#Canadian big crow
woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
World Cup
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The infamous 2019 kiss
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You suckle sleepily on Pernille's jersey collar as she watches Sweden play against Canada. You've no interest in the game, happy and content with your ear defenders on and your yellow 'Eriksson' jersey. You'd fallen asleep at some point during the second half, right before Stina's goal.
Pernille adjusts her grip on you as the game leaks into extra time. You shift in your sleep, sucking much more insistently and whining when Pernille tries to detach you.
Ultimately, she leaves you there as the crowd yells in triumphant glee as the final whistle blows.
The wind blows in her face as Sweden celebrates, jumping and down cheering as the Canadian players are left to deal with their sudden loss.
But, ultimately, Pernille only has eyes on Magda, who picks her out of the crowd easily and hurries over to her. She steps up and Pernille presses against the railing.
She reaches out her hand, intertwining their fingers.
They're completely in their own world, unaware of the cameras focused on them as they both lean forward, capturing each other's lips between their own.
"Hi," Magda says as she pulls away, smiling bashfully.
"Hi," Pernille says back with a laugh.
The movement jolts you awake and you blink as you try to work out your surroundings.
You're tucked into Momma and you turn your head to see Morsa there too. Her cheeks are a little red and her lips are a little swollen but she looks almost exactly like she did when Momma took you to see her at the hotel this morning.
You flop backwards into her.
"Oh!" Morsa laughs as your head falls back onto her collarbone," Hi, princesse."
"Morsa," You grunt in greeting, reaching out for her.
She takes you easily and hoists you up on her hip, stealing another kiss from Pernille as you tug on the loose strands of hair.
"Was she good?"
"Slept through most of it," Pernille replies, watching you carefully as you giggle and kick your little legs in joy," She had a lot of fun trying popcorn earlier."
Magda laughs, hoisting you up a bit higher and pressing kisses against your cheeks. "Is that right, princesse? Did you have some popcorn while watching Morsa win?"
"Morsa!" You repeat, throwing your hands up.
"That's right, Morsa won!"
"Morsa!" You say again.
"Morsa's going to win a medal for you, princesse," Magda promises," Won't that be nice? A nice shiny medal for you to wear."
You giggle as more kisses are pressed to your cheek from both Morsa and Momma before they turn to kiss each other again.
You see lots of people with phones and fancy cameras facing your family but you're a bit preoccupied with pulling at Morsa's hair and trying to wiggle your way between the pair to really care.
"Impatient," Momma says with a little laugh as you finally manage to squish yourself between her and Morsa's chest," You just can't stand Momma and Morsa having a moment to ourselves, huh?"
"Momma!" You crow," Morsa!"
They both laugh and someone ends up capturing a picture of both of them kissing your cheeks at the same time - one that gets printed out and displayed in the entrance hallway of your house every time you move to a new one.
Underneath it, is always the picture of you wearing the medal that Morsa's promised you.
But, underneath that one, even when you've moved out, is always the photo of you wearing your own hard-won World Cup medal.
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threecirclingbuzzards · 11 months
Three's Patch Clothing Masterpost!
Inspired by @genderfluid-and-confuzled 's own masterpost of his jackets, this is all three of my projects I have been actively adding to over the past year and a half!
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The jacket that started it all for me, DisA. I started work on DisA all the way back in January 2022 [See my one year post for progress photos.] and she's been my main jacket for a lot of that time. If it's cold enough to wear a denim jacket, I'll be wearing DisA a lot of that time. Very full of pins and patches from that year of collecting, including a bunch of pins I found on the ground or was gifted.
I recently reorganized all the pins, so it may not perfectly line up with past photos, but this is photos I took following that so it's quite accurate at this moment.
My favourite piece is probably my handpainted art of Enne's House from VOIDWORLD, a comic by fellow tumblr users @wizard0rb and @musicsmithy . Appreciate you guys!
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With my jacket covered, I have to go on to my Pink vest! I recently did the back's artwork in preparation for the pride parade this year, and I posted these pics here already as a precursor to this masterpost because I'm finally happy with it, however most patches were added a while ago. The vest is really nice for this summer, because it's really damn hot out lately.
The back of the vest has patch from the now closed shop run by Lauren of Stick and Poke, a fantastic Canadian Folk Punk band. That patch is probably the most treasured part of this vest to me, but it also has the pin set for Chloe and Max from life is strange on the pockets. Really had to take good care of those so they don't get too worn or damaged because they stopped selling those as well.
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Finally, my pants! they got ripped, so I decided to put patches on them. These are still quite blank because I haven't found much I want to put on them, but I encourage any friend who's physically around me when I have them to draw or write on them, because I have done that a bit and want more people to do that too.
Most notable thing about these is that the big tan patch on the front is an extra pocket as well.
Those are my three patch projects! I love them all very much as you can probably tell. I also have a history of working on other people's jackets and such, it's somewhat my thing, but I don't have super great photos of some of that. @tacocat7997 's jacket was a lot of my handiwork, so if he takes photos and adds them in a reblog, I'll reblog the addition. Also worked on another friend's very recently, but it's still a work in progress, and I'm handing it back to them soon.
Also, because it was only to mend it, I left out my leather trenchcoat. I added a crow patch to that shoulder after it was ripped open against a brick wall because of some Nazi assholes chasing me. Fucking high school. Adios you wretched place.
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relax-and-read-on · 5 months
2024, Hello!
What a year it has been, right?
I usually try to talk only about warhammer 40k on this blog. I don't like mention if my personal life, or politics, or even other fandom, really. That said, this year was... Far from easy for me. Health problem, job problem, finances, politiques, (shout out to all the queer french canadian who are also scared shitless!), moving in a new place, insane inflation....
I had given myself the huge objective to publish 200k words for 2023. At the end, this is the result:
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108k words. You can also add about 50k of unpublished original work. Here is the list of fic that I have published/updated in 2023 (by view count), and some little thought/insight on them:
Agency - My big fem primarch au. You can really see me grow, if you read it from start to finish. It's been *years* since I started this fic, at this point, the ending that I have planned is like my white whale. One day.... One day, I will defeat it. Terribly hard to write but SO satisfying
Tales of different lives - if Agency is my dark nemesis, than my planet swap is coming home to a soft bed. It's so easy and FUN to write that au. I know not everyone like the lighter take toward the world this one take, and that's ok. Sometime... It's just nice, to have softer things, especially after such a year.
Phantom of the (warhammer?)-pera - I am begging you. On my knees. Read this one. It's my fav thing I have ever written. It's so much fun. It's totally INSANE and I loved every moment of it. I want to go back and fight the formatting again, to finish implanting all the notes. They are SO much fun. Also has AMAZING cover art by @skrankku !
Five times People tried and failed to Seduce Roboute Guilliman to Chaos... - Absolute surprised to me how people loved that fic. Ngl, I was actually sick/very depressed when I wrote it, but it warm heart that other enjoyed it.
This Once Nearly Was Mine - This one does not count, it's @kingwithpaintedfingers AMAZING Vulkan's POV to Castle of Glass, my Mortarion/Vulkan soulmate au. I am amazed and humbled to be able to work with such a great writer, and be able to call you a friend. I HIGHLY recommend all their work.
Trust - I had to actually check that one, and turns out, it was the update to my Talos/Septimus fic! Can you believe that I forget my own fic?! I am silly. Surprisingly delightful. I need to write more of this ship.
Birdcage - written for an exchange, specifically for @funboxsupreme , another criminally good writer. This fic, in my humble opinion, is some of my best writing. Extremely dark, I also SOMEHOW managed some really cool "special effect" in it, and I am PLEASED with myself.
In the Garden - a VERY quick and horny piece for Nan, a PROLIFIC writer whom I cannot help but be in awe of (also heeeelp I don't have your tumblr, poke me and I will tag you!)
Old Crows and Young Cardinals - This is an interesting one! This fic seem barely started, but it's mostly because the rest of it require MASSIVE planning and careful writing, as it deal with time travel and has a stupidly complex plot. I cannot wait to unveil more of it.
By proxy - hehehe, another really cool gift for a friend, this time for Lieara/Allyria! Even if this list is making me realise how many of yall tumblrs I don't know. I feel like an Old man trying to remember phone number lmao.
Day 2 - Bootworship and Sister of battle - a fun little fic part of the "40 kink for 40k" challenge that I NEED to continue, started by the wonderful @iapetusneume . Also.... Lesbian. Need more Lesbian.
The only way - A other fic that I had completely forgotten that I wrote. It's such a strange feeling, to reread your own words and go "I did this??" It's not bad, but it was written during one of those hard period of the year, and as such feel extra alien to me.
Day 1 - Geneseed, but sexy and Homeworld - another 40k for 40 kink fic, this one was a LOT of fun to write! Amd kinda specifically made for @bobthebobhere , another good friend in this fandom!
The miracle of science (and children) - a gift fic that was supose to be part of an exchange, but took too long! This one is for @shootertron-stuff , an artist that I highly respect and love! If you like it kinky, go tead their stuff, they are an inspiration.
In the Lion's Den. - Hahahahahaha lmao. So, fun fact: On reddit, there is a user who post horribly misogynist/homophobic Tau torture porn with his OC chapter. I got mad, and wrote a spit gay porn fic of his OCs. To his credit, he rolled with it and was amused at it. I still don't like him, and never will, but I have his blessing to keep it up, so!
The Bird, The Wolf and the Keeper - a little experiment, in poetry format fic. I liked it well enough, and will attempt some more in 2024 I think :)
(A secret fic exchange, yet to be revealed)
(another one!)
So.... 18 fics total. I think there should be pride in that. I like the variety of them, even if I want to push out more, do more unique and stranger fic, for 2024. It was a difficult year, but creating so much made it easier, made it more worth it. I am... Happy, with it all.
If you have questions about my fics, now is the time! Otherwise, I will see you soon, with more writing, and more joy in sharing.
I wish you all a wonderful year 2024, better than the last, safety, comfort, and peace. May we all had fun in this fandom!
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fatehbaz · 1 year
So 26 February 2023, Grist re-publishes a piece originally from InvestigateWest, after InvestigateWest got their hands on some sensitive emails/documents revealing that the EPA rather than fairly supervising mining companies “they’re supposed to regulate” has instead assisted the companies “by attacking researchers and smearing peer-reviewed science.” (Surprising nobody; Montana is a resource extraction colony.) The piece is titled “Newly revealed records show how the EPA sided with polluters in a small Montana mining town.”
So I’m like “oh, is this gonna be about the natural gas boom near Sidney on the North Dakota border right alongside the Bakken oil fields, an operation so big and extensive that it artificially lights up the night sky over the open prairies of the northern Great Plains in a way that, from a satellite view, makes the least densely populated and remote corner of the contiguous United States glow brightly as if it were a massive city or as if the entire region were on fire? Or is this gonna be about coal mining in the remote southeastern corner of the state in the badlands and shortgrass prairie near Crow and Cheyenne reservations, where coal companies in the Yellowstone River watershed traditionally have extracted millions from near the Powder River and Black Hills?”
But nope, it’s about Butte.
“Small Montana mining town.”
This city is still among top 5 or top 10 most culturally and economically significant cities in the state. “Significant city” would be more apt than “small town.” But beyond that.
This is the place known as “Butte, America.”
Butte was the epicenter, the home base, the foundation of the Gilded Age copper boom that electrified the world and lit the streetlights and parlors of turn-of-the-century London and New York.
All that copper wiring, that’s from Butte, or from the industries that Butte’s barons established. This was the city where mining magnates ran the Anaconda Copper Mining Company which spear-headerd the pillaging of Latin America (referenced in the “open veins of Latin America”). Anaconda established the century-long tradition of Canadian and US mining companies destroying lives and landscapes in the Andes.
By 1899, Butte was one of the most significant US cities between the Mississippi River and the Sierra Nevada. This was the home of the Copper Kings.
The Anaconda company, in 1919, completed construction on a smelter smokestack 585 feet high, which remains the tallest surviving brick structure on the planet.
The wealth of Butte in the Edwardian era is unfathomable. They had a rollercoaster. In a single year, merely just those local mines along the edge of the city could produce $23 million ($700 million today). And that doesn’t include all of the wealth stolen from Latin America or other mines in the western US.
Montana was a state that pioneered the “corporations are people” stuff. Its very statehood itself, the christening of Montana, was a gift to the Copper Kings. Every important state office was practically purchased, owned by those mining barons.
This is also why Montana was the site of some of the earliest and most important labor struggles. Because the entire state of Montana was functionally a copper mining company town. Among notable events: the 1914 Butte labor riots, the 1917 brutal assassination of Frank Little, and the 1920 “Anaconda Road Massacre” in which company guards shot and killed 17 fleeing people.
This is why, depending on who you ask, Butte is either A Company Town or A Union Town.
Butte claims to be the home of the “largest population of Irish-Americans per capita of any US city.” This may or may not be true, but this Irish influence evident in the local popularity of pasties. In the Edwardian era, Butte was also the site of an important Chinatown neighborhood and a large Chinese community.
Locally, Butte is famous/infamous for being the site of the Berkeley Pit. Or “The Pit.” The remaining scar of an open-pit copper mine. It’s one mile long, half-mile wide, almost 2,000 feet deep, filled with 900 feet of acidic water laden with cadmium, sulfuric acid, and arsenic.
Just sitting there. In the city.
“Oh, well, of course, back in the Gilded Age, in the 1890s, US businesses got a little out of control, and boom-town communities weren’t really thinking long-term, and they also didn’t know all The Science, so they allowed for the creation of, like, giant toxic death-pits in their residential areas,”
Nope. They built that open-pit mine in 1955 and operated it until 1982.
Anyway, that’s kind of what the 2023 investigative report is about. There is a newer mine (copper and molybdenum) currently open and operating in the city, right next to The Pit.
And the current mine is owned by the richest man in the state of Montana, Dennis Washington. And the EPA is like, “Don’t worry. The mine in the city is fine, it’s all good.” Because that’s what US government land management agencies do: File due diligence paperwork for land-owners while others get poisoned.
The largest open pit copper mine (by extracted volume) on the planet, and the second-deepest open-pit mine of any kind on the planet, is at Chuquicamata in the Atacama region of Chile. This mine was the property of the Anaconda company.
The towering smokestack. The Pit on the edge of town. The gaping wound at Chuquicamata. The legacy of the Copper Kings lives on with the continued theft and poisoning of those in both Montana and the Andes.
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peashooter85 · 2 years
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Suntory Toki --- Whisky Review Time
Founded in 1899, Suntory was originally a small store in Osaka which sold imported wines. Over the next century that small store grew into a powerful multi-national corporation. Suntory specializes primarily in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits as well as some soft drinks. Recognize these famous brands of liquor; Jim Beam, Makers Mark, Knob Creek, Courvoisier, Cruzan, Lamphroaig, Pinnacle, Old Crow, Canadian Club, Skinny Girl. Well, they are all owned by Suntory.
In 1923 Suntory opened it's first distillery and began making whisky. Japanese whisky grew in popularity as American GI's brought it back home with them after serving in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. By the 1970's Suntory was rapidly expanding and began heavily marketing overseas. They even hired Sammy Davis Jr. to do commercials.
Suntory Toki is their most common overseas product. A blended whisky created from malted barley, it is produced from the Yamazaki, Hakushu, and Chita distilleries, aged at lest three years in American oak barrels, and then blended into one product. I think I bought this for around $30, in Japan I bet it's much cheaper.
Drinking from a glencairn, the whisky gives off a sweet aroma. Very very light, to the point where it almost doesn't smell like whisky at all. It smells more like a dry white wine, like a pino blanc, chardonnay, or riesling. Is this really whisky? With it's very light color it almost looks like a white wine. After tasting I can confirm that it is indeed a whisky. It has tasting notes of honey, green apple, green grape, and a bit of vanilla. It finishes with a very dry oakiness, and leaves a dry taste in your mouth that quickly goes away, the aftertaste does not hang in the mouth long like other whiskies. The flavors of this whisky are very light and subtle, for me perhaps too subtle.
To me this is a good whisky, not great, just good. It could be better. If it had a little bit more body to it and a bit more flavor, I would rate this higher. As it stands I rate it 3.2 out of 5 stars. I might buy a bottle every once in a blue moon, particular if it is on sale. I will drink it if it is put in front of me. But I probably would rather drink something else. Now I must come forward and admit a big bias, I'm a bourbon and rye drinker, whiskies which tend to have much bolder and richer flavors. So perhaps this whisky doesn't fit my palate. I could see someone who enjoys dry white wines likewise enjoying this. Perhaps Scotch drinkers who enjoy the non-peated Scotches would like this. But it's just not for me.
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Significant aspect of Steve being Irish-Catholic:
As well as having branches of the Nazi party (ie. the German-American Bund), the Brooklyn of Steve’s day also had a big problem of antisemitism amongst the local Irish-Catholic population. 
There was a Canadian-American Catholic priest and demagogue named Charles Coughlin, who received indirect funding from the Nazi party. Up until 1939 'Father Coughlin’ had both a regular right-wing talkradio programme, and a matching newspaper (ironically called Social Justice), broadcasting pro-fascist, anti-communist, virulently antisemitic diatribes. (He was the inspiration for the character Brother Justin Crowe in the show Carnivale.) 
In New York, Coughlin’s writings prompted the creation of an antisemitic organisation called the Christian Front, which held public rallies on the intersecting corners of Jewish/Irish neighborhoods in Brooklyn, with the specific intention of drumming up conflict. And just as in Nazi Germany, this indoctrination started young: there were Hitler Youth summer camps in both New York and New Jersey. 
In wider pop culture, the most successful broadway play for a long time was Abie’s Irish Rose, a “schmaltzy interfaith romantic comedy" about the conflict between a Jewish family and Irish-Catholic family when a Jewish boy marries an Irish girl (so, that generation’s equivalent of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.) It was so successful that it was mentioned in the lyrics to songs of other broadway shows, spawned a long-running series of tie-in movies, and had its own radio show. 
Similarly, the musical West Side Story was originally titled ‘East Side Story’ and was about a star-crossed Jewish/Irish-Catholic couple in the Lower East Side of Manhattan (where Jack Kirby lived, and Cap too, before he was later moved to Brooklyn. Those other kids Jack Kirby grew up fighting? Probably Irish-Catholic.)  
This is also why, when Jewish writer Norman Lear came to rip off UK sitcom Till Death Us Do Part to make US sitcom All in the Family, in the 1970s, his choice to play the role of the bigoted father -- even though he was inspired by his own, bigoted Jewish father -- was an Irish actor whose face “screams ‘Irish.’ (Lear kept being encouraged to use that and make the character Irish-Catholic in the show, but he refused.) 
That rise in Irish-Catholic antisemitism originated with the Fascist conflation of Jews with Bolshevism, and of Communism with the persecution of Christians. 
(All this while Russian-Jewish immigrants to NYC were moving into traditionally Irish-Catholic areas, competing for jobs and housing, and their success was resented.)
This also tied into the Spanish Civil War, when Russian and Communist Front groups in America aided the Loyalist forces instead of the Fascists (the Abraham Lincoln Battalion, for example, was made up of American volunteers who fought for the Loyalists, and was 25% Jewish). 
In New York, the fact that the Communist party membership was mainly Jewish was treated as proof that all Jews were Communist, (and therefore enemies of Catholics), even though the majority of Jews in New York were not Communists. 
In fact, it was more the case that Jews were drawn to what they perceived as progressivism -- grounded in a history of discrimination -- and since they saw Fascism as their chief threat, they were more likely to accept Communists as allies in the fight against it (just as Catholics were more likely to ally with Fascists against Communism). 
Amongst American Catholics there was also distrust of FDR's liberal New Deal policies, regarded as a wave of Communism sweeping the country, since the government’s helping of the poor post-Depression was seen as a deliberate infringement upon what was traditionally the territory of the Catholic Church. (I kid you not.)
And then, since Ireland was a neutral country, the Irish-Catholics in New York were able to continue to espouse such views during the war. Unlike them, the Germans and Italians suddenly became more circumspect (as they had during WWI), for fear of appearing to support America’s enemies, and suffering reprisals as a result.
And all this was not helped by the fact that the Pope shared this view of Communism, and collaborated with Hitler on the Reich Concordat, an authoritarian pact wherein the Vatican vowed to forbid Catholics in Fascist Germany from interfering in politics.
All of which is to say: 
It’s a BIG DEAL for Steve’s Jewish creators to make Steve Irish-Catholic. 
It means that, on top of being a Nazi’s worst nightmare (disabled, blonde, blue-eyed, turned into a supersoldier and yet still antifa), and fighting Bundists, Silver Shirts and ANP members, as you’d expect, Steve often would've been fighting his own people, as well. 
That takes an even greater strength of character and commitment to left wing ideals. 
tl;dr: in historical context, Steve being Irish-Catholic is hugely significant. 
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daywalkers-fic · 5 months
12. why the 1880s?
something about this decade really sings to me. I find in particular, nearing the end of the nineteenth century, so much was happening on around the world in terms of arts, politics, technology, colonization. world events and global news don’t personally reach the day-to-day lives of the everyday folk, but they are an important part in gauging what life, thought, and society was about—what things were important then and now?
basically for myself, reminding me of notable things that occured during the 1880s—some thematic, some of relevance to context and characters, and the rest just ?? interesting and/or wild?
cocaine is a hot new cure for everything and anything. perscribed, sold in foods and more. heroine introduced as a lesser-addictive substitute for morphine…
lots of developments in fields of psychology; many experiments and happenings; Freud starts his work 1886.
1880-1914 had +twenty million immigrants to the United States: Germany, Ireland, England, China had the most arrivals.
William Dorsey Swann, the first self-proclaimed drag queen, organizes a series of drag balls in Washington, D.C. 1880-1890s.
Jack the Ripper claims his “first” victim in 1888 White Chapel, London. big scare.
Sherlock Holmes first appears in Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study In Scarlet as part of the British magazine’s Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887.
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is published in 1886. Gothic fiction, drawing from emerging fields of science and psychology. & Treasure Island was published earlier in 1883 by him too!
Mark Twain drops The Prince and the Pauper (1881), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889).
Bel-Ami, Guy de Maupassant’s second novel is published in 1885. about a man who seduces and manipulates high society French women in the French colonies for power and wealth. MOVIE WAS ADAPTED IN 2012 STARTING ROBERT PATTINSON LOL
western European art movements very romantic and swirly and pretty: Monet, Debussy xoxo.
meanwhile, African American ragtime music becomes the “pop” music across the pond here.
North Dakota (1889), South Dakota (1889), Montana (1889), Washington (1889) become states.
train segregation laws flag beginning of Jim Crow; Civil Rights Movement of 1875 voided, making discrimination in private is not illegal, and prohibiting state intervention to personal or commercial segregation. l*nching continues throughout the south. slavery may be over on paper, but indentured labour is legal.
1882 infamous O.K Corral gunfight.
Gold Rush continues, all over the world—South Africa, to British Columbia, to California, to Argentina, to Russia-China borders.
centuries of American “Indian” wars continue.
American Dawes Act of 1887 granted American government authorization to regulate indigenous lands, including creating and assigning and enforcing reservations.
Sitting Bull’s 1883 speech of the atrocities experienced at the hands of white American settler colonists.
Canadian Pacific Railway 1881-1885. foreign labourers were hired to do a lot of heavy, dangerous, unwanted work. in America, more than 100,000km of tracks were laid by majority Chinese, Irish, Scandinavian workers.
America’s Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Canada’s Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 was officiated, enforcing law of a Head Tax to be paid for every Chinese person entering North America. over the course of the next couple of decades, the fee of $1,500 was doubled to $5,000 was increased 500% to $25,000 in today’s currency—per person. this had devastating and lasting impacts on generations and societies of Chinese living both overseas and already in North America. propaganda at this time created many racist myths that persist today: there are too many Asians, they are taking our jobs, (the men) are gross and effeminate and a threat to (white) women, they shady and scheming people. these were the first and only major federal legislation to explicitly suspend immigration for a specific nationality in American and Canadian history. (I study Asian Canadian history, I can go on about this all day)
Tong Wars (1883-1913) had Chinatown gangs and factions in violent street wars across America, San Fransisco to New York.
large, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting (pogorm) and antisemitism rampant throughout Imperial Russia, 1881-1882 had more than two hundred anti-Jewish events alone. Jews continue to be racialized and othered.
fuck ton of colonization happening in Africa and the Middle East, Southeast Asia. Berlin conference 1884-1885 literally chopped up Africa to distribute to European powers.
Irish nationalist efforts to push forth Home Rule bill of sovereignty is defeated in British Parliament. Irish are not “white”, they are “othered” in Europe and in Americas.
use of photographic film pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing film. his first camera (Kodak) was ready for sale in 1888.
Thomas Edison gets lit in New York 1883 with first electrical power station. next several year sees major cities being lit up with street lamps and public lighting with the science and works of a Nikolas Tesla (1886-1893).
hell of a lot more inventions in the works and patents being claimed. Hertz and radiowaves, Bell for telephone services.
“Between the years of 1850–1900, women were placed in mental institutions for behaving in ways the male society did not agree with”
way too much history to cram, obviously. here are some keywords for further research oki
prison industry / spiritualism / opium epidemic / irregular and uneven “modernizations” in rural vs. urban areas / class and poverty gaps / morality scares, checks, comparisons, gaps / new businesses and gadgets, products, tech to help with anything / fascination of the (colonial) Other; side shows, “freak shows” and other human zoos
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kendrixtermina · 7 months
Israel is the ultimate Omelas
I always thought that Israel was a perfect microcosm of the duality of man because on the one hand they had brutal oppression and on the other it had all those brilliant futurists and scientists, and a great healthcare system that had one of the best responses to covid.
It always baffled me how those two things could coexist in the same country. How those brutal stories of oppression and books of revolutionary thought could be coming from the same place.
Now I'm realizing that this kind of makes it the perfect tyranny.
In totalitarian states like the Nazi dictatorship or sovjet communist states, the population was severely oppressed. We associate the Nazis with blind obedience but actually there was an assassination attempt on him every few months or so, 42 in the 12 years he was Dictator. Bastard kept surviving due to bad luck, like a speech being cancelled due to rain or some intern moving the suitcase with the bomb. The Nazis demanded total obedience and would execute people for speaking French or drawing modern art.
Then there is the USA's corporate rule - not as bad as dictatorships maybe, but much of the population is dirt poor and know their options to vote for are largely corporate stooges. They don't have health care, decent education or consumer protection, so they have reasons to resent their taxes being used for war.
But Israel? The population lives in one of the most advanced utopias on earth! There is healthcare, luxury, culture, even relative freedom as long as you don't say "palestine". If you don't go in the westbank, you don't realize what's going on. The insidious trick of what segregation does is that it keeps the oppressed out of sight.
If you really want to be ignorant, you can probably manage to stay that way, comfortably, and live with all the same comforts as Swedes Canadians and Japanese.
The tyranny does not touch you unless you become a soldier or there happens to be a resistance attack near you, and even in those cases, the propaganda machine has comforting answers for you. Or at least, you're told that ending the tyranny means destroying your utopia - if it's you or a stranger, many people will pick themselves their lifestyle and their family.
Of course the big lie here, or the point where the analogy totally breaks down, is that doing away with appartment and giving equal citizen rights to everyone will not actually do away with the world-class universities and hospitals or even safety... indeed you'd be safer if you didn't keep producing angry traumatized people by butchering their families. It's a false dichotomy. A trap that presents the status quo as some lesser evil.
Euro-americans are fine without Jim Crow laws; Germans did not perish without conquerring Poland; Afrikaners are fine without apartheid - indeed the former disenfranchised people are still catching up economically exty years later. There should probably be affirmative action or reparations, once Palestinians get equal rights.
Nationalism is a myth cooked up as recent as the 19th century. Historically there have never been "pure, unmixed" peoples. People mix and trade and emigrate and copy each other, as long as people have been. You are going to have to live with people different from you & share with them. It's ok. The rest of us learned that lesson too (albeit imperfectly and often at a great cost; The EU is not clean-handed at all and is unforgivable fucking up in many ways as we speak) - No one needs ethnostates. No one is entitled to ethnostates - not Germans, not Euro-Americans, not Hindus, not the Japanese, not Israelis. Ethnostates do not make you safe. Moreover: Ethnostates are not practically feasible.
Look at the area slightly east of where I live and all the bloodshed that came from being unable to draw a line so that all Poles are on one side & all Germans on the other. And now there's still Poles living here and not even a real border anymore. If only we could have made the EU straight away instead of having all those wars, displacements & slaughter!
One day in the far future when there is peace ppl will look back at today and ask "why didn't they stop it sooner why all this waste?"
Eventually you're just gonna have to SHARE the god damn country. Like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on earth that has multiple languages, religions and ethnic groups.
The Rwandans managed to make peace! And in that case there wasn't even a detachment of technology involved, ppl killed their neighbors (and those who refused to participate in the killing) with bare hands and machetes. But it's a prosperous, orderly country now. They opened many malls recetly & had a great response to covid.
It can be done. There's nothing special about the middle east. People there are not uniquely depraved, the region has been stable & prosperous before.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
“Oh my god I’m a descendant of slave owners?!” Woah, now you are going to tell me that several chinese have cannibals ancestors (especially towards kids) and central Asians are descendants of a prolific rapist
Who they often make big statues for
The founding fathers are green with envy
Also what with the Latinos shitshow
My brothers in Christ most of your countries and cultures was the result of colonialism.
If we were to ever decolonized the Americas, 95% of the continents population went bye bye
Oh no a PUERTO RICAN have European blood?
She does know what a taino or native mesoamerican looks like right?
Also I think a lot of non whites (especially black Americans) think we never cross breed unless it’s was non consensual
Which is a lie-also a lot of confederate soldiers married black women
The Jim Crow laws was to keep us divided much like the crack did in the 80’s
Also I think a lot of non whites (especially black Americans) think we never cross breed unless it’s was non consensual
I wouldn't use the term cross breed, but ya.
Was also thinking Latin America would have a tough time specifically because of that, there were no empires to conquer in what became the US or Canadian territories meanwhile we had the Aztec Emprie in Mexico, the Mayan Empire in Central America, Inca Empire in western South America, and there might be some more that I'm missing
But ya they were already organized into societies so once they were subjugated it got easier to hoard resources without sending so many people over so there's a lot of confusion that would be going on there.
As for
“Oh my god I’m a descendant of slave owners?!”
Everyone has something in their family history that if they were held accountable for it today would land them in hot water, thankfully we're not responsible for the sins of our ancestors.
If we were reparations for slavery would bankrupt every nation and person in the world, and that would just be step one.
Also what with the Latinos shitshow My brothers in Christ most of your countries and cultures was the result of colonialism.
Yes the border crossed you, but you wouldn't have been there if the area hadn't been colonized.
Also as I'm sure most Texans will be able to tell you, while the US gave military and economic assistance to the Republic of Texas, it was the people of Texas that decided to seek independence from Mexico, those people included the Latino population of Mexico wasn't just transplants from the US doing it so if your family was in the territory then and has been there the whole time it's possible they helped in the fight for independence from Mexico.
In the end with all of this it's mostly just important to remember that sunny hostin is a terrible person who is both incredibly racist and sexist, gonna be a few other things she is too but those are good enough to start with.
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midnightsingvogel · 1 year
Got tagged by @partyinthemysterymachine you’re a SWEETHEART
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy 👀 This post alone is gonna get me 4 sugar daddy bots the moment I set it loose!
favorite color: I like vibrant colors. Cardinal red, poison purple, sunflower yellow/orange, acid/apple green, seafoam blue, tyrian pink- Like honestly my room looks like a bird nest- which is ironic cause I mostly wear black and gold/silver, or stripes cause I’m 2000s late. [but, I do, have the Boom Boom Boom, allegedly. Don’t tell the 3008′s authorities. I’m not sure I’m supposed to have it.]
song stuck in my head: (Paper Cages - Franz Ferdinand)
Well we'll never be free; If our incarceration Is a story we tell; A tale of invention Is it personal choice; Personal conviction Or are you living like me in paper cages?
three favorite foods: As long as it’s savory I’m on board. I genuinely have the worst taste buds I will eat anything (anything but olives). But uh I guess 1- I’ve been craving tuna tartare like you wouldn’t believe since I came back from the hospital 2- crepes 3- pistachio gelato
last song I listened to: (Doombop! - The Toxhards) apparently spotify is picking up on my pseudo-neurotic “oh yes this is fine 🙃” song trends, vaguely gorey roadkill thumbs up wildly clashing tone/lyrics gnawing on the coffee tables. It’s somewhat recent I think.The kind of song that makes you want to storm a room singing the chorus, balls to the wall, ideally covered in blood.
dream trip: Until recently somewhat I didn’t think I’d be down to travel but meeting the right people made me realize it could be an adventure and not just a chore. I think I’d be down to go anywhere as long as it were with the right people. My dad keeps trying to tell me he has FB friends in europe I could visit and mannnn I don’t know these people. Come on.
But yeah short term I think I’d be happy to just see as many cheesy tourist traps as possible, as long as I’m with good company. Although, in the long term... I think I’d love to see has many Art-Nouveau style buildings/expositions as possible.
last thing(s) i googled: “What is the meaning of ‘A Stitch in time saves Nine’ proverb” (for a DnD game)
That’sssssss it I think?
Feel free to steal that post if I haven’t tagged you.
Aight hopefully you guys haven’t been tagged already (I did not check and I will not be checking. get TAGGED mfks): @sleeping-potatoe @eyeimagery @northerngrail @toonysart @neptunes-salty-butthole @clubsdeuce @canadian-riddler @acapelladitty @lfthinker @ac0nites @flyfloyd @lankybrunettepartdeux @paperweight-jellyfish @voiceboss @spinejackel @flsalazar @aldynafox @hoodienanami @hiilovetrash @cloverchameleon @hurdygurdywizard @big-urchin-energy @sandeyminebook @crying--crow @auroramoth @hellohellomorgan @susanstranglehands @mx-dyke @finzphoenix @obscurism @mrs-faggot @sarahchagalls
(I can’t figure out which urls are from the folks from the pie server aside those already named istfg anyway consider yourself tagged TAN I DON’T KNOW YOUR BLOG PLEASE I DON’T EVEN KNOW --- ALSO WHY ARE SOME OF YOU MATURE BLOGS I CAN’T FUCKING TAG YOU WHAT IS THIS, 2016???? COME ON)
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highlifeboat · 1 month
tbh that’d give miranda an entirely different vibe. sure crows & ravens are ominous, but they dont have a reputation of violence. they are oppertunists that pick on the things that are already dead. a goose will just attack if you threaten their goslings or nest. it might even suit her more bcz when they attack they attack. chase your ass down for real until you’re far enough away.
canada anon
Miranda being a Canadian Goose is just Miranda in an AU where she actually cares about the Lords and considers them her children.
Ethan comes in as a threat and tries to kill them, and Miranda is NOT having it. She is going to Get His Ass. The instict to protect AND attack is strong. Chase him out of the Village.
Granted the idea of showing up in the big cult run Village, and finding out their Goddess/Jesus figure is a shape shifter with a fucking Goose motif is kind of hilarious. (Until she's chasing your ass down scream honking)
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algeroth · 2 months
The problem was, Walnut didn’t like other cranes. She liked people. At the foundation in Baraboo, she’d imprinted, or socially bonded, with her keepers, which can happen when a human is the first living thing a baby crane sees, Rich Beilfuss, the president and CEO of the ICF, told me. “The bird, in essence, sees what it thinks it looks like.” Which means that Walnut may have seen herself as a human being—or, at least, as something other than a crane. Whenever keepers at the ICF brought a male crane around, Walnut would flare her wings and charge at her suitor, threatening his life. So, in 2004, Walnut was sent to live at the Smithsonian, where experts had more experience with assisted-reproduction techniques, including artificial insemination.
Crowe started working at the Virginia center a few months after Walnut arrived, and he knew right away that she was special. Walnut wasn’t wary of keepers the way that other cranes were. Instead of retreating, “she’d come right up to people, making threats,” he said. She’d toss her head and peck at unfamiliar humans. Sometimes she’d even utter a deep growl. But Walnut didn’t treat Crowe that way. She seemed to like him.
“I think it helped that I’m kind of quiet,” Crowe told me. He kept his distance and moved slowly when he entered her exhibit to clean or bring food. He offered small mice, mealworms, and peanuts, which Walnut particularly loved. After a few months, the crane would stand close enough to Crowe that he could stroke her feathers, and eventually, she began to nod her head and flutter her wings in his direction, which Crowe recognized as the standard crane courtship dance. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he followed her lead. “She’d bob her head, so I’d do that too. She’d flap, I’d flap,” he said. When Walnut would pick up a blade of grass or a flower and toss it his way, he’d find a flower and toss it right back. She’d make herself big and sprint around the exhibit, flapping wildly, and Crowe would try to keep up. Eventually, Crowe was able to artificially inseminate Walnut, using a syringe and a semen sample from a male white-naped crane. As a reward, he’d give her a mouse and some verbal praise, and they’d move along with their day. Sure, the whole thing was weird, “but it was kind of the job,” Crowe said. He knew how precious her genes were. His plan, he said, “was to try to work with this behavior,” rather than treat it as something unnatural. (Cranes, like other animals, can be restrained for artificial insemination, but it’s safer, and certainly more pleasant, for the bird if they aren’t.)
The relationship was also educational: Getting so close to Walnut meant that Crowe could observe all of her behaviors minutely. He could watch her preen, and learn all of her subtle behavioral cues and territorial warnings. He watched her catch crayfish in the stream running through her exhibit and snap their pincers off before swallowing them.
Over the next two decades, Crowe spent practically every day with Walnut, observing her, feeding her treats, and bringing her toys to play with. “I’d visit with her, and we’d walk around, dancing if she wanted to dance,” he said. Whenever he’d mow the grass in her exhibit, Walnut would follow close behind, gobbling up the scuttling insects. In the winter, while other birds waded through piles of snow, Walnut would insist that Crowe shovel her a path. Every spring, the pair would repeat the courtship dance and the artificial-insemination process. Over the course of her long life, Walnut laid eight fertile eggs, seven of which hatched new white-naped babies of her species; her first chick, now an 18-year-old female named Brenda, still lives at the Front Royal institute.
The kind of bond that Walnut and Crowe shared was unusual, but it had happened at least once before. In 1976, George Archibald, the Canadian founder of the ICF, bonded with Tex, the last female whooping crane in captivity at the foundation. Archibald and Tex had a relationship much like Crowe and Walnut’s: When the bird flapped, her human mate flapped; when she bobbed, he bobbed too. At the time, the whooping crane was close to extinction—only about 15 birds were still living in the wild. But with artificial insemination, Tex would go on to have a total of 180 children and grandchildren. The wild population, combined with flocks reintroduced, now totals about 500. Tex’s relationship with Archibald, Beilfuss explained, is directly responsible for the recovery of the whooping-crane population nationwide.
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vanilladrpepper · 2 months
the basic premise is that like. any character that could be hced as indigenous. is hced as indigenous . and then u take everyone and plop them in 1999 in a college setting with some added bg for each of the characters and motivations and stuff yk
i will admit it is ww centric as its written from his vague pov (third person limited omniscient) but i digress. hes in november trying to get a degree asap so he can fulfill an ultimatum proposed by chapel so he can get livio out of the system and fuck off back to the reservation he grew up on (for context ww is crow+seminole and livio is crow) but he shows up to the college and his roommate is this . scene guy. enter legato our favorite french canadian (besides hornfreak love u hornfreak) who becomes begrudging besties. sort of . with ww
he recommends him a coffee shop and ww goes there before going shopping for shit he needs and thus we get one of our big hubs of the au: threes a crowd! a number of characters work there including brad, luida, zazie (navajo) and of course. vash (mixed white + kanien'keha:ka) he meets him and doesnt really like . register him much beyond it bc hes got bigger fish to fry :sob:
and obv ive planned a lot more (36 chapters for part one. augh) including but not limited to: ww struggling through his coursework (majoring in social work) and being aided by one of his teachers (roberto. love u king u may be tristamp only but u have bewitched me) (hes also ojibwe. love him), ww joining up with a mentor club and accidentally befriending two journalism majors (meryl and milly!!!! inuk and seneca respectively) (also specifically meryl is a photojournalism major!), ww continually running into this one pipsqueak around town who gives him attitude (zazie <3), and also dealing with whatever situationship legato is in (i could not resist making him and nai messy as fuck)
theres also obv other characters that r in there that im still trying to sew in in a way that makes sense: elendira (journalism professor, russian + sami), rollo (mexican + southern paiute, havent entirely decided on his major though so sorry king), hornfreak (a part of the school band. fascinating man. at one point he holds a halloween party) and a bunch of others i havent gotten to yet :sob:
theres a lotttt going on in this au ill be honest but also objectively it is very slice of life . but heres a list of stuff i have planned
vash and nai as lacrosse players. vash invites ww out to games and is really silly abt it
for a not insignificant amount of time ww learns about legatos situationship and bc legato never mentions names he thinks vash has a secret insane ass thing going on with legato . it isnt until chapter 11 (allegedly) that he finds out vash has a twin brother and goes back to legato like . hey. is it vash and legatos like ew what?
milly and meryl are enraptured by roberto working at the school bc he did a lot of journalism work that inspired them to join the field. silly shenanigans ensue
on the topic of milly and meryl they are so fascinating to me. they originally met in the mentor club and hit it off immediately based on their similar (but different) familial issues and the horrors
vash and ww plan out a bunch of movie nights including: scream, 10 things i hate abt you and smoke signals
chapel drama followed immediately by ill-timed vash and ww argument
while ignoring vash ww gets a nokia <3 love loses
at the halloween party milly accidentally walks in on them in a compromising position (nothing was happening) and awkward bs ensues where vash comes around and it like its ok theyre chill and Not Gay but it wouldnt change anything if they Were Gay but They Arent so its Fine
livio and ww apartmentsitting for vash and nai while theyre off visiting family during the holidays :D
nye party where vash and ww almost kiss and thus ends part 1 . LOVE LOSES
also i should list what everyones majoring in that i didnt mention but this is already long enough good lord
all this to say. i am insane god bless
some small cuts from the draft so far beneath the cut bc i couldnt resist
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none of those are in order but its ok <3
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colorful-white-ideas · 3 months
i have a feeling promotion for bkw and the crow will be minimal. if either movie has a premiere i think it'll only be in Stockholm. Nosferatu on the other hand is highly anticipated with a respected director and huge cast so i'm sensing it'll have a similar promotion like dune 2. lots of interviews across the globe and several premieres.
Don't think so , both are being distributed by Lionsgate. But I don't know if they counted with another movie of the same genre premiering on the same month.
And things are getting even more complicated, Dave Patel movie has gotten a standing ovation at the SXSW Film Festival and a 100% on rotten tomatoes , BKW didn't do that well among the critics after that Canadian festival of last year. ( They gave it a good score but not an excellent one)
Both movies have some similarities ... The main character for Patel is "kid" , Bill is "Boy" ; they both are looking for vengeance after a corrupt elite killed their parents.
Now even if Lionsgate is not planning a big release for Boy or the crow, Bill's team must begin with the promotion moves ... It won't make sense for a future premiere of nosferatu to just get him out of nowhere doing interviews, he needs to start building interest on him , expectation of what's coming next.
I got to say I'm kinda worried about how passive ( lazy) their PR work is. There's competition now , they better put their asses to work.
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hollyevolving · 3 months
It's very weird to me that this is not the first time I've had a reason to say this: only one actor ever has or ever will really play Eric Draven. 
Rebooting that role is an insult to Brandon Lee's memory.
Rob Zombie had the sense to think better of it, so The Crow: 2037 was scrapped. The Canadian tv series Stairway to Heaven was rightfully cancelled after one season. 
The movie sequels are...fine, on average. City of Angels is a slightly interesting story with something resembling a plot, and they descend in quality from there. Since they don't feature Eric Draven as a character, but rather his successors, no big deal.
The character of Eric Draven should never have been rebooted. 
And this new movie looks like it was made by people who don't give a damn about the comics. 
I don't often hope for things to fail, but on that short list is any remake of The Crow.
I very rarely get riled up about this sort of thing, but I watched my big brother's copy of The Crow almost every day when I was 15 & 16 years old. It means a lot to me.
"Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, and yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really." --  Brandon Lee
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easwan · 4 months
Tirade about Capitalization in Star Wars
Sooo… proper nouns, eh? They’re a thing. An important thing. Star Wars has many—especially when it comes to the Jedi religion and philosophy. Let’s start off easy Jedi and Sith We’ve also got the other ranks Initiate Padawan Knight Master All proper nouns. The word youngling isn’t capitalized ‘cause it’s not actually a real rank; younglings are Initiates. “Youngling” can be used for non-Jedi and are, therefore, non-proper nouns. Makes sense. But then we get into this lil' thing that isn’t a big deal but annoys me… Grand Master Sage Master Warrior Master Battlemaster (no space?) ಠ_ಠ
They say, “Master Kenobi,” (specific Jedi with the rank of Master) “Jedi Master,” (a Jedi with the rank of Master) and “Master Jedi.” (Master here is being used as an honorific, not a rank but is still capitalized as it should be) “your master,” “my master,” “the masters,” “some masters,” “rank of Master” ^ this is fine. I understand this. Completely normal, but—
We have other super important words connected to the Jedi faith, such as:
Order Code Way Temple Trials And, of course, Force
Now, it’s Force and Force Adept but Force-sensitive, Force-wielder, and Force-user Bit weird but not too irritating. But hang on, hang on—here it is, folks, the reeeeeally annoying one: light and dark Why is Way a proper noun, but the light of the Force—the most important concept within their religion beyond the Force itself—is not???
The old words for light, dark, and balance are capitalized as proper nouns: Ashla Bogan Bendu But light and dark in Basic are not capitalized—except they are in the High Republic slogan: “For Light and Life.” They should just be capitalized always. light and dark should be treated as proper nouns because they’re religious concepts and distinct from the common use of those words!! (I will die on this hill) “Reach for the Light.” = magical, poetic, sage. “Reach for the light.” = turn on lamp pls. Y’know?
It’s the light side and dark side, but Light-Sider and Dark-Sider (but not consistently? ‘Cause sometimes they write dark sider or dark-sider, and it’s annoying af) It would be the most consistent if it were Light and Dark —> Light Sider and Dark Sider Yeah?
Then we have: clone trooper (space) stormtrooper (no space) paratrooper (no space) snowtrooper (no space, and Grammarly wants a space btw) scout trooper (space) shock trooper (space but not capitalized) Purge Trooper (space + capitalized—why is this capitalized when shock trooper isn’t?) Is it ‘cause The Purge is capitalized?
It’s fiiiiiiine.
Okay, next is an example of actually good consistency! (I'm being really whiny, so let's have some positivity real quick) creatures/species/cultures. Gungan, Wookiee, Ewok, but gundark, bantha, and tooka. ^ This is good. I like this. Sentient species are capitalized as one would capitalize a nationality or ethnicity such as Canadian, Indigenous, or Maori. But non-sapient animals are lowercase, like cat, crow, and axolotl, yeah? Okay, so humans. In Star Wars, human is lowercase despite being a species. This seems inconsistent, but I actually like it. The galaxy is Humanocentrist, as in humans are treated as the norm despite being a ruling minority. Everything is described in comparison to humans
for example: humanoid near-human non-human
Human isn’t capitalized because there is no inherent shared experience among humans as there is among, say, Twi’leks. In our world, “white” is generally only capitalized by white supremacists. This is why we don’t capitalize white but do capitalize Black. We say Zabrak for the species but also say Iridonian or Dathomiri to specify the homeworld. Zabraks could also be called Corellian, Coruscanti, etc, depending on the planet they’re from. In this way, we can specify both species/race and nationality/planetary demonym. Specific distinctions are made among humans in this way, such as Chandrillan, Kenari, and Chalactans. Just as we have nationalities and cultures among white folk, such as Ukrainian, Danish, and Irish.
Lil’ tangent real quick: Naboolians/the Naboo are humans who colonized the Gungan homeworld. The planet was named Nabu by humans after their diety and later became Naboo. The colonizers named themselves accordingly. This is very realistic to the behaviour of colonizers in our world. Similar to Naboo, we also have Mon Cala. Mon Calamari are actually not the only sentient species indigenous to their planet, yet they, and most of the galaxy, call their homeworld “Mon Cala.” The planet is actually called Dac, but the Mon Calamari rule the planet in the form of a monarchy (yup, divine bloodline shit), and the Quarren are second-class citizens. (But almost every Quarren we meet in canon is a baddie?? Bit weird. Bit sus.) The complicated politics of Dac is why there’s the QFD (they built the Dreadnaught starships for the Confederacy of Independent Systems) QFD. As in, Quarren Free Dac. The Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps.
Putting my Separatist sympathies aside again (mostly), I’m working on an extensive three-part fanfiction story and approaching it with the same seriousness as I do original work, and these silly lil’ capitalization nitpicks are driving me up the wall.
In fiction, creating your own proper noun has one main rule—CONSISTENCY.
So here I am with a dilemma. Do we, as fanfic writers, stick to the silly pre-established inconsistent capitalization rules, or should we just do what feels right and write Light? I think I kinda wanna just write Light.
If you read through all of this, here’s a prize! Qiang Fan Gali. Jedi Knight. Very devoted to the Code and the Light. (Don’t call Dac Mon Cala around them; they will not be amused.)
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Please tell me if this light and dark thing bugs you too?? Maybe I'm just overthinking my hyper-fixation, as I do
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