgruntled hum.
It felt as though only a minute had passed since you'd gotten peace again before you heard that familiar voice, your husband's voice, whisper as his hand gently kneaded your shoulder, only now it was coming from the other side.
As you opened your eyes you saw the soft lighting of the hotel's sign lights spilling into the open door of the car along with Elvis' figure outside the car. Now it seemed he was holding a sleeping Charlotte in one arm as his hand tried to soothe you awake.
"C'mon Honey, we gotta get some sleep 'fore the flight"
You hummed softly and after mumbling a 'thank you' to your driver you got out of the car with the help of Elvis' steadying hand which naturally shifted to your hip after you were standing upright.
Elvis unlocked the room and kissed your cheek, mumbling something about the baby and Roberta, you were too busy on a mission to get out of this uncomfortable dress and still miffed at him, to care to process what he was saying. Your mission was to get to the bathroom to get ready for bed, as you made your way there you stopped by your suitcase to grab a short silk nightgown and your robe.
As soon as you stepped into the hotel's bathroom, and Elvis disappeared off to who knows where you could finally let out a breath. You were exhausted but you couldn't go to sleep just yet in your state. You tiredly shuffled over to the sink and began to take apart your pretty party appearance piece by piece. The hair clips that tugged at your scalp now rested on the sink, and the makeup that caked your face now caked a rag.
You struggled to reach the zipper of your dress, and for a moment your body went limp and you debated just going to bed in it. With your head hung tiredly and your eyes closed, you could've fallen asleep standing there had a set of familiar hands not graced your bare shoulders. Elvis' voice close to your ear as he asked through a smirk,
"Ya need help?"
You opened your eyes and looked at him through the mirror, you finally got a good look at him, his hair had been fussed with, could've been from him carding his hands through it throughout the night, or from one of those girls carding their hands through it. You nodded with a sigh, upset with him, but definitely in need of assistance.
As his rough fingers glided along your bare back before working at the zipper, Elvis' lips quickly fell to your neck, placing soft little pecks along the skin. You stared at him through the mirror blankly, and shook your head as you mumbled,
"Not tonight Elvis, I'm too tired…"
He hummed softly as the sound of the undoing of the zipper and the feeling of the dress loosening around your body filled your tired senses.
"Who says ya gotta put in effort Honey? I can handle ya the way I always do,"
You felt his lips curl into a smile against your skin as he murmured,
"I know how ya like it when you're tired…"
You sighed and tried pulling your neck away but his lips followed, and his hands began to explore you thoroughly as the only thing holding that dress on your body was his pressed so close against yours. You quickly stepped to the side, leaving him to shuffle forward as you were no longer there for him to lean his body against.
You kept a hand on your dress to hold it up on your body as he watched with furrowed brows.
"Elvis, I'm not in the mood for it tonight alright? We have a flight in a few hours, I want to get some sleep."
Elvis reached his hand out to you but you took a step back and shook your head, a firm, "No, Elvis." leaving your lips as you walked to where you placed your nightwear with a hand still holding up your dress. Just as you began to head for the closed bathroom door he followed and asked,
"What's wrong Hon? W-what did I do to ya?"
His voice got louder as the confusion he felt was beginning to get him worked up,
"Seriously Baby, I took ya out to this nice party or fuckin' soirée or whatever pretentious bullshit you called it and this is the thanks I get?!"
You shoved him by the chest as you whisper-yelled, "You're gonna wake the baby..!"
Elvis scoffed as he took a step closer to you, practically caging you against the bathroom's door, his teeth were grit as he stared at you incredulously,
"You've been in a bad mood with me all night, seems like ya haven't even been listening… I told ya I was puttin' her with Roberta tonight! You would know if ya didn't have a stick shoved so far up your ass."
You stared up at him, feeling a pang of hurt at his words. He continued,
"Actin' like you're too good to talk to any of the fans. Spendin' all ya time schmoozin' with the rich old hags who don't give a rat's ass about me or my music"
You abruptly yelled back at him, staring daggers up at him through your teary eyes,
"That's why I was with those women Elvis! Because when I'm hanging out with them I don't gotta watch as they make goo-goo eyes at my fucking husband! I don't need to watch them paw and grab at the father of my child!!"
Elvis shook his head with a scoff and looked away from you, still keeping his hands pressed against the door, caging you in one spot. He mumbled something along the lines of "naggin' me like a jealous old wife…", a term that had only become a thing said in your arguments since Elvis' rise to fame.
You cupped his cheeks in your hand and pulled him to look at you, your voice shook as you affirmed,
"That's cause I am a jealous old wife Elvis… And had I known I would've turned out this way when I married you a few years ago… I…"
Your voice had dissipated before you could finish your sentence. You stared down at the tiled floor of the bathroom. Elvis was still wearing his shoes, whereas yours had been off the moment you stepped into the room. You could see the creases in the shoe of the foot that he was tapping nervously, and you could see the way your toes scrunched tensely.
The bathroom was quiet, and Elvis' voice which was once full of defense was now softened as he spoke quietly,
"Now, ya don't mean that Baby. You're just tired is all…"
He looked down at his shoes nervously and then at himself through the mirror on the other side of the bathroom. His hands that once caged you in landed ever so gently on your arms, his words came out through nervous stutters,
"You were right, we-we gotta catch a-a flight. Better head to bed,"
There he goes. When things get just a little too real, when the words are just a little too honest, and when reality is a little too close to crashing into the both of you, he expertly redirects it all for another time. Wanting to keep his schoolboy fantasy of having a little family of his own intact.
The little fantasy that he would whisper in your ear late at night in high school as the two of you squeezed into his twin-size bed, knowing if he talked at a normal volume the very thin walls of his house would give way to his voice waking his parents in the small room on the other side of the wall.
The little fantasy that he assured your Daddy would come to fruition if he got your parent's blessing. And it seemed so as you soon gave birth to sweet Charlotte, but just months after she was born you saw the first few strands of that fantasy being shot to hell as Elvis' talent had started being recognized.
And though it had only been maybe a year or two since then, you felt as though the boy you married straight out of high school was becoming a man you didn't recognize. And while you could keep the fantasy with Elvis going when the two of you were alone such as during the time you spent getting ready with him, it all crumbled bit by bit as his love affair with the fans and the public would disrupt his love affair with his wife. And he would let it.
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So, I meant it when I said it was supposed to be a drabble, less than 100 words, short and sweet, as requested by a lovely anon. Don't know what happened...
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xuchiya · 3 months
woman [s. mingi]
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₊˚.༄ || filth valentines m.list || hongjoong || seonghwa || yunho || yeosang || san || mingi || wooyoung || jongho || ₊˚.༄
₊˚.༄ Baby, worship my hips and waist So feminine with grace ₊˚.༄
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a mother of 2 for 5 years was something you were not expecting nor did mingi would be able to grow a family after marrying you.
standing in front of the mirror, you traced the unfamiliar contours of your body. five years as a mother of two had sculpted you anew, etching stretch marks and whispering of sleep lost in the quiet hours of the night. a pang of unexpected sadness settled over you, building a family suddenly felt like a loss of yourself.
Just as you were lost on your thoughts of self-criticism, Mingi enters the room, his gaze softening as he saw the glum look on your face. He feels the radiant of sadness and pity towards yourself and he hates every inch of those thoughts running in your head and he hates himself for not being able to stop those; failing his role as your husband. He approached your hunch figure silently, his strong arms enveloping you in a warm embrace.
"What's wrong, love?" he murmurs.
Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes, leaning into his embrace, finding solace in his familiar warmth. "I just... I don't feel like myself anymore," you confessed, voice thick with emotion and the heavy weight of those words hung in the air of your bedroom.
Mingi cupped your face, his thumbs gently wiping away the stray tears. "You are beautiful," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "More than you ever were. You've carried life, nurtured it, and created our wonderful family. That strength, that love you embody, shines brighter than any mark your body could ever hold."
His words were digging through your head like a wave, washing away the self-doubt. He saw you, not just the vessel of your children, but the woman you are and the one he loves. His understanding filled you with a warmth that chased away the shadows of insecurity.
"Thank you," you whispered, gratitude overflowing in your heart. "For seeing me, for reminding me."
Mingi smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Always," he replied. "Now ..." His hands that were gripping your shoulders ran down towards your hands; placing them on his broad shoulders. Tender as a feather, his warmth palms went to the side of your curves, squeezing them with affection as his eyes never left yours and your heart soaring in so much emotion that only Mingi can do that. He sat down on the bed whilst placing you between his parted legs, “You’re my wife, the mother of our adoring children and my woman … i’ll worship this hips, your waist.” 
  His face nears your chest, bare underneath the shirt you were wearing after breastfeeding your son. Mingi’s mouth parted as he left breathy kisses on your chest, then his tongue grazing on your nipple that hardens at the mere contact of his wet gland. You squirm from the tight grip he has on your hips which travels on your ass; giving a handful squeeze, juggling them, feeling the wave of your ass in his hands.
 “This is my woman, my lady and my motherfucking queen and I won't get enough of this body of hers .. please let me have a taste of them?” if it wasn’t for the way he was pleading to you and for you; you would say never but how could you when he added those eyes you fell for. You, after hours of self-pity and doubt, with him you can be whatever you want, dress however you want because you have Mingi to praise you, hype you and worship you.
  Nodding with a faint smile on your lips, you took the hem of your shirt pulling them over your head and dropped them on the ground; gazing at mingi, eyes faintly dazed in lust and confidence, “go ahead baby …”
 His eyes sparkled at the granted permission, “thank you mommy thank you thank you!” Mingi didn’t waste any second on beating his lips latch on your plumb nipples; you were taken back by his tongue licking your excess breast milk then biting them, pulling them before devouring the other one, giving the same treatment.
  The nipple play he was giving were sending chills down your spine, your hands toss on his hair as you moan and squirm on his hold as he founds himself drowned on your breast, he detached himself, “fuck i love how they became bigger, the bigger the better …” he looks up at you then kneading your ass, “this is juicier too .. fuck all about you gets more fucking tastier.”
 “Then get a taste while you still can baby, San and his girl will be here in few …” Mingi chuckles deeply, his fingers hooking at your sweatpants along with your panties before yanking them on the floor, pooling around the shirt you disregarded a while ago. His body glides off the bed, to kneel on the floor while throwing one of your legs on his shoulder.
  Mingi can be pretty impatient when it comes to making you feel amazing as he said that time runs so fast when you do things that you love. And he loves doing you.
  His tongue glides flat on your cunt, tasting each of your juices, adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows each of your nectar; humming delightedly as he uses thumb to circular around the bundle of nerve, making you pull away from him from the overwhelming pleasure, “Oh- Oh fuck Mingi! ~Too much.”
  He shakes his head side to side while having his tongue on your nerve, shamelessly you were grinding yourself on Mingi’s tongue as you feel your high coming and sooner you expected, a wash of ecstasy relieve your body as you cum on Mingi’s face, “Yes yes yes Mingi fuck me now, I need your dick deep in me.”
 Mingi gazes at your dishevelled face before standing up, grabbing your  jaw in one hand and having him pull you in a messy make-out session. His tongue works on its own, letting you taste yourself on his. He pulls away, string of saliva connecting you both, “hands and knees mommy, I’ll make you feel amazing as I fuck you and cum on your womb, carry my baby again.”
 You let Mingi push you on your knees, pushing your back as your chest touch the sheets while your ass were propped up for him to fuck, deeply and hard. You wait for him as he shifts to remove his own pants, jerking off his erected aching cock on his hand before spatting on it, “I’m putting it in..”
 Like you mentioned before, Mingi is impatient. Right after he slides in, Mingi loses control of himself as his hips start drilling back on your aching pussy. He kept hitting that spongy spot that had you screaming on the sheets, clawing it in your hand as you felt your pussy cream his dick second time you cum for him, “Fuck– FUCK! Mommy you're so tight! You pushed two babies out of this pussy yet you're still tight .. I’m gonna cum!”
 The nasty sound of skin to skin slapping echoes your room; each time Mingi comes back, his tip keeps nailing your womb, your eyes rolling back, “that’s it Mingi .. that’s it baby! Fuck!”
 “Oh-H .. I’m cumming! Take it mommy! Please take it!” Mingi instantly had his arms around you, pulling you up to his chest as you felt your walls clamping on his cock as he spurts inside, cumming deeply. His hips move in a gradual grind as he chases his high, breath ragged as the aftermath washes over him. You both stay the same position before he pulls out, “Thank you … Thank you for bearing them, loving them.”
 Even if you were tired bones aching to sleep, you spun on your knees and pulled Mingi in a small kiss, you looked at him with so much love, your hand brushing some hair out of his eyes then landing on his cheeks. Mingi leans on your touch, kissing your palm, “I love you Mingi, I should be the one thankful for you and for always having my side.”
  He smiles, “Anything for my queen."
And just like that, with his gentle love and unwavering support, the sadness dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of appreciation for yourself and the beautiful life you both had built together.
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kyouxa · 4 months
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Ayato & Laito Sakamaki (short stories)
Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! Scans provided by: @yuikomorii​
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Ayato Sakamaki
That night, Richter visited the mansion for the first time in a while. Never before I would have thought that the man whose face I never wanted to see again, was the one I would end up choosing as my guardian. My brothers, even the Mukami guys… they looked very surprised to run into his face as well, not that I cared though. 
In any case, I just didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes I already made in this world. But thanks to her I’ve already become a different person from back then.
According to Richter’s report, the demon world itself seems to gain stability. He also mentioned that Eden’s restoration has become slightly better and that the familiars of those Mukami guys have come to help. Holy shit, after hearing all of this I couldn’t help but let my inner self get overwhelmed by relief. 
As Richter finished his report, he immediately left the mansion and I could finally return to my own room. And just as I opened the door I saw her sitting by the window, reading a book as she slowly raised her face.
“Hm… ? Is Richter-san already back on his way home? Don’t you usually have a longer talk with one another… ?”
As she spoke to me, I approached her and started to smell a calming scent. As I grabbed her hand to move her up from the chair, I couldn’t help but immediately hug her afterwards. The book she was holding in her hand instantly fell onto the floor with a thud. 
“Just outta curiosity… but did you happen to take a bath while I was gone?”
She nodded to my question and I started to smile at her in response.
“Heh, so you’ve prepared yourself already? If that’s so, then…”
As soon as I spoke those words, I pushed her down onto the bed next to me. Blocking her flustered face from uttering something, I laid my hand over her lips to keep them closed. 
While I started kissing her continuously in various spots of her neck, I disarranged her negligee slightly. And like usually, when my face is already close to her neckline, I might as well get a bit of her luxurious blood out of her dainty neck. Just when I was about to get to it, she stiffened up a little. Noticing this, I suddenly got an idea and gently licked over her neck. “Kya!!”
She was very surprised by my action and therefore let out a small scream. I guess it was pretty unexpected after all. 
“Kuku… did you think I was about to suck your blood? You fell for it, didn’t you?”
Right after I said that, I teasingly started licking her ear this time. She lets out another small scream and turns around as if I had just tickled her. I was intrigued by her unusual reaction, which is why I started to really tickle her body this time.
She busted out laughing begging me to stop while she tried to escape from my tickling attack which just made me wanna tickle her even more. If I was already given the choice I might as well do it as thoroughly as possible. 
“I’m not letting you go! At least not until I’m satisfied…”
She continued to roll around the bed for a while, trying to resist until she rapidly became obedient and calmed down. “Hm? What’s going on? Surrendering? How boring…”
Just as I was about to move my hands from her, she unexpectedly turned the situation around. “Wha–! What are… hahahaha!” 
Of all the things, I didn’t expect her to take advantage of me taking off my hands for a second to gimme a tickle counterattack. Seeing me burst into laughter made her laugh as well. “Stop already, will you!? Hahah! Shit! Chichinashi, move… !” 
Receiving even the slightest bit of retribution I immediately became serious again and got my revenge through tickling her body. She tried with all her power to go up against me and return the punishment . 
And, just for a brief period I was sure the laughter of both of us was echoing through more than just the room. To be honest, it would’ve been easy for me to get out of this situation and resist her. And yet, the reason why I go along with such a trivial battle is because I would give anything to keep seeing her carefree smile, even if it’s only for a bit longer. The fact that we can both laugh together like this makes me feel happy and maybe that’s because I’ve grown a little since then. 
Laito Sakamaki
I’ve returned to the human world in order to finish my school life as a senior high student. I never thought I would have to return here every day again. “Haa… I’m sick of reading this, I wish those tests would finally disappear for good.” While I started to comb my hair out of boredom, my girlfriend who’s sitting next to me continued studying in silence until she replied that it cannot be helped and I should continue reading. 
“Come on, Bitch-chan. No need to be such a serious and straight-laced person, no?” As I said those words, I gently put my arm around her back and started to lightly embrace her waist. Even though I saw a faint blush on her face, she reminds me that she is busy studying right now. 
“I know that.” But, despite that, I started nibbling on her ear. Perhaps this has always been my normal life no matter to what extent. 
To even think that I begged for death because it was unbearable to keep on having these powers in my state… but that is beyond doubt the absolute truth and I totally understand that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the power of the World Tree. The only difference from me back then and now is that I am finally able to accept that reality. During that time, my power was too strong for me to handle, I wasn’t able to come to grasp that reality. And even so, I deserved a second chance. Ironically, due to her help I could finally accept the distortion within me and become more straightforward at the end. I held up my face close to her chest in a way of telling that I love her. 
“This is all thanks to you that I can exist like this.” However, she doesn’t reply to me. “Are you agreeing with me if you’re staying silent like this?” 
It was a calm sigh that she returned to me that made me understand the answer to my question. 
“I guess I was too reckless, no?” She showed a bitter smile as I examined her expression. As I observed her tiny body calmly from top to bottom I was shaken by a sudden feeling of satisfaction. And yet there is no way to help the fact that this world is slowly going to destroy itself. I have been told that alongside my resurrection, the world tree has been new-born but started to shed its leaves ever since. Even though it’s all said and done this is happening just as he wished for. He knew right from the start that I wasn’t ever capable of being the vampire king. 
“No matter how far I move on with my life, I will always be right in the palm of his hands.” With those words escaping my mouth, I closed my eyes. It’s still unimaginable to me that I used to be a different person before, but… all I needed in the end is someone like her to accept me as I am. That is because I am Adam and she is Eve. – And no matter what will become of this world, I’m prepared for it. 
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suguru-getos · 10 months
|| octaves part -1 | gojo satoru x geto suguru x f!reader ||
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summary: being suguru’s s/o, you were in agony with the news of his death, and satoru had only one mission in his head, heeding the last words of his best friend and saving you from being broken
warnings: lots of angst, this series will have sm angst and dark themes, comfort, etc.
a/n: i just want to bleed thru my words for stsg else i cant cope up with how my heart breaks for them😭 lmk if you wanna be tagged for part two !!
the skies felt drenched with the heaviness of the grief you carried in your heart. you dragged yourselves out of the bed, footsteps dragging against the wooden floor as you strided towards the balcony, glossy eyed and gazing up at the sky. the only sight in your head was suguru’s smile. he looked so tender, as if he was made of glass. breakable at the slightest touch; whenever he was being himself. a lonely rain drop fell on your cheek, and before you could envelop your senses for anything more, you were drenched. your tears mingling with the rain, masking your choking grief and misery.
suguru geto was no more…
the man who killed his parents, just because they were non-sorcerers, couldn’t bring himself to kill you. he thought the immense cursed energy you had within yourself could be controlled, could be— moulded into something that’s supreme. suguru refused to see you as a filthy monkey, even though. that’s just what you felt you were. yes? you could see cursed energies, but you were no sorcerer. sometimes you wonder if the man who so tenderly cherished you would’ve slayed you just because he hated you for not being one of his kind.
“let’s curse each other.” is what he had said to gojo satoru, and still— he didn’t let you enter the battle. himiko and nanako opened the door to your room. locked by suguru and hugged you till they passed out crying; telling you suguru was no more. you had no words, no emotions to explain the tightness in your chest, your head haunting with the daunting fact of suguru’s absence which will linger forever.
you didn’t really agree with what suguru wanted, you knew in the end; he just wanted the suffering to end. he didn’t want his comrades to be gory dead bodies. suguru cared, suguru cared oh so much that it took him his heart. you didn’t mind that. you were broken just like him, suguru accepted you as it is. only fair you did too… even if; it was… unacceptable. besides, you thought you could change his unhinged ideals. typical case of, ‘i can fix him’, while he continued getting worse.
suguru never wore his kimono/monk dress with you, with you he was— suguru. smiling softly, wearing clothes that scented like him, that scented like home. the way he’d smile and grin whenever you’d kiss him on the cheek, whenever you’d kiss his forehead and tell him he’s beautiful. whenever you’d pout over his hair being longer than yours… suguru geto was an exquisite man, and now you were bearing the consequences for loving him with all your being.
it was like your heart was slowly forked out, carved out of your chest with the pain, you wanted to scream out until your throat burns and you wanted to kill yourself… you didn’t want to live in a world without suguru geto.
“y/n san.” himeko called out, shaking your tranced form in the bathing rain. dragging you inside and wrapping a blanket against you. you still remembered them as little girls, dazed eyes and shaky hands wrapping and cupping her face as a pathetic chuckle escaped you. tears drenching your face. “himeko chan, where’s suguru?” part of you knew the answer to it, yet asked the same question. refusing to believe it.
“geto san-” himeko teared up, leaning her forehead against your knee. “please, y/n san. please.” she silently babbled, begging you to not ask that again. you were his family and he was yours. right now, all you felt was intolerable grief.
“make it stop.” you mumbled, eyes strained from the lack of blinking due to your haze. “himeko chan, leave me alone.” your words didn’t seem like a suggestion, it was an order. the girls knew better than to respect you, especially in a time like this. when you were shattered, broken, unmendable.
himeko got up, looking at you and wiping her tears. you wanted to be there for them, for everyone. but you wanted to be selfish as well. you wanted to destroy the world, you wanted to destroy yourself, you wanted to destroy every single thing in this world. the next thing you heard was her footsteps, fading away from you as you sunk down the couch.
there was a pin drop silence, until you could hear the second hand of the clock tick with every moment. everything started to seem overwhelming at that point, suguru’s smile engaging with your grieving soul. his warm hugs, the intimacy of feeling him inside you.
a shrill scream echoed, tearing through the deafening silence of the room. it was you, horrified with everything. you screamed until you couldn’t anymore, until your silent tears turned into wails, broken sobs and panicked breathlessness. “come back, come back, come back please please pl-”
meanwhile, the man who stood outside your door, satoru gojo. hearing everything and also sharing your pain as tears spilled from his baby-blue eyes, remembered the last conversation he had with his best friend, the only one he had.
“any last words.”
“… no matter what, i fucking hate those monkeys”
“satoru… promise me. you will take care of y/n. i deliberetely kept her away from everything- from,” a weak chuckle escapes suguru, causing him to cough out blood. “from who i am as a whole, just so she is redeemable if i am not here. that’s my last word to you. neh? satoru. promise me.”
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sannirio · 10 months
Good boy ~
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wc: 822
dom san x amab reader (he/him pronouns used)
18+ MINORS DNI 「im serious」 
CW - non!idol au, dumbifcation, pet play (kinda?), breeding, mentions of tummy bulge, size kink, bdsm bondage, swearing lol.
you felt hot, your face flushed, cheeks burning. “awww look at you” san said forcing your face to look at the floor length mirror across from the bed. “how adorable, is my puppy, embarrassed about the state he’s in?” he whispers a hint of amusement in his voice. you were sitting on san’s lap on the bed, he had his big arms wrapped around your abdomen for support while he thrust him self in and out of you. the little white thong you had on was barely able to hold in your aching hard on. he felt so good, the way he held you, forcing the whole length of his cock deep inside of you. he was huge compared to you, his body toward over your being like a skyscraper. his muscles were bulging and covered with sweat. seeing him like this made your mind numb, dizzy almost.
A deep thrust hit your g-spot and you let out a little yelp, flinching at that rush of electricity it sent through out your tied up body. another stroke and the flash was back. his cock was filling you up. “oh you like it when hit you right there” he groaned slamming himself against you. you collapsed at feeling but he kept going. he loved it when you were like this, a dumb little puppy slut, for him to use like a flesh light. san pushed himself inside you again, once again making you flinch. “aww look at that” he said smirking, “look at how well you take me.” he pressed one of his huge hands into you stomach revealing a small bulge. it felt weird to have his hand there on your stomach but the praise he was whispering into your ear was otherworldly. his cock so deep inside of you was like heaven.
before another thought could cross your mind though, he immediately snapped backward and then right into you with such force it made you whimper. he pushed your shaking body forwards so your face was on the bed him looming over you still inside of you with his arms on either side of your body. “be a good slut and take me” he groaned snapping into you once again. precum was leaking out of your dick, soaking the panties you had on as well as the sheets. it kept twitching and aching wanting to be touched. it hurt so much, the tension was building up and every stroke San made, sent a pain up your shaft. “please” you whimpered, tears now staining your face. the pain of your cock and the constant hitting of your G-spot was too much. sans huge dick was stretching you out it made you numb. “what’s that puppy” he growled under his breath “You want to cum?” “p please sir” was all you managed to get out. san forced your head down and picked up his pace. his cock kept hitting your stomach. “fuck, your so good for me puppy” he moaned his dick flexing. he was getting very close. he knew your favorite thing in the world was to be bred by him.
“fuck puppy you’re so tight” san said “you want me to fill you up? don’t you, you dumb whore” all you could do was nod pathetically. with that san made one last thrust before releasing inside you. his tip grazing your g-spot one last time, that being all you needed to send you over the edge as well. you could feel his cum filling you up, he kept moving slightly making sure that he pushed his children as deep as he could inside his little fuck toy. your cum covered your panties, spilling over onto the sheets and leaking up to your belly button. one last pump of his cock and San pulled out of your limp body. his cum was leaking out of your now sore hole. “god your such a good boy” he said with a hint of lust in his voice. he pulled you up and close to him, sliding you onto his lap. “face me.” facing san now he slowly undoes the ropes he had tied around your wrists. “did my pretty boy enjoy himself?” he cooed. “yes i did sir” you whimper as the rope finally fell off your wrists revealing red lines where they had once been. San kissed the burns and pulled you close his abs pressing against your cum soaked underwear. “you did so good for me tonight hun, you did so so good, my good little boy looked so pretty” you smiled and gave him a kiss wrapping your arms around his neck. san kissed you back standing up and grabbing onto your legs in the process. “c’mon my little prince i think we should have a bath together.” you gave him one more kiss on the forehead. San smiled back at you “good boy” he whispered carrying you off to the bathroom.
[i think i fixed the spelling errors lol]
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cheollipop · 11 months
soybean stew
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navi | taglist
pairing: choi san x afab!reader
w.c.: 5.5k
tags: smut, fluff, so much fluff, and even more fluff, established relationship, reader is not gendered, san is so in love, he's so in love!!!! and it's so fluffy!!! and he can cook, but he's a little clumsy, did I mention the fluff?
trudging back home after your final exam, wanting nothing but to sink into bed and sleep through the next three years, san welcomed you with a warm bath and a home-cooked meal. and even as the moon fell to make way for the morning rays, he continued to shower you with his never-ending love.
warnings: beware!!! the fluff may be deadly, reader is not gendered (afab), morning sex, lovemaking, oral sex (f), fingering (f), unprotected sex (👎), multiple orgasms (m), multiple creampies, overstimulation, praise, edging, orgasm denial (only for a bit), nicknames (sannie; love, darling, sweetheart, baby), very sappy, so many kisses, like....a lot, san gets so desperate at one point...oh lord, so whiny too, and so in love :(
A/N: this has been a wip since april and I kinda abandoned it because uni was beating my ass,, buuut I figured it would be a great (belated) birthday fic for san!! (´ ε ` )♡ and happy birthday to my favourite himbo ^^ happy reading! please consider reblogging/leaving feedback if you enjoy my work~ ><
nsfw under the cut - minors dni!! 🔞
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Your soaked sneakers slammed over the pavement, splashing into the puddles of rainwater showering the Earth. The umbrella you held onto for dear life did nothing to protect you from the downpour, your lower half left helpless to the droplets the wind pushed at it, darkening your jeans to match the overcast sky under which you were walking. The revision notes felt heavy in the bag slung over your shoulder, and you wanted nothing but to burn them and have a barbeque over the flame to celebrate the end of your semester.
Dragging your sore body through the streets and into the shelter of your apartment building, you found yourself out of breath by the time you arrived at your front door. Your arm felt like deadweight as you raised it to unlock your door with languid movements. You lugged your body through the entrance and into the joint living area and kitchen, eyes falling on the tall figure of Choi San, all broad shoulders and glowing skin, swaying his hips to the music playing from his phone, masking the jingle of your keys. A sudden rush of energy – though miniscule – pushed you towards the man, your arms snaking around his waist, his body jolting in your hold and the ladle in his hand rising in defense with a throaty scream.
“Ah! (Y/n)- Fuck-” He slumped over the stove, the steam from the bubbling pot brushing over the smooth skin of his face. “You scared me, sweetheart,” he laughed breathlessly.
You managed a half-hearted apology and a giggle as you pressed your head to his bicep to watch as tofu and an array of vegetables danced in the brownish broth, the pleasant aroma making your stomach rumble against San’s back. He laughed to himself, dropping the ladle into the pot and twisting his body to face you, his arms encircling your shoulders and bringing you closer to his body.
“The jjigae needs a while longer to be ready,” he brushed his hand over the back of your head. “I should’ve started cooking earlier, sorry.”
You leaned in to press a kiss to his pouty lips and shook your head, an easy smile stretching your mouth. It baffled you how you were barely conscious a few minutes ago, but upon laying your eyes on San, wrapping yourself up in his arms, inhaling the uniqueness of his scent – a blend of bergamot and sage, with a hint of baby powder – you felt revived, ready to conquer the world (even though a certain man with broad shoulders and a pretty smile would fight every entity that opposed you before you had the chance to lift a finger).
“I don’t mind waiting,” you pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth before leaning away to admire the stupid smile on his face, his eyes glowing with unrivaled adoration.
“How about I run you a bath, hm? Dinner should be done by the time you finish.” His fingers rubbed small, warming circles over the damp material of the coat you didn’t bother shrug off upon entry, too engrossed in greeting your boyfriend.
You nodded, an easy smile twisting the corners of your lips as you swayed gently in San’s arms. He took you in, from the way the wind had left your locks dishevelled to the dark circles under your weary eyes. San could see your mismatched socks through the slight gap separating your bodies. They weren’t even similar colours—proof of how exhausted you actually were. He cupped your jaw, and you felt the drag of the bandages wrapped around two of his fingers across your cheek. You grabbed his hand and held it in front of you, shooting a glare at him while he sheepishly looked to the side. Injuries were inevitable when you leave a man who can’t even walk straight alone with a sharp knife. Though, scolding San for hurting himself while doing something so thoughtful was not within your capabilities. The guilt would eat at your insides for weeks until it left a hollow cavity brimming with rue and self-condemnation.
You brought the bandaged fingers to your lips, pressing tender kisses to the wounded skin. “Thank you, Sannie,” you gently spoke. For everything you do for me, you silently added. And the smile on San’s face told you he understood.
He had every little detail about you engraved into his mind, from the blemishes decorating your skin to the way your eyes spoke to him when putting your thoughts into words proved to be a task too difficult. You sometimes felt like San knew you better than you did yourself, recognizing exactly what you need before you even had the chance to think about it.  And whenever you felt self-conscious about not being as perceptive, San was quick to assure you that you did more than enough for him, that your smile alone could solve all his predicaments.
San led you to the bathroom, turning away from you as you began to strip. He sat at the edge of the bathtub, switching on the water and holding his hand under the tap until he deemed it warm enough, plugging the drain and getting up. Turning back around, San’s eyes fixed on your exposed skin while he blindly reached for the cabinet, tracing the swell of your breasts and the curvature of your waist, blinking slowly as he felt saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of you before him.
And then he met your eyes, freezing in place when you raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat – a little louder than he’d intended – and hoped you wouldn’t notice the bright red tinting his cheeks as he desperately scrambled to grab onto the handle, flinging the cabinet door open and effectively hiding his face behind the wood. You stifled a laugh, shoving your clothes into the laundry basket while San rummaged through the items stored underneath the sink, pulling out a rose-shaped bath bomb. He stood back up, smiling like an idiot when he turned to face you again, the previous timidity nowhere to be seen as he ogled your bare body with newfound confidence.
“You’re insufferable,” you grimaced, shying away from his gaze.
He breathed out a laugh, the fondness glimmering in his eyes sending a wave of warmth through your body and straight to your heart, sensing as it swelled with adoration. You wondered what you might have done in a previous life that deemed you deserving of Choi San—a man who never failed to make you feel loved, cherished, wanted.
“Stop it,” you whined when San’s eyes remained on you, though not moving off your face.
“It’s hard to look away from you, darling,” he swooned, putting his arms up to protect himself from the towel you threw his way, a soft chuckle echoing in the bathroom.
You waited for him to turn his back to you before allowing the smile you’d been holding back to sneak onto your face, tilting your head down to shield it from view. San didn’t bother hiding his own, dimples sinking into his cheeks as he dropped the bath bomb into the tub, watching it fizz and leak a soft shade of pink into the water.
“Let me know if the water’s too hot,” San spoke, making his way back to you.
He held your face in his hands, pressing his lips to your forehead before pulling away with an easy smile wrinkling the corners of his eyes. You hummed a ‘thank you,’ passing San to step into the water, jolting when a warm palm landed on your ass, the sound reverberating between the walls.
“Yah!” You yelled and watched as the culprit escaped, leaving behind a trail of high-pitched giggles to keep you company.
You shook your head, a smile on your lips, and continued your descent into the warm bath. You relaxed your body, sighing contently when the water brushed the tip of your nose, feeling the weariness of this past month melt away into nothing.
San placed two bowls of rice down on the dining table beside a pair of empty ones, walking back to the stove to grab the bubbling pot of stew. The distant roar of the hairdryer stopped, and the bathroom door swung open down the hall. You walked out, a trail of steam following you as you made your way to the kitchen to watch San place the pot down on the wooden table. He straightened up and an easy smile took over his lips when his eyes landed on you—dressed in one of his hoodies, your cheeks flushed from the warm bath. You found yourself rushing into his open arms, burying your face into San’s chest and making a home in his cordial embrace. He nuzzled his cheek against the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and pressing a kiss to your hair.
San placed another peck to your temple before pulling away and leading you to a chair, pulling it out, and waiting for you to sit down before pushing it back in. You shook your head and huffed out a laugh at the simple, yet endearing gestures engraved so deeply into San’s mannerisms. You’d thought they would’ve stopped after a couple months of dating, but here you were, quite a few years in and he remained the gentleman you had fallen in love with on a windy autumn afternoon.
San walked around the table and took the seat across from you, reaching for the ladle and pouring stew into one of the empty bowls, handing it to you before filling up his own. You smiled, inhaling the steam dancing above your bowl, exhaling with a deep, happy hum. You picked up your spoon, scooping up some of the rice and dipping it into the stew before bringing it to your mouth. You blew on it, aware of San’s eyes on you, gauging your reaction as you chewed on the food.
“Be honest,” he spoke, the smile on his lips carrying a hint of tension and anxiety.
You knew he cared the most about your opinion, and wanting nothing but to see the dimples sinking into his cheeks, you fluttered your eyes shut and swayed your body from side to side while humming exaggeratedly. “Mmm! Sannie, this is the best meal I’ve ever had!”
You reached across the table to cover his hand with your palm, and he didn’t waste time flipping it over and giving yours a squeeze. The smile stretching his lips nearly split his face open, a bright red colouring his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “It’s my mum’s recipe,” he scratched at his nape with his free hand.
You felt your chest well up with infatuation, fondness, love. Choi San occupied every inch of your being, and he was wholly unaware of it all—the effect he had on you, how you melted into putty in hands whenever he smiled your way. The gentle touches, the sappy flirting. He drove you crazy at times, and you wondered when you became greedy, wanting to rob the dimpled man of every last drop of his love.
“Well, you did it justice. It’s delicious,” you mirrored the smile he was giving you.
Your fingers remained entwined throughout dinner, even when San directed his spoon towards you, shoveling half of his own portion into your mouth despite your complaints. You tried doing the same, but for every spoon you pushed past his lips, he fed you two back until you were on the verge of exploding, swearing on every living family member you had that another bite would make your heart stop. San only laughed, extending his free arm to brush away the grain of rice stuck to the corner of your mouth, leaning back and sucking the food off his thumb with a coy smile.
You cleared your throat, ignoring the flash of warmth coursing through your body at the action. You were so adorable, San thought, getting up when you did, plastering himself to your back and waddling with you to the living room. You held onto his arms where they were crossed around your chest, stopping by the couch before unwinding your limbs and twisting around to face him. With his hands on your waist, San urged you closer until your arms wrapped around his neck, leaning down to press his mouth to yours.
The kiss was soft, your lips slotting perfectly over each other while you shared your body heat, your fingers tangling in the hair at San’s nape and lightly scratching at the skin. San parted from you only to place tender pecks over your pouted lips, trailing his own over the plushness and to your cheeks, nuzzling his nose against them before pulling away. He walked you backwards until the backs of your knees met the couch, dropping you gently onto the cushion. You found yourself wrapped in your favourite blanket before you could complain about San's hands not being on you, tucked into the corner of the couch with a movie playing on the TV. With a kiss to your forehead and a whispered “I’ll be right back,” San walked back to the kitchen, giggling menacingly at your displeased grumbling.
San’s hips swayed while he loaded the dishwasher, his thoughts revolving around a certain individual impatiently waiting for him on the couch. An individual he was helplessly infatuated with, having built his future in his mind around them—around their interests, their occupation, their preferred paint colour, their desired pet, whether he’d have to build a cot at some point in his life. He rinsed down the spoons while thinking back to the first time he saw you—sat on a bench under the yellowing tree, bright red and orange colouring the dying leaves. How lucky he was, San thought, to still be looked at the same way by the person he was in love with. All starry eyes and warm smiles, as though he’d built you a kingdom with nothing but his calloused hands.
Slipping off his bright pink rubber gloves, he made his way past the dining table and into the living area, his bare feet padding across the carpeted floor and stopping right in front of your sleeping figure. He mooned over your resting face for a few moments, the TV playing idly in the background as he studied the soft furrow of your eyebrows, the gentle grip you had on the corner of the blanket in which you were wrapped up in, the thin line of drool seeping from the corner of your mouth and onto the cushion under your head. San's fist tightened in resistance, the squeal tickling the base of his throat fighting to be let out as he barely held back the aggressive stomps. Everything about you drove him insane, even when you were doing something as simple as fulfilling a basic human need. He took you in for longer than he’d wish to confess, trailing his eyes over every inch of your face before snapping out of the trance he’d found himself in, a dribble of saliva leaving his own mouth while fondness brimmed in his chest.
He scooped you up in his arms, careful not to awaken you, small, light steps carrying him to your shared bedroom. Abruptly stopping in the middle of the hallway, San bit down on his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut when you nuzzled your face into his chest, resisting the urge to cover your face in kisses. His grip on you tightened and he willed his legs to move, taking a few – slightly hurried – strides through the hallway and into your room.
Delicately placing you under the covers, San untangled you from the fluffy blanket and threw it over the duvet—the night grew cold now that winter was inching closer.  He made a quick work of his clothes, throwing on a hoodie not strained with splotches of soybean paste before slipping into bed. His arm naturally slid under your head, his other arm snaking around your waist and tucking you into his chest, a satisfied exhale blowing out of your nose. Sleep found him fleetly, hints of rose mixing with your natural scent to surround him with familiar amenity, your body soft and pliant against his. Pressing his lips to your forehead, San wrapped himself around you and allowed the gentle tugs of slumber to shut his eyes, his last thoughts circling around the person in his arms, hoping the next day would come quickly, wanting nothing more but to drown them in his affection.  
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Streaks of gold filtered through the chiffon curtains, the sheer material futile against the aurous beams of light revering the start of the new day. Peeking your eyes open, you blinked away the contrasting brightness of your room, shadows splayed over the disordered sheets and a warm body plastered to your side. San’s head lay lower on the pillow, his exhales blowing over your neck, features softened in tranquility while his chest rose and fell with each breath. You wondered if he was dreaming of you.
Your shoulders felt light, your breathing easy, and the stress of assignments and exams gone with the moonless night, the new sun casting shadows over the face tucked into your neck. San had been so patient with you, planning dates around your busy schedule and racking up the phone bill as he pulled recipe after recipe from his mother every evening. While you were too immersed in reading articles, San made sure you didn’t skip meals, that your water bottle was always full and sitting on the right side of your desk, that your shared home remained clean, that the knots in your shoulders never wound too tight, his delicate fingers working over your muscles as you clung to his torso at night. And though he never deprived you of his affection, you felt an untamable need for him, a wildfire burning in your gut as you took in his resting features.
You started off gentle, your lips feathering over San’s temple and down to his cheekbone, quickly growing frustrated at the continued evenness of his breath. So the needy, openmouthed kisses began, leaving a thin sheen of saliva in the shape of your lips reflecting the morning rays, your fingers brushing dark strands off his forehead to plant kisses there as well. You felt his nose twitch as you pecked down the bridge, the subtle pouting of his lips curling the corners of yours.
Your hands made their way under San’s sleep shirt, your nails dragging over his spine before splaying your palms out to feel the warmth of his skin. You threw your leg over his hip, shuffling closer to his body and trailing your lips down to his cupid’s bow. “Sannie,” kiss, “wake up,” kiss.
He peeked an eye open to look at you, quickly shutting it as he stretched out his limbs, a deep groan echoing in his chest. He relaxed back in your arms, blinking his eyes in quick succession to peer at you with hints of his dream still playing in his head.
“’Morning,” he mumbled, the rasp in his voice only adding to your need for him, his knuckles running over the slope of your jawline.
You leaned down to kiss him again, a slow dancing of lips while the thrushes and blackbirds sang a melody on your windowsill. San was still waking up, you knew that, yet you couldn’t help but nestle closer, holding his face and nuzzling your nose into the side of his as you deepened the kiss. It took him a few seconds to notice your restlessness, your hand slipping off his jaw to run over his sides, sliding under the hem of his shirt and squeezing at the flesh of his waist.
Shaking the last of his drowsiness away, he rolled your bodies sideways until he had you on your back, looking up at him with a mix of confusion and lust. San knew you better than you knew yourself, you remembered as he leaned over you to press a firm, closemouthed kiss to your lips, followed by a trail of tender pecks down your neck. “What’s got you so needy this early in the morning?”
You could feel his smile on your skin as he peppered your neck with kisses, dragging his teeth over your pulse point. “Missed you,” you breathed out, fingers curling around the material hugging his broad shoulders. “Want you.”
San hummed, low in his throat, “I’m here, I’m all yours.” His hands coasted over your sides and down to your hips to hook his fingers into your waistband, slowly sliding off your bottoms and panties in one go, his lips pressing over every inch of newly exposed skin.
Your pants and his haphazardly thrown behind him, San ran both hands down your inner thighs to spread you open, slotting himself between your legs and leaning over you to dot kisses over your jawline and cheeks. “Can I taste you, my darling?”
The rough material of his boxers pressed against your mound, your vision blurring at the friction. “But I want you,” you whined, sliding a hand down his back and resting it over his firm ass to pull him closer.
“Just for a little bit,” he kissed at your pouty lips, grinding his hips into you, the hard outline of his cock straining against the thin fabric. “Please? ‘Wanna feel you on my tongue.”
A shiver ran through you, and you nodded hesitantly, watching as San descended your body with a muttered ‘thank you.’
‘Just for a little bit’ faded into the illuminated dust swimming in the air around you, your mind disconnecting from reality the moment San’s lips found your pussy. It felt like hours in a realm of ecstasy, hot arousal gushing out of you with every suck to your clit, your vision blurring when thick fingers breached your entrance. San lapped at your cunt like a starved man, his tongue flattening over your swollen nub while you desperately rolled your hips over his face, exhaling breathy moans as you neared your high for the nth time, only for him to anchor you down on the mattress with an arm over your lower belly, retracting his tongue to press tender kisses over and around your slit.
“No, no,” you whined as your orgasm dwindled, tears pooling in your eyes and your hands tugging at his dark strands, attempting to push his face back onto you. His fingers curled inside you, pushing up into your g-spot to remind you of their presence, hips slowly rutting into the sheets under him. “Sannie, please.”
He slipped out of you to trail soft kisses along the heated skin as he journeyed up your body, pressing his lips to the pout on yours before pulling away to take you in—all teary eyes and slick skin, gilded under the early rays. Strong arms enclosed around you, soft tufts of dark hair tickling the side of your neck as San dipped his head onto your shoulder. Inhaling deeply, he breathed in the familiar scent of your bodywash, a hint of your shampoo tickling his senses as he basked in your warmth. A muttered echo of his name broke him away from you, his lips parting off your skin to allow a string of curses exit, his leaking cock now burrowed between your folds, cockhead teasing over your clit. “Are you ready for me, love?”
Your frantic nodding and pleas brought a smile to his face, lowering himself over you again to gather you into his arms, his hand sliding between your bodies to align himself with your waiting cunt. Your hips jumped when his thick girth breached your entrance, your nails dragging down San’s spine at the gradual stretch. Feathery pecks turned into open-mouthed kisses over your face, San’s heavy breaths interrupted by the comforting gesture. He trailed his lips down your jaw to nuzzle his nose into the skin below your ear, his pants growing into shaky moans when his cock fully sheathed within you, the gentle squeeze of your walls around him shaking his body with violent shivers.
“Please move,” you tried, rolling your hips in protest, and San’s hands scrambled to stop you.
“W-wait, fuck-”
His body convulsed atop yours, a gravelly grunt ripping through his chest as a familiar warmth spread through your lower belly. His cock twitched inside you, spurting pathetic ropes of cum while he curled in on himself, shuddering as his orgasm washed over him unexpectedly with repeated apologies on his tongue. Your hand smoothed over his back, rubbing soothing circled into his skin while he recovered, imagining the bright red coating the cheeks he was hiding from you.
He hummed, his voice small.
“Can you look at me?”
He shook his head, soft strands grazing over your skin at the motion.
“Why not?”
He paused, and you could feel the warmth of his face on your shoulder, “’m embarrassed,” he mumbled.
Your palms cupped his heated cheeks, prying him off your skin and holding his head above you to look at him properly. Teary, half-lidded eyes stared back at you, flushed cheeks squished inwards and his lips pouted in chagrin. You guided his face down to yours, pressing comforting kisses over his eyebrow and temple, “no need to be embarrassed, love.”
He huffed out a breath, tilting his head to slot his lips over yours, leaving a chaste kiss on your mouth before wrapping his arms around you to bring you into his chest. His hips began rolling into yours before you could question it, a breathy moan blowing over San’s collarbone as his cock glided over your walls.
“Missed you so much,” he planted a kiss on the side of your neck, “couldn’t help it, ‘felt so good,” he rambled into your skin.
You could feel his cock chubbing up inside you again, San’s soft grunts echoing in your ear as he pushed through the overstimulation. Languid grinding turned into pointed thrusts, rough palms running over the outside of your thighs and guiding them around his waist, waiting until your feet locked at the small of his back before readjusting his angle. With San’s body covering yours and his mouth on your neck, he aimed his cockhead at your g-spot with shallow drives into your sopping heat. He grazed his teeth over your pulse point, a shiver running through you as he littered an array of faint bruises over the column of your throat. In a couple hours, your skin would become a palette of blues and purples, and San would sheepishly scratch at his neck while you reprimanded him for his messy colouring.
San’s cock stilled inside you, moving only to glide the remainder of his length between your fluttering walls. “Where did you go?” Of course he’d caught you zoning out. “I thought I'd get you all to myself now that you were done with exams,” the pout on his lips pulled at your heart strings.
Your fingers ran through his hair, and you leaned upward to peck at his lips, “you have me, Sannie, I’m all yours.”
San smiled, sliding a hand under you to cup the back of your head, catching your lips in a kiss laced with the thick essence of yearning and lust—as though he couldn’t bare part with you ever again, not even to grab a glass of water. “Mine, mine, mine,” he recited against your lips, moving down to pepper kisses over the bruises painting your skin. “Gonna fuck you so full, sweetheart, ‘make sure everyone knows you’re my sweet baby.”
Your hand reached down to his thigh, grazing the soft skin and trailing upward until your palm cupped his plump ass, urging his hips forward and into your cunt. “Want it, please, want you so bad.”
His lips found yours, parting to run his tongue over your cupid’s bow before planting soft, delicate kisses over the corners of your mouth. Your nails dug into the flesh of his ass, eyes rolling back as he pounded into you with boiling desperation. Utterances of ‘missed you’ vibrated over your skin, your chests flush and nipple grazing over each other every time San bucked into you, his words broken-up by airy moans. Through the thick haze coating your brain, you recognized the tingle in your stomach warning you of your impending orgasm, San’s frantic hands touching every patch of skin available to him, his teeth nibbling on the skin of your collarbones while he fucked into you uncontrollably.
“Gonna cum,” he breathed out, lifting his head to take you in with glassy eyes. “Hngh! ‘Missed you so fucking much,” he pulled you into his chest, only to lean back two second later to admire your fucked-out expression—staring back at him with hooded eyes, pleasure soaring through your body and disrupting every thought, San’s relentless pace as he hammered his cock into your pulsating cunt barreling you closer to the edge. “So perfect,” he pushed the damp hair off your forehead. “Gonna fuck you full, darling, can I? ‘Wanna give you all I have,” he babbled, slurring his words as tears welled up in his eyes, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone.
“Nghh! G-give it to me, Sannie,” you tightened your legs around him, pushing him further into you and clenched around him.
San’s hips stuttered, his steady rhythm replaced with erratic pounding, his cock filling you up before slipping out, only to thrust back into you without relent. The edging, San’s mouth on your clit, his fingers stuffed inside you, only to pull away every time you came close to an orgasm, and now, his cock pressing into you g-spot while his pelvis grinded over your sensitive nub—you weren’t sure which factor pushed you over the edge, except you found yourself tumbling down a verdant, sunlit hill, wildflowers and dandelions sweeping over your skin in your descent. Your vision blurred, the silhouette of a man brimming with adoration going in and out of focus, the soft melody of moans and echoes of your name reverberating in the back of your mind as your orgasm finally rushed through you, your nerves aflame and body jolting over the soiled sheets.
For what felt like hours, he guided you through your high. Leisurely grinds of his hips, rocking back and forth with his cock sheathed deep within you, even after ropes of white joined the previous load he’d fucked into you, your bodies spasming together as tinges of overstimulation mingled with pleasure. His eyes scanned your face, studying the subtle shifts in your features while his hands roamed your body—from the twitch of your eyebrow to the upward curl of your mouth; palms dipping into the contour of your waist, and curving over the slope of your hips, holding you delicately while you trembled in his arms. He slipped out of you at the first whimper leaving your lips, his muscles slackening as the shots of pleasurable pain subsided.
The mattress jumped, San’s body falling sideways into the space beside you, his arms instantly working on tugging you closer to him, inhaling the flowery scent of your shampoo while digging his fingers into the knots in your back.
San’s soft humming carried on until the sun found its locus in the cloudless sky, the rays sharp where they snuck through the gap in your curtains. You slipped in and out of consciousness, the warm body cradling you and the patterned rise and fall of its chest spreading a veil of tranquility over the quiet room. The peacefulness resided even as San pulled you out of bed and into the shower, washing off the sweat and grime with wandering hands and impish touches, high-pitched giggles and squeals echoing between the tiled walls.
It felt like deja’vu, finding yourself curled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch, except this time, San’s firm body enveloped yours while you sipped on your coffee, feline eyes moving off the TV every time you brought the mug to your lips, watching their subtle pout as you swallowed down the steaming liquid. His gaze flitted lower, examining the splashes of purple and blue decorating your neck with a fond—and slightly cocky—smile stretching his lips.  
You remained entrapped within each other’s warmth, the sunlight shifting hues every other hour, from a burning yellow to a warm orange, mixing with magenta and rose when the orb of light neared the horizon. Characters moved around on the large screen: Mulan, then Rapunzel, and now Ariel, the baritone of San’s voice harmonizing with the various ballads blasting through the speakers, your hearty giggles filling up the room when he slipped away from you to dance along with Sebastian to ‘Under the Sea.’
Securing him back in your arms, you watched the rest of the movie in peace, humming the remaining songs and arguing who would get to be the purple mermaid next time you went swimming, the empty bowls of leftover jjigae resting idly on the coffee table, their ceramic reflecting the changing hues of the dying sun.
reblogs/feedback are very, very appreciated!! apply for my tag list here (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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yoongis-property · 10 months
CURRENTLY READING (what i wanna read in august)
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(last update: 07.31.2023)
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richboy!seonghwa by @ateezmakemeweep 
War of Hearts by @mingigoo 
happy new year by @mingigoo ✓
Rotten by @mingigoo ✓
just about perfect by @yoongiseesawmp3 
guardian angel by @mazeinthemiroh 
you’re the one that i want by @ateezmakemeweep 
the duke and his general by @baekhvuns ✓
his to protect by @cqndiedcherries ✓
M-mommy by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband ✓
Kishi Kaisei by @flurrys-creativity ✓
unexpected company by @mia-tiny 
i remember by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
it`s terribly hot today by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
kiss of chaos by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
the town at the edge of the world by @tenelkadjowrites​ 
Nuclear Baby by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
a little less lonely by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
arrow in the dark by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
off limits by @tenelkadjowrites​ 
no secrets at christmas by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
lonely in gorgeous by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
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bla bla bla by @yoongiseesawmp3 
you need a holiday. by @mazeinthemiroh ✓
pirate king by @cybersan ✓
Spending Time Together by @songmingisthighs ✓
dont stop by @im-657-mv ✓
saved by @sansblkgirlfriend 
Crushcrushcrush by @im-whatchamccallit ✓
A little something more by @flurrys-creativity 
tell me to stop by @tenelkadjowrites ✓
what happens in a blackout by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
Halloween by @mingigoo​ ✓
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killing me by @yoongiseesawmp3 
two is better than one by @songmingisthighs​ ✓
sharing is caring by @kitten4sannie ✓
watch me by @songmingisthighs ✓
frontier psychiatrist by @riboism 
Tutor Boy by @cas-skz ✓
Won't You Be My Friend by @anyamaris 
Acquainted by @mingigoo​ ✓
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we are tragic. by @mazeinthemiroh 
lights out by @bobateastay 
i`m in love by @anyamaris 
you`re my paradise by @anyamaris 
Obsessive by @mingigoo​ ✓
Freaks by @mingigoo​ (feat. woo) ✓
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oh he’s good by @yoongiseesawmp3 ✓
pop quiz by @yoongiseesawmp3 ✓
Party of Three by @cybersan ✓
kill them with kindness by @mazeinthemiroh ✓
in the quite spaces by @honeyhotteoks ✓
Darling, His Darling by @sansblkgirlfriend 
Drinking Games by @shyxcherry 
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two is better than one by @songmingisthighs ✓
sharing is caring by @kitten4sannie​ ✓
Precious by @lovesanmotion 
My Unlikely Protector by @anyamaris ✓
teacher`s pet by @anyamaris ✓
all in by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
once by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
Dreamers by @mingigoo​ ✓
We fell in love in August by @mingigoo​ ✓
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smile for the camera by @yoongiseesawmp3 ✓
Party of Three by @cybersan​ ✓
sunday baking by @cas-skz 
Try Me by @tenelkadjowrites​ ✓
Freaks by @mingigoo​ (feat. yeosang) ✓
Midnight Kisses by @mingigoo​ ✓
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get close to me by @honeyhotteoks 
knock it off by @teezertales 
Cute as a Button by @anyamaris 
...ramen before you go? by @mingigoo​ ✓
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MATE by @jwying ✓
in love and lore by @shadowynn ✓
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please reblog and like, it helps a lot :)
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Happy Birthday
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: I Like Me Better by Lauv)
It’s my birthday month! So here’s a birthday special.
Quickly, the alarm was turned off. Nanami slowly turned to face you and smiled with relief and adoration. Relief that you didn’t wake up at 5:00 in the morning. And how much he adores looking at you when you sleep. You are perfect in his eyes. His heart skipped beats the longer he stared at you. Slowly and carefully, he kissed your forehead before getting to the shower to start his morning.
He carefully fixed his hair in the bathroom. He put on his tie and fixed the cuffs of his blue long sleeve button up before exiting the bathroom. He walked over to you again and smiled. Nanami leaned in and kissed your forehead before leaving.
“H-Honey?” Your tired voice had his body freeze at the bedroom door. He slowly turned around to face you. Quietly, he chuckled. You were still asleep. He watched you grab his pillow and hugged it tightly to your chest. You took a deep breath and smiled contently.
“I love you,” sweetheart,” he said softly and left the room.
You were frantic. You woke up late for class. You faintly heard your alarm and when you saw the time at 10:15, you jumped out of bed to get ready. You quickly showered, put together a cute outfit, and applied makeup before heading out the door.
You took a quick look in the mirror. You made sure your tights weren’t ripped, your boot socks matched your beige sweater dress and your boots were tied. You grabbed a beanie off the hook from the wall and your dark brown peacoat. With your key in hand, you threw your backpack in the passenger seat and drove off.
With your phone connected via Bluetooth to the car, you smiled widely to see your boyfriend’s name pop up on your screen.
“Honey!” you greeted happily, forgetting about the rush you just endured this morning.
“Good morning, my love,” Nanami said softly. “How was your morning? You’re almost at school?” You blushed.
“I woke up late and rushed to get ready,” you answered sheepishly. “I left five minutes ago.”
“Okay, my love,” he said. “Get there safely. I’ll make sure I get back home at 6PM.”
“Okay, honey. Did you leave early?”
“I did. I wanted to make sure I get things done so I can leave at a good time at work. I’ll see if Gojo-san can do last minute missions for me.”
“Since you’re trying to come home early, maybe we can stay in and watch a movie? It’s supposed to snow pretty bad in the afternoon. You’ll let me know when you leave right?” you asked worriedly.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Nanami replied. “You’ll do the same?”
“I always do.” He chuckled softly, making your heart flutter with happiness.
“What else do you want to do today?” he asked curiously. You thoughtfully pondered on the question.
“I don’t know,” you answered. “Besides a movie. Or maybe we can read together. Or play a game?”
“Sweetheart, I love you. We’ll play it by ear then.”
“Yeah, we’ll do that.”
You were lucky the snow started to fall when you left class. You quickly stopped at the grocery store and bought some needed fruits and vegetables along with a bottle of red wine. The snowfall became heavier.
You: I just stopped at the store. I’m going home now. I love you❤️ Please be home soon🥺
Nanami: I think I left a bag in the trunk of your car.
By the time you arrived home, the snow covered the ground. Large snowflakes fell through the sky. As annoying the drive was, watching the snowfall was peaceful. Now that you were out of the car, you smiled widely.
You opened the trunk, checking for the bag that your boyfriend left. Your eyes widened to see a large leopard plushie and a bouquet of flowers. A card sat in front of the plushie. With a large smile on your face, you picked up the card.
Happy Birthday, My Love.
I’ll see you at home. I love you so much. You deserve everything.
You took a quick picture of the presents Nanami left before carrying them in your arms. You laughed to yourself as you unlocked the door.
“I can’t believe I forgot that it was my birthday,” you said to yourself. You kicked the snow off of your boots before stepping inside your shared apartment. You walked inside the kitchen and you gasped. Candle lights were lit up. Bags of gifts covered the countertop, leaving room for a small birthday cake in the middle. “Kento?”
“Happy birthday, my love.” You turned around and watched Nanami walked over to you with a smile on his face. Nanami hugged you tightly in his arms before kissing you passionately. “You forgot.”
“Didn’t realize in school?” You shook your head. “Not even when you looked at your phone? The date is right in front of you.” You lightly chuckled.
“Not at all.” Nanami laughed and kissed your forehead. “W-When did you do all of this, honey?”
“I left early to put the plushie, flowers, and card in the trunk. But you didn’t say anything so I text you about a ‘bag’. I took the day off today to buy you presents, your cake, and dinner. I made your favorite dish. And—“
“You bought me a strawberry cake?” you asked excitedly. Nanami nodded and you cheered happily. Nanami took the plushie and flowers from your arms and put them by the bags of presents. You looked over at the counter. “You bought me so much. You didn’t have to do that.”
“You tell me that every year for the past five years,” he said. You blushed.
“And every year the presents increase.” Nanami lightly laughed and kissed your pouty lips.
“Like I said, you deserve everything.” You smiled softly and nodded. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too, honey. Can I open my presents now?” you immediately asked with excitement.
“Go ahead, love.”
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
𝐏𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖑 𝐀𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖙𝖞
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part 2
Incubus! San x Fem! Reader x Boyfriend! Wooyoung 
Genre: just actual depravity   
Summary: After going to a fun Halloween party, you and your boyfriend were completely exhausted. You happily turned in, welcoming a night of restful sleep. That is, until you had a visitor. 
W.C: 7.8k (Idek what happened…I was just editing it and it got longer somehow 😭 Welp, it’s Halloween so I have an excuse to go overboard 🖤)
Warnings: *possibly triggering content* brief noncon (if this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this), mind control/mind manipulation, dom! San, San is a sadistic/dualistic demon with a monster cock, sub! reader, sub! Wooyoung, woosan, dirty talk, pet names, name calling, degradation, ownership kink, biting, blood play, manhandling, tongue kink?, voyeurism, cuckolding, kissing, spit play, masterbation, edging, dacryphilia, cum swapping, oral (receiving), pussy slapping, squirting, frotting, anal, double penetration (rough and unprotected), mind break, creampie 
A/N: Thank you guys for all the love on my teaser! I'm really excited i get to share this one cuz this is the filthiest shit I’ve ever written 🖤 Also, if you liked this please consider reblogging or leaving a little comment, even if it’s just a simple “this was good”. It would really help in giving me the motivation to continue writing 🥺 San’s a part of the demon line so that’s pretty much where the inspo came from 👍🏼 I hope everyone has a fun Halloween, stay safe, and enjoyyyy 🤭🖤
P.S: I tried to implement a little humor at the very end, since this ended up being a little dark ;;
Song Recs: Devil by Wonho, Blood Walk by Cabaret Nocturne, Sleep Paralysis by Sidewalks and Skeletons, Grey Veils by Chainless, and Closer by Nine Inch Nails (“I’ve got no soul to sell”, “you let me desecrate you”, “you can have my absence of faith” like must I go on??? this song is perfect for this 😭) 
You sighed heavily, using all of your strength to pull your intoxicated body out of the car you were in, gently pushing your back against the car door to close it. “Ugh, my feet hurtttt…” you complained, turning your head to watch as your boyfriend walked around from the driver’s side of the car and over to you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist. 
“And that’s why I was trying to get us out of there. I already knew you’d be exhausted. But nooo, you just had to dance to ‘your song’ like ten times in a row.” 
Wooyoung shook his head slightly, gently guiding you up to the front steps of your shared apartment, unlocking the door with his free hand. 
“Whateverrrr, I was just having fun. That was literally the only party we’ve gone to this entire year,” you reasoned, leaning your head against Wooyoung’s shoulder, allowing him to lead you past the entrance and down the hall into your bedroom. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry, baby. I’m glad you had fun,” he apologized, cupping your face with his hands and giving you a small pout. “Just go easy on the drinks next time, okay? I don’t want you getting sick.” 
You nuzzled your face against his hands, appreciating his warmth. “I got it, Dad,” you replied playfully, giving him a quick kiss, prior to throwing yourself onto the bed and lazily pulling all of your clothes off, except for your underwear. You watched as Wooyoung stripped off his own clothes and gave you a quick wink, before jumping into bed next to you. 
“You wanna…mess around?” Wooyoung inquired, rubbing small circles on the side of your upper thigh, his eyes focusing on your own. 
“Mm, not tonight, Woo. I’m super tired…like I’m ready to pass out.” Without another word, you faced away from him and pushed yourself back against his body, so that he could hold you. 
Wooyoung wrapped his arms around you and kissed the back of your head, whispering, “Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams.” 
“Night, Woo. Sleep tight.”
You fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes, getting sent into a random dream that you would probably struggle to remember once you woke up the next morning. Unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t be able to sleep long enough to even achieve that. 
After a few hours passed, your body suddenly jolted, bringing you out of your unconscious state. You opened your eyes and scanned the darkness near your side of the bed, a feeling of uneasiness immediately creeping up your spine. There was an intense presence in the room, one that was so palpable that you couldn’t even try to ignore it and go back to sleep. Gathering up all your courage, you took in a deep breath and pulled your covers down so that you could scan the room in front of you. Nothing could have possibly prepared you for what came next. 
You saw a pair of bright red eyes glowing against the darkness that swallowed the room, causing your breath to initially get stuck in your throat and your body to jolt, out of pure shock. “Wh-what the fuck?” you eventually cursed in a shaky voice, immediately pulling yourself from Wooyoung’s grasp and sitting up, pressing your back against the headboard, the metal cold on your bare skin. “I gotta be hallucinating. There’s…no way…I-i must still be asle…” Your voice trailed off when you saw the pair of eyes grow closer and closer, an outline of what appeared to be a naked man becoming more clear to you. 
“Fortunately for you, darling, I am very much real,” the mysterious being revealed in a soft, yet sultry voice. 
“Wake up, Y/N! Fucking wake up!” you whisper-yelled to yourself, slapping your cheeks roughly a few times. You were freaked out enough already, so it didn’t help when the entity suddenly disappeared into thin air and reappeared, sitting directly next to you, just a few inches away. 
That was when you felt true fear, as well as something else you couldn’t quite detect in the moment, but all you knew was that it was causing your mind to feel clouded and a knot to begin developing in your stomach. 
“G-get the hell away from me!” 
You couldn’t even get another word out, as one of the being’s slender fingers came up to your gaping mouth and slid teasingly from your top lip down to your bottom lip, his sharp black nail scraping lightly against your skin. You winced slightly, still unable to take your eyes off of his glowing ones. 
“Don’t be scared, little one. I’m not here for your soul. I’m here for your body,” he informed, letting out an airy chuckle. 
Now that you could get a good look at him, you realized that he wasn’t as scary-looking as your frightened mind had previously assumed. Sure, his gaze alone was able to strike terror into your fragile heart, but his angular, feline-like features intrigued you. To be quite frank, you had never encountered someone who was this captivating before, besides Wooyoung of course. Not to mention, the entity’s overwhelming presence even made you forget that Wooyoung was laying just a few inches away from you, still snoring peacefully as though there wasn’t a literal demon in your room. 
“Wh-who are you? What...are you?” you murmured softly, barely able to hear your words over the sound of your heart pounding inside your chest. 
“You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my birth name, so you can just call me San,” he explained, his words sounding almost serpent-like when he said his name. “And lucky for you, sweetheart, I’m an incubus.” 
“I-incubus? Like a…a…demon?” you stammered nervously, almost paralyzed with fear at this point. Suddenly hearing Wooyoung talking incoherently in his sleep, you briefly considered trying to wake him up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move even a single inch.
San’s intensely warm hands pressed down onto your thighs, immediately giving you goosebumps. They slowly traveled past your hips and onto your waist, forcefully pulling your bodies together. The skin-on-skin contact sent what felt to be electricity through your body, causing the knots in your stomach to tighten significantly.
San sighed lightly, caressing your hips, his nails just barely dragging along your soft skin. “Simply put, I like to play with pretty girls like you at night…Pretty boys too,” he purred into your ear, as his crimson eyes flickered down to admire Wooyoung’s sprawled out, half-naked body. 
Before you could even come up with something to respond with, San was already planting a few light kisses from your jaw down to your shoulder. Each kiss left a burning sensation on your skin, causing more goosebumps to form. His long, snake-like tongue fell from his mouth and slid down the valley of your breasts, then back up to your neck, leaving a trail of saliva behind.
“A-aah...” you let slip out, unconsciously arching your back, unable to stop yourself from reacting to his touch. 
“Mm, if you make noises like that, I might not be able to keep myself from biting you,” San warned, bringing his face up near yours, so that his lips and tongue could carefully glide along your jaw, savoring the way you tasted. 
“N-no, wait…” Your body tensed up, not only from his words, but from the pain you felt as soon as he made contact with your skin. It was as if someone had held a lighter just a little too close to your jaw, allowing the tip of the flame to flicker along it, enough to singe the peach fuzz away. 
“Maybe just a little bite…” He fought himself internally for a second, just to end up baring his sharp white teeth and sinking them into your neck, wanting to pull back to see the blood eventually trickle out. Anticipating that you’d react, he placed a hand securely over your mouth, just in time for your shriek to be mostly muted, his nails stabbing lightly into your cheek. 
You looked down at San with watery eyes, letting out a whimper, somehow both afraid and aroused at the same time. 
“Awwh, what’s wrong? Did that hurt?” San mocked, giving you a pout, his lips curling up into a wicked smile when he heard you make another sound of disapproval. “That sound you made just now was even cuter than…than…the…” He sniffed the air, his unusual irises forming into small slits, his hand dropping from your face, abruptly being distracted by the blood that was slowly dripping out of your neck. He lapped it up, making sure to repeatedly prod his tongue into the bite marks he left as well, all while emitting soft groans of pleasure. 
You shuddered, an unfamiliar, almost overwhelming sensation developing within you, instantly becoming lightheaded because of it. It was as if you had been injected with a cocktail of aphrodisiacs, rendering you vulnerable to the way your brain was screaming for San to destroy you beyond recognition. 
“Feeling good?” the demon taunted in a deep, gravelly voice, giving you a satisfied grin, crimson staining his sharpened teeth. “You must be…Just look at this…” San motioned down to your now-hardened nipples that were poking through the thin material of your bra. He licked his lips, using one of his nails to slice open your bra down the middle, causing your breasts to spill out of it.
“S-San…” You whined a bit, your already incredibly flushed face feeling even warmer, from the way he was drinking in the sight of your exposed chest. 
“Mm, you’ll let me have a taste, won’t you?” he asked rhetorically, believing you weren’t capable of resisting him. He chuckled at his words, until he was too focused on using his mouth to latch onto one of your breasts, while his hand squeezed the other. 
You sank back into the headboard, your breathing already starting to sound labored. Noticing the beautiful, yet unintelligible symbols that neatly decorated most of San’s body, you closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to come to terms with the fact that you were dealing with an otherworldly being. 
This had to be a dream, right? There was no way that you were actually in this situation. You almost felt some kind of comfort knowing that this probably wasn't happening, but you couldn’t fight the feeling that it was real; the sensation of being touched and bit into was far too realistic. You could smell blood in the air — your own blood. To make things worse, there was still an incessant throbbing pain in your neck where he had broken the flesh. And, of course, you couldn’t ignore the wetness that had been dripping out of you ever since he put his hands on you. Though it was incredibly depraved, you almost hoped that Wooyoung would never wake up, so that San could continue doing as he pleased. 
“Look at me,” San mumbled against your breast, his heavy tongue rolling over your nipple and then flicking at it, before focusing his attention on the other one, getting bothered when you didn’t obey. “I said, look.” 
Though you heard your brain screaming at you, you kept your eyes shut, wanting to hold onto the possibility that this was an alcohol-induced nightmare, so that you didn’t have to feel like you were cheating on your boyfriend. You figured that if you tried to resist him, even if it was in small instances, you could alleviate the guilt that was trying to claw its way into your heart. 
San let out a low growl, resisting the urge to bite your nipples, knowing that they would be gone in a second — if he gave into his dark desires. Instead, San bit into the side of one of your breasts, not deep enough to cause major damage, but just enough to draw a certain amount of blood from where his teeth sliced into your soft flesh. “Bad girl…” He sucked on your stinging skin, taking slow gulps of your life source, while using two fingers to tweak one of your overly sensitive nipples. 
You let out a long, strangled moan, wanting to completely lose yourself to the pain and pleasure he was providing you. You couldn’t even make sense of what was happening; your brain was too foggy, too clouded with lust. All you could do was lay limp, knowing you couldn’t escape the demon’s clutches. 
“Open your mouth for me,” he demanded, appearing even more devilish (if that was possible) when you did just as he asked of you, after a moment of hesitation. San snaked his arms around you, squeezing your body against his heated one, diving tongue-first into your mouth, causing you to gag from the overwhelming taste and smell of iron.
“Mmmn…!” You almost choked when his tongue wrapped around your own and slid further back into your mouth, the forked tip of it tickling the entrance of your throat. 
San let out a pleased, guttural sound into your mouth, one of his hands slipping down between your bodies and past your soaked panties. Being careful not to stab you with his nails, San rubbed slow, teasing circles around your clit, only speeding up when he felt your hips moving involuntarily. 
You felt the muscles in your thighs tighten in response to the multiple avenues of pleasure San was providing you, unable to do anything, besides moaning incessantly onto his tongue that now lapping at your own. 
After he had his fill, San broke the kiss, long strings of red-tinted saliva still connecting your lips together. “I never would’ve guessed you’d be so obedient. You seemed so scared at first, but now here you are…moaning for me like a brainless little whore, while your boyfriend’s laying right next to you,” he exhaled out, his eyes glowing a little brighter than before, but only for a split-second. 
“I-it’s not my fault! You did this to me! I know you did…My body…it-…I can’t even explain it…” you argued, your eyes half-lidded, a bit of drool leaking out of your mouth. 
San licked his lips, looking at you like you were his next meal, clearly pleased with your current state. “Yes, there is some truth to that; I’ll give you that…but, the thing is, love, I could smell your arousal as soon as you laid your pretty little eyes on me.” His fingers went back to teasing your clit, this time pressing them firmly against your sensitive bud, rubbing it in tighter, more precise circles. 
“W-wait…! It…aah…feels too good…” When he didn’t stop, you instinctively tried to push him away, almost successfully doing so, until he decided to retaliate. 
“Actions have consequences, whore.” 
You let out a sharp gasp, thrown off by the way that San had effortlessly pulled you forward and shoved you back into the headboard using his free hand, your head hitting the metal hard in the process. “Shit…” you mumbled, your hand moving up to rest against the back of your head and rubbing it a bit, waiting for the throbbing to stop. 
The loud, reverberating clang was somehow the thing that woke Wooyoung up out of his deep sleep, causing him to open his eyes. He squinted into the darkness, before his eyes started to focus properly, with the aid of the moonlight that slipped in through the half-shut blinds behind the bed. “Wh…What the fuck is going on?! Who the fuck are you?!” he shouted, already sitting up in bed, ready to beat the shit out of the naked stranger that had his hands all over his girlfriend. 
San grinned like the Cheshire Cat, as he turned his attention to the other male, quickly grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him down onto the mattress. 
“Hey there, sleepyhead. I’m glad you finally decided to join us,” San remarked, his tongue slithering out of his mouth slightly, so that he could run it across his top set of fangs.
Wooyoung looked up helplessly at the otherworldly being with bewildered eyes, unable to process what was going on. “W-what the fuck are you talking about?! Why are you in my hou-” Wooyoung was instantly silenced when San’s mouth encased his own, feeling the demon’s hand force his jaw open, so that their tongues could come in contact with one another. 
“Mm-mmm…!” the weaker man protested, pushing on the other’s shoulders and hitting them with closed fists. After a few more seconds of struggling, his body eventually relaxed. He gasped into San’s mouth, an unholy amount of arousal spreading throughout his body like an untamed wildfire, almost causing him to lose his mind right then and there. 
San sucked eagerly on the young man’s tongue, his own coiling around it, earning a soft moan from him. Wooyoung’s eyes fluttered shut, his hands slowly finding their way into the demon’s raven hair, his entire demeanor switching in an instant. 
All you could do was watch, slack-jawed, as this unfolded before you, until you were ultimately unable to ignore the constant pulsing you felt in between your legs. Without a second thought, you began to play with yourself, holding back a moan and forcing yourself to go slow, so that you didn’t cum too fast. 
After breaking the somewhat messy kiss, San ran his fingers through Wooyoung’s soft hair, thoroughly admiring the way his spit was left on and around the other’s mouth. “I want you to call me San, pretty boy.” 
“S-San…” Wooyoung choked out, his brown eyes filled to the brim with unadulterated lust. “P-please…kiss me more…”
Hearing this caused both you and the demon to moan in unison at Wooyoung’s bold desperation. San turned his attention back to you, smiling lewdly when he saw that you were rubbing your pussy, pleased that you were finally submitting to the lust inside you. 
“How sinful of you, my darling. You like seeing me play with your boyfriend that much?” 
“Yeah…” you exhaled, biting your bottom lip, just as you pulled your panties off hastily, so that you could resume your previous endeavor to cum. “Please continue…” 
“Good idea.” San didn’t waste any time shoving his tongue back into Wooyoung’s eager mouth, this time exploring in a more lazy, but sloppy way, their spit mixing together and dripping down their chins. 
When Wooyoung felt San’s warm fingers pull off his boxers and wrap around his stiff cock, he whimpered into the demon’s mouth, arms wrapping tightly around his neck. 
“So hard for me already, baby…You want me that bad?” San purred in a deep voice, after breaking the kiss Wooyoung so desperately wanted to continue. 
“I need you, San…please…” 
“Even though your girlfriend is sitting right there? You want her to watch me take care of you?” San pushed further, his dick throbbing against their flush bodies. 
Wooyoung turned his head to make eye contact with you, feeling somewhat conflicted initially, but when he saw the blatant lust written on your face, he knew that you both wanted the same thing.
“I really want her to watch me when I cum for you,” he exhaled, earning a pleased groan of approval from the demon. “Hurry up, please!” Wooyoung gripped San’s upper arms tightly, feeling his muscles flexing underneath his fingers. 
“Oh, my Lucifer, you two are so cute. I’m going to fucking ruin the both of you. In fact, I’m going to make sure you two never forget how you let a demon have his way with you…” San expressed, breathing heavily from hearing his own words, a bit of drool starting to escape his lips.
“Stop with the monologue and just make him cum alreadyyy…'' you whined, pressing your head against the headboard, slowing down your hand movements, but not stopping completely. 
“So cute,” San repeated, eyeing you, until Wooyoung grabbed his face and forced him to look down at him. And just like that, San was back to kissing Wooyoung in the most passionate way possible, for an unprecedented amount of time, their spit now getting anywhere and everywhere. Wooyoung periodically ground his hips into San's, desperate for some relief. 
Breaking the kiss once more, San carefully pushed three fingers into Wooyoung’s mouth to gather up some of their combined spit, using it to lubricate the young man’s throbbing cock, quickly working his hand up and down it, without showing any signs of slowing down. 
“Fffuck! San!” Wooyoung cried, gasping for air. He felt himself getting closer and closer to his release in a matter of minutes, the gradual buildup of pleasure inside him feeling ten times better than it usually did. 
“Are you gonna cum for me already, baby? Hmm? Are you gonna shoot your load out for me like the good boy you are?” San inquired, sweat dripping down his forehead and onto Wooyoung’s flushed face, his hand movements suddenly slowing down to an infinitely slower tempo.
“Yes…please…let me…” he replied breathlessly, his back arching, due to the mind-numbing pleasure coursing through him. 
San stopped moving his hand and squeezed the base of Wooyoung’s length, his voice dropping an octave, “But, what if I want to see you cry first, huh?” He turned to face you, biting his lip when he saw the state of desperation you were in. “What do you think, pretty girl? Should I make him cry?” 
You panted heavily, fingers buried to the hilt inside your soaking wet pussy, shoving them in and out of yourself. You never felt this high before — this consumed with desire. If you weren’t careful, you could easily get addicted to this kind of feeling. You opened your mouth to encourage San, requesting under your breath, “Do it…” 
San’s eyes rolled back into his head, nearly cumming himself, without any physical stimulation — just from hearing the two words that left your lips. “You heard her, baby. Let me see those tears,” he cooed, his hand working Wooyoung’s swollen shaft in a way that he had never experienced before, making sure to stop abruptly out of nowhere, only to repeat the process over and over, until tears finally began to run down Wooyoung’s warm cheeks. 
“Sannnn…” Wooyoung whined, sniffling, trying to hold on to his sanity the best he could. He wiped some of his tears away, only stopping when San had swatted his hand down.
“Bad,” San mumbled, leaning down to his face, so that he could lick the tears away instead, his hand still idly pumping Wooyoung’s pulsing length.
 “Sannn, pleasepleaseplease let me cum…!” 
“I suppose you’ve had enough,” San chuckled, unable to resist Wooyoung’s pleading, but suddenly lifting up the crying young man’s legs and positioning them so that they were almost all the way over his head. “You look so pretty like this…” Hearing Wooyoung still moaning and repeating the word ‘please’ like a mantra, San jerked him off as fast as he possibly could, groaning all the while. “Cum, baby. Cum for me…” 
White, hot pulses of intoxicating pleasure tore through Wooyoung’s body, causing him to let out a few choked moans, his face contorting, as though he was in pain. “San! Oh my fucking god...!” he cried out, as his load shot out of his cock in long spurts, landing on his own face and mouth. 
Just as you witnessed Wooyoung meet his high in such a vulnerable position, your own orgasm ripped through you, your hips bucking uncontrollably, as a result. You couldn’t even make a single sound when an abundant amount of arousal gushed out of your pussy, dripping down your inner thighs and onto the sheets of the mattress. 
San leered at you with half-closed eyes, chiming, “What a good girl,” before focusing his attention back on Wooyoung, who already looked fucked out of his mind. “And, you’re a good boy…Can you be an even better boy for me and clean up your mess?” San suggested lustfully, reaching up to gather up Wooyoung’s release with his fingers and guiding it into the younger man’s already open mouth. 
“Oh, wow…” you whispered to yourself, slumping down against your pillows, not having the energy to touch yourself again, but still mesmerized by what was going on right next to you. 
San swallowed harshly, barely able to handle how hard he was at this point. However, he persisted, incredibly satisfied by just feeding off of the sexual energy both you and your boyfriend were providing him. “Don’t swallow, baby. I want you to hold it in your mouth until I tell you what to do with it.” 
Wooyoung nodded his head slightly, feeling more cum slide down his throat, causing him to close it so that he wouldn’t accidentally swallow. He obediently held it in his mouth, breathing carefully through his nose, so that he didn’t choke. 
San sat up and grabbed your arm, forcefully yanking you further down so that you were lying next to your almost fully delirious partner. “I want to watch you drink up all of your cute little boyfriend’s cum from his mouth…but make sure to take your time. Can you do that for me, my darling?” the demon instructed, finally reaching down to wrap his fingers around his hard cock and stroking it lightly. 
You nodded quickly, just as Wooyoung grabbed you by the shoulders and brought you down onto him, his cum-covered tongue slipping past your parted lips. His cum was still very warm and slightly bitter, slowly getting passed around from his mouth to yours and vice versa. 
“Fffuck, that’s it…just like that…” the demon commented, jerking himself off at an incredibly rapid pace, but only when he saw how you had pulled back for a second and let a combination of spit and cum drip down from your mouth onto your boyfriend’s tongue. 
“Look at you, baby…You’re so good for me…” you murmured quietly for only Wooyoung to hear, causing him to let out a small whine, his fingers caressing your cheek. You sighed softly, just as you grabbed Wooyoung’s chin and slurped his cum back into your mouth, earning an even louder whine from him. 
San simply couldn’t take it, reaching his orgasm sooner than he had expected, due to the lewd show he was witnessing. “Fuck…!” he gasped, tossing his head back and shutting his eyes tightly, staining your bed with his seed.
You and Wooyoung both swallowed the remainder of cum and saliva, gazing into each other’s eyes afterwards. Wooyoung ran his thumb over your bottom lip, looking at you with love and lust in his eyes, panting softly, “I…love you…so much…” 
You smiled down at him, lightly caressing his jaw, almost forgetting about the demon sitting on the bed in front of you. “I love you more, Woo.” 
“How adorable,” San chimed dryly, unable to keep himself from grimacing. “You two can fuck after I leave; I’m not done with either of you. Especially you, my little slut.” After addressing you directly, he grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you towards him, promptly spreading your legs apart.
He laid down on the bed, bringing his face close to your slit, his tongue already beginning to slide out of his mouth. “You better squirt for me,” was all he said before his mouth was glued to your pussy, eating you out like his life depended on it. 
“San!” you cried out, unable to handle the sudden influx of pleasure. The pads of his fingers rubbed violently against your swollen clit, his long tongue sliding vigorously up and down your slit, the tip of it already teasing your hole. “Oh my godddd…” Your hands found their way into his jet black hair, gripping it tightly when you felt him push more of his tongue into you. 
San’s cat-like eyes bored into your own, the corner of his lips curling up into a smirk. “Uh-huhhh…I know you love it, baby…” he mused, just before he plunged his tongue deep inside your pulsing entrance, letting out a small ‘ahh’ sound each time he shoved it in and out of you. 
You tossed your head back against the mattress, an endless string of curses and moans leaving your lips, your fingertips squeezing into the sides of the demon’s head. “Don’t stop! Dont fucking stop!” San’s unusually sized tongue threatened to break your mind, but you didn’t care; you just wanted him to keep going.
He wasn’t going to stop, even if you had felt differently — so it worked out. San continued to shove his tongue deep into you, his eyes disappearing behind his half-shut eyelids, giving the illusion that he had no irises. 
Wooyoung had his fingers in your (h/c) hair, playing with it, and silently watching you with a smile on his face and the tip of his cock throbbing against his lower abdomen. “So beautiful…” he sighed, inviting you to turn your face to meet his gaze. 
You felt your cheeks grow warmer from the way he was looking at you. “Yeah?” you whispered, as he grabbed onto one of your breasts with his free hand, gently kneading it. 
“Mm-hmm, now come here.” He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, his plump lips enveloping yours. “Mmm…” he murmured, his voice vibrating into your mouth, his fingers still stroking your hair. 
A pained, muffled cry tore through your vocal cords, feeling an intense piercing sensation near your inner thigh, bringing you to pull away from your boyfriend in order to see what had just happened to you. “What the fuck?!” you reacted as San pulled up slightly, a fair amount of blood dripping down his chin and onto the sheets. 
San growled like an animal would, baring his pointed, blood-stained teeth and looking at you with a hostile glare. “Take your eyes off of me one more time and it’ll hurt a lot more than that. Do I make myself clear?” His hands were squeezing into your thighs, tight enough that his nails began digging painfully into your skin.
“Y-yes, I got it! Please…stop!” you choked, feeling your eyes begin to water when the demon started pushing his tongue against the raw, bleeding section of skin that he bit in. 
San quietly slurped at it until the blood began to clot, swallowing the rest down with a satisfied hum and licking his lips clean. To punish you further, he quickly swatted your swollen pussy with his hand, rubbing it slightly, before doing it once again. “Silly whore doesn’t know her place…” 
You cried out in pain and pleasure, sweat dripping along your jaw and down your neck, settling inside the crevices of your collarbones. “F-fuck…” 
“There, I stopped. Are you happy now?” San asked dryly, eyes flickering from your half-closed ones to Wooyoung’s somewhat worried ones, once he had seen that you gave him a slow nod. “You enjoying the show, pretty boy?” His eyes scanned down the young man’s toned body and settled on his shamelessly hard cock. “Looks like it. I didn’t picture you as the type to get off on watching a demon drinking your girl’s blood after tongue-fucking her. You’re almost as nasty as I am,” he commented, as if he was proud, his previous anger melting away and being replaced by a pleased demeanor. 
A deep blush appeared on Wooyoung’s cheeks, his hand traveling up to his neck, so that he could rub it awkwardly. “I-i guess I am, yeah…”
San rolled his eyes at Wooyoung’s reaction, prior to using one of his fingers to beckon him to his side. “Make yourself useful and finger your girlfriend while I play with her clit, okay? You better do it right, too. I want to see her squirt,” he instructed, making his request very clear once again. 
Wooyoung nodded at San, giving you a soft smile and a wink afterwards, as an attempt to ease the absolute insanity of the situation. He then slid his ring and middle finger into your wet hole, beginning to push them in and out of you. It wasn’t hard for him to bring you back to an intensely pleasurable place, considering that he already knew your body like the back of his hand. 
You moaned and moaned in response, all the while making sure you didn’t accidentally take your eyes off of San. Your back arched forcefully once you felt the demon’s heavy tongue rubbing rapidly against your clit, not even stopping for a second. “S-San…! Ffffuck, I’m gonna…!”
San gave Wooyoung a serious look, using only his eyes, speeding up his movements and applying as much pressure as he could with his tongue. Wooyoung switched it up, slipping in a third digit, as well as curling his fingers up into your cunt. They both eagerly continued their movements at an unforgiving speed, their eyes focused solely on you. “Cum for us, baby,” Wooyoung encouraged, licking his lips, his brown eyes practically sparkling. 
You resisted the urge to look at him, fearful of how San would react. Instead, you kept your eyes on the demon, chanting his name as though it were a prayer. The last time his name left your lips, it came out as a scream. You used your hands to hold San’s face down against your pussy, just in time for you to squirt all over him. 
“Mmmnnn…” San groaned against your slit, eagerly lapping up your essence into his mouth, only stopping when he noticed Wooyoung about to taste your cum on his fingers. With lightning speed, San had grabbed Wooyoung’s wrist tightly, their faces only a few inches apart. “Mine,” was all he said, carefully slipping Wooyoung’s fingers into his mouth, using his tongue to thoroughly clean your wetness from each of his digits. 
The two men exchanged eye contact for a while until San broke it by turning his head to study your fucked-out face. “Think you can take both of us at once? Hmm? Would you be able to handle that, my pretty little slut?” he challenged with a sharp-toothed grin, his head tilting to the side.
The insatiable lust inside you hadn’t been quenched whatsoever; in fact, it was even more debilitating than ever, the previous foreplay you endured acting as gasoline, bringing you closer and closer to the brink of insanity. “Yes. Yes, I can,” you replied, gazing back at the demon with an intensely serious expression, pushing yourself up from the bed and sitting on your knees.
San pushed some air out of his nose, casually grabbing Wooyoung’s shoulders and pushing him down onto the mattress, before positioning himself against the other male’s body, so that they were scissoring. “Mm, that’s it…” 
Wooyoung let out a soft moan, unable to handle how their cocks were pressing directly against one another. “A-are you sure you can take us, baby? San’s…his…is a lot bigger than mine,” he murmured, looking up at you worriedly, as you hovered hesitantly next to them, your hand resting gently on your worried boyfriend’s thigh. 
“Um, well…” you replied, suddenly feeling a lot less confident than before, now that you could get a closer look at San’s hardened cock. It was slightly thicker than Wooyoung’s, at least five inches longer, and a lot veinier. You stared at it for a while, drool pooling inside your mouth, the voice inside your head begging you to ride him growing louder in volume, the longer you waited.
Your reaction brought a pleased smile to San’s face, his seductive voice interrupting your decision-making, “We'll just have to make sure she has enough lube to work with, now don’t we, baby?” he said matter-of-factly in Wooyoung’s direction, spitting into his hand and suddenly gripping both of their cocks with his large tattooed hand, immediately beginning to jerk them off. 
“Oh, fuck…” Wooyoung exhaled, tossing his head back for a moment, his slightly damp hair bouncing along to his movement. He gritted his teeth tightly when he felt San’s hand squeeze their shafts together, eventually relaxing his jaw, giving into the pleasurable feeling. “Nnngh…” With half-closed eyes and parted lips, he simply watched as the demon’s hand continued to move in an overzealous manner. 
“Ahh, it’s getting a little rough. Mind helping us out, darling?” San questioned, turning his head up to look at you, one eyebrow raised slightly. 
You answered his question by leaning yourself down in front of their cocks, gathering up as much spit in your mouth as you possibly could, then letting it drip down onto them. You did this until you could hear the lewd wet sounds San’s hand was making, as he furiously jerked himself and Wooyoung off. 
“Oh, ffffuck yeah…that’s it,” San groaned out, his hand movements starting to become more sloppy, but still fast-paced. “I can feel how much your cock is throbbing against mine, baby. Just let go and cum already.” 
“S-San! Oh my goddd…” Wooyoung moaned, his hips bucking up a few times. He let out a few more choked moans, his orgasm tearing violently through him, San’s name falling from his lips over and over. 
A loud, primal sound erupted from San’s throat, cumming at the same time as Wooyoung, quickly holding his hand over both of their tips, in order to catch most of their cum inside his palm. “Fuck…” he exhaled, his chest moving up and down, trying to catch his breath. 
“Wow…” You wiped some drool from your lips, almost certain that there was a small puddle of arousal soaking into the bed underneath you. 
San’s eyes flickered up to yours, a pleased smile on his sweaty face. “Are you ready, sweetheart?” he inquired breathlessly, slowly moving his cum-covered hand up and down both his and Wooyoung’s lengths, getting them hard again almost instantly. He pushed some air out of his nose when he saw you licking your lips and nodding your head adamantly. “You loved watching that, didn’t you? I bet your tight little pussy is nice and wet for me now, huh?”
“Why don’t you look for yourself?” Making sure to face San, you straddled both of them, spreading your folds apart, so that he could see just how wet you were. 
The demon took in a deep inhale and let it out, extremely satisfied with your whorishness. “Good girl. Now, get to work.” 
“Hold on.” Wooyoung reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the conveniently placed bottle of lube that he had forgotten to put away the previous night, squirting some on his fingers and prodding them past the rim of your tight hole, working them in and out, until you were to take him. “Go slow, baby…” Wooyoung suggested airily, gently rubbing one of your hips and smiling at the back of your head, knowing you weren’t going to look away from San. 
Taking in a deep breath, you hesitantly slid yourself down onto their cocks, taking them both in each of your entrances, and in turn, feeling a deep, unwavering strain within your inner walls, as well as an incessant urge to move immediately and fuck yourself to the point of no return. “F-ffffuck…” 
San grabbed your hips and slowly dragged them down, both him and Wooyoung letting out groans of satisfaction, as soon as they bottomed-out inside of you. “Fffuck, you’re so tight for us, you slutty fucking whore. I can’t wait to stretch you out,” he mused excitedly, his crimson eyes turning completely black, including his scleras. 
You noticed this change right away, murmuring nervously, “J-just give me a second to adjust, okay?”
San gave you an ominous smile, his fingers latching onto your waist. “Sorry, darling, I can’t wait,” he replied, his voice sounding multi-layered, like there were others speaking along with him. Before you could even process this, he began slamming his hips up viciously into yours. 
“Fuck!” you cried out in a strained voice, unable to do anything except take it, not able to contend with his inhuman strength. “P-please! I-aaah-I can’t! It’s too much!” You pleaded with your teary eyes, sort of put off by San’s black ones, but ignoring it, wanting him to show some kind of compassion for you.
 This didn’t work, in the slightest, his only response being to grin evilly up at you and grabbing your wrists, holding them down against your thighs.
“Please, slow down…!”
San shook his head, sweat flying off of his face, his nails digging into your skin and drawing blood. “Shut the fuck up and take this cock!” he snarled, sparing no sympathy for you whatsoever, continuing to thrust into you with reckless abandon.
When a potent amount of pleasure began consuming your body and mind, you relaxed your hands within San’s grasp, letting out a strangled series of moans. 
“I knew you’d give in, my love…You can’t resist me.” 
You didn’t even notice when he had stopped moving entirely and you just started mindlessly fucking yourself; all you knew was that you were doing something right, thoroughly enjoying the way the two men throbbed continuously inside you. 
The demon took immense satisfaction in your submission, prompting him to target Wooyoung, “Do you like how I fucked your girlfriend so hard she went completely dumb? Huh? Do you like how she's riding my cock like it’s her new religion?” 
Wooyoung could barely react to what was happening, having lost his mind just as you did, completely consumed with lust. “Y-essss, I love it when my baby feels good…” After that, the only thing that was coming out of his mouth were moans and your name. The combination of being inside your tight hole and the rampant arousal that coursed through him threatened to break his mind permanently. 
“F-uuuckkk…” Never breaking eye contact with San, even for a second, you continued to bounce on their lengths with unwavering enthusiasm, getting closer and closer to your much-needed release. 
“Take it! Take it! Take it!” the demon chanted, unable to keep himself from letting out a maniacal-sounding laugh, resisting the urge to fuck you into a coma. “Say my fucking name, you whore!” 
“San…! Oh my god, I’m gonna fucking cum! Just for you, San! Just for you!” you cried obediently, taking in a sharp inhale, when San rewarded you by grabbing both of your breasts and massaging them, using the pads of his thumbs to roll your nipples around. 
“That’s fucking right. You hear that, pretty boy?”
Wooyoung mumbled something incoherently, his eyes moving around underneath his shut eyelids, unable to add anything to the dynamic — other than moaning and cursing. 
You desperately ground your hips down onto their pulsing cocks, hot tears streaming down your cheeks, as you felt the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had completely take over your body. You couldn’t even make any sounds. All you could do was keep your barely open eyes locked on the demon’s, feeling like you were ready to float away. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna fill you up. You want my cum inside you, huh? You want it?” San questioned, squeezing your tits roughly inside his calloused palms when you didn’t reply fast enough, bringing you back down to earth. “Answer me!”
“Y-yes!” you gasped, your attention snapping back to San, unable to see him clearly due to your blurry vision. “Please, San, cum inside me! Please! I need it so fucking bad!” 
While his hands moved down to your hips and maintained a death-grip on them, San yelled out something in Latin, cum shooting forcefully out of his dick in hot spurts, filling you up just like you begged him to do. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his eyelids fluttering shut, but still fucking his load into you, wanting it to stay there, so that it would drip out of you the following day. 
“B-baby, I’m gonna…!” Wooyoung was holding onto your waist from behind you, when his own fingers squeezed into your sensitive skin, a strangled yell erupting from his throat, threatening to damage his vocal cords. He pulled out, so that his cum shot out onto your lower back, some spilling out and dripping down his twitching, softened length. 
“F-fuck…” You weakly pulled yourself off of them and collapsed onto the bed, completely and utterly fucked-out beyond comprehension, unable to do anything except lie there and close your eyes.
“Come here…” Wooyoung used all of his strength to move away from San and turn his body in your direction, pulling you toward him and holding you tightly against his chest. You both immediately fell into a deep sleep, not even bothering to acknowledge that the demon was still there. 
San sat in the dark, silently admiring his work, his body still tingling from the overabundance of sexual energy he had collected. “I’ll be sure to visit you two again when I need my fill,” he remarked to himself, slicking his wet hair back and licking the blood that still remained on his jagged teeth, before disappearing into thin air without another word. 
* * *
The sun was already setting by the time you and Wooyoung had regained consciousness, prompting the two of you to look at one another in silence, so that you both could ignore the elephant in the room.
Wooyoung was the first to speak up, his voice hoarse, “S-so…did that really happen? Are we sure it wasn’t  just a…really weird nightmare?”
You used all of your strength to sit up in the bed, eyes focusing on the deep bite mark that was left on your inner thigh, as well as the multiple bruises that littered your skin. You definitely couldn’t ignore the multiple blood and cum stains that were scattered across various sections of your bedsheets. “Yeah, Woo…I think…I think it really did happen.”
Wooyoung grunted, forcing himself to sit up next to you. He rubbed his neck for a bit, silently observing the proof as well. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “So, what do we do now? Buy some holy water and sprinkle some salt around our apartment?”
“I think…I think it might be a little late for that.” You shook your head slightly, letting out a laugh and pulling Wooyoung into your arms to give him a comforting hug, wanting to forget about the darkness of the situation. 
Wooyoung nuzzled your shoulder, humming against your skin, his fingers clutching your bare back. “You might be right,” he murmured, his breath tickling your neck. 
You nuzzled him back, bringing your fingers up to his hair, so that you could pet it in a gentle manner. You remained silent for a while, before adding, “Let’s just buy a crucifix so I can stab him in the dick with it if he shows up again.” 
Wooyoung pulled back slightly to give you a smile and a small giggle, a somewhat mischievous glint in his eyes. “That could definitely work. We would have to sharpen it, though.” 
“Well, yeah, obviously.” 
Tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cloudysannie @aryraaaa @za-con @cosmiczen @choerryge @aikyubi @arusio @gueritaybonita @i-l0v3hands @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @jexidamulti @as-she-pleases @purplechannie @lilactiny @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @cherryxsang @namsloverr @chanst1ddies @woo-stars @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @simeonswhore @k0rean-big-mini0n @fairyoftaehyun @bls-luv-me @lavanyasingh04 @igotlockedout @fl0r4f4wn @miriamxsworld @mork-ly @Woosmaid @kawaiikels @azcon @merciluv-blog @atzcrime @lovekeeho @sup-dallyboy @allofuswantgwinam @breezy-simp
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© toxicccred, 2022.
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atzaurora · 7 days
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choose me over them
member: Yunho
pairing: fem!idol!reader x idol!yunho
type: imagine (smut)
warnings: 18+/smut/suggestive content, MDNI!!!
a/n: sorry for not posting a lot, but for all the Yunho stans, here you go 🤭 feel free to leave feedback and requests!
here's my masterlist!
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Sign, talk, laugh. That's all you did the whole day basically. you guys had a huge fan sign and a lot of people came. all in all it was fun but you hated how they all looked at him.
Yunho has always been attractive in your eyes, but you never expected to actually catch feelings. well here you were, crushing over your own group member and having to look at him interact with all of those girls.
I mean you couldn't blame them, he was gorgeous so obviously they'd all fangirl over him. yet you could still not help yourself but feel jealous.
you tried your best continuing to sign the albums and chat with all the fans that came. every few seconds you found yourself glancing over at him, "having" to check what was going on.
he saw you. your glances burning holes into his skin. he knew those were looks of jealousy in your eyes. he didn't wanna be too bold tho. so he just sat there, continuing the convos, giving his best to ignore your behaviour.
"thank you all so much for coming! 8 makes one team! goodbye Atiny!" you all shouted into the microphone, walking off the stage, waving as you walked.
everyone was exhausted yet extremely thankful for the sweet interactions. "good job everyone" Seonghwa said, looking around happily. "let's go home guys and get some good rest" Hongjoong suggested, groaning as he lets himself fall back on the couch.
you nod "please, I'm tired" you mumble, avoiding Yunho's eye contact when he looks at you.
you can hear him chuckle to himself. "we need to talk." he whispers as he walks past you, outside of the building towards the car.
you look after him, grabbing your bags and walking after the members. what did Yunho want now?
the drive was awfully quiet, no one talked, Yeosang even fell asleep. but we were all tired so the silence was understandable.
we walk into our dorms, San practically carrying Yeosang inside, getting him straight to bed. "come on" Yunho nudges my arm, offering me a soft smile. you smile back, following him to his room.
"so..." you close the door, watching him as he sits on his bed "what did you wanna talk about?"
he chuckles, shaking his head "jealousy is not a good look on your pretty face, sweetheart"
you tilt your head, your eyebrows frowning "what's that supposed to mean?"
"oh come on, I could basically feel your eyes on me. don't try to act all innocent now. you were upset about all these girls wanting me." he says, his expression becoming a little more serious.
could you even talk myself out of this now? probably not. so you just say what you actually feel..."well I'm not thrilled about everyone staring at you, you know"
"I know, but why? you know I don't care about all those girls. I already know who i want." he stands up, walking closer
"what? Yunho, you're too tired to think, go to bed please." you walk a few steps back, shaking your head. he was out of it, no way he liked you back. out of all those girls. pretty girls.
"fuck no. I mean it, Y/n. I want you. no one else. only you" he whispers, sneaking his hand around your neck, moving your hair back.
whatever. you cup his cheeks. pulling him in. god it felt so right, his lips so soft.
the kisses started getting more passionate, more heated. he slipped his tongue in your mouth, tasting me. you groan as you feel him walk you backwards till the back of your knees hit the bed.
he lays you down slowly, his gentle hands moving over your thighs. "you're so beautiful." he whispers as you feel him hook his fingers into the waistband of my jeans, unbuttoning them.
Yunho's fingers slide under the fabric of your panties, you gasp, arching your back in anticipation.
he smirks against your skin before trailing hot kisses along your collarbone. he starts to lift up your top, revealing your stomach, ribs, bra...until your completely exposed.
he unclips your bra in a swift motion, tossing it were your jeans and top already laid.
he starts kissing you again, down your sternum, and finally reaching the hardened nipple of your breast. you moan loudly as he circles it with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, suckling gently.
your mind goes blank from pleasure as he alternates between teasing and pleasuring you.
suddenly, he pulls away, causing you to whimper in protest. "god you're so eager" he laughs, smiling softly yet tempting. "i wanna feel you, baby" he whispers, close to your ear. "i want you so bad Yunho." you whimper, feeling his fingers grazing over your wet hole.
he stops after a bit, making you groan at the lack of contact, but he then starts undressing himself, taking off his shirt, jeans and then sliding his boxers down, revealing his impressively large erection.
without hesitation, he positions himself at your entrance "baby are you sure?" he asks for consent. once you nod eagerly he kisses you softly and pushes inside, filling you completely.
the sensation sends shockwaves through your entire being, it feels incredible. he was big, you were pretty sure you could feel him in your stomach but it felt good.
he starts moving, bucking his hips forward, pushing more and more inside you, hitting your good spot. "mhm~ right there, Yuyu. please don't stop" you moan, digging your fingers into his back.
he starts kissing your face, first your cheek then your jaw, down your neck and up again. the kisses were soft and gentle while his thrusts were firm and hard but very pleasurable.
"you're doing so well, love" he mumbles in between kisses. you clench around him, making him groan and bite down on your neck.
"are you close?" he asks, looking down at you, a mark now forming where he bit you. "y-yes~" you whimper, biting down on your bottom lip, clenching around his cock again.
it only takes another few thrusts till you see stars, while coming all over his dick. he kisses you softly as you cum, murmuring small words of appreciation and praises.
Yunho rides out your high and after a few more seconds you feel him fill you up, the liquid leaking out of you. "good job, darling" he kisses you again.
he pulls out, hugging you tightly and covering you with his blanket "sweetie, you did amazing, I'm gonna be right back to cuddle you to sleep" he smiles at you, so damn adorable.
you nod "it also felt amazing. don't take too long, i wanna cuddle you"
he walks out of the room, coming back after a minute, with your pjs and himself being dressed as well. "there you go" he hands you your clothes
"thanks, baby" you put everything on as he starts talking again "so um, i checked and the others are all sleeping so i think no one heard." he says. "good, i wouldn't wanna take care of that" you chuckle and he smiles as you open your arms for him.
moving under the blanket with you, he holds you tightly, kissing your forehead "get some rest now, my darling" he says quietly, stroking your hair.
you nod, closing your eyes, both of you whispering an 'i love you' before drifting off.
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