transbeeduo · 1 year
I think one of my favorite QSMP design tropes is when they give Q!Wilbur the white streak in his hair like Revivedbur’s because its REALLY funny to imagine it being Revivebur again he CANNOT escape the horrors so sorry
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Kind of obsessed with the cinematic parallels tbh
[Image IDs: One image of official Warriors art and one from the tf2 comic. The Warriors art shows Scourge dramatically slashing at Tigerstar's stomach. The tf2 comic panel shows Medic slicing at Cheavy's face with his bonesaw, with "slash" written in big red text as an action descriptor. End ID]
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crucefix · 1 year
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Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 2007 | dir. David Yates
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draco-after-dark · 3 months
When the artist that introduced me to trolls art on Tumblr (by complete chance because it just showed up on my feed one day) becomes my mutual
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*insert Minecraft dying sound effect*
their art goes hard you all should all check it out btw
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Tomarry AU where Harry and Tom grow up together during the war and end up starting a secret club together. It's a club for muggle-borns only; so that they can help each other survive during the war. This is an AU where Tom and Harry start club for children who has no home to return to. A world where they help each other so that they don't have to return to that place.
Imagine, them starting a club to just survive— imagine, them working together so that they make it — imagine all of them working together to figure out a way to just stay instead of retuning to a home that is no more. Just imagine, this club becoming something more, something bigger — something that will change the world one day.
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thecrimsonjaguar · 9 months
Massive Spoilers Ahead
Ok I liked the last two episodes but I have my nitpick. Let's get this out of my head so i can go to sleep.
So I'm not surprised that betty and simon "broke up" but like I kinda am? I've wanted Simon to move on from betty, to be able to live in the present and cherish it for what it is, but I think it's the way they broke up honestly that feels a bit off
They couldn't be together anymore. betty merged with golb and simon couldn't follow, and the cycle of chasing each other eternally wasn't healthy. People say their relationship when they were together was unhealthy and while that isn't untrue, the chasing and obsessing over each other was way worse. Betty tore herself apart for simon, and simon was left with a hole in his heart for 1000 years that he could never fill.
And it's that obsession which feels a bit... i dunno, left out? It's definitely addressed in the show, beth pointing out that nova was obsessed with casper. But it's also pointed out that Nova and Casper did love each other.
And Simon and Betty DO love each other so their parting, as reasonable and as fulfilling as it is, feels anticlimactic in a way? I think they should have parted with tears in their eyes, both acknowledging that they've made mistakes and the past can't be changed but they love each other so, so much and they wouldn't trade their time with each other, as short as it was, for anything. Betty's "You were a wonderful experience" doesn't track with the betty in elements wanting to go back in time to prevent simon from finding the crown and stopping the mushroom war and the betty in the finale who SUMMONED CTHULHU AND THEN MERGED WITH IT TO SAVE SIMON SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE KEEPING SIMON SAFE WAS HER TRUEST, DEEPEST WISH
im being a bit dramatic. the series finale was good i think, and most of everything i wanted happened.
Betty clearly wanted what's best for Simon, and what would be best for him now is to move on. But I think admitting that to herself, to Simon, should have been more painful. That's my nitpick. Simon's tale is a thousand year old tragedy and I think letting go would have been the most painful thing Simon and Betty had ever done.
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im so mad that this is a side blog account and not a main account. i started this blog when i was still relatively new to tumblr and i think i was… like. fourteen years old or something. i never thought i would continue for this long, and i never knew so many people would like the content i put out here (i have over 9k followers which is literally mind-blowing, like wow….).
because this isnt a main account, i cant respond to replies left on my posts, i cant really reply to anyone unless i reblog !! i cant even follow people with this blog, it just comes up as my main blog (which is not pjo-related… rip my failed attempts at organising my fandoms to different blogs). so my avenues of interaction with a lot of you are seriously impeded.
so i just want to say i am so thankful for all of you, i read every single person’s tags who reblog my stuff, i read all of your replies and every time im crying screaming rolling around on the ground in agony over the fact i CANT REPLY!!
i know my posts are super inconsistent these days, im glad so many are still here! i think i may change some of my content eventually (never gonna get rid of the incorrect quote stuff, i’ll just be adding some other things like pjo headcanons or analyses or something), just to spice some stuff up on here.
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the-moon-pal · 6 months
Thinking of Snake Actor Mark surprisingly and now I'm thinking of running with an idea HDHDH
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ashmp3 · 26 days
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fashion moodboard for @onmywayv
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puhpandas · 8 months
Halloween Spirit
(1,770 words)
Evan learns that the spirit of Halloween comes with enjoying spending time with people you love during the season, and thats why he'd never felt anything of the sort with Michael and his father. 🍫🎃🕷
"Have you ever been to Spirit Halloween?" Gregory asks him someday when they're hanging out at his house. Evan looks up from one of Gregory's drawings he was coloring in and tilts his head.
"No." Evan replies after a moment. And hes never wanted to, either. Not only would getting there mean either his Father or Michael would have to take him, but he knows Michael gets all of the scary masks he terrifies Evan with there. Plus that there are animatronics with uncanny molds and bloody faces and long fingers and black cloaks that jump out and scream at you.
So hes never really had an urge to go. Hence why he's literally never been.
"Never?!" Gregory exclaims when he learns about it. He jumps up off of his bed, shaking his head. "Evan, going to Spirit Halloween is like... it's like a major life event. Its tradition. You go to Spirit Halloween every year during the season to get pumped for it."
"I've never heard of that." Evan replies. "I've just... never had a reason to go."
He purposefully leaves out all the reasons he never has wanted to go. He doesnt want to be a Debbie Downer.
"Well now you do." Gregory tells him. He grabs the sketchbook out of Evan's hands, setting it on his comforter and then yanking Evan off the bed with suprising strength. "I'm taking you to Spirit Halloween today. No take backs."
Evan yelps, and only narrowly avoids eating carpet. "I never even agreed in the first place." Evan points out. After he doesnt pull away, Gregory let's him go to slide his shoes on. "But... sure. I'll go with you."
"Yes!" Gregory pumps a fist, slipping a navy hoodie on. With a faint smile at Gregory's excitement, Evan stays how he is, already wearing a plenty warm wool sweater. All he has to do is pull his own converse on and they're out the door.
"How have you never been?" Gregory comments when they've set off, following the sidewalk. The trees have long since all turned reds and oranges and yellows, and they flutter in the pleasant breeze the Autumn season is producing. Pumpkins and skeletons and spiderwebs decorate every yard theyve passed, and store windows hold those jelly stick-on's. "Pretty much everyone has."
"Nobody's ever taken me." Evan replies, shrugging. "My family doesnt really decorate. Especially now that its just us."
Before, when his Mom and Elizabeth were still living with them, there would be the occasional decorating. Elizabeth would whine and push for something seasonal to celebrate and his parents would cave and buy some cheap decorations to sling up around the house. But that was years ago, when he was a much younger kid. Now, hes thirteen, and its just him, Michael, and their Father.
Evan dares to think Michael would actually like to have decorations up. It's just that he believes he's 'too cool' for things like that. He's always enjoyed Halloween, if not for access to extra scary masks then to run around town with his friends to spook other innocent children. Plus, the king size candy bars he always brings home have to mean something.
Evan's never really had a reason to like it when every time he'd dress up he'd be made fun of in some sort of way, and then actively targeted as soon as he'd step outside. Plus, everything Michael likes about Halloween, Evan dislikes.
But Evan dares to believe this year will be different. The reason being right next to him.
"God, your family is so boring." Gregory groans. "Nobody even took you like... when you were a kid years ago?"
"Ugh." Gregory makes a face, slinging an arm around Evan's shoulder. "Well thats why you dont like Halloween. Because your family has always sucked too bad to let you enjoy it."
Evan nods sagely, knowing its true. His family always makes Halloween what they do or dont do. And usually, Evan's never cared enough to wish for a better, more seasonal holiday. He's always been too worried about other things to be in any sort of joyful mood.
"Well, dont worry about it right now, alright?" Gregory tells him, shooting him a grin. "This year you'll get to experience real Halloween. We'll get you a costume and take you to see cool stuff, and you'll get to do stuff like carve pumpkins and bake cookies with us."
Evan's eyes widen at the influx of activities. He's only ever done maybe a couple of those throughout his whole life.
He looks at Gregory earnestly, brain already flashing with images of Evan laughing and smiling, flinging cookie batter at Gregory, costume shopping without the lingering paranoia, and digging his hands inside a pumpkins guts.
The promise of having fun with people he actually likes, who like him back is so overwhelming, he almost tears up.
He pushes it down, offering Gregory a wobbly smile. "That... that sounds fun."
"It always is!" Gregory boasts, and Evan is convinced he can see stars in his eyes. "Man, I wish Ness were here. I really want her to meet you. It would be so cool spending Halloween with both of you.
There goes another mention of the infamous older-sister-away-at-college. Evan's heard a few of those, but it's not what he focuses on in that moment.
Something about Gregory putting him on the same level as his biological sibling makes something warm and fluttery bloom in Evan's stomach.
"You'll get to introduce me someday." Is all Evan manages to get out, and he almost backtracks at the implication in his sentence that Gregory will be willing to stick by him that long. But Gregory just smiles, shakes his shoulders a bit, and goes "She'll love you."
Evan hides his smile in the collar of his sweater. If Gregory is so sure, Evan cant wait to meet her, too.
It's not long at all afterwards that they finally make it to the store. Evan thinks it looks very bare bones, compared to how Gregory was describing it, but Gregory just says not to judge a book by its cover.
Gregory was right. The inside is what counts.
Halloween decorations fill very inch, gravestones and spiderwebs and skeletons waiting to greet you. There are tons of different mini-sets around the store with animatronics, and despite how Evan stays as far away from the animatronics as possible, Gregory's excitement over them make him feel better about how creepy they are.
Evan's favorite section though has to be the costume wall.
It's just a shelf full of silly costumes stuffed in bags from floor to ceiling, and it stretches across almost the entire store.
"Ness and I used to spend hours here just making fun of the costumes." Gregory had said after bringing him to it. "Look at the model on this one."
Then he'd pointed at a dumb looking werewolf, and when Evan had burst out laughing, they'd kept going.
The daylight outside slowly fizzles out in the corner of Evan's vision, in the foreground. That gray, cloudy sky that comes with Autumn fading into a dark, deep blue. By the time its their turn to leave, Evan's cheeks hurt from smiling and his throat is dry from how much he had talked and laughed.
Before they go, Gregory insists on buying Evan a Halloween sweater, no matter how much he'd protested. It's another thing he insists is tradition.
When Gregory didnt budge, Evan caved and chose a really soft black one with and orange collar and a Jack-o-lantern in the middle. Gregory had chosen one for himself, then proceeded to get attached to one of the plastic inaccurate skeleton animals and buy it too. They'd named the little dog with bone ears and a bone nose Davey.
Evan never imagined that this is what the spirit of Halloween is like, but he feels it now more than he ever has. It reminds him of those Christmas movies he'd see on TV where the lesson would be that the true meaning of Christmas is spending time with your family.
As sad as it sounds, Evan never understood those. But he thinks he gets it now.
Because the contrast between last year and this year is so stark. It's not the fact that he went to a Halloween store. If he'd gone last year with Michael and his Father, he would have been miserable, because Michael would try to make him be. This year, he had fun looking at silly stuff with Gregory.
Its only now, when Gregory is handing cash over to the employee behind the counter, who'd just bagged their sweaters and Davey, that he realizes just how much Gregory is his best friend.
They only met in July, after all... but even that feels like a lifetime ago, despite how the school days went by so much quicker with a friend, no longer so awful.
Funny how Evan already feels closer with a boy hes known for a few months than he ever has with his brother and father.
"Can I sleep over?" Evan asks when they break through the doors of the store and the cool air of Autumn washes over his face. He breathes in the scent of fallen leaves and actually notices a difference, this time.
He's feeling bold, he realizes. Scenarios of how he could get in trouble for not asking flash in his mind, but he notices he doesnt really care in the moment.
Gregory, like how telepathic he feels sometimes, notices too. He grins, acknowledging the significance, and nods, bringing out his phone. "Let me call my Dad and we'll swing by your house to grab you a bag."
Evan nods, smiling himself. He plays with the plastic of the bag in-between his fingers, peeking at Davey through the gaps.
"When we get home, I'll make some popcorn and hot chocolate, and then you gotta watch this movie with me. I watch it every year for Halloween."
Evan nods repeatedly, smile already growing on his face. After today, hes sure itll be fun.
They sit on the curb, leaves floating through the breeze, and a light sprinkle starts just in time for Freddy to pull into the driveway.
They hop in the car and Evan watches the scenery outside, looking at people decorations and imagining how he'd carve his own pumpkin, or ice his own cookies.
He'd never cared before now. He'd never cared because he'd never been given the chance to. But now he does. And all he's thinking about is how much 'going home' with Gregory feels right.
ao3 link
bonus: this is Davey
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uncleardyn · 1 year
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i had a dream that the next judgement game was going to take place in sotenbori and that mainline characters, saejima most prominently, were going to be relevant to the plot so if/when the next judgement is announced, if it takes place in sotenbori and saejima is there, you’ll know who to thank
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awakenmiamor · 2 months
Idk what the common opinions are on this but i love morston modern au fics sooo much
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neolxzr · 1 year
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hello please consider my graffiti streetwear fanunit concept: MADNESS 5TREET!!
more and img without colors below:
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havent decided on colors completely yet and these arent technically final either i just needed to force the idea out of my brain BUT i imagine the outfits are mostly black/gray and silver with some accents of each member's color. the jackets are like vinyl?? textured on the torso part but the sleeves and hood are more like a windbreaker. i think. im not a fashion designer yet
i want the stage to be like dark and blacklit, and the paint glows, and their outfits are reflective in places. the stage decoration looks like an alley in one of those “neon tokyo at night” images. and their eyes glow because thats sick as hell
i have like no story ideas for this i just thought i was cool and i want the amagis to hang out thank you verymuch. i think rinne does like spraypaint street art stuff in craftmonster and theres no way to prove me wrong because they dont have their own story yet L
im kind of tempted to give them like. cool respirator masks. maybe they can be off and worn around the neck during the song but some of them wear it in the card art. actually im definitely doing that
anyway thats all for now will probably draw them again later ^_^ awwawawwwaww
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twilightarcade · 2 months
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that's a weird dog
#wordstag#notwordswordstag#neptune wgen it's being normal about that eclipse thing#drawn at late oh clock it's like 2am right now . I think I'm gonna darken the eyes in the morning#or I won't. You never know with this guy.#anyhow I'm in bed now and I'm sooooo cozy.#ok so [mr beasts] this drawing was a 'let's use all the brushes in the sketching section & see what happens' thing#I think we're going 2 do another one w/ a smaller canvas size because I wanna . Try something. & this canvas was way too big#(<-I've been using the same canvas 4 like . Ages. And some IDIOT refuses 2 just move the sketches over(#literally whoever invented patterns on clothing should go explode . Do you have any clue#it's ok though . Fun exercise in whatever it's called. Perspective. If it was evil. ( I am failing the exercise)#ummmmmmm I thibk that's all. Spent way longer on this than I meant to. But the REAL criminal here was anzu because#That was supposed 2 be a warm up. Of sorts. I don't really do warm ups much if I'm going 2 be honest#trying 2 get into the habit but me drawing is more like . I'm going to draw 5 things in one sitting take it or leave it#ok guess who just . Fixed it.#I could point out like a million other things wrong but I'm not going to [smug cat picture] I'll leave that up to your imagination#ok umm how many tags is that . Not enough ? I want 2 do those whatever u wanna call those things again#yyou know. Peeks in my inbox.#ddude I might want to uh. I might want to crop this thing.#landscape is fun and all but seriously I can't#whatever. Officially a tomorrow me issue. Guess who's headed to sleep baby.#tomorrow neptune here I ended up cropping it after all.cod bleAmerica.ca.#anyhow I don't think I mentioned the . The Animal?
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karvakera · 9 months
jumpscares you with my ocs
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the first one was done today to keep my attention on the stream I was watching,,, I physically can not watch something if I dont draw at the same time.
the mermaid one was done a while ago but I wanted to share it since its dear to me (despite the godawful mistakes in anatomy and angles). I usually struggle with backrounds but I think it turned out fine there,, also something about its vibe is special to me,,, feels somewhat nostalgic
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I know this sounds dramatic... but the next promo could make or break TOH. Because the promo team does NOT give shit about keeping spoilers under wraps. They literally spoiled Luz getting her palisman --- which is still a shock to me btw.
If they show us Evelyn in the next promo and she looks like Luz... Ho boy...
I mean I would love to see the biphobes Perish but I want them to perish as they're watching the episode rather than before the episode airs, ya know?
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