#' they're both physical people so i think their sex life would be..... healthy
purrvoke · 2 years
❤ why not
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𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 ; 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 !
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex;  Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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ettawritesnstudies · 8 months
Aspec ship prompts
because I can't find something like this and so I guess I have to make it myself. This is meant for characters on the aromantic or asexual spectrums (grey-ace, demi-ace, romance-favorable, etc.) who are in relationships but doesn't erase that part of their identity
not realizing s/o has a crush on them for *forever* until told explicitly, and being extremely flustered by the attention
s/o giving them time to think through their feelings after the confession, without pressuring them to make a decision
s/o understanding that their affections might not be reciprocated immediately, if at all, and being ok with keeping their relationship as a qpr or a strong friendship in that case.
being unsure if their emotional reaction is anxiety or the "butterflies in your stomach" of a crush
worrying if they'll be a good s/o because they don't "get" romance or sex, but wanting their partner to be happy - needing clear and healthy communication about expectations and boundaries
s/o reassuring them they love them for who they are, and not just what they can do in a relationship
not having a first kiss/first date/first relationship until they're considered a "late bloomer" by allos
learning how to recognize feelings of attraction and being routinely baffled by new emotions (and physical reactions) but enjoying the experience nonetheless
treating "dating" as a vector for reaching marriage, because why would you casually date someone if you don't intend to spend the rest of your life with them? relationships are few and far between, but more serious than their peers (especially in high school/college) (especially especially if raised in a religious household)
slowly testing the waters of physical affection: hand holding -> hugging -> cuddling -> kissing -> etc. and checking that each other are both comfortable at each stage
letting the aspec person initiate the next "level" of intimacy to signal they're ok with that
Alternate ways of showing affection like head butts, linking arms, using s/o as a pillow, kisses but on the hand, shoulder, cheek, etc. instead of lips
boundary levels changing depending on their mood and circumstances
Avoiding PDA, maybe even in front of friends or family because it just feels far far too intimate and awkward
Still gagging at other people's PDA
thinking in terms of "building" or "growing" in love, instead of "falling" in love
it's very important to the aspec one that their relationship doesn't eclipse their other friendships - making the effort to keep in touch, having the s/o be part of the friend group and the friends feel welcomed in their home to avoid 3rd wheel awkwardness
trying (and failing) to flirt with the s/o but its endearing anyhow because the attempt was made
Completely not understanding the premise of "They're a 10 but-" or having a "type", the answer to questions like that being "My type is s/o" or "They're a 0 unless they're s/o"
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felassanis · 5 months
I think the established separation of sex from your relationship with Astarion when the two of you become more serious serves to be a good thing for him of course. But could potentially be a good thing for The Dark Urge too.
Because like Astarion. Durge just...doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. How could they?
They've been raised as Faerun's version of the bloody antichrist. Their whole life has been nothing but murder. Violence. Blood.
We don't know canonically what Durge's relationship with sex is, but we can assume it's NOT healthy. (Especially considering they were likely a necrophiliac) We can assume sex, as described by Bhaalists, was just a means to breed more Bhaalspawn. Durge has been surrounded by a culture that treats sex, not as an act of love or connection or even just casual fun, but about reproduction. Furthering Bhaal. It's about power. We can assume sex in Bhaalist culture is not particularly...gentle.
Durge probably had an unhealthy way of going about sex. Similarly, sex for Astarion is rooted in degradation and dehumanisation. For BOTH of them sex has been dehumanising.
So for Astarion to request that they just...don't do that in order for him to try and be with them genuinely without the horrible feeling of disgust creeping up on him. Because he CARES for them. I can imagine Durge (a redeeming durge of course) understanding it, but later on...probably realises they needed that too. To try and navigate a real relationship that isn't overshadowed by cults or daddy dearest. To just exist with someone in a way that ensures both of them focus on affection and trust over physical intimacy. It's about true intimacy.
These are two people who have not known love. Who are strangers to trust. And navigating their relationship without sex allows Astarion to grow in a relationship wheres he's love for who he is, rather than what he can offer. And for The Dark Urge? It would probably allow them to learn how to be gentle. To be affectionate, freely giving their love in a way they've never before.
Idk I think they're neat.
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neptune-scythe · 7 months
Reasons Kanej is very important to me
AKA my Ace manifesto
Most romance in media is very physical/sex driven, so as a sex repulsed asexual with sensitivities to touch and skin to skin contact, that can get very irritating. Partially because I just don't like to watch it, but also because I can't relate to it at all. It's completely foreign to me. And as someone who can tend to be very influenced by what I watch/read, having physical intimacy hyped in that way can be very misleading. Physical attraction/intimacy is ultimately hollow and isn't sustainable long term if that's all your relationship is based on, and if you're seeing those kinds of relationships portrayed as successful and fulfilling than you would expect it to be the same in real life... which will ultimately lead to a lot of confusion and disappointment. It's very easy to write a relationship just for sex appeal, or pair two actors together because they're attractive; and chances are most people will be satisfied by that.
But that's not love... that's attraction. The media has blurred the difference between those words, so young people growing up with TV and social media are being told that sexual and physical attraction is love, when, in reality, it is just that, attraction and lust.
Real love can include those elements, but it certainly doesn't have to. Real love is about emotional connection, it's about knowing and caring about each other. It's so much deeper than simply thinking someone is attractive or wanting physical intimacy with them. And there are so many more ways that people experience love and romance than just sex, and that is rarely shown in media.
That is why Kanej means so much to me. They're not just another couple that fits the societal "standard" for romance. Their relationship is built on trust, friendship, understanding one another, and wanting the best for the other. All things that are sustainable, the things that really matter. And I know both characters have expressed a desire for a more intimate, physical relationship, but I believe they can have a perfectly fulfilling relationship without that. And while I do absolutely want them to heal from their traumas, I do not think that means they have to be touchy or have a sexual relationship. I would love to see them heal enough to be comfortable in close proximity to each other, to hold hands, maybe even share a kiss; but I don't think they need those things to be a healthy couple, and I don't think that achieving that comfort is the only way they can heal.
In conclusion, despite kanej not being a canonically ace couple, I feel represented by them, I feel my experiences are seen and validated. They give me hope that should I ever desire a romantic relationship, it is possible to find one that I can be comfortable in, that doesn't require physical intimacy to be healthy and long lasting. I adore Kanej, and I will protect them at all costs.
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atmosphericradar · 3 months
I recently finished the first volume X Gender by Asuka Miyazaki. The Goodreads reviews for this first manga volume talk about how messy it is from a representation perspective, and how it's probably not a great introduction to gender and sexuality (especially anyone who might need a supportive voice in this regard: e.g. newly-minted trans and non-binary people, or anyone currently exploring their sexuality more than owning it).
My girlfriend found it for me when we were both browsing at a book store. I hadn't heard of the manga before yesterday, though I get the impression after reading Goodreads that there is someone recommending this manga to a general "weird in the gender" audience. I don't think this would have been a healthy read for me back in 2021 when it was first published, but I am not certain of that.
As someone who entered queerness at the end of their 20's, and still has a long way to go in terms of living my truth (publicly and privately), I found X Gender a refreshingly honest perspective. Many people early in their journey out the closet will consume tons of media (social or otherwise) featuring physically attractive, fashionable queer people. It's aspirational, and it often breeds jealousy and self-hatred.
In online spaces like Tumblr, so-called "baby queers" are told that this kind of "beautiful people" media creates unrealistic expectations (true!), but then turn around and produce tons of media featuring emotionally exceptional, unproblematic queer people. The aspiration never goes away, it just becomes a degree in gender studies and intersectional feminism. Physically idealized or mentally idealized, both media landscapes uphold lofty expectations.
X Gender attempts to honestly depict an imperfect human being's life experiences. The main character isn't a beautiful, charismatic androgyne who charms people with their quirks. They aren't a saintly therapist who lives above the gendered anxieties of their culture. They're a nerd in their 30's living with their mom, who is still unpacking their trauma and gender and sexuality. They have uncommon, perhaps unkind views on relationships and families. They burnt social bridges, and have few close friends. They're bitter and anxious and self-centered. They have a fraught relationship with sex and with their own body.
This is not the story of someone who has their life in order (if it was, it would probably center the character of the General). But a lot of queer people online don't have their lives in order either! We live in a messy world, where coming out as LGBTQ commonly makes someone's life very disorderly! The pressure to be presentable, to be desirable by whatever metrics, is intense. I constantly worry that I'm not "being queer correctly", like I need to earn the privilege of being nonbinary. Reading a story about a realistically flawed person - that never once questions their own non-cis gender despite their society and their personal issues - is validating in ways I've as-of-yet rarely experienced.
Ultimately, I agree that this manga isn't for queer kids fresh out of cis-het society. It's probably not for a lot of people! There are almost certainly better English-language texts out there explaining the Japanese queer scene. But this manga does say "anyone can be queer, even someone you might find objectionable" without wavering. And that was important for me to hear.
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punch-love · 8 months
conflict anon here again and im SO GLAD you agree man. i think what really gets me about it is that i was specifically searching for conflict-packed fic and that's why i was so let down. i also feel like authors are entitled to write whatever they want forever but it just FEELS to me when im reading their fics like they would be happier writing something more domestic, and i want to find something where they're more feral.
i want the ID reveal and the relationship-confirming to cause MORE problems, hell i want them to get together and blow out into a massive argument and breakup then have breakup sex and get back together and then realize the sex didn't actually fix anything and then break up again but they can't stop being obnoxiously in each others space either way
but it feels like fic im trying to find like this fights the very concept of conflict so hard and wants one singular plot point to fix everything as quickly as possible without even walking me through the characters' insight as to HOW that fixed anything other than "problem over, let's be together forever now!" let alone the level of conflict that'd be so engaging like that with a million curveballs
im so aware its a personal taste thing its just been frustrating reading fic after fic after fic and finding so little of it. its no ones fault i can't find fic perfectly tailored to my tastes specifically, i just tend to ramble about my frustration. you and oprime and sci and a couple other authors are my favorite for writing it the way you do, she's not gonna die today will always be one of my favorite fics of all time because it gave me that ever persisting conflict driven by their obsessive need to stick together even when they're fighting every step of the way. i just always get into a longwinded ramble when this comes up and i was hoping youd like to share your thoughts so thank you for answering 🙏
I think this pairing kind of presents a unique challenge to writers (at least it did for me) that action and conflict is such a huge, borderline essential part of their canonical dynamic. If you're not used to writing/utilizing both physical and emotional conflict, your stories can often fall so, so flat for these two, specifically because that's the fuel that makes the engine run. The first true action scene I ever wrote was chapter two of love-punch, and I like, now I'm an action writer for life now (editing an action sequence as we speak) but I had to get out of my comfort zone because I realized that type of stories I wanted to write about them required them to beat the shit out of each other to work.
These two are definitely not problem solvers so much as shit starters. I feel like for them, the problems they actually have to solve are the ways they perceive each other (because both of them heavily project onto the other) and what that means long-term for their relationship - every other form of conflict, to me, is up for grabs forever when it comes to their relationship. The shit talking, ass kicking, and fire starting is what makes them, them.
I've said this before, but a lot of people write fanfiction as an exploration of their own ideal relationships. (which is absolutely fine) I think spideypool is a difficult sell though, for that specific fantasy, because their relationship operates on instability and violence primarily. I think most people aren't looking for a relationship where your communication consists of name-calling, beat downs, and moral differences so severe it makes you almost kill each other a lot. That, does not make a good, a good or healthy real world relationship but SUCH a fun fictional one. People are going to write their fantasies out, though, and that fantasy is that one kiss/one fuck/one confession creates relationship fueled bliss forever because many people, hate conflict - both experiencing and reading it. It sucks, if you're a reader who likes problems. I also always say this, but I encourage you to channel that energy into writing your own work. It's what I did, and it paid off so great for me because now I have 12 works specifically catered to my own personal needs exclusively. Fandom is always going to suck, but you can be the change! (and if you don't want to write, that's cool too, sometimes it's good just to get your qualms out into the world and find people who agree)
tagging @primewritessmut again so she can read your praise straight from the source.
It's a tough fandom if you really like their canonical dynamic more than their fanon one, I feel you man. I am always holding a prayer circle that more writers who like problems more than they like easy resolutions joins in and starts writing some real fucked up shit.
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kakashihasibs · 10 months
the character everyone gets wrong
sweaty soggy noodle man kakashi is who this is all going to be about so. I don't think everyone gets him wrong. a lot of people do but it's usually bc they're too horny to care lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
have you seen him? have you felt his vibes? he is lazy by nature and recoils away from most physical contact that isn't necessary to do his job (and even he doesn't seem to enjoy it). there are like 7 total people he even lets see his face (while knowing it is his face) and most of them are dead by the time he is 13. hang out? sure. do nice domestic couple things? sounds lovely. get naked and fuck? so an enemy can kill him or a loved one while he's distracted? no. he probably has tried scheduling his shits and showers with gai so he's never actually vulnerable. he's also so ace.
Aubu kakashi: "Tenzō I need you to stand outside the bathroom while I shit." baby tenzō: on it boss (thinks this is completely normal bc he is also in anbu)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
uhhh that kakashi would not only have sex but would want you to call him daddy. that nearly 50 year kakashi who has never worn sunscreen in his life shouldn't actually look old/older. that a young looking kakashi is a health looking kakashi.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
lol that insinuation that looking young is healthy
5. worst discord server and why
i have never been in a discord server longer than a few days. idk.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
facebook dude bro fans whoops i misread this. i thought it just said fans. but shipping fans? idk kakairu is a notp for me but the fans aren't overly annoying? maybe the painfully ooc readerx shippers. I haven't seen many in a while tho so
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Iruka lol but only when shipped with kakashi. annoying loud-mouth chunin. whatever dude.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
kakashi fucks and gai doesn't
9. worst part of canon
it's naruto man. everything after the land of waves arc lol
10. worst part of fanon
the bumbling husband and nagging wife characterizations from the kakairu fanon.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
bruh lots idk lol
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
tenzō T-T
13. worst blorboficiation
i'm pro blorbo. i am rotating these fictional men in my mind at all times.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i don't know.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
fangs v-v and scars.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
people who love kakashi but don't give a shit about gai. those two are like a packaged deal in my mind. can't have one without the other. they are eternal rivals after all.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sometimes i just really need a deep dive into kakashi's head. i love the character study type stuff.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
younger gai and tenzō bumping into each other bc they're both watching kakashi stand at the memorial stone bc they're both worried.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
there is nothing i am mad/ashamed/horrified about but if you're wondering yes i do enjoy the fanarts of kakashi in bondage. lol
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
the flashbacks are out of control. my memory isn't great but it's not that fucking bad holy shit girl
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
idk i feel like the parts of fandom i interact with are pretty realistic about how good something in Naruto is
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Yaknow how Obito's dream that naruto sees is Obito is back in konoha and becoming hokage but Rin is still dead? like what does obito wish had changed? I think it's if Minato had recognized him. I think Obito was actually praying and hoping for Minato to realize who he was fighting. Obito had a seal on his heart. Minato could have saved him if Minato pulled his head out of his ass for more that 5 mins at a time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
none. my kakashi stubbornness knows no bounds
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
idk kakashi discourse is easy for me to ignore.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
none. i love hatefulness drama and kakashi.
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could you do Jeia for the otp ask please? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
1. Who fell for the other one first? They both fell for each other at the same time. Ever since they laid eyes on each other back when they were babies.
2. Was it love at first sight? Yes
3. Was it lust at first sight? They were babies.
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other? Jay loves Leia's nose and smile. Leia loves Jay's eyes and smile.
5. What personality trait do they love the most about each other? Jay loves Leia's warmth and kindness. Leia loves Jay's generosity and sincerity.
6. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other? Probably Leia's hoodie back when Jay didn't kiss her. And the Vista Cruiser for Leia.
7. What is something they’d want to change about the other if they could? Nothing really
8. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family? Donna and Eric used to be like aunt and uncle to him so him dating Leia was an adjustment but the love was still there.
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)? Despite Eric’s interrogation and strictness, he does think Jay’s a good kid and wants his daughter to be happy. Same with Donna. Kristie teases Jay a bit, but does think he’s a good guy. Brooke and Kelso love Leia and are happy that Jay is with her. Betsy and Leia are friends. Jay and Leia have most of the same friends and they’re really supportive.
10. Have they had romantic partners before? Jay dated Serena but it wasn’t serious as he still had feelings for Leia. Leia didn’t really date anyone pre Jay. She’s had crushes and have kissed people before but not serious.
11. Are they a healthy couple? If no, why not? Yes. Even though they have had their issues, I do believe they were.
12. Do they have potential to be healthy if they’re usually toxic? Yes.
13. Do they have potential to be toxic if they’re usually healthy? Also yes. If Leia didn’t open up about her insecurities and Jay wasn’t honest with her.
14. What song fits them perfectly? Our Song
15. Do they like the same music? Some of it, yeah
16. Do they like the same food? See #15
17. What do they have in common? They both are the younger sibling (Kris and Leia are more like sisters than cousins), both total goofballs, don't make the best decisions, have good hearts, etc.
18. What is their sex life like? Leia was a little nervous about their first time, but Jay reassured her that he loves her and fine doing whatever is comfortable. But after that first time, they're pretty active.
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not? Not exactly, only when planning surprises.
20. Are they interested in marriage? Why or why not? They're 15. In the future, they're married with triplets.
21. Are they interested in having children? Why or why not? They're 15. In the future, they're married with triplets.
22. Do you have other ships that resemble your OTP? Donna and Eric
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy? In the beginning, Leia is the bottom but after that, nope. Equally in control.
24. Are there any kinks or fetishes they share or don’t? Maybe not in the beginning, but they do sometimes play songs while doing it (mostly so their parents don't catch them lol)
25. Are they sentimental about gifts they’ve received from each other? YES
26. What holidays do they like? Christmas and Halloween
27. How do they feel about Valentine’s day? Not their fave (also they're away from each other :(. But they do give each other virtual gifts.
28. Are they jealous/possessive of each other? Ehh. Jay wouldn't exactly be thrilled when finding out about neia's first kiss but the main reason is moreso because of Nikki and less to do with Leia. Leia would be a little jealous at first, seeing Mikayla at his house. But for the most part, meh.
29. Do they like public display of affection? Yes.
30. Do they enjoy dancing? Yes.
31. What’s a perfect date for them? A romantic picnic
32. How do they comfort each other? Cuddles, kisses, hugs, snuggles, etc.
33. Who is the big spoon and why? Jay because he loves holding Leia in his arms.
34. What’s their favorite nonsexual activity together? Hanging out at the mall.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time? Well, they already have to, since they're in a long distance relationship. Mostly just call, write, video chat, focus on their hobbies, etc.
36. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.) Lips
37. Have they ever hurt each other on accident? Yes
38. Have they ever hurt each other deliberately? They try to in "The Rave" but ehh.
39. Who gets hit on the most? Jay obviously, but the idea of Leia getting hit on a lot and Jay being jealous sounds fun..
40. Who tries to distract the other when they’re trying to do something else? Leia
41. Who is, overall, the smarter one? Both equally smart.
42. Who is the sensible mature one? Come on, have you watched the show lol? Neither of them. They're just immature in different ways.
43. Do they fight a lot? No.
44. How do they make up after a fight? Kissing and hugs. Sometimes makeup sex.
45. If one of them forgot to log out of their SoMe, what would their partner do? Neither log out of their social media.
46. How do they make each other laugh? Lighthearted jokes and Jamie would jump all over them.
47. Are they extroverts/introverts? Leia, I see as a shy extrovert/introvert. Jay is an extrovert.
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal? Jay
49. Do they match outfits for special occasions? Not really.
50. Who would protect who in a dangerous situation? Both.
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badmusejail · 10 months
sunday special!
Gaster loves freely and strongly; the post about "I just met you and I love you" is mostly a joke, but it's also somewhat true in that Gaster very quickly comes to love the people around him.
Once he has a name and face and some personality and understanding to a person, he starts to respect them as a person and not just a faceless entity, and he loves life and loves people. He's highly empathetic, and the entire drive of his existence is to help people, and he very quickly comes to sympathize with their struggles and life.
That being said, Gaster is also an aromatic asexual who doesn't really distinguish between types of love and has no desire to love in a romantic or sexual way. He leans very heavily into platonic love, and the unrestrained showing of said love.
He's not afraid of love and he's not afraid of demonstrating or proclaiming it.
Most usually, he prefers to show his affection by laying on or against someone, especially towards the end of the night when its time to relax or 'sleep.' Many times he shows his affection through 'bumping,' lightly tapping the other person, commonly with his entire body while passing by or with his forehead while sitting.
He does not like to be kissed; as he finds the saliva disgusting. Hugs are acceptable for brief periods as long as you don't crush him. He's neutral on hand holding, but it's not his favorite, especially since he's so used to wanting his hands free to sign.
He's fond of giving small gifts--just the sort of things he passes in a supermarket, 'this made me think of you.' He will accept gifts in turn, and is quite adamant about accepting even things he doesn't particularly care for.
He's not super prone to acts of service--he prefers to trust that the people in his life are capable adults that can handle their own business and that his help may not necessarily be wanted or even actually be helpful. That being said, he's more than willing to help if someone wants him to; it just has to be an explicit acceptance. He's not going to push boundaries and force someone to accept help they don't want.
Although Gaster isn't personally interested in romantic or sexual relationships, he may engage in them if its initiated by the other party. At that point, it becomes more of a logical contemplation to him--if he can see himself living with this person and spending most of his time with them for quite possibly the rest of his life. Basically, if he thinks they're compatible enough to share their lives that intimately.
Unfortunately, in his standard verse, he's more likely than not to decline any advances, as he feels that he's not mentally healthy enough to engage in a relationship, and it wouldn't be fair to put pressure on another person to deal with it. That being said, once he recovers to some degree, he'd be more willing to explore and settle down with someone.
Despite being aromantic, he actually is extremely susceptible to romantic gestures; he finds them very sweet; the fact that anyone would go out of their way to prepare something special for his sake shouldn't be ignored, even if it's not particularly something he enjoys.
But, above all, being kind, open, and understanding will get you the furthest with him. (To be fair, being intelligent doesn't hurt either.) He probably already loves you.
As for the ~steamy~ headcanons... Untagged triggers for sexual topics and pregnancy below; mostly passing mentions.
Gaster is an skeleton with no physical sexual characteristics, and he doesn't really have much interest in toying around with human penises or vaginas. They are very strange, thank you.
Gaster can and will engage in Soul Sex if he likes someone and trusts that they can handle the burden of his emotions and memories when entwining their SOULs.
That being said, it's also not impossible for physical affection to just naturally progress into sex if both parties are consenting to it.
Gaster is capable of carrying a child despite the fractured state of his SOUL, and would be willing to do so if his partner is interested in that. However, just because he's immortal doesn't mean that the child is, and if his physical body is destroyed during the pregnancy, the child would die even though he'd reform a few days later.
His most sensitive parts are his spine and ribs, which can invoke a carnal pleasure when stroked; most particularly the internal facing side of his ribs. For that reason, touching him there without consent is likely to get you thrown; and there's really no reason you should be, anyways.
Getting rough with him is also likely to get you thrown.
He can tolerate some mild aggression, such as nibbling on his bones, but he doesn't like it.
He may be morbidly curious about kinks and toys, but it's unlikely he'll enjoy or commit to any of them.
To him, love and sex is about union and harmony; the ultimate bond; sharing their very SOULs. While he understands that many people pursue sex for pleasure and has no problem with them doing so, this is not an end you're likely to get out of him.
He's not inherently opposed to polyamory; but is aware that his anxiety would likely pose too much of a threat to a healthy polyamorous relationship.
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aleatoryw · 2 years
"but if the pro life movement wants you to have a baby, why not support child welfare programs or healthcare for new mothers?" they want all welfare programs ended and every child cared for exclusively by their parents, preferably with a stay at home mother and a working father.
"but if the pro life movement thinks abortion is killing a child, why not support sex education and contraception to prevent abortions?" they want all sex to take place within the confines of a marriage with the express purpose of creating a child.
"oh so they REALLY just want to control women?" well yes and no. what a lot of leftists and liberals don't seem to understand is that the right isn't perfectly sincere about their beliefs, but they're not secretly scheming to make women's lives worse on purpose (not most of them, anyway). the Christian right has a very specific idea of how they think society should work. they believe at one point in the mysticized past, it DID work that way. and they believe with enough laws and cultural outage, they can blunt force pummel society into working that way again.
it doesn't matter that sex ed actually causes teens to wait until later in life to become sexually active, they want teens (and adults!) to be abstinent so abstinence only will be taught. it doesn't matter if child welfare saves lives, they want the nuclear family to reign, so welfare will be eliminated. with gay and trans bans, there is a genuine belief that if they never hear about it, kids won't be gay or trans. if gay partnerships aren't allowed, if being publicly transgender isn't allowed, maybe queer people will become happy, healthy, cishet members of society. the woman pregnant after a one night stand would actually be happier in their eyes if she married the man she slept with, left the work force, and raised the baby. if she says this would make her unhappy, she's wrong.
and to be clear, it doesn't matter that the vision of society they have - with everyone in independent nuclear families, no drug use, no deviant sexual behavior, no non-Christian religious beliefs or practices, no physical limitations that prevent you from a full-time job or cause you to need (gasp) an abortion - does not exist, has never existed, and never can exist. they will use every tool at their disposal to try to bring it about anyway.
i keep seeing those first two suggestions - newborn welfare and contraception - brought up as actual ideas that we could unite both sides to implement, and I need people to understand who we're dealing with here and why they will never support either of those things. we're seeing a pretty rapid rise of right wing extremism so get it through your heads now: fascism isn't logical. it cares about the idea of society, not the actual people who live in it. the "pro-life" movement will never help us.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
What are some of your favorite MegOp headcanons? Have you implemented some in your fics?
A lot of the ones that come to mind are really small/inconsequential ones. Most of them are shown/hinted at in my NATP series, but they come up in varying shades in my other WIPs too.
(A lot of these headcanons ended up being on the suggestive/NSFW side, sorry in advance if that's a problem haha.)
Megatron is meticulous about hygiene and cleanliness because, since he used to be a miner, he enjoys having the comfort of being able to look "neat" rather than just "functional." Plus, looking neat and put-together is a requirement to look like the imposing leader that he was/is. It's not a matter of vanity, but a matter of diligence.
This means that one of Megatron's "love languages" is helping Optimus clean in the shower. It's about the physical closeness, the trust in letting someone else take care of you, and also the chance to pamper Optimus. Despite appearances, Megatron likes doing the pampering because, well... who's ever come to Megatron of all people for comfort and a gentle touch? Sometimes Megatron wants the chance to dote lovingly.
Optimus is the more experienced with intimacy/romance between the two of them. Back when he was very young, he was a lot less reserved and had fewer responsibilities. I imagine he had a few propositions that he took up casually, even if none of them (romantic or sexual) ever panned out. I feel like TF fandom tends to headcanon OP as prudish or downright virginal, but I actually think his personality lends itself to casual encounters or even outright sluttiness tee hee because I see Optimus as being mature about sex and unashamed about expressing/having desires, because, well, it's just sex right? No need to be squeamish or judgmental about about it.
Though despite this, I do think that Optimus IS reserved when it comes to having actual romantic feelings. He's not super expressive, and he keeps a lot of his feelings (especially the more tumultuous ones) to himself. I think he doesn't fall for people easily, but when he does, he falls hard, and his devotion becomes unshakable.
IMO, Megatron is the type that was too focused on his writing and ambitions for the future to really be interested in romantic/sexual relationships. Then, the more his life went to shit, he completely threw the idea of emotional attachments and personal relationships out of the window, so when would he have any romantic/sexual relationships since then? (Sometimes I headcanon him as a virgin, sometimes I don't, but in general I think his experience ranges from little to none whatsoever.) Even in a world free from slut-shaming or gendered norms, I feel like Megatron isn't the type to have sex unless it's with someone he really knows/trusts/likes. It's just not a need that he has unless the right person is available. (Optimus haha)
So basically, Optimus is the one who chases Megatron, and Megatron is the one who provokes. Except simultaneously, Optimus is the one with more healthy relationship experience, while Megatron has almost none. It leads to this captivating dynamic where they're both eternally provoking and being provoked, each one being fucked up in their own way that the other one compensates for, and it's just... *vague gesturing* symbolic, or something
Even when I'm not writing sticky, all of my IDW MegOP takes these basic ideas into account. Megatron and Optimus are basically both touch-starved in different ways, and craving intimacy that both of them were denied due to their life history and leadership responsibilities. Though it's also because of that history that they also Can't Be Normal About Each Other. So I imagine IDW MegOP as like, mutual devotion so deep it borders on obsession, compared with intimate knowledge of each other that transcends words or description. They don't really have any "favorite couple activities" per se because just being together after so long is enough. They've caused each other so much grief that something as simple as going on a walk together or cuddling at night is a precious novelty on its own. So they're this weird mix of being extremely lovey-dovey with each other, while simultaneously being a bit emotionally constipated? They both have issues and are enamored with each other, and whether it's in an obvious way or a deeply buried psychological way, they just kind of stare at each other, mutually aware that they're Weird and this is Not A Normal Relationship, except they keep going because all that baggage can only be unpacked at a gradual pace. It's very... complicated haha. I hope that satisfies what you were asking for?
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dhaaruni · 1 year
Hi! Hope you’re having a good day - mines been pretty shit tbh so if the tone of this is dumb I’m sorry and it’s also very long and rambling so feel free to ignore but I’m just kind of shocked to see you defend being bdsm (aka being against the sexualisation of abuse and violence particularly against women)?
Like ‘what a man does in the privacy of his own home is his own business’ has always been peoples response to mens abuse. I just don’t understand how is it not incredibly fucked to get off on abuse? How is the physical damage done when strangling/beating/hurting someone in one of the millions of ways people (men) hurt each other (women) different when done consensually? If my boyfriend hits me during sex why is it a big deal if he does it during an argument if he didn’t even hit me as hard during the argument as he did in bed? What if he strangled me in bed (something that could kill me and is one of the biggest indicators that a man will kill you) then hitting me isn’t actually that bad in comparison considering the level of harm. What is the difference between ‘after care’ and bringing your girlfriend flowers after hitting her? How does it not create the same trauma bond? A lot of people into bdsm make it very clear that they are mentally unwell (not judging, I am too just different poor coping mechanisms) and I just don’t see how being a masochist different from self harm. How is bdsm not the biggest example of rape culture? How can you recognise the patriarchy’s influence on so many womens choices but not the choice to want to submit sexuality? How are teen girls supposed to cope with their boyfriends literally wanting to beat and rape them but all the adult sources around them are telling them thats totally normal and not dangerous they just need to consent? Because teenage girls are amazing at enforcing their boundaries and totally don’t give in to peer pressure or do things they don’t want to do for male approval. How are you meant to break up with a man who you know enjoys and is capable of beating and raping you?
TLDR : I’m just trying to understand your perspective because it seems very contradictory to your other views like being against rape, violence against women, anti racist, anti incest ect. just everything that bdsm sexualises and normalises
No you're all good, I don't mind answering lol. I'm not letting this be reblogged for obvious reasons though.
I completely agree with you in that societally speaking, BDSM is constantly used to excuse violence against women and it's really fucked up to get off on hurting others, and any man that says they're into BDSM on principle should likely be in jail.
That said, I also think that in the context of consensual romantic sexual relationships between adults, it's possible to enjoy certain things on occasion that aren't super vanilla on principle. And, I'm not really talking about hookups here, I'm talking long-term relationships with people you trust lol. I'm also not giving teenagers sex advice and I think "blowjobs are empowering" feminism that young millennials and Gen Z was raised on did more harm than good to our perceptions of healthy sexuality, but the rumors are true: I, an unmarried adult woman, enjoy sex with people I romantically like and trust as people lmao.
But to clarify, I'm really not a proponent of anything truly extreme, and I'm extremely intentional about setting boundaries and if anybody crosses them, they get blocked and banned for life. I'm generally cool with trying sex positions, but both parties always have veto privileges if something is painful or uncomfortable or simply not enjoyable. And personally, anything involving metal, spanking or hitting, choking, etc. are all total no-gos for me and I will never be swayed on that. A light hand on the neck is not remotely the same thing as asphyxiation, and to even get to that point, I need to trust the guy.
And, I would never trust let alone fuck a guy who can't get off without that stuff! My point is that it's okay to try things out, whether that's basic kink or weird sex positions that you fall out of and laugh at yourselves, not what you do every single time you have sex. If a guy whines about women being boring in bed or "vanilla," kick the man to the curb lmao.
All that said, I would never tell women they're bad people if they are against stuff I'm personally comfortable with. My point is just that sex isn't like a cut and dry thing, and it's really healthy to communicate and discuss what you like and don't like with your partner.
Does that make sense lol?
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mewtonian-physics · 2 years
*cocks gun* give us the essay on the bad ships. Or talk abt his good relationships if you prefer (ppl really do refuse to take the shipping goggles off fr)
i will do BOTH
however i will talk about his positive relationships in a second post so people who don't want to see the entire salt mines i contain about this can still get the good content. because i am about to be an unrepentant hater.
so. from the information i've gathered, there are four 'main' raiden ships that people seem to split up between. (there are more minor ones but they all suck too and i don't want to talk about them because many of them venture into the downright horrifying.) those four ships are with the following individuals: rosemary, solid snake, vamp, and jetstream sam. now, when it comes to ships, i go in for the ones that are healthy and don't completely butcher the involved characters, so if anyone's reading this who doesn't give a shit about that then i guess this post won't mean anything to you. this still applies if it's a solely physical relationship--'friends with benefits' still involves them actually being, y'know, able to stand each other, and 'hate sex' as a concept is just... no thanks. plus even in those cases a lot of this kind of thing would still require completely ignoring the characters' actual personalities. not for me, thank you!
bonus points in this particular case because raiden already has so many awful, toxic relationships in his life and i simply do not see why anyone would feel the need to add more. anyway, time to actually get into my complaints. i'm not going to be super tactful about this. or tactful at all, really. you've been warned.
i have talked about the rose thing many times already so i'm just going to skip her because i'm not sure what else there is to say.
i've also touched on the problems with vamp. i like vamp just fine as his own character, but that doesn't mean i don't still disapprove of this idea. they're incompatible by virtue of one of them doesn't really give that much of a shit and just wants to die and the other one is perfectly fine making that happen. yes, yes, vamp is freud's best friend, but that doesn't mean shit on an emotional level and i doubt it really means much if anything on a physical level either. this one would either be vastly unhealthy or ridiculously inaccurate. moving on!
next up i want to talk about solid snake. i'll be honest here, i just do not like the guy, but that isn't the reason why i don't like this ship. again, this one would be incredibly unhealthy. raiden clearly looks up to snake, i'd go so far as to call it hero worship--he seems to think of snake almost as a mentor figure, which, considering the fact that the man who he grew up with and who 'taught him everything' was another of big boss's clones, isn't that much of a surprise. meanwhile, during mgs2, snake... does not treat him like an equal in the slightest. quite the opposite, in fact. even beyond consistently belittling him for his (perceived) lack of experience, rarely giving him any actual positive acknowledgement, insulting him behind his back, and generally just being an asshole... well, this is my hot take: snake doesn't treat raiden that much better than any of the other major players do. he isn't actively trying to kill raiden (but then again, neither are the patriots, for most of it), but other than that, let's run over the list: manipulating raiden, check, lying to him, check, betraying him and throwing him to the wolves when it suits his purposes, check! (also, he basically ignores raiden actively having a mental breakdown and just says a bunch of cryptic and unhelpful shit. how caring of him, i say sarcastically.)
and to say nothing of mgs4! holy shit, mgs4 is bad on the raiden-and-snake front. raiden literally throws himself into danger constantly and almost dies three separate times while trying to protect snake. he WOULD HAVE died at the end there if snake hadn't finally gotten him to stop with the suicide missions. 'my body is a machine, i can take it' you can't put metal in the microwave for a goddamn reason. aaaaand aside from having a couple decent moments, snake is... still an asshole. he tried to take raiden to shadow moses island when he was dying and by the time he finally changed his mind (because a CHILD had to convince him not to) he was telling raiden he had a family when he had already been very clearly told that no, no he doesn't. of course raiden has a breakdown. and snake ignores him. again. raiden pours his heart out and begs snake not to leave him alone and snake just says 'this is my fight' and leaves. that's it. like i said, he has a few moments, but by and large i think it's pretty obvious that raiden cares a lot more about snake than snake does about him.
the inherent emotional and power imbalance that would be and is present in any relationship (platonic (which is what we actually see), romantic, sexual, anything) between the two of them downright horrifies me. raiden would be putting almost all of the work into it for very little in return, and i just... i can't accept that. he deserves better than that.
aaaaaaand jetstream sam. christ. this one is so popular, and for what? for what? their first meeting is sam helping murder a man raiden truly respects and considers a friend. and then maiming him. including destroying one of the only organic parts he has left. all the while mocking him and then almost killing him, too.
and their second meeting doesn't go any better. sam immediately and cheerfully starts messing with raiden's mind, employing brutal psychological warfare to the point that raiden almost lets himself get killed because he's too damn nice for his own good and can barely bring himself to fight back against the people trying to kill him.
this is, of course, all while sam is working for desperado, a company that is kidnapping children off the streets and turning them into brainwashed cyborg soldiers, aka some of the most horrifying things raiden's been put through in his life at the same time. and then he has the nerve to try and take the moral high ground.
and then there's the third meeting! in which they once again try to kill each other. the fact that sam is calling raiden a pretty boy and saying to 'show [him] a good time' during this fight does not mean anything. he's not flirting with him, he's mocking him. his tendency to do that is literally one of his most blatant character traits. it's creepy. and even if he was flirting, that's not nearly enough to build anything off of.
the fact that he decides to help raiden at the end also doesn't mean anything. unless you want to look at his dlc and decide that since he decided to help armstrong that means you ship THEM.
that's actually another of the reasons it would never work. raiden is an idealist. he has very strong beliefs about right and wrong. and sam... doesn't. his little 'we've heard enough speeches about ideals' is just something he says to disguise the fact that he doesn't have any. he flip-flops over committing atrocities like he's trying to decide what to have for breakfast. meanwhile raiden would have sooner let armstrong kill him than help with his plans. they're completely incompatible. raiden might have had some respect for sam's fighting skills, but he'd never respect him as a person. because sam goes against everything he is.
i could say so much more on that, but this post is long enough as is, and i've already made you wait almost four hours... sorry about that... i have a lot of thoughts. a lot of them.
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hircyon · 2 months
How do you write a slutty character without making them a stereotype?
I think it follows the same reasoning as avoiding any stereotype in character development: depth and motivation. Fundamentally, what is the stereotype of a slut? Someone who is sexually open in a casual way, interpreted therefore as an immoral way. The stereotype comes from both the moralization of sex and the perceived "easiness" with which the character engages in this immoral behavior (especially for their own gain, especially if they're a woman).
So, give them depth. Why does this character have sex, in what ways? What do they gain from it--mentally, emotionally, financially even? What is their partner preference and why? Do they consider themself slutty, do the people around them see them that way, and what are the consequences of that perception? How do they self-identify? Then extend those details into their other behaviors, so it feels like consistent logic.
It's not about justifying the behavior to the audience (because sex isn't a moral act), but about clarifying the character's justifications for it. Maybe it's moral for them, or for the people around them. Maybe it gives them power. Maybe it takes their power away. Maybe they're acting on larger subconscious urges that they need to explore in the narrative.
So, for example, I write two characters I consider "slutty" by definition: Ayo and Zeeyal. They exist in the larger in-universe framework of Phindians needing a lot of physical and interpersonal connection. They're just a promiscuous species, by human definition.
It's made clear in Ayo's case that there's a pattern he's following: he works at a physically demanding but personally rewarding job (as a ship mechanic in a port town), he goes out at night, he spends a lot of his paycheck on drinking and picking up someone from off-planet, he sleeps with them, he never sees them again. There are things to glean from this behavior: it's high risk; he has no long term plans, he wants to feel the rush of being adored, but can't commit to someone he'll see more than once. Casual sex is often (not always) a form of self harm for a lot of Ayo's arc. And it's a clue into other, unspoken details of his backstory once the reader sees the way he acts with people he actually wants to build relationships with.
On the other side, Zeeyal would self-identify as a slut with the right people, and making others desire him gives him a sense of power. Sex, for him, is a way to take back agency of his body, his desires, and his life. In Zeeyal's backstory, he's been treated like a child by his family for his growth disorder and his perceived failure to be a healthy producer for his clan line. He's been enslaved, nearly sold as a sex object because his captors thought he was a woman. Later, he gains multiple long-term, stable, loving relationships with people who ground him and give him a sense of home, and then he feels safe enough to start picking up other people for fun. For Zeeyal, sex is a freedom. It's being everything he wanted to be, on his own terms. It's as much catharsis as violence is.
So I guess, if your character is going to either self-identify as slutty or be seen as slutty in the narrative, avoiding a stereotype is all about giving them motivation that makes sense with their character arc.
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fvrxdrm · 2 years
hmm maybe post mission sex with chamber pls 👀
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switchin’ my positions 4 u
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Pairing: Chamber x F!Reader
Warning(s): NSFW, slight angst, looooooong
I just combined these requests since they have the same concept anyway and the second request was kind of vague. Killing two birds with one stone amirite>>>
It's so unfair how there are people out there who can manipulate your brain into becoming a whole new psyche with just their looks, smell, touch, and you wouldn't even know whether they're doing it intentionally or not. They can just look you in the eyes and it's only a matter of time before you're wobbling in place and turning into a mess of a puddle.
Sometimes we question: what goes on in the psychology of sex? What is it in humans that gives us the ability to titillate others and be titillated ourselves with just simple gestures? For you that's something you don't think you can find the answer to as people see things in their own abstract way. Yes, we may think similarly but nevertheless we don't think the same. We've all established a base, substantially, but just go in different ways from that.
With that in mind, you never saw it as a bad thing. In fact, you'd let your partner do that to you anytime as long as he doesn't take advantage of it and take you to the point where it's too much and is painful.
And boy, oh boy, Chamber was not one to disappoint.
There are a million ways to say "I love you", and there are a million ways to express love in a non-verbal method. But either way, you never had the guts to confess how you felt as possibilities were always the main factor of your anxieties. Well, maybe you sprinkled a little bit of the latter but that was it. You just did them to hopefully throw away some hints, though, you knew they weren't enough to profess your undying love for your friend (and fuck buddy). So, you just stuck to being friends with benefits with Chamber just to experience what it felt like being closer to him than how friends usually are. You just stuck to fantasizing what it would be like to be his now and forever, even in the afterlife. You might sound like an obsessed bitch but to be honest, you were lost. You didn't know how to deal with everything at this point; from your lifestyle, to your love life, to your job that you never even intended to be recruited in anyway. Everything was a nightmare. You felt like you had an excuse but you didn't at the same time. You wanted to get some help from somebody but you knew it would be useless if this was going to be your experience of a lifetime. And so, you never knew how to deal with catching feelings, especially since Chamber was the first true love that ever had a very special place in your heart, and you didn't know what was healthy and what was not. It was painful, that's for sure. But until fate's decided to either tear you apart or piece you together, your relationship was going to remain like that, even with a heavy heart and bloodshot eyes.
Those who didn't know the narrative of what was actually happening between you and Chamber would confuse you two of being a romantic couple. It was something you often laughed at and made fun of behind their backs but deep inside, you wanted that. You wanted every abiding kiss on your lips to be reasoned with the fact that you both cared about each other in a way you never had, you wanted every bite on your neck and what was left of it to be a symbol of what went beyond that, you wanted every bliss to be the result of genuine love and temporarily worn-out lust. It was a veracity smothered by foolery. A grain of truth in every joke.
And so, instead of experiencing the pleasant tingle his touch was supposed to tickle on your ever-beating heart, you felt heaviness weigh down from your chest to your stomach; a poisoned density that made your insides churn in an obnoxious way and almost made you physically vomit. It made your head pound in an ill way but as time and months went by, you got used to it. You wondered if it was because you became numb or if it was because you've succumbed to the fantasy of being engulfed in those arms of his. Maybe both. Come what may, you never wanted to find out.
You were suddenly pulled out of the perplexing dwam of your mind when you felt Chamber's slightly chapped lips kiss and lick the purpled spot just below your ear. It was one of the many hickeys on your skin that he'd painted with his mouth, one of the very few he'd paid attention to due to the fact that you seemed to enjoy him sucking on it judging by the way you writhed underneath him and panted intensely like a dog. Reliving that moment from earlier before the mission was such a good idea, he thought, as he got you to cling onto him just by taking advantage of the delicate skin over there.
You began to breathe heavily at his contact on your neck, at the feeling of him retouching what appeared fainted on the surface. Your hand slid down from where its dainty fingers were toying with his hair strands to where his pectorals flexed and relaxed under your caress. He chuckled with a jolt at the sensation of you tickling him, squeezing your side a little bit as an involuntary reflex. This caused you to giggle yourself.
Instances like this invariably made the atmosphere lighter every time sex was heavy on both of you, outrageously hilarious or not. They took your mind off of the darkest thoughts and possibilities and they made everything all the more delicious afterwards. Sudden witless "commercial breaks", as you liked to call it, were a reminder that not every intimate thing had to be perfectly romantic and passionate to be enjoyable like those cliche erotic movies you watched to feel horny, that not every fuck had to be solely about sex. They also helped you take out the toxins in your soul like the once I've mentioned earlier even for just a certain amount of time. Sex is supposed to help you relax, to make you feel good. So, why not spritz in a bit of goofiness to add a little bit of rainbows and unicorns?
Air blew out of you when you felt Chamber's cock nudge your clit as it twitched against your cunt, a shuddering rush of heat trickling through you. As for your partner, he hissed through his teeth and might've bitten on your collarbone a bit too much that you jerked in surprise.
"Chamber," you mumbled with a gasp. He apologized for the sudden discomfort he'd cause before gently kissing the reddening spot. It soothed the pain somehow, but you know what would make it all the more better? If he would just kiss you a few spots higher than your neck.
You let the tips of your fingers creep up against the bottom of Chamber's chin, curled your index as it came to a stop, and pulled his face up where you could kiss him once again. The kiss didn't feel as desperate as it was before, if anything it felt like it was just a tickle on your lips and if you didn't know any better, you might've mistaken it to have something unspoken from his side and yours. But you were smarter than that, you thought.
As he came to claim your bottom lip with his own pair in a shy lip-lock, his hands ghosted up your sides and crept towards your chest where he curved them on your breasts. There he began playing with them. He softly squeezed them, rounded them, and tweaked your nipples, causing you to gasp against his face and to pull away shortly before he placed his lips back on yours.
Chamber was so good at this. He knew how to make you weak just by his touch. How dare he make you fall on your knees before him?
It wasn't so long when he pulled away with a soft smack, your lips stretching and then parting at the dampness of your almost dried saliva. His arms supported him whilst he raised himself up as to not crush you and to get a better look at you.
Tu étais si belle.
There was just something in the darkness that made you look so alluring but he wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the way he could still very much see how your pillow was bestrewn by the messiness of your sweat-dampened hair, maybe it was the way he could feel your plump breasts rising and falling against his chest, maybe it was how your half-lidded eyes stared into his own, finding and looking into something of the unknown, maybe it was the way the cunning moonlight had snuck in through the curtain gaps and illuminated the brightness of your eyes and defined the pronounced parts of your skin, or maybe it's the little bit of everything that made him fall into your hypnotizing trap. You were a goddess at heart, even more so when he's made a mess of you; sweaty body, hoarse throat, and all that.
Chamber felt himself being dragged out of his thoughts when your warm and clammy palm rested on his right cheek. Then, he heard your voice speak softly to him, "Chamber, you okay?" Chamber had to bite his lip to stop himself from snickering before replying.
"Oui, ma chérie," he said, "but I want to ask, is it all right if we try something new? I promise it is not going to be painful." He kissed your cheek as reassurance, though, he didn't really need to as you knew Chamber wouldn't harm you in any way, given that he was trying to turn his life into a full 180̊ and was trying to be one to not make someone suffer the way he never wanted to himself.
Your bottom lip found its way in between your teeth as anticipation flooded in your head and in your heat. "Well, there's nothing wrong with trying something new, right?" You said, snaking your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. Chamber smirked at your response before giving your lips one last peck.
My oh my.
Who knew tying someone up and blindfolding them would look this hot?
As he promised to himself, he started off small and avoided skipping to the wilder parts of BDSM as he didn't want to scare you off and shock himself. Also, considering a tie and a bandanna was all he had for a quick finding, they were the only things he could make use of. The belt could wait. Right now, he'll just take in the sight of his sweet but fierce girl tied up on his bed, blindfolded, and with no clothes on to protect yourself from the sneer of the moonlight.
Chamber watched as you moved your legs in anticipation for what might happen next. From the way you drew in some air, he could tell you were feeling a concoction of different emotions, most probably nervousness and excitement. Nervousness? He didn't know why. But excitement? He felt like he could understand how not seeing what your partner might do can arouse you in a whole other level.
What was taking him so long? You thought, sniffling with impatience. You heard the shuffling of feet on the floor and felt the dipping of the mattress on either side of you as Chamber hovered above your hips, but you hadn't sensed him doing anything after that. Your brows furrowed.
Was he going to touch you or what?
Even with a blindfold on, there was no mistaking that Chamber was staring down at you intently, you could discern it. You felt like a prey ready to be devoured by a predator, wrists all bound and visual perception covered as to keep yourself from escaping the wilderness and take a grasp of any idea of where to go. This caused you to squirm because quite frankly, you felt rather uncomfortable being in a situation like this. All you wanted to do was to run and hide under the sheets.
You were beginning to feel agitated at what he was doing unseen by you and was about to ask what was wrong but as if Chamber could read your mind, he slowly let his hand touch the smoothness of your mound and dragged one of his fingers against your cunt. Man, he almost couldn't control himself once he felt your heat smoothly slide against his middle finger, it just felt so perfect and delicious. He guessed it was because his brain was making him think of what he would do to you with all your juices readying you up for what was to come, and maybe it was also the fact that you were so easily stimulated by the mere touch of his hands. He caused this. He caused you to stir up the wild vixen in you, and no doubt was Chamber proud of himself.
At the feeling of Chamber's sudden touch on your pussy, you jolted and gasped in surprise, your fists clenching on the tie that was keeping you from pushing him away. You were startled so badly that you felt like the bed jumped along with you. "Fuck, Chamber!" You exclaimed under your breath. Promptly, your ears were blessed with Chamber's deep chuckle at your reaction as he lowered himself to you.
Though your sight was blocked away by the vaguely rough fabric of his handkerchief, you felt a light puff of Chamber's breath just by your left tit. You were certain that he was going to suck the life out of it, and sure enough, you were right. Chamber had formed his lips into a small "o" against the contrasting bud on your chest, pulling it with his teeth; enough to get a moan out of you, but not enough to hurt you. You tugged on the tie for the first time and arched your back, pushing your breast to him in the process as you cursed under your breath. By then Chamber had put in more pressure on your sex and paid the most attention to your clit, a skill he was definitely pleased to brag about in bed. If he were to be compared with all of the men you've been with, you would, without a doubt, pick him because of it (along with all the other "talents" he had, too). He could make you come in a matter of minutes just by the use of his fingers! What's not to love? Shit, you couldn't even do what he does yourself and you knew your body way more than he did.
Chamber's middle digit began to gain speed as it circled the erectile part of your sex, all the while he continued to play with your hardened bud with the same amount of motion as his hand. It felt like the power of the air-conditioner was dying out what with the rush of heat that was surrounding you. But if you were to observe intently, the AC was functioning properly. It was just getting hot because of the adrenaline inundating inside of you and the hormones beginning to reach their peak. Degree by degree, the fever fighting through the cold commenced in filling the room as your high was setting in to punch out of you. You felt yourself shake against Chamber's touch and he felt you, too. But before he could let you release what was built inside of you, he removed his finger and pulled away from your bosom, very much intent on edging you. You whined at the lost of contact and at the ebbing of your closely-released orgasm. This didn't go unnoticed by Chamber and he tittered again - which you noted he did so frequently tonight, you thought it was going to be another addition to his sexy personality - while he simultaneously rubbed your side.
It was so hard calming your frantic heart, you realized you were holding in most of your breaths and forgot how to breathe properly when he touched you using his finger and mouth. That's how much power Chamber had over you. With just one touch air would banish from your mind and you wouldn't register that oxygen was a thing until much later when the blizzard has been tranquilized. But despite that, you knew this was just the calm before the storm and there was more to come your way.
As everything was steadying to a slow and synchronized beat your mind came to wander against the silence; were you just somebody Chamber could toy with occasionally or was there something hidden beneath the surface of his lust? Were you just like his coffee cups - tempting and disposable? Something he could play his games with until he found someone better to beguile using his charm? What if you misled yourself into coming in for the glamour and then eventually leave with a twisted story? You couldn't lie, you were scared of that. You were scared that one day Chamber would get tired of you and find beer and skittles from someone else.
But why even bother, anyway? You weren't his; you never were, you never are, and you probably never will be. There were just some silly and stupid unresolved feelings from your side.
You've grown limp from your thoughts. You hadn't noticed just how much everything has taken a toll on you until now. Your feelings, your views, your demons. You wondered if things would get better as the clock ticked and luck remained by your side. It was only a matter of time before you break and you feared what came along with it.
"Are you okay?" You heard Chamber speak as he stroked your hair. He never saw it nor noticed anything in particular, but tears had begun brimming your eyes. They seeped through the fabric of the bandanna but lucky for you, the folded material was thick enough to not let the wetness leak through, and even if it did, the room was too dark for him see.
You bit your lip, preventing it from trembling right in front of him. Then, you replied, "yeah, y-you can proceed now." Chamber smiled softly at you - though, he knew you couldn't see it - and placed a delicate kiss on your forehead before crawling back to where his face met your hips.
"Good. I will make you feel tremendously good, je promets."
Behind the blindfold you closed your eyes when the tip of Chamber's nose lightly touched the tender skin of your inner thigh. He teased it with care, rubbing his nose from side to side as to tickle it. If the blindfold wasn't in the way, you would've stared at the ceiling and waited in expectancy at what was next, counted imaginary stars and connected them to form into illusory shapes until Chamber would break the barrier and make you close your eyes. For now though, you would have to make do with what was in front of you.
By now Chamber had placed wet kisses on your skin, nibbling it from time to time and even sucking on it for a bit. He was surprisingly being moderate with his touches, you thought. You inhaled a small amount of air at the ticklish sensation of his lips and his bites and your leg jerked away from his face.
You weren't sure what Chamber was up to at this point. One second he's all rough and playful with you and your body, and then the next second he's saying that he'll make you feel good and being gentle all of a sudden. One side of you, the optimistic side, believed it was because he was trying to make love to you in the most confusing way. But then the other side of you, the irresolute side, screamed that he was just feeling like shifting the tides and that was it. The answer never really occurred to you even as months have passed since you've started this arrangement, but regardless of that, both soft and hard made you feel good in the best possible ways, even raising hills on your skin using his calloused one.
All the gasping you did since you've started was making your lips feel drier than what you felt was your limit. So, you stuck your tongue out and slid it against the chapped area to moisten it. But as you were doing so, Chamber suddenly motioned his broad tongue up against your pussy, resulting in you biting your tongue and clamping your thighs beside his head. A whimper of both pleasure and pain slipped in between pursed lips.
You hadn't meant to almost crush his head in between your legs, but you were caught off guard by the sudden contact of his wet muscle that you involuntarily moved them in defense. He grunted in return and carefully parted your thighs once again. "Sorry," you apologized. Chamber just hummed in response before telling you that it was okay and that he was sorry for startling you.
Before he proceeded with continuing where he left of though, he raised his head and took a glance at you in worry. "Are you okay, though? I saw you accidentally bite your tongue," he said as he stroked the smoothness of your skin as a way of comfort.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just surprised."
"Is it too painful? Do I need to stop?"
"No, no, you're good. Just continue what you're doing."
"All right, if you say so, mon cher." Chamber took one last look at you, searching for any indication that you were in some way harmed before carrying on with going down on you. The soft sigh that left your lips was enough to ease him from his worries and fears and he instead smirked against your sex.
To him, your pussy felt like the most perfect strand of silk; soft to the touch and so easy to slither against, he wouldn't mind touching it all day if given the permission to. Chamber loved how his cock would always feel so good sliding on and inside you, greeting your walls without so much strain and them hugging him in return oh so delightfully. As for the taste, he couldn't have found a dessert or even a whole meal that could come close to your juices, not even an inch in comparison. They just bring out the best in you, giving his eager tongue the tanginess he wouldn't find anywhere and from anyone else, especially. He could even tell you were taking great care of your insides just by the taste of them. And so, every time he was given the chance to relish in the sweetness of your liquids, he would always turn into this madman; hungry and thirsty for what was in front of him.
Chamber, with both of your thighs tightly gripped by his hands, ate the life out of your vagina. He teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue, collecting what came out of your cunt as it clenched and unclenched to the rhythm of his mouth. Sporadically, he would open and close his lips against the entirety of your sex as if he was making out with it without care. He was a hungry man after all, and a hungry man is never one to waste the blessings he was given, not even a single grain.
The series of licks he was presenting your body with was making you all the more hot and bothered and you've been tugging on the tie so frequently that you were afraid the headboard was going to be yanked too hard and would cause it to break and crash into your face. Though, to be frank, that was the least of your worries, especially since Chamber was giving you more of a reason to forget things as he lapped up your arousal.
At one particular moment, when Chamber had licked a bold stripe from your entrance to the very top end of your cunt, he enclosed his mouth around your clit and sucked so hard you felt like your soul was pulled out of you along with the stretching of the flesh around your pearl. This caused a loud whine to be coerced out of you as one of your hands clambered to get a hold of one of the headboard posts. Your back bent to a certain extent and your brows furrowed up, tears flooding the gates once again in a more pleasurable way. Along with them, curses exuded through clenched teeth and Chamber had to apply some force on your abdomen to keep you from moving around too much. You almost closed your thighs on his again, but lucky for you and lucky for him, he was strong enough to multitask and stretch your legs apart, too. Just how much talent did that mouth of his have?
"Fuck, Chamber!"
That one bold move was enough of a silent booster to your first orgasm, the one that he neglected earlier. He noticed how your body began to shake as the floodgates were ready to burst open. So, he devoured as much of you as he can until he felt the sudden rush of your come slide towards his tongue.
Damn that man! Just how much power did he have to make you come that strongly every time?
Your heart beat in a more frantic manner than before now that your awaited release had come. It was getting really hard to breathe, you had to admit, but Chamber had let you take a few sips of water to help in calming down your heart and lungs.
You closed your eyes for a moment, just taking in the strength of your climax caused by that wonderful mouth of his. It's amazing how a certain body part of his could bring you to another ethereal world just by the use of that. He didn't need a second one to combine with his first as one could already reign so many kingdoms. He held so much supremacy that if he were a literal king, you would've bowed down so many times in his honor.
"Are you good?" You heard him ask. He'd licked the excess mess that was spread throughout his mouth and chin and wiped his saliva off of them with the handkerchief laying on his nightstand.
"Yeah, I've calmed down a bit at least."
"Good, because I have got one last gift for you." You thought the blindfold he tied behind your head was there to stay, but apparently not because he pulled the fabric up away from your face and threw it at the side where the forgotten sheet of blanket laid untouched. You looked up at him in confusion.
"I thought you wanted that blindfold on me the whole time?" You questioned.
The man answered with no uncertainty but with desperation, "no, I changed my mind. I want to see your face while I fuck you," before he pushed his lips to yours, his baby hairs tickling your face as he moved his head with yours. As he was busying your mind with the contradicting but surprisingly well-blended roughness and gentleness of his kiss, he stroked his shaft with the hand that wasn't supporting his weight a few times before slowly pushing into your heat with very little haste as to not hurt you. Chamber groaned from deep within his throat while you on the other hand mewled high into the night.
And with the door closed every pretense fell. The facade you showed the world melted away and all you wanted was to fuck each other's brains out.
The stretch between your thighs sent electricity through your nerves and the velvety walls that surrounded Chamber's cock sent white noises to his brain. He laid on top of you for a moment, staring into your eyes as deeply and as intently as he could take, to steady his breath intake before his hips started moving in a steady pace. There you saw the brownest chocolate turn to an even darker and more bitter shade, the smoke that continued to rise beyond his eyes as everything burned around you, like a fever.
It felt like fever was beginning to turn into a running gag between you and him, you thought. Every huge and small being was consumed by the flames of your past, present, and future, annihilating what was left unnoticed by you in certain moments. And in a way, you felt like fever was the perfect description for everything that had come your way. If we go back to science class, we remember that fever occurs when the body is trying to battle an infection, just like how the intimate moments you share battle what doesn't matter around you. Coincidence? You thought not.
You felt unsatisfied with how he was too slow with his pacing so, you spoke his name softly with a sigh and smiled when he hummed in response. "Fuck me." Chamber ceased all of his movements and just stared at you like a deer caught in bright headlights.
Never in the months of your arrangement had you spoken with such filth and vulgarity until now. You were such a fierce but sweet little vixen, too shy to even tell him to fuck you in bed. But he'd heard it, and in his mind, he thought that his sweet little vixen was growing up into a bigger and a more confident one, a thought that made his cock twitch inside of you; and that was enough for Chamber to slam into you as you screamed his name at such intense pleasure and pain. Chamber pulled back again, leaving his tip to be inside you and slammed inside again and continued on in a savage pace which caused your eyes to roll at the back of your head.
You bit your swollen lip once again (you wondered if you woke up the next morning your lip would be bloodied and wounded from how much you were biting it) as you held onto either Chamber's tie or the bedpost, listening to the bed creak underneath you at the frenetic energy Chamber was providing with each thrust. You screamed again and again, thanking the gods that the protocol’s base was founded with soundproofed walls because of how much the establishment firmly regarded respect and privacy.
You couldn't take it anymore. With how fierce Chamber's movements were, it was impossible not to come right away and so you did. Just after a few more thrusts, you writhed underneath him, tugging on his tie for the umpteenth time as you came rushing much stronger than before. You see what I mean by how one can reign so many kingdoms? He didn't even have to play with your clit.
Chamber felt the warmth of your orgasm coat the entirety of his dick, a feeling he never grew tired of throughout the months. He was always weak when a woman came before him, a fact he still held on to this day and was still proven by how quick he was to climax. His thrusts became sloppier once he felt the climb of his salty semen, and not long after he began grinding against you, the sensitivity on your clit making your hips jolt up a bit, before he released rope after rope inside of you.
Jet lag from your most recent mission along with the exhaustion you gained from the sex came over you, the bolt of which beginning to overwhelm you both. Chamber had removed the binding on your wrists and even rubbed them for you. "Are you okay? No pain?" He asked.
"No pain. Just tired is all," you replied with an exhausted smile.
You didn't want to admit it but the rush of emotions began to weigh down on you again just like how everything was before it started. They felt like heavy sand on your eyelids, something that was causing you to grow more tired than how you should've been. But being in the luxury of his bed, you'd chosen to forget about your troubles for the night and deal with them tomorrow when your mind was on the right track.
“Darling,” you hear the faintness of Chamber’s voice against the vagueness from behind you. You simply hummed as a short response, not trusting your depletion to answer properly for you. “I was thinking, I am perfectly aware that I am doing this backwards but, will you do me the honor of letting me take you out on a romantic date tomorrow night?”.
This was…long lmao, 5k words to be more specific. Hope you liked it though!
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linkspooky · 3 years
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The parallels between the two outcasts of the zenin clan have already been pointed out plenty of times in canon, for example they're both incredibly buff. However, I thought I would take a deeer look at both characters, as they share both a role as the abused child that destroys the system that created them, and the same fatal flaw.
1. The Child Who is Not Embraced by the Village Will Burn it Down to Feel its Warmth
"The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas" is a 1973 work of short philosophical fiction, about a summer festival in the utopian ity of OMelas, whose prosperity depends on the perpetual misery of a single child. The idea is written around the idea of the scapegoat, a reoccurring trope in stories where someone innocent is blamed, or outcast for the mistakes of other characters.
All of this to say that both Maki and Toji represent the archetype of the scapegoats of their generation. Just like the child of Omelas, all of the problems in the Zenin household are blamed on one child.
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This is something Ogi does to Maki directly, and also Naoya recognizes that the other members of the clan did to Toji. They were unable to face their own inferiority, so they blamed it on a scapegoat. Ogi blames his failure to become the head of the clan on his children. The entire clan is unable to recognize Toji's strength, because it would make them question their traditionally held notions of strength, Toji requires the use of weapons and can fight without cursed techniques, which means the cursed techniques they were born with don't make them inherently better with other people.
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This is also related to Gojo's criticisms of Jujutsu Society at large, of which the Zenin Household is a very toxic microcosm of. Gojo's critique is that the previous generation will sacrifice the lives of the younger generation, to maintain their power, and in the name of pointless tradition. In the Zenin family "tradition" is the idea that inherited curse technique determines a person's worth.
Their entire system is built around one, keeping cursed techniques in the clan, and two, passing down inherited curse techniques from father to child. Which would go farther to explain the treatment of women by the clan, but we're not getting into that this time. Basically, the "peace" and the "superiority" of the household are built on the idea of marking and scapegoating an outsider, that is anyone who doesn't fit in with the clan's traditions. "If you are not of the Zenin Clan you are not a sorcerer, and if you are not a sorcerer then you are not even Human". That quote alone should explain how Maki and Toji were both treated as subhuman 'monkeys' by everyone around them.
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However, the story shows us by both Toji and Maki snapping how terrible these abusive power structures are. One person cannot handle all of that alone, so they snap. Of course they snap. It's not a sign of who Toji and Maki are as people, but rather how no one deserves to be treated that way. A major reocurring theme in Jujutsu Kaisen is no one person alone, can take responsibility for everything, not even Gojo who is the strongest can save everyone he wants to save or be responsible for all of society he needs allies too. Toji, and Maki without allies, they snap and lash out against the same abusive power structure that created them. They are so thoroughly othered by everyone around them, that they embrace their own inhumanity, Maki becomes a weapon bent on killing her family even murdering her own mother, and Toji outright calls himself a monkey.
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This is also why Toji is referred to as the "destroyer of destinies" there are two reasons for this. One, Gege is making a thematic point here. The abusive system built on othering and excluding children among other things doesn't actually provide the stability it promises. The center does not hold. The abuse of the system perpetuates and only leads to more destruction. Toji's outcasting isn't something that just hurt Toji alone, everyone felt the consequences of it because the abusive system proliferates and only causes further destruction. The second reason is a Jungian idea on which the story is based on. Toji himself is much like a curse created by the actions of his entire family. If Mahito is created from the fear humans have for each other and acts as the shadow of humanity representing their dark side, Toji metaphorically represents the combined shadow and dark side of the zenin clan. In Watch Man, Rorsarch monologues about how the accumulated filth of all of the abuses that happen in the city will one day rise up and affect everyone.
"This city is afraid of me, I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will form up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout save us and I'll look down and whisper no."
This is expressing the same Jungian idea, a society that ignores these problems will only cause the muck to rise up further and further until it affects everyone. The Zenin clan was a microcosm for the abuses of Jujutsu Society as a whole, they weren't the only ones affected by their abuse because abuse perpetuates. They endured it until they snapped and then acted out that abuse. The Jungian idea put forth is that this sort of reckoning was always going to happen, as long as the Zenin clan continues to create these outcasts in order to hold themselves up as superior, another Toji will happen.
2. Love is the Worst Curse of Them All
Toji and Maki also share the same flaw as people. Their abuse revolved around the idea of outcasting them from the rest of the family, othering them, continually putting them down and also most likely not even doing the job of raising them as children or providing them with the help they needed. We don't see much of it, but in the databook apparently Toji regularly had cursed spirits sicked on him to mock him, and Maki was locked in the cursed spirit room as punishment.
This taught them not only do they need to be strong on their own, but also in order to prove themselves they both thought they needed to be stronger than anyone else in the clan. Toji left Jujutsu Society as a whole, whereas Maki just left the house, both of them with the motivation of proving themselves stronger than the people who looked down on them.
This strong sense of individualism is their greatest strength, and also their weakness, as the situation is more complicated than being stronger than a bully. Maki and Toji are made to feel alone because of their abuse, however, neither Maki nor Toji suffer their abuse alone.
Mai was abused right alongside Maki, they were both outcasts due to being twins. There's no point in arguing which one of them had it worse, because Ogi was perfectly willing to kill both daughters right alongside each other. Maki does and doesn't remember that Mai is right alongside her in her abuse, it's... a bit complicated.
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I mention this because Makiaated reason why is that she would have hated herself if she stayed inside that household with Maki. She put pursuit of becoming a stronger sorcerer above her relationship with her sister.
Maki later states "I can't create a place where Mai would feel like she belongs". I don't believe that was always her intention from the start that she secretly left the household for Mai's sake, and wanted to get stronger to create a place where Mai belongs, because Maki's always been really clear she was doing it for her own sake. I think rather after the loss she suffered in Shibuya, and also the fight she had with her sister in the school met, that she came to change her mind and realized she wasn't just in this alone. She changed her mind, that she wanted to be together with Mai, but she didn't change it in time and tragedy struck.
I mention this because Maki and Toji both share the same tragic flaw. Both of them have no idea how to be close even to the people they love, so they end up pushing away the ones they love the most. Maki continually shows behavior of pushing away Mai, and in Toji's case he does everything he can to try to show himself he doesn't love his son.
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Maki continually pushes away her sister Mai. Mai reacts to getting pushed away in a not-so-healthy way. Toji full on deadbeats his son. He doesn't raise him or participate in his life to the point where Megumi can't remember his face or name at all. Toji did everything he could to try to give Megumi to someone else, anyone else other than him and avoided his responsibility as a father.
It doesn't come from malice on Toji and Maki's part, but rather it's a less savory aspect of their abuse. Both Toji and Maki believe themselves to be worthless, and that they can't be accepted or loved. They've internalized the way the clan has treated them. They are so isolated that this comes out in how they treated their closest loved ones, their response is to always push them away and isolate themselves further. Toji narrates this, he chose to throw his son aside because he wanted to affirm himself and prove that he was better than Jujutsu Society. Maki says to Mai that she left the house and left Mai because staying would have meant hating herself.
They are both trying desperately to prove themselves as individually strong, to the point where loving anyone else, or even requiring that love from someone is a weakness. They prove they are strong by avoiding the vulnerability of loving someone else. Toji and Maki both try to separate themselves from their heart in order to become even more physically stronger. For Toji his heart was his son Megumi who he did everything to distance himself, forgetting his name, selling him to the Zenin clan, while at the same time paradoxically believing that he was somehow protecting Megumi and arranging for things that would have been better than Toji just stepping up as a father and taking care of him.
At the same time Maki pushes Mai away when Mai does not want that, and believes that also she can return to the clan and make it a safe place for her sister by being individually stronger than everyone else.
They both approach their loved ones this way, because they were taught that one, they are unworthy of love, and they choose to try to get stronger by throwing away anything that might make them vulnerable.
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TWhich is why Maki breaks so hard, and lashes out at everyone when Mai is gone, because Maki believed that keeping Mai separate from herself and protecting her was her way of showing love.
However, Mai and Megumi are like... people. They're people entirely separate from Maki and Toji and also affected by their actions. Megumi was neglected his entire lives, whereas Mai didn't get to have a relationship with her sister and felt like she was worthless and only holding her sister back. This is the central idea of Toji and Maki's abuse narrative, that abuse is complicated, and abuse proliferates and hurts people you don't even intend for it to hurt. It has consequences. Megumi suffers the consequences of the Zenin family's abuse because it turned Toji into such an unfit and emotionally immature father. Mai was being abused alongside Maki, and even ended up dying from her abuser's hand as her father Ogi beat her half to death and locked her in a room. Now, as a consequence Maki is lashing out at everything around her. That's also why the connection between Toji and Maki is drawn, to show that as long as the abusive institution still stands, it's just going to keep creating more outcasts like Toji and Maki.
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