#zelda (mentioned)
hollysoda · 1 year
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Enjoy this shitty meme I put together in like two minutes because I hadn’t seen anyone else do it
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1hellofacookie · 1 year
Do... do you like
...the colours of the sky?
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please tell me nobody did this yet 💀💀
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aeviann · 7 months
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Tranquil prints
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verflares · 3 months
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(pre-calam) filling the compendium :-)
+ closeup and the aftermath
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silvergarnet12 · 1 year
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What if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths?
You’re in this dark, alien environment, strange noises echoing around you, the inescapable anxiety your only companion. Squinting in the distance, you see a frighteningly familiar shade of blue flicker, faint in the distance.
Cautiously moving forward, you begin to realise the blue belongs to something much, much larger than a possible guardian. Eventually, an ancient behemoth looms overhead, still, silent, and empty, both at rest and unnervingly calm. A strange, restless melancholy replaces the sense of creeping dread, no less uneasy than before.
Entering the resting stone, in the corner of your eyes, you see movement flicker. At first you think a spirit, perhaps the Champions still linger… but deep down you know they’ve passed on… right?
Echoing footsteps fill the silence as you press on, avoiding gloom where there had once been malice, a desecration of a sacred resting place. You see the flicker again, turn on your foot and see for a split second, a beloved friend, an uneasy rival, a stalwart protector, a steadfast leader, an ally, a painful reminder of your worst failure. Even now, years later, it stings.
You try to get their attention, but there is no response. Instead, you watch. And realise. And mourn again. There are no spirits here. Not in the vast, decaying depths, not in the final resting places of a final hope.
These are echoes of the ones you knew. You can see them in the corner of your eyes sometimes, going about preparations for that ill-fated battle. It’s eerie, made no better by the Grand Poes gently swaying, their locations random but making uncomfortable sense.
Sometimes, on unlucky days, it is not preparations that these echoes go through. Pain torn screams faintly heard as their final moments are played out, a play on an eerie stage.
Vah Medoh groans in the dark, as the image of her pilot slams limply on her back, wing torn, and struggles to get up, defiance in his glare even now.
Vah Ruta cries a warning, as her pilot slumps over the controls, never seeing her killer, her last thought to warn the others.
Vah Rudania braces herself, as the echo of her pilot does the same, but the shield shatters, a flash of phantom heat coating the area, followed by darkness.
Vah Nabooris strides steady, until her pilot, fatigued from a relentless assualt, makes one fatal misstep in her final dance, lightning crackling in the air.
The stone beasts are restless, aware of the new threat, and unable to let go of the last pilots they’ll ever have, desperately trying to fight once more. But instead, they lay still, silent, a monument to their pilots lost to time.
What if you could find the Divine Beasts in the Depths?
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amiharana · 1 year
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finished the dragon’s tears quest last night
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ewwww-what · 25 days
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I don’t think this is going to be important this season but I would really like it to be.
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ganondoodle · 2 months
"geRuDO aGe fAsteR tHan HyliAnS"
horrible, awful, so many bad implications, especially when in context of riju and the gerudo as a whole, but in general just bad, jail for nintendo, jail for nintendo for one thousand years!!
but the thought of ganondorf being actually just as old/young as zelda and link just looks like 50+ is also
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(also idk how old rauru is supposed to be but him being like idk 300 years old and his superior attitude to literally everyone-
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jinaxxo · 10 months
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memory no. 8 redraw ☀️🌿
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entiqua · 2 months
i made a certain MV parody -> youtube link (volume warning for tumblr's video player)
original song: 水死体は恋したい - LonePi feat.初音ミク
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valictini · 1 year
I was watching a video analysing how the Yiga clan were handled in botw and how the person analysing it lamented the fact that Kohga was a joke character who totally destroyed the much more threatening image the yiga clan had all throughout the game. Although I do understand the sentiment (I felt that way for a long time) I’ve come to realise that we might not be viewing it in the right perspective. I ended up writing a comment under that video explaining how I saw things, and realised that maybe it could interest people here too? So here is the fleshed out version of it:
I think part of why they made Kohga extremely goofy compared to a way less goofy clan of literal assassins is to emphasise how even though the clan originally held some understandable beliefs, it has become a cult of personality over the years, and like most cults, the leader is way less charismatic than his followers make him out to be. Indeed, from the outside, it seems absurd how anyone could take Kohga seriously, let alone kill under his command, but from the inside, Kohga is the Beloved Leader That Guides Them Towards Victory, and anyone threatening him deserves to die.
In a way, yiga clan members feel like vulnerable, impressionable people who were enrolled into a cult and given a Big Family and a purpose (and a lethal weapon) by their lovable Master Kohga who wants the best for them… Except if you want to get out, then you’re a filthy traitor who also deserves to die. It’s especially visible when you beat him and they all get personally mad at you for killing him. They didn’t care about Ganon, they didn’t seem to actually understand the bigger picture, they only cared about Kohga.
It also shows how, like the rest of Hyrule, the Yigas are very much disconnected from their own history, seemingly holding on the grudge their ancestors held more as an excuse to continue to enact violence and perpetuate the cult of personality than fighting for a “noble” cause. Only Kohga seems to actually care about Calamity Ganon, and the rest of the yigas seem to be just tools to him. Wether or not he’s actually conscious of what he’s doing is unclear. Is he a fully aware con artist, or is he purely another product of Yiga indoctrination?
So yeah, to me it feels like a parody/critic/mockery of cult dynamics. It shows that this gang of assassins are indeed a real menace, but for seemingly no reason other than “that one lunatic they admire told them to” and “if they go away they get killed”. The reason why the clan was originally created becomes almost anecdotal. Under the current leader, no one is required to actually know what they’re doing, they just need to follow orders.
In the end, I think it is the intention the developers had because cults are a rampant problem in Japan. At the very least, even if it’s not a actually conscious critic, it’s a concept that is much more present in their cultural landscape than ours and that almost certainly influenced how they handled the Yiga clan. Basically, cults are not cool and can even be dangerous both for the public and their members. Cult leaders especially are not cool and often are con artists. Therefore, Kohga couldn’t be badass, he had to be a doofus getting beaten in the most unexceptional way possible.
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starshipdecay · 1 month
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My headcanons for how the Four Sword works! (Featuring two ocs-of-sorts, Hue and Prism <3)
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icedghostlatte-art · 1 year
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Seems a certain red scales shark prince/king crafted Link some new 'armor'.
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heavendraven · 9 months
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twilight princess really dropped the character design of all time and then did NOTHING with her....
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visiblespiketrap · 1 year
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My heart almost broke. I mean, of course I and others can/could ship whatever anyway, but I can't help but be relieved that Sidon and Yona's marriage was arranged by his father canonically.
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prokopetz · 1 year
It's pointless arguing about which Link is the scrungliest because they're all the scrungliest, on different axes of scrungle.
Twilight Princess Link is scrungly in a Serious Fantasy Protagonist™ sort of way, his clothes and skin sporting an even coating of grime of no specific origin, forever slightly but noticeably damp, and inexplicably smelling faintly of used motor oil.
Breath of the Wild Link is scrungly in a lives-alone-in-the-woods sort of way: surprisingly well groomed, because Hollywood stereotypes notwithstanding, letting your hygiene slide is not conducive to long term wilderness survival, yet 100% prepared to catch a fish with his bare hands and eat it live and wriggling in front of you.
Wind Waker Link is scrungly in an unsupervised middle schooler sort of way – charming enough from a distance, but you probably don't want to know what he's got in his pockets, and if you touched him your hands would come away greasy. Why is he greasy?
It's scrungle all the way down.
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