#[[ but I guess that she *had* too I can't blame her xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 month
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Oh, she's smirking. The kind of smirk that means trouble, everyone would be able to tell. It's not often that Vaggie gets in this sort of mood, even if it has been happening more often lately, but when it does? Whoever has some common sense knows that they better run.
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"Hey, Al? Come here, I have something to show you."
A split second later, Alastor emerges right behind her, smile tightening a little in distaste when she makes to offer him her smartphone.
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"If you think that I'll touch that hideous thing a third time, you're terribly wrong, my dear."
Vaggie rolls her eye and she moves the device closer to the Radio Demon's face. Trust the creep to try and ruin her fun.
The screen is showing the love compatibility calculator game that has been so popular in the last few days. Yet another proof of how idiotic most people and sinners are, in Alastor's opinion.
Yet, this time the website gives him a pause, and he blinks at it twice, as if to make sure that he's not seeing things.
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The hint of static that touches his voice is an obvious threat, that however goes ignored.
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"What? C'mon, where's your sense of humour, Mr Ever-Present Smile? I think this is hilarious. And maybe a little bit true. Or well, it surely looks like so from the outside."
She pats his shoulder, waving the phone in front of his face once more, before making to walk away.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must share this with Adam."
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Alastor is left seething on his own, shadows crawling all around him in angry displeasure. One of these days she will push it a little too far and he will make her regret every single liberty she has taken with him.
And that's a promise.
The picture on Vaggie's screen:
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{ @holoharbinger }
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drama-glob · 11 months
Spoilers for Helluva Boss: Unhappy Campers
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Well it finally happened...we got a Millie episode! ^_^
I was definitely curious as to why Blitzo was looking for his sister, and it's nice to know that she was actually in rehab and not just some dig made by Verosika, but it certain seemed like Blitzo wasn't a frequent visitor. ;_; Good on Moxxie to get the lead, but as we all saw, he wanted to prove himself his way more than the efficient, right way as Millie literally solved it in under 20seconds. :/ I honestly didn't know it was going to be so focused on Moxxie and Millie, but I think they did a great job emphasizing how much Millie does to support her husband while even she's receiving this attention and how Moxxie didn't reciprocate. Millie was amazing and showed how much more she is than just a killing machine and deserved to receive some love and attention for once. I don't blame Moxxie for wanting to show he could lead this mission and succeed, but he definitely was being self-centered about it for most of the time. :/ Like Millie said: We're partners Mox.
It was cool to see an actually Asmodean crystal and the portal it makes is pretty, although it makes me wonder if disguises come with it too since Barbie Wire had a crystal and human disguise; this means we may get to see Blitzo have a human look eventually, so Stolas and Blitzo could be matching potentially. ;) I'm still thinking the crystal Stolas is getting for Blitzo will be on a necklace or bracelet, and not where the incubus in this episode put it. ;) XD
It's curious that demons would want Earth heroin, but since the effects don't seem as strong as Hell's drugs, they could be utilized as mild pain meds maybe? :/
It's cool to see how tough Barbie Wire is, but her saying she never wants to see Blitzo again just hurt, especially with the sad look he was giving and how genuine he seemed about wanting to talk. ;_; I'm guessing this may mean that Blitzo will actually reach out to Fizz in the next episode if he's trying to repair/reconnect with people that are important to him, but Fizz could also want to talk to Blitzo about killing whoever wrote that article about him and Asmodeus. Can't wait to find out though. ;) ^_^
Also, just Moxxie's face at the end of this was so adorably sad and funny as he was dealt a crushing remark from Blitzo. :/
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blackjackkent · 3 months
I guess we should probably go make sure Vanra got safely back to Lora, and check in with Mayrina and Adrielle.
Lora first:
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"You brought her back. You brought back my sweet, sweet girl."
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"The hag was my problem to deal with."
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"It was everything. I'll never forget it. Here - a token from the pirate life I left behind. Thank you, for being braver than half this city put together."
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Aw, look at Hec's big SMILE. <3 He loves moments like this where he really feels like he was able to help people.
Lora gave us a neat amulet that gives some wind-related spells and a shiny legendary rapier.
Vanra is basically nonverbal except for the occasional word "MOMMY" and clearly VERY shattered by the whole experience. I don't blame her. But Lora's being very sweet with her, and hopefully she'll be all right in time.
Mayrina's pretty happy about things too.
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"She's dead, isn't she? Ethel is dead."
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"How did you know?"
"I felt it, I think. It was like a piece of glass had been lodged in my chest and was finally pulled free. And the girl? You saved her, right?"
"Yes, she's traumatized but alive."
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"Thank the gods. Ah... they say revenge doesn't fix anything, but damn, does it feel amazing. Thank you."
"It didn't feel so amazing when she was vomiting up a child."
(A/N: This is a bit of a weird line for Hector but the only other available one that didn't involve demanding money was "Killing her felt even better," which was even less Hectorish. XD )
"A living child. That's what matters. Here, call this a small thank you. I look forward to finally being able to sleep with both eyes shut."
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She gave us another nice amulet and Hector did another big smile.
We can also overhear her talking to her unborn child as we walk away (which I guess cements the distance between Act 1 and Act 3 as at least less than nine months.)
"You'll be born any day now. I can't wait to meet you. I think I've decided on your name too. It's after the hero who saved us. You're gonna love it."
Karlach nudges Hector gently in the side and smiles. "Hear that, Hec?" she murmurs near his ear. "She's gonna name the kid after you."
He grins sheepishly. "Normally I've said I'm not much interested in being memorialized. But... I think I'll make an exception in this case."
Adrielle is not as effusive, nor as joyous. But she looks at Hector with steady eyes and a straight back.
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"Should you ever have need of a cleric of Helm, I shall be there - you have my word."
She's the best. I hope this means she'll help us fight the brain.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Saw a post about inconsistencies in Diabolik Lovers and I have prolly the biggest ones:
In Shu’s HDB ending Shu calls Yui an Asian woman and Yui also refers to herself as an“ average Japanese high school student” but later on in Laito’s and Reiji’s routes it is mentioned how she’s actually a foreigner and her step father only left his old country because he didn’t want Yui to be caught by the vampires there and settled in Japan for a peaceful life.She even only called herself “ an average high school girl” without using “Japanese”as in Shu’s route.Now all games follows the lore presented in Laito’s and Reiji’s routes, so what was written in Shu’s one was a mistake because it doesn’t really make sense anymore.I don’t really mind it because let’s be fr, she’s the definition of white girl but I feel like the writers should pay more attention to those details. |:
There was this test battle CD drama where Yui got the highest scores out of the Sakamaki’s but in the routes she’s a pretty bad student as far as I have seen.There’s no day she doesn’t ask anyone for help when doing her homework although it’s based on what was taught in class and heck she was even on the verge of failing her math class in HDB if Reiji didn’t study all day with her.I even remember that one time when even she got wrong even the first answer, and there are several times she doesn’t pay attention during class because she doodles or thinks about different stuff.Beside that, she has the cultural knowledge of a toddler wym she couldn’t even name one fricking painter like what the f?
// Referring to the first one:
Perhaps Shu's route was the first to be written, because Cordelia, who is a major character in the HDB plot, edit: only appears in the after story for a short time, and the writer most likely went with the flow and didn't add too much lore because it had nothing to do with Cordelia. After his route, they probably wanted to give Yui a proper backstory and added: dead orphan child with an implanted demon heart given to a vampire hunter who fled to Japan not to be caught, in order to fit the whole plot. It's also possible that the writer didn't read the other routes before. I mean, I can't blame them entirely, given that those details were largely irrelevant in Shu’s route and weren't presented as lore as they were in Laito's and Reiji's routes. However, yes, it was a mistake. Shu's HDB route had a slew of errors in general, such as in Ecstasy 3, where Yui mentions Shu's heartbeat, despite the fact that vampires don't have one, haha.
Referring to the second one:
It's fine to like the silly Tokutens, but you shouldn't take them too seriously. They present funny and plot-twisty scenarios to generate laughter, such as when both Kou and Subaru entered an ikemen contest, but Shu won despite the fact that he wasn't even registered. xD They can be very OOC, as I doubt Subaru would ever participate in such a superficial activity, but as I said, they're just for fun. In terms of Yui being a bad student, I wouldn't necessarily label her as such. Sure, she gets some low scores, and I also recall the scenes you mentioned, as well as one in which it is revealed that her physics exam was a disaster, and another one where Ruki threw shade at her for getting a bad grade on the foreign language exam. Nonetheless, I believe she is simply not good at that kind of subjects, maybe she’s good at something else. I guess it’s already obvious that Yui catches things pretty slowly, since her learning ability isn't exactly the best, so it's no surprise that she asks for help and has to study harder and longer in order to show good results. I still consider her a good student though; I don't mind that her grades aren't good all the time; she still tries to study and to complete her assignments even if they're wrong, doesn't like skipping, and takes her school duties seriously; she's exactly what I'd call a conscientious student, to be honest. I can't defend her on the painter thingy though, that was the bare minimum, but again, Yui doesn't have much knowledge in general other than what’s common so… it can’t be helped. :P
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okami-zero · 1 year
"You can't come here"
*watches latest G-Witch*
There it is! The seething vengeance behind that mirthless smile, hidden by a helm that obscure the eyes. Possible spoilers below (but if you are keeping up with the show, not really).
I was waiting for it. Waiting to see behind her facade, to see what embers smoldered that burned away Elnora Samaya and left Prospera Mercury. The remnants of her motherly love for her child twisted to create a weapon from her child/children. With a remaining desparate (mad, perhaps?) hope to resurrect her daughter through the use of Quiet Zero to rewrite reality. (This always goes SO WELL whenever it's attempted. /s)
Lots of people are debating/speculating that the GUND-Bits are failed Eri clones, using Ple and her clones from Gundam ZZ as a parallel. However, based on what we saw when she nearly fried Elan-But-Not-Really's brain, if she is just Permet data now... perhaps they are merely copies. Or shards. Connected and with a limited independence, but still linked to Eri's core consciousness. The fact that Aerial can act on it's own without Suletta's input (seen in the fight with Sophie) is also concerning. This basically reduces Suletta to a battery and "starter" for the Gundam. Once the Permet level hits...Six, was it? Then Suletta doesn't seem to be 100% needed.
However, this conjecture is based on Aerial's cease of attack against Sophie being not because Suletta begged her, but because she had already overloaded the poor girl's brain. I don't think there's a clear cut answer for this just yet. Also as an aside, Norea's blaming of Sophie's death on Nika feels a bit hypocritical, until one considers one simple thing.
They may not have ever lost before.
It's easy to pontificate how mobile suits, and Gundams specifically, are made for killing people when you are the one doing the killing and not the dying. But being the one doing that (well, that was mostly Sophie, poor kid), then getting angry when your comrade is killed by one such weapon of war... it is understandable, perhaps even relatable. And horrible. But the asshole response of "Well, guess you were right" hovers in the back of my mind.
This is where things start getting stickier, I reckon. Hope this ends up at least the standard 25 episodes (not counting the Prologue).
So now, we have an election for President coming in. In the running being Shaddiq, Miorine...maybe Guel, too? Someone from Peil, certainly. Or maybe. Keeping track of factions is going to start needing a scoreboard...
Peil Technologies (creepy Bene Gesserit-looking ladies creep me the absolute FUCK out)
Dawn of Fold
Benerit Group
Earth House/GUND-ARM, Inc.
Lady Prospera
And now The Moderators
Hoo boy.
Oh! Oh! Wait, I almost didn't talk about poor fucking Suletta! Who is all but a freaking puppet, with absolute faith in what Mama says to do! And while Miorine is upset by Suletta basically saying "I'll do what Mom tells me, because she's always right!" mindset is actually MORE upset with Prospera having turned her daughter into a completely obedient and subservient puppet than she is directly AT Suletta. And also horrifed that Prospera would do that, to her own daughter, no less. I mean, I am with Miorine, that's absolutely horrible, but righteous fury and all-consuming thirst for vengeance are things that push all other concerns and emotions aside.
And this is merely the BEGINNING.
I say again:
Hoo boy.
Edit: When I was writing this, and went to find the quote for my post's title, Crunchyroll was having fits. Finally got it to come up, though. Guess we're just overloading their servers. xD Also HOLY SHIT THIS IS EPISODE SIXTEEN. This is going to be more than a standard 25 ep show. Or at least, I hope so. I have seen what happens when you try to cram everything into limited episodes. >.<
I don't think it'll hit Gundam Wing length (oh, but if it did, ooooh, a treat! A treat for Miette!) but we shall see!
Edit the second: Forgot in my original post to have our Earth House/GUND-ARM, Inc. underdogs on the list of factions. This nigh-egregious error has been rectified.
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twilightofthe · 10 months
okay i put all my cranky thoughts into a separate post that's now drafted and it made me feel better so i'll be able to watch this episode now lol but if it gets me worked up again i'm posting the rant i'm sorry i cannot be helped or changed or saved <3
also i forgot to say so last episode but kevin kiner my ABSOLUTE BELOVED the return of the king is real so happy to have you here my dude the ending and full theme was absolutely gorgeous
anywayyyyyy so i am guessing sabine did not make like satine and survived her shish kabobing
well there's ahsoka
oh yeah there's bean she's fine she'll be fine xD
damn filoni really gave more handwaving to having a character survive a major impalement vs me twisting myself into fucking knots writing anakin getting run through lmao
ahsoka sorry but actually i'm gonna blame u for this you still kinda seem like a mess and i don't think you were a very good teacher to sabine and now ur dropping back in on her when she's convenient to you?
well at least we know why she's so adamant against training baby yoda lol
ope here's goth girl and the fuuuuck is his NAME again i keep calling him fucking bryan
i like the fancy sithy-looking sundial tho
pfff second ep is "toil and trouble" guess we're getting witchy!
yea ahsoka what happened to showing up in the nick of time and saving kanan and ezra from inquisitors in rebels u were slowwww girlie
that's all that matters
ope one more droid hanging around ezra's place
we do love the mechanic girl of my heart
sabine does love her explosions
no huyang hera just likes explosions
sabine works best under explosive pressure we LOVE HER
ope back to corellia i guess? we can reuse the old solo sets?
you were just
"but she's not the one who needs to hear it right now" ahhh there's the sabine and hera dialogue. ugh but i'm still not used to natasha and mary i can just hear tiya and vanessa doing it instead :(
"ancient ppl from a distant galaxy" waaaaaaait are they bringing in those eu dudes
no wait i think i remember something about these guys that was mention as the big bad in the canceled animated rebels sequel
or it could just be the chiss lmao
that could be it too, makes sense why they'd want thrawn
ok that is some real cool galactic map visuals i am an absolute sucker for a good starmap
ok but wait how the fuck did y'all get a map to thrawn anyway did the space whales write it
also sorry morgan but i don't personally think thrawn would go for u nothing personal you are hot but you don't quite seem his type
waaaait is fucking thrawn gonna have force sensitivity now THAT would be absolutely hilarious and he'd hate it so much
who's marrok i have no memory
y'all you can't just make thrawn work for you didn't he only work with the empire cuz he had to because it would advantage his people somehow (has read zero thrawn novels and only seen rebels)
please tell me sabine is in the fucking vents of ahsoka's ship
okay so i think my issue with Mary is she doesn't have any of the same authority and purpose Hera's meant to hav
oh yeah harping in that the new republic is a total fustercluck
ew a capitalist
bro you know hera used to steal from people like you for the rebellion
sdlkfjsdk omg sabine's mom needs to talk to the teacher to keep her from getting expelled
but also y'all sabine is like 25-30 right now she's not a kid
@ ahsoka bitch you have no fuckin clue what you're doing doooon't talk about readiness
y'know maybe the imperial era just advanced medicine so later impalements don't kill people
oh oh so it IS ezra's!
sabine go find luke he'd love to have you
ok so yeah she likely doesn't have force sensitvity
goddammit huyang neverMIND
so sabine IS force sensitive :) and kanan and ezra just never brought it up :) great :)
hera my beautiful ship nerd ily
bitch do NOT fuck with hera she has more presence than anyone ever
hera my dude you know better than anyone that if a ship wants to take off you gotta go try and stop it in person
ah i have been waiting like 5 long years to watch hera best pilot there was kick aerial ass
oh yeah ahsoka's fighting an inquisitor too lmao
ok this hera and chopper banter is perfect i do love it
oh and good job ahsoka lol
aghhh sabine and her therapy cat i'm ;_;
theeeeere's sabine's mando armor
okay it seems like mary's kinda on and off for hera so far, she has her moments but she can't hold them
rosario keeps losing me i'm sorryyyyyyyy
natasha is doing GREAT
aaaaaand we redoing the end of the rebels epilogue!
god this makes me miss zeb
and kanan obvs but i've come to accept his death
zeb's still hanging around where is he!!!!!
ah all is right
sabine has her gay haircut back
here we go gay roadtrip to find ezra time
alright so i'm still not really vibing with jedi!sabine at All but i have concluded that this show is watchable but honestly not that good, writing-wise, sorry dave, so i think i'll be able to watch it with my brain turned off
goddammit first i thought the holograms visiting morgan were nightsister witch ghosts xD
morgan stop simping for thrawn i guaranTEE he's not your type
we are through with the two episodes! it is very late for me so i'm gonna sit and think on what i've seen so far and shitpost a little. i did really like seeing my rebels blorbos again even if the live action actors don't quite have their groove yet. obviously very excited to retrieve ezra <3 so yeah that was that and i'll be back for more next week!
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
I'm curious about their name meaning now
Bernadette: Brave as a bear
Oohh 👀 Also I've been wondering about this for awhile but how does Bernadette hide her tail?? Since we've never seen her tail before.. Or is it purposely hidden so we would get the reveal in this chapter? I also wonder what princess she is :0
Deianeira: Man destroyer (I saw this one someone's post and on discord too so thank you!!)
THIS IS SO FITTING WHAT. Deianeira is so dang powerful! Like, her curse can literally destroy around uhhh 50.42% of the world population (I had to google that).
Sally: Princess
This is also a fitting one XD But damn, her curse. Feeling pebbles in your shoes everytime must be really shitty. I mean, okay damn who cursed her? What kinda grudge do you have on her to give her that curse???
Another thing, I hope someday Lambcat will give us info about how to pronounce their name. Leelathae was one thing, but I really don't know how to pronounce Deianeira.
"I'd like to cancel my membership to the military!!" LMAOOOOOO
Can't blame Suzie here. I personally would think "yo cool monster" until I see the spiders in the hair. Would bolt so fast outta there screaming "OH HECK NAH" XD
Man.. I honestly feel so bad for Maria (and every other pastel family too except the grandparents). But hey it's nice that Becket is there for her :D
IT'S THE OLD GUARD HE'S COMING BACKKKKK. AND IN A NICE OUTFIT TOO. Hear ye hear ye I'm guessing he's gonna have a good role in this whole situation. Still poor him though, guy just wanted to reunite with his friend and suddenly he's in this whole mess xd
BLAINE. Blaine please. Dude.
Anyway moving on from my Blaine crisis..
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Either the possum witch is going to be confirmed to be this or someone's gonna theorize about a new creature in the haunted forest.
Tattersal doesn't look affected by the curse.. Maybe it's because he looks like that 24/7? (Bloodshot eyes, foaming) People shows their anguish in different ways, but it's odd how he didn't say a thing about the curse affecting him. Or are we going to a dark route where he has experience many lost and pain since being a commander (he's a commander right?) until he cannot feel much anguish anymore.
THE FROGS HAHAAA. Man where are the swans? XD
Thank goodness no one was in the head... 0_0
Blaine. Blaine. I just.. Bro. Stop. Dude please c'mon give it up like what are you even gonna do? Kidnap the princesses? Lmao. What are u gonna do bro? What are u gonna do?
Man, I wonder how Lance is holding up in all these..
BUT LORENA'S PROJECT IS COMING UP SO HECK YEA!!! She's gonna have her badass moment hweheheheh. She better get an A+ on her project!
That's all for now. Yes, I know. This is so late and all. But turns out even after I've done the exams I'm still not free from school drama.. but oh well. At least I have a new cpc chapter to look up to!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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marinerainbow · 10 months
Wheezy's face was absolutely slack, and his fingers twitched at his sides; Shiny (Scratch that, no one-) had ever seen him so beside himself as he came to the realisation that she... was the one who brought him back.
(For context this is meant to be about that idea that Shiny turned Wheezy into a ghoul ^^ But you can make it whatever you want!)
As soon as those words 'Is it even a girl??' came outta Buckman you only had one important question for him as he straightens up and immediately startles at your extremely dubious expression aimed directly at him; Because, sorry sorry, but- Would that make a difference???
(For context, again- I've been thinking a lot about that one bit in 2001 Maniacs with Lester and Jezebel, and Buckman leaning down to check if Jezebel was a female sheep- as if that would might make thus union better somehow 😂😂😂 I dunno its just so ridiculous it cracks me up XD )
Poppy absolutely positively could not feel her legs in that moment, that the Evil freaken Queen took up her paw in her hand and shook it, saying how she (Grimhilde, the Evil Freaken Queen- ) enjoyed the cartoons that she starred in years ago; All Poppy could think was that she's just as pretty in person!-
"Y/N, darlin', take me back, please cher, I- I'm begging you- one more chance; Just one more, sweetheart, I promise I wont mess it up this time." - Dr Facilier
Some random ones for you to pick from! If none of them do it for you, that's totally cool; Just giving you some options!
Aaaahhh thank you so much anon (who I totally don't know the identity of)! These prompts are absolutely amazing! I've been thinking about 1 and 3 all day honestly XD
Also, gonna go with paragraphs and not sentences again because I can't restrain myself to just five sentences. I think in general I'm just gonna go with paragraphs XD
Warnings for mentions of... Uh... Well, if you've seen 2001 Maniacs, or read the prompt, you know what's going on between Lester and poor Jezebel. I didn't direct that movie, anon and I are just making comedy from that scene. And cursing.
"You... 'Yer the one that did this to me?"
For the first time in a long time, Shiny felt the skin on her back crawl from the ice cold glare in the ghouls eyes alone. If it weren't for the fact that she could very easily make him combust if he made a move towards her, she would have been scared for her life. Not that she'd admit that out loud, "Ok, Wheeze, I know I screwed up. How 'bout we talk this out over a couple of dri-"
"Talk? You- You can't just talk this out." His tone was below freezing, and one hand at his side balled up into a fist. But he didn't take a step closer to her like she was preparing for. Instead, the other hand pointed an angry finger at the witch, "You brought me back when I was at peace! What the hell were you even tryin' t'do out there!?
"I'll tell you if you can calm yourself." The woman fired back as she got one of her personal jars and a couple of glasses out. She tried not to sound too harsh, though; she couldn't exactly blame Wheezy for freaking out over this discovery. Especially since witches usually only summoned the dead to try to use them in some way, "Look. I can assure you, I had no nefarious intentions that night. But I can't explain if you start losin' your head. So sit down, have some moonshine, and listen with your ears and not your emotions. Kay?"
Shiny kept a straight look on her face as she offered one of the glasses to him, while Wheezy continued to glare at her for a moment... There was no sign of teasing or trickery that he could see, "..."
Finally, the ghoul just grabbed the jar- not the small glass she offered- from her hand and took a good swig out of that before silently making his way to her couch. He could hear her mumble, "I guess I deserve that." Behind him, and rummage for a separate jar before following him.
(Shhhh this is totally five paragraphs. Five plus one is still five in writers world XD)
When your oh-so-beloved mayor looked at you like you just sprouted two heads, it took everything in you not to smack him upside the head when he asked innocently, "What? What'd I say, darlin'?"
"What did you- George, why would it make any difference if that poor sheep was a 'girlie'!?" You exclaimed in a huff. You've been a citizen of this town for literal centuries, witnessed many horrific jubilees all these years, yet this was possibly the most disturbing thing you've heard in a long while. Next to finding out what Harper kept under his bed, "Lester should be kept away from all our animals! No matter if they're boys or girls!"
"Hey! I ain't hurtin' Jezebel! I wouldn't even dream of it!" Lester insisted, and you couldn't help the pursing of your lips and the roll of your eyes as you slowly look towards your sweethearts' unfortunate son.
"Lester, you're the accused. Not the lawyer. You don't get to make any objections." Lester just stared at you slack jawed, looking like he was struggling to wrap his head around what you said. When he and neither of his brothers- who had just been standing back watching this shit show go down- didn't say anything, you turned back to Buckman, "Now-"
"Well, can I be my own lawyer?" And at that, you just threw your hands up and stormed off to help Boone in the kitchen. Honestly, you were this close to joining the northerners. They have made some pretty good points over the years...
Poppy's eyes were wide as she stared back up at the fellow toon- The Evil Queen! Was shopping at her store!? And she knew insignificant her!? If this was a dream, she didn't want to be woken up! Realizing she was just staring, the rabbit shook her head and hoped to god that her stutter wouldn't rear its ugly head now of all times, "Y-You are? You're a f-fan of mi- my work?? I... Wow! I-I have no idea wh-what to say! Th-Thank you so much Miss Grim- I mean my lady!"
... She must have sounded so stupid to the Queen. But if she did, the woman made no indication of that. In fact she- oh lord, was that a smirk?? She felt like she was going to faint! "There's no need for formalities. Now, would you care to assist me? I haven't been to this shop before."
Ok. If she was shot dead right now, Poppy could die happy. Grimhilde wanted her help??? "Y-Yes! I-I'm more than happy to a-assist my la- Miss Grimhilde! You mentioned y-you wanted velvet, right?"
Poppy had no clue how she managed to hold herself together for so long- especially since Grimhilde wanted to enquire about her previous career! But once the queen left the store, she knew she couldn't go back to her station right away. She had to tap out, "Um... H-Hannah? Could you t-take over measurements for a moment? I-I need to... F-Fetch something from the back."
Thank the lord. Her coworker was willing to help. Though that knowing look really didn't make things any better. Nevertheless, Poppy rushed to the nearest door that led to the stock room, continued on until she reached a far corner where she was certain no one would hear her... And then let out all the excited squealing she had been holding back for so long, "She knows me!!!"
You sighed as you remembered those last words from your love. The last time the two of you had spoken in a long time- if you can even call it that. You had been so enraged with Facilier that you just packed your things and left.
You couldn't believe him at first. How he took advantage of innocent people. How he trapped them to feed their souls to his friends in exchange for granting their wishes. Sometimes, in ways that they never even wanted in the first place. You knew he practiced voodoo. You knew he didn't much care for the higher class, and you did agree that they needed to be knocked down a few pegs- but not like this! Just how many lives did he ruin that had nothing to do with his position in life?
But... You miss him. Facilier wasn't just the love of your life. He was your friend. You two hadn't known each other all your lives, but you had been with each other through thick and thin within the comparatively short period you two were together. It felt like the two of you knew each other in ways nobody else on Earth could. You had let the shadow man in, and you couldn't push him out. No matter how hard you tried.
Which was what led to you here. Walking down the still familiar alleyway, passing by the still dead tree in the center of this hidden space in the city, knocking on the chipped purple door, and tearing up at the sight of your other half as he looked so shocked to see you, "Sweethe-... Y/N?"
"Hey there... Cher."
(What happens next? You decide~)
I hope you like these! I think this'll help a lot with the writers block. Thank you! ^^
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
This rant is gonna be super random but long story short I wish amatonormativity didn't exist
Honestly this blog saved me so many times. Whenever I felt like I was stupid to experience these feelings and that no body could relate, I'd aways find that there were so many people who shared my experience and that I wasn't alone. (Thanks a lot for this)
I realised that I was an asexual 3-4 years ago, courtesy tumblr. I also came across the term for the lack of romantic attraction, aromantic, but I waved it off as that time because I didn't want to think too much about it. But I remember praying to god saying that who ever is destined for me, pls don't let us meet xD ( its believed in my religion that everyone is made in pairs so, you'd either meet them here or afterlife) . Yup. I guess that was because of my asexuality as in my culture, marriage is idk let's say a big thing and it's usually arranged. Scratch that, only arranged marriage with 0.0001% chances of love marriages. And with marriage, well it obviously comes with responsibility, and I don't think I would be able to fill in for all of them (especially sexual ones). Its not like I'm running away from responsibilities, I'm also responsible for my own happiness and fulfilling 'those' responsibilities would make me unhappy, so I didn't want marriage. I know communicating this to my fams is important but I don't expect them to understand me one bit, I can already hear those cliche phrases over and over again and I don't have the mental energy to deal with that. I don't plan on coming out to my parents nor my brother about asexuality. I did come out as bi to my brother when I heard his best friend did so too, he's.. well not completely okay with the idea but he's supportive enough xd I'm thankful.
Whoever said that sexuality is a journey was spot on. I went from thinking I was bi to pan and then bi-alterious aroace and then finally resorting to my fate of being an aroace (wouldn't have it another way). I still don't know what I am but I can surely say that I want nothing to do with romance and that I don't experience sexual attraction at all. But I still want to have meaningful relationships, just not a romantic one. And if I could find someone who I really resonated with, and if they'd agree, then I would love to get married to them or whatever and do all the things deemed romantic by the society and confuse them all, I'd really love that. I do have my best friend who identifies as bi, she's my soul mate and I'm really lucky to have her. I'd happily spend my life with her, but (welp) our families would make a big issue out of it and I don't want her to go through all that. We could be in a qpr but I feel like not everyone takes it seriously and it's sad. I don't think she understands its importance too, i dont blame her. A qpr is literally everything I want. I don't mind having no one coming back home to but once in awhile I can't help but think about having someone who'd be there looking forward to me coming back home. Someone who wouldn't want to change me and understands that I can't reciprocate their romantic feelings (if they had it for me) but nonetheless I'd love them with all there's to love with.
I hate this world we live in. I hate people saying romantic relationships are the only meaningful relationships ugh. I'm so frustrated rn.
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ericsonclan · 1 year
Hey guys! Remember me? xD
Yeaaah, I was a little busy, school, drawing, work, life in general, but I played TWDG again with my lil' sister and got some questions, I'd like to ask you. If you still take requests, maybe you do a christmas break or something similar ^^
Sooooo, the questioooons:
-My sister and I argued a lot about that fight Clem had with Marlon. We like it, it's just a bit short in our opinion, but my sister always complains about how fast Clem can beat Marlon, like he's some pushover compared to other enemies we encounter in the game (or games in general). And in my opinion, he's got a little handicap there, being at the edge of a real breakdown, a physical breakdown too. It's not really animated, but winning a duel with shaking hands is, eh... hard xD Anyway, my question is, do you think, Marlon would be able to beat Clem in a real fight, when he's got his head in the game? He took to kicks from her straight to the guts and didn't faint immediately, for which I'm blaming the adrenaline, but it's still a little impressive, didn't expect that from him, hehe
-What do you think the Ericson Kid's favorite meals were, before they had to rely on a little bit of soup? Imagine Omar having a real kitchen in there, man....
-Welllll, who do you think would be the most motivated for Christmas? My personal guess is Louis, but also secretly Violet, because maybe she just doesn't want to show how much she really loves the affection they all give each other then...
-When you look at the Ericson Kids, which music genre pops up in your mind? For real, I got a whole part of my Drawing Music Album for each of my favorites, if I don't listen to that while drawing them, I won't ever get it right xD Drew Marlon and AJ the other day and my god, I never listend to Metal for such a long time. That's six hours straight, Sabaton, Metallica, Man 'o War, Metal Covers....
-Rather an awkward question, but my sister wanted me to ask, so here it is - You think there's anyone who doesn't like hot chocolate? Almost all of them are kids, sooo... there's not much chance, but my sister said she can't see Aasim drink hot chocolate for some reason, weird, I know xD
Alright, that's it from me for now!
Wish you all the best and happy holidays! Stay safe!
Our requests are always open and we're happy to answer more questions.
For the first question Marlon vs Clem who would win in a fight: We think that Clementine would still win. We think that Marlon would put up a pretty decent fight but since Clementine has had to experience more life or death situations and has gotten into more fights so she has the skills needed to win.
Oh man Omar with a real kitchen then the Ericson kids would really be having feasts every day.
Let's see favorite meals or food...
Clementine: She loves pancakes specifically chocolate chip pancakes. She could eat those all day every day
Louis: Those PB & J's uncrustables. Definitely not what people would think is rich people food and isn't but Louis loved to buy some and stealthily eating them in his room
AJ: Ants on a log, that snack with celery that has peanut butter and raisins on them
Violet: Chicken nuggets but that's the obvious choice given you can hear about it in the game so we're also gonna add Craft Mac and Cheese. It was one of her comfort foods growing up
Marlon: Meatloaf, specifically his mom's meatloaf. He'd claim it was the best meal in the world and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss it when he got sent to Ericson
Brody: Fruit salad it's something fresh and sweet and she liked switching the fruits ever now and again when it was made
Mitch: Burgers. He loves them especially bacon burgers. He'd punch someone in the face for a bacon burger
Willy: Applesauce he loved it before the apocalypse happened and he was dancing on the picnic tables when he learned that they could use the apples from the apple tree they had to make some for everyone. He also liked those beef sticks that you can get at the checkout at grocery stores he'd scarf those up like there's no tomorrow
Tenn: Peanut butter, banana and honey sandwiches that was his go to and he could eat them for the rest of his life
Omar: Brussel sprouts with candied bacon. His grandma had a great recipe for them and he always wishes that he could make them again some day
Sophie: Grilled cheese sandwiches. Damn she loved that food and she had suggest at one point that they make the trek out to the nearest town in hopes of finding ingredients for it
Minnie: Not a meal but she loves gummy worms and would always be snacking on them while she worked on her music
Ruby: BBQ and all the fixin's. Ribs, brisket, pulled pork she loves it all
Aasim: Lamb vindaloo it was something that he grew up on and his mom always made so it has a special place in his heart
Who's motivated the most for Christmas: Louis for sure he only keeps track of days so he knows when holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are. Ruby absolutely loves decorating and loves all that Christmas time symbolizes. Brody is in a similar vein with that and finds wintertime magical. Violet also really loves Christmas even if she couldn't do much to celebrate it growing up. She'd mainly spend the day with her grandparents and mom and had a small celebration. So she was surprised when Louis brought up the idea that they should celebrate Christmas even after the world had ended but she was glad that he did.
Okay music genres. I don't know if we have specific ones for all the Ericson kids so we might just add a few here for what we associate them with
Marlon: Classic Rock: Queen, The Who, The Doors music like that. To us he just gives those vibes
Louis: Classical music and really soft and cheesy love songs
Ruby: Country Music
Violet: Not a genre but usually quiet or somber music
This is an interesting question I'd say most of all the kids like or love hot chocolate. We agree that Aasim wouldn't be the biggest fan of it but he'd probably drink it around Ruby since she loves it.
Thanks for the ask and we hope you had a safe and fun holiday!
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kdc705 · 10 months
My PSO2 characters on Ship 2
Why not. I guess I'll share my OCs here. At least the ones I have on Ship 2, since Ship 2 - ur on Global is my main ship. >.>
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This is my main character, Emil. I've spent the most time with Emil more than any of the other characters I have total, regardless of what ship what character is in. She's pretty much a jack of all trades, master of none kind of character, but I decided to stick to Gunblades for her. I can, in fact, change classes at anytime though, in case I wanna do something different with her. Her lore, at least in my head in NGS, states that she's got amnesia, initially. She remembers a good amount of her memory, and... well... She's suffering from Accelerated aging. O.o It's a slight acceleration, and doesn't have any signs of slowing down nor speeding up.
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I guess before she went "thicc", on the last week of a freebie Salon period's end just because. >.> She was a "sticc", whatever that means. In all honesty, she was just a bit slim. Also younger. Thanks to the lively face some updates back pre-Version 2, she looked even younger than when I stuck with the Snipt face. I'm back on the Snipt face now for the current look of Emil cause it makes her look more mature looking. Also she started with short hair, and glasses, etc. atm, her main class is Slayer, and her sub is Bouncer. The Gunblade I use isn't multiweaponed at all, it's just... well... A gunblade. That's it. No strings attatched.
Oh.... Also. For Emil's lore, this is actually the real Emil, not a Clone. Emil went to cryosleep for 1k years. I wanted to retcon that part with this character. Sorry SEGA.
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Akiko, before I made her in NGS, is one of my oldest OCs. O.o I've kept her rent free in my head, along with another one. Huh...
Anyway, Akiko, like Emil, is also from 1k years ago... Though her appearence is mostly temporary, along with another. >.> She, and another OC, went through a time rift, if those exist, and cannot return to the past unless.... something. I've not completely written this out completely. She use a single dagger, though since the only weapon camo that can do that is Nanaya's Knife, a collab item, so I had to make up some bs to make her use the Twin Daggers as her main weapon... That and Jet Boots as the multiweapon, mainly for kicks. :3 So she learned how to make elemental weapons from out of the blue.... I guess?
Personality wise, she's a bit laid back, but is very serious when she needs to be. There are also some moments where she has a silly side. :3 She has a sister, but her sister is adopted. She really cares for that sister. In fact, she gets worried when they get separated by an unknown force, in this case a time rift.
Akiko is also a childhood friend of Emil.
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She also has a "Special Power", I'm gonna call it. >.> She can see critical spots in everything, and she can strike those critical spots to deal ten times more pain on who, or what, has that spot. But there's a catch. Should she use that special power for too long, she'll begin to lose her sight. The signal of that happening is straining in her eyes, to the point of them hurting. Luckily, she trained her eyes for keep this power in use for lengthy periods of time.
I guess that's all I'm gonna say about this OC for now.
Fun fact: I used Akiko, and the next OC, the most with other games. I also used this OC to use for Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, because the PSU era of games allows me to use a single dagger. WHERE THE SINGLE DAGGER WEAPON SEGA!?!? xD
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Welp... This is Kita, Akiko's (adopted) younger sister. :3
She's a kid, and power hungry people are constantly wanting her for her powers only. She's supposed to be 12 years old, but... I can't make her any smaller than Global's minimum height. I can blame my country's culture, but not worth it.
Kita is a kind and caring little girl, and would much rather not fight and live a normal life. Sadly, that normal life she wants is forever out of reach because of those wanting her specifically to control her, mostly to use her powers for their own gain, she is forced to fight. Her strength also, questionably, grows without training, which could be much greater should she begin training.
She's a Hunter/Force, using a Sword, multiweaponed with Rod. Cause why not. I used this combination before, so it shouldn't be a problem. Right?
That's all I'll show in terms of OCs I put in PSO2NGS for now. I do another post like this sometime in the future to show off more OCs I put in PSO2:NGS. :3
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A couple minutes late because I was posting the review (stuff happened and I had less time to finish it than I figured lol)
Oop a call first it seems!
Ah drama xD
Oop no wedding ring 👀
Hmm something's gonna happen to this girl xD
That ain't good 😬😬
Hmm idk is that what happened?
AYY epi pen :D
It better not explode 😭
Hi Grace :D!
Okay phew it didn't explode
Uh ohhh
Oh!! So it was stress?
Ahhh yeah :D
Interesting :O
Ay that guy!!
Oh crap o.o she can't breathe 😬 I was thinking that might happen
Ahh straw!
Uh ohhh
C'mon girl breathe O.O 😬😬
Ayy and there's them :))
Hi Nancy!!
Hi TK :D
Hi Tommy 🥰
Aww they saved her life :)
AAAHHHHH wedding reference :D
Hi Judd :))!
Oop the tension 👀😬
Nah Grace just doesn't want him too
I feel kinda bad for him :((
Ooh I did hear something about her sisters coming!!
I would love to hear them all sing :D
Y'all the tensionnn xdd
Oh noo xd that's their babysitter ain't it
Ahh the flu 😭 oof bestie sorry <33
Nahh she don't want it XD but girl it's obvious now
Ope Judd o.o!
She maddd xDD
Lol yup
I mean yeah you can't ice them out forever because somebody's gonna notice and that won't be any better
But yeah I mean they've barely been around :/
Idk I see both sides of it because I mean I wouldn't trust him either xD
True I'm pretty sure that religious repentance only counts if you're like honest abt it or something
OPE lol yeah that is a trap XD
I'm sure y'all will figure it out <333
Hey Owen!
Kinda weird dialogue there but I guess I wouldn't know xd
Oope based on the promo, that's husband's stuff isn't it xD
I am gonna act shocked though
LOL Owen xD
OPE dog lol
Cute dog :D
OPE o.o nah she ain't talking to the dog
AAAGHCK this is awkward xdd
My reception is bad today lol
Nah it's open ain't it xdd
And he's definitely surprised lol
Ope o.o he's hereee
This is a tense conversation xd it's everywhere this episode lol
SLFKGHDKSJ the fact that they're all right there xD
Hi Marjan!!!
Hi Mateo :)!
Hey Paul :D
XDDD their reactions
I was already dying but now I'm in shock XD
Bye sir xd
XDD y'all that was wild
I can't lol
LOL yeah I don't blame you honestly Owen xD
Oh a car? So he's gonna have to have ANOTHER emergency for the freezing xd?
Dang 😬😬😬 ouch
That does nooot look good o.o
I bet he's thinking of herrr
At least he didn't say it lol
PHEW yayy he's okay :D
Ayy :))
Chill Owen he just got crushed by a car xD she can pass you lol
Yeppp awkwarddd xD
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n7punk · 2 years
I can't even figure out whose character/POV I was most into in that fic. it's got to be a tie between micah and linda but something was so REAL about angella and her depiction is so true to what she was like in the spop show
thank you! angella is a complicated figure tbh, like she loses her temper and yells at her child (who yells back, but can you blame her) and shes quite cold to Adora at first but reasonably so, and she's also usually so calm and composed when her anger hasn't risen. idk she's got layers and i usually prefer to honestly "watch her reactions from afar" rather than be in her POV, but she had to be a part of the interlude in both ways.
(sidenote, but part of her Whole Deal in the show is obviously the loss and trauma of Micah's death and the war as a whole, so that's dialed back in most modern AUs, but in the back of my head i was like "oh, to emulate it somewhat her parents had a tragic death in this AU" but that's not something that'll ever appear in text XD)
Angella and glimmer still fight, but micah is also very good at diffusing the situation, adora just lowkey panicked the first time she saw it thinking she was back in a home Like That again, only this one was better at putting on a front. she gets uneasy every time they fight until pretty much the end of senior year. like it takes her two years to really be comfortable, and even then it can still hit her.
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well i almost wrote three scenes from micah's POV before remembering to spread things out more so i guess him by default LOL. listen i just love his Soft Dad Vibes in this au (and canon, but he doesn't have the same trauma in this au he has in canon) and i don't get to play with him a lot.
That said, I really liked writing Linda and Rose's POVs and just slip in mentions of how they think of each other to flesh out that dynamic. It's something I can pretty much do whatever I want with since they aren't in the show.
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yall really just love a milf huh 😂 honestly when i was coming up with linda and rose's personalities i was like "rose is going to be soft like scorpia, but like turn it up to 110%. maybe she even cries over her houseplant when it dies" (even if scorpia's generally a softie, she did try to kill people with no remorse on multiple occasions lol) and "linda is going to be where scorpia gets her goofy, loyal, sweet of heart and dumb of ass side". they're their own people, but i built them out in reverse from scorpia because they are the ones who raised her and thus shaped her.
and of course they're head over heels for each other, so as far as rose is concerned linda's hugs can cure absolutely anything, and linda is absolutely smitten with how sweet and kind rose is and thinks she could solve world peace. and of course they both love scorpia to no end.
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unfortunately bow isn't really getting a lot of airtime in this fic because while he is around, he isn't around as much as Everyone Else who has been seen so far because he doesn't live with any of them (and doesn't sleep over nearly as often as catra does). the focus of that interlude was very much family, so their friendship didn't show up much. he just didn't end up getting a lot of scenes in the fic because there's not many bfs scenes in the fic, usually just catra/adora or one of them with a family member.
(all that being said, bow and adora actually have a very similar place in Glimmer's family, where they are both a part of it largely due to their connection with glimmer, but of course bow also has a family of his own. Angella and Micah would take them both in and fight tooth and nail for them in a heartbeat, but they don't really see either of them as their children, even if they're in the family. Angella is still :eyes emoji: hoping for Bow to be her son-in-law. micah is too, of course, but he's a little more chill about it 😂 He also has more paternal instincts towards Adora than Angella does, but that's because they bonded quickly while Adora and Angella did slowly. Their dynamic is a bit like what they had in slas at first tbh, but that was years past by the start of the fic).
honestly i'd like to play with bow more in this verse, but so far i haven't had any scenes i really thought of centering on him/his dynamic with the others. i still need another scene or two at the end of chapter four though, so ill think about it. no promises tho, because i already have some other rough ideas.
i didn't put bow in the character tags because i knew he wasn't going to have enough scenes to justify it. i usually need a character to appear for some nebulous percentage of the fic before i tag them, which is why a lot of my fics which have an ensemble cast only tag catra and adora because there just aren't enough scenes with the others to justify it. conversely i might have a short oneshot where they all speak a decent amount, so i tag them all even though overall they get less lines than they do in a long form au for which they aren't tagged.
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hm. HM. well, it won't be part of this fic, ill say that much, because i know how i want to end this and im doing it dammit XD however, i'll keep it in mind
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Everyone loves a good camp fight.
Sadly, no one else in camp came to help fight the spawn except the current main party (and Astarion, obviously). On the bright side, this is apparently counted as before the long rest, so Hector still had his cloud giant potion up and could absolutely wreck face.
Highly entertained by Astarion's combat, which was AI controlled while the rest of the party was under my control. When it came around to his turn, Astarion wandered over to Hector, cast Invisibility on him despite both of them being DIRECTLY in front of one of the spawn, then moseyed on behind said spawn, tried to hit it with Flourish as a bonus action, missed, wandered away and was smacked by two different opportunity attacks, and then watched as the spawn cast Sense Hidden Presence and knocked Hector right back out of invisiblity.
Phenomenal. Stunning. 10/10 no notes.
Unsurprisingly, all of the spawns vanished into gas clouds and drifted away when they were "killed" so presumably we'll see them again later. (And, probably, they'll tell Cazador that we're coming and planning to kick his ass, but I can't imagine he hasn't guessed that already anyway.)
At the end of the fight, I tried four times to arrange everyone in positions such that Hector would get the post-fight conversation with Astarion; I put him closest to Astarion, I put him farthest away, I made sure Hector was getting the last hit on his turn, but no matter what I did, Astarion would ONLY talk to Karlach for this conversation and I couldn't figure out how to convince him otherwise.
I mean I don't blame him, because Karlach is great, but I would like my player character to have the conversations please. XD
That said - this turned out to be a strangely poignant interaction just because it ended up being these two characters specifically.
I'm going to go with the explanation that Hector darted off to do a perimeter sweep of the camp with Minsc and Jaheira and make sure there were no other lurking spawn hanging about, and Karlach (because she is a sweetheart) hung out with Astarion to make sure he was okay.
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"What a mess. Well, at least you've met my family now."
He's smiling slightly, offhandedly, as if it doesn't matter, but it's not fooling anyone, least of all Karlach, who is a master herself at laughing jocularly at terrible situations she is stuck in.
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"Was it true what they said? That you gave up fighting him long ago?"
It occurs to me that Karlach can relate to that too. Ten years she spent in Zariel's employ (not long for a vampire, but very long for a living tiefling), and there must have come a point where she realized that trying to resist was pointless and doing what was necessary to survive was the only thing left to her (at least until the beacon of hope that was the nautiloid came crashing through the Hells).
Astarion, however, recoils - clearly taking it as a criticism, a condemnation.
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"You don't know what it was like," he snarls. "There was no way out! Once--" His voice cracks abruptly, and he stops and has to take a breath before he can continue. "In my first decade of slavery, I found a... darling boy, who I couldn't bear to bring back to him." He swallows. "So I ran, instead of hurting that... sweet man..."
His voice is thick with the memory, with pain and grief and fear overlaid on themselves across centuries.
"After Cazador caught me, the bastard sealed me, starving, inside a dusty tomb, all on my own... for an entire year."
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"A year of silence. Months of scratching my hands raw, trying to carve my way out. More months of not moving at all. Months wishing only for death."
His mouth tightens - whether with anger or tears or both, it's hard to tell.
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"So don't you ever judge me for doing what Cazador ordered."
(A/N: Someone bring Neil Newbon back and give him another award please.)
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Karlach had the saddest fucking expression on her face through this whole little speech. Perhaps she considers telling him what she went through in return. How Zariel had her trapped in a war she wanted no part of, killing people she had no quarrel with. How sometimes she considered running away but had nowhere to go; how disobedience meant punishment - sometimes of a military sort and sometimes far more personal. How she understands about doing what is necessary to survive, about being trapped in another's cruelty.
But all she says is, "I have no words. I'm so sorry."
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He notices none of the nuance of her response; his expression is twisted in rage at the memories, an anger that is trying to blot out the thickness of tears audible in his voice. "Nothing can make up for that," he mutters hoarsely. "Not even Cazador's death."
Without waiting for a response, he turns and walks away.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
🙃🌟🍏🍎❤️ 👁‍🗨 🍻🌜💃🏹👻☢️🐇📔🖤
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
An embarrassing secret? Really my dear? Fine, I guess I will have to tell you: You were my first kiss! I... I never kissed anyone before you, okay? I know it's probably dumb for a 23 years old woman to say this, but that's the truth, you're the first person I actually developed this kind of feelings for and allowed to get this close to me to actually experience romantic gestures.*sighs and blushes intensely*
🌟 - For a secret wish or desire of theirs
A secret wish of mine would be for you to tell me that you love me back, but I know that'll probably remain just a wish and a dream... Oh well, dreaming is free I guess.
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
Bullies. I wish all of these scums would just disappear off the face of earth, or even better, rot and burn in the darkest pits of hell like they deserve! Especially that little piece of shit Hina....*realizes she's started to speak without thinking to much, under the influences of the strong feeling of anger that took hold of her in the moment, and shuts up before she says something that might come back to slap her back later* Uhmm... I-I mean...*clears her throat awkwardly* Yeah, bullies should just disappear.😅
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
I think a mind reader could come in handy sometimes. It would spare me a lot of trouble and anxiety.
❤️- For a secret crush
Really dear? Are you still going to ask me this question?*raises an eyebrow* Fine, his name starts with an "N" and ends with an "i", you can fill in the rest.
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
I usually don't 'play pretend'. I'm a pretty honest and open person, so if I like something I will say that I like it and if I dislike something, again, I will be open about disliking it. But fiiiine...*sighs* I do like your teasing sometimes, even if I pretend to be annoyed by it. It's rather... hot.*blushes*
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
Okay, this one is a goofy one! There is this one aunt I have that I just can't stand and she hates me too. When I was around 6 or 7, she got on my nerves so bad that I went and poured an entire bowl of tomato broth into her new at the time designers' purse that probably cost her a fortune. You should've seen her face when she found out about it!XD And no one ever knew it was me because I blamed my idiotic, prankster cousin and everyone believed it was him because he did similar stuff too.
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
A weird habit or tic I have?*sigh* You are quite curious with these questions, aren't you? I like to tap my nails on objects when I'm stressed or nervous, but I don't know how much of a 'weird' thing this is.
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
I know some interesting tricks with knives, if you want me to show you!*smirks* But you'll have to keep quiet, carrying blades around isn't the most legal thing out there, is it?
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
I guess making people like me? I don't know, sometimes I feel like people don't really like me that much and I can't help but wonder how can some people be liked by others soo easily.🤔
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
Arachnophobia, I hate spiders, but it's a rather silly fear by some standards so I don't really share it much.
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
I'll tell you about that incident one day... But now's not the right moment. I guess you're not the only one with a 'sitting you down' kind of talk.XD
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
I have a comfort blanket I like to cuddle during thunderstorms, since they scare me and make me feel uneasy. Please don't make fun of me for it!>////<
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
You really have no mercy with those, do you? *Kukki's face goes as red as a tomato from embarrassment* I-I do have a sketchbook in which I draw sometimes and since I know you won't stop pestering me until I admit it... My latest doodles have been of you, okay?>////< I'll show you the best of them, I guess...😳
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(( Mun intermission: Please do not blame Kukki for the poor artistic skills since I had to go meta with this one and use one of my personal drawings I have, so if it's bad, it's on me. Yup, this 'masterpiece' is part of my personal sketchbook of 'wonders' and it's the only decent doodle/sketch I have of Niragi so far. In a way this might be the best "cute anime boy" face I've ever drawn in my life, so that's the best I can offer for now: a more bishonen anime/manga version than what we've got in the manga for Niragi to fit Dori, (not that Niragi's manga version isn't smug either! But I was going more for the Dori version and since I don't do realism, this is the best I could do to try to approximate Dori's godliness). ))
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
Something I wish to do with you my dear? Well, I would like to go on a romantic date with you, but then again, I can understand very well that this will probably remain just a dream and a fantasy!>///<
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seawherethesunsets · 2 years
[re: cheer up]
It was hard for me to interpret something, I was busy with stressing. I get nervous with the thought of her still being in dilemma. I'm so bored because of this dragging in romance side of this drama.
I also had a hard time figuring the meaning of her expression while Sunho was confessing his feelings in the festival. [If you want, I'd like hear your thoughts about that scene in general, too!!] I guess it pulled at her heartstrings and that's why she became unsure about whom to choose when she received one kiss and one confession in Busan.
My guess about the main reason of that sad expression while hugging was that she felt uneasy rejecting him since she listened to his past and saw him crying. HOPE THERE IS NOTHING MORE. Let's end this triangle in one way or another.
As I told you before, I was fine with no romance at all since her relationship with Jung Woo was already very interesting as it is. Then, this love triangle came and never left till ep11. Due to that, there was a significant decrease in their moments and conversations. (For a while, In Hyuk was just a cameo...)
It exhausted me. I want it to end real quick.😅😅 And I can't wait to see them talk again without being interrupted by Sunho.
frienddd, you know I feel you and I get you. Generally, I don't really lean towards love triangles, I just want to peacefully ship my otp y'know xD
That part where haeyi was torn, i just thought that she wavered because she was dejected by the rejections she keeps getting from jungwoo and she probably thought it's time for her to move on since she thought jungwoo really had no feelings for her. And at that moment, after a great performance and her adrenaline high, sunho confessed again, more seriously this time, and I guess she was contemplating if she should accept the person who is in love her and putting herself in sunho's shoes as someone with unrequited love. Tbh, i dont blame her for wavering at that point, because she's probably exhausted trying too hard with the emotional rollercoaster of liking someone.
I have to agree tho, inhyuk's part was significantly decreased, and you're wondering why we get less scenes of the main lead lol but I'm sure with ep 12 onwards we'll see it more focused. I enjoy them being cuties and chaotic, but i've been fastforwarding the past few eps to see more important plot cuts haha.
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