#studyblr ask
sunscreenstudies · 1 year
📚Bookish Asks📚
📕 What book has had the biggest impact on your life, and why?
📖Do you prefer physical books or e-books? Why?
💛How do you organize your bookshelves? By genre, author, color, or in a completely unique way?
🔖What quote from a book resonated with you deeply?
🤎Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader, or do you read multiple books simultaneously?
📝What fictional world would you love to visit and explore if given the chance?
💚Which book character do you relate to the most, and why?
📙What’s your favorite genre to read, and do you have any recommendations within that genre?
📑Hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook? Which format do you prefer?
🤍Do you have any reading goals for this year? How are you progressing so far?
💙 What is your favorite book-to-movie adaptation, and why?
📚Do you have a go-to reading spot or do you read everywhere?
❤️Who is your all-time favorite author, and what makes their writing so special to you?
🧾What is the most memorable book ending you’ve ever read? Did it leave you satisfied or wanting more?
💜What book did you initially not enjoy but ended up loving? What changed your perspective?
📗If you could have a conversation with any author, living or deceased, who would it be and what would you ask them?
🖤 Are there any book series that you’ve been meaning to start but haven’t gotten around to yet? Which ones are they?
📔Do you have any bookish rituals or habits that you follow before, during, or after reading a book?
🧡Is there a particular book cover that you find absolutely stunning? Share a picture or describe it!
📘Which classic book or author do you think everyone should read at least once in their lifetime, and why?
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michelle-languages · 2 years
Salut ! Combien de temps est-ce que t'as étudié le français ? Qu'est-ce ta chose préfèrée en cette langue ?
Salut! ✨
En réalité j’ai étudié le français seulement pour très années à l’école. J’ai commencé à l’étudier jusque il y a quelques mois. Heureusement je suis italienne et mon niveau de espagnol c’est meilleur. Par conséquence, n’est pas difficile parler et comprendre le français, mais l’écrire… 🙃🙂🙃🙂
De le français j’aime beaucoup la phonétiques, les sons de la langue 💞
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
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the saturday-sunday night diabolical "life is falling apart"- to do list followed by a mad scramble
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"The biggest issue is students using it, me spotting it and having no recourse whatsoever to do anything about it." can you elaborate a bit further
Hello !
So to explain a bit more: we [aka your lecturers, teachers, teaching assistants, etc...] know that some students will use ChatGPT.
And there is a discussion to be had about how to work with this, how to design assessment which allow students to leverage something which may simply become a fixture of writing in a workplace environment, but that is not the discussion we are having here. Because that is not what we are worried about.
The defensible, problematic situation is: a student straight up entering the essay prompt on ChatGPT, and using the grand skills of Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V, submits it as their own paper.
And our main worry, I think, was for a long time that we would not be able to catch it. That students would, actually, be able to fool us and that we would actually think this was a student who understood the course, who put in the work, and who deserve to be rewarded for their grade. That was the main fear.
But here is the thing.
And listen up, students :
Essays written by ChatGPT :
Are spotted from a mile away from the person reading it
For real. They suck.
I cannot stress enough how easy they are to spot. You are NOT fooling anyone. I do not need the platform's AI-detecting tool to know when an essay was written by Chat GPT. It is so, very painfully obvious when that's the case.
But the problem then becomes : ok, I have spotted a student who cheated.
What am I even supposed to do with it.
It is one thing to KNOW that an essay was AI-generated, it is another to defend it to a plagiarism committee. First of all, does it actually count as plagiarism ? Second, how do prove, with certainty, that the student did not write it ? How to I convince the plagiarism committee that this is worth looking into ? I am in the role of a police officer, who needs to convince the DA that this is a winnable case, that prosecuting will not be a waste of their time. But I don't have a Similarity Percentage to rely on. I don't have an original source to say "look, this is the exact same wording!" like in a classic plagiarism case.
Best case scenario, I can make my case for thee student to actually be called to the plagiarism committee, where we probe into how, exactly, they wrote their essay, until they fold. Unlikely, morally questionable, and in all likelihood, ineffective on students already so confident in their bullshit that they have the audacity to submit a fully AI-generated work for their finals.
Now, students, gather up, especially if you have considered using Chat GPT this way. Because right now, you might think it means you can get away with it.
But let me tell you something. First, that essay is getting the shittiest grade we can give you. Because you know what is more difficult than a lecturer proving that a student used AI to generate their essay ? A student proving that they deserve a better grade. Once we give you a grade, burden of evidence is on you to prove that you have not been graded properly. And we can come up with 15 reasons why an essay is a shit essay. We put on kids' gloves, when we lecture and give feedback. We give the simplified version of most theories, we give the basics of how to structure an essay, the bar we set is spectacularly low, because students come in good faith, they are learning, they will not be held at the same standard as academics. But if you try to argue that you need a higher grade, when you had the audacity to not write a single word of your work, the kids gloves are going to come off real quick, and your lecturer will be able to very convincingly explain why, actually, giving you a passing grade was a mercy in the first place.
Second. Academics, especially angry academics, are a gossip machine.
You may get a passing grade, and there may be no official note of it in your file whatsoever. But I can guarantee you that your lecturer will chat with their colleagues. That every single one of your essay that year, and the years to come, will be looked at with so much scrutiny I hope your referencing for every single work reaches perfection. Every single paragraph will be looked at with the knowledge that you are likely to have had it AI-generated. Lecturers will tell their TA to look at for That One Student when they grade you .You will not be getting any flexibility from us, no extension without full documentation to support it, no letter of recommendation from any member of the faculty, no word in your favor if you are bordering a grade bracket. If we are feeling especially petty, we might even forget to answer your emails or answer any question you have with such warmth and kindness you really still never feel like asking a question again in our class. And I know that, because that's already happening. I have the name of three undergrads that we know, for a fact, did not write their own essay. Two are not even in my modules at all.
Now. That's pretty mean. But if you have the absolute audacity and lack of ethics required to submit an essay for which you have not written a single word, and thought it would actually work, when your lecturer spent probably more that 80 hours working in this module this term, gave you the opportunity to meet for office hours, to ask any question in person or in email, to have extensions, accommodations, additional time ? When you decided that putting exactly zero second of your time, considered that you were above that - and above other students- and yet we were not able to officially sanction you for it, we had to give you a passing grade, the same passing grade as students who actually made an effort?
Yeah, sorry, you are not getting any sympathy from your lecturers anymore.
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oldshrewsburyian · 8 months
Dear college students,
I really hope that I, your spinster aunt of Tumblr, am not the first person to tell you this, but: please use your university library services. You are paying for them. They are there for you. Moreover, your professors are operating on the assumption that you will use them as necessary.
When I say "library services" I mean not only physical books that will help you with research, but the usually more extensive eBook collections ditto. Novels you've been meaning to get around to and can't afford to buy. Even (quaintly?) DVDs for your entertainment. And perhaps most significantly of all, interlibrary loan.
I'm going to reiterate interlibrary loan in its own paragraph because a student complained to me recently that publishers were "literally incentivizing piracy" by not pricing academic monographs for purchase by college students and my reaction is best summed up as: ????? Publishers typically price scholarly monographs in the pious hope of not losing money on them. Everyone complains about the ones priced at $300, and a lot of them are priced around $30-50. They are priced for purchase by libraries and specialists. And they are priced for purchase by libraries precisely so that libraries can make them accessible to college students. Anyway, use interlibrary loan, good grief.
TL;DR: the library is there for you, that is what it is for, please behave accordingly.
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marie-curie · 9 days
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03.06.2024 // currently working on a presentation i have to do on thursday. i'm supposed to present the literature for my MA thesis, so background research, theory, what i'm going to do etc. it's a very useful task to do but at the same time it stresses me out.
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prettieinpink · 3 months
Hi !
Could u give me some tips on how to stop procrastinating and be more productive (in school and after school) ?
And do you also have any study tips to help me to study much better ?
Thx very much and luv ur blog !
♡♡ Keep up the good work ♡♡
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thank you so much for the support and for your patience!! I hope this post helps you well. I also think this post on procrastination would help as well.
Studying effectively looks different for a lot of people. You will have to try out different methods to see what works best for you specifically. This post will discuss ways to maximize your time in the classroom and reinforce that knowledge outside of school hours.
ASK FOR HELP OR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING. Try your best to engage as much as possible with your teacher or mentor regardless of your understanding. If you need help, ask for it. If you want to advance in your learning, ask more questions. 
LISTEN TO MUSIC. A lot of people fall victim to talking to their friends instead of working. Bring earphones to school and listen to your playlist instead of talking to your friends. If you have your earphones on, you won’t feel obligated to join in the conversation and others most likely won’t bother you. 
TAKE EFFECTIVE NOTES. You don’t have to do an overly specific way of writing notes, but make sure your notes are clear, concise, and understandable for you. A thing I try to do is leave a little room at the bottom of the page in which I can summarise everything without looking at prior notes.
CARRY A WATER BOTTLE. Water helps boost your brain productivity, so carry it to all of your classrooms.
UTILISE LUNCH & RECESS. Giving up your lunch and recess for more studying is not ideal, but it’s better to set in fresh knowledge than go home and completely forget everything. Or, you can use this time for assignments or studying for assessments.
REMEMBER TO REFUEL AND TAKE A BREAK. Studying can be hard after you come back from 6-8 hours of already doing that. Eat something, exercise, do something fun, watch a show. Give your brain a break before studying.
HAVE AN EVERYDAY STUDY ROUTINE. Maybe you wanna dedicate some time to your flashcards or revise back on your notes, or you can have your focus change for each day of the week.
FLASHCARDS. Flashcards are so easy to do everywhere, which is what I like about them. I could do it while waiting for something, while bored, on a car/bus ride, or even just a few before going to bed. Requires zero energy while still getting a lot out.
WHITEBOARD METHOD. Though, you can use a mirror. It’s just writing everything on a whiteboard. From ideas, diagrams, and questions. The reason why I feel like this method is so effective is because it’s so engaging, unlike a laptop or pen and paper.
BLURTING. You most likely did this in primary school, but it’s just writing down everything you know and then checking for gaps in knowledge. I love this method because it’s also a really simple way to study yet it’s so effective.
SQ3R. Survey, question, read, recite, and review. This one requires a bit more focus, but it does help to retain more information than just skimming through the text. 
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kalki-tarot · 8 months
Messages from the universe 💌
pick a picture. 1 - 2 - 3
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The images I use to select a pile are from Pinterest, I hope the readings will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Take only what resonates.
Tap on Masterlist for more !
Pile 1
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You'll be presented many new opportunities to earn money and gain abundance. Your life will be filled with positivity, you'll be very happy and content with whatever you receive. Just keep up with the positive attitude towards life and things will work out smoothly. You'll make rapid progress and you'll gain momentum. Sudden and rapid shifts will take place. Be ready and go with the flow. Bad times have already passed away, now it's time to rise and shine.
For your love life, if you are in an unstable relationship, or an on and off situationship, please leave this person asap. They'll drain your energy. Beware of the energy vampires. This person is themselves juggling between things and is unstable and they'll disbalance your life too. Do some self introspection. Know why you attract certain kind of people. And break this pattern. Take your time to realize things, don't hurry. Your creative side will bloom and you'll do much better at work as you'll let go of toxic things. Please take care of yourself, don't hurt or harm yourself by letting these kind of people stay in your life.
Pile 2
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Damn pile 2, universe can feel your excitement and confident energy. You're wanting to have some new, fiery adventures in life. Universe likes this positive and energetic energy of yours. You're diligence will grant you abundance in life. You're gonna get successful in whatever field You're from. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments and fights. Don't make people your enemies. I think something bad had just happened in your life. Things will start to calm down for you. You're moving towards stability in life now. Your sadness or disappointment will not last long, it will turn into something better and abundant.
Regarding your love life, there is someone at your work place or someone you collaborated with or will collaborate in future. They have an eye on you. This person is someone famous and well known by everybody. They're impressed by your work ethics or performance. They have great love for you. They think you both have that potential. They like your giving, helping and humanitarian nature.
Pile 3
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You're manifestations will come very soon. This is a confirmation for you. If you asked for financial stability or abundance, you're gonna receive it very-very soon. Your investments will come to fruition. You'll reap the fruits of your hard work. Please take some rest and time to relax. Your health might get affected if you keep exhausting yourself. Some shocking news in on the way. Something about the divine timing. You'll be offered something which will make you shocked.
For your love life, i dont know for how many of you will this resonate but I'm really sorry for this. We have the tower, the magician, 9 swords and strength. I get two meanings for this. First one is, you may get heartbroken or cheated by someone. And the second is, Someone new will enter your life to heal your traumas and past heartbreaks. This can a new love interest. Please take what resonates. Whatever the situation is, you cannot lose your strength. You can go through this, don't loose hope. This is not your fault. Karma exists for people who do bad. Take things or situations as a lesson to teach you something.
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
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it’s cold brew season again babyyy
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learnelle · 5 months
I would LOVE to hear from anyone who went through university studies in a language that isn't their native one! Share your experiences! How did you manage ? What was the most difficult part ? What language learning level were you at before you started the course ? I am so curious about all of the details !!
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oldshrewsburyian · 6 months
Is there any way for a student to prove they *didn’t* use AI to write something? Does “track changes” in MS Word show changes to other people besides the original user? (Or some other thing I haven’t thought of)
...Sigh. Yes, that software function does that. But honestly, Anonymous Inquirer, that misses the larger point.
I presume you're an undergraduate who is either anxious about being unjustly accused of plagiarism (unlikely in the extreme) or who wants to increase your chances of cheating without getting caught. And here's the thing, Anonymous Inquirer: text that has been generated by a language-learning model is mind-numbingly boring. It's technically flawless. It sounds like a tech bro trying to bullshit me but worse, because it is tragically vacuous, devoid of any original thought. It reproduces the biases it has been fed. It is so, so boring. And it is so, so depressing.
I've heard the arguments about how it can "smooth out" or "correct" unidiomatic prose; I think attempts to correct unidiomatic prose are at best heading for a misguided goal (I could also call them grotesquely unfair, prejudiced, or worse.) I've heard the arguments about using AI to generate outlines for human-written essays and... again, I think it is a fundamentally flawed concept. Deciding how to organize and articulate one's thoughts is a profoundly human act! It's a human privilege! It's a way of showing your mind and imagination to another human being! It's the kind of intellectual exchange that is the foundation of a liberal arts education (and probably the thing that inspired your professors to, in our infinite quixotry, get into our profession in the first place.) Why in the name of all that is good would you opt out of that?
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izicodes · 8 months
hi!! do you have any free resources or textbooks for learning python? i’m doing my dissertation and i need a refresher before i start doing it properly. thanks!!
Hiya! 💗
Here you go:
Python Objects and Classes
Random Python Resources
Top 20 Python Projects for Beginners to Master the Language
Free Programming Books
Python Notes and Resources by @trialn1error
Python Official Roadmap
Python Project List
Python 3 Cheat Sheet
Python Cheatsheet for Beginners
These are the ones' I've shared on my blog over the years! Hope their helpful! 🥰👍🏾💗
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liones-s · 1 year
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good focus and motivation to all of you this finals season
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What do you do to get out of a study slump?
I’m in one and I’m exhausted. :(
First thing to understand is that we're not meant to be productive 24/7.
It might seem counter-intuitive but having clearly defined rest and entertainment time does more for my productivity than any amount of motivation or hard work. When you have time to do the things you want to do, study time is no longer something to resent.
Second, a slump happens for a reason. You need to pause and figure out why you're feeling the way you are and find a method to fix what's wrong. If it's burnout, you need to rest, take some time off and reevaluate your approach to your studies. If it's because you're frustrated with a subject, again stop, find alternative resources that will break a concept down so you can understand it. If you're unsure of the path ahead of you, find someone to talk to about it. A second perspective can help you see things clearer.
Taking the time to sharpen your axe will help you cut down a tree faster and with less effort than hacking at it with a blunt blade.
Third. Sleep. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, at a set time. Sleep resets everything and regulates your mood. It's easy to see the negative side of everything when you're tired.
Fourth. Keep two journals. One for you to write about anything you feel or want to get of your chest, and another to keep track and plan your studies. Planning is an important way to take the emotion out of your work. When you have a set number of hours to accomplish a certain reasonable number of tasks, there's no space to be upset or depressed about it. It's just something you have to do. Even if you only complete a few of those tasks, it's still more than doing nothing. After a few days, you'll find yourself wanting to clear the task list.
Fifth. Start early. Working long hours on your study material or assignments just before they are due is guaranteed to make you feel miserable. Consistent work from the start of your semester followed by multiple revisions will ensure you feel confident about your efforts.
Sixth. Realize that you are doing your best. A slump is not a failing, it's your body and mind telling you it needs a break, that something is not right. Don't beat yourself up about it.
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why-the-heck-not · 11 months
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pics of july so far
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chemblrish · 19 days
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23 May 2024
Finished the last pchem lab report and just like that, I'm done with pchem lab forever :((( I really really really hope I'll manage to sign up for the pchem related elective next semester.
As for this semester, now that pchem lab is over my very general to-do list has shrunken into:
one last ochem test
finish my analysis in ochem lab
one final
Summer break is so close! I'm not excited about the break itself but rather about this semester ending 😅 It's been a tough one and I know for a fact what's made it more bearable is my friends, cliche as it sounds. I'm so happy they're in my life. I hope they can say the same about me
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