#fem!nines x reader
My DBH Fanfics Masterlist
Since I now have more than one published work and some wips it was only fair to make a masterlist for a quicker access
Good boy Connor 
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Spicy BDSM-y RK1700 love story (with a bit of Convin and Reed1700) inspired by this artwork
Rated: E for very NSFW content
Cover artwork by @xsoarenx​
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Bad boy Sixty
Reed60 spin-off
Strawberry Mojito
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Nines x fem!Reader x fem!Nines
Rated M for some 18+ content
Greektown Blues
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AU with musician Gavin and bank manager/entrepreneur Human!Nines
Rated M for some 18+ content
Artworks by @vladlen4i @cptjh-arts and @luisfrost51
Left Out
A story about friendship between Connor and Conrad that almost fell apart
Rated T for some dark themes
Coming soon:
fem!Nines fic sequel
New RK1700 story
I know it’s short now, but I hope I will expand this list later on 😇 
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waltermis · 2 months
*Natasha walking pass Y/N*
Natasha: Hey Y/N, will you join me in Fury's office for a second?
Y/N *following Natasha*: Ohhh, private rendezvous huh? This whole 'trying to make a baby' thing has got you super freaky girl-
*Entering the office*
Y/N: Heeeyyy FuRY! *clears throat* What's up dude...!!
Fury: ...
Natasha: What did you think was happening??
Fury: She clearly thought you were gonna have secret sex in here...
Y/N: WHAt?! Inappropes much, Nick? *awkward chuckle*
Natasha: ...😏😏
Fury: Hey! Stop thinking of ideas!!
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993 notes · View notes
stevebabey · 11 months
the swindling of steve harrington’s heart
word count: 9.5k synopsis: you write for the advice column in the hawkins post, under the pen name gabby. you get a letter asking for advice about a first date and there’s no way it’s the same guy you’ve just landed a first date with, right? steve harrington doesn’t need help with his dates... right? [based on this post] [fem!reader + strangers to lovers but… steve’s a big sap for you already, ok?]
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The first letter comes in on a Tuesday. 
It’s posted in an ordinary envelope, with only a messy scrawl on the front to dictate that it was for the advice column of Hawkins Post. Inside revealed the same loopy letters, on a single piece of paper, reading: 
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Out of all the letters you’ve ever received at this job, most of which were lengthy admissions of troubles in suburbia, this one was by far the most interesting one you’d gotten all month. All year if you were being honest.
Writing advice under the pen name Gabby for your local paper likely wasn’t anyone’s first choice of job, not at least for those serious about writing as yourself was.
But between flipping burgers down at Benny’s and slinging shakes at Rita’s Diner, it seemed the lesser of all evils. And hey, it paid decently enough and you had a sweet little set-up in one of the drowsy corners of the office. 
It’s how you wind up here, scanning over the letter from one mysterious S.
It’s penned on some spare paper, nothing special. It wasn’t even lined paper like you might usually use for sending a letter of any sorts. It intrigued you the moment it had been dropped into your basket.
Hands flipping through the 4 other letters in there, rows of soft pink and blue envelopes, all with familiar handwriting, you determined that this one was, indeed, a new writer.
You practically devoured it from the first line. Gossip was rampant in Hawkins, like all small towns, but it was not so often shared so publicly with the paper, despite the anonymity that came with the advice column.
Most people in Hawkins seemed to come for advice on outshining their neighbours with a peach cobbler. Some asked whether jazzercise really was the go. There were very few sad tales of love in between the mush.
But this? Even just from the use of the word crush, you knew this wasn’t the average housewife talking midlife marital issues. This was someone your age.
It’s just a little bit funny, you admit — you, yourself, couldn’t imagine ever turning to the local paper to seek out love-life advice. Especially considering none of your previous replies as Gabby implied you had expertise in that area.
You decided it meant they were truly desperate or perhaps completely a hopeless romantic, or a bit of both.
But you couldn’t lie, either way, it’s entirely endearing to you.
It didn’t matter that it was probably someone who had no ‘game’, it was entirely completely made up by the fact they were clearly trying very hard, very genuinely.
They cared enough about getting things right. Whoever they were wooing was very lucky— re-reading over the short letter shoots a grimy wave of envy through your chest. When was the last time someone cared that much about a first date with you? About any date with you? The answer was… probably, never.
It didn’t help either that you had just landed yourself a date. A date with Steve Harrington.
For just a moment, a very brief moment, you look down at the signed S and wonder: would he?
No, he wouldn’t, you decide swiftly. The fragile hope that briefly hung up on the idea is shaken off as you recall his charismatic nature, his easy grin when he asked you out just the other week.
There had been a bit of nervousness, sure, but when you consider the dating history he’d had through high school, well… You feel embarrassed for even considering it. 
King Steve Harrington doesn’t need help with his dates.
Besides, the letter clearly states this was S’s long-time crush. You were fairly certain that if the school’s golden boy harboured any sort of feelings for you, it wouldn’t have slipped past your radar.
Last time you checked, Steve had only noticed you when you had gone into Family Video the other week — when he had promptly asked if you wanted to see a movie together sometime.
Sure, it hadn’t been nearly as smooth as you expected, though, that wasn’t to say you weren’t charmed. You’d heard a lot about Steve— though, who at Hawkins High hadn’t?
He had been that customer-service type of welcoming, hands braced against the countertop as he leaned into it, a handsome smile on his face.
You had pretended your stare didn’t linger on his arms. Or that you were drinking in all the subtle changes to himself, physically and more, since his primped-up freshmen-self. 
You had even admitted to yourself that he managed to pull off the dweeby Family Video vest, trailing behind him as he led you both to the action-film section.
Steve had stood close enough that you could feel the warmth emanating from him, and had helped debate your choice. He didn’t even comment when you got distracted looking at his arms when he crossed them, even though he smiled a little more smugly, having seen your wandering eyes.
Like it was your fault he had gorgeous, tanned, toned arms that made you want to drool.
But even with all his suaveness, Steve still looked surprised when you laughed at his joke, or his attempt at one — and then some of his coolness seemed to flee.
He had fumbled through the whole interaction of checking out your film and asked if you’d like to ‘maybe if you want, totally cool if not’, wanted to watch one with him sometime.
You think you’d say yes all over again just to see the way he had lit up. He positively beamed, then swiftly ducked his head to hide his hasty grin.
Saturday at 8, you’d agreed on. At the Hawk. He’d pay for the tickets and you’d shout the snacks. It’s a date, were his exact words. He had looked extra delighted when you had repeated them back to him with a nervous grin of your own.
It’s what you think of as you peer down at the letter in your hands, loopy scrawls telling a plea in love. You think about what you hope you’ll get on a first date — with Steve or anyone, for that matter — and pull up a new sheet to draft a response.
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It’s about the only advice you can give. Truthfully, dates fail for a multitude of reasons that change on a day-to-day basis and if this S just didn’t match with their date, well… that was out of your hands.
But if S liked them this much, enough to reach out to the murky depths of the local paper’s advice column, then they should show that. If nothing else, you’re sure their date would be flattered at their sincerity.
Try as you might not, the letter plagues your mind as you leave work. Your response sits on your desk, penned up and ready to be printed for the Friday morning paper, hopefully giving enough time to your advice-seeking S.
By Saturday, however, it’s the last thing on your mind — it’s hard for anything else to occupy it when it bubbles away blissfully at the thought of your date later in the evening.
You try to not let your thoughts carry away with what Steve might wear, what film you’d watch, whether you’d be able to sneakily hold his hand in the shadows of the cinema.
It plays a romantic pink-saturated loop in your brain, daydreaming of some silly kiss in the back row because Steve just can’t resist, he’s had a crush on you for so long— okay, maybe the letter was on your mind just a little.
But 8 o’clock whirls around faster than you expect and you arrive outside the cinema with only a couple minutes to spare. You’re more than relieved to see Steve already there, leaning up against the brick wall where the upcoming movies are showcased, bathed in soft golden light. 
He’s got on a pair of dark wash jeans and the polo he’s wearing stretches around his arms deliciously, forcing a giddy sigh from your lips.
There’s a jacket slung over his crossed arms and one of his feet is tapping rapidly against the ground. Even from afar, you can see him worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. Your heart spurs faster at the sight. He’s nervous.
“Steve!” You call out, unable to help how you’re already smiling like a lovesick fool. It doesn’t help when Steve’s head pops up, his hair bouncing just a bit. He lights up at the sight of you, features moving from worry to something happier. 
He straightens up, back scraping the bricks, and he steps forward to meet you in the middle.
“Hey,” he breathes, a grin stretching over his lips. This close, you can smell the cologne he’s wearing— something musky, with a hint of bergamot — and your head spins, all dizzy with delight.
“Hey, yourself.” You reply as playfully as you can manage. You swallow back another wave of nerves.
Fuck, was he this pretty when he asked you out? In the space of a couple of days, he seems to have gotten even more attractive. He’s got that entire look about him that reminds you of a daydream.
“You look, uh, really lovely tonight.” Steve compliments, tucking his hands into his front pockets nervously. He sounds so sincere it aches, the words worming under your skin til you believe them completely; he really does think you look lovely.
It’s a strange moment of consideration you find yourself having. You’re here, on a date with Steve Harrington and he thinks you look really lovely.
It’s not like you hadn’t heard the rumours about the cosmic shift in the King of Hawkins High — going from sneering at other kids in the hallways to cleaning off graffiti on his own accord. 
Yet, some small part of you is still delightfully surprised, as though it had been unconvinced until you had seen it for yourself. In the past, a part of you had been truly miffed at the waste of a pretty face on a douchebag like King Steve. 
Now, it’s like an entirely different person. When Steve offers you another smile, earnest and sweet, you’re secretly glad to get to be the one who takes a chance on him.
You come to a standstill at the back of the winding line outside the ticket booth, the pair of you lingering closer than needed. The brush of his shoulder against your own feels blazing, a streak of warmth. You hope he can’t feel your resounding shiver— and half-hope that he does and gets closer because of it.
“That— uh, thank you,” you manage to remember your words. Even better, you manage to accept the compliment semi-regularly, even though your insides are knitting themselves into a tangle of nervous anticipation.
“You too. Look nice!” You say, louder than you intend. The girl ahead of you peers over her shoulder and somehow even that’s not enough to keep your mouth from running. “I mean, you sort of always look good. That’s kinda—” you wave your hand over him generally, “—your thing. Looking… nice.”
Dear god stop, you will yourself, mouth snapping shut and eyes following quickly, screwed up in embarrassment. Way to completely disregard the advice you gave a stranger and pile on the appearance-based compliments.
You do your best to hide your wince as you peek your eyes back open. It’s a relief to see Steve chuckle good-naturedly, a delicate pink touching the apples of his cheeks.
“You know,” Steve begins as the line ambles forward slowly. His gaze switches between the ground and you, too nervous to commit to looking you straight on. “I didn’t just ask you out because you’re pretty.” 
He pauses. Rethinks his words and makes a hasty correction. “I do! Think that you’re pretty, that is.”
His quick assurance makes you laugh just a bit and you hide it behind a bitten-back smile. Steve stops examining his shoes for a moment, glancing to check you haven’t taken his words the wrong way.
Your heart feels like it does a forward roll in your chest, seeing his even pinker cheeks. God, in what world do you make Steve Harrington so nervous?
“I just—” Steve continues, shoulders hiking up a bit, another nervous motion. “I don’t want you to think that that’s the only reason, I asked. I like that you’re nice. You’ve always been nice.”
You blink at him. In a moment of clarity, a couple of revelations roll through your mind, each one steamrolling the last one before you can grapple each one properly.
Revelation No. 1. is the fact that Steve had noticed you. Past tense. Noticed you enough to think you’re nice and bookmark that in his brain. He remembers things about you. And then— then he had made a special effort to compliment you. Specifically outside of your appearance.
And hadn’t you just given specific advice like that? You had! You had given advice to an anonymous person known only as S, with instructions for their first date. Their first date with their long-time crush.
Which means... you’re Steve Harrington’s long-term crush. Which means, oh my god, Steve Harrington accidentally wrote into your job to ask you for advice on his date with you.
The result of the revelations, each one blooming quickly as the one before it, leaves you entirely speechless for a moment. Baffled. You gape like a fish, mouth flapping around empty words. You can’t quite compute it. Steve? Steve is the one who wrote to the local paper for advice? Steve Harrington wrote in for advice about a date with you? His long-term crush?
You’re thankful Steve’s nervous enough to not look at you because, for a silent 10 seconds, you’re sure every emotion from ecstatic and bewildered crosses your features. What in the actual hell?
You’re not sure how you expect yourself to continue this date and act like a regular person, knowing what you know.
And, more importantly, should you tell Steve? 
You get about 10 more seconds of floundering to debate it, tossing up a thousand different ways this entire evening could change if you reveal yourself.
Steve would be embarrassed. Steve would be angry. Steve wouldn’t believe you and just think you’re messing with him. Steve didn’t even write the letter and you’ve connected dots that don’t even exist.
You can’t pinpoint which one is the truth. You truthfully don’t know Steve well enough to predict how he might react, no matter how sweet he may have been. A realisation of how quiet you’ve been rolls through you when Steve’s head pulls up, concern knitting his brows together.
Something else altogether comes out of your mouth instead.
“You noticed me?”
Steve goes even more red. It’s a glorious sight and in an instant, you can tell he hasn’t meant to give that much away. The line shuffles forward and Steve seems thankful for it, clearing his throat and eyeing the ticket box ahead like he was wishing you were both there already. There’s only one more couple ahead of you.
“Is that weird?” He says after a moment, his voice a bit smaller than before.
“What?” You say, because it’s the last thing you’re expecting him to say. “No! I’m sorry I didn’t— that wasn’t an accusation!”
You mull over your thoughts, trying your best to put into words how it had actually made you feel. How it had soaked your inside with giddiness, not with worry. 
“It’s... really sweet, actually.” You admit, feeling bold enough to nudge your shoulder against his.
“Yeah?” Steve asks, the question said so earnestly it’s like he’s not quite sure he believes you.
“I mean,” You smile, sneaking a nervous glance sideways at him. He’s watching you, expression hinting at anticipation. You nod, continuing, “I’m glad you didn’t just ask me out because you think I’m pretty.”
The last word comes out a bit strained. It feels strange to admit it out loud even with the way Steve looks at you; little glitters of adoration in his eyes.
“It’s-” You clear your throat and bite back a smile that might be too eager. “It’s nice to be noticed.” 
Steve makes a small sound of content, like some sort of pleased hum. Then the couple ahead of you is moving and it’s your turn to step up for tickets.
You hurry through tickets and snacks, getting a packet of Reese's Pieces, some popcorn, and one huge cup of soda with two neon-coloured straws sticking out. When you duck through the velvet curtains at the theatre doors, arm already looped through Steve’s, it feels like you’re entering not as two people but as something closer. 
The evening whirls by in a lavender haze and Steve is nothing short of everything sweet and charming. Even with his nerves tripping him up now and then, it’s all endearing to you.
You two are the last ones out of the cinema, ushered out by bored employees whose glaring only deepened when they realised you and Steve had conducted a popcorn throwing competition between yourselves. You had been left in the dust, with Steve catching near every piece you threw at him. You were less gracious, salt smearing on your cheeks from so many missed throws. 
By the time you’re both back out the front, the night has found a chill to drape across the evening. The sky glitters darkly. The bulbs surrounding the front of the cinema glow and crackle quietly and you’re pleasantly delighted to find you don’t want to leave just yet.
“Hey,” Steve starts. He’s stuffed his hands in his pockets but you can see them twisting about nervously. “Yanno, I had a really good time tonight.”
You can see the moment he bites his tongue and holds back another sentence. You smile as encouragingly as you can — though something about how well the night has gone has your courage growing, doubling, tripling in size.
“Me too.” You admit. You ignore how your palms start to dampen just a titch and seize the words before your nerve fails you. “Did you— do you want to do it again, maybe?”
Steve nods, a stray strand of his hair escaping with the enthusiasm of the motion. He chuckles a bit, pushes it back, and steps closer. “Yes. I mean, yes, of course. You’re... this was so lovely.”
There’s a stir ecstatically in your chest in his words, which drip in sincerity. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, head ducked in shyness. It’s still strange, for someone to be so forward in their affections to you. “Um, should I- I could give you my number?”
Steve nods again, just as fervently as last time. He’s somehow gotten closer in just the few minutes you’ve been speaking like there’s a magnetism within you that he can’t resist.
“Yeah, totally! Did you — I don’t have a pen, I’m sorry,” He chuckles again. His hand scratches at the back of his neck.
You’re thankful for your insane preparedness, digging through your bag to produce a pen. By the time you pop the cap off it, a green marker, Steve’s already rolled back his sleeve. He holds out his arm.
“Your canvas awaits,” He jokes. Your smile grows into a grin, almost ashamed of how funny you found that. God, crushes made you stupid — though thankfully Steve seems to grin wider at hearing your laugh.
You curl your fingers around his wrist to hold his arm still. He’s warm, hot blood pumping beneath your touch. You try not to focus on how you can feel his pulse under your fingertips, nor how it’s racing far faster than normal. After your number, you hesitate for a moment before adding a quick doodle of a heart. It’s sloppy, not exactly your best work. 
Steve loves it. The moment you release his arm, he thumbs over the heart. Steve looks up at you, an infectious type of smile on his face now. “I’ll give you a call, yeah?”
You nod, tucking your hands in your pocket. You’re unable to stop yourself from rocking up onto the balls of your feet in your excitement. 
“Uh, you should probably call after 9 unless you want to meet my mom already.”
Steve huffs a laugh. “Got it. After 9. No meeting mom just yet.” He promises.
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This time, reading the letter feels like there’s sparking gunpowder littered in your very heart — lighting it up in a frenzy of fire in your chest as you read. It’s impossible to do anything except inhale each new word. You felt a little bad, sure, reading a review of your own date but then again, it was your job.
Besides, you’d tell Steve. When... Well, alright, you weren’t totally sure when you were going to tell him.
Definitely not before the next date. It was still fragile — and some part knew that if you told him, there was a good chance Steve would be too embarrassed. Would work himself up over it and it would ruin everything.
It was like... a souffle. You had to take it out of the oven at the right time; too soon, and everything would sink in on itself.
So, you decided to wait it out. Dish out some more advice and... see how the next date went.
You write back, There isn’t such a thing as giving too much away. This girl will be flattered to know you care as much as you do. Take her somewhere special to you.
It’s just enough of a nudge you think. ‘Somewhere special’ was a wide-open prompt that Steve could interpret as he liked. He could pick just how intimate the next date would be. You promise to yourself quietly, that if you get a third date, you’ll tell him then. 
Steve calls you the night after your responding advice is published in The Hawkins Post. 10 minutes past 9pm. He tells you, voice low and sweet, that he’s got a surprise spot in mind.
“If you’re up for that,” Steve hastily tacks on. “We don’t have to. I’m- we can go out for dinner if you’d prefer that. I totally love dinner.”
Faintly through the phone, you hear the quiet noise, like a thud. You have to smother down a giggle as you realise Steve’s smacked himself with the phone in his own exasperation.
“I’m up for a surprise,” You assure him, clutching the phone a bit tighter in your excitement. “That sounds fun.”
“Fun,” Steve echoes, with a tone of disbelief. Like he hadn’t believed you’d agree until, well, you had. “Yes! It’ll be fun. So much. I hope so. When are you free?”
His words come out so quickly. You can’t hide your laugh this time, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip to try to dissuade the giddy grin threatening your lips. No dice. Nothing can stop your elation.
“What kind of surprise are we talking about?” You ask first, thinking over your next words, wondering if you’re brave enough to say them. You take the leap. “Because, well, I know it’s a Tuesday but I’m free tomorrow night and—“
“Yes.” Steve cuts in eagerly. “Tomorrow night, let’s do it. I can pick you up?”
“Okay,” you agree, nodding even though he can’t see it. You don’t think your grin can’t get any wider, barely contained enough to relay your address for him to jot down.
Tuesday evening is soft, the sky a pale blue that washes warmth over the day. Steve picks you up on time. He’s handsome as ever, leaning up against the driver's side door as he waits for you.
Your heart does a little skip when he straightens up upon spotting you, perking up like he had at the cinema. It reminds you faintly of a dog wagging its tail; his happiness at seeing you so visible to see. 
“Did you get prettier since the last time I saw you?” He says, in lieu of greeting as you trot down to meet him. You feel heat bloom beneath your cheeks.
“I-” Your nerves creep up and honesty takes over your words. “I don’t know how to answer that.” You titter out a laugh, a smile tugging at your mouth.
Steve hums as you come to a stop before him. He pretends to give you a serious once over, his eyes light and smile easy. His gaze comes back up to rest on your face before he nods firmly.
“Mmhm, it’s just as I expected.” He reports back, soft and genuine. “Prettier in every way.”
You laugh again, nervousness bleeding into the sound but his words sink into your skin warmly. Fingers twisting into your sweater, you try to rein in your rabbiting heart.
“You’re a goof, anyone ever tell you?”
Steve grins. “Never said I wasn’t. Now, your chariot awaits.”
He sweeps an arm to the car behind him.
He’s right, it is a surprise. You’re not entirely sure where you’d been anticipating — maybe his favourite spot to eat? But instead, he takes you to a clearing, with blankets of grass and wildflowers dotted across the landscape.
For a moment, when you creep out from his car, hands still clutching the edge of the door, you wonder if this is how he found Skull Rock and the likes — that maybe Steve Harrington was an explorer by nature. You think back to your advice and wonder; what makes this place special to him? 
Your heart twists, knowing that he’s taken your advice, even if some part of you tears up in guilt. You will tell him. You take solace in knowing there’s not much to be guilty of; telling him the best way to woo you is hardly terrible manipulation.
Sure, it’s swindling but... of the sweetest kind. You lead him to your heart and in return, get to steal his own.
Steve’s brought along a blanket and picnic for the two of you. There are crudely cut sandwiches, though you don’t doubt he’s tried his best, paired with punnets of ripe fat strawberries. It’s... adorable. Dizzily endearing, how much effort he’s put in for you.
Your heart aches a little more at his pink cheeks as he unpacks all this for you like he’s worried what you’ll think. He is worried about what you’ll think, you realise. Despite all you’ve heard and known about King Steve, your mind winds up thinking back to his letter... I don’t want her to get freaked out if I come on too strong.
A fire of determination burns in your chest. Loving loudly would never be— could never be something to hide. Nor to feel embarrassed over, not with you at least.
So, you start by trying to feed him a strawberry, like a thousand romance novels have taught you. Instead of a cute gesture, you smush it into his cheek instead by accident as he turns his face suddenly. An apology squeaks out of you.
“I’m— oh my god, I’m so sorry,” You’re wiping the red juice splattered on his cheek, your own cheeks feeling fiery and hot. Steve takes your endless apologies well, assuring away the beginnings of your mortification.
He only manages to truly stop your flow of embarrassed apologies by squishing a sandwich against your cheek as well, just to make it fair — a peel of your laughter fills the field, some of your nervousness floating away with it.
Then, just as you had, Steve wipes off the smear of cream cheese on your chin with his thumb, the motion soft and gentle. Your nerves jump around again.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” you begin, finally asking the question that’s been burning since you arrived. “Because I’m loving this date but… Why did you pick this spot?” 
You’re careful to word your question in a way that doesn’t give away what else you know. Beside you, Steve takes a moment to think. His eyes scan over your face before he tilts it back to face the clearing, his arms resting on his propped up knees.
He’s just a boy. A pretty boy on a picnic rug he brought along to your date, in a field of flowers that he took you to. You have the thought to compare him to a painting in this moment right as Steve starts to speak.
“I came up here a whole lot after,” Steve heaves a loud sigh like he’s regretful for what he’s about to bring up. “After me and Nancy broke up. It was good to get out of town and just, like, have my own time to think. To think about what I really wanted.” 
You dare to ask. “And did you figure it out? What you really wanted?” 
Steve glances over at you and smiles crookedly. It’s one of his real smiles, you’ve come to realise. “To not get my heart broken again, for starters. That just— that shit sucked, you know?” 
He laughs a little bitterly, more to himself, and steals another glance at you, like his words are a test and he’ll find an answer in your expression. You smile gently, hoping to convey every softness that you have for him. Every good intent. 
“Well, m’not looking to do that.” You admit truthfully. “Maybe, I’ll… I’ll ease the ache?” 
Steve seems to soften at your words, relaxing. His shoulders drop an inch. “I hope so.” 
“And maybe, I want a little bit of loverboy Steve Harrington for myself too.” You say, your smile turning more coy. It’s true that loverboy was one of the nicknames for Steve tossed around Hawkins High halls but it hadn’t really stuck the same way The Hair or King Steve had. Except for, well, secretly with you.
“That’s what they call you!” 
“And who are they?” Steve asks, some of his signature charm creeping back in. He smirks at you, leaning in closer and your breath hitches nervously. You grin despite it. 
“Uh huh…” 
Time flows easily around the two of you, weaving like the softest cocoon. As the sunset blossoms, the grassy clearing becomes breathtaking. The moment the sun dips below the horizon, dimming the sky and encouraging out the stars, you suddenly know why this is Steve’s special spot.
He stretches out on his back, eyes to the sky. You copy him. Two little bodies cocooned in the sweet grass, wrapped in the night-time.
“This might seem strange,” Steve starts. His brows are bunched together, thinking hard, but his expression lightens as he turns his face to you. “But... Thank you for coming out here with me. For trusting me.”
A beat of quiet. A wind ruffles over the clearing, a soft whistle in the night. Steve swallows nervously. “Was it a good surprise?”
His question is so earnest it aches. It’s so obvious that he just wants to do this right and well for you.
You know now that even without your advice through the paper, Steve would have charmed you all the same. That you might’ve taken another route and it might’ve taken another couple of dates before you got here, sharing secret spots— but that you’d end up here, with him, regardless.
“It was,” you tell him truthfully, chest glittering with happiness. You smile at him, nudging his shoulder with your own. “Thank you for showing me.”
Steve grins. He turns back to face the sky, eyes cinching shut for a moment. Breathes in the moment. You admire the dimple of his smile. His pretty mouth. His eyes peek back open as turns back to you, voice dropped down into a whisper, “You’re welcome.”
It feels like a little more than you’re welcome — like maybe, he’s thanking you too. You’re really thanking yourself too, for wandering into Family Video when you had, for saying yes to Steve, for giving yourself this chance with him.
Moonlight shadows across his face, strong brows and sloped nose even more defined in the dark. You stare, eyes dragging from mole to mole, avoiding his intense brown eyes that threaten to make everything in your chest melt pathetically.
Shit, is he going to kiss you? Your stomach jumps with a spike of pure want and you move forward— right as Steve sits up. Embarrassment flushes down your spine and you recoil back, sitting up quickly as Steve had but not quick enough.
“Wait,” Steve says suddenly, twisting to glance at where you’d both been lying just a moment. In your panic, you don’t hear the eagerness in his voice. “Were you gonna—?”
Somehow, it seems more embarrassing to admit it aloud. That you might have been ballsy enough to kiss Steve first. You shake your head without thinking about it, arms coming to curl around your knees. Fuck, you wish you had read that moment right.
“Uh,” You spit out stupidly. “No, no, it was just…” you clear your throat. The awkwardness of the moment is nearly painful.
“I mean, yes,” you correct yourself quietly, clearing your throat again. You don’t want Steve to think you don’t want to kiss him. “I was, but—“
“You were?” Steve sounds close to devastation. His expression has crumpled a bit, regret rippling off him in waves. Your stomach turns.
“It’s okay!” You assure him hurriedly. “It’s— you know, the moments gone but there’s always… next time, right?” Your voice comes out a bit tight.
Steve seems a tad bit relieved at your words, shoulders deflating an inch or so. He nods along, even though you can still see the tinge of embarrassment on his face — it’s adorable, that he’s the one feeling embarrassed like it wasn’t you who made a move at the wrong time.
“Yeah,” Steve hasn’t stopped nodding, even as his gaze has travelled off you, staring down at his hands. The furrow in his brow hasn’t eased up, still drawn together in the middle, even as he agrees, “Yeah, next time. Uh, totally.”
Then, his head jerks up in your direction. “I’m sorry, by the way, I didn’t mea—“
You wave him off, a nervous chuckle coming out. You sort of want to bury your missed kiss along with all your humiliation but with every other word but Steve keeps kicking off the dirt. “Seriously, it’s fine, Steve. Really.”
His nod isn’t all that convincing to say he believes you.
Regret festers deep in your gut when the evening seems to derail from that point on. Try as you might, you can tell Steve is stuck in his own head; no doubt hounding himself for the strange rebuff he’d given you.
It would be endearing, that he’s so twisted up inside over it, if it didn’t seep awkwardness into the remainder of your date. You wish you hadn’t tried to kiss him.
The car ride to drop you home is absent of the sweet conversation you’d had when he’d picked you up. Words lull, just an oddly tense air between you two. You’re not sure how to fix this.
When Steve pulls up to the curb, the engine idling with a low rumble, you don’t open the door, not yet. Instead, you turn to Steve.
He’s already waiting, already looking over at you, a hint of worry in his expression — though, it’s gone in a flash.
Steve peels his white-knuckled grip off the steering wheel, pressing his hands into his thighs nervously. He gives a strange sort of chuckle and exhales.
“Right,” He starts, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “I know that— well, obviously, that wasn’t how I’d hoped that would go at the end and—”
He pauses, eyes scrunching shut with a groan as he tries to collect his words. The next sentence looks like it takes effort to grind out. “I would understand, is all, if you decided you didn’t want to go out again—”
“I do.” 
“—because that was, well- wait, what?”
Steve forces his eyes open and doesn’t even try to hide his astonishment. Your heart throbs achingly at his obvious surprise.
“I do want to go out again.” You nod along with your words. Being so sincere makes you feel a bit naked, forcing your vulnerability out into the open so that you don’t let him spiral. But you’d rather deal with that discomfort that let Steve get the wrong idea.
“Yeah?” Steve breathes. He seems to remember himself, picking his hands off his lap and draping them over the steering wheel. They tap at it lightly. Still nervous. “I’ll— I’ll call you?”
You nod again. For a brief moment, you think of how dates are supposed to end with kisses, or so you’re told. Your eyes dip down to his lips.
You want to. Even just pressing a peck to his cheek might satisfy your churning, growing urge to kiss him — but you certainly don’t have enough courage scraped together after his accidental rebuff.
A little part of you whispers meanly that it may not have been so accidental.
“After 9pm, remember?” You hear yourself say with a smile. Opening the door, you step out onto the sidewalk and close it gently behind you.
Then you deliver Steve one more smile, one more look back, because that’s the bravest you can be at the moment.
He doesn’t call the next night.
Or the night after.
You’re certainly not expecting another letter from Steve, especially considering how your phone has sat idle and quiet in its cradle since your date on Tuesday. Ringing, but not for you.
But come Friday morning— there is it.
Another letter, scribbled in handwriting you’re coming to recognise. Your heart stammers through the next couple beats as you realise what it is, who has sent it.
This time, you nearly consider not reading it. For him and for you, you consider letting it get lost in the piles of paper, never seen, never read. But burning curiosity wins, coddled by your bruised ego.
This letter is messier and more hurried than its predecessors, letters looping together all slanted.
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A small worry in you settles. Changes and transforms into something warmer as you realise he hasn’t called you because he’s waiting for advice first. Waiting, unknowingly, for you to answer him.
You genuinely think the space where your heart is supposed to be is empty — that the organ has melted down like gooey candle wax, dripping down your ribcage in burning hot affection. Your chest aches in the best way.
You’d never understood films where girls lie on their beds and kick their feet up, doodling hearts on paper. The urge is suddenly quite overwhelming. Christ. Steve really likes you.
He hadn’t called you back because— because part of him thinks you wouldn’t want him too. That one missed kiss would be the dealbreaker, even after those lovely dates.
You want to scoff, to laugh, to track down Steve and grip him by the shoulders and say, ‘I think you’re stuck with me if you’ll have me!’
You settle for pulling out a fresh sheet to draft your response.
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It’s a bit of a gamble, considering the part about the stars is complete codswallop. The newspaper doesn’t even technically have an astrologist; the horoscopes are auto-generated every week. You’re praying Steve won’t know that.
The paper goes to print on Friday evening, for the early weekend morning the day after. Saturday morning, there’s a call of your name downstairs and you’re halfway down the stairs when you pause at the sight of your mom on the phone.
“Someone on the phone for you,” She comments, the smallest raise of her eyebrows. You ignore the way that makes you hot inside, rushing down the end of the stairs to rescue who you hope is Steve on the other end of the phone. Your mom skirts away but not without one more meaningful glance back at you.
You turn and face the other way, giving away nothing. You’re sure you sound a bit breathless as you speak into the receiver, “Hello?”
A crackle on the other end.
“Hi.” A voice says nervously. There’s a moment’s pause. “It’s Steve.”
You fight off a combination of responses; a girlish squeal and a hefty sigh of relief. He called. The cord of the phone loops around your fingers automatically.
“Hey,” You say, aiming for casual. You’re not sure if it comes out that way.
A small part of you doesn’t mind if he hears your poorly tamped down excitement — an even smaller part wants him to. There’s something different about this call, knowing what you know.
“I’m real sorry it took so long to call,” Steve says, voice genuine. He clearly feels the need to explain his silence. You suppose if you hadn’t received his letter, you might still be feeling a bit confused and bummed out. “I— I’ll tell you all about why tomorrow? If you’re free?”
It’s sickeningly sweet that he still sounds so nervous.
“Of course,” you say. “It’s—” It crosses your mind to tell him, here and now, to explain that you knew exactly why he took so long to call you. You fumble and something else comes out instead. “I’m- I’m glad you called, Steve.”
“Me too.”
Your cheeks ache a bit with the force of your grin. The cord of the phone loops over your finger again and again as you sink against the wall, clutching the phone tighter and pull yourself together,
“So, what’s the plan?”
“You, me, maybe head over to Indianapolis and try out the new golfing game they just set up over there? That sound… good to you?”
It sounds very good to you. 
“I can’t say I’ve ever played golf.” You admit.
A little worry piques up about making a fool of yourself, then settles quickly. Steve wouldn’t make fun of you. If you sucked, you’re actually sure he’d find some way to spin it all romantic style.
“I’ll teach you.”
“You’ve played?”
“Never,” You can hear Steve’s smile through the phone. “But can’t be that hard right?”
There’s a lot of thought that goes into what to wear, evident in the holes you must be wearing in your carpet from pacing across it. Restless energy drives you, some labyrinth of nerves and anticipation knotted in your gut. 
Spread out before you on the bed lies everything you own in the colour yellow.
If she wears yellow, it’s your sign. Make your move.
Your own words— well, Gabby’s words, delivered to Steve via the Hawkins Post on how to know if he’s earned your heart like you know he so desperately wants to. You want to show him he has — in a way that seems like a goddamn sign from the universe.
The skirt is one of your nicer ones.
Along the waistline, embroidered flowers are stitched into the fabric and it swishes in just the way you love. Best of all is the dreamy buttery colour, like the colour that bleeds through at the beginning of a sunset, when the sky starts to change at dusk. It’s yellow as yellow comes — for good reason. 
You want him to see you and know.
For the sign to be so unanimously yes that he doesn’t have any space for the same doubts that tornadoed up in his head after your last date.
The type of giddiness that can only be spurred on by crushes and love alike spins up inside you, like sugar catching in a wheel and turning to cotton candy. You’re so sweet on him it’s making you feel gaga. 
You’re also terrified — because you have to tell him now. Inklings of anxiety settle in your chest, leaving little notches in your ribs that twinge a little bit. You really don’t want Steve to leave your life, not now that he’s just come into it.
A little part of you regrets not telling him on the first date, when all your revelations rolled into one big Oh My God! outside of the Hawk cinema.
You hadn’t told him though, so you need to tell him now. And then again, if you’re asking Steve to trust in the stars then… maybe, so should you. 
The afternoon sun lights through the glass of your front door and coats the entrance hall in gold. Steve, as always, is on time. You’re barely down the stairs, the clock chiming at 1 o’clock, when a familiar toot! sounds from out front. Your fingers stress with the fabric of your skirt, smoothing it down for the nth time. 
Here goes… everything. 
You open the door to step you and you startle in surprise to find there’s already someone on the doorstep. 
The door snicks shut behind you, bumping your forward an inch, and the warmth of the afternoon sweeps across your skin.
Steve’s staring downwards, one hand adjusting his ringer t-shirt nervously and the other holding together a fresh bouquet of flowers- sunflowers.
He got you sunflowers. 
Yellow, yellow, yellow. There seems to be a theme to your love. 
His head shoots up at the sound of your entrance, his eyes snagging on your sunny-coloured skirt which shifts in the wind. You swear you can hear his breath hitch as he takes in the colour, a smile blooming wide across his face.
Remembering his manners, Steve clears his throat and tears his eyes off your skirt but it’s too late — the buttery yellow has done its job and he knows. 
His grin has turned brazen and wild. Confidence rolls his shoulder back a bit and his chest puffs out. He looks so handsome it makes you hopelessly nervous. 
“These are…” Steve holds the flowers out but his words trail off. His eyes back on the ground as he thinks, hard, teeth worrying at his bottom lip.
In a second, he seems to come to a decision because he’s stepping closer to you, so close that if you both leaned in a couple more inches, your nose would brush his chin. He holds the sunflowers purposefully out the way, mindful of crushing them. 
He smells very nice, you realise. The scent of his cologne inspires a flustering reaction; you’re sure there must be cartoon hearts swimming above your head. You reign in your thoughts before they get away from you.
“Look, I messed up our last kiss and honestly, until recently I didn’t even know that was something I was even capable of doing.” Steve huffs a laugh, his throat bobbing as he swallows nervously.
His eyes screw shut for just a moment, gathering his thoughts, or perhaps his courage. Maybe both. 
“But, I am. I’m- I feel like a fool around you and I miss these little cues because I’m trying to think of the right thing to say or— or because I can’t stop looking at you. And it’s because I like you. I really like you.” 
He inhales a shuddering breath. The sun beams make his eyes two shades lighter. 
“I’ve been confused and lost in love once before and it means that some days I’m not even sure what that feeling even is, what I’m looking for, but… I think it may feel a lot like you.” 
There is it, presented forward to you. His heart on his sleeve, bleeding for you. 
His affections are so transparent it makes you ache for him more. Sunlight seems to fill your chest, burning in its ardor and the tenderness soon follows.
You feel the fondness you have for him, just a seedling of new love, taking root deep in your heart. A part of you suspects it may have snuck in there far earlier, nestling in sometime between your longing glancing and shared smiles. 
“And now, I really, really want to kiss you.” Steve says, the words so earnest they scrape on the way up his throat.
His brown eyes are searching your face as his free hand rises, hesitating for only a moment before it finds a home curled along your jaw. “And get a chance to get it right this time.” 
“Steve,” you whisper. His name makes your mouth tender like no other word can. “Kiss me.” 
His fingers slide along your jaw and touch the edges of your hair as he inches nearer and your heart lurches up your throat in anticipation. His lips are quivering ever so slightly, you notice. 
And then his lips are on yours. 
He kisses your mouth with all the adoration of a familiar long-time lover, deep and longing. Pushing up on your toes, your hands grasp at his shirt, the fabric twisting between your fingers as you pull him closer. It’s… lovely.
Your heart aches and soars, beating as one with him as his kiss sets a fire aflame within you. You are officially and utterly enraptured by Steve Harrington and all he is, but especially his kisses. You already miss the last of his lips when Steve breaks the kiss. 
He doesn’t move back, staying close, and the tip of his nose bumps against yours. He’s sporting a grin that rivals the day in sunshine. 
“You wore yellow,” He says, voice doused in awe. 
Oh. That’s right. His words are a swift kick to reality. You pull back just a bit, hands flattening out on his chest, just so you can see his face properly because you know if you’re too close, you might fall victim to his brown eyes. 
“About that…” 
Steve blinks and takes a second to realise that he must have spoken aloud. He chuckles, a hint of embarrassment in the noise, and rushes to explain. “That was— that must’ve sounded-” 
“I’m Gabby.” You interrupt before he can get carried away. 
Steve frowns, confusion creasing between his brows. “What? I thought your name was—” 
“No!” You jump in again, biting down your smile at his adorable misunderstanding. “I-I mean I write as Gabby. From the Hawkins Post.” 
Steve blinks at you again. His face blanches and then, it’s like watching fruit ripen, the apples of his cheek getting pinker and pinker with every passing second.
He splutters, a myriad of emotions overtaking his features; surprise, bewilderment, embarrassment. He jumps from one to the other in an instant.
“You- you’re— and you?”
There’s not really a proper sentence coming from Steve, just bucket loads of endearing and unneeded embarrassment radiating off him, so warm you can nearly feel it. Steve sputters for another second before he finally manages to spit out a sentence. 
“The whole time?” 
You have the decency to look sheepish when you nod. Steve steps back for a moment and you try to ignore the spike of fear it invokes in you — he buries his face in his hands, squishing the flowers against his hair, and releases a pitiful sounding groan into his palms. After a moment, he drags his hands down his face and peeks up at you. 
“The whole time?” Steve asks again, in a meek whisper.
“I’m sorry!” You squeak out, guilt beginning to overflow. Oh god, you’ve deceived him and he hates you—
“No, no, no,” He cuts you off with a wave of his hand, which then cards through his hair. He’s still looking a bit frazzled but his eyes finally focus back on you.
“It’s not— Oh, man, I can’t believe it was you. No wonder the advice worked so well! This is- this is a new kind of embarrassing—” 
Steve groans again, though his smile is starting to return. “I can’t believe you still went out with me once you figured it out. God, I knew that writing in was a bit pathetic, it’s gotta be like a—” He holds his hand out flat, hovering at chest height. “Top ten loser move of all time and you still—.” 
“No, it’s not!” You insist, stepping forward to close the gap between you. You shake your head, eager to convince him of how it had seemed from your side; a sweet love letter from someone who cared enough to try to get things right.
“It was sweet and honest. Before I even knew it was you, reading that first letter, I… I wanted it to be you.” You admit, a bit bashfully. 
Steve takes a moment to look at you, eyes dancing down to look at your yellow skirt which swishes as another breeze passes by. Warm afternoon air cocooning around you, you look the picture of devastatingly pretty, dolled up for a date with him. You’ve seen this dorky and little bit pathetic side of him, with his desperate search for advice and missed kisses and yet… you’re still here. 
“You did? You mean that? You don’t think it was… weird?” 
You shake your head, a few strands of hair escaping from behind your ear. Steve thinks about tucking them back for you. He doesn’t feel brave enough yet.
“I mean that. I— it was crazy when I figured it out and I sort of thought it was just wishful thinking but, definitely not weird.” 
You hold your hand up, fingers nearly pinched together with only a few centimetres between them. You squint, smile overtaking your lips before you can stop it. “Was just a little bit funny, though.” 
Steve laughs, head tipping forward to hide his rosy cheeks. He peers back up at you through his lashes, a new twinkle in his eyes. “You’re a little minx, aren’t you?” 
“I didn’t plan it!” You splutter out, defending yourself. “It was- it was just a freaky coincidence.” 
“A freaky coincidence?” Steve’s brows hike up an inch. His smile turns into a smirk and he rocks up on the balls of his feet, then steps back in closer to you. “Mmhm. Totally believe you.” 
“Doesn’t sound like you do.” 
“Weren’t you the one who told me to trust in the stars? You should take your own advice, really.” 
He leans in so close that you think he’s about to kiss you. He doesn’t— just hovers an inch from your lips. 
“I’ve found it works astoundingly well.” He says, voice husky with how low it is.
You shiver a bit, delight zinging up your spine and try your best to not to smile too much because, well — as you find, it’s awfully hard to kiss someone properly when you’re cheesing out, grinning too wide. 
Good thing, neither you or Steve seem to mind very much.
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diaryoflife · 1 year
[The Avengers working on a mission, not having slept for days]
Fury: I'm worried this is going to take us another day or two.
Y/N: Yeah, you think? ..I'm sorry. I'm exhausted. Natasha says when I get tired, I get night sassy.
Fury, seeing Natasha nod: Night sassy?
Y/N: Hearing problems, much?! …Sorry.
*Natasha tries not to laugh whilst pulling Y/N away from Fury*
1K notes · View notes
moondustpugh · 3 months
Is It Over Now?
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Fake dating your flatmate, Joe, should be a simple thing. It meant you get to help get his ex back, and it meant you get to stop your parents' nagging about bringing someone home for once. But what happens when fake dating turns into something unexpected? Now, what?
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay! But here we go! A little peek inside Joe's mind and feelings :)
Disclaimer: 18+
Wordcount: 3.3K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Joe knew what he wanted for a long time now.
He knew ever since the first night that you two had done this agreement. He knew when you walked out of your room, wearing that mini black dress of yours that made him want to just cancel this ridiculous agreement and focus on moving on instead. Joe knew when he had kissed you for the first time. 
Those soft lips that touched his. Those big brown eyes that seemed to always made him forget that there was a world around him that probably thought how much he was in awe of you. The way your lips would curl into a smile, and your laughter that sounded like music in his ears. The way the noise of the pub that night had faded when you had stood between his legs and leaned down to kiss him. 
It made him forget about himself for a moment. 
It made him forget the world. 
It was just you and him. 
It made him forget about the idea that you were kissing him to make Ivy jealous. You kissed him that night and ever since then, it was embedded into his veins. Embedded into his brain. 
Then, you had worn that silver silk dress and the whole night, Joe was asking the Universe if this was his punishment for bringing you into this mad idea of his. His eyes were on you the whole time, and you stood there and talked to his friends like you didn’t have the care in the world. Joe, on the other hand, was kicking himself completely for being such an idiot. For thinking that someone like you would fall for someone like him. 
Someone who was indecisive and couldn’t even organize his life well. 
Meeting your parents was a different thing. That was when Joe had realized there was so much in you that you kept hidden from the world for a long time. The anxiety and nervousness that electrified your bones that night was something he never saw in you before. Right before you both arrived at your parents’ house, Joe just wanted to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay. That he was there next to you no matter what happened. However, Joe knew the boundaries that you have drawn between yourself and other people. 
In fact, Joe barely had seen you ever hug Sara or Abby whenever they came over to the flat. There was always that distance that you have put up. Always an arm’s length even with your closest friends. When your mother had kept shooting her words towards you that night, Joe quickly realized as to why you had put up that boundary between everyone. 
You felt like you were never enough. 
He saw it in your eyes when your mother kept bringing you down with her commentaries. Your eyes grew dimmed, and you suddenly had fallen inside a dark pit inside your brain. Almost like you found a room inside your mind and hid yourself in there and locked the door until you had disappeared from your body. Your eyes stared into an empty nothingness in front of you, and Joe couldn’t help but slid his hand with yours under the table.
Blinking a few times, he saw how you slowly came back to your body. As if his touch had sent a signal into your brain and to come out from that dark room. He felt you squeezed his hand gently as he defended you in front of your mother. 
It was almost like a silent thank you. 
For Joe, he would defend you to anyone who would say negative things about you because how could they say something like that about you? 
Finding you in your room alone that night, Joe saw the melancholy in your eyes, and he just wanted to take you up in his arms and tell you that you were better than them. That you were so much more than whatever your mind was telling you at that moment. Joe wanted to tell you how much the thought of you was slowly occupying his mind every night. How much of your presence just immediately jumps starts his heart. Joe wanted to tell you that your eyes sparkled, and your smile sent electricity in every bone of his body. 
He had fallen. 
He couldn’t bear to see you like this. Joe saw the way you had pushed down your emotions inside of you. He saw the embarrassment and frustration that washed over you when your mum and dad had started yelling downstairs. He knew that he wasn’t just going to sit there and make you feel as if this was your fault because it wasn’t.
And when he had held you in his arms, he wanted to just freeze the world around the both of you. He wanted that moment to last because it was the first time he had held you without having to pretend. Without having to do a little acting around strangers. If you would ask Joe, he wanted to stop this agreement already because that was the night that he had realized that the one person he had been falling for was the one in his arms. Not Ivy nor anyone else.
It was you. 
But that night wasn’t about him. It was about every scar that you hid under your skin from people. It was about how much you had to endure your mother’s words that made bullet wounds in your heart. It was about how much your parents had picked and pulled you apart your whole life, and you were left there until there was nothing left inside of you. 
Joe knew that, and he wanted to tell you how strong and magnificent you were. How none of those things that your mother had described you was true. 
But how come he couldn’t? How come he was being such a coward?
Was there a part of him that made him feel as if he couldn't face you because he was embarrassed over the fact that he was so obsessed with Ivy that he didn’t realize the one person he had been falling hard for was his flatmate?
That he couldn't seem to end the agreement because he was scared he wasn’t going to see much of you anymore if this all ended? That maybe, you didn’t feel that way about him?
Everyday, he avoided seeing you. He was barely home. Always crashing at his friends’ house just so he could avoid these feelings that were eating him up because why the fuck did he made up this plan? Why the hell was he still acting like he wanted Ivy back? In all honesty, Joe hasn’t even paid attention to her. She had called him a few times, but he was ignoring it. 
“Oh, c’mon, Joe…” Ivy slid her hands up on his chest. “Kiss me.”
It was one of those nights where you both had gone to the pub because Ivy and her friends were celebrating something. Joe had excused himself, and you didn’t say anything. 
You weren’t bothered over the fact that he was going outside the alley with Ivy. You sat by the bar and nodded your head as you drank your martini. So, he made another ridiculous decision and kept acting like he still wanted Ivy.
Sneaking out with her into the dark alley behind the pubs wasn’t really the best idea. Alcohol was running through his veins, his mind kept telling him that you didn’t feel that way about him, and his emotions were controlling him. He would find himself making out with Ivy to get rid of the unrequited feelings. 
He was insane. 
You were right about that. He didn’t understand how much he could care for someone until you entered his life. Sure, he was infatuated with Ivy, but this feeling was different when he was around you. 
He forgets about himself. He forgets about the world that was around him. 
With Ivy, he always wanted to prove to her friends and the world that he was deserving to be with her but with you… He just gets lost in you. He was able to be just… Joe. 
It was true that he was obsessed with Ivy during his relationship with her, but it wasn’t Ivy that he was obsessed with. It was the idea of her that he had written in his mind. The idea of having someone that was out of his league. He was looking for something greater, and he thought he could find that in Ivy. He thought that was what he wanted, so he played her games. 
He played until both of them lost. 
However, after the night of the film festival, it seemed like Joe had lost again. The news of you moving out of the flat got his mind reeling again. He didn’t want to let you go without him telling you how he felt. He knew it was a risk, but he had to tell you. You deserved to know what he felt about you and when he had kissed you, he thought you felt the same way about him. Until you decided to run off that night. 
He couldn’t help but scold himself mentally for making you so uncomfortable. 
For making you run away.
For losing you all at once. 
“Ivy.” Joe opened the front door of the flat that night. 
He found Ivy standing in front of him, her eyes sparkling and an excited smile plastered on her face as she threw himself into his embrace. 
Joe stood frozen. He was paralyzed as Ivy gripped her arms around his torso and buried her face on his chest.
“What are you doing here?” Joe asked, voice sounded ice cold. 
Slowly, Ivy slipped her arms away from his body and her smile faded as she gazed up at him. Joe could see the disappointment in her eyes as she walked past him and entered the flat. Sighing, Joe closed the door behind him before turning to face Ivy, who had her arms crossed in front of her chest. 
“Why are you acting like you haven’t spent weeks trying to get my attention?” Ivy asked, her voice sounded like she was insulted. 
“I…” Joe shook his head. “I wasn’t trying to get your attention. At least not for a long time now.”
Ivy let out a scoff. Her eyes studied the flat, and Joe could see that she was trying to look for a sign of you. If only Joe knew where you were too. He wanted to talk to you and apologize for making you uncomfortable by kissing you. 
“What do you want, Ivy?” Joe asked.
“You.” Ivy immediately replied, her eyes finding his. “C’mon, Joe. Really? Your flatmate? Her? We both knew you only were using her to get my attention, and you won. You got my attention.”
Ivy slid her hands up on Joe’s chest, but he was quick to grip her wrists gently and pulled her hands away from him. Ivy knitted her brows together as she stared at Joe. He could tell that she was trying to understand what was going on between him and her. 
“It’s over, Ivy.” Joe murmured. “You said it yourself, remember? This isn’t working out.”
“But I thought…” Ivy shook her head, panicked that she was misunderstanding everything. 
“Well, you thought wrong.” Joe answered. “So, please. Can you leave?” 
Joe opened the front door for her, but she was repeatedly shaking her head as tears welled up in her eyes. Joe exhaled a sharp breath. He knew what she was doing, and he didn’t want to cause any scene, especially that it was Ivy. She liked the drama, and she loved the center of attention. He didn’t need his neighbors complaining about her causing a scene in the middle of the night.
“No, don’t.” Joe shook his head, closing the door. “Ivy, stop.”
“Joe, I love you.” Ivy blurted out the words, a tear rolling down her cheek.
Oh, fuck.
This wasn’t what he wanted to hear from her at all. He took a step forward towards her as she quietly cried in front of him. 
“Ivy…” Joe murmured. “Please.”
Ivy walked closer to Joe and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into an embrace. Joe, however, stood there. His limbs felt paralyzed, he couldn’t move, while Ivy sobbed on his chest. Joe didn’t know if this was just her pretending, so he’ll take her back or she was actually crying because she had lost him. Either way, he wasn’t falling for any of it. He was so tired of her games. 
“Ivy.” He said sternly, taking her arms off his torso. “This is what you wanted, remember? You were right. This thing between us hasn’t been working out so, please. It’s over.”
“No,” Ivy shook her head. “No, no. I was wrong. I was. I love you, Joe. There’s no one else I want but you.” 
Joe watched as Ivy literally crumbled in front of his eyes, and he stood there unable to move his body. He didn’t know what to do. He felt bad for Ivy because in some time, he did care about her. He didn’t want to hurt her like this, but he was also unable to trust her after playing her games all the time. He was over that. He didn’t want that anymore. 
“I’m sorry.” Joe murmured, shaking his head. 
Ivy wiped her tears with the back of her hand and nodded her head. He saw that she was slowly realizing that she couldn’t do anything about this anymore. Joe exhaled a sharp breath, walking towards her and embraced her in his arms. He felt her body tremble as she sobbed the moment he held her in his arms. Even if Joe didn’t feel that way about her anymore, he still had a history with her. So, when he saw that she seemed a little too unstable to go home, he offered her to stay over for the night until she was okay. He didn’t want her going home like this, especially after the fact that he was the reason why she was sobbing in his arms uncontrollably. 
“Bye Joe.” That was the last thing Ivy said to him the next morning. 
The front door closed, and Joe was left alone in his own thoughts again. Thoughts about where you have been all night. You didn’t come home at all, and he wondered where you were and if you were okay. Knowing you, he knew that maybe you were with Sara and Abby, but he just hoped that you were okay. 
When you had entered that morning still wearing the same dress you had worn at the event, high heels in your hands and red rimmed eyes, he knew you had been crying too.
He couldn’t help but scold himself for hurting you and Ivy. 
“Hey,” Joe was just fixing the sofa that Ivy had slept in. “Can we talk?”
Your eyes looked exhausted, and he knew you had been crying. He knew it was because of him, and he wished he could just take you up in his arms at this moment and apologized for being such an ass because what the fuck was wrong with him? He should have ended this agreement long ago but because of his fears, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He wasn’t ready to just lose you like that.
However, he had already lost you, right? 
The moment you had told him that you were moving out now, he knew you were serious about this. He knew that it was because of the stupid shit he had put you through. Although, Joe couldn’t let you go without at least letting you know how he felt. Without letting you know that he loved you. 
You were pushing him away. You were pushing your feelings away because he knew you didn’t want to get hurt anymore. He knew that you didn’t want to suffer the same fate as your parents’ marriage, but he didn’t want to give you that. He wanted to make you happy. He wanted to give you all the love in the world. This was something he never felt about anyone before. This was something he was willing to do anything for so he could hold you in his arms because the thought of losing you was ripping his heart out in pieces. 
“I love you.” Joe murmured, and he saw the emotions that suddenly washed over you. 
Joe cupped your face in his hands, his chocolate button eyes looking for yours. His thumb softly tracing your lips. Every trembling bone of his body just wanted to kiss you. He wanted to hold you, and he wanted to put a smile on your face. He wanted to split himself open and let you in. He wanted to know all the dark corners of your mind and replace them with light. 
“I love you so much.” Joe whispered. “It consumes every bone of my body every day and knowing that I couldn’t hold you in my arms, it kills me.”
And then that was it.
Something had snapped inside of you, and Joe saw it in your eyes. You gave him that permission that you were finally letting go, and you were accepting and believing him. Joe didn’t hesitate to kiss you and held you in his arms, and he was flying. Every part of him was desperate for you, and pulling you close in his arms wasn’t enough. 
He needed you closer. 
He kissed you like he had been waiting for this moment to happen. Like he had been waiting for his whole life to hold you in his arms, and you were finally here.
If Joe could capture every moment he had with you that night, he would. He would revisit them every time and replay them in his mind because that was everything to him. Feeling your heated body pressed against his and the small moans that would escape your lips made him insane. 
“I’m terrified, Joe.” You uttered those words to him. 
He knew what was going on in your mind. He knew all the scenarios that were slowly creeping up in your brain, but he wanted to take all of those away. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to break your trust. He wanted to make sure that you could feel his love for you because the way he felt about you didn't have enough words to ever describe it. 
As your bodies merged together, Joe touched you so delicately. He touched you and kissed every inch of you, wanting to memorize it. He wanted to kiss away all the pain, kiss away all your fears. 
He was so in love with you. 
And his heart was about to explode in happiness as he held you in his arms. His thoughts were gone and time had stopped. All he could focus on was you being in his arms. Your head laying on his chest, his fingers softly brushing your hair, and your eyes fluttering close. Your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, and your soft skin against his. 
He didn’t think he could feel this much pressure in chest. 
He didn’t think that you being in his bed, in his arms could make him lose oxygen in his lungs and at the same time, it was making him feel so alive. 
So, when morning came, he also didn’t think he could feel this much hurt in his chest. 
Fluttering his eyes open, Joe felt the bed next to him empty. Joe felt the cold air and your presence gone. At the beginning, he thought maybe you had gone to the bathroom but after a few minutes, acceptance had washed over him.
You were gone, and he didn’t know what he did for you to run away like that again.
Was last night didn’t mean as much to you as it did to him?
Was that all? 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles
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A Hard Day
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Rosa Diaz x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: autism struggles, overstimulation (the autism kind not the sex kind), explicit language, soft Rosa <3 (if I've missed anything please let me know!) Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Rosa leaves work in the middle of the day to help you after you get overstimulated. She starts to realize that she really, really cares about you.
“I gotta go,” Rosa said, standing abruptly mid-text.
“Wow, skipping out on the job, Diaz?” Jake joked, spinning around in his chair. “It’s only 3:00.”
Rosa didn’t answer, pulling on her coat and rummaging in her bag for her keys.
“What, you can’t wait until the end of the work day to make out with your new girlfriend?”Jake waggled his eyebrows.
She glared at him. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business,” Rosa growled, “but she’s having a hard day.”
Jake puckered his lips, an exaggerated expression of sadness. “Aw,” he cooed in a baby voice. “Y/N needs her little girlfriend to kiss it better?”
Rosa’s arm shot out to grab Jake’s collar, so quickly and forcefully that he yelped. “She’s autistic, jackass. Her bad days aren’t like ours.”
Jake looked uncomfortable as Rosa let him go, shoving him back into his seat so hard he rolled away a bit.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “Tell her, uh… good luck with the autism?”
Rosa rolled her eyes and stared at him. “You’re an idiot. Tell anyone about this and I’ll shove my boot so far down your throat the heel comes out your ass.”
He grimaced. “You’re a real poet, Rosa.”
But she was already gone, already on her motorcycle, already racing to your apartment at speeds she might have pulled someone over for.
She was quiet when she got to your apartment, quiet as she let herself in, quiet as she took off her leather jacket and set her bag by the door. Noise was one of your biggest triggers, so Rosa was careful not to add any. She found you in the corner of your bedroom–lights off, curtains closed, oversized hoodie pulled over your head, swinging your body back and forth, back and forth.
You looked adorable. She felt a little bad for finding you so pretty like this. She knew it had been a hard day for you, that this was your brain and body’s way of regulating itself. But, god, did she love your tiny, swinging arms. The way you soaked in so much of the world that she worked so hard to keep out. It was one of her favorite things about you, that you felt everything, experienced everything, so deeply. Rosa had a hard time letting herself experience or feel anything fully. Except you.
She knocked lightly on the door to let you know she was there. You swung a little wider, twisting your neck so you could see that it was her. You waved your hand at her briefly, then continued swinging. Rosa grinned at you. She'd never admit it, but her stomach did little somersaults whenever you saw her and smiled. It was so particular to you, a smile combined with stims. You’d squeeze your eyes together and lift your shoulder to touch your ear, grinning so big your eyes would disappear.
“Hi, Rosa,” you said quietly as she approached you. 
“Hi, baby.” She took your hand and squeezed. If you had looked at her, if you had made eye contact, you would have seen something not many people saw in Rosa’s eyes–softness, care, deep-seated concern. You would have seen a face that was open, that read loud and clear, I would do anything for you. “You feeling any better?”
You shook your head.
“Want me to hold you?”
You nodded, and Rosa gently pulled on your arm, leading you to the bed. She got herself situated, then pulled you onto her lap. You buried your face beneath her neck, pressing into her, seeking out deep pressure, the steady sound of her heartbeat, the smell of her perfume on her neck–citrusy and spicy. She held you hard, her strong arms wrapped around you, her body tensed to give you the most pressure she could.
The first time you’d let her see you overstimulated, she’d tried to play with your hair and hold you gently, and you’d said, “That’s too light. Press hard.” So she’d pulled you into a loose hug. “Harder, Rosa.” So she’d squeezed you, resting her face next to yours. “More, Rosa,” you’d insisted. “I’m not gonna break.” She’d been afraid she was hurting you, but there was no denying the results. When she held you like that–so tightly she worried you’d burst–your breathing slowed, your muscles relaxed, you melted into her like all the stress of the world couldn’t touch you. And she genuinely hoped that when you were in her arms, it couldn’t.
You let out a relieved sigh as Rosa rested her chin on your hooded head, snaking her hand inside to gently scratch her fingers along your scalp and through your hair as she rocked you back and forth.
“I shouldn’t have gone,” you whispered into her chest.
“To the work thing?”
You nodded.
“I did so good until the end.” Your voice cracked, and Rosa pressed her lips to your head. “I hate being like this.”
“Hey, now,” Rosa said, her voice vibrating against you. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.”
“But it’s true,” you insisted. “It makes everything harder. It makes it harder for you, too.”
Rosa sighed. She wanted to look into your eyes, but she knew that’d be hard for you right now, so she settled for pressing her cheek to yours instead.
“Y/N,” she said, her breath warm in your ear. “There is nothing hard about being with you.”
“I don’t believe you."
“I know that being autistic is hard for you sometimes,” Rosa continued. “But it’s really beautiful, too. I love your stims. I think they’re adorable. I think you’re funny without trying to be. You make me laugh. And smile. And ask anyone I know, I never smile. That’s just for you. You just… you see things and experience things in a way that’s just yours. And that’s badass.”
You giggled and sniffed. “You think autism’s badass?”
“I do,” she confirmed, grinning as you emerged from your hoodie, finally meeting her eyes. “I think it’s hot, too.”
You laughed and traced Rosa’s eyebrows with your finger, making your way down the bridge of her nose, then across the place where her face dimpled when she smiled, all the way to the bottom of her lips. She bent toward you and kissed your pointer finger, then took your hands and kissed your nose, smiling as you scrunched and stimmed.
“Grey’s Anatomy?” she asked. “I can make us mac ‘n cheese later, too.”
Your face lit up, and you leaped out of bed, your hoodie swallowing you. “Spongebob shapes?” She nodded. You grabbed Rosa’s hand and pulled her to her feet, kissing her quickly on the mouth.
“Wait, wait, not so fast,” she protested, as you bounced on the balls of your feet, trying to zoom off to the living room. She held the bottom of your face in both her hands and pulled your head toward her, kissing you deeply. She smiled into the kiss as you shook your hands next to your face.
“I love you,” you chirped, as you pulled away, thinking nothing of it and bounding into the living room. But Rosa’s breath caught in her throat. You all hadn’t said I love you yet. You hadn’t had the moment. But maybe there didn’t need to be a moment. Rosa’s heart surged as she watched you get the TV set up, covering yourself in a blanket so that only your head popped up.
“Come on, Rosa!” you called. “I want to snuggle!”
Rosa joined you on the couch, laying down so that her head was on your chest, her body pressing into yours, knowing that you’d find the pressure comforting. She’d never admit it–not to anyone but you–but she found it comforting, too, like this. She liked to be held. She would murder anyone who ever found out, but she loved your hands through her hair, loved being able to hear your heartbeat, loved the way your arms around her seemed to grow heavier when you fell asleep.
“I love you, too,” she mumbled into you, surprised by how easy it was to say.
“What?” you said, tilting your head toward her, your eyes still trained on the TV.
She smiled. “I said I love you, you nerd.”
“Oh. Yeah,” you confirmed, as if it was the easiest, most natural thing in the world to love Rosa. And, for you, it was. “Yeah, me too.”
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 6 months
Eat The Acid II
Summary: It had been 14 months since the fight, the worst 14 months of her life and finally she thought now was the right time to share her side of the story but all she can think about is the return of CM Punk at survivor series not even 48 hrs ago. What happens when she reminds him of the fact he's going back to a promotion that fired him on their wedding day?
Word count: 2,538
Warnings include: Swearing, violence, toxic relationships, manipulation and those kinds of things 
Part 1 Part 3 Main Masterlist CM Punk Masterlist
Inspired by "Eat The Acid" by Kesha
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Survivor series 
I knew I would keep quiet when all of the news of what happened at All Out went public. I knew I would say something stupid or let my emotions get the best of me. I can’t believe I stayed out of it for over a year, this was me breaking my silence. Phill and I had filed for divorce months ago, only now getting the paperwork started. I felt anxious as I sat in the chair, it reminded me of the one that got thrown during the fight. Renee Paquette invited me on her podcast to talk about my career and how things were going. She knew about the divorce before Phill got served so with my permission we would talk about the situation. Figuring it had been the right time to finally hear my side of the story. At this point everyone knew, in fact they couldn't stop talking about it. Dying to know my thoughts, feeling bad for me after what happened. We both knew what could happen, how this would backfire, but I told myself I would never speak bad about Phill, sure he was my ex-husband but I could never say the things he said about me, about him. 
“So Y/n, I know you have some things you would like to get off your chest” Renee said “The floor is yours” 
I felt my heart rate increase, I grew anxious. It wasn’t like this was a live recording, this was me and Renee in the comfort of her and Jon’s home. Sitting with two microphones, creating a recording we could do multiple takes of or even cut things out. I looked at Renee and she gave me a comforting smile, assuring me things would be ok. 
“So, I’m sure by now you must have heard that CM Punk and I are getting a divorce” I knew we were getting divorced, but every time I said it outloud my mind couldn't comprehend that it was real. “This was a really hard decision but I really didn’t know what else to do Renee. I tried, I tried so hard…I..I just can’t do it anymore. It’s unfortunate because I really loved Phill and a part of me will always still love him. The whole situation ruined my family, I can’t even look at him the same after what happened. I really didn’t want to get a divorce but it was the best option.” 
I looked to Renee who said nothing, offering a warm smile encouraging me to continue but I couldn't focus. All I could think about was the event that took place less than 48 hours ago.
I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus then rolled over by a train. My body was sore, I wrestled Full Gear a few days prior and felt fine despite having one of the most grueling fights of my career. It wasn’t until I woke up Thursday morning after I wrestled on Dynamite the night before that I felt it. It was weird walking up in Chicago alone, I spent many years here with Phill, it just felt wrong without him. I knew survivor series would be happening in a few days, finding it funny how AEW and WWE were both in Chicago less than 3 days apart. I decided to stay the week in Chicago wanting to catch up with old friends I haven’t seen in years.
Half asleep and in pain I heard my phone ring. After struggling to find it, lost in the mess that was my hotel room I answered the call half asleep, not even bothering to see who it was before I picked it up. 
“Hi” the voice on the other line was soft, so quiet that I almost didn’t hear the response 
“Who is this?” I responded, climbing back into the warm sheets 
“It’s me” the voice said a bit louder this time 
“Oh hi, Phill. What’s up?” I asked him, oddly calm, almost like nothing happened between us
“I need to talk to you, It’s important” He said quietly 
I didn’t know what was going on but I knew it must have been important. “Is everything alright?” I asked 
“Can you stop by sometime today, this is an in person type of conversation” I agreed to his offer, deciding to go to our once shared Chicago home to figure out what was going on. 
I stood on the steps of our once shared home, debating whether or not to ring the doorbell. It felt weird, like this was a foreign space despite all of the memories I’ve had here. When I entered the home I noticed it looked the same as it did the last time I was here. The only thing different was my missing items. I sat down on the couch agreeing to a coffee as I watched a very anxious Phill Brooks make two coffees. “So, tell me what’s bothering you” I told him honestly as I grabbed the mug from his hands, placing it on a handmade coaster I made years ago. A smile on my face noticing he kept it. “I’m coming back” was all he said and I knew exactly what he meant.
I didn’t know what to say, my throat was dry, my brain unable to form a thought. “No one knows, only Hunter and I know. I thought you should know about it and in person” He said softly trying to read the non existing expression on my face. He didn’t say anything waiting for me to speak knowing how I can struggle with expressing my emotions. 
“I don’t know what to say. How is this even possible?” I asked unable to comprehend how after everything he would return to a promotion that made him want to kill himself. “I remember when they fired you on our wedding day. Do you remember that, how that made you feel? How you swore to never wrestle again, never mind return to the enemy? You shit on WWE for years, not even six months ago you were talking about how horrible that place is and now you're coming back?” 
“I can’t believe it either love, if Hunter and I can make up I have hope that we might be able to make things right. I promise I will explain everything but I don’t even know what’s going on.  I know you don’t love me and that’s fine but I just thought you should know about it”
I could feel the tears fall from my face, I didn’t know why I was crying but I was. I felt betrayed, I felt like this was personal even though I knew it wasn’t. I had been by his side for the past 10 years. I remember when he told me he was miserable at work, I remember when he called me in the middle of the night when I was in Japan to tell me about the pipe bomb he dropped. I remember how they fired him moments after we said I do, I remember being by his side when he told me he wanted to start UFC, I remember being so proud of him despite his loss, I remember the tears we shared as I mended his wounds. I remember when he told me he wanted to start wrestling again, I was by his side through his whole stint in AEW. So hearing he was going back to a company that almost killed him, killed me, feeling like I had been living a lie. 
All I wanted to do was cry, over what I’m not sure exactly. Maybe it was the return, maybe it was about the fight, maybe it was the fact that he didn’t fight for us. I felt like a small child, I just wanted to cry and have Phill hold me like how he used to but that was wrong. That was then and this is now, when I looked at the man who sat across from me I saw the old Phill. Something inside him had changed, his hair starting to grow out, the gray in his beard returning, the love in his eyes. This was the man I fell in love with. 
I could tell that he wanted to hug me, he still knew me and he knew what I needed, he always did. He didn’t know what to do so I did it for him. “Can I have a hug?” I asked him softly ashamed of how vulnerable I was. “Of course love”
We stayed like that for a while, holding each other in a loving embrace, in a comfortable silence, neither one of us wanting to let go but knowing it was wrong. There was something so comforting about it, being back in the place I called home, with the man I onced loved, lying on an old couch that was falling apart but neither of us wanted to replace. It was like old times, I felt at peace, I was scared, terrified but this told me that things would be okay. 
Phill was the first to break the silence “You have no idea how much I missed this” he said softly as he began to draw shapes on my back, something that never failed to calm me. If anything it made things worse, it was too much. Everything felt too normal. He must have noticed that I had gotten more upset as he let go. “I’m sorry, this is too much isn’t it?” he asked. I didn’t respond. 
“What’s wrong Y/n?” He knew I was thinking about something. “What if I made a mistake?” I told him truthfully. To be quite honest up until this very moment I was still mad at him. 
“This doesn’t feel real Phill. Up until half an hr ago I still hated you but us sitting here in a home we used to share, this old couch, fuck you even kept all of my artwork. This feels too normal. You know that things can never go back to the way they were, I’m sorry but I can’t forget that fight. Do you even realize the long lasting effects that has left on me and everyone involved. You know I don’t care about that Perry one, you know that I thought he deserved it but for god sakes Phillip I watched you beat the shit out of my own brothers. There is something about this that feels too good to be true. It feels wrong, I miss you, I miss you so much, but I also hate you so much that I fucken love you. You just had to fight The Elite, why not The Dark Order or JAS, why me? Why after 10 years of loving it is all being thrown away after a silly little fight you started?” 
With every word I said I could see the guilt in his eyes, it was almost like he wanted to cry but didn’t want to show the vulnerability. “My love, I have tried everything to make things right, I know neither of us truly want this divorce but like you said it’s what's best. I’m sorry I didn’t fight hard enough for us, I thought it would have made things worse but by me doing nothing created damage I can never repair. If it means anything I will personally apologize to both Matt, Nick and Kenny, fuck I’ll even apologize to your dad. I know he always hated me”
“What about Adam?” I cut him off “This whole thing started over your hatred for him. You never once apologized to him.  Did you see his match with Swerve? That’s what he has to do to get the fans back behind him after you destroyed that cowboys career for no reason” 
“Y/n?......Y/n?.... You alright?” Renee called out, breaking me from my trance 
“Oh yeah I’m fine. Just thinking” I responded 
“We can wait, we don’t have to do this now. I know there’s alot going on” She told me reassuringly 
“I’m just still trying to process everything that has happened Renee” I told her as I looked at the grandfather clock that sat across from me reading 7:40 pm. “Raw’s on soon, do you think I should watch it, see what he has to say?” I asked Renee as I began nervously twisting my hair. 
“It’s up to you. I don’t want to be rude when I say this or anything but we both know he will probably talk shit about everyone during whatever it is that he has to say” Renee was right, Punk had a thing for shitting on his former employers and friends, I know this time would be no different. Knowing that The CM Punk would be on Raw tonight just felt weird, it was almost 10 years since he was fired. Even though I knew about his return it was way different hearing him say it then seeing it with my own two eyes. 
Since I  knew about the return, why was I in such shock once I heard his theme play. It was indeed real, the fans going crazy as the impossible was made possible. Chicago's son was home, home in the WWE almost 10 years later. My emotions were all over the place, on one hand I was excited, so proud of him like I always would be. The other part was scared, scared of the impact this would have on AEW, sure ratings were down but how could you compete with the return of Randy Orton and CM Punk in the same night. Part of me felt betrayed, after everything I did for him for what All Elite Wrestling did just to get stabbed in the back and join the other place. Another  part of me wished I was there, hidden within the crowd, in some disguise being able to immerse myself within the crowd, getting to experience one of his returns in person once more. Looking into his eyes you could tell that this is what he needed, he was truly home. He was happy, still in shock himself that he was back in a company that not even six months ago still had him banned.
I thought about what Phill told me earlier, ‘If Hunter and I can make up I have hope that we might be able to make things right.’ After that talk I couldn't get him off my mind. I knew if  he wanted he could just use that Chick Magnet charm and I would come running back but I needed to remind myself of the pain he caused me. How the past 14 months of my life had been an absolute hell. Everyday I look in the mirror and am shocked that I made it out alive, how somehow I was strong enough to tell that little voice in my head to shut up. I knew that chasing the feelings that were coming back was a suicide mission. I knew I shouldn't watch Raw but here I am getting home just in time to find my ex lover on the screen. I mean how bad could it be? 
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Needy puppyboy!Connor who desperately humps your pillow while you’re out of town. he’s a complete mess by the time your 3 day trip is over, but it’s fine your pretty puppy has so much more pent up energy for you <3
Pretty kittyboy!Nines who can just cum from you playing with his fluffy tail for a little bit too long, at times it’s really the only way you can drag him from work so you two can cuddle <3
Bunnyboy!Daniel who desperately fucks himself into your fist because you said it was the only way he could cum after being a brat <3
Bratty foxboy!Gavin who thinks he’s so sneaky when he steals your clothes, thinking you’re so stupid for not realizing when in actuality you’ve been leaving them out in places where he could easily find and take them <3
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petitelepus · 11 months
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Summary: Things happen and you end up living in a manga cafe when you are offered a new home and an exciting new housemate. You end up making a contract with the interspecies program and that changes your life forever. Good or bad? Let’s find out.
Warnings: None
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
"You can't stay here anymore."
You blinked as the words settled in. Your roommate and her boyfriend, or rather fiance had asked you to come out of your own room and have a chat with them. You were all sitting on the kitchen table, you on one side and they on the other side.
"W-what?" You stuttered, not believing what you were hearing. Weren't you the one that invited her to live with you in the apartment that the two of you shared until her boyfriend moved in also? "W-why!?"
"We have been talking..." The man looked at your roommate and then you, "That this place isn't big enough for four."
"Are you taking someone in? Without asking from me?" You asked and they nodded. You admit that you got mad, but you calmed down the second you saw your roommate hold her stomach and her fiance set a hand on top of hers.
"Are you guys...?" You swallowed, "Are you having a baby?"
"We wanted to make things work, but there is just no room for all of us." The fiance explained and he sounded sincere as was the frown on his face.
"We assure you, we didn't plan any of this!" Your roommate cried out, but then she looked at her stomach and a kind gentle smile rose to her lips, "But this baby is a blessing and we want to have it."
"Ah..." You blinked before nodding, "I understand... You do what you have to do..."
You really did understand. Babies took a lot of space and time. You couldn't be mad at them for planning their and their baby's future together. There just wasn't any room for you in those plans.
"I'm sorry, but we need space for the baby." Your roommate looked genuinely sorry and her fiance frowned, "Can't you go live with your parents until you find a new place?"
You shook your head. That wasn't possible, you had sworn that you would never return there. Not that you had a bad relationship with your parents, but when you had moved out and made it your goal to live as an independent adult, your father said he was proud of you. Just what kind of a disappointment you would be if you returned home with your tail between your leg? No, you couldn't risk it.
"We will rent a space for your stuff until you find a place to live."
"It's the least we can do."
"I see..." You nodded, "Thank you, I'll try to find a new place to live quickly. When do you need me out?"
The two of them glanced at each other and you frowned. That wasn't a good look. Your friend looked back at you, "I'm sorry, but my parents are coming tomorrow to the city and we would hate to put them in some hotel when they want to get to know their future son-in-law."
So they wanted you out today or tomorrow tops. Your disappointment must have shown because the boyfriend quickly added, "We, no, I will help you with your stuff starting now! I don't want the future mother of my child to worry or exhaust herself."
"Oh babe, you're so sweet." The two of them smiled lovingly at each other before they pecked each other on the lips. You nodded but you weren't feeling as hopeful and positive about the future as they were...
You quickly found out that finding a new place to live proved to be a lot harder when you were seeking one alone. You went to see many apartments but you soon found out that even if the place appeared to be perfect, the rent certainly wasn't for your small and empty wallet.
You couldn't even afford a place to stay at, or not at least one with a decent bed. No, you had to resort to staying in a manga cafe when the day would come to an end and night came. It wasn't the comfiest place, but the reclining chair was your bed now and the tiny cube room where you stayed was your temporary home.
It wasn't that expensive, but your savings were running low, eating pre-heated meals weren't exactly healthy and the worst was that no one wanted to hire a homeless person.
You slurped your cup noodles and sighed as you went through some pages on the computer. You had multiple tabs open, some being about open job offers and others about possible apartments. So far you hadn't gotten even one invite to a job interview...
"Fuck my life..." You groaned as you went to close a website, but then a new ad popped up. Thinking that it was probably spam or some commercial, you moved to close it but then it caught your attention.
That sounded almost too good to be true. You were about to close the site when suddenly there was a knock on the door behind you.
"Yes?" You called and the voice replied, "Your coffee miss?"
"Ah, yes, come on in." You said and the door opened and a young waitress came from behind the door with your coffee.
"Here you go- Oh, what's this?" She took a look at the computer screen and you panicked, fearing that she would think that you were using their computers to download something bad or worst, illegal.
"Shit, I didn't click it so there shouldn't be any viruses-!"
"No, I don't mean anything bad. I was just taken aback since my friend's cousin got that same invite. Apparently, it's about this new government's Interspecies Exchange Bill. You know, the people who, excuse my language, are related to fantasy creatures?" She said with a light smile, "They clicked the link and apparently it changed their life for the better!"
You blinked. You had heard of them.
In the past governments used to hide these humanoid species from the world but now for one reason or another, they were now starting to live among you humans. You had seen a few during the last year and while you admit, they were cool, you were never brave enough to befriend one.
You glanced at the ad and then at the young waitress. "Honestly, it sounds too good to be true." You said a little sadly because you knew that luck never favored you.
"You never know if you don't try." She smiled as she handed you your coffee and closed the door behind her. You sipped your bean juice as you took a look at the ad.
You never know if you don't try, huh? Fine, you took the bait.
You clicked the ad and a brand new website popped up, welcoming you for a new beginning, asking for your current information, and backgrounds alongside a recent picture of yourself. Talk about suspicious, this could have been a scam or worse... But on closer inspection, they didn't ask anything that could be actually used against you.
"Fine, I'll bite the bait." You nodded as you started to fill in your information and chose the most recent and decent picture of yourself from your phone. Once you had filled out the whole application you hit SENT and smiled by yourself.
"As if this helps..." You muttered as you took a sip of your lukewarm coffee and that is when you heard a bing from your phone, signaling that you had gotten a e-mail. Okay, now you were confused. You used the computer to log onto your e-mail and saw a new message there dedicated to you. Confused, you clicked the message and saw that you had been selected for an interview!
"Already!?" You gasped. You looked at the message and it appeared to be legit and not just some scam. You looked at the message and there was a phone number you were expected to call if you chose to proceed with the selection progress.
You quickly reached for your phone that was resting on a charger by the computer, and input the number but before you called you took a deep breath. You could do this. If you failed then at least you tried. So you hit the call button and put the phone by your ear.
You swallowed nervously as you looked at your phone. 10 minutes time. You were on your way to the cafe where the man you had talked with on the phone had instructed you to go if you wanted to learn more about the job or possible home you were looking for.
You had put on your best shirt and pants, a classic combo, and some makeup, but you left the perfume out because the man on the phone had asked you to come without any. You felt beautiful and you didn't look homeless so you were winning so far!
Your phone's GPS peeped, letting you know that you had arrived at your destination. You looked up and blinked.
This was a cat cafe. You looked at the info the man had given and you were right, it was this cat cafe. It was certainly different to have an interview in such a quirky place. Shrugging, you stepped inside and you were greeted by dozens of curious little meows. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of cute kitties that came to greet you.
"Good day, ma'am!" Came a peppy voice and you turned to look and you felt your eyes widen. A real cat girl came to greet you, with a human body but with cat ears and a tail. It was the first time you had seen a demi- or pseudohuman up so close.
"Table for one?" She asked happily, and you actually panicked lightly, "Uh, actually, I'm meeting someone!"
"Oh, you're the new girl?"
New girl? Oh God, please don't let this be some sort of trick to turn you into a prostitute! The panic must have been clear on your face because the cat girl giggled, "Please do not worry. Just leave your shoes here and follow me."
You nodded and did as she told you to, following her into deeper parts of the cafe. You took quick notice that everyone working there were demihumans, but no one seemed to mind. No, they all loved it, asking for pictures with the waiters and waitresses.
"Ah, there you are." Came a man's voice and you turned to look and saw a young wearing a suit and sunglasses even inside the cafe. He must have been the man you had spoken on the phone with. He motioned you to sit down and you did as he asked you to.
"We talked over the phone. My name is Smith and you were...?"
You told him your name and the man smiled as he nodded, "Yes, just as was written in your info."
Just like magic, the man pulled a little stack of papers from thin air and looked at them over, "According to these papers you filled out, you're currently jobless and homeless. Is that correct?"
Ouch, he went right to the sore spots. You nodded, "Yes, sir, but I'm young and eager to work for my salary or home."
"I can see that, you're only 20 and already so mature." He smiled as he put the papers down on the table. "We did a little backup check just in case. A daughter, youngest out of three siblings, graduated and moved on your own with the little savings you had? That must haven't been easy."
You were stunned that they had managed to get so much information with very little you offered to them, but despite your info, the man smiled, "But my, you're clean as a whistle. No drugs or any other suspicious substance, not a single note from the police, not even a traffic ticket. I must say, I'm impressed."
"Thank you, sir."
"In fact, I think we are done here."
Huh? Done so soon? But you barely even talked with each other, didn't he have any questions or anything he wanted to ask from you?
You were so stunned that you nearly missed the paper and pencil he slid to you. You blinked and looked at the paper and then the man, "What is this?"
"This my dear is a contract that you dedicate yourself to the interspecies program. I assure you, we take good care of you as you work for the company. We will provide you with a place to live in, money for food, and everyday life necessities, taken that you will be sharing the house with a member of the non-human liminal species or as called, extra-species."
"Extra-species?" You blinked, "Like the people who work here?"
"Yes," The man in the suit nodded, "This is just one of our many agencies that employes extra-species."
"I see..." You nodded. You had nothing against living with someone else, heck, you lived with your ex-roommate for a year and a half before her boyfriend came into the picture. You bet you could live with someone who was a little different as long as they were kind to you!
You smiled, determination filling you as you grabbed the pencil and wrote your name down, sealing your fate. You looked at the man and smiled, "When can I start?"
"Marvelous, I admire your enthusiasm," He nodded as he took the paper and got up on his feet, you copying him, and he offered his hand to you. "Allow me to be the first one to welcome you aboard the program."
You were honestly so happy, you shook his hand and gave him the most excited smile you could muster, "Thank you for this chance sir, I won't let you down!"
"I trust in that." He nodded and once the two of you pulled your hands back, he reached for his jacket's pocket and pulled out a card that he handed to you. "Meet me at this place tomorrow at 1 pm. You will be housed immediately with your matching new roommate."
"Ah, my stuff, it's all in-!"
"Do not worry, the moving men will fetch your belongings from the storage unit." Mister Smith said and you blinked in surprise, "How did you-?"
"We have our ways to make your and your new housemate's life easier." He smiled as he lowered his sunglasses enough to wink at you playfully. You nodded, a little unsure, but mostly you were ecstatic. You got a new place to live and you would possibly get a new friend out of your soon-to-be housemate! Oh, you wished she was a kind one.
That night you barely caught any sleep in your reclining chair at the manga cafe. You were so excited yet nervous also. So when the time came for you to pick up everything you had in person and time to leave the cafe for good came, you were feeling enthusiastic.
The staff that you had grown familiar with wished you good luck out there and that if you ever needed, they would have little room ready for you instantly. You almost felt a little sad, but your happiness was stronger than your sadness. You put the address on the card that mister Smith had given to you into your phone and followed your GPS to your new home.
The walk was a little longer than you had anticipated but when you turned around the corner you saw a moving truck and people. Curious, you walked over there and took a look at the house. It was a gorgeous two-story house that was surrounded by thick walls, a gate being the only way in, a dark red roof, and big windows.
"I take you like what you see?"
You let out a short scream as you whipped around and saw mister Smith suddenly standing there behind you. The man chuckled and you gasped, "You scared me!"
"My apologies. I can be light on my feet." He nodded, "You seem to like this house."
"Oh, I was on my way to-!" You were saying when your phone peeped and you quickly glanced at it. It was the GPS, letting you know that you had arrived at your destination. You blinked, slightly confused as you turned to look at the man before you.
"Is this...?" You looked and saw familiar moving boxes being carried inside. Your boxes, from your storage unit, filled with your stuff, such as books and stuff you had collected during the years.
"No way...!" You gasped, "Is this...! My new home?"
"That would be correct." Mister Smith nodded before pulling his jacket's sleeve back so he could take a look at the wristwatch he had there. "It's about 1 pm."
"Yes?" You nodded and he grinned, "Meaning that your new housemate should be here any minute now."
Just as he said that a car pulled by the road, but not just any car but a limousine! Mister Smith smiled, "Aah, just in time."
You watched the limousine driver get out and move to open the passenger's door and you watched eyes wide how the most beautiful- No, the most handsome creature stepped out of the vehicle.
A man. He was wearing an expensive and high-ranking men's kimono and Japanese sandals and he had long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames, but what caught your attention were two large pointed fox ears on the top of his head and 5 fluffiest looking thick fox tails behind him.
As you gawked, the man stepped aside and a boy that looked identical to this man stepped out. Only this boy had only 1 tail.
Finally, mister Smith gently put his hand on your shoulder and stepped ahead towards the two males, taking you to greet them with him. As you came closer, the fox men turned to look at you and smiled.
"Mister Smith!" The 5 tailed man shouted and bowed lightly, "It is an honor to meet you again."
"Pleasure is all mine, my lord," Smith said back as he bowed also and then looked at you. "Allow me to introduce you to lord Rengoku Kyojuro and his younger brother Rengoku Senjuro. They are Kitsunes or as you may know them Nine-Tailed Foxes."
You blinked, stunned to silence by the foxes' eyes as they looked at you. Golden eyes with red pupils, they were magical, no, magnificent.
Mister Smith continued, "Their family has ruled Japan's extra-species, or as they are called, Yokai, over centuries. Now, as we humans all around the world are welcoming extra-species to our everyday life, they are here on behalf of Japan's department."
Aah, you understood. They were here to strengthen the bond between countries and learn more from each other, both humans and extra-species alike.
"It is an honor finally meeting you, my dearest Hime." The older Kitsune bowed to you and you blinked as you registered what he had just called you. A Princess? You blushed as you bowed back and introduced yourself.
The Kitsune, Kyojuro smiled widely and you felt your heart skip a beat as you saw that bright smile of his and his intense stare.
"I must say, my bride really is a gorgeous human!" He suddenly shouted and you stared at him as his words slowly sank in. You blinked before blushing furiously, "W- wait, a bride!?"
"Yes, I chose you as my future wife!" Kyojuro nodded, "To strengthen our bond, we are to be married!"
"Wait, hold on, marriage!? Me!? Shouldn't we get to know each other first or-!?" You turned to look at mister Smith who just smiled at you, "Yes, that is why you will be living together, getting to know each other, and teaching each other about your different worlds."
"W- why?" You asked, "Why like this?"
"Lord Kyojuro and young Senjuro come from a very traditional Japanese mansion in the middle of the forest so all this modern life and western architectural is new for them." Mister Smith explained and you blinked as you turned to look at the Japanese men, no, foxes.
"Allow us to thank you for teaching us the modern ways." The blond man said as he and his little brother bowed to you. You panicked slightly, not used to such gestures and suddenly everything you knew about Japan and its culture came to your aid.
"Ah, the honor is mine, dear lord!" You tried your hardest not to stutter and you made sure to show respect to them by bowing back to them. You were nearly startled out of your skin when the older fox laughed, "Truly, my bride is the cutest!"
While you were stunned, mister Smith laughed and pulled out a debit card, and handed it to you. "Please use this card to pay and provide food, clothes, or anything that our royal guests or you might need. Buy something nice also."
"I..." You swallowed nervously, "Thank you?"
"You're welcome," Smith nodded and turned to look at the Kitsunes standing there and looking at the two of you. "Now, let's get you guys settled, how does that sound? The house is already furnished, all you need are your belongings and maybe go out shopping together?"
"Hm, sounds good to me!" Kyojuro turned to look at his younger brother, Senjuro, "What do you say Senjuro? Would you like to go out with out lovely hostess?"
"Yes, but, uh..."
"Yes, what is it, young lord?" Mister Smith asked kindly.
"I would like to see my new room?" The young boy admitted shyly, "This house is so big and modern, I can't help but wonder how it looks from the inside."
"Please, step inside and get to know the place." Mister Smith said with a smile, "I'll make sure everything is handled properly."
"Hm, shall we go?" Kyojuro looked at his brother who nodded little and then at you with those amazing eyes of his. "Are you ready, my Hime?"
"Y- yes!" You flinched but he didn't say anything about it. He only smiled as the three of you walked past the fence and into the house.
The lobby was huge as you stepped inside and filled with moving boxes. Your boxes, you recognized them. You noticed that the foxes took their sandals off and you copied them, taking your shoes off and pushing them aside.
"My, how many boxes!" Kyojuro exclaimed as he looked around and you blushed, "I'm sorry, they are all mine."
"Do not worry for I don't mind!"
You still felt a little awful. You tried to switch the topic, "Let's look around the downstairs, how does that sound?"
"Good idea!"
So the three of you took in the house, the kitchen, and the huge living room you could see from the kitchen. You had always admired such a design since you liked the open space and the chance of being able to see what happened in the living room.
"This place is huge...!" Senjuro awed and you felt yourself smile as you looked at the awestruck look on the boy's face.
Then there was a toilet and bathroom, utility room, alongside some extra rooms, you thought were for storing or extra bedrooms if needed. The three of you made your way upstairs and looked around, stepping into a magnificent room with a balcony connected to it. The room was spacious but otherwise empty, save for a big bed and some basic furniture.
"Oh, wow...!" Young Senjuro gasped and you smiled as you glanced at him, "Would you like to have this room for yourself?"
"C- can I really have a room this big for myself?" He asked as he looked at you uncertainly and you smiled as you glanced at the older fox, "If it is okay with your brother?"
"Hm!" Kyojuro smiled widely, "Yes, this room is perfect for my little brother!"
"Oh, wow...!" Senjuro gasped as he looked around, running up to a huge bed with snow-white bedsheets, "Is this my bed?"
"If you want it to be?" You tilted your head in slight confusion, "What kind of beds did you have back in Japan?"
"We slept on a futon that was rolled out for the night and off for the day," Kyojuro replied and you nodded, feeling a little stupid. Of course, they came from a traditional Japanese home where futons were normal.
"If you want, you can decorate the room any way you want." You added and for the first time you saw Senjuro smile like a sun, "I would love that! Thank you so much!"
"No worries!" You smiled and you turned to look at the older brother, "Shall we keep looking?"
"Yes!" Kyojuro nodded and the two of you stepped outside, letting Senjuro explore his new room by himself. There was another toilet combined with a bathroom and two other rooms that you and the older fox turned to look at. The two rooms were almost identical, only the other one was directly next to Senjuro's room.
You were looking at the one furthest from the young fox's room and you hummed as you looked around.
"This is a nice room." You thought by yourself, but Kyojuro's fox ears twitched as he heard you murmur quietly.
"Then you should take this room!" The Kitsune shouted and you blinked as you turned to look at him, "Wait, don't you want it?"
"My bride's comfort is my number one priority!" Kyojuro smiled and you blushed at that as you averted your gaze from his bashfully, "Are you certain?"
"Yes! This way I can sleep next to my dear brother's room!" He nodded and you glanced at him, admiring his passion and how he cared for his brother.
"You're a good brother, lord Kyojuro." You smiled and he absolutely beamed in happiness, "Please! Call me Kyojuro! As my bride, you are equal to me!"
Again, with that bride thing! Your blush just grew stronger and you couldn't look at him directly.
"Big brother!" Came Senjuro's voice and you and Kyojuro turned around to see Senjuro run up to you two. "Can we go look around the city?"
"What a splendid idea Senjuro!" The older fox beamed happily as he turned to look at you. "What would my bride suggest we do first?"
"M- me?" You stuttered as you thought about what you guys would need. You took a look at the two foxes and an idea popped up. "Well, we could go and look for more comfortable clothes for you two? Also, I bet the fridge is empty so we could buy something to eat."
"Of course! Clothes and food sound like a good idea!" Kyojuro exclaimed happily, "Just as expected from my brilliant bride!"
"I do have a name." You hummed quietly and he nodded, "And what a beautiful name that is!"
This damn Kitsune didn't know what he was doing to you with his constant flattery, but you didn't sense any ill will. He was truly and genuinely kind to you. Something that you weren't used to. The least you could do was to return his kindness.
"Okay, let's head out. I'll let the moving men know where to put my boxes." You said and both foxes smiled as they followed you downstairs while you were letting the human men know where to put your things, the brothers put their sandals on and waited for you by the door.
"Ready, my bride?" Kyojuro asked as you joined them and slipped your shoes on. "Ready as one can be."
And with that, you left your past life and stepped into a new one.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Barnes vs Barnes (10) - Thirty-nine
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Summary: The unavoidable happened. What will Bucky do now?
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Ex-Wife Reader
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Steve Rogers, Nick Fowler, Jake Jensen, Mace Brown
Warnings: angst, mentions of past cheating, Lloyd being Lloyd, threats, mentions of divorce/separation, implied character’s death
Barnes vs Barnes masterlist
<< Part 9
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“What are you reading, sugar plum?” Lloyd casually strolls into the living room, glancing at the magazine you are reading. “Anything interesting?”
“Not really,” you sigh deeply. “I wanted to distract myself for a while. Jake said you wanted to tell me something. He had this look, ya know. I know he’s hiding things from me.”
“We discussed this last night and decided to tell you. I was against telling you but got…outnumbered,” your friend shrugs. “I came too late. Had things to worry about."
He hums, as his eyes drift toward the magazine. “Yeah sugar plum.” 
“Where have you been last night? I called, but you didn’t answer. You worry me. Fowler is still in town. We need to know where you are heading, Lloyd.”
“I had to-" He bites his tongue. It’s the wrong moment to tell you that he killed Natasha last night. His team has taken care of her body. No one will find her rotten bones. “take care of things.”
“You had sex,” you smirk. “Right? There’s lipstick on your collar.” Lloyd stiffens as you point at his collar. He double-checked his clothes but missed Natasha’s blood ended up on his shirt. “You naughty man.”
“Uh-yeah,” he rubs his thumb over the collar to feel the now-dried blood. “I gotta change. That naughty bitch ruined my favorite shirt.”
Lloyd points at the magazines, and says, “Don’t read that shit. It will rot your brain."
“I was just…” you huff. “Did you know that experts put your chances of getting divorced at thirty-nine percent? That’s a lot, don’t you think?” You look up at Lloyd. “I should have known this before getting married."
“Statistics are not for me, Y/N,” he says while cracking his neck. “I do what I have to do and don’t care about statistics or chances. I’m Lloyd Hansen. No one stops me.”
“I love your attitude, always did,” you chuckle. “Thank you for always being there for me. You know I love you, right?”
“I know,” he grins. “Who wouldn’t fall for my gorgeous ass and my mustache?" Lloyd winks at you. “You must love Lloyd Hansen.”
“You are so full of yourself.”
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“What did you not understand?” Nick throws his hands up. “I want you to get me his wife. My brother’s empire will fall, and I will take over his throne, his queen by my side.”
“Why are you so obsessed with that woman? You don’t even know her,” Mace exasperatedly says. She sighs and shakes her head. “Nick, tell me about her. Is this a sick obsession or do you want to hurt your brother?”
“I met her first!” Nick yells. “When we were fifteen, I sneaked out of my mother’s house and took a bus. I ran away to drive back home and ran into Y/N. She believed I’m her neighbor’s son. Bucky. I talked to her first, and she fell in love with Bucky because of me! She should’ve been mine.”
“Fuck, no. Don’t tell me we came here for a woman,” Mace yells back. “Does Romanoff not do it for you anymore?" Do you need a fresh hole to fuck? I won’t start a war with Barnes and Rogers over some pussy.”
“Stop talking like that about her! I failed once, and they got back together. Not this time. I will make her see she belongs with me…”
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“I still think this is a stupid idea. No, the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas,” Lloyd grunts as he plops down on one of the chairs in the conference room at his house. “Why is that bastard here too?”
Lloyd points at Bucky sitting opposite him. He narrows his eyes at your soon-to-be ex-husband. 
“Fowler fucked Bucky over too," Steve responds. “He deserves to know. If not for them, Y/N and he could still be a happy couple.”
“You mean if he didn’t stick his dick into that skank,” Lloyd says in response. “That’s what happened. It doesn’t matter Romanoff planned all this. Barnes still went home with that bitch and fucked her. End of story.”
“Shut up. What do you know about me?" Bucky grunts. “Steve, would you tell me about Nick and Natasha?”
“We are waiting for Y/N to join us,” Jake looks up from his laptop to glare at Bucky. “You are only here because Rogers insisted on bringing you here.”
“Steve, Jake?” you call from outside the room. “Lloyd said you wanted to talk to me now. Uh-can someone lend me a hand? I got food.”
“Wait. I’ll help you." Bucky wants to jump up, but Lloyd is faster. He holds your husband down by his shoulders, keeping him from getting up. “Let go of me, bastard.”
“Steve, Jake, would you please help, Y/N?" Lloyd bares his teeth. “Her husband is occupied elsewhere.”
“Lloyd. No fighting,” Jake tries to keep Lloyd from killing your husband. “For Y/N. Please keep your shit together for one night.”
“Fine. If he keeps his hands to himself and his mouth shut,” Lloyd glares at Bucky. “One false move and you are dead.”
Lloyd steps away. He huffs and sits back down in his chair. While Jake and Steve take the food tray out of your hands, Lloyd starts a staring contest with Bucky. 
“Why is Bucky here?" you whisper as you enter the room. “Steve, you promised me I wouldn't see him. Now you bring him here?”
“Doll, we need to tell you something. Bucky should hear this too. It’s about Nick’s plans,” Steve softly says. He guides you toward a chair next to Lloyd. “Please trust us in this.”
“Okay,” you sniff. “It’s just unsettling to be in the same room with him.”
“I’m sorry,” Bucky whispers. You refuse to look at him. It’s just too hard having him around. You accepted that there is no saving your marriage. Still, your heart hurts whenever you look at him.
"You fucked up. Literally. Not for the first time." Lloyd grunts, "Save it, Barnes. Saying sorry won't fix anything.
“Guys, no fights," Jake shouts as he places the tray with food on the conference table. “Y/N made food, and we need to talk about Nick’s plans. If we want to survive this, we all need to work together.”
“Survive this? What’s that supposed to mean?” Steve looks at Jake. He furrows his brows. “What didn’t you tell us yet, Jake?”
“It means Fowler didn't come here alone. He has allies. Damn grim allies,” Jake opens a file on his laptop. “Let the information I found speak for itself. Fowler is out for blood, and I’m afraid it is our blood…”
>> Part 11
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Alright, folks, here I finally present to you my first X Reader and mostly WLW story - Strawberry Mojito
Inspired originally by the post somewhere here with genderswapped Connor and of course I had to do the same with Nines - and that woman has me in a chokehold ever since 😅🥰
It’s not as explicit as my RK1700 series but it still has a lot of smut so rated M. This time though I focused more on angst, inner conflicts and insecurities and now it’s my longest work so far with 13k words 😎 And I even made a moodboard inspired by amazingly talented @chaos-thirium 🖤 I don’t own any of those pictures, Nines screenshot was made by @drawwmen and fem!Nines aka Nina was originally made by @hamartia-grander and genderswapped with FaceApp by yours truly
Kudos, comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated as always 💙
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waltermis · 3 months
Y/N: Oh cool! You're all in the meeting room!
Bruce: You asked us to come here...
Natasha: What's this all about?
Y/N: What!? Here's a hypothetical question... let's say I knew someone for the first time in their life was experiencing a minor dry spell? What do you think you would suggest that to that person, if they were going through that.
Steve: You dragged us in here for this?!
Clint: Shhhh, well, I haven't really been in a dry spell since I got married. So, I'd tell this person to maybe get married... although they'd have to find someone they like first...
Y/N: Okay so, the suggestion to beat is find someone and get married. Tony?
Tony: Fly to Montreal, hit a classy hotel bar, bone a stranger. Dry spell over.
Y/N: Wow... That sounds amazing...
Tony: Yeah...
Y/N: That's a good one... Cap, what would you do?
Steve: I'm not getting involved...
Y/N: Pleaseeeeeeee Cappppppppp!!!
Steve: 10 000 pull ups...
Y/N: Okay.... Do you have a back up plan in case my hypothetical person can only do 9 500... or 5?
*Fury walks in*
Fury: What's going on in here?
Vision: We're helping Y/N's friend get out of a dry spell
Fury: Well, try finishing your paperwork for one, L/N. I always find that doing your work gets you out of most problems. Dry spell or slump or whatnot
Y/N: Thank you, Director...
Steve: He's right... just do your work and it'll go away
Y/N: FINE! Right after I do Tony's Montreal sex thing, that sounds fun!
Tony: Yeah...
*a few days later*
Y/N: Nat?! What're you doing in Montreal??
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karbisworld · 10 months
P.3 <3
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓⟪SHIP⟫˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta x Reader
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⟪CATEGORIES⟫˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Romance // Comedy // Little angst // Friends to Lovers
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ⊹⟪SUMMARY⟫⊹ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta just got his heart broken by the two women's he liked the most, his formal girlfriend at the time Sophia Perez, who broke with him and his another romantic interest Amy after she told him that she didn't wanted a relationship inside work; now he's alone with only his friends.
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁
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Next morning you woke up with a headache that felt like if an elephant has passed over your head. You felt your body a little more heavy than normal, you thought it was for the drinking but when you opened your eyes you noticed that Jake had one of his arms wrapped around you while he was sleeping, you felt your heart stop working for a second but then you heard him muffle something.
-w-wait A-Amy- you heard him say and that absolutely broke your heart, you didn't even cared what he was actually dreaming about, Amy could be strangling him and you couldn't care less about it
It was just annoying, the way even Charles considers you the second option, how he would love the idea of Jake and Amy dating and how you would be a plan B if things go wrong, it was annoying and you were tired.
You moved Jakes arm out of you, after all he was basically passed out so he didn't even noticed, you wanted to just leave but you still cared about him maybe a dumb decision but you just couldn't help it, but also you knew that you deserve better, and that when things don't get better with one person you need to start searching for a new one…
You went to his little laundry room and you took your still a little wet clothes; you put them on a plastic bag and left the apartment. You didn't really wanted to leave him alone so you called Charles
-Hello Y/N how is the lovey dovey stuff going? TELL ME EVERYTHING!- Charles said in an excited voice
-SHUT UP! I am hang over!- You say annoyed through the phone -Listen I know you had no freaking lead of anything yesterday, so it's time to pay for that, come to his apartment and take care of him-
-What happened?- Charles says worried
-Nothing happened, the dude just puked on me since he got horribly drunk and then passed out, he's still passed out, but I am no man's nanny so you better come and take care of him- you say with an annoyed tone of voice while getting in your car
-You sound upset, are you okay?- Charles said worried
-Just shut up and come babysit your friend, this fucking hangover is killing me too much to be his nanny that's it- you say annoyed and hang up the phone, you felt annoyed yet sad, about everything and with those two, and everyone, everything felt shitty and you just wanted to go home and stay in bed all day.
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Charles view
Charles felt slightly worried at all that call but didn't thought much about it and just went to Jake's place, he lived close to him so it didn't took him long. He could've swear that saw Y/N's car leaving as he arrived, it might be true it might not, the important thing is Jake.
Charles got into Jake's apartment to noticing still sleeping on the bed, Charles thought on making breakfast but as he walked to the little kitchen he noticed a little bagel and a coffee in a table, it was noticeable that it was fresh since the coffee was still very hot, Charles smiled and shakes his head.
-Jake…- He starts trying to wake Jake out preparing some small medicine for the hangover -Jake wake up-
Jake starts waking up slowly and jumps out of scare looking at Charles -Charles what are you doing here?…- he asks a little confused feeling his head like if it was about to explode -Where is Y/N?-
Charles shrugs -In her apartment I suppose- he says handing Jake the hangover cure -She called me in the morning for me to come and care for you-
Jake looks a little embarrassed -Man, maybe she's mad at me… I fucked up and ended up throwing up on her…- he says ashamed
-Yeah she mentioned it but I don't think she was annoyed at you- he say handing him the coffee and the bagel -She left this here for you-
Jake smiles -Man, I owe that woman a lot now-
Charles nods -So can I ask what happened yesterday? She slept here didn't she?- he asks with a teasing voice
Jake's eyes widen a little bit and shakes her head -No… I mean, yeah but it isn't anything that you're thinking about, I just messed up her clothes and so she had to borrow some mine and I invited her to stay but just in a friend way, nothing more- he says looking a little shy
-No wonder she was annoyed- Charles whisper to himself
-What?- Jake questioned
-Nothing!- says Charles noticing the words that came out of his mouth -Anyways! You just rest okay? I still have some work on the precinct, but I will bring you some food later!- said Charles trying to escape but Jake stopped him
-Wait, tell me what did you said before first- he says stopping him from leaving -Or I will find a new best friend!- said Jake threatening Charles with his biggest fear
-Jake I can't Y/N is going to kill me… Don't do this- Charles says really trying to escape
Jake let's him go and gives Charles his back -Okay then, I thought we were best friends but I guess not-
Charles felt like exploding, for one side you were going to kill him and from the other side Jake was leaving him out of their friendship, he couldn't stand it… -Y/N-HAS-A-CRUSH-ON-YOU- He says quickly like letting a bomb out
-WHAT?!- Jake asks in shock -SINCE WHEN?!, HOW DO YOU KNOW?!-
-Jake please I can't answer all that, I just… Found out a while ago okay? That's it, now I really need to go bye- Charles said running away from Jake's apartment. Jake tried to stop him but wasn't able to leaving him with those news.
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A couple of days passed by and you guys started working again, you had no idea Charles spilled your secret and Jake tried to not make it noticeable that he knew.
-Hey Y/N, here I got you this- Jake says handing you a cup of coffee and a bagel -Repayment- he says with a smile
-Thanks- you smile back and kept on doing some paperwork, you still felt a little hurt by what happened so you just decided to take a little distance from Jake
-Anyhow, I would like to invite you dinner since… Well I still feel guilty for what happened- Jake says to you
-If you're free then yes!-
-Sorry I am actually not free- you say trying to not get in much detail
-Are you sure? I will take us to a good restaurant and everything- he says playfully, you just shake your head
-I am sure, I already have plans, sorry- you admit
Jake nods -It's okay- he says a little disappointed -may I ask what are you doing tonight?- he asks curious
You felt a little uncomfortable to say it but at the same time you thought "Fuck it" -I have a date- you admit
-A date huh?- Sargent Jeffords says as he overheard you while passing by -Who's the lucky fella?-
You felt a little more embarrassed at the office noticing, you didn't like to open up much about those things -It's a mutual friend, my best friend will come with their partner and will present me to this guy better… Kinda like a double date-
-So you don't know him?- Jake asks
-I kinda do, we have met in my friend birthday parties or events like that and we hit it off really well but he had a partner at that time so, now he has been single for a while, me too, so we are gonna try- you say with a little hope that he would help you take Jake out of your brain
-It's this guy?- Jake roll his computer screen to you to show you your date's Facebook
-How did you?…-
-I just had to navigate over your friend's pictures to notice a group one in their birthday and since your group of friends is mostly girls it wasn't hard to assume this was the guy- he says in a cocky tone of voice
-Jake is a great detective!- said Charles
-That's scary don't stalk my date or my friends- you said a little uncomfortable at that -It's nothing serious anyway- you say taking your coat as the work day was ending
-It is serious, look at what you're wearing, that's definitely serious- Jake's say pointing at your dress
-Seriously stop- you say to Jake getting a little annoyed at his comments exposing you at the office
-Fine fine- says Jake taking his own coat to leave too -Hold the elevator, I am leaving too- he says to you and you do. No one thinks much of it.
The elevator opens and you two walk to your respective cars.
-Make sure to take care of yourself!- Jake says to you
-I know- you say getting in your car and leaving
Jake feels the urge to follow you just in case but he also doesn't want to present himself as more of an stalker. Just his luck, he just discovered you had a crush on him and you start moving on… Maybe he's truly not made for love…
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rmuneii · 29 days
welcome ! :3
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hello! i’m ramune, and i’m a writer!! i mainly write for fnaf, but my fixations change constantly, so i’ll leave some interests of mine below!
five nights at freddy’s (obviously)
chainsaw man
stranger things
brooklynn 99
lots of jake gyllenhaal movies
lots of paul dano movies (LOTS)
edward norton movies too!
those are just a few i’m willing to write about..speaking of writing, here’s what i will write!
i will do male!reader but i’m not making any promises that it’ll be good.. 😭
here’s what i will NOT do :3
non consensual / rape
anything hateful or weird!!
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please never ever leave any hate, homophobia, racism, ableism, or anything of that nature on my page! bullying is never okay !!!
leave some william afton request PLEASE!!! i am DYING to write for him. i love that man.
thanks for stopping by!! hope you enjoy the show :3
my old account is @kylelovskii btw 😔🙏
i logged out and could never log back in so.
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moondustpugh · 13 days
Written in the Stars
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are a believer in fate but after getting your heart broken, you had stopped believing it. Until you met Joe. Suddenly, it got you questioning if fate is real or not.
Author's Note: Welp, here's part nine. Very angsty, sorry!
Wordcount: 3.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten - epilogue
You turned the door knob of your door and immediately stopped halfway through when you heard Wes’ familiar voice coming from the living room. It has been a month since you broke it off with Joe and ever since then, you had been trying to avoid Wes whenever he came over just in case Joe was with him. Though, Wes was always alone. He never brought Joe, and you weren’t sure if that was a relief for you, or it pulled your heartstrings a little bit. You couldn’t help but think how stupid you were being because why were you disappointed? You were the one who broke it off, right? You were the one who was having trust issues. So, why were you disappointed over the fact that you haven’t seen Joe since the breakup?
“Sorry I didn’t make it last night.” You saw Wes through the small crack of your door. “I went to drop Joe off at the airport, but his flight got delayed, so I had to stay a little bit to keep the lad company.” 
“It’s alright,” Sara gave him a small smile. “Is he okay?”
Wes sighed and nodded his head. “Yeah, he said he doesn’t have any reason to really stay here anymore. Plus, he has filming coming up over there, so he might as well stay permanently in London.”
Sara nodded her head in understanding as you quietly closed the door behind you and leaned against it. 
Joe was gone. 
He has gone back to London, and you would probably never see him again. You couldn’t blame him because it was your choice to break it off with him in the first place. You were the one who made this decision. So, how come that heavy feeling still hasn’t gone away? You didn’t know the answers to all your questions, really. 
The New York skyline flickered bright in front of you that night along with the Brooklyn Bridge. The air was cool with a little bit of a breeze. You had sneaked your way out of the apartment after Wes and Sara had gone to the bookshop to check how it was going before locking it up. You, however, had been dealing with many thoughts, so you decided to distance yourself for a while. A little bit of fresh air and a different environment usually helped.
You looked over your shoulder and smiled as you watched the kids and their parents rode the Jane’s Carousel that was shining bright behind you. You pushed your thoughts away for a moment, enjoying the life that was going around you. You watched the children laugh riding the carousel and saw big smiles on their faces as they enjoyed the ride. Then, your eyes lingered at the children that were running around the park.
When did life get so complicated? 
You wished that you were just a five year old again, enjoying the small things in life and the only thing you worried about was the ice cream that you accidentally dropped on the ground. You took a deep breath as your eyes lingered somewhere else. A couple holding hands, eating ice cream and walking together. A group of girl friends taking pictures, posing, and laughing together as they looked at the picture they took on their phone. Just life moving around you, but you seem to be frozen in one place. You seem to not be able to move.
“I thought I might find you here.” 
You looked over your shoulder and saw Sara with a small smile on her face. Her brunette hair flowing through the wind as she inserted her hands inside her jacket pockets. She walked towards the bench you were sitting at and sat next to you. You turned your body facing her, criss crossing your legs in front of you and sighed. 
“I was looking for you around the city. I should have known you were here.”
You chuckled softly, looking down at your lap as you played with your fingers. 
“He get home safely?” You asked, your voice almost a whisper.
Sara turned to you with knitted brows. For a second, she was confused as to what you were asking about until she realized what it was.
“Yeah, he did.” She answered. 
“Good.” You gave her a small smile. 
“How’d you know?”
You looked up at her, giving her a look. “You do realize you and Wes aren’t exactly quiet around the apartment, right?”
Sara let out a soft laugh, her cheeks turning red as she agreed with your point. The both of you turned your heads back to the view of the Brooklyn Bridge and the city skyline. The lights flickered brightly, and life was just happening all around you. You still couldn’t really figure out how you were going to crack this frozen time that you were feeling inside of you. 
You glanced at Sara and saw the peaceful expression on her face. “How are you and Wes?”
“Better.” Sara smiled. “Um… therapy also has been helping me a lot.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” You smiled.
Cole was still absent from the public eye, but Sara was able to finally really open up and talk about what happened. She was able to stop hiding everything inside of her and talk. Not just get help but also, open up to Wes and fix the rift that almost shattered their relationship. You could see it on her face. Your best friend was starting to be herself again. She was starting to have that glow and shine on her again. 
“How about you?” Sara asked.
“Hanging in there.” You shrugged. 
“You miss him.” Sara stated. 
Even if you didn’t say anything, Sara knew she was right. You did miss him. You miss him more and more everyday. 
“I gotta ask.” Sara turned her body completely towards you as she brought her legs in front of her, criss crossing them also. “Did you know that he was going to propose?”
Excuse me, what?
Your eyes widened after hearing those words coming from Sara. She was talking about Joe, right? She wasn’t talking about Wes? Wait, how did the subject of a proposal even come to light? 
“I’m sorry, what?” You knitted your brows together.
“Oh.” Sara gasped softly. “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t know you had no idea. I thought… maybe—you had some hints that you noticed.”
“No…” You were stunned. “What are you talking about?”
“That night when you two broke up, he was going to propose. I didn’t want to go to Canada because I’m struggling with money, but Wes told me one of the reasons why we were going up there was because Joe was ready to ask you.”
You were shocked. Stunned. Surprised. 
You couldn’t even find the right words to describe how you were feeling. You didn’t see this coming at all.
But why?  What was Joe thinking?
“I—I don’t understand. We were only together for a year.” You said.
“I guess he was that sure with you.” Sara replied. “I mean… It took him years to ask Rue and he was still nervous doing it then but with you, he was confident and ready. He knew.”
“I… I don’t understand. He was too busy talking to his little friend and wasn’t even there the whole time during our vacation, and he expected me to say yes that night?” 
Sara tilted her head in confusion. “Ohmygod.”
“This is what it was all about? His co-star?” 
“No, it wasn’t just that. It’s about him not calling and not caring at all and when we were finally together, he was still so occupied like… like I was nothing.”
Sara reached for your hands and squeezed it lightly. She didn’t know how to explain it, but she knew she had to tell you the truth. She had to tell you everything that you didn’t know about when you were in Canada. Sara didn’t realize that you had zero clue about anything at all, but you deserved to hear all of it. 
“The phone calls.” Sara stated. “They weren’t about her. Sure, she did call, but I think she only called a couple of times. Joe wanted to make sure everything for the proposal was perfect, so he kept calling the planner and talking on the phone to make sure he was updated with everything.”
You leaned back, sliding your hands away from hers as you exhaled. You stared into the empty nothingness in front of you as you processed the information. 
Were you an idiot?
Yeah, you were an idiot. 
“I’m sorry.” Sara murmured.
“For what?” You turned to her. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“No,” Sara shook her head. “For shutting you and Wes out. I know you were just trying to help and you were worried about me.”
“I understand why.” a small reassuring smile tugged on your face. “Don’t be sorry. You almost got stabbed because of me.” 
“What? That was not your fault. In fact, it was mine for hiring that… wanker.”
You raised a brow at her, hearing the same words that came out of Wes’ mouth from before. 
“Wanker?” You laughed.
“I hang out with my boyfriend too much.” Sara laughed, shaking her head. 
You laughed in unison with her as you shook your head. “It was my suggestion in the first place that you should hire someone.”
Sara shook her head and stopped you. “You know what? It wasn’t our fault, actually. It was his choice to do that. At the end of the day, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and helped him. He was the one who acted like that.”
“I agree.” You smiled, turning your body to face the view. 
You set your head on Sara’s shoulder as you both took in the view of the city. Life moved around the both of you and still, you felt frozen next to her. You knew this feeling would go away eventually. You knew that you would be able to move on but at this moment, you couldn’t help but think that you were exactly where you needed to be. Just here staring at this city and your best friend next to you. That was all you needed right now. 
One Year Later…
“Grazie.” You smiled, taking the coffee cup from the barista. 
It was a hot day in Italy, and you have been looking for something to drink all day. Thank God, you were able to stumble on this coffee shop because you were just struggling all morning. You have spent your time for the last month or so traveling around Europe. You had asked Sara to come with you, but she had advised you that you needed this. You needed to go out there and for your peace, you needed this solo trip. Looking back at it, she was right. You did need this. 
You had spent the first few weeks in Paris then to Amsterdam, Belgium, Berlin, Switzerland, and now, you were here in Milan. You had explored many places and tried different foods and learned different cultures. It was such a big learning experience for you and at the same time, it was a great time for you to be able to learn more about yourself. You loved the solitude that you had and now, you couldn’t believe that you were already going back home in two days.  
Though, choosing Milan, Italy as your last destination made you rethink the decision that you made in the first place because why was it scorching hot? Sure, it was summer, but damn, you were just dying out here. Walking out of the coffee shop, you were greeted by a crowd of people, and the beautiful historic buildings were standing high in front of you. It may be scorching hot but atleast, you had a great view and great culture for you to learn more of. Sliding your sunglasses on, you made your way to the little shops and started window shopping. You really didn’t need anything. You just wanted to enjoy your last two days left in Italy, and you thought getting some fresh air was a good idea until you realized that you were literally sweating through your clothes. Sipping your iced coffee, you continued to walk through the crowd. As if you weren’t already sweating and suffering from the heat, of course in just a mere second, you found your iced coffee dumped into your shirt. 
“Oh, nice.” You muttered sarcastically, sliding your sunglasses off and looked down at your coffee soaked shirt. 
You should just go back to the hotel at this point.
“I’m so sorry.” The man apologized.
You froze in your place. 
Can’t be, right?
You wanted to look up but you were too scared. Too afraid who might be the person who was responsible for dumping iced coffee on your shirt. In fact, you were so terrified to look up because the person that bumped into you and dumped iced coffee on your shirt might be the same person who did the same to you just about a couple years ago at the mall. Slowly, your eyes gazed up at them.
There, Joe stood in front of you with sorry eyes. Then, his sorry eyes turned into wide surprised ones the moment he saw you. Time froze again. The crowd around the both of you were just a blur to you now. You haven’t seen him since that day. You haven’t heard from him since that day. Your heart suddenly was beating right out of your chest, and you hoped that the crowd noise around you was loud enough for Joe not to be able to hear it. He looked different. 
“Hi.” He murmured. 
“H…Hi.” You gave him a warm smile.
You missed him.
“How are you, Joe?” 
There was hesitation in his eyes. You could see it. Even if it has been a while, you knew how Joe was. Though, you wonder if the hesitation was because he wasn’t sure what to say to you, or he was hesitating whether he should continue this conversation with you or not. After learning the information about what was supposed to happen that night in Canada, you couldn’t blame him if he had walls to block you out. You had fears, and you were exhausted at that time, and you had acted upon the things that you had seen. You acted upon the feelings that you were feeling. You jumped into conclusions, and you did what you thought was right at that time.
So, if there was a tall hard brick wall that Joe had put up between you two, a chain on his door to make sure you didn’t get to enter inside again and hurt him, you understood that. Seeing him in front of you right now, you couldn’t help but think how he looked good. He looked happy. You just hoped that he really is happy right now. You hoped after that night, he had healed from the things you said because for you, time was still frozen. You thought you could move on by now, but you were still in the same place. Your heart was still beating for him, and you didn’t know if it would ever stop beating for him. 
“I’m good.” Joe gave you a small smile. “How are you?”
“Good too.”
An awkward silence blanketed the both of you for a minute before you said, “Wh…What are you doing here? I thought you were in London?”
“I am. I… um… I’m on a holiday.” Joe replied.
The air was finally starting to feel a bit lighter between the two of you.
“How about you? I assume you’re on a holiday too?” 
You nodded your head. “Yes, I was on a little Europe trip for a month, but I’m actually going back to New York in two days.”
“Oh, did you have a good trip?” 
Maybe you could be friends. 
No, you were making shit up in your mind now. He wouldn’t want that. Who would want to be friends with someone who chose to leave him? You were being an idiot. But your mind kept wondering what he was feeling right now seeing you. Did he hate you? Did he despise you? Didn’t want to see you ever again? Didn’t want to even talk to you right now?
“Yeah, I did.” You answered.  “Are you by yourse—” 
“Hi, babe.”
Your head turned towards a petite blonde woman that appeared next to Joe as she intertwined her fingers with his. Suddenly, you felt your heartstrings getting pulled in the most painful way. Your heart started racing again, and you felt like your whole body was going to give out any second. You saw the blood rushed to Joe’s cheeks as he smiled down at the woman. 
“Um…I… I should go.” You cleared your throat. “Well, it was nice to see you again.”
“You too.” Joe murmured. “Are… Are you sure you’re okay? I could get you a new shirt since it was my fault your coffee got spilled.”
“I’m okay. I can manage.” You smiled and waved goodbye at both of them before walking towards the opposite direction.
You couldn’t breathe. Your chest hurts, and you wanted to vomit. You got the answer to all your questions. 
Joe is happy. Joe had moved on. 
Looking over your shoulder, you watched as Joe and the woman walked together hand in hand, and you saw the look on her face when she was making a conversation with him. She loves him. You could see it in her eyes because it was the same look that you have given to Joe before.
Joe is happy.
At least, he is happy, and he has someone that loves him. That was all it mattered to you. So, how come you laid on your bed that night staring at the hotel ceiling, repeating the little incident that you had this morning with Joe? How come tears were welling up in your eyes as you thought about him being with someone else? Were you being this stupid? Did you regret everything you said that night in Canada? 
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on your door. You softly grunted as you swung your legs over the bed and made your way to the door. Opening it, you gasped softly to see Joe standing in front of you. 
“Joe… How—How did you know I’m staying here?” You asked, brows knitted together.
“Sara.” He replied plain and simple.
Of course, it was Sara. 
“Oh.” You murmured. “What are you doing here?—”
“I love you.” Joe cut you off immediately. 
“Joe.” You shook your head.
Was he drunk? Was he high or something? Why was he here telling you this? Wasn’t he with someone just this morning? You were so confused. You had to pinch yourself to make sure that you weren’t dreaming all of this because the thought of him since this morning have not left your mind. 
“I know you don’t want to see me. I know there are so many things that happened but…” He took a step forward and reached for your hands. “Ever since this morning, I can’t stop thinking about you. Actually, I… I never stopped thinking about you.” 
“Joe.” You slipped your hands away from him. “Are you hearing yourself right now? You have a girlfriend.”
“What?” Joe shook his head. “No, she’s… She’s just someone I hooked up with. We’re not serious.”
“Joe.” You said his name again, this time with a serious tone of voice. “Don’t do this, please. I saw the way she looked at you. She loves you. You’re being so unfair to her.”
“I never stopped loving you.” Joe cupped your cheeks with his hands. 
You felt yourself stop breathing as you felt his touch burning your skin. You missed him. You missed his touch. You missed every part of him, but you knew this wasn’t right. 
“Joe, we can’t.” You held the tears that were welling up in your eyes. “I’m not going to be the reason why you broke her heart. Why she’s going to be sitting in the corner of her room, asking why you chose to leave her. I know how that felt. I’m not going to be the reason why her heart is breaking.”
Joe moved closer to you. Chocolate button eyes staring straight into yours as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
“Don’t you think there’s a reason why we saw each other again?” He whispered.
“Fate is not real, Joe.” You slipped his hands away from your face and held them tightly. “I’m sorry for what I said that night. I know I made a mistake, and I know I shouldn’t have jumped into conclusions. But Joe, she loves you. I could see it.”
“But I love you. I made mistakes too. I should have been there with you when you needed me. Instead, I acted like a coward and pretended that everything was fine, and I’m sorry but not once have you ever left my mind and my heart.”
You squeezed his hand lightly, your hand cupping his cheek this time. “I know we both learned our lessons from it but Joe, if we were fate just like you think we are, we wouldn't have this complicated situation right now. Please, don’t hurt her.”
“I’m sorry.” You murmured. “I love you so much too, but I can’t do this. I can’t let you do this.”
You leaned in to kiss him deeply as Joe pulled you close to him, never wanting to let you go ever again. He pulled away from the kiss as he buried his face on your hair. You buried your face on his chest, savoring every last moment with him. Every last touch that you might feel from him. 
“I promise… One day, if I see you again, I will never let you go again.” Joe whispered, pulling away from you and kissed your forehead as a tear rolled down your cheek.
“I love you.” He whispered before walking away, not giving one more glance at you because he knew if he looked at you, he won’t be able to stop himself from not letting you go. 
You wiped the tears that rolled down your cheeks as you watched him walk away from you one last time.
“I… I promise too.” You whispered to yourself before closing the door behind you. 
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cato616 · 11 months
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roman roy x fem reader
I haven't been writing for this series for some days I'm sorry and I feel this part it's a bit short, I'm kind of busy these days:(
summary: roman will try his best to work with you and help saving your coffee shop that you value very much, let's hope there's no bumps on this road and that roman will give you a happy ending.
content/warning: fluff and angst (as always lol), trauma, daddy issues?
Waking up with roman beside you, both on your bed, it has been something circulating your mind from time to time, however nothing but a thought deep inside your brain. Although, it came true, and for instance, you excepted that roman would've already left, but there he was, right next to you, sleeping peacefully, he was safe with you; a man like roman is always on alert and defensive, as for now, wasn't much on alert.
There was a weird feeling to it tho, didn't know if you should go to the kitchen and prepare something for the both of you, as if this is something normal, or just try to wake him up. Perhaps breakfast it's too much? today it's not normal, some things must be fixed.
You put your arm on his shoulder very slowly, doing your best to not startle him, waking him up peacefully. You see how he opens his eyes at a slow pace, he realizes he's not in his bed, widens his eyes and quickly sitting up to straight himself up. "woah okay, good morning?" Thinking he was already in a bad shape. "oh, yeah, im here..." you can perceive that he's clearing his head. "yes... good morning." affirming it was actually for him, a good morning, being with you.
There's silence filling up the room, then suddenly both of you starts speaking on top of the other. "wait sorry, you go ahead." As you let him speak first. "...I know what you're thinking, and yes, I will try to make the best out of it... but, I don't wanna start my day like that..." Roman looks at you, waiting for you to share some ideas. "well... I do have a coffee shop that I gotta open." You caught him rolling his eyes on purpose, as he tries to be the same old roman, although he accidentally slipped a tiny smile, secretly feeling excited accompanying you, doing something else that is not all business and corporate; and mostly to be there by your side.
Both you and roman decided to walk to the café. Your clothing were complete opposites; while you were wearing a total casual look, however still tried to make look good, roman was in his corporate outfit like always, blue navy pants and a stripped tight shirt; it was probably a little too much for your taste, the style you mean, although you thought the shirt was doing its best work; he's a short man but surprisingly pretty buff, you liked that.
"Here we are." You said when arriving to your shop. "nice walk but it's my time to get to wo-" You stopped talking the moment you both hear roman's phone ringing. He takes his phone out and looks at it, then looks at you, he tries to mouth a response, but doesn't do it, and takes the call, while looking the other way, as he was ashamed to even take the call. "yes... nope, not there... I'm uuh- somewhere else." Roman was giving his back to you and whispering to his cellphone, and weirdly talking in code, as if to not let, you nor the person on the call, know what he's talking about. "yeah yeah see you there da-.... dying to see you..." He immediately hung up. The person on the other side was in effect, his dad, that not only was a little weirded out by his last sentence, and honestly not too shocked he would say that, but also, he was on this too.
"I guess duty calls, I'll see you later..." He waives and walks run, down to wherever he was going, without saying another word; you see from a far that he was making another call, probably to call one of his guys to give him a ride. His ways and manners was making you suspicious, after all, he was roman roy, and you haven't forgotten.
Roman was dropped off at Waystar's, making his way up to his father's office. "hey son, how was your morning, wherever you were?" Logan teamed up with roman, but his dad wasn't all that informed of roman's plan. "I was, on my mission dad-" Logan seemed already annoyed, as if his voice is what was making him upset like that. "first of all, your mission, was to convince that girl to let go of her little shop, to avoid any lawsuits, that we can always win, but are still pretty bad for our reputation... so, son, I don't think you've achieved your quest... I think you failed... you're lying to me, not only I can see it, I can hear it, and even smell it." Logan was made of stone, an angry stone, staring roman, waiting for an answer; by now, roman was already pretty nervous to even speak, hiding his anxiety with a cocky smile, but scratching his head, clearly feeling on edge. He doesn't say anything back, Logan closes his eyes and sighs out of frustration. "you fucking moron..." Roman stops walking around the room; he's fucked. "you fell for the woman, haven't you?" Roman tries to answer but doesn't know if he should keep lying or say the truth, but was too afraid to make either of those options. "I always knew you were soft, and weak... repeatedly trying to put your dick where you're not supposed to." Logan was one each away from roman, staring at his soul, while rome was eating his nails off, afraid of his dad, like a little kid all over again. Logan stands down and sits back to his chair. "well, you tried your best son, and it's already done, so you may go."
Roman knows what he's talking about, and once again, doesn't speak, and leaves the room. He walked away towards his office, but with his head somewhere else; while making his way over there, he looked sideways and noticed someone was in his office, caught him out of trance. He walked in, and realized, it was you.
You were looking at the view he has inside, he haven't seen your face yet. "y/n? you're here..." You turn your body to him, he gets to see you, and you were miserable, tears were filling up. "what the fuck roman? huh? you fucking sociopath." Roman was perplexed, as you were justifyingly defensive about it, you took out from behind, a letter, the letter. "it was inside the shop when I got in, looks like there weren't any other ways..." Roman carefully takes the letter you left on top of the desk, and reads it, and of course it was the warrant, his father sent this morning, to demolish the café; roman was just the puppet in this play, to console and convince you to tear down the shop, so that it would look like you agreed to the negotiation, although they were going to do it anyway.
He felt busted when knowing what was going on, and doesn't know how to react, except you do. "you tell me nice things, I tell you nice things back, we have some moments, and this morning, you start acting all suspicious... and then oh my god, I realized you were playing me all along for fuck's sake." you weren't yelling, but notoriously upset, having your hands holding your head, as if you were about to explode. "I trusted you because I had no else to trust, but I'm really that stupid, I chose daddy's boy and thought he wouldn't be the betraying type, ever again." Roman doesn't seem to respond, avoiding eye contact. "and you can't even say sorry... put up a fight, anything..." Your eyes were shinning with hope as you frowned to him, expecting an answer, that was nowhere to be found, he doesn't speak; he sat down on his chair, and tries to compose himself and looks through you as you weren't even there, like a ghost. Your heart shatters. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you wouldn't want to disappoint your daddy, and lose everything you have." He wasn't fazed at all with your teasing, and made you even more helpless. "honestly, roman... I don't know why, but I could think of so many ways to forgive you... if I wanted to hate you, I would, but I can't... and you won't even apologize." You tilt your head to see if he would say something. "and that makes me want to hate myself, and not you! you understand what I'm saying? how crazy that sounds?... but I don't care, i would do anything to hold you again... I guess you don't feel the same, you never did."
You walked away, thinking you could've burst out crying, but you didn't feeling like it, instead accepted the situation and everything else, the only thing you could do to make this the best out of it, accept the money, and move on, nothing you could do.
Roman kept his pose very still until you left. When you were gone, his tears started to build up and his body to shake, he was almost about to blow up. He couldn't hold his emotions any longer and uncontrollably starts crying, but gets embarrassed right that second, feeling he was maybe a bit too loud; he turns his chair to the window, slides down a little bit, and covers his mouth with his arm, to not feel too exposed; and so he starts sobbing without no one watching.
You were in acceptance, or at least taking the path to it, meanwhile roman was very much in pain. He never thought he would be in such agony for someone like you. However it wasn't a hard call for him to decide which side to be on, betraying his family it's never part of his plan, but betraying you, crushed him even far more than he could imagine.
He stopped crying, he felt he could catch his breath. His eyes were swollen and lost of aspiration, tears coming down his cheeks, while viewing the city from his desk. The day was getting darker, and the lights of his office was getting brighter, allowing him to see his reflection on the window. He looked at himself, analysing his whole self, started to overthink. Although, it made him change perspective; he didn't like what he was seeing, and tho some arrangements can't be done, some changes can be made, like himself.
Roman abruptly decides to storm out of his office and runs away. He's ready to do things differently, to do things your way.
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