#006. all about you
linagram · 6 months
To each of the prisoners: Define love.
To each of the guards: Define justice.
Akio: Do I have to answer this.. Why would you ask me that anyway? Is this because of the answer I gave during my second interrogation?.. Fine. I think love is.. Always staying by your lover's side. Never leaving them. Never betraying them. Always being honest with them. Being so loyal to them, you could die for them. Um.. Haha, so he never did any of those things..
Aimi: Hmm, I've never had a significant other, so it's hard to say, haha.. Well, I think love is when you two feel safe around each other! It's when you can trust your partner with anything and know that they won't break their promise and they won't leave you no matter what you do. And no matter what, they will never judge you. Ah, I think you can say the same about platonic and familial love too!
Shun: U-um.. Let's see.. Well, it's obviously going on dates and.. Uh.. Doing all the romantic stuff, y-you know?.. D-do I have to tell you all the details?.. Y-you're looking at me like I don't know anything about romance. And I do know about it, please believe me! I mean, I did have a girlfriend.. A-anyway, love is something that I will never be complete without. I need to be loved. It's like.. If I'm loved, it means someone in this world appreciates me, right? They would probably be sad if something happened to me..
Naomi: Um.. I never was that interested in romance, so I can't really- Hm? It doesn't have to be romantic? I see.. Well, I can't even tell you that much about platonic love.. I'm sorry, I'm really boring when it comes to that, haha. But if I had to think about it more.. Maybe it's when others don't expect anything from you? You can be anything you want to be and you're still wanted and appreciated.. It sounds nice when I think about it, actually.
Kei: Heyyyy, didn't you say that someone like me can't know anything about love? Haha, well, as I've said before, I believe that pain and love can't be separated. Why? The thing is, if someone puts you through so much pain every single day, but you still choose to stay with them and don't even think about leaving them.. Yeah, that's love to me. And if you truly love someone, you'll be okay with them hurting you in some way. That's what Mom used to say. And I love her. You love her too, Eiji. You've never even tried to run away, after all.
Eiko: You're probably not gonna believe me, but I actually wasn't interested in love at all until I.. well, met that guy. I thought it was just a stupid waste of time, just like friendship and all that stuff. But hey, of course I felt lonely. My relationships never had any meaning, the only somewhat deep relationship I have is the one with my dad. So, if you were to ask me about love.. I think love is when your relationship with someone has some kind of meaning. Maybe it makes you happy. Maybe it wants you to keep living. Maybe it makes you feel like you have some kind of purpose. You just know that if something happened to that person, you would feel like your life has become incomplete. That's love to me.
Asahi: E-eh?.. I know that I'm more mature than other kids, but like.. Ugh, fine. So, uh, I think love is when someone gives you everything you could ever want from them. N-no, I'm not just talking about food and toys and that stuff! Though that's also important, of course.. But like.. I-if you asked them for a hug, they'd be okay with it.. And if you asked them to spend time with you, they'd still agree even if they're busy.. A-anyway, I know I'll be popular when I grow up, but right now I don't care about all that. I just wanna have fun and I don't want to think about anything.. Uh, "serious".
Yurika: Your question is simple, so my answer will be the same. It's what I felt for my boss. S-she wasn't just a manager to me. She actually gave me a reason to live. She showed me that I still have worth even if I'm not that smart, not that hardworking and not that productive. She's not like my parents at all and those guys are rich, but still wanted me to work! H-huh?.. "Did you see your manager as your lover or your mother figure?".. Uh.. B-both?
Riku: Let me think.. Well, there's many different types of love, you know? I don't really know which one you want me to talk about.. Oh, so like, love in general? Um.. For some reason, it's still hard for me to think of an answer.. Maybe something like, even if you get sad or angry sometimes, they still understand you and still willing to listen to you? Like, they won't go "Come on, cheer up already!" Oh, also they respect your privacy and personal space, that one's important. Even if I love them, I don't want them to call me at 3 am and start telling me the tragic story of how their cat died when they were eight, thank you very much.. Y-yeah, that did happen to me once.
Reina: I don't know much about it, so I'm afraid my answer won't be that interesting. But maybe.. it's when someone still wants to be with you even if they've seen your worst qualities? No, I don't mean any of that "But I still find them beautiful" kind of stuff. That's actually kinda concerning. It's like, they won't leave you if they see you fighting with someone and yelling at them, but they also won't tell you that you were in the right for acting like that, if you really were in the wrong.
Eiji: It's when all sinners get what they deserve. They get the punishments that fit their sins and they have no choice but to accept it, meanwhile the innocent ones get to finally live a peaceful life. And before you ask me, no, nobody in this prison is innocent except me and Guard 002.
Miki: I'm not really as passionate about it as Eiji-san, but.. I think it's when people who did something bad without any reason and don't feel any remorse get.. I-I don't want to say "punished", but.. Basically, they're not able to do anything to the innocent people anymore. I want to believe that everyone in this prison is innocent and everyone had their own reasons and if it wasn't for those reasons, they would never kill anyone.. But I'm not so sure anymore. So if someone in this prison really is guilty.. I guess I'll have to make sure they don't hurt the innocent.
Hiyuu: I think it's when all people are treated as equals. Even if someone is guilty, I won't treat them like a villain. I will punish them, because that's my job as a guard, but it doesn't mean I genuinely want their life to get worse and it doesn't mean I want them to die. I just want them to see what will happen if they continue to act this way. Pain is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone, so I believe that even if that someone really did something bad, they should be treated with respect if they're in pain. So you can trust me, my punishments won't be that bad, haha.
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markerbirthday · 4 months
(rant in tags)
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sytoran · 8 months
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kinktober day 006 | roommate!natasha x werewolf!reader
despite your countless pleads for natasha to stay away during the full moon, she decides to brave the beast and be right by your side during your transformation. she gets a lot more than what she bargained for.
cont. reader has a cock, (very) rough sex, breeding, creampie
word count. 2063
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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“Natasha, you can’t stay here during my transformation,” you plead, grasping your roommate’s hand in yours.
The brunette is adamant, looking up at you with a stubbornly steely gaze. “I’m staying, Y/N. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. You don’t have to suffer alone.”
You wring your hands in exasperation, somewhere near tearing your hair out in frustration or crying in anger. “You’re not listening to me, Nat. It’s not just the pain. I become a different being altogether, and you just can’t see me like that.”
“I can, and I will,” she stubbornly says, folding her arms over her chest and mistakably pushing her cleavage up, too.
The tips of your ears burn at seeing Natasha so utterly bratty.
You bite your tongue, refusing to argue with Natasha even more. Keeping you safe was one thing, but the real reason to steer Natasha away from you during the full moon was to keep her safe.
Because when you’re in your werewolf form, your true desires get heightened by a thousandfold, and from the way you already feel about Natasha, you’re worried it might implode when it comes to your inner beast.
As the Gods of Fate have it out for you, the full moon comes earlier than expected.
Your first agonized cry comes when Natasha’s still in the shower.
“Y/N!” Natasha calls out your name, once, haphazardly scrambling to wrap a towel around herself and sprint to the room where your cries are coming from.
The sight that greets her is absolutely horrific.
You’re bent over, on the floor of your room, on all fours and spitting out blood. Your back is bent at an inhuman angle, your spine broken.
“......Y/N?” Natasha’s voice shook, rooted to the spot in sheer terror.
You don’t respond. You’re in a state of little awareness, or so it seems, a low grunt of pain and fury escaping from you as your transformation continues. 
Natasha takes in a deep breath and steps into the room.
She wants to reach out, hold your hand, tell you that it’s going to be fine but she knows it’s not. The sounds of excruciating pain, broken bones, and surpassed limits make Natasha weep for you on the inside, knowing that you have to go through this painstaking process every month.
The transformation seems to be slowing down, now. Your human blood is splattered across the walls of your room, but your werewolf form seems to be perfectly healthy. You’re still more human than wolf, though: your muscles had thickened and were iron-hard, and you were taller than before. 
However, your wolfish eyes that survey the room are bloodshot red and absolutely inhuman.
That gaze is a chilling scene, narrowed eyes and steady puffs of air surveying the room. Your slow yet calculated mannerisms are reminiscent of your human form.
Natasha hasn’t quite yet caught your eye,  but when she does, it’s like a predator has found its prey.
Your red eyes are like lit coals and smoking silver, surveying Natasha with every ounce of authority and a near possesiveness.
Time stills, and the sound of your haunting voice reverberates around the four walls of your room.
Natasha truly can’t help but let out the tiniest whimper of fear. And perhaps a little something more.
“Y/N,” Natasha says your name again, because it seems to be the only thing capable of falling from her lips, and she swallows harshly at your predatory behaviour. She presses into the wall, one hand clutching the top of her towel, the other finding purchase in the edge of your cupboard. 
When you begin to move closer, Natasha screws her eyes shut, anticipating what was to come. Your presence looms over her, metaphorically and physically, and Natasha waits for her inevitable demise.
The ‘inevitable demise’ never happens.
Instead, Natasha’s eyes flutter open slowly to your huge hands gently wrapping around her torso, a sharp nose burying itself into the crook of her neck.
The whine she lets slip is involuntary. Your close proximity undermines her calm composure, regardless of your way, shape, or form. If that was telling of her feelings towards you, Natasha would choose to play oblivious.
You’re supposed to be scary, and Natasha’s supposed to be terrified, but with the way you’re dragging your nose up and down the column of Natasha’s slender neck, inhaling her sweet scent, she hardly considers her heart to be beating steadily.
She’s intoxicated by you, even more so with your unabashed exploration of Natasha’s neck. The redhead might be grasping at straws, but it’s almost like you’re seeking something. Something from Natasha. Comfort, perhaps?
“You’re okay,” the redhead whispers, fingers combing through your fur in comforting motions. She hears something that sounds suspiciously like a purr of satisfaction, so she repeats that motion.
Your head moves from her pale neck to her pretty collarbones and down her cleavage until your nose hits the obstruction of Natasha's towel.
A low rumble of disgruntlement sounds from somewhere deep in your chest. Natasha lets a full-body shudder take its hold of her body, under the vibrations of your low decibels.
Not comfort, then. What was it?
Almost like you could read Natasha’s inner thoughts, your werewolf form decides to say capre diem and let a huge hand slither up the inside of your roommate’s bare thigh.
Natasha squeals and swats your hand away, instinctively, then she catches herself and her eyes go wide. 
The fire that dances in your eyes is nothing short of a human-like mischief, playful and oh so dangerous. The incarnadine flush that adorns Natasha’s cheeks like a flower blossoming in the spring is one that your werewolf greedily soaks up, pulling her body flush against yours.
You can see the moment realization hits Natasha, the moment she realizes your desires are nothing short of sinful. 
“Want,” you enunciate slowly, stately and unyielding. Your eyes are locked onto hers, gleaming. 
Expectant. Possessive. Knowing.
The grasp of your hand on her inner thigh once again has Natasha letting out a breathy moan, one of pleasure and a startling realisation.
It wasn’t comfort. It was sex.
If Natasha knew that werewolves were this fucking astronomical at sex, she would’ve introduced supernatural creatures into her bed a long time ago.
The position she’s in is nothing short of embarrassing, on all fours, grasping at the headboard like it was her lifeline. 
Perhaps it was, truthfully, because with the ferocity of the thrusts of your Herculean-sized werewolf cock into her pussy from behind was worthy of being sent to the afterlife. Not like Natasha would complain, though.
“Oh- mhmmm, n’more, s’too much,” Natasha slurs, her breasts shaking rhythmically with each time your jerk that massive thing into her, velvet walls squeezing tight around your pulsing cock. Her eyes are threatening to roll back, drool already spilling from the sides of her lips, arousal already leaking from her thighs and on to the bed.
You don’t seem to give a damn about the messiness of it, though, and that could perhaps be linked to the scientific nature of more barbaric animals. But Natasha could ponder over animal studies at a later point in time, for now she was being treated like a fuckdoll, and it was midblowingly gratifying.
“All– the way,” you grunt, trying to shove the entirety of your huge cock into Natasha’s pussy, clearly displeased by the fact that you were struggling to be sealed inside the redhead completely and inescapably. 
It shouldn’t have been a problem because she was already so wet, so pliant, so perfect for the taking. You’d make do with what you had, though.
“It’s too big,” Natasha had whined earlier, gasping as your tip stretched her opening out, the biggest thing she’d ever taken in her life. Her grasp on the headboard tightened as you slid in with a cruel impatience, big hands digging into the soft flesh of her ass.
“I’ll… make it fit,” you reply, somewhat slowly, your speech clearly deterred by your transformation into part-animal. The results of it are undeniably effective, nonetheless, the cockiness of your brash words making arousal pool in Natasha’s hips.
You’ve reached a sweet spot of Natasha’s, and her walls clench around your big cock tightly, mewling as you push its head against her sponginess. 
“Right there, please, please, plea-” Natasha is cut off by one of her own moans when you jerk inside her, spurred on by the sheer tightness she’s providing you. 
When you lean down to entrap Natasha in a breeding press, your bigger body engulfing her smaller one, slick and sweat converging in an unholy sacrament, it’s all over for her.
Going weak in the knees, Natasha moans as her arms give out and her front flops into the bed. The results of this lie in the fact that her back becomes beautifully arched, her ass rising towards the ceiling; your wolfish eyes drink the sight in with a lick of your lips, cock twitching at the prospect of all the new angles you’d be able to reach.
An animalistic prowess takes mighty hold over your sentience, triggering a feral craze to wash over your werewolf form, and it takes mere seconds before you ram your cock back inside Natasha’s wrecked cunt with undying fervour.
The warbled sounds the girl lets out beneath goes unheard, muffled by the pillow, but the sheer slickness of her pretty pussy gives a certain confirmation that she was enjoying it as much as you did. 
Not that your werewolf would care much, anyways: What it was chasing was pleasure, seeking relief in the completely sexual sense, a carnal desire to take and to breed and to claim. 
You push yourself in hilt-deep inside Natasha, fully lodged in, skin against skin.
Instinctively, your hands fly to Natasha’s belly. You can feel your cock bulge there, spreading her out, filling her up.
The next series of your thrusts cause Natasha to make noises she’s never made before, her body moving like clay under your touch. 
You pull out and make her sob, then thrust all the way back in with an unbridled strength that leaves Natasha breathless. Then again, and again, until she cums helplessly around your cock, pulsing and throbbing and alight with nerves.
This is not the side of you Natasha’s grown to know and love. There are no gentle smiles, no soft hugs and whispered words of admiration. It’s completely animalistic, entirely pleasure-chasing, undeniably one-sided.
You’re thrusting into her like she’s your personal fuckdoll, bringing her to high after high, but you don’t even seem to register that fact. You’re using her for your pleasure, and it should be wrong, but…
“More! More, please, please, need another,” Natasha sobs into the pillow, every fibre of her body screaming at her to stop but her brain unable to put it into action. She hardly registers what she’s saying, only begging pathetically and dripping endlessly.
“Inside,” you growl, right next to her ear, sharp teeth grazing her earlobe. Natasha babbles her acknowledgement, even more turned on at the prospect of being filled, fuck it, and the orgasm that crashes over the both of you is heaven-like.
Natasha’s scream of your name reverberates for miles to come.
With that, you’re cumming, finally, and the seed that spills out from you is endless. Natasha drools into the pillow as you unload your cum inside her, gripping fistfuls of her ass pressed flush against your hips. 
“Mine,” you hear yourself say. The helplessly, pathetically aroused tone of your voice nearly makes Natasha weep again — she’s rendered a damn werewolf near speechless.
Streams of white fluid spray onto Natasha’s back once you’re done with her cunt. You manhandle her around to face the front, to find her pretty eyes rolled to the back of her head, drool coating her lips.
Your werewolf heaves as you watch as your seed overflows from her pretty pussy and on to her thick thighs. A perfect creampie.
Your werewolf, however, has different plans, feeling your cock stiffen again at the sight of her ruined pussy. 
The next morning, you wake up with a throbbing feeling between your legs.
Shit. Was it my transformation?
You leap out of bed, yanking the covers off—
To reveal a very naked Natasha Romanoff, your best friend and your roommate.
She awakes with a start, blinking at the light, and then wincing as if her body was aching all over.
“.......Nat?” you ask hesitantly, eyes trailing over her marked thighs and tits. “What happened last night?”
“Okay. Don’t panic, but you’re fathering my children.”
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finally catching up on fics!! i did spend significantly longer on this fic, so it would be highly appreciated if you could reblog
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yenqa · 7 months
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in which…
on jay’s live, fans point out a stuffed animal on his bed, one that seems to be the other piece to your notorious missing pair. as imaginary pieces start to connect for fans, the viewers beg for some kind of interaction. and though you and jay have never met before, why not use this situation to your advantage?
pairing – streamer!jay x fem!reader
genre – strangers to lovers, this is not fake dating (sorry guys), kind of forced proximity, streamer au, short smau (20 chapters), little angst mostly fluff
warnings – swearing, slut shaming, romance stuff, food/eating, kms/dying jokes, haters, warnings are stated in each chapter!
featuring – jay, jake, sunghoon, y/n (duh), hyeju, fans
disclaimer – i am not saying this is an accurate representation of these idols or trying to sexualize them at all. this just something i do for fun.
taglist – CLOSED, ty for being interested!
yenqa – hey guys! i love streamer aus and jay so here this is 🙏
status – FINISHED! 11/10/23-03/18/24, slow updates <3
perm taglist – @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee
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001 – soulja boy
002 – like bluejay.
003 – OUR girlfriend
004 – 93 hour mewing streak
005 – losing hearing in my left eye
006 – The other woman 💔💔
007 – green hair – 1028 words
008 – me next
009 – who is pina colada.
010 – LIAR ALERT 🚨
011 – stupid question – 1019 words
012 – CASHMERE*****
013 – about that…
014 – until i met you
015 – i’m sorry that i couldn’t be your teenage dream. – 1829 words
016 – damage control 😜
017 – roode
018 – Get off my twitter.
019 – mhm.
020 – peace - 1145 words
021 – New look.
022 – happy birthday!
epilogue – just got married <3
extra : soulja boy finds love
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yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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leaderwonim · 4 months
꒰ 사랑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧. 🫀
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synopsis. you’re a newly debuted girl group under belift, and in order for your group to gain more popularity, your ceo offered you the lead role in a new romance kdrama. this all seems great, so what’s the problem? well, for starters, your co star is your senior, park sunghoon from enhypen, and he doesn’t seem too happy about being in a romance drama. especially when your fans have started to ship the two of you!
pairing. idol!park sunghoon x idol!fem!reader
genre. irl + social media au, idol!au, opposites attract trope, angst, fluff, sunghoon + reader star in a kdrama together
taglist closed
author’s note. guys. i deleted my riki smau im sorry,, i realized i wanted to do this type of concept more 😞 forgive me but i feel like u guys will really enjoy this!!
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profiles 프리즘 [PRISM!]
loading chapters . . .
002 — she fell in front of her sunbaenim 🤓
003 — bitch is that yujin from zb1?
004 — i barely debuted and they already hate me
005 — i miss home
006 — smile if u like park sunghoon
007 — come back to the light suho!
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thevirtualvalentine · 10 days
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Prompt: Ace’s day just isn’t right unless he pounds you stupid first thing in the morning.
Warnings: smut, unprotected vaginal sex, slight breeding kink, afab!reader, established relationship, biting (only once), praise kink, “baby” as a pet name, servicedom!ace if you squint, dry humping, cream pie.
It’s early, far too early. The heaviness of sleep tugs at you dragging your mind in and out of consciousness. You can see the sun creeping slightly from the horizon but the stars try their best to convince you it’s still time to sleep.
You feel him against you, probably in a similar state of limbo. Warmth emits from him like a soft fire as you snuggle closer, desperately hoping to settle down.
“Morning baby, c’mere,” groggy and hoarse as his voice is, you still find it sexy to hear early morning like this. Ace’s warm hands pull your plush body on top of him like a weighted blanket. He capitalizes off the heat you bring him, letting your knees rest on either side of his hips.
The comforter wraps around the two of you, shielding you from the harshness of the world before the bitter day starts. It’s like he’s missed you since he’s been asleep with the sheer hold he has around your bare back.
You love being chest to chest with him, skin to skin, letting your hearts have a conversation that no one else can hear. Your arms wrap around his broad shoulders while you play with long hair at the base of neck, as a reminder you’re there thinking of him even in silence.
He returns the gesture, the pad of his thumb works circles on your lower back, occasionally drawing shapes or spelling “I love you.” Some part of him always seems to find itself touching you.
It’s supposed to start out like this, soft and intimate as he holds you there to his chest. However, the combination of his morning wood and your obscenely warm pussy just hovering over his boxers makes it unbearable. He can’t take it for long, his need for you can’t be satiated by this intimacy alone. He needs more.
The thing about Ace is, he can’t seem to just ask for what he wants, so he bides his time grinding his half hard erection into you. The hand that used to soothe your back begins to push your hips downwards with every upwards rut of his groin.
Once even breaths turn airy in his ear as he rocks into you deliciously slow. His legs rise up the bed as he settles you on top of him, essentially cradling your tired form to fit his toned warm body. “Need you sweet thing, gonna miss you all day,” and it’s true. There isn’t a fallacy in Ace’s words. It crushes him to part from you day after day like a sick dog.
He wishes he could always lay with you and feel your hands in his hair like some kind of hedonistic freak. He can’t stand the physical pain he feels in his chest when your soft skin hasn’t graced his finger tips in a few hours.
Despite his complicated feelings, your lips meet his as an answer. Your wet tongue exploring his in a hot sloppy mess, desire licking at every inch of your body. The hands he loves so much tug at his raven strands in an effort to bring him closer to consume him entirely. Ace was so good to you, so receptive. Low groans spill from his mouth into yours but you swallow them up readily.
“You’ll miss me too mama, right?” The slow draw of his hips across your folds keeps your clit snug against him, dragging against the fabric. The sensation is ecstasy as his possessive lips suck against your neck.
“Ace, stop teasing me. It’s always you baby. Only want you.” Your body moves in time with his, the grip he has on your hip almost makes you feel like you’re melting into one on top of him like this. He’s just so warm it makes you crazy.
That was all he wanted to hear, the confirmation that it’s him you need. Someone somewhere was waiting for him to come back everyday. Your intimacy somehow always makes him that much hornier. He’s convinced he’s sick and depraved the way he could get off on assurance from you alone.
Too impatient to take his boxers off he only pulls them down far enough to fish his fat cock out.
“Just put it in, please,” you couldn’t care less about the burn right now, you’re just hungry for the growing glob of pre oozing from his tip.
Ace couldn’t be happier to oblige you, loving the way he splits you open when you sheath him. You sit up on his chest, letting him line himself up against your opening. He can’t stop from coating his cock in your slick first, rubbing his girth through your folds trying to use his earnings.
If there’s a feeling you wish you could replicate every time you fuck Ace, it would be how unreal his cock feels sliding through your lower lips. It knocks the wind out of you how smoothly he glides in, like he’s always been meant to be there with his tip kissing your cervix.
“So t-tight.. and wet and so fucking warm every time,” he can feel his balls pulsing already, you’re so snug. “You’re killin’ me here baby.”
This position lets you feel every vein that lines Aces cock drag against your gummy walls, your pussy sucking his dick like candy every time he reluctantly drags it out of you. It makes you lose your mind whenever he fucks you like this raw and he knows it, he can feel how creamy his baby gets when you whine about how bad you need him.
Your head is tucked into his shoulder as he makes a mess of your cunt. A mix of him and you currently leaks down his balls with each squelch of his girth stretching you out. He doesn’t mind doing the work, especially with tight cunt like this; the kind that forms a nice white ring around his thick base as he fucks you.
“So good Ace— oh my, oh my god baby,” you leave soft kisses on his face and neck, tasting the salty sweat that’s accumulating at his hairline. His tan face turning red from desperation and exhaustion, but he moans your name from the praise. Letting his head fall back on the pillows as his dick twitches for release deep inside you.
He needs to cum and he needs to cum bad; hot, heavy, and hard inside you. Ace grabs your hips and stuffs you full to the brim, sliding your bodies up the bed as he grabs a mass of your hair in his hand.
“Give it to me,” you beg. With his hand on your waist and another in your hair, he starts to bounce you on and off his dick. Letting your pussy lips keep him inside you as you slide up and down his shaft.
Ace bites into your shoulder as he fucks your pussy with everything he’s got, he loves to feel like your good boy. Pleasing you with everything he has in him. Nothing brings him any greater joy than watching you fall apart on him.
The sound is obscene, skin on skin filling the room as he pounds you raw. His teeth in your neck burn in the best way sending heat to your core. Everything with Ace was hot, the sex, the romance, the intimacy. It lit you on fire.
“Cum with me mama, please baby I can’t without you.” With his thumb pressed to your clit he eventually milks it out of you, sending the rubber band snapping within you as you clamp down on him.
Ace’s brain can’t think when your cunt sucks him in like this, your walls rapidly convulsing and begging him to release. The only answer it can think to give is spewing his hot thick cum in loads deeper in you. He holds your body flush against his, praising everything you do as he comes down from his high.
Your breaths fall into unison again as you lay there, only basking in the presence of each other. Maybe you both can sleep a few more minutes. Right?
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luvyeni · 11 months
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( synopsis ). in which after a drunken hookup , y/n y/ln and are jake left with some heavy consequences and now they have to come to terms with it.
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pairings. sim jaeyun x fem!reader
genre. social media, stranger to lovers, pregnancy au, smut, fluff, angst, crack
warnings. mature content, sex, talk of sex, language, crude jokes, more tba...
started. 07-14-23
finished. tba
💬 nia's notes. this is only FICTION this does not represent enhypen in anyway.
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000. the new mother and the feral aunts and uncles , 000. the new father and the unhinged uncles
001. jump jake day , jobless jungwon and the cycle sisters 🤞🏻
002. baby shoes or bad food?
003. well , who is he ??
004. dots are connecting ....
005. from daddy 🥵😮‍💨 to just dad 🤢😐...
006. hey. heyy..
007. meeting the stranger...
008. little nugget 😭😭😭😭...
009. cupcakes 🧁
010. im being cooked😞
011. doctors appointment ✎
012. going home ...
013. im home ❤ ...
014. telling the parents (fail) ✎
015. first day on the job 👍🏻 ....
016. a week of madness
017. on his last limb ...
018. playing house 🏡 ...
019. oh shit , he admitted it ...
020. jake not being a pussy 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
021. boy 👶🏻💙 or girl 👧🏻💕 ...
022. finally ... ✎
023. first date ( nice to see you again jake ) ...
024. that wench 😒…
025. song jihae …
026. ni-ki about to fuck shit up …
027. explanations …
028. daddy and son date🤍…
029. sunoo finds out 😳…
030. jungwon explain…
031. it all comes out …
032. lol …
033. she’s back ✨🖤
034. miserable …
035. stop reading my mind …
036. moving day ❗️…
037. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
038. it all comes out ( jake version ) …
039. forgive ( friends? )…
040. back like i never left🔥💪🏼 …
041. we lost him 😔…
042. frustration + knife + hand = emergency room 😨 …
043. taking it slow …
044. it’s time …
045. they’re a family 🥲🥲🥲
046. watch baby minji grow up💕 …
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— ( taglist. ) ask to be added !
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ohsjy · 9 months
Hey can i have request of enhypen and the lipstick stain trend on tiktok (gf kissing bf face all over).
your lips 〰 enhypen
sum lipstick stain with enhypen!! pairing bf!enha x reader genre fluff warnings kissing!! note thank you for requesting this anon!! i had fun creating scenes with this prompt!! i hope it's good enough :) ( not proofread ) ( archive )
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001 lee heeseung
you had perfect idea. heeseung loved your kisses but you wondered if he would ever get tired of them. so you rushed to your bedroom where he was writing something in his journal. you sat next to him and then began the kissing!! you kissed his cheek first, then his nose, eyes, forehead, and so on. heeseung was confused, wondering why you were doing it. he giggled when you pecked his temples and went down to his lips. he grabbed your cheeks, stopping you for a moment. 'what are you doing?' he asked, very confused. 'loving you'
002 park jongseong
jay had his back towards you while he was cooking your favorite dish. you suddenly wanted to show him some love so you walked to him and pecked his cheek. at first it was just a token of your love but then you got an even better idea. you started kissing his cheek over and over. jay smiled but then suddenly as you went to kiss his cheek again he turned to kiss your lips instead. you blushed and lightly smacked his shoulder. 'when i finish cooking we can kiss more.' and he sent you off with a wink
003 sim jaeyun
jake was humming a song while folding the clothes. you had seen a trend on tiktok of kissing your boyfriend all over his face so you decided to do it. you ran up to him and started attacking him in kisses. one kiss here one kiss there. jakes face was a deep shade of red but little did you know you were about to be attacked as well. jake held your face in his hand and started kissing you everywhere causing you to be the one who was flustered. lipstick smothered on both your faces as you might've just showered each other in love.
004 park sunghoon
sunghoon was busy fixing his hair. he had washed it earlier and now he was trying to fix it up. he wanted to look good for you though he'd never tell you that. the bathroom door was open so you walked in. his eyes met yours through the mirror and he gave you a soft smile. little did he know you were about to attack him. in kisses ofc!! you started kissing his lips first before moving around his face. sunghoon stood still, shocked at how fast his heart was beating. you continued kissing him, chuckling to yourself at how flustered he got. you stopped shortly after, a smile peeking from your lips. sunghoon couldn't meet your eyes he was waaaay too flustered. when he looked in the mirror he noticed light lipstick stains on his face, making he fluster even more.
005 kim sunoo
sunoo was spraying his perfume on before getting ready to go shopping. you were gonna stay home and clean since you had no intention to go shopping with sunoo. he begged you but you hadn't felt good so you declined. sunoo walked to the living room to give you a kiss before you left but instead he got multiple kisses. ones on his cheek, ones on his lips, nose, and jaw. he stared at you for a little before smiling. 'i love you too'
006 yang jungwon
jungwon had made a mistake. he bought you this rosy lipstick to which he thought you would look good in. which you did but when he woke up from his deep slumber he was shocked. he had walked to the restroom to freshen up a bit when he saw his face. it was covered in red as you kissed him everywhere. he stared at himself for a few minutes before silently gushing at how much he loves you.
007 nishimura riki
ohh riki. he didn't know what was coming he way. he got home from a long day and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. he laid on top of you, exhausted. all he wanted to do was rest but he was gonna get the opposite of that. instead, you cupped his cheeks and began kissing his face softly. riki felt comfortable with your kisses, even falling asleep. but when he heard you giggling he opened his eyes. he noticed you had lipstick on which only meant one thing.
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© i0912
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haknom · 5 months
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∿ 🎮 MATCH QUESTS ⌖ Dying in Fortnite and being emoted on shouldn’t be as aggravating as it was. Of course, you had to rant about it on twitter—it never happened to you before. But what should you do when the face behind ‘BISCOTHEREAL1927’—the culprit—finds out about your tweet? Challenge them to a 1v1, of course, without knowing that this could build a possible bond.
∿ BOUNTY HAS BEEN ACCEPTED : PLEASE ELIMINATE SAID PLAYERS ⊱ gamer!niki x fem!reader (ft. enhypen, sohee from riize, gyuvin from zb1, sakura from le sserafim, wonyoung from ive, minji from new jeans, and soobin from txt) 🎯
∿ INVENTORY 🎒 gamer au, nonidol au, enemies to lovers, highschool au, clubs au, fluff, angst, and crack.
∿ 🖥️ THIS GAME CONTAINS ⌑ profanity, random timestamps, fortnite losers, lots of raging, joking threats, kys/kms jokes, all enha members are the same age, they’re canadian, dating, lying, mentions of manipulating and gaslighting, more will be added.
∿ THE BATTLE PASS IS 𖦹 ongoing! (updates will be whenever)
∿ GAME CREATOR’S NOTE! hi guys i think short smaus are def my thing cs they’re sooo easy to make??????? i rlly enjoyed writing acs and i love playing fortnite with my friends… so enjoy another one!!!!
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fortnite (lewsers edition)!!! | bisco fanclub 😁
001 — hop onto fortnite xd (0.9k)
003 — you’re so annoying
004 — like park haewon???
005 — undercover mission
006 — public acc tag (0.4k words)
007 — oh that is one ugly dog…
008 — sassy pants (0.7k words)
009 — GC NOW
010 — yes dipshit who else
011 — who am i kidding
012 — would u miss ur face
013 — thank you btw :)
014 — chapter ten????
015 — not yet*** u mean
016 — you’re silly and cute
017 — bf appreciation 😊
018 — 4 months…
019 — OH MY GOOD
020 — U gotta stay loyal
021 — r-r-riki… (0.7k words)
022 — i love her guys
023 — i’m kms!
025 — oh! 😆
026 — who was she???
027 — THE F BOMB
028 — Wanna make out? 😎
029 — gf of the month
030 — i’m so single
031 — hometown mention 🙏🙏
032 — but what if
033 — one day left
034 — i have something to tell you (0.0k words)
Ξ © HAKNOM, 2024
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ad0rechuu · 5 months
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۪ ᝰ ۫ MY OH MY ୨୧
based on my oh my by girls' generation
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SYNOPSIS. ━━━━━ Yn finds out that her whole relationship has been a bet. To get over her heartache her best friend Sunwoo convinces her to take revenge.
How you might ask? By breaking the culprits heart right back of course!
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10jun23 | st. 31/12/23 / fn. ━━━━━ updates every tuesday, thursday & saturday (cet) | HIATUS
pairing. ━━━━━ Best Friend! Kim Sunwoo x Fem! reader (x Choi Yeonjun)
featuring. ━━━━━ the boyz members, kim chaewon, txt members + mentions of other idols
genre. ━━━━━ smau + written: humor/crack / fluff / angst / suggestive / childhood friends to lovers / college au / revenge relationship / relationship based on bet / slight slow burn
warnings. ━━━━━ timestamps/sm numbers/hair colors mean nothing, sexism/slutshaming, crude humor (kys jokes), mentions of food/sex/drugs/alcohol/cheating/mental illness, use of pictures of yn but only for reference, yn is a sone. more thorough warnings in the actual chapters, please let me know if missed something. this story doesn’t describe the idols in real life and is written with a dark skinned poc in mind!
notes. ━━━━━ the taglist is open, send an ask to be added. spam likes are fine but consider reblogging with comments of ur thoughts (not only on my work but on other authors work too! credits to the rightful owners of all the graphics. i’m not a native english speaker! and thank you to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer &lt;3
( please give this story lots of love & check out my masterlist )
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ᝰ CH 000. prologue: THE NEXT BET
ᝰ CH 001. I H8 MEN
ᝰ CH 003. THE PLAN
ᝰ CH 028. MAKEUP
ᝰ CH 00I. epilogue: COMING SOON
ᝰ CH 0II. epilogue: COMING SOON
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special thanks (& follow these awesome ppl). ━━━━━ to @yuyusuyu @kodzumo @tocupid @leo-seonghwa @seonghwaddict @felixsramen : i have to give you six an extra special thanks because you all motivated and supported me so much while i was stressing and being annoying, just so you know guys are my motivation! (the other message is also to you all ofc)
and to @yunstarz @nyukyujs @rieuvie @thelargefrye @i-luvsang @cybrsan @gyumibear @pocketjoong @jaehunnyy @nebulousbrainsoup @justhere4kpop @xpixie @atinycafe @brrrkdslek @phantom-webber @a1sh1teruu @starryunho @aestheticsluut @end0rchans @yourfatherlucifer @alixnsuperstxr @girls4cheol @cheollipop @mintgki @aoi-turtle @renstears @42e15 @alixnsuperstxr @mrowwww @hwaightme @paradiqms @starrysvn @tubatu-wari-wari @kitten4sannie @chokchokk @hee0soo @joong-of-gold @armysantiny @evilsailorsenshi @mundayoonimnida @aapplepii @juhakutie : first of all i don’t expect you to read or interact with this fic, you might not even stan the boyz or like this sorta thing but i tagged you all because of one reason and one reason only; to tell you that you all make tumblr such a lovely and inspirational place for me, whenever i see ur accs it brightens my day because i know what great ppl are behind them, i just wanted to say that i think that you are amazing and i want to use this post to thank you! happy new years and i love you everyone (and you who’s reading this)
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my oh my © ad0rechuu, 2023. do not copy/repost.
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linagram · 7 months
[ 𝚔𝚎𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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it's the idealization duo's interrogation time! these two have a lot to say this time, hopefully it helps you understand their crimes and backstories a little better (especially kei's. btw what's everyone thinking about his crime rn)
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Q.001. What would you want to hear from your lover?
Kei: That they accept me.
Eiko: That they want to be the best partner I've ever had.
Q.002. Can you drive?
Kei: Eiji, don't you remember how I used to drive you to school when you were younger?
Eiko: I do have a license and my own car, but I don't really drive. I'd prefer my partner to do that.
Q.003. What's your favorite drink?
Kei: I like milkshakes, especially strawberry ones. I have a lot of nice childhood memories associated with them, haha.
Eiko: Just lemon tea is fine.
Q.004. Your ideal type?
Kei: Someone who doesn't judge me and someone who can keep up with me.
Eiko: Someone who is always honest with me and someone who is willing to do their very best for me. I think I'd like to date someone like you, Eiji-kun~
Q.005. Do you have any fun memories of your childhood?
Kei: My favorite one is when our dad's friend taught me how to take photos with my new camera and he told me to go and take a picture of anything I want. I took a picture of a dead butterfly lying on the ground. He said that I'm very creative and that I have a bright future ahead of me.
Eiko: I remember going shopping with my dad when I was little and he told me that I can have anything I want. I told him that I want to see him smile. He almost cried after that for some reason.
Q.006. Have you ever tried learning a foreign language?
Kei: I can speak English fluently, I mean, our dad is half-American and I've also spent a lot of time overseas. I tried to learn some other languages too, like French and Spanish, but I gave up. I'm not even that good at reading and writing kanji, so..
Eiko: I can speak English and a little bit of Korean, but mostly because I listen to a lot of music in those languages, haha.
Q.007. State the meaning of your name.
Kei: I think it's supposed to mean "gemstone"? Mom said that she named me that because she thought I was so beautiful, she wanted me to have a name that would have a meaning just as beautiful as me.
Eiko: I think it's something like.. "an excellent child"? Haha, my parents must've had a lot of expectations for me.
Q.008. What do you think about your siblings?
Kei: I love you, Eiji, even if you can be really mean sometimes.
Eiko: My little brother is very nice. He does have his quirks, but I think they make him cuter.
Q.009. What are lies to you?
Kei: Something that is necessary to have a fun life!
Eiko: Something that is forgivable only if it's done to save someone. I still won't forgive anyone who lies to me though.
Q.010. What are your parents' occupations?
Kei: Dad's a movie director and mom's a toymaker! Both of them are so creative! There's just something about our family that makes all of us so artistic.. You too, Eiji. Dad always praised you for being so reliable.
Eiko: I don't know actually. And I don't really care. Well, as long as they continue to buy me gifts and help me with money if anything happens, I'm fine.
Q.011. Do you like children?
Kei: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that I actually have one, considering my lifestyle.
Eiko: Not really. They're not a part of my concept of a perfect life.
Q.012. What is/was your major?
Kei: Photography, obviously.
Eiko: Fashion design, though I'm more interested in modelling than designing clothes.
Q.013. Tell us about your dating history.
Kei: Um, are we talking about, like, "serious relationships"?.. Then I guess Ruka is the only one that counts..
Eiko: My victim was the only person I've ever dated.
Q.014. Did you have any friends in school?
Kei: I think I had one?..
Eiko: Yeah, but I wasn't really close with them. We talked a lot, but our relationship wasn't that deep.
Q.015. What's the greatest act of love?
Kei: Uhh, if it's from my lover, I think I'd just want them to tell me that they love me even when I don't look so good. If it's from me.. I don't know! Holding myself back
Eiko: Promising to make someone's life as happy as possible and actually keeping that promise.
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okwonyo · 10 months
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✸ SYNOPSIS ! : in which there is lot of embarrassing moments in life, when you trip in front of the whole school or when your mom calls you out during a family gathering. but you know what is more embarrassing? not being able to talk to the prettiest girl on campus ─ especially when you are known for having a lot of rizz.
or in which jake has a big fat crush on you, is very pathetic and extremely delusional about it, embarrasses himself every time he tries to ask you out and his friends are no help.
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PARING ⌇sim jaeyun ⨯ fem!reader
𐙚 GENRE student au, classmates to lovers, fluff, humorous, tiny bit of angst, smau + maybe some written chapters, reader is kinda oblivious at the start..
FEATURING ୭ৎ enhypen! all, lesserafim! yujin + chaewon, aespa! ningning, zerobaseone! gunwook + gyuvin
📁 riki's (un)safe space﹒ eumppappa fighting ! ﹒privs
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001 i will find you (gothic font)
002 i b in situations
003 I DROVE????
004 oh okay
005 oh my ba
006 and that's when i froze
007 meanwhile
008 if you insist !
009 im trying my best
010 bald..?
...more tba
(chapters names are subjected to change)
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TAGLIST : @i020904 @stories-inbetween-the-stars @txtlyn @xyadix @yunicide @suminsfav @ghostiiess @bluxjun @beomgyusonlywife @j1nniee @hyhees @mixtape-racha @astrae4 @articxari @delulu4-life @manooffline @jeongintwt @riskiriki @planethyuka @fakeuwus @haechansbbg @222brainrot @ikeuvleyz @teddywons want to be added ? go here.
© WONUSBEAR 2023 ⨳ please do not steal or copy my work. i will find you !!
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
Poly Relationship w/ Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora pt. 2
♡ NSFW, fem reader, biting, oral, hair pulling, breeding kink, just smutty stuff in general ♡
note: This is another request by @mirai-006, hope you enjoy 🌸
Dom, Sub, or Switch?
💞 Baji is definitely topping a majority of the time, he'll only let you be on top if you're riding him
💞 Chifuyu's a switch and doesn't really care about whether he's on top or not, he's just glad to be with you
💞 Kazutora's a switch, but leans more towards being submissive
Kinks + General Stuff
💞 Hair pulling, all three of them like it (Kazutora can cum just from you pulling his hair)
💞 Obviously Baji is into biting and marking you up, he especially likes biting your neck, shoulders, and thighs
💞 They all have a breeding kink, so you ain't gonna be walking anywhere for a while
💞 Chifuyu is obsessed with your thighs and loves when you give him thighjobs
💞 They run trains on you and love seeing how dumb their dicks make you
Oral Preferences
💞 Chifuyu prefers receiving, he just thinks you look so pretty with his dick in your mouth
💞 Baji doesn't have a preference, he's always down for either
💞 Kazutora prefers giving, this man has an oral fixation
How They Initiate Sex
💞 Chifuyu only asks if he thinks you're in the mood, so you usually end up initiating things
💞 Kazutora nervously asks you and stumbles over his words while he asks (just drag him to the bedroom at this point)
💞 Baji is blunt about it, he'll casually ask you for sex regardless of where you are and what you're doing
💞 Baji doesn't have any piercings, he's putty in your hands if you have nipple piercings though
💞 Chifuyu has industrial piercings and whines when you touch them (he has sensitive ears fr)
💞 Kazutora has a tongue piercing and loves to press it against your clit while he's eating you out
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rinshawty @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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garoujo · 2 years
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you’re surrounded by some of the hottest guys on campus while playing seven minutes in heaven at a frat party? what’s the worst that can happen . . .
NEW MESSAGE @WARNINGS : f. reader, college!au, aged!up characters, exhibitionism, unprotected sex / creampies, fingering / oral, quickie-esque sex, seven minutes in heaven scenarios that definitely last longer than seven minutes but who cares.
NEW MESSAGE FROM EMMIE @GAROUJO : please enjoy this little brain dump of drabbles / fics i’ll gradually release when my brain works . . . sob this is my first series so pls bare w me w posting it ><
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001. @GOJO SATORU . . .
YOUR RIVAL — the popular guy who is not only top of your class but also top of your list of most annoying men ever, he lives to tease and poke at you — gets a little too excited when you react to him, but maybe he’s got a reason for that?
002. @GETO SUGURU . . .
YOUR BESTFRIEND — you’ve known him forever, always having to deal with the questions of “are you guys dating?” while you both awkwardly brush it off, but are things about to get even more awkward after he drags you to his bestfriend satoru’s frat party?
003. @NANAMI KENTO . . .
HANDSOME STUDENT TEACHER — you were surprised when they’d brought in a student teacher so close to your age but also even more surprised when he was . . handsome? and suddenly at a frat party? is that even allowed?
004. @ITADORI YUUJI . . .
THE LOVEABLE JOCK — you’d fallen in love with yuuji’s personality just the same way as everyone else did, always helping him with his homework or cheering him on at games, but you would’ve thought watching him on the field would’ve warned you about his stamina . .
YOUR LAB PARTNER — you’d grown closer in the few days you’d been working together in class, he was funny without realising and easy to get along with which made sense considering he was yuuji’s friend, but maybe his more subdued personality has left him a little . . inexperienced with people.
006. @FUSHIGURO TOJI . . .
THE KILLJOY — campus security who comes along because the music has been playing a little too loud and it seems people have had enough of it. ushering everybody out with his rippling muscles and tight shirt, but it doesn’t look like he’s about to let you go so soon.
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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aernx · 1 year
꒰ 💭 ꒱ OH, NIKI YOU’RE SO FINE! ˖ ⌨︎ ⁩◞❪니키❫
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— SYNOPSIS ୨୧ ! Lesson learned ! never ever accept a dare from Heesung! Dared to tweet about how attractive your best friend was, you miss-typed ‘m’ with ‘n’ who apparently turned out to be the name of some guy in the basketball team? Oh how embarrassing!
or in which 𓂅 nishimura riki woke up to a sudden paragraph long compliment from his crush (who didn’t even knew he existed)
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— with love on the line ! 𖥻⏱️ ぃ ˑ  (pairing) non idol!nishimura riki x non idol!fem reader — 𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ 🧂  ࣪ ▸
「 GENRE 」 ! STRANGERS to LOVERS, friends? to lovers, he fell first she fell harder, fluff, crack, highschool au, smau w writen parts, kinda one sided crush typa thing.
— the risk, are u willing to take it ? 𖥻🥛ぃ ˑ  (featuring) enhypen, winter aespa, beomgyu txt, jeongin skz, minho skz, etc — 𓄹 ࣪ ִֶָ 🎯  ࣪ ▸
「 WARNINGS 」 ! cursing (ofc), denial denial denial!!, anxiety, jealousy, overthinking, angst (w happy ending), dying jokes, kys jokes, and those kinda stuffs
「 NOTES 」 ! This is NOT how i view these idols! this smau is js for fun and crack ykyk as well as js for fictional purposes only! feel free to send asks to talk abt this smau w me!!!
( 💬 means there r written parts! )
NOTICE ! please DO NOT spam like, bc it will shadowban me
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status COMPLETE ! 25/04/23 — 23/06/23 ﹟╳×
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⊹ ˚. PROFiLES . . ! ONE ⋮ TWO ⸱៰ ͘ ࣭⸰
▹ SIDE A ᶻz
001. omg hit tweet
002. he can pull??
003. u still love me right?
004. let me be delulu
005. lover with a $ sign
006. he’s kinda??
007. help i’m dying here
008. lemme make it up to u
009. careful w ur feelings
010. living the dream
011. just us?
012. ur turning into heeseung
013. cute (friendly) date 💬
014. kay why es
015. watch me?
016. what is this betrayal
017. ykw i get the hype 💬
018. jake’s cupid era
019. sunoo is my rolemodel
020. your biggest supporter 💬
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▹ SIDE B ᶻz
021. too much?
022. must’ve been why
023. like she played me
024. sleep well baby riki
025. sunoo has a plan… 💬
026. hi pretty girl
027. not now, not ever 💬
028. what are you planning
029. something feels wrong
030. did i ruin it all?
031. he makes me feel content
032. don’t you get it?
033. i’m sorry
034. your pretty girl
035. you’ll always be my winner
Heeseung spinoff : it’s a wrap!
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© aernx 2023 / do not steal, copy, translate — hope you enjoy my works! first smau kinda nervous!! let me know if you have any suggestions !
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boyfhee · 1 year
⋆ NOW WE DATE ! · psh
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SYNOPSIS · everyone knew you were sunghoon's biggest fan— or so you claimed to be— it didn't take a scientist to guess after your nonstop gushing about him during enhypen's debut. now, they didn't know you found him 'so babygirl,' not until you accidentally tweeted it on your main.
GENRE · fluff, humour, mutual pinning, mini smau
WARNINGS · usual kys / kms jokes, suggestive humour, FAST PACED like u see i plan to finish this in fifteen chapters so the pacing might feel off like none of us r used to ppl talking, realising their feelings, clearing misunderstandings and getting together in just fifteen chapters i Know
NOTE · PLS DONT HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS this is just a silly little plot i thought of in my silly little head during silly little appointment at the doctor's...tho i hope u have fun reading. ps both yn and hoon are CRAZY.
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iris girls | enhypen boys
all the pictures used are only references and are not supposed to depict reader's appearance in any way ! the chapter titles and number of chapters are subjected to change accordingly !
001 · who wants me
002 · divine intuition
003 · shower thoughts
004 · very strange and nice
005 · breath getting fainter
006 · neo zoned
007 · ruin our friendship
008 · clown emoji
009 · me when i lie
010 · emoji game so weak
011 · dimension : denial
012 · dots are connecting
013 · dating hotspot
014 · netflix originals
015 · now we date — epilogue !
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taglist : @lcv3lies @lunavixia @moonlighthoon @astrae4 @rikkiloveskpop @tyunni @sungookie @luhvlyuna @ixayjun @alpha-mommy69 @leemyeonbabab @sserafimez @4imhry @dimplewonie @bababameme @intaksfav @tophstwinkletoes @zonked-times @j-wyoung @luvkpopp @hoonluvr2000 @hoeinthehouse @lunacrtk @jaeyunverse @dokiyeom @luvhyun3 @atrirose @shsnaacc @cha0thicpisces @tinydeerwasteland @chaechae-23 @renchai @yenqa @moonshoon @maiverie @tnyhees @sd211 @phenomenalgirl9 @ctrlemis @y7n2394-ze @flwrshee @oke-doke @weird-bookworm @wonieleles @hikyeom @whois-alexis @franknsteinn @xiaoderrrr @pshchives @zuzu-the-simp @kimiesstuff @txtbrainrot @jiawji
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