#Avengers Age Of Ultron Scarlet Witch Jacket
marvelnewssource · 2 years
"Yeah Wanda, man, I had so much fun working on the design of Wanda through the years. From the very beginning. Probably since Avengers: Age of Ultron. So maybe around 2012 is when I first tackled the designs on here. Back then, because I grew up in the 80s and the 90s, I loved just seeing Wanda Maximoff’s, aka the Scarlet Witch, and just how she was depicted in the comics. But I remember Age of Ultron, kind of trying to throw in that design with the head dress and everything. Or the crown. Knowing that there is no way they are going to go that direction. Because of her character. Whenever we do the design we are trying to tell the story of a character. For that particular film. So for that film, she is going to be more in 'civilian-y clothes.' But there is going to be nods to her look right? With the jacket, red color. And then at the end of that movie you see her for a second in more of an Avengers costume when Cap says 'Avengers...' and then cuts. In Civil War… So still, she is an Avenger in training so she is not a full on superhero yet. So we are still trying to keep it 'real world' with the jacket but not the comics [version]. Still can’t have a crown. I did version where it is like, 'Let’s give her a headband' to allude to the crown. And of course the Russo Brothers were like 'I see what you’re trying to do. Nope. Can’t have that either.' So fast forward to WandaVision. When I was talking to producer Mary Livanos, and she told me that at the end of the show she is going to become the Scarlet Witch. And I was like, 'Yes, finally!'” So that is where I was able to have a lot of fun. With all the potential crowns. What does her costume look like. Putting little Easter eggs in. But then seeing it realized with costume designer Mayes Rubeo and seeing what the VFX people did with that final episode. It brought out the fanboy in me but also the professional working at Marvel Studios. It was very rewarding. There was talk that it would only be an effect and I was the one in the back of the room like, 'Nooooo.' And effect is fine but it has to solidify as a real crown."
— Marvel Studios Director of Visual Development Andy Park revealed discussions about the creation of Wanda’s crown for WandaVision, 'Multiverse of Madnes' D23 Expo panel
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gunnxhhjeppesen · 2 years
If you want cosplay Scarlet witch - read this post
MCU's Scarlet Witch is an effective mutant. But in addition to great power comes fantastic catastrophe. She lost her sibling Quicksilver early in Avengers: Age of Ultron itself. Just as she was embarking on a brand-new life with Vision, he was eliminated too by Thanos. She will be seen once more in the Disney Plus reveal entitled WandaVision as well as from the rumours walking around, it won't bring any kind of joy in her life for certain. But the higher the misfortune, the much more it makes us root for her. So if you are her follower or intend to merely cosplay as one of the most powerful Avenger, here's what you will need..
However wait a 2nd. Wanda has had a little costume advancement as well from her launching in the Age of Ultron to Endgame. So just what is the excellent MCU Scarlet Witch look? The response is whichever you want it to be. So we will inform you regarding both significant costume evolutions as well as you can pick the one you wish to cosplay:
Exactly how to obtain the best MCU Scarlet witch look?
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Look.
Black Gown: In the Age of Ultron, Scarlet Witch used a black gown. You can use a black switch dress as well however any kind of normal dress will certainly do. Ensure that regardless of which black outfit you pick it has huge collars as well as is open in the neck and chest location.
Coat: You will require a red jacket to place on the black outfit because that was her costume in the Age of Ultron. Wanda was a lady then who was simply learning more about her possibility. You can make use of any red coat with collars. However if you intend to make it appear like something Wanda would wear then you will certainly require to rough it up a little..
Socks and Boots: In the Age of Ultron, Wanda put on torn knee-length, bunched up socks. You can also utilize stockings in the area of socks. Or make use of both to add some volume. When natasha romanoff costume comes to shoes, she wore black boots there. These were simple black boots and also there was absolutely nothing extraordinary in them..
Precious jewelry: Wanda used a locket with a red rock in addition to some rings as well as arm bands in her very first MCU look as well. Together with the precious jewelry she likewise put on thick, black arm bracers. The bracers together with the rings and arm bands make her appearance cool by giving her a very punk look..
Avengers: Endgame Look.
Bodice: By the time Endgame rolls around, Wanda has actually become rather the Scarlet Witch. She now recognizes her powers therefore with this development, her costume has actually likewise gone through a change. Instead of the black dress, she wore a red bodice which ties up in the front. Any type of red or crimson red bodice will certainly function..
Layer: The little red jacket has actually paved the way to a long red coat in Endgame as well as it does make her appearance more mature. You can choose any red or crimson long coat you desire. But ensure that it's thick as well as strong to make sure that you look clever..
Trousers: Gone is the outfit and knee-high socks, now pants have actually gone into. Wanda wears black natural leather pants currently as well as it shows that she has actually grown up. You can use any type of black natural leather trousers for your cosplay. However make certain to obtain some thick or heavy ones if you can..
Boots: While Wanda put on standard black footwear or boots in Age of Ultron, come to Endgame she currently puts on knee-high black boots. The boots have four belts on them. You can obtain any kind of knee-high black boot to opt for your cosplay if you can not obtain one with belts. It won't matter in any way..
Handwear covers and also Jewellery: Wanda puts on red leather handwear covers in Endgame rather than the arm bracers. Although the handwear covers as well as the arm bracers will certainly look pretty cool with each other if you can pull it off. As for jewelry, she still puts on necklaces, rings, as well as arm bands. Nevertheless, her amazing punk ambiance is still there in Endgame..
These are the two significant costume modifications of Wanda. You can pick the one you assume is the ideal MCU Scarlet Witch look. Or maybe you can mash some parts of both costumes as much as develop something new as well as exciting.
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erikssonbbxhamilton · 2 years
Just how to cosplay scarlet witch Avengers Infinity War version?
game of thrones cosplay is undoubtedly one of the best Avengers. Also Marvel manager Kevin Feige has actually admitted that. Scarlet Witch has actually likewise seen a little suit evolution prior to reaching the one in Avengers: Infinity War. Previously her suit had a gown beneath her red jacket. It was a suit, which fit a little girl that really did not recognize her place worldwide and also really did not recognize what she might do. Come Infinity War she had actually shed her bro and was required to select a side in Captain America: Civil War. Yet equally as things were maintaining for her and she was locating love with Vision, misfortune struck once again in the form of Thanos. Yet in the meantime with her personality growth, her costume additionally saw advancement. She sort of went from being a naïve girl to a woman who knew she was powerful and also understood what she wanted. If you intend to cosplay that powerful lady and also the mightiest Avenger right here's what you will need:
Just how to cosplay scarlet witch Avengers Infinity War version?
A Corset: You will need to begin with a form-fitting, red or crimson coloured corset. See to it that the bodice has some styles on it as well as ideally, guarantee that those designs are made on shoelace or net. Otherwise, after that a simple red bodice will do too. However ensure that the corset binds in the front instead of at the back. This is a major part of the cosplay..
Pants: When Scarlet Witch debuted in the Age of Ultron, she really did not put on pants. Instead, she put on a brief black gown. However as time went on she chose trousers. These trousers are black and also made of leather. The pants are form-fitting also. They do not have any kind of special styles so you do not require to bother with that. Just get black as well as a little bulky leather trousers..
Boots: A huge part of the costume is the boots. bucky captain america suit puts on knee-length black boots that have some belts on them. The boots aren't any various than normal ones you find in the market. So all you need to do is purchase regular black, leather, knee-high boots for your Scarlet Witch cosplay..
Layer: It is the red/crimson cumbersome coat that finishes the whole costume of Scarlet Witch. There are 2 ways you can go concerning this. You can select an unabridged coat with full arms or opt for one which has half arms. If you go with the latter, then merely use a red or a crimson glove which rises to your elbows. It will be much better if it goes even past that. However if you choose a full sleeves layer, after that you will have to put on leather handwear covers individually. Either way, you will need to wear gloves considering that they form an indispensable part of the costume. But the complete sleeves coat coupled with the gloves is what's chosen by numerous. This is since it is easy to wear without fear of any elbow-length handwear covers rolling down. Additionally, you can roll up your layer sleeves to get a cool look with the gloves. In addition to that it will certainly be convenient if it's hot in the convention or party..
Jewelry: Scarlet Witch doesn't put on way too much precious jewelry, but she does use some. In Infinity War she used a slim chain around her neck. You can see the layout of an image of her from the movie as well as obtain the exact same one. If you can not get a similar one after that any kind of slim chain will do. If you feel that your skin obtains inflamed on using the chain, then you can skip it also..
LED Lights: It's difficult to get the red powers of the Scarlet Witch just by cosplaying as her. However we can try to mimic it by using little red LED lights. Just make a circuit with multiple LED lights and also batteries prior to connecting it to a wrist band. Do the exact same for the wrist band of the various other hand too. Conceal this beneath the long sleeves of the coat. When you finish the circuit, the LED lights will glow as well as produce a red mood around your wrists. It will certainly provide the impression of power triggering..
If you intend to cosplay as Scarlet Witch after that you can comply with the above actions. You will get precise outcomes.
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: Move Forward From This (1/1)
Title: Move Forward From This By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Disclaimer: They're not mine. Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary: Set Post-Age of Ultron, written in 2015. Wanda and Steve don’t sleep, and they’re both dealing with loss.
Chapter A/N: This has been written for a while, I don’t know why I never posted it. I think it’s great now that I’ve re-read it. Another fic posted thanks to the Tumblr WIP Title Game. Implied Steggy.
She doesn’t sleep. Not anymore. Not when it’s dark outside or light outside or even when she’s exhausted from training.
She’s an Avenger now, she has to be ready for anything, and that means at least trying to rest.
But when she closes her eyes, she sees it all. She sees the death, the destruction, the fear and evil and pain that was in their heads.
She comes to the lounge on the third floor west wing, the one that most people don’t go into during the day because the sun filters through the glass and turns the room to an oven despite the air conditioning, because the angle as the sun sets makes the walls look like they’re on fire. It was a consequence of the modern design, and most of the staff just avoided the room and wrote it off. She’d heard Stark mumbling about using it for storage one day as he passed.
She loved it. She could lay curled on her side on the couch, invisible to the rest of the base, and face the long windows, feel the warmth of the sun and feel alive, watch the sunset and feel like she was burning. She could hide here, and feel things she could hide her pain in.
Imagine that it was the sun that hurt her eyes- that’s why they were filled with tears.
When she’d been a child she had always scoffed at her teacher’s lessons about heroes, about their journey and the hardships. She’d watched newsreels and laughed at the idea at these people felt pain, that they had suffered like she had.
Now she knew they did- she knew their suffering intimately, it lived in her brain, sitting between every memory she had, pulling the images out every time she closed her eyes.
She had been so wrong, and it hurt to try to think that she could move forward from this.
All the bright, shiny jackets, thick rubber boots and training sessions in the world could help her put on a strong, brave face, but it would never change what had happened, it would never take away that image of her brother limp and lifeless in Clint’s arms.
She’d tried tonight, she’d tried harder than any other night to get her mind to slow, to calm, to forget and get some rest, but she’d only been able to sleep for two hours before she awoke screaming and tangled in the blankets.
She’d come back to the lounge, a mug of tea in her hands. Sam had suggested it- chamomile, he said, helped calm the nerves. She wasn’t sure if it was the tea, or the clear night sky beyond the windows, but after a while her breathing slowed.
She was contemplating the stars, searching for constellations that weren’t familiar to her when she saw his reflection in the glass before her.
Wanda saw him in the halls late at night often, but they simply passed one another like ghosts with little nods of the head and went their separate ways each time. Tonight, he wasn’t moving, but didn’t approach her, either.
Wanda closed her eyes and she saw the beautiful brunette. We can go home, Steve, she said in her mind, a light English accent floating over her spine and making her shiver.
“You’re not like them,” she said softly, her eyes still closed tis form in the glass, concentrating instead on feeling his presence behind her. “They were afraid of violence, of destruction. I reaching into their minds and pulled from them their nightmares.”
Steve’s footfalls were quiet as he rounded the small couch, sitting gently on the edge. “Is that what everyone saw? Their nightmares?”
It hadn’t been so long ago, really. A month. Thirty days, exactly in the morning since it had all happened. Far away and yet in the scheme of everything, so very close. She nodded. “Thor transcended his fear to a higher plane, though I’m not sure how. He feared bacchanalia without purpose- he feared the loss of purpose and responsibility. Tony- Tony saw the destruction of all that he loved at his hands. Natalia, she saw her past. And yet you- I would be happy to have that dream.”
A dark smile flitted over Steve’s face as he contemplated his hands, held in tight fists and resting over his knees. “It should tell you something that you tried to pull out a nightmare and you got that, shouldn’t it?”
“Who is she?” Wanda asked quietly, setting her tea don on the small coffee table in front of them.
Steve looked at Wanda, taking in her disheveled hair, her tired eyes, her hopeful look, and cleared his throat softly. “She… she was the girl I was gonna marry when the war was over.���
“Your fiancé?” Her voice was high and confused. He’d long since been used to her steady demeanor, tonight she reminded him just how young she was.
“Not quite.” He shrugged and leaned back. “We were in love, though.” He gazed out the windows, taking in each tree and twinkling star instead of looking at Wanda as he spoke. “It was complicated back then- like now, but different. It was a different time, a different war- but there was this expectation that we all had that one day it would be over. I owed her a dance, but we never got it- instead I…” He couldn’t finish, just let the words trail off as his chin hung to his chest.
“Your hell is the life you never got to live,” Wanda whispered, heavy with understanding.
“Every night,” he affirmed, rubbing his tired eyes roughly. “Sometimes it’s the dance, sometimes it’s a little house just outside of Brooklyn or in the English country side.”  He threw his hands down to his thighs, shaking his head to try to rattle the images free. “It’s not like we had specific plans or anything, it’s not like we ever even explicitly said- but-“
Wanda reached out, taking his hand in hers. It was something she rarely did- touching other people. It made the connections strong for her, too strong sometimes. He looked at their hands held close with wide eyes. “The loss of possibilities, yes? The loss of ‘what if’?”
He held her hand tightly, just s tightly as she held his. “Yes, exactly.”
“I never imagined my life without Pietro in it, not for one second, and yet now I am faced with his absence every day.” She let go of his hand and filled her grasp with her tea, cradling the mug close to her chest. She looked at him from the side of her gaze, the sadness wafting from him mingling with her own. “We will never be who we were, or who we thought we’d be then.”
“No,” he agreed without looking at her, “we won’t.”
She sipped the tea, surprised at how comfortable she felt, wallowing in the sadness, sharing it, letting it just exist rather than fighting it. She could almost label it contentment. Almost.
The idea, the image popped into her head before she could stop it, the mad being overtaken by the mask. She wondered if it came from him or her subconscious, but either way, it made her sick. Her stomach rolled and her breath quickened until she nearly screamed. “No!”
He jumped back, looking at her with wide eyes on edge. “Wanda-“
“We are not just soldiers, Steve.” She shook her head, her tea spilling as she forced it back on the table as she climbed to her knees, turning to him and grabbing his shoulders. “We are not going to disappear into these personas of nothingness. You are not just Captain America now, I’m not just the Scarlet Witch or whatever silly name Tony’s come up with for me. We’re not characters on a t-shirt or in a movie. We’re people. You’re Steve and I’m Wanda and we’ve lost things that are so dear to us we’ll never be the same!”
He gently pulled her hands from his shoulders, his eyes sad as he willed her to calm down. “It’s easier. It’s easier to just be a soldier.”
“She wouldn’t want that, you know she wouldn’t.”
He pulled his hands away like she was fire. The truth hurt him like a knife, she could feel the energy in the room change and she knew she’d taken it to far. For the first time in a month she’d felt a connection and she’d broken it. She jumped from the couch, knocking the coffee table and her tea over in her rush to get out of the room.
“Wanda!” He called to her, stopping her just as she got to the door. She held the jam tightly, her fingers turning white. She wouldn’t look at him, couldn’t.
The silence held fast, heavy and long to the point where she was ready to leave when he finally spoke again. “I know she wouldn’t.” He sighed. “This life wasn’t a part of any future I imagined for myself.”
She cocked her head, just enough to see the shadow of him in her peripheral vision. “A life without Pietro was not every anything I planned, either.” She let her forehead rest on the door jamb. “But when you lose enough, you stop making plans.”  She took a deep breath, her fingers picking at a tiny dent in the metal jamb. “Maybe… maybe we need to start trying again.”
Steve didn’t leave the couch, but she could see him moving, heard the sound of the table being up righted and the shards of ceramic mug being picked up. “I’ll…” he sighed, stopped, and started again. “I’ll bring the tea tomorrow night, how about that?”
Wanda couldn’t help the small smile that spread over her face. “Yes, I think that is a good plan for a start.” She didn’t turn back as she left, pulled all of her senses inward so she couldn’t feel him, and headed straight to her room. He couldn’t be her brother, but at least, she thought, Steve could be a friend. Wanda didn’t remember the last time she had called someone that, and the idea of having one was warm enough to lull her back into bed, a happy enough thought to get her another hour of sleep.
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~Wanda Maximoff Aesthetic~ "I can't control their fear, only my own." **requested** @eli-bucky-winter ***IMPORTANT: Just wanted to put this out there, I find most of these pictures on WeHeartIt and for this one I ended up using most of the pictures from lampchardalia on WeHeartIt so credit goes there.
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Marvel AU ~closed rp starter
ooc: aloha. i shall be the scarlet witch (bc power similarity and also the twin thing that wanda has with pietro kind of mirrors bea and ben). meaning the bea in his universe does not have invisibility. and instead of green when they use their telekinesis it’s red. when you reply, please specify the movie scenario you are choosing. obviously there will be spoilers. kinda sad and disappointed that this didn’t get more recognition but oh well guess i’ll make do
@youngfivehargreeves is iron man. @weshareonebraincell is spiderman. @ddhargreevesofficial is spiderman. @violet-hargreeves-official is spiderman. @little-punk-shit-hargreeves is an OC.
Avengers: Age of Ultron starter
Bea paced the length of the room, fists glowing red as they tried to remain calm. 324 days. They had been in the cell for 324 days. They looked to their twin, his body vibrating at a speed far too fast to keep up with. He was getting weak. They never fed them enough. Bea screamed in anguish, pounding on the walls of the cell. They suddenly heard bullets outside. 
CA: Civil War starter
Bea leaned back against their headboard, cracking their knuckles. The Stark mansion was abnormally quiet. Everyone was probably out fighting. Something Stark had specifically told Bea not to do. fuck him.. he can’t just lock me here forever... Bea swung their feet over the bed, walking out into the hallway.
Avengers: Infinity War starter
Bea looked out the window at the empty streets below. Scotland was quiet. A big difference from the busy streets of New York. I guess it’d be nice for a walk.. Bea grabbed their jacket and headed out. The streets were cold and the echoing step of Bea’s boots sounded throughout the empty alleyways. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the streets. Shit...
Avengers: Endgame starter
Bea curled into themself, breath shaky as they tried to preserve what body heat they had left. It was dark outside, but then again when was it not. The soft glow of the stars was comforting as Bea shut their eyes. There was no noise. Everything was quiet, calm, and peaceful. Bea shuddered, their body taking on a soft red glow I’ll just take a little nap...
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bookwormscififan · 5 years
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Year 12 Farewell Day, 2019
Costume: Scarlet Witch from Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Comments: could have had a short skirt and shorter jacket sleeves
Why’d I choose her: easy to make her costume
Will I wear this again casually: TOTALLY
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i-post-posts · 5 years
In defence of Wanda Maximoff
There are so many Scarlet Witch antis out there, it seems like half the fandom just hates this poor character. So, this is my response to the most common reasons people have for hating this character.
She was ten years old when she lost her parents and was trapped for 2 days. Just imagine that, ten years old eating dinner and suddenly the world just explodes in fire and pain and your parents are now dead. Then two days past curled up against the twin, the last member of her family still alive, looking at an unexploded shell. That is a long time to go without food, and they’d be insanely hungry by the end of it. Not only that, any movement could have possibly caused their deaths. Ten years old, with dead parents and trapped under rubble with no guarantee of survival. 
There is one word on the shell, and it’s Stark, the name of an infamous American weapons manufacturer. Sokovia was a former Soviet nation and throughout the second Avengers movie its pretty explicit about how Sokovians generally view Americans. See exhibit A:
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and exhibit B:
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So after the traumatic of being trapped under rubble for days as a child in a very anti-American country, can Wanda (and Pietro) really be blamed for hating the Avengers? To them, they are the root of their suffering. 
Then growing up in a war-torn country seeing their people suffering at the hands of weapons manufacturers they become radicalised. Wanda and Pietro join protests, they become violent themselves. But their primary concern is for the people. Suddenly, at age approximately 17/18, an organisation posing as aid comes and offers them a chance to gain powers, to help their people. It will be dangerous, they may not survive it, but it is a chance to help. As Steve Rogers sarcastically said “What kind of monster would allow a German scientist to experiment on them to protect their country?”
Once they survive the torturous experiments, they finally come face to face with the Avengers at age 19. And Wanda tears them apart. Causing Tony, Steve, and Nat to see their worst fears was deeply wrong, and what she did to Bruce Banner was nothing short of abhorrent. But they were her enemies, and she was at war. 
But once she and Pietro realised they were being manipulated they left their ally, joining forces with the people they blamed for their parents death and country’s suffering. Wanda admits that Ultron was her fault, and takes the step out the door, into her new life. 
Then Pietro dies.
And the last member of her family was dead. 
She was alone.
She was willing to die after ripping out Ultron’s heart, and would have unless Vision saved her. But she didn’t, and she got over her grief and started life as an Avenger. She forgave Tony and realised America wasn’t as horrible as she thought, and she grew ever closer to Vision. She had freedom, she had a chance to start again.
Then the accords happened, and she was, in Tony’s words “a weapon of mass destruction,” and she realised that people would, in Vision’s words “never stop being afraid” of her power. So she went ‘screw that’ and joined Steve’s side of the argument. For that she was locked in prison with a shock collar and a straight jacket before Steve freed her and the rest of Team Cap. 
She spent the next two years on the run, her freedom and chance to start again taken from her. But she had Vision, and yes he’s a robot, but she loved him and with all the weird crap people are into, who are we to judge? They fell in love, and despite everything she had lost she was happy with him.
Fast forward to Infinity War, and the 22 year old who had lost her parents, brother, country, freedom, and second chance was asked to murder the love of her life. 
Of course she refused. They had other options, and they chose them. And Steve was the one that made the call to use Shuri. But Shuri couldn’t save him in time, so Wanda made up her mind after listening to Vision beg and murdered him. 
She murdered Vision.
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She destroyed the mind stone
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Sometimes I think people forget that happened. Antis also say it was too late, but once Thanos had the time stone it wouldn’t have mattered when she did it, he could just rewind time and kill Vision again. Which he did.
And she died over his lifeless body, with a relieved look on her face. 
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When she lost Pietro, and when she lost Vision, she was willing let herself die. She did not mourn her own passing, because it would be an escape from the grief.
When she told Thanos “you could never [understand],” she was speaking as someone who lost her parents, brother, country, freedom, second chance, and love. By the time she was 22. Most 22 year olds are in college or having the time of their lives, not dying over the corpse of their boyfriend.
I am not asking anyone to like her, I’m just saying that she has been through a hell of a lot and she does not deserve the hate she receives. She is not a perfect character, but she tries.
Oh yeah, she also saved thousands of lives when she destroyed those nightmare wheelie things after going in front of them without a second thought for her own safety.
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crazypantsjewels · 5 years
My dad went to see Endgame...
My dad: Hey in the new Avengers movie who was the girl that was holding everything up with her powers?
Me: Was she wearing a red jacket?
My dad: Yeah!
Me: Scarlet Witch.
My dad: Scarlet Witch? Has she been in any other movies?
Me: Yeah, Age of Ultron, Captain America Civil War, Infinity War...
My dad: Oh...well she seems to be the strongest of them all!
Me: She's not.
My dad: Oh are you sure? I don't think there's anyone as stronger than-
Me: *sighs* Captain Marvel, Thor, Iron Man-
My dad: Okay I get it!
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avengcrwanda · 6 years
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After the destruction of her homeland Sokovia and the death of her twin brother, Pietro, Wanda Maximoff felt lost. She eventually found a new sense of purpose among the Avengers. As a member of the team, she was able to put her newly acquired powers, including telekinesis and the ability to warp reality, to good use.
At the beginning, she wasn’t a superhero yet – she was just Wanda Maximoff from Sokovia. With that in mind, how did you design the character to hint at her potential future?
“Scarlet Witch was an interesting challenge because with the story that [Avengers: Age of Ultron Director] Joss [Whedon] created, her intial look wasn’t a costumed figure. She’s not a super hero – she’s just a Sokovian civilian. That was kind of the challenge: coming up with a look that was reminiscent of her classic look so that when fans see her, they can say, “Oh, that’s Scarlet Witch.” But it can’t be a costume – it had to look like real clothes that you can buy. We did a lot of real-world clothing designs to kind of come up with a look. Should she have a black jacket with red interior, with a red skirt, to kind of hearken back to her red-costume look in the comics? Or should the jacket be red? I played with lots of different patterns in the skirt and her shirt, and different jewelry. So that was a different challenge than most of the comic book characters we get to design, because it was based more on a real-world human look.“ – Andy Park, Visual Development Supervisor
– The Road to Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War - The Art of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
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originaljediinjeans · 5 years
Things I Appreciate about Avengers: Age of Ultron
Pietro Maximoff interrupting Klaue to take a piece of candy from the dish
Pietro grabbing the hammer
Pietro saying “This is not so bad” when the Helicarrier shows up to save his people
Just Pietro in general
Clint Barton. This seriously is his best movie.
I saw AoU in theaters three times. Once on opening night. The two other times because I was bored, mainly. So bored waiting for Civil War to come out.
I wrote one of my best fanfiction pieces based on this movie
And it inspired so much good fanfic later on, I kid you not
Every single female character being awesome in her own way
Steve’s suit in this movie is great. It’s the best of both his WWII outfit and the Avengers outfit. The Civil War version is only better because it took the red off the star
Vision picking up the hammer XD
I first saw a set photo of Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff in the early fall of 2014. I saw her outfit and I said, “yeah, that’s a little more realistic and down-to-earth than the comic book outfit. I can relate to that. I can even wear that.
Tony’s dialogue/commentary during the Hulk vs Hulkbuster fight
Only a short time later I went to my local thrift store and by some miracle I found the perfect boots and jacket. I already had a little black dress.
I wore my Scarlet Witch cosplay to my first ever fan convention, Salt Lake Comic Con 2014. Virtually nobody knew what I was.
I was waiting in line outside the building on Saturday and I told a few people what I was, and that my superpowers included manipulating reality. And someone said something to the effect of, “If that’s one of your powers, can you get the line to move faster?”
Also my wristcuffs got lost in the mail so I didn’t actually have them until after con. So I improvised and made my own from stockings.
I was SOOOO grateful for the trailers
I was banking on Scarlet Witch being my new favorite character and I was not disappointed.
And every movie she’s been in since then has just been confirmation that she is so much like me and everything I’ve written about her in fic is accurate
The new Avengers team at the end: Steve, Nat, Sam, Rhodey, Vision, and Wanda.
If anyone had told me ten years earlier that I would get into superheroes, I would have said you were crazy. If anybody had told me that one of my favorite superheroes would be played by the little sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, I would have said you were crazier.
Everyone attacked Natasha after the movie came out because of her lousy arc/BruceNat. But I found plenty of reasons to defend her, and Age of Ultron ironically helped me appreciate her more.
Vision bursts out of the cradle. He flies to the other side of the room. And then he stops at the window. He sees the lights of the city. He sees the people in the city. He finds his purpose.
The dream scenes revealing everyone’s insecurities.
Clint Barton having none of it.
Introducing Ulysses Klaue as a villain--him being in Black Panther is a bigger deal that way.
Klaue blurting out that his worst fear is cuttlefish and bioluminescence. We probably saw the same documentary on it. Seriously Marvel robbed us of a good Klaue vs. Panther fight with T’challa in a strobe-light suit.
Plus Andy Serkis in a non-mocap role.
“I don’t see big picture. I have little picture.”
The twins’ backstory is heartbreaking and it does so much for their characters and their background.
“You step out that door, you’re an Avenger.” 10/10 best scene in the movie. Arguably one of the best scenes in the entire MCU.
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lassenthomas98 · 2 years
Just how to obtain your own best Scarlet Witch cosplay costume
Every person enjoys to watch the marvel workshops movies due to the fictional superheroes appearing in the motion pictures. Their suits, weapons, and also costumes as well as their various superpowers make all aged individuals fall for them. One of the characters in the Marvel Studios flicks is The Scarlet.
Who is Scarlet Witch? Tips for diy your own Scarlet Witch cosplay costume
This character is developed by Stan Lee and the witch made her visibility in the Marvel flicks like Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War, Captain America: The Winter Season Soldier. The real name of the Scarlet witch is Wanda Maximoff. Like the various other personalities in Marvel films, she does have a special power. The witch is a human with the capability to possess the mutant power which can impact the possibility fields. By the mix of motions as well as the psychological concentration, she has the ability to develop a hex-sphere. With that said ball a limited reality-disrupting pressure will certainly produce, when reaches its desired target, surrounding the particular target creates the disruption in a likelihood target. Therefore, a not likely event happens around the target. The Tale of Scarlet Witch She is able to cause several cases by her mutant power are Power transmissions and also fields disturbance, air can be left from the given quantity with immediate impact, various natural and also the inorganic products can be rotted, gun barrels can be right away melted by the hex-sphere, flammable item can be combusted automatically, deflection of certain item in the trip as well as many more. These cases happen instantly as soon as when the hex-sphere gets completion. She can attack by the hex-sphere with the magic of witchcraft and extreme concentration and also she can overcome the latter restriction. The witchcraft training of Wanda is made with Agatha Harkness which is different from the mutant power capacity. The combination of both the witchcraft training as well as her mutant power makes her even more strong as well as wilful witch. super hero zentai suits has actually got with an unique power fondness for the natural environments and also the materials can be made use of in the witch's spell which can be done just by the real witches. The Wanda's indigenous is Sokovia where she matured with her twin sibling named Pietro. To keep their nation safe and also to help them they both participated HYDRA. From there they have gone with several experiments under the supervision of Wolfgang, consequently, they obtained the superpowers. When the HYDRA dropped, these two joined with the Ultron to retaliate on the Tony stark. Once they get to know real intents they changed side as well as joined with the team Avengers. As a result of the Ultron offensive, Pietro (Wanda's bro) was eliminated while Wanda came to be a participant and endured of Avengers. In the Civil war, she made her team with Captain America. After she rejoined with vision, both created a beautiful relationship. It is not lasted so long because of the time stone in Vision's head because of Thanos. Wan na end up being Scarlet witch look-alike? After these lots of motion pictures, lots of participants love Scarlet witch character. Someone wants to be like her. Those that want to be like her, below are some pointers to dress like her at any convention. Party Swing Outfit The swing dress need to remain in black and you can pick as the same style used by the Scarlet witch. You can acquire this gown from some on the internet stores or stores. Scarlet Witch Pendant She always wears a necklace which remains in silver shade with a dollar. If you know to create by yourself, produce it on your means otherwise get either from the on the internet store or the jewelry stores. Scarlet Witch Jacket You can choose a Coat either in red or maroon color, whatever tint you like opt for the selection. Lace-Up Bicycle Rider Ankle Boot When you wear with you all the other costumes, this boot looks great. Thick high socks The socks ought to be in plus size with black which gives great searching for those that wear it. If you are seeking a various costume for any convention just choose for the Scarlet witch costume which will offer you special focus over you by the people surrounded by you. Who does not like a witch? Use Scarlet witch costume, Get interest over you.
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gibbons06kelly · 2 years
If you want cosplay Scarlet witch - read this short article
MCU's Scarlet Witch is an effective mutant. But in addition to world power comes wonderful misfortune. She lost her brother Quicksilver at an early stage in Avengers: Age of Ultron itself. Equally as spider man 3 costume was embarking on a brand-new life with Vision, he was killed as well by Thanos. She will be seen once more in the Disney And also show labelled WandaVision and from the rumours going around, it won't bring any joy in her life for certain. Yet the better the disaster, the more it makes us root for her. So if you are her fan or wish to merely cosplay as the most effective Avenger, here's what you will need.. Yet wait a second. Wanda has had a little costume evolution too from her launching in the Age of Ultron to Endgame. So what exactly is the excellent MCU Scarlet Witch look? The solution is whichever you desire it to be. So we will inform you about the two major costume advancements and you can select the one you intend to cosplay:
How to obtain the ideal MCU Scarlet witch look?
The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Look. Black Dress: In the Age of Ultron, Scarlet Witch put on a black dress. You can use a black button dress as well yet any type of normal outfit will certainly do. Make certain that despite which black dress you pick it has huge collars as well as is open in the neck and also chest area. Coat: You will certainly require a red coat to place on the black gown since that was her costume in the Age of Ultron. Wanda was a lady after that that was just discovering her potential. You can use any kind of red jacket with collars. However if you intend to make it resemble something Wanda would put on after that you will certainly require to rough it up a little.. Socks and Boots: In the Age of Ultron, Wanda wore torn knee-length, bunched up socks. You can also use stockings in the place of socks. Or use both to add some volume. When it comes to shoes, she wore black boots there. These were simple black boots and also there was nothing phenomenal in them.. Jewelry: Wanda wore a necklace with a red rock as well as some rings as well as arm bands in her initial MCU look also. In addition to the fashion jewelry she also put on thick, black arm bracers. The bracers along with the rings and bracelets make her appearance cool by offering her a really punk look.. Avengers: Endgame Look. Corset: By the time Endgame rolls around, Wanda has come to be fairly the Scarlet Witch. She currently understands her powers and so with this growth, her costume has likewise gone through a change. Instead of the black outfit, she wore a red bodice which ties up in the front. Any kind of red or crimson red corset will certainly work.. Coat: The little red jacket has paved the way to a long red coat in Endgame and it does make her look more mature. You can select any red or crimson lengthy coat you desire. But ensure that it's thick and also sturdy so that you look wise.. Pants: Gone is the dress as well as knee-high socks, now pants have gotten in. Wanda wears black leather pants now and also it reveals that she has actually matured. You can make use of any black leather pants for your cosplay. But make certain to obtain some thick or hefty ones if you can.. Boots: While Wanda wore standard black shoes or boots in Age of Ultron, pertained to Endgame she now uses knee-high black boots. The boots have four belts on them. You can get any knee-high black boot to opt for your cosplay if you can't get one with belts. It will not matter in any way.. Handwear covers and also Jewellery: Wanda wears red natural leather handwear covers in Endgame as opposed to the arm bracers. Although the handwear covers and the arm bracers will look pretty trendy with each other if you can pull it off. As for jewelry, she still wears pendants, rings, as well as bracelets. Nevertheless, her awesome punk ambiance is still there in Endgame.. These are both significant costume changes of Wanda. You can choose the one you assume is the excellent MCU Scarlet Witch appearance. Or maybe you can mash some parts of both costumes as much as produce something new and interesting.
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rockstarjackets · 2 years
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Scarlet Witch Avengers 2 Age Of Ultron Leather Jacket
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pantherjackets · 3 years
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Avengers Age Of Ultron Scarlet Witch Red Leather Jacket
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What Avengers movies have Black Widow/Scarlet Witch interactions? I missed all the Avengers movies with Scarlet Witch in them except for infinity war, and I’ve seen gifs of them undercover together, Wanda going into Natasha’s memories etc. but no one ever says which Avengers movie it’s from. I didn’t know about this ship until infinity war when BW showed up looking hella gay and saying ‘she’s not alone’, as if they were two gfs reuniting or something.
Age of Ultron: Wanda hexing Natasha while she isn’t looking; there’s a deleted scene where Natasha sees and wonders why Wanda’s wearing her red jacket.
Civil War: Wanda and Natasha speaking to each other while undercover in Africa. Later, Wanda throws Natasha away from Clint, slamming her to the ground.
Infinity War: “But she’s not alone.”
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