popchaeology · 7 years
Reputation is finally here: Are you ready for it? 🎶
Hearing A New Taylor Swift Song for The First Time
First I’m saddened that her sound has evolved:
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Then I listen it to a few more times and experience a change of heart:
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Then I find myself bee bopping:
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Then the twirling begins:
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Then comes all the cruising, moving, and grooving. And the shaking (SO MUCH SHAKING YO):
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And finally I plop down and dream wistfully for the rest of my existence:
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(*Update 10/27/14: Added the “Shake It Off” GIF because…how could I not? #Priceless.)
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popchaeology · 9 years
Wee Sing’s “Sillyville” should be required viewing for every child. And, if we’re being honest here, racist bigot.
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popchaeology · 10 years
Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?
- Kathleen Kelly, You've Got Mail
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popchaeology · 10 years
Taylor Swift’s Music Brings People Together
I was working and writing until 3 a.m. yesterday (#editorprobs) so I didn’t get a chance to purchase Taylor Swift’s new album, 1989. Yes, I could have ordered a digital copy but I wanted the deluxe version.
Well, on my way home from the gym today I decided I needed some new jams in my life and couldn’t wait a day longer. I immediately pulled into the nearest Target and dash inside and grabbed the LAST DELUXE COPY. And after making my purchase, you better believe I unwrapped that baby faster than a gift on Christmas morning and popped it into the CD player.
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All these unfamiliar yet incredible beats filled my Jeep and I found myself getting into super dance mode. Drumming on the steering wheel, singing notes off key, a shimmy here a shimmy there — you know, living it up on a Tuesday night! (Don’t worry though — my eyes remained on the road the entire time because I’m secretly an old lady who’s obsessed with safety and abiding by the law.)
Well it was all “green means go” and easy, breezy cruising until I hit my first red. DAMN YO! But before I could grow slightly annoyed that I was forced to waste time at a delayed light, “I Wish You Would” started playing, and it’s just so full of regret and longing — catchy with its urgent, pulsating tempo and genuine yearning for what could have been — that I REALLY got into it.
"I wish we could go back!" I said, raising my hand in a fist and shaking it in the air — right before placing it over my heart.(#DramaticAndShameless.) "And remember what we were fighting for," I shouted sung wistfully. “I wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore! Wish you were right here, right now, it’s all good, I wish you would!”
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Suddenly the people in the car besides me — two girls and guy to be exact— honked and rolled down their passenger side window. I immediately froze and stared straight ahead, choosing to ignore them because I watch enough Criminal Minds and SVU to know to never talk to strangers alone at night. (Also, I was slightly mortified because I was THISCLOSE TO head banging to a retro pop track filled with subjunctive verbs.) They honked again so I took a deep breath and cautiously rolled my window down.
Before I could utter, “Good evening, fellow millennials. How may I be of assistance?” (FYI: I would never actually ask that because I’m not an 18th century robot), they turned up the volume on their speakers and this booming snare sound floated from their car and into mine.
They were listening to “I Wish You Would,” and figured from the super loud music blaring from the open sunroof from my jerky shoulder movements and the way I was singing with such fervor that I was, too. We sat there for a few more seconds, rejoicing in a great track, and then the light turned green. They nodded my way as though to say, ‘Hey, girl, thanks for not macing us,” rolled up their window and sped away.  Overall, it was nothing major — if anything, a tad awkward and random — but they just wanted to share a quick (much quicker than this post, obviously) musical bonding moment and I really appreciated it.
So is this proof that new Taylor Swift albums bring people together? Sure, but not on a “world peace is 100% guaranteed level” or anything. Still, it’s nice to know that the roads are filled with individuals who aren’t afraid to let loose in public to this. sick. beat.
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*P.S. In all my excitement, I totally free-styled this post and didn’t bother editing it. My sincerest apologies, Lady Grammar, for I am a bad, bad nerd.*
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popchaeology · 10 years
James Franco's Top 5 Most Interesting Hairstyles
James Franco is a man of many talents -- and apparently many unique hairstyles, too. Let's take a look at some of his most interesting tress moments, shall we?
1. The time he exuded the hair ferocity of James Dean and Stefan Salvatore combined.
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2. The time he rocked Skrillex meets "Kevin Federline Backup Dancing in Justin Timberlake's "Like I Love You" Music Video" cornrows. (Looks like someone really got into the #SPRANGBRAKE!)
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3. The time he yearned to be One Direction's Bonus Jonas and bleached his hair to resemble an extra from Teen Beach Musical.
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4. The time he shaved his beautiful locks to achieve the "bald as a mutha" creeper look. (P.S. Did he gather his stray strands into a pile and weave them into a mustache?)
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  5. The time he got cozy with a cat and some gel on the red carpet. Work those whiskers, good sir!
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So what's YOUR favorite Franco 'do (or don't) of all time?
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popchaeology · 10 years
Ron Swanson gets it.
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popchaeology · 10 years
NBC and Tim Kring are relaunching HEROES as a 13-episode event series to air in 2015. Part of me is worried because the show's terrible fourth season made my inner television enthusiast cringe with so much second-hand embarrassment. Like are they making Hiro use his time-traveling abilities to journey into the past and undo all those stale plot twists (#carnival) and uninspired character arcs? (He'd certainly have his work cut out for him, poor guy.) Or is the network planning on introducing a fresh crop of underdogs, villains, and powerful entities? Hmm.
That said, the first two seasons were pretty kickass and I would never say to no to some extra Sylar on my screen. Additionally, I'd love to see if and how they could ever possibly top the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" tagline. Just keep the storytelling fresh and consise, folks. Don't get all 'flighty' on us again! Thoughts?
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popchaeology · 10 years
Cherry cherry boom boom…
Let me preface this by saying I don’t hate Lady Gaga. She’s a talented performer with strong vocals and I do acknowledge the notion that artists need to be chameleons, constantly growing, pushing limits, and experimenting with new sounds so that they don’t become drones in their own fame game. However, aside from “Bad Romance” (and maybe “Alejandro,” maybe), I haven’t enjoyed a single song she’s released since The Fame. Can she please bring back her synth-pop dance beats and clear electro hooks — you know, the days when her music was fun and playful and her lyrics full of allure?
Ironically, her first video captures my exact sentiments: “[Girl], we’ve had a real’ good time /And I wish you the best on your way / Eh eh / I didn’t mean to hurt you / I never thought we’d fall out of place.”
In the words of Lady G herself, “Eh, Eh, there’s nothing else I can say.”
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popchaeology · 10 years
Marcia Brady: Professional Shade Thrower
I spent the better half of my evening watching The Brady Bunch Movie and A Very Brady Sequel (both of which I saw in theaters as a little kid and am not ashamed to admit it) -- and let me just tell you that Marcia Brady is the queen of insults.
In The Brady Bunch Movie, when Jan finds out that her family might have to move, she freaks out about leaving behind her friends. Marcia's response?
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LMAO. Shade for days.
In A Very Brady Sequel, Jan pretends to date a guy named George Glass, and despite her best efforts, Marcia remains suspicious. Here she is insisting to speak to her sister's alleged boyfriend (who's actually a sex hotline worker) on the phone and shoves her out of the way as if to say, "Ugh. Stop breathing your ratchedness on my me!"
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Poor Jan. She never stood a chance.
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popchaeology · 11 years
Don't forget this one as well!
Ian Harding - Alloy Entertainment
Post-Finale Interview Round-Up
Ian Harding - The Hollywood Reporter
Marlene King - Entertainment Weekly
Ian Harding - Entertainment Weekly
Ian Harding - TV Guide
Lucy Hale - ABC Family
Sasha PIeterse - E! 
Ian Harding - Zap 2 It
Oliver Goldstick - TV Line
Ian Harding - E!
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popchaeology · 11 years
The Greatest Television Theme Songs: Part 1
Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Nerf Herder: Pure adrenaline rush. Nothing like some head bashing beats to get into the fang staking mood!
Perfect Strangers. "Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now': Because even couch potatoes love being inspired. "The wind and haze I'm bound for better days. It's my life and my dream, Nothing's going to stop me now."
Pretty Little Liars. "Secrets" by the Pierces. Why? Because it taught me to fear friends (Two can't keep a secret if one of them is dead, yo!) and that even when I'm long gone, I can still get a manicure.
The O.C. "California" by Phantom Planet: Because I've never wanted to visit the Sunshine State more than when I hear the "wind through your hair" punkish croons of Alexander Greenwald and imagine Ryan riding shotgun looking out at the ocean from Sandy Cohen's car.
Blossom. "My Opinionation" by Mike Post and Steve Geyer: Because it's an anything goes melody -- as fun and vibrant as the lead character herself. Just STFU and put on your dancing shoes because we're going to have a good time:
Which television theme songs should be included in Part 2? Recommendations are more than welcome!
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popchaeology · 11 years
Watching Chuck and Blair Get Their Happily Ever After
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First came the cheering:
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Then came the swooning:
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Finally, bittersweet tears of joy and understanding streamed down my face.
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I approve, Gossip Girl, I approve. XOXO.
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popchaeology · 12 years
An Honest Review of Breaking Dawn Part 2
I've read all the books and watched the movies, but, unfortunately, I have experienced nothing but disappointment with the Twilight Saga.
I entered the theater expecting the worst because not only did the last film bore me to tears but the last book was equally uneventful. (Frankly, I  can't tell you what happened in the last book because it was so dull that I tried to shield my mind from the inane details.) Nevertheless, the movie began and, enraptured, I sat taking in each glorious scene, each audacious moment, right up to the captivating finale that was so full of life that I was left quivering from all the chills that swept through my body.
The final installment reinvigorated the usually humdrum series with a fresh dose of danger, excitement, and playfulness - with a sense of purpose -- all while infusing the story with heartfelt, intimate moments that took my breath away.
I entered the theater a cynic. I left finally understanding why a story about an ordinary girl named Bella, who fell head over heels for a cold, sparkly vampire named Edward, actually mattered. I finally understood why their romance appeals to so many people and why it resonates with audiences worldwide.
Pure, unadulterated, love. Forever.
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popchaeology · 12 years
A Timeline of My Emotions: When Snape Killed Dumbledore
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Right after, I wanted BLOOD (half-blood to be specific):
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1 Week Later I felt sick to my stomach -- cold and numb as though I had walked right through Nearly Headless Nick:
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3 Months Later I found my soul darkened by all the betrayal and despise:
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6 Months Later I entered a state of denial because the story just didn't add up:
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And then, 1 Year Later (after having completing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows):
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A change of heart struck me as rapidly and powerfully as Nagini struck that sweet hero's body:
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popchaeology · 12 years
Every Time Matt Donovan Lives To See Another Day on The Vampire Diaries I'm Just Like...
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popchaeology · 12 years
Television Lesson of the Day: The Dead Never Stay Dead
When, during the Revenge Season 2 premiere, Emily Thorne knocked on the door at the mystery cabin and Victoria Grayson (ALIVE) opened it...
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I was shocked at first:
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Then annoyed:
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But then, I thought about it for a good five minutes, and noted a silver lining...the bitch was back and virtually unstoppable. Holla.
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popchaeology · 12 years
When Abruzzi Cut Off Scofield's Toes in Prison Break Season 1
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I gasped. Cried. Shook my fists in the air. Screamed, "WHY MAIM SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MAN, UNIVERSE? WHYYYYYY?" And then cried some more.
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Luckily they never really showed his feet so I didn't have to think about his MIA toes too much.
Phew. Okay then.
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