#(... it was triceratops those times)
needylittlegirl · 3 months
ive noticed that anytimee ive got a specific stuffie on my mind when im at work or smth that always always means im gonna feel super duper needy n little when i get home
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realads · 4 months
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pistachorlito · 1 year
Walking down the street when a little girl says something nice about your outfit to her friends makes you experiment the best feeling in the world.
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worrysomegus · 2 months
I am going insane at how bad this park is in jurassic world like there's a ride where the attendees can control their own orb thing through a large amount of actual dinosaurs. and it doesn't have like a taking over the steering thing to bring them all back in in case of, I don't know, a dinosaur escaping?
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I can not concieve of a single scenario where letting untrained guests get this close to wild animals with zero veto power could possibly go wrong - the people that created this ride, apparently
they even IN THE MOVIE ride through a goddamn stampede or something, and we see that just the indominous rexes jaws can get through the glass, a triceratops could definitely get through if it tried hard enough, like maybe, perhaps, hypothetically, in some wild scenario, a rich tourist doesn't understand that maybe getting close to a large herbivores young offspring is a bad idea.
and seriously why is there no button that just.. recalls all of the balls
how does this ride even work how do they get through the line when they just tell guests okay bye go roam this grassy wonderland filled with large things that can kill you yet you have no concern for, people have definitely had sex in those things and people have definitely been gone for hours.
also the mosasaurus cage, hm maybe a second draft might be in order. maybe?
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okay. cool. sure. fine whatever, it's not like it does this multiple times daily surely there will be no issue here
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she is also shown breaching the barrier and getting onto the walkway in the fucking movie
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like the mosasaur is IN THIS BODY OF WATER HERE and that is a busy walkway that people are encouraged to sit and eat under, also sidenote that woman you see falling has like 5 minutes of screentime and half of it is an extremely gruesome death, like by far the worst in the movie. this movie has very normal opinions about women.
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okay so this one looks different to the other dinky barrier, somehow even more dinky, but still on a presumably busy walkway since this is on the end of a street where their very obvious sponsor pandora had set up shop (and a bunch of dino merch)
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and like yeah, shocker, massive powerful sea creature can leap out of the water and break the dinky fence, it could have done this at any time at all it is probably more powerful than the indominous rex which we SEE breaking much stronger barriers than the dinky glass one. also sidenote this screenshot is VERY funny
I could go on for years about how shit this movie is every other moment there is a massive plothole, very sorry about this post I am going insane.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
A night at the Natural History Museum II Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
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a/n: this is for the one who requested a KCC oneshot ❤️
masterlist I word count: 1478
The Natural History Museum was already impressive from the outside. You could feel excitement bubbling up just looking at the building. It almost felt like you were a child again.
“Do you girls have everything? You know you can always call me…“, Katrinas voice brought you back to the present. She and her family were visiting London for a few days, so naturally your girlfriend had offered to babysit their daughter. The toddler was bouncing up and down on Kyras hand, a tiny dinosaur backpack on her shoulders. You couldn’t help but smile.
“We know, Mini. But you’re supposed to enjoy your date night with your wife here in London, remember?“, Kyra replied gently. Her Australian team mate gave an apologetic smile; “I know. I just want to be sure.“ “You can trust us. Harper and we will have so much fun at the night at the Natural History Museum.“, Kyra assured her.
You and Kyra had always wanted to attend one of the museum’s sleepover events and now was the perfect opportunity. “I’m sure you three will.“, Katrina laughed. You smiled brightly at her; “See you tomorrow morning.“ “Bye, mum.“, Harper waved at the same time. Katrina bent down to give her daughter a kiss on the cheek; “Bye, Love. Have a good night and be nice to those two.“ She watched as you three walked towards the entrance of the museum.
Harpers eyes went big and bright, taking it all in. With her little mouth forming a perfect O shape, she stared at the whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling. Kyra, in the mean time, was busy preparing your sleeping spot for the three of you. As soon as Harpers gaze fell on the pillows, she tugged on your sleeve; “I’m not sleepy yet. Can we see the dinos first?“ “Sure. That’s why we’re here, right?“, you replied, taking her small hand in yours. “Yes!“, she grinned happily. Kyra appeared on her side, grabbing the other hand of the toddler; “Let’s go then.“
“Girls look this one is huge!”, Harper was stopping abruptly, she was stunned by what her eyes were taking in. Your girlfriend was delighted too when she followed the gaze of the younger girl: “That’s so cool.” “What’s the dino’s name, Kyra?”, Katrinas daughter asked her in a very interested tone. While both of them were looking closer at the skeleton to try and find an answer to her question you were taking a photo of them and sended it straight to the mother of the child who immediately replied with a heart eyes emoji.
Meanwhile Kyra was licking her lips nervously: “That’s a uhhh.” “A triceratops, love.”, you tried to help her out. She shook her head in disagreement: “No, that’s definitely a centrosaurus.” “Are you sure?”, you asked smirking. The finger of the brunette was pointing to the information board below: “Yeah, that’s what this sign says.” “Damn it, but it was close.”, you cursed jokingly. Honest the midfielder answered: “To be fair, they all look the same to me.” “And I thought you were a dinosaur expert Ky.”, you gave her a teasing smile before kissing her softly.
As your lips parted ways you turned around to look after Harper, but she was not standing at the place there she was a few seconds ago:” Harps? Shit, where is she?” “What? She was just right here?”, Kyra mumbled visibly confused. Your face turned white in horror, the same colour as the animal bones which were presented in the museum: “Yes, but now she is not.” “Shit. We can’t have lost her.”, your girlfriend looked equally terrified.  So, you felt the urgence to reassure both of you with following words: “No need to panic, we’ll find her.” “Yeah, she can’t be that far, right?”, the Arsenal player said optimistic. “Right.”
Immediately Kyra started to shout the girl’s name:“Harper! Where are you?” “Maybe she’s in the main hall, that’s where the big whale is in and she loves whales.”, you thought out loud. Your girlfriend sounded sceptical:” She must have been pretty fast for that.” “True and here are way too many people for her to be that fast.”, you had to admit. “Harper?”, Kyra tried again.
You both were gasping out loud when you finally spotted that familiar little face which you feared you lost in the crowd. Harper giggled in response to your facial expression: “You guys should’ve seen your faces.”
“Harper!“, you called her and bridged the gap between you and the toddler. “You can’t do that to us.“, Kyra scolded but her voice was full of relief. You kneeled down and pulled Harper into a tight hug; “Yes, we were so worried about you.“ “But I was just hiding.“, she mumbled, her eyes round with genuine innocence. Gently, you smiled at her; “Next time you’ll tell us when you’re playing Hide and Seek, okay?“ “Okay…“, she whispered, obviously overwhelmed by the situation. You held out your hand, your pinky extended; “Pinky promise?“ “Yes.“, Harper answered, trying to hook her little pinky into yours. “Good.“
You slowly stood back up and Kyra wrapped an arm around your waist. She took Harpers hand with her free hand; “Come here, Harper. Let’s look at the other stuff here.“ The smile was back on the toddlers face as she politely replied; “Yes, please.“ “There’s so much to see.“, Kyra noted while you three walked through the exhibition. You nodded, overcome with fond memories; “Yes, I loved it here as a child…“ “You did?“, Harper looked up to you as if she couldn’t believe that you once were as little as her. “Yes, I came here often with my parents.“, you explained.
Smiling, Kyra bumped her shoulder to yours and told Harper; “But it’s her first sleepover in here too.“ “Exactly. And with you two, it’s extra special.“, you laughed. Your girlfriend kissed your cheek; “That’s so cute.“ With flushed cheeks but a happy warm feeling inside, you turned back to Harper; “Which dinosaur is your favourite so far, Harps?“ “T-Rex!“, the child yelled, followed by a loud roar. She let go of Kyras hand and pretended to have claws, holding her hands like a Tyrannosaurus. It was such an adorable display that you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing; “Yes, that one is impressive, right?“ Harper nodded quietly and came back to hold your hand; “I call him Roar-y.“ “I love that name!“, Kyra giggled, disproportionately amused about the name. “Me too.“, Harper smiled, trying to suppress a yawn. “It’s perfect.“, you agreed.
As you continued to walk through the museum, you could feel Harper slowing down. She got quieter and let herself lean against you at every stop, hiding her little face in your sweater. “Tired, little one?“, you smiled to which Harper vehemently shook her head; “No.“ Kyra grinned at you, obviously thinking the same; “Sure.“ “Not done yet.“, the toddler mumbled.
With a warm smile Kyra offered her: “Want me to carry you?”. “Yes, please.”, Katrina’s daughter nodded. “Come here.” Quickly the Arsenal player embraced her before starting to carry her.  The girl’s eyes were slowly closing: “Okay.” “I knew, she was about to fall asleep.”, you whispered into your girlfriend’s ear. The brunette was grinning: “She is too cute.” “Yes, mini did a great job with her.”, you winked at her.  “I agree.” “Love them both. Should we go to our sleeping place?”, you asked her.  Kyra who started to feel the weight of the toddler agreed: “Yes, let’s go.” “I think that’s ours.”
Carefully the midfielder let Harper down on to the sleeping back:” Perfect.” Amused Kyra demanded:” Come here, let’s lay down too.” “Fine.”  As you two got cozy with an asleep Harper in between who quietly snored the Arsenal player looked at you excited: “This is really cool.” “Told you.”, you quietly said, your eyes still shining. “Yeah, you were right.”, the Australian admitted smirking. Happily, you told her: “And Harper enjoyed it too.” “Especially the Dinosaurs.”, Kyra laughed. You fell into her laughter: “Yes, she loved the t-rex the most.”
“Roary!”, your girlfriend remembered delighted. But she was a little too loud in your opinion as you was worried that Harper would wake up from the noises around her:”Psst not so loud.” “Sorry.”, the Arsenal player apologized. A soft smile was on your lips as you reassured her: “It’s okay, she’s still asleep.” “We should buy her a plush T. rex tomorrow.”, Kyra suggested.
,You adored that idea as you were getting sleepier by each second:  ”Oh definitely, so she won’t forget her night at the museum.” “I’m sure we won’t either. Sleep well, love.” “Good night, Ky.”, you replied, already half asleep, dreaming from the adventures your night at the museum hold. Lovingly Kyra glanced at you while she tucked you in, so you were as comfortable as Harper before closing her eyes too.
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inf3ct3dd · 8 months
ellie headcanons pt.5!!!
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warnings: nada
content: loser!ellie x reader headcanons
authors note : ellie dug a hole into my skull and moved in
⁃ against bags for no reason. like her pockets are constantly full of things. random receipts, money, headphones, EVERYTHING. she takes her pants of and they jingle cuz they're filled with COINS.
⁃ knows how to do a back bridge and just HAS to let everyone know. you're watching tv and she's just on the floor like "look"
⁃ i feel like shes the type of person to just start fully eating an orange in the middle of class. like ur listening to the teacher talk and you're just hit by the most aggressive wave of CITRUS from behind you
⁃ constantly fighting the air... like she's just in the kitchen punching and kicking at NOTHING just because. she's always coming up to you and like take punching you and doing her own sound effects like “PWAH PWAH WAM WAPOW"
⁃ jar hoarder 😞😞 every time you buy anything that comes in a jar she's keeping it. literally won't let you throw them away!!! you guys don't even have cups anymore, its just jars and mugs.
⁃ speaking of mugs, ellie has just as many stupid mugs as she does stupid tshirts. absolutely has a lot of garfield mugs be she LOVES GARFEILD
- would buy a dry-erase board for your fridge and leave u little notes and drawings
⁃ "Every single time I see you, I become horny like a triceratops" with a little drawing of a triceratops"
⁃ breaks into incoherent ramblings when shes sleepy... like insane hypotheticals
"what if our bed just completely exploded right now"
⁃ whenever ur on facetime and it gets quiet she just breaks out into song. not even like good, trying singing but BAD SINGING.
⁃ she does that whenever it's quiet !!!
⁃ is listening to music CONSTANTLY. her headphones are actually attached to her ears like all DAY she's listening to something.
⁃ HATES THE BIG LIGHT (iykyk) she lives for low/ natural lighting definitely has so many lamps and led lights
⁃ can never sit normal.... like she is not beating the gay ppl sitting weird allegations she sits so ODD
⁃ will spend literal hours in the pool. doing flips, pretending to be a mermaid, 'making up' her own tricks, she lives for it & !!!
⁃ refuses to dress right for the weather. it'll be like 90° outside and shes in a whole hoodie and jeans.
⁃ has the WEIRDEST subway order. probably puts banana peppers on her shit 😭😭 she swears its the best thing ever
⁃ love's campy comedy movies, esp lesbian ones and horror movies (but im a cheerleader, bottoms, scary movie, etc) also def loves coming of age movies
⁃ has a letterbox account and makes extremely thought provoking reviews
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literally her
⁃ always taking candids of you, and they're literally her favorite pictures
⁃ every time she sees two things next to eachother she's like "oh my god it's literally us!!"
⁃ one time she crashed her car and it literally fully flipped over and she just crawled out of the trunk and called you like "you would NOT believe what just happened to me."
- absolutely a waffles girl she needs the texture she likes the CRUNCH
⁃ but like she also loves bacon pancakes. like she's obsessed w adventure time and she makes bacon pancakes ALL THE TIME and she sings the song while she makes them
- eats trail mix like all day....she buys the giant jars and you make fun of her cuz she "likes eating nuts"
⁃ the most secret swifty ever. like she refuses to let it be known but she fully sobbed when she listened to folklore for the first time
⁃ obsessed w those baby sensory videos. like she will literally be entertained for hours
⁃ LOVES the lego movies, esp lego batman
⁃ the MOST honest shit talker ever like you'll be like "yeah she's just a really bad person" and she'd be like "she's also like disgustingly hideous...
⁃ her search history isn’t even weird or gross its just…random. like she’s definitely googled “how do cotton candy machines work” before
⁃ family guy enjoyer.....
⁃ her cf story is like insanely long n its filled w random memes she reposts and insane ramblings
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taglist!!!! if ur name is crossed i can't tag u :((
@syrenada @dinaissoprettyoml, @kingofmylastkiss @as2rid @greencacty @melissabarrerass @bratydoll @lov3lylotus @forelliesposts @echostinn @f3r4Ifr0gg3r @r3wbeef @leatheredhearts @mousymaven @mina-281@princessguardian444 @calystas-morning-tea @horror-whoree @slutshies @bearieio @mag-mfm @bubs-world @paran0id0blivi0n @sawaagyapong @bbygrIshelbs @gayh0rr0r @p|9ys @ellieslilsIvvt @dollietes @elliesmellsbadd @ibloom4u @ddreabea @beestar120 @brunettedolls-blog @girlwonderchloe @elliesgflol @maris-koffin @emonopolyman @iloveeyousblog @fr3sh-tragedies @ilovaffles @certifedcrybunny @elleatethat @baldph0bic @clouded-whispers @4rt3m1ss @saggykneecaps @swtsuna @ellesslutt @minixmel @yuyans-stuff @owmoiralover @thecowardwrites @lunascerebro @elliestrwbrry @iwantsoda @teeveegirl @dinasmoon @urnewghostfriend @k3ym4ra @bratzboydoll @ungodlyvenus @lav3nd3rhaze @scokslvoer @iloveunrealpeople @realwinehouse @nehemiahlicious @onedeaddreamer @teawithnosugar @r4t1ku5 @villainousbear @mentallymarriedtonatasharomanoff @gay4tiddies @uraesthete @lil-elliesgf @neighborhood-houseplant @sagessensationalstuff
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Twisted Night At The Museum HCs/Thoughts/Concepts:
These are brain farts but ya'll are making me feel like I have the biggest brain so-
- If the Daley! Reader had a Unique Magic it'd be: "Alive for the Night" where basically any statues on display and stuff can come to life. Including the ones of the Great Seven but they can only do it at night. (Idk if you guys want them to have it or not, ya'll can fight about it in the notes)
- The Daley! Reader was also adopted by Larry after Nicky moved out and became a DJ, Larry is still a super protective father whose very anxious and is looking through various museum archives to figure out if something can be done about his child whose stuck in Twisted Wonderland. He requires you to check the mirror and talk to him at least 4 times a day to know you're alright and if you miss a time, YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE-
- No but parent teacher conferences and you have to hold the mirror so that your teachers can talk to Larry through it.
Larry Daley + His Relationship with the Staff:
- Crowley: No, he's been in this game long enough to know that Crowley isn't trustworthy and while you KNOW he isn't trust worthy, he is the reason that Larry wants you to check in 4 times a day. Crowley tries to paint it like everything is fine and Larry pretends to believe him. Crowley is just a bit off put by Larry because you're already such an odd and resourceful individual, that he can't imagine what your father (the man who raised you) must be like and while he laughs whenever Larry promises to bring you home, Crowley slowly starts to believe him. Like, bro, he deals with a magic tablet and brought a family of old Egyptian pharaohs together, Larry Daley is getting his child back.
- Crewel is the only man in this school that Larry trusts, along with Trein, but Larry does notice that Crewel seems a lot more concerned with your safety and has a soft spot for you. Crewel will also give Larry due respect and while he's not sure about his bland outfit choices, he's very much aware that your father loves and is worried for you and so, Crewel will make sure you are well behaved and taken care off until you're able to reunite. It's bittersweet for him because he does grow to get attatched to you but soon realizes that he's never gonna be your father back home. (SPLIT CUSTODY IS ALL I'M GONNA SAY).
- Vargas: Larry hates him so much. Like in the movies, he's always snarky and closed off from people he dislikes so their conversations are always so passive aggressive. Like, Vargas is all: "Ha, no wonder you look so wimpy! Look at your dad!" and Larry is all: "First of all, they're adopted (but still my kid) so neither of us can really say anything but second of all, I went face to face with a triceratops, so, yeah. Not sure if they have those in your world, but thats pretty impressive." and Vargas just brushes him off and he HATES IT.
- Next is Trein, who is like a strict grandpa to you and one of the other teachers who get along with Larry. As a father himself, he admires Larry trying to protect you as best as he can while he's in a different world, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like if his own children where stranded in a place he couldn't protect them in. So yeah, while your dad is awkward, Trein tries to help him out and ease both his and your anxieties. I also can totally see Dexter the Cappuchin Monkey and Lucius fighting across the mirror.
- Sam is one that Larry doesn't see to often aside from Larry trying to find old spells in old archives that require magical ingredients that he doesn't know about so he'll ask Sam about them or see if he can find any suitable substitutes and Sam will do it of course, for a fee. He really admires your dad's dedication but he also admires the relationship and bond you two have. Yeah, you might come into his shop to rant about how protective he is and some other flaws but you love him dearly. Sometimes he'll throw in a few freebies because at the end of the day, you two just want to be with each other again.
Now back to some general headcanons:
- Okay so have you guys seen the Stuart Little movies? Where he has a bunch of ladders and stuff around the room because he's small and can't get to places faster, thats kinda what you have to do for Jedediah and Octavius. They sleep on your nightstand after Deuce and Jack either made tiny beds for them or you made them in a wood work class or something.
- I can also totally see that after the first winter break, your first year friends bring back some old childhood toys that maybe Jedediah and Octavius can use to help or to help them travel faster around the campus.
- Deuce brought back an old remote controlled Magic Wheel (the motorcycle thing he likes) and gave it to them so not only can they ride around in style but they also have a tendency to drive recklessly and trip over poor unsuspecting students who are just trying to walk to their class. They'll do it especially if they mess with you.
- Ace brings them back like, tiny weapons from his old toy soldiers and stuff and while they might not do much, he just thinks its so funny how serious Octavius is when he's all: "Thank you, Child of Trappola, for I now have an arsenal to defend Fort Ramshackle!" and Jedediah rolling his eyes.
- You try to keep them on higher ground, especially due to the rats but I love the idea that when you're away on classes and you trust them not to do anything stupid, they're riding around on Grim and throwing toy spears at any rats running around and defending their home. Like to them, it's an intense battle where they could possibly die but to the ghosts, it looks like they're just annoying the rats that they eventually just give up and leave because they're so annoying and rambunctious.
- Out of all of your friends, they like to use Jack as a mode of transportation. After all, he's HUGE and when they sit on his shoulders, they're absolutely amazed by how much they can see. Jack tries his best to remember they're on his shoulders but if a class is really boring and he forgets, he'll lean on one shoulder which causes them to lose balance and almost fall but hed got quick reflexes and apologizes to them.
- THE WAY EPEL AND THEM WOULD GET ALONG. Like, Epel will walk in all roughed up because he got into a fight and walk past you to rant to Jedediah and Octavius and talk about how some kids were picking on him for being cute and little and Jed and Oct are all: "YA BETTER HAVE SHOWN 'EM THAT WHAT FOR!" and Epel is all: "COURSE I DID!" and you just sigh because you know that Vil is gonna ask to keep Epel away from your "little raggedy friends".
- BELIEVE IT OR NOT, SEBEK ACTUALLY RESPECTS YOUR LITTLE CREW. Especially after he finds out you want to be a Night Gaurd and mistakes your words and believes that you come from a family of noble gaurdians who keep the ancient relics of your world safe (which is kinda true but its not that dramatic) and when he sees you defend yourself with a mere flashlight, you become his idol.
You, whispering as your faces are squished together: "Listen, fae boy, you do not know who you're dealing with. I've seen things in my world, stuff you can't even imagine."
Sebek, whispering back: "Like what kind of stuff?"
You: "I'm not gonna tell you, but you're gonna drop your sword-"
Sebek: "The way you said it just made it sound like you were gonna say something really cool-"
You: "Yeah, you don't get to hear it, drop the sword-"
- OKAY BUT YOU BEING DEEMED THE NIGHT GAURD OF NIGHT RAVEN COLLEGE. Like idk, maybe you don't need as much sleep as everyone or during weekends, you just hibernate and then survive on naps and energy drinks throughout the week (it's such an unhealthy habit, all of the Dorm Leaders are concerned and Vil might trick you into drinking a sleeping potion if your eyebags get too prominent) but I love the idea that the bullying rates go down. Hell, even the Savanahclaw dorm kids don't try to start with as many fights with you around because they know you'll finish them with your flashlight. Like they're all cornering you and you blind one of them temporarily before you do some cool fighting moves. Your quick wit and training as a night gaurd is the only thing you've got to give you an edge in this world and by God are you gonna use it.
-And even if that fails you, you've got friends who've got your back. Like you get cornered by some bullies and then they feel something stab their feet and Jed and Octavius are bravely stabbing their shoes and the students are hopping around in pain.
- But yeah, the Night Gaurd in you just makes you walks around Night Raven College and look at all the various statues and history and you read and do your research on Twisted Wonderland.
- Like in the first movie, the thing Larry did after his first wild night at the museum was do research and by God, do you dedicate yourself to doing research on Twisted Wonderland and the study of magic.
- ALSO MALLEUS JOINING YOU DURING YOUR LATE NIGHT PATROLS OF YOUR SCHOOL GROUNDS and telling you everything there is to know about the magic here. You know how Ahkmenrah calls Larry "Gaurdian of Brooklyn"? I feel like instead of Child of Man, Malleus would call you "Gaurdian of the Night" because you tell him that's your dad's job and you want to fill in his shoes.
- MALLEUS AND SEBEK TRYING TO GET YOU TO JOIN HIS GAURDS BUT YOUR DUTY IS TO EVERYONE BUT HE'S ALL: "You know, just in case you might have to stay for longer, there will always be a spot in my court for you. As either my gaurd or my spouse-"
- "What was that last part?"
- "What?"
Feel Free to Send in any Thoughts/Asks/or Questions about this AU!
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writeforfandoms · 7 months
Island - 1
Find the series masterlist
Here we are with a new series! I know, I know. I couldn't resist. This is a crossover with Ark: Survival Evolved but I don't think you need to know anything about the games beyond dinosaurs. And ice age critters.
You've been on the Island for a long time, and been alone for a while. So when you find a group of four men clearly new to the Island, you figure you'll take them under your wing.
After all, what's the worst that can happen?
Eventual Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x f!reader
Word count: 4k
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The first body was easy to spot, laying in the open on his back. He still had his clothes on, at least, sturdy-looking boots catching your eye with a twist of envy. 
The one beyond him was a little harder to spot, in the shade and wearing dark clothes also, so he blended better. 
Pulling Bessie to a halt, you slid down and patted her side, murmuring for her to stay put. A long stick was easy to find, and you approached the first man with caution. His chest rose and fell slowly - still alive. You took a moment to observe him while he was out. Thick, short hair, muttonchops, nose charmingly crooked. Hm. Hopefully he wouldn’t die so fast as the last one. 
Crouching down a little ways away, you used the stick to poke him. Some people, you’d learned the hard way, came up swinging. 
This one didn’t. He inhaled sharply once, after two pokes, his eyes snapping open. They were the most vibrant blue you’d ever seen on a person. 
“What–?” he started to ask, head turning towards you.
“Easy,” you murmured, holding your hands up in a show of good faith. “I’ll answer all your questions, I promise. Here. Have some water.” You held out a skin to him, watching him drink. He didn’t guzzle it, at least, taking two swallows before handing it back. 
“Where am I?” 
“I’ll answer all your questions,” you reiterated, looking beyond him to the second man. “But first I want to see if that guy is still alive.”
He was on his feet faster than you would have expected, taking a couple staggering steps before finding his stride. “Simon,” he murmured, taking a knee next to the other man. “Oi. Simon.”
Simon woke with a low groan, and you handed the water skin to the first man. You could see two more in the bushes, one of them already stirring on his own. 
“You know those two, then?” If they did… a whole group. It had been a long time since you’d seen a whole group dropped in together. 
“Johnny,” Simon rasped. 
“And Gaz,” the first one said, a hint of relief in his tone. “C’mon, boys, on your feet now.” It took him astoundingly little time to have all of them on their feet. You stood back a little, impressed and a little intimidated. 
They were all big men, clearly strong. You did have Bessie and a weapon, but you preferred not to use them if you didn’t have to. 
“Now,” the first one said, turning back to you. “Where are we?” 
“Welcome to the Island.” You smiled wryly at them. “Don’t ask me how you got here, because I don’t know. I woke up here, same as you lot did. Come on, I’ve got food and more water back at base.” You turned away from them, walking back to Bessie. 
“What the fuck?” One of them, Gaz you thought, exclaimed upon seeing Bessie.
“I know,” you soothed. “She looks scary, but she won’t hurt you. She listens to me.” You patted the big Trike’s nose, grinning when she rumbled affectionately at you. 
“That’s a triceratops.” Gaz was staring at her, unblinking. 
“Oh, that right? I hadn’t noticed.” You grinned, though, to take the sting out of your words. 
“How…?” He trailed off, clearly uncertain how to even phrase that question. 
“I don’t know,” you answered with a little sigh. “Come on, keep up. I’ll explain on the way.” You whistled a short note to Bessie, for her to follow you, and started walking. All four men kept up with you easily. 
“Alright. Well. Like I mentioned, this is the Island. It’s… I don’t know how it’s possible. But it is. Yes, she is a triceratops. No, she’s not the only dinosaur here.” You paused and licked your lips, glancing at your new companions. “This place makes very little sense, honestly.” 
“How did you know to find us?” That was the first man again. 
“I didn’t. Today’s a gathering day, so Bessie and I were just out gathering resources.” You nodded back to the laden bags on Bessie’s sides. “Found you lot by accident.” 
“You’re acting like this is normal,” the Scottish one, Johnny you were pretty sure, said, eyeing you warily.
You huffed soft amusement at him. “I woke up here, same as you,” you answered, smiling a little. “Someone took me in then, showed me the ropes, same as I’ll show you. And you lot aren’t the first I’ve found and taken in. Happens pretty regularly.” 
“What happened to the rest?” Gaz sounded like he almost didn’t want the answer.
“They died.” You swallowed back the memories that evoked. “Not too far from base now.” You glanced at each of them and gave your name. Which is how you learned some of them had other names - Ghost and Soap, particularly. The first one you’d woken was Price. 
“What is this place?” Soap asked, looking around as you walked. 
“Not really sure,” you answered, pausing a moment to look around. Just in case. Never hurt to be on the lookout for predators. “Some forgotten island a mad scientist took over? Some kind of social experiment? Dunno. Doesn’t really matter, anyway.” 
“Are you alone here?” That was Price, those eyes fixed on you. 
“I’m the last of my tribe, yeah.” You shrugged. “But there are other tribes here. I’ll explain more later, if you want. We’ve got to get up here, then around to base.” You led the way, long used to the trek as you headed up the hill. 
Your base was in a nice defensible location, backed up to a steep drop with a solid row of spiked fencing keeping dangerous things out. You pulled open the gate for them, ushering the men through first and then guiding Bessie through. 
“Home sweet home,” you told them with a little smile. It was better than it had been when you’d arrived - you now had several crop plots and berry bushes, a nice paddock set up for Bessie and Watermelon, a separate paddock for Ripper, and a house with plenty of room, even with four new clan members. 
“You did all this?” Soap sounded impressed.
“Goodness no,” you laughed, taking one bag off of Bessie and setting it aside. “No, I’ve had help, most of the time. Some of this was established when I arrived here, but I added the crop plots.” You took off the second bag and ushered Bessie in with Watermelon. “Food first, I’m guessing?” You started for the house without actually waiting for an answer, hauling one of the bags with you. The other could stay outside for a while. 
The four were quiet as they looked around, something for which you were grateful. It gave you a chance to debate your options. You didn’t have enough stew for five people, but you did still have plenty of berries, and it wouldn’t take long to make up a batch of quick rolls. It wouldn’t be a feast, but it would tide them over. 
“You said you don’t know how we got here,” Price said, deliberately making noise as he walked closer to you.
“Right.” You focused on grabbing ingredients for the rolls, sparing him only a quick glance. 
“How long have you been here, then?” 
You actually had to think about it for a moment, head tipped to one side. “Seven hundred and twenty… two days. No. Twenty three.” 
“Almost two years?” Gaz asked, clearly shamelessly eavesdropping. 
“Almost.” You frowned down at the dough, adding a little more water to it. 
“And you’ve been doing this the whole time?” Price made a vague motion to the base.
“Pretty much.” You shrugged, giving the dough one more stir before you separated it out. “I’ve traveled, of course. Read through all the notes I could find. Learned the skills needed to survive here.” You shrugged again. “That’s how it goes here. I’ll be happy to teach you all as well.” 
Price blew out a slow breath. “You haven’t found a way off the island.”
“Of course not.” You rolled your eyes. “Nobody has. I don’t even know if there is a way off the Island. I mean, there must be, the supply drops come from somewhere, but I’ve never seen a plane or anything.” 
“There are supply drops?” Soap’s turn to eavesdrop.
“Of course.” You transferred the rolls to a baking stone, setting them carefully in the oven. Not as nice as a modern one, of course, but you’d only burnt a few rolls before figuring out how to make it work. “Daily, in different areas. I’ve got a big map up on that wall.” You pointed and grinned at the subsequent migration. “Home is the big blue dot.” 
More leisurely, you strolled over to stand behind the men, observing the map. It was a complete map, with bases marked accordingly. 
“What’s this, then?” Soap pointed to a green marker out on the plains.
“The horse tribe.” You rolled your eyes. “Pricks. They’re not particularly friendly.” 
“I take it they use horses,” Gaz said, flicking a grin at you. 
“Yeah. Exclusively. They will trade for carrots, at least, so they can be reasonable.” You shrugged. “Not often, but it happens.” 
“And here?” Ghost pointed to the red dot up between two mountains. 
“The Painted Ladies.” You looked away from the map. “They’re… a little zealous. Have no use for males, of any species. They use the red berries to make a dye and mark everything with it - themselves, saddles, clothes.” 
“That it?” Price this time, examining the map more closely.
“I haven’t checked in a while, but there used to be a tribe down here, between the base of this mountain and the swamp. No idea why they chose there, but it’s not my problem.” You shrugged. “Oh! And hypothetically there’s the sky tribe, built mobile bases on a few quetzal, but I’m not convinced that’s real.” 
You left them to continue examining the map, checking the food and tapping your fingers against the table. Still didn’t feel like enough, not with four of them. So you pulled out an extra slab of meat from the preserving bin, slapping that in a pan with some herbs and a few potatoes chopped up. There. That’d do. 
“There are plates and cups in that cupboard,” you said, pointing, hoping one of them would take the hint. “If you wanna wash up, that’s out back. Just don’t drink the water.” 
“On it,” Gaz said, moving to get the plates and cups. He even found the utensils with a little poking around. Good man. 
Dinner was… stilted. You had gotten accustomed to being alone again, and they were still adjusting. Not that you blamed them - you’d been in shock the first three days you’d been here. They were doing better than you.
Then again, they all knew each other, so that probably helped. And, honestly, they looked like they were military. Big guys like them, combined with the way they’d looked at the map and the way they carried themselves… Pinged as military in your mind. You’d seen their type before. 
You took the dishes out back to clean, waving off their offers. You needed a bit of quiet time to yourself. 
Four new people, all at once. A group. You’d only seen pairs come in before, not a group of four. Honestly, it made you wonder all over again about whoever was running this. What did they want? What was the point of this? 
Maybe there was none. Maybe it was all just an elaborate form of torture. You sure didn’t know anybody who’d made it out alive. 
You snorted softly, shaking your head. No point wondering about it. You had too much to do. 
Especially with four more people to feed. That would be a lot. 
You blew out a breath. Hopefully these ones would outlive you. You didn’t know if you could handle losing any more people. 
You jumped, startled, and looked at Gaz’s sheepish expression. “Yes, Gaz?” 
“Want me to take anything in for you?” 
You huffed out a little laugh. “Insistent, huh? Yeah, alright, you can take the plates in. I’ll show you where the bedding is once I’m done out here.” 
Gaz nodded, picking up the plates, though he didn’t move yet. “You alright?” 
You shot him an amused smile. “I should be asking you that.” 
He shrugged, looking down. “Big change for you, too,” he murmured, fingers shifting around the plates.
Your smile softened a little. “It is,” you admitted. “But I’m okay. It’s good to have people to talk to again. I’ll make sure to teach you everything you need to know about this place.” 
He nodded, searching your gaze for a few moments before he left. 
They all opted to bunk down together, which made life easier for you. The house was an open floor plan, so you just pushed some things out of the way, gave them bedding, and left them to it. 
You, of course, did last rounds before bed, checking on your three tames, checking the fence, and checking the surrounding area through the slats in the fence. A few pachys, a parasaur, and a stego farther out. Quiet out tonight. Good. 
The few crystals you’d left out all day were glowing softly now that night had fallen, so you brought those inside. The glow was soft, diffuse enough that it wouldn’t keep anyone awake (hopefully), but would still provide some illumination. 
In case any of them needed it. Or you. 
Murmuring a soft good night to them, you grabbed your own bedding and curled up in your favorite corner. It didn’t take long to drop off to sleep. 
You were surprised when they woke at sunrise, same as you. You let them take care of themselves, instead pulling water to boil and working on biscuits. They were easy to make and lasted a few days, although you doubted they’d be around that long. 
“You said there are supply drops?” Price asked, standing to one side while you worked.
“Mmhm. Not in the same spot, but they come down.”
“If you’re planning to go to any today, I’d like to go with you.” 
You straightened after putting the last batch of biscuits in the oven, dusting your hands off. “I’ve got a few questions first. You lot military?” 
“Yes.” He crossed his arms over his chest, watching you more closely.
You nodded. “Good. Think you can trust me enough to keep you all out of the worst of the trouble until you learn the ropes?” 
His lips twitched. “Do we have a choice?”
“Always.” You frowned at him, disapproving. “You never have to stay here. If you really want to leave and try on your own, I can give you some supplies and advice. You’re not beholden to me, or anything like that.” 
He only smiled, apparently pleased. “We’ll follow your lead.” 
You blinked, not having expected that. “Uh. Good.” You ignored one of them snickering behind you and took the freshly-boiled water off the flame. “Right, those’ll take a bit. Let me show you the guns.” 
That got all of their attention, and they all followed you outside to the weapons cabinet. You opened it with a little flourish, grinning at their expressions. 
A few bows and crossbows sat on one side, arrows piled neatly below. Your pistol you picked up, tucking away so they didn’t get any ideas. 
Which still left three longneck rifles, another pistol, and one (slightly broken) assault rifle. 
“Quite a stash,” Soap murmured, going for one of the rifles. 
“They come in some of the supply drops,” you offered, stepping back to give them better access. “And ammo, which is below. The assault rifle is broken, haven’t the foggiest what to do with it.”
“I do.” Ghost picked that one up and stepped away. You let him. Not like he could make it any more broken.
“Please don’t shoot any of them here, you’ll scare the tames, and that will end badly for everyone.” You left them to the guns, going to grab Bessie’s bags again. 
“Not a problem,” Price assured you, taking one of the longnecks. Gaz and Soap each had one as well. 
You nodded once, making sure both bags were empty and in good condition before you hung them on the side of the paddock. You’d take Bessie with you when you taught them how to hunt here. 
You had a feeling at least one of them would be a bit… resistant to eating meat after this. 
The biscuits went over well - Gaz ate four in one sitting. You packed up several more in a bag, along with two water skins freshly filled. 
“Alright,” you murmured, taking them outside again. “Look for blue smoke, that’s usually what they use for the supply drops. Sometimes green. Once in a great while, yellow.” 
“Blue,” Gaz called after only a few seconds, pointing. Towards the beach. Good. 
“Green,” Soap called less than a minute later. You sucked your teeth when you saw that one - towards the mountain. Not good. 
“Right,” you mumbled, chewing your lip. “We’re going for blue first. We’ll hunt along the way.” 
Nobody said a word against your plan, which was frankly miraculous. You got Bessie ready again, whistling for her to follow. 
“You tamed her?” Price fell into step next to you at the head of the group. 
“Her, yeah.” You smiled. “The other two, no. Watermelon was tamed by the guy before you lot - Jasper. Nice guy. Former marine.” You shrugged. 
“And the other?” 
“Ripper was tamed by my mentor, Tom. He left her to me, made sure she knew I was friendly.” Your smile was tinted bittersweet at the memory of Tom. You firmly maintained you couldn’t have had a better mentor. 
Not like you’d turned out to be. 
“How does that work?” 
You huffed, shaking your head even as you continued to scan for danger. “That’s at least a week two project, Price. Gotta learn the basics first.” 
“Alright.” He seemed amused now. “Tell me more about the supply drops.”
You shot him an amused look. “I take it you’re in charge of the boys.” 
“That obvious, eh?” His lips twitched. 
“With that tone of voice? Yeah.” You grinned, though. “Supply drops usually have all kinds of things. Clothes, weapons, ammo, medicine, food. Anything that can’t easily be made here, or requires technical skills that can’t easily be learned. Sometimes notes, manuals, things like that.”
“And they drop daily.”
“Usually, yeah. They aren’t in the same spot every day, so they’re not always close enough to grab. We got lucky with this one on the coast, actually. The coast is less dangerous than the mountains.” You paused to take a quick look around, just to be safe, before you continued on. “As long as you don’t go in the ocean, anyway. Practically everything in the ocean wants to kill you.” 
Quiet fell for a little while as you all walked. There was still a little bit of light forest between you and the coast, and the supply drop. The forest was usually quiet here, but not always. Fortunately, they seemed to note your caution and followed your lead, all without a word. 
You could get used to that. 
“I see the drop.” You blew out a slow breath. Once again, through the forest without incident. And still with plenty of time to let them do some hunting. “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.” 
Ghost set up keeping an eye on the surrounding area while you and Gaz pulled the top off the crate. 
You whistled at the contents. Small bottles of medicine, bandages, a few splints, another pistol and ammo… And an oiled coat, which you promptly held up to check the size. That would come in handy on rainy days. 
“This is a good haul,” you murmured. Coat looked too big for you. Damn. “Alright, let’s load up Bessie, make sure you cushion those medicine bottles.” 
They worked easily, efficiently. Even if you did catch Soap side-eyeing Bessie when the trike huffed. 
You broke down the crate the rest of the way, tying the pieces together and attaching that to the leather harness. Good. 
“Right,” you murmured. “Hunting next, I s’pose.” You blew out a breath, hands on your hips, looking down towards the water. “We’ll start easy.”
“Oi,” Soap started, indignant. 
“Easy for me,” you corrected with a little grin. “Come on. I can usually find dodos down this way.” A short whistle for Bessie to follow and you started down the beach, letting the others follow at their own pace. 
The beach was usually quiet. At least, here it was. The swamp… much less so. But here? Not a problem. 
“There we go,” you murmured, stopping far enough away that the dodos wouldn’t freak out. Not that they did anyway - they were pretty stupid. “Five of ‘em, that’s good. Right, just aim for the heads. They’re not smart and they’re not fast, I’m sure you can get ‘em.” 
You stood to the side, letting them figure out how they wanted to do this. You were only a little amused when Price approached it in a very military fashion - he sent Soap and Ghost around to the other side to help pen in the big dumb birds. 
Honestly, it didn’t take them any time at all to take down the birds. You whistled lowly. They were efficient. 
“Keep this up and you won’t need me,” you joked, patting Bessie’s side.
“Think we still have a few things to learn,” Price said, falling in step next to you as you walked over to the birds. 
You hummed acknowledgement before you grabbed the first bird by the feet, dragging it over to Bessie. “Might be a nest around here,” you said, glancing at Gaz. “Mind taking a look?”
Gaz was off with a nod, even as Soap and Ghost walked over to help. 
“We’ll take these two back,” you said, attaching the second bird to Bessie’s harness. “The other three we can butcher here.” You shook out the oiled cloth you’d brought with specifically to wrap the meat in, laying it on the sand. 
Fortunately, none of them were squeamish. Unfortunately, you only had two knives. 
It still took relatively little time for you and Price to get the meat done and wrapped up. 
"Found a few eggs," Gaz reported, carefully holding the eggs against his stomach. Three of them. Your mouth watered at the sight. 
"Brilliant." You grinned. "Alright, this has worked out quite nicely for us! I can show you some berry patches on the way back." 
None of them objected, so you got everything situated in Bessie's bags and started the walk back. 
You'd made it most of the way when you heard the little growl. You stopped, hand going to your pistol, and you noted Price doing the same near you. 
But the creature that stepped out of the brush was no threat. The hyaenadon growled softly again, gaze focused on you. 
"Easy," you soothed, both it and the men. "Easy does it." You released your pistol, taking two steps back to Bessie and cutting off a chunk of meat. 
"What are ye doin'?" Soap hissed, confused and a little incredulous. 
"No need to panic," you soothed, stepping forward again, still moving slow. You stepped ahead of Price and crouched down. "Here, sweetheart. Here you go." You held out the meat, heart racing. 
The hyaenadon crept closer, slow, cautious, a little skittish. It sniffed the meat and then, very delicately, took it from your hand. Its stubby tail wagged and it whined a little, chowing down. 
"What is this?" Price asked this time.
"I have been working on taming this darling for weeks," you said, keeping your tone low and gentle. "I think this one is almost ready to come home." 
"Ye can't be serious." Soap again, this time aghast. 
"Of course I am." You smiled as the hyaenadon licked your hand. "Good job," you murmured. "That's a good pup. How about I bring you more tomorrow, hm?" 
The hyaenadon whined again and scampered off back into the woods. You straightened with a satisfied smile. 
"What was that?" Ghost finally, voice a low growl. 
"Home first," you insisted. "Then I'll explain."
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It's a day late, but the Halloween dinosaur sticker set is finished and up on Redbubble!
I've got a candy corn stegosaurus, a vampire raptor and a ghost raptor, a parasaurolophus witch, a reanimated dead triceratops, and a ceratopsian with markings that look like a jack-o-lantern. It's not wearing makeup, it just looks like that, like those fancy breeds of pet snakes. The ankylosaurus just looks like a regular one, but it's actually a were-ankylosaurus on a night with a full moon, and is a different kind of dinosaur the rest of the time. The skeleton is a quetzalcoatlus skeleton, because it was a pterosaur the size of a small airplane, which makes it the most terrifying skeleton.
I also plan to draw backgrounds for some of them and add them as individual prints, but I'm not sure when that'll be finished.
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dinodorks · 9 months
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[ A size comparison of three rhabdodontids, (left to right) Mochlodon suessi, Rhabdodon priscus and Transylvanosaurus platycephalus. Illustrated by Peter Nickolaus. ]
"When you think of dinosaurs, you might automatically imagine iconic dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops. But at the same time when these were stomping on the ancient coastal plains of North America, some of their very distant cousins were reigning over Europe's lands. During the Late Cretaceous (between 100 and 66 million years ago), Europe was an extensive archipelago with numerous small and large islands situated in a shallow tropical sea, the so-called Late Cretaceous European Archipelago. The dinosaur groups that lived on these islands were very different from those of other continents, often being much smaller than their mainland relatives. These European dinosaurs include small and medium-sized carnivorous theropods, armored ankylosaurs, long-necked sauropods, duck-billed hadrosaurs, and rhabdodontids. Arguably one of the most important of these European dinosaur groups is the family Rhabdodontidae, which groups together the most common medium-sized herbivores of the Late Cretaceous European Archipelago. A joint research team from the Universities of Tübingen (Germany), Budapest (Hungary) and Bucharest (Romania) recently reviewed what we know about these peculiar dinosaurs in a new paper published in the journal Fossil Record."
Read more: "Europe's very own dinosaurs: The enigmatic Late Cretaceous rhabdodontids"
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dixdixbby · 9 months
Recently did a rewatch of Mutant Mayhem so I thought I’d put down some things I didn’t notice on my first watch through:
The little band-aid on baby Super Fly ☹️☹️☹️
The “15 years later” kinda resembling the 2007 movie logo (coincidence?)
The tape on Raph’s belt buckle and the stickers on Mikey’s chucks I LOVE those details
“Drake is the GOAT of all time” is such a cleverly stupid line lol
“I love being young and free to go places!”
Triceratops on the side of a U-Haul = Triceratons reference (or foreshadowing??? 👀)
Mr. Beast cameo
“That’s not a cat, it’s actually a rat!”
Mikey vocalizing while doing his flips
“How many people has the red one stabbed? Does he need therapy?” LMAOOOOO
Got a picture of the Mona Lisa on the locker next to April’s. Mona reference probably?
Bad Bernie looks kinda like a mouse
Making Leatherhead Australian was the best decision actually
“Cowabunga! I just made that up :D” love the continuing the trend of Mikey getting some of his catchphrases from Mondo
“Oh my god, I’m gonna win a daytime Emmy”
“Don’t cuz me right now, man 🤨😒”
One of the TCRI guys nodding along to their rendition of “Butter”
They wanted Ice Cube to curse so badddd
The parallel between the scene of Raph throwing the ninja star and him shooting the gun
“The Mercedes no!!!” “That was a Prius, it’s ok.”
Donnie doing the AoT salute as he explained the Titans weakness is such a minor detail but I love it so much
Mikey saying “yes and” right after being told to improvise
“Anxious but highly informed teen reports”
Alex Hirsch voiced Scumbug because of course he did
87, 2012, and Rise Splinter in the credits~
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rainbow-femme · 4 months
It’s wild that in the Jurassic World movies they were like “we’re going to invent a new dinosaur!” And then for all intents and purposes made another T-Rex. Yeah for the characters it’s supposed to be smarter and stuff but to the audience the dinosaurs were always as smart as a situation needed them to be, yeah it’s bigger but I don’t have any scale and the T-Rex was already really big so after a certain point I can’t tell the difference
If you’re telling me this park needed a new wow factor to bring people in I don’t buy that a different color T-Rex would do it. They could have gone absolutely insane, taken some of the most iconic elements of different dinosaurs and slapped them together with the idea of “we’ll just put everyone’s favorite bits on one thing so that means they will love it even more” which also fits into the movie’s theme of making fun of the fact that it’s a rebooted sequel
Give me the scary jaws of a T-Rex but a long neck like a brontosaurus so it can now see way up high or around corners, maybe have it be extendable and retractable like some birds so it doesn’t look goofy all the time but have it be tension that they don’t know how long the neck extends
Give me crazy triceratops horns and stegosaurus spikes so it’s just weapons going in every direction, give me Deinocheirus long arms so it’s not even limited by the T-Rex stubby arm thing, make it able to swim like the Spinosaurus, give me acid spit like the Dilophosaurus
Fuck it, give it wings! I don’t care! I’m here to see people get eaten by dinosaurs, you think I care about physics? Give me a T-Rex with a long neck that can swoop down from the sky like a fucking dragon
Maybe have it be omnivorous and while in containment it was really docile and people were safe around it because they always fed it when they came in but then when it gets out and the humans are acting agitated and don’t have food it starts to get aggressive and tries to eat the people instead, so anyone who sees it and isn’t in the know thinks it’s safe
Hell, maybe it’s not actively trying to hurt people at all. Maybe to show off the different dinosaur talents they taught it tricks so it keeps trying to do the tricks for a reward and the tricks are now dangerous to humans and it’s not being fed so it’s doing them more and doing them more aggressively. Maybe it had a target it shot acid at or it would swim towards a moving piece of bait and attack it, or they would play a noise to make it extend its neck and investigate so now it automatically does that at unfamiliar noises, maybe it had things it was trained to smash with the spike tail or spear with its horns. Give it a seaworld/circus angle of “hey maybe these things shouldn’t be doing tricks for human amusement”
You’re gonna make it CGI anyway, why not make it cool! Make it insane looking! Make it even kind of silly at first until it gets out and all of a sudden all those things that make it silly are now actively coming to get you
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vintagerpg · 6 months
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Well, it was bound to happen eventually. This is Battlesystem (1985), the box set of mass combat rules TSR spent decades trying to shove back into D&D, even as D&D was mostly leaving its wargame roots behind.
This is a craaaaazy product for the time. A two-inch box set packed with a rulebook, a scenario book, roster sheets, reference cards, piles of chits, a booklet of cardboard fold-up terrain, two metal miniatures and a guide to painting miniatures. This was obviously meant to entice players. If the contents of the box weren’t enough, the Jeff Easley cover featuring barbarian cavalry on triceratops-back at least makes a compelling case. The thing was a full-blown wargame, though, requiring lots of stats and math and resolution charts. Even if the various watered down introductions to Battlesystem (like those in the Dragonlance modules) convinced folks to try the full Battlesystem rules, they’d be crushed in an avalanche.
My favorite part of the boneheadedness of Battlesystem is that it doesn’t actually require miniatures. That’s why there are all those cardboard chits in the box. But why? Didn’t TSR play dirty with the Grenadier over the license for official D&D miniatures to found their own official miniature forge? Yes, indeed, they did. And the miniatures were so bad, production so agonized, that TSR shuttered the miniature division…just before Battlesystem hit shelves. Truly, the game wizards.
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louthestarspeaker · 27 days
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[ID: A collection of six images of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory promo material. The images are in the style of a magazine, with a cover and interviews from each of the Nublar Six, minus Brooklynn.
The cover has all of the Nublar Six lined up on the docks in Costa Rica, just after they made it back to the mainland. Yaz and Sammy are holding hands, Kenji has a hand on Brooklynn's shoulder. All the kids are smiling nicely, with the exception of Darius whose smile is kind of awkward and looks a little uncomfortable on camera. The title of the magazine, The Dino Times, is splashed across the top of the page. Just below it is the subtitle "Who are the Nublar Six?". Below the photo of the campers is text that reads, "Meet the miraculous survivors of the Jurassic World catastrophe in this exclusive, celebrating the anniversary of their return."
Each of the interviews has a picture of each of the Nublar Six as a young adult, their name printed large, and a little logo for The Dino Times in the corner. A transcript of the text of each interview reads as folllows:
Darius: Dino Nerd Turned Hero
Darius Bowman never would've expected a shy, nerdy kid from Oakland could become the leader of the Nublar survivors.
"Back at Camp Cretaceous I had to learn to trust myself and my friends to make it through. It was a terrifying experience, but what they were doing to those dinosaurs at that facility just wasn't right. Somebody had to do something."
Since his return, Bowman has traveled all over the country giving talks about dinosaur conservation, and has worked with the Department of Prehistoric Wildlife.
Ben: Brave Soul Against All Odds
Ben Pincus had perhaps the most dramatic metamorphosis as a result of his experiences at Nublar.
"I was terrified of pretty much everything," he said. "Germs. The dark. Non-organic snacks. And then all of a sudden we were up against actual dinosaurs."
Luckily, Pincus found an unlikely ally in a baby Ankylosaurus he named Bumpy.
"Bumpy is my best friend. She helped me face my fears and see how much I had to contribute to the group."
We'll have to see if the campus office can make an exception for Bumpy as Ben gets ready for college in the fall.
Sammy: Cattle Rancher, Dino Wrangler
Sammy Gutierrez lived with her parents on a Texas ranch before Camp Cretaceous. Ever the optimist she remarked, "At least I was already used to big animals before that whole fiasco! There;s really not much difference between a longhorn and a Triceratops if you think about it."
Back at home, Gutierrez maintained that positive attitude by staying busy.
"I have my own ranch, now. And my girlfriend, Yaz. And tons of pies to bake! We don't have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff!"
Yaz: A Track Star and Her Team
Yasmina Fadoula went from national track star to Nublar Six survivor in the span of months, and the aftermath hit her particularly hard.
"I wasn't used to feeling helpless. Before, I would just push through to the finish line no matter what. Nublar made me realize you can't win all your races alone."
She credits her relationship with fellow survivor Sammy Gutierrez as a major source of support.
"I've been going through a lot of anxiety since coming back, and Sammy's been there constantly. I want to show her I can be the strong person she sees in me."
Kenji: Cool Kid Finds New Family
Kenji Kon has declined to comment on his father's incarceration.
"All that matters is my new family. They're the ones who always had my back."
The Nublar Six have been instrumental in Kenji's return to normal life, from his relationship with Brooklynn, to his best friend Darius.
"All I wanna do is chill, you know? I've moved out somewhere peaceful. Started my climbing school. All is good in Casa de Kenji."
End Transcript. The page of Kenji's interview has a ragged edge, like the page next to it has been torn out. There is no interview for Brooklynn. End ID]
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Protect Me? (Zach Mitchell)
Summary: Zach Mitchell and the reader, Y/N, have been best friends since childhood. When Zach takes her to Jurassic World, it's a game of survival.
The day he met her, he fell in love. That's how Zach says he and Y/N met, but when Y/N herself is around, he says they met in the seventh grade, when she moved to Michigan from Alaska. She was used to the cold, it didn't bother her, and neither did the kids whispering how weird she was for still being obsessed with dinosaurs. She got along great with Gray, because they both knew things about Sauropods and long-necks and T-Rexes and Triceratops and this and that kind of dinosaur.
Over time, Zach started falling for her. At the time, he was still with Ashley, his now-ex, and he hated thinking that he was leading her on, even though he thought--no, knew--that he had no chance with Y/N. So, as friends, he invited her along to Jurassic World, their aunt's dinosaur theme park.
Time Skip
Zach, Gray, and Y/N got off of the boat docked at Isla Nublar. The hills and mountains spread around them like a green maze, and the wooden dock was warm from the sun. Y/N grinned, taking it in. She loved nature, it was her happy place. She liked to often sit near rivers or streams and draw them in motion, or listen to the rain and sleep, even if she got cold and a little wet. "It's so pretty here," She said, and Zach grinned, shaking his head. "You and nature, I swear." She giggled, and Zach blushed.
"Who's that?" Gray asked, pointing at a woman with black hair and dark shades covering her eyes. She was dressed in a power suit, a pale gray color that covered a white shirt. She had pale gold shoes on. In her slim hands, she held a sign: ZACH AND GRAY MITCHELL, Y/N L/N. "Let's find out," Y/N said softly.
Time Skip
"What the hell just happened?" Y/N choked on water as she swam to shore. Zach and her pulled Gray onto the mud, and Zach said, "We were almost eaten." He blew water from his nose in a short huff, and Gray said, "That's why Aunt Claire wanted us to come back. We should've gone back." He whimpered, and Y/N gently helped him up, shaking water from her hair. "Well, let's just get back to the park, okay?"
They wandered around for a long time and found a set of doors covered in vines and moss. "The old park!" Y/N cried happily, running up the steps slick with moss. "Careful, careful." Zach scolded as she ran inside. It was a disaster, but it was beautiful, like an old castle left in ruins. She could see the beauty where everything must've been. "They built over it," Gray frowned, touching a wall with painted Velociraptors on it. "Makes sense, they didn't exactly tell anyone this happened." Zach muttered, picking up a banner. He turned to Gray. "Still got those matches?" Gray opened his "dork pouch" and took them out, handing them to Zach, who lit the banner like a torch. "Come on." He said, and they followed.
They had just entered the old Visitor's Center when a large, scaly foot slammed down and crushed a leaf-covered statue. "Run!" Zach yelled, and they bolted. Y/N tried keeping up but didn't see a large vine and root entangled together on the floor and tripped, flying forwards. "Ow!" She yelped, and the dinosaur, the one that tried to eat them on the waterfall, snarled and started leaning down. She froze, but knew that this thing didn't see like the T-Rex; it went off thermal radiation, not sight. Suddenly, the thing howled, and she saw Gray jamming a huge stick in the dinosaur's leg, making it scream and roar in pain. "Come on!" Zach was yanking her to her feet, and as they passed, they grabbed Gray. Making it into a garage, they saw a gasoline Jeep. Pausing, they waited to hear the dinosaur's loud steps. After a moment, they heard them, stomping away. "He's leaving," Gray whispered. Zach adn Y/N weren't listening. He was holding her close, breathing deeply to calm himself. "Are you okay?" He asked, face inches from hers. She nodded, breathless. "Yes." For a moment, they stared at each other. "Jesus, just kiss her." Gray snapped, moving to the Jeep.
Zach grinned, kissing Y/N, and she kissed back, feeling safe. "I...I love you," She whispered, and he blushed, a small smile on his face. "I love you more."
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Dick had seen some crazy shit in his time as Batman's sidekick and as Nightwing, but what he saw tonight; he couldn't prepare himself for it. He was out on patrol. All the other Titans were moving on with their lives, but Dick was still Nightwing. He still had a mission to protect people. And tonight was no exception as he saw a sight that was weird, even by his standards.
He saw a bunch of thugs pretending they were badasses, up against someone who was dressed very differently. He knew superheroes dressed in colorful costumes, but this person definitely took the cake. He'll, he took the whole fucking bakery. He was dressed in a bright blue costume with black and gray. He wore a dinosaur shaped helmet that resembled a triceratops.
The thugs unloaded their guns on him and for a moment, Dick was worried that someone who tried to play the hero, got shot dead. But apparently his suit must have been bulletproof because he charged them without a care as his sword glowed blue like a lightsaber and cut all their weapons in half. They stood shocked at what he just did.
Dick heard his voice, an amusement in it. "Well, fellas, what's it gonna be? Turn yourselves in? Or do we continue this dance?" The thugs, of course, chose to fight. The person, who was clearly a male underneath that visor, made quick work of them. Dick was impressed. A fellow martial artist. He jumped down from the rooftop he was perched on as he walked towards the mysterious hero, his batons at the ready in case this guy decided to start something.
The helmet of the dinosaur turned towards him. "Who are you supposed to be? The Masked Rider? One of the Beetleborgs? Or are you working for Void King?"
Nightwing frowned at that. He's never heard of those things before. Especially not this... 'Void King.' He took a cautious step towards him. "The name's Nightwing. And you're trespassing in my city." He didn't want to sound like Bruce. So mean and cold, but something about this guy made him feel uneasy. He just finished saving the world from Brother Blood. He didn't want another war on his hands, especially since he was the only one left.
"No need for hostility, Nightwing. I'm just protecting the innocent like the Power Rangers should." The guy said.
"Power Rangers? Who the hell are you?"
"It doesn't matter."
"I think it does..." Dick trails off as he brings out his Escrima Sticks, charged with electricity. "Put your weapon down. Now!"
This Power Ranger character raised his sword as it glowed blue for a moment. "Tell Void King that I'm never going to let him or Void Queen take over my home. The earth belongs to the Rangers and the people who live here." He pointed his sword at Dick.
Dick smiles. "Finally, some excitement."
Dick and the Power Ranger charged each other as they traded attacks of their weapons back and forth.
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