wolfepack · 6 years
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I redrew that picture that was given to me that I loved so much! -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 6 years
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Finally got around to drawing that better pic of Tech V and myself 💕 I surprised her with a hug and she reluctantly reciprocated. She loves it but she won't admit it. See! She's blushing!!! XD X3 -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 6 years
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This wonderful picture was gifted to me by someone under the name @dried_hycanthis on Instagram… It’s quite lovely! A picture of me in one of my most comfortable shirts as I bring coffee and tea to Cecil and Tech V in the station. They’ve also done some lovely paintings of Cecil! (Please don’t repost without permission!) -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
I too ponder over her explicit use of Times New Roman, and the message declaring myself, quote, "Next". Then again, are not we all next? Anyhow, I have found myself in quite the predicament. How do you suggest I go about my life with the ever constant danger that is the world? - Your most beloved cosmic jellyfish, Jerrel
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wolfepack · 7 years
In fact, two days ago I stumbled upon a message I presume was left by her saying "your next" written in the dead body's of so many cockroaches oddly in the font Times New Roman. Next to it was a heart made from two rat tails. I now continue to wonder about the rat's perception of a life without their tails. It is probably most melancholy. ......
I'm not reading all this, just stop Jerrel!-Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
In the ever continual sprawl of this and other words, I often find myself concerned for my, and other's safety, often contemplating the continual existence of mine, own microcosm which I so ever adore. I find myself rather uncomfortably hiding away inside my small domicile, counting down days 'till the next street cleaning day, and praying that the faceless old woman who secretly lives in my home does not grow board of my cowardice......
Jerrel, I know this is you, why the hell are you sending us blog stuff?-Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Since I can't seem to capture myself on film, I have taken to asking for portraits of what people perceive me as. This portrait was done by a friend of the station, @anxiety-the-triology , or Galaxia. Eeeeeeeee, am I really that pretty? Oh, I should post some pictures of her! She's pretty cool, always floating. Not sure if that's on purpose or not...but I like it! -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
Tech V's third eye doesn't cry. I've been meaning to ask why that is... Anyone else curious? -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Oh readers I met the most interesting tiny creature today. It’s name is Viney and it belongs to Victoria. At first I thought it was a animate tentacle that Victoria had lost. And I was worried that it may take over the station. Then she explained it was her pet snake. And with glee I decided to pet the small creature. Then that Blogger Victoria told me of was also there. He appeared when she approached. Luckily she started to carrying that hatchet. Next time I’ll bring a Sea Turtle if he comes by…hopefully, I’ll remember to do that.
-Technician V
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Hey, we've been on a bit of a vacay here at the station page... Which is just code for we are really tired xD but I made this improved pic of myself and eradicated some blog owners with no respect for the work place who were trying to get a glimpse at our news. So enjoy! Also we will answer asks within 24 hours, so please inquire on your inquiry... -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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This is a really quick sketch I did of what it looked like. -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
Jerrel Cleftling
So while I was out, taking notes for the station, I bumped into…A BLOGGER!!! AGFGHaFhkjzghGyaYUGeRHHj–
*Deep breath* *Smile* Anyways. He knocked over all my notes, and kinda messed up my hair, but at least he didn’t sting me. He says his tentacles don’t sting, but I don’t believe his filthy lies *mutters something about bloggers* he sounded a bit panicked at first, and he shrunk away from me before apologizing and–
Oh, wait. I mean he literally SHRUNK. Listeners I should probably have mentioned that Jerrel has the body of a floating jellyfish. Or he is a sentient floating jellyfish? Well, I’m not exactly sure what he is, but he was floating a little bit taller than me, looked like a jellyfish, and had all sorts of galaxy filled void in the squishy part of his head…Body?
So he shrunk a little and frantically tried to calm his tentacles (which made them splay more erratically) and he introduced himself as Jerrel. He helped me pick up my notes, and asked that I excuse his uncontrollable tentacles display, which I didn’t not, and slowly he started to grow in size as he spoke, going from fit-in-my-palm to the size of my head.
And he would not stop talking! He kept going on about his “amazing blog”(yeah, I checked and he had like ten followers). Ugh. And it’s all about him! Or, about what’s inside him? I don’t know it’s like a bunch of weird mini stories about the people that live in the planets in the galaxies in his brain, except they are just normal people watching TV and eating dinner and stuff. (Not exactly news.) What a weirdo. And he kept using the word “fasinating” to describe it, like, who told him that word and has he never seen a thesaurus? Jeesh. This guy.
So I took my notes and cut him off while he was saying something or other about his blog and told him I had to keep working, but maybe we could talk more later. He seemed really excited.
But you know, I shouldn’t judge people by their jobs. Maybe there isn’t much work for a floating jellyfish in the desert. And his planet filled galaxy​ membrane was really pretty and soft.
If he stings me or talks about blogging the next time I see him though, I may come at him with a hatchet.
-Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Tech V showed me how to draw my tentacle! Thanks V!!! This is generally how I’ll dress on a good day: lots of jewelry, including a bloodstone necklace, a green ribbon, a silver snake armlet, and several peircings. I have this awesome pink tutu I love–I love color if you couldn’t tell (even though people say it makes me look flamboyant… Is that a bad thing? Cuz I like it!)! Long half of my hair is pulled up and is super cute! (And this I know cuz I wore my stupid contacts today.) The blue on my face is natural if I haven’t mentioned, it changes with my mood and skin tone, but usually looks like that. If you have any questions for me or Tech V please ask!
I’ll have to post a pic of me on a bad day…
-Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Here's the concept art! I had this vision of myself under water, surrounded by it, submerged in it. Around me are luminescent jellyfish, and other creatures I can feel but not see. It's so dark. My tattoos are back, and they are moving at a maddening pace, twisting and turning. It's so dark. It's so familiar. But when was I in water? I feel as though I belong here, yet I want to escape. Is this where I come from? I can feel the truth coming closer, faster and faster, and I can't breathe. My third eye opens and I see-- -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Tech V wouldn't let me get away without doing my own self portrait even though I'm not a great painter. . . I'll show you the concept art which is much prettier, and then I'll explain the picture. -Intern Victoria
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wolfepack · 7 years
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After collecting liquid pigments of unknown origins and using paint brushes of horse hair, I manage to successfully paint this person that I have been told to be me. After painting her my dreams had stopped. She had stopped talking with me. The nagging has stopped readers. But I feel a hollow. I miss it. Her complaints over the painting. Maybe I will dream of her, "this me", tonight. Maybe she, or I, will tell me who I was, are, or were. -Tech V
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wolfepack · 7 years
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Some notes I took at work today.
-Intern Victoria
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