zero00kiryu00 · 10 months
Hey bestie! Fic swap? 👀✨️ specifically a super soft x reader with kiri? - ur bestie ghost 👻🩷
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Pairing: Pro-Hero! Kirishima X Quirkless! Fem! Reader Length: 4.5k words || ao3 link || Genre: Hurt & Comfort, Romance, Nsfw, Aged-Up Characters (Pro-Hero!Kirishima) Headliner created by me. Warning tags: Praise, edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, orgasm "denial", breeding kink, some nipple play, oral (f receiving), creampie, cockwarming. Synopsis: Y/N has had an awful week. To top off losing her job, Y/N's feeling of inadequacy as a quirkless individual bubble up to the surface. Fuelled by jealousy over her boyfriend's quirk, Y/N vents her insecurity to Kirishima. Kirishima comforts her as best as he can, making sure she knows she is more than enough.
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“In today’s news, we explore recent happenings within the City…”
The quiet voice of the newscaster from the television speakers held your attention. The drone of the air conditioning mimicked the quiet mean-spirited voice in the back of your mind, ever present, but not a focal point until you thought about it for too long. It had been a terrible week, and somehow an even more terrible day. You had lost your job at the start of the week and things just went downhill from there. So, in an attempt to make yourself feel better, you sat on the couch, cross-legged and clutching onto a pillow, a blanket draped over your shoulders, and a half-finished bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of you, hoping to cheer yourself up with a girl power movie. It hadn’t really worked so you were just flipping through channels mindlessly until the news popped up. 
“Another villain was successfully captured this afternoon. Pro-Heros Red Riot and Dynamight apprehended the tornado villain…”
The newscaster’s voice died away, blending in with the sounds of the air conditioning in the background. A film clip from that afternoon started playing on screen, the camera panning from building destruction to two burly young men high-fiving. You recognized them immediately, not just because they were famous heroes, but because you knew them personally. The young man with the spiky red hair and toothy grin, Eijirou Kirishima, better known as Red Riot, was your boyfriend. You stared as the camera zoomed in on his face, a couple fresh scratches on his right cheek from the battle, grinning ear to ear. It made you happy to see him doing so well as a pro-hero; to see his success. And yet, you couldn’t help the familiar, growing pit of jealousy that sank in your stomach. 
You didn’t want to resent him for his success. He was so kind and caring with you; really, he was the perfect boyfriend. It wasn’t him you hated. It was yourself. 
You continued watching the clip that played on the television. One of the reporters on scene asked the heroes to show off their quirks. Kirishima did it so effortlessly, smashing his fists together to emphasize his hardening quirk. You clutched the pillow you were holding just a bit tighter when the crowd on tv started to cheer for him, chanting over and over Red Riot. Your jaw tightened, your teeth gnashing against each other out of frustration. 
“Stupid quirks…,” you muttered to yourself. “I’d be way better than any of them if I had my own…”
You trailed off just as the latch of the front door clicked open. Instinctively, you turned off the TV and tossed the remote beside you, burrowing further into your blanket, pulling it over your head and leaning onto the pillow. 
“I’m home!” Kirishima shouted as he entered the house you shared, sounding more cheerful than he ever had before, or so it seemed to you, anyway. 
“Hey,” you mumbled just loudly enough for him to hear from the entryway. You heard him kick off his boots and shuffle quickly down the hallway. He slid into the room heroically, striking a pose with his hands on his hips and grinning down on you. 
“Guess who saved the city again?” he proclaimed loudly, following up with a boisterous laugh. You just rolled your eyes and sunk further into the pillow, letting out a long sigh. 
“You?” you guessed monotonically, just to amuse him. Kirishima’s smile started to disappear as he got a closer look at how you were sitting. He knew that hunched posture meant something had happened; usually it meant he had done something, but he couldn’t think of anything he had done wrong this time. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, voice soft and gentle as he scooted onto the couch beside you. He leaned forward, placing his elbow on his knees to peer into the blanket, clasping his hands together. You turned your gaze to meet his only briefly, darting it away after just a few seconds of contact. You couldn’t look at him for too long, didn’t dare stare into his comforting eyes for fear of breaking right there. Your insecurity wasn’t his fault. 
“Nothing, you wouldn’t get it,” you denied, turning your head away from him and staring at the wall instead. Kirishima frowned, scooting over a little bit closer to you and wrapping his arm across your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. The warmth radiating off of his body onto yours was comforting, as always, but his proximity at that moment was not helping as much as you had wanted it to. 
“Is this about losing your job on Monday?” he mused, noticing the way you tensed up under him as soon as he mentioned it. “I know that position meant a lot to you. Are you worried that you’re not contributing enough or something, angel?” 
You just sighed and shook your head, refusing to acknowledge him any further than that for now. Kirishima continued to ask a couple questions, trying to pry the information he was looking for out of you. He knew how stubborn you could get, how you’d refuse to admit anything was wrong until it was too late and your emotions boiled over. He didn’t want you to get to that point again, he had been so worried for you the last time it had happened. He was trying to get better at noticing when you were struggling, but he had been away so much this week with missions and patrols that he couldn’t gauge how close you were to falling apart.  
“I can take care of you, Y/N.”
Those were the words that made you snap. You gripped the pillow in your lap and shoved it into Kirishima’s stomach, throwing the blanket off of you when you stood up off of the couch, whipping around to face him. 
“I’m not some stupid civilian that needs saving, Eijirou!” you shouted angrily at him. Kirishima simply held the pillow against himself, staring up at you in surprise while you paced in front of him. “I don’t want you to take care of me like I’m some helpless housewife, okay? I want to take care of myself. I want to be like you!”
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to be like me in this world? To be without a quirk? You don’t know the unrelenting bullying I dealt with in school. You have no idea how many jobs I dreamt about wanting that I can’t have cause I don’t meet the quirk requirement. You don’t understand how I felt, waiting, praying that my quirk was going to show up one day; that I was just a late bloomer and eventually I’d get to be the hero I had always wanted to be. You will never understand the humiliation and ridicule I face in my life every single day. I’m not enough; how I am, how I exist is not enough to live peacefully in this world.
“You’re praised to high heaven because of your quirk while I’m just- just,” you paused, searching for the words to express precisely how you felt. “I’m worthless.”
You huffed, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks, finally having said everything you needed to in that moment. Before Kirishima could say anything, you turned quickly on your heel, rushing up the stairs and heading towards your shared bedroom. The slam of the door behind you made Kirishima jump a bit. He sat there in silence for a while, processing, ruminating, trying desperately to understand what had just happened. He had never seen you so angry, so... Hurt. He sighed, tilting his head back to rest on the back of the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He really didn’t understand how you felt. He tried to imagine how he would be without his quirk, how it would feel to be in your shoes, but it always came up blank. He couldn’t think of what he would do besides being a hero; it was just so natural for him. He had never wanted to be anything else. And maybe, he thought, that was the problem.
Kirishima sighed again, shaking his head and tossing the pillow to the side, pulling himself off the couch and shuffling around the living room. He mindlessly found himself at the bottom of the stairs, his gaze climbing to the top landing and staring at your bedroom door. Without second thought, he went upstairs. He waited a bit longer at the door, not entirely sure if it was right for him to knock and be with you right then. Did you need more space? Did you want space to begin with? He took a deep breath in and made a decision.
Kirishima knocked quietly on the bedroom door, his gaze focused on the silver door handle. 
“Go away…,” you muttered, just wanting to be left alone. And yet, you craved his presence, his comfort. You wanted his arms wrapped around you, whispering that everything would be okay, that you were his everything, that you were perfect to him. 
Kirishima sighed, ignoring your dismissal and turning the doorknob to let himself in. His heart sank when he saw you curled up on the bed, back turned away from him so you faced the wall in the soft light of the setting sun. He didn’t say anything, just shuffled over to the bed and crawled in beside you. He scooted in behind you, pulling you over from your side of the bed to meet him in the middle, wrapping his arm across your stomach to keep you from pulling away. You lay there together in silence for what felt like an eternity, with only the ticking alarm clock on Kirishima’s bedside stand filling the quiet air. 
“I’m sorry for being so insensitive earlier,” Kirishima began to say, speaking softly against your ear. It sent a small shiver up your spine, feeling his breath against your neck as he spoke. “I didn’t mean to make things worse. I promise to try and be more understanding of your situation, angel. But I promise, promise, you are more than enough. You are so intelligent, and so patient and compassionate. You’ve got no clue how many people you make smile when you walk into a room. I could go on and on and on about how amazing you are, angel.” 
He nuzzled his nose into your shoulder, taking in a deep breath, enjoying the sweet smell of vanilla on your skin. His grip tightened around you, his knees curling underneath yours in an attempt to get even closer to you than he had been before. 
“You are enough,” he repeated, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. “Repeat it to me, angel.”
You could feel your face growing flush, nervous knots tying together in your stomach. You didn’t want to repeat the words back. You felt you didn’t deserve to repeat them. But you would, for him. 
“I…,” you began, voice quivering with uncertainty. “I’m enough.”
“Again,” he asked of you gently, pressing a kiss to your neck. 
“I’m enough,” you repeated, this time with more determination in your voice. You could feel Kirishima smile against your skin. 
“One more time. Third time’s the charm, y’know,” he joked with a slight chuckle. You couldn’t help but let a small smile slip across your lips. 
“I’m enough,” you whispered, mostly to yourself, confirming to yourself the sincerity of your own words. Kirishima gave you a gentle squeeze. He shifted behind you, propping himself onto one arm and leaning around you to press a kiss to your cheek. 
“That’s my girl,” he praised with a smile. Kirishima’s hand traced small, slow, comforting circles along your stomach with his fingers. You took in a deep breath, enjoying his proximity, his warmth, the feeling of his breathing against your back. You turned yourself back to face him, warmth gleaming in your eyes when you looked up at him. Kirishima met your gaze immediately, looking down at you with a proud smile. His hand trailed further over your hip, resting on your thigh. “Can I show you how much you mean to me?” 
His hushed request made your cheeks burn and butterflies flutter in your stomach. You knew exactly what that question meant; and you were craving it. You were craving him. You didn’t say anything, just brought your hand up to pull him down into a sweet kiss. A quiet, satisfied hum left Kirishima’s lips while he kissed you. He never really was good with words; he found he somehow always messed something up when trying to say something sincere. He knew he’d be able to get his message across through his actions. 
Kirishima pulled away from the kiss only briefly, giving himself enough time to shift backwards and roll you onto your back. He climbed overtop of you, his arms resting on either side of your head. He took a minute just to survey you, to watch your lips as they parted with a slight hush of air, to meet your eyes, still a bit irritated from the tears you shed. He smiled softly.
“You’re so perfect, angel,” he complimented you with a sweet whisper before leaning forward to resume kissing you. You leaned upwards into him, wrapping your arms around his neck, greedily drinking in his careful attention to you. It made you feel wanted, needed. Kirishima’s kisses were filled with warmth and comfort, speaking words to you he could never say out loud. His tongue trailed against your bottom lip, silently begging for permission to deepen his kiss. 
You closed your eyes and allowed him the moment, leaning into him and pulling him closer. Your lips met in the most tender and passionate moment yet. Your hearts beat in sync, your breaths heavy with desire. He pulled you closer still, kissing deeply and softly, his tongue slowly exploring yours. Your hands found their way into his hair, fingers curling into the red spikes, refusing to let him pull away as you basked in the moment, holding close to the person you loved most; to the person you felt safest with.
Kirishima hummed into the kiss, signalling to you to pull away for a minute. He didn’t waste any time when you eased your grip in his hair, leaning forward and leaving a trail of soft kissing along your neck. You could feel your face getting warmer with each kiss, starting at the underside of your jaw, crawling down your neck, flitting against your collarbone. Kirishima pulled aside a strap from the tank top you wore, continuing his mission, kissing along the curve of your breast until his lips captured your nipple. A soft moan escaped your lips as he tongued and toyed with you. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, building in anticipation of what was to follow. Kirishima’s hand trailed down the side of your body, fingers following the curve of your waist, curling into the waistband of your shorts. He pulled them away, discarding them to the foot of the bed, leaving you partially exposed. He sat back a bit, mouth leaving your breast and his eyes met yours. He toyed with the edge of your tank top. 
“Take this off for me, angel,” he commanded gently. “Let me see how beautiful you are under this shirt.”
You flushed bright red at his request, but obliged, sitting up slightly to pull your top off, discarding it to the floor. Kirishima hummed pleasantly, taking in every inch of you. 
"My god..." Kirishima muttered, his eyes drinking you in. Your body was truly a work of art. His gaze trails up your frame, from your breasts to your shoulders and back down to your stomach. His hands swept against your sides, his whispering touch sending shivers down your spine. You leaned back to give him room to continue, your pussy dripping with anticipation at what was to come. 
Kirishima wiggled back towards the edge of the bed, stationing himself between your legs. Gently, he pushed them apart, crouching forward and pressing kisses to your inner thigh, teeth catching skin with every other kiss. You squirm slightly, a soft groan encouraging Kirishima to continue. Instead of giving you what you so desperately craved, however, he moved to your other thigh, repeating the same ritual he began, kissing and nipping at your sensitive skin. You whined in protest. 
“Eijirou, please,” you begged, making him chuckle. Finally, he relinquished your request, adjusting his position before pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit. You moaned when his tongue began to trace slow circles around it, heat pooling into your core and making you even wetter. Kirishima continued to tease, you running his tongue up your velvety slit, licking up any slick he could and relishing in the taste of you. You were perfect to him in every possible way. He leaned deeper into you, pushing his tongue into your pussy, running it along your walls, coaxing a louder moan from you, before turning his attention back to your swelling clit. Your hands gripped the sheets, toes curling as you got closer to your release. Your back arched, alerting Kirishima to the proximity of your orgasm, and he immediately pulled away. You groaned, whining and squirming with want, annoyed at him for denying you when you were so close. 
“I want to get you built up a bit more, angel,” Kirishima began, hands trailing up your legs. “You just look so gorgeous when you cum for me. I want to make sure I can see it. I want to see you writhing for me, begging for me. I need to see you enjoying my touch.”
Kirishima leaned forward, his right hand moving back down towards your leaking pussy, coating his fingers in your slick. He slowly ran it up and down your slit, briefly rubbing circles along your clit. 
“Look at me,” he whispered, watching to catch your gaze. As soon as your eyes met, Kirishima slowly pushed two fingers into your pussy. He watched as your lips parted, watched as your chest heaved with sweet gasp, and enjoyed the satisfied moan that followed. He gave you a minute to adjust to him before moving his fingers inside of you, curling them in just the right way so that they hit your g-spot with every stroke. 
“Eijirou,” you whimpered. Kirishima leaned forward, pressing kisses against your neck as he continued to fingerfuck you, increasing his pace. 
“I make you feel good, don’t I, angel?” he mused, trailing kisses along the column of your neck until he got to your ear. He nibbled gently at the lobe. “It feels good when I fuck you like this doesn’t it?” 
You nodded your head, agreeing wholeheartedly. It felt good, so good. You wished it would never stop. You wished to feel the heat of his touch, to feel the whisper of his breath as he spoke in your ear, to feel his comfort, for as long as you possibly could. 
“My pretty girl…” Kirishima continued, his thumb finding its way to your clit while his fingers continued to pump inside of you. He could feel you getting closer; he could feel how you tightened against his fingers, enjoyed the sounds of your breathing getting heavier, your moans getting louder. He leaned up, watching your brows furrow in pleasure. “Is my pretty girl ready to cum for me?” 
You huffed, an amused chuckle leaving your lips as you turned your gaze to meet his. 
“I’ve been ready,” you whined through a moan. “Please, please can I cum? Please, I want to cum for you, Eijirou.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, signalling his permission. In a matter of seconds, you were cumming against his fingers, legs shaking, tears pricking in your eyes with the intensity of the pleasure you felt. He slowed the pace of his fingers, letting you enjoy the feeling of him for just a while longer as you finished your release. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, kissing your temple as you rode out your orgasm. He pulled his fingers out of your sopping cunt, making you whine. You missed him already. “Don’t worry, angel, I’m not going far.”
Kirishima lifted his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean with a smirk as he pushed himself off the bed. He quickly discarded his shirt, pants following suit. You watched as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them off of his hips. You followed his fingers, watching as his cock sprang free from its containment, precum already dripping from the tip. A dark stain flushed your cheeks bright red. Kirishima went to rummage for a condom in his bedside drawer, but you rolled over to take his hand, stopping him. He looked over at you, a bit surprised. 
“You don’t want one?” he asked, making sure. You shook your head.
“I need all of you, Eijirou, please…” you trailed off, hoping he got your hint. Kirishima’s gaze hazed over with lust. He slammed the drawer back shut and shooed you back further on the bed to give him some more space. 
“Lay back, angel,” he directed you and you obliged, resting your head on the pillows in the middle of the bed and spreading your legs for Kirishima. He took in a deep shaky breath, practically vibrating in anticipation. He had been waiting for this all week; in between your job loss and his job demands, there hadn’t been time to properly connect. He couldn't wait to ravish you. 
Kirishima ran his cock up and down your slit, lubricating it with your slick before he maneuvered your legs over onto his shoulders, crossing your ankles around his neck. He lined himself up at your entrance, holding your legs steady with his other hand. He looked down at you, pausing just briefly to meet your gaze. Finally, he slid his cock into your entrance, a shaky groan leaving his lips as he pushed deeper inside of you. The warmth of your pussy alone was almost enough to send him over the edge, but he greedily wanted to make you cum for him again. He could hold on, but he needed to make it so you couldn’t anymore. 
Kirishima began rocking his hips, keeping a slower pace, moaning at how tight your wet cunt was. You moaned along with him, eyes rolling back at the pleasant stretch of his thick cock in your pussy. He fit so perfectly inside you, fucked you so wonderfully. He kept an even pace, fucking into you so deeply the tip of his cock kissed your cervix with every other thrust, making you wraith beneath him and edge closer to release with every movement. His pace quickened, making you moan louder. 
“Come on, angel, I know you want to cum,” he teased you, giving your ass a quick slap. “I know how good I make you feel. I know how much you want me to cum inside your cute little pussy. You want that, don’t you?” 
You whined at that, nodding your head feverishly, getting closer and closer to release with each and every one of his words. You gazed up at him, watching as his lips curled into a pleased smirk. 
“Good girls cum, don’t they?” he continued to muse. “You're gonna be a good girl for me, right, angel? You’re gonna cum all over my cock? Go ahead, sweetheart, cum for me.”
With those words, you found your release, gripping at the sheets, legs tightening around Kirishima’s neck, the walls of your cunt clenching on his cock. Kirishima groaned, enjoying the intense rush he felt while you milked his cock. He listened to your continued moans, thrusting faster, until finally he reached his own release. He thrust into you twice more, punctuating each twitch of his cock as he came inside of you. Finally, he stilled, matching your laboured breathing as he brought himself out of the adrenaline high. He chuckled breathlessly, his hand gently tapping your leg, wordlessly asking for you to loosen your grip around his neck. You obliged, removing your legs from his shoulders and resting them back onto the bed. Kirishima leaned forward, crawling on top of you for a passionate kiss. You reached up as he pulled back, wrapping your arms across his neck and your legs around his hips to hold him close. You didn’t want to let him go just yet. Kirishima took the hint and snaked his arm around your back, holding you close while he turned the pair of you over so he could lay down for a minute and catch his breath. 
With you on top, and his cock still deep inside of you, Kirishima took in a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he got used to the new position. You squirmed around a bit in an attempt to get more comfortable, which only caused the both of you to shudder from the sensitivity the movement caused. You giggled a bit, finally settling down and resting your head on his shoulder, burying your nose into his neck and taking in a deep breath. You loved the way he smelled after sex, a sharp musk mixing together with his sweat. Kirishima’s hand trailed slow circles on your back, just enjoying your proximity as you both recovered. 
“Are you feeling a little bit better?” he asked. You hummed pleasantly. You did, in fact, feel a little bit better. Still not completely healed from the events of the week, but better than you had been.
“I’m sorry for blowing up at you earlier…” you mumbled into his neck, wanting to say more, but Kirishima just gently shushed you. 
“It’s okay, angel. I know I won’t ever totally understand your experience, but please be open with me about it when you’re struggling, okay?” he replied. You nodded a bit, feeling a bit ashamed at your reaction. The pair of you lay there in silence for a bit longer, just enjoying each other’s company. The sound of Kirishima’s heartbeat was incredibly comforting to you.  Kirishima was the one to finally break the silence.
“How about a movie and some takeout? You can choose what we watch,” he suggested, combing his fingers through your hair. You smiled. 
“I’d like that,” you agreed. Kirishima grinned and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You sounded more relaxed now, and happier too. He knew there would be times where your insecurity got the best of you in the future, too, but that was a bridge the two of you could cross when it arrived; hopefully, with more understanding the next time it happened.
“Good. And what did we learn today?” he asked, gazing down at you. You giggled a bit, feeling more sure about what you were about to say than you ever had before. 
“I am enough.”
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opticblasting · 1 year
as someone who clearly enjoys batman, who do you consider to be a part of the batfam? and what are your opinions on fanon batfam? anything specific in fanon that you just absolutely hate?
if by who do you consider you mean in my idealised world: bruce, alfred, dick, babs (as oracle), tim, damian, steph, cass, duke, luke, kate.
i think fanon batfam just sucks because they take these characters who are really interesting canonically and just reduce them to a few traits and exaggerate them greatly. it takes away from a lot of what makes the batfam inherently interesting. they’re not meant to be a well-oiled machine the way the flashfam or superfam are, they’re meant to be fucked up and have grievances with one another in some regard (that they can grow from obviously but you know what i mean).
like, i think dick (and cass) should always be in odds with jason. dick and jason both have problems with bruce and respect him in their own ways but where dick lives up to the ‘batman code’, jason shouldn’t, because the code failed him. the code wouldn’t allow him to gain catharsis in any way for what was done to him; and he’s a fundamentally better character when he’s away from most of them and does things with his own methods.
also a big hater of how fanon batfam looks at duke. that’s a kid with his own family (who’s cured of the joker toxin now)! why should he be adopted by bruce wayne? not only does it take away from what makes his character interesting, but it also leans into a problem the batfam already has - where a white father is somehow better than the character’s other bipoc parent (or in this case, parents).
also generally i think the batfam shouldn’t be around each other together as often - especially in the comics as of recent. these are all characters with very similar skillsets, and it leads to uninteresting story and team-ups, because they’re all providing the same utility. (it’s also why gotham knights’ as a video game doesn’t work at its core but i digress.) it’s also generally more interesting if they’re all spread across, meeting up every once in a while, but in the meantime they’re all across trying to save the world with the lessons they’ve learnt.
i also don’t like how fanon (and current comics!) handles steph and cass. these are two characters who are interesting individually too, but this obsession with having them be two halves of a whole who can’t exist without each other is extremely irritating.
the fanon i do like is talia being a good parent to damian. there are parts of morrison’s batman i enjoy (final crisis/batman and time/batman and robin/return of bruce wayne) but the way they fucked over talia is genuinely so awful that it paints a poor light on the rest of the run. but also i think there’s an interesting story to be told where talia raises damian as a good parent but still keeps him from bruce because ultimately even though he’s a good man, like her own father she feels like he’s too dedicated to the mission to ever truly settle down - which lines up with my idea of bruce anyway (that scott snyder’s batman also really expresses), the idea that he can’t have the perfect life in a nuclear family or whatever, it’s either that or the mission, and he’d choose the mission every time with the family he’s already made.
i do enjoy the cutesy fanon stuff every once a while even i’ll admit that, it’s just an issue when people don’t even interact with any of the canon and pretend like the characters are like this, or even somehow ‘better’, when most - if not all - of them aren’t. it’s why WFA didn’t work for me, i’ll read an issue here and there, but i can’t read it weekly. it’s too much.
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opticblasting · 1 year
so. the recent asm. issue 20. how are we feeling. are we feeling anything at all.
lol. honestly talking about asm is so depressing. post bnd atleast has some good ideas going, and then once it hits superior, that included until now the book has just been on a downward spiral thanks to editorial that i don't see it being good, ever. atleast not in this state anyway. because the book will sell even if you print like, actual human feces on the pages. just because of the title alone. like im truly at a point where im ready to say for me spider-man comics functionally ended with 2007's sensational spider-man annual 1 (fraction/larroca). there's like, only a few developments i care for since then (flash as agent venom, silk, bisexual felicia, jjj knowing pete is spider-man, his future foundation era) and everything else i can just forget and move on from. there's good stories within asm and the ancillary titles since post omd but none i'm really fighting to keep, i'd throw it all away to go back, and we'd probably get those developments i care about in some form regardless.
i truly don't know what to say anymore bc im just. so defeated. im keeping up until may to find out what the bullshit mystery is all about and after that i'm done with asm for good i think. i'll stick to the minis (both the current ones - lost hunt and deadly neighbourhood are fantastic. non-stop and savage were great too).
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opticblasting · 1 year
thoughts on dickkory?
huge fan! favourite ship for both dick and kory.
unfortunately though it sucks that neither character is written well atm, and as much as I like the ship I feel like writers have centered kory too much around dick and the titans, which sucks because she’s a character absolutely bursting with potential that dc isn’t interested in utilising in any way.
i will say, considering how much dc is pushing dickbabs (and has been for years), it’s time she’s moved on and found someone else. as much as i do like the romance and would love it back with good writers, she’s too good of a character to be tied to a character and a team (neither of which look to be written well for the foreseeable future).
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zero00kiryu00 · 10 months
To the wonderful human being who left me a request in my inbox last night for Dom!Denki:
I just wanted to let you know I lost sleep last night thinking about what to do for it. It is on my radar. I am so excited to write this for you.
The Google Doc is prepared and waiting.
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zero00kiryu00 · 2 years
Age is 20 😌
Hard dom Neko!Bakugou and Switch!Y/N where Y/N keeps teasing his cat features in public ✨
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Pairing: Hard Dom! Neko!Bakugou X Switch! Fem!Reader
Length: 7.3k words || (ao3 link) ||
Genre: Romance, Nsfw, Aged-up characters (Pro Hero!Bakugou)
Art: Unknown artist (please let me know who they are, so I can properly credit them), headliner created by me
Warning Tags: Degrading, praise, nipple play, oral (m & f receiving), hard domination themes, spit kink, impact play (biting, bruising), breath play (choking), breeding kink, multiple orgasms, overstimming, edging, creampie, restraint play (handcuffs), public play (teasing), pet play (technically, with Neko!Bakugou).
Synopsis: Y/N and Bakugou finally have a weekend together away from Bakugou's pro-hero duties. The first day starts off innocently, but becomes spicy as it progresses.
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“You ready to go yet, nerd?” Bakugou shouted for you from the opposite end of your shared apartment, making you huff out a breath as you shuffled through piles of clothing and drawers, looking for a specific pair of shoes you had wanted to wear for your afternoon out with him. Bakugou could get so impatient sometimes.
“I’m almost ready!” You shouted back at your boyfriend, tossing a stray shirt over your shoulder to reveal the chunky velvet mary jane heels you had been searching for, making you exclaim triumphantly. You stepped into them, tying the heel strap securely around your ankles to make sure you wouldn’t accidentally fall out of them, and dusting off the toe box to remove some dirt from the last time you’d worn them out. You took one last look at your reflection in the mirror, adjusting your emerald top so it fit around your shoulders, allowing the silver necklaces around your neck to glisten against your collarbones, and gave your hair a ruffle before grabbing your purse from the top of the dresser and skipping out of the bedroom to meet Bakugou at the front door.
Bakugou’s ear twitched when he heard the muted stomp of your heels against the wood laminate flooring of the apartment, his ear turning in your direction as you got closer, his head following suit. His breath hitched in his throat when his eyes landed on you, warmth flooding over his cheeks as they turned pink. He admired every curve, the sway of your black pleated mini skirt, the glint of the light refracting off of the silver chain around your neck with his name engraved on it, all of which were blown away when he saw your smile.
Fuck… He thought, leaning back against the wall, his hand covering his mouth as he continued to look you up and down, savouring every single detail. Part of him wished you could abandon your afternoon plans together right that second and stay home instead. His tail swayed behind him, the tip of it curling happily as he imagined all the things you could do at home, every single innocent and naughty thing. It was an action that hadn’t gone unnoticed by you. The corners of your mouth turned upwards into a teasing smirk.
“Awh, what’s wrong, Katsuki?” you cooed, ruffling the tuft of ash blonde hair between his ears. “Cat got your tongue?”
Bakugou’s ears flattened at your teasing and he turned his gaze away from you, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the blush on his cheeks darkening. You couldn’t help the little giggle that bubbled up at his reaction. Bakugou hated when you made puns about his feline features, but you adored the flustered reaction it got out of him.
“Shut up, brat, we’re gonna be late,” he muttered, turning his back to you and opening the door, holding it open for you. You headed out the door, a cheeky smile spreading on your face when Bakugou gave your ass a playful slap. Bakugou locked the door behind you, slipping his keys into his pocket, his Pro-Hero Dynamight lanyard hanging by his leg. He held out his hand toward you, fingers spread a little bit. “Hand.”
The command was simple, but it still made your cheeks grow warm and your stomach flutter nervously. You slid your hand into Bakugou’s, twining your fingers together. Bakugou led you out of the apartment, a pleased smirk on his face the entire way out of the building. You had made plans today to go to the mall and then to see a movie, seeing as Bakugou had a weekend off from his Pro-Hero duties and you could actually spend some time together. Bakugou had insisted on picking the movie you were going to see, since he knew you’d be dragging him into every single store that caught your interest in the mall and it was only fair. His other reason was because he didn’t want to be dragged into a chick flick unbeknownst to him. He had picked some new action film that was coming out that same weekend, which he seemed really excited to watch -- or maybe it was just that he was excited to spend time with you. He had you all to himself for an entire weekend, something that hadn’t happened in quite a while.
You had snaked your arm around Bakugou’s when you arrived at the mall together, still holding his hand and pressing your chest against his arm possessively. You loved spending time with Bakugou out in public, but every now and again there would be a swarm of female fans that would try to get his attention. You knew you never needed to worry, though. Bakugou possessively twining his tail around your waist when you walked through the automatic doors together proved that.
You walked around the mall together, peeking into store windows, spotting things that you thought you might like. Bakugou had commented on a couple skirts he saw in one of the stores you had brought him into, peeling one of them off of the display and holding it up for you to consider. It was cute, the same kind of pleated mini skirt style you enjoyed wearing, a laced-up corset front sewn into the waistband. You agreed to try it on for him, grabbing a simple black top to wear with it, since the colour clashed with the top you were currently wearing. You disappeared into a dressing room, Bakugou waiting patiently for you outside of it, leaning against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, tail swaying behind him. His ear twitched when he heard the zipper of your skirt coming undone, his eyes watching the fabric fall around your ankles from under the dressing room door. You looked at your reflection in the mirror once you had changed, smoothing down the skirt and turning on the ball of your foot slightly to change the position of your body, admiring how nicely the skirt fit around your waist, how it fell so simply around your ass, the length of it falling just above where your thigh highs sat. You smiled. Bakugou usually had a good eye for what would suit you. You unlocked the change room door and opened it, a soft blush staining your cheeks. Bakugou whistled at you as you struck a cute little pose, looking you up and down as you showed off the skirt for him. You giggled bashfully, watching as his tail curled behind him.
“What do you think, Katsuki? Suits me, right?” You asked, already knowing his answer. Bakugou couldn’t stop staring at you, eyes devouring every inch of skin that showed, every hug of fabric against your curves, the way your confidence shone through your pretty smile.
“Not half bad,” He responded, a smirk on his face. He sauntered over to you, reaching his hands out to place them on your hips, pulling you close against him, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips. “Maybe I should get some pants to match, hm?”
You giggled a little bit at that. Bakugou loved wearing matching clothing with you. Whenever he was around other pro-heros or friends, he always chalked it up to you wanting to be all matchy-matchy together, but in actuality, he was the one who had insisted on buying the custom made pants to match the hat you wore during your first date when you wore it again for your one year anniversary. It was one of the many ways he showed the world he belonged to you, and that you belonged to him.
“That would be nice,” you agreed, already picturing him in the corset laced pants he was sure to get custom made. That was one of the benefits to Bakugou being a top ranked pro-hero; he had cash to spare for frivolous things. “Lemme change out of this and we can move on, okay?”
Bakugou stepped back so you could go back into the change room. You started fiddling with the knot you had tied in the laces to try and undo it, but you had tightened it too much and couldn’t pull the strands apart. You sighed, peeking over at Bakugou, who quirked an eyebrow in amusement.
“Can’t even untie a knot, can you?” he teased, shooing you back into the changeroom and letting himself in after you, shutting the door behind him to give the two of you some privacy. His fingers strategically maneuvered around the knot, his body perched forward enough that his ears were within arm’s reach. You smirked, a naughty idea running through your head.
“You ever thought about piercing your ears, Katsuki?” you murmured, letting your fingers caress the soft fur on Bakugou’s ears, your thumb gently rubbing the velvet interior of them. Bakugou’s fingers fumbled from their concentrated work, finally freeing the knot, a quiet groan bubbling up in his throat at your touch, a bright blush coating his cheeks. You knew Bakugou’s ears were sensitive, his tail was too, and you took advantage of that whenever you got the chance. “I think it would be really sexy if you did. A hoop or a couple of studs. It would go so well with your hero costume. I’m sure you could get Kaminari to do them for you.”
You continued to tease Bakugou’s ears, gently pushing him back against the wall of the changeroom. His hands migrated back to your hips, his fingers digging into your skin, the palms of his hands heating just enough for you to feel the warmth through the fabric of the skirt. You cooed at seeing the dark blush painted across his cheeks, his lips slightly parted as he stared down at you, crimson irises dancing with lust.
“Dumbass, you know I c-can’t,” Bakugou defended weakly, a soft gasp escaping him as you lowered a hand, palming firmly at his half-hard cock through his dark jeans.
“Awh, poor kitty, scared of a couple needles,” you taunted, a strangled groan leaving Bakugou’s lips when your fingers ran over his ear again. You loved seeing him like this, flustered and speechless, save for the few moans he let escape. It was so different from how he was in the bedroom. Bakugou had full control there; you were his in every sense of the word. But out in public was where you got to have your fun. “Would you do it if I held your hand? Hm?”
You gave his cock a squeeze, which consequently made Bakugou’s grip on your hips tighten. You giggled, removing your hands to deprive him of the friction he was so desperately craving at that point, stepping back from him to shimmy your way out of the skirt, letting it fall around your ankles and stepping out of it. Bakugou whined, his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans, eyes devouring you as you removed the shirt you had grabbed off the rack, leaving you in a matching black lace set. Bakugou’s knees weakened when you bent over to put your original skirt back on, his hand reaching to cover his mouth as he adjusted his cock to at least try and relieve it a little bit, desperately trying not to moan. You finally redressed yourself, adjusting your top so it framed your shoulders again, admiring your reflection and peeking over at Bakugou through the mirror, a small smirk gracing your lips when you saw how much he was struggling. You picked up the skirt and top you had tried on, folding them over your arm, chuckling when Bakugou’s cheeks darkened when you looked over at him.
“C’mon, kitty. We have other places to get to,” you beckoned him to follow you, wagging a finger behind you as you unlocked the change room door and went to the register. Bakugou followed, hands deep in his pockets when he met you at the register. You already had your card out, ready to pay for the items yourself, but before you even got the chance to tap your card against the machine, Bakugou had pulled his card out of his wallet and tapped it, paying in your place.
“You’re not paying for your damn clothes if I picked them out, dumbass,” he chastised, sticking his card back into his wallet. He took the bag the cashier had left on the counter for you to take, grabbing your hand in the other and tangling your fingers together. You had stopped in a few more shops, Bakugou picking out things he thought would suit you and you doing the same for him. At one point, the pair of you had managed to hold up the exact same shirt from opposite ends of the store, waving for each other’s attention and laughing when you noticed the shirts. Of course you’d bought them, for an inevitable matching outfit date. Bakugou had stopped into a store himself, dragging you in and leading you right to the cologne aisle. He smelled a couple, passing them to you to see which you liked best, but you had put them all back on the shelf, insisting that he didn’t need it.
“I like my kitty exactly the way he is,” you purred into his ear on your way past him, moving towards the perfume aisle, causing a shiver to travel up Bakugou’s spine. It wasn’t long after that that Bakugou directed you both towards the theatre in the mall after dropping off your shopping bags in his car. He had bought your tickets in advance, and you were thankful for that the second you saw the ticket line, which had wrapped around the corner of the entrance to the theatre. It was a normal sight, considering the film you had chosen to watch was a highly anticipated release. There were even some people dressed in themed costumes standing in line.
Bakugou had paid for the popcorn, even after you insisted he let you pay for something, just telling you to “shut up and let me pamper you, dumbass.” You and Bakugou sat in the seats you had reserved, right in the centre of the theatre to get the best view of the film, while people started to crowd in around you. Bakugou’s ears flattened as people pooled into the theatre, glaring at a few passersby and groaning at hearing people talk over each other, trying to keep their conversations going before the previews started. You watched as Bakugou’s tail, which was curled around into his lap for comfort, twitched in annoyance, an amused smile spreading across your lips.
“I didn’t expect so many people to show up for this…” he complained, his brows furrowing as he sank a little bit deeper into his chair when a child pointed him out in the crowd. You giggled quietly, reaching over and gently running your fingers over his tail. Bakugou jumped a little bit in his seat, his gaze snapping to you, his cheeks flushing bright pink. You simply smiled sweetly and slowly guided his tail into your lap, stroking the tip.
“Don’t focus on them, Katsuki,” you said, drawing his focus away from the crowd with a sultry smirk. “Focus on me, instead.”
Bakugou shivered, taking the popcorn he’d bought for you both and setting it in his lap as you played with his tail, trying to hide his growing arousal from the crowd in the dim lighting of the theatre as the trailers began to roll.
The film itself had been good; action packed with a good plot and special effects that blew you away. Bakugou, on the other hand, had been unable to pay attention to the movie for most of its duration. You had stroked his tail, playing with it and teasing him throughout the entire film. He was a blushing, gasping mess by the end of the film and he felt frustration boiling in the pit of his stomach at seeing your satisfied smile, your fingers finally letting go of his tail. He swiped it back into his own lap almost immediately, the fur on it fluffing up in clear annoyance.
Bakugou didn’t wait for the credits to finish rolling before he pulled you out of your seat by your wrist, dragging you out of the theatre with his ears flattened behind his head. You protested a bit, having wanted to catch the post-credit scene, but Bakugou stopped caring about what you wanted at that point.
“Shut up, brat,” Bakugou mumbled harshly over his shoulder, causing you to quiet down and obey. You’d had your fun, and Bakugou made it crystal clear that now it was his turn. He couldn’t take waiting anymore. Your incessant teasing had driven him insane all afternoon. He didn’t stray from being a gentleman, holding open the car door for you to step into the vehicle, but slamming it a bit too hard when he closed it. He drove quickly back to your apartment complex, recklessly, desperately. His cock was straining against the zipper of his jeans, a bead of precum having leaked through his boxers and staining the dark denim.
The drive back was quiet, but every one of Bakugou’s actions was loud and brash, efficient, trying to get back home in the shortest amount of time possible -- all so he could ruin you. He had opened the car door for you when you’d arrived back to your apartment, holding out his hand for you to take, staring down at you with scarlet eyes that devoured every inch of you.
“C’mon, get out,” he commanded, voice harsh and gravelly, trying to hold back on pouncing on you right then and there in the parking lot. A shiver traveled down your spine, heat pooling between your legs at Bakugou’s intensity, your cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink. You knew what was waiting for you the second you stepped out of that car, and you took his hand simply because of that, pulling yourself out of your seat. Bakugou didn’t bother with the shopping bags in the trunk, he just needed you to get upstairs, in the safety and privacy of your apartment, so that he could ruin you -- punish you for the way you teased him out in public, for the way you whispered sweet nothings into his ear when you walked past him, for the way you posed just for him when trying on clothing that he picked out knowing he wouldn’t do anything to you in public out of fear for his Hero reputation.
Bakugou unlocked the door to the complex, leading you towards the stairs and avoiding the elevator completely. It would take too long to get to the top floor using it, and it would tempt him to start too early and risk getting caught as soon as the doors closed. Imagine an unfortunate neighbour catching Pro-Hero Dynamight cornering his partner in an elevator of all places. How desperate he must be. You could tell by Bakugou’s rushed pace alone, skipping every other step when he could to make the trip up to your apartment shorter, that he was struggling to keep his composure. You purposefully slowed your pace, Bakugou’s tail swiping you across the face before he turned to you with a glare.
“Move it, brat,” Bakugou’s command was clear and crisp, the words spitting from his mouth and sending butterflies into your stomach. He noticed the slight hesitation in your next step up the stairs, a smirk growing across his lips. He stepped down to share the step you were on, backing you up against the wall and caging you in, his hands slamming against the wall with enough force that it echoed throughout the stairwell, his muscular body pressed against yours. “Unless you want me to fuck you right here? Is that what my dirty little slut wants? You want to get whored out on the stairs, chancing the neighbours hearing you, maybe even have one of them come down to investigate?”
You shivered against Bakugou as he interrogated you, staring up into his lust-filled eyes with a gaze that completely mirrored it. You swallowed hard, shaking your head a little bit, confirming that you really truly did not want a neighbour catching you, purely because you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle the humiliation.
“N-no, Katsuki. I just want to be yours, just want you to see me...” your voice quivered a little bit at admitting something that felt absolutely sinful, but that was relatively innocent. Your cheeks burned and the tips of your ears felt warm as you waited for Bakugou’s reaction.
“That’s what I thought,” Bakugou confirmed snarkily with a sharp nod, his thumb caressing your cheek as he pulled away from the wall, taking your hand again and leading you up the stairs at a more contained pace. You followed without reservation this time, keeping pace with him. Your mind raced with thoughts of how he would take you tonight as you walked up the stairs together, especially since you had teased him relentlessly all afternoon.
Bakugou had barely shut the door behind the both of you when you felt your breath knocked out of you, Bakugou’s lips stealing away any oxygen you could inhale before you had a chance to catch your breath. The kiss was rough, hot and feverish and rushed as Bakugou shoved his tongue into your mouth, coaxing a whine out of you, heat pooling into your stomach. His ear twitched at the sound, his hands sliding up the sides of your body, enjoying every curve. His fingers clawed at your shirt, pulling it up from underneath your skirt, breaking the kiss only to pull it over your head, discarding it down the hallway before crashing his lips right back onto yours. He knocked one of his feet against yours.
“Spread ‘em,” he mumbled against your lips and you obliged him, spreading your legs enough for him to shove his knee between your thighs, grinding it against your pussy, the pleasant friction making you moan in his mouth. He smirked, uttering a couple words before kissing you again. “That’s my little whore.”
It didn’t take long for you to grind your hips against Bakugou’s leg, mewling as you edged closer to your release. Bakugou chuckled, moving his leg up to meet the next grind of your hips, breaking away from the kiss.
“Awh, is my little kitty gonna cum?” he taunted. “All over your master’s leg, how desperate are you? Grinding that needy little pussy all over my leg. Is that really all it takes to make you cum?”
You whined when he moved his leg back to keep you from orgasming, a sympathetic, pitiful coo escaping his lips when your knees buckled out from underneath you, your body crumpling ungracefully onto the floor. You hated how hearing the click of his tongue made you wet, desperate to hear more from him -- for him to tease and torture you with everything he had. You looked up at Bakugou, tears pricking in your eyes, threatening to spill over your brightly flushed cheeks, a lusty haze glazing over your eyes. Bakugou simply reached out a hand, ruffling your hair with a smirk.
“You’re already a step ahead of me, kitten,” he purred, his other hand fumbling with the belt around his waist, the metal of the buckle clinking together when it finally came undone. Bakugou pulled his pants down over his hips, your gaze following the trail of blonde hair that led from his navel to the well-groomed bush hidden below. You adjusted how you sat, moving onto your knees and folding your hands into your lap -- a habit that Bakugou had trained you into in your years together. Bakugou shimmied his pants down his legs, hooking his fingers into his boxers at the same time, his hard cock springing free of the elastic waistband as he slid the fabric down his muscular thighs. Your gaze landed directly on his cock, a bead of precum leaking from the tip of it, and you could feel your thighs clenching, anticipating how incredible it would feel to have him rocking in and out of your tight pussy, slapping your ass, pulling your hair, taunting you the entire time, filthy words tumbling from his lips. The thought of it alone made you drool with want. Bakugou wrapped his large hand around his girth, pumping along his dick a couple times before stepping closer to you and tilting your chin up, slapping the head of his cock against your lips. “Open wide.”
You didn’t oblige him right away. You thought it might be fun to keep teasing him, to keep digging your grave until he snapped and only furthered your punishment, fucking you raw and numb and using you until you couldn’t see straight. Bakugou frowned, his fingers tangling into your hair and tugging your head back sharply.
“I said, open your fucking mouth, slut,” he repeated his command, spitting against your face, the impact of it making you gasp in surprise. Bakugou took that single opportunity to shove his entire length into your mouth, the tip of his cock ramming against the back of your throat and making you gag, your lungs heaving as you tried to take in a gasp of air, coughing when you were unsuccessful. Your nose was pushed deep into the tuft of hair against Bakugou’s pelvis, his grip on your hair keeping you from moving at all. You looked up at him, his lips twisted into a satisfied smirk as you tried to take in deep breaths through your nose. “That’s my good kitty, let your master use your slutty mouth.”
Bakugou rocked his hips back, slowly rolling them forward into your mouth again, a deep groan escaping his lips as he found a steady pace. He degraded you each time you coughed when his dick hit the back of your throat, telling you how pathetic it was that you could barely take half of his length into your mouth without gagging against him, how he clearly needed to train his slut better if that was all it took to make you cough, his grip in your hair tightening all the while. You tried to pull back for just a couple seconds, hoping to catch a breath of air, pushing your hands against Bakugou’s legs, but he simply snapped at you to keep your fucking hands in your lap, and you didn’t dare disobey him a second time.
He abused your mouth until enough drool had pooled from your lips to dampen your skirt, the reflection of the light on your spit glistening against your collarbones. Your throat felt raw and your jaw hurt when Bakugou pulled his dick from your mouth, lungs heaving as you gulped down lost air, the room spinning when you looked up from the ground.
“Don’t get too comfortable, sweetheart,” Bakugou chidded, chuckling as he tugged you to your feet by your hair. You whined in protest, stumbling up onto your feet and balancing yourself, staring up at him with half-lidded eyes, knowing exactly what he was going to say next. “We’ve barely even started.”
Before you knew it, Bakugou had slung you up over his shoulder, smacking his hand hard on your ass, your yelp of surprise echoing through your apartment as Bakugou carried you to the bedroom. He dropped you harshly onto the bed, giving you a firm stare with a single command: “Clothes, off.” You did as you were told, stripping out of your skirt and tossing it across the room, followed by your thigh highs and underwear. Bakugou had also shed his shirt, rummaging around in a drawer while you were preoccupied, searching for something. He smirked when he found what he was looking for, pulling out a pair of leather handcuffs and nipple clamps. Your mouth went dry when he turned around to show you the treasures he’d found, a nasty smirk on his lips to complete the package. Before you had a chance to say anything, Bakugou commanded you to lie back, and for the sake of not furthering your punishment, you did so, raising your arms above your head for him to cuff your wrists together. He looped the cuffs over the middle rung of the bedpost, giving them a quick tug to make sure they were secured, and that you weren’t able to slip out of them. You wiggled your wrists around in their leather binding, the soft interior cloth rubbing against your skin as you adjusted a bit to make yourself more comfortable. Warm fingers sizzled against your skin, Bakugou’s touch trailing up along your sides, his fingers tracing along the curve of your ribs and underneath your breasts. Despite how exhaustive you knew your punishment was going to be, Bakugou’s touch was soft, gentle. He was careful with you as he teased your nipples, coaxing a soft whimper from your lips when he squeezed them between his thumb and index fingers. You caught his gaze, a dark blush beginning to stain your cheeks when you saw the mischief dancing in his amber gaze. A yelp escaped you when Bakugou pulled hard at your nipples, promptly letting them go after a few seconds of tight pinching, your breasts bouncing back into place. Bakugou repeated the motion a few times over until your nipples were sore and red, absolutely sensitive to the touch. He cooed, bending forward and dragging his tongue along your left nipple, his fingers brushing over your right, coaxing a shaky moan from you at the sensitivity. He nipped and sucked, making sure to give the other nipple the same attention before snaking down to your core, leaving kisses and bruises along your ribs, down your stomach, leaving particularly dark love spots on your hips. He smirked at the view between your legs; your cunt was dripping wet, a smooth trail of slick pooling from your pussy and wetting the bedspread beneath you. He looked up at you from between your legs, purring.
“My slutty little kitten is sopping wet... You want somethin’, baby? Hm?” he teased, draggin his tongue along the inside of your thigh, nipping at the skin and sucking a dark bruise into your skin. Before you had the chance to reply, Bakugo ran his tongue along your slit, flicking your clit with the tip of it, coaxing a soft whimper from you, before he began messily devouring your pussy. He licked and sucked at your clit, a soft, constant purr rumbling deep in his throat and vibrating against you as he ate you out. You fought against the restraints when he inserted his tongue into you, burying his nose against your clit, mewling pitifully as he fucked you with his tongue. He repeated the back and forth motion, everytime you got remotely close from attention to your clit, he moved back to tonguefucking you, keeping you on the edge for so long that tears pooled from your eyes until you couldn’t take it anymore. You came hard on his tongue, hearing Bakugou’s displeased growl and realizing you forgot to ask for permission. You knew what would come next before it even happened. Bakugou moved his tongue from your hole to your clit, overstimming you until you came twice more, begging, pleading with him to stop, to let you breathe. After a fourth orgasm, Bakugou finally pulled away, drool dripping down his chin as he looked down at you, pleased with seeing how you had come apart for him. A chuckle escaped him when you looked up at him with half-lidded eyes, still sniffling and chest heaving, unable to string together any coherent words of thanks. Bakugou leaned forward, his thumb caressing your cheek, gently wiping away a fresh tear.
“Awh, my poor kitten, so tired out,” he cooed, pulling back for a moment to pick up the nipple clamps, dangling them in front of your face, the silver of the clasps twinkling in the light. “If you thank me properly, maybe I won’t use these. Maybe I’ll let you cum as soon as you want to when I fuck you. Maybe…”
He paused, spreading your legs, the palms of his hands on your knees holding his weight as he leaned forward, a teasing smirk playing at his lips, his tongue running over his teeth through his open-mouthed smirk.
“I’ll be nice.”
You sniffled, pulling yourself up a bit, taking in a deep breath and staring up at Bakugou. His eyes were warm, despite the mischievous smirk on his face. He relished in seeing the dark blush on your cheeks, the tears staining your face, your eyeliner mixed in with them and smeared on your face. He enjoyed seeing you absolutely ruined, messy, practically begging him for more with a single look. Your eyes always burned with an intensity he never saw in anyone else, and he adored it.
“Yes, Sir. T-Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for making me cum, thank you for punishing me,” you continued to babble on ‘thank yous’ and ‘pleases’ until Bakugou’s purrs rumbled deep in his throat. He shushed you when he’d heard enough, picking the clamps up off of the bed and discarding them to the floor.
“Pathetic slut, begging so well for your Master to be merciful. You won your way out, kitten,” he purred, fingers trailing down your thighs, his tail swishing behind him as he readjusted his position, lining himself up at your pussy and hooking his hands under your knees, bringing them closer to your chest. “Now be my good little whore and take your Master’s cock.”
The second you nodded, Bakugou plunged deep inside of you, all the way to the hilt of his cock, his balls slapping against your ass. You yelped, not expecting the quick intrusion, but you melted against him when he slowly rocked his hips into you, staying rough with each thrust into your dripping cunt but savouring the feeling of being inside of you. He groaned under his breath, enjoying your warmth, a dark blush spattering his cheeks, his ears twitching with each one of your moans. His pace quickened evenly, pausing just briefly to readjust the position, hooking your leg over his shoulder to free up a hand to choke you with, his fingers further closing around your throat the faster he went, his thrusts keeping the same rough energy they had when he first plunged into you. Your eyes began to roll back into your head as you felt yourself coming close to the edge. Your hands tugged hard on your restraints, desperately wanting to give your clit some attention to reach your orgasm, wanting to touch Bakugou’s ears to make him reach his. The closer you got, the more you whined and begged to cum for Bakugou. He took in a deep breath, growling on his exhale.
“Look at me,” he commanded, waiting for your eyes to fall on him. Your eyes stayed half-shut, too blissed out by the promise of an orgasm to register the command. When you didn’t obey him right away, Bakugou spat in your face. “I said look at me, slut. I want you to look at me when I make you cum.”
The harsher command made you snap your eyes to him, meeting his amber eyes almost immediately. They were intense, but not intimidating – no, they were full of an intense, burning passion, full of love for you. It was then that you felt your release, the walls of your cunt clenching down against Bakugou as he continued to thrust into you, searching for his own release.
“K-Katsuki!” you cried out, tears escaping your eyes from the strength and pleasure of your orgasm. Bakugou continued to thrust, his hips faltering once he felt you milking his cock with your pussy, signaling he was close to cumming as well. “Katsuki, please, need you. Need your cum in me, please. Need my Master’s cum to fill my pussy. Please, Katsuki, please!”
The last few words of your begging, hearing his name escape your lips not once, but three times was the final piece Bakugou needed to reach his release. He thrust into you twice more before he stopped, his cock stuffed deep inside of your pussy as he shot his load inside you, marking you, breeding you, making you unequivocally and irrevocably his. He let go of your throat, catching himself on his palms when he leaned forward, breathing heavily, his cock still twitching inside of you. You were breathing equally as heavy as he was, enjoying the post-sex bliss as the two of you caught your breath. Neither of you said a word for a few minutes, just listening to each other catching up with reality and coming off the orgasmic high you’d both experienced.
Bakugou had recovered sooner than you had, pulling himself off and out of you, watching with a pleased smirk when his cum pooled from your cunt and onto the bed sheets. He made a note to change them before the two of you went to bed for the night. He crawled off the bed, coming up beside you and reaching over you to undo the handcuffs. You looked up at him the entire time, admiring his features, taking note of the couple beads of sweat on his forehead, the softness in his eyes, feeling the restraints loosen and stretching your arms out when they had finally been removed. You sat up, gently massaging your wrists, smiling at Bakugou. He kissed the top of your head, mumbling a quiet “wait here” before walking from the bedroom, tail curled happily behind him, his right ear flicking three times – a habit you noticed he had gathered when he was pleased with you. You wiped the tears from your face, rubbing at the spots that had dried to rid the trails from your face and smiling a little bit when your fingers came back with black smudges on them from your makeup. Your legs felt weak, which wasn’t a surprise considering how rough Bakugou could get in bed, but you felt nothing but pride bubbling up inside you. You waited patiently for him to come back, hearing the soft flush of the toilet, the quiet creak of the bathroom door, and then the running water from the kitchen tap. Bakugou returned soon after, feet shuffling against the floor to keep himself somewhat steady, a glass of water in hand, along with a cold slice of pizza from the previous day’s supper. He handed both to you.
“Eat. Drink. And don’t forget to pee. I’ll kill you if you get a stupid UTI,” he demanded sternly, sitting on the edge of the bed beside you, right ear flicking when you giggled quietly, taking a sip of water. You quietly ate your slice of pizza, finishing off the glass of water while Bakugou talked, discussing how the order of clean-up should go. He decided that the sheets should go in the wash first, they could run while you were both in the shower cleaning yourselves up, and then would be ready for the dryer by the time you’d be done. You could watch a movie together on the couch or something while the sheets dried. Bakugou helped you out of the bed when you’d finished off the snack he’d brought for you, getting the shower running and asking you to check the temperature while he went to change the sheets. You stepped into the shower, humming happily at the feeling of the warm water against your skin. It didn’t take long for Bakugou to join you, stepping behind you and giving your ass a playful slap, eliciting a giggle from you. You had washed each other’s hair, Bakugou doing yours first. He purred non-stop while you scrubbed at his scalp when it was your turn, being extra careful of his ears.
“I love you, Katsuki,” you said to him. His ear twitched, flicking soap from the tip of it, and his purring got louder.
“Fuckin’ love you, too,” he muttered quietly. Had it not been for his purring showing his true feelings, anyone else likely would have thought Bakugou had been annoyed based on his tone. But you knew better.
You wrapped up your shower together, towelling off. Bakugou tied a towel around his waist, leaving the bathroom to switch out the sheets while you went to the bedroom to find something comfortable to wear for the rest of the evening. A pair of shorts and one of Bakugou’s hoodies later, you were back in the bathroom putting on a charcoal mask. Bakugou strode in beside you, in grey sweatpants and an orange t-shirt that had definitely seen better days, quirking an eyebrow when he caught your reflection in the mirror. Without a word, you handed the bottle to him, and he took it, pushing his still-damp hair back with one of your fuzzy headbands and applying the mask to his t-zone. You giggled at the double-up of cat ears Bakugou now had on his head, since he happened to choose the exact headband that had fuzzy pink cat ears on it. You’d settled on the couch together, and you were insisting you watch the recent romance flick that had been released to streaming sites since you had heard good reviews. Bakugou didn’t complain, and you cuddled up against him, debating the logistics of the film and who the better looking characters were.
The dryer dinged just as the movie was wrapping up. Bakugou stopped the movie after the credits finished rolling, huffing frustratedly, his ears folding back when he stomped away to retrieve the sheets. You followed after him, turning out lights as you went, waiting for him to bring the sheets into the bedroom, a smile on your face. He dropped them ungracefully onto the bed, tail swishing behind him as he picked out the pillowcases from the pile of warm linen.
“Oh, come on, Katsuki, it wasn’t that bad,” you teased, folding your arms across your chest. Truthfully, the movie had been a lot more cliché than the reviews had suggested, making it a predictable film. You still enjoyed it, but Bakugou clearly had a different opinion.
“Are you kidding?” he retaliated, stuffing a pillow into one of the pillowcases while you fought with the fitted sheet. He dropped the pillow to give you a hand, tucking the corners on his side of the bed. “The amount of plot holes in that movie was stupid. Even a chipmunk could tell it was a shit ass movie. I could direct that film better than that fucking pigeon for brains director.”
You giggled, billowing the top sheet so it made it to the other side of the bed. Bakugou caught it almost immediately and smoothed it out, tucking in the end under the bed with you.
“Right, just like how you’re definitely going to claim Deku’s spot as the top hero one day,” you teased, smirking. Bakugou immediately started to pout, tossing the pillows onto the bed and fussing with the duvet, tossing half of it to you to catch when you weren’t looking, the cover smacking you in the face. He chuckled, setting the duvet on the bed.
“Now, we’re even, nerd,” he mocked, tossing aside the covers and climbing into bed. You rolled your eyes playfully, turning out the light and crawling into bed next to him. You cuddled up against Bakugou, resting your head on his chest and slinging a leg over his, listening to his soft purr rumbling in his chest. He looked down at you with a smile.
“So… What should we do tomorrow?”
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zero00kiryu00 · 3 years
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