medstudentblues · 2 years
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Finals studying starts tonight. Napped after my classes, did requirements, went on meetings with org and MSC, and now going to take a break to wash up and have dinner before I full-on study.
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socstudies · 2 years
ミ⛧Studyblr Reintroduction!⛧彡
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about me 彡
' im starting my first year of an (social/cultural) anthropology degree
' i did the ib in may 2022
' im in the uk
' i've had a studyblr for about four years with on and off activity... oops !
' i love listening to taylor swift and kpop, reading (currently reading the demon road series by derek landy! but my favourite book i've read recently is we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson :)), i also like playing the sims, minecraft and gta. oh and watching studytube videos !!
my studyblr 彡
' i post photos of my notes and stationery with updates on things :)
' im tracking #trackanthroblr
' i never used to reblog posts but now i love seeing and sharing what other people are up to !
my favourite studyblrs 彡
(in no particular order !)
' @slackerstudies
' @myrtleandberry
' @college-hacks
' @virtuosicstudyblr
and studyquill, revisgn, alivia brown, and studywithinspo (
im so excited for uni and to start posting again !! :)
彡 anthroblr xoxo
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gushuwa · 2 years
🦑 Mid-Year book tag 🦑
thank you @mangoslixes i fucking LOVE these games
Amount of books you’ve read so far: 21 (mostly for uni and they sucked)
Best book you’ve read so far in 2022: Alcune questioni di filosofia morale, Hannah Arendt (but anything by this woman really 🥹 - i’m being calm but i’m actually screaming) i don’t think there’s the english version of this one tho
Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2022: Antifragile and Skin in the game by N. N. Taleb
New release you haven’t read yet but want to: Il sogno di Ryosuke by Durian Sukegawa (there’s no english version??) and thanks to Rey🥰, i’m also looking for To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara
Most anticipated release for the second half of the year: The Atlas Paradox 🔍👀
Biggest surprise favourite new author (debut or new to you): ✨Irene Nemirovsky✨
Newest fictional crush: can i have a crush on an author? Natsuo Kirino, i wanna live in her brain
Book that made you cry: Heaven, Mieko Kawakami
Book that made you happy: Heaven!!!
Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received): Rose, Pierre-Joseph Redouté (a book of roses’ drawings)
What books do you need to read by the end of the year?: way too many to write them down, i’m catching up on years of hiatus (bc uni) mostly all Nemirovsky
Rey, your hatred for Beautiful World Where Are You is sending me to another dimension
tagging, if you want to, @mellowacademia @upside-down-uni @myrtleandberry @hopebooks @bodhogommota @tranquilstudy @lostin--thoughts @ckmstudies 🧡
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home-ward · 2 years
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“Taking away the financial pressure, a library doesn’t force a patron to ask the question, why should I take home this book? Instead, the library implores, why not?”
The Borrows
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heather--moors · 2 years
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Details on Dante and Beatrice. Trying to surround myself with beautiful things before spring break. This is my last semester, so the free time feels extra sweet.
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jssonata77 · 2 years
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Had plenty of time last December. Before the year ends, I read a lot like a lot. ☺️ 📚 I didn't have a chance to post here on studyblr 'cause I was enjoying my time outside. Twas a nice experience to spend my holidays in an unfamiliar setting.
I get to celebrate Christmas and New Year differently last year. 🌲 I answered some textbook quizzes, went to a night market, I get to explore diff coffee shops around the area and most expecially I learned how to live independently. 💗
🍒 Photo taken while I was doing some chores. Wasn't rlly expecting the delivery to arrive that fast.😂
So I ended up not eating it right away 😂
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honeycombstudy · 2 years
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01.01.22 || anyone else battling the urge to reinvent themselves for the new year?
reading: return of the god hypothesis listening to: be my mistake_the 1975
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noodledesk · 4 years
How do you know choose what to read every morning?
i have a to-read list for articles and a list for essays, so every morning i just pick one and roll with it
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notebookist · 4 years
are you a med student too? I love love your handwriting and notes!
thank you so much! that means a lot to me ❤️ making pretty notes is how i motivate myself to study at all :')
i am not a med student, but i am currently working in clinical research (before applying to grad school in a few years).
thanks for the ask!! 🌻
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stuhde · 4 years
Your tag “work hard and let your queue be your noise” is becoming a mantra tbh
things are just easier if you keep it to yourself, stop telling people things and you won’t be put on a pedestal. when things don’t go your way, you’ll be more forgiving to yourself and less disapointed becuase people don’t know what you did and therefore... no expectations! let your SUCCESS be your noise - surprise people!
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medstudentblues · 2 years
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Studied, went to the gym, studied again, walked my dog, and now back to studying. An endless cycle dot pdf.
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cancerbiophd · 4 years
Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful! Keep going to make someone smile! 💛
aw thank you so much!! 💛 💛 💛
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gliagirlphd · 4 years
how have you been!! ^.^
Hi Myrtle! I realized I might have gone a bit AWOL; a lot of things just piled up this week. My university is shifting back to opening next week so I’ve been gearing up for going back to research (making plans, etc.). And I’ve also gotten swamped with so much writing (woe the life of a grad student). My ever growing list of research papers I need to tackle is growing infinitely larger. Hopefully I can update a bit this week. I’m just low-key worried about a second wave of the COVID pandemic coming up without us anticipating it, and then everything getting shut down again (gotta make a contingency plan for that too regarding my research). I’ve also been avoiding all forms of social media tbh because I’ve gotten so bogged down with work that I’ve basically procrastinated on during the last two months (but what’s the point of beating myself up about not doing work while stressing out about the COVID pandemic and wanting to take care of my mental health).
How are you doing? I’ve read up about the Terror Bill in the Philippines, and honestly I’m terrified for you guys. I don’t know much about your country’s laws and constitution, but it sounds horrifying. P.S. Absolutely loving your new avatar!
To all my followers: Let me know how you guys are doing; I know I haven’t been the most active on this blog lately, but I’m always willing to have my blog be a comforting space for everyone - with everything going on in the world, having a reassuring space is always nice.
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pianistbynight · 3 years
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21 Jul 2021 // I don't know why I didn't think of this before but I have a bunch of piano tips videos saved to my Watch Later and while I'm kind of on a practice hiatus right now, why not take some notes on practice tips so I'll come back to the piano (maybe) better prepared than I was before? I mean, worst-case scenario, I'll be using these tips much, much further in the future yet XD
Day 15 - Tag someone you look up to
Within the studyblr community, @myhoneststudyblr . I love that she starts all these fun challenges that bring the community together, somehow has the sustained motivation during the summer to write notes on a variety of topics, and gives detailed, useful advice on studying and studyblr-ing. To be that kind of person who strengthens communities with positive vibes, sustains their motivation to learn, and who is knowledgeable and generous enough to share what they've learned to help others is the kind of person I aspire to be 😊
When it comes to music, I'd say Tiffany Poon. I take a lot of inspiration from her, from the way she balanced academics with music and piano (which is something I still struggle with and need to work on XD), to her practicing methods and interpretations of songs. Actually, I think her recordings and vlogs were one of the things that inspired me to continue down my self studying and classical music rabbithole when I was feeling really discouraged 😂 'Cause in showing her process, her practice frustrations (super relatable!! I didn't know even professional pianists still struggle with the same things I do [though with more difficult songs XD]!), and successes, it really humanizes the way we view prodigies - it isn't "magic", or genes, and it doesn't have to be a skill passed down in a family. It's just passion that leads to a hunger to learn and to consistent practice, and that's something a lot of us have/can attain, so it makes me feel like it's possible to get to the level of those who get to be professional pianists, even as a self studying hobbyist 💪💗
Day 16 - Tag someone who has beautiful handwriting
Omg but so *MANY* people have beautiful handwriting, how can I just mention one?!
@studyquill , @serendistudy , @study-van , @booknerdstudies , @studying-engineering , @astralis-studies , @myrtleandberry just to name a few XD Also if you share your bujo spreads on here or instagram (or heck, if you have figured out how to do calligraphy in your notes!!), you have beautiful handwriting to me XD
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clockwords · 3 years
studyblr intro!
hello studyblr community!
my name is clover (they/them) and i’m currently a sophomore in college. long, LONG time lurker of studyblr as a whole, and i figured it was finally time to make one!
some stuff about me: i just turned 20, i’ve lived in california my whole life before moving to the east coast for college, and now i spend hours every year shuttling myself and my suitcase back and forth. i’m an english and creative writing major, and i’m studying italian (and as long as things go right, i’m going to study abroad in italy next semester!). 
until i get diagnosed, i can’t say for certain, but i have a strong inkling that i have adhd and as such i’ll be reblogging a lot of adhd study tips!! as those are generally what works for me. i love making my notes pretty, and it honestly does help me focus on them sometimes, but a lot of the time it’s more about buckling down and getting stuff done. that being said it’s also about taking care of yourself!! this is an anti-all-nighter, anti-self-punishment, anti-romanticizing-mental-illness blog.
college during a pandemic has been hectic to say the least, and i’ll probably make a whole nother post to describe what my situation has been like for the past year or so, and to explain how my college has been handling it. but suffice to say, my course load right now is very weird.
some of the tumblrs i love and have followed for a long time on my other blog (in no particular order): 
@rylie-studies (your enthusiasm for italian always reminds me why i chose to learn in it in the first place and rekindles my energy for it!!)  @myhoneststudyblr  @bulletnotestudies @productivelia  @philology-studies @aliciavstudies  @myrtleandberry  @tulipteastudies and there are definitely more that i just can’t think of right now!!
please, please, please like or reblog if you’d like me to follow you! i definitely want to fill my dash with more blogs and i’m always open to make friends in the community :) i will be tracking the tag #cloverstudies
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yinyinggie · 2 years
introduction –
i realised that i had never really done a proper introduction :") so here we go !
anyways , hello ! i'm ying , a minor , new tertiary student , and i do lots of journalling ! welcome to my safespace studyblr , i look forward to meeting new friends here ^u^ please feel free to reach out to me if you ever need a listening ear or someone to listen to you ramble about the things you love or just want to become friends ! some things i like : - journalling - playing the guitar - doing latte art - producing covers of my favourite songs - learning new languages ! - MUSICALS ( esp legally blonde !!! ) - i love to bake a lot (*´ڡ`●) some blogs that inspired me to make this account are ( i hope it's okay to tag you all ! if not , please disregard or let me know :"D ) : @myhoneststudyblr @mymessystudyblr @myrtleandberry @studyviolette @studiesandrecoveries @cupsandthoughts @un-----made @coffeestainedprogress @emmastudies @saltwaterstudies! ^u^
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