#zabrak fic
justalittletomato · 1 year
Of bones and hunts (Maul and Savage fic)
WELLL LOOK WHO WROTE SOMETHING FOR ONCE....and for once more Maul and Savage focused....and also some nightbrother headcanons also some good old angst and fluff. And some ocs at the end because I cant resist. 
@gran-maul-seizure @patchiefrog @eyecandyeoz @by-the-primes @kimageddon @literatureandqueen @apocalypticwafflekitten @hannagoldworthy @storm89 @stardustbee @spookiifi 
He did not know the customs, he could hardly recall the melody of the songs his brother tried to hum.  Maul’s upbringing was filled with strategies, skills and memorization of the many star system, not the mention the cruelty and torture…but that was the past…though the past never seemed to completely disappear. 
His fingers trace over the sharpened edges of the spear in hand. Crude weaponry his master might have said or not have even given Maul the advantage of a spear. No weapons besides Maul himself…
“Brother, are you listening?”  A deep voice asked. 
Like being pulled from a cold stream, Maul shook slightly. 
“I will take that as a no”,  a small sigh, “It is alright, “ there was an unspoken understanding between the brothers. The past would forever marr Maul’s mind as it would Savage’s. 
“But do try, brother, this task requires our combined efforts.” 
“I can easily take down a rancor on my own brother, I have done so before” Maul remarks, “and with less.” 
Savages nods, he knows.
“But this time you do not need to do so, it is tradition for all nightbrothers to go on the hunt together. You are long overdue for one,” Savage does not remark how overdue. Trying his best not to recall a wiry and scrawny Feral ever so excited for his first hunt. 12 cycles old. It had been a proud moment for Savage helping his little brother…
“I am no nightbrother, that life…”
“Stolen from you and now you are free to choose, do you want to go on the hunt or not?” Savage breaks from his memory. 
The crimson zabrak nods. He does while at the same moment knows this will end terribly. 
Maul as the younger is tasked to lure the beast. A grin on his face as he approaches the beast. Rancors do not get startled, they become angered so much like many of inhabitants of Dathomir. 
It kicks at the ground, the red dirt blowing up. An angered roar from deep in its chest, Maul mocks it with another step too close angering the beast further. 
Savage chides Maul mentally, he knows Maul would have done such a thing. 
The older brother makes him approach with one of the weapons the two had constructed. 
The beat roared again at the onslaught of the attack. Rearing its head and lunging at Maul who tumbled from its grip. 
Savage called to Maul to attack once more. Maul grinned, This was fun! This was exhilarating! 
The beast bucked and howled. 
Maul attacked. 
Savage was able to tie the beast and removed a hand carved knife from his pocket, “ Its tradition, you get to finish the beast off brother.”
There is a form of understanding on the desolate and harsh dathomir, death comes it is a part of life. Maul’s grin fades looking down at the rancor. 
He covers its eyes with his palm and sinks the blade into the beast. It gives one last bellow and silences for good. 
“I have killed things before.”
“A hunt like this is different, no anger, no threat of absolute death…come along I will teach you how to butcher it and dont you dare toss away any bones.” 
Maul furrows his brow. 
“Bone broth, the little nightbrothers always gnawed the little bones while the elders stored the best ones for broth. The marrow is coveted for it.” 
Savage showed Maul how to cut and properly prepare for transport all the while conjuring images in Maul’s mind on how commonplace this once was. This abandoned village once once full of nightbrothers. Maul could sense their lingering memory at every doorway and window. 
“We would have truly been in the Fanged gods favor for brining in such a beast, this one would feed the village for more than a week. The little ones and elders might even get extra helpings.” Savage  points at a small container near on the table where they worked. The wood worn by many years of use. 
“In that pot we would have stored the fat, little nightbrothers would dig thier small hands in for a little more fat. I had to seal ours as Feral always…” 
Maul could picture it, the house they were in was once Savage and Feral’s…there was a warmth here that never seemed to fade until now. A cold that overcame.
“He should have been there with us…on our hunt.” 
Maul could offer no words of comfort, the promise of revenge on the tip of his tongue, but he knew that was not wanted. Savage wanted his brother back…his true brother not Maul. Maul who was stolen before he could toddle and only just returned. Maul was Savage’s brother by blood but the bond between them…
“You two would have been the death of me hunting together, always biting more than you should. Always taking risks and putting your selves in danger. I would have had to scold you both at every turn. I wish you could have known him…”
Maul adds in his mind, “I wish you could be him.” 
Savage taught his brother how to best store and preserve the cuts. Maul somewhat eager about the mention of jerky especially as Savage continually peppered the slices with spices. 
“Unfortunately this one will take some weeks,”
Maul could wait. 
Not a bit was wasted and Savage eagerly picked some bones, “When we return I will show you how to make a broth with these.” 
Maul devoured two bowlfuls. 
It is some time later. Some years and a new galaxy…
Maul returns with a bag of bones and plans to return to where he had hunted. 
The little nightbrothers and sisters eagerly greet him and inspect the bag. Each one taking a bone for themselves and gnawing happily. 
Maul chides the small crimson boy not to take the bigger bones with marrow, 
“I’ll show you how to make broth with these.”  he promises the child. The boy known as Cress smiles eagerly. 
The little group follows him back into the Fortress, Maul eagerly sharing about the hunt and the plans for meals over the coming weeks, but for this cold night? 
“ A broth for us will be plentiful, you will all see how it's made so you too could learn. It's something that should be shared.” The bag of bones in one hand the other hand taking gentle hold of the little Nightbrother beside him. 
“One day you will all go hunting as a group, you must help another and keep another safe...” he gives the small hand a squeeze, “ You will most definitely scold another for the risks but still take great care. You are all brothers after all.”  Little Feral, Ares and Cress grin. 
“And sisters!” Little Eris and Aster protest. 
A nod and chuckle from Maul, “ And sisters...now come along and gather about.” 
The last group of nightsisters and brothers huddle about and listen as Maul begins. 
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 4 months
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savage has never seen his brother smile like this before. like he's feeling... joy. excitement. not for murderous plots or yet another scheme to unsettle that smarmy, annoying little jedi. no just... just this. whatever he's feeling, it has put this look on his face. savage stares, trying to imprint the moment on his mind. eventually, he dares ask: what did these white-blue lines mean? what about them was so special? they are a map, maul explains with soft reverence, to a lost place of the sith. to a place of history. history? how strange. it was history that spoke to his brother so? he does not understand, but that hardly matters. it only matters that it has given him this singular vision of maul. of the nightbrother he was supposed to be. less... burdened. savage suggests they go see it, forget their current mission, and follow the map to the where history sleeps. his brother agrees, turning for the cockpit and stalking toward the controls. savage follows just behind him, as ever.
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jaguarys · 7 months
Whoever decided that Zabraks purr was so fucking correct. Thank you. The aliens DO in fact act like cats. 10 more fics with it on my desk by tomorrow
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findafight · 1 year
Eddie's never met a Jedi. Of course he hasn't. But he's seen a Jedi, way back during the clone wars, when a battalion had helped after seppies had targeted civilian supply lines.
Eddie's pretty sure they were Kel Dor, what with the breathing apparatus. They'd worn tan and woody robes, long and elegant and flowing as they'd weaved between people, helping them stand or tending to wounds.
What had stood out to Eddie, watching this being that was supposedly a fierce warrior of light, was that they...were normal. They laughed and shrugged and cooed at babies, just like anyone else.
That was until the Jedi had raised their hands and lifted a two-tonne shipping crate into the air without so much as touching it. It frightened Eddie, then. Barely twenty and in the middle of a war his planet didn't want a part of. Beings that could lift and toss objects too heavy to move without machinery like they were playthings are not to be unwary of.
Of course. Eddie had spent a lot of the redistribution of rations effort around clones. They'd seemed...fine? While he is no stranger to speaking his mind he had thought well enough ahead that he probably shouldnt ask if they'd wanted to be there. Figured that might get him kicked off the project and he needed the money.
He listened instead. How they called each other things like Spoon and Duck and Trinity and Loopback as though they were names. Maybe they were. Eddie didn't know and didn't want to ask at the time.
But the Clones had been friendly, if formal. They spoke of their general with fondness and respect and a tinge of awe that felt appropriate to seeing what a Jedi was capable of frequently.
Eddie had liked them.
And then Empire Day came, and the Jedi were declared traitors and the galaxy as he knew it fell apart.
It never made much sense, from what Eddie had seen, for the Clones to kill the Jedi. But nobody asked Eddie, so Eddie didn't say. He did get sucked into the Rebellion though, and heard rumours about mind control and sith and a dozen other things.
So no. Eddie had never met a Jedi. But he'd seen one.
Chrissy had spoken about the rumoured Jedi (or-- not-jedi? She said they often refused the title) that stayed in the small Rebel enclave they've been helping. There were two, apparently. She'd met them, even, during a debrief where she'd been discussing how to better use their resources to help her contacts on the Freedom Trail. They'd barrelled in and spoken in such a way that Chrissy would have swore they were of the same mind, had they not been on opposite ends of the room.
"they were polite." Chrissy said, headtail twitching. "For people who interrupted an important meeting." Eddie'd laughed. "One, the Balosar man, he was very insistent that we delay our plans. The other, I think she was human? It's hard to tell, said the force was calling to them and very insistent about it during meditation."
"seriously? And the generals did it?"
"oh no. They argued for another twenty minutes before the not-Jedi threw up their arms and said, in unison Eddie!, 'The shipment will be lost if you go ahead with it. Better late than never, pricks.' and walked out."
So. On an abstract level, Eddie knew that whenever he entered the hangar bay to run maintenance or completely rebuild a ship, there was a chance for him to meet a former? Jedi.
He'd gotten well acquainted with a group of teenagers there, ones who were friends with the younger brother of the heir apparent to the region they were in and liked the make-believe games he ran in his off hours. But he never really thought about the Jedi that supposedly haunted the base until a woman shouted for Dustin, a rodian who was part of his little sheepies and had literal stars in his eyes when Eddie spoke, to come over. Dustin, the betrayer, jumped up and dashed off without even a word of goodbye.
"okay, so the head mechanic needs this-" she gestures to a small smuggling freighter that had seen far better days "hunk of junk out of the way so they can start work on a couple of x-wings. Steve and I figured we could help her out and get you to work on control of larger objects."
Eddie meandered casually over. Just to watch. Just to...see.
Dustin bounced on his feet. "Really? Woah! Where are we putting it?"
She pointed up, to the open vertical entry doors that created the roof of the hanger. "Steve's up there, he'll make sure if your control slips we don't crush the ship or anyone on the floor once you get it high, and he'll get it out and place it where it's supposed to go. I'll be here with you so you don't hurt yourself."
"I'm not gonna hurt myself."
She patted his head "yeah. Cuz I'm right here making sure."
"uhg. Almost wish I never learned you guys used to be Jedi."
"and who would train you then? No one. You and El would be sad little tooka kits all on your lonesome." She raised her voice to yell at the roof, "you ready Stevie?" and it should not have been loud enough to carry, the tone of an after thought, as though she already knew the answer and the question was just for the spectators, but the figure silhouetted waved.
Then, Dustin took a steadying breath, raised his arms, and closed his eyes. Slowly, the ship in front of him groaned and rose up. A crowd had formed, watching a magic thought extinct.
The woman's eyes darted between Dustin and the freighter, one hand loosely outstretched. It occurred to Eddie that neither wore the tunics and robes of Jedi. Dustin ran around in the mismatched pants and shirts of the Rebels' donations, while the woman wore deep greens. There were no dramatic sleeves that swished when they moved, just slightly loose fabric fastened by a belt and holster. He wonders if she ever wore them.
Dustin struggled for a moment, the ship quivering ten feet up, and the woman tensed slightly before he loosened. Eyes open, she deftly moved her arms up with the ship following, an ease in her movements that Dustin lacked. When she dropped her arms as well, the freighter stayed moving upwards, the other not-Jedi, Steve, likely taking over.
"good work for your first go." She said, draping an arm casually over Dustin's shoulders.
"I barely got it off the ground! Don't patronize me, Robin."
Eddie stepped in "considering I wouldn't even be able to move it sideways an inch, I'd say you did pretty well, Dustin."
The kid spun, just as the light comes shining back through as Steve maneuvered the ship out of the hangar. "Eddie! You saw?"
He scoffed "uh. Yes? Why didn't you tell me this is what you did when Im not around"
The woman-Robin, Eddie supposed, tensed. "It's not particularly safe to boast about it. Especially when it's not clear if you're alone."
Ah. Yeah. That did make sense. "Then why practice in a hangar with two dozen people around?"
She shrugged, and looked up. Eddie followed her sightlines and "wait is he gonna-" just as the figure that must be Steve launched himself off the edge of the open roof and towards them. He landed, he's leather jacket flapping behind him, and stood straight, grinning.
Robin laughed. "You'll give someone a heart attack one of these days, Steve."
"eh. No one's died so far."
Dustin smiled too "I'm getting pretty good at my controlled falls too! Oh, Steve, this is Eddie!"
And then Steve turned his gaze on Eddie, and his brain may have melted.
Steve looked like a spacer, windswept from the fall and leather jacket snug around his shoulders, two different holsters visible, his pants deliciously tight. He ran a hand through his hair, his antennapalps bobbing, and stuck it out for a shake.
"so, you're the great Eddie Munson Dustin hasn't shut up about? Good to meet you."
"mmhmm!" He forced his hand out to jerkily shake Steve's. Jeez. It was as though he'd never seen anyone beautiful before. His best friend was a Twilek dancer (and spy) for star's sake. He needed to get it together. Jedi didn't date, Eddie was pretty sure. Something about the force or power or devotion or something. He wasn't sure. He wasn't a Jedi. He wasn't a not-Jedi either.
Steve only smiled and turned back to Dustin. "So. Next time you need to let the Force flow. You're still trying to shove it, which never works. You direct it, like changing the course of a river."
"but not," Robin added seamlessly, and oh, wow, that was weird than you Chrissy "like a dam. Trying to block it won't give you strength. You're more..."
"using a log to ensure the water finds a different path."
"to go where you want it to go, do what you want it to do, without preventing it's natural flow."
"you guys are so annoying." Dustin huffed. "You know that? You can claim it's your Concordance of Fealty all you want but I know your freaky thing is not normal for it." He groaned. "But sometimes I feel when you guys, like, shape it. Change it. What the kark is that about? If I'm not supposed to dam it, how do I change it and use it like you do?"
Both grinned "We're older. Master the basics, we must, before attempting the advanced, young one." The voice Steve used was croaky, an impression.
Dustin pulled a face. "Don't quote Grandmaster Yoda at me!"
Robin and Steve laughed, leaning on each other. Suddenly, Eddie felt as though he was intruding. Though they hadn't told him to leave, they were sharing about...about a relative, Eddie guessed. Someone near to them and their almost-dead culture.
"I can quote him all I want, I drank enough of his atrocious tea to deserve it!"
"he's dead. You're going to sit here and insult your dead great-grandmaster, the last Grandmaster of the Order?"
Steve got Dustin in a headlock "while we mourn their loss, and acknowledge the pain of their untimely and unjust passing, we celebrate their memory. Yoda, the old frog, is one with the Force, and while I can wish for his guidance, I can also make fun of his vile cookies I had to eat at lineage dinners all I want."
"pretty sure they were barely considered edible for near-humans" Robin adds. She caught Eddie's eye, and winked. "Who's up for actually edible tea? Dustin can practice his fine control and pour for us.
Both Dustin and Steve groaned. "The kid is gonna spill all over us for fun, Bobbin."
Concept post Dustin discovers they're jedi
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gggoldfinch · 4 months
Ermine • Star Wars OC
Having finally published the beginning of my Star Wars fic Lonley Universe, I figured I should also post my art of Ermine & her sabers.
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(Click for better quality. Do not repost :) )
Featured in the top two drawing is Ermine’s favorite robe— a cultural relic from her homeworld of Ezoria. It is crafted from and dyed with the vegetation of Ezoria, and decorated with the wings and exoskeleton fragments of the giant “holy” insects native to the planet. The wings traditionally serve to confuse and intimidate off-worlders, to make the human Ezorians appear winged themselves.
Ezorian identities are intrinsically tied to their planet, so even despite being alienated from it for most of her life, Ermine remains reverent of her heritage and cultural traditions. She doesn’t cut or shave her hair, wears only Ezorian gold jewelry, and collects pieces of her sacred cultural garments off the markets of Coruscant.
Her pale blue saber is her original, the one she crafted as a Jedi Padawan. The red saber is one she stole later in life, and the one that brings her more than she’d bargained for.
Ermine is tall and sturdy, though could thrive in better environmental conditions. Because of her time on Coruscant—away from her fresh, clean homeworld—she has a bad cough, poor digestion, and a sickly pallor. Not to mention a sensitivity to light and numerous scars from brawls and attacks.
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cakbanedraws · 2 years
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Did a fanart for one of the Maul/Reader on Ao3 by Bipressed. I think they're new to write some Maul fics. Heheh, just imagine the reader having a marriage in Mandalorian wedding ceremony.
Warning: The fic is contain adult themes on it, if you're not okay with the Ao3 link.
Please ignore it, if you are cringed out. I'm just doing this just for fun
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fandom-friday · 3 months
Hello hello!
Recommending Bleeding Heart by @depressed-sock.
It is a short action piece about two non-human Star Wars OCs, just stuffed with atmosphere, feeling, angst, and victory (implied).
I'm always on the hunt for wlw Star Wars fics, and this one hit the mark. Plus Zabraks make me go brrrrrr.
Also, there's art!
Ahhhhhh I LOVE THIS! I love the "well SOMEONE has to look out for you" sort of dynamic, and that is SO VERY CLEARLY there for Saree and Rozza. I adore how much they clearly care for one another and find comfort in each other, but also still manage to snark at one another a bit. This is such a fantastic little short tidbit, and it absolutely left me wanting more. Thanks so much for submitting it!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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meadforspeed · 1 year
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This week on The Devil You Know, Maul plays host to his most unwelcome guest yet. 
Sometimes you really should resist the urge to store important artifacts in your Helga Pataki-style hate shrine. It’s just not worth it
“Oh…dear,” said the Duchess of Mandalore from somewhere behind him. 
From the way her voice echoed, she was craning her absurdly goose-like neck as she looked around the room.
“You’ve quite the flair for decorating,” she continued.
Maul didn’t speak until he was sure his voice would be calm and level.
 “Surely it is not in your best interest to distract me, Duchess. Not if you care for Kenobi as much as you professed.”
She raised one perfect, sculpted eyebrow, “You are a liability, and that is the one thing Obi-Wan doesn’t need more of.”
“Would you rather Kenobi negotiate with the Vader? Perhaps we can use this visit to organize a peace summit with the Empire, hmm?” Maul sneered, “Let us be frank, your Jedi is at war, and I am a sword.”
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cornycopeia · 1 year
First Bagel and Lox fic! Chag Pesach Sameach!!
Bagel and Lox were created by @thecodyagenda
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dapurinthos · 8 days
*head in hands realization*
aw fuck [redacted] is a metaphor for inherited mental illness that no one talks about.
i played myself. i was re-reading an oresteia and realized i fucking played myself. the curse of the pelopidai is inescapable.
“Why do you refer to the hypothetical Chosen One as a banana?” “It’s a joke.” “Really?” “Bananas have low genetic diversity. They only grow in one system and the current cultivar is a clone of a clone of a clone. Every banana is the same banana. It’s a monoculture. The Holocron of Prophecy says that the hypothetical Chosen One will have no father, so they’re basically born parthenogenetically, missing half the DNA that usually goes into making up a person.” “Like a banana. You're right, that is funny.” “Oh, good.” I feel an inordinate amount of relief at the confirmation. “They could just be Dathomiri.” “What?” “Dathomiri reproduce through sexual and asexual reproduction.” “What.” That makes sense, actually. It explains how you get Iridonian and Dathomiri Zabraks. Female Dathomiri are definitely not female Zabraks. Is this because of their magic? A result of some sort of Sith alchemy like the way the Dark Jedi were supposed to have created a way for them to interbreed with the indigenous Tsis population? “I’ll comm Jo and tell her you’ve got a new area of research I’m allowing you.” I’m half-way down the corridor before he finishes. “Thank youuuuuuu!”
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justalittletomato · 2 years
Here in the red mist it was a world of its own, sheltered inside the Fortress walls the children of Maul grew away from the Empire’s strong hold and away from the galaxy as a whole.
They did not know the terrors outside of their systems, Maul ensured it.
But there’s only so much one can do and even the power of Maul’s Crimson Dawn could not keep everything away or reflect the state of the world outside the little shelter world within the carved out walls.
It started at the dinner table. Little Cress eyeing the plate of food reaching out until his buir shakes their head.
“I’m sorry my little Star, but I’m afraid there’s no more helpings,”
“But Buir I always have seconds.” The young child complained. Buir had never denied him food and it ached Starlight to even do so…
“I know, but right now…” starlight began as Maul came in to sit with them.
More tired than usual, routes agreements and failed lines had become the news of late.
“Father, Buir says I can’t have seconds,” Cress complains.
Aster who had been quite all this time just took small bites. Wondering back to her Buir muttering worriedly as they looked over the food stores and supplies.
Many things amiss, things too hard to get. Aster had never considered how many shelves could be empty. Watching her buir pace worried, made her tummy ache but she knew Buir would worry more to know Aster was aching.
Maul looks concerned, “ It’s alright he can have mine-“
Cress reaches for the plate, Starlight stares at Maul.
Aster’s tummy aches again.
“Maul it’s getting worse…and you best not continue that.”
“I won’t have my boy be hungry.” Maul immediately retorts.
Starlight glares at Maul for that, “ And you think I would? I’d do the same but I have to also care for myself so I can care for him and Aster. We can’t just give them everything.”
Maul shakes his head, “ I won’t have our children go without.”
“Maul there’s nothing there…things are hard to come by.”
“I’ll get them! “
“Maul we have to set limits.”
He won’t have at it, “what do we need I’ll just…” he opens the door to the store room. A sharp intake.
“I’ll get more.”
“We can Manage…I’ve dealt with.”
“But they haven’t, we swore they wouldn’t.” Maul looks over the empty shelves. How times had changed. Many empty spaces now carrying jarred and canned items Starlight had begun to store. They knew of preparing. They knew what war was and it’s effects.
And Maul knew of little, having little and none and it made his body ache.
“Are we going to starve?” It was the new word she learned. Aster lay her head on her Buirs lap.
Starlight asked as calmly as they could why dear little Aster would ask.
“I saw the store room.”
“Oh my dear little Star, don’t you worry.” A stroke to her cheek, “ I won’t ever let that happen.”
“Here little one.” Once more Maul offered his portion to Cress who was eyeing his plate for more.
Cress blinked confused, “But.”
“It’s alright you can have it.”
“But you’ll be hungry .”
“It’s alright.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Cress truly it’s fine.”
“No, i don’t want people to starve!”
The Empire had come to Dathomir after all…present in the vacant spaces of the shelves.
Present as Aster and Cress foraged with their Buir for things to save and eat.
Maul had kept it away as long as he could…but it’s shadow loomed and there was no escape
@stardustbee @patchiefrog @hannagoldworthy @literatureandqueen @gran-maul-seizure @eyecandyeoz @apocalypticwafflekitten @storm89 @by-the-primes @kimageddon
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 4 months
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(who's ready for more abuse of the poll system?)
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Darth Nessight
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Name- Chiaros Curo
Gender- Woman
Sex- Intersex
Age- 36
Species- Zabrak
Birth Planet- Korriban
Languages- common and zabraki
Faction- Light Side Sith
Profession- Proffessor
Body - anthropomorphic
Eye Colour- blue
Height- 6'3
Build- muscular
Skin Colour- rose beige
Hair Colour- brown
Teeth Type- canine-humanoid
Scars- A lot of tiny ones all over body plus a big one in the back
Cybernetics- none
Tattoos- Face tattoo to signify his Zabrak heritage and specific tribe
Under Suit- spandex
Left Arm Armour- Korriban traveller bracelets
Right Arm Armour- korriban traveller bracelets
Left Leg Armour- leatheris boots
Right Leg Armour- leatheris boots
Chest Armour- purple and blue Sith cloak
Helmet- ace pilot helmet
Accessories- Engagement ring from Malavai Quinn
Tech/Machinery- none
Weapon List- double staffed yellow lightsaber
Chiaros Curo was born to Sith Lord Dusk Curo and the Zabrak slave Katerina Lucía.
She was born biologically intersex which allows her to both bare children and get others wih gestational bodies pregnant.
Chiaros was born at 3684 BBY. Her mother was allowed to visit her occasionally but always under supervision of Chiaros' Sith Lord father. Her mother worked at the house because Chiaros was strong in the force and Dusk feared that killing her or separating them would "kill her passion" rendering her a bad candidate to Sith Lord.
Dusk forced his daughter to hide her horns and prohibited from getting the heritage tattoos that every Irodinian Zabrak should get at reaching puberty.
Chiaros was homeschooled and educated as children of Sith do while demonstrating a great ability to learn foreign languages very quickly. becoming a polyglot at the age of 21. Fifteen years later she was accepted into the Sith academy at Korriban.
Before leaving Iridonia, she got into her father's study and killed him as revenge for what he did to her mother. (Killing her via whipping which Chiaros tried to avoid but failed to, earning her several scars) she brought her body to a Jedi master who chastised her for "giving into the Dark Side" to which Chiaros understood the Jedi were a little to eager to ignore problems that weren't all over beating the Sith.
After figuring out it would be easier to rid the Empire of their fascist tendencies than to make the Jedi care. She left for Korriban.
There she freed slaves, treated prisoners of war with respect and avoided needles violence. She hid behind a mask msit of the time. Only showing her true self to other aliens she came across, such as the slave she was gifted by Darth Baras, Vette (whom she frees as soon as she has the chance).
On Balmorra she met Lieutenant Malavai Quinn. She hated him at first for being Imperial. Until he told her he joined merely out of survival due to the fact his father was going to kill him for medically gender transitioning if he didn't do it. Shortly after that confession and the fact that Quinn proved himself to be loyal to a fault. They got into an intimate relationship. After his betrayal Chiaros gave him a chance to redeem himself which he took. They finally got married and raised a force sensitive child, but only after reforming the Empire, per Chiaros' wishes
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darth-gogurt · 2 years
Whatever It Means
originally posted to AO3. read on AO3 here.
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rating & content warnings: mature/explicit for graphic sexual descriptions. 18+ only/minors DNI.
character(s): Savage Opress, Darth Maul (briefly)
pairing(s): Savage Opress x Reader
summary: Savage is in heat.
word count: 4429
read on AO3 here.
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thelastenvoyyy · 1 year
I've just realised a bit of a problem with my SWTOR fan fic
I wanted to include a sub-plot involving the Dathomirian Nightbrothers/Nightsisters with Rynkor (my Sith Zabrak OC)
according to both Canon and Legends lore, the Nightsisters didn’t come about until around 600 BBY
my story takes place 3,000 years before that 😬
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
Chapter 4 of my Jedi OC fic is up!
Summary: The time has come. The end is nigh. Will you stand, or will you die?
(Following Jedi Knight Kazellis and Eeth Koth's wife, Mira, as Mira embarks on a mission to recover her stolen daughter after the events of Darth Vader (2017) #19)
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