rineedagger · 3 hours
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S. F. Solstice, "Camaraderie;"
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rineedagger · 1 day
She stood there waiting
Her hands shaking
And like so many times before
There was nothing
No friendly faces
No one at all
Except this time, something inside of her broke
Something that felt beyond repair
A path with only dead air
You asked me once, how someone becomes haunted
This is how
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rineedagger · 1 day
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rineedagger · 1 day
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Chris Abani, Portal
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rineedagger · 1 day
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rineedagger · 1 day
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rineedagger · 1 day
“Sometimes when one wakes up in the morning one thinks that truth is right next to the bed, like an open grave with a few wilted flowers, ready to receive.”
— Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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rineedagger · 3 days
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rineedagger · 3 days
“Naciste con espinas
en la garganta
y terciopelo en las manos.
Serás vencida por las ganas
de ser amada
y tardarás varias batallas
en comprenderlo.
Necesitarás tanto amor
que no estarás preparada
para sostenerlo.
Lo dejarás caer,
saldrás corriendo
enamorándote de cada rescate,
gastando torpemente la ilusión
y poniendo el corazón en lugares peligrosos
sólo para escucharlo latir más fuerte.
No te encontrarás en otro lugar
que no sea la mirada de alguien más.
Te serás tan ajena que te perderás
mil veces
en cada una de tus esquinas,
de tus recodos.
Será más fácil vivir fuera
que dentro,
ocupar otra piel,
otro universo.
Sabrás cuánto te amaron
el día en que te rompas del todo
y entiendas que el primer
desengaño es contigo.
Que la primera persona
dispuesta a hacerte daño
siempre has sido tú.”
Desquerida, Donde descansan las flores, Sara Búho.
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rineedagger · 5 days
Sharp tongue so bladed. Raw and fleshy, where blood remains jaded. I scream and fade inside your dreams, a cryptic despair.
You whisper to me soft lips so creamed, I'll bite and drink as it bleeds into me.
Swallow your pride and redeem, drown in this waters lifeless and dim, let me take you to the depths of it.
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rineedagger · 5 days
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Anne Carson, The Beauty of the Husband: A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos
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rineedagger · 6 days
Some things I've learned this pasts twenty six years
Do NOT alter your form and size to fit into somebody's ribcage. Authenticity is the ground for a healthy environment.
Authenticity can't exist without self-criticism and sticking to your core values.
A peaceful solitude is just as important as a nutritious companionship.
We aren't born knowing, not even of our own self. Wisdom is the fruit of life-long learning, therefore, making mistakes is the key to be and do better (this reminds me of the famously quote "Do not be sorry, be better" from Kratos lol).
Doubting, asking questions, is the concrete to build a fulfilling life.
Remaining the same does not imply to be more stable nor having a healthier life.
Easy and good are not synonyms.
Enough with the label bullshit and the blaming. It isn't about been or not been normal/right, your life/truth is yours only. Do not try to make sense of it using somebody else's eyes.
Medical checking is important. Nobody likes going to the doctor nor feeling sick (and yes, I am talking about going to the therapist and psychiatrist as well). It is part of been human and you will never be alone in the process.
Cooking life actively and over a low heat, is vital to have an appetizing full of flavour meal.
I'm never going to feel ready nor good enough.
Life isn't right nor makes sense. Do not try looking for the missing leg, you'll lose yourself in the process.
Communication is important, but not all communication matters. It has to be direct, understandable and, overall, precised. Overcommunication is as bad as the total absence of it, if not more painful.
Accepting and respecting are not the same thing. One is mandatory while the other, even important, isn't indispensable.
In order to live and not survive, you have to accept your own vulnerability and fragility.
Drinking water is always the good choice.
There will never be enough strawberries to satisfy the craving.
Whoever loves you today may not love you tomorrow, and that's okay.
There isn't such thing as good and bad emotions, rather comfortable and uncomfortable ones. And we must feel them all.
Setting boundaries with yourself and your surrounding is vital to be certain that, whoever remains by your side, is because they actively want you and love you, since there are parts of your self that are not negotiable. If not, you will always be the coach, the therapist, the mother, the sister, the helper, the clown, the mad one, the weirdo, the mysterious one, the thug, the whore, etc., but never you. Consequently, these means an assured expiry date plus food poisoning (I don't know why I'm comparing so much with food...maybe it's because I didn't eat strawberries for a while).
Social media has become a demanding, violent and sick place, filled with expectations, constant stimulation, manipulated or sensational information, rule-following, triggers, distortions and the possibility of been reachable to people that you don't need in your life. It is okay if you can't live in it. Also, if you're the reactive kind, set boundaries immediately with how you manage your social media and your exposure and be firm with it (believe me, I couldn't stand seen someone hating my friend on social media and saying lie after lie after lie...it was REALLY consuming and it leaded to impulsive and shameful acts).
If you are the one that overthinks or re-read texts after a fight, delete them.
Having life-long or very long friendships does not mean that you should cope with every mistreatment.
Do not remain by somebody else's side only because you pity them. Pityness and no compassion is vile.
The same with egotistical interests. The other person is a whole living being aside of yourself, if you put your own interests and greeds as the motivation of that relationship or over it, is vile.
The world is not trying to punish you for any mistake you've done nor for any joy you've experienced. That is, indeed, the process of living.
Boredom is a freaking gift, and a pleasure indeed.
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rineedagger · 6 days
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Dayspring, Anthony Oliveira
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rineedagger · 7 days
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rineedagger · 7 days
each passing moment gives way to cascades of self-awareness:
I find it hard to fit in, to camouflage myself in the cultural milieu,
people always seem to understand things which I struggle with;
mid-twenties & unable to take care of myself, it's embarrassing.
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rineedagger · 7 days
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Marina Tsvetaeva, from "Bus", Selected Poems (trans. Elaine Feinstein, with Simon Franklin) [ID'd]
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rineedagger · 7 days
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foundational in origin; yet witness upon the surface of all things.
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