doyoufancyathought ¡ 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 3: Get Tested
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Y/N had never been a fan of hospitals. In fact, she had gone above and beyond in her efforts to avoid going to them. She thought she could probably count all of her hospital visits on her fingers. Thankfully, she was a fairly healthy individual, so it wasn't hard for her to stay out of the Emergency room. They were too sterile, too clean, and everyone was always bustling and grumping around, and poking and prodding all the time. Y/N knew that the hospital wasn't supposed to be an enjoyable place to spend time, but she definitely was of the opinion that steps could be made to make it at least comfortable. Or hospitable, if you'll excuse the joke.
Still, she was in a new dimension, apparently, and so exceptions must be made when it comes to personal dislikes against institutions. She wanted to get home, after all, and this was a necessary step. In order for these scientists to send her back home, they must figure out where exactly she is from, otherwise they could end up sending her to a completely wrong place or time or what have you, and that would just be a disaster.
Once she was up on the exam table, Y/N did her best to appear friendly to the business-like nurse. She was quick and efficient as she hooked Y/N up to at least different machines, and tied a rubber band around her upper arm. For a moment, Y/N was worried that these strangers might be shooting her full of drugs, but then she remembered that this was simply routine for drawing blood. She hoped that medical procedures weren't too different in this world from her own.
Y/N was relieved when the nurse brought in a tray of empty vials and begin to explain what she was doing.
"I'm going to draw some blood so we can do some tests. I'll also need a hair sample, and I'm going to do a saliva swab as well, just so we can take a look at your DNA. How's that sound?"
The nurse smiled. "I promise you'll barely feel a thing. The swab will be oral, same as checking for strep."
The nurse did her tests, and then let a few scientists in lab coats in. They pulled up chairs in front of the exam table and introduced themselves, although Y/N forgot their names as soon as she heard them.
"Okay, so I guess the first question is for you to introduce yourself and where you're from."
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I'm from (hometown) in (country). I was working at one of my jobs when I fell through an inter dimensional portal and ended up here."
"Good start. Can you tell me about the planetary system from your home world?"
"I guess so." Y/N thought about it for a second, trying to remember those astronomy lessons from many years ago. "Earth is the third planet from the Sun, which is the centre of the system. Then there's Mercury, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, and I think I'm missing some. I can't remember the order, sorry, I've never been good at planets."
"That's all right. Can you tell me how many days in a year?"
"And how old are you?"
"And how old do people usually live to be?"
"Uh, I don't know. Maybe anywhere from 70 to 90 years?" Should have paid for attention in stats class.
"How big are spiders in your world?"
"Some of them are super tiny, like you can barely see them. And then some of them are huge, like a dinner plate."
"I see. And how big are chickens?"
"How big are chicken? I know it's a weird question, but some worlds have gigantic chickens that actually prey on humans."
"Thats, um, disturbing. But my chickens are normal size? Like small enough to fit in an oven."
"Ok, well that's good. "
There where more questions like this, some about history and some about geography and flora and fauna. When they were all done, the scientists discussed for a minute by themselves.
"Okay, well, from what we can tell, your world is incredibly similar to our own, with the major differences likely being social development. You say you don't have the Avengers in your world?"
"No, we don't have any superheroes or superpowers at all. I wish, though."
"Yeah, that makes sense. How much do you know about inter-dimensional portals?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Ok, well that's fair, it's a tough subject. So pretty much, each dimension has kind of bridges to reach out to other dimensions. When two bridges line up, there's a chance for people or things to cross over."
"Okay, that makes sense I guess."
"A lot of the time, these bridges go unnoticed. Some dimensions are connected permanently, some are connected cyclicly, and some are connected for less than a second at a time, which makes them extra hard to track. You with me so far?"
Y/N nodded.
"Don't worry if you don't get it. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that we might have a hard time tracking down your world."
"Okay, but how long do you think it'll take? How long does it normally take?"
The scientists shifted uncomfortably. "Well that's the thing. There is an infinite amount of universes you could be from, and it'll take a while to narrow it down to just the most likely. From there, we would have to figure out what kind of bridges they all have, and figure out how to predict it, and then figure out a way to send you back."
"Oh, that does sound complicated. So like a month?"
They glanced at each other. "We've never done this before, and we've never sent anyone back through a bridge."
"Two months?"
"Maybe a year."
"I said, maybe a year?"
"I'm going to be here for a year."
"Maybe, like I said we've never done this before so we can't really give you an idea of how long it will take."
"Oh my God."
"We're very sorry. We'll give you some space."
The scientists left, and the nurse from before came back in and started unhooking Y/N from the monitors.
"We've run all the tests we need to, dear. Do you have any questions?"
"I have so many questions, I don't even know where to begin."
"That's understandable. We'll have your results back in a few hours, and that'll help the scientists get a head start on where you're from. I've got your clothes here, if you step through that door you'll be able to change in privacy."
Y/N nodded and jumped off of the table, gathering her clothes in her rooms and she quickly walked across the cold floor to the changing room. She pulled on her work clothes, which consisted of jeans and a black t-shirt, but opted to leave the apron and baseball cap off. There was no need to wear them here. Y/N put her shoes back on, simple canvas slip-ons, and reflected on what she had just learned. Here are the facts.
1. She had magically teleported through a door.
2. She was now stuck in a world that apparently had superheroes.
3. The superheroes had no idea how to get her back, or how long it would take to figure it out.
4. She was stuck.
Now, a normal person might cry when they considered this situation. But, Y/N was not a normal person. She had the fun meal-deal of anxiety and depression, and at this moment, she thanked her ill little brain for causing her to overthink every little scenario so she would be prepared for the worst to happen. Of course, none of those thoughts covered time and dimension travel, but they had covered a sudden zombie apocalypse, so it was just a matter of adjusting the survival strategy. Find shelter, find friends, and fight to live.
So far, Y/N had maybe found friends. The Avengers seemed like a friendly bunch, if oddly beautiful, and Sam had offered his basement as shelter. Now, all she had to do was figure out the day to day stuff. Get a job, live a life, and get back to her world.
So she stepped out of the changing room back into the hallway, and say the Avengers gathered around. They all turned to her as the door closed behind her.
"And what did you find out from the scientists, Y/N?" Vision asked.
"Well, they tried explaining how inter-dimensional portals work. That went way over my head. But basically, I'm gonna be stuck here for a while until they can figure out where I'm from and figure out how to get me back. So, I guess I'm going to need to find a job or something pretty quick."
Tony shook his head and stepped to the front of the group. "That won't be necessary. I'm loaded, and I'll make sure you're set up to not need anything."
"Because I want to? You just flew through outer space into a whole new world, and you're worried about getting a job? Come on, live a little! You look like you work too hard. What work do you do?"
"At which job?"
"Well how many do you have?"
"Holy moly."
Y/N shrugged. "I get bored."
"So you work?"
"Beats sitting around on my ass."
"Fair point. Well anyways, enjoy the vacation for now, and in the future if you still want a job, we'll have to figure out the proper documents. For now, enjoy your vacation! I'm loaded, and this is the perfect opportunity to share, okay?"
"If you really want to, I mean, I don't mind working."
"Clearly, you have three jobs. Psycho. But no, I don't mind. In fact, I would be offended if you didn't accept my offer."
"Okay, well, then, thanks!"
"No problem. I already gave Sam a credit card for you, so you can go shopping on your way to his house. You do know how to work a credit card, right?"
Y/N grinned. "Yes, Tony, I know how to work a credit card. My world apparently isn't that different from this one, just a few small differences I guess."
"Good. Alright, well, roll out, team."
The Avengers dissipated until it was just Sam, Steve, and James standing around with Y/N.
"So you're still coming with us, right?" Sam asked.
Y/N shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so. If you don't mind, of course."
"Not at all. It'll be nice having a girl in the house, for once."
The group of four started walking down the long hallway.
"So do you just collect strays, Sam?" Y/N asked, curious of why he was so eager to offer his spare room to a total stranger.
Before he could answer, Steve cut in. "Yeah, I mean, why else did you think we lived with him?"
"I don't know. I thought maybe you were in a band, or really good gym buddies, or maybe even a throuple."
Sam choked on a laugh, but Bucky and Steve looked confused. "What's a throuple?" James asked.
"It's like a couple, but instead of it being two people, it's three." Y/N explained.
"And you thought?" Steve almost looked offended.
"Look, sorry, I don't know what's normal for you here, and I didn't want to assume it was all platonic!"
Sam was dying laughing. "You thought -" he had to lean on a wall to keep standing upright. "Man, we're just good friends, and these two have absolutely no credit, so it's hard for them to find places to stay."
"Ah. I guess being a superhero might not pay well."
"Well, I mean there are other reasons too, but yeah let's go with that." Steve didn't exactly want to jump this poor girl with the fact that he was also over 100 years old and had been frozen for a while. She had enough to worry about.
Y/N didn't pursue the other reasons, because they had finally exited the building and she was looking around, comparing this new world to her own. It was dark out, because it was night. She looked down the street and saw a McDonalds sign, which made her smile. At least she could have her chicky nugs if things got too tough. Turns out this world was just like hers, just with a bit of a different history. A lot more violence, hence the need for superheroes.
They got into the car, and Sam drove them to a mall, where they spent an hour and a half hopping around to different stores to get stuff. Y/N got used to spending someone else's money, and she definitely took advantage of the three guys following her around who offered, nay, insisted on carrying her bags. However, she insisted on going into the drugstore alone so she could collect toiletries.
She grabbed a cart (and honestly who uses a cart in a drugstore unless you have serious money to spend) and spent about 45 minutes going up and down most of the aisles to find what she needed. Luckily, the products were exactly the same as she was used to, so it was only a matter of finding exactly what she needed.
When Y/N finally walked out, she spotted her new companions sitting down on one of those middle-of-the-mall benches that are intended for senior citizens and mothers with rowdy children and men waiting for women to finish their shopping.
"Got everything you need?" Sam asked as he stood up and stretched.
"Alright, let's head home. You feel like pizza for dinner?"
"What's pizza?" Y/N deadpanned, and the three guys looked shocked.
"You don't know what pizza is?" Steve asked.
"Nope, never heard that word before in my life."
"Why would I joke about it?"
"You've never had pizza before." James reiterated.
"Nope. What is it?"
"No, you gotta experience it." Sam smiled and started walking back the way they had come.
Steve and James were perfect gentleman, and oddly strong as well, but Y/N again did not complain when they grabbed her bags from the drugstore. She opened doors for them as they went out to the parking lot.
Once they were back in the car, Sam got on his phone and ordered pizza that would be delivered right as they got home, provided traffic cooperated. Y/N spent the drive looking out the window at all the lights and people she saw, and didn't pay much attention to the conversation the guys were having. Nothing looked too out of the ordinary, except for the whole superhero thing.
Once they got to Sam's house, a tidy little bungalow in a quiet neighbourhood, they unloaded the car and headed inside. Steve and James ran downstairs to put Y/N's bags in her room, while Sam gave her a tour.
As they were walking down a hallway, Y/N stopped to look at family pictures hanging on the wall.
"Is this your family?" She asked.
"Yeah, that's my sister and her two boys. They've grown a lot since that picture was taken though."
"They look like lots of fun."
"They're a handful, that's for sure."
"And these are your parents?"
"Yeah," Sam said quietly. "They passed a few years ago, that's the last picture we ever took of them both together."
"Oh I'm so sorry." Sam shook his head as Y/N reached out to touch his arm. "They have really kind eyes." She said, her gaze returning to the picture.
"They were the kindest people I've ever known." Sam said, and just then, the doorbell rang. "Sounds like the pizzas here."
Y/N could hear the two boys thundering back up the stairs as she followed Sam to the front door. She expected that he would need help carrying all the food in.
She was right. The delivery driver had to go back to his car to get a second load of pizza. Y/N brought the first load into the kitchen and got a few plates down from the cupboard.
"Oh, good, you found the plates!" Sam said as he walked into the kitchen a few minutes later.
"Yeah, lucky guess."
They set the table in silence as Steve and James washed up, and then they sat down for dinner.
Sam decided he wanted to know more about Y/N. "So, Y/N, tell us a little bit about yourself."
"Ok, well," Y/N hated this questions, because how do you boil yourself down to just a few facts? She just wished people would ask direct questions, because she could answer questions if they were clear. She hated vagueness. "I'm 22, I still live, or lived, with my parents. I like dogs. My favourite colour is yellow. I have three jobs, as a nanny, in retail, and also at a Bubble Tea shop in my hometown. What else do you want to know?"
"Well that's a lot. Why do you have three jobs?" Steve asked.
Y/N shrugged, having to explain her workaholic tendencies twice in a day. "I get bored. And I like working, keeps life interesting."
"I'll bet. What do you do for fun?"
"I read a lot. And I like to go to the lake. And crochet."
"What kind of books do you read?" Steve asked.
"It depends. Sometimes fantasy, sometimes mystery. I read a lot of those cheap drugstore romances."
"Wait, you crochet?" Sam asked. "What are you, a grandma?"
"Like a crazy, chaotic grandma, kinda. I drink a lot of tea and wear a lot of sweaters, sorry for being comfy!"
They went back and forth for a few minutes. "How do you like the pizza?" Sam asked.
"Well," Y/N waggled her head back and forth, debating how to break the ruse. "Not the best I've ever had, but it's close."
"Wait, you've had pizza before?"
"You said before though-"
"And you believed me?Rookie move, gentlemen."
"Why would you trick us?" They weren't mad, just a little confused. And amused. James hadn't really said much since they sat down for dinner, but he grinned and chuckled at the confused looks on his friends faces.
Y/N shrugged. "Gotta keep you guys on your toes, yaknow?" They all laughed. "But hey, tell me more about you guys. You're super soldiers? What does that even mean?"
Sam and Steve took turns explaining who they were, and how the Avengers came to be. They didn't touch too much on James, who excused himself fairly into the evening. He was a little shy and quiet around newcomers, apparently, but Y/N wasn't bothered. She had bigger things to worry about than someone being shy around her.
When the talking turned to yawns, Sam offered to show Y/N to her room. He took her down the stairs into the basement, which opened up into a spacious rec room. There was a massive TV and a pool table. Down a short hallway were the two previously spare rooms, both of which were now occupied by strays that Sam had picked up. The only bathroom was unfortunately across the basement, but Y/N didn't foresee any problems with that.
Sam explained how every room had it's own colours for sheets and towels and stuff, and Y/N was very impressed with how domestically organized he was turning out to be.
Sam went back upstairs, and Y/N took a few minutes to settle in. She would unpack and run her new clothes through the laundry tomorrow, but for now all she wanted was a hot shower and a good long nights sleep.
She went into the bathroom, and saw that James had already made space for her stuff in the shower caddy, on the towel rack, and in the medicine cabinet above the sink. With a smile on her face, she put her few new belongings in those empty spaces, then drug herself through the shower and fell into her bed, exhausted.
Before her eyes closed, Y/N considered what had happened to her today. In a new dimension, living with three strange yet wonderful men, something that would be sure to give her mother a heart attack. And yet, she was excited for the morning to come. Part of her hoped that when she opened her eyes again, she would wake up in her home world, and she would be surrounded by people she knew and recognized. That's what a normal person would hope for in this situation, right?
But as I've told you before, Y/N is no normal person, and the other part of her was wishing that when she woke up, she would still be here, in Sam's house. She wanted to opportunity to explore, so see what else was out there. Maybe she'd discover a new life, a new chance to be the person she had wished to be but never got the chance. Whatever happened, she knew that tomorrow would be full questions, and hopefully a few answers. She hoped, anyways.
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 2: An Unexpected Visitor
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Y/N looked up from where she had landed on the floor. There was a table of open mouthed individuals, and one very confused presenter, looking down on her. Whoops, this is something she'd have to text her best friend about when she got home.
"I'm so sorry," Y/N stood up and dusted off her apron. "I had no idea there was a second door in the closet, and I couldn't find the light switch, and-"
And she was cut off. "Where did you come from?" The presenter asked.
Y/N motioned to the closet she had just spilled out of. "The storage room?"
"That's a coat closet. And we don't even keep coats in it. How long have you been hiding in there?"
"I'm so sorry," Y/N started to back up, not liking the route her evening had taken. "I swear I wasn't hiding, I was just in the room to put a box on the shelf, I was only in there for a minute, I swear."
He looked confused, as did the people seated around the table. "We've been here for 20 minutes, and there's no way you snuck past us carrying a box."
"Oh, there must be a different door that I came through, then. I'm so sorry, I'll be going now."
"Wait a minute," the man walked over and blocked her from getting back into the closet. "This is my coat closet, and I want to investigate where you came from. Rogers, come here please."
A hulking blonde man stood up from the opposite side of the table and started walking towards our heroine. He said a quiet "Hi, 'scuse me." and maneuvered past her and joined the other man in the room.
"Tony, there's no other door, just the one right here." The blond man said.
I suppose it's important to establish that it's not normal to have secondary doors to coat closets unless you live in a haunted Victorian home full of ghosts that have already plotted 63 different ways to kill you by Tuesday.
"I know, Steve!"
"Then where did she come from?"
"I don't know! She certainly didn't sneak in since we've been here!"
The two men in the closet bickered back and forth for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Y/N turned to the room full of strangers who were observing both her and the argument in the closet in equal amounts. She caught the eye of a massive brunet, and gave him the classic smile given to those you wish to scootch past in the grocery store. He looked away, and a man who I could have sworn had just had a red complexion rose from his chair to stand beside Y/N.
"I do apologize for our manners. My name is Vision, what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N."
"Lovely name. And where are you from, Y/N?"
This gave her pause. She assumed that she was from the same place as they were, the town they were all in at this very moment.
"I'm from here?"
"And where exactly do you think here is?"
"What, you think this door teleported me? I'm in (hometown) of course, same as you!" Y/N chuckled as she looked around the room. She caught the rest of the group exchanging looks, and sighed. "Right?"
Vision gently patted her shoulder. "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, dear, but you're not in (hometown) anymore. You're in New York."
Y/N looked between Vision and the others. "What? That's crazy! I'm not - there's no way. You guys are crazy." Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the two men in the closet peering out at the rest of the room. "Did you find the other door? I really should get back to work, and I'm sure you all should get back to your meeting."
They shook their heads and moved out of the closet, although it was a battle between who entered the doorway first.
"I'll find it, and I'll be on my way." Y/N charged back into the closet, and crossed the foot and a half wide floor with one step. Surely she'd be better at finding a mysteriously elusive door than two men, right? She ran her fingers over the walls, looking for a hinge or a handle or even a bump to indicate an opening of any kind. She'd even pull an Alice in Wonderland and crawl on her hands and knees through a hole in the wall if she must.
Still, no luck. The wall was as smooth as a baby's bottom, which were usually quite smooth. So, Y/N returned to the boardroom with her arms crossed.
"Alright, this joke is very funny, but I'm really ready to go back to work now!"
"We're not pulling a prank here, I promise, we're just as surprised as you are."
"Seriously? Who paid you to do this? I don't know anyone who could pay you to pull this off. Who did it?"
"Seriously, lady, there's no joke here. We're not pranking you."
"Then," Y/N paused and licked her lips. "Hey, man, where did you say we are?"
Vision told her that she was in New York now. It was too much. Between the heat and the stress and the exhaustion, Y/N's brain couldn't take it any longer. Steve barely had time to leap back over the table and catch her in his arms before she crumbled to the floor.
When Y/N woke up, she was still in the boardroom, laid out on the floor, surrounded by good looking strangers. Weirdly, her life was looking better than it usually did.
"What happened?"
"You fainted, dear." A man with a goatee spoke up. "Don't worry, you weren't out for very long. I'm a doctor, by the way. Doctor Stephen Strange."
"That's, well," Y/N searched for a better word to describe her situation. "Strange." The man frowned down at her. "Not you, I'm sorry, just, I don't faint, I'm not really the damsel in distress type. Where am I?"
"This again?!?!" Y/N recognized the man from before, Tony. "You're in New York! Where did you come from?"
"I came from work, in (hometown). I don't just wear this apron around for fun, you know!" Y/N gestured to her apron, which conveniently had the company logo on it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So, I'm in New York. And I came out of your coat closet. And before that, I was at my job in (hometown), just going about my day. How did I get here?"
"Well," the man called Vision came back into the room. "I'm not quite sure, but if I had to guess, which I don't do often, you've just come through an inter-dimensional portal."
"A what now?"
"An inter-dimensional portal. You've travelled through space, clearly, possibly time as well, and I would guess you've also travelled across different planes of reality since you seem to have no comprehension of who we are. Thus, you've crossed into a different dimension that the one you usually reside in."
"That totally makes sense."
"Oh, really?" The blond giant from earlier asked.
"No, absolutely not. That did not make sense at all, Vision. I thought portals only existed in sci-fi, like Star Trek or stuff like that!" Y/N was, indeed, very confused.
"I think the science might be a little beyond your understanding, dear." Vision said. "But it appears to me that your storage cupboard was a doorway to this universe, to this reality. Sometimes these things just pop up, you know."
Y/N looked at Vision. "No, I don't know that these things just pop up! Pretty sure I would have heard about it on the news." Everyone sat for a moment, pondering their next steps. "So does anyone have any ideas on how to get me back to my world?" Y/N looked around hopefully.
The group of people around her all looked at each other, and Tony, Vision, and Dr. Strange looked thoughtful.
"I think that between the three of us we can probably figure out how to get you home." Dr. Strange finally said.
"And how long will that take? Like a couple of hours maybe?" Y/N asked from the floor.
"Uh, no." Tony stood up and started clearing off a whiteboard. "Inter-dimensional portals cannot be figured out in just a few hours, strange lady. It'll take a few days, at best. You got somewhere to stay?"
"Tony, she's not going to have anywhere to stay, she's not from here." Steve explained.
"She can stay with us!" a dark man with a buzz cut offered. "I've got a spare room in the basement still, she can stay there until we figure out how to get her home. I'm Sam, by the way."
"Hi Sam, I'm Y/N. You don't have to take me in, I can just stay in a shelter if there's one nearby."
"Hang on, I'm calling Fury." Tony dialled a phone, and pointed at me while it was ringing. "You're not staying in a shelter."
"No, it's fine, I'm sure it won't be too bad."
"They're terrible, you're not staying at a shelter, you're coming with me." Sam said.
"And why would I stay with you? I don't know who you are, why should I trust you more than some homeless shelter?" Y/N was standing now, and crossed her arms.
"We're the Avengers! You can trust us."
"I don't think you understand how little that means to me. Who are you?"
"The Avengers."
"And what is the Avengers? Sounds like either a league of superheroes or a terrible pop group."
"We're superheroes."
"Oh shit really?" Y/N blushed. "You're superheroes, for real?"
The group around the table nodded.
"So who's got the laser eyes?"
The group looked mildly confused, because none of them had laser eyes, but fortunately they didn't have a chance to answer, because Fury answered the phone, and Tony set it to speaker.
"What can I help you with, Stark?"
"Well, see, here's the situation. We're just sitting here, having our meeting, and the closet door pops open and this girl comes flying out onto the floor."
"Okay, so you have a spy, you know what to do with that."
"I'm not done yet. We thought she was a spy, but we've come to the conclusion that she actually just came through an inter-dimensional portal."
"So you have an alien in your conference room?"
"She's not an alien, Mr. Fury." Vision interjected. "I've scanned her, and she seems to be perfectly human."
Y/N frowned. She didn't like the thought of being scanned without consent. And how could Vision tell that she was human anyways? And did this guy think she was an alien? Were aliens common in this world?
The man on the other end of the phone sighed. "Is she there?"
"Yeah, she's been here the whole time. You're on speaker." Tony responded.
"I'd like to speak to her."
"Talk away, she's right here."
"Hello, what's your name?"
"I'm Y/n." she said, moving closer to the phone.
"Hi, well welcome to Earth. I'm Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. Welcome to Earth."
"Thanks, but I'm already from Earth, I don't really need a welcome."
"Ok, we'll brush past that for now. Have they explained the inter-dimension portals to you yet?"
"They tried, but if I'm being honest that's a little bit out of my league."
"Fair enough. You're in good hands there; we have the best scientists in the world at those labs. As you might imagine, it's not really an exact science, these portals, so it might take our team a while to figure out how to get you home."
"So are you guys like the men in black? Do you have that movie here?"
"Yeah, we have that movie here. I'm guessing that your world is very very similar to ours, so we're going to be taking you down to one of our labs and running a few tests so we can better determine where you're from. In the mean time, I'll let the Avengers take care of you, they don't have any other pressing matters at this time, and just in case you're a violent alien, they're best equipped to deal with you going rogue."
"Uh, well, I guess that sounds good. I promise I'm not an alien though."
"We'll see about that." Fury hung up and I looked around the room.
"I should make introductions, pardon my manners." Vision stood up from his seat (he kinda seemed to float, but maybe he was just hella graceful).
"This is Steven Rogers, you might hear him referred to as Captain America." The blond man who had earlier joined Tony in a closet gave a quick wave and a smile. He seemed very friendly.
"This is James Barnes, he's very quiet, so don't take offence if he doesn't say much to you. He means no harm." Vision pointed to the brunet I had locked eyes with earlier, and he gave a small smile, but didn't wave.
"This is Sam Wilson, as you know. He, Steve, and James all live together in Sam's house, and I suppose you'll be joining them. I'd offer you our couch, but my wife Wanda and I," here he pointed to a lovely brunette woman seated beside him. "are in the middle of renovations, and I'm sure a spare bedroom would be more comfortable for you than a dusty couch."
Y/N nodded. She was going to have a bit of trouble keeping track of everyone's names.
"This is Bruce Banner, this is Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and of course, I am Vision." They all waved as their names were said.
"Wait, what's your last name?"
"I don't have one, dear. I'm a computer."
"Oh?" Y/N was shocked, understandably so.
"We don't have that in my world."
"Yes, it's uncommon here as well. Are you ready to go do some tests?"
"Um, I guess so. Nice to meet you all."
Vision and Y/N walked out of the meeting room and started down the hallway.
Tony decided to pick up from where they left off. "So as I was saying,"
"Tony!" Steve yelled at him. "What are you doing?"
"Getting back to the meeting we were having?"
"We just had a girl pop through a portal in our closet, and you want to go back to the meeting?"
"Um, yeah. Vision's got her."
"Aren't you curious?"
"Not really."
"The first time something pops out of a portal and doesn't try to kill us, and you're not interested?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Dude, you're crazy. I'm going down to the lab to watch the tests." Scott jumped up from his seat and started making his way to the door.
"Yeah, me too." Steve and Sam stood up, and Bucky followed suit.
Soon enough, the whole team was exiting the conference room and following the path that Y/N and Vision had taken down to the labs. Tony eventually decided to follow them, because he didn't want to be alone.
They got down to the labs, and found Vision waiting in the hallway.
"They sent her to get changed," Vision explained as the team assembled. "If she's staying here for a while, we're going to have to get her some more clothes. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay in her work clothes the entire time."
"Yeah, I'll get Pepper to make arrangements." Tony said.
After a few minutes, Y/N stepped out of a room just off the hallway. She was wearing grey shorts and a black tank top, and nothing on her feet. She frowned as her bare feet hit the cold tile floor.
"Ugh, so cold. Alright, let's figure out where I'm from."
A nurse came and got her, and led her into another room just off the hallway. There was an observation window, and the team gathered around to watch the tests. They watched her as she jumped up on the table, and smiled at the nurse as she began to hook up wires and prep for a blood draw. Soon they would figure out just who this unexpected visitor was.
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 3 years
Through The Utility Closet Part 1: The Adventure Begins
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Hey, welcome to the shitshow! I’ve decided that my first fic back should be one that crosses space-time boundaries, because why bother writing if you’re not writing about something you have no idea about? 
So please, enjoy this disastrous masterpiece that is like Narnia, but Avengers. I have no idea the direction this will be taking, but I can assure you that the path will be nothing short of wonderful. ~J.H.
Y/N was not having a great day. She was hot, tired, and hungry, and it was only 7 o'clock in the evening, which meant that she had at least 2 more hours to work before she could think about going home. She had already been on her feet for 9 hours, which was one of the joys about working multiple jobs.
Before she could think about further complaints, Y/N's boss rounded the corner. She was a sweet lady, and Y/N would do just about anything to help her out.
"Y/N! Here, take this box to the back room, please."
Y/N took the cardboard box, which was overflowing with odd and ends you might find in a small restaurant. "Which back room, the one we normally put stuff in? I don't know if there's enough shelf space. I haven't gotten a chance to clear it out much."
Y/N's boss thought for a moment. "You're right, that needs to be cleared out. Put it in the other one for now. There should be shelves along the wall."
As Y/N walked off with her arms full, she blew out her lips. She hated the other storage room; for some reason, it always gave her weird vibes. She wasn't one to believe in ~vibes~, but she did believe is just normal vibes, and the ones around this room were not normal. Not bad, like not haunted or anything, but just weird.
Still, it was her job to be brave, and if she could stare down an angry soccer mom, she could face the weird storage closet.
Y/N made her way down the narrow hallway, and instead of turned right at the end like she usually would to put something into storage, she turned left. She sandwiched the box precariously between her hip and the doorframe, and managed to get the door open with just some mild wiggling.
Unfortunately, the light switch was nowhere to be found on the wall, but Y/N didn't even bother yelling for help. Her boss was probably busy helping customers or sorting out paperwork, and besides, who really needs to see in the dark? Y/N would simply leave the door open, and find the shelving by the light spilling into the room from the hallway.
It went well, until the box was on the shelf and the door slammed shut behind Y/N. Did she panic? A little bit. No one likes being shut in weird storage closets in the dark. That kinda the stuff of nightmares. But, like any good customer service professional, Y/N kept her cool and assumed it was a joke.
"Hey, real funny joke, man." Y/N assumed her bosses brother, who tended to be a jokester, had closed the door on her once he realized he'd be shutting her in the dark. "Open the door, dude, come on! I can't see a thing!"
There was no response.
Did I mention that Y/N was already not having a great evening? Well this, instead of making her more sad, only turned her negative emotions into anger. It was fair, I'll admit, because I would also be incredibly angry if someone locked me in a dark room after 9 hours of working. Some things just aren't funny when you're tired and aching from ankle to jaw.
Y/N sighed and put her hands out in front of her and slowly shuffled back the way she thought she had come. Weird how we navigate with light, but when the light goes out, we're completely lost. But anyways.
It was taking forever for Y/N to shuffle towards the door, but that's bound to happen when you're taking super tiny baby steps so you don't accidentally bump into a horror of the night. Finally, she reached the wall and groped along it to find the door handle so she could get back to work. She had already planned out exactly what she was going to unleash as a verbal assault on her trickster, whenever she found them. It was quite scathing, I assure you. She eventually found the door knob, and twisted and pulled on it, trying to get the damn door to open. She cursed this old building, and these old doors, and the cheap old landlord who refused to get anything updated or fixed unless his social standing depended on it. She pulled and yanked and threw her whole body weight against it until finally, it popped open.
Being that physics are still physics no matter the time or dimension, our lovely Y/N simply flew through the now open door, and landed on a corporately carpeted conference room floor.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't that door have led back into the hallway of Y/N's job? Shouldn't that door open into the room, rather than swing into the hallway? Or, rather, conference room?
All very valid questions I assure you. But, as you will come to understand in a few more paragraphs, this is not an ordinary door.
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 3 years
Guess who’s back
Hey kids it’s me, ya girl, back from my life. I started writing again instead of getting therapy, so now it’s time for you all to deal with it again. 
Anyways, enjoy. 
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Dating Jack Mercer Would Include...
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A/N: I’ve watched Four Brothers twice over this weekend because I was blown away by how amazing this film is, and I also fell in love with lil Jackie, so of course I had to indulge myself with this. Also, I refuse to accept that he dies, he’s too handsome to die so suddenly, so that’s what we’re rolling with here. Hope you enjoy!
He calls you Princess all the time
His brothers obviously love you now, but when you first came around they were wary. Ain’t nobody gonna hurt their little brother
But then you brought them some cookies and now they probably like you more than they like Jack
You hate how much he smokes, but you know that it helps him calm down so you leave it alone. But he knows he can’t smoke indoors at your place
He sings to you all the time, and half the time it’s just songs he makes up on the spot
He’s just cute like that okay
Most of the time his hair is messy because of you and he doesn’t bother fixing it because he’s so in love with you
late night diner dates where you go to a trashy little diner and share a milkshake and laugh about everything
Cooking meals together all the time
Bobby just smiles and shakes his head at your couple antics because he’s just so happy that his little brother is finally happy
Jack’s not much for excessive pda unless there’s some creeps checking you out cuz let’s face it he would get really jealous and insecure because he still can’t believe that you picked him and sometimes he think’s that it’s all a joke
But you just smile and give him a little kiss and whisper in his ear how much you love him, then he squeezes your hand and you move on together
He would surprise you in the shower all the time
Not that you mind I mean did you see that shower scene? Damn he got a cute lil booty
Kisses all the time, everywhere
Sex is giggly most of the time
He watches romance movies with you when it’s that time of the month
And he usually picks up one of the romantic gestures from the film and surprises you with it later on
He’ll pick you up from work so you don’t have to take the bus or walk home
He’ll bring you flowers or a teddy bear
Endless cuddles when either of you are sad
He’s a huge softy
He doesn’t even mind it when his brothers tease him about being whipped because you’re worth it
When you’ve had a bad day, you’ll just crash on his bed and he’ll listen to you rant while he sits in a chair and picks on his guitar
Evelyn thought you were an angel, the best thing to ever happen to her little boy, and you were destroyed when she passed away
You wanted to help get revenge but the boys wouldn’t let you. They barely even told you what they were doing because they knew you would want to get involved.
You were there for the shooting, though, and Bobby barely managed to hold onto you to keep you from running to him
Once the air cleared, you flew to him and were sobbing all over him, scared that the best thing in your life was going to leave
You rode in the ambulance with him while the boys took care of business, and you stayed at the hospital for days straight
You looked like shit when he woke up from surgery, but when he saw you he said “Hey there, gorgeous.” and that’s when you knew it was going to be okay
You basically move in to help him recover, not because the boys aren’t capable, but you’re just too damn clingy. But Jack doesn’t care because he is head over heals for you 
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Dating Wendell Bray and being Booth’s younger sister would include...
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Anonymous request
you had just moved to the city and you met Wendell at one of his and Booth’s hockey games
he immediately thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his whole life
buuut he was too scared to ask you out. After all, Booth is super protective of you
you ended up hanging out at the lab a lot, which Wendell found extremely distracting but not unwelcome
all of the other staff at the Jeffersonian noticed the effect you had on him, and teased him about it when you weren’t around
except for when your brother was around, then they wouldn’t breathe a word about Wendell’s puppy dog eyes
whenever someone would call out “Booth”, both you and your brother would respond at first, as both of you were used to answering to your last name
one night the team was working late on a case, and you brought loads of homemade food so they could keep working 
Wendell was enamored and he offered to help you take the dishes back to your car, since you didn’t have the proper security clearance to get back inside
it was late and he figured that he might as well take his chance, and if Booth beat him up, then so be it 
he was so nervous
he said “Hey, I guess I owe you dinner now. Are you free sometime this week?”
on your first date, he was the perfect gentleman, and although he was nervous at first, he soon relaxed and you both had a great time
you didn’t tell your brother; he tended to overreact whenever you went out with anyone
but one time at the lab, he caught a lingering glance between the two of you and knew something was going on
but he got a call before he could do anything
thankfully, he ranted to Bones and she calmed him down, reminding him of how stable Wendell was, how hard of a worker he was, and how kind he was
of course, Booth still had the “big brother talk”
he tried to intimidate Wendell, but he was so confident that he basically told Booth “I like your sister a lot, I promise I won’t hurt her, but even if you disagree with it, don’t let it affect our professional relationship”
Booth cracked a smile and revealed that he was actually really happy that Wendell had finally gotten the courage up to ask you out
as your relationship developed, everyone around you could see how happy the two of you were
you were each others supports, best friends, confidants, and you always loved visiting him at work and hearing about the crazy stories. You were sworn to secrecy of course
Booth could see how happy the two of you were with each other, and he was really pleased with it
when Wendell got sick, you both held each other for hours, comforting each other
you and Bones tag-teamed the research, determined to find something that could help him get better
Booth talked to Wendell and told him that if he died, it would destroy you. And Booth would not be happy about that, so Wendell better not die.
you moved in with Wendell while he was going through treatment, to keep him company and to take care of him. #motherhenmodeactivated
everyone loved how strongly you two loved each other
when Wendell got the all-clear from his doctor, he decided that he was going to marry you
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Dating Lincoln Burrows and being a horseback rider would include...
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Request by @saddlebred2013
you met at a honky-tonk type bar before he went to prison
he had seen you ride at a rodeo/fair event and was impressed 
he bought you drinks for the rest of the evening, and then a couple weeks later you saw his face on the news
you were shocked because he was such a nice, gentle guy to you
one night him and the crew showed up in your barn, looking for a place to hide
you let them stay, trusting your gut instinct that they were mostly good people. Plus its always nice to have extra hands to muck out the stalls
Lincoln was always great about helping out with chores. He liked to take his shirt off to chop wood, and hey, you weren’t going to complain
sometimes the two of you would go riding
you both really enjoyed that time together. You got to know each other a little bit better, and you forgot about the fact that you were harboring fugitives for a little bit
he was always very cautious about how much of their plan you knew about. He didn’t want to put you at more of a risk than needed
the rest of the guys bugged Lincoln about your relationship, especially his brother
they started calling him farm boy, asking him about dirt quality, all of the farmer things they could think of
Lincoln wouldn’t let anyone know, but he really enjoyed spending time on your farm (ranch?)
when they had to leave, he hated that he had to leave you behind. But he knew that he couldn’t ask you to leave your beloved horses, and he couldn’t stay either
you’ll still get the occasional phone call or random message, you have no idea how but sometimes you’ll get a handwritten note in your mailbox
you hang on to his promise that one day, when everything is all over, he’ll come back to you
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Too Damn Stubborn
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As the crocotta slammed you against the wall, your mind flew back to when you got tangled up in this mess. Not this fight particularly, because hunting had become a part of your life so long ago and your life before was remembered in the same way one would remember a movie they had seen a long time ago. 
Your mind began to play through the events of the night when you had met the Winchester brothers, your partners in crime.
 It was about 10 years ago, and you had been hustling pool in a college town dive bar. Dean, who’s voice now called to you as you faded in and out of consciousness, had walked in with his brother Sam, and as the night drew on, had challenged you to a game of pool. He knew you were hustling, and you knew he knew. You also knew that he would try and hustle you, but you didn’t let it happen. The night had then progressed into a series of challenges, and each time, it was a draw. 
The last challenge was a shooting contest. A bar patron had set up five beer bottles for each of you along a fence outside of the bar. Because it was the middle of the country, there was no one around to make a fuss about safety technicalities. The bar’s patrons emptied into the parking lot to watch the match.
Neither you nor Dean were willing to give away the fact that you were armed to the teeth as hunters, so the barkeep was kind enough to lend his two rifles to the contest. But, because he was an old-time chauvinist, he gave the faulty one to you. You didn’t find this out until later.
Rifle in hand, you and Dean stood face to face in the parking lot. Because the rifles didn’t have scopes, you had decided that 20 yards was a good distance to shoot from. 
“So,” a teasing grin broke across your face. “you any good with a gun?”
He broke into a full-fledged grin. “Yeah, you could say I’m pretty great.”
Nodding in amusement, you gazed at the crowd that had gathered to watch. They were all drunk, which meant they were very loud and very encouraging. 
Some random guy who had elected himself as master of ceremonies whistled to get everyone’s attention. “So here’s the deal: you have to shoot your five bottles to finish the contest. First one to get their five wins. The contest isn’t done until all the bottles have been shattered. Good luck.” He walked off to the side so you and your opponent could get into position.
As you raised the butt of the rifle to your shoulder to make sure you were positioned properly, you couldn’t help but glance over at Dean. His flannel shirt was straining ever so slightly at his shoulders, and his focus was impeccable as he looked down the barrel. His footing shifted ever so slightly before he lowered his rifle, signaling that he was ready to begin. You followed suit soon after, cheeks flushed ever so slightly at having found yourself competing with such a handsome man. 
As the drunk master of ceremonies began the final countdown, your focus narrowed until your world was just you and the bottles sitting 20 yards away. He yelled “Shoot!” and your rifle found its home on your shoulder milliseconds before your eyes found the target through the iron sites. 
One bottle exploded and you were lining up your next shot before the sound finished ringing through your ears. 
Two down, three to go. Somewhere, your brain registered that you were keeping up with the man next to you. 
Three bottles lay in pieces in the dirt. As you pumped the action for your fourth round, a crunching noise met your ears instead of the smooth sound of a bullet filling the action. 
A quick glance confirmed your suspicions: your rifle was jammed. 
A growl rumbled deep in your throat. You hated to win, and you hated it even more when you weren’t able to see a challenge through to the finish. Before you could even think, your hunter instincts had kicked in, just as your competitor began lining up for his fifth and final shot. He had taken a quick break to glance your way when you had thrown your weapon to the ground in frustration, but now he was back on track. 
Quick as a whip, you had grabbed your knives from your boots and were prepping for the farthest distance you had ever thrown. 
The blades were out of your hands seconds later, and the twin crashes made you grin with pride. Sure, you hadn’t finished before your challenger, but you felt confident that you had more cool points than he did.
He had lowered his rifle and turned towards you as soon as he was done shooting, but now his mouth was agape. 
“Wha- how-” he trailed off. It didn’t help that the crowd was going crazy too.
You smiled. “I don’t think the challenge said I had to shoot all the bottles, did it? Whoops.” And with that, you turned and downed a tequila shot offered by a very drunk, very enthusiastic crowd. 
The sting of the remembered tequila matched the sting in your head as the crocotta pounced on you once again, breaking you out of your trip down flashback freeway. 
Your right hand flew to its throat as your left hand violently felt around for anything sharp enough to stab the monster with. As long as you could puncture its neck, you would be all right. 
At the edge of your vision, you could see Sam slumped against a wall, and it looked like his face was bleeding. You could hear Dean rustling around, trying to stand up, but your concern was more focused on the monster trying to kill you so it could eat your soul. Have fun with that, you big bag of dicks.
And with that, you brought a knee up into the rear end of the monster. This knocked it off balance just enough that you could manage to squirm out from under it. He recovered quicker than you did and pinned you up against the wall. One forearm was held against your throat and you struggled for breath as he slowly brought a knife out from behind his back. 
A devilish sparkle lit up his eyes as his mouth split open, revealing rows upon rows of sharp teeth. It looked like a shark’s mouth, and it appeared as if this creature enjoyed your pain. 
But he took too long to savor the moment. Dean pounced on him from behind, driving his knife into the monster’s neck and dragging him to the ground. 
You slid down the wall as you gasped for air, your hands gingerly touching your neck where you were sure marks will appear in no time. Dean pulled his knife out of the monster, and it only took one shared glance to communicate that you were okay from your ordeal. He nodded, stood up, and walked on unsteady legs to where his brother was beginning to regain consciousness.
As your body recovered from its brief time without air, you closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall, and wondered how the hell you were going to explain yourself. 
See, crocotta’s lure their victims in by imitating the voices of their victims loved ones. And guess who’s voice you had heard on the phone earlier? 
Yeah, yeah. You loved Dean. Big whoop. You had for years. Hell, you had a stupid crush on him from the moment he had looked at you with awe when you had won that stupid shooting contest years ago. But you were sure that he didn’t feel the same way.
Sure,  you could probably explain it as more of an admiration, a respect for the man. But as sure as he could spot a hustler from a mile away, he knew when you were lying. 
You blew out your lips as you heard Dean call your name.
“Come on, we all gotta hit the ER. Sammy’s gotta get his head looked at, and you should probably get your melon looked at too. He hit you pretty hard.” He spoke as he hoisted his brother to his feet and placed his arm around his shoulders. “Let’s get out of this place.” 
Hours later, you sat in the hallway of the local hospital, eyes closed as you held an ice pack against your bruising neck. A quick look in the mirror had shown that a dark purple band was slowly making itself known. Just great. 
A familiar sigh filled your ears, and you cracked one eye open just in time to see Dean sit in the chair right next to you. He had a cut on his forehead that he had just had stitched up.
“Nice embroidery.” Your voice came out rough and croaky.
He grunted his amusement. “And here I was just gonna comment on your pretty necklace.” Dean gently reached a hand out and pulled your hand and ice pack away from your neck. He winced when he saw what the crocotta had done to you. He wasn’t a stranger to getting injured, and he should be used to the people around him getting hurt, but he hated it more and more when you especially got hurt. Not that he would tell anybody, of course.
Pretty soon you both settled into a comfortable silence, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell you that Sam would be okay.
When you were called into his room, Sam turned his head to look at the two of you and scoffed when he saw your somber expressions.
“Come on, you guys, don’t be so serious.”
You spoke up. “We’re not worried about you, you giant. Just thinking about the case.”
Neither you nor Dean were actually thinking about the case. You were thinking about how you were going to explain hearing Dean’s voice on the phony phone call, and Dean was thinking about his own phone call. He had heard your voice. 
But the two of you were too damn stubborn to tell the other the truth. You loved Dean Winchester, and he loved you, but neither of you had any clue. 
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Baby Girl  Pt. 2
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Alarms were blaring, and as you opened your eyes you could see the yellow alert lights flashing throughout the room. Throwing a hand to your right, the emptiness in your bed reminded you that your boyfriend, Bones, was working the night shift tonight. You groggily sat up and wondered what was going on to make the alarms go off at, you checked your bedside clock, two in the morning. 
Then you remembered Camy. Your eyes darted to the makeshift bed on your couch and saw the little girl stirring in her sleep. The sedatives Bones had left behind in case your two hours of lullabies didn’t work were still resting on the coffee table. 
You dressed quickly so you could see what all the fuss was about. As a last minute thought, you gave Camy a small dose of sedative to calm her, then put the last of the drug in your pocket and gathered the girl and her blanket in your arms before you headed out the door. She snuggled up to your chest immediately, holding the blanket Chekov had given her tight in her tiny fist. 
As you walked through the halls, the alarms were still blaring and the lights were still flashing, but there were no other signs that the ship was in danger. There were no red shirts rushing anywhere, no intercom calls for evacuation or for people to man their stations. You decided to head to the bridge to ask Jim what was going on. 
Once you got there, you could see Spock, Jim, and Bones gathered in discussion. As soon as Jim saw you, he walked over and the others followed.
“How’s she doing?” the captain asked.
“Fine, I finally got her to sleep. The alarms were making her restless so I gave her a small dose of the sedative that Bones gave me, just in case.”
He nodded absentmindedly.
“Jim, what’s going on? Why are the alarms going off? Are we in danger?” Bones sympathetically laid a hand on your shoulder, peering over it to check on the little girl.
“Well,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t really know. There’s some ships that appear to be pirate vessels, although we don’t know who they are or where they’re from. Uhura’s translating the messages they’ve sent us, and so far they seem to be the same group who had taken Camy. I can’t imagine that they would attack us.”
Just then Uhura interrupted. “I’ve got an incoming transmission, Captain.”
Kirk jumped into his chair so that whoever was on the other end of the call would see only him, but just in case, Bones ushered you towards the door.
A strange looking alien came on screen, and it took a few seconds for the translator to catch up with his speech. “Captain Kirk, you have something I want.”
“That’s usually the case when non-Federation ships intercept my ship. What do you want?”
“You have a child on board, a human girl. Her caretakers were careless enough to let her slip into your hands, but I want her back.”
Kirk licked his bottom lip. “I assure you, we have no one fitting that description on our ship.”
“Captain, I will take her by force if necessary.”
He thought for a moment. “Tell you what, this isn’t Federation standard, but I’ll make you a deal, because I want as little harm to come to my crew as possible and you seem to outgun us at the moment. If you can prove to me that I have what you want on my ship, you can take it. But if you can’t prove it, then you have to surrender your ships to the authorities.”
Spock gasped in the background. He knew that pirates were predisposed to gambling, but for Jim to engage was risky business.
The pirate on the screen hesitated a moment before he nodded his agreement. “Very well. I will have my men ready to board your ship in ten minutes.” And with that, the transmission ended.
Jim jumped out of his ship to face a very concerned looking group of people. “I had no idea they would board so quickly.” He looked at you. “How are we gonna hide Camy in ten minutes and make sure she isn’t found?”
After but a few moments, Spock turned to you. “Camy is dosed with sedatives that should last for at least an hour, correct?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
He turned to Jim. “Has the engineering department managed to fix the small-scale hologram projector confiscated from the Romulans?”
Jim nodded. 
Finally he turned to Bones. “Can you pretend to deliver a child?”
Bones frowned. “I can deliver a baby for real, you hobgoblin. Why?”
Spock was already on his way to the lift. “Y/N, how well do you believe you can pretend to be in labor?”
The group followed him into the lift. “Quite well.”
“Spock, what kind of idea is this?”
“Quite simple, Captain. We cannot simply hide Y/N and the child, because when they search they will find evidence of a child and know we are hiding her. The solution is as follows: Y/N will pretend to be in full labor, and the holographic device will give the appearance of her distended mid-section. Doctor, you will pretend to be delivering the baby. The screams and obvious pain will scare the pirates away from the ‘delivery room’“ he used air-quotes, which Uhura had taught him, to emphasize the pretend aspect of this idea. “The child will be hidden underneath the bio-bed, and the sedatives will insure that she will not make a sound to alert the searchers to her presence. The baby items they might encounter can be explained as a mother preparing for her child, I believe it’s called ‘nesting’.Overall, a simple diversion tactic.”
You arrived in med bay and Scotty was already there with his hologram device, fiddling away with it. Apparently everyone liked Spock’s idea, because as soon as the lift doors opened, Bones raced towards the back, towing you along with him. He got you seated on a bed and swung your legs up, then pulled up the stirrups. Jim gently grabbed Camy from your arms and stowed her beneath the bed, and before you knew what was happening, Bones had your boots and pants taken off and your feet in stirrups. Jim was tossing you an examining gown to throw on over your uniform, Scotty was busy arranging the hologram to look like you were 9 months pregnant, and Bones was gowning up and had a tray of tools nearby. 
The ten minute timer in your head dinged and you knew it was go time. Jim and Spock had flown out the door to meet the boarding party at the door and escort them around the ship, and Bones was dressing Scotty up as a nurse while he was giving you instructions on how to pretend to be pregnant.
“Alright, darlin’. You’re gonna have to scream a lot, and moan too. Heavy breathing, look distressed.” He paused, having finished on Scotty, to give you a once over. “You don’t look the part....” He looked around and grabbed a partially full cup of water, then splashed it on your face. “There, now you look sweaty enough to be in labor!”
He sat down on a stool between your legs just as Scotty managed to pull up the boarding party’s position in the ship on his PADD. Bones glanced quickly at it before returning his attention to you. “Alright, darlin’ it’s go time, gimme all you got.”
You felt foolish at first, moaning and screaming for no real reason, but you soon warmed up to the part. Bones continued to sit down between your spread legs, not really doing anything besides coaching your screaming and breathing techniques. Scotty was doing an excellent job of being a supportive nurse. 
Soon enough, Jim escorted the boarding party into the infirmary, and you began to scream out of fear rather than pretend. If they found out that you were hiding Camy, you weren’t sure what would happen, but you were sure it wouldn’t be pleasant. And so you continued to scream and pant, channeling every ounce of acting into this one performance. You were not prepared for when the lead pirate of this boarding party ripped open the thin curtain separating your delivery room from the rest of med bay.
Bones turned in his stool, hands still resting on your knees. “She’s giving birth, dammit, can you give us some privacy?” He nearly yelled at them, although he needed to in order to be heard above your screaming. 
Just to be a pain in the butt, the pirate shifted to more permanent stance. “How long has this human been like this?”
Bones looked up at him in frustration. “You mean in labor? For about 5 hours now, so excuse me if I’m not very patient.” He took a glance between your legs for the sake of appearances, then focused on you. “That’s it, keep screaming the pain out. You’re nearly there, keep going.”
The pirate inquired again, “And who is the father of this child? Is it not customary with your people for the father to be present during the time of birth?”
Your brow knit with concern. This was not part of the plan, and you were starting to sweat for real. You could see Jim’s eye widen, but thankfully Bones was a quick thinker. “I’m the father.” he grumbled.
“Oh,” the pirate shifted his focus to you, but you closed your eyes in pain momentarily. “So you get to deliver your own child. How quaint.”
Bones kept his gaze fixed on a spot on the bed between your legs as he gave a curt nod. “Yup. Always been a dream of mine.”
The pirates glanced once more around your curtained off area before they took your leave and they were barely out the door when Scotty leaned down and whispered in your ear. “Don’t think you realize you’re doing it, lass, but you’re squeezing mah hand mighty hard.”
You didn’t even realize you had grabbed a hold of his hand, but you quickly released it with an apologetic smile. You would have apologized verbally, but you were still busy screaming and pretending to give birth.  
It wasn’t 15 minutes later when Jim and Spock came bounding through the doors, having seen the boarding party off. You stopped moaning as soon as you saw their silhouettes through the thin curtain. They stopped short and Jim grinned as he looked again at the setup. Scotty, the faithful nurse, attending Bones, the gruff space doctor, as they deliver their first hologram pregnancy. It was a hilarious sight, and Jim could barely contain his laughter. 
You leaned back and rested against the bed as Scotty set to work removing your hologram belly, not even bothering to get rid of his nurse costume first. Bones too disregarded removing his gown and knelt down to collect Camy from the floor. As he straightened up, he cradled the sleeping girl against his chest, and a hint of a fatherly smile lit up his features. He glanced at you, exhausted on the delivery table, and couldn’t help his next words.
“Congratulations, it’s a keeper.” You couldn’t help but laugh.
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Baby Girl Pt. 1
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Bones x Reader two part fic, mostly fluffy. A taste of parent!Bones and a teasing crew
Sidenote: please pretend the above gif is in medbay and Bones is looking affectionately at reader, not kirk
It was supposed to be a simple mission: rescue the kidnapped child of an important politician. The little girl had been stolen by some alien pirates, and taken back to their base, which was incidentally in the vicinity of the Enterprise. Typically, a mission such as this wouldn’t be assigned to the exploration vessel, but time was of the essence and you were the closest. 
So here you were, on an unknown and presumably uninhabited planet, looking for a little girl and hopefully avoiding thugs. As it was low risk, Kirk had decided to send Spock, Chekov, and other security personnel. You were just there, as an anthropologist, in case there were beings living there. Thus far, you hadn’t run into any living being, and Spock had just managed to locate the pirates’ base just beyond a barren hill. 
When you got there, the pirates were mostly cowards who surrendered easily. Taking care of them turned out to be the easiest part of this mission. The team split up to find the little girl, who the pirates had stashed somewhere in their base and refused to tell you where. It was only a matter of about 10 minutes before Spock rang your comm.
“Lieutenant Y/N here. What’s up Spock?” you paused your search.
“I have managed to locate the child. However, she seems unwilling to come out and come with us. She appears fearful, although I cannot imagine why.”
“Well, she’s probably scared out of her mind. She’s only three, and she’s away from her parents. Send me your location and I’ll see what I can do to help.”
Soon enough you had managed to navigate your way through the halls of the hideaway and had found the room where the rest of the team had gathered. As you entered, Spock pointed you to what appeared to be a pillow fort.
“She’s in there, and won’t come out.” Spock seemed a tad insulted by the child’s refusal to cooperate; evidently, three-year old’s don’t listen to reason.  
You hummed in acknowledgement. “Is she hurt?”
“She doesn’t sound injured, but I have yet to see her, so I cannot completely assure you of her well being.”
“Alrighty then,” you handed off you phaser and traded it for a tricorder that Bones, your boyfriend, had insisted you take just in case. You then knelt down at what seemed to be the entrance to the fort and called out a gentle greeting. “Hello? Camilla, are you in there?”
A shuffling could be heard. “I’m Camy.”
“Hi Camy.”
“Will you come out?”
Spock huffed in frustration, as if he hadn’t already tried asking her to come out.
“No,” she mumbled back.
“Well then, can I come in?”
“How come? I won’t hurt you.”
“I not supposed to talk to strangers.” For a three-year old, she spoke rather clearly.
“Well how about I tell you my name? Then we won’t be strangers. I’m Y/N.”
“Hi.” you could hear her shuffling closer to the entrance, although there was a sheet that hung as a makeshift door so you couldn’t see inside.
“Camy, are you hurt?”
“Can I see?”
A chubby little hand pushed the makeshift door aside and Camy timidly stood by the opening. She held her other arm out, and I could see that there were a couple scrapes and abrasions. They looked like they had been tended to a little bit, but there was still some debris that hadn’t been cleared out. It didn’t look like there was any infection, and for that you were thankful. Infections could so easily turn into something disastrous with young children. 
You gently reached towards Camy’s arm, and although she flinched away at first, she eventually allowed you to inspect her arm with the tricorder. 
“Hmm. Looks like you were very brave, Camy.” 
She nodded distractedly as she looked up at the strange men awkwardly standing around her. Of course, most of the crew didn’t have kids and were quite awkward around anyone under 12 years of age. 
“Listen Camy, honey, I’ve got some friends that can patch up your arm good and new, and then we can take you home to your mom and dad. They’re on my ship, will you come with us?”
She looked doubtful, with good reason. One can never be too careful around strangers.
“I promise we won’t hurt you, and we’ll take you home. Your mommy and daddy sent my ship to look for you! They miss you and they really want you to come home with us.”
Camy considered you for a minute, then nodded twice and slowly moved closer to you, one chubby arm wrapping around your neck and the other hand moved her thumb closer to her mouth. You took this as a sign of consent, and slowly stood up, taking the toddler in your arms. Before you were even out of the room, her head was resting on your shoulder, and you felt grateful that she trusted you after her ordeal. 
Your group was beamed up, and you immediately headed towards the med bay.  She wasn’t in bad condition, so you didn’t feel the need to ask for a team to meet you in the transporter room, but all the same, you knew that Bones would want to give the little girl a check up to make sure she was all right. 
When you got to medbay, Bones was finishing up some paperwork, so the nurse on duty led you to an examining bed. You tried to set Camy down, but she clung to your neck. So you sat on the bed with her in your lap and waited for the good doctor to attend.
As soon as he focused on the two of you sitting together, his entire demeanor changed. He had a little girl of his own, of course, but it had been a long time since he had seen her, and it had been a while since she was this little. He was also caught off guard by the feelings that rose up at the sight of you with a child. He loved you, and seeing you be so tender with a child made him love you even more. Secretly, he hoped that one day the two of you would have your own little kid to take care of. 
But enough of daydreaming. As he got closer to the examining bed, Bones snapped back into doctor mode. He made a concentrated effort to be gentle towards the little girl, and you were certainly surprised when the typically gruff man turned into a softie for your special patient.
“Well, who do we have here?” he inquired as he sat in a chair in front of where you sat.
You smiled at him. “This is Camy, she’s 3 years old and she’s ready to go home. Also, she’s probably ready to have a nap.” 
Bones chuckled, a sound that never ceased to delight you. “Well hi Camy. My name’s Leonard, but you can call me Bones if you like.” She uncurled from your chest a tiny bit to see him better.
“Bones?” she asked in a small voice.
He smiled another gentle smile. “That’s right, darlin’. Is it okay if I take a look at your arm? Y/N said that you had some owies there.”
She nodded and held it out to him, although she continued to lean against you and keep an arm around your neck.
Bones hummed and hawed over her arm, cleaning it as gently as he could before he fixed it up. He then went over her vitals and did other checkup things. Throughout the whole ordeal, he continued to be warm and gentle, and he even made Camy smile and giggle a couple times. It was honestly amazing to watch. He even gave her a candy he had stashed in his pocket. “I keep these for my best patients, and you are the best I have had today.”
She smiled again and hid her face against your chest. You felt her tiny body shake with a yawn. “Oh, boy, Camy, you seem pretty tired. How about a nap?” She nodded sleepily.
Bones patted your knee. “We’re all done here. What’re you gonna do with her?”
You hadn’t thought about it yet, and you doubted Jim had either. But you were in luck, because here came the captain now.
“Hey, Bones, how come you’re never that nice to me?”
The grumpy doctor was back. “Cuz you’re not as cute as she is, Jim.”
You smirked at his response before turning to the captain. “So, Jim, what’s the plan with Camy? We don’t exactly have a nursery on board to take care of her until we get her home.”
Kirk’s face blanked. “Umm, well, you seem to be doing all right. Here’s the plan: Y/N, you are relieved of your regular duties to take care of the kid. There. A plan. Aha.” He seemed pleased with himself. 
Bones’ frown increased. “Jim, we’re not equipped to take care of a toddler.”
“Oh right, I forgot you two are sharing quarters now.” Before you could get another word in, Jim turned towards the door, calling over his shoulder, “You’re both smart, I’m sure you’ll figure something out. Let me know if I can help with anything!”
You and Bones turned to each other with exasperated sighs. You spoke first. “He’s right. I’m sure we can figure something out. Tell you what: I’ll see if I can scrounge up a crib, and I’ll talk to some of the smaller crew members to see if anyone has any extra clothes that might work on our baby girl.”
Bones nodded. “Wish I could help but I’m on shift for another couple hours.”
“Mm, me too. Oh hey, do you have something here we could use for diapers? She’s getting a little ripe.”
He smirked at the face you made and turned towards a set of cupboards. “Yeah, I’ve got some….” His words faded out as he stuck his head into the cupboards, searching for makeshift diaper things. 
He made you up a diaper bag, and as he gave you a kiss on the cheek as you left, he almost couldn’t hold back the excitement of acting like a parent again. 
AN:So I hope you like it so far! There will be another part coming, with some stronger father!Bones, so look forward to that. Also, I’m still looking for requests so please don’t  be shy? 
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Imagine making snacks for the Musketeers
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The clash of swords met your ears as you pushed your rear against the gate to open it. As you turned, you could see your 4 best friends sparring in the courtyard, although it looked like d’Artagnan had just been bested by Athos, and Aramis and Porthos had turned towards the gate. The damn squeaking sound it made whenever it was pushed open always gave you away.
“Ah! Y/N! You’ve decided to grace us with your presence once again.” Aramis called out once he realized you had arrived. 
“Yes,” you called back and you walked towards the table. “And I brought some treats for you boys as well.” As you pulled the cloth from the pan, the smell of yeast and cinnamon wafted up and into the noses of the approaching men.
“Cinnamon buns?!?!” d’Artagnan could barely contain his excitement. “My mother used to make these for me all the time.” He promptly shoved one in his face, closed his eyes, and moaned in happiness.
Porthos was soon to follow, finishing his portion in little more than two bits, smiley wildly in pleasure. The other two, Aramis and Athos, followed suit, although they had the manners to take smaller bits and therefore not risk choking.
d’Artagnan threw his arms around you and spun you around, all the while shouting “Thank you so much they were so good, brought back so much memories..” and he continued to blather on in like manner until you were gratefully rescued by the booming voice of the captain.
“Y/N! What have you done to get my four best men dancing like fools?”
Aramis stepped up and offered him a treat, which he accepted with hesitation. Your practical jokes had blindsided him more than once, and he was now cautious of you, with good reason. But Aramis assured the captain that the food was good to eat, and he soon discovered that the cinnamon buns were, indeed, quite good. He even went so far as to offer forgiveness for past transgressions (aka making him the victim of practical jokes) if you brought him another pan of cinnamon buns, but just for him. You agreed, and all of a sudden, the boys hailed you as a culinary hero. 
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Dating Sam Wilson Would Include....
Because this man doesn’t get enough love
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you guys would be best friends, first and foremost
teasing and playful fighting all the time
also the both of you are very competitive, which is great for training, but sometimes ya’ll go overboard
he tries to be protective, which is endearing, but you gently remind him that he’s not the only badass in the relationship
you call him your guardian angel, he pretends to hate it but you know he loves it
you help him through his PTSD nightmares
sometimes he just clings to you like you’re the anchor keeping his from floating away into his horrible memories
he would be the sweetest boyfriend, always keeping you safe and looking after you
he would be big on surprises; he’d bring you coffee/lunch/a cupcake just because
you respect his commitment to the Avengers, and he loves you for understanding
you would support each other endlessly, mostly because you’re too loyal and stubborn to give up on each other
he calls you babe, sweetheart, honeybunches, pretty much whatever sappy pet name he can think of, because he knows he can get away with it
you would treasure lazy mornings when neither of you have anywhere to  go, and you can just relax and soak in each other’s presence
sometimes you two would try and have ~romantic~ and ~sexy~ time - sometimes it would work and other times you would end up giggling at each other
one of these times was in the bathtub (romantic, right?) well you ended up almost flooding the bathroom because of the splash fight you had
basically a fun but deeply committed couple who would do anything for each other
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Imagine Daryl seeing you come out of your shared bedroom wearing one of his shirts
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“What’re you wearing?”
“One of your shirts, sorry. Mine are all dirty.”
“S’alright. You look cute.”
*blushes* “I always look cute, Daryl.”
“Naw, most of the time you’re just fucking sexy.”
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 6 years
Dating James Aubrey would include......
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first of all, he’s super fun
he knows all the best places to eat, and you always let him decide what to order in
but he also loves it when you cook, and he inspires you to be a more adventurous cook
when you guys move in together, grocery shopping becomes a sacred time for the two of you
when he comes home stressed, you give him back massages to help him relax while he vents about work
he knows you’ve got a lil ~thing~ for uniforms, so sometimes he borrows tactical gear from the FBI for an evening or, if you’re lucky, a whole weekend
he is extremely dedicated, and there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for you
he takes you to the shooting range at the FBI just so he knows that you can defend yourself, just in case
Booth ships you guys sooo hard
your weekends generally consist of the odd adventure like going to a cool place that he discovered at work, or hardcore netflix binging. 
he’s not big into PDA, especially when he’s working, but the way he looks and smiles at you, he doesn’t need anything else to send the message that you are his entire world
k lets get serious for a sec - he has lots of emotional baggage, mostly daddy issues
but that doesn’t scare you, you help him work thru it and eventually he comes to accept that he is not his father, and he isn’t going to make the same mistakes
you worry about him when there’s an especially rough case at work
but the gang at the Jeffersonian always keeps you in the loop so you don’t worry
you both love kids, but you don’t let the other know just how much
he loves watching you with kids, you love watching him with kids
Booth notices this and asks the two of you to babysit Christine and Hank whenever he can
the Food Network is always on the TV unless the two of you are watching something together, then he lets you pick the show to watch
he swore you to secrecy, but he got really into Say Yes To The Dress reruns once upon a weekend
he’s a baby when he’s sick
but you don’t mind mothering him a lil bit
all in all, he is the sweetest, most devoted, most caring, funniest, and strongest man you’ve ever dated, and you’re super thankfully he finally got up enough nerve to ask you out
the team is not surprised but very excited when he tells them that he plans on proposing
you are everyone’s OTP and they are soooo happy when ya’ll get married
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 7 years
Dating Zach Dempsey would include.....
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he’s actually a huge dork
babysitting his sister with him and having movie nights
his sister ships you two hardcore
him trying to teach you how to play basketball by playing one-on-one but hes so serious and cute you can’t help but just giggle
he gets really protective when you’re around Bryce and Justin. They’re his friends, but you’re more important to him than them. 
his mom pretends to not like you, but she secretly does and once Zach learns of this approval, he’s really happy because he’s a momma’s boy
he helps you study for bio because you suck at it and he’s really good
 his first game that you watch he’s so nervous he keeps messing up till Justin shoves him and tell him to get his head in the game
cute little coffee dates
when you guys study together in either of your rooms, you most often having at least one dance party
he takes his shirt off as often as he can around you cuz he heard you mention once how distracting you find male torsos to be and he thinks it adorable when you trail off mid-sentence or forget what you’re doing because you’re staring
but he can’t really talk either, because you are the most intoxicating sight he’s ever seen
and when you get all dolled up for special occasions, its a wonder he can get anything done
you guys are each others biggest cheerleaders
literal heart eyes at each other
but when you guys fight its generally over bigger stuff, and its really sad to watch because you guys don’t talk for like a week at a time even though it kills you guys to be apart and there’s a lot of tears and sobbing but when you guys make up its actually goals
he has really great self-control, and you appreciate that he’s not all over you, and is patient and goes at your pace.
he loves cuddling lets admit it this kid loves being touched
also he loves it when people play with his hair, so he lets his sister braid it all the time
ice cream dates, sometimes with his sister
hes really glad you and his sister are basically bff’s
he says “I love you” first because he really does love you and he just wants to make sure you know it, and so he also says it lots
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 7 years
Dating Dean Winchester would include....
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Being as caffeine dependent as he is
Teasing each other relentlessly
You and Sam are workout buddies, and Dean doesn’t make a fuss because he knows that if you work out, you can run faster and be safer and he supports that.
Having each other’s back during hunts
Tons of cuddles, especially after long hunts
You learn how to make pies for him, secretly, and when you surprise him with a fresh pie, he gets reallllllly excited
You don’t fight a lot, but when you do, it’s explosive
But let’s be honest: great make-up sex
Just great sex in general
He tries to teach you stuff about cars, because you honestly want to learn and who better to teach you, but after a while, you both get distracted by the other with oil and other car fluids all over each other, and well, stuff happens
You sing to each other when you are sad
There’s the occasional late night food fight, especially when ya’ll are a bit tipsy
Sam sometimes feels like he’s watching over two hormonal children
Which might be true sometimes\
But in the end, he’s just happy that his brother has found someone who loves him for who he is, and can live the hunter life
You manage to find a complete set of the Supernatural book series, so you buy it and read it on your down time. 
Dean eventually realizes that whatever he has with you is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and he doesn’t want to lose it
So he proposes
You guys have a fairly small wedding with just some close hunter friends
For the honeymoon, you guys go on a road trip across the country and visit a lot of landmarks, national parks, and things that you wouldn’t get to see while you’re hunting
But of course, you guys are prepared in case you run into a monster on the way.
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doyoufancyathought ¡ 7 years
Prompt: You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love. Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge.
I found this prompt on Pinterest last night, and I just had to write it.There isn’t a fandom here, just writing. Enjoy!!
You were eight years old when your father died, serving his country overseas. You can still remember the day the news came, the smell of the man’s cologne as he knelt down to comfort you in a hug. You remember the smell of the soup burning on the stove as your mother collapsed into grief and sobbed for hours on the couch. And the crunch of leaves as you walked through the military graveyard, one hand in your mothers, the other hand clutching onto a rose. The butterscotch given to you earlier on by an old aunt crinkled in your pocket, but you just knew that if you put it in your mouth, you wouldn’t even taste it.
               But what you remember most is your mothers face as she knelt down beside your father’s coffin after everyone but the preacher had left, and just cried.  You watched her face, and it looked like there should be noises coming out, but there wasn’t: just silent sobs. There weren’t any tears left to roll down her cheeks; those had been spent earlier, during quieter moments in the pantry and when she went to bed at three in the afternoon. And as you watched your mother sob over your father’s remains, you watched her heart break into a million pieces, and you watched it happen slowly and painfully. And so, with the resolve of an eight-year old, you declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love. You will never put yourself in a position where you could hurt so deeply, in such a raw way as you see your mother hurting.
               Aphrodite, sitting somewhere, viewing the world, took your declaration as a challenge. And you know, of course, that Aphrodite doesn’t mess around when it comes to love. So in that moment when your frail, tear-stained voice reached her ears, Aphrodite began to shape the heart of a person for you.
               You continued to live your life. Your mom got a job, you moved off base. You found a good school and made friends.  Despite all these changes, you never forgot your dad. Every night before you went to sleep, you would kiss the picture of him on your nightstand goodnight, and on especially hard days, you’d lay in a field or on your bed and talk to him as if he was there listening, just like he used to. But as you grew, your resolve to never fall in love never wavered. All it took was one look at high school dating drama, and reality TV to remind you of why you made that promise to yourself. When you graduated, you and your mom cried on the couch together, because your father would be so proud of you, so proud of how smart and beautiful and kind you were. Your mother cried because try as she might, she could never work hard enough or do anything to replace your daddy. And you cried simply because you were the only girl in your class to sit on the side for the daddy-daughter dance, and you missed him. So you cried together.
               And don’t get me wrong, of course there were days when you would watch a Nicholas Sparks movie at a friend’s house, and afterwards, your heart would long for the kind of love you saw onscreen. Your skin would crave a loving touch, your soul yearned for someone to care about so deeply. Then you would get home, and hear your mother quietly crying as she looked through old photo albums, and you would remember. You would recall the image burned into your mind of your mother crying hopelessly beside your fathers coffin, and that would be enough to shut all the emotion down.
Now? Now, you’re twenty three. You moved to a bigger city, went to university, got a degree that would make your dad proud. You have a job you enjoy, an apartment all to yourself, and you have a dog. Friends come and go, but that’s alright with you, because you haven’t allowed yourself to get close to anyone since the funeral. At prom, your guy friend told you he loved you in the middle of a dance, and you left him there on the floor. Now, he has a wife and a baby on the way, so he must have never loved you, and you’re thankful you never gave yourself the opportunity to get hurt. And since then, as soon as the sorrowful puppy dog eyes come out, you cut all contact. It’s not going to happen, not for you. You’re convinced that you are not going to have your fairy tale ending.  You’ll just work, have a great career, have a dog, and take care of your mom.
There’s always a ‘but’ in our stories, isn’t there? Some unexpected turn, an unprecedented path that shows up as an alternative, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something different.
Yours came as unexpected as a slip on the ice. It was just a regular day, until Aphrodite decided that now was the perfect time to interfere with a man. It wasn’t a boy, because Aphrodite knew that it would take more than a boyish love to make you believe. He was a man, because Aphrodite knew that only a man could hold the shattered, walled up, defended pieces of your heart and love you so hard your heart would have no choice but to come back together, no choice but to heal and beat again. Aphrodite knew, because Aphrodite knows love and how to make it happen.
And when you called your mother later that evening to tell her, you couldn’t tell her what color his eyes were, because all you saw was his heart. He was handsome beyond your wildest dreams, but you couldn’t describe him because his soul poured out in his voice and his gaze, oh but his gaze. The way his eyes held you, as if you were the most precious gem in the world, as if suddenly he had chanced upon the rarest and most beautiful, precious flower there is to find. His eyes held you, all of you, and it was exhilarating.
The two of you met for dinner, because you just couldn’t help but be drawn to him, to crave the way he looked at you. For a while, you forgot about your promise, and just let yourself go, you let yourself live in the moment. So you chatted, and laughed, and slowly, ever so slowly, the heart that shone through his eyes wiggled and squirmed and made its way into your heart. His voice and his gaze, the way his hands gently brushed yours, the sound of his laughter, soft at first and melting into chuckles that rolled like the waves of the sea, all of it, it took your heart captive. You didn’t even feel yourself fall; it happened so fast and at the bottom he caught you with that gaze. You didn’t even realize what had happened until it was too late.
You asked him, “What do you do for a living?”
“I’m in the armed forces, active duty.”
Your captive heart screamed in pain as your childish promise rang through your head, but Aphrodite simply smiled, checked your name off of her list, and moved on to the next heartbreak.
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