khemrys · 5 years
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The best draw that I have worked hard (? I think just for the moment. 😅
The beauty femme is Heavenly by @vanavananasplit
Jarek by myself.
| 🌸W T K🌸 |
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khemrys · 6 years
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D I B U J O S (en Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/rtJrwyFvVO La Metamorfosis De Mis Dibujos Wee XD Oveservalos, Sabrotsealos 7u7 Jeje Vamos ^v^
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khemrys · 6 years
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Three Wizards, Three Destinations But They Have Something In Common, Something Special.. Left: Merlín Middle: Harry Potter Right: Callum Hunt 🌸《 W T K 》🌸
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khemrys · 6 years
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" El aire cálido acariciaba su rostro, podía sentir la fuerza del viento inundando sus grandes alas y con intensas ráfagas que azotaban las copas de los árboles tintineaban las laminillas de la singular flora, había anhelado este momento desde el instante en que recibió la noticia, su sparkmate le había dado el regalo mas preciado que pudo desear.. un hijo, su hijo - de ♦ Inheritor ♦ (en Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ZywcZsMgZK
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khemrys · 6 years
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I Remembered A Mexican Novel Called “El Zorro La Espada Y La Rosa” 🎭🌹🔱
Amor Gitano (Artists: Beyoncé & Alejandro Fernández)
《🌸W T K🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
One Hour
Selene = Strongarm
Sebastian = Sideswipe
Ultra Magnus = Mr. Magnus
Selene crossed her arms, covered in a thick black Adidas hoodie. She narrowed her eyes, the plain white walls, noticing the very few plaques that mounted the wall. All she could hear was the steps of others, the slow thumping steps along the cold tile floors. She felt the blinds behind her scratch against her blonde wavy hair.
“Can I not meet your dad.. I mean he’s arrested me more than I can even count..” Sebastian nervously came to question in a shaky laugh. Selene gave him a glare, the door knob twisting as a nurse walked out with a clipboard in hand. The woman stood up, Sebastian behind her as he peered over her shoulder.
“You can see him,” Was all the nurse uttered before leaving their sight. Sebastian hesitantly waved at Selene who shrugged and gently closed the door behind her. The woman but her lower lip as she carefully turned to face her father who lie in the medical bed.
“Hey,” She quietly said as she pulled a chair over next to the monitors. Her father slanted upwards on the bed, his black hair bouncing slightly as he did. “Hey Selene, how’ve you been?” Magnus started as he held his daughter’s hand. Selene wondered for a moment before sighing, “Eh, its been a roller coaster.”
The father nodded and glanced through the blinders that led out into the slightly busy hallways of the hospital. His eyes narrowed, his daughter averting her gaze to his focal point. “Who’s your male companion?” Mr. Magnus queried ever so interested. Selene narrowed her eyes, looking her dad in the eyes as a grin started to pick at his mouth.
“He’s my.. Friend,” She hesitated before she answer, her lips pressing into a firm line and she did. “Friend?” Her father quoted unconvinced. “..Best.. friend?” She suggested in a slightly less convincing and higher tone. “Is he..?” Her father started, noticeably failing to shadow the grin plastered upon his face.
“I don’t know…” She shuffled as she looked behind her to see Sebastian’s Black hoodie and then the bushy mowhawk swayed into somewhat of a spike, one of the most popular styles recently. “That’s not.. Sebastian Coleman, is that?” Her father suspected. “The one who’s been in my squad vehicle more than he has an actual car?” Selene looked down at her hoodie then up at her father.
“Bring him in here,” He abruptly said, As he shuffled in his medical bed. “Are you sure..?” Selene hesitantly queried as she observed the teen in the window. Her father gave a certain grin that made her cringe before she stepped out of her seat and left the room.
From what Mr. Magnus could catch in his view, Sebastian was refusing repeatedly. The door finally opened, gibberish, from what he could hear was being spoken towards the two fairly quick until he was shoved in and Selene closed the door. Sebastian looked behind him then nervously looked towards the father.
Silence passed until Magnus started, “You and my daughter..?” Sebastian shook in slightly fear to his abrupt conversing. “Oh.. well.. It’s really complicated… I mean I.. What’s the word… like her as a best.. friend? Maybe something more I mean, you can never know..” Sebastian rambled nervously. The father nodded. “You’ve been good, right?” Magnus queried knowingly.
“That’s a.. um..” Sebastian started off. “A very good question…” Mr. Magnus sighed forcefully. “If the doctor didn’t confiscate my gun, we’d be having a totally different conversation. You should thank him, but this isn’t the reason I needed to converse with you,” The older man responded in a heavy sigh. The father motioned for the teen to sit, Sebastian in turn nervously sitting in the chair Selene had pulled next to the medical bed.
“I wouldn’t normally make such an exception like this, but kid, I know you aren’t exactly a criminal, considering all the rules you have broken, along with your siblings, and if I can’t say it enough, I’m sorry for the loss of your brother,” The father started. “Selene has already lost her mother and she can’t lose me either.” Sebastian quietly listened, his head slowly rising as the last few words replayed in his head. “Sorry to bud in, but what do you mean that "she can’t lose you either”, you’re still here,“ ‘Bastian cut in.
“..Sir.. sorry..”
Magnus sighed as he looked at his hands gently set in his lap. “Why do you think I’m in the hospital?” The older man questioned knowingly. Sebastian looked at his shoes, then back up at Mr. Magnus with clueless eyes. He was only able to piece up the last part, that he was going to pass away, but nothing other of how or why.
“Lung Cancer, I don’t smoke, Mr. Coleman, but second-hand smoking was enough to get me in this medical bed.. The cancer became too advanced to be cared,” The father addressed the young man by his last name. Sebastian remained quiet as he gathered his facts assuring they were straight before questioning, “How much time do you have left..?”
“I have one hour, so they told me.”
Sebastian nodded slowly. “I’m sorry..” He quietly muttered, though the father waved him off. “That’s not the full reason I needed to talk with you,” Magnus said as he relaxed in his medical bed. “Selene.. She’ll be heart broken if I left her.. She won’t have anyone left… except you. I didn’t like you much back when I was still an officer of the law but as of right now, I need someone who Selene can trust and someone who I know well enough wouldn’t hurt her heart like all the others did. And if you don’t find a.. languishing interest in her, make sure she falls with the right man.”
Sebastian had goosebumps training along his neck. It felt awkward talking about this in his point of view. Yet, in all honesty, he was fond of her, as many times as he and Selene have denied it to the others. He wasn’t even sure if she had an interest in him. “Sir.. I don’t even think your daughter even has a romantic interest in.. anyone really..” He briefed quietly.
“I can assure you, she has an interest in someone,” Magnus quietly said. Sebastian arched a brown curiously, about to cut in to question who before she shook it off. “..When did the doctors actually tell you you had an hour..?” Sebastian questioned nervously.
The father took a deep breath in, “About more than half an hour ago, as of now, I would think I have ten minutes.” Sebastian stood up and made his way to the door. “I think you should stop talking to me and talk to Selene, I’ll be waiting right outside,” He abruptly muttered. Mr. Magnus nodded as Sebastian opened the door, allowing Selene to come in first, a doctor following after before he stood outside with crossed arms.
He shuffled nervously as he looked at his phone, the minutes slowly ticking as he gave glances between the blinds. In sudden motion, Selene stood up as the doctor gave a sad frown and her father gave a sad smile. Two minutes were left on the clock, but Selene shook her head as she wrapped an arm around her father’s neck in a small hug and trudged out of the room.
Sebastian awkwardly ran a hand through his hair as Selene had a hand covered over her mouth. She slowly set her head on Sebastian’s chest as he wrapped his arms comfortingly around her. She only sniffed as her tears slowly traveled down her face, squeezing her eyes shut as she quietly sobbed.
Magnus peered thorough the blinds, catching eye contact with Sebastian who held Selene, a sad expression full of worry clear on his face. The father smiled slightly in a sad way, seeing Sebastian slowly rock before he closed his eyes, listening to the faint query of “ready” from the Doctor.
At least he knew his daughter was safe with him.
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khemrys · 6 years
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Now this work is signed haha
Wowowowow I Ship This! 😍 IDK They Have Something What I Like It Too Much XD 💖 Congratulations !👏 I Always Have Knew It Guys 😏😂💕
That Little Boy On The Corner Is Their Son 👀❤ Strikelight But He Doesn’t Like So Much His Name He Prefers To Be Called Jarek Why? IDK It’s Other Story 😙
《🌸W T K🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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Happy Valentine's Day💖 Thanks Guys ^^ 《🌸W T K🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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But I'm Going To Steal You A Kiss What It Will Remember You, This Moment💋💘 - Danny Ocean (Dembow)
I Know This Picture Doesn’t Have A Great Effects, But I Tried, But That’s What Counts  ^v^ I’m Still Learning Guys ;)
Dembow!! ❄💞🎶 I Drew This While I Was Listening This Song
《🌸 W T K 🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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I Drew This The Last Year, I Just Changed The Firm But The Picture Is The Same So..You Meet Her Already Jeje ^^ 
The Jazz’s Ice Queen 7u7 
《🌸 W T K 🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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This Femme Is Calsey, She Can Manipulate Ice But Is Not An Expert On That, She Is Still Learning❄
Jazz  Pay Attention Bro, 7u7 Jeje
Melium: Flowing Sound (by: Keyra_Oakenshield) Wattpad
Calsey (Oc, by: Keyra_Oakenshield)
《 🌸 W T K 🌸 》
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khemrys · 6 years
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-A Great Secret Behind The Scene, So Dangerous || 🔥Inheritor🔥 || By: Keyra_Oakenshield Wattpad Brenor (Oc By: Keyra_Oakenshield) 《🌸 W T K🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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This Girl Has Something Special To Do Her Videos, Paranormal, Horror And Mistery Topics Are The Best Reason To Watch Her❤
@Paulettee (Colombian Youtuber)💖💀
《🌸 W T K 🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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I Drew This When I Was 14 Years Old, 😅 🌳I Dramed Para-Paradi🎶 《🌸W T K🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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She Wolf? No? Ok😂💔 《🌸 W T K 🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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Helloo!😉 Each One Of His Musical Notes, Produce Other Magic Type🎸🎶 《🌸 W T K 🌸》
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khemrys · 6 years
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I Watch The Dangerous Flames In Your Eyes, Smaug 💖 🔥Now I See Fire🎶 Wattpad Drawing Challenge Topic: Favorite Movie Character 《 🌸W T K 🌸》
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