#But Ozai's is really irking me
#I stand by my 7/10 rating for NATLA#But I'm watching the episodes in full (as opposed to flipping through them as I did before)#And I still don't like Bumi or Katara or Iroh's characterisation#But Ozai's is really irking me#Just because I love how the animated version of Ozai is so arrogant#He's not manipulative#Even when going to Azulon to ask for Iroh to be dethroned it's not very subtle.#It's what really sells the “of c I should make a position for myself and rule the world. I'm just that great. And my kid is that great too”#I get what they were going with in NATLA about manipulating Azula with fake affection for Zuko to pit them against each other#But I really think that the animated show's Ozai's abuse is just as damaging. Just different.#“You were born to be perfect like me and every single sign you're not is a disappointment of what you could achieve” is a#psychological MOUNTAIN to put on your kid#IDK. I know it's not a HUGE difference like Bumi but#It irks me. And it's irking me continuously. I liked OG Ozai and his flaws and his methods.#You know in a villain way. It just...#There's a line from “Stormbenders” (yes I've been in fandom that long) where Katara's like#“I have just realised that Ozai and Azula are petty... and that makes them so much more dangerous than I thought”#Similar vein to Yon Rha being “sad and empty”#And for Azula's eventual (need-to-be-hard-earned) redemption arc I just... I want OG Ozai and his nuances#That is the end of my rant I'll go re-watch scarf again
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itslenagain · 1 month
My thoughts on episodes 1-3 of Netflix ATLA (SPOILERS):
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1. Commander Zhao has middle-aged white guy manager energy. I feel like this man is about to lead me in a team-building exercise
2. Aang having his origin story changed irks me! He ran away impulsively in the original show and got stuck in the ice. In this version, he fully monologs to Appa about his fears, but then just leaves for a joyride and gets stuck. It takes away from the significance of Aang leaving in the first place. When Kyoshi berates him for running away, it doesn't feel right because in this version, he didn't really run - he just got stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time
3. The Zuko that stood on an iceberg during a full Moon and challenged Katara to battle would be absolutely enraged at the Zuko that ran from the conflict in Omashu
4. Also, the fact that Zuko has not mentioned honor yet? What the fuck?
5. Seriously, Commander Zhao has a LinkedIn. He's got great networking skills
6. I miss aggro Katara. This version is way more subdued (though we do get a sibling fight in episode 3) and somehow listening to Aang's weird circular philosophy helps her learn how to waterbend and I don't get it
7. Seeing Aang be joyful is a nice change from the movie that shall not be mentioned
8. If Gram-Gram putting the waterbending scroll in Katara's bag replaces the storyline where Katara says fuck cultural looting and steals one I will scream
9. It's interesting to see Azula so early in the story, but I'm bummed we missed out on the whole blackmail thing with her & Ty Lee
10. Do you think Commander Zhao pays his employees a fair wage? Do you think they have health insurance? 401k matching? Vacation time? Sick days? What kind of benefits does his company offer?
11. This version of Sokka is definitely not silly enough
12. I feel robbed that Aang got to transform into a magical girl but we didn't get a magical girl transformation sequence
13. Also, we were robbed of Sokka crossdressing as a Kyoshi warrior and they are so rude for that
14. The graphic murder of the Airbenders felt. Weird? Wrong? I don't think we needed to see that. The impact it had when Aang arrived at the temple to find all of them gone in the original show felt heavier than in this version. We saw what happened, we know they're all dead. As a kid watching ATLA the first time, I remember feeling hopeful for Aang that maybe he wasn't really the last one. We don't get to feel that with this version
15. They did not understand Uncle Iroh at all. His character is so weird. Maybe it gets better???
16. The pacing is weird but maybe that gets better too???
17. I have never related more than when Ozai just burned that Earth nation dude who was about to start monologing, please shut up in my presence
18. Apparently everywhere has names?? Who decided on these names?
19. As a lesbian I also get horny on main immediately for girls who could definitely kick my ass, Sokka was so real for that
20. Overall I think they lean into the idea that the audience for this show is primarily older than the audience for the original (they're not totally wrong!) but I worry about it losing some of the messaging along the way. Part of the beauty of the original ATLA show was tackling these big, complex issues in a way that both kids and adults could relate to and understand. Anyone who knows me knows I also love Bluey for this, along with a few other shows that do it well. Media like ATLA that tackles the ideas of colonization, genocide, war, and so many other important issues is crucial! I hope that these topics are handled just as well as they were in the original series.
Am I going to watch the whole thing? Probably, yeah. Will I enjoy it? I hope so! It's not terrible, but it's also hard to do a show that has so much nostalgia attached to it in a way that will please all viewers.
If you haven't watched it, I think it's worth a shot. Just don't expect it to be an exact retelling of the original story.
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sokkastyles · 6 months
So about that post we're both included in...the good thing about being at work when I saw that come through was that I wasn't able to respond. lol
I've decided not to respond but something they said that really irked me and wanted to get your thoughts on was this: In all that time between his return and Zuko's exile, there's no evidence that he (Iroh) ever tried to reach out to Azula
This comment and other's like it always irritate me because they always seem to leave out the idea that Azula has to be receptive to Iroh's help. They act like that all Iroh had to do was extend a hand to Azula and she wouldn't turned out the way she did. As if we haven't been shown that Azula has been dismissive of Iroh from a very young age. The idea that Iroh was ignoring her that whole time between when he moved back into the palace and leaving with Zuko, is just another way of blaming Iroh for not loving her enough. I highly doubt Azula was eager to spend time with Iroh around then and tried to avoid it as much as possible. Zuko was trapped on a boat. 😆 You cannot tell me that whatever short time they had together, that Iroh never left the door open for her. At some point, doesn't Azula need to reach out as well?
I'm not sure what I'm asking, I think I just wanted to vent instead of responding to that person. But if you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them.
P.S. Sorry for spamming your inbox while going through your old posts. 😁
No problem! Sorry that person reblogged your post to try and continue the argument with me.
You are right that Azula has to be receptive to any attempts Iroh would make to try and reach her, and what we know from canon is that she wasn't. That's why these people always say the doll doesn't matter, because it's evidence of Iroh doing something kind for his niece and her violently rejecting it because she thinks her uncle is a weak fool and her father taught her that people like that deserve to be treated cruelly.
But secondly, lack of being shown him reaching out to her doesn't mean that it never happened. Especially considering Iroh's character and the way he is consistently portrayed, it would be bizarre to interpret him as uncaring towards his niece just because we are not shown it onscreen. The writers expect you to fill in the gaps based on what we are shown onscreen, and what we are shown onscreen is that Iroh, even before his redemption, cares about his family and gets his niece and nephew a gift. We are also shown onscreen that Azula, even as a young child, is cruel towards everyone who is not Ozai, including Iroh, and burns the gift he gives her. Since these characterizations are consistent - Iroh being kind to others, Azula being cruel to others - we can interpret that the reason Iroh and Azula do not have a good relationship is because of what we already know, and that Azula is the reason they do not have a good relationship, and that she would reject whatever attempts Iroh might make to reach out. If the writers wanted to establish that Iroh was uncaring to Azula, it would need to be shown onscreen, since it contradicts everything else we know about his character, and everything we know about Azula and Azula's relationship with Iroh.
It'd be like me trying to argue that Ursa hated Lu Ten, since we never see them interact or get an indication that Ursa feels anything about him one way or the other, except for seeming sad about his death. But that's enough, because we know through everything else we know about Ursa that she is a kind person who cares about her family. Just because we don't see Ursa talking about or interacting with Lu Ten is not evidence of a negative relationship.
I agree that from what we know of Azula as a child, she did not want to spend time with Iroh and probably avoided it. Given how she talks about his reaction to Lu Ten's death, I also think even if Iroh did reach out, he would find it both difficult and extremely painful to be around someone who gleefully made fun of his trauma over his son's death.
Not only does Azula have to be receptive of Iroh, but there is a certain point where Iroh does not need to submit himself to cruelty just because Azula is a child. Azula is also a child with fire powers who is the princess of her nation, and her cruelty towards Iroh is approved by Ozai, who is now the firelord. Can you imagine what it was like for Iroh coming back to that after his son's death, in a world where he was widely seen as a disgrace? How much power does he really have in that situation?
Also imagine that Iroh also has to protect Zuko, who has newly lost his mother, from both his father and his sister.
Imagine, if you will, him inviting both of the children to play pai sho with him one day shortly after his arrival home, aware that he needs to get his niece and nephew away from their father, who now is their only sole parental figure, but also the most powerful man in the country, while he, Iroh, has been reduced overnight to the kooky, disgraced uncle. Even if Azula had accepted that invitation, I imagine that she does not respond well if she were to lose a game to the uncle she thinks is not a real general or the brother she thinks is weak and deserves to be abused. Imagine Iroh trying to problem solve between Zuko and Azula while Azula is shouting at him that he's just a loser who cries all the time because his son died. Meanwhile, Azula is also trying to burn Zuko for taking her piece in the game, and eventually Iroh just has to seperate them both.
And that's sad. It's so sad. I imagine it breaks Iroh's heart to see what is happening to his niece, what his brother is turning her into, just as every cruel jab she aims at him tears open his wounds over the loss of his son, his regret that he might have done something to help her, just as he might have done something to help his brother as he saw Ozai grow into the kind of person he became. We know these are things that are built into Iroh's character, but we also know that he's also not going to allow an abusive person to continue to be enabled, and there's a certain point where what Azula stans seem to want from Iroh is exactly that. They hate him because Azula hates him, and need an excuse for it other than the truth, that Azula was learning to be hateful from her father. They also hate him because he committed the sin of trying to protect Zuko from her and not allowing her to continue the behavior Ozai enabled.
We're also shown this dynamic between Iroh and Azula in the show, from the moment Azula shows up to try and trap Zuko and Iroh immediately susses out her intent and she resents him for it, tries to prevent him from helping Zuko think about what she is saying, and identifies that she needs to seperare Iroh from Zuko. Abusive people are really good at picking out vulnerable people, and also are good at recognizing the people who are less vulnerable and alienating their chosen victims from anyone who is going to be an obstacle, like a protector or guardian. That also increases her hatred of Iroh, that he sees right through her and knows what she's trying to do, and won't allow it. She's not going to respond to an attempt from him to help her because she wouldn't see any benefit to it, because he isn't someone she can manipulate or exploit like Zuko. And she hates that. She hates that she can't control Iroh the way she is used to controlling people, the way she thought she had even her mother under control. Until she learns to let go of that need to control, she is not going to respond to Iroh. Further, he is an obstacle in her continuing to have access to and control Zuko, which increases her hatred of him.
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ellakomskaikru · 1 year
You know what irks me?
On one hand, Zuko's is constantly praised and say that he had the goat redemption arc to the point where they almost say he was on the good side from the get-go and never really made any bad decisions in the whole series. But when it comes to him and Katara, that's immediately forgotten, are just now realizing the mistakes he made and they go out of their way to demonize him.
Some of those guys have the nerve to try and pair Zuko up with Sokka.
I agree! Zutara antis demonize Zuko a lot when it comes to his past mistakes because it’s convenient. I also find that they infantilize Katara by acting like she can’t make her own choices when it comes to Zuko. Zuko obviously made mistakes, which is why he had to have a redemption arc in the first place. And Katara decided to forgive him on her own terms. Therefore, I don’t see how Katara dating Zuko would be “unrealistic” or “bad”after she forgave him, became friends with him, and clearly cared about him a lot.
As I’ve said before, if Katara was still angry with Zuko about his past bad actions, she would not have actually forgiven him and instead would have just tolerated him for the sake of defeating Ozai. They would have just been allies. But instead, they actually became friends and had a supportive friendship. But yes, a lot of Zutara antis are just hypocritical. Many praise Zuko’s redemption arc but then in the same breath say that Katara could never love Zuko because of what he did in the past.
There isn’t anything in the series that indicates that, and Katara has also been shown to not hate the entire Fire Nation either. So that’s why the argument: “Zuko is Fire Nation so Katara wouldn’t be able to love him.” doesn’t make sense to me. Katara blamed the Fire Nation people responsible for the war, not every single Fire Nation person who lived, and Zuko turned against the Fire Nation to help save the world from his own father. Katara definitely took note of that, eventually forgave him for his own actions, and therefore wouldn’t blame Zuko for being born where he was.
And about Zu.kka, I personally don’t have a problem with the concept of the pairing, but I really dislike the way Zuko is characterized in most fanfics and I also feel that they treat Katara badly as well, which I also really dislike. But yes, it’s hypocritical to dislike Zutara because Zuko was once Katara’s enemy when Zuko was once Sokka’s enemy too, because you know, Sokka is her brother. There are valid reasons to prefer Zu.kka, but trying to claim some moral high ground over Zutara is what irks me.
Thanks for the ask!
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igraine-ohnefurcht · 2 months
Avatar Live Action Opinions (ep.1-4)
Yes to all the casting, the Sokka casting still irks me, but the rest: perfection.
Showing the destruction of the air temples wasn't necessary. I'm not mad about it, but it didn't make the genocide clearer than Aang's reaction would have.
I'm okay with Gran Gran doing the speech
Iroh and Zuko are great. Love them and the Zuko actor actually has comedic timing which I was afraid they would take away from the character.
The whole Azula and Ozai introduction...I don't know. Stoytelling wise okay, you probably had to do that and Daniel Dae Kim is an actor you shouldn't hide. I still think it's too early and they could have made the Firelord work as a shadowy figure instead.
Also not sure about "fire nation resistance". The fire nation wants war. They see themselves as superior and so far the live action hasn't shown that. Yes they are victims of propaganda and of this war machine that's in every aspect of their lives, but they are also complicit. Now it seems like they are against their regime but just not powerful or brave enough for the resistance. Did/Do real oppressive regimes have resistances? Sure, but the narrative choice to show these first instead of, idk, normal citizens celebrating Ozai makes the narrative clear that they want to show the fire nation as victims instead of a people complicit in their leaders crimes. It fits what is coming up more and more, like "Germans were victims of Hitler". No, not really. And making Germans seem like that takes away the responsibilty to do better (And yes I know, it's more styled after Imperial Japan). I'm also afraid of what that may change around the narrative. Why doesn't Aang try to find a fire nation resistance group to lear fire bending. Why is Jeong Jeong a bitter recluse instead of a high ranking resistance fighter? We'll see how they work with that.
There is A LOT happening in Omashu. I get why, but be warned.
Jet and the rest? Perfect again!
Danny Pudi <3
Oh Bumi. I forgot he's played by Utkarsh. Love him.
Do I remember the "love is brightest in the dark" wrong or did they just change it?
Leaves from the Vine made me cry again. Zuko and Iroh make me cry. I know, I'm repeating myself but they're perfect.
Yay Teamwork
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 11 months
Besides Zutara and Zukka, what Avatar ships do you dislike?
Pretty much the only one that irks me on that same level is Sokkla, but the shippers are super nice so I leave them alone.
I don't like Azutara, any ship with Iroh, nearly every Ozai ship (Urzai being the exception, but it's more of "I like watching this train-wreck of a relationship go south" than really shipping them), Watercest (Sokka and Katara), Azula X Chan, Azulaang, Mai and that non-character she was dating in the comics, and Comics!Zuko and Comics!Mai (WHY did the writers turn them into Ross and Rachel? WHY?).
Bonus: I like Tyzula, but BOY the fans are so fucking annoying, constantly trying to act like it was 100% canon, and a ton of the fanfics have both of them be so out of character, it hurts.
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(pt 1) i really enjoy all your atla analyses & you've done a great job breaking down the usual arguments re how eip shows that kataang shouldn't have happened. i'm curious about your take on one specific argument that i just saw today, in an analysis of the show by a zker that was otherwise quite good and respectful (i know you've already talked about eip a lot, so no problem if you don't feel like rehashing). the premise: aang didn't just pressure katara in eip, he threatened her.
(pt 2) they point to when katara joins aang & asks if he’s alright: “aang: no, i’m not! i hate this play! katara: i know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting. aang: overreacting? if i hadn’t blocked my chakra, i’d probably be in the avatar state right now!” the suggestion is he’s threatening her when he says ‘i’d probably be in the avatar state right now’ to describe his anger. i think this take exaggerates and oversimplifies it, but interested in your thoughts on it.
Hello my friend!! It is true I am Old inside and don’t like rehashing dhdlksjslks BUT your comments on my posts are always incredibly kind and insightful so I am more than willing to do a bit of rehashing for you 🥰 Besides! I’ve seen this general take before a few times and it’s always irked me for the exact reason you point out - it simultaneously exaggerates and oversimplifies the situation (and honestly that’s an impressive duality since it’s seemingly contradictory, so hats off to them lmaooo) - and now is as good a time as any to address it. So, for starters, let’s go ahead and get the excerpt they love to focus on so much:
Cut to Aang standing alone on a balcony. Katara enters and walks up to him.
Katara: Are you all right?
Aang: [Angered.] No, I’m not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]
Katara: I know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting.
Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Here’s the thing about so-called analyses of this excerpt: in a manner extremely convenient to the poster, they never seek to contextualize this moment. (I mean, to do so would deplatform their entire “argument” - perhaps that’s why they avoid performing a full analysis?) So let’s avoid that pitfall from the start.
Firstly, below are some links to related posts; I’m going to do my best to summarize the most relevant parts, but for anyone who desires greater detail, I gotchu 😤
This post explains why EIP (the play, lol) is imperialist propaganda and is intended to belittle the entire Gaang.
This post explains how Aang never acted “entitled” to Katara’s affections, particularly in regard to EIP.
This post breaks down the infamous EIP kiss like Snopes Fact Checker, covering common misconceptions, important perspectives to consider, etc.
Alright. With that out the way, it’s time for some context.
Aang and Katara have this conversation on the balcony after watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” a play chock-full of Fire Nation propaganda that demeans the entire Gaang in order to prop up the Fire Nation as superior (hence why the play ends with Ozai’s victory). Here is my general breakdown of Aang and Katara’s treatment in particular from a previous post:
- katara, an indigenous woman, is highly sexualized and portrayed as overly dramatic and tearful, because the fire nation objectifies women not of their own people and views them as less intelligent and less emotionally stable
- aang, the avatar, the sole survivor of the fire nation’s genocide of the air nomads who is incredibly in-touch with his spirituality and femininity, is portrayed as an overly-airy and immature woman. the fire nation portrays him with a female actor to demean him (like, that’s classic imperialistic propagandist tactics) and furthermore writing his character as a childish airhead reinforces the fire nation sentiment that the air nomads were weak, foolish people who did not deserve to exist in their world
In other words, these kids have just watched almost an entire play that preys upon their insecurities and depicts them using racist and sexist stereotypes about their respective nations. It is completely understandable that tensions might run a little high and that their interactions would not be as balanced as usual (Katara and Aang have a great track record of communicating well with each other, as it happens!).
So we have to keep that in mind when examining the aforementioned excerpt. But there are other factors to consider, too! Namely: they are kids. Children. Teens. Aang is 12, Katara is 14.
If we want to be scientific, a person’s brain doesn’t finish developing until they are 25, lmao, and the preteen/teen years are when the prefrontal cortex that controls “rationality,” “judgement,” “forethought,” etc. is still developing. This doesn’t mean Aang and Katara are irrational and make poor decisions 24/7 (obviously not), but it does mean that in an intense, highly emotional situation, like after watching a play that intentionally demeans them and depicts them as inferior, they are more likely to overreact, more likely to be emotional, and more likely to make mistakes. Like, I’m serious, lol. “Teens process information with the amygdala.” That’s part of the brain that helps control emotions! It’s why teens sometimes struggle to articulate what we’re thinking, especially in situations that require instinct/impulse and quick decisions, because we’re really feeling whenever we make those choices. Acting more on emotion. Our brains simply haven’t finished developing the decision-making parts, lmao.
In sum: Aang and Katara are both kids, not adults, and should be interpreted as such. This doesn’t negate their intelligence, because they are both incredibly smart and Aang is arguably the wisest of the Gaang, but they are human. Young humans. They have emotions, and we should not be so cruel as to assume they’d never act on them.
So taking that all together, we can now acknowledge the high stress Aang and Katara are under, understand why they might be upset (*cough* imperialist propaganda is hurtful *cough*), and examine how their youth might play into their emotional reactions. And funny thing - all analyses that come to the conclusion of Aang “threatening” Katara here do not usually bother with this context. I can’t imagine why!
And you know what, let’s add one more piece of context: Sokka states that Aang left the theater “like, ten minutes ago,” which is what cues Katara to go look for him on the balcony. The reason I mention this line is because to me, it suggests Aang knew he was more worked up than usual! He chose to separate himself from his friends so he could process his frustration! He did not take his anger at the play out on them; instead, he purposefully took time and space to be alone.
With that in mind, I don’t understand at all how Aang’s Avatar state quote could be interpreted as a threat? Canonly, Aang is someone who was aware enough of his frustration to separate himself from the others - yet the logical next step is him threatening Katara as a result? He knew his intense emotions were because of the play (which he says himself), so the logical conclusion is that he then pinned the fault on Katara? What?? Sorry, that interpretation has no textual basis, lmao. But I digress!
Aang tells Katara, “If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!” As you said, this is the line people point to in an attempt to justify their (baseless) conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. So let’s bring in the two key pieces of context: imperialist propaganda and age. Given that Aang is 12, and given that Aang has just watched almost a full play that demeans him and everything his people stood for (and let’s not forget it also mocks his and Katara’s love for each other)…
His reaction is understandable. An exaggeration and needlessly dramatic, but understandable. He feels vulnerable and insecure and Aang is human. He is human and flawed and he overreacts here and I love that A:TLA shows how even our heroes, even people who are truly good at heart and in soul, can get overly upset (especially given the aforementioned circumstances!). Would Aang actually be in the Avatar state at that moment, had it been possible? Of course not! He’s young and he’s hurt and as such he says something dramatic to convey his anxieties and frustrations. The line is not meant to be taken literally, and seeing people do so despite all the factors that should be taken into consideration when analyzing it… Cue a long, tired sigh from me and so many other A:TLA fans.
And to be honest? I cannot fathom how people watch this episode and come to the conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. To me, this episode - besides being a recap episode - is one that humanizes our cast even further. Aang snaps at Katara, kisses her when he shouldn’t (which the story appropriately treats as wrong). Katara pushes down her true feelings and retreats into herself, afraid to start a relationship with the boy she loves because she’s already lost him once before and can’t bear to do so again. Zuko further confronts the hurt he’s enacted upon others, especially upon Iroh. Toph practices being vulnerable and accepting vulnerability from others by conversing with Zuko. Sokka witnesses how others have erased his contributions and labelled him as nothing more than the token nonbender in the group. Even Suki learns that she is not the only person who holds a place in Sokka’s heart and that she can never replace what he has lost.
To watch this episode where our heroes must come to terms with how the Fire Nation deems them inherently inferior, with how they have more fights to overcome in the future with the Fire Nation than a single war, and to come to the conclusion that… that what, Aang is abusive? A monster? Irredeemable? That he would threaten his best friend, someone he loves in every way?
Wow. That says more than enough about the viewer, doesn’t it?
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
I've recently seen a few blogs imply that Zuko confronting his father and escaping from his abusive household inherently has gay undertones. I can't fully explain why, especially since I can see how one can hc him as gay, but this assumption irks me. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Oof, I have a Lot Of Thoughts about this lmao
I talked a bit about it in my Zuko is Not Gay Coded post:
making [zuko’s confrontation of ozai] about zuko being gay and rejecting ozai’s homophobia, rather than zuko learning fundamental truths about the world and about his home and about how there was something deeply wrong with his nation that needed to be fixed in order for the world to heal (and, no, ‘homophobia’ is not the answer to ‘what is wrong with the fire nation’, i’m still fucking pissed at bryke about that), misses the entire point of his character arc. this is the culmination of zuko realizing that he should never have had to earn his father’s love, because that should have been unconditional from the start. this is zuko realizing that he was not at fault for his father’s abuse--that speaking out of turn in a war meeting in no way justified fighting a duel with a child.
is that first realization (that a parent’s love should be unconditional, and if it isn’t, then that is the parent’s fault and not the child’s) something that queer kids in homophobic households/families can relate to? of course it is. but it’s also something that every other abused kid, straight kids and even queer kids who were abused for other reasons before they even knew they were anything other than cishet, can relate to as well. in that respect, it is not a uniquely queer experience, nor is it a uniquely queer story, and zuko not being attracted to girls (which is what a lot of it seems to boil down to, at the end of the day--cutting down zuko’s potential ships so that only zukka and a few far more niche ships are left standing) is not necessary to his character arc. nor does it particularly make sense.
And it’s really the first bit of that second paragraph that people who make such claims don’t seem to understand--being able to relate to something because of your own experiences doesn’t necessarily mean that the thing you are relating to is inherently tied to those experiences.
What I mean by that is that we, as human beings, can relate to a lot of experiences which don’t necessarily exactly parallel our own, because we thrive on pattern recognition and can easily find elements of our own experiences in things which look familiar, even if they ultimately have a different source. In that way, abuse narratives are fairly universal--it doesn’t matter why someone was abused (or, rather, what the justifications were on the part of the abuser), abuse victims will see themselves in abuse narratives, even if the fictional victim doesn’t actually suffer from the exact same abuse. A queer kid who was kicked out of their home for being gay could easily see themselves in Zuko being forced into exile, but that does not mean that Zuko was exiled for being gay, and it does not mean that being kicked out of the house by an abusive parent is an inherently gay experience.
I have been, with varying frequency, threatened again and again with being kicked out of my home since I was sixteen years old. It has nothing to do with me being queer--since I’m not out to my family and didn’t even realize I wasn’t straight until my early twenties--and everything to do with the fact that my father likes things he can control, and I have been increasingly difficult to control since I started standing up to him. I can intensely relate to Zuko’s experiences as an abused child (once, my father punched me so hard in my shoulder that it bruised my bone--the bruise didn’t fade for three weeks, and he didn’t talk to me for four months; it felt a lot like being exiled, frankly, and he may have gone back to pretending it never happened after that but I’ve never been able to forget), particularly since the only reason I’m not either dead or homeless is because my mom won’t actually let him kick me out.
And I think that’s why it bothers me so much that people claim this is an inherently gay narrative, or that it makes Zuko gay coded (and it’s always gay, because the whole point has been erasing his attraction to girls, not positing that it’s possible he could be attracted to guys), because it feels incredibly invalidating to me--a bi woman whose experience with abuse is so closely echoed in Zuko’s narrative, and whose experience with abuse has nothing whatsoever to do with sexuality.
Like I said in that post, none of this is to say that seeing yourself in Zuko or even projecting onto Zuko and headcanoning him as gay because your experience with abuse is tied to sexuality is wrong or bad or whatever. But claiming that this is coded into his character and that any other reading of him requires ignoring this coding which is practically canon IS wrong, and it’s invalidating to a whole lot of people who see themselves in Zuko, and in Zuko’s experiences, and either aren’t gay or didn’t experience their abuse because of their sexuality. It’s also, frankly, invalidating to other queer people whose experience of abuse is tied to their sexuality or gender identity, but who still aren’t gay.
There’s nothing in Zuko’s narrative that is exclusive or inherent to being gay, specifically. There is nothing that hints at a lack of attraction to women, even if (like me) you interpret certain scenes (-cough- his swordfight with jet -cough-) as indicating the presence of an attraction to men. And Zuko’s abuse narrative will speak to people who were abused for being gay, yes, but it also speaks to people who were abused for being queer in any other respect and to people who were abused for reasons that had nothing to do with being queer, and to cishet abuse victims as well! And I think that trying to erase or invalidate that is insulting on a number of levels.
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
can i request hcs for being zuko’s s/o?
pairing: zuko x reader
warnings: explicit language, i feel this is a good time to put this out there- i swear a lot, and use it in my writing as well, and i will also write about things that may not be appropriate for minors, so i need to state that this blog is 18+. 
a/n: my first request, woohoo! thank you for sending one in anon :) i’ve never written zuko before, or a hc, so i’m sorry if this doesn’t step up to the plate. i kind of got off track, and it’s a bit messy, but i hope you like it nonetheless! practice makes perfect :) 
Okay so I PERSONALLY feel that no matter if you got with Zuko while he was banished/with the Gaang or after he was crowned Fire Lord, he’d have issues to work through 
Obviously he was abused and suffered from that, but in a relationship sense it’d be something that would require lots of patience 
Even after he joined the Gaang, it was hard for him to forgive himself and fully trust that the others wanted him there
So when you started showing him small acts of kindness, a smile as you passed breakfast along to him, a wave when you spotted each other training, it blew his fucking mind 
He’d hunted the avatar and his friends, but he’d never seen you until he showed up begging for forgiveness 
And his curiosity peaked when you answered Aang’s question with “I understand how what he’s done to you guys is terrible, and you have the right to be mad and distrustful, but the fact that he showed up here says something right?” 
“(y/n) are you crazy?” Sokka yelled at you and you’d rolled your eyes
“I’m not crazy, I just think we all need to take into consideration how much we’ve changed since this all started, and that maybe some people grow in the wrong direction before they realize what’s right.” 
And that seemed to strike something in them, because when the time came around for them to actually decide, he’d been accepted into the group 
You and Aang were the quickest to open up to him, and though it irked Katara to no end, you’d even called him a friend on a few occasions 
Things bloomed into something more the night before the comet, in the white lotus camps 
And after Ozai was defeated, and Azula was as well, Zuko had asked you to stay in the palace with him
He told you that he trusted you the most to help him rebuild his nation, that your compassion and kindness and open mind was admirable 
He also told you that he loved you
You said it back, and things were, as they say, history 
Those issues I mentioned? Yeah, here they are
Zuko needs a lot of reassurance, that he’s a good boyfriend, that you want him, that you want to stay in that big ole palace fixing a mess you had no part in making, that he’s a good fire lord
It requires a lot of patience, but you’re there with a smile every time he needs it
Gaining his trust was a slow process, but after awhile you guys get to a really good spot
And Zuko lets himself show you how much he loves you 
He showers you will affection when it's just you two, kisses and hugs, and twirls and grabby hands
When you’re around other people, he takes it down a notch, but the compliments, oh god don’t get me started 
“Aren’t they incredible? Truly a great addition to the council.” 
“Well, (y/n) is the only person i really trust to carry out this task.” 
“Do you even know how far behind we’d be if it weren’t for them?” 
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I think if Gabriel was seriously such a tyrannical parent, he would just take Adrien's ring in "Origins Part 1", probably without even knowing that it's Black Cat Miraculous, but simply because it was piece of jewelry that Adrien was wearing without his prior authorization.
Yeah, like, I know a thing or two about abusive parents/guardians, especially of the non-violent variety, and this is exactly the kind of thing that would have such a parent acting out. With how public Adrien's image is, suddenly having a ring that doesn't match, and that Gabriel hasn't designed, would be the kind of thing Gabriel would confiscate just because he can and because he doesn't want Adrien to make any decision without his authorisation.
I think this would definitely be something interesting to explore in like fanfic, or even as part of the original show.
But it's just :/ it really irks me how we're told that Gabriel is "such a meany pants" and there's very little actually shown to support that. Like, in atla, we have the relationship between Zuko, Azula and Ozai, and it's very strongly implied, and stated in some cases that Ozai's abuse of his children was mostly limited to verbal/emotional torment and manipulation, threats etc. (the whole public face branding thing was implied to be more uh. a one off thing. doesn't make it better! it just establishes that non-physical means is his typical m.o.).
Gabriel? He doesn't really...do much of anything similar. We're not really given any inkling that Adrien's 'perfection' is due to an underlying threat of Gabriel's disappointment, as we are with Azula. Mostly we're just shown that Gabriel's an asshole towards randoms and Adrien's friends (mostly to get akuma).
Like, don't get me wrong, Adrien definitely faces emotional neglect and that is a form of abuse. But what we're kinda told, and what Adrien's big time fans seem to believe, is that Adrien faces really severe manipulation, gaslighting, derision, lots and lots of immediate, severe control of Adrien's actions and so on. Like I'm not trying to minimise the shit Adrien would be going through, it's bad, but it's not the same stuff we're told it is.
Might I add as well, that if Adrien really were quite so surveyed as we're told, there would be cameras in Adrien's room, he wouldn't be allowed to have the door shut and be unsupervised while playing piano or whatever. We're not given any idea of how violating it is to have a parent disregard your privacy because they can't stand not having control over their child for a moment.
But yeah :/ something something the miraculous writers shouldn't have tried to bring up abuse if they weren't even gonna do it right :/
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
What would an emotionally burnt out Azula would look like? I think at one point during her road of redemption and recovery her mind was just unable to process and cope with all the overbearing endless thoughts, pressure, anxiety, mental illness and possible PTSD so that she just got too exhausted and shattered to care about anything, even dying.
This could probably happen after she thought she lost her bending forever so that in her eyes she’s just nothing. Not a disappointment, not worse than Zuko, not a loser, not a lunatic, she just thinks she’s not anything anymore. And as someone who personally experienced that feeling, it’s really easy to stop caring about everything in the world and just go along with whatever is happening in your life instead of trying to bother changing anything. Of course, I hope something or someone lights up the fire in her soul again and she can find the inner strength to keep moving forward and fight without necessarily fighting.
Also, I know this is very unlikely but I often wonder how Azula would look like if she chose a pacifistic way of life.
Oooohhh, this is nice. I hate the thought of Azula having her bending taken away (permanently or not), but her temporarely losing it or just believing she lost it due to her mental health declining could be very interesting, and it’d be even more rewarding when she gets it back (bonus points if she is even stronger than before). Maybe it was sort a Zuko in the second half of book 3 situation, with her new out-look on life making her bending super weak, or maybe she is struggling with depression and it causes her to lose the drive that allows her to bend, or maybe it specific with lightning since it requires peace of mind (though she managed to work around that when she was basically dissociating in the show) - that one is one my favorite because some time ago I read this idea of her not being able to generate lightining in her Agni Kai and that’s when she breaks down, and seeing her in such pain makes Zuko try to help her.
I feel like a pacifistic Azula would only be possible after balance has been mostly restored to the world and she has had enough proof that non-leatality would be effective and that the world is stable enough that she can use just her mind to keep people in check instead of having to actually fight them, and even then she’d be sort of like Gyatso, who was a pacifist but took down A TON of firebenders with him. After all, pacifism is not being someone who CAN’T be violent, ever, but rather choosing not be violent unless there’s no other way around it (hence again fighting people the entire damn show AND even haven been willing to kill Ozai when he thought there was no other way to bring peace)
Also, now that I brought up Aang, I think I finally found a way to put into words why the whole “Azula losing her bending so she’ll be forced to be a better person/will no longer be a threat” irks me. It would be just like saying that Appa should have died so Aang would have become “stronger” somehow. It’s adding pointless trauma to a character that already has too much to deal with, and it would get the opposite effect that people are hoping for because it would just push said character to their absolutely lowest point. The only difference is that Aang would still have his friends, meaning he’d have something to hold him back because he’d have something to lose, while Azula would have nothing and then, ironically, be even more dangerous than she ever was, be it before or after her breakdown.
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ohmaigoth · 3 years
Unpopular opinion #8
I don't like how many (most of the?) people in the fandom treat Iroh. Especially compared to how they treat some other characters. There's a lot of double standard going on imo. It applies to Zuko too but this post is only about Iroh.
First of all, Iroh is a war General. He's most notably known for having besieged the most populated city in the world, probably indirectly and directly killing we don't know how many but I think it's fair to assume it's a lot, people in the process. He's seen laughing at the thought of burning Ba Sing Se to the ground and only gave up when Lu Ten died, when it became personal. Years later, when he goes back to Ba Sing Se, he's joking again about being a tourist this time. In defence of Iroh though, it's established there's a lot of propaganda going on in the Fire Nation to make its citizens believe they're on the good side of the war.
Something that's always bugged me is Iroh's treatment of Azula, especially compared to the way he treats Zuko. When they were young, Iroh gifted a dagger to his nephew and a doll to his niece. Granted he's been gone at war for a while at that point but anyone who spends 5 min with Azula would know she's not into that kind of toy. Perhaps it was Iroh's way of telling her she's just a child and she needs to chill out but again, he offered Zuko a dagger so I think Iroh just genuinely thought Azula, as a girl, would like a doll... Yikes! It also means he's probably not interested in knowing who his own niece actually is. Then Zuko was banished and he left with him, leaving behind his 11 or 12 yo niece, alone because Ursa's gone, with her father who's just burnt his own son's face. It also probably shows that Ozai is an overall terrible father (the kind that agrees on killing his son) and while he's "nicer" to Azula, it's not ok to let a child with a father who mistreated his son this bad. Iroh is portrayed as the wise old man so I think he could have known better than to leave his niece to her fate. When he meets her again for the first time in three years, all he has to say about her is "She's crazy and she needs to go down.". Sure she did a lot of wrong stuff but, even when I was young, this comment's never sat right with me. Meanwhile he's always supportive of Zuko, forgives his wrongdoing and even thinks of him as his son (how convenient since he lost Lu Ten). Overall I get the feeling Zuko is a replacement son for Iroh (he actually kinda said it himself) while he's never given a damn about Azula.
Then there's this scene.
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Ugh. When I was young, June x Iroh was actually my crack ship. He's obviously into her and the fact she then called him Zuko's creepy grandpa makes this scene even worse to me now. Some people say Iroh's out of character in this scene. I disagree. Throughout the series he's portrayed as a ladies' man and I think some people glorify him when he's actually a flawed character (which is what this whole post is about).
Overall, Iroh's never struck me as really sorry for the wrong he's done and does, though this might only be my personal interpretation. Besides, for the most part, while he doesn't actively fight against the gaang, he goes along with Zuko's idea of capturing Aang. I know he wants Zuko to realize by himself it's not his destiny but still, what would happen if Aang's killed during a fight? He also lets his nephew steal a bunch of things and Song's ostrich horse (though he does initially call Zuko out on it) and I guess, as they're refugees, they may need them more than their owners, Idk. Iroh actually steals a bottle of perfume himself while at the Abbey. He also blows his and Zuko's cover because Tea™ and while Zuko's rightfully mad at him for doing such a dumb thing, he complains because Zuko spilled his tea rather than worrying because he endangered both of them. Tea over safety I guess.
I want to make it clear this is not character bashing. I do like Iroh but I like him for who he is: a grey character who has his fair share of flaws. It's what makes him interesting to me and not just the generic morally white know-it-all mentor that many shows have. Though it does irk me when people act as if he's perfect and has never caused suffering. Especially when said people who glorify Iroh and conveniently forget about his wrongdoing demonize other characters for dumb reasons (think about Aang and particularly Mai).
ATLA's all about nuances and how there's no pure white and pure black, which is one of the many reasons why this show is great, and Iroh fits right in this theme too.
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cutekitten6 · 4 years
My thoughts on The Letter For The King (netflix)
this will be structured in three parts: what i liked, what i disliked, what could be improved. Warning: CONTAINS SPOILERS
What I liked
Our main character, Tiuri, is the best protagonist. He has had a difficult background and has a little bit of an identity struggle, but through his journey he becomes more and more clear in how he defines himself. He is so sweet and kind and only wants to do the right thing.
That magic is established as a purely Eviellen thing (aka a part of the black culturof the show). It’s not alluded to, it’s merely a fact.
Diversity. I love Iona, our asian girl, Tiuri, our black boy, and Jussoldo, our resident gay couple. None of it felt forced nor was it villainsed. They simply were.
Queen Alianor being queen without any question. She inherited the throne from her father and it is hers. She was inquisitive and charming, and quite daring romantically.
The chase scene in that very clearly Lord of the Rings-type field. It was not only beautiful but thrilling.
Magic horse. Or, not really magic but a damn smart horse
Arman giving Tiuri his peptalk about how Tiuri is a good person and it doesn’t matter if he’s not the Chosen One, what matters is that he is a good person and actively does good deeds.
Jussipo and Foldo’s campfire talk and kiss, and the implication that they did not sleep at all but talked all throughout the night. Their faces with Piak woke up were hilarious.
Iona and Jaro’s relationship from “I fucking hate you” to “I still fucking hate you but fuck if anything happens to you I will feel guilty.” Very fun. It’s like if the Hound and Arya liked each other from the beginning.
What I disliked
Lavinia pt 1. She was interesting at first, but when they were establishing that her town is full of selfish people and people who will weasel their way for money, it just ruined her. She was so selfish, so money oriented, and just so opposite to Tiuri that it really irked me. Tbf she does improve the more she cares for Tiuri, but still.
Lavinia pt 2. I did not like that she was actually the Chosen One. It makes absolutely no sense for her to be the magical savior of prophecy; not when magic was established as purely Eviellen. There was no explanation as to how or why she has powers, unlike for Tiuri.
Bury your gays. This has been shouted from the roof tops in this fandom already, but wow was it truly an unnecessary death. Not only did a gay boy die, but Lavinia (who, in literally the episode before, used HEALING MAGIC to save Tiuri) did absolutely nothing to try and save him. She only watched as he died. -10/10.
The climactic face off between hero(es) and villain was SO FUCKING LAME. They are just staring at each other, using their “powers” but like???? LAMELY. It seemed like they were trying to mimic Aang vs Ozai’s final fight with the darkness and the light fighting, but my god was so so lame. The music, unfortunately, was not as strong in that moment either.
What could be improved
I think 6 episodes were not enough. There were too many things that were unexplained or needed time to develop. 8 episodes could have been ideal.
First, Iona’s betrayal. It felt like it came out of nowhere, or at least out of very petty spite. She decides to call up the authorities because, what? Arman forgot she was an orphan? Nah nah nah, I need more seeds to be sown to believe it. Sure there was what Jaro said to her after the avalanche, but even then she has the same level of “i hate all of you” as before their quest started. Instead we should have seen her get more and more fed up with the group, or feeling more like an outsider.
Second, what the hell did Viridian do to Alianor??? He turns her eyes black and we see absolutely nothing. The next we see her she’s completely fine? Um, no. Either 1. show us what conversation went down between him and her, or 2. give us a small clip of her alone where her eyes turn black again, to make it clear she’s still under his influence.
Third, Piak should have died instead of Jussipo. Tumblr user @thylovelylionheart wrote about this and I agree 100%. You can find it here. Not only does it make sense, but it also brings a clear flashback to when Jussipo/Piak said that their parents would kill Jussipo if Piak was hurt. Parallel that, not Jussipo’s lyric about their[Jussoldo’s] love being carried to the grave smh.
Tiuri should still have magic. Not only is he a shaman’s son, but his mother knew that he was destined for something large. In the last scene we see her in, standing up on the stands as Tiuri is knighted, she looks unhappy. Why? Also the bird flock??? it needs a bit more explaining.
Having more episodes would then invest us with Tiuri’s mother. Alianor said she would still protect her even after she went to the summit. But then we never see Tiuri’s mother in danger?? It would have brought more stakes to the journey, at least for the audience, to know that Tiuri’s last life line could be hurt, even if he didn’t know.
Heck, we could spend an episode with everyone separated again. Lavinia goes off to find her road. It would give us more time to settle for the idea of Lavinia being the Chosen One, since the reveal would still be ep 5. We could have her be alone and meet someone who, idk, shows her the light (haha). Think Toph and Iroh. She’s still selfish but cares for Tuiri, but is not wired to be a savior. So she gets help from, let’s say the Father Monk from the mountains, who helps her prioritise that even if she doesn’t want to save the world, saving one person [Tiuri] would be enough. And she turns up at the palace FOR Tiuri, not because she suddenly gained morals. it makes more sense in terms of how her character development played out.
The final episode should have been a final battle. That’s it.
Overall: The Letter For The King is a meh show. It’s gorgeous and the first 4 episodes are thrilling and exciting. But the show drops the ball in eps 5 and 6 in a way that really ruins the fun you’ve had. Should you watch it? Maybe.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
May I request headcanons for Azula (avatar: the last airbender) with a female s/o who’s a lot like Mugen from samurai champloo pwease
 fem!s/o like Mugen from Samurai Champloo
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[a/n: Samurai Champloo had been on my watchlist for the longest time now and when I got the request, I binge watched half of the season in a night and when I tell you I fell in love with that man 🥵 thank you for being my first ATLA request anon! enjoy ! -yours truly, bunnyy-`ღ´-]
ϟ you had been friends with both Zuko and Azula during your childhood, well you were more friends with Zuko than her
ϟ it irked her that you were always so sweet and kind, you were by no means a pushover but you had a soft spot
ϟ she would bully you just to see if she could make you snap, it never worked but you did snap when she was pushing her brother around and bothering him
ϟ the only reason you had ever played with them was because your mom was good friends with Ursa and your father was an adviser on General Iroh’s war ship
ϟ once Ozai was in power, both your parent mysteriously vanished just like Ursa had
ϟ you had set off on your own, determined to find them and that’s when you learned off what was going on outside of the fire nation. cities being burned to the ground, people being hustled by the soldiers for “protection fees”...it was infuriating
ϟ you were still searching for your parents but you definitely knocked some heads along the way, your talent had been wielding the dual swords. something your dad taught you when you were younger
ϟ you had used up all the money that your parents had left for food, shelter, and other things
ϟ you had just finished an odd job and made your way to some dingy bar to look for some food, you liked being a traveler because in places like this because no one cared if you were fire nation or water nation...no one cared
ϟ “how are the two of you such idiots?! How could you lose their trail?!” That shrill and condescending voice was all too familiar, you cringed and hoped that none of the three saw you
ϟ “Hey Azula, isn’t that-”
ϟ “(Y/N)!!” Mai was cut off by Ty Lee’s excited squeal. You grit your teeth and slowly turned around to face their table
ϟ “Well, well, well...if it isn’t little (y/n) all grown up. So this is where you ran off to, a place for degenerate wash-ups? Pathetic.” She picked at her nails apathetically, she barely had time to react to the ringing of your sword as you had positioned yourself behind her, knife at her throat
ϟ “Don’t think for a second that just because you’re royalty means that I won’t hesitate to take you down a notch!” You growled, rousing an almost nervous chuckle from her
ϟ “Oh yeah?” Her voice was strained. “Well I’d like to see you try, especially with them around.” You looked up to see the rough rhinos not too far off as they tried to shoot you menacing glares
ϟ “Don’t tempt me princess, I’d love an excuse to get rid of the riding idiots.” it was something about the way you called her ‘princess’ in such a vile tone, the way your sword was just as cold as your words, and the way your breath felt against her neck
ϟ her heart skipped a beat
ϟ I think being in a relationship with Azula would be quite difficult at first
ϟ both your personalities clashed, you were pretty laid back for the most part and she was a bit high strung, not to mention very socially awkward too (we all remember that beach episode...)
ϟ but once you get past the daddy issues, trust issues, and want for control then I think she’d be a very attentive girlfriend
ϟ she’d be very good at reading you and knowing when something’s off, especially if your being very stressed instead of your usual ‘go with the flow’ vibe
ϟ being with you definitely makes her a more relaxed person
ϟ your playful nature definitely frustrated her, for example:
ϟ she’s the type of person to give long, sensual kisses
ϟ she likes the feeling of your soft lips against hers, the feeling of your body under the palms of her hands, the way your breath hitched when she slipped a bit of tongue into it, she loved leaving you breathless
ϟ your kisses were deep but you pulled away too soon for her liking, you basically had her chasing for your lips at times, nipping at her bottom lip playfully. she would pout before pulling you in once more, your confident quips had her blushing
ϟ “you really want to kiss me that bad?”  “Are my lips that sweet?” “Running back for more? It’s almost like you’re addicted~”
ϟ she’d be very apprehensive about showing affection, her family never was affectionate, she never saw her parents hug or kiss...so it’s strange for her but when you guys cuddle for the first time, she’s hooked
ϟ she’s definitely little spoon, this touch starved sweetheart would love the feeling of your chest under her head, big or small, she loves to lay on ‘em
ϟ there’s definitely moments where she gets insecure about the relationship you’ve built but if you hold her and press kisses all over your face AND whisper sweet nothings and reassuring words, she’d melt under your touch
ϟ Zuko absolutely loves you and so does Iroh
ϟ they often invite you to have tea at the jasmine dragon, which you 7 times out of 10 drag Azula along with you
ϟ they love seeing the two of you interact because Azula seems much happier
ϟ and you’re definitely happier too
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gloves94 · 4 years
Kingdom of the Sun [Fire Lord Zuko] 3
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Chapter Warnings: Heavy petting, angst Story Rating: M Pairings: Zuko/OC
"There you are!" A familiar feminine voice echoed the cave. The cold lovers turned to see Suki and Sokka creeping inside of the hole in the wall that they called an ice cave. Sokka was holding a gas lantern that seemed to glow in the darkness. It had been awfully quiet outside, the only sound that could be heard was the howling wind that blew by. Sokka looked at the couple that was inside. Specifically, at how they were sitting. Zuko was sitting against one of the icy walls slightly hunched forward. In between his wide open legs sat the auburn-haired girl wrapped in his thick wool cape, his arms were around her holding against his body, his head comfortably resting on top of hers. Sokka also noted the discarded winter clothing and weapons that had been carelessly thrown across the small space. A sly knowing grin made way to his face. Those two were freaky and he knew it. "Looks like you two kept busy while hiding out here in your little snow bungalow." He said while childishly sniggering at the red-faced girl’s expression. "I fell through the ice and almost died. Zuko's just… keeping me warm." She explained. The Fire Lord simply breathed out a firey exhale which made him resemble a dragon and shot his friend an irked glare. “Mhnn… Sure,” The Water Tribe boy arched a teasing eyebrow the knowing smirk still plastered to his face. Suki stood next to him with her arms crossed over her chest, her expression mirrored his. The Kyoshi Warrior laughed a little, her eyes drifting up eyeing the cave’s dripping ceiling “I’m surprised the place didn’t melt down.” “Get dressed and let’s get back up. Luckily nobody got hurt. We captured the one responsible for all of this mess.”
xxx The celebratory mood had definitely been killed. It was a miracle Katara’s grandmother hadn’t had a heart attack on the spot or something. It really seemed like it had all been one massive distraction, the only casualty of the several explosions being Tsai’s ship. Thankfully there was no one on board at the time.
She hated to admit it, but her mother had been right. She should’ve known this would happen. Now dressed in warmer clothes, yet still feeling cold and uneasy at the cold brush with death she stood with the group as they huddled outside of a snow building where the assassin’s accomplice was being held. Several oil lamps planted outside illuminated the space. Aang and Katara were still dressed in their ceremonial robes and Tsai couldn’t help but feel guilty about having ruined their ceremony.   “He hasn’t said a single word since we captured him,” explained Chief Hakoda who was stepping out from the holding building.
“What matters is that nobody got hurt,” Aang said a hard look on his gray eyes. “This doesn’t make any sense,” Katara said holding a hand against her mouth in a pensive matter. “Why would anybody do this?”
It had obviously all been one large ploy to distract everybody. The assassins knew they wouldn’t be able to kill anyone with the Avatar and his team nearby. A diversion to scatter the group in their separate ways seemed like the best option to then strike.
“I’m sorry,” Tsai stepped forward, eyes lowered in a guilty expression. “This is all my fault. My mother warned me not to come. It’s been happening more and more often now but it’s not rare for somebody to come and try assassinate me- “ “Or me-“ Zuko added at her side, arms crossed over his chest. She looked at him with a concerned expression. He wasn’t wrong. They could’ve both been targets. Two birds one stone. Whoever sent these assassins knew that the Fire Lord and the girl from the Republic of Nations would probably be together. “It was obviously meant to be a distraction so the assassins could strike.”
“Regardless, I’m pretty sure he’s not coming back out of the water.” An unpleasant chill went down her spine as she thought of the man’s dreadful ending. The terrible feeling of the icy water still prickling at her skin like needles. “Question is- who sent them?” Chief Hakoda asked stroking his chin wisely, slightly pacing around in the snow. Tsai looked pensive. Her head lowered with burdening shame before allowing a sigh of defeat escape her lips. “It’s my father,” She admitted. “He’s beyond reason. He’s behind the Anti-Revolutionary Movement. Wants to take the colonies himself as an absolute monarch.” “But the revolution is over,” Sokka butted. “The Republic of Nations has been well established for some time now. He can’t create an uprising, much less by-“ Suki added before her tone faltering in hesitation at the end. “It’s okay, you can say it,” she drowned out to her friend. “By killing me,” she finished her friend’s words. “It’s not the first time that one of our dads went nuts and tried to kill someone in the group.” ‘Although, hopefully it’s the last…’ She thought the last part to herself. Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose. Tsai couldn’t tell if it was either due to frustration, the painful memory of his father or just plain irritation. “So, your father thinks he will accomplish just what by killing you?” Toph asked bluntly with her arms crossed over her chest. “Many see me as a symbol of the independence of the colonies,” She trailed off holding her arm uncomfortably. “He thinks that killing me will send a message, spark a coup d’etât, a movement. We’re not fighting a man here; we’re fighting an ideology.” “What ideology?” Aang probed. “Anarchy,” Zuko responded with a sullen tone. “Your father is an anarchist. I wouldn’t be surprised if his ideals went hand in hand with the New Ozai Society.” The group shared a moment of silence. The hollow wind blowing by. The oil lanterns crackling lightly in the darkness. “So, what are we waiting for?” Toph arched a challenging eyebrow breaking the group silence. “Let’s go back to the Republic and wait for the snakes to come out of their holes,” she punched her own fist an excited grin on her face. Scattered humorous huffs were heard.
Now this was more like the good old days. “It’s not that simple Toph,” Katara butted. “All of these people, they’re underground. They’re not gathered in one place. There’s no way of knowing who’s who or who’s involved.” “There is one way…” Zuko’s eyes glinted darkly as he raised his head up to the building were the hostage was being kept. “He won’t talk.” Hakoda answered as he read the torturous idea the Fire Lord had in mind. “I’ll make him,” Zuko spat in an angry tone. Tsai looked at him with a concerned expression, she didn’t know if it was instinctual or not, but she wrapped her hands around his arm for a moment in an attempt to ground him and his infamous temper. “Zuko’s right. We have to get him to talk,” Sokka trailed off pensively. “Not here. He’ll return to the Fire Nation with me.” The group murmured and discussed ideas to make the captured prisoner cooperate. And yes, Aang’s ‘Why don’t we just ask him nicely?’ was immediately discarded. Lion Turtles, the boy had the patience of a saint.
“For now, this works in our favor. I think our best play is making your father and the other Anti-Revolutionaries think that you’re dead.” The Chief said placing a comforting hand on Tsai’s shoulder for a moment. “What?” Her eyes grew a little wide in surprise. “And then what? He’s going to attack the city again! My brother can’t hold him off alone! What about my family?” “Don’t worry,” Toph continued to squeeze her knuckles and Tsai got the impression that regardless of the situation the girl just really, really wanted to beat someone down. “We’ll lend him a hand.”   “It’s also best if your mom and brother think…” Sokka trailed off uneasily. She lowered her head a little. “Geez…” She huffed at the thought. “If my mom finds out I’m not really dead, then I really am dead,” she said dramatically at the thought of facing her mother’s wrath. “I can’t do that to them. It’s too painful,” she pleaded with the group. How could she put her family through such a painfully emotionally ordeal? It would be cruel and unnecessary. “It’s for the best.” Katara said reaching for her arm just like her dad had done a moment ago. “We’ll go deliver the news ourselves. We’ll also be on guard if anything arises.” Katara explained in a comforting tone. “I’ll have an army sent to the Republic of Nations for precaution.” The Fire Lord spoke still seeming deep in thought. “And what am I going to do?” She said frustrated stretching her arms out. “Hide away here in a snow bungalow? “You didn’t seem to mind before,” Sokka muttered under his breath laughing to himself. Earning him a punch on the side to keep quiet from his girlfriend. “You’re more than welcome to stay if you’d like,” Chief Hakoda said in a welcoming tone before retreating and walking inside of the building where Ty Lee and other Southern Tribe Warriors were guarding the prisoner. Her face turned a little blue at the thought of being in the ice tundra for another day. “It might be best if you return to the Fire Nation with Zuko,” Aang said. Her eyes peeled wide open as panic surged through her. Going back to the Fire Nation? With him… She swallowed the breath that had caught in her throat. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. After all, Fire Nationers weren’t particularly welcoming to her…
Unconsciously her body flinched slightly at the thought. Her mind drifting to unpleasant memories of the last time she was in the nation. “Aang’s right,” Suki added. “There’s no way anyone would be able to hurt you inside of the Fire Nation.” “You’ll be safe there,” Katara insisted. All of her friends were trying to make the girl’s concerned expression morph into a more relaxed one. But how could one relax in a situation like this? Going back to the Fire Nation with Zuko… Yeah maybe they had gotten a little carried away earlier, but it had been a life or death situation. She had a terrible feeling that there would soon be a confrontation between the two of them and frankly she was dreading it. “I’ll keep you safe,” She turned to look at his golden eyes and whole heartedly knew that he meant it. His hand placed gently in the middle of her back. The look in his eyes made her blood warm her ears and she felt an unflattering patch of red form on her neck.
She turned away hoping nobody would notice the blush creeping on her face. Her hands reaching for her hard temples as she rubbed them lightly already anticipating a terrible headache to come. “My mother is going to kill me…” xxx
By the time it was past midnight everybody had once again gone their separate ways. They had all hugged tightly and exchanged their good wishes. Except for Toph. When Tsai attempted to hug her, she made a massive pillar of black earth rise from underneath throwing her off her balance and told her to go hug a snowman or something. The only hope of reuniting in the future being Aang and Katara’s soon to be wedding.
Zuko had decided to travel by airship since it was considered to be faster. Tsai was to be his honored guest and Ty Lee and Suki accompanied them as their Kyoshi Warrior bodyguards. She presently lay alone in a cold bed with her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep warm. She rubbed her feet together, against each other like a cricket, as she was still suffering from the effects of having fallen into the freezing arctic ocean just a couple of hours ago. She would be very surprised if she didn’t develop a cold in the next day or so. She couldn’t sleep. She didn’t know what was keeping her up, if it was her cold body, anguishing concerns over her family, the stress over fighting all of these groups that sought to destroy her and Zuko. Horrible thoughts about the last time she was in the Fire Nation…
She couldn’t be here anymore. She wanted to talk to someone. Carefully tiptoeing out of her room, making sure not to make any noise. She was bluntly caught in the act only a moment after. She stood like a deerdog in headlights. Suki standing outside in the middle of the corridor with her arms crossed over her chest coolly. She gave her friend a knowing look. "Did you want to talk to Zuko?" She asked with a knowing expression on her features. “Me?” Tsai chuckled nervously. “Nope,” she said popping the ‘p’ in the word innocently. “I just got lost.” She lied awkwardly, a nervous grin giving away her intentions of entering the Fire Lord’s chambers in the middle of the night.
Her friend laughed a little and walked towards her shaking her head lightly. “I just want to talk with him,” she explained averting her eyes. With a smirk Suki reached for her sleeping shirt and unbuttoned the top two buttons of it, pulling the hem low to make her cleavage more pronounced. Her hands moved expertly as they reached for the sides of her head and ruffled up her hair making it messier and appear more voluptuous. She finished by pinching her cheeks hard making them turn a blushing red. “Ow!” the other protested. “I told you we’re only going to talk.” She said swatting her hand away. “Sure.” Both girls shared a light laugh. “Go get him,” Suki said nudging her on. “Have a nice talk,” she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. Actually, causing the other girl’s face to turn even redder. Tsai walked inside of the room carefully. It was pitch black with the exception of a dim candle that sat on the nightstand on the empty side of his large bed. Quietly, she slid her bare feet across the floor hoping not to bump into anything until she reached the edge of his bed. She gathered he was probably fast asleep from the unmoving lump that lay underneath the bed’s covers. The mattress sank under her weight as she climbed on the bed and crawled towards him. She reached for his naked shoulder his name about to drop from her lips when she was suddenly jerked down, a sharp object zooming towards her.
She lay frozen, pinned under a heavy naked torso a blade hovering mere inches away from her eye.
Zuko looked down at her, a firm hand wrapped around her throat lightly pressing down, his knees bended on top of her legs keeping her immobilizing his enemy. His hair loose and undone falling on either sides of his face.
The thought of him welcoming every assassin that attempted to strike him like this made Tsai grow a little envious.
His molten golden eyes looked down at her barely illuminate face. He looked at her messy, long hair sprawled out on the pillow, her flushed face, parted open lips as she held in what he interpreted to be a shaky breath of surprise. He whispered her name in surprise and lowered the knife. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I’ve grown used to sleeping with an eye open,” he put the blade on the nightstand next to the candle. “I never thanked you for what you did for me. You didn’t have to do any of that.” She began. If the two of them were to return to the Fire Nation together it would be best to get the uncomfortable confrontation out of the way. It wouldn’t be pleasant. This conversation was bound to happen anyways, it was best to get it out of the way and discuss, well, define, just what the hell the two of them were. That is- if they were anything at all to begin with. For all that she knew maybe the two were rekindling old emotions, burning off some frustrated pent up steam. His eyes lingered on her expression. Yet he said nothing remaining silent. His warm body still pressing against hers. There was an intense look in his eyes, a raw emotion she was unfamiliar with burning in them. The look made her feel vulnerable as he studied her. Not removing himself or his prying eyes from her he waved a hand over the candles and the two were consumed by a sudden darkness.
Guess there wouldn’t be much talking tonight. Blindless lingered in her eyes for a moment before they adjusted to the absence of light. The hand on her neck lowered and splayed over her chest, his digits tracing the flesh over her clavicles. His other reached for her side, fingers almost like snakes slipping underneath her shirt with such ease and tenderness that goosebumps became erect on her arm. He leaned in with a calculated manner, stopping only a torturous distance before her mouth. His nose tracing her features, bumping into hers. She could feel his breath warming her face. Slowly, torturously his mouth barely grazed hers. “I miss you,” she admitted breathlessly and in return he kissed her hard. He kissed intensely with longing, teeth clicking together as their lips moved against each other. “I miss you more,” he spoke gruffly against her mouth. A rough groan dripping with wanting escaped his lips. It was the involuntary king that made his chest rumble. He pressed his groin against hers grinding into her.   His other hand slid further up her body. Fingers mapping out her skin. His other hand rounded around her head tangling in her locks of hair. She held her longing breath, the girl practically dripping with anticipation. A familiar itch between her legs begging to be scratched. She reached for the other buttons of her night shirt and began undoing them. Again, his hand snaked back down to the exposed skin above her clavicles. The warm hand sliding lower and lower until it reached her breast. It lingered there for a long moment, his fingers pressing down on her skin, yet remained stiff. He remained frozen for a long moment. Long enough for her to consider voicing out a concern but didn’t. Instead, she felt the unwelcome absence of his warmth as he removed himself from her. The cold aid greeting her harshly.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized scratching his nose nervously. She saw him retreat and sit on the edge of the bed both of his feet planted on the floor as he lightly slouched completely turning away from her.
She lay still. Cheeks puffed. She wanted to be angry, she wanted to pull at her hair due to all the pent-up frustration and storm out of the room- but she wouldn’t. She had to be patient. She had to be understanding. She had to be respectful.
Just like he had been when he made his own demands to her the last time, they were together… Her pride was wounded. She knew, deep in her heart that he didn’t mean to hurt her, that he didn’t mean it like this, that he had his own reasons for being so reserved. That he wasn’t being a tease. Knowing that she had also hurt him all the same if not worse the last time they had been together in the Fire Nation made everything impossibly worse. But the ugly feeling of being undesired by the person you desire the most… It hurt. Once again… he had neglected her. She silently let out a breath she had been holding and pushed her pride and sexual frustrations to the side.
“I’m under a lot of stress,” he confessed. “I can’t sleep, I can’t think, I can’t-“ He sighed in distress, his voice trailing off and buried his head in his hands in frustration. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. She saw his back muscles moving slightly as he hunched over. She looked at him with sadness, with guilty from wanting more of him. Her body still hot. However, those were demands she could not make of him. After all love was patient, love was kind… Zuko’s body stiffened when he felt a touch on his back, it took him a moment to relax when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso holding him in a close embrace. She pressed her cheek against his back and closed her eyes listening to his drumming heart beating. “It’s okay,” she whispered reassuringly planting a gentle kiss in between his shoulder blades and then another one on his shoulder. “Let’s try and get some sleep,” she comforted him and pulled his torso to lay back on the bed. “Come on.” She insisted when he remained still. However, after a moment he caved. He lay on his side turning away from her. He seemed distant and cold. She said nothing, swallowing her pride and respecting his space. Maybe it was best if she left. Maybe it was too painful, too confusing, not only for him, but for her too. Too many emotions for one day. She tossed the covers off her body getting ready to return to her chambers. “Stay,” he demanded. His voice soft.
She wasn’t expecting him to say anything. She froze, her eyes looking back at the Lord that had now turned to face her, slightly sitting up.
Coming here tonight had been a bad idea. Scratch that. Coming to the ceremony, specifically to seek him out had been a terrible idea. What was she hoping to accomplish? The two of them getting back together... Their relationship returning back to normal only for the two to again split when push came to shove? He looked at her with pleading eyes. He reached for her arm and despite never having felt the sensation of skin burning in her life she guessed this was probably what it felt like. Anguish knotting in her throat rendering her silent. She gradually turned and caved to his touch. Slipping underneath the bed covers and facing him. Her hand touching his face, she caressed the scar that marked him, tracing it with the back of her hand. She looked at him with an endearing expression in her eyes and a heavy heart before lightly pressing her lips against his scarred skin.
After all this time she still loved him…
He said nothing in return and leaned forward burying his face on her chest. He took in a deep breath inhaling the scent he had missed so much, welcoming the familiar touch he starved for, lightly kissing the flesh he longed for. And he still loved her… He knew they would be having the unpleasant conversation that would define their relationship soon. Their emotions, their future, their intimacy, their fall… It would all have to be painfully dissected. But for now, this would do. This unspoken sad language the two of them seemed to share. He placed a hand on her side, his fingers lightly tracing circles on the skin underneath her shirt.
She held him close in a bittersweet embrace. Love, sadness, much regret, wanting and disappointment were all in the bed with them. Not another word was exchanged between the two. It wasn’t necessary. She rested her head on top of his and she ran her fingers through his hair soothingly.
Some moments later she could feel his rhythmic breathing warming her skin, his hand still draped on her side. He had fallen asleep. She couldn’t see his expression yet felt a little relieved knowing he was actually resting. One of her legs possessively tangled in between his.
Tsai was left alone with her distressing thoughts; painful tears prickled the edges of her eyes threatening to spill. She missed him so much. She still loved him so much. How could they have allowed themselves to do this to each other? A single tear slid down her face and she pressed her lips kissing the top of his head.
Her mind drifting to an unpleasant memory. She could still vividly remember their downfall.   It had been that horrible day...   She could still remember the smell of moisture and myrrh incense in the Dragon Catacombs…
She squeezed her eyes shut tight and prayed for the dark memory to go away, but it didn’t…
AN: Sorry this took me so long, I wasn't sure in what direction to go in this chapter, but overall I'm happy with it! (of course angst because I can't just let these 2 be happy) Alright, next chapter is going to be a flashback chapter and we're about to find out what happened in the Dragon Catacombs... prev: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/624849870080131072/kingdom-of-the-sun-firelord-zuko-2 next: https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/625513136018112512/kingdom-of-the-sun-fire-lord-zuko-4
37 notes · View notes
airiustide · 4 years
forver young. forver you.
also posted on AO3
chapter 4/day 4: celestial
A/N: i had no intentions of posting this so late after zutaraweek but due to an unfortunate tragedy on my husband's side of the family, i had to take some time away. i, of course, will continue with this fic, no worries. 
summary: Death is inevitable. Not everyone is meant to be saved. The world can end in just a heartbeat and for Zuko that was very much the case. Emotions take a turn. Katara comes to the conclusion on how she truly feels about Zuko and Zuko faces the horrible reality of his ordeal.
"I know I can be destructive and I can change the atmosphere. All I ask from you is patience. Some patience." - Lose Control by Meduza, Becky Hill, Goodboys.
Death is inevitable. Not everyone is meant to be saved. The world can end in just a heartbeat and for Zuko that was very much the case. That’s why he no longer wanted a single moment to be fleeting; to hang tight to the second chance the Spirits had so graciously bestowed upon him, disguising that blessing into the form of a master waterbender.
He grasped Katara’s arm, aiding her to the rooftop. The breeze blew through her long chocolate tresses. Swinging hair from her face, Katara flickers her gaze to Zuko with a smile in her eyes. It’s infectious, his lips curling into one of his own- she doesn’t see it but her being here gave him absolute joy.
A midsummer festival was taking place. Green lanterns lit the streets, vendors lined up with mouth-watering food and live music had the townspeople giddy; dancing about and enjoying the atmosphere.
A door creaked just below and Zuko’s features go stern, gold eyes flashing dangerously in the moonlight and he signals Katara to follow. She creeps next to him, staying hidden in the shadows until Zuko okays for her to come closer.
“It’s possible that the White Lotus might find out you’re here.” Katara warned. Tonight was the night. The raid will take place at thirteen locations, the main strike teams preparing for what could finally break these rings of murderers. “Aren’t you undercover?”
Zuko swings around, face so close to hers, Katara’s breath stills. “You don’t need to worry.” He tells her.
Katara narrows at him. “Why do I have the feeling you’re keeping something from me.”
He doesn’t reply, and she doesn’t like how inexpressive he’s being or the fact that whatever he’s thinking is hidden behind a mask. Why he’s avoiding her concerns or why he’s standing up and leading her to the middle of the rooftop with a teasing glint in his eyes, she couldn’t point her finger on it.
It’s when Katara realizes the music had gone from lively to a slow, steady beat that she concludes exactly what he’s up to. She’s pleasantly surprised to find herself enveloped in his arms, Zuko’s palm pressed flat at the base of her spine, bringing her close to his broad chest and draping her arm over his shoulder. One hand rests on her waist, the other, enclosing the master waterbender’s.
They sway to the music, catching Katara off guard. She hides her laughter in his shoulder as their feet shuffle on the rooftop floor. “Who would’ve thought, former angry-face zuko would be a good dancer.”
“Why is that a surprise?”
“It’s not exactly easy to see you willing to participate in dance...” Katara pauses. “You’re really good at this.”
“It’s not like I learned by choice. Princely duties require the art of dancing and my teacher advised me how impossible it would be to woo a future courtesan if I did not learn the proper steps. My feet paid for it severely and so did my bottom. Lady Pamu always kept an impossibly large ruler at hand.”
Katara pictured a smaller version of Zuko yelping every time a ruler came in contact with his bottom. “I take it that didn't fair well with Azula.”
“More or less. Azula didn’t have to go to lessons, considering Pamu’s eyebrows had yet to grow back.”
“That’s tasteful.” Katara chuckled. “What else don’t I know about you?”
Zuko pondered this, his eyes lighting up. “I can play the tsungi horn.”
“Uncle would make me play every night during my banishment. It was really annoying.”
“Please, I bet you liked it.”
“Actually, I did and I was quite good at it. At least, Uncle said so.” Zuko was glad his blush was hidden. “I miss Uncle.” He admitted.
“He misses you too. And everyone else. Even Aang.”
“That’s good to know.” Zuko chuckled, imagining how the young Avatar might react upon seeing Zuko again. “He’s okay with you being here?”
That irks her, how everyone truly thought of her relationship with Aang, as though he was the head and she just happened to be an attached limb. And though she knew Zuko meant well by the question, it was annoying all the same. Katara doesn’t blink when she tells him. “Why would his input matter whether I’m here or not? Even so, me and Aang are no longer together.”
She almost pulls away but Zuko’s gentle squeeze to her waist makes her waver. “It doesn’t. If I came across as though you aren’t your own person, who can’t make decisions for themselves, I apologize. I admire you Katara. Your determination, your consideration and most of all, your desire to help those who can’t help themselves. When everyone else was so willing to turn their backs, even me, you refused. Thank you.”
Katara’s taken aback. Zuko admire her? What exactly did she have to offer in her position compared to him, who carried more power in his tiny finger than her entire existence? “For what?”
“For reminding me why it’s important to live.”
They fall into a comfortable silence. Voices in the crowd grew quieter and quieter as it got later. The smell of food began to diminish and eventually, the music stopped; but not the swaying of Zuko and Katara’s feet. Even when the world went still, they remained linked to each other. The former Fire Lord hums a tune for them, showing Katara a side of him she was glad to have witnessed. The hand on Zuko’s shoulder slid their way to the nape of his neck; delicate fingers stroking, igniting sparks where skin met skin.
The stars above them shine brighter as the streetlamps below grow dimmer. The roof was their stage and the sky their orchestra. They’re gazes do not stray from one another, Zuko’s heart pounding erratically after Katara grazes fingernails along the back of his neck.
“I want to kiss you!” He blurts, the mood immediately going awkward.
Why was he such an idiot? What in his right mind made him say that out loud or remotely consider that Katara was attracted to him? That doesn’t come out nearly as shocking as Katara’s response.
“Then what are you waiting for? Kiss me.”
She had not seen Zuko since they separated, stealing Katara’s breath away with a parting kiss, their masks between them, before he turned on his heels and jumped from the rooftop with a mischievous glint in his gold orbs. It was after this that she joined the others in executing their plan and though they managed to round up almost all the criminals that were accounted for, there were still two missing.
Piandao pointed out that one that went by the name Li and former Governor Ukano were nowhere to be seen. It became apparent that an informant had tipped off the ex governor. Katara willed herself not to hyperventilate, knowing this ‘Li’ was, in fact, Zuko working undercover.
They were successful in raiding the facility, of course, trapping the Ozai Society members in place. A shocking reveal had everyone’s blood running cold when it was discovered that not only was there a hit on the Crown Prince Koji and Fire Lord Iroh but that major cities across the globe were being targeted for a massive terrorist attack. Battle plans and illustrated instructions of massive bombs were uncovered.
Her heart pounded in her ears, the anxiety of not knowing where Zuko or Ukano was weighed heavily on her. Dawn broke and it was clear the Ukano had gotten away. Piandao congratulated Katara and everyone else for their hard work, having received news via messenger hawk that the other locations had been successful and those involved apprehended.
Once cleared to go, the master waterbender’s feet never carried her faster. She arrived at Zuko’s apartment first and was stricken to find he had not made it home yet. Her mind raced with a million scenarios, with a million outcomes, and all of them ended with Zuko dead somewhere.
She should have gone with him. She should have been there when things went down. He’s always looked sickly but lately she had taken notice of his staggers and labored breathing. The walls seem to close in on her and it was getting late. She was suffocating, minute by minute ticking by with only one thought in mind; Zuko. Katara failed to find sleep. Not until he came home, she thought, not until he’s in front of me touching and kissing me again.
That kiss, that sweet kiss that did not meet skin to skin but left a fire where he placed his lips on hers- no kiss had ever made her senses come alive before. None. It wasn’t enough. Katara has always known she’s harbored an attraction for Zuko. He was handsome, yes, but so easy to talk to, easy to relate to. Well, after they had initially become friends. Falling for him? That in itself was unexpected, yet deep down inside, Katata felt as though her feelings regarding Zuko were more than attraction but genuine affection, and being here now proved she was indeed falling for him.
“I’m falling for him.” Katara whispered out loud, grasping the front of her tunic. She now needs him more than ever, she needs him here with her, clinging onto him for as long as the spirits will let her have him because, La, she was in love with him. Bring him back, she pleaded, if for just one last time, please bring him back to me.
*** He has blood on his clothes, eyes swollen and hair clinging to his forehead. He collapses at the front door, startling Katara, her first instinct to run by his side. Zuko quickly stops her, raising a hand and shaking his head, ignoring the concern contorting her lovely features.
He stumbles on his feet, slamming the door shut and leaning hard against it. His vision goes blurry.
“Zuko, you’re bleeding.” Katara reasoned and made a step forward.
‘Not mine.” Zuko managed to heave, jerking away when Katara tried to reach out for him. She pulls back, blinking back the hurt surfacing on her face.
He buries his head in his hands, both from shame of hurting Katara when she only cared about his well being and the realization of what truly took place the night before.
Katara stays still, twisting fingers in her tunic because Zuko has not moved, has not spoken since burying his face in his hands. He finally speaks and Katara swallows. She opens her mouth to ask what he had said but was silenced by his sudden declaration.
“I don’t want to die.” He sobs, falling to his knees and bowing low, hands covering his ears. “I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die!”
It was all too real now. All too real. Zuko couldn’t control the tears, the absolute agony of no longer existing, of no longer being alive. If only he had appreciated his uncle more, or had made an attempt to be a better brother to Azula, or hadn’t taken for granted his future, maybe he wouldn’t be here desperately crying, desperately wishing for just a little more time.
Katara wants to hug him, wipe his tears away and tell him everything will be okay. But it wasn’t. This will never be okay. Death was a terrible burden that laid fear on many people’s hearts but came face to face with it, it makes living all the more unbearable. Katara can only watch, hugging herself and witnessing for the first time Zuko curling into a ball and crying himself weak.
“I killed him.”
“I know.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“No. But you had your reasons.” Katara replied, combing her fingers through his hair as he rested his head on her lap. If she had done the same to Yon Rha, no doubt Zuko would be comforting her just the same.
“You don’t find me vial? Disgusting?”
“I find a lot of things about you, but never vial or disgusting.”
Zuko closed his eyes and groaned, enjoying the light scrape of her fingernails on his scalp. “You’re too good to me. Why are you so good to me?”  She had been patient while he cried until he was pale and swollen, cleaning the blood from his face and readying clean clothes for him while he bathed before she aided him to bed. This was how he wanted to go; his head in her lap and Katara’s gentle hum as she stroked his hair.  
“Perhaps I like you or something.” She jested.  
“Or something.” Zuko remarks, his scarred eye peering at her and she was thunderstruck by how beautiful he was; dark shaggy hair exposing his scarred cheek, the sharpness of his jawline and the structure of his fine cheekbones. He had certainly grown into a man.
“Or something.” She repeats.
 “Prince Zuko.” Piandao nodded an acknowledgement, gaze stern and narrow.
“Master.” Zuko greeted in a mutter.
For a vigilante going undercover in enemy territory Katara thought Zuko being confronted by Piandao made him look like a toddler caught red handed in a cookie jar. Zuko asked for this meeting, also requesting Jee, yet somehow the two men didn’t seem all that surprised to find the former Fire Lord sitting nervously at the table of the inn's dining area where Katara was temporarily residing.
“So, you’ve been the one putting everyone, including yourself, in danger by infiltrating the Ozai society on your own?” Jee narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
Zuko deflated, bowing his head in shame. “Yes. I meant no disrespect, I only wanted to help. But I was sure to be careful so that no one would get hurt.”
“Foolish. Absolutely foolish. I’m only glad that Master Katara was not involved in this since the beginning.” Piandoa scolded. Then his face softens, sympathy shown in the old Master’s eyes. “When you told me what had happened to you, Zuko, I did not anticipate you being so reckless.”
Katara’s eyes widen. He knew? Why! Why did Piandao keep this from her? Not only that, why did he keep this from Iroh? It took her all, and the squeeze of Zuko’s hand on her thigh, to calm her.
“Is that why you brought Katara here?”
Piandao and Jee exchange looks, not denying in the least what Zuko accused.
“You had known I was following Ukano the whole time. I can hide a lot of things, even from Uncle sometimes- you and Jee, I bet it didn’t take a week before you knew who I was when you both arrived here.”
“You think I wouldn’t know the reckless teenage boy I spent three years under the thumb of?” Jee arched a brow.
“Piandao turned me down and refused to let me join the White Lotus.” Zuko snapped. “Of course I couldn’t sit there and do nothing while my Uncle and cousin were in danger!”
Piandao sighed, gently stopping a waitress and requesting four cups of tea. The older gentleman smiled at the couple, resting his hands on the table. “Tea lightens the tension. At least, your uncle always says. Zuko, I was simply refusing your services only because I wanted you to live the remainder of your life with ease and no regrets.”
Zuko slammed his fist on the table, kicking back the chair he was sitting on. “The biggest regret I’d have would be to sit around while the Ozai Society plotted to murder my only family!
“Zuko.” His rage is soothed over by the voice of his adoration and he’s immediately guilty for the outburst. Zuko frowns at the apprehending gaze Katara was shooting at him. “Enough. Sit down.”
He sulks when picking up the chair and announces an apology to the barkeeper shooting daggers at him. When the former Fire Lord settles again, Katara slips her hand in his, lacing them together and Agni, he’s so grateful to have her here.
“That doesn’t explain why you had intentionally brought Katara here.” Zuko pointed.
“Was there another motive behind this, Piandao? Jee?” Katara’s gaze flickered between the two men she had always trusted. She wanted answers too.
Piandao smiled admiringly at the Master waterbender, “We knew you could bring him to his senses. Prince Zuko was desperate to join the White Lotus despite his health, and I worried what would come of him once he was rejected. Coming here a year ago, we started receiving intel and evidence of all kinds at our doorstep. It didn’t take long to figure out it was you, Prince Zuko.”
Zuko shook his head. “I’m not a prince, not anymore.”
“Is that so.” Piandao sighed, pausing as the tea he ordered was brought to the table. “I was not aware of how fully involved you were until an informant told us you had in fact joined the Ozai Society under the guise of ‘Li’. Jee says you and Master Katara shared a deep...respect for one another-“ Zuko and Katara simultaneously blushed. “- I feared for your life and just how deep you had gotten yourself.”
Zuko nodded, yet displayed not an ounce of remorse for his actions. “I did what I had to do. I did what I felt was right.”
“Prince Zuko, where is Ukano?”
“Dead.” He says without a beat.
“Hmm.” Jee looks around the bar, making sure there weren’t other members of the White Lotus with prying eyes. Luckily, they were the only patrons this early in the morning and the innkeeper was informed to allow no one else entry. “You realize vigilante justice is not the same as holding a person on trial. The World leaders will not approve of this.”
“What do I have to lose?”
Zuko snaps his head at the sound of a chair creaking and an angry Katara stomping up the stairs of the inn.
“A lot, by the looks of it.” Jee remarked, bringing the cup of tea to his lips.
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