capitalisticveins · 1 year
D.A.M.N Crew Headcanons (ft. Kody)
...I think I wrote too many (also this is my first time writing, like ever, go easy on me)
also the formatting is horrible bc i wrote this on google docs
- Freelancer wears matching pajamas, Gavin found it childish at first, but endearing soon enough.
- Huxley hides those memory box things in dirt holes around the school, and digs them up the next year.
- Caelum only eats the unsafe raw cookie dough, he hates the safe-to-eat cookie dough.
- Lasko loves kids, they’re adorable and he volunteers at daycares during the summer.
- Kody’s hair is always wet. He doesn’t wet it, and washes it a normal amount, but his hair NEVER dries.
- Damien’s hair lights on fire whenever Huxley does something romantic
- Huxley can bench over 200lbs.
- Caelum wears oversized hoodies on accident. Whenever he buys a hoodie, he never tries it on beforehand. He makes a mental note to get a size smaller, but forgets by the next time he buys one. He doesn’t return any because he doesn’t want to cause trouble for the workers.
- Damien will play as Greninja on smash if he’s in a bad mood
- Kody can roller skate.
- When Gavin first left Aria, he ate an orange without peeling it, and immediately claimed all human food were bad
- Freelancer has a little brother at home, and only gets up when Caelum asks them to because they didn’t wake up when their brother asked them to, and regrets it.
- (Or, angst counterpart) Freelancer HAD a little brother at home, but due to losing control of their power, a fire broke out and their brother didn’t make it. They spend time with Caelum to make up for the times their brother wanted to play with them.
- Freelancer never styled their hair before attending DAMN, but when they first met, Caelum styled their hair and Freelancer kept the style ever since.
- Kody jumps in puddles.
- Damien wears “kiss the cook” aprons whenever he’s cooking. It has nothing to do with Huxley.
- Lasko’s favorite modern Disney movie is Encanto.
- Whenever Huxley burns Pizza, he peels off the burnt bits, and eats them.
- Gavin has been banned on Roblox 7 times.
- Damien isn’t allowed in Home Ec.
- Freelancer cries when watching Bao.
- Kody doesn’t use umbrellas. He manipulates raindrops into making a water cover above him
- Caelum physically couldn’t enter Dahlia for months after the Inversion. He’d break down from the amount of knots in the city, and Delphinus would have to hurry and get him before anything else hurt him. He tried to rift to the city 9 times before Delphinus scolded him.
- Lasko tried making brownies once, but ate the entire batter before baking it. Huxley had to drive him to the hospital.
- Huxley can’t drive.
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goldensunset · 6 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
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kindlespark · 1 month
guys ive become so so attached to a sympathetic but incompetent jace stardiamond who failed to save those kids in the mountains but was too cowardly to choose death. and is now forced to lead them all to their doom
jace becoming a fucked up guardian for the rat grinders as the only adult who knows what happened to them and who is helping them with the larger plan with ankarna. while navigating his own guilt and the kids’ bitterness over how he failed them. he wasn’t strong enough to protect them but maybe now he can stick it out with them. softlaunching a new fhsy doomed tragic dynamic for me to go crazy over: student and teacher.
so badly want a jace stardiamond that puts the pathetic in sympathetic ❤️ i am beaming visions into past brennan’s brain i simply think this could be sooo much more interesting than your classic “evil and manipulative from the start” type villain
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epicfroggz · 3 months
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I stared at Messmer for a very long time (hcs under cut!)
Messmer theories/hcs with a 106 day warranty:
His upper, longer snake is female and called Sevika, while the lower snake is male and called Sevarche.
They were embedded into him when he was young, stunting his spine’s elongation, hence why his limbs are disproportionately longer.
He is bastard son of Marika with Radagon, back when Godfrey was Elden Lord and Radagon was wed to Rennala. Order-wise, he was born after the Omen twins.
Due to the heretical nature of his powers, Marika wanted him gone for good. She sent him on a “quest” in the Land of Shadow, to which his soul departed and his body was left behind. Then, Marika had his body sliced into many pieces which were scattered in mausoleums across the Lands Between (the walking mausoleums we know today). Because of this, he can never return.
When he discovered this fact long ago, he razed the Land of Shadow with his flame. While he is still angry that he was abandoned, he holds a distant hope that if he continues to get stronger and carry out his mother’s bidding, burning those without grace, she may allow him to return.
In his efforts to attain power, he slew all the dragons in the Land of Shadow and ate their hearts. When he did so, his snakes acquired aspects of dragons as well.
He has a fiery temper (pun intended).
He is ambidextrous.
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legobenkenobi · 1 month
the perpetual state of being a Commander Cody fan is always being like “damn i wonder where Cody is. i miss him.”
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boopshoops · 24 days
my partner- my wonderful darling genius partner just casually dropped a "what if malleus was lactose intolerant" on me (theyre lactose intolerant) AND IM LOSING IT.
His favorite food is fucking ice cream- i-
Just. Stay with me ok.
The great Malleus Draconia, prince of Briar Valley, one of the most powerful mages in the world. He can summon lightning and storms on a whim. His skills in magic are unmatched.
And bro gets taken down by milk
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scootkiddo · 1 year
The fact that the introduction this time around lended more time to fleshing our Joel & Sarah along with their domesticity and day to day life made for a woefully soul-churning slow burn I could not BEAR. Knowing the outcome of what preluded the game, I was sitting here wringing my hands while agonizingly bracing for the normalcy to erupt into pandemonium and rapid destruction. It was the dwindling remnants of normal life that I found the most haunting. You would see Sarah go through her daily routine- have breakfast with Joel, greet the neighbors, go to school- ostensibly nothing out of the ordinary. But there was this underlined foreshadowing that tainted the slice of life. There were momentary tokens of caution, warning signs of the times ahead. Radio reports of the cordyceps taking helm, Sarah’s classmate twitching right beside her at school, the elderly woman convulsing while out of focus- under the brush, the inevitable catalyst that would send humanity through a downward spiral and elicit the inciting event that was Sarah’s death was slowly but surely breeding itself into fruition. The tail end of habitual life may had been in the foreground, but the presage and promise of apocalyptic mayhem was brewing in the milieu
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nico sitting alone at the hades table while staring wistfully at the laughing apollo table: I wonder what they are talking about,,,,,,,,,
nico post-doctors note sitting at the apollo table only to discover that they keep talking about horrifying injuries in extreme graphic detail using their food to represent the different organs: what the fu-
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yiippeeekaley · 4 months
"Sonic despises the very concept of technology and would never use so much as a phone"
Why is this a sentiment that people have and what is it even based on?
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No, really. At what point could you ever come to the conclusion that Sonic has a rule against technology as a whole?
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Before anyone says "but in CD-" CD has good futures where technology is a forefront element
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Why do antisemites make Israel sound like the most utopian place to live? I feel like that would backfire.
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l3viat8an · 1 month
What are some of your favorite obey me theories
Okay- I’ve gotta be honest…I’m more of a hcs ‘n making shit up kinda person hsjshsj
so there aren’t many theories that I actually like- or the ones I really did like were already disproven 💔
That being said; I still like the theory that Barbatos is nightbringer. even if it’s basically been disproven- it would be such an interesting plot twist!!! and there are a few posts on here that still make it sound pretty convincing.
The only other one that I can think of that I really do love is that; Luke was born from Lilith’s emotions. (basically the same way Lucifer ‘had Satan’.) when Lilith died as an angel, her caring and stubbornness turned into a whole new little Angel!!- (Luke.) which is also why Simeon cares so much for Luke, he couldn’t save Lilith- so he’s determined to protect luke. Even if it ends up being the other way around sometimes skjsks
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bu-blegh-ost · 8 months
What Chip's current condition may possibly mean for both him and the crew (a theory of sorts)
Spoilers for ep. 109 and 110. Heed the warning.
Okay, so ever since ep. 109 came out I've been frantically reading about undead and what does it mean for your pc to be undead. I stayed silent about it, cause I wasn't sure if Nik could fix this, but now that ep. 110 is out I'd like to share some of the things I found, for folks like me, who do not know much abt DnD yet.
So, in a long list of features the undead have, most prominent problem is how hard it is to heal them. None of Jay's or Gillion's spells can heal Chip now, we'd need a spell that normally damages people, like necromancy spells, since they have a reverse efffect on the undead, and none of them has access to that currently. Not only that, once Chip's health reaches zero at this state, that's it. No death saves, no going unconscious or going down. That's it, which is why the moment he turned undead, Jay started spamming the temporary HP canon. So Chip doesn't lose any of his core health pool. If he did die in this state, from then on, only a spell called Wish (if I'm not mistaken a lvl 9 Sorcerer wish, so Gillion could do that if he cranked up three more levels in sorcery real quick) or True Ressurection could save him. But these two spells would also bring Chip back to life as a regular person, not the undead, so it would be cool to seek out someone who could do that for them at the most convenient time.
To balance it out, Chip is resistant to a shit ton of attack types, including poison, physical, necrotic and many other. To top it off with Chip's evasion skills, I'm giving him good chances to either minimalize or negate most damage in this form. And well, considering everything, he'd be wise to take every opportunity to do so, joke damage taking is no longer an option, I think. Also Gillion needs to be very careful with radiant damage around Chip, cause it's very effective on the undead. Chip getting hit by Gillion's strike may damage him greatly, and the two need to be very careful around each other from now on :(((
And the most interesting thing I found is the Undead Hunger variant. Some undead can just live on for centuries and be fine without a need to feed on something. But some, even the intelligent ones like Chip, may need a bit more than that, and given that very ominous intelligence check Grizzly made him roll at the end of the day, I'm thinking he's implementing the hunger rule on Chip. Lemme tell you a bit about it.
So Undead Hunger is a Variant Rule that DMs use on player characters that are undead sometimes. And that means that once in a while Chip would have to feed on some sort of specific type of morsel to satisfy his craving, or suffer the cosequences. There are two variants of undead that can make roll for this: Inescapable Craving or Diet Dependent. The player in that case rolls for willpower, which DMs usually make a wisdom or intelligence check. In our case Grizzly chose intelligence, and Chip passed with a 19. The DC for Inescapably Craving Undead is 25, but the DC for Diet Dependent Undead is 15. So from that I deduced that Chip would be a Diet Dependent Undead, since he passed the roll.
Hunger for the Undead is like addiction to the living. This means that unless Chip can resist it with a succesful roll, he may become more agressive, anxious, violent or even self-destructive the longer he is denied a preferred meal. If he can't eat, he'll have to roll for keeping himself at bay every three days. He doesn't have to roll if he eats.
So you may ask now: what happens if he fails one to many times? This is the interesting part. So if Chip fails his once per three days intelligence check, the DM will make him take ability damage. That means that one of his stats (wisdom, strength, dexterity etc.) will reduce by a whatever number Grizzly sees fit (Chip can get all the lost points back the moment he eats). In the guide I've read it says that wisdom is the most crucial ability score to lose, tho I'm unsure if the DM takes away only from wisdom or if he can take any of the stats, I may need to read more on that. But the thing is, the more rolls Chip fails, the more wisdom he may loose, and please note, Chip does not have much wisdom to begin with (but he does have high intelligence so thank the gods for that at least).
The less wisdom Chip has, the more desperate he gets when it comes to eating. He may start seeking out more risky ways to get fed or do things he normally wouldn't to get it. Hunger can't kill him though, it may just make him lose himself (hence that comment of Grizzly's about him needing to hold onto his sense of self, at least that's what I think that is). Once Chip reaches wisdom score 0, Bizzly actually loses control over him, and Grizzly takes over Chip and he plays Chip as he was a wild enemy beast. In that state Chip can throw himself on anyone or anything that can provide him food, his mind completely lost. He can hurt others, attack his crew. He can do anything the DM determines a starved mindless beast would do.
He can come back to his senses once more, when he does feed on whatever is decided his preferred meal is, all his wisdom regained and all, but the consequences of his actions, when he was not himself, the dreadful realisation that he is now a monster, who needs to be kept in check so he doesn't hurt the people he loves...This may be a lot for Chip to take. If this were to happen, he'll need a lot of his crewmates' support and reassurance, and a lot of honesty will be demanded from Chip. He'd have to warn people around him and make sure everyone knows how he's feeling, if he needs help in finding food. Casue hiding this hunger may result in tragedy.
And of course, it doesn't help that they are where they are now. In any case, if Grizz decides that Chip's favourite meal is humanoid flesh (beyond cruel is what that would be), they are fucked, basically. If it is the flesh of any other creature or animal, well they are also fucked, because they are in a motherfucking Black Sea, so good luck finding anything consumable like this either way.
But hey, of course do remeber that in the end these are just my conclusions based on what I read. Grizzly might not be even using any of these rules, cause he's the DM and he can do whatever he wants. I just thought that based on what we saw, this is very likely to happen (consider it a theory of mine for the time being). If you would like to read more about it, I'll leave you the link to this one really good website that I found most of the information on. I can't confirm its relaibility, but it looks very informative, comprehensive and thought out, and thus far was the most thorough source I found, so I'm personally willing to trust it. But please do find out for yourself. That'll be it, see you and I hope you had fun reading!
Link to the website: https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/aboutundead.shtml#undeadhunger
Tags written out by the wonderful @dinzeeyz !!! They explained here what is ACTUALLY happening to Chip, not a theory, facts from the boys themselves! Please make sure to read them!!!
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Well, there it is folks! Of course, I do not mind that I was wrong! The fun part in theorizing is not being right or wrong, but the journey one takes to find out the truth! And the truth is SO much more horrifying than I could ever think! You see, I was kinda thinking abt ways for Chip to still function while undead, but there is NO FUNCTIONING WHATSOEVER APPARENTLY. Grizzly's not playing, and the prospect of losing Chip forever is real oh dear OMG, that's absolutely insane!!! Please feel welcome to discuss this, I'll be definitely making more posts about this once I have a little more time but holy shit guys. We need to fix that boy up F A S T. If we lose Chip, I'm not recovering-
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
Barely two minutes into Grian's Ep 8 and I'm losing it... what a fantastic task, oh my gosh. Jimmy on Discord haunting him from beyond the grave...
Every bit of that so far, from "No way!" to "Prove that you can see me!" and "This- This is mad-" is gonna make awesome 'fic material...
Jimmy: "And you're looking at Etho and ZombieCleo"
Grian, panicked, cutting him off: "Okay okay okay okay okay!"
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the-crimson · 1 year
I love that Forever and Bagerah have come to the conclusion that bbh trusts too easily because it’s less an indication of them but more an indication of how bbh portrays himself.
bbh trusts no one - he might very well be the most paranoid person on the server - but he treats everyone with the same kindness regardless. He approaches everyone with compassion and understanding and silliness which makes him look easy going and easily trusting but it’s a misdirection.
They mistake his kindness for naivety
Bbh holds his cards so close to his chest most people don’t even realize he’s still playing the game
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Me opening this WIP knowing I’m going to have to mirror and rework it because s2 has them sleeping on the wrong other sides of the bed 😩
Do not repost without my permission!
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