#iron man oc
crearefuturum · 6 months
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*/𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑬𝑭𝑼𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑼𝑴 is a private , mutuals only roleplay blog for James Stark/Prodigal Son an oc from Marvel Comics and the MCU. muse is based off earth-616 , mcu as well as canons. this blog offers single/multi para rp and is very plot driven. mun is 30+. 21+ please. personal blogs DNI.
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hoaxwoods · 5 months
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Event: Few hours before Iron Man & The Wolf
Location: Warren's Private Workshop
Characters: Alastor, Astrid
As Astrid stared up at the looming beast of metal - the core wedged deep in its chest pulsing with an a toxic, resounding aquamarine - her mind looped back to Warren.
God, Warren, what have you done?
Ahhh, poor Astrid. Lover and longtime best friend to our beloved Warren, Astrid Cordova is as brave as she is selfless.
Of course, this selfless drive is what leads her to her death. Just a few hours before she has to catch a flight out of the states, to get away from Warren's warpath, she returns to give him one last goodbye. A way to tell him that she still loves him.
Astrid doesn't find Warren. She finds Alastor, Warren's Ultron, an AI shoved into a suit of mass destruction. Warren's own creation, made only to take down Tony Stark.
Warren finds Astrid an hour later, throat slit, blood drained. Alastor's words easily wrap around Warren's already flayed brain, tricking him into believing that Tony did this.
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ircnheir · 11 months
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𝑰𝑹𝑪𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑹 is a private roleplay blog for an 𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬 inspired by the 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑽𝑬𝑳 𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑴𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑪 𝑼𝑵𝑰𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑬.
this blog is 18+ for triggering content that will be common on this blog. 𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑫 𝑩𝒀 𝑱𝑱. SUB-BLOG TO: @marvelousjj. ( please consult parent blog for google site and rules. follows from marvelousjj. )
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milk-ducts · 6 months
[Brief] Thoughts on Film Theory's Analysis
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I was gonna post this on my priv twt.. but moots convinced me to post it here so here we are.. beware of spoilers, gore, bla bla bla ..
FIRST OFF I'm gonna start by saying, I AM ESL. I may or may not have misinterpreted some of his words, but this is mainly how I thought of his analysis. This is not meant to be ill-guided or rude ! so sorry if it comes off as this way. I will be very repetitive.
Another thing, most if not all of the information matpat gave out i alr discussed with a few mutuals on discord about a few months back so this is not new territory to me 😭😭 I thought most folks would already knew the concept of how the brain deteriorates overtime But honestly, that indisposition shouldn’t even apply to omni man??? matpat tried to compare an immortal Viltrumite's psychology to that of an aging human's, which can be misguided.
Let's start by how he compares Nolan's brain to the average aging human's brain so the audience could understand his psyche more and how empathy declines overtime. First and foremost, Nolan is not a human, second; Nolan wasn't raised with empathy or around an empathetic environment - it was an alien concept to his race. Something frowned upon. He was raised from birth to conquer and destroy without remorse. His brain never developed those neural pathways for empathy in the first place. It's not that they deteriorated over time, they were never even formed.
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By the time he came to Earth, all this familial stuff was new to him. Sure, he knew he was gonna outlive them, but He didn't think he'd get attached. HE didn't process that he'd grieve over them when the time came.
Interacting with humanity for the first time ignited unfamiliar emotions in Nolan that he didn’t know how to process.
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His time living amongst humans caused conflicting feelings he’d never experienced in his centuries of systematic slaughter. Loving Debbie and Mark went against everything he was taught, but he couldn't help it. For once, the lives he was manipulating to further Viltrum’s goals meant something to him. He developed a [what he presumed, NOT what he felt about them in reality, his love for them is far more profound than he assumed it to be which we later on see in the last ep of s1 and the second season] petty facsimile of love for his ersatz family.
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So no, his capacity for empathy didn't decline with age as MatPat claims. His empathy was stunted from the start. An underdeveloped skill, not a deteriorated one. We had characters like Debbie to help him understand those notions, help him grow it. With Mark in the mix? it only amplified that development.
Viltrumites are societally and culturally predisposed to violence and domination. Nolan was never accustomed to forming emotional connections or grieving loss. Those were entirely new experiences for him after arriving on Earth. He was not jaded. he was grown into jamais vu in viltrum.
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This is why the whole conflict in s1 happened, he was treading between double lives he wasn't sure of. He was conflicted because his past values were refuting with his new experiences. He found love on Earth, he found himself unable to accept how he'd lose Debbie. Of How jaded Mark might become. Everything he said to Mark till that point was his own self-projections, his own fears, doubts.
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While the video did provide some interesting facts about neuroscience and aging, the application of those facts to Nolan's character was inaccurate. IT is educational for those who don't know, but it isn't recent news that the brain begins to deteriorate overtime so this video wasn't that informative which kinda disappointed me. Their analysis lacked alot of information about the Viltrumite race and Nolan's character. Comparing him to humans with normal life experiences just doesn't work. His immortal nature combined with a lack of empathy from birth created a psychology unlike anything seen on Earth.
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SORRY FOR RANTING ALOT AND OR IF IT SEEMS LIKE I'M GIVING MATPAT SHIT ... i really liked their analysis on immortal so i'll give them that. Immortal, unlike Nolan, was born human. He has lived among humanity for over 3000 years, inhabiting different identities of public and devoted historians. Because of this, his psyche developed quite differently. Immortal knows how to form connections, experience loss, and adapt to social changes. His perpetual existence didn't harden his heart like Viltrum's brutal culture did to Nolan. Instead, Immortal's immortality allowed his empathy and compassion to blossom.
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Humans are social creatures. Our brains have evolved to seek out interpersonal relationships, crave affection, and find meaning in community. For an immortal like Immortal, social interaction is vital to staving off boredom, depression and detachment from humanity.
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By inhabiting mortal lives, he stays tethered to the human experience. He continues learning, growing, and developing empathy.
This is why he's devastated when the guardians die.
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This is also why he goes fucking mental and tries to kill Omni-man.
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If Immortal had lived in isolation all this time, unable to connect with people, his psyche would likely resemble Nolan's more closely. Without social interaction, Immortal's brain would atrophy in ways that preclude complex emotions and moral reasoning. His sense of purpose would fade, achievements would lose meaning, and life itself might feel pointless. By engaging with humanity, Immortal gives his endless existence purpose and direction. He finds value in each temporary life, so loss still impacts him deeply. Socializing keeps his emotions and cognition flexible, which prevents the apathy and hardness of heart seen in Nolan. Nolan never had these opportunities in his early years, this is why it's more difficult for him to stray away from his indoctrination. It's that he's unused to it, underdeveloped.
60 years to Nolan would've been a year and a half, so what's 20 measly years on Earth for him? Yes, he found profound connections in that little speck of time, but Immortal's emotional capacity is far more extensive.
In summary, Comparing Nolan to a human, whether mortal or immortal, is kinda inaccurate. His Viltrumite psyche rules out him from possessing JADED human qualities. You could say he's desensitized to violence sure, but no.. unfortunately.. he does not have [boomer] brain. He has [indoctrinated alien-fascist brain]
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Leave your own thoughts down below or through reblogs, I'm really interested on what others may think of this! (URGHHHNN... my hcs r slipping away from my fingers cuz now people r gonna accept what matpat says as truth.. someone gun me down from the hills..)
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Tony Stark x F!Reader
Prompt: “you're cute even when you make that face."
Summary: tony invites himself to keep you company while you drink away a bad day, and it very quickly develops into something more salacious.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up, people), alcohol
Word Count: 2,084
follow my fanfiction blog
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You rested your cheek in your hand as you watched Tony rim another batch of shot glasses with salt, setting the glasses he’d already filled on the board in front of you. He was dressed surprisingly casually in a black polo shirt and oil-marked jeans, his hair stylishly mussed. Your eyes idly travelled to the muscles of his biceps for a moment despite yourself.
“This still feels like a really convoluted way to get drunk.”
Tony smirked, pouring the last round of shots into his prepared glasses. “Are you worried you’re not up to the challenge?”
“I’m worried you’re an even bigger nerd than I already thought you were,” you replied dryly. Tony snickered, meeting your eyes from under his brows as he set the remaining glasses in place on the board. You returned his smile despite yourself. He’d found you raiding his bar about twenty minutes prior, and after a few semi-irritating jibes aimed your way, he’d offered to blow off his evening plans in favor of joining you for a night of commisatory drinks. “Let’s just start already.”
“You’re so pushy,” he teased, turning the board ninety degrees with a finger. “It’s kinda hot.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Keep your kinks to yourself, Stark. I’m just here to get drunk.”
He snickered again, waving a hand at the board between you. After you’d agreed to drink with him instead of alone, he’d produced a chess board from under the bar. Instead of pieces however, he’d brought out what felt like way too many shot glasses emblazoned with the different chess pieces – presumably so you could keep track of which piece was which. He’d made some joking excuse of it being a ‘training exercise’ for your problem-solving skills. The dick.
“Ladies first.”
“Alright…” you sighed, cracking your knuckles. “But, just as a warning… I have no idea how to play.”
Tony laughed aloud, rounding the side of the bar so that he could pull up the stool beside you.
You wrinkled your nose as you downed yet another tequila shot, the alcohol making your head pleasantly fuzzy. You reached for the bowl of limes you’d cut while he was pouring, sucking on a quarter with a frown. “So… am I winning yet?”
Tony chuckled, his knee bumping against yours in a way that you were almost sure you could mistake for affection. He’d pulled his stool right up to yours, and now one of his knees was pressed between your parted thighs. You tried to ignore the warmth that tingled along the inside of your thighs at the feeling of it. His temple rested against his fist, his elbow on the bar as he watched you set the glass down beside the board. He was watching you with an amused smile, the deep brown of his eye ridiculously warm and strangely comforting.
“Not even close. But I love the enthusiasm.”
“I ever tell you that you’re kind of a dick?”
He sighed, faux-resigned. “No, but I’m familiar with the tune.”
“Yeah? Well, let me sing you a reprise.” you sniped, staring at the board for a long moment before picking up a shot glass and replacing it with one of yours. “A-ha!”
Tony hummed, taking the shot from you and downing it with practiced ease. You swallowed as his fingers brushed against yours, surprised again by the way something so casual made your stomach flip. He set down the glass beside the board. “You get cocky fast, sweetheart.”
“Says the world’s biggest…” you rolled your eyes as his smirk widened. “Shut up.”
Tony laughed loudly, picking up another shot and tossing it back.
“Hey, I didn’t even make a move!”
“I’m levelling the playing field,” he replied easily. You stuck your tongue out at him childishly. “God, you’re cute.”
You scowled, moving another glass across the board. “I am not.”
“Ridiculously so,” he insisted teasingly, selecting a slice of lime and replacing that glass with one of his own. You sighed, taking the shot obediently. Your frown deepened as you picked up another quarter of lime. “Hell, you’re even cute when you make that face.”
Your lips parted to make some biting response, falling silent as you met his eyes. He seemed to be studying you as he sucked on the lime, and the moment hung between the two of you before he reached out and wrapped a hand around the back of your neck. He tossed the lime aside seconds before his mouth met yours, his hand curled in your hair.
The sweet burn of salt and lime lingered on his lips, heat radiating wonderfully from where his lips pressed against yours to tingle through every one of your limbs and curl within your belly. Your hand came forward to brace yourself against his thigh, fingers pressing into the denim. Tony hummed against your lips, his fingertips tickling at the back of your neck.
His other hand came up to clutch at your hip pulling you further towards him. The sound of surprise you made as your stool tipped was muffled by his lips, your hand tightening on his thigh. Tony chuckled into the kiss, standing and pushing you back so your stool was upright again without breaking away from you.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he teased against your lips, his stubble teasing your chin. “Can’t have you—”
“I swear to God, Stark, if you’re about to make a ‘falling for you’ joke this ends right here.”
He laughed, pressing another kiss to your mouth. He tucked hair behind your ear, trailing his fingertips down the side of your neck to tease along the neckline of your shirt. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good,” you replied, hooking your fingers in the front of his shirt. You smiled up at him, warmth rising in your cheeks and settling in the pit of your stomach. “Because you’re on thin ice, Tony.”
“Noted,” he grinned as you tugged him forward and brought his lips back to yours. His kiss was languid, his hand continuing its journey down to claim your hip. His other hand came ton rest between your thighs, bracing him against the edge of the stool. The heat in your belly flooded through you; your head was spinning with it.
Tony’s lips travelled down over your throat as your hands moved to fumble with the buckle of his belt. His fingers covered yours, intertwining them. “Eager.”
You brought his lips back to yours, kissing him again for a moment before speaking against his mouth. “I need you to fuck me, Tony.”
Tony gave a soft groan, his forehead resting against yours. “Yes, ma’am.”
His lips met yours again, hungrier than before, and you curled the fingers of one hand in the hair at the back of his head. Your other hand cupped the bulge in his jeans and squeezed, shivering at the way he moaned into your mouth. Tony’s hands smoothed up over your knees, skimming along the bare flesh of your thighs. Goosebumps followed as his fingertips slipped under the hem of your skirt.
Tony’s lips returned to the side of your neck, his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin as he hooked his hands under your thighs and tugged you to the edge of the stool. Setting your knees against his hips, you moaned, head falling back, as his fingers found your cunt. Even through your underwear the brush of his fingers against your clit was godly, and you unbuckled his belt eagerly.
“Already so wet, baby,” he murmured against your throat. His teeth caught your earlobe, and he exhaled heavily as you slipped your hand past his waistband to wrap it around his hardening cock. “God, you’re gorgeous…”
You ground against Tony’s hand as he pushed your underwear aside and teased your clit in earnest, his mouth sucking a heady pressure into your collarbone. You stroked the length of him, squeezing him at the base with each downstroke.
“Evil little hands,” Tony muttered, running his tongue along your pulse point before kissing you again. His breath caught as you wrapped your legs around him and urged him closer, the head of his cock pressing slowly into you. “Fuck…”
“You sound so pretty, Stark.” you teased, your next words devolving into a moan as he thrust further into you. “Oh, Christ…”
Tony laughed brokenly, his forehead falling against your shoulder as he began fucking himself into you steadily. He pressed a kiss to the mark he’d left on your collarbone before returning to your face, dusting kisses over your cheeks and nose before claiming your lips.
His grip was bruising on your hips, and each inch he filled you with made you whimper with need. The stool rocked with each thrust, and hands clutching at his shirt. The rough denim of his jeans teased the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs, and Tony broke away from your lips so you could pull his shirt off over his head.
Your hands found his chest greedily, your mouth finding the base of his throat. Tony moaned, his fingers on your clit. “Needy little…”
“D’you think…” you moaned as he adjusted his hips and he brushed against the sweet spot inside you that made your eyes roll back. “…that we could stop making fun of each other for the next… five minutes?”
Tony chuckled, kissing you again. His tongue slid against yours, his hands tightening deliciously on your hips.
“Depends,” he replied, kissing the tip of your nose in a surprisingly affectionate gesture. You moaned aloud as he contradicted it with a particularly hard thrust. “Think you can control yourself?”
You pinched his nipple, and he laughed. “Nope.”
“Good,” he replied. “’Cause I’m gonna need more than five minutes.”
You were quickly coming to the conclusion that fucking Tony was like some kind of drug. You could feel your first orgasm dripping down your thighs, the second building quickly inside you. Tony’s hand was spread against the small of your back, his head dipped down to tease the soft skin of the swell of your breasts with his lips and tongue. You had your fingers curled in his hair, rolling your hips forward to meet his with every thrust. Your other hand clung to the edge of the bar in the hopes it would be enough to keep you from falling off the stool.
“Fuck, Tony…” you wrapped your arm around his neck as he brought his mouth back to yours. Your hand clutched at his shoulder blade, nails scoring his bare skin. His fingers found your clit again and your hips jerked against him. “We’re going to get caught…”
He chuckled, quickening his hand. “Sweetheart, if nobody came running the first time you screamed my name, they’re not coming.”
“See, that’d hurt if you weren’t currently dripping all over my—”
Tony gave a muffled laugh as you cut him off by kissing him again, your teeth grazing his bottom lip. His thrusts quickened just as he pinched your clit, and you moaned brokenly as you came again, your whole body jerking into his. Tony took hold of your hips, fingers digging into the flesh as he thrust into you firmly a few more times before pulling out. He groaned, gripping the base of his cock as he spilled himself over your thighs, his shoulder shuddering as he exhaled.
You closed your eyes as you fought to regain your composure, and felt Tony dust blind kisses over your face as you did. He lingered each time he caught your lips, his own chest heaving as he came down. He smoothed a hand over the side of shoulder and down your bicep, his thumb brushing over the bare skin.
“Remind me to invite myself to drinks more often.”
You breathed a laugh, letting your head fall forward to rest your forehead against his, your hands still resting on his shoulders. Tony moved to press a kiss to your hairline as his breathing steadied.
“Wouldn’t have hurt to wait ‘til we found a bed, though.”
He smirked softly, moving back to meet your eye. You felt warmth in your cheeks as he tucked a wayward strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t know, you look so pretty sitting there all dainty, thighs covered in my—”
You slapped a hand over his mouth. “Tony?”
“Mm?” he hummed from behind your palm, amusement shining in his eyes.
“Don’t ruin the moment.”
You smiled despite yourself, removing your hand and kissing him again.
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fatedroses · 11 days
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I simply give the giant garlean man WoL energy, that is all.
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protagonist-art · 2 months
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i may have problems and issues 🥳
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Y/n: Great now my asshole hurts aswell
Tony: excuse me?!
Peter: Mr stark?!
Tony: you two had sex?
Y/n: nah his cooking gave me diarrhea plus bladder infection
Peter: Dude don't tell him that
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necrophiliak · 3 months
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thank-you-doggo · 8 days
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This is Optimon! (Opti-Mon) A multifandom OC ive given a shot at while watching Transformers ;w; Hes so silly, based off a bunch of things, mainly a chess peice and Optimus Fandoms hes in: Iron Leaguer. Transformers. Digimon. Megaman X.
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jayquinnwhit3 · 7 months
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A piece made to celebrate getting the Iron lord title a while back ft. my Hunter, Apollo, and his very big lapdog Aylin <3
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chaotictasha · 2 years
Incorrect quote#106
Y/n, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Tony *walks in covered with ink*: Well, maybe the squidward was being a dick.
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mischeva · 5 months
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WIPS of Villains, Heroes and in betweens
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ircnheir · 11 months
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𝑰𝑹𝑪𝑵𝑯𝑬𝑰𝑹 is a private roleplay blog for an 𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬 inspired by the 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑽𝑬𝑳 𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑴𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑪 𝑼𝑵𝑰𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑬.
this blog is 18+ for triggering content that will be common on this blog. 𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑫 𝑩𝒀 𝑱𝑱.
SUB-BLOG TO: @marvelousjj. PSD: @calisources. ( please consult parent blog for google site and rules. follows from marvelousjj. )
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jackiequick · 2 days
What If Bucky Barnes saved a life that day? | MARVEL Fanfic
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Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood & James ‘Bucky’ Barnes
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Setting: Flashback to December 16, 1991
Summary: It was a old winter night when a crash happened that would swirl the weekend for a world wind, as both eyes met in the chaos of it all. Becoming a interesting sight of secretive events. An old memory coming back to life?
Characters mentioned: Howard Stark, Maira Stark, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Elizabeth Stark, Daniel Sousa and Peggy Carter
Marvel Au fanfic
Warning: Angsty fic with some fluff
Gravel crunches under the tires of the Rolls Royce as it trundles up the country road. The Winter Soldier peers through the scope and adjusts his grip, his finger ghosting over the trigger. He's been in position for hours, has watched his targets for over two weeks before this. He knows their routine.
Inside the car sat Howard driving as Maria chatted on the phone with Peggy and Jason trying to figure out a way to nap quietly. Tony was at home he refused to go and stay with his godmother Peggy Carter instead.
This is the first day of a long weekend in the Stark Family country estate. They were meant to meet some people there in the upcoming weeks.
But no one will think to look for them until at least Monday.
The Soldier takes careful aim. If he misses, he will have to eliminate his targets individually. This is much cleaner.
He fires.
With the silencer, the shot is noiseless, but the blown tire is not.
The expensive Rolls Royce had been on the final turn before a wide country driveway. It skids onto the soft shoulder, and flips on its side to slide down a steep ravine. Having the family gasping for air, shielding themselves for comfort and deeply coughing as the car takes a spinal shock.
Screaming and yelling were silence soon enough. Groans can be heard from Jason squeezing his eyes shut as a trickle of blood ran down his forehead and a few shards of glass scarred around him, his pain increased. He felt dizzy, nasty feeling twirling in his stomach and his airways feeling like they shut down for a moment.
Snapping in and out of consciousness at whimpering and soft yelling he recognized. However you could’ve sworn he was dead by his chest not puffing.
Carefully, the Soldier packs away his rifle and makes his way down the slope, dragging piles of dry brush behind him. No one will see the wreckage from the roadway.
The Soldier sees that the woman has been ejected from her seat. Maria Stark. She is dead. He mentally crosses her off his list.
Ripping away the car door from its hinges, he peers inside. Howard Stark trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth waking up in soft mumbling, alerting the others in the car.
Howard Stark opens his eyes, glances over an somewhat conscious Jason as he looks at the Soldier. There is no anger or fear in his gaze -- but something else. Something that gives the Soldier pause. This is not an expression he has seen from his targets before.
Jason’s eyes flickering open falling onto the Howard, before looking at The Solider in pain, trying to search for his gun under his seat.
He locked eyes with the Solider seeing right into his soul. His steel blue eyes deep in an unknown word he can’t trace. The pain behind the lifeless face he gave, pausing at their actions. He doesn’t pull his gun on him, one bit. It was unspoken line between both parties.
"Bucky," Howard muttered. His hands fumbling weakly at his seatbelt, but his gaze is unfocused and vague. Dying, Jason knows it. But he hears his friend say, "Don’t hurt my son if he’s next…”
The word rattles around in the Soldier's head for a few moments without purchase. Jason waits for him to make a move, trying to figure out what happened that his last breath hasn’t come. But nothing.
Howard however takes a battling breath, then his shoulders lower. He dies with his eyes half open.
His attention snaps back at his words, knowing he meant every word as Jason weakly kicked open the door. The Solider finished the job for him tugging him out of the car, scooping up the blondes hand in his. Both men locked eyes once again, confused about the quick actions.
He could snap his neck, pull a gun on him or something.
In the Soldier's pocket is a lighter -- the authorities will assume the fire sparked from the car crash and caught dry brush. The flames will cleanse all evidence he was here.
Bucky... don’t hurt my son if he’s next..
Finish the assignment, the Soldier thinks. However a part of himself couldn’t murder the blonde. He didn’t have it in him to do it. None of them would know. He wondered why the man didn’t say a word to him yet, just staring at him a glint of trouble in his eyes as he felt his hand.
Jason just he recognizes those blue eyes, allowing the man to grab his bicep now as the other was occupied by a handheld gun trying to comprehend why he wasn’t dead yet. Then it hit him, his target included him in the flesh with the dog tags around his neck or at least his wristwatch, for extra evidence of his job being completed.
His eyes wet as all he could do was follow the instructions the Solider—Bucky—gave him. Then he turns and walks into the forest with him. The Solider’s work is not complete. He will be expected to end him.
It's only then he realizes he doesn't want to. His memories felt like they were split in two when they reached a hotel. Jason told him before entering that they will need to straighten up they’re hair and clothes, coming up with a cover story to tell the recipients. Bucky refused to comment on the request but eventually gave in.
An odd couple who needed to stay the night and thankfully she brought it.
Once entering the hotel room, Bucky finally let go of his bicep not realizing he might’ve left a bruised on the blonde. The room was somewhat cozy with beds, the lights were deemed reasonable, tiny kitchen, table with chairs and a bathroom. His eyes flicker titled his heads getting a better look at the man who sat down in one of the chairs.
It rattled Bucky’s brain at the moment seeing him again in full lighting, having not seen him in the longest time. He hasn’t aged a day! It pained him as he watched his movements, trying to remember the night they met. It came in patches across the entire trip here. The memories.
That night and the morning afterwards. It stunning. His smile and glimpse of joy in his eyes.
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Everyone dressed in their finest whites and browns laughing teasing one another across the room. But Bucky’s eyes stayed that weekend on the blonde man chuckling with his buddies sharing a beer. With Howard Stark.
His pals were having fun. So, all he wanted was some alone time with the man, ready to enjoy himself and he did.
His voice brought him back to the present day.
“You can take a seat, you know? Get comfortable. I’m not your handler or anything. You took me as your hostage tonight. And for what, Bucky?” He said, his tone was calming but slightly bruised feelings. Tired and hurt.
“Okay..” Bucky replies softly taking a seat, unzipping his suit a bit to allow himself to breathe, “…my mission seems to not be complete. I was expecting to end everyone in that car.”
“So why didn’t you? For the last half hour I have been trying to comprehend why you did pull the gun on me? We were in the forest, you could’ve done it..”
“Because I couldn’t. The look in both of your eyes…I didn’t’ want to. Why didn’t you defend yourself, hmm? The whole time you were silent.”
“I couldn’t defend myself assuming your actions, so I waited for you to make your decision. Now your keeping me safe, why?”
“I don’t know..”
“Yes you do. You don’t remember right? But when my—Howard said your name…you paused. I saw a look in your eyes, you regret it. You heard what he said about his son and you paused. Then looked at me.”
They locked eyes again. Jason hitched a breath, his eyes scanning every feature his face. The look of confused as if he wanted to admit something but couldn’t due to his orders. But he didn’t need to know why he murdered, the only other man to look at with such kindness and the women who took him into her heart with so much love.
The dead know everything. He would just have to accept that one day, but that didn’t mean he decided to not get a swing at Bucky for his actions. He just needed some satisfaction, some answer. By the second swing to the face, his body crumbled in pain from accident. The brunette guided him back to his seat holding his wrist.
He glared feeling weak as he looked up at Bucky again. Some urgency in his face to tell him. Both men knew it. It was silent. It was only then Bucky’s mouth opened and shut, hesitate to say it even though both men knew it all too well. He remembers all of it.
Hours came and went. Jason went on to take a shower after Bucky did. It was a kind offer. It was his only time to actually think.
He was flabbergasted at the sight standing underneath the water that fit his face. In that room held the face of the man he didn’t expect to see. He remember it all too well.
That weekend after that mission, he just met Howard thinking he would never see that man ever again in his life. But he was very wrong! Jason had tears in his eyes missing him so badly, the smell of his cologne still in his nose.
He remembered Howard and him being brought up to a bar. The 107th and 106th gang was there. He was talking with his buddies, along with Howard who was more interested in the bartender. She was hot.
But his eyes fell onto the one of prettiest brunette around. Sergeant Barnes.
Hell he would’ve dated him.
Honestly Jason always had a thing for brunettes since he had Howard and Violet but he loved Angie more than his life itself. As well as his darling Maria, he loved her so much.
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Damn the respect people, including himself had for that man.
He remembered both men chatting afterwards enjoying each other’s company. Laughing and teasing one another every once in a while. He looked at him with such kindness and respect. It felt good.
Then he remembered the words that kickstarted the rest of the night and morning after.
Hey, Barnes stole a jeep! Yelled Howard so loudly half of bar heard it.
Next thing he remembered was all three of them riding across the streets, dropping the genius off once he saw the bartender from earlier clocked out, leading him and Barnes alone. The two rode off into the night, passing through street lights and stores glancing over at each other every so often. It felt like a breath of fresh air, laughing the whole time.
They talked about life after the way, family they were waiting for them, and hopefully new opportunities to take upon once it all over. Seeing each other again and heading to vacation for a while. He asked Bucky if he had a lady waiting for him at home and his response was a simple no. Jason remembered his eyes perk up hearing that teasing him on any lady would love to have him.
He remembered the jeep coming to a stop near a park bench on a high hill. Nobody around, just pure sliver dollar silence as the cloudy skies cleared up to reveal the moon and stars. The smell of the flowers and air as he followed the brunette up the hill, sliding over to seat next to him at the benchmark and nice autumn breeze that blew past them.
The way Bucky teased him asking if he had a chance with a girl. His reply was a honest, ‘No, i don’t know if i will settle anytime soon.’
‘Why not?’ Was his response with a smile.
‘I feel like I forgot what normal is meant to be.’
‘I get that. I feel like I didn’t really know how to live before.’
‘Hmm. Maybe, we shouldn’t settle for normal.’
The next morning. It was a sight to see. The sun was coming up, the orange light turned the field into liquid gold shining down on both men. Bucky’s head rested on his shoulder as his hand placed on his shoulder snoring softy. His own head nuzzled against the brunette humming in his sleep, waking up as the sun hit his eyes.
Jason smiled at the memories.
Since it was weekend full with sightseeing, training with his pal and meeting new ones. Sneaking off with Bucky and Howard to the stores then heading off to the restaurants for a quick bite. It was a delightful surprise how comfortable he felt about Barnes, the sweet warm in his eyes and the charming smile that he portrayed everywhere they went.
But now in that very room sat the brunette with longer hair, deep blue eyes and a body language that said an unknown things. He barley cracked smiled however he remembered it all. The memories that were made and he actions he took.
To anyone who knew Bucky Barnes, would say he was a bit of a distant distraction from the normal life. He dated plenty of men and women in his time. Always had a thing for people with a respectable background. Something he would come to apparently appreciate in the future.
His mind flew back to that weekend with Underwood. The laughter they shared, the drinks, the running from the bar onto the jeep that night and the hopes to see one another again.
Bucky even gave the man his number and a cheeky wink before he took off to return fight the war.
But he didn’t get the chance to call him. Or even received a phone call since he fell off that train…
The last thing he remembered before waking up to that laboratory full of scientists was dreaming about that weekend. That smile and laughter that escaped Jason’s lips. The grin he gave everyone and the wink he returned to the night.
God! If he wasn’t in this situation, he would run over to the blonde and tell him everything he knew.
But he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. He spared his heart by letting him live.
Bucky Barnes cared way too much to murder the man who gave him, a lifetime of memories.
He felt stupid.
But he shouldn’t. He deserved to smile. To see the man he cared for again.
“Bucky..?” Asked the blonde, coming out of the shower with wet hair and a white t-shirt giving him, a gentle smile.
“Hmm.” He responded, sucking a breath flickering his eyesight towards him.
“What’s going on that pretty little head of yours? You can tell me..”
“I um..you won’t like what you hear…i can’t..sorry.”
“I can tell enough. Your working for the other side against your will..you’ve been manipulated by them. I don’t know why you killed my..doesn’t matter.”
“…did you love ‘em?”
“Yeah..with all my heart..”
“I’m sorry..I’m so sorry.”
Bucky stood up, he wanted to run. He tried to escape the room, his hand was on doorknob as his voice hitched. He was tired. Annoyed. Sad. Hurt. He looked over his shoulder to look back at the blonde.
The kindness in his eyes. He paused, letting go on the handle as he turned around to face the man. His head dropped in sorrow, facing the floor as he felt light fingertips crawl up his chin, lifting his head to meet the green eyes. Bucky wouldn’t admit it but he missed the starving touch of someone’s warmth against his cold face.
That comforting gaze that would soften his cheeks.
His blue eyes met the green eyes once again. He wanted to let his shoulders fall but he feared it would show weakness. He wanted to let out a sob, but he feared he would let his guard down. But he wasn’t with anyone who would hurt him.
He hoped that Jason wouldn’t try to hurt him, yeah sure he killed his friend however, he could see something else in his face. Sorrow and compassion. Comfort. He was in a vulnerable position.
They both were.
Jason didn’t think he would admit the words that slipped his lips but they did.
“I’m not gonna hurt..i can’t blame you for what you did. It wasn’t your fault. You hear me Bucky? It wasn’t your fault...i just missed your voice..i wish i gotten your call..” The blonde admitted with a soft gaze.
He needed to hear those words.
The brunette shoulders finally fell as his guard fell down, tears slowly shaking down his cheeks. He wouldn’t expect forgiveness for what he did, but he gotten caught up in a tingled mess. Bucky’s head fell onto Jason’s shoulder as the blonde run a hand across his back, whispering softly to his ear that he wasn’t his fault.
Never was his fault. It was a guilt they would be have to carryover until the end of time.
He’s not the villain here, he’s the victim of a crime scene. He didn’t want to do it, but he knew the whole mission had to be done.
And now, here he stood in the arms of the man who showed him some kind of love. Compassion. Reassuring words. Kindness towards him after all the mistakes he did.
He wasn’t in stupid Russia. He was in the arms of someone who treated him like a human. Not a weapon to be experienced with.
“I missed you so many times…” Jason told him, his feelings were hurt but his heart was beating quickly for the brunette in front of him.
Feeling that reached up to the surface again after years of forgetting that heartbreak. It was a weakness inside him, when he looked at someone like Bucky Barnes.
Love? Was it some kind of love? Lust?
Possibly. It was a single weekend they both shared but it felt good. Freeing from the issues the world has been facing. A war.
Bucky eyes were pooled as a sob reckoned his body, he crumbled into Jason’s arms. He remembers the warmth and kindness theses are showed him that late night.
All he wanted now, was to faced him and beg for the blonde to help him with the hidden wound he tried to patch up eariler but failed to do so. However he knew he didn’t need to beg for help, he was already getting it. He was allowed to let his guard down for once in a long time.
It felt good, real good.
“J..JJ..I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry for what I did.” Bucky admitted with a chocked sob, “I didn’t expect to see you again after all theses years..and I have to return back soon…but I don’t want to..”
“I know you don’t…I know you have to return but when you do, I want to know that you survived so long and I’m proud of you. You did the hard part and one day you will get a better break..” Jason told him, trying to find the words to express how he felt.
“I don’t know when or how you will get a chance to breathe again but you will Bucky, all I could hope is for you to be happy one day...and for now, I’m going to give you one.”
“Huh? JJ I can’t let you do that..I’m already in so much trouble soon..”
“Let me fix your wound..like I used to?”
“I’ll like that…uh, are you okay?”
“I will be..”
Jason gently guided Bucky to the edge of the bed, waiting for him remove his jacket so he saw the badly cleaned wound. He found a first aid kit and started to clean it correctly, with such ease and gentleness asking if it stings every so often. Bucky started to smile down at the blonde who cleaned his wounds. He noticed the cuts and bruises on his face and arms.
Bucky winced as he softly muttered, “Sorry…”
“Don’t be..I’ve been though worse.” Jason said with a soft smile.
“You got better at this..”
“Yeah well, with the plenty of injuries I kinda had to..”
“You’ve been injured before?”
“Fights and missions in my own line of business..”
“How are you still alive?”
“Same as you, my body is frozen in time. But that’s a story for another time…”
“…are you uh, married? Kids?”
“Oh? Um, no. I couldn’t find anyone who could deal with my burdens. I mean I loved and lost before but i wouldn’t want anyone to suffer a lie that isn’t theirs..”
“Do i wanna ask?”
“I think it’s best not to. I mean, I’m not asking for anything about your line of work or lifestyle. We don’t need to talk about it.”
“Where are you going after this?”
“I uh, don’t know yet..I need to keep the wounds on and build another cover story. But I’ll figure it out later..”
“And now?”
This time, Jason looked up with a soft smile once he finished cleaning and patching him up correctly, as he shrugged. His green eyes burden so much hurt, love and confusion that carried so much depth behind that. Bucky would’ve loved to take that away, anyone would have given him a chance to breath during this time.
He doesn’t know what he did to describe or even deserve this one thing from him.
But sure as hell he was grateful for it.
“Do you ever…wonder what life would’ve been like if none of this ever…uh..um, happened?” Bucky asked, sounding kinda stupid the way his words slurred, “.. I would’ve loved to hang out with our buddies a lot more and date around..”
“Well I would’ve been married, with a kid or two..we would’ve lived closed by to your house..” Jason said with a small smile taking a few pauses as he thought, “…maybe you and me would sneak off for a night at the bar..”
“…I would’ve married Dot..god I loved her..and you would’ve gotten Angie..that was her name, right? I remember her eyeing you a lot..”
“Yeah, Angie Martinelli..I loved her way before I knew she would’ve been friends with Peggy Carter..but times change.”
“You haven’t..”
“You can say that…”
“What about us? If I wasn’t Hydra…where d-did you work after the war?”
“Uh, the SSR..now it’s SHIELD..you would’ve loved it. Hell, I think you would’ve loved Elizabeth.”
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A smile crept up Bucky’s lips at the reminder of Elizabeth Stark’s name.
She was smart, sweet as candy, gorgeous, a wildcard and a total badass in his eyes. He got flashes of her face and the moment they met after he was rescued by the others. She was one of the most beautiful and kindness ladies he ever met, greeting each other with so much respect.
She teased him about a dates and he gave her his number. As they were spending night just chatting on the phone at hotels and campsites available for calls. He remembered promising another date before the war ended.
But never did live up to that promise. He hoped she was alright.
Jason noticed the look on his face and gave him a gentle smile, “Hey..it’s alright. We all miss her.. and i know you did the best you could do with the time we had in the war..”
“I know..I know..sometimes I wish I didn’t fall into the woods and that I held onto that railing…but it wasn’t my intention for any of it..it never was. I had a clear goal that day and it got turned into something else…I’m sorry for everything..” Bucky admitted looking down for a moment.
“It wasn’t your fault, okay? None of us could’ve predicted any of this to happen to our lives..but we are surviving and that’s all we can do..”
“I can only imagine what you’ve seen and been though over all theses years..”
“Don’t worry about me..I can handle it…or so I hope I can….what else do you remember?”
“A lot of it..sometimes it comes in flashes..”
“Such as?”
“…this blonde haired man..tall..blue eyes..”
“There was a old knock off comic book, I saw it a few days ago…Captain America, I think it is was?”
“Yeah, a lot of countries and states still sell them…and? You remember anything..?”
“I um..I know him, I think i do? I know I do…who is he?..Rogers…”
“...he was your best friend, Bucky…Steve Rogers.”
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The name rattled in Bucky’s brain for a few short minutes as he stayed silent. Searching his eyes waiting for a sign as he stayed biting his bottom lip, sniffling trying to remember.
He remembers it. The face, the name, and the sound of his voice.
His best friend til the end of the line…
Jason took out his wallet, rummaging though the brown leather until he pulled out a small picture. A tiny one of the night at the bar that a photographer grabbed. He handed it to Bucky, as his fingers crossed the old photograph as his eyesight got blurry. Fresh tears came rolling in.
“Steve.” The brunette muttered, as the flashes of memories came back better than ever, like someone clicked the undo button.
“You have this?” Bucky asked mumbling about the picture in his hand.
Jason nods, “I like to keep old photographs in my wallet..that one was supposed to be for Peggy, uh Carter, to keep..she wanted it framed.”
“He looks..i look..oh god Steve..how could i—? How could I forget his face of all people?”
“It’s not your fault. HYDRA..they did it. They don’t want you to remember of this, because they know something might happen..”
“…did they ever take you..?”
“They tried. Once. In the 40s, a lot of Russian men and women. They kidnapped me during a mission..they almost wiped my mind..i mean, they kinda did..”
“..you don’t remember a lot either?”
“Some memories came and went..just like you, the situation it feels a little fuzzy. But I’m okay. We’re both okay…do you remember anything about Steve?”
“I remember a lot..before and after the war when i fell, I remember the memories of him..”
Bucky had a look in his eyes as if he’s reliving a memory. He let out a light chuckle and sniffled, “..he’s a little punk. I told him to not do anything stupid…”
Jason just watched Bucky in that moment. He didn’t say a word. Just listen to him as he mumbled and muttered softly with a light smile at his memories. A look in his eyes seemed to return as he watch him.
Some lightning of gentle glee in the brunette’s eyes as he talked, running his fingers crossed his long brown hair and catching the other man’s eyes every now and then.
“..do you remember your full name..?” The blonde asked softly, after being silent for so long leaning against the bed.
“Mhmm…more or less..i don’t like it..” The brunette admitted, matching his soft tone.
“..James Barnes..I always liked Bucky better..”
“..i think i was a good friend, right? I was good enough that it became my nickname..?”
“Well, I remember you did say that Steve gave you that nickname when you were kids..so i think you were a great friend..”
“..and was i good to you?..am i good to you?”
“What do you think?”
“..i think i was good to you?..i hurt you though..i hurt a lot of people’s feelings..i know it..”
“It wasn’t you. I can’t blame you, for hurting me or those people..”
“..why are you so good..to me? The world has been cruel to me..”
The blonde gave him a small smile, tugging some hair out of his face for a second and let out of a breath before standing up. Jason knew why he was good to Bucky Barnes. The world is a cruel place fulled with cruel people and niceness isn’t something everyone gets. He should know.
In his eyes, the brunette deserves some kindness and attention after everything.
“The world is cruel and hard and if it sees any bit of light..it will crushes it. And you deserve a chance to feel cared for, not be seen as a weapon. Or an experiment..” Jason said with a soft gaze.
His words meant more than he lead on.
“It sounds like your talking from experience..” Bucky replies, fumbling with his sleeves.
“I sorta am. And how i seen it, your more than what they made you to be.”
“You know…your the only thing that makes sense right now to me..thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
The rest of the night went as follows. The silence of fallen snow along with the sound of plates clanging together then dropped into the small sink. They were able to get food and water from the hotel, and able to find some form of entertainment on TV.
Hell, they found some extra clothing left in a closet to borrow for some time.
Both of them stayed in comfortable silence, giving all smiles and having conversations.
It was late. Very late into the night when tiredness started to take fold. It was mostly Jason who was tired, trying to nurse a tiny headache meanwhile Bucky was just resting his head on a pillow.
“You should rest..” Bucky said softly, resting his head against his curled in arms.
“You first.” Jason replied with a soft tease in his voice, looking over his shoulder.
“Hilarious..at least take a nap.”
“I’m fine..”
“What’s wrong?”
“Should i be the one to ask you that?”
“Jason. What’s going on?”
“..how can i rest knowing what i know now..? I’m not mad about anything, just sad and tired..surprised.”
“It’s Christmas time, Bucky. I lost a lot my friend beforehand..my nephew hates his father..and some others are god knows where..”
“..i’m sorry. It’s my fault your gone..they’re gone.”
“No it’s not..our Christmas was already a messy one, before you showed up..no one really cares about the holiday too much anymore.”
“So i sorta saved your Christmas?”
“I guess you did.”
Both men let out a small chuckle at the last comment. It was the holiday season and here they are in the mist of it all, hiding out til morning or early afternoon. It wasn’t so bad, per say since they weren’t alone in the slightest bit but they would’ve liked it to be in better circumstances. Jason knew he wasn’t gonna enjoy this holiday season as much as he used to, and seeing Bucky was a surprise to say the least.
But a serious secret he would have to keep, like other things he kept secret from the world.
He knew he would have to return back home soon, change his whole identity once again and transfer any information onto new documents, like he did every December reach the end of a decade.
Bucky watched him, move across the room to reach forward and grab a few dusty books from the small group of shelves. It confused Bucky onto what he was he doing, seeing the man pick up a napkin and a pencil. He watched him scramble and scribble onto the napkin, crossing things down as he went. He justified his own actions against the questions he had, leaning over to get a closer look at the actions Jason silently took.
It made him wonder how much times he did this in pure silence as the TV played as background noise. His bets were 15 times a day, once every couple of months? He saw titles of different types being scripted on the napkin, but it wasn’t clear to him because of subtle it was written, where it look like a small riddle or rhyme in a children’s book.
He watched Jason pick up on the paused that he made, looking over at the TV Christmas movie that was set up on the screen.
“What aren’t you telling me?” Bucky muttered, turning the volume of the movie up to an 8.
“Hm?” Jason answered, resting book against the bedside table.
“The napkin. The books. You look like a mad man.”
“Hilarious, Barnes. I’m just tinkering with something, a new theme..”
“N-new theme?”
“Uh, new alias, I guess..”
“Walk me through this, for I can understand what you mean..because I think I get it.”
“You were sent to murder Mr and Mrs. Stark, not knowing they would have an extra passenger seated in the back, right?”
“HYDRA assumed that Stark would have a party or something following him to his drive but they didn’t confirm that being the case. They want anyone who was in the car, as witnesses or something to be dead..you were there.”
“Exactly. I was there, they didn’t even bother to confirm if Stark would have another passenger there like his son or his best friends. But they want evidence of the murder, you shot the sirens and cameras right?”
Bucky gave him a look as if he was stupid or something, of course he shot the cameras. Jason cleared his throat after that look he received, getting his answer. That was also when Bucky realized what he means and where he’s getting at. A new cover story, an alias and everything after tonight. It made him wonder how many times has he done this routine before.
Bucky sighed, “I see what you’re doing. I get it, I do and you won’t tell me anything about the alias to keep you safe..for HYDRA doesn’t ask me question, they might as well wipe my mind after this mission is over..”
“Hm, yeah. I’ve done this before and I’ll do it a million times over.” Jason repiled, handing the brunette an old school pin from his jacket marked with dried up blood and sighed, “This is mine.”
“What the hell is this?”
“Old school SSR pin, every single agent had one. Howard had copy in his jacket pocket that you didn’t take, they won’t know the difference between the signs of the pin, that’s your evidence.”
“Ja-I can’t take it. It’s yours..it’s evidence but still..”
“They might want evidence, Bucky. I won’t need it, not where I’m going. I have everything else at home..I’m glad Howard died with his pin in his pocket, it meant he created everything he could for the organization’s future and I would have to return back to SHIELD without mine..”
“You’re an idiot. They will know you don’t have yours, won’t they?”
He shook his head this time, he had that one covered. With all the years he lived, he made sure he had a copy of everything he could possibly own and could be used for travel tucked away in a small area at his house. Certain items stayed within that box and others were thrown away, to not stir any controversy over him. Jason wasn’t that stupid.
It made Bucky wonder however, if he didn’t murder Jason Underwood allegedly since it seemed like that name died for the public a long time ago, then what alias did he take down within that flamed car earlier? It was better he didn’t know that particular name until later, when asked. He just nodded instead with a soft sigh.
The rest of the night was spend a rather sleepless one, due to Bucky wondering and reloading his equipment, packing up everything needed to return back to work soon. Meanwhile Jason stayed sat on the bed, trying to rematch up his own wounds and rewrite in his mind the way to get back home without any deep questions. His cover was the easiest part, he was badly hurt which was truth and wasn’t thinking straight due to having an unlimited amount of time.
His mind ran across to only responsive person he knew who would grab him what was needed was Daniel Sousa, no questions asked, without Peggy on his back door for too long pondering what happened.
Bucky was half asleep, his head rested on the pillow with a soft smile watching the blonde chuckling softly to himself. Jason was resting in his bed with his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling humming a soft tune as his eyes glanced over at the brunette who was staring right at him. His piercing blue eyes connected with his green ones in a shimmer of the bedroom lights. If it wasn’t for the night he wouldn’t have blushed more easily as he should have.
“What? Can’t find the confidence to look me in the eyes, Underwood?” Bucky said with a grin, chuckling as he let out a sigh he didn’t realize he was holding. He might as well be flirting.
“Watch it, Barnes. Last person who looked at me that way, i ended up on a hill in France.” Jason added shaking his head, returning the effortlessly warm grin.
“Ohh who was the lucky one?”
“You know who. For someone who just finished a murder mission, you’re awfully flirty with me.”
“I didn’t want to do it..you know that. It’s just seeing you all relax..makes me forget about everything, you know?”
“I know..despite that whole look of yours, I’m actually digging the number you’re wearing..it’s stupid..I’m delusional.”
“If you’re delusional then I’m sure as gone.”
The two of them softly chuckled.
Jason softly smiled, “Hey.”
“Hm?” Bucky replied staring back at him again.
“You look..good.”
“I uh..I feel good.”
They shift in their respective positions, rolling over in bed to face the other person in a more comfortable manner. Despite all the stress and frustration that they feel about tonight, the moment they looked at each other’s faces, it all melted away.
Hydra, being on the run, Shield, keeping lies to themselves and begging for the truth not to come back to haunt them—all of that? It drifted over to the back of their minds like it was nothing.
Funny, how seeing someone who you missed so much time with can do to a person.
As if, it was written in stone by the gods above to somehow be interwoven in each other’s life one way or another. Jason and Bucky shouldn’t be allowed to share such a secretive moment together, tucked away in some hotel room after such a harsh encounter, yet here they are. Both cold and alone in the mist of the night, despite the central heating system wrapping around the ground, it seems like it would barely survive the hours up ahead.
“I missed you..” Jason admitted, as his voice lowered to a whisper but the brunette heard it.
Bucky was taken back by his words as he melted a little and returned to confession, “…so did I. I uh, I missed you a lot..”
“It was some silly night but I remember it, you know?”
“You remember the rest of the week? We sneaked off to every other store to find the best souvenir but ended up at a ice cream parlor instead.”
“Didn’t we share an ice cream together?”
“Cause they only had a couple scoops of Rocky Road left! You do remember.”
Bucky roared a laugh as Jason grinned.
The Winter Soldier wasn’t in his eyes, nor was the Agent at SHIELD in his own.
Just two old men, Jason Grey and James Buchanan.
There was a lot bending on their hands with the horrific incident that occurred in front of their eyes, yet neither side had the slightest intention to bring it up again for a long time. Yes, Jason could’ve shot him while stuck in this hotel and Bucky could’ve done the same at any point, but they didn’t dare to do so.
Jason knew if he did, HYDRA would’ve been after him in a matter of weeks and it would take longer for him to recover and return home to his life in California. Bucky knew if he killed him, it would’ve been another kill in his books that would haunt him forever and he made a silent promise to Howard Stark to not go after his son, in response he needed the blonde to return home alive.
Aside from the obvious mess brewing upon them and lack of self respect, if it was up to Jason and Bucky, the two would run away together. Be hidden away from the world until everything died down and they could start somewhere else, have a better chance to escape the chaos and breathe.
Yet, it wasn’t in the cards for either of them.
Instead both men ate whatever snacks found in the refrigerator and vending machines in the halls, watching the crappy old movies on television as they stayed chatting until dawn…
…the morning sunlight peaked through the shades of the hotel that very first alarm to strike upon the room, cracking open the notion that this wasn’t a dream, everything that happened last night was just fact.
The second clue to this alarming trend was that the other bed was emptied out, paneling over the bed closes to the door as glimpses of the blonde and brunette snoring calmly. Fully clothed, wearing some fabric they found in one of the closets comfortable enough to rest in. Bucky’s hand lay across Jason’s chest as the blonde hummed in his sleep with his fact turned toward the brunette’s direction.
Both curled underneath the blanket for warmth, breathing deeply into the air surrounding the room. The pillows were soft, the mattress kept itself polished and comfortable, as blankets were stacked one over the other beneath the pair.
The third striking feature of the set was the moment Bucky slowly turned to his left, letting out a soft groan as he fluttered his eyes open. He squeezed his eyes for a second to breathe in the silence and light that filled his senses, meeting the sleeping gaze of the blonde man.
He only felt a slight smile reaching his lips, as the memory of last night slowly wired in his brain, where the two were watching on a movie then nodding off on his bed unexpectedly, the temperature dropped as it resulted in finding a couple more blankets to keep warm. A part of him should shiver and regret this folding turn of events that took place.
But he couldn’t shake off the pressure of leaving him in the hotel alone after all of this is over. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t think twice and find a way to escape this situation, bringing the other with him for just a little while. Despite the high urge to do something about it, he couldn’t get himself to disappear from the bed and leave the key behind.
Instead he stayed, watching every tall tale feature the blonde had to offer his memories.
“..mornin’..” Mumbled Jason softly and ever so gently as his eyes stayed closed.
It almost startles Bucky at the sudden voice reaching his ears but nonetheless he smiles, “..m-morning.”
There was a peaceful silence that drafted between them.
“How did you sleep?” Asked the blonde, slowly opening his eyes turning to get a glimpse of the brunette.
And by god, James Barnes wasn’t allowed to look this well at the crack of dawn. His long dark locks curled around the edges of the pillow, his blue eyes shining in the sunlight and the cool metallic hand rested on his chest just as comfortably.
After a long second, Bucky responded, “I uh, I slept well actually..”
“I bet.” Jason joked, bringing a light smile to his face.
That caused a crash of light chuckle to fill the air.
The morning went pretty well. The two stayed in bed staring at the ceiling and stealing glances half of the time, enjoying the light banter. Eventually Bucky crawled out of bed and got himself in the shower, then soon went Jason’s turn to freshen up.
After a long period of time of declining interest in food, Jason’s stomach growls as he grabbed himself a sandwich from the hotel bar and a couple of drinks from the vending machine. He may or may not have taken a couple of bucks out of the brunette’s wallet that morning.
But he repaid him with a sandwich and a bottle of water, despite Bucky’s light glares he couldn’t be bothered to give a remark as hunger strikes. He just ate calmly and hummed a small smile to the man.
Sadly enough, the time they had spent together came to a close. Items were packed, stitches were wrapped and clothing was tucked away for any cleaning lady to come in later. Jason sat on the bed buckling his bootstraps and cuffing his socks into place, as his gaze turned to the man who was fumbling with his jacket once more. Bucky nodded, getting the last clasp secured on his jacket and swung his bag over his shoulder.
The two had a seamless idea to leave the hotel one after the other, in order to not stir up any wondering eyes or glimpses of controversy in the air. Yes, the thought was more than simple for anyone to follow along if they were looking too closely but neither was willing to take that chance.
Barnes was first to leave.
Neither said a word, just kept their gaze afar from another.
As Bucky stood by the door, his hand hovering over the doorknob, a sudden wave of emotion washed over him once his gaze fell on Jason for the 5th time this morning. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving without expressing the depth of his feelings and gratitude towards the man.
He didn't know if he would retreat or regret this later on, however at the moment, he didn't care to dwell on those thoughts.
With a swift and decisive movement, Bucky turned around, closing the distance between them in an instant. A finger hung under the blonde's chin, staring into each other's eyes. Without a second later, his lips met Jason's with a gentle and tender touch, a silent testament to the unspoken words that lingered between them.
For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as they shared the intimate embrace, the weight of their emotions hanging heavy in the air.
Jason's initial surprise quickly melted into a reciprocal response, his body instinctively leaning in to meet Bucky's kiss. Their lips moved together in a dance of longing and affection, each moment filled with a sense of warmth and belonging that neither wanted to let go of.
When they finally parted, there was a softness in their smiles, an understanding that transcended words. It was a silent agreement, a shared moment of mutual affection and longing that bound them together in ways they couldn't fully comprehend.
A couple of milliseconds past, standing there in pure silence.
Bucky once turned to leave, a smile graced his lips, his heart filled with a newfound sense of peace and contentment. The door closed behind as he turned towards the steps leading himself to the first floor of the hotel.
Jason watched him go, still slightly breathless from the unexpected kiss, a part of him couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself, shaking his head in disbelief at the whirlwind of emotions that had swept over them both.
And as they went their separate ways, the memory of that fleeting moment lingered in the air, a reminder of the small yet somehow profound connection they shared...
Ahhh! Couldn't resist writing for this unexacting pairing, this has been in my drafts for a year now and decided to finally post it. Anyways let me know what you think. Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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Tony Stark x F!Reader
Prompt: “i can't believe you don't like hugs."
Summary: you come home to the tower to hear that your teammate tony has been awake for days. you take it upon yourself to get to complete some much-needed self-care.
Warnings: fluff.
Word Count: 1,741
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The door sounded with a quiet, welcoming ding as the elevator arrived on your floor, the lights of your suite already on and pleasantly dimmed to accommodate to the tenderness of your eyes this late at night. It was a little before three in the morning, and while your flight had had no major issues and the traffic between the airport and Avengers Tower had been blessedly in your favor, it was still agonizing to be getting home so late.
It still surprised you how quickly you’d come to think of this place as more than just a place to sleep, more than what had originally felt like a ridiculously over-sized hotel room. It had been only six months since Loki’s attack on New York, and while the renovations to the Tower were not yet finished, your suite had been one of the first floors to be completed. And now it somehow felt far more familiar to you than any of the countless beds you had claimed over the last twenty-seven years.
“Welcome back, Ms. Y/L/N,” the cool, friendly voice of Tony’s personal assistant sounded from the invisible speakers above you. “I trust your journey was pleasant.”
“It was, for a nine-hour flight in a broken seat,” you replied with a sigh, stretching out the lingering kink in your lower back. You set your suitcase down by the elevator doors. “And how many times do I have to tell you; it’s just Y/N.”
“I’m sure only once more,” he replied. “As always.”
You chuckled, a small, tired smile lingering on your lips. “Are the others here?”
“Only Mr. Stark is in residence at the moment,” the A.I. informed you as you made your way further into your suite. You toed off your shoes, shedding your jacket and tossing it onto the nearby sofa. “Shall I inform him of your arrival?”
“Oh, no, I don’t want to wake him.”
There was a slight pause. “Mr. Stark is not asleep, Ms. Y/L/N.”
How an A.I. could have a variation in tone, you weren’t sure, but you stopped halfway to unbuttoning your jeans. “And how long exactly has Tony been awake?”
“…Almost eighty-three hours, ma’am.”
“I think I hate ‘ma’am’ even more than my last name.” you sighed, casting a glance towards the room to your left. The door was ajar, and you swore your bed was calling to you. “Where is he?”
“In the lab.”
A wall of sound greeted you as you stepped into the lab, and you flinched. It lowered immediately to a more bearable level, and you silently praised whatever part of JARVIS’ programming it was that could pick up on your discomfort like that.
“JARVIS,” Tony said without looking up from his work. “Don’t mess with my music.”
He was at the far end of the lab, moving between a couple of workbenches and the hologram of his latest designs with the disorganized, staccato rhythm you had begun to recognize as being a sign of sleep deprivation. There was a half-empty coffee pot on the bench closest to you, the scent of it gone stale. Tony’s clothes were rumpled, as was his hair, and you frowned when you noticed the shadows under his eyes. They were made darker by the blue light of the hologram between the two of you.
“I think we can do better on these reflector panels, J.,” he continued as though he hadn’t noticed you enter. “If this suit is going to work for stealth, I’m going to need the change to be instantaneous.” He waved a hand, and parts of the suit projected in front of him dropped away. “Scrap ‘em. Take it from the top.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Hello to you, too, Stark.” you said snidely despite your concern. “Or am I expected to call you ‘sir’ in here, too?”
“Only if you want me to get all tingly over it,” he retorted teasingly, finally pausing long enough to meet your eye. He gave you a genuine, if distracted and exhausted, smile.
“Most people just say ‘welcome home’.”
Tony returned to one of the benches, eyes fixating on a tablet screen. “Are you implying that I could possibly be ‘most people’?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, sidestepping an abandoned helmet prototype. There was an empty coffee mug sitting inside it. The crockery was stained with dark brown rings. You made you way around to his workbench, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of it beside him. “Tony, when was the last time you got some sleep?”
“You know the answer to that,” he said, pointedly avoiding your eye and focusing his gaze on the work in front of him. “Or did you come all the way down here just for a hug?”
“A hug? Hardly,” you said with a scoff.
Tony met your eye, raising a brow. There was a teasing tilt to his lips, a challenge in his expression. “I don’t accept that.”
“Accept what?”
“I can’t believe that you don’t like hugs.” he said, straightening. He moved to stand in front of you, his hands claiming your knees. You felt a warmth spread up from where he touched you to heat your belly, and you straightened slightly, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue. “I refuse to accept it. I mean, for a woman completely capable of breaking every bone in my body with her bare hands, you’re downright cuddly.”
As he said the last words he reached up and touched the tip of his finger to your nose tauntingly, and you wrinkled it in response. He chuckled, and you rolled your eyes at him. Something about sleep deprivation always made him lighter, more teasing. While his usual jokes were witty and occasionally flirty, when you found him like this, he was… softer. “Has anyone ever told you that you are a massive dork?”
Tony’s grin widened, and he stepped back, holding up his hands as though you’d just proved his point. “See, anyone else would call me an asshole, but you – sweet, innocent thing that you are – go with ‘dork’.”
“Oh, Stark. Trust me,” you snickered, pushing yourself up off the edge of the table. It closed much of the distance between the two of you, your chest almost meeting his. You made a show of casting your eyes down over him before meeting his eye with a smirk. “If you actually knew me, the last word you’d be using to describe me is ‘innocent’.”
Intrigue flashed in his eyes, a curve to his parted lips sending an unexpected thrill up your spine. He made move to speak, but you pressed a finger to his lips. His smile widened against your skin.
“I’m sure whatever you were about to say would have been rife with innuendo, Tony,” you said. “But honestly, you kind of stink. How long’s it been since you had a shower?”
“Y’know, I’m not really sure why I had to stick around for this.” you called out over the sound of rushing water, folding your arms over your chest. You were standing outside the penthouse bathroom, your back against the wall beside the door. Steam billowed out of the open doorway, clinging to your bare arms.
The water shut off, and Tony’s reply came a few moments later, his voice echoing off the tile. “And here I thought you were worried about my wellbeing, sweetheart.”
“You’re not exactly at risk of drowning in the shower, Tony,” you pointed out. You heard his answering chuckle and the sounds of cabinet doors opening and closing. There was a long silence, punctuated only by the quiet sounds of shaving cream being sprayed and a razor against skin. “And you survived it. So, can I go to bed now?”
“And miss out on this quality team-bonding time?” he called out. “Shudder to think.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes with a smile. “‘Team-bonding’? We’re missing a couple of key members here. Unless you’ve got Rogers stashed in your shower caddy.”
“Not exactly the member I’d pick for that,” he replied as he stepped through the doorway, wiping at his jaw with a towel. Another was slung securely around his hips. Rivulets of water marked his bare torso, droplets clinging to his chest. There was a teasing smirk on his lips, and you swallowed. “Now, Romanoff on the other hand—”
“I’m going to stop you there before this conversation devolves into casual misogyny,” you eye-rolled, holding up a hand.
“I’ll have you know I’m an equal opportunity lech.” Tony shot back, amused. “I just didn’t think Thor would fit in the caddy.”
You snorted a laugh.
“Right…” you said. He’d missed a tiny patch of shaving cream on the corner of his jaw, and you reached up to wipe it away with two fingers. Tony’s smile widened as you wiped it on his bare chest. You cleared your throat as you realized the intimacy of your actions. “Well, you’ve managed to navigate the perils of a penthouse bathroom, Iron Man. Congrats.”
“So, what’s your excuse now?”
Confusion creased the skin between your brows. “For what?”
Tony’s smirk twitched, and you recognized the challenge in his eyes. Something in the pit of your stomach fluttered. “For turning down a hug.”
You laughed, shaking your head disbelieving. “God, Stark, you are such a—”
Tony took hold of your arm, surprising you by pulling you toward him and bringing his lips to yours. They were soft and warm, teasing with the taste of spearmint. The clean scent of his body wash enveloped you, his fingers gentle but firm on your arm. The warmth of his body – still bolstered by the heat of the shower – leached into your skin, wrapping you in a ghost of an embrace that made you lean into him. The kiss lasted only a moment before he pulled back again, that expression of taunting flirtation still in place.
You pressed your lips together, your skin tingling. “What was that for?”
He shrugged a shoulder, tightening the towel around his waist. There was an annoying note of nonchalance in his expression, and self-assuredness that told you he knew exactly what kind of effect he’d just had on you. “Call it a thank you.”
“I—” you swallowed, forcing your breath to steady. “Most people just say ‘thank you’.”
He grinned, his teeth grazing his bottom lip. “Didn’t we agree that I’m not ‘most people’?”
tags: @trekkingaroundasgard @ccbsrms @lina-mar@lovely-dreamer19@wittyforachange@wefracturedmotivation@january-echoes@glossyloner@capitalnineteen@youclickedthislink@s0ftness@castieltrash1@drakelover78@queenoftheunderdark@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@lol-you-thought@sebbystanlover-vk@mikariell95@csigeoblue@abrunettefangirlnerd@babyblues915@aar-journey@moistpotatobear @capsironunderoos @bellamyblakemorley@diesinspanishbcimhispanic@sentimentalalien@agustdowney@akumune@xxboesefrauxx@patheticallysentimental@loki-is-loved
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