thank you for all the attention on this post, the child of divorce in question has joined his pet store kin on the other side. i hope he enjoyed his life <3
dog nicknames are always like “goodest boi” or “sweetie pie” or “lil floofy” but here is a list of things i call my fish on a regular basis:
- My Son
- old sport
- sport
- little guy
- sir
- child of divorce
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i think i figured it out! it isn’t that i fall in love with people because of their beauty, it’s that because i have fallen in love with who they are, they appear infinitely more beautiful to me
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i am not a fan of book banning for almost any reason (and even then it should be centered more around letting people use their discretion to say “um maybe kids shouldn’t be reading erotica” than “this topic is ugly and opens the door to too many questions so we just shouldn’t talk about it”) but so much of book banning revolves around this very idea, that if a book so much as mentions a difficult topic, we shouldn’t talk about it, rather than the way the topic itself is handled
"this work is problematic because of how it handles [subject]": reasonable premise for media criticism
"this work is problematic because it depicts [subject]": do not pass go do not collect $200 this is, as a general rule, a functionally reactionary and conservative argument
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and what if I said richard was nick and henry was his gatsby
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*puts hands on hollywood exec's shoulders, staring unblinking into their eyes* listen to me. you will never get people who hate musicals to like musicals by making your musical less of a musical. if you hide the fact that your film is a musical in the advertising, you're going to get a lot of low ratings from people who hate musicals and went into your movie not expecting a musical and got one anyway. people who hate musicals will hate them no matter how realistic and diegetic and lowkey you try to make it. they will hate musicals even if you completely excise anything complicated, over the top, silly, or even slightly challenging. they will hate musicals even if you cut half the songs. they will hate musicals even if you cast that a-lister who can't sing worth a damn. stop trying to market to people who hate musicals. they're a lost cause. your audience should be people who love musicals. this half-assed middle ground pisses off both camps. just embrace the fact that your movie is a musical. lean into it. don't try and trick musical haters into coming to your film when you could be marketing to the theater kids. better cringe than a coward.
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never had so much drama on a single post
dog nicknames are always like “goodest boi” or “sweetie pie” or “lil floofy” but here is a list of things i call my fish on a regular basis:
- My Son
- old sport
- sport
- little guy
- sir
- child of divorce
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“There were days when she was very happy without knowing why. She was happy to be alive and breathing, when her whole being seemed to be one with the sunlight, the color, the odors, the luxuriant warmth of some perfect Southern day. She liked then to wander alone into strange and unfamiliar places. She discovered many a sunny, sleepy corner, fashioned to dream in. And she found it good to dream and to be alone and unmolested.There were days when she was unhappy, she did not know why—when it did not seem worth while to be glad or sorry, to be alive or dead; when life appeared to her like a grotesque pandemonium and humanity like worms struggling blindly toward inevitable annihilation”
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening
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observing the way two people care for each other so deeply and know each other so well even after such a short time and hoping nothing ever comes in the way of that is such a bittersweet feeling
one of my best friends’ birthdays is coming up and we’re planning a party and her boyfriend—who is nervous about talking in most group chats—is flooding the chat with ideas that even i hadn’t considered. i have known her for around six years and he’s known her for less than six months and still i hope with all of my heart that they are happy together beyond any of this
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i keep unsuccessfully attempting to explain to my mom and sister that Michael Crawford’s Phantom has a *tangy* voice, please tell me i’m not the only one who gets it
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The frustration of falling in love with a live performance of a piece of music, and then finding that you can't recapture that magic again to share it with someone else... You look for a recording of the piece to share, but the tempo is wrong, it's either too fast or too slow, the particular artistic decisions made by the director are different (Wrong! Surely if they'd heard it the way you did, they'd know there's clearly no other way to perform it!), the flavor of the voices is altogether different, and the acoustics of the very room are changed... And you realize that your experience of that piece was all a strange and wonderful alchemy that cannot be repeated. What a tragic but somehow beautiful thing.
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dog nicknames are always like “goodest boi” or “sweetie pie” or “lil floofy” but here is a list of things i call my fish on a regular basis:
- My Son
- old sport
- sport
- little guy
- sir
- child of divorce
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bro, you only lasted 7 months at the experimental transcendentalist utopian commune? rip to nathaniel hawthorne but i’m different
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stationery shared with others is never stationery wasted stationery shared with others is never stationery wasted stationery shared with others is never stationery wasted
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Hey kids here's a piece of actual for real experienced adult advice: don't make songs you like your alarm. Ever. You're gonna Pavlov yourself into hating it or sleep through it and have weird dreams. Don't do that to yourself. Seriously.
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just now my sister dragged me into her room, shut the door, told me she had something to show me, and proceeded to play the video of Fergie singing the national anthem
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girls don’t want boys girls want xanadu on vinyl
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me-in-my-autumnsweater · 10 months
“If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I’m neurotic as hell. I’ll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
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