#CW: implied character death
ex-mortis22 · 7 months
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Ghoap server exchange piece for the lovely streysteal >:)
They asked for dark horror themes and you guys know I love myself some darker stuff (sometimes quite literally lol)
Wanted to go a different route than usual with this one! It was a bunch of fun <3
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madrigaljail · 2 years
Encantober 16 - Kiss
Woo I fell behind but knew this was going to. IDK how many more of these I'll get done (this month) but this idea snagged me and...well. Here. Sorry.
Pedro, very angsty G, 150 words
Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, he’s only known them for hours but their names are etched on his soul. Pedro pressed fleeting kisses imbued with enough love to last a lifetime to each of their small, soft brows and hoped to God that they would not have to, the he would have more time.
Alma, who had done the impossible when she’d taken his hand, gotten up, and ran with him. She was stronger and more brave than he could ever be, and he cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers, hoping she knew how miraculous she was.
Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Alma. The names were a mantra chanted to the beat of his racing heart as he turned to face their pursuers. Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Alma, it kept echoing as he raised his hands, then his voice. Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Alma, Pepa, Julieta, Bruno, Alma, Alma, Alm-
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megahertzmaroon · 27 days
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Fool’s Paradise /// Loop
Special thanks two my friends Carol (cowsaresushi) and hatch for helping out with this comic!
Here’s the song that partially inspired the thing.
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meruz · 5 months
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i watched kore-eda's recent film Monster this past week and i truly.. cannot stop thinking about it. maybe my favorite kore-eda film yet
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aziidaa · 7 months
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drew a lil made-up missing scene for the game where vincent's cleaning up the freezer after killing mamon.
the dude decides to conduct a lil taste test before preparing the main course for his unknowing guest even tho he cant taste shit LMAO)
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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This is Part 1! Part 2 can be found here~
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ominouspuff · 2 months
(also I see the Plo Coon WIP and I’m in the microwave)
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In an instant CC-2224 sees the blue on the other clone and recognizes his enemy — knows it is CT-7567 and knows the name he took and the color of his hair.
All that is in him that is screaming — was (always?) screaming — quietens. His finger does not depress upon the trigger. His hand does not twitch towards the backup blaster on his hip.
An instant, a moment, a breath, and a single thought—
I’m no soldier.
CT-7567’s finger is as quick as he knew it would be. Between one moment and the next, Cody is free.
Re: Plo Coon — huehue, yess get microwaved (affectionate) (I’m very excited to show you)
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quartergremlin · 8 months
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who thought i was going to do a follow-up on the future timeline bc it wasn't me
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
(not graphic blood but I'll still tag it just in case)
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Might want to turn up your brightness for this one fellas
This is Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Extra
(might end up being three parts actually lol)
(my script is like 3-4 pages long so....)
Long post under the cut
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I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.
Take me back to the night we met.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
- The night we met by Lord Hurdon
This comic stems from my need for them to have a satisfying conclusion OKAY
I mean it's bittersweet but at least they make up (to a degree)
Explanation below (kind of spoiling next part) (kindof almost not really idk):
After being dangerously injured by a cryptid, Vanessa managed to contact the one person she wished she could have said goodbye to the most.
I'll explain more about why Vanessa is the way she is in the next part but without spoiling, Vanessa has grown a little since the last time she saw y/n. That, in combination with the fact she's bleeding out and taking on the mentality "fuck it why not", has led her to this decision.
This comic kinda goes off of the idea she gets an inkling of doubt in her mind about whether y/n is still "alive".
The next part will go into it more but that doubt mixed with her resolve leads her to at least try.
She tries to call y/n. They don't answer. She sends a text and no longer has the strength to hold on to her phone.
I don't think she'll be completely resolved to Vampires having actual consciousness but in her last moments she's also just wishing for her friend back. Her human friend. The one who has been dead all this time. Vanessa has a history with seeing ghosts so
It's worth a try
I'll let you decide which phone of y/n's she tried to contact.
Assuming y/n unblocked her on their previous phone at some point
So yeah, Vanessa in this comic is going back and forth on whether this is y/n or not. She's bleeding out, so does it really matter?
It's almost selfish how much she wishes to be free of the ache in her chest. The fact in the end, she couldn't free her friend.
You'll see more of this in the next part. I don't want to spoil it too much.
She doesn't wish to carry this burden of failing her friend. She reaches for a conclusion. She wants this to end well. She wants her friend to be okay. She wants to believe everything has worked out. She wants everyone she cares about to be okay without her.
She'll throw out her wish to the world. And hopefully, it'll come true.
She'll throw out her wish to you.
It is you.
I may have spoiled the next part a little bit oopsies
I just want to explain why Vanessa's different y'know
And y/n has their own conflicting emotions.
Even when things are a semblance of normal, it can't be. They are a vampire now. It tears them up inside.
But. Vanessa lets them touch her.
They've been afraid to do that. For the entirety of this reunion cut short.
She lets them touch her.
And again, Vanessa wouldn't be this way if... it weren't for a few somebodies.
But that's enough spoiling the next part.
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chimerahyperfix · 28 days
This loop has to be the one. Nevermind that you said it last loop, and the one before, and the one before that, and most of the ones before that. THIS was the one you'd stop the King in his tracks. You push a few of your many potions to the side to make room on your desk. None of them worked to stop him, so they were useless. He's still about twelve, fourteen? hours away, so you have enough time to make the bomb, eat and take a fat nap before you go pick a fight. Maybe this time, it'll work! It has to!
You've gotten better at making the Craft Bomb. It hasn't blown up on you before you intended to use it in... a long time. You can make it fast enough, now, for it to still be light outside! You've become silent while you work, which Mirabelle has told you is ''worrying'', but you don't see why it is. Are you really that loud? (Yes. You are.)
It's hard work. Soft light bathes your desk, your work, you. You reach out, past your potions, and grab your water bottle. Take a big swig, and
Hmm. That's not water.
How. HOW do you keep making this mistake. You look at the bottle in your hand, and sure enough, it’s one of the potions; your water bottle is shoved in the back of the collection of other containers. The taste is caustic, your throat begins to burn. You shouldn’t be this calm for having just drank something that’ll kill you in a handful of minutes, but it’s happened before. Despite the pain you don't bother trying anything. Just push the finished bomb to the side and lay your face against the wood of the table. Feel the blood start to pool in your mouth and dribbling out, staining the wood. Mirabelle, or Euphie or whoever comes in next, they can use it this loop. It's not the first time you've drank one of the many, many dangerous potions on your desk, and it's probably not the last. Maybe you'll actually clean the crabbing thing off before you work.
Whatever. You have next time. You have all the time.
Perhaps a bit too much, actually.
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dxkjf · 5 months
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craaazy mob odette and beau moment WOAHHH WOAHH
and some old wee doodles of beau and samir (belongs to @/thelone-copper)
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desultory-novice · 9 months
I found out that if you layer the True Arena Mix (Phase 2) of OVERLORD on top of itself, you get this sort of tinny Magolor voice.
Perhaps you could use this info for Mechalor?
Ooh, neat! I ought to try that! And I suppose I could use...
In the True Arena Mix...
...Magolor is crying for help....
You all do remember how Mechalor was born right?
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I DID say that Mechalor loves to shock people by casually info dumping his gory death and rebirth in TMI levels of detail but it seems even he has a soft spot for Kirby...?
That or he doesn't want to be caught in a moment of weakness...
(And yes, he did insist everyone start calling him "Mechalor." He'll viciously tease anyone who doesn't! Marx is still his friend :cough: and more :cough: in this universe and calls him "Magolor" anyway. He's the only person Mechalor begrudgingly allows this from.)
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necro-acid · 5 days
typical dancing with death
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x-chqrmolypi-x · 6 months
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(Spider-Woman Gabriella AU)
Miguel O'Hara :D !!
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ali-kitkat · 7 months
i did it y'all!! here's that little one shot i promised. it's also cross posted on ao3 here
And If I Only Could I'd Make A Deal With God
Marinette was in Damian’s apartment, sorting through his personal belongings. His family had insisted that she do it, to see if there was anything she wanted to keep. To remember him by, they said. It was a daunting task, one she barely felt up to but she still accepted nonetheless. 
She was going through the motions as she filled box after box. She barely looked at his things as she packed them away, not wanting to let herself break down as his family was sitting right outside in the living room of the apartment. 
It was as she began sorting through his clothing that she found it. A dark forest green sweater, it was soft to the touch, well made and well loved. She remembered the first time she’d seen that sweater, the first time she borrowed it. Damian was notorious for never letting anyone borrow any of his things.
It was the middle of December, they were walking back to Damian’s apartment after another one of their dates, when it had started to rain. The rain itself was chilling and unexpected and by the time they arrived they were both soaked head to toe. 
Damian had ushered her in, running to grab some towels to dry off the excess water that was dripping off both of them. He had steered her towards a bathroom, instructing her to shower before she caught a cold. She had protested in the beginning, stating that since it was his apartment that he should shower first and that she also didn’t have anything to change into either. 
He had remedied the lack of clothing quickly, darting out of the bathroom and returning with a small bundle of clothing and reassuring her that he wasn’t nearly as cold as she was. She tried to argue that she wasn’t that cold but given the fact that she was still shivering he clearly didn’t believe her and promptly left the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a click. 
The hot water was a blessing compared to the coldness that had seeped into her bones. She finished her shower, already spending more than enough time under the water. When she emerged Damian was in the kitchen, stirring a pot atop the stove. He was dressed in a dark forest green sweater and black sweatpants, looking much warmer than she felt, even with the help of a hot shower. 
It must have been obvious that she was still cold because Damian had taken off his sweater, leaving him in just a tank top, and pulled it over her head. The sweater itself was large on her. Her arms barely fit three quarters of the sleeves while the rest hung off her frame in a similar style as some of her dresses, ending right before the knees. The sweater was warm and her shivering lessened.
Truth be told, it was Damian’s actions that warmed her rather than the sweater, though the sweater itself was a plus. She could feel her face heat up and Damian simply smiled at her, as if he were aware of his affect on her. She had murmured her thanks before hiding her face in her hands and he let out a small chuckle. 
Damian directed her towards the sofa, which was laden with pillows and blankets. Some looked out of place as if he had rushed out and bought them recently. She smiled at the thought, it had been mentioned in a previous conversation they had, more of an offhand comment than an actual discussion. The care he put into paying attention to her words was almost enough to make her cry. No one had ever listened like that to her before, but Damian clearly had and put effort into making his space more open to her was almost like a confession. 
Damian circled around the sofa with two mugs in hand, one of them adorned with whipped cream and sprinkles. Another tally in his favor as he clearly took note of how she preferred her hot chocolate. He had handed her the mugs and settled down next to her, collecting his mug from her afterwards. They had picked a movie out to watch something light hearted but still bearable to watch.
They had laid down on the sofa after the movie finished. Marinette curled up against Damian and several blankets piled on top of them. The warmth surrounding her combined with Damian’s hands in her hair were lulling her to sleep. She was still awake when she heard him whisper in her ear, ‘I love you’
It was the first time Damian had not only said it to her but also had shown her that he did indeed love her. 
“I miss you, Damian,” Marinette croaked as her knees buckled and she collapsed. Loud ugly sobs wrenched their way out of her throat. She curled up around the sweater on the floor grieving the man she loved.
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berrysquared · 1 year
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Just a nightmare
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