#yuri on the web discord server
lines-on-ice · 9 months
Yuri on Cards
We've worked on this for weeks - months! and it all went up yesterday. The biggest collaboration I have ever been a part of, and what an amazing thing it was! So many amazing and emotional art, funny stuff, and a douzen wonderful ficlets. Everybody delivered, I am so grateful. Even more grateful that I got to be paired with @blended-ice art that inspired me so much to write 2 fics i am very pleased to share with you! So, here goes Queen Mila:
And her sorrowful lover, Knight Sara:
And the Art that tied it all:
If you're curious about the rest of the project, go read the Masterpost on Yuri on Card's Tumblr!
Eternal thanks to @arom-antix's wonderful mind.
Come and join us on the Yuri on the Web discord server!
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gildedfrost-ao3 · 19 days
anyone know of any active yuri on ice discords? most mentions online have broken invite links.
i joined one called Yuri on the Web but idk what else is out there. i temp joined another, but they didn't permit any adult content, and i would like spaces with gated/restricted channels for adult fic and art (or adult-only servers).
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yuri-on-cards · 9 months
Yuri!!! On Cards: The Final Master Post
And so it concludes. With the work of so many artists and writers from the Yuri on the Web Discord server, working together across time (zones) and space (continents), the full deck has been assembled, both as art and stories. This post will include links to everything.
A big THANK YOU to every artist and writer on this project for participating and letting all us mortals enjoy your wonderful works. It's been such a pleasure to do this project. And thank you to everyone who indulged my dumb idea initially. Me making an entire deck by myself would've been dumb (my poor hand) but with all your help this became such a fun group project where no hands were lost.
A special thanks to Lil for being the co-admin on this project, managing everything AO3 because I am useless at that and being there for me to ping pong ideas and desicions off of. I'm not a very desicive person on my own so I really appreciated having someone to share my thoughts with.
Another special thanks to Nic for also being co-admin assembling the entire deck, including making the frames used on every card and making them look damn good. And also for making all the non-picture cards to complete the project. I bow down to you, bestie.
Also, to any curious tumblrinas who have followed along, thank your for your interest! We're glad you like our silly little ideas. And to any new curious tumblrinas, thank you too! The works in this post are made by many different artists and writers and while they're all made from the same outlines, don't expect one big connected universe with no continuity errors. The reigns for this project were pretty loose and it's all just for fun and we hope you'll have some too.
Further information about the outlines and prompts for this project can be found in the main outline, the artists outline and the writers outline.
And with that said, here's the list of all the works, devided by kingdom and character:
The Kingdom of Spades, Realm of Dreams King Yuuri, Wanderer of Dreams Artwork by Arrow Story by Mair Queen Minako, Tamer of Minds Artwork by Arrow Story by Mair Knight Mari, Protector of Innocence Artwork by Nic Story by Mair Ace of the Kingdom Minami, Soul of Symphony Artwork by Tony
The Kingdom of Hearts, Realm of Desires King Viktor, Reflection of Truth Artwork by Riki Story by Arrow Queen Mila, Driver of Passion Artwork by Gront Hat Story by Lil Knight Michele, Carrier of Pride Artwork by Cami Ace of the Kingdom Christophe, Allure of the Soul Artwork by Tony Story by Tony
The Kingdom of Clubs, Realm of Stories King Phichit, Weaver of Legends Artwork by Riki Story by Bakubro Queens Axel, Lutz and Loop, Keepers of Tales Artwork by [user] Knight Sara, Borrower of Sorrows Artwork by Gront Hat Story by Lil Aces of the Kingdom Phichit's Hamsters, Critters of Song Artwork by vicchan
The Kingdom of Diamonds, Realm of Treasure King Yuri, The Orphan King Artwork by Nightmare Story by Levi Queen Georgi, The Broken Star Artwork by Gront Hat Knight Jean Jaques, The False King Artwork by it is i Story by Levi Ace of the Kingdom Otabek, The Deep Shadow Artwork by Arrow Story by Levi
Assigned to no specific kingdom are the Jokers: Makkachin, Joker of Companionship Artwork by Jasper Story by Arrow Vicchan, Joker of Memory Artwork by David Story by Levi
All of the written works can also be found in the Yuri on Cards AO3 collection.
To finish, I want to reiterate my thanks because WOW, y'all did not disappoint with your commitment, I am floored. I mean, have you seen these works? I have no words, at least not any that would suffice and y'all know I never shut up. Thank you so much for indulging me and doing it so wholeheartedly, I'll love y'all forever.
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yaoiconnoisseur · 9 months
♠ Knight of Spades - Mari ♠
〈 Protector of Innocence 〉
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Ahhh I finally get to post this :D It was an honor to be able to contribute to the amazing project that is Yuri!!! On Cards from the Yuri!!! On The Web Discord server!
You can see the entire project via this masterpost! If you'd like more context for this gigantic YOI AU, head over to this blog post for an explanation of everything.
I'd like to give a massive shoutout to @arom-antix and @lines-on-ice for basically putting this all together and making this amazing idea a reality. I know Arrow credits me as one of the admins of this project, but I really only made a Google Drive and did a little research for the artists on how to format their cards haha
I had a ton of fun coming up with Mari's design as the Knight of Spades. I knew right away that I wanted Mari's design to reflect her Japanese heritage since the suit of Spades is a fully Japanese cast.
I've cut me talking about the art itself and my thought process while working on it so I don't nuke your dash, but if you'd like to read my ramblings feel free to
Making Mari a samurai was an easy choice since, one, that's basically what a knight was in Japan (albeit there was no legal binding between a daimyo and his samurai), and, two, I've always HC'd Mari as a protective older sister in the sense she'd be fairly hands off until someone made the mistake of bullying her little Yuuri.
I wanted her armor to be blue since that was the overarching color scheme for Spades, but choosing what blues to use was.. Difficult. There needed to be enough contrast between the different pieces of her armor to show that the armor is made of multiple parts while keeping the hues and brightness values close enough to still look cohesive. I also wanted to keep the blues relatively low saturated to bring our Mari's blonde highlights.
(As I was coloring her armor I realized half way through that I basically drew a Samurott ginjinka oops ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)
I had originally intended for the sarashi (the belt) to be pure white, however when I put all the base colors down I realized the white was too much and pulled your eyes away from Mari's overall form. I knew having the belt be pure blue would make the belt blend in too much with the rest of the armor, so I ended up making the belt mostly blue with white accents as a compromise. I still wish the belt could have been white, but oh well.
As for the katana.. That was originally going to be pure blue, but like the belt problem, I had issues keeping the katana from looking muddied. I ended up trying five different variations of black/dark gray until I settled on what you see above lol. It was really difficult making the hilt of the katana look nice because if I went too dark with the blacks I would lose detail on the hilt, but if I went too light I would lose the contrast with the hilt's blues. As for the saya (scabbard/sheathe) I wanted it to be black, but I ended up matching it to Mari's armor instead because a black saya with a mostly black hilt somehow made the entire katana look flat.
The color palates I used for everything else was just me eyeballing her fleshtone and hair color through various screenshots I ripped directly from the show.
The background gave the the most trouble out of everything though because I'm not particularly great at making interesting, minimalistic backgrounds for my art. The card looked to plain without some sort of variation of color behind Mari, but since her armor was already so complex I needed a background that didn't take away from those complexities and didn't muddy the entire piece. I had originally planned to do a sumi-e type background, however I found that no matter what I did the sumi-e designs took away focus from Mari. Eventually I settled on a default abstract Procreate brush and drew lines until something stuck.
Overall I had a blast making this and also the borders for the rest of the cards! I learned a lot about how to format and prep digital canvases for making a card deck, too lol
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arom-antix · 9 months
Yuri!!! On Cards collaboration!
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So, I know I've been pretty inactive recently, at least in posting my own art but for good reason! In the Yuri on the Web Discord server artists and writers alike have all collaborated to illustrate a deck of cards and write stories for each of them. And as a resident artist myself, I couldn't not take the opportunity to draw for this project UuU
Oh and if anyone was wondering, yes, I am to blame for inflicting this giant project onto the server BUT I REGRET NOTHING AND NEITHER WILL YOU IF YOU CHECK OUT EVERYONE ELSE'S WORKS. Trust me, they are amazing! The masterpost can be found here!
GIANT thanks to @lines-on-ice and @yaoiconnoisseur for helping so much and being amazing co-administrators and basically making this entire thing possible! You really saved me from my own overambition XD
The guidelines for this project can be found on the Yuri!!! On Cards blog as can the masterpost with all the links to everything. All the art that gets posted to Tumblr will also be reblogged by the blog.
With all that said, here's the actual art I made! (Break for those who don't want their dash to die UuU)
Okay, I lied. First, I'd heavily recommend for you to check out the guideline posts, both the general and artists' and even the writers' if you're up to it to get a grasp of the perimeters of this project. There's also some vague lore and AU stuff about the whole thing to find which will give you context for why the art looks the way it does to a certain extent.
You can also just jump right in and take everything as I ramble about it which, I mean, I won't stop you, the guideline posts aren't short. I will not blame you. You can still just look at the art. If that's your choice, go on ahead!
First up!
Ace of the Kingdom Otabek, The Deep Shadow
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Being of the Kingdom of Diamonds, he's skillful and sharp. He moves quietly as a shadow and is just as mysterious.
Okay, I can't comment much on how he actually is, you'll have find that out by reading his fic(let?). They were supposed to be ficlets but as writers tend to do, none of us could manage that so take "ficlet" with a big grain of salt for every written work.
I've, by the way, not read any of the ficlets for this project beside my own so I'll get to experience the reveal with y'all and I'm gonna perish waiting.
Anyway, about the art. The yellow of course comes from the Kingdom of Diamonds' designated colour. As for the outfit, it's based on this handsome fellow I found who's supposed to be a Kazakh archer which I thought fit Otabek's whole shadow thing perfectly (and Writingfromtheshadow's fic Equivalent Exchange has me in an iron grip and I don't want to be released).
If there are any Kazakhs in the audience, you are free to laugh at me for any inaccuracies or missteps, I am but a humble little not-Kazakh, I don't expect to have gotten it all right UuU
Next up!
King Yuuri, Wanderer of Dreams
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The ruler of his realm, he is as the mind flows. Kind and benevolent yet of fickle thoughts, the spirals of the subconscious are ones he both masters and bows to.
Again, gonna be waiting for his fic with everyone else but like. It's Yuuri. Anxiety is kind of a given.
In terms of art, I don't know if you can tell but this was where I started writing my will because oh my stars, what did I get myself into. If you follow me or my art, you'll know that I don't draw lineless. Like ever. And apparently I decided this project on a deadline that others were depending on me making look nice was the place to go all out.
And the worst part is that I'm not even mad at it so I have no argument to not do it again.
Anyway, the blue is from the designated colour of spades and yes, you've guessed right as to why this colour was picked for this suit. I'm predictable, leave me alone. As for the rest, the outfit is inspired by traditional Japanese dress that the Internet told me about (again, Japanese may laugh at me all they want UuU Your culture is very cool but also there was so much info, I hope I got it at least a bit right).
Also I spent like eight hours looking at hanakotoba for this and I've never been this happy about a decision I regretted so much while I was having to draw that many flowers. And you know I had to include The Gay Flower^(TM).
The Japanese iris is now Yuuri's btw.
All the flowers used are: Japanese irises, Jasmine flowers, Forget-me-nots, cherry blossoms, white roses, green carnations and blue roses (Viktor's flower. Read: I am predictable).
And finally!
Queen Minako, Tamer of Minds
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Of the Realm of Dreams, she sees your fears, the snares laid by the subconscious and, strict and blunt as she is, she clears a path for the motivated and lets no potential go to waste.
Again, haven't read a word of the fic.
This one was by far the one that I made the fastest and I would've loved to do more with it but like deadlines. I'm gracefully skipping over the fact that I set the deadline and am fully to blame for being late.
But, as with Yuuri, blue is for spades. And since I wanted her to have a leotard but still match Yuuri and make her outfit look even slightly Japanese inspired, sheer fabric to the rescue! With cherry blossoms, of course, because CSP had the pattern preinstalled UuU
And I don't know if it worked but I tried to make her hair both look like her signature style, traditional Japanese hairstyles I found on the good ol' Interwebs and then kind of a spade by having that middle stick be the stem and the hair the spade's butt.
Also this probably goes without saying but the ranks of the characters are just titles. Yuuri is not married to Minako, she is just the Queen and he the King, don't worry.
Again, a BIG thank you to everyone who also participated, it was so fun to work together on this and see everyone's progress! Nic and Lil, you're amazing, thank you so much for everything you've done for this!
And to everyone who's made it this far, thank you for sticking around and please go check out all the other art and the ficlets! I promise it's worth it!
Masterpost | AO3 collection
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viktortittiforov · 6 months
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yuuri's tummy is an international treasure. a beacon of light in this dark world. and fortunately the boy knows it 🙏
aka i promised the yuri on the web discord server crop top yuuri, so here is crop top yuuri (because the crop top yuuri hype is never over in my heart). several months late, but nevertheless. i had intended to finish this for yuuri's birthday, but... now i guess it's a late birthday present for viktor. i think he'd appreciate it, anyway 👀
credit for the hashtag on the crop top goes to the discord server, too, specifically to @lines-on-ice ✨ and now i kind of want one too...
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lexxynexus · 9 months
So a Discord server I am apart of Called Yuri on the Web (I’ll ad a link at the end of the post ) Well they did an event Where they were asked artist and Writers to Create a design or a background for the cards and I Signed up for Makkachin so here is the full pice I created for the Joker of Companionship And to also add in there is a completed pice with the borders made by @yaoiconnoisseur Thanks for the amazing borders they are so sleek and appealing to the cards you did an amazing job
https://disboard.org/server/1088916397184254075 The Yuri on the web community are so so sweet and kind so if you want to join go ahead
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hikarry · 1 year
Yuri on Ice Discord Server
Hey guys, check out our Yuri on Ice discord server! We run events sometimes and are planning a watch party soon!
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heramenae · 1 year
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With Pride coming up a few of us in the Yuri on the Web discord thought we’d create some prompts to wet our creative juices with some Queer and Pride related prompts. 
Want to join the discord? Check us out on disboard here: https://disboard.org/server/1088916397184254075. We’re a bunch of YOI fans that share our favourite fanfics, fanart etc while we (patiently) wait for updates. We also welcome other fandoms and discussions so we can all share our own life and loves! (We have a Eurovision final watch event coming up as well!)
Closer to the time we'll have a dedicated channel in the discord where we can share all of our creations (and cheer on each other!)
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yuri-for-inktober · 9 months
I am Jasper And I will be the one running the tumblr page for The INKTOBER for the Yuri on the Web Discord server
Every day i and others will be posting Yuri on ice INKTOBER pieces and the theme is going to be
✨Character Costumes✨
And at the end of October I will be posting a master post with all the Artist and the Pictures and so you can all go show your support for them!!!
And here is a sever link to the dc sever https://discord.gg/EVrhV8HSFv
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lines-on-ice · 1 year
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The Discord Haiku Bot we put in the Yuri on the Web Discord server is as silly as the one from Tumblr and @shh-im-writing-queer decided to make the best involontary Haïkus from our server into sort-of motivational posters.
I love mine!!
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cvnniballvr · 27 days
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Haiya!1!22! We are an OSDD-1b Traumagenic system, we collectively go by Vincent or Lance and collectively use He/it.
This account will be mainly used by the main host Vincent, who goes by He/it with lots of other neos. We collectively all know how to draw, and we have an interest in drawing a lot of ocs who are Cannibals, Murders, Snuff steamers, etc.
This is our discord server.
I will take it upon myself to list the content warnings that will be on this account.
- Gore, Abuse mention, Implied/Slight NSFW, Unhealthy relationships, Toxicity, Angst, Self harm, Cannibalism, Murder, and so on that I cannot remember..
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We are bodily a MINOR, so no weirdos or freaks on this account.
We are fictive heavy, male heavy, and nonhuman heavy with a high alter count (WE ARE NOT POLYFRAGMENTED).
We're collectively Gay, Aroace, Demisexual, and Trans FTM and we have a partner system <3
Our Frequent Fronters are ;;
Vincent, Boy Failure, Wolf, Mr. Ackerman, Hinata, Levi Ackerman, and Dazai.
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Do Not Interact if ;;
Proshipper, Comshipper, Darkshipper, Lolicon, Shotacon, Pro Israel, Puppiipaws supporter, BASIC DNI, Endosystems or supporters, Fakeclaimers, Transmed, Homophobia, Transphobia, Xenogender and Neopronoun antis, Pro Paraphilia, and so on.
Our Interests ;;
Attack on Titan, Bungo Stray Dogs, Kidcore, Boy Love, Yaoi, Regretevator, Dark Web, Creepypasta, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Danganronpa, Underverse, Dead Plate, Studio Investigrave, Naruto, Project Sekai, Black Butler, Everthing Is Fine, Saiki K, Angels, Clowncore, Servamp, Cannibalism, Fictional Gore, Indie Games, Cats, Weirdcore, Angelcore, Dreamcore, My Hero Academia, Haibane Renmei, Yuri on Ice, Spiderverse, Five Night's at Freddy's, ZENOremake, NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, Clinic of Horrors, etc.
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yuri-on-cards · 9 months
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Art by user vicchan from the Yuri on the Web Discord server
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arom-antix · 1 year
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I had the honour of drawing the banner for the Yuri on the Web Discord server!
Go ahead and join the server if you're as deep in the brainrot as the rest of us! https://href.li/?https://disboard.org/server/1088916397184254075
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masterhandss · 4 years
‘My Next Life as A Villainess’ Anime is over...
A lot of us are disappointed that Katarina’s adventures are finally over, and a lot of us are gonna miss watching the wacky hi-jinks of our dense villainess. I’ve seen a lot of people say that they will stop posting or paying attention to hamefura after the anime ends, and while I might be the same to some extent, I just want to say that there are still a lot of hamefura things to look forward to after the anime ends!
These are actually some very obvious things to look forward to, but you know I’d still like to share them so you can use them to fill the hole in your heart that the anime left behind.
Edit: (9/30/20) I added stuff, as well as a cut for all yall who says my posts are too long qwq
The Manga
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Hamefura still has an on-going manga that is currently in Chapter 3 of the Light Novels! A lot of you already read it, and understand that it can get frustrating when there’s a lack of updates on the english side of things, but if you’re really curious, you can go over and check out the JP releases every month so you can have an idea of whats to come for the manga :DD (The fan translation of ENG Chapter 26 came out a few days ago so you know it’s not dead!!)
I’d recommend reading the english translation on Mangadex, since most translation groups officially upload their translation on there. 
The Spin-off (Hametsuo/Bakarina Alter)
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It deserves it’s own category for just how unique it is in terms of its reception in the western crowd. I know a lot of people probably read it, but I guess people barely talk about because it’s not really that far into it’s premise yet. 
I just can’t stop recommending this manga to people (despite not going where I thought it’d be) because of how good the art-style is and how much promise it has. It updates monthly, which I know is a long wait, but it does pay off when you see the quality of everything. Plus it’s just fun to imagine how hamefura would go if it followed the typical “villainess otome isekai” format.
I actually love talking about hametsuo, so maybe my posts are woth the look ;; w ;;
The Light Novels
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credits to @sparckle-art​ for the scans!
I’m happy to read that a lot of people are gonna go switch and buy the light novels after the anime ends! By the time the anime ends, the Vol. 6 of the LN would release a week later, acting kind of like a replacement of what is supposed to be a new episode for that week.
The fan-translated version of the web novel is available online, up until half of Vol. 4, but I still recommend buying the books on bookwalker (i don’t know if the sale is still there, but I’d recommend picking up the book regardless!). If reading the fan translation piqued your interest, then playing for the books would definitely worth your money if you ask me! 
An increase of sales might show them that there’s interest for this light novel, and might make them translate the JP novels even faster! (or maybe i’m just too impatient to wait 2-3 months for Volume 7 dshfjsfgs who knows?)
My only warning is that the tone really does shift post-arc 1 (Fortune Lover I) so if you’re looking for harem hijinks, from spoilers I’ve seen I think there would less of that and more of world building. (ps. please stop asking me where to read it ;;-;;)
Edit: Volume 8 is coming out in a few months, with Volume 9 probably being released at either Jan or Feb next year, then after that it’ll be a yearly update
StoryMe Otome Game
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credit to the hamefura reddit discord for the screenshots!
I’m surprised a lot of people doesn’t know about the StoryMe game, despite it updating every week alongside the anime. Just kidding I didn’t either lol, I actually found about this thanks to the hamefura reddit discord server! StoryMe is a choose-your-own-adventure otome game, kind of like those “Episodes” or “Chapters” game that gets recommended on Youtube a lot. 
It’s still in japanese, which is probably why not a lot of people knows of it yet, but it seems like you can play as Katarina and romance anyone from the entire harem (yes, the girls too), so keep you eyes peeled for if ever it gets an english translation!
It’s basically the bluray Fortune Lover game with the DVDs, but instead of Maria, you actually get to play as Katarina!
(I’ll make a separate post for this later, maybe)
Edit: The game just came out in English in September 16, and just spat out a 11-episode update at September 30
tldr: go play it, it has 19 episodes out right now
Katarina’s Farm
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It’s a newly announced mobile game with a web trial version that centers around playing as Katarina, trying to earn money and points for expanding your farm land, planting more expensive plants and getting the other members of the harem to join you! It’s a 2D pixel game that seems like it wouldnt take too much time to play (you can get the first 4 characters within 30 minutes of gameplay, but that might be adjusted in the mobile version) so I understand if it might not interest some people, but that’s still something to look forward to!
I made another post about it so check out the link to the web version here!
The Bluray Otome Game
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While I can’t say this for certain, but maybe if there was ever an official english bluray release, it might include the Fortune Lover Male Capture Target Routes that are included in the game. Maybe someone will play it and translate it even! It would interesting to see how different the boys are, and give us further appreciation for Katarina’s influence and changes!
There’s a preview for a CG in Keith’s Route, which comes with the second bluray (no pv for Geordo ;; w ;;)
Edit: All the boy’s routes are out in Japanese
We don’t know if they’ll ever be released in English though, so hopefully someone translates them at least ;;w;;
The Manga and Yuri Anthology
Missing the hilarious and heartwarming antics of Katarina and her harem? Then you should check out the Manga Anthology (that has just been been translated in its entirety). It’s 14 chapters of absolute hilarity!
There’s also a Yuri Anthology, featuring the 4 girls of the harem! If you’re looking for more of that then, it’s an absolute recommendation!
Spin-off Visual Novel
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Edit: They recently just announced a spinoff visual novel! It takes place after the Fortune Lover 1 Arc and features sexy pirates hgsjhgsdf
It’s just recently announced so there’s not a lot of info besides the company making it (it’s Otomate) and the fact that it’s gonna be an all new Bakarina adventure uwu
Bakarina Radio
I heard there’s a Bakarina Radio too, featurning the VAs of the anime cast. 
I don’t know if its a regular thing or a one time thing, but its still worth checkin out!
The Second Season of the Anime
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I seriously wasn’t expecting another season, considering how different the next arc is, but I’m happy nonetheless for more Bakarina! I hope this motivates the fans to continue supporting the series, as a bigger reaction will definitely lead to more content for us to enjoy! I have a theory about S2, which I think is worth the read :3c
Other Otome Isekais
There’s a lot of other Villainess Otome Isekai’s that are worth the read, and a lot of them as just as interesting as hamefura, despite the lack of a harem (from deep rooted revenge to hilarious and crazy villainess, there’s a lot!) The quickest recommendation I can give is just looking up “Akuyaku” and “Villainess” on Mangadex (do both btw they dont have the same results), but theres a lot that doesn’t get recommended so do your research! I swear it’s worth your time!
Anyways, I hope any of these fill the hole that the hamefura anime will leave in our hearts as we wait for season 2! (sorry for repeating the same line again hdsfgdjhsfg) Feel free to add anything like fanfic recommendations and artists, as I can’t cover everything on my own, as those really help provide hamefura fans with content :DD
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digitaldreams0801 · 2 years
System Introduction
It has come to my attention that we have not made a system introduction post. Whoops. We haven't mentioned it on here much (if at all), but we're a plural system by the name of Tempest Heaven (catchall Tempest). We're mixed-origin and polyfragmented and use they/them collectively. Below, you can find a compilation of basic information about our frequent fronters. We're very introject heavy, and most of our fictives come from Fire Emblem, Digimon, Ace Attorney, Great Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, Octopath Traveler, and RWBY. If you would like to talk to any of our introjects (or just us in general), feel free to DM us. We also moderate a fully inclusive system server on Discord if anyone is interested in joining.
Frequent Fronters
Chris [Crescent] - they/them, fae/faer. Primary host, the one who most of you likely know as the operator of this account. All untagged posts are from them.
Soren - he/him, they/them. Soren fictive from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
Songbird - they/them, he/him. Unlikely to post in public spaces.
Pearl - she/her, they/them. Pearl Fey fictive from Ace Attorney. Has memories up to Dual Destinies.
Cyrus - he/him. Cyrus Albright fictive from Octopath Traveler.
Jill - she/her, they/them. Jill fictive from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
Primrose - she/her. Primrose Azelhart fictive from Octopath Traveler.
Therion - he/him, they/them. Therion fictive from Octopath Traveler.
Essex - she/her, they/them. One of the four system hosts.
Chrysalis [Oracle] - she/her, they/them. One of the four system hosts.
Kay - she/her, they/them. Kay Faraday fictive from Ace Attorney Investigations.
Yellow - she/her, they/them. One of the four system hosts.
Blake - they/them, she/her. Blake Belladonna fictive from RWBY.
Ruby - they/them, she/her. Ruby Rose fictive from RWBY.
Weiss - she/her. Weiss Schnee fictive from RWBY.
Raven - she/her. Unlikely to post in public spaces.
Vernal [Lilly] - she/her. Vernal Branwen fictive from Fixing RWBY web series.
Ilia - they/them, she/her, any. Ilia Amitola fictive from RWBY. Has no memories of canon.
Gina - she/her, they/them. Gina Lestrade fictive from Great Ace Attorney.
Yuri - they/them, he/him, she/her. Yuri Leclerc fictive from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Rika - they/them, ae/aer, she/her. Rika Nonaka fictive from Digimon Tamers.
Maria - she/her, they/them, it/its. Maria Goulloyne fictive from Great Ace Attorney.
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